HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION 6 , 0 o W I L l I n M S r; í1 ASSOCIATED ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS' -- """ .'V'" .................~IW1_...~-..a............~ "PiI' ÞI' r w- ,i .. CONSOLIDATED FRIEGHTWAVS BAKERSFIELD,CA. ~ , ! , ill: 5 é::.:--_ -- -"-I J.() __.. ():=J ~7K DSL' ~ ~ ~ VENT o ,.,.. - ~..'- -----~ -.....~..II1- -.- .' -.--. Site layout For: 10409 -- ~. , .::. >- , ~ \, . . --..., N 'f -- W\LL tA MS ')( 6. A ïe 'X ~ '!"Jj- - .~' STR.~ST ~F"et-Jce X )< Le:~ E:N D -+ = $Oll- SAMPL-e \...OCAíloN T=-1.::. 7,. 000 6 A 1...1) I e.sE 1... . íA~K T-2= :1.,000 6rAL. 'D1~5Et.. TA'" K V :::: p ~ ve;wí LI NE P~o"vCí 1..INE '" e.XCAVAíIDN FUEl... IS!.AN'D on.. HOUse CO NC. Re: IE. ? A 'D ~z 'X BLYMYEA ENGINEERS, INC, 1829 CLEMENT AVE., AUlMEDA. CA IM501 SCALE NDNe, FOR C.Ot.JSOI.\ DAíEÞ ~::~N",,\. ~-/2-1 f"~Q~HTwA"5 CHECKED TITLE ' ' SA~PLE \...OCAïrON MAP ~AWING Fib. 1 APPROVED JOB NO ~~II FACILITY: r~OYì ~olida.±e.d Pre,'jh.:+-wGt'1 s ADDRESS : (ç(jÚ LV i U i Q vv1 S PERMIT #:-15'ooJ.f~ ENV. SENSITIVITY:~S -. . FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY Activity Comments Date # Of Tanks ~ J 5 Of) If) c.. CJOp/ 'w+i() V) I ' A'IJ~7-15"' !aJ.h ftSrdh /ea.k refljr+ . I Cß Li (' Jx& (JJSE cJúC: e::J 7/é).øJc¡O I I J.¡l~/ R5 .2/-1I--l-L ~/~ Ifo .. , ~/.5/qo . ~/ ~ /90 3,!1s-j9ð, erera-/e ' Operak ah:¡Y7dòY) R l;;ðnt3iol7 ð( óZ ~ ,.:¿ RW( lRCE MANAGEMENT .'ICY RANDALL L. ABBOTT E""ironn",,,I,,1 H""lth $,'r",,','s D"P,IIIIII<'"I Director STEVE McCAlLEY, REHS. DIRECTOR Air PollullOn Conlrul ni~lrld WD.l.1AM J, RODOV, APCO PI_\l\l1Ì1\~& D.·v,'lnpnwnl SI'rvln'~ ()"IMrl"1I"111 TED JAMES, AICp.OIRt-:nUR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALll-I SERVICES DEPARTMENT July 20, 1990 Ben Encisco Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street B~kersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT :, Location Known As Pennit ,. . . Dear Mr. Enci sco: 600 Williams St., Bakersfield Consolidated Freightways 150042 This letter confinns the completion of site investigation and remedial action at the above site. With the provision that the infonnation provided to this agency was accurate and representative of existing conditions, it is the position of this office that no further action is required at this time. Please be advised that this letter does not relieve you of any liability under the Ca 1 i forn i a Health and Safety Code or Water Code for past, present, or future operations at the site. Nor does it relieve you of the responsibility to clean up existing, additional, or previously unidentified conditions at the site which cause or threaten to cause pollution or nuisance or otherwise pose a threat to water qu~lity or public health. ' . Additionally, be advised that changes in the present or proposed use of the site may require further site characterization and mitigation activity. It is the property owner's responsibility to notify this agency of any changes in report content, future contamination findings, or site usage. ' If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Joe Canas at (805) 861-3636, Ext. 588. Department CB:ch 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 RECYCLED PAPER (gOS) gó13ó36 FAX: (gOS) gól,3429 Permit # Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature Site Name or Address Funding (Local, State, of Federal) . CONTRACT OmONS FOR LEAKING ._..3 , Site Specific Time Accounting .eet Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description (laths) Notes: . Data Entered By: ,Date: ......._ "-. ,.__ ~_ _____.. __ ....--_... ___ _~_ __.... __ _...... _. ____ - __ - __ - _'_, _____., _....__~........ ... __'..... - ___ __ "-- - ____ _L#',__'__ _ __.-.:.,.~_~__...... Permit # I '5 ~)O~ d... 'CONrRACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Site Specific Status Changes: EIriployee # /1 Employee Signature /; {Å_~ C '4.-v_ Site Name or Addre~~,!"(,;--,, )(} (,./,/, / f~ c-,--"~ Funding (Local, State, of Federal) \. Hours (laths) Date Category Activity Code Code Description 7/, 'i ~() 0 .~) Notes: ,þ / /L1-1,"/ . l), ("/.' kt ,].J Env, Health 580 4113137 (Rev.' \ I Data Entered By: Date: . - ~..,'---, - __L,"___n"''''' ...,',_~-'-~____.,..~...___. .''-,~ Permit # I ;, ;ìO LI) Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # Employee Signature , i , I ¡',I Z',' :- ,~ Site Name or Addre~s /¡' / '},', "//, (; I' ! ,", .. ! Funding (Local, State, of Federal) -..... CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING ,.,.~. '1£<8 Site Specific Time Accounting ..eet Category Activity Hours Date Code Code Description I. (1 Oths) I I .' , , I' )' ,/, 7 .I/ /}. .,~:;; (-,; .) Notes: {) . (i / , / ./; jJ í \ f" I ".f,. }<..( '\ .. ,\ ~ " ^ " , " ,- ; 1 ,'\ /1_.-...(', " '1- /I (! " A .-0 ; I , " ~\ / l., I ./ ",,::,, ,/""_ 1/ if.: ¡ I I/".j, ,. -:r, i- t I - 1 " -,,~ I '- ~ c.' i- f i ..I .:/ j, ,1 L 1 , / I, " i<þ·J_ ^ _1".1 ' '/ -, ~ :,,'¿ i , " , ,[ ," ~ ., ,. , C,' . ".~ ...:.". J )t / j ; ! 1 , i ,I : .. ,.-', , ". ( f ",·f i i , I I I ¡, Data Entered By: Date: : . Env, Health580 4113137 (Rev, 5/89) Permit # Iso04,-;< Site Specific Status Changes:' Employee # ·9 , Employee Signature D6v &<-ÿ¡" Site Name or Address Iì I'd &-d' F,.-oJ!.-¡ >J, i LArr "Ýl; ¡ c-' 1 ' Funding (Local, State, of Federal) v * CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING ~ .. Site Specific Time Accountingweet Category Activity Description Date Code Code (ÞIJ 0/c :? 10 Notes: to Z{ f fA¡J.;l,r., I -ti.J s.;k lli /". -r~ t'r bP- I. ,/,' ~ þ"A e¡ ty-. i4, t Hours , (lOths) ~'~_"\' () ,": / 'rt).t:.. ~~n-l à-!&'-Vy &h( /n$1Þ.d Data Entered By: Date: <.~ ....:' ~.~::: ,= ~ ,_...~....., _""...~"... _...-, ~...,..,. __...... ~~ ~"_Jòl"'''..:! r-:D _-=-.ca_ -=:a_.-=~e::I e=>C,=> ~ EO:::I ~____ _ _ ~ ~.__ c:::> _ -..::: _ ~ ~ c:a _ _ ~ _ OQII _ _ __ __ ~ c;:;;....,.,c= r CONI'RACT OPI'IONS FOR LEAKING TANKS Site Specific Time Accounting Sheet Permit # J<'Oo¿j~ Site Specific Status Changes: Employee # ¡ Employee Signature / II lu I (;./Y' c- s Site Name or Address.') . / ... - ./ /- // / I "".f ;"1(.1 l-I. ,"-1,: .... If>../'" q/rf:J ir,j":; Funding (Local, State, of Federal) , ! 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Employee # Employee Signature /\ ·f (I.j ¡ "..... ,V"i..!......_ Site Name or Addiess" /:' j, , I .-.,-¡ I ,,' . c. , .. ,..., . ~"- ., !", Funding (Local, State, of Federal) - Date Category Activity Code Code Description Hours (laths) ~Jhhl) () ) )2 Notes: - l" i I ,¡ '-~ ~ . '-. " .1 ! "'- oJ \~, " , f ...... ,r ! ' '} ...,.""" - '<\ ." ~ '~. /, ,;, , , ....;.- í· ! ^' -I r '-" "" I, r /) \ ì ",. ,.\ -r-:, "',' 'I' ' I .J,..., ,~ J." / f /t" \ " '. - \ -j- /"., r ...."'~ , , L" " ì ': <.: ~ \.... ~ : .", j Q j . j . - '. .. ... \ -.; f' j ( ".,f" '! ).-1 " L l>f' "Ii.: .', ~ ..1- ,/!.ç .¡ ',,' ~ .~ '. f I ~ .:. " ,- " ,- r" .~ ¡ ~ ¡ . ,..: I, ,¡, .., _ ,', ..t. ! -' ,"""'- r- .:,.../ I ¡! I:. ._ .-1' 'I ... 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SlADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS ¡NC '" " Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. is pleased to present the following: Environmental Site Assessment for ConsoHdated Freightways 600 Williams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California This report has been prepared for: Consolidated Freightways and Blymyer Engineers, Inc. July 1990 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 t-SHE POt-O #206 . 8A,¡'~ERSFiELn C.~T)J1'3 . 805i831'1646 . FAX 805/831,1771 at . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. Table of Contents Subject -, Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 BACKGROUND 1 ¡' 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS 2 3.1 Site Description 2 3.2 Regional Geology 2 3.3 Local Geology 3 3.4 Hydrogeology 3 4.0 AS.CW..c;~ ACTIVITIES 3 4.1 Soil Borings 3 4.2 DecontHmiml1:ion Procedures 4 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 4 6.0 FEASIBIIJTY STUDY 5 6.1 Soils Profile 5 6.2 Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration 5 6.3 Remedial Action Alternatives 5 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 7 8.0 LIMITATIONS 7 9.0 CLOSING 8 Appendices: (A) Boring Logs , c (B) Analytical ResoltsjChain-of-Costody Record (C) Cross-SectiODS Project: AEC-90P63 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831-1771 tIt¡ '. Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a soil investigation, conducted by Advanced Environmental Concepts, lne. (AEC), to determine the extent of hydrocarbon impacted soil resulting from the unauthorized discharge of diesel fuel, detected following the removal of two (2). underground die~el storage tanks - ., (UST's), and the associated plumbing and dispensers. The tanks were located at ConsoljcJ8tecJ. Freightways (Client), 600 Williams Street., Bakersfield, California. The site characterization was performed on June 26, 1990, in accordance with the work plan and addendum previously designed and submitted by AEC, and approved by the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEHD). This investigation was authorized by Blymyer Rngjneers, Ine. (Agent for Client) and was under the direct supervision of Ms. Dolores Gough, Hazardous :Materials SpeciaJist, KCEHD. The subject site is located in the east-central portion of Bakersfield, California. This locale consists primarily of light industrial and commercial agri-businesses (Figure 1). Contained in this report is background information regarding existing site characteristics, regional and local hydrogeological profiles, and the project history. Also included in the following sections are the objectives and investigational scope, detailed investigative procedures and subsequent findings. Finally, AEC provides an evaluation of said findings and makes related conclusions and recommendations. The report appendices contain soil boring logs (Appendix A), Chain-of-Custody documentation/analytical results (Appendix B) and cross-sections depicting the horizontal and vertical extent of the hydrocarbon impaction (Appendix C). 2.0 BACKGROUND On or about February 16, 1990, Consolidated Freightways contracted Blymyer Engineers, Ine. to supervise the excavation, transport and disposal of two (2) diesel UST's and dispensers from the property located in the County of Kern at the intersection of Williams and Eureka Streets, Bakersfield, California. Ten (10) soil samples were collected at vertical depths of 2-feet and 6-feet beneath the bottom of the removed tanks and dispensers. The collected soil samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) in mgjkg and volatile aromatics (BTXE) in ugjkg (Appendix B). Results of the laboratory analyses are summarized in the following table: Sample lD. #= TPH Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene S- 1- 2' 3,500 ND ND ND ND S- 2- 6' 4,500 ND ND ND ND S- 3- 2' 21,000 ND ND 290 ND S- 4- 5.5' 3,600 ND ND ND ND S- 5- 2' 7.8 ND 2.6 3.2 ND Project: AEC-90P63 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 w::r .r- ",,:¡';';", :""':'''':;,['' ,,:::::¡,: "¡"," ,::,. :::'i:', 'i,,',; ::':'"",:,:..¡..., ,"':,':' '..i':,:', " '.. ,:," ' ' \. . "", ".."" .' .""",..' ',' ",,"," ":,:','" ",.,,,, ",,"" ",', ,,', ,," ., :' ;~.,;..," '.';.' .:: i:: . '"...,' .",.;", ;.,.. , ¡', ".",,!. ,).~. ¡¡..··r " '1'î "-1~ 1'1"'... 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Sample LD. #: TPH Benzene Toluene Xylene EthyIbenzene S- 6- 6' ND ND ND ND ND S- 7- 2' 30 ND ND ND ND S- 8- 6' ND ND ND ND ND S- 9- 2' ND ND ND ND ND S-10- 6' ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limits: 1,mgjkg 2.5ugjkg 2.5 ug/kg 2.5ugjkg 2.5ug/kg ND: Non-detected. The analytical results indicated concentration levels for diesel' that exceed recommended action levels (RAL) for hydrocarbons in soil, as established by the Department of Health Services (DHS). 3.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The following sections summarize the project site features and conditions along with regional and local geological and hydrological characteristics. 3.1 Site Description The Consolidated Freightways Terminal is located on the east side of Williams Street, approximately one (1) block north of East California Avenue in Bakersfield, California. The elevation is approximately 407-feet above mean sea level. On~site improvements include a single story concrete block office adjoined by the freight transfer and loading docks. A maintenance garage and storage building are located at the rear of the property. The industrial lot encompasses approximateJy two and a half (21/2) acres and is located'in an area primarily comprised of light industrial businesses and support services. The two (2) removed UST's (one (1) 1,000-gallon and one (1) 7,OOO-gallon diesel) were located along the north property line in a north-south orientation and were used to service the diesel trucks. 