HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 , PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- - April 19, 2002 Mr. Don Cornelius DC Auto Dismantling 1897 S. Union Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93307 NO FURTHER ACTION REQUIRED RE: Order for Corrective Action dated February 15,2002 Dear Mr. Cornelius, This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results of the waste oil removal and disposal receipt, dated February 15, 2002, associated with the property located at 7725 Wible Road in Bakersfield. Based upon the information submitted, this office is satisfied with the corrective action performed and requires no further action at this time in the above referenced matter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, RALPH E. HUEY, Director of Prevention Services / ~l 1/' p ~ '^"- <:::::P(ð ~ ~~ _ By: Howard H. Wines, ill Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm "'Y~de CP~..¥'OP ~0Pe ff~ A cp~" -- --- - ---- - ---_. = == -- -. - =. ~ - - --- ~ - - --- - --- - ----- ~~~_.- - SERVICE, ORDER ~~._;- NO. N 353997 ASBURY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 21 00 NORTH ALAMEDA STREET 0 COMPTON, CALIFORNIA 90222 0 (310) 886-3400 ' SAN DIEGO OFFICE NORTHERN OFFICE 1-800-748-5744 EPA NO. CAQ028277036 1-800-727-2879 1-800-933-9194 DATE ONE TIME PICK UP ,... o YES or 0 NO ,,~ ... / \-.- tJ ;l "'~~. ' .CUSTOMER U {/1 "T~L}~ BilLING ADDRESS /Ø''?7,.s; µ,i"'~Alk¿:J /Løv,r ;J,.../ RESIDENT o YES or GI-1'ìIÔ ~1F<'> CONTRACT CUSTOMER . ' ,---.., o YES or 0 NO ..-"' /" ,.... ;; "",-"-" --". 7 ....ß~..n#"'..e,4f',j.y-...~"'/, ¿.;" ~7:t..JO, . ; . , PHONE /il- ß '4')Y~?t.>D6 CONTACT ' CUSTOMER EPA # (~341 OÓÒ Il7 l/ /9 '. JOB SITE ADDRESS 77 .J-.ç- .()I :6/.- #~"R: ¡; ," I ,..., , .' . /'./ "I' ........·,.·-~/J ':"_J.t';V,.ø'4/J,,-r /,¡iD,.'// , (,/1, 7)---' ,---"---- ACCOUNT NUMBER AMOUNT p (' ('.;;~ ~ ~ :! i CHECK NUMBER ,-#....... J/ '1'" \'06 '- P.O. NUMBER NOTES: COMMODITY 4-1/ J ~- 9::::? (AMOUNT) ¿~ 'CROSS STREETS CASH RECEIVED HALIDES C/OO¿.)::> P.P.M. ><Ô::NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE LIQUID (Used Oils/Mixed Oils) NO PLACARD REQUIRED o NON RCRA HAZARDOUS WASTE LIQUID, CALIFORNIA REGULATED WASTE ONLY' (Glycol & Water) NO PLACARDS REQUIRED o OTHER .~, .1./ NEXT SERVICE DATE /,~/'/ MANIFEST NO, ,.)...J ]' (66 fJ (' .....,...-,.. / ,../ /"'7 ' /' ,f' t':ì dO' r, '/~#?~,{,/ DRUMS NO. OF GALLONS DRUM SIZE d-,t.JÒ "/<¡ DRIVER TRUCK NO. & RT. o NON HAZARDOUS DRAINED USED FILTERS DESIGNATED TSDF: o AL VISO INDEPENDENT OIL - 5002 Archer St. -- Alviso, CA 95002 o BAYSIDE OIL II, INC, -- 210 Encinal St. - Santa Cruz, CA 95060 ,0 ARTESIAN Oil RECOVERY INC. - 2306 Magnolia St.- Oakland, CA 94067 _~DeMENNOIKERDOON - 2000 N. Alameda St. - Compton, CA 90222 DOCS - 3256 N. Marks St. - Fresno, CA 93722 o RAMOS ENVIRONMENTAL --1515 S, River Road - W. Sacramento, CA 95691 This is to certify that the above named articles. are properly classified, described, packaged, ' marked and labeled, and are in proper condition for transportation, according to the applicable regulations of the Dep'ártme~t of Transportation./", I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE NOT MIXED THIS WASTE WITH ANY OTHER WASTE, AND THE , TOTAL HALIDES ARE lESS THAN 1000 P.P.M. I FURTHER AGREE TO ACCEPT THE ADDITIONAL CHARGES FOR lEGAL DISPOSAL IF THIS WASTE IS OVER 1000 P.P.M. TOTAL HALIDES x ! ...,,"' /~~- DATE CUSTOMER SIGNAtuRE x PRINT NAME _->~,-.~~-::f~,,~":'_.2-';"-.::: . -'-'-~':>'~~"~-' , ,,~~£i~/ '---~"~;-"'~."~~~""':~!;:~~_-:~"--'-?-" ~-1"/.~;.;--_-:...__"f..._~~- ....... - - ASßtti;,N~I'&îföNMlt.N1ì\L SERVICES \ -....,,' ",C"" . ,Sen,ice Order Agreement ,I In this Asbury Environmental Services Order Agreement (" nt") the words "we.'