HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST REP.-C-08/10/88 ........ 41(- " .. ACHECO " ~_~ I T£~ ,J " J, ~,F=j;' , þ=¡ /"""' JI'----c' !,~ II r= \¡== "~,::~.~, ~,..~·~"7Jj¡"¡K ........ .... .... ...... ....... ----- _._----~ ....... ........ Reservoir o .. .....~~..... 366 ._., : HAR':I~ ~ -:.~-~';:= . . . . . . \---..' ...:.-.~-.~----- RD //---'~-'; '-', _ 3S? ~:'.~'=':'= ./ --'==--~==- Trailer = Park,~ PANAMA .' 363 I'" ". : . . , ~~. , . _..: 0' /~360~ .......,....... .' 25ß 2~ . . . . ; . '. ~AP ... . ?;t-t-",,...'hmð"';:' 7\ ... ..... , " " ' -r -J L,UL ''1;", nr ~ 'I; ,O"~" ..~----- · -=,::--:;----·-.---·r·~ .. . '. . ""'.-.-0:.' , ,e7 "-... /L! .:/ ~n:1 '~"" :1 .\ 'I " ,~L...-.,.; , ii \1\ !¡:! in,· ¿~:..JUI__ . : '. RDi1,;,-, 111;- Jr Fairview Sch . (A/HlII'fi) L.,. FAIRVI£W ·f j~ ... 368 " . , ~'- . "--' :il:1 Ii \¡¡Iii : i' ;; I . : ., Uµ4i' ,ii h: II,! F , " LANE ... o . -----........... :.,'-.. 'J : ------ .,~. ',-' 1-1 .",'" . ~ . II; ~king Plant BERKSHIRE ~ . 358 ¡I. ~ L~ II) 'oq: ,-J ;~ ---------- v ~': ;,/' .~ - ". . l. CALCR.ETE" 6450L/NE TANK L¿JCAT/ON rAN/< L.OCATION --0---------l (TANK HA-:; 8££/11 Æ:EMOV€D I S~O GAL. I I I I ¿;'A S 74N/< I I L-___ -! ~ Z'SL!.MPL€: TeST lIoLe ~ ~ LOCAr/ð/V " G I SAM PL£ YARD éXCALlA.T/oN + A' ?CAL.£ :/ /I = S I ; I 8v/¿P/N6 J EXCAl/A7/0N~ I / + \ L1°--.J .. / A \ A' / TES r HOLE ------ #0./-----____ I3V/L.C>/N6 ¡;:> / ,.e T BVILDIN6 .RCJA D , -' , , ¡ ---- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N SeA. L..£ : /": 20 I ~ )<-X-)<- ì<-X-)<-X-X-X-X-X- ,X-X-;<'-)("- '" .L- 1_ -.. ~ 1~_, / ~, '" ..-- I .!"- ~' FACILITY: FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY C ALCe.~lL y ~O\ W(ßLt QD ADDRESS : PERMIT': ~\e,~~L.\- ENV. SENSITIVITY: EËS Activity Date , ot Tanks Comments APO 1..\CJ'4Ç l~~ ~ : ---L- OP€.~ 3 \ ()C:) ~ L\- c:... ---1W1k- I ~p~ AP(JL\tO'\\ON -Ï\\~\ ~~ \ AS AÑCÐÑ , 11 '1 L\ \- '"3 \ ~ AßA-"-'D~rJ L~ {(L~~L1S () k Ll1AtJ2 8\ \ a\ ~ . , ~' - - . 2700 M STREET ~ MAILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 ,I .( ¡ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT! HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard August 10, 1988 King Chambless Calcrete Company 9701 Wible Road Bakersfield. California 93309 , Dear Mr. Chambless. , ¡ This is to advise you that this department has reviewed the project results for the fuel seepage investigation that was condu.cted at 4701 Wible Road. Bakersfield. éalifornia. Based upon the findings described in the report. this department is satisfied that the assessment is complete and no significant soil contamination which would threaten groundwater resulting from the fuel leakage exists at this site. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely. /t L1M';=-- r00e Canas Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program JC/gb e/- \ e_ ( WILLIAMH. PARK REGISTERED GEOLOGIST NO, 2271 3040 19TH STREET. SUITE 10 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 TELEPHONE (805) 327-9681 June 27, 1988 Mr. Noel Chambless c/o Calcrete 4701 Wible Road Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr_ r.hambJ.ess~ On June 14, 1988 soil samples were collected from below the gasoline tank location located on Calcrete property. The property is located in Section 14, T.30S.,R.27E.,M.D.B.& M. at 4701 Wible Road in Bakersfield, California (see Attachment A) . The tank, which had been removed prior to sample collection, ; held about 590 gallons. The tank was used only t~'hold gasoline , and will not be replaced. "r inspected the tank ~~ the Calcrete yard and it appeared to be in good condition. As shown on ,Attachment B, the pump was located over the western end of the tank. There was only a couple of feet of product line since the top of the tank was only about one foot below the ground surface. As per UT-30, two soil samples were taken from below the tank at 2 feet and another at 6 feet below the center of the tank (see Attachment B). These samples were taken with a hand auger. The samples were place~ in glass jars and stored on ice until delivered to B.C. Laboratories for analysis. The samples were analyzed for B.T.X. and T.P.H.