3.2 Regional Geology The subject property is sited in the Southern San Joaquin Valley (Valley), which is a part of the Central Valley of California. The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central V àney and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada Range and on the west by the Coast Range (Diablo and Temblor Mountains). The Valley extends 250-miles southeastward from the confluence of the San Joaquin and Sacramento Rivers to the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Mountains. The width ranges from 25-miles wide near the Kern River to approximately 55-miles wide near the Kings River, with an approximate average width of 40-miles. . -",---' -,. --- ...- Project: AEC-90P63 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE AOAD"lt206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 -- . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to the ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of gravels, sands, silts and clays. The majority of the groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. 3.3 Local Geology The investigated property is located on a large alluvial fan, created from sediments transported and deposited by the Kern River, and is situated in a low energy stream flood plain environment consisting of weakly consolidated to unconsolidated, medium to fine sands, silts and silty clays. Common biotite mica fragments derived from the granitic highlands were observed in the silt and sand matrix. 3.4 Hydrogeology The site is located in the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 28, T29S, R28E. This places it within the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) Improvement District No.4. The depth to the unconfined aquifer is approximately 225-feet (KCWA~Water Supply Report, 1988, May 1989 Edition, Plate 4). No perched groundwater is mapped in this area (KCWA, 1988, Plate 1), and none was encountered during the drilling of the three (3) borings to their 25-foot total depths. 4.0 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES , 4.1 Soil Borings On June 26, 1990, three (3) soil borings were drilled on the subject property and positioned to assess the lateral and vertical migration of diesel in the subsurface (Figure 2). The borings were advanced using a truck-mounted Mobile B-53 drill rig, equipped with 8-inch O.D. continuous flight, hollow-stem augers. Boring B-1 was drilled adjacent to the south side of the dispenser island between the two (2) former dispensers and was positioned to determine the vertical extent of diesel migration. Boring B-2 was located 8-feet northeast of B-1 and boring B-3 was positioned 10-feet east of B-1. Soil samples were collected at :five (5) foot intervals, commencing at 5-feet below grade level (BGL). Samples were obtained by driving a thin-walled steel sampler, equipped with three (3) 2 1/2- inch x 6-inch brass sleeves, a minimum of 18-inches into previously undisturbed soil. The sampler was driven ahead of the augers using a 140-lb. slide hammer with a 30-inch vertical fall. After each sampling interval, the sampler was withdrawn from the bore-hole and the three (3) brass sleeves were removed. The bottom sleeve was retained for laboratory analysis and prepared by placing teflon tape and plastic caps over each end, then securing the caps with duct tape. The samples were labeled, placed in sealable plastic bags, recorded on Chain-of-Custody records and Project: AEC-90P63 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, j/206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 t ~r,' ~r ir ,¡¡+ r ,~, t'¡' 'fi, . :~{.~f' í; r ,,',I- ~~:l;~ ~~ ,::;~?·!~~t¡J; ,'>':¡:DBTAJL - DISPENSBR ABBA Salle: l--ZO',>·: " ,!¡J:"":~~¡""';:::Ä ¡;;,;r,';jif~1Jt~~i~1~;~';;~1;ði, A' .I~ r--":-'~'::' :.~ '~'~;'!i:r£t i;~/;;¡i,:i:i£:¡.::. '. '1 þ~ Loadion '";;;~~"'''''''':~~::::i" '.' ';""';> , :JJoriDg , ::.~;:1k ¡;~!;},u:1t';,:~~w H:;I¡: 'I; ,..~!~.;' ;1 f' ,~;m¡..', m,~; r l:: ·~~::V;,';~ "" '::":,f,::!V,,:~;~;:'~::~~:';:n~S;;~~:fiX ,':::tT7'll, . i:;!';~proJect: 190P63 ';:"'":~Site' Map ¡t)I':"'~:"':it'~I;!~;~~~5f'r["~"\"\i!'ti'~ "T::::;:"'Consolldated Frelghtways , , , 600 WIiams SIreøt . Cotny œ Kern . Bakersfield. CaII~11IIa 2 ,,, . . e . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. placed in an ice chest cooled with dry ice. Soil' exposed at each end of the center brass sleeve, and the cuttings, were examined for lithological purposes and for any obvious hydrocarbon impaction. Lithologic descriptions were logged (Appendix A) according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS) and Chain-of-Custody documentation was followed to ensure sample integrity and traceability. Upon completion of the above described procedures, the three (3) borings were backfilled with a five (5) sack cement slurry. ' The cuttings generated from the soil borings were contained in DOT approved 55-gallon drums ,that were labeled with (a) project name, (b) boring and footage of cuttings, (c) date, and (d) sampler/company. 4.2 Decon1;ßmination Procedures Prior to commencing drilling operations, the augers and associated drilling equipment were thoroughly cleaned, using a high pressure steam cleaner. The rinseate was collected in a decontamination trailer provided by the driller. Since no field evidence of hydrocarbon impacted soil was seen (visual, oJfactory, P.LD. screening) during any of the soil borings, the rinseate was allowed to drain on the dirt surface. Had hydrocarbons been evident, the rinseate would have been contained in D.O.T. approved 55-gallon drums for disposiû by the generator. In addition, the soil sampler was washed in a TSP solution and rinsed with deionized water (prior to initial use and between each sampling interval) to preclude the possibility of cross-contamination between samples. 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Soil sample analyses were performed by SMC Laboratory to determine the presence and concentration levels of diesel and volatile aromatics at the subject site. The results are tabulated below (units are ugm/gm) and can be found in Appendix B. Sample LD. # TPH·D Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene B-1 @ 15' ND ND ND ND ND B-1 @ 20' ND ND ND ND ND B-1 @ 25' ND ND ND ND ND B-2 @ 10' ND ND ND ND ND B-2 @ 20' ND ND ND ND ND B-2 @ 25' ND ND ND ND ND B-3 @ 5' ND ND ND ND ND B-3 @ 15' ND ND ND ND ND B-3 @ 25' ND ND ND ND ND Detection Limit (ugmjgm) 10 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 Project: AEC-90P63 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, 11206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 - -- --,'---- -- . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. 6.0 FEASffiILITY STUDY 6.1 Soils Profile The soil profile at the site consists of a tan, semi compact, silty sand (8M) which varies from a tine to medium grained, tan, micaceous sand (SP) in all three (3) borings from grade level to approximately 23-feet. From 23-feet to 26.5-feet (maximum sample depth) the lithology abruptly ,changes to a tan, semi-compact silt (ML). All samples contained various amounts of biotite mica. 6.2 Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration Borings B-1, B-2, and B-3 were positioned to assess the lateral and vertical migration of diesel fuel hydrocarbons adjacent to the dispenser island (Appendix C). B-1 was drilled as close to the island as possible while avoiding drill'mast contact with overhead electric lines. B-1 was thus positioned to evaluate the vertical extent of hydrocarbon migration nearest the unauthorized release from the dispensers. Other than a very slight P.LD. reading of 16.5-ppm at 15-feet BGL in B-l, all field screens yielded non-detect (ND) results. Laboratory analysis of nine (9) total samples, showed non-detect (ND) for all constituents analyzed. Three (3) samples were analyzed from each of the three (3) soil borings. Based upon this field and laboratory data, it appears that the diesel fuel release is limited to a very small plume descending from each of the two (2) former fuel dispensers, directly beneath the island. The volume of diesel impacted soil beneath the dispenser island, but not detected in the soil borings could be approximately 10' x 8' x 4' = 320~cubic feet, or 11.85-cubic yards. 6.3 Remedial Action Alternatives Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. recommends the following three (3) remedial alternatives for the hydrocarbon contamination located at the Consolidated Freightways Facility: 1) No-action alternative; 2) Soil excavation, removal and transportation to a permitted disposal facility; and 3) Bioremediation of the impacted soil either in-situ or aboveground. ALTERNATIVE #1: The no-action remedial alternative involves leaving the soils in-situ, that exhibit hydrocarbon levels in excess of RAL, then capping the contaminated area with a relatively impermeable layer of asphalt or concrete. This alternative would require approval of the Kern County Environmental Health Department. . To be eligible for this remediation alternative, the site location must satisfy specific parameters associated with depth to groundwater, site geology and contaminant concentration levels. It is Project: AEC-90P63 5 . ENVIRONMENTAL'CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 e' . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. possible that the Conso1ið~ Freightways Facility may be eligible for this alternative because the site satisfies the following criteria based on the "Leaching Potential Analysis-Diesel" as outlined in the LUFT Manual: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Unconfined groundwater depth is estimated at 225-feet BGL . . No fractures . . Average annual precipitation is less the lO-inches . . No available man-made conduits. . Fine grained soil . . (10 points) (10 points) (10 points) (10 points) ( 9 points) The site scores a total of 49 points which correlates to the following maximum allowable levels of diesel-range hydrocarbons that can be left in place; 10,00~-ppm and 1/50/50/50 (ppm) for TPH and BTXE constituents, respectively. However, the hydrocarbon concentration levels found at the Consn1idSlt.ed Freightways Facility did exceed these proposed limits in sample 8-3-2' (21,000 mg/kg diesel). That sample was collected from two (2) feet beneath the eastern dispenser. Consn1iðated Freightways plans to remove the dispenser island and resurface the disturbed areas affected by the removal of the fueling system. Since the area will be capped, the regulatory agency might allow the no-action alternative in this case. ALTERNATIVE :/J:2: Excavation, transportation and disposal to a State permitted facility would involve physically removing the soils containlng hydrocarbons in excess of the RAL and disposing of them, under manifest, at an approved landfill. This alternative is feasible, dueto the fact that the contaminated soil is easily accessed by a large backhoe. This is the most expeditious method of site mitigation. The negative aspects of this alternative are (1) the disposal costs (approximately $200.00/cubic yard) and (2) the responsibility for the soil is that of the generator, if the landfill is required to mitigate it's hazardous wastes. The disposal costs for approximately 12-cubic yards of soil would be about $2,400.00. Attendant labor, equipment, sampling and reporting costs would add an additional $3,000.00. The short and long term risk to human health and the environment is negated by the complete removal of the source of any future environmental concern from the site, however, the disposed of soil continues to compound the on-going environmental concerns that exist regarding State Certified Landfills. ALTERNATIVE :/J:3: Bioremediation involves treating the impacted soil either aboveground or in-situ. The aboveground treatment alternative is more time efficient and effective than the in- situ méthod, however, this discussion will center on both alternatives. In the above¡rround treatment the soil is excavated and spread inside a bermed area to a uniform thickness of betweên one (1) and three (3) feet, primarily to mãximize soil oxygenization and homogeneous dispersion of the microbes and nutrients. A microbe/nutrient/water mixture is applied to the soil at specific intervals then mixed by use of a tractor or rototiller. A monitoring program is then implemented to chart the degradation progress of the con1;aminants. The treatment system consists of a hydraulic delivery system,and the holding/mixing tanks. The in-situ treatment method involves applying the microbes/nutrients to the contaminated soil Project: AEC-90P63 6 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 . FAX 805/831,1771 - . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. via injection wells screened in the contaminated intervals. A mixing tank is placed above the well and hydrostatic head pressure would allow continual percolation of biologically active material through the contaminated zones. NOTE: The soil type (sand) found on-site is very conducive to either an aboveground or in-situ treatment program. Obviously the aboveground system would treat the soil much faster than an in-situ system, however, the in-situ system would not impede business operations due to space constraints. Both treatment methods are suppose to achieve non-detectable levels in hydrocarbon concentrations. The cost for an in-situ or aboveground bioremediation treatment is based on volume and is quoted at a price/cubic yard rate. If the volume of impacted soil is between 300-cubic yards and 1,000- cubic yards the average pri<:e is $125.00/cubic yard and decreases as the volume of soil increases. However, due to implementation logistics and equipment, a minimum cost of approximately $25,000.00 for a bioremediation program precludes this option. 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the levels of diesel railge hydrocarbons found in the soil proximal to the former diesel fuel dispenser island,' ~ced Environmental Concepts, Ine. would recommend that ConsnlidAtM Freigb:tways implement either the no-action alternative or the excavation and disposal alternative. 8.0 LIMITATIONS This work has been performed in accordance with generally accepted environmental science and engineering practices. Conclusions and recommendations are based upon information collected and compiled during this investigation. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is given. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project: AEC-90P63 7 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, _206 . BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 805/831,1646' FAX 805/831,1771 e . Environmental Site Assessment Advanced EnvironmentBl Concepts, Ine. 9.0 CLOSING Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Blymyer Rng;neers, Ine. and Consoli,mted Freightways on this project. If there should be any questions or additional information required regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. This Environmental Site Assessment has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. ne.th"n L Buck P oject Hydrogeologist aIifornia Registered Environmental Assessor ...J6::e.e ó', ?~c ~-<:'".---c..--c: Joel S. Pomerene Registered Geologist #472~ Project: AEC-90P63 8 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831, 1 646 FAX 805/831,1771 ..( .',,,, .r ,'; ".,., ;ì::..·· .. .·'1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WffH DESIGN IN MIND. ,"' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 FAX 805/831-1771 ~, r!llt!l ~¥ gt' WELL Field IJ ... ¡ i CONSTRUCTION ffið SOIL DESCRIPTION PID ~!5 t:i0 ... .;.;¡ .. 00"0° CONCREl'E PAD .L · "I · · <- · · · .., ~ · · /. · · · ... ~ II · 5 ~ ~ SP: SM{), TAN, FINE GRAINED, · ND 6 c. · · SLIGHTLY mIST, MICACEOUS, 8 · IroSE, NO STAIN OR ODOR. · · .., · \ n " · · v II , · n ,. · , in · · f-- 21 .LV SP: SAND. TAN. MEDIUM-FINE I-e · e ND 30 .... GRAINED, mIST, MICACEOUS ~ I- t 45 ...... CCMPACT, NO STAIN OR ODOR. f-- · · · ~ ·1') ~ I · · 1') ì I · : 1/. · ~ · · e it: - 12 ......, SM: SAND. SILTY. VERY FINE - · ND 16.5 18 ..r · · GRAINED, TAN, mIST, MICACEOU[:: .LV - 25 - SEMI -Ca1PACT, NO STAIN OR 1"7 . . OOOR. .L' , ¥ 10 ¡ · ~~ · ! · ..n . f .L.I . · i · , 'V\ l- I 12 <-v SM: SAND. SILTY VERY FINE ¡ 1-' · ! · NT) ND 14 ..,.. "--, GRAINED, TAN, OOIST. MICACEOU~ 18 L-J. ,SEMI -Ca1PACT , . NO STAIN OR ¡ · - . · 'Y\ OOOR. ~ . "I') ~ - . · "1/. I ~" - 'It: · . Surface Elevation: fë'~t Logged By: Joel S. pomerene ToW Depth: 25' feet Supervised By: , , ,.. Date Drilled: 06/26/90 to Dlnmeter o[ B9ring: 8" inches .... N/A , --~... .. Water Encountered: feet Adv8l1ced Environmental Concepts. Inc. NAME: Consolidated Freiqhtwavs 4400 ABhe Rond '208 SITE: 600 Williams St. I PLATE Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, CA . 8-1 Project Number: 90P63 Log of Boring Pagel of 2 ~. -t.~ I "" ... . ~~I ¡ WELL "abo J:' '1.1<1 !! ii ~I r CONSTRUCTION I SOIl. DF.SCRlPTION PID ð5 ::;0 '" NJ) NJ) 1/ ~~ . . ML: SILT WITH VERY FINE ~ANJ), Ê 14 MICACEDUS CCCASICNAL MEDIUM 2S . . ~ . SAND STRFAKS. TAN. mIST. - .... SEMI -CŒ1PAcr . . . NO srAIN OR "" f- DOOR. t <-V . - 0 'Y'I ~J .. " ,- F 'Y\ ¡ -.AJ - .... oJ'" - . 'Y'I , .H.. """" -'-.I .. ,- -.- -, .~.. - - , .... .j - ..... .JJ - ..... .,- . JV ...... .JI - JV e- ."., J7 e- n "iV ~ ....L ',", - "t£. '"" - ~ "'J ; - I I í 'T t I, '" t ! "TJ ¡ tr I "'1V ¡ 1."7 ¡ .. 1,0 ! ~ t 'I,n ,~ ~ ~ t Surface Elevation: fé~t Logged By: Joel S. Panerene l Total Depth: feet Supervised By: Date Drilled: to DinmeLer of "nring: inches f .... Water Encountered: ' ,..,.., - '. ,-" '--rèeC,-,..--'t Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. NAME: Consolidated Freiqhtways I 4400 Ashe Road '206 SITE: PLATE Bakersfield, California 93313 8-1 Project Number: Lag of Daring rnge2 of 2 I" " ~ ~.... I- ; WELL rield ~ ... ~ ~ ÆI i ~ 'i- CONSTRUCTION ffið ~~ ~ SOlL DESCRIPTION PID lS :r. ::;0 .. .:> co- (Y 11\1( 'Pk"T'!;' plln ø ". .L ,., · · "Z;;; ,., ..J · I . · , ...... · , ~ .. · 2 ~ ~ SM: SAND. SILTY, WIlli COARSE NO 3 c.. .. · · GRAINS. LIGHT BRaVN, l\DIST, 4 v LCûSE. NO STAIN OR ODOR. · .., · I · · n v · n · ; · · · : in ~ 10 '","" sc: SAND. VERY FINE GRAINED. . NO NO 21 .... · · SILTY. MICACIDJS TAN. l\DIST ¡ I 24 ' :LI: SEMI ~::a·1PACT, NO STAIN OR t · . 1'"1 · OOOR. ¡ . f ..., · ¡ · ~ i - · .. 1/. I .J..- I , 11:: · ! - 10 .J..-J sc: SAND. VERY FINE GRAINED. ¡ - NO 14 "I" :.--- · · SILTY. MICACIDJS. TAN. l\DIST.; 21 .J..V SEMI -<:a1PACI', NO STAIN OR f '-- ...., · OooR. i .J... I . 10 · · I .J..V · A.-. , . .L./ · 1. "'" ~ · · I, ~ 10 ~ · SP: SAND MEDIUM GRAINED MIC~, - NO NO 16 ,.,.. - · TAN 1\11') 1<-;'[' .........-r 21 Z;;:¡:' STAIN OR ODOR. '- .", · · · ~ \ ,.,.., · ¡ ~ ~ - '"1/, .. · · t -= t .,~ . - Surface Elevation: teet Logged By: Joel S. panerene l ToW Depth: 25' feet Supervised By: Date Drilled: 06/26/90 to Dinmeter of Boring: R" inches L .. , _ 'u __ .. -~ ~- ... - ,-, Water Encountered: r..'· , ,", -- N III -, feet Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. NAME: Consolidated Freiqhtways t ,4400 Ashe Road *206 SITE: 600 Williams St. PLATE Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, CA B-2 I Project Number: 90P63 Log of Boring rage 1 of 2 I 1 I .. ...... ~ f WELL aboratory Field ~ § f['~ II I ~·t CONSTRUcnON SOIL DESCRIPTION ¡ PIO tx58 pS t50 14 :~ ML: SILT, WITH VERY FINE GRAINED I . . NO 21 SAND. MICACEDUS, TAN. ~Isr f 25 . SEMI -COOPACT. NO STAIN OR f ~, , DOOR. l . . "n - t ~~ - - _ L - - - - - --- . ...-- "" , ~/ -- - "'" .JV - ')t ;- ..J.L "V\ ..x.. , ' ..,.., ..J..J ", oJ'T -,- -35- -,- -- ..".. ,-, - .JJ ..... - JI - -,- --:}t- ,-- -- ~- - ,-- /n - "1V , - - " '-H. ,~ .,.--- ...£. /--. "'-1 / ¡.- ....... 1,<:: TJ - Ir - ~ - -- -I#- -- -'t8--- - -,- ~ -- ~ Surface ElevaLÎon: ~~l Logged By: Joel S. Pomen:>n~ Toml Dept,h: feel S\lpr.rvi~ed By: ,,-~ ,-- Dale Drilled: lo Dimneler of Doring: in~hes Water Encountered: feet AdvAnced Environment.nJ Concepls, Inc. NAME: Consol idated Fre,iqhtways 4400 Ac;he ROAd 1206 SITE: PLATE Bnkersfield, California 93313 B-2 ~ect Nwnber: Log of Doring Page 2 of 2 --, " -- ~ ...... ~t·: WELL FI.ld ¡! '5~ J I CONSTRUCTION ~~ SOIL DESCRIPTION PID ,., bO .. .L · " · . L. · ... oJ · · . /, · · ~ ~ 1 oJ · · SM: SAND. SILTY VERY FINE ND ND 2 · GRAINED, MICACIDUS, TAN; r 3 M)IST, I.roSE, NO STAIN OR · · .., OOOR. , · · n · u · · , n 0 · · in l- · t; .LV SM: SAND SILTY VERY FINE l- · · · ND 8 .... 1- GRAINED. MICACIDUS, TAN, 21 ";J;:L M)IST. IroSE. NO STAIN OR l- · · .." · OOOR. · · 1') -=- - · · .. /, , · 1C:: - .>-J ND ND 10 - · · sc: SAND. VERY FINE GRAINED. 12 · SILTY. MICACEDUS TAN. M)IST it: - 18 .LV SEMI -cŒ1PAcr NO STAIN OR - · · ...., OOOR. · · · ..n .LV · ..~ . ,L7 · · · "" ~ 10 L.V SP: SAND. MEDIUM GRAINED, TAN, · · ND 14 ,..... MICACEDUS. M:>IST, SEMI- 18 "-L CCMPAcr, NO STAIN OR ODOR. · · · "" "-"- · . "., , '= · · ,,/, . · · "c:: Surface' Elevation: ffiét Logged By: 'Joel S. Panerene Total Depth: 25' feet Supervised By: Date Drilled: 06/26/90 to DIAmeter of Borinff. 8" inches Water Encountered: N/A feet AdvßJ1ced Environmental Concepts, Inc. NAME: Consolidated Freiqhtways 4400 ABhe ROAd 1206 SITE: 600 Williams St. PLATE Bakersfield, California 93313 Bakersfield, CA B-3 Project Number: 90P63 Log of Doring rage 1 of 2 ~ .Il!.E:L.- I.- WELL Field ~ § f-5~ Ë I ~'i f CONSTRUCTION, fi5r3 ~~ l~ SOIL DRSCIUPTION j PID '" bO : 14 ~~ . . ML: SILT - WITH VERY FINE SAND. ~ NO NO 15 MICACroUS , WITH OCCASIONAL : 24 . . MEDIUM SAND STREAKS. TAN. ~- ¡. i . mIST, SEMI ~a.1PAcr , NO ¡ - - - . ....n STAIN OR ŒX:>R. <-v - ,- - - -Ð- "'" JV --:3l- - f- ~ "'" oJ<- ...... J.J - ...., -.r> - - , ...~ -, .JJ - '-:1)- .-.-- -' "" ...~ J1 - .-.-- ~ ,-- -- "'" - ,,)7 - .. ,~ - "iV -, - . 41. ~ 4L ¥ - '''' - "+.J - , 99' - -45- -,- 1-- .r -.v ,-. '-- J,ð ,-- ""-' - 41- - CJ"\ Surfnce Elevation: ~l Loggerl By: Joel S. Pomerene Toml Deplh: feel S\1pf'rvi~ed Ry: Dale Drilled: lo Dimnet,er of Roring: inches Water Encountered: feet Arlvnnced Environment.nJ Concepls, Inc. NAME: Consolidated Freightways 4400 Ashe ROAd #206 SITE: PLATE Bnkersfield, California 93313 B-3 rrojed Nuinber: Log of Doring I'nge2 of 2 I' I L r' 1 '''fTf\r.., 1 ;¡:. r'o ::: l ," , ~ ~". , ,...., , ,..,..... 't ....'if . ........ , ( e· . ' ":: '., WAppendix B" ec Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. , .. . ...." !I"" - ".., ,¡ ..",,,' ' ..,. '. .,- " '", .... ,~,~" . . " .. '", , '" LABORATORY ANALYSES CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD(S) 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 (' C1 iee~_ _t: 560 e: Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 2 N~.T Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor. Lab No. and Results 5-1-2' 5-2-6' 5-3-2' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1200 1210 1235 , Reporting Parameter Limit 46939 46940 46941 Units I PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS r VOLATILE (SOIl) DILUTION FACTOR * 50 50 50 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg , Ethylbenzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Xylenes. total 2.5 NO NO 290 ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 100 500 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FIO/3550 as Diesel 1 3.500 4.500 21,000 ng/Kg ¥ . C1 ie J..__t: 560 e \ Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 3 NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results 5-4-5.5' 5-5-2' 5-6-6' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1240 1310 1325 Reporting Parameter Umi t 46942 46943 46944 Units : PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIl) DILUTION FACTOR * 50 1 1 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO 2.6 NO ug/Kg Xylenes, total 2.5 NO 3.2 NO ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 1 3,600 7.8 NO lTg/Kg . . Cli~À~_t: 560 e Date: 03-06-90 Clien Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 4 NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results 5-7-21 5-8-6' 5-9-21 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1330 1333 1337 Reporting Parameter L i mi t 46945 46946 46947 Units PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIl) DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 , DATE ANALYZED 02-26-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 ND ND ND ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 ND ND ND ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 ND ND ND ug/Kg Xylenes, total 2.5 ND ND ND ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS . EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 1 30 ND ND lTg/Kg .. .. Parameter Cl ;. J t: 560 it i Cli Name: Consolidated Freightways NET Log No: 9820 ' Date: 03-06-90 Page: 5 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor. Lab No. and Results $-10-6' 02-16-90 1345 Reporting L imi t 46948 Units PETROLEUM HYOROCARBONS , VOLATILE (SOIL> DILUTION FACTOR * DATE ANALYZED METHOD 8020 Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene Xylenes. total PETROLEUM HYOROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * DA TE EXTRACTED DATE ANALYZED METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel ,'-- ...