HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK ... ->~-.- j ., ; "" . :'\......~ ~-- .' -'~ . -. . Enviro. ironlllental t Consultant ¡:'1." .-: .;.~, ' ~ '. <:,~'- " ;, .>~:'~" "-:.~.:-' ", '~r;~,;·'~::"_·,~ "'" 'y,~.-/ . . , ~ ' . p ': Central. \ March 27, 2003 t2~¡J~ c...LÞ,)~ , ç YvJ VJfsN « "fO f<1:""" orJ \ <rf ~ S\b.rJ .. C> ~ Mr. Chhuy K. chào CM Mart, Inc. . 500 Norris Road Bakersfield, California 93308 . TANK CLOSURE REPORT FOR THE READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD, BAKERSFIELD; CALIFORNIA (BFDESD PTA #BR-0293) Dear Mr. Chao: Central Sierra Environmental, LLC (CSE) was contracted by BC Enterprises, on behalf of CM Mart, Inc., to conduct soil sampling and laboratory, analysis associated with fueling facility upgrade activities' at the . above-referenced sitè: . The tank removal activities were performed under Permit to Abandon (PTA) # BR-0293 with the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Division (BFDESD)in association with replacement of the fueling systems at the site (see Attachment 1 for a copy of the BFDESD PTA). SITE DESCRIPTION "', \"TJ1e subject site is located at 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, Kern County, California (see Figure 1 - Site Lö~tion Map). The site is at an elevation of approximately 380 feet above MSL, and the topography is relatively flat with a slight slope to the south-southwest. The property is located within the southeast '- quartét"ºfthe northeast quarter of Section 11, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, MDBM. The site is " located afthe northeast corner of the intersection of Wilson' and Real roads in the City of Bakersfield. The site is an operating, Mobil-brand gasoline service station with a car wash and convenience store. Located . ,_.él~ _t~~ßite. ~~re..!/:IreeJ9..o00~allonga$0Iine UST (designated herein as Tank Nos. 1 through 3), one 8,000-gallon diesel UST (designated herein as Tank No.4), four gasoline multiple product dispensers (MPDs) on two dispenser islands, two diesel single product dispensers (SPDs) on the two dispenser islands, product lines, and vapor lines (see Figure 2 - Plot Plan). All of these fueling facilities were removed in January 2002 and replaced by new fiberglass-clad, double-walled USTs, MPDs, and product 'and vapor lines. The property òwner is CM Mart, Inc. The owner contact is Mr. Chhuy K. Chao, 500 Norris Road. Bakersfield, California, 93308, (661) 399-0807. The general contractor contact is Mr. Robert Underwood, BC Enterprises, 7104 Elkhorn Street, Bakersfield, California,93313, (661) 201.:.5184. The environmental consultant is Mr. Mark Magargee, Central Sierra Environmental, LLC, 1400 Easton Drive, Building E, Suite I 1400 Easton Drive, Suite 132, Bakersfield, California 93309 (661) 325-4862,... (661) 325-5126, censenv@aol.com , ;, . ,.'~ '.'~, .. .J Mr: Chhuy K. Chao CM Mart, Inc. March 27,2002 - Page 2 132, Bakersfield; California, 93309,' (661) 325-4862. The regulatory agency contact. is Mr: Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300, Bakersfield, California 93301, (661) 326-3979. SITE BACKGROUND GEOLOGY The site is located at an elevation of, approximately 380 feet above MSL, and the topography slopes slightly to the south-southwest (see Figure 1). The site is located in the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. . The Great Valley is a north-south-trending valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide, the southern portion of which' is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San JOaquin Valley is underlain by unconsolidated, Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by· older, predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie , unconformably on, Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 30,000 fbg (California Division of Mines and Geology, 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet), The Quaternary deposits form a homocline dipping gently to the north-northwest. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands, with intervals of finer grained sandy silts and clay. The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly indurated and dissected fan and lake bottom deposits. ' Surface soils are classified by the Soils Conservation Services as Kimberlina - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability. HYDROGEOLOGY Surface water and groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevadato the'easfandare transported by five major rivers, the southernmost being the Kern River. The sut;>ject site is located approximately 3 miles south of the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer is estimated to be in excess of 150 fbg at the site, and the groundwater gradient is . anticipated to be to the south-southwest, toward the ancient Kern Lake bed (Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 2002, 2001 Report on Water Conditions, Improvement District No.4, February 1, 2002). Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 feet is known tò be present 2 miles to the east of the site, along the abandoned course of the Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site (KCWA, 2002, 2001 Water Supply Report, January 2002). ,,,,---~ .~: '>~. Mr.Chhuy K. Chao CM Mart, Inc. March 27, 2002 - Page 3 I PREVIOUS WORK In association with the sale of the property from Stuarts' Petroleum Company to CM Mart, Inc., a Leak Detection Investigation (LDI) was performed by Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. (HFA) in January 1999 ,with the drilling of four soil borings (B-1 through B-4)around the periphery of the UST cluster and four soil , borings (B-5 through B-8) adjacent to each fuel dispenser. Soils encountered during drilling included silt to well-graded sand arid minor intervals of silt (see Attachment 2 for a Summary of Previous Work). Groundwater was not encountered during ,drilling. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, and the soil samples collected from a depth of 20 fbg in soil borings B-1 through B-4; a depth of5 fbg in soil borings B-6 andB-8; depths of5, 10, 15, 25, and 30 fbg in soil boring B-5;and depths of 5 and 10 fbg in soil boring ß:.·7 were submitted foranalysis for TPH ·as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M)and BTEX and MTBE 'using EPA Method 8020. In addition, the seven soil samples collected from the soil borings advanced adjacent to the diesel UST and dispensers were analyzed for TPH as diesel using EPA Method 8015 (M). . TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX, and MTBE were not detected in the soil samples collected from soil'borings B-1 through B-4, advanced around the periphery of the UST, and soil borings B-5 through B-8, advanced adjacent to the MPDs, with the exception of TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX, and MTBE detected in the soil sample collected from a depth of 5 fbg in soil boring B-5,advanced adjacent to the northern MPD on the western dispenser island (see Attachment 2), Because gasoline and diesel hydrocarbons were detected in only one of the eight soil borings, the vertical limit of gasoline and diesel hydrocarbons had been delineated in the area of the northern MPD on, the western dispenser island, and the depth to the regional unconfined aquifer was estimated to be in excess of 150 fbg at the site, the BFDESD did not require any additional investigation activities for the site. FUELING FACILITY REMOVAL SOIL SAMPLING RESULTS In January 2003, the existing gasoline and diesel USTs, MPDs, and product and vapor lines were removed and replaced by new fiberglass-clad, double-walled USTs, MPDs, and product and vapor lines. CSE was contracted to provide an environmental technician under the direct supervision of the undersigned state of California registered geologist to collect soil samples at the direction of Mr. Steve Underwood with the BFDESD. .' On January 10, 2003, soil samples TK-1-N-2 and TK-1-N-6, and TK-1-S-2 and TK-1-S-6; TK-2-N-2 and TK-2-N-6, and TK-2-S-2 and TK-2-S-6; and TK-3-N-2 and TK-3-N-6, and TK-3-S-2 and TK-3-S-6 were collected from 2 and 6' feet beneath the inverts at the northern (fill) and southern (turbine) ends of the :.,., ~ '---., . ~.!: ,'. 'I! " ,I ,,: ~~ -..-:"" -~ Mr.Chhuy K, Chao CM Mart, Inc. March 27, 2002 - Page 4 eastern, central, and 'western 10,000-gallon gasoline USTs (designated as Tank Nos. 1 through 3), respectively, and soil samples TK-4;'N-2 and TK-4-N-6, and TK-4-S-2 and TK-4-S-6 were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath the invert at the northern (fill) and southern (turbine) ends of the 8,000-gallon diesel UST (designated as Tank No.4). On January 17, 2003, soil samples NW-1-2 and NW-1-6; SW-2-2 and SW-2-6; NE-3-2 and NE-3-6; and SE-4-2 and SE-4-6 were collected from 2 arid 6 feet beneath the northern and southern MPDs on the western and eastern dispenser islands, respectively (see Figure 2 for the soil sample locations). AII~ampling equipment was washed with a non-phosphate cleanser" pre-rinsed with tap water, and finally rinsed with deionized water prior to sampling. The soil samples were collected from the backhoe bucket immediately following excavation. The soil samples were stored in 1-inch-diameter brass tubes, sealed with Teflon~ liners and end caps, labeled, placed in an ice chest at a temperature of less than 40C, and transported to a California State-certified laboratory' for analysis. Sample identification and chain-of- custody procedures were followed for the samples to ensure sample integrity and to document sample possession from the time of collection to the ultimate destination. The sample labels identified the job number, sampler, date and time of collection, and a sample number unique to each sample. The soil samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M) and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8021 with MTBÈ confirmed and quantified using EPA Method 8260. In addition, the soil samples collected beneath the diesel USTand MPDs were analyzed for TPH as diesel using EPA Method 8105 (M). TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX, and MTBE were not detected in the soil . samples collected from beneath the gasoline and' diesel UST s. TPH as gasoline was detected in, the soil samples collected at2 feet belowthe gasoline MPDs but was either not detected or was detected at trace concentrations in the soil samples collected from 6 feet below the gasoline MPDs. TPH as diesel was detected in the soil samples collected at 2 feet below the diesel MPDs but was either not detected or was detected at trace concentrations in the soil samples collected from 6 feet below the diesel MPDs.", Benzene and MTBE were not detected in the soil samples collected from beneath the gasoline and diesel MPDs, with the exception of an MTBE concentration of 0.062 mg/kg in the soil sample collected from 2 feet below the southern MPD on the western dispenser island (see Figure 2 for the soil sample locations, Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results, and Attachment 3 for the Laboratory Report). . Prior to tank removal~ the USTs were triple rinsed. The rinsate was transported by Coles Services, Inc., to Demenno Kerdoons disposal facility in Compton, California, under Non RCRA-Hazardous Waste Manifest (see Attachment 4 for the Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifest). An LEL meter was utilized to verify that the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations were less than 5 perèeñt of the LEL Subsequently, 20 pounds of dry ice per 1,000 gallons of tank capacity was introduced into the USTs, and oxygen metering was conducted to verify that the level of oxygen within the USTs was less than 12 percent. With the approval I I I 1-< ,-,.,".,: ~... . ~~. " .... '=':....,¡ Mr. Chhuy K. Chao CM Mart, Inc. March 27,2002 - Page 5 of the BFDESD, the storage tanks were removed, placed on flatbed trucks, and transported to Golden State Metal's Bakersfield facility for destruction (see Attachment 5 forthe weightmaster certificates). CONCLUSIONS Based on the soil sampling and laboratory analytical results, gasoline and diesel hydrocarbons were found ,at a depth 2 feet below the gasoline and diesel MPDs, but were either not detected or were detected at trace concentrations in the soil samples collected at a depth of 6 feet below the gasoline and diesel MPDs, and gasoline and diesel hydrocarbons were not found below the gasoline and diesel USTs_ These results are similar to the results of the 1999 lDI. Therefore, the BFDESD will not likely require additional site investigation activities and may consider the site for closure. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of CM Mart, Inc. as it pertains to the referenced property located in Bakersfield, California. The services performed by Central Sierra Environmental, llC were conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of its profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the State of California. No other warranty is expressed or implied. ." -,' ;, ': :"ð, -' '";::'~ , ' 1;, =.., -, Mr. Chhuy K. Chaò CM Mart, Inc.' March 27, 2002 - Page 6 Central Sierra Environmental, LLC, trusts that you will find this Tank Removal Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (661) 325-4862 or at e-mail addresscensenv@aol.com. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Consulting Hydrogeologist Central Sierra Environmental, LLC MRM:jltclm . Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site location Map Figure 2- - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soil Sample Analytical Results for Tank Removal Attachment 1 - BFDESD PT A Attachment 2 - Summary of Previous Work Attachment 3 - laboratory Report Attachment 4 - Non-RCRA Hazardous Waste Manifest Attachment 5 - Weightmaster Certificates cc: Mr. Steve Underwood, BFDESD Mr. Robert Underwood, BC Enterprises I I I I --'" .-' ./ ~-'\....--... . I '\. ')<' ( I \ . "...:::.r:- "i .-"'~ " ~.~- '. ¡ ¡ ! i t~j 1 i -.. ; , ' :---t .. i : 1! . ~~-- \\~,~' . ,:<. '. .'....~ . ~~.~:: POOR QRtGINAL LEGEND o 2 4 MILE I t IN) ~ CM MART, INC. READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC I o I o I t------j 2.500 I 5,000 10,000 FEET I i---: 1--1 1 ¡........ 1--1 2 KILOMETER I USGS GOSFORD 7.5 MlNUTI: SERIES QUADRANGLE ).' '; ,,', ~; -. 'Î; pJ#' g I , I 19> IJJ ;~, I~ 0 .~ I i CL ill I . " I I . - I I I ~~ I PlANTER , TK-3~N,' ~" ' ~-':""" "-',-': TK-1-N WeXI I,~el ; e.1 TK~N:~r~~~ :f~iJtr~~;f,;~:;t.';t; B 2W',\hl ">.:cJ ""il "'£"-~8 3 ~?tW~~sf~?J ~';I;1ì - . TK-4-S ,"oj {~~;~- '~¿ TK-1-S , c, ./ 10,()()()..GALLON 8,ooo-GALLO DIESEL UST. DIESEL 1_. - CANOPY CAR WASH eXIT _.__ __.____..,__. _,.,-;_. CL-. __vv.ILSOt-.l..f~QAD.._ - . EXSISTING ISPENSER'S µ CAR WASH ENTRANce CAR WASH , SIDEWAlK LEGEND . SOIL SAMPLE LOCATioN ~ SOIL BORING LOCATION . ",' CENTRAL SIERRA ENVIRONMENTAL, LLC. CAR :;-] READY GO MARKET CAR WASH r PARKING CAR WASH ENTRANCE t ~ , o __ o,~ __ .,h __eO .__ 0,_.. o 15 CM MART, INC. READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 - PLOT PLAN P L A N T E R I I I I I I 30 ·- 1, ~ " ; TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF~SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR TANK REMOVAL R~ADY GO MARKET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA , DATE SAMPLE ' TPH AS TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SAMPLE SOURÇE' SAMPLED DEPTH ID GASOLINE DIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE MTBE REF (fbQ) (mQ/kQ) . (mQ/kQ) (mQIkQ) (mQ/kQ) '(mQ/kQ) (mQ/kQ) (maIko) (mQ/ka) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M) 8021 8260 N/A REPORTING LIMIT 1 10 0.005 0.005 0,005 0.005 0.05 0.001 N/A North End of Eastern 1-10-03 14 TK-1-N-2 ND -- ND, ND ND NO NO -- A Gasoline UST 1-10-03 18 TK-1-N-6 NO -- ND NO ND ND NO -- A South End of Eastern 1-10-03 14 TK-1-S-2 ND -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A Gasoline UST 1-10-03 18 TK-1-S-6 , ND -- ND ND NO NO NO A -- North End of Central 1-10-03 14 TK-2-N-2 NO -- NO NO NO NO ' NO -- A Gasoline UST 1-10-03 18 TK-2-N-6 ND -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A South End of Central 1-10-03 14 TK-2-S-2 NO -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A Gasoline UST 1-10-03 18 TK-2-S-6 NO -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A North End of Western 1-10-03 14 TK-3-N-2 NO -- NO NO ND NO NO -- A Gasoline UST 1-10-03 18 TK-3-N-6 NO -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A South End of 1-10-03 14 TK-3-S-2 NO -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A Western Gasoline' 1-10-03 18 TK-3-S-6 ND -- , ND NO ND NO NO -- A North End of Oiesel 1-10-03 14 TK-4-N-2 -- NO NO NO NO NO NO , -- A UST 1-10-03 18 TK-4-N-6 - NO NO NO NO ' NO NO -- A South End of Oiesel 1-10-03 14 TK-4-S-2 NO NO ND NO NO ND NO -- A UST 1-10-03 18 TK-4-S-6 NO NO ND NO NO ND NO -- A North Oispenser on 1-17-03 2 NW-1-2 650 1,300 NO 1.9 1.6 , 70 NO -- A Western Island 1-17-03 6 NW-1-6 1.2 67 NO NO NO 0.014 NO -- A South Oispenser on 1-17-03 2 SW-2-2 1.1 -- NO 0,012 NO NO 0.061 0,062 A Western Island 1-17-03 6 SW-2-6 NO -- NO NO NO NO NO -- A North Oispenser on 1-17-03 2 NE-3-2 220 2,200 NO NO 0.52 1.25 NO -- A Eastern Island 1-17-03 6 NE-3-6 NO NO NO NO 0.16 NO NO -- A South Oispenser on 1-17-03 2 SE-4-2 6,600 -- NO 29 9.6 590 NO -- A Eastern Island 1-17-03 6 SE-4-6 4.6 -- NO NO NO 0.091 NO -- A I, I' I I I, i I I I' I REF= Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. NO = Not detected. -- = Not analyzed. A = Central Sierra Environmental LLC's current report. ,- ~" " ~ ~ I I '1 :i "~ ¡ . \~ '~ -T- .,_,_. . .._~. ,. ~.' '( ATTACHMENT 1. BFDESD PTA ':,-".~.;;'.' :" ;., "".;. " . , ' BKSFLDFIRE P~EVENTION (661)852:"'2172 . . p.. 2' . , MAR 122003 ··,·10: 3Ò ~ ·1~ / f - -- - - - F - "nnllNo. 3)K-ð ~'1 :> CITY OF BAKERSt:.ELD ?Â-JJ. F=.JlP<Jß OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave.., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REJ\.IOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK I SITE lFORMATION" . " " SITE "'J44.~ (;ø WJ)(f. ' ADDRESS.3(. 2D rJ};/.SþA) Rd..zIPCODE1ß$Þ'_APN FACILITY NA E R G "~ ~ ~ - CROS~ STREET Jl...J> J. If · .TANKOWNERlOPERATO itA:' , I::) 'PHONENO._fJ.3J-I.SD'1 MAILING ADDRES~ 3?ð .. T - - -J - CITY I/R Ìt'i!....J FkJ. D j cIA. ZIP9JJð 9 PHONENO,I4'J-7Af2 LlCENSENO.7tS'113S- R-HI1~r CllY ðAJ(~ 1t.J ¡;I·~t.) ZIP 933 J3 , WORKMENS COMP NO. 7 J.J -41 tD ð ~ 13<1 -ðl PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION C~(... 5.(;¡U,þ. COMPANY~C;F~:::þ¡~;~; i.T; '~~qNE NO,"~,(d, '-7~_ LfCENSENO. 7#Z7..3S-IJ--IIIIL, ADDRESS __I ~~_ __,,::~v__' . CITY ßAKeJt.s-rleJ.!lJ I!.JIl. '. ZJP93J/3. ~ INSURANCECARRJER ..s::rA¡;~:FqLJd . WORKMENSCOMPNO. 7/.1 - ql?c ?J39-t12 ' '- - .---,,. -.. -... .. Z)P9'2Z~ TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION . . COMPANY _ '1*'1 r (!.~Ñle..' 1R~~lÞHONE NO. :/ 9$· () 79.5 LICENSE NO. "" µ t.:t c!:- ADDRESS lfø.ø .:1Ï4""'t:-J Jt.J ' ", CITY .ßA~~IÌ!,:..J.JJ.J CJI.· ZIP 3øa TANK DESTINATION CtJ/.Oe.AJ síA-Te:., hJ~rl//.. '", , , TANK INFORMATION II DATES STORED --rP /JAel'~;CJ r ; ÃI' xH ~II CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED D¡t!:4 t!!..1- F,lI' Ofticial Use On APPLlCA TJôN:DÅTí:::/:::::f··.,\}{i:·:::;:;¡¡~{::¡i?:h~(f..¿œ.t'm¡1¡i:nm;m¡;:~:¡~:ig:::;::·%Mv~Q.;9tJij~:(:Ò·/::::-);:r:;~í;~~:::; VOLUME /øJ< IBK I of( B/( CHEMIC AL STORED ~Æ','te/V~ / TA~ NO. _ AGE l/pK. I r ----r- rl l/ If '1'1 IE API'I.ICANT riA..'" RECEIVE ). UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPr.y wmlllffi A"ITAClfED CONDITIONS OF Tf US PERMIT AN ) ANY (Hf IER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULAl1ONS. '1'1 liS FOR nAg BEEN COMI'LE'IH> UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY. AND TO nm DEST O o' MY KNOW I HXiE IS TRUE .,":>Co «1 ,,)¡ tPù/e¡¿vJ(x;>J ßd~ APPLICANT NAME WRfNT) ^PPl.ICANT S[GN^ TURE THIS APPLICATION BECØME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED . \ ~ ·;-r· .:-.^i::>-:."" .. -J ~ r~ ATTACHMENT 2. " SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS WORK ','. ::. ".\-. . ~. ~"~ ~ , ' i:: ;~'- '" ¡ "', ' y" TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR DRilLING READY GO MARKET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE OATE SAMPLE TPH AS ,,' TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLEO DEPTH 10 . GASOLINE OIESEL BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE XYLENES MTBE REF (fbQ) (mg/kg) (mglkg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) , (mglkg) (mglkg) (mglkg) EPA ANALYTICAL METHOD 8015 (M) " ·8020 N/A REPORTING LIMIT VARIES-SEE LABORATORY REPORTS N/A B-1 1-22-99 20 8-1-20' NO - NO ' NO NO NO NO A B-2 1-22-99 20 B-2-20' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 8-3 1-22-99 20 8-3-20' NO - NO NO NO NO NO A B-4 1-22-99 20 8-4-20' NO -' NO NO NO NO NO A 8-5 1-25-99 5 8-5-5' 730 850 ' NO 0.16 0.25 27 0.13 A 1-26-99 10 B-5-1 0 NO, NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 15 B-5-15 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 25 B-5-25 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 30 B-5-30 ' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A B-6 1-25-99 5 B-6-5' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 8-7 1-25-99 5 B-7 -5' NO - NO NO NO NO NO A 1-26-99 10 8-7-10 NO - NO NO NO NO NO A B-8 1-25-99 5 B-8-5' NO - '" NO NO NO NO NO A REF - Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. NO = Not detected. - = Not analyzed. A = Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s report dated February 26, 1999. " ' ;'~ ".-',.,." < , , I;,' SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart COMPLETION DETAIL a: en ~ WELL PO'NT PROJECT: R M Ww 0'> en VADOSE WELL 11..J: SPARGE WELL enu _E u LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California 3:z 0..& en BORING 0- ::> DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ..J<D CASING: N/A II) NAME: %graveVsandlflnes, gradation/plasticity, color, a~Ularlty, . . SLOT SIZE: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture; or, stain FILTER PACK: NIA 2M of as halt ¿I' , , , , ." , 0 " " " " "" , SM ' , , , , , , concrete, debris and backfill " " " " " , , , , , ." , , " " ,. " " , no sample retained ' ."" , , ,., " " " " ,. " , , , , , , , " " " " " , ,- , , , , , , " ., " " " , , "" , ,-, , " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , 5 " " " " " " , , , , , , , 5 " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , '.' , " " " " " " , , , , , , " " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " , "/ , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , " "'\..,"",, " , " , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " " " 10 ' , , , , , , 10 " " ..... " " " SAND: 0/90/10, well graded, light tan, subangular, 4,4,6 0 SW ' , " " , , , " " " " " , ,- ,- , , , , , loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain " " " ..... ,., "",." " " " " '" " , , , , " , , " ..... " ." " " , , , , , , , " " " ..... " " , , " , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , ",-, " , " " " " " " , , , , , , , 15 " " " " " " 15 ' , ,,-, , , , SILT: 0/5/95, low plasticity, brown, dense, soft, moist, 3,4,5 0 ML " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " no odor, no stain ' , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , "., , " , " ,., " , , , , ., , , " , " , , " 458 0 P , , , , , , /' 20 SILTY SAND: 0180/20, poorly graded, tan, " " " " " " suban ular, dense, stiff, d , no odor, no stain 25 25 30 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile B-53 8M-00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5M-diameter, California-modified s lit soon TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered ~ HOLGUIN, .-. ,- __ FAHAN Be ..................... ASSOCIATES, INC. 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Orillin Com na LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING B-1 Page 1 of 1 " , '!ì « > ex: W I- ~ SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. :: :~~ ."'!!' PROJECT: R M J: I-~ fb .e LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California o DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %graveVsandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, angulanty, maximum size (gravels). density/consistency, moisture, odor. stain o SIL TV SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded,brown, subangular, soft, loose, moist, no odor, no stain 5 10 SAND: 0/85/15, well graded, tan, loose, stiff, moist, no odor, no stain 15 CLAYEY SILT: 0/0/100, medium plasticity, brown, dense, soft, moist, no odor, no stain 20 SAND: 0/90/10,well graded, tan, loose, stiff, no odor no stain 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile B-53 88-00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.S8-diameter, California-modified slit soon TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered -.- HOLGUIN, FABAN &: ASSOCIATES, INC. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 ...~....:"""'" .......... --.. ......... --.. ...... " ex: wCJ) CL,W , J: CJ)o 3:z 0- ...JCO ID 1/12,1/6 2,,3,4 3,9,10 447 .> QE CL,Q. S: o o o o CJ) o CJ) :J SM SW ML SW -: ~ . COMPLETION DETAIL ~ WelL POINT VADOSE WEll ' SPARGE WELL BORING CASING: NIA SLOT SIZE: N/A' ALTER PACK: NIA , , , , , , , " " " " " " ""."" " " " " " " , , " , , , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , ",,'", , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " "- ,- , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , '.' , , ., " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , " , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , " " , , , , """" , , , , , , , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , " , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , ,. " " " " " , , , " " , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , " " " " " " , , , " , , , " ,- , " , " , , , , " , , " " " , , " , , , , " , , " , " " ., " , , , , , , , , " " " " " , , , " , , , , " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " , , , , , , , , " , " " " " , , , " , , , " , , " " " , , , " , " , " , , , " " , , , , , , , " , " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " , " " " " o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na B-2 ,.., ". .,.., COMPLETION DETAIL I CLIENT: CM Mart crt/) ~ waL PaNT '§ " '·PROJECT: R M Ww '~ t/), VADOSE WEll a..J: ö> 0( J: t/)u _,E U ,SPARGE WELL > I-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road. Bakersfield, California ~z a.. a. t/) BORING a: a.. OJ .!; ::::I W w@. a- t- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ...J( ) CASING: N/A ~ m SLOT SIZE: N/A ,NAME: %gravellsandlfines. gradation/plasticity, color, 8:;9,Ulðrity. ALTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels). density/consistency. moisture, or, stain 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 SAND: 0/85/15, well graded, brown, soft, loose, moist, SW " " " " " " , , , ~ , , , no odor, no stain " " " " " " ~ , ~ ~ ~ , ~ " " " " " " , , , , , , ~ " " " " " " , , ~ , , , , " " " " " " ~ , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , ~ , ~ " " " " " " , , , , , , ~ " " " " " " ~ , , , , , ~ 5 " " " " " " , , , , , , , 5 4,5,5 0 " " " " " " ~ ~ , " ~ ~ ~ " " " " " " ~ , ~ , ~ ~ ~ " " " " " " ~ ~ ,', , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " ~""-"",, " " " " " " , , , , , , ~ " " " " " " , , ~ , ,-, ~ " " " " " " 10 ' , , ~ , , , 10 " " " " " " 2,3.3 0 ' , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , "" , ", , " ,. " " " " , , , ~ , , , " " , " " " , , , , , , , " , " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " ~ , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , 15 " " " " " " 15 6.8,12 0 ' , ~ , , , , " " " " " " "."", " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , " , , , , , " " " " " " , , , ~ , ~ , " " " " " " , '.' , , , , " " " " " " ".""" , " " " " " " " , " , , , , , " " " " " " , , , ~ , , , " " " " " " 20 51011 0 SM ' , , , , , , 20 SILTY SAND: 0/80/20. poorly graded, tan, " " " " " " loose soft moist no odor no stain 25 25 30 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile 8-53 8D-CD hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified s lit 5 TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb ÖEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered 35 DATE DRILLED: Jamia 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na --.- HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. ............ ....-.... ........ ..... ..... ...... ...,.. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING B-3 Page 1 of 1 :J. < > a: w I- ~ CLIENT: CM Mart , :PROJECT: R d M LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %graveVsandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels),denslty/conslstency, moisture, odor, stain J: I-~ Q.C» w§. o o SILTY SAND: 0/80/20, brown, soft, loose, moist, no odor, no stain 5 I I ! FINE SAND: 0/80/20, tan, loose, soft, moist, no odor, no stain SAND: 0/90/10, tan, subangular, loose, stiff,dry, no odor, no stain FINE SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, loose soft moist no odor no stain 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile B-53 8"-00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.S"-diameter, California-modified s lit soon TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered --.- HOLGUIN, FABAN & ASSOCIATES, INC.' LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 .......... ....-..... ........... ..... ........ ..... "'1IIIt. a: (I) Ww Q.J: (1)0 3:z 0- ..../co CD 1,t,1 2,4,4 4,12,18 1011 12 0> _E Q.a. So . :i '." ," ',:\". (I) o (I) ::t COMPLETION DETAIL ~ WELL POI,NT VADOSE WELL SPARGE WELL BORING CASING: N/A SLOT SIZE: NIA FILTER PACK: NIA () o o o SM , , ., , , , , , , " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " " , " , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " '". " " " , " , ,-, , , " " " " " " , " , , , , " " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , ,-,,,,,,, " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , -, , , , " " " " ..... " , ". , , , , , " " " " " " ".""" " ,., " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , " , , , ,¡1 " "" ,-, " " '" , " , , , ¡1 ,. , , " , " '" , , ". , , ./ , , , " , " , , , , , , , , , , " , " , , , , , , , , , , " " " , , , , , , , , , " " ". " , , , , , , , , " " " , , , , ,." , , , , , " " " " , , , , , , ,. , , " " " , , , ,. , ,. , , , , " " " , , , "" , " , , , " " " , , , " , , , ,. , , " " " " , , , , ,. , , , , " " " " , ,. , , , , , , " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " " , , , , , , " " " " " " , ,. , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " """"" " " " " " " , , , , , , , " """ " " " " o SM 15 5 10 SW SP 20 25 30 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na 8-4 ,', " SAMPLE ~ q: > a: W I- ~ :I: I-~ Il. 01, wg o -'1'- CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. '- ' PROJECT: R LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %graveVsandlflnes. gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, mOlsture"odor, stain o SILTY SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, loose, stiff, dry, strong odor, no stain (hand augered next to dispenser) 5 10 15 angle drilled @ 30° off canopy 20 brown 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile 8-53 8--00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.S--diameter, California-modified s lit s TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 30 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered ~ .......... ....-..... ......-a. --. ......... --. ..... HOLGUIN, FAHAN Be ASSOCIATES, INC. ffien Il.W' en:I: ::~ 0- -,co II) 0> _E Il.a. .s: en () en :> SW COMPLETION DETAIL ~ WE, II POINT VADOSE WELL SPARGE WELL X BORING CASING: N/A SLOT SIZE: N/A FilTER PACK: NIA , , , , , , , " " " " " " , ",. , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , " , -, , , '" '\.. " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " " , , , , , , " " " " " "'- , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " ",. , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " "" ,-,,, , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , ,-" , "",,' , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , '" , , , ,,,,,,, , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , '",'\. " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , ,. "' "' "' "' "' " " , , , , "' ,. ,. ,. "' "' "' " , " " " " , ,. "' ,. ,. , , " " " , " " ,. " ,. , ,. , , " " " " " " , " " , ,. , ,. " " " " " " ,." , , ,. , " " " " " " " ,. , , ,. , ,. ,. " " " " " " ,. , , , ,. , , " " " " " " ,. , , ,. ,. ., , " " " , " " ,."""" " " " " " " , , ,. ,. , , , " " " " " " , , , , ,. ,. , , , " " " " , , , ,. ,. , , , , , " " " , ,. " ,. ,. , , " " " " " " ,. ,. " , ,. " ,. , , " " " " , , ,. , ,. , , " " " " " " ., , , ,. ,. ,. ,. " " " " " " , ,. , ,. ,. ,. ,. " " " " " " ,. , , ,. ,-, ,. " " " " " " , , ,. , ,. ,. ,. " ,., " " , , ,. , ,. ,. , ,. " " , , " " , , ,. , , , ,. " , " " " " , ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. " " " " " , ,. , ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. " " " " " " ,. , , , ,. ,. , " " " " , " , , , ,. , ,. , " " " , " " ,. ,. ,. ,. , ,. ,. , " " " " " , ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , , " " " " " , ,. , ,. ,. ,. ,. " ,- " , " " ,. ,. ,. ,. ,., ,. " " " " " " ,. , , ,. ,. ,. , " " , " , " ,. ,. ,. ,. , ,. ,. " " " " " " ,. ,. , , , ,. , " " " " " " ,. ,. ,. , , , , " " , , , " ,. " ,. , , ,. " " " " " " " ,. " ,. ,. ,. ", " " " " ,,' " ,. ,. , , , , o 2,000+ 2,000+ o o o o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 26 & 27 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na 8-5 LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE ,'5 0« :¡: ~ h:'õ> w w@. I- C ~ CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. ,~PROJECT:R a LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %graveVsandllines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain o SIL TV SAND:0/8S/1S. poorly graded, tan, subangular, loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain (hand augered next to dispenser) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Hand au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.S"-diameter, Shelb TM tube TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 5 fb ' DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered ~ I .......... ....-.... .......... ....... ....... ....... .... HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. , :. -.,'-, 'a:(/) Ww Q..:¡: (/)0 ~z 0- ...1<0 co COMPLETION DETAIL ~ WELL POINT VADOSE WEll SPARGE WELL X BORING CASING: NIA SLOT SIZE: NIA FILTER PACK: NIA c> _E Q..a. S: (/) o (/) ::> SW ,/ , " i' , , ,/ " " " " " " , , , , , , .¡1 " " " " " " , , , , , , " " " '\. " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " ,., " " " , , , , II' , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " o o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 2S 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRillED BY: Hol uin Fahan & Associates Inc. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 8-6 " SAMPLE ~ ...J < :]: ~ !LCD w woe I- c~ ~ I '.;.;:,.~', >- -- -.'.-' , " COMPLETION DETAIL a: en ~ WElL POINT Ww VADOSE WElL 0..:]: c> en ' SPARGE WElL enU _E U ?:z a.. a. en X BORING ' 0- .s, :::> ..JCO CASING: N/A ID SLOT SIZE: NIA FILTER PACK: NIA ~ ~ , , , , , 0 SW " " " " " " , , , , , " , " " " " " " , , " , , ~ ., " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " , , , , '" , , -, " " ,. " " " , , , , , , , " ,., " " " , , , -, , , , " " " " .... " '.' , , , , , 5 " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " ., " " .... " , , , , , , , " " " " " " ",", '.,,, , " " " " " " , , , , '" , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " 0 ' , , , , , , 10 " " " " " " 15 .' CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. "PROJECT:R M LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %gravellsand/flnes, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels). density/consistency. moisture, odor, stain o SILTY SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, loose, stiff, dry, slight odor, no stain (hand augered next to dispenser) , 5 10 no odor 15 , , 20 25 20 25 30 30 35 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 & 26 1999 LOGGED BY: K.Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Hal uin Fahan & Associates Inc. '-.- HOLGUIN, FAHAN &: ASSOCIATES. INC. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 .......... ...-..... .......... . ..... -.... ..... ..... B-7 SAMPLE j ~ > OC W t- ~ :I: t-~ Q..C> wg a I' I CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. ,'PROJECT: R M LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %graveVsandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels), density/consistency. moisture, odor, stain o SILTY SAND: 0/85/15, poorly graded, tan, subangular; loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain (hand augered next to dispenser) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Hand au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5--diameter, Shelb TM tube TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 5 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered --.- .......... ........... ......... ..... ....... ..... .... HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. COMPLETION DETAIL ocen ~ WELL POINT WW a> en VADOSE WELL D..:x: SPARGE WELL . enu _E u 3:z Q..a. en X BORING ' o- S, ::> ..../<0 CASING: N/A m SLOT SIZE: NIA FILTER PACK: N/A ~ , , , , , ,¡I 0 SW " " " " " , ,¡I , , ,. , , ,¡I " " " " " , , " , , , , , " " " " " " ", ,. , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " " " " ,- , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , ", , " " " " " " " , , , , , , , 0 " " " " " " , ,. , , , , , 5 " " " " " " 10 15 20 25 30 , ~ 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Hol uin Fahan & Associates Inc. 8-8 LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 . . ,., '." .,-- " ~ ,-- ~- -, -- " ,I , , LITHOLOGY (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) CfO.P , MAJOR DIVISIONS ll'PICAL NAMES , SYMBOLS " GN WELl-GRADED GRAVELS. GRAVEL· SAND 2 GRAVEL GRAVELS WITH LITTLE MIXTURES, Lml£ OR NO FINES ,~ « ~Y~DGRAVELSOR I MORE THAN OR NO RNES œ 0 I- GRAVEL·SAND MIXTURES. LImE OR NO FINES 0: HALF COARSE ,(/) w FRACTION IS Qv1 SILTY GRAVELS. 0 0 GRAVEL·SANO-SIL T MIXTURES o:w LARGER THAN GRAVELS WITH OVER W :5Gj , Z NO.4 SIEVE SIZE 12% FINES æ , ClAYEY GRAVELS. (f)- GRAVEL-SAND-CLAY MIXTURES ~ _(f) LLO WELl-GRADED SANDS. GRAVEllY -' 0 9N C? «C\J SAND SANDS WITH LITTLE SANDS.UTn.E OR NO FINES I . W ZO OR NO RNES POORlY -GRADED SANDS OR GRAVEllY SANDS. (/) «2 MORE THAN g:> a: I l1T1l.E OR NO FINES 8 I- HALF COARSE w FRACTION IS Sv1 SILTY SANDS. SANO-SIL T MIXTURES 0: 0 . SMALLER THAN SANDS WITH OVER '¿ NO.4 SIEVE SIZE 12% FINES g::; ClAYEY SANDS. SAN().{;LAY MIXTURES , , INORGANIC SII,. TS AJoID VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR. 0: ML SILTY OR ClAYEY FINE SANDS OR ClAYEY FINE SANDS ~ W -' OR ClAYEY SILTS WITH SLIGHT PLASTICITY -'W 0 «> SILT AND CLAY CL INORGANIC ClAYS OF LON TO MEDIUM PLASTlCrTY. (/) ¿W GRAVEllY dAys. SANDY ClAYS. SILTY ClAYS. LEAN CLAYS (f)- 0 (f)(f) OL ORGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SIL TV ClAYS OF W -0 Z ~O LOW PlASTK:rTY - «~ ~ IO M-I K>RGANK: SILTS. MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS FINE . zZ SANDY OR SILTY SOILS, ELASTIC SILTS C?«Z w ~~ SILT AND CLAY 01 IIIK>RGANIC ClAYS OF HIGH PlASTICrTY, FAT ClAYS Z WI- -0: LLO Œi ORGANIC ClAYS OF tÆDIUM TO HIGH PlASTK:ITY, ¿ ORGANIC SILTS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOIL Pt ÆAT AND OTHER HIGI-L Y ORGMlK: SOILS , , BOTTOM PLUG SYMBOLS AND NOTES _ ASPHALT k~~ ~i CCX'OEE IIïI CONCREJE GROVr ~ BENTONITE CHIPS H·::·,::~··::J ALTER SAND PACK ~:~~:~!:~I NATIVE SOIL PID = PHOTOIONIZATlON DETECTOR ppmv ~'PARTS PER MIWON BY VOLUME USCS = UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM gw = GROUNDWATER WELL, VW = VADOSE WELL fbg = FEET BELOW GRADE 00 = OurSIDE DIAMETER .. SAMPLE COLLECTED FOR ANALYSIS ~ _. . X SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED . ,~' GROUNDWATERe.JCOUNTEREDDURINGDRIWNG , ~' STABILIZED WATER LEVEL (DATE) (DATE I 1'rl'" WELL BOX WITH LOCKING CAP BLANK SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING - SLOTTED SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING - ~. HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. KEY TO LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING .......... ..-.... .......... ..... ...... .... ...... ReWIIon 1196 I' . I i'i ' '@ I I:· I, ", ,"." I I, . I· '..... Þ.I, .~;'" ,- "'~ .",> ATTACHMENT 3. LABORATORY REPORT -'¡. ~ -. .;.. ~. .~":~'. s· .-, .. .~ :i' ,,- .~!!~~!~~ ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY· ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING '. SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID' ATTENTION CLIENT : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.1-8 lNVOICE# 70300212 '0- RECEIVED " "- . ~. D ? Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions,the sar:nples were analyzed for the components specified. : Bob Underwood B-C Enterprises 7104 Elkhorn Street Bakersfield, CA '93313 The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding,the analyses or results'. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. I' I Ijt INVOICE- CLIENT 1C :INVOICE TOCSE I ~J. Shankar Sharma sarkar, Ph.D. Director, Division of Chemistry I Rev, l 09102 (COVER) CORPORATE '2527 Fresno SIreet . Fresno. CA 93721·1004 , (559) 268-7021 Fax 268-7126 MODESTO 4230 Kiernan Ave,. #105 Modesto. CA 95256-9322 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALlA 1:)) North Kelsey St. #H6 VisaIia, CA 93291-9000 (559) 651-8200 Fax 651.æJ8 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive. #124 Bakersfield. CA 93:œ-6843 (661) 393-5008 Fax 393-4643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz Averue . Sand City, CA 93955 (831)392-1056 , Fax 392-1059 SACRAMENTO 5675 Power Inn Road. Suite C Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 381-9477 Fax 381-9478 ~ .:!, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED, DATE ANALYZED . 7'-· ...:~-" \:.:~. : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.1 : 01-10-03 at 1040 by Client : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler .: CSE I B -C ENTERPRISES : E. Scott ' : J. Ureno : 01-22-03 : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-1-S-2' CONSTITUENT Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Rev, ....:L 5196 (BTEXWAT) repara Ion - ND: None Detected ,.~ - ",r, '. " "e '. ., < ,. THE TWINING LABORATORIES,INC. PAGE 1 ot8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 ND 1 8015 DLR: Detection Urni! for Reporting purposes "t!!~: REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED , ' , " : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.2 : 01-10-03 at 1044 by Client : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler : CSE I B,-C ENTERPRISES : E. Scott : J. Ureno : 01-22-03 : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK-1-S-6' CONSTITUENT Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range repara Ion _ . mg/kg : Milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) Rev, 2.. 5196 (BTEXWAT) repara Ion - NO: None Detected ,.-- THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE20f8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESUL TS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021. .,' ND 0.005 8021· ND 0.005 8021 ND 0,005 8021 ND 1 8015 DLR: Detection Limit for Rèporting purposes ',:. _:,'! ..'_' "_.'0'-.";'- - -.,'-,-" ,!" . '~)' ~ - .; .'.; -, . ~., - . ~. . , ! " ,.~'. ;j REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY , REVIEWED BY : January 31,2003 : 703-0212.3 :,01-10-03 at 1050 by Client , : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler : CSE I B -C ENTERPRISES THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 30f 8 . : E. Scott : J. Urena DATE PREPARED ' : 01-22-03 DATE ANALYZED : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK-2-S-2' CONSTITUENT SAMPLE TYPE: Soil repafa Ion - ND: None Detected RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1 8015 DlR: Delection limit for Reporting purposes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbans- Gasoline Range repara Ion - . mg/1<g : Milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) , Rev,.1... 5196 (BTEXWAT) :-è:' @ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY . REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED I < - . '\. ~ .'''; '". . ,-' - ",' '. "'t. ·"t-",·,- " : January 31, 2003 , : 703-0212,4 , : 01-10-03 at 1058 by Client : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler : CSE I B -C ENTERPRISES : E. Scott : J. Ureno , : 01-22-03 : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-2-S-6' CONSTITUENT Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) " Toluene Ethylbenzene . ' Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range repara Ion - . mglkg : Milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) ", I,: I. ' IU Rev, 2.. 5196 (BTEXWAT) repara Ion - NO: None Detected , I THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. . PAGE4of8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 '.' 8021 NO 0,005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1 8015 DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes n "".Æ ~ ,'" " ,.., " "', ;~. , . I ' , , " ',." -. '. ,~ " .-.:;. :i' '~- REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 : January 31,2003 : 703-0212.5 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. ' PAGE 5 of 8 DATE SAMPLED : 01-10-03at 1105 by Client DATE RECEIVED : 01-15-'03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler CLIENT : CSE I B-C ENTERPRISES ANALYZED BY : E. Scott REVIEWED BY : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 01-22-03 DATE ANALYZED : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-3-S-2' CONSTITUENT repara on - . mglkg : Milligrams ~ kilogram (parts per million) repara Ion - ND: None Detected SAMPLE TYPE: Soil " I RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1 ' 8015 I DlR: Detection limit tor Reporting purposes I I Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Gasoline Range Rev, ..1.. 5196 (BTEXWA T) I . i .::(; ~ I REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY . DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED :.'.-r'. , ' : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.6 : 01-10-03 at 1110 by Client : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler :CSE I B -C ENTERPRISES : E. Scott : J. Ureno : 01-22-03 : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK-3-S-6' CONSTITUENT , Benzene Methyl tert'-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range repara Ion - . mglkg : Milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) Rev, 2.. 