(gasoline factor). The results of the analyses are shown on Attachment C. The 2' foot sample contained no B. T. X. above detectable limits and 107.66 ppm T.P.H. The 6 foot sample contained no B.T.X. or T.P.H. above detectable limits. Attachment C also contains the e ( e' (~ ¡ . , ......'f Mr. Noel Chambless c/o Calcrete 4701 Wible Road Bakersfield, California 93309 chain of custody record. i Based on the results of this investigation, no significant contamination from product line or tank leakage exists beneath the tank location and no site characterization or remediation measures are deemed necessary. If you have any que~tions rega~ding this report, please feel free to $M//;ý 'Q~ Yffurs truly, ./. ut fY~/!~' No. 3584 * Duane R. Smith Registered Geologist , State of CaliforniaNo~ 3584 ,1 I I DRS/ds Enclosures (5) WILLIAM H, PARK '£ AGRICUl TURE . CHEMICAL ANAL YSIS I'ETROlEUM e e ( . /'- I LABORATORIES. Inc. J, J, EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENG,R. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) W. H. Park and Associates 3040 19th Street Suite 10 Bakersfield. CA 93301 Attention: Duane Smith· Lab No.: Sample Desc: DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 14-Jun-88 Constituent Benzene Toluene Etf¡y 1 Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl Benzene Pet. Hydrocarbon.s Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Date òf Report: 16-Jun-88 4319-1 Calcrete - 4701 Wible road Bakersfield T .H. 1 - Soil @2' below tank. DATE SAt1PLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 14-Jun-88 DATE ANALYSIS OO1PLETED : 15-Jun-88 Reporting Uni ts ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug¡' g Minirrum R$rting ,: Level I I ¡ Analysis Results None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 None Detected 107.66 0.10 5.00 ug/g 107.66· , 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. T . P . H. for -"Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: Q.1antification of volatile bydrtJCarbons present (Cl to C20) utilizing a gasoline factor. As outlined by California D.O. H. S . These volatile bydrocaroons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this rep-Jrt. TCYI'AL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The sum total of all [non-dùorin- ated] constituents on this report. By #. r1. ~ . tlJ. E in µ /~~;:/ Analyst Attachment C AGRICUl TURE CHEMICAL ANAL YSfS PETROLEUM e e ( / I LABORATORIES, Inc. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFielD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) W. H. Park and Associates 3040 19th Street Suite 10 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: fuane Smith Date of Report: 16-Jun-88 Lab No.: Sample Desc: 4319-2 Calcrete - 4701 Wible road Bakersfield T.H. 1 - Soil @S' below tank DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 14-Jun-88 Constituent Benzene Toluene EtbY 1 Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropyl ~nzene Pet. HydrclCarbons Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 14-Jun-88 DATE ANALYSIS OO1PLETED : 15-Jun-88 Reporting Units Analysis Results Minim..un Reporting Level , ¡ r ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ugfg None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 ug/g ug/g None Detect.ed None Detected 0.10 5.00 ug/g None Detected 0.10 TEST METHOD: California D.O. H. S. T . P . H. for Gasoline Dry Matter Basis Corrments : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: QJaIltification of volatile hydrocarbons present (C1 to C20) utilizing a gasoline' factor. As outlined by California D.O. H. S. These volatile hydrocarbons are in addition the constituents specifically defined on this report. TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS: The SUIT! total of all [non-chlorin- ated] constituents on this report. By 12 ø· ~/ æ. tf. Eg n ~} ..,/'-",' /~/ ,/!.