- .... 1 02-23-90 2.5 NO 2 . 5 NO 2. 5 ' NO 2 . 5 NO 1 02-23-90 02-25-90 1 NO . . ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg lTg/Kg e, Client A\.....t: Client Name: NET Log No: 560 Consolidated Freightways 9820 e( Date: 03-06-90 Page: 6 Ref: CF- Bakersfield: Project: 89611 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) Lab No. Spike and Spike Replicate Results (% Recovery) Reporting Blank Parameter Limits Units Results (-46944S) (-46944SR) RPD Benzene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 120 101 17.4 Toluene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 118 101 15.7 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) Lab No. Spike and Spike Replicate Results . (% Recovery) . Reporting Blank Parameter Limits Units Results (-46944S) (-46944SR) RPD as Diesel 1.0 mg/Kg NO 70 64 9.4 BEl Field Services t 829 Clement Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 CHA I N OF CUSTODY RECORD q~2D " , PROJ NO. PROJECT NAME 0 I r- I ,~ N ,fr ." l ~ ""'" I I' I' .. I t . 10", ' U.I - co " M 0 "- t- o In NO co . SAMPLERS (Signeture) ~ N N OF + co .ø í I .. ,$ UJ "- < , CON- '-J . Q. : :, I 0' I" i .- -- --. 'ã .. . N U.I T Á INERS \/I \/I .ø - . ", g U: ", :ö . -< Ø> ~ Q. .¡/.I t (D \/I \/I U.I !. ' t DATE TIME -< SAi1PLE LOCATION ", ", ~ '-J 0 ~ J: J: U '~ ~~ u C) .... Q. Q. .... 0 .... t- t- o > UJ ' I \ I, J~ : r',' ¡'..... .. J ,,", I , I" - , ¡ , 1/, I, I ¡ ..... i I " ,~ ¡ ,- . 3s-f 3 I ;.. \, \ \ " , I .. -1'5.15"/ \ .. I t \ I "í - .. .' 1 - , - .---. ! I' \ , , : 3 tJ P , ~ " I: . , I' , :1 , , '3 I' I i \ .. - - '7'" r ¡ , ' , \ I' I ./ Ii ~ " j - ¡ ,/ :..~ - /(. f I ' .. X .. I I X :< . 'I '. ¡.', '- f . i C - " .. I , i ~ REMARKS e ..., --- '," -'I ',", , .' ,'..'. I J , i I 7 I I I , I e . , Dat./Timll li~...c.iv.d by : (SigMture) ~Ä1 I /' t' .- .'" ':1/ '1/ 1" t¿" . () ,(. ." // ~ . ,1.....<.-... U 'i Dat./Tim~J R.ceived by : (Sign~ I Dat./Tir:r..e.., R\?1!tlv.d for Laboratory by: ,....."_·-1--- (~)ignature) /' ,- ", . ~_h I / ~.1inqlJish.d by : ~Signature) Date/Tim. Received by : (Signature) (t, ~ :../ ~~~5i~- I-·U"".,;.... .~ 7a': Da'. ~Tim.~.~~tV.d b~ : (Signa'ur.) Dat./Tim. Remarks (', f .' :; Ii R.1inquish.d by : (Signature) /' I..~/ }I " ;,' ~ '. , 'I. ~(~" r ~ ..... ,~' ..... Oþ ~ , -"" .. ) , ReHnqlJishtd by : (Signa tun) R.linqui¡htd by : (Signature) y5;Y>.:> I 0'100 .. .,i .. I ,I.~:'- ~ . ¡. " . ..', ',' .. ,.. - rrrNPF'" n/?- ACI .' e, SMC Laboratory Client Name: Address Ad\-anced Env i ronmen tal Concepts 4400 Ashe Roarl, Sui-t.e 206 B a k e r s fie 1 d, C A ~1:3 :n 3 Date, samples received 06/26/90 Date analysis completed: 06/27/90 bate of report 06/28/90 Laboratory No. 2066 thr-ough 2080 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS \ #2068 1D: B-I-15 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-XyJene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) ND ND ND ugm/gm ND ND ND NO ND e Analytical Chemistry Proj ec t Name: c> ConsoLidaterl Freightways Project #: 90P63 NDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 O. ] O. 1 0.1 10 Mpthnd of Amllysis for Tnx: 3HI0/B020 (FTD) Nethnrl of Anal~'sis for TPII (DieseL): 3540/80::0 (fîD) NDL = Minimum Detection LeveL " TPH = Total PetrolPllm ~'dro('arhons lIJ?:m/gm = micrograms per grAm (parts per million) ND = Not detected ~~~ S bln Comer Laboratory Manager 3155 PegaslJs Drive P,O, Box 80835 . . Bakersfield, CA 93308 Bakerslìeld. CA 93380 · . (805) 393,3597 FAX (805) 393,3623 e Laboratory No. ,2066 through 2080 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #2069 ID: B-1-20 Benzenè Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND #2070 ID: B-1-25 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xrlene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND e ¡VIf)L, ugm/ gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 MDL,ugm/gm 0.,1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 Method of Analysis for BTX:3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for TPH (DiesEl): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Ninimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/~m = microgram~ per gram (part~ per million) ND = Not detected ' ,Jj¡~ Stan Comer Laboratory Manager e Laboratory' No. 206G throll,g;h ¿080 RESl;LTS OF ANALYSIS #2071 ID: 8-3-5 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ~ TPH (Diesel) ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND NO ND NO #2073 ID: B-3-15 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene a-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) ug'm/ gm NO ND ND NO , ND NO NO ND #2075 10: B-3-25 Benzene Toluene Êthylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene IsoprnpyLbenzene TPH (Diesel) · ugm/gm ND NO ND ND ND ND ND ND e ~mL , ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 10 MDL,ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 10 NnL,u ;!:m/~m O. 1 0.1 O. 1 0.1 O. 1 0.1 O. 1 10 Methnd of Analysis for BTX: 3810/8020 (FID) Method of Analysis for Tf'II (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrorarhons ugm/g;m = micrograms per ~ram (parts per million) ND = Not detected ~~-~ Stan Comer Labora t.ory Mana,lier ------.--------' - e Labora tory' No. 20f)6 th rough 2080 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS #207; 10: B-2-10 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xy.lene m-Xylene a-Xylene I soprop;vl benzene . TPH (Diesel) t2079 ID~ B-2-20 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) #2080 ID: R-2-25 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Diesel) ¥ ugm/gm ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ugm/gm NO ND ND NO NO ND ND NO ugm/¡:1:m NO NO ND NO ND NO ND ND e MDL,ug:m/gm O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 0.1 0.1 10 NDL ,"ugm/gm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10 NDL,ug:m/~m O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 O. 1 , 0.1 O. 1 O. 1 10 Meth( d of Anal:vsis for BTX: 3810/8020 (FID) Nethod of Analysis for TPH (Diesel): 3540/8020 (FID) MOL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ugm/gm = micrograms per gram (parts per million) ND = Not detected -~~ St.an Comer Labn~~tory Mariag~r -~. . .__.~, -..--- --- ~, ~ -" - -- . T" _.._ _____ :Ht.~ ~- -:F- ~Aj~~O~Y ~EC9pl"1 ;;Jl!!rt' Olte aN.-<:~ ~72Ø /92é7G4?W/lf5 6 -2~ -?'O PlO ect Name rqecr · LEtI~ $. s/TE ~..$J J 90P63 Pro,eC\ AOoress 6c.c> W/¿~~~S ...s'T?2cc7 &f¡¿Cæ5~éZ¿;)/ ~ Sampers SIgI"IItun! AnalySis ReqI..-d SamPle ID Tum Ncund Reques18d: f~ o Imme:flate At1ention o Rush 24-.48 Hours 5(''; o Rush 72-S6 Hours ~:i ~ ~ t:J Motilo LIb ~CI) ~ "f!! f) çq Da. Tme .8E~ ~~:z ~CI) ~ .. 6 -26-it O?..30 eR 0 t,~ if o?qs- /Xcf¡;7 'I 0800 ;1.ofof VV 'I ~IS- 70&9 l/V c, o83õ J).o1o l/V '-, e>::¡DcJ :;Lo 7 J VV I, ! t:::J9 /0 ~álZ 7 O-?2ð ). 07:3 v'(.../ " 6930 J. ó7Y ," O?~S- ;2-07f V L/" DI. I ®Aec:eMtd Þy: (Slgnl1Ur8) (;;-26 11'118 COrnparP¡: 12 :¿¡7 , Dlte I fá)m--W~ (SçnalUl8) Tune Cors;;{¿ L/1ŽJ Da18 t-z,,6 -90 Tme {2: '17 ,'. Simple Lccation ß-/-S /3-/-ID 8-/-/5 ~-I-.aJ !J-/-2$ ~-a- S- /f-;ð-ID ¡ .ßO/2/NG- yr¡.. / If 'f I, " ßCy2/,If'tS- #--3 '-( ß -:Ž:t ..¡S~ . ¿~ -~ -2-d c., ..., ¿~ --3-25- " <.v Rel'nqulSt"ed rr;. (SigrelUl8) ~,~ ...5', ?¿Ç~e.¿¿~___ Company: /f¿ç-C/ L/VC.. I@ RelinQUIShed rr;. (Signature) ~ ea. - Tme , Compan)': .. . ,,'..'-.. TTL Project . Page / z. d !! I ~ ~ ! § z Lab UIe 0nI'/. Slrnøea Oo..dtiaI. IS I8C8Wct =(;): CorIainer I Ccmmelll &;L-b Is- t:7!té77 -I , , /1/1 r-?'"" I t:5~ .- - ~J Toeal NumÞeraf CofQlners ~ì_~ -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC # ~<\LOONCV'fI_Œ_"'~ 805'831·111411 FAX 805/1131-1771 4400 ASHE ROAD, .2C BAKERSFIELD, CA 9331 -'T- . , I :H,LlI N-I It-_I 'U~ I VI 'Y Llt::."·' )~I_' Analysts ReQ&.-d ol8rr Oa. ~Ðc/ ?// "ø ,F,2E"~¿tif~~ P~ct Name ' I ClJert PR)ffct . LÆVCL :Q' .5/ rE" ~~ J Pro,ec\ AaareSS 6oz> w~~<:.../4-,~ ..57. , . ß4/~¡=-/ ~/::>_¿/'f Sampers S¡gnaue Simple Simple Location ID , ~-2-S ' .ßoÆ/ N G---=# 2- ~ 3 -.;?-Ið t~ ¿~-2 -;-/5 ../ ~~-2-Z¿; tl' ~ 'l-2-2~'" II' 1 CD Relmqulsned þ¡: (S9n8Uire) ...::r~.s, p~~- - Company: /fEC / X/1/é· I Q) RehnQUlSt'ed þ¡: (Signature) , Company:, Turn Around Requested: I:J Imme~111e Attertion I:J RUSh 24~ HoUrs , I:J RUSh 72-96 Hours r;j Motile Lab Date Trne s;n~ ~~ ~!i BE§ ~~z 6 -26~ lo,.·..;a 9,,07b ;) 077 ;z.ö7¡ ;J.. 0 79 c9-. of 0 IDa. b-26 Tme /2 -,¿/7 Olte Trme f~ ~< ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ II ~ ~ /,./V vV' 'v V ®ReœlV8d tr;. (S9na1Ure) Company: Ø~,~I £~ig~lUIe) Company: U Ii' .sìJ1 e L A1:3 - " 0.. ITTL PJqact . P-øe 2 d Z- !! .! § 15 .. 11 E :;, z Lab U. onty. Sams* CoI.dIicI. ~ CarUiner I eomm.nts ßð'-'IJ ir o!F '/~ ~IJ -- - Total NurnÞerat ConIaIne", Tme /~L Date -. ~- / Z I .- tJa -ADVANCED EN~ONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC' (pr- ,þ {' #' IHWODr._AL~"""DE_""'" , Tme fa ~ '-// 805/831·1e.e FAX 805/831·1771 4400 ASHE ROAD, '206 BAKERSFELD,CA93313 . , \ '\ (, t, t, r'" ,:' I , ,-;; ~,~ ;:-...~ r e .. .,', , · Appendix C" CROSS-SECTIONS - Advanced Environmental Conœpœ, Jnc. ',' !"'A' :;.: " .,; .. .. ,. - , ;.... " , ,,- "... .. .." ...... ~ .' '.-i::r , '. . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH OESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646' FAX 805/831-1771 I I r r r: J~" tH L.':,', ,~" - ''f r~' l"" .. I a- JH' ..,.., I".." f' .- ,.. .'~"'.. ' A (projected) B-1 B-2 B-3 t...., > .. ,... ,. " ~"I ÍJmit of l00-ppm plume , . from dispeDøer isJand . . . . . . . .' .' . . .., ,.' . .' " ,t "-n_ ;., ',. _. '-' ',.' , 10 ',,""'''':- , .:,_.,f. :' .. , '. ' , . -: .;, w ~' :" '1~ " ' !" .' . . '. ' , ....., , " .. 20 30 " . ND Total Petroleum Hydroearbons ND Benzene . . . - .. Limit of l~ppm diesel plume ..-.._-_._._,~.- -_.. ,.,... ,..' ÆL -AOVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- , ',0.8011401172 1WŒR!IF1ElD. CA 133M Cross Section A - A' Consolidated Frelghtways 600 wa.ns Street Cotny 01 Kern . B_anN"" C8A..M project: I 9OP63 A' 10 ," ¡, "., 20 "-!; ·.t 30 Scale: r: 10' , FIGURE 3 . e , /;:\ .... -- /fjV ,', 1,./ .jl:,~," n)',~, _ . i,~,;.¡] IfI¿ii'VED .. ,,'ADV AÑCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC~':" ./ ',~"", ," / -.... ""(;",>~,~;\ / ...~-~/,. 30 May 1990 AEC Project: f/: 9OP63 BEl Job No. 89611 Mr. Joe Canas Kern County Environmental Health Department Hazardous Materials Division 2700 "M" Street #300 Bakersfield, California 93301 Regarding: Site Assessment Work Plan Dear Mr. Canas: Enclosed, for your approval, is the work plan designed and submitted by Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) on behalf of Consolidated Freightways and Blymyer Engineers, Ine. for the site assessment to be performed by AEC on the following property: Consolidated Freightways Facility 600 Williams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California Upon review of the work plan, should you have any questions or need additional information, 'please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 831-1646. Sincerely, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. ~! :J-' ~/'c¡{. , I / i ... j 1"'\ I \, .I /nAÆ~. IX. yi[U! J Jonathan L. Buck - v !Hydrogeologist [California Registered Environmental Assessor #01508 ~ ' Enclosure cc: Mr. Ben Encisco, Consolidated Freightways Mr. Michael Lewis, Blymyer Engineers, Inc. . ':·."iá:-:::(.";',1f-·.; :;~: .:::p-':' '-Ji;'''; ";:=::;iC.~; ~'J f/Hr-;1.)· .:..'~~j:~ ,: '~,--;~·::r::.,_ - .. , , -'''"If -rLe IL' -AD V ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC· / e' Advanced Environmental Concepts, Ine. is pleased to present the following: Site Assessment Work Plan for Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield,' California This work pJan has been prepared for: Consolidated Freightways and Blymyer 'F.ngineers, Inc. . E~JVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 1- " HAY 3( 1980 \f\ ~\ RECEIVED !J '\ /.~/ \,/\..~' ~"I; '" ~" c'ì I J "2J; J....,¡I May 1990 4400ASHEPO,110 #206 . BAKERSé'IELO C,\CJ331J . 