5196 (BTEXWATl repara Ion - NO: None Detected THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE6of8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1 8015 OLR:' Detection Limit for Reporting purposes I I I I I , " ,%,' ~ REPORT DATE· LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT . ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL YZED , .~ : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.7 : 01-10-03 at 1116 by Client , :01-15-03 at 1430 fromG. Wheeler , : CSE I B -C ENTERPRISES : E.Scott, F. Baguinguto : J. Ureno : 01-22-03 : 01-22-03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-4-S-2' CONSTITUENT Benzene ' Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) , Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range repara Jon . mglkg : Milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) Rev, ...L 5196 (BTEXWAT) repara Ion - ND: None Detected -- " . . ',.'- ~ ¡\. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 7 of8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESUL TS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1 8015 NO 10 8015M DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes , ~; ,;t REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED " : January 31, 2003 : 703-0212.8 : 01-1 0-03 at 1125 by Client : 01-15-03 at 1430 from G. Wheeler : CSE I B -CENTERPRISES : E. Scott, F. Baguinguto : J. Ureno : 01-22-03 : 01-22..03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK-4-S;'s' CONSTITUENT Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range Rev, ..1... 5196 (BTEXWA T) , ' . ~' ': ; , " THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC, PAGE 8 of8' SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND. 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 '8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1 8015 ND 10 801SM DLR: Delection Limit for Reporting purposes . THE EST. 1 98 r.,,~~!~~ rR( SNO /1.1 OD C ST O!V ISA LlA/ BAKLRS r!( LD! S All NAS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAR ,ON: Diesel EPA METHOD ~~015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ~ .$ Analyzed By: Dara P. VongkhamphalFerna;,do Baguinguito. Date of Extraction: 01/22/03 I Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TLOOt.012203 Reviewed By:J. Ureno Date of Analysis:01/22/03 Sample Matrix:Soil Spike ID: WS-1819 Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable ' Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike , Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent , (mg/Kg) Concentration Recovery Duplicate Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/Kg) Recovery (%) Recovery Percent (%) (i11g/Kg) (mg/Kg) Low High (%) Recovery (%) , TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 22.6 21.7 70% 130% 90.3% 86.8% 3.9% , , , , , " , " EX PLANA TIONS: \ ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mg/Kg micrograms per liter, paris per billion (ppb) concentration units. , Method Blank: The method blank is used to determine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water), The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whether, the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements., , , ',' ¡I .11 ¿ I I I I .t"J~I~~ FRESNO /MODESTO/VISALlA/BAKER5FIE LD/SALlN AS , Analyzed By: Dara P. Vongkhampha/Fernando Baguinguito Date of Extraction: 01/22/03 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL001.012203 TOTp _ PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: Diesel EPA METHOD 8015 MATRIX SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT !' Constituent Matrix Sample Malrix Spike Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Acceptable ' Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Relative Concentration Concenlration Recovery Duplicate Percent ' Percent ' Duplicate Percent (ug/L) Level (ug/L) Recovery Recovery Recovery Percent Difference (ug/L) (ug/L) Range (%) Recovery (%) (%) (%) . , Low High " TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 21.3 22.8 70% 130% 85.1% 91.1% 6.8% ,,' , , , I, " I EXPLANA nONS: NO Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (OLR). . ug/L micrograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units. Matrix Sample: The matrix sample is the sample chosen for use in the matrix spike analyses. . Matrix Spike: A matrix spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into the sample noted above. The matrix spike sample is , ' analyzed exactly like a regular sample, and its purpose is to detemiine whether the sample matrix has a measurable effect on precise and accurate analyte detection and quantification. -- Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis:01/22/03·, Sample Matrix:SoilSample:Sand Spike ID: WS-1819 " ·1 I I , 'I ' ' I 1 II ¡! ·11 ·ffff~!IIJi , ,FRESHO/MODESTO/VISAUA/SAKERSflELD/SAUHAS EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA8015M (TPH-Gasoline) LABORATORYCONTROLS~KE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :01/23/03 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 01/23/03 Twining Laboratories,lnc..Batch ID Number: TL06012203 S Ik ID WS 1000 ¡PI e : . Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboralory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mglkg) Concentration Recovery Spike Recovery Range ' Percent Duplicate' Difference I, Level (mglkg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) , Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (mglkg) (%) , MTBElBTEX Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0592 0.0633 80% 120% 94.7 101 6.69 Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 0.00 0.250 0.232 0.228 80% 120% 92.8 91.2 1.74 Benzene 0.00 0.0500 0.0480 0.0510 80% 120% 96.0 102 6.06 oluene 0.00 0.0500 0.0480 0.0520 80% 120% 96.0 104 8.00 Ethylbenzene 0.00 0;0500 0.0510 0.0500 80% 120% 102 100 1.98 Xylenes 0.00 0.150 0.149 0.152 80% 120% 99.3 101 1.99 TPH_ Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0617 0.0628 80% 120% 98.7 100 1.77 ""PH-Gasoline 0.00 2.50 2.46 2.48 80% 120% 98.2 99.3 1.05 EXPLANATIONS: ND Non~Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting pwposes (DLR). ' mglkg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennine if method analytes or other inlerferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory ,control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. I' .. ð ~. " I TltE ~--': ,~. .,,' .'~..-','..-" ';. ....~~(... ..... ": '..\; '. "-.+,f~. ,.,"".".' GU"':'~::.~":~~,HAIN'O'F-C~ST,' o DY/ANALY,SI,S, ~,R"E,~",,~~E~,,!, '-,','Ic~c# ','::i'~"';:"--;:-¡'~~?:":::,"(?::;IU'~'" W'J'j -.;,.,. ,'" .' ,'."; :,;:-,: ~'.::>,70~D~bk\-'"Í:" I LAB 0 RAT 0 R I E S . . I N C," 2527 FRESNO STREET. FRESNO, CA93721 . (559) 268-702LFAX: (559) 268-0740.; ,:':/:.;.iy;c:':;;'\:";":r?', ';\: "'v;, I :c .~.;. .<~"f .',.' .' , " - ,....... . , ,','" ~:~;~;'::{',;~::\,,~,;.::,~4>.~;'>" ....... <' ". ~ ~ - '. > -","-' ..~1'. .'~' '", SUBMITTEFµNF0.fMATI9N~~:;';/A:' .' i::' l/"- REPORT TO: ~ k- hi...: ~.4 r~'~: ' I - '(~~¿;: L"". --ri ~ ~ AlJ þ ;-#¡~Z 1'~~- ,..Jjt'Jd rA;q~jO 9 '. ", ' ·"+"",A;,:'·"",'" ':,;",,j::"" '-- ,i;0',~;!;'" ".. ,'" '" '--', ',;'--;"" ,,'. ; :" ,'" ;,' >.'",,' R~ULTS flELEASiD TQö--. _, . .., '7 ". ", r.Jf __~/b.Á, ~/í{/R'#W." '. I AD~RE~: "~c .. s~~cc?--fv1f'rLK l' _ ~rAt{ " Ç"¡Kt..·ra.Sf , "1fAkPrshetdr A- ~?/7 , " '~ ";;';':0;" ,,', , ..-. . " " , ' .. : ., , . ATTENfrl,A LJc;- PH~ ~ I ) :rZ"· c¡ 8'6"2-- FAX ( ) '" ATT~N'I' I fS..-.. ~ J, ~,,"'... h le() ÇÞ PH ('6r ) 201- 5¡£7{ FAX (660 1JrJ 6~3- 70S" z,.. --.- CONTßACT . OR P.O. -:-:: " -, " , ATTENTION: , " -..- -- PH ( ) - FAX ( ) , I I I I I BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE - o PUBLIC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION' 0 OTHER SAMPLE. INFORMA110N: SAMPLE BY (PRINT NAME): -c- SAMPLE STATUS a ROUTINE a REPEAT a OTHER- REPORTS FOR: ' COUN1Y: 0 FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TUlARE o STATE DEPT. OF HEAllH SERVICES 0 OlHER: PROJECT: '"E c. ~.,.."¡f,~ 1'1"IJf:,J SITE: 12er4f:)(/Co I11lL.r PROJECT #: - " - - SIGNATURE: '., PROJECT MANAGER:T~ /itA /L.Tl r-1 . o ROUTINE ANAlYSIS , 0 RUSH ANALYSIS. RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE BS - Biosolids DW - Drinking Water GW - Ground Water SF - Surface Water " - ANALYSIS REQUESTED - ~ .~ {\~ ~~ W ;<1~ SAMPLE 15 A ~ DATE 11ME TYPE p.q1 ~ ~ /-to-<d I/ð:t¡" S,,~l- X )( , 110:,/1/ ~t t- X'. X lo:~o S"ð l{.., X X 10:,,8 <;ð,,¿' X )( Ill: oS- Sod.. x)I\ 11/:/0 S,d- V!X III:" çq.'- y ~1,' 11/:2') Çu,{, 'I.. SL- SoiVSolid ST - Storm Water WW - Waste Water , , ~ L " A B U S E ~ , , SAMPLE ID l -rk-I-s ~ '1 1 ~ 7K-/-S ~ 1 i7TK-Z- ~ - 'J I ~ TlC-2-S' - ,I Ij rK-~-:~ - j I ~ TK-?~-¿' 1- 71<'-£/-$ - ';) I I;') TK-!(- $ - ¿ I , (LAB USE . BOTTLES) \ \~-ð.";'1 V \ x 1 , 'I / , " COMMENTS: c..o~n-ht. d/~ r:::J,,- L.J~~ /7'1-Tlf~ /h~':¿#~'.o.A _.AL , b~ S?Z60, , ' / V. ; F / I~ tJ 1 "')flÚ-{' .. RELIN941ISHED BY ~/~ I I -.h~~.A' COMPANY -r<:£ - DATE TIME RECEIVED BY I-/O·ð:} I/:ð-?' I~o:ll(),'?^ -IS. ~:7 ('\ COMPANY ./ -- . ,:.;,~ . 'J /' ~J 4. /,,- ~ ~ (,ÞY7' ,v. \ V~'''~'' \ðK7 : ,', , . '.' '0' ':,e", ,; e "../~ .', ',. ,; :':" :"~:. ." ." ':' -2: " . ';'" ;;;~",~:;!Y;'- " ' , ". .'"., ,::.fj:,:.:},:,::""¡:-S' ....." " " , , , , , " .-.' ": ~!: .>- . . }-~\ .<~ , , ,,- '. --.; ,~'" :~.. - _, 1_ .; ".-.- ," . ..,' :.. ,.' -.- - - -..., ."- ,. ~ .' . ~ ',": . , .' .' d -. , .." ~ . . ..~. ~ ~ ".THE '., .. '"' ~~~~~~! ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING' SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING PROJECT COVER SHEET i I' I, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10', ATTENTION CLIENT : January 31 2003 : 703-0213,1-8 INVOICE# 70300213 B-C Enterprises 7104 Elkhorn St. Bakersfield, CA93313 '0 R~~~IYfP . ' I The Twining Laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. - In accordance with your instructions, the samples submitted were analyzed for the, components specified. The analytical results are enclosed on the following pages. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the analyses or results. Thank you for letting us serve you. I ' elw1 C Invoice - CSE ~~4-· Shankar Sharma sarkar, Ph.D. Diréctor, - Division of Chemistry Rev,....L 8194 (COVER)) CORPORATE 2527 Fresro S1reeI Fresno. CA 93721-1804 (559) 268-7021 Fax 268-7126 MODESTO 4230 Kiem3n Ave,. #105 Modesto. CA 95256-9322 (209) 545-1050 Fax545-1147 VISALJA 130 North Kelsey St, #H6 Visatia, CA 93291-9000 (559) 651-a280 Fax651~ BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive. #124 BakasfieId. CA 93X6-œ43 (661) 393-5088 Fax 3934643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz Averue Sand City, CA 93955 (631) 392-1056 Fax 392-1059 SACRAMENTO 5675 FbNer Inn Road, Suite C Sactarrento, CA 95824 (916) 381-9477 F". :181-9478' ~ , . . I; ;- <' ~,' -'-¡.-----.",,:::: '::, '. ;.( . , ' .~ '!p; , REPORT DATE '. LABORATORY 10 : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.1 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of 8 DATE SAMPLED : 01/10/03 at 1140 by Client , DATE RECEIVED : 01/15/03 at ,1430 from Gary Wheeler , CLIENT : CSE I B-C Enterprises ANALYZED BY : E. Scott REVIEWED BY : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED : 01/23/03 DATE ANALYZED : 01/23/03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-1-N-2' CONSTITUENT RESULTS (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether NO Benzene ' NO SAMPLE TYPE : Soil DLR METHOD I (mg/kg) ·0.05 8021 0.005 8021 0.005 8021 0.005 8021 0.005 8021 1.0 8015 Toluene NO Ethylbenzene NO Xylenes NO TPH- Gasoline Range NO : oa eoeum yroca ns Rev, ...l... 5196 (BTEXSOI) : ., /, q,. < J " -. ,~ . . REPORT DATE' LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANAL YZEDBY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED ., ,-. ~.-. - . ~ - ,-, ,- ,.-.'.' , ' : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.2 : 01/10/03 at 1144 by Client : 01/15/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler : CSE / B-C Enterprises : E. Scott : J.Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 2 of 8 : 01/23/03 : 01/23/03 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil CLlENTSAMPLE ID : TK-1-N-6' CONSTITUENT RESULTS (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether ND DLR METHOD (mg/kg) ,0.05 8021 0,005 8021 0.005 8021 0.005 8021 0.005 8021 1.0 8015 Benzene ND Toluene ND Ethylbenzene ND Xylenes ND TPH- Gasoline Range ND Rev,..1... 5196 (BTEXSOI) I ,I ~<, '::', . " " , :~ .. REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED . :r'-' '..: : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.3 : 01/10/03 at 1148 by Client' : 01/15/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises : E. Scott : J. Urena : 01/23/03 : 01/23/03 CLIENT SAMPLEID : TK-2-N-2' CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Bµtyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene 1 I, Xylenes TPH- Gasoline Range THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE30f8 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 'ND , 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 . ND 1.0, 8015 repara 100 Rev, ..1... 5196 (BTEXSOI) :«, :. I . I I I REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED.· CLIENT ANALYZED BY . REVIEWEDBY DATE PREPARED OA TE ANAL YZEO "';': : .,~; ~ \. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE4of8 : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.4 : 01/10/03 at 1152 by Client : 01/15/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler , : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises : E. Scott : J. Urenó : 01/23/03 : 01123/03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-2-N-6' CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH- Gasoline Range repara Ion , Re~, 2.. 5196 (BTEXSOI) SAMPLE TYPE : Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO ·0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1.0 8015 : 0 a e ra eum y rocar ns I I' , \Ii " ..,." .;., ." ~. . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED , ' ,-.,'" ","' '-, .. .'" "" : 01/23/03 : 01/23/03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : TK-3-N-2' CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH- Gasoline Range repara Ion - aso Ino : , Rev, .2.. 5J96 (BTEXSOI) ", ..~ .~. ' : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.5 , : 01/10/03 at 1203 by Client : 01/15/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler :CSE 1 B-C Enterprises . : E. Scott : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE50f8 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND ' 0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 1.0 8015 : 0 a e 0 eum y roea ons ,,' :." ,., .: ~; ¿{¡, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 . DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY' REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED ." ' - '-," . ~ - , '. .'-'.., \', THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 ot8 : January 31,2003 : 703-0213.6 : 01/10103 at 1210 by Client , : 01115/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises : E. Scott . : J. Urena : 01123/03 : 01/23/03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-3-N-6' CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene _ Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH- Gasoline Range SAMPLE TYPE : Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO .0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 1.0 ' 8015 'I repara Ion Rev, -'L 5/96 (BTEXSOI) I' " ~. ; ,'... 'íJ:, r\, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.7 : 01/10/03 at1217 by Client : 01115/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler : CSE / B-C Enterprises : E.' Scott : J. Ureno : 01/22/03 through 01/23/03 : 01/22/03 through 01/23/03 CLlENTSAMPLE 10 : TK-4-N-2' CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene ' 'Xy/enes TPH- Diesel Range , THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 7 of8 RESULTS (mg/kg) NO NO NO NO DLR (mg/kg) 0.05 0.005 0.005 0.005 ,0.005 10 NO NO repara Ion Rev, ..L 5196 (BTEXSOI) SAMPLE TYPE: Soil METHOD 8021 8021 8021 8021 8021 8015M ~, ¡-. " I I I I I ,.....- .....-..., . ."'.; ;'-"'~', .-..~ <~. _.~ V," I ::..'....~;',..:'. ',' " ,-.", 1 ;". . " ., <,:, ' I i' ',' , . ia: t¡, ~, REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 : January 31, 2003 : 703-0213.8 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 8 of8 DATE SAMPLED : 01/10/03 at 1225 by Client DATE RECEIVED, : 01/15/03 at 1430 from Gary Wheeler CLIENT :CSE 1 B-C Enterprises ANALYZED BY : E. Scott, REVIEWED BY : J. Urena DATE PREPARED : 01/22/03 through 01/23/03 ,DATE ANALYZED : 01/22/03 through01/23/03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : TK-4-N-S' CONSTITUENT RESULTS (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether ' ND I TPH- Diesel Range ND SAMPLE TYPE: Soil DLR METHOD I ( mg/kg) ·0.05 8021 0.005 8021 0;005 8021 ·0.005 8021 0.005 8021 .1 10 8015M Benzene ND Toluene N D Ethylbenzene N D Xylenes ND repara Ion Rev, 2.. 5196 (BTEXSOI) I , '-, ~: r RC SNO 1M OD E STO IVI SALIA 18AK C RS rI E LD I S ~LI N A S TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: Diesel EPA METHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis:01/22/03 'Sample Matrix:Soil Spike ID: WS·1819 ~ . THE . "''''' . ~~~f~~ Analyzed By: Dara P. Vongkhampha/Fernando Baguinguito Date of Extraction: 01/22/03 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL001~012203 I ":1 ' , , "'11 , -- I :1, I :1 :11 -1 I I, I, Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/Kg) Concentration Recovery Duplicate Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/Kg) Recovery (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Low High (%) Recovery " (%) , , TPH: Diesel -c- , 0.0 25.0 22.6 21.7 70% 130% 90.3% 86.8% 3.9% , , , EXPLANA nONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was'not found above the detectable limit for reporting pùrposes (DLR)~ mgIKg micrograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory environment, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike isgenerated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfatè or distilIed water). The laboratory conlrol sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. .- , ì I 1'-, .",f~f~tj rRESNO 1M OD mo/vl. SA LIA/BAKERS rtE LD I S All N AS TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: Diesel EPA METHOD 8015 MATRIX SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ~"\ , , Analyzed By: Dara P. VongkhamphalFernando Baguinguito Date of Extraction: 01/22/03 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL001.012203 Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis:01/22/03 Sample Matrix:Soil Sample:Sand Spike ID: WS-1819 I Constituent Matrix Sample Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Acceptable Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Relative Concentration Concentration Recovery Duplicate Percent Percent Duplicate Percent (ug/L) Level (ug/L) Recovery Recovery Recovery Percent Difference . (ug/L) (ug/L) Range (%) Recovery , (%) (%) (%) Low High TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 21.3 22.8 70% 130% 85.1% 91.1% 6.8% , , EXPLANA nONS: , , ND Non-Deteclable; Ihe target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). ug/L micrograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration uni~s. Matrix Sample: The matrix sample is the sample chosen for use in the matrix spike analyses. , Matrix Spike: A matrix spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into the sample noted above. The matrix spike sample is analyzed exactly like a regular sample, and its purpose is todetennine whether the sample matrix has a measurable effect on precise and accurate analyte detection and quantification. , .,~ I ,I 'p , , ."'~~!.~~ rRE$HO/IoIOOE$TO /V15.lUA/SAKER5nELO/SALlHAS EPA8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH-Gasoline) LABORATORYCONTROLS~KE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :01/23/03 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 01/23/03 Twining laboratories, Inc~ Batch ID Number: TL06012203 S Ik ID WS 1000 ¡PI e : - , , Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control. Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/kg) Concentration Recovery Spike " Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mg/kg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery , (mglkg) (%) , , , , MTBElBTEX Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0592 0.0633 80% 120% 94.7 101 6.69 Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 0.00 0.250 0.232 0.228 80%, 120% 92.8 91.2 1.74 Benzene 0.00 0.0500 0.0480 0.0510 80% 120% 96.0 102 6.06 Toluene 0.00 0.0500 0.0480 0.0520 80% 120% 96.0 104 8.00 Ethylbenzene , 0.00 0.0500 0.0510 0.0500 80% 120% 102 .- 100 1:98 Xylenes .. 0.00 0.150 0.149 0.152 80% 120% 99.3 101 1.99 TPH_Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0617 0.0628 80% 120% 98.7 100 1.77 TPH-Gasoline 0.00 2.50 2.46 2.48 80% 120% 98.2 99.3 l.05 EXPLANA nONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectâble limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mg/kg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to de,tennineifmethod analytes or other interferences are present in the laboràtory envirorunent, the reagents or equpiment. , Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. " ~. '~ ~ ,¡ " "'~'" ,,""'::,!;,-:::,:;"'~:,: '~'i:ê;,:;;}~;:;.-",\,'{::::/ .,;,\,~/~;',';. . '. ""::"!; .',. , . ,>;;;~,,:';:;';,:.~';;:;C~:~y::::>:~}/' I ' ' , ','..",.,' ", "é,,', " " """ _ . ',. " .. THE .:.\,~;.,. ..,. 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BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE o PUBUC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION 0 OTHER SAMPL~ INFORMATION: SAMPLE BY (PRINT NAME): SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE o REPEAT o miiER , SIGNATURE: o ROUTINE ANALYSIS , o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE SL ~ SoiVSolid ST- Storm Water WW - Waste Water BS .. Biosolids DW .. Drinking Water GW - Ground Water SF - Surface Water L A B U S E SAMPLE DATE TIME TYPE 1-(0-(.)3 11:'(0 So l L SAMPLE ID \ Tk - J -N- Q I '} rk.-I- rJ- t J .- /j:CflI 1;7K-2-111- '1 I 't\ rK- 2-111-" I 1'"'5 ,(( - ~ -N- 2 I lï 7~-~- AI- (, I ~ rK-t¡-Al- 2 I ~ ,/C- LI-¡/-. t ' ~ il/:l/t VI: rz. J2:ðJ 1/2:10 " /2..,,/ J2:2r COMMENTS: Ca-L'- J RELIþlÓJ4'SHED B t _ / 1~,p/1 I ß_ /"~J ~ ,~ ~ , COMPANY L-S ¡¿; , , ) ) REPORTS FOR: , COUN1Y: a FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE' O~ STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: SITE: . 'C - c. IE;. -h?rft1 h PROJECTlt. ~o y .('~ M~r PROJECT MANAGER: II "^" /ÝJ.4 /LTi ¡J ANALYSIS REQUESTED I I (lAB USE - BOTTlES) \ \ k)~,,-, \ ,..., \IV ~ 1/ .. )( , I \c' / I ,-.: .. " " '".' "", ,", /./()-û] / :tJ!) -ISo;' 'O:~O .-1 ~ ?''.l 0 , ,-. ~. ."0'- -.' ~ . ;.' ".- . ~ .'~ .' "",' ,. .',",-.- - . ~ .'., .' ..... ..~ " ' ¡} \ " , ..!~~~~~! ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY . ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING· SAMPLING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION & MATERIALS TESTING PROJECT COVER SHEET REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 ATTENTION CLIENT : February 4, 2003 : 703-0281.1-8 INVOICE# 70300281 ' : Mr. Bob Underwood 'B-C Enterprises 7,104 Elkhorn Street Bakersfield, CA 93313 Please find enclosed the analytical results of your samples. In accordance with your instructions, the sqmples were analyzed for the components specified. The Twining laboratories is accredited by the State of California Department of ' Health Services for the analysis of Drinking Water, Wastewater and Hazardous Waste under Certificate No. 1371. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the analyses or results. Thank you for allowing us to serve your analytical needs. elw 1 C Invoice - CSE ~rf Shankar Sharma sarkar, Ph.D. Director, Division of Chemistry Rev, ..1.... 09102 (COVER) , CORPORATE 25Zl Fresno Street Fi'esno, CA 93721-1004 (559) 268-7021 Fax 268-7126 MODESTO 42:30 Kiernan Ave,. 1#105 Modesto. CA 95256-9322 (209) 545-1050 Fax 545-1147 VISALlA 1 :x> North Kelsey St.. #H6 Visa/ia. CA 93291-9000 (559) 65H 280 Fax 651-8288 BAKERSFIELD 3701 Pegasus Drive. 1#124 Bakers1ieId. CA 93308-æ43 (661) 393-5088 Fax 393-4643 MONTEREY 501 Ortiz Awrue Sand City. CA 93955 (831) 392-1056 Fax 392-1059 SACRAMENTO 5675 f'QNer Inn Road. Suite C Sacramento. CA 95824 (916) 381-9477 Fax 381-9418 " '~,-, . "J"'¡ . REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED .-.. -'-',',--- . . .~:; -. p, ';"' ,,- 1 ,. : February 4, 2003 : 703- 0281.1 : 01/17/03 at 1000 by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler : CSE I B-C Enterprises , : E. Scott, B. Beckham : J. Ureno THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 1 of9 : 01/22/03 through 01/30/03 : 01/22/03 through01130/03 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil CLIENT SAMPLE ID : NW-1-2 CONSTITUENT *Atypical Gas Pattern repara Ion . uglL : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) repara Ion - ND: None D,etected RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND 5.0 8021 ND 0.5 8021 1,9 0,5 8021 1.6 0.5 8021 70 0.5 8021 650· 100 8015 1300 50 8015M DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Benzene Methyl tert-:-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Toluene . . .~. Ethylbenzene XyJenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range I " Rev,.1.. 5196 (BTEXWAT) "~ ..""~ . ~... - " "., ,. -- ~-·v, , , J:;' ~ I REPORT DATE . LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED " CLIENT, . ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY : February 4, 2003 : 703- 0281.2 : 01/17/03 at 1005 by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Whe~ler : CSE / B~C Enterprises : E. Scott, B. Beckham : J. Ureno ' THE TWINING LABORATORIES,INC. PAGE2of9 I I DATE PREPARED : 01/22/03 through 01/31/03 DATE ANALYZED . : 01/22/03 through 01/31/03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : NW-1-6 CONSTITUENT SAMPLE TYPE : Soil repara Ion - ND: None Deteded RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 , 8021 NO 0.005 . 8021 ND 0.005 8021 0,014 0.005 8021 1.2* 1 8015 67 10 8015M DLR: Detection Limit fO( Reporting purposes Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene' Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range repara Ion - uglL : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) * Atypical Gas Pattern Rev, ..1.... 5f96 (BTEXWAT) ii: 'ç. -,¡' I I REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED. DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANAL YZEO . . '-..- -. ~ '-;. '" ."'.'- ' " ; -'.,.' ~ 'I '-. ",.' " THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 50f9 : February 4,2003 , : 703-0281.5 . : 01117/03 at 1010 by Mark Magargee : 01117/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler : CSE / B-C Enterprises : E. SGott :J. Ureno : 01131/03' : 01/31/03 CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : SW-2-2 CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes repara Ion ·Atypical Gas Pattern Rev, 2- 5196 (BTEXSOI) SAMPLE TYPE : Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD ·1 (mg/kg) (mg/kg) 0.061 i 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 0.012 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO 0.005 8021 1.1* 1.0 8015 m g: I Igrams per I ogram ppm I ,I I I, I I " , I" I .., I' I I I ';J: Jó2, ,~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED ';. ., THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 6 of9 ' . : February 4, 2003 . : 703-0281.6 : 01/17/03 at 1015 by Mark Magargee :01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler ,CLIENT, : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises ANALYZED BY : E. Scott REVIEWED BY . : J. Ureno DATE PREPARED ': 01129/03 DATE ANALYZED ': 01/29/03 CLIENT SAMPLE ID ,: SW-2-6 CONSTITUENT SAMPLE TYPE : Soil RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ND .0.05 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 ND 0,005 8021 8015 Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl ¡::ther Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes repara Ion Rev, ..1.. 5196 (BTEXSOI) I' I ",.;-. ï '. . i:- ,:j REPORT DATE LÀBORATORY ID DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : February 4,2003 : 703- 0281.3 .~.. ¡'. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 3 of9 : 01/17/03 at 1020 by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at 1500 from GaryWheeler : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises : E. Scott, B. Beckham : J.Ureno : 01/22/03 through 01/30103 : 01/22/03 through 01/30103 CLIENT SAMPLE ID : NE-3-2 CONSTITUENT RESULTS (mg/kg) Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND Benzene ND ND 0.52 1;25 220* 2200 Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Rangè Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range repara Ion ~ uglL : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes *Atypical Gas Pattern Rev, ..1... 5196 (BTEXWA 1) SAMPLE TYPE : Soil DLR METHOD (mg/kg) 2.5 8021 0.25 8021 0.25 8021 0.25 8021 0.25 8021 50 8015 100 8015M --j", -- ,""':..'-- : .; , , , "" \ ~¡ &It !II REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY . REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED . DATE ANALYZED '-J, ','__' . i -".,.- ,- ",-.; ~"o' :'.. : ,' ,~ ", , , ,. '.1 " ' I I I I : February 4,2003 : 703- 0281.4 : 01/17/03 at1025by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler :CSE 1 S,:,C Enterprises : E. Scott, B. Beckham : J. Ureno ' : 01/22/03 through 01/31/03 : 01/22/03 through 01/31/03 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE40f9 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : NE-3-6 CONSTITUENT repara Ion - . uglL : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) repara Ion - NO: None Detected RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) .. NO 0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 ND 0.005 8021 NO 0,005 8021 .0.16 0.005 8021 NO 1 8015 . NO 10 8015M DLR: Detection Limit for Reporting purposes Benzene Methyl tert-Butyl,Ether (MTBE) Toluene Ethylbenzené Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Gasoline Range Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons- Diesel Range' Rev, ....L 5196 (BTEXWAT) ·t'" " .<2!> ~ REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT " ANALYZED BY REVIEWED BY DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED ,.' '-.'-', "..1'_ "i-,',-,.-:'-· , ' ": -',' . ~ ~ : February 4,2003 : 703-0281.7 : 01/17/03 at1030by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at.1500 from Gary Wheeler : CSE 1 B-C Enterprises , : E. Scott :J. Urena THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 7 of9 . : 01/29/03 through 01/30/03 : 01/29/03 through 01130103 SAMPLE TYPE : Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : SE-4-2 CONSTITUENT Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO ,12.5 8021 NO 1.25 8021 29 1.25 8021 9,6 1.25 8021 590 10 ·8021 8015 *Atypical Gas Pattern Rev, ..L 5196 (BTEXSOI) , ' - " ,.. . ;-. -' ~. '>" -, . .-;', .-.., " ' r ~ ~' REPORT DATE LABORATORY 10 : February 4, 2003 : 703-0281.8 , THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 8 of9 DATE SAMPLED ~ : 01/17/03 at 1035 by Mark Magargee DATE RECEIVED ': 01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler CLIENT: CSE I B-C Enterprises . ANALYZED BY : E. Scott REVIEWED BY :J. Ureno DATE PREPARED DATE ANALYZED : 01/31/03 : 01/31/03 SAMPLE TYPE -: Soil . CLIENT SAMPLE 10 : SE-4-6 CONSTITUENT repara Ion RESULTS DLR METHOD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO .0.05 8021 NO 0.005 8021 NO' 0.005 8021 ' NO 0.005 8021 0.091 0.005 8021 4.6* 1.0 8015 , 0 a e 0 eum y rocar ns Methyl tert-Butyl Ether Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes TPH- Gasoline Range , . *Atypical Gas Pattern Rev, ...L 5196 (BTEXSOI) I, I: . i ' I: ¡, " ,;;: ", l" - ".: '.',.-- , , " , , .' .~ . >': ~ §' '-== REPORT DATE' LABORATORY 10 DATE SAMPLED DATE RECEIVED CLIENT ANALYZED BY DATE PREPARED' DATE ANALYZED : Fèbruary 4, 2003 : 703-0281.5 :01/17/03 at 1010 by Mark Magargee : 01/17/03 at 1500 from Gary Wheeler : èSE / B-C Enterprises : C. Fammatre THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. PAGE 9 of 9 REVIEWED BY: J. Ureno, ': 01/30/03 : 01/30/03 SAMPLE TYPE: Soil CLIENT SAMPLE 10 :'SW-2-2 METHOD: EPA 8260 UNITS: ug/kg Constituent II Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) S o/c Results 62 R II DLR 1.0 R urroqates ecoverv 0 ecovery Limits Dibromofluoromethane 98.4 86-118 Toluene dB 91.5 88-110 Bromofluorobenzene 95.8 86-115 ugIL : miaograms per liter (parts per billion) uglKg : micrograms per Kilogram (parts per billion)' NO: None Detected DLR: Detection limit for Reporting purposes mglKg: Milligrams per kilogram ( ppm) Rev, ...i. 07/99 (B260) J.'I\:~ .~:~~~~II§ TOT, '- PETROLEUM HYDROCARBON: Diesel EPAMETHOD 8015 LABORATORY CONTROL SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT' Reviewed By: J. Ureno ' Date of Analysls:01122103 Sample Matrix:Soil Spike ID' WS-1819 .o.~ ·W!.:-'. ',' ""I " 1 fRESNO /~ ODEST 0 Iv I SALI A/BAKERS rI E LD / S "'LI U '" S ¡ Analyzed By: Dara P. VongkhamphalFernando Bagui~guito Date of Extraction: 01122103 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL001.012203 Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable ' Laboratory Laboratory Relative, Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Spike Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/Kg) Concentration , Recovery Duplicate Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mg/Kg) Recovery (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mg/Kg) (mg/Kg) Low 'High (%), Recovery (%) TPH: Diesel 0.0 25.0 22.6 21.7 70% 130% 90.3% 86.8% 3.9% " , , " - ; ! , , EXPLANA nONS: NO Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mglKg mic'rograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to detennine if method analytes or other interferences are present inthe laboratory environment, ,the reagents or equpiment. , Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. , , ! ~ .t'!fJ~!~~ ,RESNO /1.1 00 EST 0 /VI SALIA/BAKfRS f' I E LD / 5ALIIJAS , Analyzed By: Dara P. Vongkhampha/Fernando Baguinguito Date of Extraction: 01/22/03 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: TL001.012203 TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBOt·: Diesel EPA METHOD 8015 MATRIX SPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT ~ Constituent , Matrix Sample Matrix Spike Malrix Spike Matrix Spike Acceptable Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Relative Concentration Concentration Recovery Duplicate Percent Percent Duplicate Percent (ug/L) Level (ug/L) Recovery Recovery Recovery Percent Difference (ug/L) (ug/L) Range (%) Recovery (%) (%) (%) Low High TPH: Diesel " 0.0 ',' 25.0 21.3 22.8 70% 130% 85.1% 91.1% 6.8% , , ¡ , EXPLANA nONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). ug/L micrograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units. Matrix Sample: The matrix sample is the sample chosen for use in the matrix spike analyses. Matrix Spike: . A matrix spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into the sample noted above. The matrix spike sample is analyzed exactly like a regular sample, and its purpose is to determine whether the sample matrix has a measurable effect on precise and accurate analyte detection and quantification. Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis:01/22/03 Sample Matrix:Soil Sample:Sand Spike ID: WS-1819 Í1I. ."ª~l.~~ rjJ fRESHO/WOOESTO/VISAUA/BAKERSrtELO/SAlIHAS EPA METHOD 8260 MA TRIXSPIKE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: Joseph Ureno Date of Analysis: 01/30/2003 Sample Matrix: SOIL Sample: 70200166.3 Analyzed By: Chris Fammatre Date of Extraction: 01/30/2003 Twining Laboratories, Inc. Run ID Number: 011803 Spike ID: WS 134 , Constituent Matrix Sample Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Acceptable Matrix Spike Matrix Spike Relative Concentration Concentration Recovery Duplicate Percent Percent Duplicate Percent (mglKg) Level (mgIKg) Recovery Recovery Recovery , Percent Difference , (mglKg) (mglKg) . , Range (%) Recovery (%) , (%) (%) , l,l-Dichloroethene 0.000 50.0 47.3 46.0 " 70% 130% 94.6 92.0 2.79 Benzene 0.000 50.0 49.4 49.6 70% 130% 98.8 99.2 0.404 richloroethene 0.000 50.0 49.9 49.7 70% 130% 100 99.4 0.402 Toluene 0.000 50.0 47.0 ' 48.7 70% 130% 94.0 97.4 3.55 Chlorobenzene 0.000 50.0 49.2 52.0 70% 130% 98.4 104 5.53 Surrogate: Dibromofluonnethane 0.000 50.0 52.8 53.0 86% 118% .106 106 0.378 Surrogate: Toluene-dS 0.000 50.0 44.7 45.5 86% 110% 89.4 91.0 1.77 Surrogate: Bromofluourobenzene 0.000 50.0 44.8 44.6 86% 115% 89.6 89.2 0.447 EXPLANA nONS: ND Non-Detectable; the target ana!yte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). µgIL micrograms per liter, parts per billion (ppb) concentration units~ ' Matrix Sample: The matrix sample is the sample chosen for use in the matrix spike analyses. Matrix Spike: A matrix spike is generated by adding the tàrgel analyte(s) into the sample noted above. The matrix spike sample is ' analyzed exactly like a regular sample, and its purpose is to detennihe whether the sample matrix has a measurable , effect on precise and accurate analyte detection and quantification. , f' . 1 '1 .11 II II I j oj .~t~f.~fj EPA METHOD 8260 LABORATORYCONTROLS~KE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: Joseph Ureno Date of Analysis: 01/30/2003 Sample Matrix: SOIL FRESNO /WOD£STO/VI,SAUA/BAK£RSrI£LD/SAUNAS Analyzed By: Chris Fammatre Date of Extraction: 01/30/2003 Twining Laboratories, Inc. RuniC Number: 011803 5 Ik ID WS 134 I jpl e : Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory , Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mgIKg) Concentration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent Duplicate Difference Level (mglKg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mglKg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (mgIKg) (%) l,l-DichJoroethene , 0.00 50.0 45.1 48.3 70% 130% 90.2 96.6 6.85 Benzene 0.00 50.0 48.9 47.4 70% 130% 97.8 94.8 3.12 T'richloroethene 0.00 " 50.0 50.4 48.8 70% 130% 101 97.6 3.23 Toluene 0.00 50.0 46.4 46.0 70% 130% 92.8 92.0 0.866 Chlorobenzene 0.00 50.0 53.0 50.4 70% 130% 106 101 5.03 Surrogate: Dibromofluonnethane 0.00 50.0 57.3 52.0 86% 118% 115 104 9.70 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 0.00 50.0 49.4 45,5 86% 110% 98.8 91.0 8.22 Surrogate: Bromofluourobenzene . 0.00 50.0 49.4 44.5 86% 115% 98.8 89.0 10.4 , ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). µgfL micrograms per liter, parts per billion (Ppb) concentration units. Method Blank: The method blank is used to determine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory envirorunent, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water). The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detennine whethe the methodology is controlled and the laboratory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. , " , .I'. ..Jot, f/!j -,'I 1-: I I, .~~~f~t! rRtSHO/~ODtSTO /VISAUA/SAKtRSfl.LD/SAUNAS EPA 8021 (MTBE/BTEX) & EPA 8015M (TPH-Gasoline) LABORATORYCONTROLS~KE QUALITY CONTROL REPORT Reviewed By: J. Ureno Date of Analysis :01/28/03 Sample Matrix: SOIL Analyzed By: Eric Scott Date of Extraction: 01/28/03 Twining laboratories, Inc. Batch ID Number: TL06012803 SDlke ID: WS·1000 , Constituent Method Blank Laboratory Laboratory Laboratory Acceptable Laboratory Laboratory Relative Concentration Control Spike Control Spike Control Percent Control Spike Control Spike Percent (mg/kg) Concentration Recovery Spike Recovery Range Percent' Duplicate Difference Level (mg/kg) Duplicate (%) Recovery Percent (%) (mglkg) Recovery Low High (%) Recovery (mg/kg) (%) MTBFiBTEX Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0579 0.0615 80% 120% 92.6 98.4 6.03 Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether 0.00 0.250 0.233 0.228 80% 120% 93.2 91.2 2.17 Benzene 0.00 0.0500 0.0520 0.0520 80% 120% 104 104 0.00 Toluene 0.00 0.0500 0.0500 0.0490 80% 120% 100 98.0 2,02 Ethylbenzene 0.00 0.0500 0.0480 0.0510 80% 120% 96.0 102 6.06 Xylenes 0.00 0.150 0.156 0.152 80% 120% 104 101 2.60 TPH_Gasoline Surrogate (4-Bromofluorobenzene) 0.00 0.0625 0.0607 0.0638 80% 120% 97.1 102 4.98 TPH-Gasoline 0.00 2.50 2.27 2.34 80% 120% 90.7 93.6 3.21 EXPLANA nONS: , ND Non-Detectable; the target analyte was not found above the detectable limit for reporting purposes (DLR). mg/kg milligrams per kilogram, parts per million (ppm) concentration units, Method Blank: The method blank is used to determine if method analytes or other interferences are present in the laboratory envirorunent, the reagents or equpiment. Laboratory Control Spike: A laboratory control spike is generated by adding the target analyte(s) into a relatively inert matrix (sodium sulfate or distilled water), The laboratory control sample is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is todetennine whether the methodology is controlled and the laboralory is capable of making precise and accurate measurements. r ' '~ ~" , :1 'I J .' êj. :'11 i :Ii ',. 'I,' ,,'I ., '·11 " , '. " .¡ .'~' c "...'.. " : I . ',.-" .' ",' , ' .' '..~ ":..~, :...:; -. " ._:,H' THE " ,- " . __ ",' ;'" :, ,~, '" c""..', ___ ,','.. ,.-" .··r..,...·.,~·,;,u~,'~'CHAIN OF'CUSTO,DY/ANALYSIS~REQUEST, :,"~'ICOC# ,',.-" ,',', ,,' ',\~:J',' , .. .n.nu, , ' ' ,', ' .', " ,," ~; '"763 ðO~<¡)' ,,-tf.,~ ! LAB 0 RAT 0 R I E S. I,N C. 2527 FRESNO STREET. FRESNO, CA93721 . (559) 268~7021 FAX: (559)268-0740 SUBMITTER INFORMATION: ,"' i ,i',,;.,':;' I , , " REPORT TO: ' ¿~ .... ./~'-'~ .J .t=. . AD9~.!'SS: ~.-l_ .....;ð,..· c/'t!.; .ß e, . 1/7'1 'J!::. ç, ;-¡-<D.::/3"'L a.ut"1 ,r¡/;;.L4cA~?ð9 ATTE~~ L,,~ _ ~.,,... -r,r /.I'~FL //K. "eJ"t:1 PH (£61> '5~t;-~~6-¿V" , FAX (66/) 3:iÇ.... ~R'ùb / ;-::J.~~~~'~: "If'i' '<, ". ".:. ", . ,- ,SENDINVgs,ETO: '~ -J- ' ·s I~ESULTSRELEASEDTO:_ '" " '_" J,. I _-r.::.¿ ,n'-G c;,u¿Þ.r.or, eJ~ "1/'" 'I /~......,.. r..vUÍJ"'aolh I'f!,I,(V<Vj ADDRES7/ð <ji, f:./k 'L... . <7~' ~~?S:, ~ '.d".,j ~.,...:'K>' -- /bpJU-<-?;- .I/? CA ~f3 IÁ.,>//J4~ 'E ·5~:..,Jp~ /:Þ¿ , ~ '¿'¿" .#~..7J) c,/ '7:>50<7 ATTENTIO~ ¿ /' Þ 4 -e.¿,,- _ ..f) ATTENTI~ /J' ~<L/.~.ð ð PH ({,b/) Ž-03'-Ç/lf¥ PH<{£/»"G>-~^Kz FAXkb/) 66 >-7~Z' FAX~/)~~>_ .r;/Z6 T' OR P.O. ' I BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLE SOURCE , 0 PUBLIC SYSTEM o PRIVATE WELL , o SURFACE WATER o CONSTRUCTION 0 OTHER I I SAMPLE STATUS o ROUTINE o REPEAT o OTHER - , SAMPLE, INFORMATION: SAMPLE BY (P~,?;' /-<., ~r _ ,.. _ SIGNATURE: ~ 14J. ~ _.ç~~ '\ .sa: ROUTINE ANALÝSIS , f/ o RUSH ANALYSIS, RESULTS NEEDED BY: KEY FOR CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SAMPLE TYPE , ~~ .... ANALYSIS REQUESTED "òo/ Q~ ..r '-W ~ ~ , ~I . ~ ~ ~~,~ . ' ~ ~~, . if~~ ~yy X )( X )( X- xX \/1)( )( )( XiX 1tJJ(J \) 'Ÿ X' ,SL lX >< BS- Biosolids DW - Drinking Water GW - Ground Water SF - Surface Water SL - SoiVSolid ST - Storm Water WW - Waste Water , I',' 1. , '~ u S E I i I 1\ :=f- S' ~ I ' -:2. 4 1""1 L,- 1<; COMMENTS: SAMPLE ID /C/IA/-/- Z. ;'1/0/- 1-6 -;" lU- 'Z -- "Z. '5tU.....7..-- ~ ' A/I=.. -~-<- A/~-'3-C , S'~- tf-z- ~J::- t'f-b SAMPLE DATE. TIME TYPE 1/ f¡7~ ¡()dð ~/ , ... ¡{ IOr1t; Jt-- f(J/O , !.I'J~" '"ZO 10 '1.:7 ,:/ ,,/ n/"-;z, /,635 I, I - , , REPORTS f:OR: COUNTY: 0 FRESNO 0 KINGS 0 MADERA 0 MERCED 0 TULARE o STATE ÐEPT~ OF HEALTH SERVICES 0 OTHER: PROJECT: ! I I ./t'et~~ 00 ~J-JR.~ PROJECT It: SITE: PROJECT MANAGER: , r; M ' ~.r"---rr:U "~j"' ~ ~ \ I' '\ I /5L- 1/ / , I I (lAB USE· BOTTLES) I ..p. \..0\ , CoÆ£·-'~ ~~CJ,~- l..,rf"~ /?:JrÞ.J=. / RELINQUISHED BY COMPANY -'- ~~ J '_' ~ ',£". .L2 ¿ '\ Æ"PP. ./ -, /A.-9< . ~ - - -- ,¿.) ¿.. s<7 hfT 'V /,// JAN 1 7 lUUJ , DATE TIME REC~VED BY COMPANY .'-/7'O't 12'Uð .ð~.I' ..tAl /4u;;~/ 'i_17 '~~O"ð "'~. , ,. to . , ':>0< ,~" ~..'O .~ , ATTACHMENT 4. , ' NON~RCRA HAZARDOUS'WASTE MAN'IFÊST ',' :.'" -? 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Phon.:·....,4~~·';, C., Bro~er 'nfo~'tIqÌ\ " ~..;.~¡.. .. ~,:;.;.:.;. .......... ,...~-:'~"I~,:>.' f:'!'l\t....ct: 7-/;J7¿ .. C (c()..i^ ï.....· 7 . . Phone: ' ~ ' Fax: 1,,,'- .ß,..r1~1 ATl'ACB. AN . 1dSDS aDd A,NALY'l1CAL TB.AT BAS aUN I'ERPODOD I Q/IJlt: Qtk ~~Cil71".. LmD. ~rl~'" I!. .I/5J!S I 0' (.,); f..... "œe I) IJqÞUI , Møhi-la1C .'eIi, No IXIl'laøe ' 1 T fa' q.lCIL) ¡- 'I T..... n.a jQfUILB. X' M.Dd ~ld Bl4.ayeret 'x Ya' /U'ICDk geJr-hll. .... . '. sa-¡ SaUd X' Sbt¡ie ~,':ftd 100 0A. }I.arlmø SJlftr .' , £JpIt Pøml 14O-%W i' /)Ðftft Cadmfullll Copper ) <'70-1 fX' ~100~ II '" . LbSlG ·1 Cbtomi- 1GdœI' '7ð-10001 Noli1- LbsJII Lead :zøc. lÔl-~ i" bad ).21 G .viry Men:u1'1 c,uwø t)hJranai F. Phvslcall Chomlc:al Composition G. Shipping Imtormatton - - J<. \ ".:..~ . ,~. -.,.. <2 £4.\~, T7-6~ Proper Shipping Information: ~ 2..4 (.~G. <; c t ~ ""e._ I % ÂJ ott· Hú. '1.-l\,( ¿ C ~'5 ~5f:-e L '\7- u \t .. ð .' - -4>'1.10 'dO ~ HêUrd uN/NAt , \ .' I..s: .. '... -.'-" . 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A''''\ . j~r: 'j '42 . - ,:) .:.,." .. ";'.- ¡ I~ ¡,¡,;,-rt ~~¡n;; ~ Httr;l', I L:" .. PlJKf~t \,Þ''1t:. 'nct<FT n 01,"OJl):~ HI·," .,~ t 8· ":~H ~. ;. ..; :1 . ·.·jh. :' )~7\'-. t.:.dl'nt:l VtM1ócJt I C:' Vel~R8t ,VcOQIr.IO:BIIU ~'I~~'''f;, ~A fll t-'IH<f .. \...... ......,.-.' .~. I;;! II! Ht-'t...;! '-,~ '. "¡,.),, "., ,It : !: ' ..' ü.i ·1·~~:.1 '00 ..~.I~ ¡;¡:¡~l1[; -"::"·1' ;'11 : '..fil: ilMOUNt ....-........ ..-.... ~ ~'\...1r:· ". H:~'·:· '1 I ":' ,.', \ ,¡), . UteL..I), '11·.lH hll:,' '-~""" . r: ;:~' . 'j' l' "\11.' '. \~', /'I'!~ I II .'1 J ,.:J,"Jti . : " ,(\; ~¡11 OIÌ 'r IT ~J t)II ! \j I ;¿O:t20 . ·-45 Oú IOTAl !_'-,..~- -~~~ ~ . '001 ORIGINAL x -/; I' OEPU WI¡ IG'iMA'S11:R . -- . . Bill OF SAlë'lwaiTãol \I1atl 301 !n~ÙNmer 101 Q'N118r'S r8pl'eset1tativ.) 01 the materlsl oeãcrlbed hereon and have "'0 "9ht,t~~, thaI il c~tains no nalardous matenal as dêr.n~ by Fedel'Jl or State law and that 101 payment herðOy receIVed sell and convey. "lia to GOLDEN STATE METALS, x ': ! I I . '= . ---. - 'I <I ~. I CONTINUED (See 2nd File) / .' , . ,I, . ,I 1 1 " '. ,,'- '¡ , I , FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 °Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 / . . March 23, 1999 Yi Pan Regional Water Quality Control Board 2614 East Ashlan Avenue Fresno, CA 93726 RE: MTBE Dear Ms. Pan: Site assessment results from the Ready Go Market site located at 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield Ca., yield MTBE concentrations 0.13 mg/kg. The remainder of the test results are below levels, and in locations, that we would normally require any further action. I have enclosed the leak detection report, including this assessment for your review. Per LG letter 153, any closure involving MTBE must be reported to the Regional Water Quality Control Board prior to closure. I am requesting concurrence that this site can be closed with no further action required. Please notify me at your earliest convenience, on your concurrence, or reasons to require further action. REH/dm enclosure cc: S. Underwood Chhuy Chao ~~y~ ~ W~ ~eve ~OPß §"kz, .A W~" , - . ..