-Lf'· Analyst Attachment C ---~-----¡-- I ' , < CHAIN O'F CUSTODY RECORD . ~-.., Collector Name: Vuan ¿ ¡¿. S 1')1 ,'-I-/... Client Name: Noc;./ Chan1 blesS Company: C¿:¿/ c.re/-!e..,. Address: 4701 IVI"hle f'o~c! & /~rJ I'/(::.JJ I LA " / Telephone: ( ) Bill to Client ( e Location of Sampling Name: Ca/cre:;.-Ie. Company: Address: 4701 ;1//Þ/e /G.>a cI &kers;-ft~ leI.J CA. Telephone: (~OS-) fj 3/-of'3 I B{ll to Property Owner ( ) S l' M h d Company: W.H. Park & Associates 'Address: 3040 19th St., suite 10 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (805) 327-9681 Bill to Collector ~) amo. 1n~ et 0 : amp.e l'Vpe: reservat10n et 0 5: Sample No. Date I Time Description Analvsis Reauested Laboratorv No. T.I~. I 0/1" Ii f AJ.1 I ./ ¿' be/l>w +a 11 L ß.T.X a.11. cl T.r.J.J. ( 6a." ) '-l3/Q-1 , :50' T 1-1, J b/tvllf AM So j I C, I . he-low -let 11 k. ß. T. X. ßþ(d í. P. N. C6a J 1 ~JI9-;J - " Relinquished By: ¿ ~uaµ ¡( 4- J'd Company; tJ./llM.-Á ú-~ ~. Date: b -/'1- hf '. S 1 T p M h d .--.. , \ e Received BY:r) , p ~ ~h ~ ì...tVt. '"' ' r ~ .-J' ~ /' Relinquished BY:·.J ... Company: í.) c.. ~,( -J-.' 6J ' ð: 'J f>-"t ~,~C:L.;.:> Company: Date: 0-1 L{-o8 Date: Received By: Company: Date: Relinquished By: Company: Date: Received By: Company: Date: WILLIAM H. PARK AND ASSOCIATES Sheet of KERN' COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR~BNT DIVISION'OP ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH e INTERNAL USE ~ ' pro 3 /';;.<-It, PTA 111 if / - 3/ APPLICATIO~ DATE ( 7 / I 3 / r? 'g I f J , OP TANKS TO BE ABANDONED 1700 PLOWER STREET. BAKERSPIELD. CA, ·93305 (805) 861-3838 LENGTH OP PIPING TO ABANDON APPLXCATXON POR PERMXT POR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OP UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE PACXLXTY THIS APPLICATION IS POR IX] REMOVAL. OR 0 ABANDONMENT IN PLACE PROJECT CONTACT Z ~8 Mr. Noel Chambless -1-0 :: S PACILITY NAME u ¡ _ ... ~ æ Ca.Lcrete Z - OWNER DRESS 605 Redwing Avenue (PILL OUT Q!! APPLICATION PER PACILITY) (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLY) Sec. 14 30/27 NEAREST CROSS STREET Pacheco Road PHONE <805 ) 832- 3508 .c Hr. 2~oe1 C:1arab1ess z =0 0- 1-01-0 ~~ == 1-00 ZIOo oz u- TANK REJIOVAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PRONE CALPI, Inc. P.O. Box 63'23 605 ) 589-5648 PROPOSED PROJECT STARTING DATE ¡CALIPORNIA LICENSE' WORKER' S COMPENSATION . IINSURER July 18, 1988' 506025 1011809-88 State Compo Ins. Fund PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PRONE N.H. Park and Assoc. 3040 19'th Street, Suite 10 <605 >327 -:- 9681 WORKER'S COMPENSATION' INSURER PHONE 1011825-83 State Compo Ins. Fund <805 ~34 -8300 LABORATORY THAT WILL ANALYZE SAMPLES !ADDRESS PHONE Laboratories 4100 Pierce <g05 )327 - B.C. Road 4911 ~ :~:' ! . _ CD CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OP MATERIALS STORED. Z . ... ::1 TANK It <1-0' 1 ~~I z=' ~æ· uz - VOLUME 590 Gal. ctIEJIICAL STORED (NOII-COJIIIERCIAL NAIll) Gasoline DATES STORED ? TO 1987 TO TO TO , , CHEMICAL PREVIOUSLY STORED None c..i ... <Z 1-00 z- Cl: 1-o ~! =0 -c.. >z =- WATER TO PACILITY PROVIDED 8Y I DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER Hater ~'le11 200+ feet NEAREST WATER WELL - GIVE DISTANCE AND DESCRIBE TYPE IP WITHIN 500 PEET ¡SOIL TYPE AT PACILITY 50 feet - In¿ust::-ial Use 0:11,! Hesp~ria-Ha~fo~d Assoc. BASIS FOR SOIL TYPE AND GROUNDWATER DEPTH DETERMINATION '-' ,v-= '.1 ~~. U.S.D.A. Soil I1ap of !\:ern Co. - Calcrete ~';ater ~.~ e 11 Datù. troTAL NUMBER OP SAMPLES TO 8E ANALYZED ISAMPLES WILL 8E ANALYZED POR: two soil sa@ples B.T.X and T.P.H. (gasoline factor) = z ," 0 ...