\, "us"and "our" refer to Asbury Environmental Services, and any Dusiness to which this agreeme or any indebtednéssincurred under this Agreement may be assigned. The words ~'you" and "your" refer to the bU$iness identifie.çljn.t.b.e appI¡cationfor whiçh this Asbury Environmental Services ("Account") is opened, each' person who signs the application for this account on behalf of such business, and each other person authorized by any of tIwforegoillg per:.<;ons tousèthis Account.' ' Billing: You agree to accept our descriptive billing system~lQ,à)Unting for all purchases on the Account and ünderstand that purchase order numbers will be accepted when available and printed on your billing statement for information only, It is your responsibility to provide a purchase order number if your cOll1pany'requires a purchase Order number' for purchases. The presence of or Jack of a purchase order number in no way affects your-responsibility to pay amounts due on this Account. Our __~ . invoiccnumber' wiJI be the reference number used for-b¡'¡'¡,ing pÜ~_!&S-to identify purchases-and transactions of goods and/or services. ' Promise to Pay: In return for extending credit to you on this Acc(mf,lt'c..;and any sub-Account(s) approved by us, from time to . """ time, you jointly and severalJy agree to pay for all purchases any of you and sub-Account users charge to this Account, and all other charges set forth beJow, according to the terms of this Agreement. In this connection, you understand that we will be unable to determine whether any given purC!Ü¡se was in fact authorized by andför the benefit of the "business in whose name the Account or any approved sub-Account is established and you agree that your promise contained in the Agreement will apply to all purchases made by any of you, indudingwithout limitation any of your offices or dividends, whether or not the purchase was in fact authorized by and for the benefit of the business: Until we give you written notice of a change in terms, all purchases of goods and/or services charged to this Account made during a monthly billing period win be shown on each individual invoice for that period and payment for all purcha~es is due in full Thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. Default/Late Payment Charge: If we do not receive your payment of the full amount due (the "Balance Due") by the due . date, you will be in default. In the event of default, you will be liable for all collection expenses incurred by us in enforcing our rights, including the reasonable fee of an attorney, We may assess Interest and/or a Late Charge on the unpaid balance in the account, at a rate permitted by applicable law. The Interest and/or Late Charge will be at a rate of 1-1/2% per month (18% per annum) and will be imposed duri_ng each 30 day biJJing cycle during which your account is in default. Repayment of an , amounts owing is the only way to cure the Account. Credit Limit/CanceHations: We may advise you of the credit limit on this Account, which we may raise, lower or cancel at any time, and you promise not,to allow the outstanding balance to exceed this credit limit. We may terminate this Agreement at anÿ tinie. You -rñaý also lermmfilethis AgrèëniëñfaranytÏfne0Ipöll advauœ writterrnotice-fo-us,but,-if you-do, you agree to pay the outstanding balance in the Account according to the terms of this Agreement. Governing Law: This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of California. Corporate Headquarters: 2100 North AJameda Street · Compton, CA 90222 . (3 JO) 886-3400 . (310) 763-5922 FAX Accounting (Payment Remittance): ¡ 300 South Santa Fe Avenue.' Compton, CA 90221 . (3 ¡ 0) 898,3848 . 