-~ -- ,.,1· - ~..:-'" 'r ~ - .. ---- _. -. - - . - , , I-=-' I I ¡, I~ -- -- . , -- , -- . - - . - - ~ .-- - .- - .- . -- . - - .-. . -" - - . . ., -- - ._. - . ~ - . . - " - -~- -. -- - . -.. - - , .Öì~~'. - ~.................... ------...... ' HOL~IN,FAHAN&ASJ:>èIATÊs:~INd~ ENVIRO'NMENTAL MÄNÅGEMENT,CQt~§Ùj~TANTS· -- -. - ----- - ,- , -, -- , --.... - - .-.- -- -- - -~- ';'Fel?ruary29,l9P9 . , -- - - . ".- - - '. -- -' - -- - _. ~ ." _ _0 -":~. .. . , -- , , ,- :- - ". . _ 4 ~.. _ " . -- ' - Fit r¡.~. ·~1~5' - - , . 3 ~q 9 --·'(!)Iif·r:·' · Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart Inc-. " - = 500 Norrls'Road: ,- . ~ Bakersfield;éqlifornla 93308 --~_. - - .. - - , Subject:· . -LEAK ,DETECTION INVESTIGATION REPORT FOR THE READY GO MARKET .: :36.?QWllSON ROAD, BAKERSFI~LD, CAlIFQRNIA --. . --- Dear Mr. ÇhQo:--··: "'=~.'. '. -- .. Holguin, Fahan.·~:~Assodates, -Inc. (HFA) Is pleased to present the following Leak Detection Investigation (tDI) Report for the above:'rèferencedsite. The drilling and soli sdmpling activities -werecondütted to assess whether the operation :of the gasoline ·and diesel storage Önd . - - - dispensing system 'resulted In-the release of gasoline and diesel hydrocarbons to·th~·~Oil pf 'th~- , above-referenced site.' The LDI was performed In association with proposed=~šale of the', propertý by Stuarts' Petroleum Company to CM Mart, Inc. · - SITE DESCRIPTION -- The. sUbject;,_site- Is located at 362Ö Wilson R09~: Bakersfield, Kern County,· California · (see; Figure ] ::'Slt~ LO,cation Map). The site Is atan~levatlón of approxlmat~ly _ 300 feet above MSL, ,and th~' topography Is relatively flat ~. a slight -slope to the- south-southwest. . . -. - - - - . . Theproper:ty is l()c(Jted within the southeastern quarter of the northeastern quarter of Section 11, . Township ,30 South. Range 27 East. MDBM. The ;site Is located at the northeastern ·corner of the -'Intersection . of ..WilsOn and Real roads In the city of Bakersfield. The site Is an operating, Mobil-brand gasoline seNlce station with a car wash and convenience store. Located at the site are three, lb.OQO-gallol) gasoline USTs. on~ a,OOO-gallon diesel UST, four gasoline multiple produét dlspens~rs, (¥P[)~) on two dispenser Islands, two diesel single product dispensers (SPDs) onthe·tW6djsþense.rlslands. product lines', and vapor lines (see Figure 2--: Plot Plan). -- , " The proper:tY pwner Is Stùarts' Petroleum çompany... The owner contact is Mr. John Stuart, Jr.; 11 East 41h:Stre~t. BakersfÎeld, Cålifornla¡ 93'2fJ7, (8b5) 325-6320. The consultant' contacJ Is Mr. MarkR. Magargee,' ~H9Iguln., F6han & Associates, Inc., 2820 Pegasus Drive; Suite 1,_ " Bakersfi~lcf. Caltfornla: 93308, (661) 391.-051'7. . , ".. . - - . - . - . '~_'f'J'-v I R·q:N~K?!·E N:T A L:-::-.·_S C I E N T I' S T S · G EO LOG-I S T S -.- E~N,"7"G I'N~E'~ R-·S-,- . CQIHaminateçl Site Assessments' Phase I Audits· Site 'Remediation . Hazardous Waste lVia'nagemenJ_ , :1 I cl - ,. - . --- - . . , 14'3 South Figuer.9á~Street . . Ve,ntura, California-93001 (805)'652-02 I 9 , (805)'652-0793 FAX' ' , '. Internet: firsUast@hfa,çom "i6570 Aston Street - ,Irvine, California 92606. ' (949) ,442-6665 c . (949) 724-0446 FAX . Internet: first last@hfa,com- 2820 Pegasus Drive, Suite I Bakersfieid, Califo.rnia 93308 '(805) 391·0517 : (805),391-0826 FAX Internet first iast@hfa com . 300(South 35th Streè( Suite C-lI Plloenix,:"ArizÓ!lá 85Q3¢' -' (800)'789-021'9, .-(602) 426- 1 000 (<302) 4?6-0113 FAXc ,:'~. :.._ Intern~f firstJast@ph,hfâ,com ' '- -- ' --------- -- .. W;.. ~I =-~ I HOLGUIr-..' .-..-. .-. F AHAN ....~-.- &ASS()CIATES,INC. 4t Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart. Inc. February 26.1999 - Page 2 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS SITE BACKGROUND GEOLOGY The site is located at an elevation of approximately 300 feet above MSL. and the topography slopes slightly to the south-southwest (see Figure 1). The site Is located In the southern portion of the Great Valley geomorphic province. The Great Valley Is a north-south-trendlng valley approximately 400 miles long by 50 miles wide. the southern portion of which Is referred to as the San Joaquin Valley. The surface of the San Joaquin Valley Is underlain by unconsolidated. Quaternary alluvial sediments. The alluvial sediments are underlain by older. predominantly lake bed deposits. These deposits lie unconformably on Miocene-Pliocene marine sediments, which extend to a crystalline basement at a depth of approximately 3O,CXX) fbg (California Division of Mines and Geology. 1965, Geologic Map of California, Bakersfield Sheet). The Quaternary deposits form a homo cline dipping gently to the north-northwest. The alluvium consists of silty sands and fine-grained to coarse-grained sands. with Intervals of finer grained sandy slits and clay. The deposits are alluvium consisting of poorly Indurated and dissected fan and lake bottom deposits. Surface solis are classified by the Solis Conservation Services as Klmberlina - Urban Land - Cajon Complex and are characterized as 35 percent Kimberlina fine, sandy loam with moderate permeability; 30 percent Urban land with Impervious surfaces and altered fills; and 20 percent Cajon loamy sand with high permeability. HYDROGEOLOGY Surface water and groundwater In the San Joaquin Valley are derived predominantly from the Sierra Nevada to the east and are transported by five major rivers. the southernmost being the Kern River. The subject site Is located approximately 3 miles south of the Kern River. The depth to the regional unconfined aquifer Is estimated fo be in excess of 100 fbg at the site, and the groundwater gradient is anticipated to be to the south-southwest, toward the ancient Kern Lake bed (Kern County Water Agency (KCWA), 1998, 1997 Report on Water Conditions. Improvement District No.4. February 1.1998). Perched groundwater at depths as shallow as 20 feet Is known to be present 2 miles to the east of the site, along the abandoned course of the Kern River, but is not known to extend to the site (KCWA, 1998. 1995 Water Supply Report, January 1998). ¡: "I =~ I HOLGUII\.' .-. .-.. .-. F AHAN ,....--..... & ASSOCIATES, INC. . Mr. ChhuyChao CM Mart, Inc. February 26,1999 - Page 3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULT ANTS SITE EVALUATION METHODS In order to conduct an LDI. four soli borings (B-1 through B-4) were drilled using a hollow-stem auger drill rig around the periphery of the UST cluster to a depth of 2) fbg, and four soli borings (B-5 through B-8) were hand augered adjacent to each fuel dispenser to a depth of 5 fbg (see Figure 2 for the soli boring locations). Because field screening Indicated hydrocarbon concentrations in the soli samples colleCted from a depth of 5 fbg in soil borings B-5 and B-7, these soil borings were hand augered to a depth of 10 fbg. Because field screening indicated hydrocarbon concentrations In the soli sample collected from a depth of 10 fbg, soil boring B-5 was drilled to a depth of 30 fbg using a hollow-stem auger drill rig. SOIL INVESTIGATION AND.SAMPLlNG RESULTS Prior to conducting the current assessment, underground utilities such as water, electricity, and sewer were mapped by Underground Service Alert of Northern California. HFA performed the drilling and sampling of soli borings B-1 through B-4 on January 22, 1999, using a hollow-stem auger drill rig operated by Melton Drilling Company of Bakersfield, California, and on January 25, 1999, HFA hand augered soli borings 8-5 through B-8 to a depth of 5 fbg. On January 26, 1999, HFA returned to the' site and hand augered soli borings B-5 and B-7 to a depth of 10 fbg. On January 27, 1999, HFA returned to the site and drilled soil boring B-5 to a depth of 3) fbg, using a hollow-stem auger drill rig operated by Melton Drilling Company. Solis encountered during drilling included slit to well-graded sand and minor Intervals of slit (see Attachment 1 for the logs of exploratory borings and Attachment 2 for the soil boring and sampling procedures). Groundwater was not encountered during drilling. Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals, and the soil samples collected from a depth of 20 fbg in soli borings B-1 through B-4; a depth of 5 fbg In soli borings B-6 and B-8; depths of 5, 10, 15, 25, and 20 fbg in soil boring B-5; and depths of 5 and 10 fbg In soli boring B-7 were submitted to HFA Environmental Laboratories, a California state-certified laboratory, for analysis. The 13 soil samples were analyzed for TPH as gasoline using EPA Method 8015 (M) and BTEX and MTBE using EPA Method 8û2O. In addition, the seven soli samples collected from the soli borings advanced adjacent to the diesel UST and dispensers were analyzed for TPH as diesel using EPA Method 8015 (M) (see Table 1 - Summary of Soli Sample Analytical Results and Attachment 3 for the laboratory reports). Adsorbed-phase TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX, and MTBE concentrations were not detected In the soli samples collected from soli borings B-1 through B-4, advanced around the periphery of the UST, and soli borings B-5 through B-8, advanced adjacent to the MPDs, with the exception of adsorbed-phase TPH as gasoline, TPH as diesel, BTEX. and MTBE concentrations .i) "I ~ I HOLGUI~ ..-. .-.. .-. F AHAN -..---..... &A.SS<XIATES,INC. - Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart, Inc. February 26, 1999 - Page 4 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS detected in the soil sample collected from a depth of 5 fbg In soli boring B-5, advanced adjacent to the northern MPD on the western dispenser Island (see Figure, 2, Table 1, and Attachment 3). CONCLUSIONS 1. Adsorbed-phase gasoline and diesel hydrocarbon concentrations were detected In only one of the eight soil borings drilled by drilled byHFA at the site. 2. The vertical limit of adsorbed-phase gasoline and diesel hydrocarbon concentrations has been delineated in the area of the northern MPD on the western dispenser Island. 3. Based on the findings of this soli assessment, the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental SeNices Division (BFDESD) will likely not require any additional soli Investigation activities and will likely consider the site for closure. Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc., trusts that you will find this Leak Detection Investigation Report to your satisfaction. If you have any questions or require additional Information, please contact Mr. Mark Magargee at (661) 391-0517 or at e-mail address Mark_Magargee@bk.hfa.com. Respectfully submitted, ~;?e/~ Mark R. Magargee, CHG, RG Senior Hydrogeologist Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc. MRM:rri Enclosures: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Plot Plan Table 1 - Summary of Soli Sample Analytical Results Attachment 1 - Logs of Exploratory Borings Attachment 2 - Soil Boring and Sampling Procedures Attachment 3 - Laboratory Reports cc: Mr. Howard W Wines, III, BFDESD Mr. John Stuart, Jr., Stuarts"Petroleum Company 'II 'I ~!:_I HOLGUI~ .-..-. .-. F AHAN -..-.-...... &ASSOCIATES,INC. e Mr, Chhuy Chao CM Mart, Inc. February 26, 1999 - Page 5 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ... '" ':"1"1 Wible OrctJrd LEGEND ~\') CM MART, INC. o I >-t 0,5 ~ l------4 ~ 1 MILE ~ 5,000 FEET I + If\~ 0,5 1----1 ~ 1 KILOMETER 1--1 , READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP o 1,000 I:::::l .-1 ~ o L-l=:! 1--1 2,000 I 3,000 4,000 I I USGS GOSFORD 7,5 MINUTE SERIES QUADRANGLE HOLGUIN, FAHAN &: ASSOCIATES, INC. ·) 'I ~'!:._I HOLGUl~ .-...-.. .-. F AHAN -..-.--- & ASSOCIATES. INC. . Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart, Inc. February 26, 1999 - Page 6 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS 10,OOO-GALLON GASOLINE USTs a,OOO-GALLON B-1 DIESEL UST t- U\J] I I () « o a: a.. a.. « B-2Ä Ä8-3 STORE ÄB-4 CAR WASH ~ B-5 ....I « Æ 0 ëñ 0 ex: 0 II: -! ex: w II: I () « 0 a: a.. a.. « ÄB-6 CANOPY ÄB-a DISPENSER ISLANDS APPROACH SIDEWALK APPROACH WILSON ROAD SCALE IN FEET o 15 I 30 LEGEND CM MART, INC. READY GO MART 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 2 . PLOT PLAN Ä SOIL BORING HOLGUIN, FAHAN &: ASSOCIATES, INC. .. " ~--: I HOLGUI~ .-..-. .-. F AHAN -.-..-..... & ASSOCIATES, INC. e Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart, lnc. February 26,1999 - Page 7 ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULT ANTS TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE ANALYTICAL RESULTS READY GO MARKET, BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE OATE SAMPLE TPH AS TPH AS ETHYL- TOTAL SOURCE SAMPLEO DEPTH ID GASOLINE DIESEL 8ENZENE TOLUENE 8ENZENE XYLENES MT8E REF (fbg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) EPAANAL YTICAL METHOO 8015 (M) 8020 N/A REPORTING LIMIT VARIES-SEE LA80RATORY REPORTS N/A 8-1 1-22-99 20 8-1-20' NO -- NO NO NO NO NO A 8-2 1-22-99 20 8-2-20' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 8-3 1-22-99 20 8-3-20' NO -- NO NO NO ND NO A 8-4 1-22-99 20 8-4-20' NO - NO 'NO NO NO ND A 8-5 1-25-99 5 8-5-5' 730 850 NO 0.16 0.25 27 0.13 A 1-26-99 10 8-5-10 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 15 8-5-15 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 25 8-5-25 NO· NO NO NO NO NO NO A 1-27-99 30 8-5-30 NO ND ND ND NO, ND ND A 8-6 1-25-99 5 8-6-5' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO A 8-7 1-25-99 5 8-7-5' NO - NO NO NO NO NO A 1-26-99 10 8-7-10 NO -- NO NO NO NO ND A 8-8 1-25-99 5 8-8-5' NO -- NO NO NO NO NO A REF = Report reference. N/A = Not applicable. NO = Not detected. -- = Not analyzed. A = Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc.'s, current report. < " "I !.:-:.I HOLGUI~ .-.. .-.. .-. F AI-lAN -..-..-..... &ASSOCIATES,INC. e ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 1. LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. COMPLETION DETAIL a:(/) ~wm~~ -! PROJECT: Read GoMa Ww 0> (/) VADOSE WELL a.J: « J: (/)() _E () SPARGE WELL > I-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California 3:z a. a. (/) X BORING a: a. 0> .f!, ::> w w@. 0- I- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION -!<D CASING: N/A ~ aJ SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sand/fines.gradation/plastlclty, color, angularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain 0 2" of as halt '" '" " '" " '" ,. 0 " " .... " " ... SM '" '" '" '" '" ,. '" concrete, debris and backfill " ... " " " " ,. '" '" '" '" '" '" ... " \. ... \. ... no sample retained '" , '" '" '" '" " ... ... ... \. ... ... ,. '" '" '" '" '" '" .... ... ... ... ... ... ,. '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" ,. ,. ,. '" ... \. .... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" ,. '" '" ... " ... ... ... ... " '" '" '" '" '" '" 5 ... " \. " \. , '" '" '" '" '" ,. '" 5 " \. ... ,- ... , '" ,. '" '" '" '" '" " " ... ... " ... '" ¿I",,,, ,. '" '" ... ... ... ... .... , '" '" '" '" '" '" ,. ... ... ... ... '" , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" ,. '" '" '" ... ... .... " ... , '" ,. '" '" ,. '" '" ... ... ... " ... , '" / '" '" '" '" '" ... " ... " " , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... " ... ... ... ... 10 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 10 ... ... ... " ... ... SAND: 0/90/10, well graded, light tan, subangular, 4,4,6 0 SW '" ,. '" '" '" '" '" """ '" , '" '" '" ,. '" loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain ... ... ... " ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... .... ... ... ... '" ,. '" '" '" '" '" ... " " ... " ... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... .... ... .... , '" '" '" '" '" ,. '" ... ... .... " .... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... .... .... .... " ... '" '" '" ,. " '" '" .... .... .... ... ... ... '" '" '" ,. '" '" '" 15 ..."", 15 ,. '" '" ,. '" '" '" SILT: 0/5/95, low plasticity, brown, dense, soft, moist, 3,4,5 0 ML ""..., '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... .... .... , , no odor, no stain ' , , , / , , , , , , , , / / / / / / / , , , , , , / , , , , , , , , , , , , /////// """ , / , / / , , """ / / / / / / / , , , , , , , / / , , , , , , , , , , 20 458 0 SP , , , , , , , 20 SIL TV SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, ' , , , , , sub an ular, dense, stiff, d , no odor, no stain DRILLING METHOD: Mobile 8-53 8"-OD hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5't-diameter, California-modified s TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered ~ HOLGUIN, __ -- __ FAHAN & .... ................ ASSOCIATES~ INC. 25 25 30 30 35 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING B-1 Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc.' COMPLETION DETAIL D:en ~ WElL PO'NT ..J PROJECT: Read oMa Ww 0> en VADOSE WELL a.:r: « :r: cnü _E ü SPARGE WEll > I-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California 3:z a. a. en X BORING D: a.CI .9: ::> w w@. 0- I- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ..JeD CASING: N/A ~ ro SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain 0 , " "' 0" '" '" ,¡1 0 SILTY SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, brown, SM ... .... ... ... ... ... ,. '" ,. ~ '" ,. '" ... ... ... ... ... ... subangular, soft, loose, moist, no odor, no stain '" '" " "' '" " ,. ... ... .... ... ... ... ¡I " " '" ,. ,¡1 " ... ... ... ... ... ... ,. " " ,. " ,. ,¡1 ... ... ... ... ... ... " '" '" '" " ,. " ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" 0" '" .... ... ... ... ... .... '" '" '" '" '" " '" ... ... ... ... .... ... '" '" " / '" '" " 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" " , " '" 5 1/12,1/6 ... ... ... ... ... ... 0 '" '" '" '" '" '" " ... ... ... ... ... ... " , '" '" '" " '" ... ... ... .... .... ... " '" '" '" '" '" ,. ... ... ... ... ... " '" '" '" " '" " '" " ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" " " '" " '" ... ... .... .... .... ... '" '" '" '" " '" ,. ... ... " ... ... ... " '" " '" " '" '" ... .... ... ... ... ... 10 '" '" '" '" , '" '" 10 ... ... ... .... ... ... '" ,. '" '" ,. '" '" SAND: 0/85/15, well graded, tan, loose, stiff, moist, 2,3,4 ° SW ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" / '" '" '" no odor, no stain ... ... ... ... ... ... ,. '" '" '" " '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" ,. '" '" ,. " ... ... ... ... ... '" '" " '" '" ,. ,. .... ... ... ... .... ... '" '" ,. '" '" '" '" " ... ... " " ... ,. '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... " ... ... .... '" '" '" ,. '" '" ,. ... ... ... ... " ... '" ,. '" '" '" '" ,. 15 ... ... ... ... ... ... 15 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" CLAYEY SILT: 0/0/100, medium plasticity, brown, 3,9,10 ° ML ... ... ... " ... ... '" '" ,. '" '" ,. ,. ... , , , , , dense, soft, moist, no odor, no stain " " " " " " " , , ... , ... ... " " " " " " " ... ... ... , , , " " " " " " " , , , , , , , " " " , " , , , , , , , , " " " " " " , , , , , , , , " " , , , , , , , , " , , , " , , , " " " " " " 20 447 0 SW ' , , , , , , 20 SAND: 0/90/10, well graded, tan, loose, stiff, ' , , , , " d no odor no stain ........ ....-..... .......... .... ...... .... .... 25 25 30 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile 8-53 8"-OD hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified s TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na ~ :HOLGUIN , FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. B-2 LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING Page 1 of 1 " SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. , COMPLETION DETAIL cr:(J) ~ WEll. POINT ...J PROJECT: Read G Mart Ww Q> (J) VADOSE WELL Q..J: « J: (J)u _E U SPARGE WELL > I-ê) LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California :;z Q..a. (J) X BORING cr: Q..,e ..9: => w w~ 0- CASING: N/A I- Q DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ...Jeo ?; CD SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, ana,Ularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, 0 or', stain 0 " " " " '" '" " 0 SAND: 0/85/15, well graded, brown, soft, loose, moist, SW .... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" , '" " ... ... ... ... ... , no odor, no stain ,. " , '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... " , '" " " " '" '" " ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" '" '" '" " '" ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" " " " " '" ... " ... ... ... , '" " '" '" '" " " ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" " " '" '" ... ... ... ... " , '" '" " " '" " '" 5 ... ... ... .... .... , '" '" '" " '" " '" 5 ... ... ... " ... ... 4,5,5 0 " '" '" '" " '" ,¡1 ... ... ... " ... ... " " '" " , ,¡1 ,¡1 ... ... ... ... ... ... " ,¡1 ,¡1 , ,¡1 '" " ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" ,¡1 '" '" '" '" ... ... " ... ... " ,¡1 , ,¡1 '" '" " '" ... " ... ... ... , '" ,¡1 '" , ,¡1 ,¡1 '" ... ... ... ... ... , " " " , " " " ... ... ... ... ... ... " , ,¡1 " " ,¡1 " ... ... ... ... ... , 10 " '" " " '" " .¡1 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... 2,3,3 0 " '" .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 ... ... ... ... ... ... .¡1 " .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 ... ... ... ... ... , .¡1 ,¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 ... ... ... ... ... ... .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .... ... ... ... ... ... .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 ... ... ... .... ... , .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 " .¡1 ... ... ... ... " , .¡1 .¡1 " .¡1 " .¡1 .¡1 ... ... ... ... ... " .¡1 , .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 " ... ... ... ... ... " .¡1 " " " .¡1 , 15 ... ... ... " ... , 15 " " .¡1 .¡1 .¡1 " " 6,8,12 0 ... ... ... ... ... , .¡1 " .¡1 .¡1 " " " ... ... ... ... ... , , .¡1 " , .¡1 " .¡1 ... ... ... ... ... , " .¡1 " J' .¡1 " .¡1 ... , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , , , , , , I' I' I' I' I' I' I' , , , , , , 20 SM ' ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ 20 SIL TY SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, 51011 0 ' , , , , , loose soft moist no odor no stain 30 30 25 25 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile B-53 8"-00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified s lit soon TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 22 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Drillin Com na ~ HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ........ ....-...... ........... ...,..",. ....... ...,..",. ..... LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING B-3 Page 1 of 1 ,~ ,L COMPLETION DETAIL SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc: a:UJ ~ WRL ~w ...J PROJECT: Readv Go Mart Ww 0> C/) VADOSE WELL c( J: Q.,J: Ü SPARGE WELL > UJü _E I-~ Q.,O- UJ X BORING a: Q.,O> LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California :::z .e, :J W w@. 0- I- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ...JeD CASING: N/A ?; II) SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sand/flnes, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain - 0 ~ , ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ 0 SIL TY SAND: 0/80/20, brown, soft, loose, moist, no SM ... ... .... ... .... " - " '" '" '" , , " ... ... " ... '" ... - odor, no stain "' " '" '" , '" '" ... .... .... ... .... ... - '" '" '" '" '" ,¡1 ,¡1 - ... .... ... .... .... ... '" ,¡1 ,¡1 '" '" '" ,¡1 ... ... ... ... .... ... - " ,¡1 " ,¡1 '" , , - .... ... "- ... ... "'- , , " '" ,¡1 , ,¡1 - .... .... ... .... ... , , '" , ,¡1 , '" , - ... .... ... ... .... .... " '" '" " ,¡1 ,¡1 ,. · - 5 .... ... ... ... ... ... 0 ,¡1 " , ,. , , , - 5 1,1,1 ... ... ... ... ... ... " ,. '" ,¡1 ,. , , - ... ... ... " ... ... - ,¡1 ,¡1 '" ,¡1 '" '" ,¡1 ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" ,¡1 '" ,¡1 ,¡1 '" - ... ... ... " ... ... - ,¡1 " '" " '" '" ,. ... ... ... ... ... "- '" '" " '" ,¡1 '" , - ... ... ... ... ... , - '" , '" '" '" " '" ... ... ... ... ... ... - " '" '" '" '" '" JI - ... " " ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... " ... ... , · - 10 " '" '" '" '" '" '" -10 ... ... ... ... ... ... FINE SAND: 0/80/20, tan, loose, soft, moist, no odor, 2,4,4 0 SM '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... .... ... ... ... , - '" ,¡1 '" '" '" '" '" - ,-,... ... ... " no stain '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , - '" '" '" '" '" '" '" - ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" '" , r- ... ... ... ... ... ... - '" '" '" '" '" '" '" " ... ... ... ... ... '" , '" " '" '" " "'- ... ... ... ... ... , - '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" · r- 15 ... ... ... ... ... , ~ 15 '" '" '" '" '" '" '" SAND: 0/90/10, tan, subangular, loose, stiff, dry, 4,12,18 0 SW ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" r- ... ... ... ... ... , "'- no odor, no stain o' o' o' o' o' o' o' , , , , , , r- o' o' o' o' o' o' o' , , , , , , "'- o' o' o' o' o' o' o' , , , , , , - o' o' o' o' o' o' o' "'- , , , , , , o' o' '" , o' o' o' , , , , , , - , , o' o' , o' '" r- , , , , , , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" , , , , , , · - 20 1011.12 0 SP , / / / , / , "'- 20 r\ FINE SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, ' , , , , , - loose soft, moist no odor. no stain / r- - r- - "'- - r- - 25 r- 25 - - - - - - - - - 30 - 30 - - - - r- - r- - r- 35 - 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile 8-53 8"-00 hollow-stem auaer DATE DRILLED: Januarv 22 1999 SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified split spoon LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 20 fba APPROVED BY: M. MaQarQee, RG #4892 DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered DRILLED BY: Melton Drillina Compnav -.- HOLGUIN, 8-4 ........ ....-..... ........... FAHAN & LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING ....... ....... ....... ..... ASSOCIATES, INC. Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. COMPLETION DETAIL a:(/) ~ weLL POINT ...J PROJECT: Read Go ~w 0> (/) VADOSE WELL c( I (/)I _E ° SPARGE WELL > r-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California ::0 0..0. (/) X BORING a: o..,e O~ ..9: => w w~ CASING: N/A r- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ...JIO ~ II) SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color. angularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain 0 " '" '" .¡1 '" '" '" 0 SILTY SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, loose, stiff, SW ... .... ... ... .... , '" '" '" '" ,. '" " ... " ... ... ... , dry, strong odor, no stain (hand augered next to '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... " ... , '" '" " '" " '" '" dispenser) .... ... .... ... ... , , '" '" " '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , " " '" " '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... "'- '" " '" " " '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , '" " tI' ,¡1 '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" " " " '" " 5 ... ... .... ... .... , " " '" " " '" '" 5 2,000+ ... ... .... .... .... , " '" '" " , '" '" .... ... .... .... ... , " " '" , " '" '" ... " ... .... .... , " '" '" '" " '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , " '" " '" " '" " ... .... ... ... ... , " '" " " " '" '" ... .... ... .... " .... '" '" '" '" ,¡I " " ... ... ... ... " , '" '" '" '" ¡1 '" '" .... .... .... ... .... .... '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , 10 '" '" / '" '" '" , 10 2,000+ ... .... ... .... .... , '" '" " " /-/ '" .... ... ... .... ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" .... ... .... .... .... , " '" '" ,¡1 " '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , " '" '" '" '" '" '" ... " " .... .... , '" '" '" '" " '" / ... ... .... ... .... .... '" '" '" ,¡I-,¡I '" " .... ... ... .... ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... , '" '" '" '" '" '" '" 15 " ... ... ... .... , 15 angle drilled @ 30° off canopy , '" , '" '" '" '" 0 ... .... .... .... .... .... '" '" '" " '" ,¡1 '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" '" '" '" " ... ... .... " ... , '" '" '" '" , , , " , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , / / / / / / / , , , , , , / / , / / , / , , " " , , / / , / / / / " " , , " , / ,. ,. / / / ,. " , " " " " 20 ' , / / / / / 20 brown 0 ' , , , , , / / ,. / , / / " " , " " , / / " / / / / " " " " " , " / / / " , , " , " , , " / / / / , , , " " , " " " ,. ,. , / ,. ,. / " , , " , , / ,. ,. " / ,. ,. , , " " , , ,. / , ,. ,. ,. ,. , , , , , , ,. ,. ,. , ,. ,. ,. , , , , , " 25 / / / ,. / ,. ,. 25 ' , , , , " 0 ,. ,. / ,. ,. / ,. , , , , , , / ,. / ,. ,. ,. ,. " , " , , , ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. / ,. , , " ,. , " ,. ,. ,. , / ,. ,. , " " , " , , , , ,. ,. " / , , " " " " ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. , , , " " " " , , , ,. ,. , / / " " " " " " , / , , , ,. ,. " , " " " , ,. ,. , , ,. ,. ,. 30 0 ' " , , " , 30 , ,. , " ,. ,. / 35 DRILLING METHOD: Mobile B-53 8"-00 hollow-stem au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, California-modified S lit soon TbTAL BORING DEPTH: 30 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered ~ HOLGUIN, __ -. __ FAHAN & -................,... ASSOCIATES, INC. 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 26 & 27 1999, LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Melton Orillin Com na LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING 8-5 Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. COMPLETION DETAIL II: en ~ WElL POINT PROJECT: Read Go Ww 0> en VADOSE WELL .J Q.I SPARGE WELL « I enu _E u > I-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California :;;z a.. a. en X BORING II: a..C> S: ::> w wg 0- I- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION .J<D CASING: N/A ~ II! SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, an~Ularlty, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, 0 or, stain 0 ,. ,. ,. ,. ", ,¡1 ,. 0 SILTY SAND: 0/85/15, poorly graded, tan, subangular, . SW .... " " " .... .... ,. ,¡I,.,. ,. ", ", ... .... ... " '\. .... loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain (hand augered next to ,. ,. ,. '" '" ./' ,. .... .... .... .... " .... '" " '" '" '" '" '" dispenser) .... .... .... .... .... .... " " '" " " '" '" .... .... ... .... " .... " ,. '" " " " " .... .... .... ... .... , " " " " " " " ... ... ... ... ... ... " " " '" " " " .... .... .... .... ... .... " " " " " , '" .... .... ... .... .... ""- 5 0 " " " ,. " ,. '" 5 .... " .... .... " ... 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Hand au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, Shelb 1M tube TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 5 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Hol uin Fahan & Associates Inc. ~ HOLGUIN , FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING 8-6 ........ ....-...... ......... ...,..",. ....... ...,..",. ..... Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. COMPLETION DETAIL a: en ~ Will POINT PROJECT: Readv Go Mart Ww 0> en VADOSE WELL ..J a..J: SPARGE WELL « J: enü _E Ü > I-~ LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California 3:z a.. a. en X BORING a: a.. 01 .9: ::> w wê.. 0- I- 0 DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION ..J<O CASING: N/A ~ m SLOT SIZE: N/A NAME: %gravel/sandlfìnes, gradation/plasticity, color, an~Ularity, FILTER PACK: N/A maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, 0 or, stain - 0 '" ~ '" '" ,. '" ,. 0 SIL TV SAND: 0/80/20, poorly graded, tan, loose, stiff, SW " ... .... ... " .... - " , ,. ,. '" ,. '" - .... ... ... ... ... ... dry, slight odor, no stain (hand augered next to '" " ,. '" ,. , ,. " ... ... ... " ... - ,. " ,. ,. ,. " " - dispenser) ... ... ... ... ... ... ,. '" " ,. " '" , ... ... ... ... ... ... - ,. " " ,. ,. " ,. - ... ... ... ... ... "'- " " ,. " " " , ... ... ... ... ... ... - " ,. , " , " , - ... " ... ... ... " '" '" ,. '" ,. '" .., - ... ... ... ... ... ... . 5 '" , " '" '" '" '" -5 ... ... ... ... ... ... -- -- ,. ,. ,. '" '" , '" - ... ... " ... ... ... - " '" ,. '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" " '" '" '" '" '" - ... ... ... ... ... ... - ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... " ... '" '" '" '" '" '" " - ... ... ... ... " ... - '" ,. '" '" '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... '" '" '" ,. '" '" ,. - " ... " ... ... ... - '" '" ,. ,. '" '" '" ... ... ... ... ... ... . -10 no odor 0 '" '" '" '" '" " ,. - 10 -- ',,' ',,',,',,' - - - - - - r-- - I- 15 - 15 I- - I- - I- - I- - I- 20 - 20 I- - I- - I- - '- - - 25 - 25 - - - - - - - - - 30 - 30 - I- - I- - I- - - r-- 35 - 35 DRILLING METHOD: Hand auaer DATE DRILLED: Januarv 25 & 26 1999 SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, ShelbyTM tube sampler LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 10 fba APPROVED BY: M. Magargee, RG #4892 DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered DRILLED BY: Holquin, Fahan & Associates Inc. -.- HOLGUIN, B-7 ........ ........... .......... FAHAN & LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING ...... ....... ...... .... ASSOCIATES, INC. Page 1 of 1 SAMPLE -' c( :r: > I-~ a: a..C> w w@. I- 0 ~ ',' CLIENT: CM Mart Inc. PROJECT: R d Go Ma LOCATION: 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, California DESCRIPTION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAME: %gravel/sandlfines, gradation/plasticity, color, angularity, maximum size (gravels), density/consistency, moisture, odor, stain o SIL TV SAND: 0/85/15, poorly graded, tan, subangular, loose, stiff, dry, no odor, no stain (hand augered next to dispenser) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DRILLING METHOD: Hand au er SAMPLER TYPE: 1.5"-diameter, Shelb TM tube TOTAL BORING DEPTH: 5 fb DEPTH TO WATER: Not encountered -.- ......... .......... ........ -- ....... -- ..... HOLGUIN. FAHAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING 8-8 Page 1 of 1 a:(J) Ww a..J: (J)ü ~z 0- -,ID m COMPLETION DETAIL ~ WELL POINT VADOSE WELL SPARGE WELL X BORING CASING: N/A SLOT SIZE: N/A FILTER PACK: N/A 0> _E a.. a. .e, (J) ü (fJ ::J SW '" .¿1 / ,¡1 '" .., '" .... .... .... .... .... .... '" '" " '" '" .., '" .... .... .... .... .... .... .., '" '" .., .., '" .., .... .... .... .... .... .... '" '" '" '" .., .., .., .... .... .... .... .... .... .., '" '" '" .., , .., .... .... .... .... .... .... .., ,¡1 .., .., '" " '" .... .... .... .... .... .... / " '" '" '" .., '" .... .... .... .... .... .... / '" .., / '" / '" .... .... .... .... .... .... " / / 0' '" '" '" .... .... .... .... .... .... '" '" '" .., '" '" .., .... " .... .... .... .... o o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 DATE DRILLED: Janua 25 1999 LOGGED BY: K. Mitchell APPROVED BY: M. Ma ar ee, RG #4892 DRILLED BY: Hol uin Fahan & Associates Inc. e e " 7'. LITHOLOGY (UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) CR:œ SYMBOLS GN CP Gv1 cr; SW EP SVI s:; ML CL OL M-f Q-i a; Pt MAJOR DIVISIONS TYPICAL NAMES WELL-GRAOCD GRAVELS, ORAVEL,SAND MIXTURES, Lml£ OR NO FINES GRAVEL MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS LARGER TI-lAN NO.4 SIEVE SIZE z ~~ I- 00: (f)w <.9 o 0: W W:5Gj Z(/)_ ~-(/) LLO -10 (11 <t: N "TI· W Z 0 (f) <t: Z a:¡!: 8~ ¿ GRAVELS WITH UTTLE OR NO FINES POORlY -GRADED GRAVELS 00 GRAVEL·SAND MIXTURES, UTIl.E OR NO FINES SIL 1Y GRAVELS, GRAVEL·SAN().SILT MIXTURES GRAVELS WITI-I OVER 12% FINES etA YEY GRAVELS, GRAVEL·SANO-<:LAY MIXTURES WELL-GRAOED SANDS. GRAVELLY SANDS. UTll.E OR NO FINES SAND MORE THAN HALF COARSE FRACTION IS SMALLER TI-lAN . No.4 SIEVE SIZE SANDS WITH UTTLE OR NO RNES POORLY-GRADED SANDS 00 GRAVELLY SANDS, U1ll.E 00 NO FINES SIL 1Y SANDS, SAND-SILT MIXTURES SANDS WITH OVER 12% FINES ClAYEY SANDS, ~Y MIXTURES INORGANIC SILTS AND VERY FINE SANDS, ROCK FLOUR, SIL1Y OR ClAYEY RNE SANDS 00 ClAYEY FINE SANDS OR ClAYEY SILTS W1rn SliGHT PlASTICITY INORGANIC ClAYS OF la-N TO MEDIUM PLASTICITY, GRAVELLY ClAYS, SANDYetAYS. SIL1Y CLAYS,lEAN CLAYS 0: ~W ::1W o ~ Gj (f) (/) _ o (/) (/) wiLg Z -I N ~<:. I 0 ZZ <-? <: Z W ¡!: :f Z WI- rr:~ ¿ SILT AND CLAY OOGANIC SILTS AND ORGANIC SIL 1Y etA YS OF lOW PLASTICITY INORGANIC sa..TS, MICACEOUS OR DIATOMACEOUS RNE SANDY OR SILlY SOILS, ElASTIC SILTS SILT AND CLAY INORGANIC ClAYS OF HIGH PlASTICITY, FAT ClAYS ORGANIC ClAYS OF MEDIUM TO HIGH PlASTlCITY, ORGANIC sa.. TS HIGHLY ORGANIC SOIL PEAT AND OTHER HIGH!.. Y ORGANIC SOILS SYMBOLS AND NOTES .. ASPHALT k ~~ ~i COf\aÐ'E III CONCRETE GROUT iii BENTONITE CHIPS h:::..:.:::..:.:::-1 FILTER SAND PACK t~~!~~!~~1 NATIVE SOIL PID = PHOTOIONIZATlON DETECTOR ppmv = PARTS PER MILLION BY VOLUME USCS = UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM gw = GROUNDWATER WELL, vw = VADOSE WELL fbg = FEET BELOW GRADE OD = OUTSIDE DIAMETER . SAMPLE COLLECTED FOR ANALYSIS Z SAMPLE NOT RECOVERED ~ GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED DURING DRIWNG ~ STABILIZED WATER LEVEL (DATE) (DATE) , 1n1'" WEll BOX WITH LOCKING CAP BLANK SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING = SLOTTED SCHEDULE 40 PVC CASING - BOTTOM PLUG ~c HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. KEY TO LOG OF EXPLORATORY BORING .......... .......... ........... ....... ...... ..... "1Ito. Revfslon 1196 'I~'!_I HOLGUI~ ..-. ..-. .-. F AHAN ----........ &A..SSC>CIATES. INC. e ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS ATTACHMENT 2. SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES "1 j ,'.""~ ' .,' , ~ ;', ~~,,"~ , , Î ~ .,..., '," SOIL BORING AND SAMPLING PROCEDURES SITING Soil borings were positioned as noted In the report. TRUCK-MOUNTED DRILLING AND SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES Each soil boring was manually drilled for 1he first 5 feet to establish 1hat 1he area was clear of subsurface structures. The soil borings were drilled wi1h 8-inch-OD, hollow-stem augers to the depths noted In the report. During the drilling process, soli cuttings were continuously monitored in conformance with the monitoring procedures, and data was recorded on logs of exploratory borings by a state of California registered geologist. Soli samples were collected wi1h a California-modified, split-spoon sampler at intervals consistent wl1h 1he work plan, unless a change In lithology was noted, In which case an additional sample was collected. The sampler was outfitted wi1h 2.5-lnch by 6-lnch stainless steel or brass sleeves. When the sample was wl1hdrawn, 1he ends of 1he sleeve were covered with aluminium foil or Teflon TM tape followed by plastic caps. Sample preservation, handling, and transportation procedures were consistent with HFA's QA/QC procedures. SOIL BORING MONITORING PROCEDURES Cuttings from soil borings were continuously classified according to the Unified Soli Classification System (USCS) and logged by a state of California registered geologist. Specific geologic and hydrologic Information 1hat was collected Included stratigraphy (I.e., layer thickness, unit correlation, aquifer thickness, depth to groundwater, and confining units, If any), relative permeability, observed porosity, plasticity, moisture content, soli type, structure, size, and other features 1hat could affect contaminant transport. Specific geologic and hydrologic information that was obtained during soli boring construction Includes the following: · Stratigraphic characteristics: thickness, correlation of units, extent (horizontal and vertical) of aquifers and confining units, If any; · Observed porosity; · Volatile organic content; · Particle-size distribution; · Moisture content; · Plasticity; · Strength; · Minerai composition; · Depth to groundwater; · Soli type, structure, size; and · Distribution of soli type. . Soli .,g and Sampling Procedures - Page 2 The data was recorded on Individual logs of exploratory borings, Including observations regarding tfle types and quantities of waste materials encountered and any PID readings. This data was recorded on a standardized log sheet In the Field Log Book. Specific Information that was recorded is listed in Table 1, below. TABLE 1. SOIL BORING LOG INFORMATION GENERAL · Project name · Soli boring location; map and · Soli boring name/number elevation · Date started and finished · Rig type (bit size/auger size) · Geologist's name · Petrologic lithologic classification · Driller's name scheme used (Wentworth, USCS) · Sheet number INFORMATION COLUMNS · Depth · Gradation · Sample location/number · Narrative description · PID or FID Reading · Soli Classification NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION · Geologic Observations - Soli/rock type - Particle Size - Organic content - Color and stain - Depositional structures - Odor - Gross petrology - Bedding - Suspected contaminant - Friability - Fossils - Discontinuities - Degree of weathering - Moisture content - Water-bearing zones - Particle shape - Formational strike and dip · Drilling Observations - Changes In drilling method - Advance rates or equipment rig - Amounts and types of - Readings from detection chatter any liquids used equipment (if any) - Caving/hole stability - Water levels - Drilling difficulties · Other Remarks - Equipment failures - Deviations from drilling plan - Possible contamination - Weather All field logs were typed and presented verbatim In an appendix of the report. The typed log of exploratory. boring Is on a form Identical to tflat used in tfle field log book. Each log of exploratory boring Includes a graphic log In which a symbol for each USCS soli group Is Included for each soli Interval. '-.~ " w Soli .g and Sampling Procedures Page 3 DATA REDUCTION The data compiled from the soli borings has been summarized and analyzed. A narrative summary of the soli characteristics was also presented. The logs of exploratory borings were checked for the following Information: · Correlation of stratigraphic units among soli borings; · Identification of zones of potentially high hydraulic conductivity; · Identification of the confining formation/layer; . Indication of unusual/unpredicted geologic features (fault zones, fracture traces, facies changes, solution channels. burled stream deposits, cross-cutting structures. pinchout zones. etc.); and . Continuity of petrographic features such as sorting, grain-size distribution, cementation. etc. Soli boring locations were plotted on a properly scaled map. The purpose of each soil boring/piezometer/monitoring well/pit/soli sample Is Indicated on the map. Depending on the results of this analysis, the soli stratigraphy of the site is presented In a scaled stratigraphic column (if soli stratigraphy Is laterally homogeneous) or, more likely. in a scaled cross section or a fence diagram (If soli Is laterally heterogeneous). Specific features that may impact contaminant migration (e.g., fault zones or Impermeable layers) are discussed In narrative form and supplemented with graphical presentations as deemed appropriate. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES Prior to each sampling episode. the sampling equipment was decontaminated using a non-phosphate soap and water wash, a tap water rinse, and two deionized water rinses. The drill string was decontaminated with a steam cleaner between each soli boring. WASTE MANAGEMENT AND DISPOSAL The cuttings from the soli borings were stored In 55-gallon, Department of Transportation-approved drums. Each drum was labeled with the date on which the waste was generated and the numbers of the soli borings from which the waste was withdrawn. The drums were stored at the site of generation until sample analyses were obtained. Sample analyses and an Inventory of drums were then given to the client. who coordinated proper disposal of the soil, according to Regional Water Quality Control Board requirements. , ;;'\ 1 ~_I HOUJUl. ___ FAHAN -.1!!;"..-...... & ASSOCIATES. INC. ENVIRONMENT AL MANAGEMENT CONSULT ANTS ATTACHMENT 3. LABORATORY REPORTS . ? -TI . . I_~_I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. '=-:-.-:' ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 143 South Figueroa Street. Ventura. California 93001 . (805) 652-ü219 . FAX: (805) 652-0793 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS February B, 1999 Page 1 CLIBNT: CM MART mc. Analyzed By: Sampled By: Units: Matrix: Analysis Method: T, Karageorge K. Mitchell mg/kg Soil BTEX: EPA B020 TPH: B015-M PROJBCT: READY GO MKT. CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION CONSTITUENT TPH- TPH- Ethyl Total Percent Gasoline Diesel Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE Lab Sample Dates Sampled, Surrogate No. No. Received and Tested RL RL RL RL RL RL RL Recovery 990162 B-1-20' 1/22/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 107% 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990163 B-2-20' 1/22/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 109% 10 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990164 B-3-20' 1/22/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 111% 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990165 B-4-20' 1/22/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 109% 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990166 B-5-5' 1/25/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 730 850 ND .16 .25 27 .13 185% 10 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990167 B-6-5' 1/25/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 109% 10 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990168 B-7-5' 1/25/99 1/27/99 1/27/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 107% 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990169 B-8-5' 1/25/99 1/27/99 1/28/99 ND ND ND ND ND ND 120% 10 .005 .005 .005 .005 .02 990166 HIGH SURROGATE RECOVERY DUE TO MATRIX INTERFERENCE RL = Reporting Limit (may vary with Dilution Factor) ND = Not Detected at or above RL Lab Certification: CAE LAP '1878; 1/31/00 Laboratory Manager: · . I~...., I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~---.....-- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch 10: Instrument 10: 1/27/99 HP 5890 GC-l Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 27 -Jan-99 T. Kargeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No, Sample No, Matrix Rl Rl Rl Rl Rl 36140 Method Blank Soil ND NO NO NO NO 10 0,005 0,005 0,015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported as NO were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Method Reporting limit ND = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP # 1878: 1/31/2000 r" it) . I;!. ..I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------.......... ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1 , Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch 10: Instrument 10: 1/27/99 HP 5890 GC-I Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 27-Jan-99 T. Kargeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No, Sample No, Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND NO NO 10 0,005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard, Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported as NO were not present above the stated limit of detection, RL = Method Reporting limit ND = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP # 1878: 1/31/2000 .) -' I;~ -I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~---......... ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch ID: Instrument ID: /27/99 HP 5890 GC-l Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 27 -Jan-99 T, Kargeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No, Sample No, Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND 10 0,005 0,005 0.015 0,015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection, RL = Method Reporting limit NO = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP # 1878; 1/31/2000 ~\ .¡ .ì' I~_IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATE, S, INC. "Wo.-................ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit I, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 '. METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch ID: Instrument ID: 1/27/99 HP 5890 GC-I Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 27-Jan-99 T, Kargeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No, Sample No, Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil ND NO ND NO NO 10 0,005 0,005 0.D15 0,015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported as NO were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Method Reporting Limit ND = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION:. CAELAP # 1878; 1/31/2000 It) , , .'1 I ::~.;I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ______1k'" ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave" UI~lit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥ (805) 650-77 50¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample 10: Lob 1\10: Instrument 10: MS / MSD 990134 HPS890 GC-l Dote Analyzed: Matrix: Dilution Foetor: 27-Jan-99 Soil 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc,(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 16.91 20 85 45- 158 Benzene 0.00 15.65 20 . 78 59-138 Toluene 0,00 16.49 20 82 59- 133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 15,34 20 77 55- 123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 18.79 20 94 53- 135 o-Xylene 0.00 16,22 20 81 59- 130 Compound Sample Conc.(ppb) 0.00 #:::-::".::,0·9.9..·.""",·;,' POOR . .- Matrix Spike Duplicate Results_._ >:~R!(JINA.L Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) 20 Control Limits .. \):~1~~~~. !;.,.", '-~~!!'>-'I.·:.:, ',.- " ", -:': .¡ .ì I~~~IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------........... ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: Lab No: Instrument ID: Compound MTBE Compound MTBE MS / MSD 990134 H P 5890GC- 1 Sample Conç.(ppb) 0.00 .0 O. Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Matrix Spike Conc.(ppb) 17.79 1 .99 1 . 7 15.11 19. 1 .1 Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) 20 o o Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Matrix Spk. Dup Conc.(ppb) 18.53 17. 1 .8 15.90 18.9 16.48 Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) 20 Average Recovery & RPD Data Date Analyzed: Matrix: Dilution Factor: Recovery (%) 93 7 4 o 95 82 27 -Jan-99 Soil ·1 Control Limits Control Limits Compound Spike Matrix Spk. Dup Average %RPD Control Recovery Recovery Recovery Limits MTBE 89 93 91 4.1 <22 Benzene 85 87 86 1.8 <14 Toluene 83 84 84 1.3 <14 Ethylbenzene 76 8U 7!J 5.1 <16 m,p-Xylenes '16 '15 95 1.5 <16 o-Xylene 81 82 82 2,:¿ <15 '. A¡ - ," .ì I~~~IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. -----.........~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: MS / MSD Date Analyzed: 27-Jan-99 Lab No: 990134 Matrix: Soil Instrument 10: HP5890 GC-1 Dilution Factor: 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 17.18 20 86 Benzene O. 15.9 80 O. 1 .48 82 15.40 77 1 7 5 1 . 81 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppbl Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 16.00 20 80 45- 1 58 Benzene 0.00 15.52 20 78 59-138 Toluene 0.00 16.34 20 tl2 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 15.40 20 77 55- 123 m,p-Xylenes O.UO 18,53 20 '73 53- 135 a-Xylene U.OU 16.U3 20 80 59-130 Average Recovery & RPD Data Compound Spike Recovery , 86 7.1 Control Limits <22 < Matrix Spk. Dup Recovery 80 8 Average Recovery 83 7 %RPD MTBE < < /, _1 .' I ~-=!.-I HOLGUl'N, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ......--............. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 " METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch ID Insfrument ID: 1/28/99 HP 5890 GC-l Date Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 28-Jan-99 T, Kargeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes Lab No, Sample No, Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil ND ND ND ND ND 10 0,005 0,005 0,015 0,015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Method Reporting Limit ND = Not Defected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP #1878; 1/31/2000 -: . I~~~IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. _______110......., ENVIRONM ENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: Lab No: Instrument ID: MS / MSD 990145 HP5890 GC-l Date Analyzed: Matrix: Dilution Factor: 28-Jan-99 Soil 1 Matrix Spike Worksheet EP A 8020 Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spike Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 16.49 20 82 45- 158 Benzene 0,00 15.25 20 76 5"V-138 Toluene 0.00 16.62 20 83 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 14.59 20 73 55- 123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 19.94 20 100 53-1J5 a-Xylene 0.00 1'6:38 20 82 59- r3lf Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup Spike Sol. Recovery Control Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.(ppb) (%) Limits MTBE 0.00 17.10 20 86 45- 1 58 Benzene 0.00 15.88 20 79 59-138 Toluene 0.00 16.59 20 83 59-133 Ethylbenzene 0.00 14.34 20 72 55- 123 m,p-Xylenes 0.00 19:81 20 99 53- 135 o-Xylene 0.00 16.21 20 !::II 59-130 , Average Recovery & RPD Data Compound Spike Matrix Spk, Dup Average %RPD Control Recovery Recovery Recovery Limits MTBE 82 86 84 3.6 <22 Benzene 76 79 78 4.0 <T4 Toluene 83 83 83 0.2 <14 Ethylbenzene 73 72 72 1.7 <16 m,p-Xylenes 100 99 99 0.7 <16 a-Xylene 82 13'1 81 1.0 <15 '., 4t' .' I ~~ -I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------............ ENVIRONMENT At LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1 , Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 " METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Batch 10 Instrument 10 Analysis Method: 2/5/99 HP 6890 GC-3 8015M Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Analyzed By 3-Feb-99 5-Feb-99 TOK CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) AS DIESEL in mg/Kg (soil) TPH- Client ~iesel Lab No, Sample No, Matrix RL 36196 Method Blank Soil NO 10,0 Extractable fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a diesel standard. Hydocarbons detected by this method range from C 1 0 to C24, Analytes reported as N D were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = Method Reporting Limit NO = Not Detected at or above RL LAB CERTIFICATION: CAELAP # 1878: ¡ /31 /2000 ,. e' e· I~~_IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. -----.......~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: Lab No: Instrument ID: MS &MSD 990228 HP 6890 GC-3 Date Extracted: Date Analyzed: Matrix: 3-Feb-99 5-Feb-99 Soil Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA Method 8015-M Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) (%) limits TPH as 2.725 ' 13.0 10 103 35-1 65 Diesel Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Dup. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) (%) limits TPH as 2.725 12.6 10 99 35- 1 65 Diesel Average Recovery & RPD Data Compound Spike Matrix Spk. Dup Average %RPD Control Recovery Recovery Recovery limits TPH as 103 99 101 3.8 <31 Diesel .. ""., :J:'~'~'t~'¡.\¡~¡;"·' 6' ;"'K,.r:!~~:i. ' , "'r,¡~,;~{"f~\~~Î';,::ì!i '~¡~~,CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD "~,>':.:~, it,wJ', , ,~,(, . Client Name _~~ ~!'" /I1,;"\v,,~€ ~9jecu~am:JIII' :1;' ; ',',?''' Client ContacVPhone No. CONTRACT CODE':C90cfF~, ,'," ,'~ ¡f;;!<€AJ>WGo""VJl¡1f K.,-;< S'rPle~s"Name ,\" "j~ ;~~~ .,sa!T1.£1~...slSi n:aj~r~~ ~/; ';KëÑ' fYttycH€.U- ',,',~'" \~3J:~U a,1/'"'-K ~~T> ;),~,",~",.',' "T';;,j,~"H·{~f. ;\c~ :,~~ flfSa"!plelJ ·1" -- ,;ß:;,fn ;:::-, " " t}i .'~;:; '.~ :rMatriXf(SOi~'J " ";-/;' Other, Information , ,~HFA ,)fi Date~;. Time ~g~oU~j~ater,;' (e..g., 'sampling location, depth, Sample # Sampled Sampled .nair,'water)W ' ;:)¡soil boring or MW #. ete,) IJ-/-'?D I ,;¡~ I-JJ-n' oÚ':¡1i ,~>t9,1~~~!iÎ' 6 z þ~;';';~i?O ~ ::,~ :tfc '/1;5~ 1(, ,·'II'f';¡; t9/¿Ç J r¡;~ ~o~·~c "1: \' lIps] I ,II tJ /b'C/ '41 Ò~ 'ì..~:t:té ~' ii ~t? ,:;,~ loì81 H .,~~:~ / is <: ~ ',¡,',", ~s.J~~; i?:/.s;it ;~(9ò1.. M i¡lr~ / ~ /' I S~,~~a,ª (I: ~ ""<.. '({/0~ I, S-;,7.J-si ",.' ;~\lj(ªòJ II. ' f!¡;ç/h % 1 ,~~~i'-,~' 11~1 .11' dì¡~)J1 :1, ,:?fu.!/O I . ~ U-)f/lh 7 .. ..,~:, _. ' ;ïIi:';~;f 'it! ?,\ff i~ ~~:Il¡¡r, ," ø ~ JJ '~': ~!,~ I ~" '~R. ~~.~ ~r. ¡ Jí,','.',:,,',',,~,,:lr{ ~~l ;.t~·i ~k ¡, ;,'X' ¡~;. :', Ii. .,,'l'~, .."",'~.' ~!:~:,',,:í¡ ,¡~~; t¡;!I~ ~. ï I Þ , 1"4 -.- :. '~i'::':d:~~ ¡, '~;;L , ;~¡ :,; ,::1 'i i~, ~f~ ;r #, ,¡:.,'f~, ~m:" ," ~'li, ,;I:~;;~~&,~ ' ¡OJ f; b ~ f· ~~. ~. :~~ ~.: :j:;::~:~ f ~I"": ~ / h'/;Øy n~; g~, 8~t~fY1Ø ; ,', Rece,Iv~,~~jß(S.~" nature/Organization) .,-",f&4f ,; , ../f.Æþ' 'J¡: /?<7.i.,¡¡t;.W¡ P{e~u, Br~(~a~~~(iza~n) 'p: ~~tœ=:' i,{ '~1~;i.:(Signature/organlzation) DateITime ~1~~~y:L(~tu~,q!'Jélniza~,' n) ,;<:,',:,~":, ::p~~eÍr," ~FJ..~v.!~' '~', , By: (Sjg.nature/Organization) D~rTlme //'1 Include Special ~azards Here: ~. J i~":'>'~ :';:,:' '¡F ;;~i·fi ~rtcI Æ~ A '// r4 1/ /./1-11 C¡ i ,..,/ ~;> ..<,~ ,~:::~ ~:lu0~:sam~le:ts)/cf.+I~r~~tt~iW.'r~~res, Inc.· 3157 Pegasus Drive, BakØrsfield, California, 93308· (805) 391-0517 . l"i', . I~, ·:f ~~:~ :k~ ~,J :'j~ ':,~ '. :Jí> ~ ~!!! ;ì"~ "..~ ~I"' 'I';~ ----- .q.~ ;~'.. . ~ ii,' "'. 'I~î! *', ~;~ '..~ :~~~i '.~~ ?iJ ......; ·;':U -'~" "òI!i'o\""~ . .... , . ,.!\~';:!tl. '" " ¡1!~:F ¡:~. '. .' ~'f -:', ~~: . ~ ;I;'~' Analyses Requested ¡j\ \JI \I) ~~'R No. and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Type of ~ ~ ~ <.'% ~~~ Containers % ~ ;¿" 150/'- Si.£!:Ii' X 7- X X X X X X ;X X 'f. X X )( l' X )< 'Y f Date f-;J-~'1 I ( \ \ \ I / / .v - >r,'- Page -L of L . Send report to: Holguin, Fahan & Associates, Inc, 2820 Pegasus Drive, Suite 1 'Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attn: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS (i,e" turnaround time, ete,) - - REQUIRED DETECTION LIMITS o Los Angeles County 0 California LUFT o Santa Barbara County 0 SW-846 o Ventura County 0 Other see reverse for required detection limits SAMPLE RECEIPT Yes No Samplo Seallnlact 0 0 Sample Condition Acceptable 0 0 Sample Temperature Appropriate 0 U . - Dna PRESERVATIVE ADDED? o yes type: ~ QR ORIG NAL All samples stored overnight at HFA are refrigerated at 4°C, Samples are transponed to the laboratory in coolers filled with Blue Ice T", .--- Delivered to HFA's refrigerator for ;emporary storage on DatefTime (Initials) Laboratory Name & City (form 1)('(1alp.d \ i';14 i FAX # (805) 391-0826 '" ~. e . I;~;I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 143 South Figueroo Street. Ventura. Califomlo 93001 . (605) 652-0219. FAX: (805) ~-o793 l\SPORT OF ANALYTICAL RBSULTS Feb~ary 17, 1999 Page 1 CLXSN'1': C.M, HllRT INC. Analyzed By: ~led By: unito: Het~ix: Analysis Methods: T. Xarageorge K. 14itchel1 mg/kg SOil BTEX: E~" 8020 TPtI, SOlS.M PIlOJRCT I R£ADV 00 M!<T. CONC:I1ft~t'%ON OP 'l'O'l',.L PE'1'ROLBOK HYt>aOC:UaOKS ('1'PH) WITH BTRX ¡¡ISTINC'l'IOK CONS1'ITOI':IIT TPIf- TPH- To 1 ':Iene El:hyl Tot ~ 1 P..rc..n~ ¡"oþ S"",øle D.t.te. $ðll>pleQ, GesQline Dilt~el Benzene Benzene Xylene" M~BE Surrogal:e /lo. No. Received and T.."....,¡ IlL RL RL RL ~L RL RL Recove~ 990221 B-~-10 1/26/99 213/99 2/11/99 NO NO 110 NO NO NO ND 125' 10 10 .DDS .OOS .015 .015 .02 990226 8-5-15 1/21/99 213/99 2/9/99 1'It) ND NO liD olD lit) NO 1261 10 20 .005 .005 .015 .025 .02 U02H 8-5-25 1/21/99 213/99 2/8/99 I'D liD ND NO Nt) 111;1 ND no, 10 10 .005 ,005 .015 .015 ,04 990230 B- 5 - 30 1/27/99 2/3/99 2/8/99 ND NO liD Nil ND ND NO lZU 10 10 .005 .005 .015 .015 .02 990231 5-7-10 1/2/;/99 2/3/99 U8/99 ND NO ND 110 liD Nt) 129" 10 .005 .005 .015 ,015 .02 RL . Rcportia~ Limit (may very ~itb Oi1ution F$ct~r) 110 = ~QÇ D.tected at or above RL ~ob certificuiOrl: CA&LoAP 01878: 1/31/00 Laboratory Manager: ì;- e . I~"!--:.IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ----------, ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit L Ventura. CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD 8LANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Boter, ID: Instrument ID: 2/8/99 HP 5890 GC-l Dote ¡O.,nolyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 8-Feb-99 T. Korgeorge S015-m/8020 CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soiQ TPH- Ethyl ToTol Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylene5 Lob No, Somple NO, Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blonk Soil NO ND ND NO ND 10 Q,005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons ore Quantitated against a go~olin~ standard, Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C12. Anolytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = lJ\e1hod Repodir\fJ Limit ND = Not Detected ot or obove RL , LAB CERTIFIC,A,TION: C,A.ELAf' # 1878; 1/31/2000 :1, e . I;~_IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. -...~......- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESUlTS Instrum~nl ID: 2/6/99 HP 5890 GC-1 Date ,A.nalyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Melhod: 8-Feb-99 T, Kargeorge 8015-rn/8020 QC Bo1ch 10: CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCAR80NS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (501l) TPH- Ethyl Total Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene Benzene X)1enes lab No, Somple No. Malrix Rl RL Rl Rl RL 36140 Method Blank Soil NO NO ND ND ND 10 0.005 0,005 0.01 5 0.015 Volatile fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons dF.tected by this method range from C4 to C J 2. AnaJytes reported as NO were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL = MettK)(j Reporting Urnil ND = Nc'JI Dstecl,¡,d al or above RL lAB CERTIFICf\JIQN: ÇAELAP # 1878: 1/31/2000 ~ ,1' e . I.=~_IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------......--. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave" Unit J. Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-68 J 0 METHOD BLANK REPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Instrument 10: 2/13/'1'1 HP 5890 GC-I Dote Analyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis Method: 8-Feb-99 T, Korgeorge 8015-m/8020 QC BOTcr, ID: CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH sax DISTINCTION in mg/Kg (soil) TPH· Ethyl Tolal Client Gasoline Benzene Toluene 8enzene Xylenes lor) No, Sample No. Matrix RL RL RL RL RL 36140 Method Blank Soil NO ND hID NO NO 10 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.015 Volatile fI.Jel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a gasoline standard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method ronge from C4 to C 12. Anolytes reported as ND were not present above the stated limit of detection. RL'" fAe1ht)u R(;;)porling Limit ND = Not De1êctëd at or above RL LAB CERTIF/CAJION: CAELA,P # 1878: 1/31/2000 '" i\ e . 1~~_IHoLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-68 J 0 METHOD BLANK RfPORT REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Bolch ID: Instrumen! ID: 2/8/99 HP 5890 GC-I Dote ¡Ä,nolyzed: Analyzed By: Analysis rvle thod: 8-Feb-99 T, Korgeorge 8015-m/8020 CONCENTRAßON OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (TPH) WITH BTEX DISßNCTION in mg/Kg <,oil) TPH- En"!}'1 Toto! Client Gasoline 6 en.te ne- Toluene BenZene Xylenes Lob NO, $ampló> No, Matrix RL Rl Rl RL RL 36140 Melhod Blank Soil ND ~~D ND tJD ND 10 0.005 0.005 0.015 0.0/5 VolatÍle fuel hydrocorhons ore quantitated against a gasoline stondard. Hydrocarbons detected by this method range from C4 to C 12. Analytes reported os ND were not present obove the stated limit of detection. Rl = Method Reporting limit ND = Not Detected ot or obove RL L,4,B CERTIFICATION: C,A,ElAP # 1878; 1/31/2000 '. :1. e . I ~~;I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------'""rt ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample 10: Lob No: Instrument ID: Compound MTBE Benzene Compoun MTBE Benzene oluene Compound M$ I M$O 990202 HP5890 GC-l Somple Conc,(ppb) 0.00 Somple Conc.(ppb 0.00 Spike Recovery Matrix Spike Worksheet EP A 8020 Matrix Spike Results Matrix Spike Conc.(ppb .4 . 6 Spike Sol. Conc,(ppb) Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Matrix $pk. Dup Conc.(ppbJ __1 1 . Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) o Average Recovery & RPD Data Matrix Spk. Dup Recovery Average Recovery 1 Date Analyzed: Matrix: Dilution Foetor: Recovery (%) 101 %RPD 8-Feb-99 Soil 1 Control Limi1s 45-158 Con fro Limits 45-158 Control limits < 2 < <1 < -- cï e . I~::.IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC, --. .......-....... ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-ì750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sampi(':- 10: lab I'~o: :mtrument ID: !,A,$ I r,;\SD 990202 HP5S90 GC-l !:·ùîe ¡:'\rìo:yZE:-o: 3-r~b·-99 Mofrix: Soil D;rution Faclor: 1 I,,~otr;x Spike 'vVorbheet EP A 8020 tJ\otrix Sp:~:<; Resvlt~ Cornpc\Jlìd Sample viatrix Spike Spike Sol. RecovelY Con1rol Conc.rppb) Conc.(ppb) Conc.{ppb) (%1 Limi1s MTSE 0.00 21.31 20 107 45-158 Benzene 0,00 19.79 20 99 ~9-13~ Toluené O,UU 20,55 20 ¡03 59-133 E1hylbenzene O,UU 18,63 2u )/3 55- 123 m.p-Xylenes O.uO 41,::J6 40 104 53-135 a-Xylene Q.uO 19,~':7 :LU '1'1 59-130 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Conc,(ppb) ,00 0.00 Matrix $pk. Dup Conc,(ppbj 20.7 19. Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb} 20 Recovery (%} 4 Control Limits MTBE Average Recovery & RPO DaTa Compound Spike' Recovery 107 MafrixSpk:'Dup Recovery 104 A~eroge, Recovery 105 %RPO ì.7 entre,\ lirnits <22. <14 < 27 1),0 < < /; . . I::-~..:;:I HOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. -=---~~~ ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES r')ct:;n F,..,~+m"""'''' Ä.\!o I I "it 1 '/c.nt' '~A 9,)",¡~r~¥íQ05) 650-~750¥FAX '8'~IC:) 650-6810 ¿,!.." - -'., ..'-<:' " \;.'" ~.., ,,\ ura, ~ ..)UU~ \'-' I t u,) SarYlple 10: MS I t\¡~SD Date ¡\nol'fzed: 8-Feb-99 Lob 1'.)0: 990202 I\¡'¡otrix: Soil Insirur.ìenl ID: HP5690 GC-1 Dil,_diC·f) &:C1Ctcr': 1 rv;c~r:y, Spike Worksheet EPA 8020 ;\~C7r:X Sp¡¡".e Results Compovnd Sample rvlatrix Spike Spike $01. Recovery' Control Conc,(ppbl Conc,(ppb) Conç,(ppb~ ('l~) limiis MTBE 0.00 21. 78 20 109 45- 158 Benzene 0.00 19,7] 20 . '7y 5'1-138 Toluene 0,00 21,25 20 106 59-133 ...thylbenzene 0.00 IY.~U 20 98 55-123 m,p-Xylenes 0,00 42,05 40 105 53-135 o-Xylene U.UO 20.41 20 102 5'1-1 ~U Matrix Spike Dvplicote Results Compound 107 Sample Conc.(ppb) 0.00 0.00 Matrix Spk. Dup Conc.(ppb) 22.2 20,12 I 19.63 Recovery (%) 111 1 1 108 MTBE Benzene oluene Á veroqe Recovery. 8i.~, R?D' 'bata Control Limits COniþQund " A veroge ' Rec9veiÿ ',>'",.. :, 11 ,'..-;',,:', :,:: ,-', 1 1 7 Matrix $plc Dup' p~eço\l~ry ,',' 111' 101 " 1 8 ,9, MTBE '. - ;~<14 ,,', , <14 ,.". < < , .. " , --.....:...-- ,;: . -- '0.; I~~_IHOLGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. --~.....-- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave.. Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample 10; Lob No: Instrument 10: MS &MSD 990228 HP 6890 GC-3 Dote Exfrocfed; Dote Anolyzed: Matrix: 3-Feb-99 5-Feb-99 Soil Matrix Spike Worksheet EPA Method 8015-M Matrix Spike Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Cone.(UG) Cane.(UG) Conc.(UG) ('Yo) Limits TPH as 2.725 13,0 10 103 35-165 Diesel Iv\atrix Spike Duplicate Results Compound Sample Matrix Spk. Cup. Spike Sol. Recovery Control Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) Cone.(UG) (%) Limits TPH os 2.725 12.6 10 99 35- 1 65 Die$el Average Recovery & RPD Data COmpound Spike Matrix Spk. Dup Average %RPD Control Recovery Recovery Recovery Limits TPH as 103 99 101 3.8 <31 Diesel '~i;. «: . . I~~IHO, LGUIN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. ------- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES ' 2550 Eastman Ave,. Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(805) 650-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 METHOD BLANK REPORT ~epORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS QC Botch ID Instrumenl 10 Analysis M~lhod; 2/5199 HP 6890 GC-3 8015M Dote Exlroc1ed: Dote Analyzed; Analyzed By 3-Feb-99 5-Feb-99 TDK CONCENTRATION OF TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (tph) AS DIESEL in mg/Kg (soU) Lab No. Client Sample No, Matrix TPH- DieSêl RL ND 10,0 36196 Method Blank Soil Extractable fuel hydrocarbons are quantitated against a diesel standard, Hydocarbons detected by this method range from C' 0 to C24, Analytes reported os. ND were not present above the stated Umit of detection. RL :: Method Reportinç¡ Limit NO = Not Deteded 01 or obovs ~L LAB CEPTIFIC.A,lIQN: CAELAP # 1878; 1/31/2000 H( ~ . . 1~~_IHOLGUlN, FAHAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. .....------- ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 2550 Eastman Ave., Unit 1, Ventura, CA 93003¥(B05) 65Q-7750¥FAX (805) 650-6810 Sample ID: MS / MSO Date Analyzed: 8-Feb-99 Lab No: 990202 Matrix: Soil In$trvment 10: HP5890 GC-l Dilution Fodor: 1 Compound Sample Conc.(ppb) 0.00 MTSE Compound Samp e Conc.(ppb) MTBE Compoun MTBE Matrix Spike Worksheet EP A 8020 Matrix Spike Results Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) Recovery ('?oj 107 on rol Limits 45-158 Matrix Spike Duplicate Results Matrix Splc Dup Conc.(ppb) 22.53 .55 Spike Sol. Conc.(ppb) 20 Control Limits 45-158 5 -1 Recovery (% 113 1 Average Recqvery & RPO Data Matrix Spk. Dvp Recovery 11 1 3 1 Average Recovery . %RPO CHAIN-Of-CUSTODY RECORD ~ ~'Y, Uon} '", ~}:1:~t;::[',!l,:;;;; ~e ~~~"'~~SOAalurefOr9aøizatJonJ ;:;, , ,ÞV/~-L~ t//' .. :2IJr~h;~~~1{P ~ ~;rl~~~" .~ ~ ~,~~6ot1l:~::;~. ~~~i~~~,~ :.}/:::,~~~~rp'lUIefOrganizaüon) ~ ~y; ~lure.-'Organlu.!Ion~, .'", o.s01~~~;~: ~~'(~: tor,ttA10(Y By: (S~nalure"Organil3\ìo11) Retum sample($)/cf)()l~rto:: Holg\JÍn.~faharf&::~ssocìates.lnc,· 3157 Pegasus Drive, Bakersfield, Callforoia, 93308· (605) 391-0517 . fAX it (805) 391·0826 ;//'"'~ ~/ ,':/ / .~ /~/ entName;C:if. ~"J!I'Itr,,~JJf!/~;;j;~{. rW~\~Nlim'~~lJ¡~;~~:; mTRAÇT CODE C 90.,.:,' ."- ""~'EAJ>'I:"IJV"'<ï 1\-1 , /f::f;~~~C~E L.'- ',.:' "":~~~:~;;~~~. - "';;1.: ,.;?~~\: ,,;~iSampl,:~ ~~i"';['~"" . :..' < '. -.I,.~..:>,j~al~·(So¡IJ: t~::tfc:~:¡Oth~¡'lnrorma'íon HFA ;-y,C>a1e : Time . 'gr,o~fw8'e,r, i}1~(~Hhsampling location, doplh. Sample . " - ' Safnpled Samf'Ied:'8jr~1¥a\ef) f!<'.~~~L-,! soil boring or MW I, elc.) -" 'I' "I.o'·'Dít·; -t~0I"'i~~-::t1< S;~¿,,~:! ;'?'?'1- 17."1' t /:1 /..7;~'~:ij :LtJ'>/~(?(A~' !J '7(~ " iAc.~,~:I;Z1~~i.¡ 4-!;ti!:'~ ;:"'~':"z.(P .... '-",4 . ..,.~Jf: "~':~f~"~·~!~~' :':;.e:.·~·:·; ~.~. V ,..b ," .-'''':/' "" I Sc-c.; ').;·.X·~w1.~ i~~o/.ì::LJ~h1 --; ~ ~ ".(' :JJ. ..... ~~¡\~.O(,~") -i;"",-;.""¡'~;' :.... -tV l/ V 7 , " ., \ ,'" :"'(¡';':\t:.~"'~':>""" '. :'s<:ð'Õ ,0'" :,.' '·.y"'''~aS} :~f;~:,~f~1~~: ~;.:~L~-rð:t 3ó J?'~-;'rô(~) L ;¡;;¡irr nOD; 'J~~~)t~$.1t ~iì;~~;JÍJiJ r ,"" ;.~ Itt~~ 1I!:~elk :,~:;,'.' '. " " ;.i,: ;r1; '.:'~~Jìif!)il:<';"'- " .." .,.~ I· .~#:~~~·~f.~fll~~~.·:·,J:{!..:..:::~,... '. """"<:E''''''IIÞ', 'q' "f > .::; ¡::,~¡~i ~;;'~~' : " :\>iJ11fi1~ fJ;:. : ~~\ ~ ':c. ~5-lo' " :,- /5, S~:;;.5· ;;';"h::ZJ:·+,:,;¡ ; t ~L't~{}~:q~' , t,w~¥:~>;ir:;' f '. (7< ',' (~~. ~.~ ~:,; ;:?~ "" .of;;':- .. ~ ' . " - ,~fu~t f\, ,~1fi,).?+: i:,~~~ )}~¡\: ;". . ~,'. -,. ~' ;;:::~l -~: -- .(.·:~~~~':r. I. '.~¡'\!~: : .'./. .. ., ... ,"1. . '. ·[:¡[$i--}.'" :,:~,¡, :'~ " <~ :?'~I":T ý¡; . ¡. ' ~ , ., '·"-"·""'m"'·'-"~ ... .. .. -....?-. . .. .:::.; . : \ :~~.:";~~~~~~ :.1 '; ~::~{~:t:~: .;~ .: . .. .. " " ':~ - , ". '. -- ~ Pa-~e L 0: -L ~/ Client:::onlact/Phone No. Send report :0: . Holguin. Fahan & Associates, Inc. 2820 Pegasus Drive, Suite 1 Bakersfield. CA 93308 Attn: rflíK K 111tJ1I~6E.(¿ SPECIAllNSTRUCnONS (i.~,. lufT\aloun-;J time. etc.) - I I ':i~h7 ~ ¡arv.; R',",,,,,, ~ ... ~ ~ No. and ~. Y) ~ v, '" C} T~ 01 .:--- ~ ~" (It '"'( Containers 1§ ~ ~ ~ ~ 15011.. v- V Jl.E:~ X ^ ./' ( X X Y \ X y:..X \ X X y ,I- X ~ -: ~ REQUIRED DETECTION LIMITS o Los Angeles Cwnly ~omia LUFT o Santa Oarbara County [] SW·8-46 o Vontura Count( 0 Olher see reverse for required detection '¡'rrn/s SAMPLE RECEIPT - Sampfe Seallntacl Sa. ~ j()n ~plable Sample T empma IU,'O Approp'i&1e Yes No o 0 o 0 o 0 PRESERVATIVE ADDED? - 0 110 0 yor. type: .\ ._--~ ,-! - ~. .', ;J;lñ qttle.fflmø All sarrp!cs slomd o',ernigill at HFA are refrigerate<! al "·C. Sam¡¡!es are Ilanspol1cd 10 too labof81ory in coolcrslilled wilh 6\\10 Ice''''. Delivered 10 HFA's refrigeralor for lcmporar¡ sloraga on I {-L<6- !-jl-'ì,9 XI¥! (Inilials) Labola:ory Name S. City (1f)'I71·.J["f:11J1".j I.~t; OalC)f'Tlmø Ipçlude Speçi81 Hazards Here; -- -~-------..--~ -~- RECTIlfl)!;K INSPECTION RECORD Facility Name: Address:- Rectifier Make & Model: Installer: Permit #: Installation Date: InsI' ection Date Inspector· Rectifier Settings D C Outputs Clock Remarks Scfi'cdule Hour I Coarse rme Volts Amps Readings I , Initial I I 2 Months I I 4 Months I I 6 Months I ¡ 6-month iDspedion repon is required from a Cathodic Protection Tester I 8 Months I I 10 Months I I 12 Months I I I 14 Months I I 16 Months I I 18 Months I I 20 Months I I 22 Months I I 24 Months I I 26 Months I I 28 Months I I 30 Months .. I I 32 Months I I 34 Months I I 36 Months I I 3-year inspection report required from a Cathodic Protection Tester I Normal Ranges If the¡le appears to be a problem with the system, note the problem under remarks and can for assistance. Reco[1l:is on cathodic protection are to be maintained for 6 1/2 years. HMIOS I i (1/96) / .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELIJ.: cJPIìICE OF ENVIRONMENT AIllERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 .~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY TYPE OF ACTION (Check one Item only) o 1, NEW SITE PERMIT o 3, RENEWAL PERMIT cr:;, AMENDED PERMIT o 5, CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify change . local use only) o 6, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Page _ of _ o 7, PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o 8, TANK REMOVED 400, Ifett¿;/ BUSINESS NAME 3 b ;)-cP I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION u/! af. 401, FACILITY OWNER TYPE ~ ),-CORPORATION W/2, INDIVIDUAL o 3, PARTNERSHIP o 4, LOCAL AGENCYlDlSTRlcr o 5, COUNTY AGENCY" 06, STATE AGENCY" o 7, FEDERAL AGE~CY" 402. 3 FACILITY 10 II 1, GAS STATION o 2, DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE o 3, FARM 0 5. COMMERCIAl o 4. PROCESSOR 0 8, OTHER 403, Is faciJlty on Indian RaservaIion or "If owner of UST a public agency: name of supervisor of trus1I8f1<Is? division. secIIon or office whiá1 operates the UST, (This is the contaá p8lSOl1 for the tank records.) ~ 405, 406, II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION PHONE 406, __/~2'.33-6S07 409, 410. ZIP CODE 93;J¿¿7 412, PROPERTY OWNER TYPE o 1, CORPORATION INDMDUAL o 3, PARTNERSHIP o 4, LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5, COUNTY AGENCY o 6. STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY 413. TANK OWNER NAME nr.TANKoWNeR INFORMATION 414, PHONE 415. MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS 418, TANK OWNER TYPE o 2. INDMDUAL o 3. PARTNERSHIP 417, I STATE o 4, LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5. COUNTY AGENCY 418., ZIP CODE 419, CITY o 1. CORPORATION o 8, STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY 420, IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER INDICATE METHQD(S) Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise , , V. PETROLEUM UST ,FINÀNCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 421, TV (TK) HQ o 1. SElF-INSURED o 2, GUARANTEE ' o 3, INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. LETTER OF CREDIT o 8. EXEMPTION 7, STATE FUND o 8, STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 09, STATEFUND&CD o 10, LOCAL GOV'T MECHANISM o 99, OTHER: 422, VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one box to indicate which addraa should be used for legal notiftcations and mailing, Legal notlflcations and mailings will be ..,t to the UInk owner unless box 1 or 2 is á1ecked. o 1, FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER o 3, TANK OWNER 423, VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE -~ DATE tJ;} If d ¿:J 424, PHONE 425, C b/- 5ð^if- }/ìJS- 427, 426, TITLE OF APPliCANT I STATE UST FACILITY NUMBER (Fortœ./ UN only) 428, 11998 UPGRADE CERTIFICATE NUMBER (Forloce/ use only) 429, UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\swrcb-a.wpd ß ~t~t ...... ---. '-- -- '-' .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELq. OF~E OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~VICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 ¢II TYPE OF ACTION (Ch/le. 0'" Item only) CJ " NEW SITE PERMIT rof.. AMENDED PERMIT o 5, CHANGe OF INFORMATION) P8g8 01 o 8, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE . o 7, PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE 08, TANKREMOIlED 4JC CJ 3, RENEWAL PERMIT (Spedy ...."n . far toceJ US/I only) ! BUSINESS NAME (s.m. .. FACILITY NAME Of DBA . Doing ~ AI) ~ ~1lDJ. C l.lh l t,«) '" TANK USE 439 I' ro./ MOTOR VEHICLe FUEL (If marked. ~/Jt~ Typø) I 0 2. NOM-FUEL PeTROLEUM I 0 3, CHEMICAL PRODUCT o 4, HAZARDOUS WASTE (1nt:IudN Uad OIJ 095, UNKNOWN TYPE OF TANK I (C/!eck one item only) I ! TANK MATERIAL· ørtm*Y link I (C/!eck one item only) 1. SINGLE WALl. o 2. DOUBLE WALl. r:n...¿' BARE STEel o i. STAINLESS STEEL 3 43~ ~~(.J , ~ vlt <i 3.5() <1 I. TANK OESCRIP11ON 433 COMPARTMENTALIZED TANK 0 Yes ~ 434 If "Yes'. complete one page for eac:I1 compartmenl. elL. 438 438 437 ß. TANK CONTENTS PETROlEUM TYPE o ,.. REGULAR UNLEADED o 1b. PREMIUM UNlEADED ~ MIOGRAŒ UNLEADeD 440 CJ 2. LEAŒO o 3. DIESEl o e. GASOHOl o 5. JET FUEL EJ 8. AVIATION FUEL 099, OTHER 441 CAS . (frøm ~nIotø UaIe1tlJls ImI8IItoty pege) 442 COMMON NAME (frøm I>M:øn:lous UaIe1tlJls Invenloty pege) m. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SINGlE WALl. 'MTH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE UNER 04. SINGlEWALLINAVAULT o 3. FIBERGLASS I PI..ASTIC o 4. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS REINFORCED PlASTIC CJ 3. FIBERGLASS I PlASTIC o 4. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGLASS REINFORCED PlASTIC (FRP) o 5. CONCRETE . EPOXY LINING o 4. PHENOlIC LINING o 5. SINGLE WALL 'MTH INTERNAL BLADOeR SYSTEM 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER o 5. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN o 8. FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL 099. OTHER 444 443 TANKMATERIAL·~tanIc 0 1. BARESTEEL (C/!eck 0'" item only) 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL TANK INTERIOR LINING OR COATING (C1Ieck one item only) SPILL AND OVERFILL (Ch/lek aU INt~) o 8. FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL o 9. FRP NON-CORRODIBLE JACKET o 10. COATED STEEL o 95. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER 445 o 1. RUB8ERUNEO o 2. AI..KVD LINING DATE INSTALLED t'i'iì 'For~ use 0 DATE INSTALLED 44ð 447 o 5. GlA88 LINING o e. UN-JNEO 095. UNKNOWN CJ 98. OTHER o 1. MANUFACTURED CATHODIC 0 3. FIBERGlASS REINFORCED Pl.ASTIC PROTECTION 0 4. IMPRESSED CURRENT o 2. SACRIFICIAL ANODE YEAR INSTALLED 450 TYPE (ForIOUl use only) 451 0< SPILL CONTAINMENT I f f'l wh DROP TUBE 14 f '1 e{ STRIKER PLA~ I '1 ~ "7 449 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER 448 (For locaIuu only) OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALLED 452 0,. ALARM _ 03. FILL TUBE SHUTOFF VALlIE _ 02. BAU.FLOAT _ 04. EXEMPT IF SlNGUI WALL TANK (CItedl"lNt~): o '~UAL (EXPOSED PORTION ONLY) 10'2, AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) o 3, CONTINUOUSATG o 4, STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCIUATION (SIR). BIENNIAL TANK TESTING . <~¡yr.~J( U!AK 1)~ç:n:g.rL ~'f;j ¡;~~iL:t~,<:>'" '··;:'''<.';:tn;~~-;,;~~:· 4fJ3 " DOUlll.e WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADOI!R (Check one ilwm only): 454 , o 1. VISUAL (SiNGlE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING CJ 3. MANUAL MONITORING 415 o 5. MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MfG) o 8. VADOSE ZONE o 7. GROUNDWATER CJ 8. TANK TESTING 098. OTHER V. TANK CLOSURE INFORMA TlOH I PIIRMANeNT CLOSURE IN PLACE eSTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 458 TANK Ftu.eD 'MTH INERT MATERIAL? 457 ESTIMATED OATe LAST UIII!D (YRIMOIDAY) UPCF (7/99) pØonI Oy. ONo S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRca·a.WPD ;"."'1. -1".: """ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD _ . OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ., 1115 Cheltar Ave., Bakersfleld, CA 93301 (881) 328-3919 uaT - TANK PAGE 2 Page of UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING vL PIPING CONSTRUCTION (ChKk .. tllet apply) i SYSTEM TYPE 1, PRESSURE 0 2, SUCTION 0 3, GRAVITY 458 0 " PRESSURE ! CONSTRUCTION/i ' SINGLE WALL 0 3, LINED TRENCH 0 99, OTHER 460 0 " SINGLE WALL i MANUFACTURER 0 2, DOUBLE WALL 095, UNKNOWN 0 2. DOUBLE WALL MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER o 1. BARE STEEL 0 6, FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL 0 " BARE STEEL MATERIALS AND 0 2, STAINLESS STEEL 0 7. GALVANIZED STEEL 0 2, STAINLESS STEEL CORROSION PROTECTION 0 3)'I..ASTIC COMPATIBlE WITH CONTENTS 095, UNKNOWN 0 3, PlASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS Q4: FIBERGlASS 0 8. FlEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99, OTHER 0 4, FIBERGLASS 05, STEELW/COATING 09, CATHODIC PROTECTION 484 05, STEELW/COATlNG VlL PI.,N(lLEAi<DETEC11ON (arec.1III that apply) o 16, ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17. DAILY VISUAl CHECK ~~i%;~~IJi~~\~~*¿íF." ~ 'c ;'·:Jgl,~p~~Aí~~~~;9i~)},!;,~t'1~}~~~~·~". . 0" FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VAlVE o 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAl AlARMS o 3, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR ~ AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAl AlARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE UNDERGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 PRES~ED PIPING (Check aU tIIat apply): gA, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBlE AND VISUAl AlARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (O,I GPH) CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5, DAILY VISUAl MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING INTEGRITY TEST {O,I GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VAlVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7, SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o 9, BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (O.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU that apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR rm:ti AUDIBLE AND VISUAl AlARMS AND (Check one) o a, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A lEAK OCCURS o þ, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c, NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o ". ~~~~VI%~INE lEAK DETECTOR (3,O GPH TEST) ~ FlOW SHUT OFF OR o 12, ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (O.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBlE AND VISUAl AlARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check .. thaI apply) o 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,O GPH TEST) ~ FlOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION . o 16, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (O,1 GPH) o 17, DAILY VISUAL CHECK DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE INSTAlLED 466 /-.leNt UPCF (1/99) , , o 2, SUCTION 095, UNKNOWN o 99, OTHER o 3, GRAVITY 459 462 463 o 6, FRP COMPATIBLE W/I00% METHANOL o 7, GALVANIZED STEEL o 8, FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 0 99, OTHER o 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION o 95, UNKNOWN " ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU tIIat apply): o 1. ElECTRONIC LINE lEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAl AlARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST (O,1 GPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAl CHECK CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check aU thaI apply): o 5. DAfL Y VISUAl MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 8. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (O,1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VAlVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FlOW (Check aU that apply): o 8. DAfL Y VISUAl MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (O,1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU tIIat apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR mn1 AUDIBlE AND VISUAl AlARMS AND (check one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A lEAK OCCURS o þ, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o C. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 1,. AUTOMATIC lEAK DETECTOR 0,2. ANNUAl INTEGRITY TEST {O.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBlE AND VISUAl AlARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Check aU that apply) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) o 4. D~SUALCHECK [(]A:'TRENCH LINER / MONITORING o 8, NONE 469 DATE :?- --/ /- ¿:J 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR atJn -e~ 470 472 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCS-s.WPD TYPE OF ACTION (Check 0". ,"m only) ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OF.E OF ENVIRONMENTAL AVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-TANK PAGE 1 (91 o I, NEW SITE PERMIT ¡g,{ AMENDED PERMIT Page d o 8, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7, PERMV ENTL Y CLOSED ON SITE o 8, TANK REMOVED 43 o 5, CHANGE OF INFORMATION) o 3. RENEWAL PERMIT ¡ BUSINESS NAME (Same. FACILITY NAME 01 DBA· Doing ~ AI) 3 (Spedy ....", . for /oeM u,. only) 1~<Ì() i i rANK 10" ¡ i 43 QJ. ß~U C6... 751tJ 7 I. TANK DESCRIPTION I TYPE OF TANK I (Ch«k OM iIIIm only) i ! TANK MATERIAL . prim8 )' œnk I (C!reck one iIIIm only) I TANK MATERIAL· ~ tank 0 1. BARE STEEL (Ch«k one iIIIm only) 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL . 2~»:c~~> II' SlNOLI WALL TANK (CIIet:k.. file, eppIyJ: o ~SUAL (EXPOseD PORTION ONLY) Q"2, AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATG) o 3, CONTINUOUS ATG o 4, STATISTICAL INllENTORY RECONCILIATION (SIR) + BIENNIAL TANK TESTING ~ / TANK use QL..( MOTOR VEHIClE FUEL (If marlted. compIe" Pettoleum T1I») o 2. NON-FUEL PETROLEUM o 3, CHEMICAL PRODUCT o 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (1ndudN Uød 01) 095, UNKNOWN TANK INTERIOR LINING OR COAnNG (Check 0118 iIIIm only) SPILL AND OVERFILL I (Check aU tII./.ppIy) ~.,,---- 433 COMPARTMENTALIZEO TANK 0 Yes q Aé; 434 If "Yes-. complete one page '01 eactI compartment. MPART S 437 ~ '" l . 438 438 R. TANK CONTENTS 43t PETROlEUM TYPE o 18. REGUlAR UNLEADED m-<' PREMIUM UNLEADED o 1c. MIOGRADE UNlEADED 440 o 2. I.fADEO o 3. DIESEL o 4. GASOHOl o 5, JET FUEL o 8. AVIATION FUEL 099. OTHER 441 CAS II (from HautrloulMateJ1M Inventoty page) 442 COMMON NAME (110m HaDI'dous MaI8tt8ls IlM/nlDty page) ar1.~WAU. o 2. DOUBLE WAU. II. TANK CONSTRUCT1ON o 3. SINGlE WALL WITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE UNER 04. SINGlE WALL IN A VAULT 443 o 5. SINGlE WALL WITH INTERNAL BlADDER SYSTEM 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTMER o 5. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN o 8. FRP COMPAnBLE W/100% METHANOL 099. OTHER 1SY1'. -BARE STEEl o 2. STAINLESS STEEL o 3. FIBERGlASS I PLASTIC o 4. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGlASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 3. FIBERGlASS I PLASTIC o 4. STEEL CLAD WIFIBERGI.ASS REINFORCED PLASTIC (FRP) o 5. CONCRETE 3. EPOXY UNING o 4. PH£NOUC UNING 444 o 8. FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOL o 9. FRP NON-CORROOIBLE JACKET 010. COATED STEEl 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER 445 DATE INSTALLEÓ Iq~7 'For /oeM use DATE INSTALLED 44ð 447 o 1. RUBBER LINED o 2. ALIM) LINING o 5. GLASS UNINQ o .. UNLINED 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER 449 o 1. MANUFACTURED CATHODIC PROTECTION o 2. SACRIFICIAL ANODE YEAR INSTALLED W;, SPILL CONTAINMENT I f (7 M. DROP TUBE f~{) or( STRJICER PlATE ( f f7 ~FI8ERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC 095. uNKNoWN IB" 4. IMPRESSED CURRENT 0 99. OTHER 44ð 450 TYPE (FtN lOcaIuø only) (ForlocaJ UN only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTALLED 452 01. ALARM ~ TUBE SHUTOFF VALVE _ o 2. BALLFlOAT 04. EXEMPT . ::.~r~~~~·~~;·;~:;~~1)t:~r:::: ': :.:{<\....~..:. ," :{;.~r~~',.<:j~t{ ; 4ð3 " DOUIIU! WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADOI!R (Check OM /fWJI only : 454 o 1. VISUAL (SINGLE WALL IN VAULT ONLY) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 3. MV UAL MONITORING ,:;~p"~1( LâAK 4ð5 D 5. MV UAL TANK GAUGING (MfG) D e. VADOse ZONE 07. GROUNDWATER D 8. TANK TESTING 089. OTHER V. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PIRMANINT CLOSURIIN PLACI esnMATED QUAN'ITTY OF SUBSTANCe REMAINING 4N TANK FilleD WITH INERT MATERIAL? 457 ESTIMATED DATE LAST UseD (YRIMOJDAY) DNo UPCF (7199) ..øona Ov. S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCa-ø.VYPD , .¿;Í::~ ,- , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 715 C~.ter Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (881) 32.79 Page UST· TANK PAGE 2 01 UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING vLPlPlNO CONSTRUCTION (CheØr .. lllat Ipp/y] i SYSTEM TYPE 1, PRESSURE 0 2, SUCTION 0 3, GRAVITY 458 0 1. PRESSURE I; 0 0 ¡ CONSTRUCTlONlI 1, SINGLE WALL 3, LINED TRENCH 99, OTHER 480 0 1, SINGLE WALL ¡ MANUFACTURER 0 2, DOUBLE WALL 095, UNKNOWN 0 2. DOUBLE WALL MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER o 1, BARE STEEL 0 8. FRP COMPATIBLE W/I00% METHANOL 0 1, BARE STEEL MATERIALS AND 0 2, STAINLESS STEEL 0 7. GALVANIZED STEEL 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL CORROSION PROTECTION 0 ~STIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS 095, UNKNOWN 0 3, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS a4, FIBERGlASS 0 8. FlEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99. OTHER 0 4, FIBERGLASS 05, STEELW/COATlNG 09, CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 05, STEELW/COATING VIL I~q~,DETECTiON (citeck../hat apply) UNDERGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 466 PRE§:>URIZED PIPING (Check aU that apply): (y 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3,0 GPH TEST mD1 AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM. TRIENNIAL PIPING INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o 9, BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU /hat apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR ~ AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS AND (Check one) o a, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b,' AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) ïmJ:I FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 12, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Ch8dc ..that apply) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) ~ flOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 16, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17, DAILY VISUAL CHECK .... . .'"" o 2, SUCTION 095, UNKNOWN o 99, OTHER o 3, GRAVITY 459 462 463 o 8, FRP CDMPATlBLE W/I00% METHANOL 07. GALVANIZED STEEL o 8, flEXIBLE (HDPE) 0 99, OTHER o 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 095, UNKNOWN ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU that apply): o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ïill!:1 AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. CAlLY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check ..that apply): o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 8. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY flOW (Check aU that apply): o 8. CAlLY VISUAL MONITORING o 9, BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aR that apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR mIl:! AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (check one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o C. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR 012. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) ;; .' SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS EMERGENCY GEN~TORS ONLY (Check 811 that apply) o 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) 016, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17. DAILY VISUAL CHECK ò" ~~~~~~~~4t~tì.~~~~~~~1ÆJÆ%~t~~~~(~· DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE INSTALLED 468 f'.({}~ ( o 1, flOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o 2, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR. AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 3, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR iYIni AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE o 4. ~IL Y VISUAL CHECK U'J..8(TRENCH LINER I MONITORING o 6. NONE 469 ...e 0 ~ UPCF (7/99) DA;Z_ / / -¿?d 471 TITLE OF OWNER/OPERATOR ..eþ-, 470 472 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRca-B.WPD )(~t ......... ........ t.