- <i'o ~~ ~= (f)0 -100 =z - DESCRIBE HOW RESIDUE IN TANK(S) AND PIPING IS TO BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OP (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION AND DISPOSAL COMPANIES): CALPI h',rdro blast - H. P 'laCUUìTI truck - Gibson ~efinerv DESCRIBE BOTH THE DISPOSAL METHOD AND DISPOSAL LOCATION FOR: (714) TANK(S) ':'ransport and recycle at J..m.erican :,:ietal :tecyclÜ1q, Ontario, Ca1if·947-2883 PIPING Same as tank - DisDenser and oiDina were over tank. ..3 . . ~ PROVIDE INFORMATION REOUESTED .Qr! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUBMITTING APPLICATION !Q! ~ · · THIS .... HAS .... """"""'" ,~rt OP P!M>RY ... TO THE ..'" .F ... """"'.... IS THO' ... """"CT. SIGNATURE ~t~,' \~~ TITLE ~t\~\._ I (;-~()-£jt DATE (POI"II 'HMMP-140) AMERICAN FUEL TANK METAL RECYCLING, INC. '--,' ! ''>....' No. 2 7' 9 (' f) 2202 South Milliken Avenue Ontario, CA 91761 (714) 947-2888 ,rrANK DISPOSAL FORM Date: - ¿ ~l ,19 g'; Job # p. O. # 'e 6 DATE LlC, NO, TIME IN: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: TIME OUT: v Services Rendered Cost Disposal Fee 100,00 TANKS RECEIVED OTY, GALLONS TYPE NET TONS TOTAL Extensive Loading Time 150,00 F' S' 280 0 0 .14 '-r Disposal Fee with Permit 250,00 -, 500 0 I .21 . 550 0 II ,24 Fiberglass Tank Disposal Fee Per Tank 400,00 1000 - 12 ft. 0 [l .44 1000 - 6 ft. 0 [1 ,61 Delivered 200,00 1500 0 [J ,87 2000 [1 [1 ,97 e Bobtail Disposal Fee 250,00 2500 [1 [1 1,14 3000 [1 [1 1,32 4000 [1 [1 1,64 Cancellation Fee 5000 [1 [1 2.42 6000 [1 [1 2,84 7500 [1 [1 3,26 8000 0 0 3,44 9000 [1 [1 3,82 All fees incurred are per load unless specified. 10000 [1 [] 4,33 Terms are net 30 days from date of Invoice, 12000 [1 C'J 4,93 Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms Ihallank NO. OF TANKS TOTAL NET TONS removal complies with State laws. ~ .2/ CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE OF - FIBERGLASS CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL I DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE 0 THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. All MATERIALS SPECIFIED HAVE BEE co lETE STROYED FOR SCRAP PURPOSES ONLY,' £J ~ ./ ~ r-;-Z,-~cS AUTHORIZED REP. DATE , r "''''''ITn A. "'Tnn ~nnv er -- i700 FIo_r Street Bakersfield, California 93305 . Telephone (805) 881-3838 KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebeftaon, M.Q. ENVlRONMENT.AL HEALTH DIVISION PacUi ty Nalle . {! a j)('_vr!- ~L Address ~7nl (;.J;LL RJ Uf5!¡\pfJ DIRECTOR OF ENVlRONMENW. HEALTH . :' , _Vernon S. ReIchafd ~-. . Kern County Per.it . 11141~31 ., * * UNDERGROUND TANK DISPOSITION TRACKING RECORD · * This for. is to be returned to the Kern County Health Departaent within 14 days 'of acceptance of tank(s) by disposal or recycling facility. .' The '-:'''-':~. holder of the per.i t wI th nu.ber noted above is responsible for insuring' that this fora is coapleted and returned. . - .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . .- .' . . . . . . . . SectIon.! - To be filled out ~ tank reaoval £Qntractor: Tank ReJlloval Contractor: r de" 'I VL c- ~~GJ: Cate Tanka Removed' ~-~ 7 - ./ Address Phone ,(~S) 5"!,C¡ - 5¿,c[ ß Zip No. of Tanks e, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. ....... Section.! - To be fUled .2!!! J!! conÙ'actor "decontaainating tank(s'): Tank "Decontuination" co, ntractor~ LIJ í ¡ltt C- .- ~ /'':} I ' '/d/" Addre.. 0 :~ n h 7 Phone # íÞ tí ¡¡ 151 i}. YJ ~0_h d (tt Zip 13~g-£ Authorized rept'esentative of contractor certifies by signing below that tank(s) have been decontuinated in accordance with Kern County Health Deparçtment :7/1t'eð(~·· ~Æ~ ~/~~~r . . . . . ./. . . . . . . s~g~a~u~e. . . .'. . .. . . . . . . :. . T~ t~e. . . . . . . . Section.! - To be filled out and signed ~ ID! authorized rept'esentative of the treatment. stora . or dis a1 facilibv accepting tank(s): Facility Na.e --. I "ì Addre.a ~r~ 'é'rv¡'!!A~ í-lv Cate Tanka Received ~-_.