898-3856 FAX FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE : ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES -+-- ----210rH" Stréet-- Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661} 395-134 , PREV tlbW~RtJ~~~ , 1715 Chester Ave, ~+-300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 , ! ENV SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e P6 33cí /ðO<6 February 15,2002 Mr. Don Cornelius DC Auto Dismantling 1897 S Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION - - --.~::. -- --,--. . ----- - --- AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE - - - - -- -, - "-- RE: 7725 Wible Road in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Cornelius: Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically used oil in open top drums, has been illegally stored, treated or disposed of upon the above referenced property; YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to February 29, 2002 to take corrective action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless previously . approved. -- - --- -- - ---~-- -~ -- Sincerely, dL(~ ¿J- ....... Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services , HHW/dm "Y~ de W~ ~.A0Pe y~ A W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 MHM Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 MHM Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - e February 15,2002 Mr, Don Cornelius DC Auto Dismantling 1897 S Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 ORDER FOR CORRECTIVE ACTION AND SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE RE: 7725 Wible Road in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Cornelius: Our records indicate that a hazardous waste, specifically used oil in open top drums, has been illegally stored, treated or disposed of upon the above referenced property. YOU ARE HEREBY ORDERED, prior to February 29, 2002 to take corrective action with respect to hazardous waste, including the cleanup of the hazardous waste, abatement of the effects thereof, and any other necessary remedial action. Be advised that all corrective action shall be performed under direct oversight by this office, unless previously approved. Sincerely, dL(~ ¿J- ......... Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No., 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm ""9~ de W~ ~ ~0Pe.P'"'~ A W~" . - . Haz Mat Emerg Spill Report Complaint SFIELD 0 0 ~ Date Haz Mat Incident I Spill Report / Complaint Follow Up 2/ c¿ I c>t- ~f~~ G, løbs- 3~6 lG6z.. Time Reporting Party Address Telephone No. H2:-" ~~O/\ 3 }C)- 7'1 JI Environmental Services Contact U)¡,vC-> I.!.ocation of the incident 7'7 1... 5" W , !>f~ <LJ. Description of the incident ~Ic.._~ 0 ~ WI ~I~ t2c.t CtcJ~ ( Chemical name and Quantity) ~~ C), ( &t"\ pray>~+y wrOJ<. b "'j o{ ~v""er Responding to Incident ~ N Observations &>-.k, - ~.5 O~$,-4v,d. se~l<rc.,( ~~I l",c.L.l~ ÒfC/\. 41' <:VV""'S I us¿cJ 0" ( . þ,cl.. Þ'ô+ 0 l.;, s~v~ e~" Lec;;S ,Jc. :;p'; /(c.s.e. Special Conditions and I or health risks Haz Mat Team Dispatched ycfj) y /<NJ ,J!A- Van Cellular No. 332-7865 OES Number Required Number Poss Exposure Victims Medical Attention Required or Obtained ,J /A- Pròbable Hazardous Waste Clean Up 0 N Discussion and Disposition ,. ~ e.f~(><A.2CJ ~ G.>l)tdl\)S Cif 4,} ~C-lhJ~ a,v-/..ci y-c.rD( ("i) C- ~~ Dr ::'f\(C_"'}~C~j 'l Ci.",J t:¡,J VI~QJ VC;)^ ~ (~<- ~ flèfW"~ J5f<"e J- u)~ D;' r. +1e. ~W'(,eJ ~ ~fJ t..<.. ¡,...J 1't'¡~J ,fu 10 5c> frMcV~I/. ÅA" C>rJ~ .v G.>./l4;lTJ~ k-h<Y\. lAJc..5 .::;J)c) 5Ô1...J b)- fI-1.~\ I. Referral? (0'\y (k.f"\aCò 0-' ~ G..( l-tt;;¡. pn:JLcM~ orJ~t?cl r~~ ,,-+ eKCe':.>IJe J....~,~ Ve..t....ci~5. y~ "c.) b..?-er, 'S'5",.f.c.:fly INJ.Fd re.~l" - """"'=::"" - ~ ----- ---- . Þ¡Yd-sl . ÎO~<fO/ , tU,;,bl-€ f2d- (Ç~ c/ V~ )/J -- Ve-HL- ~ . ~) ;7 7 2-> t¿l( ¿~ f2J- ~ ' '13:3 J ::" --- - - --- o/tJ :?~ bcJ·- 6'-7 / 1D ' . ~ 1) jAr - ~..e.e 6V' Cf ~O ~~ a-y' (0 ,?J '\ --, ò¡\ 0\' \