\I '-' ~ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ~ OF.E OF ENVIRONMENTAL AVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS-TANKPAGE1 TYPE OF ACTION (CheCk one Item only) o " NEW SITE PERMIT ~ AMENDED PERMIT o 5. CHANGe OF INFORMATION) (9 I P._oI _I o 8. TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7, PERMANENTlY ClOSED ON SITE 08, TANK REMOVED o 3, RENEWAl PERMIT 43( i 43' a<OdO ( U l t~o ~ p'l f3t-U.. f v-r q~{) 7 I. TANK DESCRIPTION ANKI 11 TANK use 4311 ~ MOTOR VEHICLe FUEL (If mafQd. r:ompIe/lt ~ Type) o 2. NON-FUEl ÆTROlEUM o 3, CHEMICAl f'RODUCT o 4, HAZAADOUS WASTE (1ttdudN U$ed 01) o 95, UNKNO'It'N ' TYF'E OF TANK (ClHlck _ i/Itm only) 433 COMPARTMENTAlIZED TANK 0 Yes 0 No " -Va'. complete one page for eadI compartment. NUMBE AR 434 438 437 438 IL TANK CONTENT8 PETROLEUM TYF'E o ,.. REGULAR UNLEADED 0 2...J.EADEO o 1b. fIREMIUM UNLEADED M DIESEL o 1e. MIDGRADE UNLEADED . 0 4. GASOHOL COMMON NAME (trvm Haardous Ma/Jettals IlMIntøry page) 440 o 5. JET FUEL EJ 8. AVIATION FUel o 99. OTliER 441 CAS. f'-" Hu1IrdolØ Ma/Jettals IlMIntory paf1ll) 442 II. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SINGLE WAlL Vt'ITH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE UNER 04. SINGlEWAlLINAVAULT o 3. FIBERGLASS/PlASTIC o 4 STEEl ClAD WIFIBERGLASS o 5. SINGlE WAlL WITH INTERNAl. BLADDER SYSTEM 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER o 5. CONCRETE 095. UNKNOWN o 8 FRPCOMPATIBlE WI100% METHANOL 099 OTliER 444 ,. SINGlE WAlL o 2. DOUBlE WAlL I TANK MATERIAL· IItrqry I8nk I (Chec/c one item only) ,443 1. BARE STEEl. o 2 STAINl£SS STEEl , , REINFORCED PlASTIC IFRP\ , TANK MA TERIAl- secand8ry tank 0 ,. BARE STEEl o 3. FIBERGLASS / F'lASTIC o 8. FRP COMPATIBlE WI100% METHANOL 095. UNKNOWN 445 (Chec/c one i/Itm only) o 2. STAINLESS STEEl o 4. STEEL ClAD WIFIØERGlASS o 9. FRP NON-CORRODIBlE JACKET 099. OTHER REINFORCED PlASTIC (FRP) o 10. COATED STEEl o 5. CONCRETE TANK INTERIOR UNING o 1. RUBBER LINED œ-<EPOXYUNING o 5. GLASS UNINQ 095. UNKNOWN 448 DATE INSTAllED' 447 OR COATING I (ChecII 0lIl tIIm Mlvl o 2. AU<YD UNNO o 4. PHENOLIC UNlNG o 8. UNLINED 0.. OTHER ¡F« /oQJ 11M -.;¡¡¡;;. OTliER CORROSION I!] 1. MANUFACTUREDCATHOOIC o 3. FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PlASTIC 095. UNKNOWN 448 DATE INSTAllED 449 f'ROTECTION IF APPUCA8LE f'ROTECTION o¡..:(' IMPREsseD CURRENT 0.. OTliER ' 1ft;). (Check one i/Itm only) o 2. SACRIFICIAl ANODE (Fa IoclIIIIM only) SF'1LL AND OVERFILL YEAR INSTAllED 450 TYF'E (For /oQJ 11M only) 451 OVERFILL I'ROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTAllED 452 (Check aU tMlaPfJ/y) a;t;, SPILL CONTAINMENT l'if) 0 1. ALARM o 3. FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VAlVE _ cj,{ DROP TUBE '40 o 2. IIAl1.FLOAT o 4. EXEMPT 0-{ STRIKER F'I.A TE ,i<) -. ;'.', " ..~,',,' ':'~~'{~;\'~~7 ;' ..,. "'1r~ ";' .-,r-'''..''y'''':,::~' ;,," ',' " ~""';¡fj'>',".,.;:..;"'v"':,"": : :;:::<,"T~r:>:,;~¡';' 'T i , "',""''''''' '",,;J, ,', '. ", -''' ,,,,....,,..,.,.',,, "~,I',',': 'IY("'T~ (WK '''' "~:;i ¡'''r;¡ ,..,..,," "", .. ":",,':.. ':'..,."",,,~,,,: . ;:.....). : : ~,.: ' . >!.. "'i'.i:,~" .~~..:;.:~ ';~::. "', ·_:...:1!:i:~:~.;~: ::~:: .'f/.~ .:-~::.~, . -i :..... . ::.~ -: .~~::_. .' .. . '.,. "," ,.... . ., .....~, ,': '. _ :"" ..': ;...:..~~,,;;...;.-::. :. IF SlNOUI WALL TANK (CIHM;k dlllat apply): 453 'I' DOUBLe WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADDeR (Chec/c _Item only): 454 o 1. VISUAl (EXPOseD PORTION ONt. Y) 05. MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MfG) 0 1. VISUAL (SiNGLe WAlL IN VAULT ONLY) ~ AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATO) 08. VADOse ZONE 02. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAl MONITORING 0 J, CONTINUOUS ATO 07. GROUNDWATER 03. MANUAl MONITORING 04. STA TISTICAlINVENTORY RECONCILIATION (SIR) . 08. TANK TESTING BIENNIAl TANK TESTING 0.. OTHER W'" __ V. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PIRIIAN!NT CLOSURE IN PLACE ESTIMATED OATE lAST useo (YR/MOIDAY) 4M ESTIMATeD QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCe REMAINING 4A TANI( FII.L!D WITH INERT MATERIAl? 467 ,.rIonI Oy. ONo UPCF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMS\sWRCB·B.WPC -,/~ ;/' .. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD . . .. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. 1715 Cheater Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (861) 32 79 Page U8T· TANK PAGE 2 of UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING vLPlPlNG CONSTRUCTION (CMcllII"..t .pp/y) i SYSTEM TYPE 1, PRESSURE 0 2, SUCTION 0 3, GRAVITY 458 0 1, PRESSURE ! CONSTRUCTION/! 1, SINGLE WALL 0 3, LINED TRENCH 0 99, OTHER 460 0 " SINGLE WALL I MANUFACTURER!O 2, DOUBLE WALL 095: UNKNO'NN 0 2, DOUBLE WALL I MANUFACTURER 481 MANUFACTURER o 1, BARE STEEL 0 8, FRP COMPATIBLE WI 100% METHANOL 0 1. BARE STEEL MATERIALSAND O 2, STAINLESS STEEL 07, GALVANIZED STEEL 02. STAINLESS STEEL CORROSION PROTECTION 0 ~STIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS 095, UNKNOWN 0 3, PlASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS 18"'4, FIBERGLASS 0 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99, OTHER 0 4, FIBERGLASS 10 5, STEEL WI COATING 0 9. CATHODIC PROTECTION 464 0 5, STEEL WI COATING VII. f'1""N9~DETEcnON (Chéck a/l tItøt apply) o 18, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17. DAILY VISUAL CHECK ~~;R~%.·~:"'l":·~:,: ":';91" .~~~M~~~&f~~;~&\~%1~~ti;;~~ 0" FLOAT MECHANISM THAT SHUTS OFF SHEAR VALVE o 2. CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 3, CONTINUOUS DISPENSER PAN SENSOR YiIII:1 AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNER/OPERATOR SIGNATURE I cet1ify Ihatllle inlormallon provided herein i. IN. and accurate to the best d my knowledge. SIGNATURE OF O'NNER/OPERA TOR A-tl RJOPERATOR (print) UNDERGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 486 ,F'I'!~RIZED PIPING (Check aO lIIat apply): D" 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mn1 AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0,2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PIPING INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7, SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Chøck aO tllat apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR m:n1 AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Check one) o a, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c, NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) mn1 FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 12, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (ChøcJc øI tllat apply) o 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR YiIII:1m!I AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 1 5. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) ~ FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17, DAILY VISUAL CHECK >~; ." DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE INSTALLED 488 .AI f()Nt UN only) UPCF (7/99) .: :'~' . o 2, SUCTION o 95, UNKNOWN o 99, OTHER o 3, GRAVITY 459 462 463 o 8, FRP COMPATIBLE WI 1 00% METHANOL o 7, GALVANIZED STEEL o 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99, OTHER o 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION o 95, UNKNO'NN ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChøcJc aO lIIat apply): o 1, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ïl!!!:I AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check 811 that apply): o 5. CAlLY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 6. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW (Check ø6 tllat apply): o 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check ø6 lIIat apply): 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR WITH AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (meek one) o a, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF 011. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS . EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (ChøcJc 811 tllat apply) o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST), o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK ftVÍ TRENCH LINER I MONITORING o 6, NONE 469 471 470 472 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCø.B.WPD '- CITY OF BAKERSFIELQ. OF~E OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~VICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANKS·TANKPAGE1 e TYPE OF ACTION (Check 0... Item only) a " NEW SITE PERMIT m{ AMENDED PERMIT a 5, CHANGe OF INFORMATION) Page 01 a 8, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE o 7 , PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE a 8. TANK REMOVED 43' a 3. RENEWAL: PERMIT .1G,J.O ¡ ,¡TANKID. , wJ~(\" ($¡ndy -.011 . tor /oeel un only) 43' cQj. ~~"A- ~A- q 33lJ c¡ I. TANK DESCRIPTION 438 TANK use 43t ~ MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL (If matlfed. compleat Pellalllwn T)Pe) o 2. NON-FUEL I'ETROLEUM o 3. CHEMICAl. PRODUCT o 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (Include. U.,s 01) a 95, UNKNOWN TYPE OF TANK 1'--"'"'" ! TANK MATERIAL· pttmary r.nk ¡ (Check one iNm only) Iij"';". SINGU! WAU. o 2. DOUBLS WAU. 433 COMPARTMENTALIZED TANK 0 Yes 0 No If "Yes'. complete one page fa aac:II compartment 434 qf7 437 438 ~ IL TANK CONTENTS ~./ PETROLEUM TYPE ar,a. REGUtAR UNLeADeD a 1b. PREMIUM UNlEADED o'C.MlDGRADEUNLEADED 440 o 2. LEADED o 3. DIESEL o 4. GASOHOl. o 5. JET FUEL EJ 8. AVIATION FUEL 099. OTHER 441 CAS . (from Hazatrloua MaI8t18Js Inventory page) 442 COMMON HAM! (from Hu1ItrIocø u.18t18Js IlMInlfHy page) II. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SINGle WAU. 'MTH EXTERIOR MEMBRANE LINER 04. SINGleWAU.INAVAULT o 3. FIBERGlASS I PlASTIC o 4. STeel ClAD WlFIIIERGlASS REINFORCED PlASTIC o 3. FIBERGlASS / PlASTIC o 4. STEEL ClAD WIFI8ERGI.ASS REINFORCED PlASTIC (FRP) o 5. CONCRETE 3. EPOXY UNING [J 4. PHENOLIC UNING [J 5. SINGLE WAU. 'MTH INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 095. UNKNOWN [J 99. OTHER [J 5, CONCRETE 095. 'UNKNOWN ~ 444 o 8. FRP COM>ATlBlE W/I00% METHANOL IDh:--oTHER ~ 443 o ,. BARE STEEL o 2. STAINlESS STEel TANK MATERIAL· ~ lank 0 1. BARE STEEl (CheckOllf iNmonly) 02. STAH-ESSSTEEL (Checll 0IIf iNm only) SPILL AND OVERFILL I (Check aU /lllIllIppty) o 8. FRP COM>ATlBlE W/I00% METHANOL o 9. FRP NON-CORRODIBlE JACKET 010. COATED STEEL 095. UNKNOWN [J 99. OTHER 445 DATE INSTALlED' iff") 'For 1«61,. DATE INSTALLED o 5. GLASS LINING [J8.UNUNEO 448 447 095. UNKNOWN 099. OTHER 1. MANUFACTURED CATHODIC 0 3. FIBERGlASS REINFORCED PlASTIC [J 85: UNKNOWN PROTECTION 0 4. IMPRESSED CURRENT a 99. OTHER [J 2. SACRIFICIAL ANODE YEAR INSTALLED 450 TYPE (FotIocelUH only) 451 o 1. SPILL CONTAINMENT \ t¡ ~ '1 o 2. DROP ruBE ( ~ f7 o 3. STRIKER PLATE l ~ q '7 449 TANK INTERIOR LINING OR COATING 448 (For IoceIUH only) OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT: YEAR INSTAU.ED 452 0,. AlARM _ 03. FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VALVE _ [ij..-{ BALL FLOAT _ 0 4. EXEMPT '" ~~::~~:~::~~fj,}:. ~:~.!~4t/:: ~.~~~.:~\r:"; ..':\' ·':_;&rD:·:::\::;+i::;~~D~:~·~h...~. :!;~'fr~K ~ ~Ç"~'f.~t: ~r~~'~~*; /J~?~f:':::~((\' :.. " :~':(\' :',:":'" :i1:(~r~:~:r::~::{ : IF SING'" WALl. T ANI( (Chet:Jt III /IIIII/IPPIY): 4ð3 IF DOUBLE WALL TANK OR TANK WITH BLADOI!R (CMck 0IIf /fWm only): 454 o '. VISUAL (EXP08ED PORTION ONLY) 05. MANUAL TANK GAUGING (MTO) 0 1. VlSUAL(SINGLeWALLINVAULTONLy) ~ AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING (ATO) 0 e. VADOse ZONE 0 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 3, CONTINUOUS ATG 0 7. GROUNOWATER 0 3. MANUAL MONITORING 04, STATISTICAL INVENTORY RECONCILIATION (SIR) + 08. TANKTESTING 81ENNIAL TANK TESTINO a 99. OTHER Y. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION I PIRMANINT CLOSURE IN PLACE ESTIMATED DATE LAST USED (YRIMOIDAY) 455 ESTIMATED QUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING 4H TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? 457 UPCF (1/99) . aeIIonI oY. DNa S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8·8.WPO p!;..~ _CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 715 Chelt.r Av... B.k....fI.ld. CA 93301 (881) 3.79 Page uaT· TANK PAGE 2 01 UNDERGROUND PIPING ABOVEGROUND PIPING vLPIPINO CON8TR.UCTION (ChecII "tlltt tppIy) ! SYSTEM TYPE 1, PRESSURE 0 2, SUCTION 0 3, GRAVITY 458 0 1, PRESSURE CONSTRUCTION/I 1, SINGLE WALL 0 3, LINED TRENCH 0 99, OTHER 460 0 " SINGLE WALL MANUFACTURERIO 2, DOUBLE WALL 0 95, UNKNOWN 0 2, DOUBLE WALL I MANUFACTURER 461 MANUFACTURER o " BARE STEEL 0 6. FRP COMPATIBLE WI 100% METHANOL 0 " BARE STEEL MATERIALS AND 0 2, STAINLESS STEEL 0 7. GALVANIZED STEEL 0 2. STAINLESS STEEL CORROSION PROTECTION ~ÿPlASTIC COMPATIBlE WITH CONTENTS 095, UNKNOWN 0 3, PlASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS B' 4, FIBERGLASS 0 8. FLEXIBLE (HOPE) 0 99, OTHER 0 4, FIBERGLASS iDs, STEEL WI COATING 0 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION 484 0 5, STEEL WI COATING VlL P'1~NqWKDETECTlON (ciIéck S' tltst apply) UNDERGROUND PIPING SINGle WALL PIPING 466 PRE§,:)URIZED PIPING (Check sU /list apply): ~, ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST:tml1 AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS: o 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PUMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAl PIPING INTEGRITY ¡ TEST (0,1 GPH) , 'I SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7, SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW: o 9, BIENNIAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SECONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChecJc sU tltst apply): 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR mD:1 AUDIBLE AND VISUAl ALARMS AND (Check one) o a. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o þ, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c, NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) ~ FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 12, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (Chsck dlllat apply) o 14, CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) ~ FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 16, ANNUALlNTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) o 17, OAILYVISUALCHECK DISPENSER CONTAINMENT DATE INSTALLED 468 NCJNf. ~ UPCF (7/99) ", ,'," '.~. o 2, SUCTION o 95, UNKNOWN o 99, OTHER o 3, GRAVITY 459 462 463 o 6, FRP COMPATIBLE WI 100% METHANOL o 7, GALVANIZED STEEL o 8, FLEXIBLE (HDPE) 0 99, OTHER o 9, CATHODIC PROTECTION 095, UNKNOWN ABOVEGROUND PIPING SINGLE WALL PIPING 467 PRESSURIZED PIPING (Check aU /list apply): o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL AlARMS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHECK CONVENTIONAl SUCTION SYSTEMS (Check s/I tltst apply): o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OF PIPING AND PUMPING SYSTEM o 6, TRIENNIAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FLOW (Check aU tltst apply): o 8, CAlLY VISUAL MONITORING o 9. BIENNIAl INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SecONDARILY CONTAINED PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChecJc s/I tltst apply); 10, CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSOR ïí!!!;! AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (check one) o ¡ , AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o þ, AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11, AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR 012. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0,1 GPH) SUCTION/GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR + AUDIBlE AND VISUAL ALARMS EMERGENCY GENERATORS ONLY (ChecJc all tltst apply) o 14. CONTiNUOUS SUMP SENSOR ~ AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF + AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3,0 GPH TEST) o 4. CAlLY VISUAL CHECK ßd"S. TRENCH LINER I MONITORING o 6. NONE 469 DATE 410 411 -- /(-¿?(/ TITLE OF OWNERIOPERATOR ew 412 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCB-B.WPD --J~- - '., ["I')[-:! L kEHU'/ ,::<::, I'WI ::::C:'Ci ;,,1] U3(;'¡,J E'L' 13r,l: F:F>;¡:] ELD If:;. 8 0 ~I '. :~:; :'::r ::~: --, (I '3 [J 17 FEE 1. ?OUCi I (:1 : :::':; ;',11 S'/:'~lfl'l ::-;'J H'II I,:; f!FTC' ,'T f1[,1. FUf'JI:'T .;)I.J;:,; I'V:+'I'li'iL I f'J\/ÜJTOk'/ F:EJ,(;'J.::-[' T J: Ur'JLEiiIJED \/0 L LII'lE ULIJiCE c;l_II J "'J','E:'~ ... . ..r',__J T( Æ Ur--1E = HE1,:;¡-rr 1...If-iTEF: \/(;'L =, [,',JATER lH'IF' ? t:¡:~::~:1 :~r\L::C: 1~;r1L::~:: (:·';f'il..::.:: 1':-;;-1L~:'; JIVIIF::,: ,I ':':] r::; ::: ¡ r ':, '71:. 'i :::: ~='I;~: " :'::7 Ü I.~:;HL~:::; U. UIJ ] I'JI:fIF::, PoOR ORIGli... T 4: D I E:::£L \/01. Uf"lE ULLAGE 91]:\;, IJLI.r~J:;E= TC ' ,/OLUf"!E HEIGHT [,JATEF: I.;,JATER TEt"lP e' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ END ~ ~ ^ ~ · T 2: ::3PF; LöL ~'~'\.."":"LUf"'IE._, ' ULLAI:;E ':JiJ:< ULIJiGE = TC \/CL LlIIE HE I (;HT I/JATER \/U1. 1..-../14 TEF: TH'lP T.:UF'EF~ \l()L ur'1E ULLAGE 9ü", ULLr,J:;E= Te ",/í)LUI'l[ HE I I,:;HT l.JATEF.' \/-:::<L .,IATEr: TH'lP '-'¡~I;I ;::;:-::,,~;;:; E:~.::-'::'=" I:.'.:<.:;.:.J (~;t--iL;'::,; ~; 7 :~·:~"-1 G{-I}.,;~:; ~~~ J) ~j f~~, I '~~f ì 1..::::: ,,1 .90 II'jJ:HF::::; CJ 1,;i~L::; I-I. elel 1 r"JI:'HE:::; 1:,::' ,b IIE(,: F :~::I.:'t~,:J C~~~ L~:'~ i,:: :,~.; ;~~:~.. (~(Ü.E~ '? 1::-? l;i1U::; ;:,6 ~~ 4 Gf;U:: ;,2. 'jeJ II'J(:HU::; () Gf\L:::~ U, Del J NI:'HE:::: t<:: ,:'~ ['LG F ~:t:,I~I:,; r~~;·~L:=; 7:.~:1:4'/ ¡';i\L~,: t:,:, :~; ':i? ¡'~:;i:1I._~-:; 2 5 '~) b i~~(,L~-:; ?C, . ':'::c: \ \'\'::~E~::; CJ I~~.HLJ-S;~,' 1:1.1.:10 1I, CHE:3 I:,':" . 6 [Æ(; F - e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT ' OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME t2ci~~ ~J ADDRESS ,-~c,l;:)n. . F ACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE ~ ' ( , () 0 PHONE NO. . ~ 3J ' Cost} '7 BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES S- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program D Routine !Sì'6ombined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection OPERATION C V COMMENTS /' Appropriate pennit on hand V V / Business plan contact infonnation accurate Visible address / L r Correct occupancy L/ / Verification of inventory materials V r Verification of quantities V / Verification of location 1/ /' Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability I'" G Verification of Haz Mat training If U I/' Verification of abatement supplies and procedures I \J ¡,., Emergency procedures adequate l/ II Containers properly labeled 1\/ Housekeeping ill Ir Fire Protection Iv Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V ./ C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~ White - Env, Svcs, Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: . Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME~ Y (Co (kbf- INSPECTION DATE 9-'( 'tHO Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~mbined Type of Tank 50 L- Type of Monitoring o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint l./ gW'-::: ORe-inspection A- í (l, " \ \ OPERA TION C V COMMENtS -,- , Proper tank data on tile V \ " \ Proper owner/operator data on tile V \ Permit fees current vi \ \ v' \ Certification of Financial Responsibility \ Monitoring record adequate and current V Maintenance records adequate and current V Failure to correct prior UST violations V Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? :,:,:~:":¡ ~ He< Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env_ Sves, N=NO ~~ Business esponsible Party Pink - Business Copy ~ Scaca otCalitomia a I.. s~ Wacar Raourc:es eo.- Board \ ~', . . CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY UND GROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETR M . - .....--., . - . , -. (1D11nC1iou _ rlftne \ i^i~i~í'ftÎ~î'1.i I .. NqIlÍNllIG.. ~ ... .. a.,. ., Iffy ia ...,......... _.... . .,.a&d ia Seccioa 210'7. Oapeer II. ow. 3. 'Ii'" Z3. CCR: D soa.aoo...... peI'....... []Zfl .w...................... ~_d~per-.n_ AND D2111iDioD d~"'aaI.anp&. 8. hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807. (1iaeøt'1WO/I8r..~ Article 3. Chapter 18, Division 3, TItle 23. Califomia Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibil' as required by Section 2807 are as follows: g!i:i':::~;"~il,r""",~"_*i~;;~::t::::!i~:r::~¡~~~f, ;:¡::~;!¡:j:¡f:::¡:.:'::¡:::~¡~=T:·::"~:?:;:\".·!!::i' :;·::~::~6~~i;::~i:: :·:·¡:::~~~~;!f¡i!; ~:~~,' ::IÞ~g:~~!' .5to.k. (;Jt\j ['If /IrA Y A: Cf( II~ jJ 36;)¿J ?/ì/ 5¿? J1 k!C{. . . ~'9..33ð/ .£æ Ke¡;. S//-e/d¡[ 7 r I J Note: If you Bff using the State Fund as any part 0/ your demonstration o/financial responsibHity, your IJJtIICUtion and submission 0/ this certilicstJon slso certifies that u are in com fiance Mth all conditions for rticl tJon In the Fund. ' PaciIi., Addr_ . PaåIi.,H_. PaåIi.,H_ PaåIi.,H-. PaciIi.,AddnM PaåIi.,HIIP PIåIi., Addr_ ,8CiII., H-. PMiII., AddnM ""- -0pIrMIr Due H_IDII11t1eolTutko.-r-apna SI..-oIWI__Mowy 0... H_oIWI__Hawy c:n(om) P1U: 0rI..... - tøaI ~ eop¡. - '1CiII1 tSI1I(') - e , , , , IHS'l'IU7Ctr%ONS , , CIIB%n~¡OIf or rDIAIICUL RBsPO.smu.Irr, FOIUI Pl... type or prfnt cl....ly aU fnf....tion on Certificatfon of FfnMCfal .......lbH fty fo';'. ' AU lIST fecH Iti_ ...uor .It_ 0IIMd 01' operated ..., be listed on one fo".; therefore a separate certificate I. not required for each site. DOCUENT INFORMATION A. ___ Þquired - Check the appropriate boxes.- B. .... of Tant owner - Full name of either the tank owner or the Òperator. or opentor C. .......1_ Type - Indicate which State approved llleChanism(s) are being used to allow financial responsibility either as contained in the federal regulations, 40 CfR, Part 280, subpart H, Sections 280.90 through 280.103 (See financial Rponsibllfty Guide, for more info....tion), 01' Section 2802.1, Chapter 18, Division 3,' Title 23, CCR. .... of ...... - List aU ~ and addresses of c~nies and/or individuals issuing coverage. MecMnI_ ....... - List identifŸ'ng m.mœr for each mechanism used. Ex~le: insurance pol icy ruåer or ffLe r'UØr as indicated on bond or docunent. (If using State CleBrq) f\ftj (State f\ftj) leave blank.) Cowt... AoøInt - Indicate ....,t of coverage for each type of mechanism(s). ' If more than one med1anism is indicated, total ßlJSt equal 100% of financial. responsibil ity for each facH ity. ' , ~..... Period - Indicate the effective date(s) of all financial mecIIanism(s). (State F~ coverage would be contiruNS as long as you maintain coq)l ianee and remain el igible to contirut participation in the FLnd.) Correctiw Action - Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financial lllec:hanism provide coverage for corrective action? (If using State F~, indicate AyesA.) - - Thl I'd Party - ~1:ion D. Facillty- I"'-'-tian E. Siøwaure Block - Indicate yes or no. Does the specified financ,ial mechanism provide coverage for third party compensation? (If using State FLnd, indicate AyesA.) Provide aU facility and/or site names and addresses. Provide signature and date signed by tank owner or operator; printed or typed name and title of tank owner 01' operator; signature of witness 01' notary and date signed; and printed 01' typed name of witness 01' notary (if notary signs as witness, please place notary seal next to notary's signature). \!here to ...t l Certtflcation: Pl.... send original to your local agency (agency who fssues your UST permits). Keep a copy of the certification at each facH ftyor sfte listed on the form. auestions: If you have questions on financial responsibi 1 ity requirements or on the Certification of Ffnancial Responsibility Form, pleas. contact the State UST Cleanup FLnd at (916) 739-2475. Note: ,..1 tl.. for Failure to ~IY with Fil'1lM1Cial ResoonsibH itv ReaAir-.ts: Faflure to comply may result in: (1) jeopardizing claimant eligibility for the State UST CleBrq) F~, and (2) liabilfty for civil ~lti.. of up to 510,000 dollars per day, per underground storage tank, for each day of violation as stlted in Article 7, Section 25299.76(a) of the Californfa Health and Safety Code. , , , , E. F. G. -"'-'; . -~ ~ ; -.' . ~EN MONITORING PRO<fDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at all times. The iDfonnatåon on this IDODÍIGIiD8 program are conditions of the operating permit The permit holder must DOáfy the Office of EDYiron...........1 Services within 30 days of aD)' çMnr to the monitoring Procedures. unless required to obCain approval before making the cbange. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name , Q~ r~D ~1t1':A" , " , Facility Address 0 Wl ~(J OJ Bf(1../. t'rÆ q ? 3D Ý A. Describe the ftequency of performing the monitoring: Tank GuJy Piping ~ B. What methods and equipment, identified by name and model, will be used for perfuming the monitoring: Tank A\c., (f ('(At f" Ill)(} t T" s~ '3 (""0 Piping Ar{^ UccJ.{\ 12f1t)~ Ît..~\~ ::\..Ç'O c. Describe the location(s) where the'monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): ---11AolJ\l.t()t'It-f dclJtl.1, ~ 1'1(,,(- f..~ IJ Ú({l ~ D. List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment: (;.11 II rAY r;:l/ito c;1ÞP/?J ~ t-- / /J p¿ Ý',0--(c?;- , , . Reporting Fo~t for monitoring: Tank A\~ Piping 1\1'(" fK'~.klX. ,~- dl\wtA Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance wit~ the manufacturer's maåDteaaDce schedule but not less than every 12 months. Ckrt~lt( '(Cl1t 1,( plr Ù±tL ,'Z.. ) Describe the training necessary for the operation ofUST syste D. including piping, and the monitoring equipment: Trill L\{,.( P r , 11'1 '1 tfltltA eJ( 11,1 t, . e . EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM This monitoring program must be kept at the UST location at all times. The infonnation on this monitoring program are conditions of the operating permit. The permit holder must notify the Office of Environmental Services within 30 days of any changes to the monitoring procedures. unless required to obtain approval before making the change. Required by Sections 2632(d) and 264 1 (h) CCR FacilityName_~ t;~ ~ Facility Address () u\ (?J. 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: If released hazardous substances reach the environment, increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up from the secondary containment within 8 hours, or deteriorate the secondary containment, then the Office of Environmental Services must be notified ' within,24hours. ~~r:f ": ~:~«- ~ ~'Ja:1l2c;~~ c:t: rrfr'I.$I"-. 111I ( J l _ t1 ~ fIAt!. ._ 'f- __if)_J~..t.' __t f- 0; ~i~- d t ~~t h. ~"ú. 1m If é- t1 Iwul f-I r<.. f'Io pi - 2. Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for removing and properly disposing of any hazardous substance. ~U\111 ( ~ptl1 ~ WI {( U oS <- Ii '~IJ"iJ, "*- bhOJC"IiLf prop, dy t5+1! t1' I Oft ~ l-lt ' 3. Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in item 2 above. ,cjíonJ ~V\ !;~c(~ tAf- ,<;-Mrt ~0l.l.(1 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment: -L1-IulfA.y5 hrfJ d~tðt ~+ s\cg~bf . 5. List the narne(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan: Cðhay .~. /Jilt1/}/ ,--7(1 V CIfA¿:J/ /rÁ -fAy / If ~ / / ) C1 [) -e (I 7 R e 7) ~ . ( - . ,Continuous Monitoring' Device Certification TEST DATE ' ~-8 -- 0'0 FACILITY NUMBER- -. ,.,. FACILITY NAME t<'€ A by £TO . Y\"\OBI L CONTACT PERSON C \.4 0'( - ' - u_._ ... ... .. , ~bl- 8'33 -b5ð T . ADDRESS ?J(,~O uJd... so,. ~b~ TELEPHONE CITY ß?1 K-fR SF \,6'lD CA~ ZIP CODE "~3c'1 MAKE AND MODEL OF MONITORING SYSTEM 08 '-t '1 c~ 0... 0 ~ 2 Type of Product Line: (Gravity, Suctio.n, Pressure). 0NL SP~fC'AL ~uPtI'2 ¡)IFst'L \?-OOO . \~Óo \(';1000 ¡O<' ?C2f SS 'PIlE.sS petsS peésS Contents of Tank . ,Capacity of Tank INDICATE,LOCATION OF THE MONITORING SENSORS TESTED BY PLACING AYES OR No IN APPLICABLE BOX: :"..,.. Annular Space Sensor NO ¡.jO NO Ne) Sump Sensor .. ,NØ:: , rJ'(!) , NC r-JC:L '" . .. -....- . . -.-.. -.-.. " Dispenser Co~tainment Sensor . NO NO '~O NO Electronic Overfill I level CiS'" ... .. ""'E'S ~€S ·...¡ES 'it=$ Electronic In-Line leak Detector . ....UiS '-{ f"S ' "'¡ES ..., €,s Mechanical Line leak Detector NÙ NO NO NO In Tank Gauging Device "lFS "£5 '-IE S 'Iii' S INDICATE THE FOLLOWING BY PLACING A YES OR NO IN APPLICABLE BOX: Does the monitoring system have audible and visual alarms? "" £' S 'if $ '-lE S 'FS Does the turbine automatically shut-down if the system detects - '"'IE'S ."icS '-IE S YES a leak, fails to operate or is electronically disconnected? Is the monitoring' syste!," installed to prevent unauthorized tampering? ·~CS 'iES -...( F> . 'IE S; , Is the monitoring system operable as per the manufacturer's specifications? 'fp;. ""¡E'S 'ES '('Fs ,I I Which continuous monitoring devices initiate positive shut-down of the turbine? ,wPl-L...D LEAIL DE -reC-r(:;)~ s-'-:= CERTIFIED TESTER'S 10# ' 6~~'" '0.... \3\--;¡ CO). '~\ ~ FLC't"\'\2.62\LLd '-,' 'c(òS$\< I ~ ('... 6 \ ~ ~ßB';)...1-=f r DATE ~'8 -cò . SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN PRINTED NAME OF CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN TESTING COMPANY NAME & TELEPHONE # ' '- :' I (7/21195:VB) ATTACH ALLCERTIF1CA TJON DA TA TO VERIFY THE INFORMATION ABOVE/ ,/' Z o 0 ¡:: c o 9 I!! ¡¡¡ "A:.~:' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY DYES L!J NO REPORT DATE HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES REPORT BEEN FILED? 0 rT1 YES l=.J NO '!r~~~~~~~;~r~~~~~~I~Jlijl¡~~:¡~¥~~%ôN^ëC9RDi~T()iH~':;':,{ <öìStRi ""tîôN'SH""" NóNHjNštfiì:jbtib~Si-iEËtÓNJ}¡EBACk >ÂGèòfn:iiS"r:'OR M;"i" """"""""""..,',';..";¡;(:':::::::::,:,:,:,:,' CASE' o M 6M 2 9 v NÀME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT > aI o W I- a: ~ w a: RALPH E HUEY REPRESENTING D OWNERiOPERATOR D ~ LOCAL AGENCY 0 OTHER ADDRESS 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ZIP STREET CITY CONTACT PERSON STATE PHONE W ...J aI ëñ~ za: Oc ¡)¡c.. w a: NAME CHHUY CHAO o UNKNOWN ADDRESS 3620 WILSON RD CA 93309 ZIP BAKERSFIELD STATE CITY STREET FACILITY NAME (IF APPLICABLE) READY GO MARKET OPERATOR PHONE CHHUY CHAO ADDRESS 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD CITY KERN COUNTY 93309 ZIP STREET CROSS STREET LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME CITY OF BAKERSFIELD/ENVIRON. SERVICES CONTACT PERSON RALPH HUEY PHONE (661 ) 326-3979 PHONE ~ ~æ ~õ ~ffi ...Jc c..C ~ UJ (1) ~@ z> ¡5...J ¡g g (2) ::Ii!; UJ REGIONAL BOARD NAME QUANTITY LOST (GALLONS) o UNKNOWN o UNKNOWN DATE DISCOVERED HOW DISCOVERED o I!J INVENTORY CONTROL 0 SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDITIONS TANK REMOVAL ' c=J OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL '!HAT APPLY) o REMOVE CONTENTS I!J CLOSE TANK & REMOVE 0 REPAIR PIPING o REPAIR rANK D CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PLACE c=J CHANGE PROCEDURE 9 0 REPLACE TANK c=J OTHER I- Z w ::Ii ~ aI C >= ffi M MOO v 8 'HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? 15 I!J YES 0 NO IF YES. DATE 0 M SOURCE OF DISCHARGE o TANK LEAK o PIPING LEAK o o TANK TEST ~ UNKNOWN v v CAUSE(S) D OVERFILL D CORROSION Ùlw OUJ a:::I ::Ic go !!J D D D o o SPILL OTHER RUPTURElFAILURE UNKNOWN UNKNOWN OTHER Ww UJc.. ~~ CHECK ONE ONLY ~ UNDETERMINED D CHECK ONE ONLY o NO ACTION TAKEN o LEAK BEING CONFIRMED o REMEDIATION PLAN CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE """" fOR DETALII) EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) EXCAVATE & TREAT (El) NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) OTHER (OT) SOIL ONLY o GROUNDWATER o DRINKING WATER - (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN AFFECTED) D D D I-UJ ~~ ~¡5 GUJ o ~ POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS CLEANUP UNDERWAY PReliMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITIED PReliMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) 0 TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D D o o ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) VENT SOIL (VS) o o ØI o ...J Cz ão ~~ ~c o o o CAP SITE (CD) CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) f!? Z w ::Ii ::¡¡ 8 HSC 05(8190) o Cal~for,nia .gional Water Quaiity.ontrol Board , Central Valley Region . Steven T. Butler, Acting Chair Winston H. Hickox " Secretary for Envirdnmental Protection Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb5 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116' FAX (559) 445-5910 ~ , çO ~9--~%l?'~O -4 _\Pl 7 May 1999 Mr. Ralph Huey, Director Office of Environmental.Services 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 SITE CLOSURE, READY GO MARKET, 3620 WILSON ROAD, BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY , Your letter dated 23 March 1999 requested our review and comment on potential closure of the leaking underground tank remediation at the subject property. We reviewed the files which you provided to this office, and we do not object to closure of this site. The following is a brief suinmary of corrective action at the site, followed by our comments. . The subject site is an active Mobil gasoline service station. The station consists of four underground storage tanks (USTs) and four multiple product dispensers. Three 10,000-gallon USTs are used to store gasoline and one 8,000-gallon UST is used to store diesel. A leak detection investigation was performed for property transfer. In January 1999, Holguin, Fahan & Associates (HFA) advanced 8 soil borings around the USTs and the dispensers. Thirteen soil samples were collected. Petroleum hydrocarbons were only detected in a soil sample collected from soil boring B-5 at 5 feet below ground surface(bgs) in the dispenser area. This sample contained total petroleum hydrocarbons 'as gasoline of 730 mg/kg, total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel of 850 mg/kg, toluene of 0.16 mg/kg, ethylbenzene of 0.25 mg/kg, and xylenes of 27 mg/kg. Methyl t-butyl ether (MTBE) of 0.13 mg/kg was detected in this sample. Petroleum hydrocarbons were not detected in any soil samples collected from 10 to 30 feet bgs. The property owner proposes to leave the degraded soils in place without any remediation and has requested closure of the site. .. Based on the information' provided to this office, it appears thai no significant leak has occurred, petroleum iITlpacted soils appear to be limited to the dispenser area, MTBE present in soil at very low concentrations, and the property owner and prospective buyer have requested closure. We do not object to your closure of this site. California Environmental Protection Agency o Recycled Paper Gray Davis Governor -I ~. .. ' ~ Ready Go Market Bakersfield, Kern County -2- 7 May 1999 Thank you for providing us the opportunity to coIÌ1ment on the proposed site closure. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Yi Pan of this office at (209) 445-5558. -- OHN M. NOONAN Senior Engineer RCE No. C035206 YP/Readygo.let -~ ~ +. --- .--' 05/06/99 ~ ~ , , 14:39. '8'805 326 0576 .. TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT BFD HAZ MAT DIV *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 1420 3993125 05/06 14: 38 00'51 1 OK @001 . \ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FflJ< (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FflJ< (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FflJ< (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FflJ< (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FflJ< (805) 399-5763 - . May 6, 1999 Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart, Inc. 500 Norris Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Ready Go Market, 3620 Wilson Road. Dear Mr. Chao: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Leak Detection investigation for Ready Go Market dated February 26, 1999 associated with the underground tank system. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Office of Environmental Services cc: Y. Pan, RWQCB' S:\USTFORMS\UST,LR "Y~,~ W~ ~ u#t0Pe y~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE , ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 (, PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ( \ . . March 29, 1999 rtR. ~ hht.J. Y f ho.. 0 (I t1 Haft.. t I lv' C . 6"00 lVo R..R-IS "Ed ri3a..1<'PflS~/-eIJ, (1j)- 9330g-' '" RE: ~ Go ~) 3620 W~ /2J-. Dear: Hit. (!. haD This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the 1f:.ctK 1Ætecbcw' IN~~~lte.. dated ¡¡'b,~.IlfC??associated 'Mitk tke).IRrllngr~nŒà tank -rl..Q. (.lNde~4j .r;eme råll. (ã/J J<.. So y.S:.-t.Q. -{ . Based upon the infonnation provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed~at acceptable IClilcdiatiofl .prarztie@s were implelllt;"t~and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. ) This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. u )/ .~ Ralph E. Huey, Director .f50 Office of Environmental ServiCef,~¡/ Sincerely, cc: Y. Pan, RWQCB S:\USTFORMS\UST,L8 "7~ de W~ YOP ~0Pe Y'~ ./6 W~" MAY-06-99 02:02 PM 1 I I I ! READY GO MOBIL 8058336507 P.01 e e '.~ i .¡ i I i . j ¡ í ", ! MS)' 6, 19~? J Bakersfit'td Fir!! .Department 1\8lph Huey 1715 ~Mer Ave, Baktrsfitl~ C.o 9330) ¡ ( , f 1 ~ ' ~ Rc: Clt16ure L~lt4!::!' t"or 3620 Wil~on Road Drat Mr. flue)', Thiä letter Iø ta) infol1l\ you tbu { ha.... 1~lv~ ~loIr IQ\t,cr W'ormln. me that you ÍI:tcm' Lo _e & \I~ermltllJtloll that no 1\uthcr action i. require(! nn the propt-ft)' located at 3621) WilSðft Ral,d in ÐumO.ld. I recor.unend that 11111 PNPerty be ~Icsed 10 any Ñrtb« actiol'l in resa,'cb Ie) M...itunmental çle,a1l U~'. Pkc\$c t.~ J12e )lc,ur clu~~ r~ letter 11 )'Our earll.1 c()nveniontc, T~ ~ ~ -~..- ~I: 0' ha" C~.,..~ ......, " .' j , i i :' ! , i J I I I ,I I I I 1 ! ¡ '¡ I I 'I , ¡ '., ',¡ ¡ ! 05/06/99 10:03 5'805 326 0576 BFD HAZ ~IAT DIV 141001 e e TRANSMISSION OK TX/RX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 1408 3993125 05/06 10:02 00'47 1 OK FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 e e D May 6, 1999 Mr. Chhuy Chao CM Mart Inc. 500 Norris Road Bakersfield, CA 93308 RE: Intent to Make a Determination that No Further Action is Required or Issue a Closure Letter for Ready Go Market, 3620 Wilson Road. Dear Mr. Chao: This letter is to inform you that the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services, intends to make a determination that no further action is required at the above site or to issue a closure letter. Please notify this agency of any input and recommendations you may have on these proposed actions within 20 days. In accordance with section 25297.15 of Chapter 6.7 ofthe Health & Safety Code, you must provide certification to the local agency that all current record fee title owners have been informed of the proposed action. Please provide this certification to the City of Bakersfie1d Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services within 20 days. If you have any questions about these proposed actions, please contact me at 326-3979. You can fax your reply to 326-0576. Sincerely, .~~ ' &ill~~ Office of Environmental Services cc: Y. Pan, RWQCB S:\USTFORMS\UST.L 7 '(,y~ ~ Y5~ .970P v#60Pe .r~ A Y5~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ( e e March 29, 1999 tire· C HILt C ha.ø (!11 HaRt ¡NC.· l"OO N ø R R/.s. ~d . J3a. k{)lI?~flof} I~, (la\r..CJfZNIQ.- Q330 &-, ' fat 3 r¡q - 3 I ~ RE: Intent to Make a Determination that No Further Action is Required or Issue a Closure Letter for ¿~ Go 11.~ 36.2.f) tU~ ~ Dear: Ii R. (! h aQ This letter is to infonn you that the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services, intends to make a determination that no further action is required at the above site or to issue a closure letter. Please notify this agency of any input and recommendations you may have on these proposed"actions within .;to ~. In accordance with section 25297.15 of Chapter 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, you must provide certification to the local agency that all current record fee title owners have been informed of the proposed action. Please provide this certification to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Office of Environmental Services within :JJf) ~. If you have any questions about these proposed actions, please contact ,Q»/! ttl .326- 3C? TC(' t1 L/l"u.t. (?~ fOi- ¿Jéf..V'/ ~ 1;; 32p -05'7.6 / () . I J Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services cc: Y. Pan, R WQCB S:\USTFORMSIUST,L7 (,(,7~ ~ W~ ~ vØ6tH'e Y"ÁÓA ./6 W~p" 7-/ .."~ ~" 805 325 8481 e MAY- 6-99 THU 9:59AM STUARTS, PETROLEUM e FAX NO. Stua¡.td ' petroleum 11 EAST 4TH STREET BAKEI~SFIELD, CA 93307 (661)325-6:120 FAX (661)325-8481 Toll Free (800)977-FUEL Fax Cover Sheet TO: Company Name: /5AÁ~.s¿::,/~,;;:) - ,IC"~~d ~.6'.P", Attn: ,~¿.p;..,l d.s:y --¿....~G"T"CIoC.... Fax#: Sz.t;;. c)~7<- phone#: ~~~ 4979 FROM: Nam~ø~~~~~ Date: 5'- 5-99 Pages to follow Time: //.~ £) :z-- Message: This message Is Intended for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, corlfidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the above addrElSs via the US postal service without making a copy. Than\<. you for your cooperation. p, 1 I ~' MAr- 6-99 THU 9: 59 AM FAX NO, BFD HAZ MAT DIV 805 325 8481 e STUARTS. PETROLEUM 'B80S_ 0576 05/06/99 08:51 .-........ ( Sample Letter (2): List of Landowners Forni Date: S- ¿ - 9'1 City of Bakersfield Fin~ Department Office of Etlvironmenta,l Services c/o Ralph E. Huey, Director 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Certified List of Record Fee Tit ,e Owners for At.64l:> y, ~c:> M¿:u~,~.,.. , Site n;unc _ .Hz.~ bJlL..C~.A/ Site adem:!!:!! ~. \ Fill out item 1 if there are mUltiple site landowners. If you arc the sole site landowner, skip item 1 and fill out item 2. ' 1. In accordance with section 2~297.15(a) of Chapter 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code,I, \ Name ofpñmary res~on5ible part>' certify that the following is a complete list of current record fee title owners and their mailing addresses fOT the above site: QNNcJy C2HAO, /'fOY CH4D a" 'ZS> W/L. '5ÞIV ~'2:>. ;gAII!:Æ~.s,:"II.:'¿'Z>, QA. 13307 2. In accordance with section 2~~297.15(a) ofCh. 6.7 ofthe Health & Safety Code, I, ..---, Name of primary n :sponsibtl: plITI} certify that I am the sole landowner for the above sitc. Sincerely, JL'WI'N ~ d7'C-A,e.7' Name of primary responsible party P. 2 ~003 - , ~-<' MAt- 6-99 THU 10: 00 AM STUARTS. PETROLEUM 05/06/99 08:51 ~80~6 0576 -- FAX NO. 805 325 8481 ~D HAZ MAT DIV____8 p, 3 @004 Sample Letter (3) Notice of Proposed ActiOl1 Submitted to Local Agency Date: ~ _ & _ "I~ City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Setvices c/o Ralph E. Huey, Director 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield., CA 93301 RE: Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency for Æ't!!~Z}~ G.ø ~A¿ "~"" Site name ~" '3-0 Ic/I¿'~/ ~~ . Site address ~~LS,.c".M!""'~, ~ . 93 ~ '? In accordance with section 25297.1 ~'(a) orCh. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, I. . certify that I have notified all Natne or primary responsible plU't)' responsible landowners of the endcsed proposed action. Check space for applicable action(s): \, _ cleanup proposal (corrective action plan) v'" site closure proposal ~ local agency intention to make 11 determination (hat no further action is required. _ ]ocal agency intention to ìssue a closure letter. Sincerety, ~A/ L.J .s'1"r:/"elL7 Name of primary responsibl<: pärt)' (, CC: (Names and addresses or all record fee title )woers) - 05/06/99 '5'805 326 0576 08:52 BFD HAZ MAT DIV @001 e . TRANSMISSION OK TXlRX NO. CONNECTION TEL CONNECTION ID START TIME USAGE TIME PAGES RESULT *************************** *** ACTIVITY REPORT *** *************************** 1405 3258481 05/06 08:49 02'24 4 OK FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 e . May 6, 1999 Don Dozah Stuarts petroleum II E. 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: New Landowner Notification and Participation Requirements Ready Go Market - 3620 Wilson Road. Dear Don: This letter is to inform you of new legislative requirements pertaining to cleanup and closure of sites where an unauthorized release of hazardous substance, including petroleum, has occurred from an underground storage tank (UST). Section 25297.15(a) ofCh. 6.7 ofthe Health & Safety Code requires the primary or active responsible party to notify all current record owners of fee title to the site of: I) a site cleanup proposal, 2) a site closure proposal, 3) a local agency intention to make a determination that no further action is required, and 4) a local agency intention to issue a closure letter. Section 25297.15(b) requires the local agency to take all responsible steps to accommodate responsible landowners' participation in the cleanup or site closure process and to consider their input and recommendations. For purposes of implementing these sections, you have been identified as the primary or active responsible party. Please provide to this agency, within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a complete mailing list of all current record owners of fee title tò the site. You may use the enclosed list of landowners form (sample letter 2) to comply with this requirement. If the list of current record owners of fee title to the site changes, you must notify the local agency of the change within twenty (20) calendar days from when you are notified of the change. If you are the sole landowner, please indicate that on the landowner list form. The following notice requirements do not apply to responsible parties who are the sole landowners for the site. -"Y~~ W~ ~ ~0Pe y~ A W~". e \, e In accordance with Section 25297.15(a) ofCh 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, you must certifY to the local agency that all current record owners of fee title to the site have been infonned of the proposed action before the local agency may do any of the following: I) consider a cleanup proposal (corrective action plan) 2) consider a site closure proposal 3) make a detennination that no further action is required 4) issue a closure letter You may use the enclosed notice of proposed action fonn (sample letter 3) to comply with this requirement. Before approving a cleanup proposal or site closure proposal, detennining that no further action is required, or issuing a closure letter, the local agency will take all reasonable steps necessary to accommodate responsible landowner participation in the cleanup and site closure process and will consider all input and recommendations from any responsible landowner. Sincerely, R . uey, Director Office of Environmental Services REH/dm enclosures S:\USTFORMS\UST,L4 ( l. ( e e Sample Letter (2): List of Landowners Form Date: City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Ralph E. Huey, Director 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Certified List of Record Fee Title Owners for Site name Site address Fill out item 1 if there are multiple site landowners. If you are the sole site landowner, skip item 1 and fill out item 2. 1. In accordance with section 25297.15(a) of Chapter 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, I, Name of primary responsible party certify that the following is a complete list of current record fee title owners and their mailing addresses for the above site: 2. In accordance with section 25297.15(a) ofCh. 6.7 ofthe Health & Safety Code, I, Name of primary responsible party certify that I am the sole landowner for the above site. Sincerely, Signature of primary responsible party Name of primary responsible party ( " ' ( ( e - Sample Letter (3) Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency Date: City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Ralph E. Huey, Director 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency for Site name Site address In accordance with section 25297 .15( a) of Ch. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, I, , certify that I have notified all Name of primary responsible party responsible landowners of the enclosed proposed action. Check space for applicable action(s): _ cleanup proposal (corrective action plan) _ site closure proposal local agency intention to make a determination that no further action is required. _local agency intention to issue a closure letter. Sincerely, Signature of primary responsible party Name of primary responsible party cc: (Names and addresses of all record fee title owners) FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES , 2101"W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 E~RONMENTALSERVlCES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 -~. -.' February 9, 1999 Ready Go Market 3620 Wilson Rd Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, , underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection. To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. SiD1 ri4J. Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure ~~Y~de, W~ çop.AOPe .r~ A W~?" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 aw Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 aHa Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnONSERVlCES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805)326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . . January 28, 1999 John Stuart Ready-Go-Market 3620 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Rectifier Inspection Records Dear Sir: Our records reveal that your facility was recently modified to meet 1998 upgrade requirements. Our records also show that your facilityuses cathodic protection using an "impressed current system." California Code of Regulations Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16 Section 2635(a) requires that all impressed-current cathodic protection systems shall be inspected no less than every 60 calendar days to ensure that they are in proper working order. Since cathodic protection is a vital part of your monitoring system, this office will be verifying that your logs and inspection records are up to date. To assist you, this office is providing you with a "Rectifier Inspection Sheet" for your convenience. Should you have any questions with regard to your cathodic protection system or record keeping requirements, please do not hesitate to call me at 326-3979. sin1, ere,. y, !áxD· ' , ,. ,// , Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure cc: R.Huey, Director, O.E.S. "":7~ de W~..¥OP ~0P6 y~ A W~p"" e e. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME am'!,,· rAlI'- (t1.rcr INSPECTION DATE 3j''lfS Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program !yRoutine 0 Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank WI, Type of Monitoring Arcö o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks L/ Type of Piping lPT ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile ./ Proper owner/operator data on file V Permit fees current V Certification of Financial Responsibility V Monitoring record adequate and current V Maintenance records adequate and current vi Failure to correct prior UST violations \I Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Hn Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfiIl/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes lo,p'''o, J,I£,¿;) N=NO Oftice of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs, Pink - Business Copy ,Y A "-",, j,;: . e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME ~Á" QI- Ihdd~.c..+- ADDRESS 1tt-Jo lth~" C2Á FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DA TE~tj g PHONE NO. a33- ft¡ Ç"fI f BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES '7 Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program 5l"'Routine o Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate permit on hand \I Business plan contact information accurate V Visible address V Correct occupancy V Veritication of inventory materials Iv' Veritication of quantities V Veri tication of location 11 Proper segregation of material V Veritication ofMSDS availability v Veritication ofHaz Mat training V Veritication of abatement supplies and procedures v Emergency procedures adequate V Containers properly labeled V , Housekeeping V Fire Protection V Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand Iv C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes ~o usiness Sité Responsi e arty Inspector: ,~ U~ Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (805) 326-3979 White - En\', S\'cs, Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINISJRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfletd. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENOON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-œ76 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-œ76 tRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 3W-4tR7 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT . - - February 13, 1998 Ready Go Market 3620 Wilson Road Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: "Hold Open Devices" on Fuel Dispensers Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: The Bakersfield City Fire Department will commence with our annual Underground Storage Tank Inspection Program within 'the next 2 weeks. The Bakersfield City Fire Department recently changed its City Ordinance concerning "hold open devices" on fuel dispensers. The Bakersfield City Fire Department now requires that "hold open devices" be installed on all fuel dispensers. The new ordinance conforms to the State of California guidelines. The Bakersfield Fire Department apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~() Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector cc: Ralph Huey 'Y~de W~ ~~0Pe~ A W~" 01/20/1998 10:29 15035402304 e TANK LINERS INC PAGE 01 íJ! _;__,~ e INCOR~AtED -, SINC..E 1959 DATE: '/20/9 R 11ME: 9 .' 3Q '\...... FAX#: 1ó~~~¡:..- ClS"7~ PLEASE NOTlFY:~ & VL (),,-iu-iAJood COMPANY: Ñ~rs-fuJJ 6t~r(JrtlffUL fa) 5<¡IIla' -S PHONEM: URGENT! PLEASE NOTIfY IMMEDIATELY FROM: ~ FAX MACHINE NUMBER (S03) 640~2304 A total of ~ pages, jncluding this cover page, are beìng transmitted. If you do not receive this total number of pages, please call our staff at (S03) 648-7212. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Qr ~'=4:.. ¡GJ/llr~~~f,ql-J ~M¡µ_~ ~x--I.o.!rLJ -J:i, C~i('t:J~ r?¡orts~ . . ~~J IÍß .........- 3410 N.W. 264lh Hillsboro. OR 97124·5714 1-800-888-7212 (503) 648-7212 FAX (503) 640·2304 01/20/1998 10:29 15036402304 'e TANK LINERS INC ..' ,~ FAX NO. 7146372821 P 5 JAN-13-9S rUE 3:03 PM CHENGINE£RING i:J TECHNICAL SERVICES PAGE 02 e ð...t-', $...., ð_..... ..... To: rank Li.fter:(¡. %1\0. SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT SIt. Ader,... X~"ðv (;0 MarJcet 3'20 W11Bon Road B.k~r8f~!¡d. C~. Date: 1/1~/98 Thlllnvnedlaflit .....,111 In.p"*,, fltOtl by fie ~amed apecllllnspectðt Is to be pmenlBd tø VIe rlgUI.Dy .ner· Tanle No. Q)..d~ Dr"'....lo.. Pre4t,¡« I -1'l1.!~~'-ll· 1;.8011.n. etA TIer. at - _:I (I) Tank MeU wi...... IlIuI$naIlUøport'lrIIt tM\ Is Intd. (1) fA) 8I1II8d" t .... Nit IN ~I\".... (I) Wha urhlcunct _. -awnge ot 7&~ or ,"'ter ~ "'IhJcMa.. · 1. No GPIn I8I1'II (I' .. Ionter ".. :I iltene.. 2. No Pllb't1lDn 111111''''' 1-1/2 1M1. 3. 00II not tit.. ... or men ~~tiCl'l' in I ontlC '" '* .... ,. "0 ""I'. p""_aln ~ II", lingle ,..tto., 1II-a-!hIII ~·In dil""'. (II)  serious ~ ~CI.I ~t_L 'lIdall...,,~OI It... i L . rOn9 Co...., CIK InCf1nee.rinq Company ~~. 159Q N. 'auvi. St. lal&it~' Cny'8~~p OranGe. CA. 921" Phone UlO---' J 1-19 ]0 II. UJ...fJ ,:I '-:l'i , 110 ".turt /~-~ Revtlt.rwd Clyil EII"n_r No. C - 2 520 S ExplratlDI\ December ]'. 200' flu .....L fit ~ -L ...L x x T - · l\aa,,¡ft\e ori9'inal ta",~ WAll thickn.sa is S/'~" R\axilhúll\. E8 3Ð't1d ~IèI33NI9N3 H ::> 5850 DIstrict BlVd.. Suite 10&. e.keraneld. CA Q33~ 3 F>hQl'le: (SO!!) 83!·~920 ~aA: (80S) 83ô.5a2S ~ZbQ~~B~a8 g~:~t Bb&t/Þt/tQ 01/20/1998 10:29 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC e ., , - '.. JAN-13-98 ~~~ CHENGIRXEilNG .u TECHNICAL SERVICES PAGE 03 FAX NO, 7146372821 P. 6 fJ_..... ðl s.., ø....... ~ - to: Tank Liners, Inc. L ~ SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT Sit. Add,... a..a.,. 00 M4rk.~ JUQ "'~hon Rod Itùenfielð. CA. alt.: '/13/98 -' 1?tiI imMedIall ""'11 irllp8dJon re,on by III. DtJlWfoft1lfted '__lnspectOr 1110 Þ. ør'_"1ed 10 tho regulatory .11"101· . 'M~ No. C4apa~ DI............ tIIrodl.lct z.,. 1~IQOO 1':rlO"'v!a/'-II' a..oline CCR Tlttt 23 - 2. (I) Tank .,..11 wllllO'tidl ~,., I\l~ If lie 'wit 111ft_, (1) fA) iIuIIId he CIf' ..... !Wi Md bIIgn mDr. (I) "'- ~lruœaftll.t....... fit 7"- or ,.,tar II 0ttgN 1\Icanet1. . 1. Nil 1!IØtl'l-.n'l or .,. terlOW ø.. 31nChM. Z. "0 _ratio" farO. 113'1 1-112 i"",. 3. DOlI "at I'll. ht tit.... plltGtllirll in II on. ,...i0oi.... 4. No """tipte ,.101 110"1 In .rtlc:t! ." .Ingle s-fOrallo" ¡,I.-ger 1ft." 'Ia"ln diMleter. (I ) A .rOYI CØ'l'alIan Øf'CIÞIIm dell, fI.O(_t. ap.clallMptaor It". i Ii. ran, Com'I"1 elM InOineeriD9 e~D.ny ~~. 1590 ~_ B.~.vi. st.,SuiteL-1 C~/~I~p Craftoe. C~. 921" Pho~. ~__')'-1'30 'U {.l1..i..J U , - 2121 -~~~ SlO"·.... ",,¡ste..d ClvU I!ftgi".... No. I: -15 20$ bDlrdon Dec:elftber 31. 200' · ~..ume o~191n.l ~ank ~all thicknees is 5/16ft !au -L -L ...Jt... .L. .L ( x - f.IJ1 - ~e 3Ð~d ÐNI~~~IÐN~ ~ r> S8S0 DI.tric;¡t Blwd.. Suite ,oe. 8lkersfleIQ. CA e33tJ Phol'1': (IOS) ð3!H~V20 Fu: (IO!!) 83!5-!92S gZ~ggEB~AB' ,q~:~t 8~~t/.t/L~ 01/20/1998 10:29 15036402304 e' TANK LINERS INC e '" ... -.õt; JAN·t3-98 rUE 3:05 PM CHENGINIERING iu TECHNICAL SERVICES PAGE 04 FAX NO. 7\ 46372821 p, 7 ð_ -*-- ðJ $...., D.fw.e ~ To: Tank Liners, Ino, - I I SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT .Ita Mdr... Jt..ðv (;0 Mu'Jr.l!lt 3620 ~ll.on 10aO ~akðrafiel~. CA. Dm: '/13/98 ""Is irlmediete resulla irllpllcllorl ~on by the bltow....., 1p.~I il'll511eGto-ll to be pre$lfltelS 10 tile relt'llatG')' ..ency. Tltak Ifo, C:ap.oIty DlRlaM/CWlt Produd $ 12 .000 I 1!-t1' ~ .Jf:'1 GaaoHl\e CC. 'hte.u - 2..3 , 41) ra"t .....,1.. PfOVtde Itn.IcII.IrII ''fP01't If !he tank illlnld. (1) (A) .... he ðf a.. rult and fOhliJl ",.lIIIr. (8) 'tWnte. uhlCU"' *' ..... d 1ß Qr greatet t grtginlllltlcanet.. · , . ND Clean IIIII'It or ,-Ion¡.f !hi" 3 Inch... 2. NQ J*batIon larger "'art 1·112 llIOft. 3. Does ftCII hfte ftIIe or mort pel1i:lrltiont In I one "'1.1.,. fooI_... 4. No mlØple _f."'" In wnktJ .,y IIngll perblllol'llal",wlhu ~. '" diameter. III ) A ..04JI CIOrT'Oeìon problem doe. not lxill S,ctclll ".,.cter KYa1 ~. 'Oft, COMp.~ C.. E~qin..rln4 company ~dN.. 1$90 M. Satavia S~.Lluite 1 Cltyllta!elZlþ OrànC3è. CA. 928n P~on. ~ '37-'930 .o. ~ Slgnatul'l, _ ~ ~..I.ttred CMI Engln_ No. C - 25 ~ 0 S ;.,11....0" DI!~811\ber J 1 r ;aoo ¡ fIB fIB ...L. ...L -L. ..L. x - x T " As.~ orí.91.t'uÜ tank ~411 thlckne$s ia !>/16" maximum. Ç9 ~~d ~T), ':: ,:IIo.ITboJ':I U :"I 5e50 Oialtiél Blvd.. Suite' 0$, Sakorslleld, CA 8~313 Prlon.: (805) 836-5920 Fax; (a05) 835.5925 on·~. O~~TJ.T/.~ C"c:.O~C:-Qcaa 01/20/1998 10:29 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC PAGE 05 e .~ '.. ~ JAN-14-98 WED 10:26 AM CHENG1NEERING iu TECHNICAL SERVICES FAX NO. 714E37282J F. 2 ø... Sf) ~ ðl $..., ð.~~ I' ~~. To: Tank Li~.rs. Inc. SPECIAL INSPECTION REPORT I¡_ Add,... aeady Go ".~k.t \uq _¡!Jon Rð&tI D..: ~/t)/9I aAktrafi.14. ~~. "nIII Immldlate ...1.111 ¡'~ðft ,.,. by lie bItGw<ftlmed spedlllf'l.!Ø1Cb' 1110 M þttMmeG 10 Ole regulltDry .~. Tllft" No. Ca,"_ Dlm....I_ ',.,dUel IlI.,t "~/Iø,,~ '1/""J. It 1.1',1..- DI"t:.~' ~ CCR ,.... ø -.a (I) T..k 1ttIII.nJ PfI'IIdeIlftlCatI'llIalppa!t If the tan"" IMd. Ct) (A) IIutId .. of... Nat 1M btign tn..... (I) ""'- II~ .... .....,. ""h or....' fIf............ * t. . N¡) open ..". .....t long. "'" 3 ...... 2. Nø ........,....' Ì\1f\ 10112 "'CI\. 3. OoII.....«_II....ln. en..,.. fDøt.... 4. No ftIUIØI ~.ItI.Id\ M' IIIID'- ,.,... Ii"'t Nt! "·In dftlMr. (II) Å"'" ~ en"'" do. not Øll ltect..I".,lCtor J.v.~ L. 'Ctn9 Cðm,.ny c.ø ~Q~n..rinQ C~ny Ad_nml 'SID H. Bat_Via St.(Su1~. , Qty/StItIIZJp OraJ\oe. eA. 92861 PltoM t?U' 1.1'.1130 :-~ .- r. fill ..L. ~ ..... L L x L .ct'i....1III ClvO En..., No. c- 2!2ð$ ü,irMlon Þec~ )'. ::I GO, ~ · J...WIIe original ~."k woll th1c:kr\@$e ~a 5/'6" mad.mum. ~B ]D~d 5ßOQ OIBtrict e!vel., Suite 10e. e.ller,fleld. CÁ ~3313 Pf'!gr'.': (IOS) 835,5$20 "111'" 'Rn~) R~~.¡;¡~:n'i ~~T~~~T~~~ u ~ ð7ccc~aOðO O~.~. Ò~~.J.Y/.~ 01/20/1998 12:02 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC PAGE 01 ,..... ... I"" . ..:'!!/?, .' ,/ ' ';:- . INCORPORATED - SINCE 1959 '~O~Vb-O)7b PLEASE NOTIFY: ~ ~~11Y\Ck-~ ~r( COMPANY:-15ake~iR.Jd &'vì((')~~j $U-V~~~ DATE: \/?-Dß<g l t , ' TIME:--D 'OOc\,_ FAX#: PHONE#: URGENT! ,PLEASE NOTIFY IMMEDIATELY FROM: ~ _..._----"'- FAX MACHINE NUMBER (S03) 640-2304 A total of 2 -pages, Încll,1ding this cover page, are being transmitted. If you do not receive this total number of'pages, please call our staff at (~03) 648-7212. . ADDmONALCoMMENTS: ~¡1\J~ fu c -~~ ~ f'/ p.rliL . 3410 N.W. 284th HlIIsboro. OR 97124·5714 1 -800-888-7212 (503) 648-7212 FAX (503) 640-2304 01/20/1998 12:02 ~ J,-?' ,- ' iri lXr 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC PAGE 02 . ENGINEERING CO. fJ_ ...... ð¿ $..... (J_........ ~ ... o.te: Jal'tu.ry 18. 1118 ProJ_t: Reed) Go M.rket Comractor; T8nk line,. Inc. CA TANK DESCRIPTION: 1 12,000 Gallon Undervrol.lnd Fuel Ta"k 4 10,000 Oallon UndergrounG File' Tank 2 12,000 GallOn Undel'Qround Fuel T.... 3 12,000 Gallon Ul'derground Fu.' Tank INSPECTION DESCRIPTION: Ory Film Olscontinulties T eating Dry Film ThíQneA Measurements Coating d~ film C3iscomlnulty testinG wu performed wtth a Tinker- f_sol' A.PIW HOliday DerllCtorwltn tne oapecltor set It 35,000 vob. 100' of surflc;e aM. "$ telt..,. Callbrltion by completion of dn::ult. All discontInuities were m"e" fOr rem.-dlal rtptllr. CCR TITLE 23, DIV. 3, CHPT 11, SECTION 2883 (h) (1). D~ film tntctness rneasutel'nents were CORCIucted utiliZing a OEFELSKO POSITECTOR eooo Fi2 (meets Fe/TOus A8TM IW8è & SSPC-PA2) caUbnrted thi. d.. Þefore Ind .fter inspeøUon. Clllbr.tian wes ()Þt~lned In loeord8t1C8 Witl'l ASTM 01188 0'1 NMlonlllurea" of Standart1s (NIST) ~llb""ion Plates SRMlJ13ee at 31.1 mHls. Dry film Ulictness Atadlngs mer 100 mil and m.nufactul'8r's requlremerrts based upon SSPC-PA.2 c;tfter1a. CCR TITL.E 23, DlV. 3, CHPT 16. SECTION 2003 (h) (8). Tank" 1 Averlge ,."lIts 11J...D standl/'G devlllnon Number of Readings ~ 2 Averaoe milia ~ Standlrd deviation Number of Relclings aRt 3 Average mills j,gI,g St.,..rd deviation Number of Re.dlngs U:t. . AVeltaoe mills 1.1I..Q Standard devltltlon Number of Reldings.Jh ! Ave...g. mill. Stlnclard d.vlatlon Number of R..dlngs e Avera¡e mills Standard deVI8Iion Number of Readlng.s Of)' Film Hardn.. Hardness measurements ringed frQ", 35-40+ on a Bll'Der Coltnan Measute"'.nts Hardness Imøreøor. ModeIICYZJQ35. CalibrBted 0" aG'flUIH test disc, stlmped 81·88. CCR TITlE 23, DIV. 3, CHPT 18, SECTION 2e83 It,., 18\. ' Off-Ratio Cð8l1l'lg CCløtlnQ film was unifOlm in texture arid color ifldlC8ting M C)1'f-tatlo appllC8tlon . C£RTIFICA TIOIII Basecl solely upOn the lbove tests, Ule Coltlng IppllCllofs tlnlllnspedlcm ctlteña. the above refetanced tankls ....ault.ble for continuous LJSe for glsoline ordlosel fu.18tOl1llg$ only. Pursuam 8nð \I' to CCR TITLE 23, DIV. 3, CHPT. 1e, SECTION 2ee3 (h) <I> (8). Dati; 1·111.98 56'0 Distriet B~<I.. Suite '08. aakersfleld, CA 133'3 PtIOf'le; (806) 83ð-6920 Fa):: (eeS) 835-5925 ~Q ~~d ~ o, T:o.I;a~TI:)N;a ~ ::I t;?: :'QC;¡::¡:¡I;AA I;~:TT A~~T/A7./Tg FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 oW street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 I i I- I I I I PRMNTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 . ~ . e - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 22, 1997 Ready Go Market .3620 Wilson Rd Bakersfield, CA 93309 Dear: John Stuart Last summer, you answered a survey, concerning your underground storage tank(s) stating that you would be (te.~óvi.Î1:g~,~f~P!~Siifg,'UPgfâdW:g) your tank(s). However, you did not give us a target date! In November, we invited you to a free underground storage tank workshop, where State representatives discussed both the regulations and alternatives that you as a tank owner will have. - - - You did not attend! - - - - -' - Weare concerned! '" You will be receiving this letter on our about December 22, 1997. One year from today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tank(~) will become illegal to operate. Current laws and code requirements would require that if your tanks are not (Î"þ1ti(jX¢4~-!teþlac:¢d~mÞwn~~by that date, your permit to , "_..>,.~.:.J"",:.,,~,' <,.i',¿:¿,. -,<",:>-,,_". ~,,'>" .ç.,~,- :" ,'~, . _ " _,..u'?"_-.«"',.~..-,.;", operate would be revoked, - - it will be illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver fuel to your tank@), - - and your tank(š) would then be considered illegally abandoned and require that action be taken within ninety (90) days to remove the tank(š y Of course, we have no interest in pursuing this route. We would like to have your tanks properly handled prior to this December 22,1998 deadline. Please review your situation and reply within two weeks as to the current (realistic) plans for your existing tank(s)': ."",.-' As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 deadline, I would expect construction costs, as well as lead times to increase considerably. If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm ·yc~~~~C~~~~.A W~" FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINISTRAnvE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 '", ~ . . - BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT December 18, 1997 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum II East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Ready-Go-Market, 3620 Wilson Road Dear Mr. Dozah: Last summer, you answered a survey concerning your underground storage tanks, stating that your tanks would be upgraded by October 1997 - - - - - - You did not meet that target date! In November, we invited you to a free underground storage tank workshop, where, State representatives discussed both the regulations and alternatives that you as a tank owner will have. - - - - - - You did not attend! - - - - - - We are concerned! You will be receiving this letter on our about December 22, 1997. One year from today, December 22, 1998, your current underground storage tanks will become illegal to operate. Current laws and code requirements would require that if your tanks are not upgraded by that date, your permit to operate would be revoked, - - it will be illegal for any fuel distributer to deliver fuel to your tanks, - - and your tanks would then be considered illegally abandoned and require that action be taken within ninety (90) days to remove the tanks. Of course, we have no interest in pursuing this route. We would like to have your tanks properly handled prior to this December 22,1998 deadline. Please review your situation and reply within two weeks as to the current (realistic) plans for your existing tanks. As we get closer to the December 22, 1998 deadline, I would expect construction costs, as well as lead times to increase considerably. If there is anything this office can do to assist you in your planning, do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dm cc: Kirk Blair, Assistant Chief ·7~~W~~~~~./6W~" e e CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 F aci1ity Address INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Owner s{vtl Address city, Zip City, Zip Permit # Phone No. INSTRUCfIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready., They will OlD in consecutive order begimùng with number 1, DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are signed otfby the Permitting Authority. Following these instnu:tiCIIIS will reduce the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. TANKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill ofTank(s) Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method Ii Cathodic Protection ofTank(s) .1, ,/..._ 1/;., ¡fill .t) ":JI.J.:J 17 , PIPING SYSTEM Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping. Joints, Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection System-Piping Dispenser Pan , Liner Insta1lation . T ank( s) Liner Insta1lation . Piping Vault With Product Compatible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors, Float Vent Valves Product Compatible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector(s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D.W, Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater Spill Prevention Boxes SECONDARY CONTAINMENT OVERFILL PROTECl'ION, LEAK DETECl'ION FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type CONTRACTOR ÍÍ111\ ~ "H\e<-.t, '1J'\c CONTACT :1,'0\ HrlJ~.\.~ r UCENSE # PHONE # í""aa>r ~ìO~ 8J"~ -'~ ~. e - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326.;.3979 ' F aciJity INSPECTION RECORD POST CARD AT JOB SITE Owner Address Address City, Zip City, Zip Phone No, Pennit # Br- () 0 80 INSTRUCfIONS: Please call for an inspector only when each group of inspections with the same number are ready. They will nm in consecutive order beginning with number 1, DO NOT cover work for any numbered group until all items in that group are SIgned offby the Permitting Authority. Following these ÍD5InIc:IiœI will reduœ the number of required inspection visits and therefore prevent assessment of additional fees. T Al'iKS AND BACKFILL INSPECTION DATE INSPECTOR Backfill ofTank(s) Cathodic Protection of Tank(s) S( :;).!J I 'i 1 IJ ~ /I _ All I ¡ .hJ Spark Test Certification or Manufactures Method PIPI!liG SYSTEM Piping & Raceway w/Collection Sump Corrosion Protection of Piping, Joints. Fill Pipe Electrical Isolation of Piping From Tank(s) Cathodic Protection Svstem-Piping Dispenser Pan Liner Insta1lation - Tank(s) Liner Installation - Piping Vault With Product Compa1ible Sealer Level Gauges or Sensors. Float Vent Valves Product Compa1ible Fill Box(es) Product Line Leak Detector( s) Leak Detector(s) for Annual Space-D, W. Tank(s) Monitoring Well(s)/Sump(s) - H20 Test Leak Detection Device(s) for Vadose/Groundwater Spill Prevention Boxes SECONDARY CONT AlN'\-Œ:\ì. OVERFILL PROTECfION. LEAK DETECfION FINAL Monitoring Wells, Caps & Locks Fill Box Lock Monitoring Requirements Type - CONTRACTOR 'ill1fL A/IIIC"f_c" :r::.w. CONTACT -::\,~ Nt>drw-Cvc.~ UCENSE # PHONE # J- IUJfJ t" <f)() ~ ~J.ß '¡' 01¥ 07/ 1 998 .]_6; .i6__.. ,. 15,ª16402304 e I I, r , ' , fî ' . I ~'. t ~ . "~I' 'J; \'~;J TANK LINERS INC e PAGE 01 " ¡..,:_,:I;I: .,~ .111(~ . .,' .H. ___ .... .___ DATE: / - 7- CJ~ TIME:. "3: 20 fin COMPANY:,._ ,__,_u.. ÞlIONIU#:__.___ __, . , l~Os),~Z~ -~Q.~?".. ~V~., "lLNrkw_oaL ~tf~îtr;::/t ~l)lr~rhM-kl ~viÛÁ '~AX#:___, PLEASE Noll FY:, lHU,mNTI I'LEASE NOTIVY IMMEDIATELY ,.. .H....H....~·"_" ,-...-^"'....-....-... ........... t-koM:_,Al~ .. '0'. .-........-.-.... - ...........- ._._~..,.._-~.- "AX MACIIlNE NUMblIR (503) 640·2304 A Iulll' (If _IQ__I'Oøefll> Inelulling Ihis CO\'CI' ItPle, au, hei..." tt8ßslnitted. If yod do not reœi"" this total tlUtnber QfpagCJJ, P calC cull ollr sta'Tnt (50) 648-7212. . ADDItiONAL COMMENtS: . . ....__J_..__.,........-- -.-'''' .-.-......-.. _...., ..___. .n. ' .H.~...~..,.-...._.__.....~--_·....·_-...-·_······- ..........-.......,... . , ,...., ...................-----.-.--.--- ~..- _..----"'. .--. .. ,.._.__.~.._-- ,---...--...-.-........---.....", .--- ....,.-.._.._._-_.._~--~'. , .". ....-_..~--_..._._--_........__... I ". u_...,"" ".-.--....."--......-...---.....--..- I .. -,---.,.-.....-.-...---....-....--..-.-' ,... .0.'.._'. ..."'.._ _. __..-____...__o.,.._.H". ...,.".'-.' ---'".,-.-..------.--.-..-.-..-. . '. .._... ., . ., ,._... "'__..._..~._...-...."---_.-_._-,....-M "'.... ' ,.. . . ..~... -.". ---.--- 34tO N.W. 28.'h HiIIIborø, O~ 9712.·6714 '1-800-888-7212 (503) 648-7212 FAX (603) 640-2304 i' 01~07 (1~~ª-._H 1_1:.~ 46 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC PAGE 02 . FILE COP1 / -' ~ til"'~ SI'ECWIC ilEAL,... AND ~'ETr PLAN I. GeNERAl., PROJt~(,T INFORMA110N sll.NøIl.._Jì.,eaJqll;Q_~---~ ~&1 - AddrcsslluçllliÚII:, 3éJ2,.D, tUi ISciA r-.Ct.J( .& Work O.-del' NUl1Iber: H ./ lOSS; SIart t>atc:....L--:cg ~ 97." H .. ... , CompletlQl1 Unlc:_ "" 00_ .. ..., ",. S<op<ofWI1,k ~l ¡¡~7¡M.-Q)/fr.~yj,(j),!flfif2 ~...UST ./115 ___2ll-ï1L.utkl;. _ th. '--!itíù}js~/¡ ___ro~~,- - II. P£RSONNtI.J(:ON·I'A(:1' NAMES AND PilON! NUMBERS 'I'LlP I) 2) :n~ 4t_.----~.," .. " --~....' ..,-.....,-,._"-,.._--~-~-'.'-~'- SlIbœntntctOnl OII-.lle:_~_______ C. ~nl Nanae dnd PhollC: ~¡}iYrIrwM ~-~b3Zo ~~m3-h~Ör Site COlttact IlIul I'hollc:, SUe Safety omc:er:_ Aherdätj 8Ííe Sáfbty Offtœr: Health and safely Mønupr: Alal~ Blood Project MaI18øct:__ Albert f(QQOf __.__ , '., , I · 01'/07/1998 11?:..46 I" ,- -------,-- " ~- 15036402304 e TANK LI NERS INC PAGE 03 e III. IlTt DtSCRIPtloN stlC0per8lloas; ~:~~_,' KJtj(!;..s-&sœ CumntOWner:_ ~ds-~~ Site SeaJrily Maintained By: ,./SecurltY Pence M'-~--_ Barrlcøde Tlpe _. __ Temporary Barricades ~.L COlae. __,_ OIlier (Specify; ) IV. EMERGENCV INFORMATION Location of Neøreøt telephone; 0"-8110._" Location ofNesreat Fire Extingul,her:_UJ ¥~Þlc; e Location of Nearesl First Aid KiI:.__..____:r..!JVohlcle =:-&1~~~""--:- _: ~)~-tIl~I(J(cA Dha:tlons: g.qJ"l\Q ,_ ~4r::~~~~ ~~". - ~; . ~-~ ," PoU~ Phone: 911 Pi... Phctne: 911 ..------ -' ....----..----- Ondergtau.nd Utility t...œate Nunlbcr:. ..,,, __.. 'm....'.~._~__ '., 2 0Þ/07/1998 16:46 15036402304 TANK LINERS INC PAGE 04 e e ~ v. SITE CONTROL and EMERGENCY PROCEDURES is the designated Site Safety Officer and is directly responsible for 1$ on-sÎle for l'Ll c lIployces. The Site Safety Officer must be notified of all accidents, hijudes and/or Htncsses (0 be recorded on tbe OSHA 200 SununaJ)' Log. Site Access: Yes Nò Road Access: ;7' , Water Access; Z Electrical Access: ~' ~t"iJ~;d~H~7t~~c2~~~ Emergency Assembly Area: AUernate Assembly Area: Hot Zone (Define):.,. _ At least a five (.5) [QQf radius ftom eXC8-vaùon aœaCs) The Pennit·Required Confined Space Attendant musl remain in constant communication or wilhin sight of all Entrants. The following band signals wilt be used in case of failure of comnlunÎcatioII: ~ Hand Gripli Throat Grips Partnel:1 Wrist or Waist Hands on Top of Head Thumbs Up Tbumbs Down Translation Out of Air I Can't B~th Leave Area Immediately Neal Assistanœ l'rn O.K. II Understand No I Negative 3 01107/1998 16:46 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC e PAGE 05 The Site s¡¡rt;:ty Officer must be notified in the event of an emergency. He will be responsible for ensuring that the appropriate proc;edures are followed. Fire or Explosion: In the event of a Ore or explo$l()n, the emergency hom will be sounded and aU personnel wìt1 3sscmble at tbe pre-assigned location. The fire deprartJ:nent shall be notified immediately, AU petsounçl must stay at a safe disl8nœ from the area. PPE failure: If an)' person experiences ð failure or alteration of WE, that per5C)n must inuttedhJtcly leave the <lrca. Re-entry shall not be pemùtted until the PPE has been repaîm1 or replaced. Olher Equipment Failure: If any olher equipment fails to operate property, the Site Safety Officer will be notified immediately to determine the effi:c:t.s of the faOure on continujng operations. If the failure affects the safety or healtb of penonnel or prt!Vcnts completion of the scope of work, all personnel _nust leave the work area until the situaûon has been evaluated and the appropriate ç()rrc<::tivc aClions taken. In aU situations where an on-site emergency results in evacuation of tbe work area, peßOnnel must not re~ter until: I) the conditions have been corrected; 2) the hazards ha-ve been re-as$essed: 3) the síte safety platt has been revised; and, 4) penonnel have been briefed on cbanges to the site safety plan. VL HA7..ARDS AND PUCAUTIONS 1. Free pet(Oleum at síte" ~ _no dunknown 2. Check substances known or susped.ed to occur at the site: _ Oil (Type: ) ..L fud ffype:JJtJ.i¡pJ.~~ Id¿,.5e ¡ ) -Á- Solvent (Type: Melby hy. kClØM ) -Ã-.. Other (Specify: Nuisanœ dust ) 3. Known chemical chaJaCtcri$tìcl (based on prior all!lCl5meDts): COnltit.uent ~ ConçentratioD Amß!llt!2 !i..!~arbons LiauidIVaDCIr Variable NwlaDCC Dust Airborne Partic:ulate Variable 4 .' 0~/07/1998 15:45 15035402304 TANK LINERS INC PAGE 05 e e 4. Potential Hal.Mds Check equipment and c::onditions applic:able to project: _ Drill Rig Backhoe --X- Excavations or Trençbtng X Shored or Braced ExCavation (if grater than 4 feet) ~ Overhead Hazards or Power Lines ~ Debris on Site (Puncture Hazards, SUps, Trips and Falls) ~ Permh-R.equired Confined Space Entry ..Ã- Welding or Cutting ..L Heat Stress Potential ~ Cold Exposure _ Other Expected Hazards va PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (p'E) WortdoR Coodltlon, Site Prcøar,t,i-!!-n ~1ion DeIW CuttirurlOœnin2 ßçmaviot( Slud2c Pot Tender SanclB1a,ûnR Sand Removal from Tank. PreMLiairur. (Structural InteJrity) JDJDeÇÛºn Mi~gg EP9xv _-__ Levelof'rœtectlon D 1\JjJ1- ~ ð/fiL~ ( D C with 1/2 Mask Air-~ ReSDÍrator (APR) B D C with Continuous-Flow Hood C withIn Mask: APR D C wi¡þ 1/2 Mask APR C with Full-Fac:e APR C with Continuous-Flow Hood C with Continuous-Plow Hood or FullMFaœ APR C with FuU-Faœ APR D Tel'dinll! HooPèr SprayWs EDOxv Flushina SDru Pnc:§ and Pwnp Patch and Beoair Ca~ç Protection Installaùon Other ~ .; 0~!07!1998 16:46 15036402304 e TANK LINERS INC e PAGE 07 Safety Equipment Needed On~Site; .1L.- Hard Hat -L Hearing Protection ..Ã_ Gloves (Specify Type by Manufaçturer and Part Number: petroleum products and M.E.K. .Ã.- Saf~ty Glasses Ã- face Shield .Ã..- Chemical-Resistant Sleel Toe Boots -1L- H~lr-f8ce Air-Purifying Respimtors (Si~, Type and Model Specified by Fit-Test) Ã-- Full-Face Air-Purifying Respimtors (Size, Type and Model Specified by Fit-Test) _X,_ Chemical Cartridgcs (Specify Type: North N7500-) for Orgnic VaDOJ'$ Ansell Edmant #208 for ) ) ..L HEP A Fillers ..Å..- Satancx Suit _Tyvck Suit _Other PPE (Specify Type: ) _Inventory Checklisl Completed VIIL ATMOSPHERIC MONitORING PLAN Upon initial entry, air monitoring shaH be conduc:ted to identify the following c:onditions wben the potential for stK:h hazards ex.ist: I) Oxygen Deftçient Atmospheres 2) Flammable, CombU5tible or EJlCPlosive Aunospheres 3) Conla.ninant ConOC:llwtioDs E (a:edióg the Permissible E;qJœUtC Level (PEL) 4) Immediately Dangerous to Life and Healm (lDLH) Conc:entnauoJUI Direct Reading Instruments to be Used: ---À-GuTech _Detedor Tubes (Specify Type: _Other (Specify Type : ) ) 6 ~. 0~/07/1998 16:46 15036402304 e TANK LI NERS INC e PAGE 08 Check Monitoring Frequency and Describe Locaûon,: -L Continuous ~s detennined by Site Safety Officer ~,_IS Minutes__ _30 Minutes -----LHour'y Deoendina upon WK. Action Levels. Permissible Exposure Levels and Ex~losive AtmospheJCS If direct reading instrument readings indical,e c:onc:entJ:1ttions above the Adion Le\oel. a determinalÎon shall be made by the site safelY officer to implement engineering cooUOls andlor c:hange work prac:tiœs that will effectively lower contaminant conc:entrations. If direct readitJg instrument readings indicate that chemical/contaminant concenuatiol1$ are at or above the PEL, and, engineering controls and work practiCd have failed 10 reduce concentrations below the PEL for 8 chemical/contaminant, the Health and Safety Manager 5ba11 be nOlificd. The Health and Safety Manager shall determine the appropria.e personaJ protective equipment to be utiHled in such situations. Tank cutting and confined space entry shall not occ;:ur until com.bustiblell1ammable concentJaHons are less [han 10% of the L..EL. Additionally, all entrants shall immediately leave the confined. space when combustiblelflslnmable c:oncentl1ltions reach 10% of the LEL or if ordered by the supervisor, attendant or another entrant. The Field Log is to contain the following infonnation: - Air monitoring calibration and mainœnanœ information . Air monitoring fesuJts (Oxygen, Combustibles and Toxiçs), penonnel involv~ and locations (Listed on the Confined Space Entry Permit) - Meteorologic:al ConditiolUl (tempemtwe, wind 4.i.rec:tioa, etc.) 7 ..; 0~/07/1998 16:46 15036402304 TANK LINERS INC PAGE 09 e e IX. ,DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES ' All c0l11aminatcdcqllipmcnl shall be decontaminated or property disposed. Equipment and supply deoontamination al a InioÎlmuD shall consist of c:leaning with a soft bristle brush using wate1 and a non·phosphate detcrgent Paper or cloth towels can be used to dry equipment or supplies. Minimal du:ontamin8tion of PPE consists of washing soiled boots and reusable chemical protec;:tive clothing with a non-þhosphate delergent. An spent deoontamination solutions, towels or .r:ags. limited-use chcmical protective cIotbing and glovcs shall be properly c:ontaineriud and disposed. Ca"1idgcs shall be removed froln respÎrators prior to cleaning and storing. DO NOT USE SOLVENTS to clçan respirators or cartridge exteriors. , SpecifY other decontamination procedures: X. WASTE DISPOSAL AND STORAGi: -Ã- Sludge - AL WAYS LABEL and LEAVE ON SITE - DO NOT TRANSPORT ~ Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK) - Stote in property labeled safety cans. Transport to 'ILl -1L_ Spent Blasting Media; I,eave on-sÎte as designated bv owner, Cover under and over with plastic, _Others (describe destinàUon and ~lIpon8ible partiC$): XI. CONDITJONÂLFOkMS Yes No Accident Report: -L Heat Stiess: ~ Exposure Report; -1L- SpiU Containment: ---.X.- Emersency R&::sporue:. .......Ã- Confined Space EntlY Pennit -L Equipment Inspection: ~ Equipment Inventory Checklist: ~ Other: Il .0~/07/1998 16:46 -...-...-.-.' 15036402304 e'-'---- --- ..,.,.,- .-" TANK LINERS INC . PAGE 10 ~ XIL REALm AND SAl'ETY MEETING All pcnonuel participating in this project lDU$t receive an initial health and safety orientation and n:ad and sign this Site Spedfic Safety and Health Plan. Tailgate safety meetings are required as deancd øece&8a1)' by tbc Site Safety Offic::er. The orientation and tbe ultlgate safety ro.eetings shall ¡ad. a diiCUltion of emagenq' reøponøe, site çommunícations and ~te hazards. QAm ATfBNDEE ÇOMPANY NAME §J9NA TURE xm APPROVAL All TLI personnel panicipltting in thi . . . . s project are Ißcluded In II medie<d monitoring proúram and have l\'ICCivcd the 'red' '. þ requl training as flpŒdied in, but 001 IÎnliled to, 29 CFR 1910 120 29 CFR 1910.1200, 29 CFR 1910.146 and 29 CfR 1910.134_ ' , ' ~~By: ¡iflM 1~¿W D tc 9 ....,. ;: ¡. - FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KEllY ADMINISTRAnvE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENnON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 /h . '. ~ BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT October 10, 1997 Don Dozah Stuarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Ready-Go-Market, 3620 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Don: A review of this file indicates conflicting information concerning the four (4) underground storage tanks located at the above mentioned location. Specifically, we can find no information in the file to support your claim that the tanks have been lined. The City of Bakersfield did not take over the Underground Storage Tank Program until 1991 and unfortunately, records beyond that are not complete. So that we may resolve this issue, we are asking that documentation be provided to this office to support your position. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, J~ ~..¿) Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector SBU/dm 'YO~~ W~~vØ/;~~ A W~" , - .-. -- .~.. . _permit No. ]..'t - (0 0 ~)O' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD T d' (4L (/1ò OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326;.,3979 PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCTIMODIFY UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK TYPE OF APPLICATION (CHECK) [ ]NEW FACILITY [¡,.fMODWICATION OF FACILITY []NEW TANK INSTALLATION AT EXISTING FAClllTY STARTING DATE <6' - 2-0 - 97 PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE ~ -.LJ'J - pg FACILITY NAME ,ç?Æ.-&lðý G;o;> EXISTING FACILITY PERMIT NO. FACILITY ADDRESS 3h~ /A./ILC/),(,J ÆJi) CITY :;SA7~p.c.::-/~/ ~ ZIPCODE 9.~8d9 TYPE OF BUSINESS Ñ/A...J/ - /<-,,;,Q~ "7' APN # TANK OWNER ..::s-'C-/,Q,e,-s /:>.E~O'EU~ PHONE NO. _=5'..=?~-- h~,..O ADDRESS // E. ¢. 7:2/ -S~ CITY ~"r,.:: R<-C k: "-0 ZIP CODE 9?3. ~ 7" CONTRACTOR /~AJ~ //L-J~ c:.. CALICENSENO.C/¿:7-~g /7/f?-'-"~730S? ADDRESS /~~ Gu"ûD/f' A¿/-Ø CITY Þ..o..<24.,?7¿¡'u7 ad. ZIP CODE 9072: ..3 PHONE NO, ..57f>:z. - tb3/- ~'7;Þq BAKERSFIELD CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO. WORKMAN COMP NO. INSURER ;>C~µ'll!/'~ '/~;J ¿p~ ¿E /;.u:}~ - BRIEFL Y DESCRIBE TIIE WORK TO BE DONE (!PTHL)Ù/c:.. /~..eO'T€C /'/rCy...../ WATER TO FACILITY PROVIDED BY (!.d¿ hAT£/-Z-- DEPTIITO GROUND WATER ~-sõ / SOIL TYPE EXPECTED AT SIlE :34..<...J~ ./.4J.A~ NO. OF TANKS TO BE INSTALLED 4- ARE THEY FOR MOTOR F1ÆL V" YES NO SPILL PREVENTION CONTROL AND COUNTER MEASURES PLAN ON FILE v YES NO SECTION FOR MOTOR FUEL TA1"IK NO, I ~ ,~. ,¿,J VOLUME UNLEADED iŒGULAR PREMIUM DIESEL AVIATION V v' ;,/. v .Ii:? LJðL) /~~ /// L)C¿J - ðØ~' SECTION FOR NON MOTOR FUEL STORAGE TANKS TANK NO. VOLUME CHEMICAL STORED (NO BRAND NA1\fE) CAS NO. (IF KNOWN) CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED FOR OmCI.-li. USE ONLY IAP~LICA11()NPATE "" ·'·,FÀ¢XLtr:Y1\û. 'NQ.ÖíTÄNKS '·L<LL H FÊÊss¡!!!!!!!i!u!¡¡i!¡¡¡:¡:¡¡i¡/ ( lli.E APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS. .-\i\ID WILL COMPLY wrrn lli.E ATTACHED CONDmONS OF TInS PERMIT AND ANY OTIIER STATE, LOCAL A.1\ID FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO lHE BES..! OF MY,KNqWLEDGE, IS TRUE CORRECT, " : l) £ / ~ 57~"".e= A<~o;4 ~ â=J ~ RO APPLICAt\fT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~ß5/29/1997 11:113 7144529453 e ~HEDENFUER - PAGE 131 J 106392946 rJEI1EN~~C,I<ERDOCIN t:UKKU~ilUN- ELECTRICAL SERVICES., INC. :0':10 pm JUN 23 '96 15:25 May 23, 1997 Mr. John Stuart Stuart', Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, Califomi~ 93307 Re: Proposed Cathodic Protection System Stuart's P~oleum 3620 Wilson Road Bakersfield.. Califomia Mr. Stuart: Corrosion-Electrical Services, Inc. (C.B.S.), proposes to inst.u1 a cathodic. protection system at the above location using either one 40--foot or two 2o-foot deep anode wells. The type of gro\U'\d bed used will be determined based on field conditions encoU1'\tefed. during installation. Either method should p.rovíde adequate corrosion protedion to the e?cterior of the underground fuel storage tanlcs. CR.S. proposes to install t1:\é cathodic pl'otection wells (CPW) west of the conven¡ence store, east of the undergroUl'\d storage tanks (See ~ttached. Site Plan). This location was selected in an effort to maximiz..e the level of p:J:'otective current Applied to the underground tanks aJ'\d Ø'\inimìze Ù'\terfenmce from exísting cathodically protected pipelines or other metallic substructures that may be nearby. Thank you for this 0pl'ortu.t'\ity to assist you with this pha!:e of YoW' conosion mitigation prognun. Should you have a.ny que$tions, please feel free to contact us At you convenience. Respectfully, CORROSION-ELECTRICAL SERVICES. INC. ~""'" --~\C PRO \" ;: ).Q~'."""..l~ 1'.. ,J'~ '.:" ..D~,,, . ;G¡: NACE \~ ~P".. .........,,'. ..."....... ' ~ ~ 'A Y M· ........" I..... ..~...... ...sHIPLEY I ~t \. 41·9·3..····7..·1 ,. .. r ,'. .. "" . 0. ... fill' , S'p;-........~'\ ~ '\~ cC¡AU~~_- ","'....-- ,/~;~tt<) ~~~~·Brewìs Pnlsident 16210 GUNDRY AVENl.!E. PARAMOUNT. CAL1FORNJ,.f 907].) PHONE: ($63) 6JJ-4919 FA.\": (162) 614-$13/ CA. LlCENSEC- O 6&1718 . 85/29/1997 11:18 7144529453 e 3106392346 DEMEN~IO/¡~ER:(iCit~ r------~---~---··-ì : 10,000 GAL UST : ._-----_..--------~_.. ,-----------~----~ì J 10,000 GAL UST I 1______----....-------. ----------~------, ¡ 10000 GAL UST : ~-_:---.;.--______I s o U T H o R E A L R o A o \ I \ I y , ISLANDS LEGEND I· ------- , . CPW PROPANE WII.SON ROAD NIEDENFUER e PAGE 82 591 P01 JUN 23 '96 15:29 o "- " '-." ..~ RE:CTIFIER BUILDING C,t,R WASH ~'~~''\, ".-":.C PROr- ~ ~~~~·..·······.~c:)!1 ,~~ ..' '. ~ '.. k../ NACE \º.t-fl. I i......".... .······.···\····1 flu J~ð. y ~,~,.~.1;~~.~§~.... t.'" '-'..', ..-.. ...".... : -, 'I \ 4193 / ~ I. . , 't t'. ..- fIIJ1 . '0 .0 .( ,#If ., \"'~.'''''.' \S' fill \\,ut'"'EC\ì\\..,-_- ,,,,,'"'vòþ..... Ces Corrosion Electrical Services "",-- .... ~~'niODIC~,~ SYST&Il.tVCUT ......, -- - S't'UNn'S P!nI.OLEUM _ WIltìQN ROAD 1M ~.CAlJFORNIA _fI .05/11/1997 08:03 7144529453 e ~HEDENFUER e 6-08-1997 :0:35PM Moue fJ t:.r ~¡ll~t:'1 Ii~ F'J:<U1 r :iÁ, . VI - Jul-V~I,.·O J'IeJI=! U() ~I .J' ~"j 1- .VJ. COATING tNSP¡CfION QVALIFICA TIONS Name: Mark Kithcart POSitiOD in Kco,", EaPteerina aad InIp«tioJl Serviees: Project £ngineer Previous ID5pectiM E&peri-..ce and Cutíßcatious: Bachdors Dem'ft in Enaineerina. tram California Polvteebniç State uøìVersirv . COUFJe' work included 'Non--<!esttuct1ve and Oestructive tatÙJ¡ of materials and coatin, IysteIM Certified to the American Soci~ for 'N(u,-<iestn.u:t1ve T~ lASNn specification SNT - TC-t A for the foJ)owidg cat880ries: Ultrasonic Thielen_ Testing ~ Le~( 11 Liquici Penetrant Te$tin¥· Level n Certifications were petfbrmed by HeI1ier and &soåatcs Non-desuuctive Tating Center in Nian1M:. Conneo¡iwt (860) 1>9.8950 ~ aiJI Norton records supM'\lÍSOt Work Experimtce in Coat;nR System If'I~OftS~ Mc:nd<x:ino County - EnYÙ'OnmentalH\JI1th Depllttment Contaet person - George Hynek phone Dumber - (707) 463·4466 Projects· Third party inspection of2 (two) Underground Storage Tanks ill Little River, Calífornìa, TJúrd party inspection ()'2 (two) Underground Storap Tanks il'l AlbioQ,. California. Tbitd party împeçtion on (three) Ul1dergroufld Storage Tpks in Ft, , Bragg. California. Fresno County· Healtb Servæes Agel'lçy Cont~ person - David Van DyrJe Phone number - (209) 445·)Z71 Projects. Third party În5pection of 3 ( three) U tlderground Storage Tanks ín Premo. Califomía. El 00"00 County - Environment&! Managønc:m Department Coataçt person· Jdf'Rusm PAGE 01 P_2 ~ 06/11/1997 08:03 6-08-1997 10:36PM I\corp ~n9ln'erlr¡9 - 7144529463 e NIEDENFUER - FROt'-' t" dX . (vr ~:>Ul ~',"I.'~ 'Þ:lY uo ~ , ~ j ·,,)0 ,. . V.,I Phone number· (916) 621-5307 projms .. Third party inst*tion of2 (two) Underground StQf&ge Tanks Í1\ Cameron Par~ california. PDS1- New Hampshire ContaCt pél'1Ot\ - Bob Gemler Phone number.. (603) 692-3359 Projects - Insp«tor and Projeçt Manager for coating inspeçtiOP ora 220' diuneter Fuel Oil storage tanlc fbr the United 1U\lmj~ Power Plant in New Haven, çonneçticut. Sethtet COlJXlraÙOD International Kuwait Proj8Ct$ - Inspector and SupeMWf for th¢ oonsuucûon" c:oating pd in$pection of20 (twenty) oil ~QJag. tlllb J'IW8ÌI!8 in size Û'om 1 to' tQ 300' in diameter during t~ où field refurbisbment phase in 'Kuwait. PAGE 02 P..3 (T) CJ.r ~ , @ co W I (!J ~ <1 tIJre Cnøttø of (() a.. (0 " GUt' laIifømia 'tate ~ft.ÜU ~ IS) .. W " em re~ 111 tip ~aadIw of \1 ~ €aliførnia 'nl!trr~nic 'tatt Itnibtf;SUl! T) :u e 9 '- lfabe amún,b .,.. I " æ W Jlurh ~ir~arb ~itlttart I :J lL. I z w I Q W tlte besr" of H Z ~nt~elnr of jrietttt in pnginfuing ijIedY1tt1toBV (Y) "Þ;n At ~ ~ui. "'.pø. GLd;føam., on tJ¡. ttÐrAterarcanb iløt IÞi ~Mr\. lD "" ~- nmflun .Úlft~øm PM-~ ~A~{~ "" .... f"- -< C__ .1 6MrntI. -. J-i'mf .. ",. LwtItf" (T) ~ ft/~¿~~~ c¡¡ <D c¡¡ ~ rll\t ..... ~""r ~.itomllt I"- m m .... ' "- d .... "ÝJ "- lD c¡¡ µ. 0' . --.--.- -_.-._- 0:\1 111 /117 c =- '5'80:' _ O:,ï¡¡ ~002 . 011: Or. III'/) II:\Z ~I¡\T /)1 V EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORlNG PROGRAM Thi< monitoring program must be !<cpt at the UST local ion al aU limes, The infonnalion on this monilorin¡; pro¡;ram are .. " , 'f Æ.o~.Æ'~ ..ç~ Z>.......... .... 30 d f condItions of the opcratUJg pcnn [, The pern1l1 holder ",u,¡ notl Y eft ~ ""ulln ay. 0 any changes 10 the monitoring procedures, unle" rc<JuirullO obUlin approval before moking the chan¡;e. Required by Sections ~6J2(d) and 2641 (h) CCR, Facility Name <? €AD7 G-o Facility Address ...36 2.0 ú-I/L- ""'0/\../ A!:7::::> ' 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? 1-Jote: If released hazardous sUbstances reach the env,Ü:orunent, increase the fire or explosion hazard, are not cleaned up from the secondary containment within 8 hour3, or deteriorate the secondary containment, then ,]he ßa!:,e.l¡.{{i.e~d 'Jf·../t-e'iJep.t must be notit"ied within 24 hours. tY0Y-J-e-L S/,-i..¿¿, coue/t- w,i...th !ü.ttt¡ '¿.tt.e/t- d-weep c.Lear1., /In.-.' ¡;¡a.;,..O/i:. d-,I),iL¿.. Ca.LL ·the t~oju"'\.d-¡-'i.e.¿d 'li.-t.e Dept.. 2. Describe the proposed m(,t\wds and equipment to be used for removing and proper]" dis~osing of any hazardous substances. No ¡'fe.-L C:,n ¿)'L'~~.J1..!~\~1 LrA-..t;J:d., <1.W(',£'1) ('./.(,,'1., n-La('f', in a. ¡l~O"/::~(~~:',~, /) ::r,:,~~;:{ ~,~: ';;~.. '. !",' () :~;,' ,':' !;~~ ,'; ',' ~~~:~~. /~~:'f.~;"'~~~ !,~~:'0 ,:r;;;:':c i':¿cl~~~/.,I 'Jo;~ ,",:."', :",';,;,:;,-,.;",'.'v ,,- ,'I ',' '" ...,. ""~: ;', ")~,:.-, '", '...~':;.c."")"",1. 3 . Describe the location an(1 availability of the required cleanup equipment In iter.1 2 above. /j" -1.:j .J: . , ',' -'-'.:,'" ,(; ;,,~'--L!: j~." ~: .::.>~....~. 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment. We .t.<1.C- ce-1-.t.[.~J·.:~.c.cl l'c7'<,.A~·-C (':j/'.;,:t ":('.('.:'.(¡.I~.-:\. 5. List th~ name(s) and tit~ú(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan: ~,()r"i, rt:,;,(.,:1', ['.1'. «.1:/,::'/;/., /'e/.:,(./.::,::, --- . .. . -. . ~ ~ , - , ..-..-...-----.. - .~:=~~2:::~:~,~,.::~. :::+~~r-'~ :..........- ~_..~._---.---=::-~-.~ ',,' " f¡ { ,( j ,:¡ ¡," , \ -;'J "~- j! 'f Ð ~à !.t· ~; !; :~~ ", " Œ ,y ~{; i iI ~" it ·i ¡ " ,j :'q ..\ -:! '.¡ .ii ¡ "',;'! ;,j 1 ì '. 03/IR/!!7 OR:06 '5'RO;; :\26 O:ïïß flFf) II,\Z ,\fAT f) r V . WRlTTEN MONITORING PROCEDURES UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM Thu monitoring progru~ must be kept at Ule UST ¡aeadon at aU times, The infonnat;on on this monitoring prognlm are eonditioOJ of the operating permit. The penni¡ holder must notify (¡he local Beeney) within 30 day~ of any changes to ¡hc monitoring procedures, unk~< r~uirW to oblain approval before making the ehan :!c, RC<: Ùírc<J by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR, e Facility Name ~E'..oDý C:;;'o ,Faci 1 i ty Add:::-es s 30'Z.O k//L.. :5rv../ ^,D. A. Describe the frequency of performing the monitoring: Tank Ò,e:7/¿,,_ $.