~~ Signature ~ ________ ¿% , (Authorized Representative) ??? No. of Tanks Title -Dì~j)~7Zh (r Phone 'I Zip 9 I'?b / / , . " " " " " " " " " " " " " . " " " " " " " " " " " " " . " * * * MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Fold in half and staple. Postage and mailing label have already been affixed to outside for your conveniencè. (Form IHMMP-150) DISTRICT OFFICES ,-- '~:t=-~;-:f=-Heal:~::=-A~enCyL~ ~"-'--"---'--'-',-- - -e-- - ~ ----::art~~:Health_:=- t Form ,\pproved OMB No, 205Q--{)()39 (Expires 9·30· ToxIc Substances Control D,.vlslon I Please nnt or t e, (Form desI ned for use on e/;'e Sacramento, CalifornIa i UNIFORM HAZARDO~S ".)~fonna~ion in the shaded areas ;, ,", ',is:nofiequired by Federallaw'~ 3. A. State Manifest. Document Number ·8' Z 7t1-0t$:82 B. State Genetator·rlD,'F. Y:¡:~l'r I Ii o \0 \0 .... N \0 aJ Ò o ~ ...J ...J « ü' « Ž ex: o u. ::¡ :« ·ü Z " G ~ E 3E ,N ! E g R ¡¡;j A. .,;.' T ~ 0 6 R o ~ ex: w ~ Z w Ü w rJ) z o Co rJ) w ex: ...J « Z o ¡:: « z w J: ~ ...J ...J « ü ...J ...J ë: rJ) ex: o > ü Z w '" ex: w ~ w z « u. o w rJ) « ü ~ 4, Generator's Phone ( Çf.:t;j"" 5, Transporter 1 Company Name ,r" ¡P~ -( !. ,'1 '- I ¡.. V (. 7, Transporter 2 Company Name .5 ;,/ '.... -::; I)~~' /7' / .- :.-" /) 6, I' , , I),ij 1~ 6'~g " " 9, Designated Facility Name and Site Address G) Ì?5,''f,¥ -J f '} I ----l..... ·t)-- i '\ · J' '7('-,""1 '""n' '.1 f......,..,,, ,. _f -: r:~~~~ ~~ ;:- i ¡..."~' r'¡ ~.~ IJ.. ~. ¡- --:'':'¡ 11, US DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, and ID Number) a. IjA?1/~ û/!5. {q:-,¡, .i "1 w',f1Te ,V"JS . . _ .:1.,., ). - .,:~ l)., . t ,', b. ':;', ,.. r"·· , ' ,.' c. State EPA/Other d. ,State '.""'",: EPA I Other ".. ..." ~. ~ . J. Additional Descriptions for Materials Listed Abov,e 'r' .- """l-'1,-"-'1T - j) "c:~" ;;, ;"'/')[:.:-,:;Ytf,;!f., .e:-'Jrf.~tf(l1ùr :f 11 ~(f~~:N'''',·· ' .' '" .... .:'\.",,- 15, Special Handling Instructions and Additional Information " i,./.,'~ ':~'" . ,7 M'/v .¿. 16, GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by proper shipping name and are classified, packed, marked, and labeled. and are in all respects in proper condition for transport by highway according to applicable international and national government regulations, If I am a large quantity generator, I certify that I have a program in place to reduce the volume and toxicity of waste generated to the degree I have determined to be economically practicable and that I have selected the practicable method of treatment, storage. or disposal currenlly available to me which minimizes the present and future threat to human health and the environment; OR, if I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good 'faith effort to minimize my waste generation and select the best waste management method that is available to me and that I can afford, ..,.- I r~ . . I ,¥/.rl:' .Y/'''~/· dgement of Receipt of Materials PrintedlTyped Name /.... /. I J. V~.::/,/-J (,,), ì r '1' +-,:7í (LiT! C 17, Tranapo~er 1 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Materials /"'/ '//', Month Day Year 19. Discrepancy Indication Space F A C I L I T Y 20. Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by this manifest except as noted in Item 19, Day Year Monfh Prinled/Typed Name Signature ," ,-,. ...,;/ /! .~"!'''' . ~'-- ;' '1 I~~"":~~',:{' ~./ .'''. "-- ~:':'::';'>~~~"~7.'¡'''':/' .:.) ~/ "/'1" -:: ~¡'11 INSTRUCTIONS ON THE BACK - ' DHS 8022 A (1/87) EPA 8700-22 (Rev. 9-86) Previous editions are obsolete, YEllOW: GENERATOR RETAINS ,--- , e c- e(- I\ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME~ . 2700 M Street Bakersfield, California Mailing Address: 1415 Truxtun Avenue· Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 861-3636 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS , SUBSTANCES -STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A741-31 , ' ; ~ ~~ " . , -, , , ~., ", ..../; ~ ~: ;¡ .... " . .