805i8J1164c . FA.X805/831'i7ìl et e Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project: # '90P63 CoDHClliða:ted Freightways Bakersfield, California TABLE OF CONTENTS Subject Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope of Work. 1 1.3 Schedule 1 2.0 SITE IDSTORY 2 3.0 WORK PLAN 2 3.1 Boring Locations 2 3.2 Boring Methods 3 3.3 Soil Sampling 3 3.4 Soil Analyses 4 ./ 4.0 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION 'and 4 CHAIN-OF--CUSTODY PROTOCOL 5.0 REMARKS / SIGNATURES 4 APPENDICES: (A) ,MAPS: (Figure 1) Site Location Map (Figure 2) Boring Location(s) (B) LaboratoIY Results/Cbain-of-Custody Record (C) Health & Safety PJan " . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' --.--- 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831 " 646 FAX 805/831'1771 e: e Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project: /I 9OP63 Coll8Qlirlat;ed Freightways Bakersfield, California 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following work plan describes the procedures necessary to investigate the lateral and vertical extent of possi~le soil contamination beneath the two (2) diesel dispensers that were removed concurrently with two (2) diesel underground storage tanks (UST) operated by Con.qnlirl'\t.eð Freightways (CJient). Blymyer Engineers, Ine. (Agent for Client) has authorized Advanced Environm~nbt] Concepts, Inc. (AEC) to prepare this work plan for a soil assessment to be performed at the following location: CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS 600 Williams Street County of Kem . Bakersfield, California Currently, the lead regulatory agency for this project is the Kern County Environmental Health Department (KCEIID). 1.1 ~se The proposed soil assessment investigation has the following objective: - - - To evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of possible hydrocarbon migration in the vicinity of the previously removed diesel fueling dispensers - - - ' 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of services described in this work plan includes: 1. Locating accessible underground utilities using Underground Services Alert (USA). 2. Augering three (3) soil borings to a depth of approximately 25-feet in the vicinity of the removed diesel dispensers (Appendix A). --'2 3. Collecting soil samples at 5-foot intervals using a split spoon sampler lined with clean brass sleeves. The soil samples will be field screened using a Photoionization Detector (Pill) with a 10.2 eV lamp. Selected samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel, and volatile aromatics (ETXE) at a California Certified Laboratory. 4. Preparing field sample description logs according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS). 5. Preparing a final report detailing the results of the soil investigation which will include drilling methods, sampling methods, analytical results, extent of possible contaminants, conclusions and, recommendations. 1.3 Schedule AEC anticipates commencing the services described in this work plan within one (1) week of approval by KCEHD and authorization to proceed from Client. All drilling will commence only after applicable permits have been obtained. 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, 1t206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 e' e Site ~ssment Work Plan AEf!' Proj~ /I 9OP63 Consolidated Freightways Bakersfield, California A detailed report of findings, described in Item 5, Section 1.2, will be submitted within thirty (30) days from project completion. 2.0 SITE IllSTORY On or about February 16, 1990 Consolidated Freightways contracted Blymyer Rngjneers to supervise the excavation, transport and disposal of two (2) diesel UST's and dispensers from the property located in the County of Kern at the intersection of Williams and Eureka Streets, Bakersfield, California (Appendix A). ,Ten (10) soil samples were collected at vertical depths of 2-feet and 6-feet beneath the bottom of the tanks and dispensers. The soil samples were analyzed for TPH as diesel and BTXE (Appendix B). Results of the laboratory analyses are summarized in the following table (units are mgjkg): Sample ID. TPH Benzene Toluene Xylene Ethylbenzene 8-1-2' 3,500 ND ND ND ND 8-2-6' 4,500 ND ND ND ND 8-3-2' 21,000 ND ND ND ND 8-4-5.5' 3600 ND ND ND ND 8-5-2' 7.8 ND 2.6 3.2 ND ~' ND ND ND ND ND 8-7-2' 30.0 ND ND ND ND 8-8-6' ND ND ND ND ND 8-9-2' ND ND ND ND ND 8-10-6' ND ND ND ND ND ND: Non-detected. The analytical results indicate that an unauthorized release of diesel has occurred beneath the dispensers and an assessment evaluating the extent of hydrocarbon migration is required. 3.0 WORK PLAN 3.1 Borine- Locations The borings are positioned to efficiently determine the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbon migration. Boring B-1 will be advanced approximately 3-feet away from the anticipated center of the hydrocarbon plume and the data generated will be the basis for determining the extent of vertical migration. Because of an electrical wire that runs directly over the center of the dispenser island, that is the closest positioning that the drill rig can attain. Borings B-2 and B-3 will be sited approximately 8-feet ~nd lO-feet away from the plume to assess the lateral migration. IA )} : -~ j,..-..A- '-' oiV"" 2 ç . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 e e Site Assessment Work PIan ARC Project: If: 9OP63 Consolidated Freightways Bakersfield, California 3.2 Borin~ Methods The borings will be drilled using a Mobile B-53 drill rig, or equivalent, equipped with B-inch O.D. or larger hollow stem, continuous flight augers in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers will be steam cleaned on a metal trailer above a rinseate collection trough, prior to drilling each boring. The borings will be advanced to a vertical depth öf approximately 25-feet or until ten (lO)consecutive feet of soil, having photoionization TPH concentrations of O-ppm, is encountered. Note: The PID is only a qualitative test, not to be construed to represent a State Certified Laboratory analysis. Cuttings from the borings will be placed in labeled DOT approved 55-gallon drums or on sheets of visquene and covered, until verified with analytical results, whether or not the soil is contaminated. Disposal of the soil will be the responsibility of the Client. Back-filling the borings will be accomplished by pouring a cement/sand slurry to grade. According to the Kern County Water Agency, the depth to groundwater in unconfined and equivalent wells (September 1988) is approximately 250-feet below ground surface (BGS) and the gradient is to the north, northeast. Perched water is estimated to be greater than 40-feet BGS. If perched water is encountered during the drilling operations, ,ARC will stop drilling ahead, apprise KCRRTI of the site lithology and PI]) readings, then apply for either a test hole permit or a groundwater well permit and install casing in the boring. If we cannot complete the boring as a well because of paperwork constraints, the boring will be allowed to stand open for a short period of time, a water sample will be collected through the augers using a clean steel bailer, then the boring will be backfilled with a bentonite plug, followed by a cementjbentonite slurry to grade. The Client will be notified of all proceedings and informed that a groundwater investigation will probably be required per KCEHD. 3.3 Soil Samp1in.g Soil samples will be collected in a ,split spoon sampler lined with 2-inch diameter brass sleeves at 5-foot intervals. Upon reaching the desired sampling interval, the sampler will be driven ahead of the augers using a 140-lb. slide hammer with a standard 30-inch vertical fall. After the sample drive the sampler will be extracted from the boring and the brass sleeves removed. The blow counts, recovery and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Lithology will be described according to the Unified Soils Classification System (USCS). Prior to each sample run, the split spoon sampler and brass sleeves will be washed in a trisodium phosphate solution (TSP) and rinsed with deionized water. One (1) brass sleeve from each sampling interval will be sealed with a teflon lined cap, taped, labeled, placed in a sealable plastic bag, recorded on a Chain-of-Custody record, placed in a chilled ice chest and transported to a California State Certified Laboratory. One (1) brass sleeve from each sampling interval will be field screened using the PI]). The results will be recorded on field logs and will also be a qualitative method for choosing specific samples for laboratory analysis. 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831,1771 e ,- Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project: #='90P63 Con..qnliðtied Freightw'ays Bakersfield, CaJifornia 3.4 Soil Analyses The soil samples will be analyzed by a California State Certified Laboratory in accordance with State guidelines and EPA methodology. Samples will be analyzed for TPH as diesel and BTXE.' AEC has an in-house policy of rotating the use of State Certified Laboratories. We are currently using BC Labs, SMC Laboratories and Terra Tech Labs, Inc. BC Laboratories will provide the required analytical services for this project. 4.0 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION and CHAIN-OF -CUSTODY PROTOCOL Sample identification and Chain-of-Custody procedures are designed to assure sample validity and quality and to document sample possession from the time it is collected to the time of issuing results. The container for each sample submitted for analysis will have a label affixed with an identifying description of sample location, depth, date, time and sampler. \ A properly completed Chain-of-Custody form will be submitted, to the analytical laboratory along with the samples. The quality control officer at the laboratory will verify integrity of samples submitted, number of containers, time received and proper sample volume. 5.0 REMARKS / SIGNATURES This work plan represents the professional opinions of Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc., based upon current available data and arrived at in accordance with standard, accepted hydrogeologic and environmental engineering practices. WORK PLAN PREPARED BY: 5- 3D.CjD Date . .. -- ,,_.. ..- -, -',- 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD 1J206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 FAX 805/831,1771 , ' , i I [ f' L ,-." r" l. , . " ,....~ e( ~;..,' , -"'-' ~- - . . Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. .-... .--- .. -, .~ -.-...--". ,-" . -Appendix A- MAPS (Figure 1) Site Location Map (Figure 2) Boring Location(s) . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831·1771 4400 ASHE ROAD, *206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 [, [ r r :"1":'. '- r l~··'r':""""ft... ,:~'- ,~~-'-. . -:__~,_;: 6....:..~~~._. "~~~''''''.:'',...,~;..;:~ .-........."-"..')..,..;.:.:-1:.-.::-~-::::-:--- ~' ..~~/t'~ g,' .. '"",., -:-4Idø --....'...................:.. -...... ,. ~ ")iiì~ 19~, . ~Vj.>", \ tf~... ,,~, .,".... ..,:,...", --- ......... -:-..........." -gz- ~ ..~ ~ '~. -8. !J b' k r~ì\.. ',' ": <:;...'~~ -.. ....., --........ ---sÞ ~/,:~ ~ 'I, ~'I ~I ~'f'0' ''\.1 '. '~' r~ìf ~~;:~~F~.....,..~ -..- .',?........, ,~':' ~I ~ .... n ~, -'ó" ¡::...~I-. ~~'.. ,,, "'A C lJ.ff'OR. fA "'Vl:'!--: ' .. '........ ,~~ ¡ ". ";' ~ ~ ,H ,¡ ~d " ' ,--- "\('>h::'.... ~ ..., ~" If ' ..."... , "'""" "- ~ "-.~ '/"'", " .;¡-- I.. ~I" = ,',', ~, ' ,"'; I M".,11t I . 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'FIGURE-'" Consolidated Freightways 600 WilIams Street Comty of Kern . Bak~~ CaIIOIIIÏa 1 project: I 90P63 '.. . '":''' ~jl~ onsölldated frelgh~a " 't¡:~" ~~~~j'~~!fjf¡~;600 WIiams Street' !~~~¡~1!f:ftti~j1: ';'\':i¡¡:':',::tCotnyOl Kern Þ, Bake.sfleId, CaIIQnlla :";::;.~, .1:..,: 'i,.., /.!. :;j' ,: ';: :~' ':~j .; >~'!'~~:¡ !..~:' ;. "¡'n'; .¡~;:¡;",: 1:;1:;¡ :'!:!~¡:,4,¡;:; .i"; ';: BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ';::: 805/831·1646 .. ", I I '~TIONAL , ENVIRONMENTAL ~ TESTING, INC. .: NET Pacific. Inc. 435 Tesconi Circle Sanfa Rosa. CA 95401 Tel: (707) 526-7200 Fax: (707) 526-9623 Mi ke Lewi s Consolidated Freightways c/o Blymyer Engineers Inc 1829 Clement Ave. 'Alameda. CA 94501 Date: 03-06-90 NET Client Acct No: 560 NET Pacific Log No: 9820 Received: 02-22-90 0700 Client Reference Information CF- Bakersfield: Project: 89611 Sample analysis in support of the project referenced abQve has been completed and results are presented on following pages. Please refer to the enclosed "Key to Abbreviations" for definition of terms. Should you have Questions regarding procedures or results. please feel welcome to contact Client Services. Approved by: '- ,__r':/¿ , ...