-r/Cp- -;r-~~.s 'Piping h ,~ /, B. WhaL methoàs anã equipment, identified by name and model, will be used for performj~ the monitoring: Tank..2>.o/?}/ ...'Sr.-.:._ ;r~.é"'~~"u,r, .e,6-,r:J&2> .,Q ,.:; ;;:>---/.2', /A.-/t::,./~.A.1T~-ý ee..A-Jr~: ¿::PA S/o <3 9-.3 -O<!J ~ Pipin, g k'Æ2:> ~Cke:r ..<~~~ ð.d"7êC">""ÖR>. l.t1 u{ ('¡- ((L",n f 11_ ~- ~ £0 C. Describe the location(s) ~'nere the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): .,or ~/LI.é': ~ . D. List the name(s) and tit12(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment v~ r ¿1 .:5~Re.r ._ Y þ, :5.72:--'.Q'Æ.?' ..2'.6"T~_/,,.....,, E. Reporting Format for monitoring: Tank ~/O/h¿?,.d.ç ~ __ATe, A& tJ + l-I-1~ Piping Q a F. Describe the preventive ma~ntenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Not~~: Mainten~nce must be in accordance with the manufa¡;turers' maintenance Schedule but not less than every 12 mOD ~hB. 49"'-/-'<:::.. h.v"""?'"A.I,.:;:o;;-~ 7"'__..s::,.-. G ¡;.pol) - yo "=-.ok' G. Describe the training nece';sary for the operation of UST system, including piping, ~nd the monitoring equipment: ;J,/G¡¿- 72:1,. 'k:~ "e;?~"2:> ..{-"NÓu.; ..ß,/~/F="P>F /-h/.-- Æ="'/o?,£'£Y-:¿::l\..Jc'T' a.J?"" ~ :$a.-/ rt::,L/ /ç Ü»OOR ORIGINAL .~"... """.-.' ...._>_'R_.. ..,~. -"--'-'--'-- '... ~,.. . .""~~.".,,,,- ¡ .' . " ~.:,.. ---00'-'-- _'."'~._ ~.. , @003 ....._ '._¥n. __ __::^ .__-:_~ P..--;;-, . .~ . ~,~- "t" ..' . -- INVOICE #BG000294 TEST DATE: 01/08/97 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVE, 288 VISALIA, CA. 93292 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 EAST 4TH ST. READY GO MARKET , 3620 WILSON BAKERSFIELD CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD CA. 93304 CONTACT: PHONE #: (,805) 325-6320 CONTACT: PHONE #: (805)833-6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .10 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .006478 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .025454 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .036514 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .001278 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. BOB SMITH OPERATOR: ""___~tç,~~J-:.~.(t3J______ SIGNATURE: Zi4~-- DATE: ~!j_«1.'! .. . . ******* TANK DATA ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 96 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 31.91 31. 91 31.91 26.59 VOLUME ( GAL) 12000 12000 12000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 74 76 79 72 FUEL TYPE REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 dVOL/dy, (GAL/IN) 133.78 129.27 121. 51 114.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 e ******* C U S TOM E ~ JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) e D A T A ******** 000294 STUARTIS PETROLEUM 11 EAST 4TH ST. BAKERSFIELD CA. 93307 (805)325-6320 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON BAKERSFIELD CA. 93304 (805)833-6507 o 4 30 120 .-.. 1 0 en w :I: (,) Z - o· o , '-" ...J 0 ~ --I :z - w -5 ~ z ~ () -10 ,15 5 e - STARI TUŒ:23 :28:48:88 CURBEtfT flflE:88:28:ØØ:øø ~ · Ø8885 .8ØØ8& .88649 GPH GAl" PTA, UERSIOH 1.28 -15 o BGØ88294.TSI,1 15 ~~o TIME (MINUTES) 4-5 Cr: 60 81/ØB/97 10 ........... t/) W J: Ü Z ~ o o r a"...J ...J ~ .....I Z w -5 C..!) z .;( J: C) -10 e - 15 TAMi( 2 STARr- TInE :23 :28 :48:88 - - CURRENT lInE :88 :28 :88 :88 5 . . . . o !'¡ ¡'I, , . /\/\ {" t \l\l\¡~ ·"n :. : r'....~.. r ,,\j " '\ : .~ ...~ =.....l·~ . '\, _ . -\ ." . tl ' ~"'./~V T~.... / ....,~ "'....,. - ."-'" 'of / \_.,,_j ,,. .f-......y__..,,\ 01"......." --""'..... ".' .... .88825 -.08465 EAK RAIE: .82545 GPH LOSS PTA, UERSION 1.28 -15 o BG888294.TST,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 so 81/89/97, Cr: I . ....... 10 tf) W I Ü Z , 'I""" o o r ~ ...J ~ ...J Z w -5 c." z -< I ü -10 e 15 5 o .88489 . 8866B EAK RATE: .83651 GPH GAIN PTA, VERSION 1,28 e Cr: 15 -15 o BGÐ88294.TST,1 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 sa 81/88/91 10 ;--.. en w :r: () z 'r"'" o o , ........ -I ~ --.J Z w -5 (!.I z -< :r: C) -10 e· e Cr: 15 tAH~ 4 START TI"E:23:28:48:88 CURRENT 11"£:88:28:88:88 5 o 8: ,88881 C1: ... .88819 lAX RATE: .88128 GPH LOSS PTA, UERSIOH 1.28 -15 o BG888294 . TST I, 1 15 3Q TIME (MINUTES) 4-5 60 81/8B/97 e e INVOICE #BG000294 UNDERGTOUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVE. 288 VISALIA, CA. 93292 TEST DATE: 01/09/97 TANK STATUS REPORT - - ULLAGE TEST . --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 EAST 4TH ST. READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON BAKERSFIELD CA. 93307 BAKERSFIELD CA. 93304 CONTACT: PHONE #: (805)325-6320 CONTACT: PHONE #: ( 805) 833 - 6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .10 GALLONS. TANK #1: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .05 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .05 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .18 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: -.06 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: BOB S~&~ ITH ue #91Q1431 SIGNATURE: lJ..4~~__ DATE: -&J/~!lil -------------------- .. TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 e ******* TANK NO. 1 96 31. 91 12000 ST REG UNLD 133.78 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41. 93750 56.93750 74.93750 - TAN K D AT A ******** 74 TANK NO.' TANK NO. TANK NO. 2 3 4 96 96 96 31.91 31. 91 26.59 12000 12000 10000 ST ST ST 76 79 72 PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 129.27 121. 51 141.86 · " - ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT (LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT (LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) e D A T A ******** 000294 STUART'S PETROLEUM 11 EAST 4TH ST. BAKERSFIELD CA. 93307 (805)325-6320 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON BAKERSFIELD CA. 93304 (805)833-6507 o 4 30 120 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: READY GO MARKET 3620 WI LSON BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93304 P~~~vJ:;U BOBBY G. S 'ITH OTTL LlC 97-1431 e TEST OPERATOR: DATE: UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 (800) 244-1921 01/07/97 FAIL REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNLD DIESEL 2 e '~ I ~ I ' TEST INITIAL FINAL VOLUME LEAK RATE LEAK RATE DURATION. PRESSURE PRESSURE DISPLACED PASS 30 50 40 10 -.0238 X 30 50 44 6 -.0143 X 30 50 41 8 -.0191 X 30 50 38 12 -;0286 X COMMENTS: LEAK DETECTOR/S FUNCTIONING PROPERLY @ ~ ....~.. FIRE CHIEF MICHAEl R, KElLY ADMINISTRAßVE SERVICES 2101 ow Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32ó-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32ó-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENßON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32ó-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 32ó-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Street Bakersfield, CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ .~ . e ~ BAKE R S F IE L D FIRE DEPARTMENT, December 10, 1996 Stewarts Petroleum 11 East 4th Street Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Underground Storage Tanks located at Ready Go Market, 3620 Wilson Road. Dear Stewarts Petroleum: As I am sure you are aware, all existing single walled steel tanks that do not meet the current code requirements must be removed, replaced or upgraded to meet the code by December 22, 1998. Your tanks do not currently meet the new- còde requirements and therefore fall into the remove, replace or upgrade category. Your current operating pennit expires on or before that date and of course Will not be renewed until appropriate upgrade of your tank system is accomplished. In order to assist you and this office in meeting this fast approaching deadline, I have attached a brief questionnaire addressing your plans to upgrade these tanks. Please complete this questionnaire and return it to this office by Friday, December 27, 1996,_ If you have any questions concerning your tanks or if we can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, ~& Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Office of Environmental Services I I , I REH/dlm attachment 'Y~~ W~'~ vØ60Pe ~ ./6.W~ " ~-c.= _l~ ;~ --¿~.?:~ '1 . (, ,~ ~' , ' , , . '.' ò\ ' BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTA BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION APPLICATION 9/13/83 Dote Y'~1~7·-,··:·· '~~ ~p'I>icotio!:, :,No, . - ,-~",., - -". ..','.' " ... ,---::. .....~ ,.'. . , y ";\"j;:~.,:.:.;:'...._;. ":" . In conformity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, ~odesond(o~ regulatiòns,~oppí.!ç:~'tio~~'i~'~~ade , :nkB& Co.. 240H. Bøl..,nt A VB.. FreBno. ~~9~7~t" . ·.,i{:;ij,ig~tr;':!::> ,,' Nome of Company _.,' Address ' to display, store, install" use, operate, sell or handle materiol,~:"þ,;'p"~esses ¡nvolvingor 'creating ,con- ditions deemed hazardous to life or property os follows:!" ' ". .... . -,- " " - .,: ... installation of (4) under~round roe 1 tanks .; (:l) 1? ,oM W" g1tCl"'''ae ~. , "~ (1.") 10,000 dfA~.' ' to be located at Rick & Lew's Ready-Go Mkt_~3~'nwtløoQ Bd.. Baker. tiel. , ~ «1E~~~ 9}'~ I. - . PermIt e ..........~Q.3............................ Dote ~-~-~~~---~-----~---- T3tL l N\. ~tQ:::~ Representative . By ....&::.!i.~~~:ff:ii~~--..---..._....--..... - ....... ;:7,~_ ~', .,<f, V ;~.: :\.~", ~~; , 'J; -~~~ ~ ":::' ..... : ", .~. . ~. .. ' ..' '", ~ ",.",:,,~,<t<-:·;~·~· ",.;;;,;..,,:,s~f:;'f:;;''''$.''':1.1f;~~ - " '" '" ,/:f~:';'" /'~'::;'; '. ~' ~~~;:. 'r ~';\f. \;" . .~ .r.:~~:i' ~ 'l~.\ f> :;. ';;¿ ". . ':.'S, ..:~.~ ".-.,\ , '.~ -~-~ :~ " ~~1 ·f?:·· ' ,~ " ">-' " . ,J- . ..~.: ,I..;..,> . ''-~\'$_?;:' "..;: ." ¡ ,," ..::I... .;..... ~ ~~~ '.... ',,, ' '",..., ,L;:" V," "1' , ~..~-T~_ <o"', ^' ' r~~~1~~J~&2íl¡~~i],i~~;": i r ..,-- I '. I 'J I I s .; . .' ¡ ,,' ,/:\(';:;lr,i-';~' ,;': . ~l:~;,~~'~ ~. L . ....", ~ '.' ~ ~>. ' '~':: --', \ '. ~. .;'~':i','¡1.1.',:,.·j;2.r;f~~~!~fÆ·.. .. "'_ '-~, .~:,:=~'.,.'.", r.9."' ,; .:. '.. /' ..~. ':.f.~-,.. . .. ;'1'" -~ , . , - -:. ~..' , . ~<':r . . ~ .,"" " ¿J ~ -'~~t,- ..~... .~~ ,--7. '(¡." l~, ~~..., .-,¡,.~ '"1.<" '\"\ ..¿~l ~ '.\ ']:-.. 1 . ...;'..1 ~ ii, ? Rt.~L * r r " .' ROÀ.'D õ '; - ,:~*:É~~ - ¡(~~..- ' \'~.~~".~? ~t ft W]O ()f~ <,..~ -tt s::J (11111' -'- (\ì 19;)- 1] rV'-;¡"-"'f: í tf '~ö r ~ H_ <; f~ (-', (\"', ("oJ ..........' '. \ {.. f " . ''',) ~ ~ AO' 0" >~() ~IO -4 ~~ I ~~~. I:) :¡:"I -;:or' .~ ~N~ - N J> " .. 'Z 0'-0" s' 10' -,-' Õ I I "'... k. I - -,,~ IL'-- ~~ - L---V . -p- , I , Ü\ I'~ I, q, ~ ~OOR ~I INAL I o ". --- .." ,,., Ç~Fif) /-~ ", "- c:::::--'- ------, '----. ~---\,-~"'-._~ - 2" ~ \(E.*t' 't2-\~e.~ ~ 40' )( (001 MIN.'\ - MÀ't2-T ~' \l2AA(, -:::.' f... c.. \ Z. t.o~?()\..-.L E:V\~~E~((.:"'< Q\'~·(DI,(,"1.r.:,C-;- ~'\.VITC-\-I- --------. ~ ~1 i ~ ~ 0.., dn ; I U 6:\ \-'< 'f ?o~"" \JJ \ ï~ 1- - 4-D0 '"U-\-:' µ \ (;j ~ 'f'f:..t::,0-::'ù!F-O;:;-_ ""..;0 [i\ 0"^-. LvM 1 N4\.I'KE-"? 'P e;. í<... Ç>Cl....\S. X. &' Q.D~.TE=. >E-\-\M6I \':>I.-....."-\D~:> W \íH L'òA.~ M PD - A:?;> -:;;?E. N."='~R.&..;> ¿"" ¡.,.I,e.",_, C':)i,LC'.-:<:'i::n::.... rUISl--\/,[(:.t 'PAD ',; X &" '0<, lQ (;11\., \/..1 1(\,,:::', 1.\ t.:......J,. ..., ( , A/c.. "¡)À VI N G-t J ,I ~ (":.-;" ~.~\ // / '" L,i, ) /' ,r', ' ¡ '2,~ ~6{EN.Q; \) ¡.¡ \J E1õ?&'\2.()'-' p,.¡, <:) Q \ '? HI t::I - ~ - 'J.,."V¡;;fI...- LI"'L - P pQ."',^I\M. &J...~oup..1F- ~ Ù - UJ'lLe¡,.o fA,I,.~ûLlM.1:;.. --- R. - REélIJI.J>.R. ~A'oOL1I./f. ----- vI<.. ~ Pt\/<.!>E.. JI; VA1'O~ ~E--tù~1\l ,.,.....ø... / , I ( '~ , ;.-./ --.-. ( (' ì I \ ! ' ~ ) l~ ~-t,C "~'j'" "1áz '1 - ,-_../ ~@OR ORIGINAL .~_/'! ¿ / I ' I I I / I /'/ ,,/ ",...--- I ',',"'-/:);,: ¿ I , \. .J' i ~. j" "---- '"'-> ,- / i '\ v \':--cR RECEIVED NOV 0 Ô 1996 HAZ. MAT. DIV. FAC!LITY /lP/J~V (J() At!JJfll¿¿-r PERMIT TO OPERATE . , / ~-o~~/ ~'6.{ ~~ow..;!f~ "- , , ,.¡Y ..:;...,ì ~~~ '-'~' , \.U _. ~.Ji .~ ~ I ' ~ ...., ""\a.. ~. ,. . ~~ APPLICATION TO PERFORM ~ TIGHTNESS TES~ ~~~:~9~ BY~~ L;.¡'j ~~ MJDREss3h.:26 U¿;¡6'ðN if/) h'1t~A 9J'dd ;¿ ,e ~.i~ -:---1; '1 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (905) 326-3975 -' -- -~ -:. ~ OPERATORS NAME iC¡~t;. 1I/R!AifiJL - " NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED 11' OWNERS NAME_ -- IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED~ TANK # ± ± VOLUME /:2k ./ d. /r" /';¡,*, /() k' CONTENTS ';?d õ¿¡P LJ/E'Sr <.- TANK TESTING COMPANY tt~/.'7' TEST METHOD U-t} ~ 7' ES-r NAME OF '!.'ESTER ¡}?r:Jh (\:vr"7Æ C~ RTIFIC:ATION i STATE REGISTRAT10N ~ 77-/</..1/ DATE & TIME TES'1' IS TO BE ::CNDUCTED.--LP_-.2t6. 9J- ./'t}P/v¡ _ __ADDRESS~ð.6ltl.6.2 f?f/ P7ój ðAh 93:¿92 . - - - ~-- ... -~~/O~(1:.:2L~ AP. ROV DATE ;)?c4~~~h~ -, , SIGNATURE Of' APPLICANT f ".. . ..¡, e .' e, INVOICE #BS000169 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 TEST DATE: 10/26/95 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-833-6507 CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-833-6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .037033 G.P.H. GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .003858 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .006626 G.P.H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: REG UNLEADED TXPE: STEEL TANK IS TIGHT. RATE: .007350 G.P.H. GAIN OPERA'rOR,,: ----t:C0.:i~:~~----- SIGNATURE: __¿~~¿Z;~:./ DATE: ¿ÞA€-:z.¡J,---' .. e e ******* TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 96. 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 26.59 ' 26.59 26.59 26.59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 71 74 75 72 FUEL TYPE DIESEL 2 SUP UNLD PLS UNLD REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 116.41 111.49 109.66 114.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41.93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 e ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRE~S - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** 000169 READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 805-833-6507 - L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 805-833-6507 o 4 30 120 .,,-----::/-- 'i' ,-., 1 0 'tfj W I Ü Z 0:- o o r <-J ...J ~ ....J Z w -5 c¿) z -< I ü -10 15 5 - e Cr: iAHK 1 START TIHE:l1:59:28:Ð8 CURRENT II"E:12:58:48:88 o .i/--" ....~ .\..,..-^o~/ ~,./'X«Ct' vt~O--· ,..~""""""""''''''' ...... ~_............·<:.....··....·....o-......lJ··"·, ..,,(-~....- ,,,_..I"'~" .r/...~ '\..w....... .....r-_ ....... _._._......-/ ~.:\""...e;".. - - "..- \......... 0: .80053 Cl: .OØ339 EA]( RATE: .03783 GPH GAIN PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 o BS800169.TST,1 15 .30 TIME (MINUTES~ 45 60 10/26/95 , r, ,-., 1 0 tJj W J: Ü Z ~ o o r ~ ...I ~ --A Z w -5 l'J z -< J: [) -10 15 5 - e TANK 2 START TlnE:ll:59:Z8:ØØ , /\ " " ./ \1. /\. , ,¡ I 1 ).V : Q ,Ý i """"'''./ '¡ { . Ii : (.: l / '..} -15 ø: .80122 Cl: - .88835 EAI( RATE: .. {I, ¡\ J ' J "- I' I", o¡ ,i, .} \i \ l\.o "" , { ~, ¡ , CURRENT TI"£:12:58:48:08 I JiI! {I, ,! r", J\ \ l { 1.: ~..( \,·....""'\:t i tf v \l , it n. { \ / 1 ~' '¡ ¡./\ i '{ l' \ "^'\ } ......,............ .88386 GPH LOSS :; / i / \ l ~i ~/ \.. ./'t-..i..._+= PTA, VERSION 1.28 o BS888169.TST,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 Cr: 60 18/26/95 I '. 10 ,........., (f) W I Ü Z 0:- o o r '-"' ...J ~ ...J Z w -5 lIJ z -< I ü -10 15 5 e e TANK 3 START TIME:l1:59:28:88 CURREHT II"E:12:53:4B:88 /" I \. l\ I \ .... ......<Ott'"..."'. :f,.('r Q -..... \ ,.-.............\ ,\ f"'"'"- ....... ...../ \/ -......... -15 ...'............... '\ " i·....·....... .."... _ ..~................./ \"'^x...----. _ --....... I \ 'y' '\ ~...-",,"' ..__ -.. ,p..... ~~., ;I ... ~I '""'-, ' ...... ., ··1.......01.. ........~. "'-i 8 : - . 88215 C1: - ,88861 EAJ< RA IE : '. 086£.3 GPH LOSS PTA, VERSION 1.28 o BSøee1£.9.TST,1 15 30 TIME (MINUTES~ 45 60 1e/2£./95 Cr: . I 10 .......... t/) W I Ü Z ~ o· o .....:.. -I ~ -I Z w -5 ~ z -< I () -10 - e 15 c~: tAHK 4 START TIME:l1:59:28:ØO CURRENT TlftE:12:Sa:4ø:08 5 o r.. ~'\r"''''',¡\ , /.i\ 'v' ...." "V' . .... -.80819 .ØtJÐ&7 EA}( RATE: .08735 GPH GAIN PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 o BS88fU69. TST ,1 15 3Q TIME (MINUTES) 60 10/26/95 45 '..' e e INVOICE #BS000169 TEST DATE: 10/26/95 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15806 AVENUE 288 VISALIA, CA 93292 TANK STATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. -I BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-833-6507 CONTACT: PHONE #: 805-833-6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. TANK #1: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .13 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: -.11 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .05 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .05 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERA~'9R : BOB SMITH SIGNATURE: ~-~~#~î~~------ lJçßL-d/~ DATE:, JÓ-;J6-?~ ----~-~__________ L_______ \, - --T-- e e ******* TAN K D A T A ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. TANK NO. 1 2 3 4 TANK DIAMETER (IN) 96 96 96 96 LENGTH (FT) 26.59 26.59 26.59 26.59 VOLUME (GAL) 10000 10000 10000 10000 TYPE ST ST ST ST FUEL LEVEL (IN) 71 74 75 72 FUEL TYPE DIESEL 2 SUP UNLD PLS UNLD REG UNLD dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) 116.41 111.49 109.66 114.86 CALIBRATION ROD DISTANCE 1 10.65625 2 26.95313 3 41. 93750 4 56.93750 5 74.93750 e ******* C U SiT 0 MER JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT)' NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST CMIN) LENG~H OF TEST {MIN) e D A T A ******** 000169 READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. BAKERSFIELD ,CA. 93301 805-833-6507 L I N E S ******* D A T A ******** READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON RD. BAKERSFIELD ,CA. 93301 805-833-6507 : 0 4 30 120 .' e e 3,0 Cr: IAHK 1 IHiE -- 13: 15 :85 ......... o ~ 0:::: tx 2.0 o z o I- .-J -< Z '" L0 <-.J 1,0 o 0:- .0 50 BSB8Ð169.S0N 8ft: .13 PEAK Sri: ror- 9.3;\ '1 f~~ I ~I ~ ~ ~~' h 1 \ I. 31 2 \ tI UT~, IJÊRsi'OH 1~BB I I -)/,,,J 50000 18/26/95 ~ 9 500 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 3.0 ..-..., o ~ CI::: ~ 2.0 o z Ò ~ ....J < Z o (f) <-J 1.0 o >:"'" o g - inFiX 2 8": -.11 PEAK SH: 9.19 51 4 ,"------. / \.....__...... .0 50 BSB88169.S0H e T I HE -- 13: 28 : 30 Cr: FREQUENCY (HZ) 50000 18/26/95 ,- It - 3.0 Cr: TANK 3 TIHE -- 13:35:19 ..--., 0 ~ Q::: W 2.0 (/) 0 z a ~ --I -< Z 0 - tf) 1.0 '--' 0 Sri: ,O5 ~ '" 9 PEAK SM: 9.33 .0 50 BSØ88169.S0N 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ) 50000 18/26/95 '. 3.0 ........, o t;c: CI::: ~ 2.0 o z a I- ---1 -=( Z o l0 ~ 1.0 o 0:- '-' 0' -.J TArtK 4 Sri: e e Cr: T HiE -- 13: 53 : 44 .85 PEAK Srt: / l / .0 50 Bse0Ð169.S0H FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 10/26/95 - e PLOT PLAN JOBSITE LOCATION N 0' flEAOV -Go-7ñ/!r / (? ~,2ò ú/. i ~ß ON 12/J. ilk's. tf'B. . / E w s rr If 4 ¿ Jé' p. #2- #-3 #'1 #--1 F r r~ F V V V .. íL íL 11..., 1l P jD t¿ l{ M Ai P P ~ 5 977 ;IF /r'';'s M' f r'tV, /1¡(h-1í! T TANK SIZE PRODUCT LEGEND #1 / IJ/r:: /J/'£J' £ L ,1. F FILL T TURBINE #2 ¿.....-- Iß.ÁlI-D TL TURBINE WITH LEAKDETFCTOR #3 l/ JJ¿b( FO OVERSPILL CONTAINER ON FILL #4 ~ ôtep R REMOTE 0 VENT , #5 E {::XTRACTOR VALVE #6 M MONITOR SYSTEM #7 [ MANIFOLD SYSTEM #8 MW MONITOR WELL W.,'.L Ö ö AI' ¡eO. ~1 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS 15870 AVENUE 288 . VISALIA, CA 93292 (BOO) 244-1921 PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMINATION; PL400 FORMAT TEST LOCATION: ¡rF/fbV ð-o #It/: / . ¡C) ( ? (p ;¿~ W,;¿ ð" ð N fr.-'ò. BA-:'~, . a, Æ' e TEST OPERATOR: BoB SM1TH 'orrl Lie. 97-1431 DATE: /ð-;2~-9J TEST INITIAL FINAL VOLUME LEAK RATE LEAK RATE DURATION PRESSURE PRESSURE DISPLACED PASS FAIL REG UNLD PLS UNLD SUP UNlD DIESEL 2 ;?ÓMt-~ ~-ò ~6 /~ II/) 2 ~¿, - '- v· v (] fA J{p , ñ3?/- t-- c/ c,.....-- (?Ç Ir¡ ~ óJ:2 r - L-- ¡./ ¿./ ~J Y ~ó/~/- t- e COMMENTS: LEAK DETECTORIS FUNCTIONING PROPERL V@ NO CITY' BAKERSFIEW FIRE DEPARt1ENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 RE, HUEY HAZ-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 .Ç R,B, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 October 13, 1995 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Enclosed is your updated Permitto Operate for the underground storage tank(s) located at the referenced place of business. Please take a moment to review the information printed on the permit to make sure everything is correct. If any corrections need to be made, please call the discrepancies to our attention immediately. Your Permit to Operate is a legal document and its accuracy determines whether you are in compliance with the law. If you are the tank owner and not necessarily the tank operator at the site, please make a copy of this permit for your own files. Forward the original permit to the tank location so that it may be conspicuously posted on site. If you have any questions regarding the Permit to Operate or your responsibilities as an underground storage tank owner, please call the Office of Environmental Services at (805) 326-3979, or write to us at the letterhead address. Sincerely, -<ê " éi!3#1 ' ,~~ ¡)f'\ J) ,,' __ _,,__ . ~'-- '. ", ~..- Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Enclosure Permit to Operat,e Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility State I.D~~~D~::;::Jb.¡"~É~wfj;:¡t¡~;;;E:O~E 5:::5 ¿ Tank Number . 01 02 03 04 I I' Issued By: Approved by: ... . .. . . . . ... ... n.. d. 0.. ... ... ....... .. .. ...... ...... ............ ... ...... -......" ... .. . ..... .......... '" . .. .... .......... ... ... ........ .. ... ........ ........ .. · '. ..", .......... .......... · "... ,-' ........ no· ..... · . .,,", ............... .......... .... . "' n. .. ...... .. ',', ,".' ," ,',', ............... .. . ... -. ... .... ...... .. . . ........ .. .,'.',' .... iT ank<Táhk\ Piping. bl:!¡;¡,::Jona~~ ............................~_~.:..,~......... ~~,.)..... C:; I I I Hazardous Substance ... . - . . . ... .... ... - .. . '.. · . . . ... . . . . . . . . Gåilhô(······.·.. . . . . ... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . C ,',' "..'·"t.."'·.. .. ',' øp~çtY·,/· Yeat? I nslåìfêd Piping Piping Method Monitoring PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD PRESSURE ALD UNLEADED SUPER UNLEADED PLUS DIESEL .. . ..... . . . . . .. ... ..... .. ... .... ... . ~ .... . .. . ',' "0"'0" ',',,", .. .. .... .... .... o .. .... .... . -... . ... .. .. - . .... :rt¡, '9:P) \5,,000 ·1 q,QQO \l~,döO ..... . ...,. .. " " . . . ...... ..... ....... '. ..... ..... ".... ..... .. .... '" '.."1"98' 6"'·' ...... .. ... .,.. , ."... ,. . ....., .. ....... . ..... ...... .. .... ......, ..... .... ....... ,'.. ..... . ',' ..... ',' """1....98..6"""'" , , , .. . ". ....... . n. ';,................::..1.~~~.'.:.. ""....",1""ga6, .. . ....... ... ....... ,.. ...... .. · .... -. . . . ,. .. .. ... '" .. " ,', . .-.. ..". -. . " .. "'" .... . .. .. ... . .. '" ".. . . " . . . .. " . .. · . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ~çþ(lqmØ~~~4þjeptto ch~n9.f:)."io.régula~.iÓr1~r .. . ..... ...... ..... .. q. .... . ... .-.. .... ........... ",', ....... ............. ..... ", ...-.-........ ",' ,",,' ..... ...... ....,........... .. . ...."......... , .'... .. ,. ..... ...... .. . ...... .,.. -. ...... ... .. .... ...... ................. ............ .....; ....... .-.... ....:.- . .', -.... ........_-..... ....,........ .. . ........ ....... .... ..... .... ... .. ...., . ... -..... ... ..,. ",' ... ... ... .. ... . .. ....... .... ... -.... ..., .,... .. ... .... .. "."" .. ... .. . .... ,... '.. -.......-.. .,.............,....-...... ........ ...... .............'.-. ... ... . - ..... ...... ....... ... .... . . .. ... .... ... .... ... . .....,.. . --... ... ... . ........ ........ , ... ... ....... ... ",- ,. . ,.. ........ ... .. .... ... ........ ... . ... .. -.. ........ .... ... ... ......... .... .... ..... ',."".'...'...'. .....' .."..... . · . ··/ ssued To: Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 . (805) 326-3979 CHANG MOON READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 -~---~ 12-22-93 12-22-98 Valid from: to: · . CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 93301 R,E, HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 R,B, TOBIAS. FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326~3951 September 15, 1995 READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON RD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Business Owner: NOTICE OF VIOLATION STATE REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT Failure to renew your state registration is a violation of Section 25287, California Health and Safety Code, and will result in your Permit to Operate the underground tank(s) being revoked. Owners of underground storage tanks must register those underground storage tanks with the State of California Water Resources Control Board and renew that registration every five years. Our records indicate five years have passed since your last State registration pursuant to Section 25287 of the California Health and Safety Code. This means that for state registration renewal you must submit a state surcharge of $56.00 for each tank. Please make your check payable to the City of Bakersfield. You have 30 days from the date of this letter to return the state surcharge to 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. If you have any questions or if we can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call 326-3979. Sincerely Yours, 4a# Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed I -.------... ___.____fi_, Facility Address UNDERGRO~~~~~=~~~~~ PROGRAM This mooitoriag propam mUlt be kept at the usr location at aU tima. T'bc information on this moniIoriD¡ pntp'au¡ arc condiâoa& of the opcrabnl pcmùt. The permit boJder mUlt notify (the Ioc:aluency) wirbiD 30 days of , any c:han¡es to the monitoring proc:edura, unJca rcquin:dto obtain approval before makin Requin:d bySCctions 2632(d) and 2641(b) CCR. ",:. _ IfJ' I~ ((~"'1~G:';;'7:ì I' - '':./ l.::::::.L! ~, LS r! ! "'- ~/n) , MU"-TT995 IYl ,y~ ~/.A.J" - "", ,Facility Name ..-.- . -'~'-- -3tPZeJ ~~'-&6;,/ R2:I . 1. If an unauthorized release occurs, how will the hazardous substance be cleaned up? Note: Ir releas.d hazardous substances reach the environment, increase the rir. or explosion hazard, are not,cleaned up trom the secondary containment within 8 hours~ or deteriorate the secondary containment, then (the local aaencv) must be notified wi thin 24 hours. ('7-....,7'.AP___7"~ .' ...... ""'''- ,,, ." 2. ,Describe the proposed methods and equipment to be used for ' ," removiDg and properly disposing of any hazardous substances. ~4S /??p,Sr ~rA'"~ T ~ ~~.s J.P".c.¿..yc.- AI'~ '7.2;-.oI!!!"~ #4&>þ.......^-( 3 . "- Describe the location and availability of the required cleanup equipment in i tern 2 above. eo..vT~~"T"G14- ~. 4. Describe the maintenance schedule for the cleanup equipment. ~.uT'Ae~GTtOR-. s. List the name(s) and title(s) of the person(s) responsible for authorizing any work necessary under the response plan:, JOUN S'T't:.hØ-L -r ' .:~ '.~." ~ .,~ I. .", '~~ ..<Ï.. ! .~~; ........ .' I r ~ -, ....\ ",:' .,. ~_"! 1. t' :. . '. ':'" ,,'"Ç"' --~~~-=---~~~ ~.---,..,~-~- ,--:."....,-" -- ~- '-'~:~,~; . ---,";:'" ..- -~ ~ -!'"'~ --" .------- . ',": \~'~. '<'" "- .. .. ~ "" '\ _ I,: '~." 'I. r ,~ .... " -'.. . ," .;. .....'; -. , ." ,', ~..('_. . ~þ-...::- . " ' ";. .. '.' . '''-'',. .... " "I .~<:;.. , ~ '" ~. ....:' --,...-......- .~ -'""-'~--=1 I I I 7/¡d: &~, ::.ðd^w~h .ß ff~ ~ 75 . il,~~~~ .~ .kv ~~¡¢k u I , J ".- dJd:? ~- ~ 3-yt) . ",-. .. ) .... -----~-,....,-- --.....-------~--------~_._- - ----' ,I, '" . ..:: .~.i.'~ ~ ... '" ...... '" :'.. ~ :'10.' _ ,"1_. ," ~..:-,' ,"''''' ~. "~ --'~ - , . a·" WRITrBI MONITORING PROCEDIœS UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK MONITORING PROGRAM Thia lIIOIÙtOriDì propam mUll be kept at &be UST location at aU tima. The iDformatioa ODIbis 1IIOIIitøriaa........ are , CODCÜIionI of &be operating permit. The permit holder mUlt notify (the local alNlftCy) wkbiD, 3Oda,. or any chanca to Ihe monitoring proœdura. unJcu required to obcaiD approval before makinl tbe'ehaap. , Required by Sections 2632(d) and 2641(h) CCR. Facility Name 44.z?Y Go:::> /??O..N-~~¿'? Facility Addre~s 3(;.2.0 ML,S~M./ ~. A. Describe the frequency of performing the monitoring: Tank2:>,q.r.¿S' - ~~AL P.cc:.c;JAJc..~.L"RrOAJ ?.€~ 7777-' Z~ Piping ~A'-'771!!! .#.5. ~~ B . _ What methods anå will be used for Tank G.rL/..:5,,¿;)~LJ /R'~ K"/L /..Q 7"",LJAI Piping equipment, identified by name and performing the monitoring: /Z A, 2:::>..tO/L,Y ~7"/---';.A1V/ .N~04c- 4.s. ;Z;>":-L ~7'~ :z. 'a model, c. Describe the location(s) where the monitoring will be performed (facility plot plan should be attached): "",;t 7' ~~ -:;7"~-s D. List the name(s) and title(s) of the people responsible for performing the monitoring and/or maintaining the equipment J~h'....v 'f'Tb'~.e:."- - ~r~A.e."- ¡Z:>¿£7,ee?¿6c./.;&4'- E. Reporting Format for monitoring: - Tank /YA7NV...d~ A'¿""d"")~c...t'£../A 77oA.i As ;¡>G,:? 77r/~ 2-4 Piping F. Describe the preventive maintenance schedule for the monitoring equipment. Note: Maintenance must be in accordance with the manufacturers' maintenance scbedu~e but not less than every 12 months. ~A.lC.JV4~ "7..Q"'-'.c.. 7'Jdß7P/,úc.. VG'7 G. Describe the training necessary for the operation of UST system, including piping, and the monitoring equipment: N,¡:;AI/~,tJ '- "72JNk .:¡ 7/c/<... ~ÁJ'}:) ;Þp¿t:::' Pr::ìeA7"/ð,A./ oe- .e-trJ¿>~ , ". '.' ..' . --.--~ -. -' \' ." ':,:.,..::-.';:. SP-S01-TK REV. 3 (12-94)), .','.,1 '''.', ~';;". ....... . '. STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EQUÀLlZAT/ON ;~i,.';;.,' (916) 322-9669 '.',.... ' BOARD USE ONLY ,~EG RR PR TR. AUD NR ,,' ",. :'I'1EF, , QD PI ,,' " , , "',, , ~ :,~ ~ INSTRUCTION: Inserltolal gallons of petroleum placedinto'all ta owned by you in COlumnA; multiply by the rateinColumnB'¡and write that number in Column C/i,;'\;:')!¡H'!l!(:t~~i,}~,<;:t;" . , . . -"'';'':'''.'' ~··.:·~t"J"r....~i"I'~-,,-'4::f:, ,',_ o.wner.· please indicate the ~r(:?};\)jk;;(JX';tl¡¡:¡':i,; i,' '. 1., C TOTAL FEE DUE. ,/ (Column A x B) 2. 3. 4~ .,; (IDStrUCLÌODS OD reverse) State of California "'"'- State Water Resources ControlW CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPO'NSIBILITY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I am required to demonslnue rUlancia! Responsibilicy in !.be required amounlS as specified in Section 2807. Chap«er 18. Div~ 3. TIlle 23. CCR: o 500.000 doDan pel' occurrence 0 1 müÜoa doUsn aaaualaweS_le or AND or D 1 millioD doDars per occurreDce ' D 2 miDioD dollars annual aggresale 8. ::::¿r-v. . .. hereby certifies that ft is in compliance wfth the requirements of Section 2807, , (Nam.o(T~OwrJt'''OI'OpenlOCX Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: Ig:',~;~~~~0:::',. :,: "..·...~,~,~,~'an<]~?~r:.~~,~.~...I:::.~~,":., '...\.. "'-·:~~~bJ¡fB'·:'··.r¡::¡·'.WÁd;¿rj~D:",,·:*Þ~~r68j'..':~fjfdfid~~~gg·*~W' .;5nonr ,c"¿.,.v;;f ;:)7P-4~ ;DE:ræt:JLÆV~ 77< H~ ~+". Pø.Z.'7 // ¢I';!Þ cb-LI!:£/'", 7i3.P/4?A! $........~. G.d. l Note: If you are using the State Fund as any part of your demonstration of financial responsibility, your execution and submission ofthis certification also certifies that au are in com liance with all condftions for rtici tion in the Fund. . Facility Nam. Facili ty Addr... Â!e.4» Facility Name N ,Q;e.l(e;.r 3~-z.ð .t:û,-¿...SðN~,2) ko&..c. Facility Address Facility Namo Facility Address Facility Name Facili ty Addr... Facility Namo Facility Addr... Namo sad lido oCTant Owner or 0pera1Ol' ~~W ":sT¿./¿J/' Namo DC WilD_or NOIafJ Gt:JN'DO-P: H Copies - Facililyl'Sitt.(s) \ " . STUARTS' PETROLEtnd 11 E. 4TH STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 (805) 325-6320. . I am the owner of Stuart Petroleum, 11 4th street. Bakersfield California. This letter is in support of the use of the Underground Storage Tank 'Cleanup Fund to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by an unauthorized release of petroleum in the amount of $10.,0.0.0..0.0. per occurrence and $10.,0.0.0..0.0. annual aggregate coverage. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured by this letter. Ready Go Mini Mart,;362D. Wilson Rd. Ba~~~sfieldi Ca. 1. Amount of annual aggregate:êoverage bSingassured by this letter.....$lo.,o.o.o..Oo... ~, ';' ',..' .', total assets 2 013 761 .' , .', .,. ", total Liab 1,232,0.80. Net Worth 787,681 I hereby certify that the working of this letter is identical to the wording specified in subsection 280.8.1 (d) (1) , Chàpter 18, Division 3, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed at 14th St, Bakersfield, Ca. on July 20th, 1995. 4~ " , .--Jo11n Stuart, Sr.' L------- President, Stuart Petroleum. ,"0 (I' '~"".._-+--;'~ ~ -. ·"~"'I'·7""7"'-'''~;:-"\';- ;-"".-' -:;;t-.,..,..,: ?;.~<?.. ",,-r,-·-'\'.--;"'-~-'?'~"';>~'''''''¡E:'- . ,., ~ ' ' B. S. S. R. 6630 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIHD.CA 93308 (805) 588-2777 . . . ~ . " . '<"4'Y .~ . ~e .. 18 Jul 95 4985 STtJARTSPETROLEXJM 11 E. 4TH-STREET BAlŒRSFIELD, CA' 93307 'WILSON/REAL , BAKERSFIELD, . CA .':. >~".;.;:. 'J., _." . , -- -JOHN ,Due on recpt .." -18' 'Jul '95 ' ··,-~791. 4 MISC. L.D. 268.00 1,072.00 ,4 'MI SC. 3/8PWGS 0.99 3.96 1 MISC. OOPPER KIT 10.01 10.01 SUBTOTAL TAXABLE PARTS 1,085.97 C'ALIFORNIA SALES TAX 7.25 It. 78.73 4 ' LABOR PER HOOR RATE 35.00 140.00 20 MILEAGE MILEAGE ClARGE 0.40 8.00 NITRO NI~ 16.00 ,16.00 ACTION SERVICE C'ALL j,;,",~ ~Te-c-/e;;ßS- '" , . ". - ,'i., . ,', "-+"'~' ',", 1.~';' 1,328.70 BALANCE WE: 1,328.70 ~ 5' ''f.'' t ( ~-'-'-") t <)=t ! r: ' ~.... //" J \ " '(¡J I '--, ¡ .....---..\ ./ --/ / \" ....., ...-.... ,/ '..- ¡, , -" , , , ' .~-' l ( '-" j '. - ~.----. -" I ' , --4'" ' -' - ----,-- ':0-, ~. ~ - -- '-:-I,~'"I, : . . I, ' I i I I I I I, I I QI. II ~ I . . I ~ >:.,;I..,l" ') :.;,¡;,;\;:~"t::;¡'i;;:;":';:;;":;;"\~~~;:;·:H ,',.~,:', !", ' " 'I",,:,' ',",;','~.\ ~!;I,'.','.",',., ',:"";',:,~," "',".' ~;,. "};W~"~';~, ,,,,,}\,,j',.':"fr:,,'.~,' J',t." ,'" ' .. .. ,':, t ;~;. jll,,,r:"",';'C1J',~ \.lJ 'I ~~~<'I::~""":" :.~ ' ?,y:¡ 15· \ \fL I . \ I I· ' , . '. I L. 'L':J I II til -- ~ C O"''C~~TE. 'PÄ.'O \~\i'.íM\( r\\_L.-~ i 'ç'\-\À~:t: v~o\S RE::.- t.<J v' e ~ ~ -. r I ~ I~ .. .~_ \2.. 000 ~ÀL, \Jl-, L\~;rE:...D ~ I, \Jt-.I D€-~~ ~ o\,) t--l Q ~T'Ç2..~, \.- I 1. F'uE I- íÀ..,,\,.\ K-:' I) 'I" 1 . IÏ . '-. H__ ~ c",,!C-"-<c." t- ?" 'D WI"-" -1 ~ -?/~ ~~" 2'2-0 \/. '5ùç:;:n,1 ~¡ M E,{t./;\ E:û -r I..J"Œ,.1?)f ~ e.. (/'0 Nt.~' , ' ~ ) \1' - 0 II -.--------- -~-- ." C) I o --t 'rJ - CD .. 0 -' 0 N - 0 I .-01 o -â ror , \0 '.-¡ ¡ . .~ I~I: ' oll~ " I ~I .",I~! I~I~AL \ \,\1 ) (;¡..,' I IlL I I ¡.1\ " I T\ ~II " . Irl Q.. II1I ' ~- ell , . t:'1t IW!OOR I cJ I'L J~ I I ' --7A'-O"~4't 1<::>' \ os '"' , '-~2- -ÒI( , If '1: i ,. .. .; ":F. .. Permit to Operate Underground Hazardous Materials Storage Facility . ................ ", State I.D. No. 013146 ,': ;".,;'~;Z~':2;<>:eermit No. 1 065 C ONDITI oN~J«~~.:p,riM~:~!ØH:;~~IVER SE SIDE .. ... Tank Number 01 02 03 04 Issued By: Approved by: j-~ '~j..-..¡;;,.- Hazardous . Substance . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . .. . .-....... .. . ..... n. '.' '.' .............. .... Gallon ygª-f::::::::TáOk.:):::::':,::'j:. Piping c,~;~~:';; Irisïi!lr~â Mori¡~~~\4\ Type ::~b:HQ}-' Q:::(/? :,\?:::" '~t§::: :(,1.' <:::'f,:: "1"'9":"::8' '6' --,,',' ':::"::'8': 'W:' ':L': ::'" MMmIRlTiTi~;;<:: LLPp. TT ::::"'5"000 :'-::' ::::":,::::,:--,,, ,', , ,::t:::::: :::,::: ::",.,::, : :: "-,,,:: ",..::.":::,:::::.,,VW,,:"\ M:.. "'. ,::. j:.:~: '." .....:.::.... .,..:......:.. :.:.:. .. ; . : :. :..,..... .".;" :..', '.:-:. :::Jø;:OQº :::=:. ::::':198~::,: ' ::::::,-::F:$V¥:~(::::::::: :,-:):::::,,::,&,11 R/TIT l't~::::: LPT ::~,(),'odö ':", .- 1986" ,SWE" :MIR/~I ~,{g, LPT " , " ~"",:, : ' ~~ \::( ,:: :'. ¿ondifì6ns SUbjeC~ to change'in.rø9~latior¡~ ,: UNLEADED SUPER UNLEADED PLUS 01 ESEL .. . .. . .' .. .. .. ....... .... · . . . . . . . . . . · . .. . . · ... .. ....... .. ... ... . . . . . . .. ... ,.. ... ... ,.. .... ... ',' ....... ,-,.. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '" .. .. ..... . -. ... .. ....- ..... n. .. ..... '.. " .. .... .. , -- ... .. .. Issued To: .., , .. .. .... .... . . .' ... ... .... . ..... . .... ..... .... o ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ,- ... . ...... Bakersfield Fire Dept. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 4?Æ~- Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous aterials Coordinator .... .. , . . . . . . . . ... .. .............. . .. . .. ...... . .. . _.. . . 0" . . . .. P' o . . . . ..... o . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... Valid from: Piping Method Piping Monitoring PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE PRESSURE ALD ALO ALD ALD CHANG MOON READY GO MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 12-22-93 to: 12-22-98 ,. .",- 'lIT of BAKERSFIEL! uWE CARE" ,<f';.:)"«Ji:~. _,*'\""~í.'. January 30, 1995 FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KEllY FIRE CHIEF WARNING! 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 215-ØØ0-001065 i~EADY GO 1'r1ARKET 3620 l·JILSON Fm BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: Our records indicate that your business does not have a Certification of Financial Responsibility on file with this office. Please forward either a copy of your existing State approved mechanism to show financial responsibility or else complete the attached Certification of Financial Responsibility form. An attached letter from the State Water Resources Control Board lists the approved financial responsibility mechanisms required to pay for corrective actions resulting from leaking underground fuel tanks. Remember, most tank owners only have to show financial responsibility for at least $10,000 of clean up liability. The Underground Storage Tank Clean Up Fund (USTCF) may be used as the mechanism to cover the remaining accidental release liability. The total amounts of financial responsibility required (check boxes from section A of form) are as follows: If you don't sell product from you tanks, and you pump less than 10,000 gallons per month, check "$500,000 per occurrence", Else, or if you are in the business of selling from your tanks, check "1 million dollars per occurrence", For owners of 101 or more petroleum underground storage tanks, check the "2 million dollar annual aggregate" box. All others need only check the "1 million dollars annual aggregate" box. Please be aware that failure to provide the financial responsibility document to this office within 30 days will result in your Permit to Operate being revoked. (25285.1 (b) California Health & Safety Code). ' If you have any questions, or would like help in completing the Certification of Financial Responsibility, plea~ contact Howard Wines, Hazardous Materials Technician, at 326-3979. I i . I Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/dlm ., - " "" '. . / INVOICE #YE000058 TEST DATE: 05/07/94 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TANK STATUS EVALUATION REPORT ----------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** WELLS FARGO BANK 2785 MITCHELL DRIVE, SUITE 200 READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94598 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 CONTACT: LAMAR, EVELYN PHONE #: 510-942-4232 CONTACT: SINGH, NIRMAL PHONE #: 805-833-6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTORS MISSING ON RED JACKET TURBINES CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE r- OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* 'rANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .0,06321 G. P-..Jh GAIN TANK IS TIGHT. ) TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .0269Q9 G.l?H. LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL RATE: .040954 ,G .P . H . GAIN , ". P! TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL RATE: .002332 G . R,. H, ~., LOSS TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: ' . " GEORGE YARBROUGH urrlì' gO..l237 ' . \,.."\ '. .~. . SIGNATURE:~~ DATE: 5"'-7~r ". ,'t TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . ******* TANK NO. 1 96 26.59 10000 ST SUP UNLD 117.87 DISTANCE 10.6563 26.9531 41. 9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 . TAN K D A T A ******** 70 TANK NO. TANK NO. 2 3 96 96 26.59 26.59 10000 10000 ST ST 71 71 PLS UNLD REG UNLD 116.41 116.41 117.87 TANK NO. 4 96 26.59 10000 ST 70 DIESEL 2 10.6563 26.9531 41. 9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 10.6563 26.9531 41. 9375 56.9375 74.9375 .0000 .0000 .0000 .. . '1' ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T . D A T A ******** 000058 WELLS FARGO BANK LAMAR, EVELYN 2785 MITCHELL DRIVE, SUITE 200 WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94598 510-942-4232 L I N E S ******* PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTORS MISSING ON RED JACKET TURBINES ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** READY - GO - MARKET SINGH, NIRMAL 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 9330l 805-833-6507 o 4 30 240 . ~, j">..- ~' .-.. 1 0 tI) w :r: () z 'I""" o o , '~ ...J ~ ...J Z w -5 ø z -< :t: c...:> -10 15 '. . CURRENT TI"E:83:58:48:88 TANK 1 START TI"E:82:58:48:88 5 o .88883 -.88885 -15 o YE888858.TST.2 .88632 GPH LOSS PTA. VERSION 1,28 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 60 85/87/94 Cr: ;-~ ~Ñ __ ,~< -.... ;'l "'~/ .-.. 1 0 V> W :I: Ü ~ 5 "r""' o o . '-"' ..J 0 ~ ..J Z w -5 ø z < :I: ü -10 15 . TAN]( 2 START TI"E:82:35:28:88 CURRENT TI"E:83:35:28:88 -,88811 -.88823 .82691 GPH LOSS PTA. VERSION 1.28 -15 o YE888858.TST.2 15 3Q TIME (MINUTES) 45 60 , 85/87/94 Cr: '-""-, '-"õ . -.. 10 V> W I Ü Z ~ o o . ......; ...J ~ ...J Z - w -5 ø z -c( I ü -10 " 15 TAN" 3 START TIKE:82:58:48:88 5 o - ':;;/ Cr: CURRENT 11"E:83:58:48:88 - ,88885 .88835 .84895 GPH GAIN PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 o YE888858.TST,2 15 30 TIME (MINUTES) 45 eo 85/87/94 -:-.. ...... .. ~ ?-. .. .-..... 10 tI) W J: Ü ~ 5 - e e . --..; ...J 0 ~ ...J Z w -5 ø z <: J: C) -10 15 . . CURRENT TI"E:83:58:48:88 TANK 4 START TI"E:82:58:48:88 - .88886 .88882 .88233 GPH GAIN PTA, VERSION 1.28 -15 o YE888858.TST,2 15 3Q TIME (MINUTES) 45 80 85/87/94 Cr: "'< .~::~,..,:>~t:'.~:::r:"7.:,,''-,-.:,_;j.'''~:';:-:;;'':'~';::''''~-'>J'~''-- ";~A:o,,-o-...?'s":"~·...r-."¡;';:''i>-¡,,,t<>-ç'c''}_7.'-_~,.i;'vi;'',)' _fi-;":~~r¿;, ')~"'¿n>/+,'~;;:':::'·~";j~'':''.;./,~-,~,-¿"-,,,:z,. "~';k~'-__¿ ~",v-"_~'""v., ¿v'; ::../.-- .:C "._ ",.' "~': ,,', ',.' , PIPING TIGHTNESS DETERMANATION PUOO FORMAT TEST LOCATION: f<. e. A. J "-I - C, 0 - /1/1 t4. v' k.. e ...,.... f '3 ~ :l () Cd i1 C OAr ;1. r"'u( g t?J It. c vi <> ¡;:...... I rI' ("" (/ ' ~y~ AP .. 6þ'a(,1/~-¿~~'( ~ÆNþ¡f;~~B'ÐAN ÚTIL. m~ c:rO -/ ,). .3 7 G~oV'Ý'e Y;:</.,tb,o IJ.,Á.. Ii. E ~~ I-< t:: Q) (t 00 "¡: ~~ e\ UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 West Belleview, Porterville, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 3 0 1111; N v'tc 0 ¡J.. T H- Go/" t. -ec-h' otV (I' rÞ1e. eli-KeN ;41'/0" """"0 í.e j, r TESTER LOG :¡ TEST OPERATOR: Date s-- ¿ - q Lf Reg. Unld, Unld. Plus Super Unld. - Diesel User Instructions (rev.D) Step # Leak Rate -1 L C.i52) i 1aF ., ~ ~ ..~ " ~, ----~. Ii. E Q) Q) U f-<t:: Q).!S t:: I-< ..... ct:: ...J> "0 Q) Q) Q) Q) Q) rf:¡ t:: Q) Q) Q) OJ ..., ..., ..., ..., OJ"" ..2 (t (t (t (t ò.()(t 0 I-< I-< E~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... - ;::I, ;::I (t ~ ~.g ..., tnE (t rf:¡ _ rf:¡ ;::10-. ~ ~ ~ ~ I-<~ rf:¡ ..... rf:¡ (t rf:¡ -rf:¡ (tI (t (tI (t OJ (t rf:¡ ...... .:: 0 .~ (J) c OJ .;¡; OJ ;::I C I-< .- ~ 0·.... OJ OJ OJ OJ :> OJ (t ~~ f-<O ......P-. ~P-. >p ...J ...J ...J ...J ~...J p.. ~ S ')0 LIt 7 "..(() Ib í Olbl /' -' ' 5" --- ¡/ '1'0 4).. _7 ... ,,0119 0 ..,011 0 r- ", v' q-o 40 ' I '" ,ooc¡tj ....oöC() ,/ 'i' L} ,!yO 4L/ (p ot<43 ....0\1.\3 V ",,' 17A 18D OPTION OPTION or 18B 18D OR 17 18F 18F 18F OPTION "" "" "" 18A 18E For plus change, use - 18F Calculatico: ......; For minus change. use + (J) , ~/'" G) x ¡' 1/< f) rc.ï52) ! x TJ 3ì'i3hl _ J L J 3ìE6 J 60 18B 18F 60 T1sne or Tíiœ"" of Test (Divide) Test (Divide) ~OOR ORIG'Nf\L Comments: lV () 1\1 I'~ oJ- T J.. ( 14 v 1 ì,/" <.: ç (¡, cd ~; t: (It r1-d I-I,: . \J -( '- <2 0 k Dc {1Á '-- t ",¡' Leak Detector functioning properly D ..I'{O/i¡ t:-- .ió.-~~y, .;.. ~T . . / INVOICE #YE000058 UNDERGROUND TANK TESTERS, INC. 917 WEST BELLEVIEW AVE. PORTERVILLE, CA 93257 1-800-244-1921 TEST DATE: 05/07/94 TANK ~TATUS REPORT -- ULLAGE TEST --------------------------------- ***** CUSTOMER DATA ***** ***** SITE DATA ***** WELLS FARGO BANK 2785 MITCHELL DRIVE, SUITE 200 READY-GO-MARKET 3620 WILSON ROAD WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94598 BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 CONTACT: LAMAR, EVELYN PHONE #: 510-942-4232 CONTACT: SINGH, NIRMAL PHONE #: 805-833-6507 ***** COMMENT LINES ***** PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTORS MISSING ON RED JACKET TURBINES CURRENT EPA STANDARDS DICTATE THAT FOR UNDERGROUND FUEL TANKS, THE MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE LEAK/GAIN RATE OVER THE PERIOD OF ONE HOUR IS .05 GALLONS. *THESE TESTS ARE PERFORMED USING THE USTEST PROTOCOL* TANK #1: SUPER UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .28 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #2: PLUS UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: .12 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #3: REG UNLEADED TYPE: STEEL SN: -.13 TANK IS TIGHT. TANK #4: DIESEL FUEL 2 TYPE: STEEL SN: .09 TANK IS TIGHT. OPERATOR: GEORGE YARBROUGH UTTLII 90-1231 SIGNATURE:~~ DA.TE: S -7--~<f· '.' TANK DIAMETER (IN) LENGTH (FT) VOLUME (GAL) TYPE FUEL LEVEL (IN) FUEL TYPE dVOL/dy (GAL/IN) CALIBRATION ROD 1 2 3 4 5 . ******* TANK NO.. 1 96 26.59 10000 ST SUP UNLD 117.87 DISTANCE 10.65625 26.95313 41.93750 56.93750 74.93750 TANK DATA TANK NO. 2 96 26.59 10000 ST 70 71 PLS UNLD 116.41 . ******** TANK NO. TANK NO. 3 4 96 96 26.59 26.59 10000 10000 ST ST 71 70 REG UNLD DIESEL 2 116.41 117.87 l' . ,¡ ******* C U S TOM E R JOB NUMBER CUSTOMER (COMPANY NAME) CUSTOMER CONTACT(LAST, FIRST): ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX ******* COM MEN T . D A T A ******** 000058 WELLS FARGO BANK LAMAR, EVELYN 2785 MITCHELL DRIVE, SUITE 200 WALNUT CREEK, CA. 94598 510-942-4232 L I N E S ******* PRODUCT LINE LEAK DETECTORS MISSING ON RED JACKET TURBINES ******* SIT E SITE NAME (COMPANY NAME) SITE CONTACT(LAST, FIRST) ADDRESS - LINE 1 ADDRESS - LINE 2 CITY, STATE ZIP CODE (XXXXX-XXXX) PHONE NUMBER (XXX)XXX-XXXX GROUND WATER LEVEL (FT) NUMBER OF TANKS LENGTH OF PRE-TEST (MIN) LENGTH OF TEST (MIN) D A T A ******** READY - GO - MARKET SINGH, NIRMAL 3620 WILSON ROAD BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 805-833-6507 o 4 30 240 .I', ..;~ 3.0 ....... o ~ 0::: ~ 2,0 o z o I- ....J ~ Z (} ú') 0....1 1, 0 o ~ § TANK 1 .0 50 YE888858.S0H -- "" . Cr: TIME -- 85:58:23 .28 18.85 1311~UTA. VERSION 1.88 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 85/87/94 ¡- .. ... '" 3.0 ...