~¡ ',' , . ",FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: ~:.' . ,.;:: OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: ,,", !ï' 'to _ .~ - ~~, '. .... :,,{. -'"T. 'f...... Calcrete 4701 Wible Road Bakersfield, CA 93313 Noel Chambless 605 Redwing Avenue Bakersfield, CA Phone #(805) 832-3508 License No. 506025 Phone #(805) 589-5648 , PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES I O;::tober 18, .1988 LOCATION. APPROVED BY I 988 1 TAN~(S) AT ABOVE APPROVAL DATE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .POST ON Joe Canas EMISES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONDITIONS AS FOLLOW: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 3. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and sJx feet. ,.,4. I f any contractors other than those listed on permi t and permi t application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. 5~ All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons and benzene. DISTRICT OFFICES Delano . Lamont . Lakp !qabella . Mojave . Ridgecrest · Shatter · Taft '. e( e (- (, -- ". -.~' -' . PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A723-33 ADDENDUM 6. Copies of transportation manifests m~st be submitted to the Health Department within five days of waste disposal. 7. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transpor~ation, or treatment_ must be adhered to., .The "Kern County Health Departmen,t"must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any, contaminatëdsoi'l.::\f:;;';}'~"i;:~L'~:':·~ 'Permittee i sre s pons i b 1 e' for'~making suretha t ~'<:~ tank di spos i ti onÜ;tracking "record" issued with this permit, is properly fflledout :cand ,'rEi'tú'rnèd,'within , " J 4 ,days of , tank 'd i s po s a 1 .~':':~ ·,t:;'~';:::A~:' }:!j:;r~:;;:,: ", ,,-:,'.,-)\\~;): :';;Z: ?;,~:~;:;ç::,~¡'E~i'?,:~!r,:¿j.J::i):'r~f::?~;':~;~;;~'i.?:~;·~~ t~}?,M~~;;:~:~èi:; ',:' 9 .'f,Adv i sethi s , of f ice' 'of 'the "--:time and <'date c':of:-:the ': propösêd '~famprfng'jfÎ th ,24 'I' hours advancè notice. -J," >"';:", -- ;'" ;",,-,.,,:":.[--/':.>'::\":?:)~' "':"\;.::,'" '.";<~">:~;--. 1 O. Results must be submitted to this office within three' day s of analysis completion. I " ! . >8.> , , i I , , , I AC~CEPTED Dy_~~_!L~_____ DATE 1-zt-fl' " ----------------------- 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-36~6 ·c .~ KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTME~ I HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard I NTERI M PERMI rr TO OPERATE: PERMI'I'#3:J... 0034C IS SUED: JULY 1, 1986 EXPI RES: JULY 1, 1988 NUMBER OF TANKS= 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- F AC I L I TY : I OWNER: CALCRETE COMPANY I CHAMBLESS, KING ":"",,;', ,4701 WIBLE ROAD I,;' 4701 WIBLE ROAD' "i"i',~',::'..::::';\:_:;:ô-:<',>.:.. :':,:\;,-.;'.: BAKERSFIELD, CA <,:.',' : I 'd;{/~:!,~~~~"BAKERSFIELD --':"'CA >":933Ô~'::~~:~£~è~i(~:~:~;~:f' ,.. . ·;---::·-:c.-----:.---------~---:::~--:c.;;~;#~-~:~';:r-;';f~H;§1;;,;~~~~~~t:.c.:.~~i~j~~i YRS} "", ,·'·"'SUBSTANCE "CODE ·"f~';'''á'PRESSURIZED >'PIPING~'-""" )~i~~i, MVF 1 ,~~!1~~t\\!J~;:l'~~tfl~:~:! ~, " . NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS, PERMIT , NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST Ç!>N PREMISES , , I . .. DATE PERMIT MAILED: AUG 0 8 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: e e Permit N0", -3/ Ù Ù 3 if( ) Appl ication rí ~I Kern County Health Department c Division of Envirorunental, .HeaJ 170b Flower Street, ßakersfield, CA 93305 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGRCXJND HAZAROOUS SUBSTANCES STORÞGE FACILITY ~ of Application (check): DNewFacility Ot-4odification of Facility I}aÐtisti~ Facility OTransfer of <M1ership A. Ð'nergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days Nights Facility Name ð '. ' No. of TanKs I Type of Business S tlon Other describe) fV\ a h u +ö riu y'Ÿ ~ Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes ØNo ,r- Is Tank(s) Used Primarily t,o~)Mric~l~ural Purposes? DYes EJ No () I Facility Address 1190 I ~ Nearest Cross St. ...ltJ. (" LJ 6J (' (') T ' . R SEC (Rural Locations Q11y) Owner !C_t~~ ~~~ ble. ~"5' Contact Person N""j (',Ac¡ lM/ð/tJK<; Mdress '. 