- Jul es Skamarack Laboratory Manager Enclosure (s) -- Cl i '4\.- t: 5601 ( Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 2 NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor. Lab No. and Results ,S-1-2' S-2-61 S-3-21 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1200 1210 1235 Reporting Parameter Li mi t 46939 46940 46941 Units \ PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIL> ' ' --". DILUTION FACTOR * 50 50 50 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg , Ethylbenzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene '2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Xylenes. total 2.5 ,NO NO 290 ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 100 500 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC fID/3550 as Diesel 1 3.500 4,500 21.000 lTg/Kg Cl i'A(I.._':: 560' . ( Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 3 NÇT Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results' 5-4-5.51 5-5-21 5-6-61 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1240 1310 1325 Reporting Parameter Limi t 46942 46943 46944 Units PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS I VOLATILE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 50 1 1 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METIiOD 8020 -- Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO 2.6 NO ug/Kg Xylenes, total 2.5 NO 3.2 NO ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 1 3,600 7.8 NO ITY:J/Kg I, C1 ie'A~...I.~ 560 ' . ( Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 4 NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Baker~field; Proj ect: 89611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results 5-7-2' 5-8-6' 5-9-2' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1330 1333 1337 Reporting Parameter Li mi t 46945 46946 46947 Units I PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIL> -- ,._,-,. -, .. , DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 I DATE ANALYZED 02-26-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 ND ' NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO ND ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Xylenes, total 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FIO/3550 as Diesel 1 30 NO NO lTg/Kg j' ClieIltÄ~_~: 560 tit Cl i e"'Name: Consoli dated Frei ghtways' ' NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Date: 03-06-90 Page: 5 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results 5-10-6 I 02-16-90 1345 Parameter Reporting L imi t 46948 Units I PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIL> DILUTION FACTOR * DATE ANALYZED METHOD 8020 Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene Xylenes, total PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * DATE EXTRACTED DATE ANALYZED METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 1 02-23-90 NO NO NO NO ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg 1 1 02-23-90 02-25-90 NO rrg/Kg -. ' .' C 1 i e (, ~ : 560 ' Clieri Name: Consolidated Freightways' NET Log No: 9820 Date: 03-06-90 Page: 6 Ref: CF- Bakersfield: Project: 89611 \ QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) Lab No. Spike and Spike I Replicate Results (% Recovery) Reporting B 1 an k .' ~~ ..'- - '-'" , I Parameter Limits Units Resu lts (-46944S) (-46944SR) RPD Benzene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 120 ,101 17 .4 Toluene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 118 101 15.7 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) lab No. Spike and Spike Replicate Results (% Recovery) Parameter Reporting limits Units Blank Results (-46944S) (-46944SR) NO 70 64 RPO 9.4 as Diesel 1. 0 mg/Kg ----~- ..-.-- -- . I¡í KEY ,TO ABBREVIATIONS and METHOD REFERENCES j r ' ) I < Less than; When appear; ng in results co 1 urn indicates ana lyte rot detected at the value fall (Wi ng, wflich supercedes the listed reporting limit. ~- ------ _...,-- ._~._. _..---- ,."', rœan Average; SU11 of lTeaSurerents divided by l1.JTber of lTeaSurerents. rrg/Kg (ppn) Concentration in units of milligrans of ana1yte per ki10gran of sëITPle. wet-weight basis (parts per million>. . ... n. . .-' " ~.. _"n~~'_'_'~_" ._;,~--_.-_..;_._--~-~ "'., ~ -- ' -- ,- . .-,-,--,-_.~------ . rrg/L Concentrati on in uni ts of mi 11 i grans of anal yte per 1 iter of SëITP 1 e. rrUUhr Milliliters per liter per twr. MPNlloo ni trhst prcbable rurber of bacteria per one tundred milliliters of sëITPle. N/A Not applicable. M Not analyzed. MJ Not detected; the ana1yte concentration is less than applicable listed reporting 1 imit. ' mu ~he1aretric turbidity units. RPO Relative percent difference, 100 [Value 1 - Value 2J/rœan value. SM ': Standard rot available. ug/Kg (ppb) Concentration in units of micrograns of analyte per kilogran of sëITPle. wet-weight basis (parts per billion). ug/L Concentration in units of microgral1S of analyte per liter of sëITPle. - lIIi"Os/an MicrartxJs per centiræter. Meth:xi References Metrods ro1 thrwgh 625: see IIGJi de 1 i nes Estab 1 i shi ng Test Proced.Jres for, the Analysis of Pollutantsll U.S. EPA, 40 CFR, Part 136, rev. 1988. Metrods 1CXXJ thrwgh 9999: see IITest Meth:xis for Evaluating Sol id Wastell. U.S. EPA SW-846, 3rd edition, 1986. * Reporting Limits are a function of the dilution factor for any given sample. "-To obtain the actual reporting limits for this sample, multiply the stated reporting limits by the dilution factor. - -----,-' --,-- . ~ BEl Fie1d Services 1829 C1ement Avenue A1ameda, CA 94501 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD qt>2D PROJ NO. PROJECT NAME ¡!, II f ! c I':~ t ~: I.u~' ~" > I f~ SAMPLERS (Signature) r ,/ " / ' ¡' 'I ...' I (I ..'t:.' "I" .--:-- t . ~ .. .j' ..:. Rè1~~~UiSh.,d ~y :',(S!SJ~~~~') Datt/Tim., IR,cttvtd by: (S~gnatu~~) ,:6,~1tnq'JiS~h'd by : ~Signatu..e) Dat./Time R.c.iveod by : (Signature) )1¿(,: 'c<'¿'_'(; t ,~"~~') ;/ Á rl" þ. /.~../ ,"" / ~~9ø.- ·-f7t/fL?/v· j~.i- U Y/ L , ~ "'Æ r ''''P Rtl1nquish.d by: (Sig..lurt) D1ttíTimt R.c.lvtd b~: (Si7 R.11 D~ 7.t: D.t.lTim. _~t~.iv'd b~: (Slgn."..t) Rt1inquishtd by: (Signature¡.) Dat./~ ~.iv.d for laboratory by: Dat./Tim. Rtmar\o:s~:, ¡ t': _--- (3ignaturt) v ' [ //'/' ," I . ~- h ~¡y>v I 07cC CCR/REV 0/2-89 ¡ / I DATE . I IL I, I '[ , ,- II' I .' ; ! " I ~ :/ I' !, ./ I! './ '-~ .. ¡¿ t/f~ - ~ ! TIME ! B C) 12: r':-' I.. I' \ I' 3çf t "I r [- ; 30 p , '3 p iF 1 J,(( SAi1PLE LOCATION NO ~ CD OF + CON- . ,S¡ T A INERS I ~ ~ I \ \ I .. , I I I / \ I"':'" C:), I ;' I .. '- , I, ~" .3" J ~ ;.¡- S, S- I \, - " i '" i -¡, .' . " I. ',I .. ! V I 1\ X - J .. I - l -. I " , ,(., '- '¡ VI . ... ." :a :x: 0.. ~ ';':" 0 ., t- I N ;-.. t W ;-.. en I ~ 0 ...... , 0 <:t V) £ N N en \t) (J) ..... ~ ......, v 0.. . N w VI \t) ......, III -< ull' . 0-.... ~ ~ :> i'1 ~ ......, .~ );'1 u ~ ': .... 0 ... 0 :> (J) : " 1 :.... \~ ¡ \: ~ X I " I ._-, '"", , , - - V ; ;><, i I /, REMARKS ,- l-"~:() f ''"\'1 <., ¡ ; ;.: \ \ .. " \ '" X ,.,/ .. i ¡¡;;". ;' / " . ¡ /:.. : ~ .. ~ c. , , ,., :~ -... ¡',It . BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 ,'- . 'I. 1"· ,.' Ii Ii Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project.: #' 9OP63 Consolilluted Freightways Bakersfield, California HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN for ConsoIidated Freightways County of Kern . Bakersfield, California Introduction: A Site Safety PJan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soil assessment/remediation. It's purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from. direct skin contact, inhalation, or ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards, decontamination procedures ~d emergency action plaJ1s., Advanced Environmental Concepœ, Ine. seeks to enter the property described above for the purpose of conducting a site assessment, consisting of up to three (3) borings, to further evaluate the extent of soil and/or groundwater im})action. Soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals during exploratory drilling using a California modified split-spoon sampler through a hollow-stem auger. All possible efforts will be made to collect undisturbed samples. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected in a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape and placed on ice in a cooler immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed. ' Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by: Melton Drilling 7101 Downing Avenue ~rsfield, California 93305 (805) 589-0521 This SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from personal injury while conducting on- site activities. AJ; described below, we will strive to meet all requirements and standards established by the California Department of Health Services. Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Jonathsm L. Buck will serve as Project Manager and on-site Geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO). AJ; SSO, Mr. Buck will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of the SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment, listed below, will be available and utilized by all on-site personnel. Prior to beginning work, the SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are awarè of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site and will utilize Material Safety Data Sheets for information on compounds to be encountered. Mr. Buck will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of-Custody protocol. , All on-site employees will' take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting their understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all poin,ts 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD CA 93313 805/831,1646 . FAX 805/831'1771 ·' .( Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project::/I: 9OP63 Consolidated Freightways Bakersfield, California contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. ,---,----,---,. ,- Job Hazard Analvses: ! Hazards likely to be encountered on-site include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment, such as the danger of falling objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. An ~excavation contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all excavating equipment. Qualified personnel onlv will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, including the excavation contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when in close proximity to excavating equipment. Latex sampling gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor cont9minAtion levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using a Photoionizatjon Detector (PID). Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame or s¡>arks will be permitted in order to prevent accidental ignition. Risk Assessment Smnm1lry: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TLV's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's) and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral- rat), all in mgjkg (ppm), are listed below: Gasoline Diesel Benzene Toluene Xylene TVL 200 50 10 100 100 STEL 300 75 25 150 150 , Toxicitv Compound 4894 5000 4300 Exposure Monitorin{?' Plan: A PID will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site. Should concentrations exceed TL V's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations if PID readings indicate high levels of volatile organics in the breathing space. Personal Protective Equipment: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site Geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when in proximity of drilling equipment. 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD,I1t206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 FAX 805/831-1771 Ii . Sit.e Assessment Work Plan AEC Project: II 9OP63 Consolidated Freightways Bakersfield, California Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards or wide yellow tape, surrounding the site, will define the perimeter, if needed. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. DecontRmin~tion Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning or placing equipment on possible contJlmin"lted soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Excavation and sampling equipment used will be decontJlmina.ted by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontJlmin"lted before each sample is taken. ' General Safe Work Practices: On-sit~ personnel will be briefed each day in "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals arid equipment to be used. Anticipated contJlminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, including respirator fit. Excavation and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before being brought on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be, cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The on-site Geologist will oversee operations and log borings. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. TrRininJ!' Requirements: The SSO will conduct a pre-site training session which will include all points ofMSDS forms, contJlminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure and emergency first aid. All chemicals are to be covered and the SSG will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Proeram: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph (t), employees who wear respirators thirty (30) days or more during one (1) year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. Record Keevine Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contJlminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 ' FAX 805/831'1,771 I( a Site Assessment Work Plan AEC Project /1' 9OP63 Conso1idated' Freightways Bakersfield, California Exposure records on each job will be kept for thirty (30) years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security numbers of employees, medical evaluations, on-tha-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons and personal air monitoring records. Contingpncy Plans: In the event of an accident, injury, or other emergency, the Project Director, Senior Project Manager, or other person, will notify the appropriate government agencies or individuals as follows: 1. Kern County Environmental Health Department (805) 861-3636 2. Police, Fire or Ambulance Emergency 9~1~1 3. Nearest Emergency Hospital: Kern Medical Center 1830 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 (805) 326-2000 ,~ 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' ..----..- 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831,1646 . FAX 805/831,1771 GARY J, WICKS Agé~cy pJrector ~,.. "(805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director . I 2700 M Str..!, Suite 300 Blrilerl"eld, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 881-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 DEPART ENT AGENCY RESOURCE ...'.... ,/J'J.' March 28, 1990 Consolidated Freightways 600 Wi 11 i ams St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 SUBJECT: Location: 600 Williams St. Bakersfield, CA 93305 Consolidated Freightways 150042 Known As: PERMIT #: Gentlemen: This letter is an official notice to inform you that the property described above has been determined by Kern County Environmental Health to be the site of an unauthorized release of hazardous materials from an underground storage tank. This notice is sent to you because our records indicate that you are a responsible party for this property. As a re~pons i b 1 e party, you must prov'i de for all studi es and work re 1 at i ng to the above described property and the cost for oversight of these activities. California Health and Safety Code Chapter 6.7 and Kern County Ordinance Code Chapter 8.48 require a determination of the threat to the environment as a result of this release. THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY SHALL, ON A TIMELY BÄSIS, DEVELOP A SITE CHARACTERIZATION, FEAS IBILITY STUDY AND REMEDIAL ACTION PLAN FOR KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS REVIEW AND APPROVAL BEFORE THE WORK IS INITIATED. Enclosed you will find attachment "All, Handbook UT-35, which states the minimum required site work plan activities, the necessary requjrements for selecting environmental ,contractors qualified to perform this work, a glossary of terms, example illustrations, and a section discussing the answers to commonly asked questions. The cost incurred by Kern County Environmental Health for the oversight of the work for the site characterization, feasibility study, remediation action plan, site remediation, and ongoing monitoring is not covered by any fees or permits. These costs are recovered by Kern County Environmental Health in one of the two methods described below. It is your responsibility to select the method of oversight cost recovery under the terms of (A) State contract or (B) County of Kern Local Agreement Option. These options only pertain to costs associated with oversight. i' ....;7 <i' I( I (A) STATEÇONTRACT The State Leaking Underground Storage Tank Pilot Program provides a mechanism for the State to rei mburse the County for County overs i ght. The County wi 11 conduct the necessary oversight and bill the State Water Resources Control Board under this State contract. The State will then charge you, a responsible party, for both the costs incurred by the County and the State, pertaining to your site, under the State terms explained below: " ' Whereas the Legislat ure has approprialcd funds froUl I he Califorllia Hazardous Substance Clean-up Fund to pay the local and state agency administrative and oversighl COSIS associalcd wit h the cleanup of releases from underground storage tanks; and Whereas the direct and indirect costs of overseeing rcmoval or remcdial action at t he above site are funded, in whole or in part, from the Hazardous Substance Cleanup Fund; and Whereas t he above individ ual(s) or entity(ìes) have been identified as the party or parties responsible for investigation and cleanup of the abovc site; YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to Section 25360 of the Health and 'Safety code, the Above Responsible Party or Parties shall reimburse the State Water Resources Control Board for all direct and indirect costs incurred by any and all slnte and local agencies while overseeing the cleanup of the above underground storage tank site, and the above Responsible Party or Partics shall make full payment of such costs within 30 days of receipt of a detailed invoice from the State Water Resources Conlrol Board, (B) COUNTY OF KERN LOCAL AGREEMENT OPTION Kern County Environmental Health is providing this option for those who prefer to pay the County directly and avoid the addition of State costs. Prior to the County's performance of services, this option requires your deposit of $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) with the County to be held in the Local Option Trust Account. Charges for County oversight are made against this account. In this option, a responsible party must enter into a County agreement, attachment "B". The environmental sensitivity (attachment "C") of this site has been reviewed by Environmental 'Health to determine the potential threat for groundwater contamination. Only sites determined to be non-environmental-ly sensitive may enroll in the Local Option Agreement. The site described above is not in an environmentally sensitive area and may be enrolled in the Local Agreement Option; however, the County of Kern reserves the right to cancel any Local Agreement Option, should it be discovered that groundwater contamination or a unique, complex hydrogeological condition exists. In such cases, Envi ronmenta 1 Health wi 11 utili ze the State contract to pay for County oversight activities. The County of Kern reserves this right for any site even when the site is located in a non-environmentally sensitive area. It)is necessary for you to respond, in writing, within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of this letter to advise Kern County Environmental Health of your choice: either the State contract or the County's Local Agreement Option. If you select the County's Local Agreement, please complete and sign the Local Agreement, (attachment B), and return it with your check for $1,000.00 (one thousand dollars) made payable to the County of Kern, addressed to Kern County Environmental Health 2700 M Street, Suite 300, Bakersfield, CA 93301, Attention: Accounting - Local Agreement Option. If you select the State contract, please indicate, in writing, that you have made this selection and that you have read the above official notification. r -.; I( I . ' Failure to respònd within ten (10) calendar days to this notice will automatically result in oversight cost recovery for your site(s) to be placed under the terms of the State contract for Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Susan Gonzales at (805) 861-3636. attachments s~nc:r~~[O ~~J~ Steve McCalley, Director Environmental Health Serv;c -' ;;- ,,", , and complete Items , ~:'.. '0- TYPe of Service: U Regl1lt8nK1 ' , Certified , o ExpresS MaR 0 ro~~:=~e Alwaya obtain lignstunt of addresaee or agent and DATE DaJVERED. 8~ Addl'88888's Address (ONLY if..,' .~~it~t¡i$, 7. Date of Delivery, ' ",',~ t7~~~ -::- 0 , .' ,,',,' ;~-PS Form 3811.' Mar. 1988 ,-;-.'. u.s.Cl.P.O. '1988-212-885 "~,,...¡DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT i', .'{}j;~,;~ç~~-~~".:,;\;\;;:~~,.:¿:~~,~:~=">~\l:;t~~~:'~:,..;.~~.~,,~~~~~~\\~~~f~~~~~;~'· ~:' ~- '.~~~~~~.~:~, . ,- ,.,. ;:::~~~~~~~~~~:,b~:J , ' . , .' ...' '.' ,,', .------.-..-..,.........................-;''''. __ow' ___~__~_.:-:.._;J-:-.-~-_.~;'. p 540 625,7,70 ERTIf1ED MAIL RECEIPT FOR ~UvEf\AGE PROV\O~O NO INSUP.ANCET~ONAT\ONAL MAIL NOT FOP. IN ." (See Reverse) '," '. ,'. .. "' "' "' ..;. ... co .;, '" ~ postage Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restncted Delivery Fee t showing Return Reced,P Date Delivered to whom an Mwing to whom, Return RecAe~~~:Ss 01 Delivery Dale, ,and nd Fees TOT AL postage a ..n ( Q en ... Q c ~ .., é o ( Q C') E 5 u. ell ~ s postmark or Dale 3--;2P-4 Cl -', ..,',- '. .' , ' ..,. ", .'!, ,,'.-' ",;: ..'. " GARY J, WICKS Agency Director , (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director .( . 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakenfleld. CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 RESOURCE June 18, 1990 Johnathan Buck Advanced Environmental Concepts , 4400 Ashe Road #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 Re: Consolidated Freightways Site Characterization Approval Dear Mr. Buck: This Department has completed the review of the site characterization workp 1 an submitted for the Consoli dated Frei ghtways faci 1 i ty located at 600 Williams Street in Bakersfield, California. As per our recent discussions on the 14th of June 1990, approval to implement the workplan was granted based on the following agreement. That the boring labeled B-3 be moved to within 10 feet of the former dispensers. Should you have any questions regarding the above matters I maybe contacted at (805) 861-3636, Ext. 588. ~;:rel~t~~ /fa; Canas Hazardous Materials Specialist II Hazardous Materials Management Program JC:ch canas\buck, let -; <i - J-- VJ3LYMYER (§)- - . / // ENGINEERS, INC. March 12, 1990 ~ BEl Job No. 89611;" .\;'¡ " {\ \\ '.~\~&~~, ", \~\.~ ...."';~,\' \ ,~'(-- '"",' 1" '\ . ';' '. \'" "" ,~,\. "'~~' ! ~:<',. '~ Mr. Mike Driggs Kern County Resource Management Agency Dept. of Environmental Health Services 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA, 93301 ., " Subject: Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Driggs: Thi's letter summarizes the soil sampling and analysis activities performed relative to the underground tank removal at the subject facility. On February 16, 1990, Consolidated Freightways contracted with Kern Environmental Service to remove one 7,000 gallon diesel tank and one 1,000 gallon diesel tank. After removal of the tanks, the on- site representative of Blymyer Engineers, Inc. (BEl) collected a total of ten soil samples in accordance with BEl's standard protocol (attached) and Kern County Handbook JUT-30. The locations of the removed tanks and the' soil samples are indicated on Figure 1. All samples were placed in a cooler with dry ice and delivered to NET Pacific, Inc., a California-certified laboratory. The samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) as diesel by Modified EPA Method 8015 and benzene, toluene, xylenes and ethylbenzene (BTXE) by EPA Method 8020. ( - As indicated in the enclosed analytical results, ~ as diesel were detected in samples collected below the dispensers at tne fuel island at concentrations ranqing from 3,500 parts per million (ppm) to 21,000 ppm. Xvlenes werp- rlprpcrprl in sample S-3-2' ~t~ a concentratlon of 290 parts per billion (peb). TPH as diesel were detected in the samples collected two feet below the north and south ends 'of the 7,000 gallon diesel tank at concentrations of 30 ppm and 7.8 ppm, respectively. Toluene and xylenes were detected in sample S-5-2' at concentrations of 2.6 ppb and 3.2 ppb, respectively. The samples collected beneath the 1,000 gallon diesel tank and the samples collected six feet below the 7,000 gallon tank contained no detectable concentrations of TPH as diesel or BTXE. In accordance with your verbal approval, the tank excavation was backfilled with excavated soil and clean, impo~ted fill. The fuel island has not yet been removed. BEl will await your requirements concerning additional work due to the contaminated soil beneath the fuel island. (415) 521-3773 · 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501·1395 · FAX (415) 865·2594 1\, \ I . \, ~ :, ,.. ;~. et ~~ Mr. Mike Driggs Dept. of Environmental Health Services March 12, 1990 Page Two If you have any questions, please contact me at (415) 521-3773. Cordially, BLYMYER ENGINEERS, INC. 71~ Michael S. Lewis Environmental Specialist Attachments cc: Mr. Ben Encisco, Consolidated Freightways Mr. Gary Detrick, Consolidated Freightways BLYMYER ENGINEERS,INC, /t _ .:~...:~! .