-., o ~ æ ~ 2.0 - o z o ~ .....I <: z " en ~ 1.0 o 'I""" ø 9 -- ,~ TIHE -- 84:55:44 . , .. >~ , Cr: ,,' .12 9.15 1\. 11/18 UTA, VERSION 1.88 ~ w ·~V 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ} ,0 50 YE888858.80N 50000 85/87/94 f\ ... ,~. Ii CI ,0 ..:.J I ' 3.0 ......... o ~ 0:: ~ 2.0 - o z o I- ....I < Z " tI) --.I 1.0 o ~ - TI"E -- 84 :42:18 e -....:.. I Cr: .0 50 YE888858.S0N -.13 4.58 71 6 UTA, VERSION 1.88 "'v r 500 5000 FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 85/81194 /, ;.. . t' r, -- e 3.0 Cr: TANK 4 TI"E -- 84:45:31 "j -.. 0 !< a:::: w 2.0 (I) 0 Z Q I- -l -c( Z 0 - tf) 1,0 "'--Ì 0 .89 T- (!) 9 5.87 .0 50 YE888858. SON FREQUENCY (HZ~ 50000 85/87/94 . , ~ \ " . ., . ¡ > :.i" ., \ " e . i I' \ I ¡ , {, '¡' ¡ I ! BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVE., BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 (805) 326-3979 '..... ~Olq ~ APPLICATrON TO PERFORM A TIGHTNESS TEST ~. FAC~LI'TY ~ -(-,.()-?J7t1A.1&i-J ADDRESS..3~t:LV ~æJL. 13 PE~IT TO OPERATE # , . OPERATORS NAME N I ~ J( NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED ~ TANK ;E~TING COMPANY ~l><JA:1a"'¿~DDRESS 9'/7. 1.-<: ""jc, £?~Þj~ , TEST METHOD US ~ p~/', . NAME OF TESTER:D¡;:NtÚ.c... qDo::11OJJ CERTIFICATION # q;;. - /ðOð STATE REGISTRATION # ~ ?~. OWNERS NAME IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED . VOLUME /0, Ott:J 6> /Ó,Otf) 0 /O/OCJO /0" ¿)t!:) t!) . CONTENTS ., D~TE & TIME TEST IS '1'0 BE CONDUCTED J)' -0 - 9'1' / / ;3'Z> p~ _,J" ,.' '." . ,",:;, . ',' " , :' ¡ " " ;/ ~ 'l . ., . " . " .-: ·'I.~ ;. ~l) ~ ~ - - 9 ~ DATE OF APPLICANT " '. , r ' /~ERN, COUN"Y RESOURCE M~AGEMENT .;.\ -,-.J: \;,,i" E~VI RONMEN_ HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTM,- ' ,; "j-t2700 "M" STREET. SUITE 300. BAKERSFIELD-'r, CA"9330'1 (805)861-3636 AGENC' \ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY .~. * INSPECTION REPORT ~ PERMlT# ~019iJ PERMIT POS í:.U¿ TYPE OF INSPEèTION: ~ ~ ~,~_....~..~.~.L~Õº" TIM E OU T·..........·.........Ï..Ñ S p ~ ~ ~~ ~~ g ~ T ~ ~N{/ ~ 'i...T~+·....···....· R 0 UTI N E,_._....~:=-=..-R¡: INS P E C T ION _..,...__......... C 0 ~~ P L ÃÌÑ-T..·..-=::=~:::~:~:~: I .1 ----------....--.--........-----..-- FACILITY NAME:READY GO MARKET . ~.._.._..-_...._..__..__..---_..- -....-----..--.................--..--..---......---......-..------..----.--.------..--......... FA C I'L I TY ADD R ESS : ,ª-? 2 g_..J:~L~§2.N.....B.9 A D ........,____.....____............_.__....._'.........................._..'...__.-...--.....--..-- . BAKERSF I ELD. CA < ' OWNERS NAME:CHANG MOON OPERA TORS NAMË: ,ÇHÃÑG:=·r~'Ö-6N--·_·-...__·-'==-=~=~~==-===--=-=:..:-....:..._==~~..--.-- COMMENTS: ..----- -----..-..-- .-...--.... -' , ' --.-. .. ----...--- VIOLATIONS/OBSERVATIONS " ¡{)DI VI S /;..)6 " K. Co. 'ro~ IV1 $. >:·:::w) ~ II ". . '" . "'."!':\; ~&¡JÔ A II "C¡.JFO. f:y. tit frlCfJIToJ>,~ :C::s c.. Vi t t £' ¡.J rl¡ ðe /~. . . I ..,/ ITEM , '1. PRIMARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Intercepting an directing system @ Standard Inventory Control c. Modified Inventory Control d. In-tank Level Sens i ng Devi ce e. Groundwater Monitoring f. .Vadose Zone Monitoring !.ANKAJOW,ù L....),' I ¡¿EU r G,w ¡:;; 'It; AfJ t Atv,'s¡:;.. ':'I' Ii 2. SECONDARY CONTAINMENT MONITORING: a. Liner b. Double-Walled tank c. Vault yY1L1.5i :I;oS-rAI/ I GAr< D&iEc...iQfÈS ;::-/00 ~ G"srR/c.. ,j'µb w" ¡f! ( t..J '30 Mt",$, Ii , , , 3. , PIPING MONITORING: '~ Pressurized b. Suction c. Gravity ,¿'" I I W114~' ]:µSrAII ~þ)~("r Tr6dí oUFPrïï! i ~tol.êC-T/b¡.j ßcJ><i;s :..¡,)ìT/-/rN 3D åAV5 I fÙ00E I ! ,A) ÎJ AJ£ , , . I A.JDN~ ! I ùodL I; 1\ . 4. OVERFILL PROTECTION: 5. , , 5. , \ i, 7. ; TIGHTNESS TESING NEW CONSTRUCTION/MOD1FICATIONS CLOSURE/ABANDONMEijT , I' 8. UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE I !, I ¡ I , I ' 9. MAINTENANCE. GENERAL SAFETY, AND OPERATING CONDITION OF FACILIiY r~ (......_~ " _ /t ./'LJ COM MEN T S / R E COM MEN 0 A T ION S .._...l~,{§.ç..c:::?!:!:1.e!.,!:ff!.:-.àÒ_._.._....._~......,rt.l.~..K._....._..rl6.c-.f:r.~),:!:.,? ~._.__23£srS....- !!..::~=f-!~~:~=_~~-:::..=~-==-C=--=--t__=~?'i~=~=:..~=~=--= "'-=;::~~~~:~-~~~~~~=~;Z=:;~-~~~;~~~~;~~~~~~~-~~~~~~i~= ~p E C TOR : A~,&:.1......:::2.:¿:.:::.7,-:2~~.¿................,....... R E PORT R E C E I V E 0 8 Y :......:::.-;;.:....L...::.:.:......,:.........._~..,..,........ '\.. / ~" . , /,' I' (. FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY F.ellity· 1?p<Jd~~() Mo('Kd ~ Perm i t to Opera te ~ --,-~Lq' , DConstru(;tion Permit t, , OPermit to abandorrt No. of Tanks OAmended Permit, Conditions SPermit Application Form, DApplication to Abandon OAnnual Report Forms 1-+ --¡Q'~" l-' ~ Date Date Date ..tf Tank Sheets tank~(s) 'P lot- Yla..s; Date [JCopy of Written Contract Between Owner & Operator o Inspection Reports [JCorcespondence - Received Date Date Date DCorrespondence - Mailed Date Date Date OUnautnorized Release Reports OAbandonment/Closure Reports o Sampl lng/Lab Reports []MVF Compliance Check (New Construction OSTD Compliance Check (New Construction DMVF Plan Check (New Construction) DSTD Plan Check (New ConstructIon) DMVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) DSTD Plan Check (Existing Facility) O-Incomplete Application- Form DPermit Application Checklist o k- .Hmit Instructions ODiscarded o Tightness Test Resulcs Checklist) Checkl i st) [JMonitoring Well Construction Data/Permits Date Date Date --------------------~-------------------------------------------,. [JEnvironmental Sensitivity Data: [JGroundwater Drilling, Boring Logs DLocation of Water Wells OStatement of Underground Conduits OPlot Plan Featuring All Enviro'nmentally Seositive Data Dphotos Constr ~ion Drawings Lcc'jt:i.on -OHa1f sheet showing date received and tally of inspection tTÎi:~ë.:-~;'E-(.'. o M,~ sc(~llaneous ---,~.~... . ._~ --....-. "-'-"'" ---. -.-.. -- _. --.-..-. .-.'- e ~~S '611-.1/~~ ~ \\ 1 270G 'M' Street. Ste. 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 :.~-- KERN COUNT-,_ 'J\ EnvirolUlental Health Services Depar...aent ¿¿ 5{)()/9L April 6, 1989 The Twining Laboratories 3701 Pegasus Drive, Suite 124 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attn: Bruce M~ Blythe Staff G , Dear Mr. Blythe: Enclosed is the infonnat!0n that you requested for the following facilities: Howard's Mini Mart . ,. Exxon Convenience Store U. S. Post Office Texaco Convenience Store , Sonny's Chevron Larson's Dairyland Mobil Convenience Store (Ready Go Market) There is a $42.00 per hour service fee for the me search required to obtain this infonnation. ,An invoice has been enclosed for this fee. Sincerely, " µ t/= ~ Lydia V. van Sydow Environmental Health Teclmician Hazardous Materials Management Program LV:dr·· lydia\blythe.1tr ~ . .-' ;¡:¡' Téxaco Convenience Store - 2500 Wible Road Sun Valley Oil Company - Owner 3 Tanks Capacity Substance #1 12,000 Unleaded #2 12,000 Premium #3 12,000 Regular Age 2 years 2 years 2 years No unauthorized releases. U. S. Post Office - 3200 Larson Lane U.S.P.S., Western Region - Owner 1 Tank Capacity Substance Age #1 12,000 Unleaded 3 years No unauthorized releases. Howard's Mini Mart - 3300 Planz Road Jamieson Hill Co. - Owner 3 Tanks Capacity Substance Age #1 12,000 Unleaded 12 years #2 12,000 Regular 12 years #3 12,000 Premium 12 years No unauthorized releases. Exxon Conv~nience Store - 3301 Wible Road The Southland Corporation 3 Tanks Capacity Substance Age #1 10,000 Unleaded 12 years #2 10,000 Regular 12 years #3 10,000 Premium 12 years Tidel GTM-1 Tank Monitor No unauthorized releases. e' . Sonny's Chevron - 3699 Wilson Road Chevron U.S.A., Inc. - Owner 4 Tanks Capacity Substance Age " #1 ... 10,000 Regular 11 years #2 10,000 Premium 11 years #3 10,000 Unleaded 11 years #4 1,000 Waste Oil 17 years No unauthorized releases. Larson's Dairyland - 2800 Larson Lane Larson's Dairyland - Owner 4 Tanks Capacity Substance 'Age #1 10,000 Regular 21 years , #2 10,000 Premium 21 years #3 10,000 Unleaded 20 yea,rs #4 10,000 Diesel 8 years - No unauthorized. releases. Ready Go Market (Mobil) - 3620 Wilson Road Rick Evans - Owner 4 Tanks Capacity Substance Age #1 Unknown Unleaded Unknown #2 Unknown Regular Unknown #3 Unknown 'Premium Unknown #4 Unknown Diesel Unknown, No unauthorized releases. LV:cas lydia\capacity K~r0 çounty Health Departme~ D1V1Slon of Environmental H~"'h 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305- permit.. ~_ <600 19C. Appl icationl,-",,-/ te ' 2.8 'APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞl;E FACILITY ~ of Application (check): ~' DNew Facility Ot-tXIification of Facility ~stiD;J Facility OTransfer of ()mership Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days L¿ fwen I é{~' ~flJ 70'7/ '/J ,'" 'Nights -:;'n.~' Facility Name hf·~l 4G ./-'1/1rf:¿r ' , tÐ. of Tar:tks S/ Type of Business ~): [JGasoline Station (3efher (,describe) (/JYJde/1/~'/t:.~ ./LtoÞ"G:/ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes E}N6 . ' Is Tank(s) Used primarily for Þqric),ll"tural Purposes? DYes EJ-NO/. Facility Address 1(, fì..{) U'i!5d>-1., &'.. 'l'j1q] Nearest . Cross St. ~ ¿fA... ;:- ¿Q/ T }, - - - . - lations Q1ly) , Owner _ P.1(.;~ ~'lS,' " , '-I'~ Contact Person -ç, ~ ' Address : /],¡.-í fì ,W\lStiYl. ,¡j" ,--~ ' I r1J09 Tele¡ilone )91-7ò9/ Operatol vvýU Contact Person Address _ .... ...~ ",.., ..... .""... , ",' r Tele¡ilone i , - I B. Water tc '::': :.' " ?-,;:-:;;,n<J-:(!';,1i'''' ,/",' -'", 'l () , Depth to' Groundwater :;~s ~;-Š~iî 6;oa;d G~~~~~~De~ ~~~'minations A. C. Contractor CA Contractor's Ucense No. Address Zip ~lephone Proposed Starti1¥] Date ' Proposed Canpletion ])Ite WOrker's Canpensation Certification I Insurer D. , If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existi1¥] Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply) : Tank ! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular premillD Diesel Waste Fuel 011 I 0 0 m £1-, ~ 0 8 8 '\-. 0 0 rJ' 0 ~ 0 0 129 B B '8--8 y D 0 fl] , F. Chemical Canp)sition of Materials ,Stored (not necessary for IOOtor vehicle fuels) Tank . Chemical Stored (non-coamercìal name) CAS t (if known) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership D1te of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all' obligations of Penni t M:>. issued to I understand that the Permittil'V} Authority may review and modify or terminate the, transfer of the, Permit to Operate this œdergrotnd storage facility upon receiving this completed form. ' This form has been completed under true and co.&- Signature ' / ~ e ,. . (~-- --- penal,~y of . per i ury and to the best of my knowledge is Title 9 ¿:'þr~_ J Date 1/2 8ß. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 ~_RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMI~ HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION (' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard INTE~IM PERMIT TO OPERATE: '1?ERMIT#2800:J...9C " ISSUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXP IRE S: JULY 1, 1989 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY NUMBER OF TANKS= 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ""'\ ,.,OWNER: '" ',I EWENS, 'RICK I" ,3408 DEMING CT. ,7'~':~';:' .',:1 ,c'~::BAKERSFIELD ,';,CA :,å93309 ..';,.'-- ,.,.:;",:,:, . , ,", "-:. ··_i¡:· :.:'i~..~','~~·2"-··;,..·':· ,:G,::-~,-: -- -- ---- -- - - - -- -7..::,?":~/:~ --:;¡:,::-;z;:·G¡~~~~~¡~,~J:{;ì~f;~~;Z;£~j;i~~~s-;~;~·~öi-$ijj~~---- FACILITY: READY GO MARKET ,3620'WILSON ROAD ,:,>BAKERSFIELD, CA NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT .: ...... . ..". ',Y~- NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST' ,ON 'PREMISES DA'ffi PERMIT MAIIED: AUG 2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: " J.:~\",,"'-"'-"1 TANK It . (FILL OUT SEPARATE roRM . EACH TANK) -FOR-'r..ACH SECTïëii,CHECK ~ APPRõPRì',:,.!'E-šõX~ H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted DNon-VaultedDrk>uble-WalL DSi~le-Wall 2. Tank Material -§ Carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-Clad Steel , Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic OConcrete 0 Allmim..m 0 Bronze OUnkmwn Other (describe) 3. primary, Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer ;2..~t)o l'i¿ 10. 4. 'Tank Secondary Containment o Double-WallW Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t DOther (describe): OMaterial S. Tank Interior Lining -oRubber 0 Alkyd OEpoxy DPhenolic OGlass Delay Dll'1lined Dll'1known DOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ' -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiB3 OTar or Asphalt DUnknown ONone DOther (describe): ' Cathodic protection: DNone OImpressed eurrènt SyStem DSacrificial Mode System Descr ite System & Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, MOnitoring, and Interception . a. Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) (JGrourdwater MonitoriJ1} We11(s) o Vadose Zone Monitorir¥] Well(s) D u-Tube Without Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirq Well(s) * o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor D CondllCtivit~ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toriB3 Well or Annular Space o Daily Gau:¡ir¥] & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightne~ Testir¥] o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. Pipir¥]: [JFlaw-RestdctiJ1} Leak Detector(s) for pressurized Pipil~'" D Moni toring SlIDp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway D Synthetic Liner Raceway D None D Unkno'Nl1 0 Other ' *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has ~llS Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last TightnesS Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired'? DYes ONo DUnkno'Nl1 Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection DOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gau:¡e OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls Deapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNene Dlbknown OOther: List Make & Model Por AtxNe Devices Thickness (Inches) o None 0 (bknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) --- Dyes ONo ,Ounknown Results of Test TestiB3 Canpany 9. ! . 11. Piping a. underground Piping: DYes ONe ounknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer OPressure oSuction OGravity Approximate Lenjth of Pipe RLn b. Underground Pipirg Corrosion Protection: . DGalvanized DFiberglasS-clad DImpt'essed current DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap oElectrical Isolation oVinyl Wrap OTar òr Asphalt oUnkno'Nl1 o None OOther (describe): c. Undergrourd Pipirg, Secondary Containment: DDouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System DNone Dunknown [JOther (describe): ~~~----.l I, a. .1. 2. . I i I I I 8. I 9. Î ¡ 10. I I I \ 11. TANK ! . _(FILL OUT SEP~TE FORM .. FJ'1CH TANK) FOR'tACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRlr.¡:E BOXES. ' .;;{ 1 tJO I ttc- ONon-Vaulted ,[lDouble-Wall OSirqle-Wall 3. Tank is: OVaulted Tank Material Dcarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride B Fiberglass-Reinforced plastic 0 Concrete 0 Alllltinlllt Other (describe) Primary Containment rate Installed Thickness (Inches) Manufacturer D Fiberglass~lad Steel D Bronze 0 unkrown Capacity (Gallons) 4. . Tank Secondary Containment DDouble-WallU Synthetic Liner o Other (descr ibe) : o Material , 5. Tank Interior Lininq -oRubber D Alkyd OEpoxy OPhenolic OGlass DClay Otblined Otbkno'-"\ DOther (describe): ' . 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OPolyethylene Wrap OVinyl Wrappirq OTaror Asphalt Ounknown ONone OOther (describe): Cathodic protection: o None OImpressed Current System DSacrificial Anode System Descriœ System & Equipnent: 7 . ~ Detection, Monitoring, and Interception' ' . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) , DGrourrlwater Monitoring welles) o Vadose Zone Moni toring well( s) 0 u-Tube Without Liner , . 'OU-TUbe with Compatible Liner Directin¡ Flow'to Monitoring Well(s)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condu:tivit;t Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in ~ular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Moni toriD} Well or Annular Space o Daily Ga~iD} & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestiD} o None 0 unkno'-"\ 0 Othel' b. PipiD}: DFlaw-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for pressurized PipingW o Moni toring SlIItp wi th Paceway 0 Sealed Concrete Race'tØy o Half-cut Compatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None o Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model: Tank Tightness Has '!'tus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes ONo Ounknown Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs Overfill Protection OOperator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors level OTape Float Ga~e OFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls Deapacitance Sensor 'OSealed Fill Box ONone Dlbknown OOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices DLined Vault DNone Dlbkno\«l Manufacturer: 'Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) DYes ONe Dunknown Results of Test Testing Canpany Piping a. underground pipirq: DYes - DNa Dtk1known Material ThickneSs (inches) Diameter Manufacturer OPressure OSuction i:]Gravi ty - Approximate leD}th of Pipe R1n b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized OFiberglass~lad DImpressed Current OSacrificial Anode OPolyethylene Wrap 'DElectrical Isolation OVinyl Wrap DTar or/Asphalt OUnknown DNone OOther (describe): . c. Undergrourrl Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner System o None DUnkno'f«\ 'OOther (describe): ! ~""----'-.1 TANK t. ' (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM .. EACH TANK) - FOR~CH SEcTÏÕÑ, CHECK, ,ALL APPRõPRï:!'r:BõX~,- ~ goo 11c.." H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted 2. Tank Material Dcarbon Steele] Stainless Steel OPolyvinyl Chloride 8 F~berglass-R7 ~nforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 All.l1lÏ.mn Other (descnbe) 3. primary Containment IBte Installed 'I1lickness (Inches) DNon-vaulted ODouble-Wall_ DsirY:Jle-Wall o Fiberglass-Clad Steel o Bronze 0 Unknown Capaci ty (Gallons) Manufacturer 10. 4. Tank Secondary Containment ODouble-Wall-r:J Synthetic Liner DLined Vault DOther (describe): . o Material 5. Tank Interior Lining DRubber 0 Alkyd DE¡x)xy DPhenolic DGlass Delay Dll'1lined Dtbkno\til1 o Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap OVinyl Wrappir¥3 DTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone o Other (describe) : Cathodic protection: o None DImpressed current System DSacrificial Anode System Describe System & Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, Mani toring, and Interception . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LrGroumwateE' Monitorirg welles) o Vadose Zone Moni toring Well (s) 0 u-Tube Without Liner o U-Tube with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg Well(s)* o Vapor Detector· 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condl.J:tivit~Sensor* , 0 Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni torin:j well or Annular Space o Daily Gaugir~ & Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testing o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. Piping: DFlow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipin:jw o Mani to ring Sunp wi th Raceway D Sealed Concrete Raceway DHalf-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway o Synthetic Liner Race'oillaY DNone o Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has Tins Tank Been Tightness, Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. . Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes DNa Dunknown Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection OOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNane DU'1known DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices Thickness (Inches) o None 0 tklknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) I ¡ I I I i DYes 0 No DU'1known Resul ts of Test ~sting' Canpany , 11. Piping a. underground Piping: DYes DNa Dtklknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter ' Manufacturer [jPressure DSUction ÕGravity Approximate Lergth of Pipe Rœ b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap OTar or Asphalt OUnknown o None DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Contairment: DDouble-wall DSynthetic Liner System o None Dunkno'lt'l1 OOther (describe): , / 1 I: ~"""'1.Q~...~~.l- ':-.4..11.4h'- ---.,,-- , TANK '.(FILL OUT SEPARATE roRMÅ EACH 'mNK) -FOR~æ sEcTIõN,æECK ALL APPRõPR~-E-šõX~ H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted DNen-Vaulted ODoUble-Wall, DSiIçle-Wall 2. Tank Material DCarbon Steel 0 Stainless SteelD Polyvinyl Chloride D Fiberglass-Clad Steel 8FiberglaSS-ReinforCed Plastic OConcrete OAlllnim.m DBronze DUnknown Other (describe) " 3. primary Containment rate Installed Thickness (Inches) Capaci ty (Gallons) Manufacturer ;¡ 30crr <!- 10. 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-WallU Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): o Ma ter ial 5. Tank Interior Lining DRubber DAlkyd DEpoxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Dtblined Dtbkno\1i'1 DOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized 'DFiberglass-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiBJ DTar or Asphalt DUnknown DNone DOther . (describe) : ' Cathodic Protection: o None DImpressed CJrrent System DSacrificial Anode System Describ:! System & Equipnent: , 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception· . a. Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) LfGrourxJwater Monitorin;J We11(s) o Vadose Zone Moni torirr;¡ Well (s) 0 u-Tube Without Liner o U-Tu.be with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg Well(s) * o Va¡x>r Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit;t Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni toriD;J Well or Annular Space o Daily' GalXJiD;J & Inventory Reconciliat;ion 0 Periodic Tightness Testi1"¥J o None 0 Unknown 0 Other b. PipiD;J: DFlow-Restricti1"¥J Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipi1"¥JW' o Moni toriD;J SlIDp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway DHalf-<:ut Canpatible Pipe Raceway DSynthetic Liner Raceway ONone o Unknown 0 Other *Describe Make & Model: 8. Tank Tightnes's Has 'nus Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Répair Tank Repaired? DYes ONe DUnknoW'l'l Date(s) of Repair(s) , Describe Repairs Overfill Protection [JOperator Fills, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level DTape Float GalXJe DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls Deapacitánce Sensor 'DSealed Fill Box DNene Dtklknown DOther: List Make & Model For Above Devices DLined Vault DNene OUnknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) -- DYes DNo DUnknoW'l'l Resul ts of Test Testing Canpany 11. Piping a. Undergrol.U'\d Pipirr;¡: DYes ONe DUnknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer DPressure DSUction DGravity Approximate Leß]th of Pipe R1n b. Underground Pipi1"¥J Corrosion Protection : OGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode DPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap OTar or Asphalt DUnknown o None DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall OSynthetic Liner System DNone DUnknoW'l'l DOther (describe): , . KERN COUNTY HI:A.l1H LJtPA~IMt:NI e 1700 fLowE~ S¡~Ef:f BAKERSfIElD (AlIfO~NIA ~JJO>· (805) 861,2231 I !?J¿ ~;:;. 13~s. 4). OIfACH HUt --. o l~ riJ ~ ,'r" . ~ ;2ð' OO/q G ( I -------, -"" 8IlllN~Aì'r- AMOUNT DUE / did { AMOONTE~ tÚlt ~U8JtC1 10 ptN"'-lr f' ~0'ì.5 Th 1/);} ~f Der:'?/nc; . Cf-. ¿)q .1 C.HAft<"t~ PA~I !.Jut DUE OA Tf r ,:-J PLtAst "nUMN THI::' PO'WON TO IN:»Ultt COItIè(( T PAtMtNI I)tNTlFICAflON DESCRIPTJON 36~ó if "¡-~¿'IJ¿'L- led, l COUNTY HIAlTH DlPAII'MINT FLOWH smn :1SF1IlD. CAUfOINIA "au COHPLETENESS CHECK: LJ ,'/ $--e-?- cc¡ ,> *"0. .' .........r.. It...-... ......... .. '''., . ......- ..,j......." ...... ~I_"'''''''''__'''f''''' .................. _. ,.".,.~""~. ....."'" .... ......... I "tIIÞ. .. ....... ,........ ......".. ... .,,-, ""-" '.. .... . .... ." 0, '-'" ........ ... - ... .... 0' . ....... -.'...,.. &... .,... ," _ ...._"11 .. '-, U·. . ....... (..-...........' ... .. ........... or .... '" ,e'" En AL AMOUNT PUE .. Incomplete information on first page of application entitled -Application for Permit to Operate Underground Storage Facility". The information required is noted in red on enclosEd copy. Incomplete information on second paqe(s) of application --Tank Sheet-. The iñfõëMat10n required 1s noted in red on enclosed copy. Plot Plan lacking or incomplete. instruction sheet enclosed. Refer to o Other: L/./ -, { r DtTACH'" .' t (. , ·' '.'- " Permit Qu.estion.n.a.ire Norma 11 y . perm its are s en t to f a c i 1 i t Y 0 w n e r s but sin c e ..any Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the O~erators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: For PERMIT # J.. ~Ó() I fC- ~1 . Send all information to Owner at the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, i,t will be Owner 1 s responsibility to' provide Operator with pertinent information). ' 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for . Owner) . \', .RN COUNTY j.\IR POLLUTION CONTRO.ISTRI,:r 27,00 "M" Street, Suite 275 01) ~~c--'" ':''' ~~ ! Cè "\]' " I\ I' ~'\ / rf'---J.<' I"A- ð Q'/ '\ Stotke Name.:f'.p7": 4..~ccat;on....J~,- 20.......~Jd""é~Ù..\:.::\....,,\('::.,\:,.~.~>-.:....;... P/O -¡;"'3J'~,'~ ~~Y~1::dl ss~~b.\QÙt'.&Ú~d_..._ C;ty~.-_9.3'.f-F\ te'_~_:,..-..:z.......phone._,_..g,,3:2~.~':::Q3:_._;;ystem. TY~,7;fle0 Coax;a 1 1\ - _ 0\'f{ f) nWÞ' , ' ,~L-, Inspect~:~~~~:(1~:....L~L~........... Notice Rec'd 8y~......._..._....... ....... ...__..........__._.._~........................ , " '. ,~. / , TANK, #1 T~K #z. TANK r;! TANK #4 ,5~L K llt.. ,,- , ~~ ~:~~~~~~~ ~~~E:~~~ R),:.o",,~~-\- ~~.._'~:'. .. . ~ 3. 8ROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAP 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP 5. BROKEN CAM LOCK (j.J\VAPOR CAP 6. FILL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP 10. FILL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT -- '- Bakersfield, CA. 93301 i ¡ ~ (805) 8ól-3682 rY\Q. ~t1-'Y> L~e ~h I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM , , i ; I I I t I I I I ! , '·~i... '.. . -....". . " -< ¡ ._~;l~ - ::~r;.: . " .". ,:.. @ 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 12. GASKET 8ETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TU8E MISSING / IMPROPERLY SEATED ï3. DRY 8REAK GASKETSqETERIOR~TED 14.. E?:C:::SSIVE'/ERTICAL PI-AY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE . 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM D~FECTIVE :, ,,;:\\i,')' ; 6. -r:,Ä'Nf\:-'QËPT'~ ,1.1E,A3UREMENT . 1'....-';-. (pr( ~/\S11\+b~'E LENGTH MEASUREMENT I ' 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" O~; LESS) -. -, '1 ¡ ! '- -- .<ì , :~:f·~l·:i_. .. .,,.0\.-- v . ' . . Or ,,-¡. ';. : .1·' J t·".;;;,'· ¡ ". :", ,:-'10. \ Œ.J i)-I i' ,I' ~,~ ': \00 " \"2Ý't J ,~\~ " 2é~~ - . ?1 ' i 9. ()TMER ,,' 2C, '::O~~MENTS: 1 !:) ; ,¡ ¡ * WÂRNING : SYSTEMS MARKED WI~rl A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLÄTION OF ,'KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION ~~ CONTROL DISTRICT RULErS) 209, 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH, & SAFETY CODE **** SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $ï,OOO.OO PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) ***'" 861-:3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF T'rlE VIOLATION(S) *~~**~******* POOR ORIGINAl, N <; 0 Z Z L E KEt' CCUNTY AIR ,POLLUTr,~C,~ ~ïKüL, DISJ~l~fT; I ' ',,>-ron "M" ,c, ;....- ',~¡ ''- '';-' "''"'5 .' ¡¡i'! /.' j ~, .. ..... 'w.I' ,-1:. .,:;:ê"t. ..,::.u , ,_8 . """ . . (. . , , ,'.. \ , 8akersfi~ld, CA. 93301 ' '. , '\ (805)__~,~1'~3682mQ. St'ì1/J \ -~J u,--.. " (') û..~ '---'" I,m . J\Y'{..\( íæL~ PHASE II VA?OR RECOVERY INSPECTICN FORM" '..-. H'._ '. . --- ' .', . Stati on Locati on.....%20.......:..~.\~....:..._.............íðä...~.................. P /0 #.~22.c;Q.L.......:...cC5-:: Company Address,...._.;~.........L.::::.............................._......,.......,...........,....,CitY...,...................................J.iP.....,.'),...g..~.. ..' ,.....' -- I conta~.ü::w,\Y\G, .J....,~,. ...,.:,.... ~...,.:;l::pn,e_:.t&03).~,........D~av.:,1:,.em ';TY""'8~S: ~L iGH- ..' />c-., ~- ,~\, ,\ ~~-~~ ':U\dY:. ~1t' ;'117?1;jI' ;'\: '-._~ · N6tîÉ~/ ~~ ' d 8 (C-'l..·, ,,"""r,::) --I, ..\ ,Sf¡ \\J " . '1' ß. ,'- A.Þ,' , --:. ...... ..."... a. .. ~ .... "''-+'''-;::'''''" >,. , Y .._~_.... ....................._.............._.._~.......... ) \ ;,' / J.;rtJ ;," /"ì ,/' ___ (, _-I '\~ /' \ \ f ':~...',\ -'NÒŽZLE # \U \ R 1~ "LT}} 2i1 Z ~ ce Iy.~ r'~LIV)Ð. r;;,,"j] fo7t~ Ó/rJ nit) n'l~ % . GAs GRADE "L ~ ~JL L\ L ~ :ilL UL. Q S U L Q...::.,¡ v w..2 ~ ~ o~ "- NOZZLE TYPE..~~HU ~lA t\U:7 t\l\ HU HU 1~11· ~U kU \f11 %1 ~I\~.I,~~' ,. ';, . ..', .,' '-fÇ r };::; ~. ';":., '.~' " 6Þci\ .,.." ''; '. . ',"'" ""7 /7/,'/í/ "'/:y /-/ ~ _".. ",~'" ri.;;,~ V;/.;/ ,/ :'r: '.ll~T Q) '., .J' !\~~7 ~~ ' .,"V:'// /1 i-7/,/ 1///7, ',I~/'/ / / ;7 7/~/ .A/// 777/ 77\// J ; f/C7 i// ,J' "",,-' ð' .~..... I' I '~. \, ~ I! I I I! I i [ f. ¡ I ,{ ¡ j I, I ¡ I ¡ I I I I I : , I. I I I ¡ ! Ii I ! I I I : ¡'.~~ I ¡ ¡ ~ , , ¡ I ! i __ _.œ1-- ~ .______-¡~ 1. CERT. NOZZLE ." 2. CHECK VALVE 3. FACE SEAL '<.~ " ..... 4. RING, RIVET 5. 8ELLOW$ 5. SWIVEL(S) 7. FLOW LIMITER rEW}-.~ ~ 1. ..--.f.---.,. '::~IM:" ~1!".. ' 1. HOSE CONDITION -......, V A 2. LENGTH p o 3. CONFIGURAïION R 4. SWIVEL H o S. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER\P I LOT ON ,'p.. ; '. , "..' Y·'. ._ ""è ,);! ' .: . '~',!:,,:' ", . ~ : ,,:~~ r, '':;;~!, " ".,,'",,'. '",', . ",~ -.. ";,,,,_:"~ I l\O 00 .~T,~"¡ " '~" -, .. - ". . I I : I ! I , . ! I i , 1 . . . . ,', t.- -- ..> ..... .. ' ¡';,~. ~..-,.... '. I ! I [ . 7. SIGNS POSTED --~---æ~-II'iL:~.¡œ'D :-<:eyto sys't:effi tYf2es: ~ KeYt:0 ~eficier.cies:-; ; NC-::'nòt certified, 8= ¡br.c~en 8,A,=8al,ance HE=Healey, '" ifj i"1= missing, TO= torn, --, !f=fl.:1~" TN= targ.1éd --! R, J=R~ Jacket GH-=Gulfd:ias!5elmann ';I ~D= reeds ad)ustmen,' t.Î' ,-¡L-rl lqng".LQ= ,looss;r'] , , H I-=H, r't f-iA-=Hasst'=!ch Ið :;:)= shOrt MA::; m;' sa' 'igr(1ecL, ;' ,i<;=-, kir.ìked, 'Ft-<=·, frayea. ~~~~~/~-m-m~ ~~ #:./...';G, .,'~,',r: " .' HV·'ç'\}~*r \. Ch;· :""(-'~"-:", ~~_ ,- INSPECtrtj; RESULTS - 1rbirf1 f;;fj .~J!;J~~ qJ~. f(ey to ins¡:;ecticn resu!ts: 8lanK= OK. 7= Repair wi th- in seven days. ï= Ti30ged (nozzle tagged cut-of-order , until repaired) U=T3ggaoleVic'laticn 'out left in use. COMMENTS: ".,.,...~.¡.~j\\Dg/\----?::h.,QJYXÌ..~..__......~__............:...~~c..~.~,..=r.,\.I....J.. ---------2.'Ç\~-~:2'2\e~Ç!J?-_~._'{\Q¿'Ò_:\Q)l!?_o..q¡=>"._.______~_' ~~..-~\!}(}~.~\D\L,LÔm.....\{L~......Q~~~cr..,(;;?{~,L~\.ec..-hºU\lL...~\º~...)....._.........._.......................... ** V IOL.U IONS : SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T" CODE IN INSPECTICN RESUL ïS. ARE IN VIOLAïION OF *:"'IŒRN....CClJNTl ,A,IR POLLUïION CONïROL DISTRICT RULErS) 412 ,Aj\ID/OR 412..1 THE CALIFORNIA ' ** HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP to $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACh DAY 9F ** v rÖLAïI ON . TELEPHONE (805)861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLA!.~?N./ NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTICN41960.2É REÇlJIRES THAT THE ABOVE ,'LIstED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAIWR TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN ~LEGAL ACTICN - i .;,.-.......".. .", ~,. POOR ORIGINAL ",-;, . ."'"" . ' " -. Tag NUmberrr~Ukate~m~('(\ Ii Station Name ~~'l . (¥~ ~IOI"N'~~~~ ' Station Address?-a' _ Major Cross Street ::::~~~~ Defect \bd'.. \ ~~ ~,\ Y'\('J ' Totaliær Reading When Tagged~ -::H 3~·5 WARNING Use of this device is prohibited by state law and un- authorized removal of this tag or use of this 'equipment will constitute a violation of the law punishable, by a' maJOmum dvil fine of $1.000 per day or a maximum criminal fine of $500 per day and/or six months in jail. I declare under p'malty of perjury that the device tagged was not used. nor was the tag removed. until the required repairs were effected and the district notified. . Repaired by TItle_ (Please print) Signature Date TIme Totalizer Reading at TIme of Repair Repairs made BEFORE USING TI-H~ DEVla~~one~local air pollution control dIstrict at ~"7 , If repairs were made to the nozzle body you must notify the County Department of Weights and Measures, Ser. # 66208 ~OO!R ORIG~NAlL ~ \ ~~ <11\ .....',. , .' . .'., .: '.'. KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTRI DISTRICT . \ " i ,¡ i' I 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 Bakersfteld, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 ... o PHASE I VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM Smti~ Q if::-( . Location 3b2.F) lA)/~ ) be "., Company Mailing Address SystemType:, ,~~ / Coaxial µÆ ,'~"'-. TANK #2 ' TANK #3 c':, TANK #4 "R '~UL '," Date -;>/21/9/ , ~ . Phone : Inspector //JES!6! ..):c K'S ,- . Notice Rec'd:By . ;~~f¡f:,' ,..\.~~:...",.- 1. PRODUCT (UL,PUL, P, or R) ì "·2. TANK LOCATION REFERENCE .-_ ""1'-" I l I ! 3. BROKEN OR MISSING VAPOR CAp: 4. BROKEN OR MISSING FILL CAP 5. BROKEN CAM LOCK ON VAPOR CAP 6. ALL CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 7. VAPOR CAPS NOT PROPERLY SEATED 8. GASKET MISSING FROM FILL CAP 9. GASKET MISSING FROM VAPOR CAP 10. ALL ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 11. VAPOR ADAPTOR NOT TIGHT 12. GASKET BETWEEN ADAPTOR & FILL TUBE MISSING I IMPROPERLY SEATED 13. DRY BREAK GASKETS. DETERIORATED 14. EXCESSIVE VERTICAL PLAY IN COAXIAL FILL TUBE 15. COAXIAL FILL TUBE SPRING MECHANISM DEFECTIVE ~ I I I ! ~U@R ORIGINAL 16. TANK DEPTH MEASUREMENT I ~ c: - 17. TUBE LENGTH MEASUREMENT "2 <;( ...., (I -r 18. DIFFERENCE (SHOULD BE 6" OR LESS) 19. OTHER \/ , \/ . 17~ t-}- 12 CJ ,!I C ÞcAÁ , PIO # m,:::;cy;¡/-c.'03 City. ..... . ":, ~~ . .. ,', " ,.' .'~;'~;;:">"'.'''' ,··':,t_~· , , ' ."""'i;·f:!;t~";fj ,..'v .'. " / / I / l ;' l-:Z~ /2,? I; .l17- . , ! . 20. COMMENTS: + I ~).Ù ~ b (;",j¿C- UP /\ÇJ f2S ) r?/,c; ) , , > I' - 11P.C ¡.) ern ,:',1)6 '..}..~t c/! ,.'),·s¡::f: l) ^ r" f) I , t:~l-; .",....ç - ~ -1',,\ , ,,¡f , ~. .'~ - " . .~ * WARNING: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A CHECK ABOVE ARE IN VIOLATION OF,KE~~ ,ÇOU.NTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL , DISTRICT RULE(S) 209,412 ANDIOR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH'& SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES '~, OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 86~-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLU- ~. **** TlON OF THE VIOLATlON(S) ************************************************** APCD FILE 8J,1'!-1()1n "'"' .' KER.OUNTY AI~ POLLUTION CONTR.ISTRICT _ 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 - Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM .'f1' ¢~- -.' I I Station Lac~ 3D ,I) -'-----,----,~ , Company Address _ Contact Inspector 1A)'" JJ,'t:. L(S u..J ,. / 5 ('> J. J ~ /")I~ <J P/O # t:Jf~onl-ðð ~ City System Type: Notice Rec'd By Zip Phone Date~/;ZI / r I BA RJ ~tt- HI _ HE GH 4~ @) ,0.:..' 4 li b. -, NOZZLE # 1 1 1 2. ~ 2- 4 ~ 5' .s b b 72-- ¿... ..-- - - tAl. 1< I~L I-1L R ~ l1L R.. Å-1L R. <t1 ~ tt;t,L üj ~·t GAS GRADE I/IL IAL ~ " NOZZLE TYPE £1 tJ~ - ' (, tJo /fA55,1£ ? ) , .~$¡ ß!r l/fi)¿ERTIF(.E /j - , " , , 1. CERT. NOZZLE '1 ,.J~ 11,J1 ud /AM //l)A In'\ ( ¡;II ), '...~w fAJ. J~ 11IJ )' IA£)( Ù A JA IA J,j¡ fA},] fA",'" ~ IA'j )¡ CHECK VALVE " -- 2. N ," 0 3. FACE SEAL .. Z Z 4. RING, RIVET L E 5. BELLOWS ' . 6. SWIVEL(S) r'V1 1M IYI M M ;t1 vV1 YJ1 VV1 vrì M ¡Y) ;11 ¡Ý1 M 'JI11 7. FLOW UMITER (EW) -- 1. HOSE CONDITION ÇQ V A 2. LENGTH P 0 3. CONFIGURATION - ' R 4, SWIVEL H 0 5, OVERHEAD RETRACTOR . S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED ,v!ll fYl ú'Yì yY1 ¡¡1 tv! ¡/¥Ì fY1 (v1 ¡VI M ;1-1 #1 (V1 /l1 ÞVI Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= not certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat, TN= tangled RJ =Red Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L = long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K = kinked, FR= frayed. i I I:' ! ' I : I ' I : ' ** INSPECTION RESULTS ** I ] Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (nozzle tagged out-at-order until repaired) U= Taggable violation but left in use. COMMENTS: H Æ 5r<'iP,AJ ,'),t )/1' þ14Ñ"S {)é/"A<::; /1'\ ¡¡AI?! éOJ4Af;'r:r~:~ rA ¡)¡'T f(,'cKEA 0,'"\ 0,: v:':; T:,y1,;::¿ T¡....~ 30 ¡Y//Ù',f¡::¡E<" (AJ,'í# A/lRò';(Ii'Y1A,I.EJ/ J In CC~T0A~(:;-C><{ ()''-<P~A. ~/'U(I") ~4<,(.....lf~ P::-, -f)j Ap.¿D ~H()o-L)E #5 ,VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES - BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION 91,:-:;-""" APCD F!LE ....,.. .t;$ .""/ , KE.OUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTRft DISTRICT 2700 "M" Street, Suite 275 .- Bakersfield, CA. 93301 (805) 861-3682 PHASE II VAPOR RECOVERY INSPECTION FORM ~':: ---.--. -~'-~.... ,,~. Station L~ca'tion ~'þ2..1J 'IA. )t} ~ X) -~_...-.._- -~~...._.-' ,þc.Að P/O # &9-4500 I- CD '3 Company Address Contact Inspector -0)., ,A) {C ¡.( S Phone __ Date 2/2/ /, I / I City ,System Type: Notice, Rec'd By Zip BA RJ HI ~ HE,GH ® »~~ I ' NOZZLE # 7- 1- OJ 0, OJ 10 10 ro ..' R SLfL (.:¿ I R ... GAS GRADE c"L 4L l-1L <¡", I NOZZLE TYPE DA.. JAA\J ,..,,1./ v,¡()f( _t\. ,,,"- oft 4P~ (If ,HP-:-\ : J,JO li~~.c:Le?l 1. CERT. NOZZLE _I !~k v,p)K 11A,ú1( ....-r , 1.1~ 2. CHECK VALVE N 0 3. FACE SEAL -, Z Z 4. RING, RIVET L E 5. BELLOWS 6. SWIVEL(S) ~ 7. FLOW LIMITER (EW) M M W1 tM ¡IV( vVI 1M J11 1. HOSE CONDITION , V A 2. LENGTH P 0 3. CONFIGURATION - R 4. SWIVEL H 0 5. OVERHEAD RETRACTOR S E 6. POWER/PILOT ON 7. SIGNS POSTED /IY1 WI Wl Wl vt1 IIYl ýY¡ (}1 Key to system types: Key to deficiencies: NC= hot certified, B= broken BA=Balance HE =Healey M= missing, TO= torn, F= flat,' TN=, tangled RJ =Red Jacket GH=Gulf Hasselmann AD= needs adjustment, L= long, LO= loose, HI =Hirt HA =Hasstech S= short MA= misaligned, K = kinked, FR= frayed. ** INSPECTION RESULTS ** COMMENTS: 'JJ . 6P;.I)C~ Key to inspection results: Blank= OK, 7= Repair within seven days, T= Tagged (nozzle tagged out-of-order until repaired) U= Taggable violation but left in use. A Þ-c.-!J , , ~ ¡:=6~~ In "OOR-eRfGfti~[~.. , ! TC:> VIOLATIONS: SYSTEMS' MARKED WITH A "T OR U" CODE IN INSPECTION RESULTS, ARE IN VIOLATION OF KERN COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DISTRICT RULE(S) 412 AND/OR 412.1. THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SPECIFIES PENALTIES OF UP TO $1,000.00 PER DAY FOR EACH DAY OF VIOLATION. TELEPHONE (805) 861-3682 CONCERNING FINAL RESOLUTION OF THE VIOLATION. NOTE: CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE SECTION 41960.2, REQUIRES THAT THE ABOVE LISTED 7-DAY DEFICIENCIES - BE CORRECTED WITHIN 7 DAYS. FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN LEGAL ACTION 4j·V~ 11)1::1 ^pr;c F''-E Permit ;I \ '-" . þ':;;; ,. . ~ . "Date '¡ f .,,-,{ .Inspection Tïme ,- J UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILITY · INSPECTION REPORT · '; ! 1-'-0... ! -.-, \ :.. J ! ç ", ,r> j'-'" /-'\ '.\ ( . Environmental Sensitivity ,~ \'~. .'." ~.- -....--.......-"'..-.. ~.~...- --- Facility Name No. of Tanks -. \'-., ~ !--.~... (.\ ! t \ . ~.,-¡-). ~ \. \ __ ~'Í''-'.,. ~.'" f....... \..:.... ( -.r, --'¡, ...;' '\ \¡"':;-.l .: '....;. ¡ ~ .:.-- Address \.::'\ \ \J ¡". .~I,\ .,- _.'r' ...--.:....:_......~. -Is Information on Permit/Application Correct? '........( Complaint /:;L.,~( /-::2.(~:> - Yes No " \ \ \, X\L_"-')j"'~_\ Permit Posted? Yes No Type of Inspection: Routine .¡... ." \, Reinspection \. \. ~-., '. \ (.:-.(-'~~ \ ¡.-.\ {'. ~ ~_'\. I":. ,\("" ~ \ \ rj\ \\) ·.;:\r..... ..\~ \/\ ~r 1, \) VIOLATIONS NOTED' . \J <2.\ -;.;{"::y.'" 'ç'¡ -\ Comments: r-"'" t-~. '.. ..,..... "'> '-<v"\..~.;.:;,.. .",,""-. \(\(',\ ,/\,.. ,1 \' ~;"-"__' ...... 1. Primary Con~ainment Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System @tandard Invento:ry Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadose Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containment Monitoring: a. Line; \, ~'->OJG"("'~ð- r ~^- -(~ L~ Î'~'" ,:z'ttL\~\~~'~~; d(:'.,)J. ~~¡<sq *~~c\ JL0\\~:I\~~C/ . G '(\\~ -Q.-\ 1"0 ·".~9'GJ? ~-e.: _/d, 9-{\.Q~,-"",~',,,,,"~ U \" \ 6 ~. \"4 ~ . ,~~ ./" ,.~~/....-'<.. }d', ,W ~ 1L~N\.X~ r ~, ..,~, r '\ \ ,/- . \/' it" < ~~ " -- b, Double-Walled Tank c. Vault 3. Piping Monitoring: Œ)ressuriZed .. b. Suction c. Gravity ....',~ 'Î"..J. _ 'r-, ,~\,\'~'I \r'--'" () ^ _ V '~^ 1;\ , \' .l.-~ . \-<-R-D ~/~ À JJ./'f'-Ç ~"-1). "~~~~Y("' '~~~)~' ~"'~.~~, \,\/ì \('(\ \ -I.::- ',?~. \ \. --<; ~-=,-t...-'_ ~:: ',-- ..",--, \. ::-"".\ \\¿,.\t:., \ ,'Î '. ¡ i V (~ YY'-S \' r-, .\" {\ \.. \\ ..' >, \\ ~ C\. ,'...., 0PC}~"\\ \J.,\(\~Q:;::.}C(Q..,c.~ ¡ ~C(j\..)LQ-C('j..~ -b\F~,-V ,-- ',- ~ (\;". Ie' r\" '"', ( \I'~ r-. ·__,;\I-'.:..-!\,......-~x· , O"~_~~~ )..-L!;;-JC~_'.L.'<_,.r\~'<J:-fLl¡~qc-t.Jl--''''c.c..:...i "'~.... i tir-t" . \' \ . ('\ ~ \ I'-: U : '1' ì -=-' 1-.J...J.) )""1';..,),~ i,,,j '-1' ~~~...: \.~~- - ~ - /4:-overfill Protection J .- .,~.~", -. ~-:~-:i.. 7. Closure! Abandonment,;'f:\j;> : \ 1'-\\,'\ "",,\"'-\ t·~\, 8. Unauthorized Release r" \'\". -., .....'..... VP-(~í.. \ '\ ' ;- _ \. '. .....'-".. """\ ,'\V«"i ".iK;N')--'.~'·\~~·" ..-- 1,.;/ 11 liC, ",..,r " -":;:¡ ~(~.·{2(;,~fì c- _ \ I ·~l.~0~~,~~_ ~ ,-... " ¡ ¡U: \,>V~ '¡- '¡ , /")':,' ,,,:,1)/1 f',.' ",,)! .. Vi,' I, \ \:! ':)\~;(\ ¡LV ~ '~'''''/~'' (': ,'-., [',' ~~~:i.. /" ~;¿ ¡'"'¡Ii t:., J \ .::\ ~~,: 5. Tightness Testing ~~::;1,\2¥\~~V~ (j.è~~~> y"·c.~ .-~- (.-.?c:.~ \.:\_:.~,\"~/~ -+../. z:. ........... ,.....,..... , ,,\1t.() '''----. 6. New ,~ònstruction!Modification ~..~i\:.~\\'\"'...,.;:...~6 .~::~(::H\ \ (~~~..~~ '8" J.L" \, ç,~ \ ; ':r~·:__"':.I.'T:·· \"-' -.:.' ~.. '\:r?-" '.-: (;.,X:';"\'f-.. --:1 ~..:~~~~~/.~Ý~:::):t~ -' 9. Maintenance. General Safety. and Operating Condition of Facility ''l\~. \ ", ~~OR ORIGIN~l t' ~ !'-'. \ \"":;<'" .\........-....~_I~\\ 7\ 't- ,..:;:.::. \' \. \ _. i._~ .\-~~. '.f\;?'/ ---.;....p' ,( \\,..~"\: :,·\.-'~toof~..""·· ¡""'\,¡ì ".- .....il\ ':-rr' '~ .{\....( ",,,._':,: *. ,J. - \" .. -\-9.1\~, c; ç:¡:.:-Q, ,~'--1. ':'.\r\-P\~:r\\'·r·, . ',~. "'," " \-C-r\). J ~:.:. *'·'r\.-. ":":·-~~r>:·L..~-:j ,,:~"'...' ;"-.'\ ¡ ,":J \'\~; 1;. . ; ;--:"'~.L~; '. .¥··'.(t·~"j~..\ ',/;/ ~ ;~-=~::(~-~\-.;:.:,: '~~':"::,'r \~'~'_',:.~'.~. Comments! Recommendations: .;\ "I V"" ;-~, .... .../'- 'r-:..-i:' _ '. {~ \\~~:.~~ . -.. '. .'.. ." ". \"""-\ .--:,~..... ,# ,.-' .. .::""""'!{ ..'-"../ .\ . "\.('-'~ r:; f"·; , .¿ _' -.....:< \ \,~::S"ì~- \~~ ........ ,..... .~~ ; t~-~~~.J,\, ).~\¡/- '. _. \"'<f'·;.~~·~ ::-....1' '. ~]/',,\~\ \ '\ C~" \. ~ \' ":,- " ." ...... ....:'.., ',f".,r, - '"\.,,,/~.:~" ",ro, t'" ". " ....:. .', \,0 '::-....~ ":_~ '. ", .:' ! ~, .' - , , ~~j (~;".4~~. / \ \ :\ "':'-\·r \, \V·":.; \f ( J'.(""! \~, ;:.~'r..)" \\.' <--.. -'<:' " .r (.... C..~~\( ". '.~, " .. " Reinspection scheduled? /" " '~Yes No Approximate Reinspection Date --', r .-; '~" 'I i\, .' .,-::.... ..#': "-.'/ ....;,:, " "'\~J... 'INSPECTOR: :~.~;~)'( ~- "j,\:, -(- ~; \: -~- ~ ,~ \.c::t.~~ REPORT RECEIVED BY:-,;' '..'.:.; " ", - ,/ . .~>'.:.." " " , ',.:·:S'" ) "":-*:..,.-.--., ",/ .... ._~._..o.~·.~_·. .-___.. "." _.... Health 580 4113170 (7·87) PERM 1 T ..g:1)ºÇ.ij..~.:............. NUMBER OF TANKS AT THE SITE: J i ;...-J- ........,.....1...,.......................,...., :;,í '.... 'e'Ftc"'- FA elL .. .' ,N A" . .: ...... ..c\f\\..."c',..... ,() /V r (\. y V.i.: + j ...... '............'..'......................,., E"'1 <:;~,,·s·.......'I...Tv tV f:..C, .\ ". ..... -" ...... _ -"...L. J........ -,,.I. EMERGENCY CONTACT P~,R~ON (PRl1-1ARY): NAME: L~{ (./«. I..~ V ¿Ln S ..............u......................__...u......._.....................-.......................................................:.............................................................u PHONE NUMBER: 9 [.' c-;-.. ':2.. Q./ /ì C' CJ i ............ ...:.....:.'¿..::.....'.~. ............~;-.~.....!......_....::-.... ..f: ...... .... ..t.. .:~.. ..~.. '" ....... _.. ...... ... ....... ..................... ........... EMERGENCY CONTACT ~t8S0N(SES;ONDARY): N AM E : .,..._..._..,.r:;;:£:::.:......,.....::.,...~'\..~...,....".,.....,.......,.........,."................................,.....,........,...."...................... . PHONE NUMBER: ....u.................................................._............................................................................._...............................u TAN K O;..Jt\ ER I N FOR~1A T I¡p.r.; ,:__ NAME: ~,í G~ E V ^--.lI\ ~ , ..,....-.......-...-........-..--................................. ....-..!.-..-.......-..,-....................-.....-....-............................-..-- Ir I PHONE NO.:, TANK CONTENTS: TANK # MANUFACTURER ! ADD R ESS': .._..3...0..~.Q......._0...L....\....?...Q...r.J.:_g9.~.f...........B..0."...~.:..._:1_-3...~..Q.ï. 397-;01/ ' -...-.--..--...-----....----........-.-----..............---.-........------.- YEAR !t\STALLED CAPAC!"':'"Y ICCNT~NTS ! CA...-h), V~'1 r'\ J ""-- TANK TANK I I CONSTRUCT I ~'-J: / U I TYPECdl' SW, I I I I I ..,/ --., -<., º- j/V\ ~ I '- I , di~Se.. I I , . ò /' ~rN~~ßi CORROSION PROTo // I ~ c-. --., -<, ~ u LEAK DETECTION: TANKS: __..__. V!S~AL VADOSE ZONE MONITORING WELLS U-TUBES WITHOUT LINERS VAPOR DETECTO ...--.......-... ) -......--.....- ___........_..... CONDUCTIVITY SENSORS .....__..__ PRESSURE SE~!SOR IN A"!NULAR SPACE .._.....__......._ LI QU 10 RETR lEV AL SYSTEMS I t\ U-TU8 ES, MON I TOR !NG 't.'ELL.S. OR, ANNULAR .__.__........ NON E _.____9 N K NO WN ,_...........___ 0 THE R ......._..................................._..........__....._......._............__..........._ PIP I NG I N FORMA TI ON : ~~OR ORIGINAlb TANK U SYSTEM TYPE CO~SiRUCT:ON I MATER!AL CSUC,PRES..GRAV.) (SW.DW.LDJEO T~) I ! .-..-....-...-- ---.-.....-....---...-......-- WELLS LINERS __oo_.... L ~ QU ~ 0 SENSORS ::2.. ¡J. LEAK DETECTION:PIP!NG: .................. FLOW R:=ST~~CT!/'Ii3 LEAK DET::C:TO~S ~OR PRESSURIZED PIP I NG ......................_....._ MON I TOR I NG SLJ;-.1P, WI TH RACEWAY ....,.................... SEALED CONCRETE RACE~AY .......,..........._ HALFCUT CO~PA7I3LE DI?E RACEWAY ...,.....................,... SYNTHETIC: L!NER RACEWAY '.'..............,..' ~W:'\'E ..,.........,..... L':--!K'!C'ti~'~ OTHER