'If' ~ -~ . ,Ji _FJ _ z~p 'J '3 :jO '¡Telephone 8'1./- t') 8:r/ . Operator __ ___ ' _ Contact Person Address Z p Telephone 8. Water to Facility Provided by \AJtJ /I Depth to' Groundwater 300 I Soil Characteristics' at Facility 7 Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detecninations ? CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone ~ proposed Canpletion tate..' Insurer " C. Contractor Address Proposed StartiBJ Date WOrker's Compensation ~ertification I D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existirx;J Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed ,_ E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): .~! Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular pr_i..- Diesel Waste Fuel on ---L. 0 - 0 ~ ~ 8 0 0 B 0 0 § [J 0 D 0 8 B 8 B 0 0 0 F. 'Chemical Canp:>si tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank . Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS t (if kn<M'1) Chemical Previously Stored (if different) . G. :Transfer of OWnership 'Date of Transfer !previous Facility Name :1, Previous <Mner accept full y all obligations of Permit tÐ. issued to I understand that the Penn1tting Authority may review and modify or terminate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storage facility upon receiviD:J this canpleted form. This form has been canpleted under penalty of true and correct. t~\ f"'. ", " ~!-P-.f\~ S . .." ... ,\\ \, \ \ \ 19nature , '''''' r~ \"- I' V)-~j '-"- per ~ ury and to the best of my knowledge is l'i t 1 e ~.~_hi..!'~\ ", :, " r.r " P...- I ... Date 1, - »- -,> ') Facility Name LC\ \ CV' ~ te Lc. I e pennit No·;3 i 00 3 '-f-C- ¡ TANK ~ (FILL OUT SEPARATE' FORM FO~ \Œ TANK) - roR EAŒ SEcTÏÕÑ , CHECK ALL APPRõPRÏÃTE ãõXEŠ-- H. ' - i . DSingle-Wall 2 o Fiberglass-<lad Steel o Bronze J8t. Unknown 1. Tank is: 0 Vaulted DNon-Vaulted DIbub1e-Wall 2. Tank Material DCarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride o Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLminlll1 o Other (describe) Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) 17b()' 1 4. Tank Secondary Containment o Double-Wall U Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): DMaterial Tank Ìnterior Lining ~Rubber Dlùkyd DE¡x>xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay DU1lined I2{thkno~ DOther (describe): Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad DPol~thylene Wrap DVinyl Wrappil'J) , DTar or Asphalt zUnknown DNone DOther (describe): : Cathodic Protection: 'l]None DDnpressed current System DSacrificial Anode System Descr ire System & Equipnent: Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Intercéption ~Tank: DVisual (vaulted tanks only) DGroumwater Monitorirg' well (9) o Vadose Zone Monitoril'¥J Well (s) 0 U-Tube Without Liner DU-TUbe with Compatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg well(s)* o Vapor Detector* D Liquid Level Sensor D Condoctivit~ Sensor* D pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank . . o Liquid Retrieval & Inspection Fran U-Tube, Moni torirg:Well or Annular Space ŒlDaily GatJ;Jirg & Inventory Reconciliation D Periodic'-Tightness Testirg o None D Unknown 0 Other . b. Biping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- D Moni torirg SlInp wi th Race'MIY 0 Sealed Concrete RaceW!y D aal f-Cut Compatible Pipe Rac5e~ 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None DUnknown ~Other I No f ¡ F) ~1q-; , *Describe Make & Mode : ,.... fL- 8. :nk4igh~~S Be s 1S en Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes ~ DUnknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs OVerfill Protection ~Operator Fills, Controls, & visually Monitors Level OTape Float GatJ;Je DFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box ONone DUnknown DOther: List Make & Model Por Above Devices 3. Capacity (Gallons) .5('){) ManUfacyrer 5. o Lined Vaul t 0 None ~lbknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) Thickness (Inches) 6. 7. DYes 0 t«) [!unknown Resul ts of Test Testing Company 9. 10. 11. Piping ð. Underground Pipir¥J: DYes ØiNo DUnknoW1 Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer []Pressure []SUction L]Gravity Approximate Length of Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized []Fiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent []Sacrificial Anode []polyethylene Wrap OElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or Asphalt DunknoW1 o None DOther (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System· DNone DUnknown OOther (describe): 2700 M STREET MÄILING ADDRESS 1415 TRUXTUN AVENUE .~KERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 e, e KE.tiN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMEN'I HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DiVISION DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard May 17, 1988 Calcrete Company Attn: Noal Chambless 4701 Wible Road Bakersfield, California 93309 Dear Mr. Chambless, Per our telephone discussion, enclosed is Handbook #UT-30. Requirements for Permanent Closure of Underground Hazardous Substance Storage tanks. An after-the-fact closure application must be submitted to the Kern County Health Departmént within one week. All sampling procedures and preliminary site assessement requirements must still be followed. Contractors performing preliminary site assessments and soil s amp I i n g c an be f 0 u n din the p h 0 neb 0 0 k un d erE n vir 0 n men t a I an d Ecology Services. I have included places that accept underground tanks for disposal purposes. The Kern County Health Department does not regulate above ground storage tanks. If you choose to convert your tank into an above ground storage tank for waste oil, the City of Bakersfield Fire Department must be notified. A written approval from the Fire Department for this use of the tank must be sent to this department and added to your closure file. If you choose to di spose of your tank. you must do so in a lawful manner. and within the guidelines stated by this department. If you have any questions, I can be reached at 861-3636. s ~c¡;:;y ~fÞaP Mary Kryszak Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program MK/gb enclosure DISTRICT OFFICES ~~!:~~: . ~~.""'!'::~~ . '._:..I^~ ~:::~b~~~~-:: ... ~.~:::::.;: ., ~:.--::::- .-:":-.~_~ C:~,,-.'~i-" e e DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR UNDERGROUND TANKS American Metal Recycling - AMR Ontario, California (714) 947-2888 H&H Shipyard San Francisco. California (414) 543-4835 I Crosby & Overton Long Beach, California (213) 893-2468 e e( Permit Questionnaire v Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live outside Kern County, they may choose to have the permits sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and check one of the following before returning this form with payment: por PERMIT # ~ \ 6>0 '6 J.}L .At. Send all information to Owner at the address listed on .invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner's responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent inforllation) . 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: , , ¡ ¡ I 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner) . ____c_~_tck__e -1 e. .. .,c,. Q.-'_. C \ II. - I i- oc PI ,e_~ ¡llb.,-:.. F ,1' el- ,''') L I \ . l"[Q.p~:_~-6JJlf~._.__,_ l I _S:lO(f'¡<\e TF\tJk tpÙf<\ P e- '-,,-. -- ... B.u , J Idiwq .8u I 1 Jd~LN~ 1 I ! I I I I \ I I i I