~ I . e( BLYMYER @ ENGINEERS. INC. 2.0 TANK EXCAVATION SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL ._,~-_.-, - ~ 2.1 Sampling Locations Soil samples will be collected from tank and piping excavations in locations specified by the local regulatory agency. In the absence of specific regulatory guidelines, soil samples will be collected from the following locations: 1. One soil sample will be collected from beneath each end of the tank, at a depth of approximately two feet below the bottom of the tank. If groundwater is encountered above the bottom, of the tank, one sample will be collected from the sidewall 'at each end of the tank, immediately above the water table. 2. One soil sample will be collected from the bottom of the piping trench for every 20 linear feet of piping. 3. One soil sample will be collected from beneath each dispenser at the fuel island. 2.2 Sample Collection Soil samples will be collected in the following manner: 1. A bucket of soil will be retreived from the excavation in the required location using a backhoe. At no time shall field personnel enter an open excavation. 2. A clean, brass tube will be driven into the soil in the backhoe bucket by hand or 'using a rubber mallet, if necessary. Jhe soil around the brass tube will be removed to facilitate removal of the tube from the soil. 3. The ends of the brass tube will immediately be covered with aluminum foil or teflon tape to prevent loss of volatile compounds. The ends of the tube will then be covered with plastic end caps and the caps will be secured to the tube with duc~ tape. 4. The sample will be labelled with the following information: (a) sample ID number, (b) project number, (c) project name, (d) date of collection, (e) initials of sampler, (f) analytical parameters. -1- (415) 521-3773 . 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501-1395 · FAX (415) 865-2594 1 ' ,,/1 ("9¡, i"'-:f ~ BLYMYER ---"-" e( ENGINEERS, INC. (§)- 2.3 Sample Preservation and Delivery Soil samples' will immediately be placed in a cooler with dry or blue ice. All samples will be logged on a Chain of Custody Record which will accompany the samples to the analytical laboratory. Samples will remain in a chilled state until received by the laþoratory. If samples. are to be shipped to the laboratory, they will be sent via overnight express. 2.4 Health and Safety If a site-specific health and safety plan has been prepared for a site, the requirements of the plan will be followed. For most underground tank removal projects, a site-specific health and safety plan will not be prepared for the initial removal work. In these instances, field screening using a photoionization detector (PID) will be performed. If the concentration of organic vapors detected by the PID exceeds 75% of the Threshold Limit Value (TLV) for the substance stored in the tank, work at the site shall cease until personal protection is upgraded. If contamination is not apparent based on PID readings, field personnel shall wear latex gloves during sampling activities. If contamination is apparent, chemical-resistant gloves appropriate for the contaminant present (e.g., nitrile gloves for petroleum products) will be worn during sampling activities. -2- (415) 521,3ì73 . 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501·1395 · FAX (415) 865·2594 ~~ ~." \. - . rl-rIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL ® TESTING, INC. . NET Pacific, Inc. 435 Tesconi Circle Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Tel: (707) 526-7200 Fax: (707) 526-9623 Mi ke Lewi s Consolidated Freightways c/o Blymyer Engineers Inc 1829 Clement Ave. Alameda, CA 94501 Date: 03-06-90 NET Client Acct No: 560 NET Pacific Log No: 9820 Received: 02-22-90 0700 ,---- - -- Clieñt Reference Information CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Sample analysis in support of the project referenced above has been completed and results are presented on following pages. Please refer to the enclosed "Key to Abbreviation's" for definition of terms. Should you have questions regarding procedures or results, please feel welcome to contact Client Services~ Approved by: .' ~y ~ ,~- -/~¿ Jules Skamarack Laboratory Manager --- EnclosureCs) I .. Cl ie.cci: 560 e( ~, Date: 03.,.06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 2 N,ET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Proj ect: 89611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results 5-1-2' 5-2-6' 5-3...2' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1200 1210 1235 Reporting Parameter L imi t 46939 46940 46941 Units PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILLCSOI L) DILUTION FACTOR * 50 50 50 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 ' 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO NO ND ug/Kg Xyl enes, total 2.5 NO NO 290 ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 100 500 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC' FID/3550 as Diesel 1 3,500 4,500 21,000 1m/Kg " .. Cl ien.~ct: . . 560 Date: 03-06-90 Client Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 3 N~T ,Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Proj ect: 89'611 Descriptor, Lab No. and Results $-4-5.5' $-5-2' $-6-6' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1240 1310 1325 Reporting Parameter Li mi t 46942 46943 46944 Units PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS ,VOLATILE (SOIL> ~ DILUTION FACTOR * 50 1 1 DATE ANALYZED 02-23-90 02-23-90 ' 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO 2.6 NO ug/Kg Xyleries, total 2.5 NO 3.2 NO ug/Kg PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE ($OIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 100 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 1 3,600 7.8 NO mg/Kg ( .- , 560 e ( '. .. Clie~cct: Date: 03-05-90 Glien Name: Consolidated Freightways Page: 4 NET Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Proj ect: 89611 Descriptor. Lab No. and Results ,5-7-2' 5-8-6' 5-9-2' 02-16-90 02-16-90 02-16-90 1330 1333 1337 Reporting Parameter Li mi t 46945 46946 46947 Units -' PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 DATE ANALYZED 02-26-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 METHOD 8020 Benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Ethyl benzene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Toluene 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg Xyl enes. total 2.5 NO NO NO ug/Kg PETRO LEUM HYDROCARBONS EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * 1 1 1 DATE EXTRACTED 02-23-90 02-23-90 02-23-90 DATE ANALYZED 02-25-90 02-25-90 02-25-90 METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel 1 30 NO NO ~/Kg / ø ,'.. -,-, .v , I ' Clie.A~ct: 560_ Client Name: Consolidated Freightways ' ~~T Log No: 9820 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 Date: 03-06-90 Page: 5 Descriptor. Lab No. and Results S-10-6' 02-16-90 1345 Parameter Reporting Limit 46948 Units -- PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS VOLATILE (SOIl) DILUTION FACTOR * DATE ANALYZED METHOD 8020 Benzene Ethyl benzene Toluene Xyl enes. total PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS, EXTRACTABLE (SOIL) DILUTION FACTOR * DATE EXTRACTED DATE ANALYZED METHOD GC FID/3550 as Diesel - ....-. ----, 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 l' 02-23-90 NO NO NO NO ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg ug/Kg 1 1 02-23-90 02-25-90 NO n1)/Kg 'ð ( Clie.~ct: Client Name: NET Log No: " I 560 & Consolidated FreightwayS~' 9820 Date: 03-06-90 Page: 6 Ref: CF- Bakersfield; Project: 89611 -' QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) Lab No. Spike and Spike Replicate Results (% Recovery) . -., R-eporti ng -,,-_.., ~ ... :".-~ ,.- ,C' .. ~- . --" >-~,-- ,-,- -Blank Parameter Limits Units Results (-46944S) (-46944SR) RPD Benzene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 120 101 17.4 Toluene 2.5 ug/Kg NO 118 101 15.7 QUALITY CONTROL RESULTS - TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (soil) Lab No. Spike and Spike Replicate Results (% RecoVery) Parameter Reporting Limits Units Blank Results (-46944S) (-46944SR) RPO 9.4 as Diesel 1. 0 mg/Kg NO 70 64 ;,1' . -\ ~, KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS and METHOD REFERENCES < Less than; When appearing in results colum indicates analyte not detected at the value fall (J,tIi ng, w!1i ch supercedes the listed reporting limit. rœan Average; sun of rœasuraænts divided by numer of ræasurarents. \ lTg/Kg (pµn) : Concentration in units of milligrans of analyte per kilogrëfTI of sarple,wet-væight basis (parts per mi 11 ion). , rrg/ L Concentration in uni ts of mi 11 i grams of anal yte per 1 iter of sarp 1 e. mL/Uhr Milliliters per liter per twr. MPN/1oo mL tJost probable ruJ1'ber of bacteria per one hundred milliliters of sarple. N/A Not applicable. NA Not analyzed. NO Not detected; theanalyte concentration is less than applicable listed reporting 1 imit. N1U Nephelaretric turbidity units. RPD Relative percent difference, 100 [Value 1 - Value 2J/rœan value. SNA Standard not available. ug/Kg (ppb) Concentration in units of micrograns of analyte per kilogran of sarple, wet-væight basis (parts per billion). ug/L Concentration in units of micrograms of analyte per liter of sarple. l.lIi1os/an Micrartlos per centirœter. Method References Meth::x:ls 601 through 625: see "Qjidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants" U.S. EPA, 40 CFR, Part 136, rev. 1988. Meth::x:ls lOCO through 9999: see "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste", u.S. EPA SW-846. 3rd edition, 1986. * Reporting Limits are a ,function of the dilution factor for any given sample. , To obtain the actual reporting limits for this sample, multiply the stated ' reporting limits by the dilution factor. BEl Field Services 1829 C1ement Avenue A 1 ameda, CA 94501 " 'i CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD , qi>2D SAi1PLE LOCATION 0 " ..... I ~ "..., ~ I LLI "..., M 0 ....... NO In 0 v ~ ~ N OF + 00 '-0 0. (J) ....... -< CON- i ....., v fh '¡; 0. N T ÀINERS !. ~ VI '-0 ....., IV -< oW ''- 0. '0 ~ fh o ,~ VI VI :t 11'- I IV IV ~ ...... ~ ~ .... g Æ K;: f!: 0.. ''- .... 0 :> I ì< )(1 I ;<, '>( ¡ \ \I ,x ; ^ I X XI -, \ \' )( \ ) \,' , ' I >\. -<. I \1 '/ I \' ~' j , ~ x:: '/ PROJ NO. PROJECT NAME i (, I' of' c /.. / ~,' L~,.; ¡ , r: ,> I i.'~ SAMPHRS (Sign8~ure) ./ ,- 11, I I ..' / t /c...¿t. <. v( ,,", /I--'~ DATE TIME JU )1 :.i..' I i; I L 12 : (ì},.r :13 ' 1:/ i' I't' 3çf , (:, ' ¡( " '{, "(' ; t . , I ,,: l I , r ! . f ' , c ' ' -' . u - 3 P .- If, I L / , 0 " "/{ 'Il- I 3 P J I It /l ·,'IF ~,'" I 'Î_ IL ' <h" I I(f" ',.;: , 0.. co a -< (.) ~ , f" I 1'--. /.. \ , \ "¡'~ REMARKS e - " ,.~,' ',) J --- ., ) Ii ....,,;.-1 ! ('I} / ~) ' ') < 3' ) I _' ' '---l- S, '5" I ., " :) , '- ., '. - -;' j ( \ I ) L \1,'\" .. , . / - , x') - J c _. (. I ! I I I R~1~~quiSh~d~Y ;5~,~~~~re) Date/Tim., IR9ceived by : (s~gnatu~~) "73,~'1inqlJiSzhed by: SignatlJl'e) Datt/Time Received by: (SignatlJre) )If¿';:'tA~'( ~: À:'J ~~ ' (!:' ¡¿II "'[ , ~ ./ vlf.f' ~~ . 7/.., I /1 ~ b /7 ,) , "_'" - 'FC "If¡ -S:-t - /j t'11/ . , [1..~L.-... 1'/' ~ R.linq.I$h.d þI : (Slgn.l.r.) D.I. íT 1m. R...lvod b~ . (S'7 iR.lin, p~ 701"'.: "bot.ITim.~~...IY'db~: (Signalor.) Re 1inquished by : (Signature) Date !.!i!I~e.. R\?~éíved for laboratory by : Date/Time Remark!: B: if f-(' , : ,.__.- ".........--.-..\ (~·hgna~~~ _ h ..~zþ.... lO'}Joo '~: I"-~~ ~ L I ~~),'~ .í I.,' j¡ /::Y~:);t., I':~,,-; ,~A> ¡..".,..... . ~11~ Y"' ,7V ,~ I ,> i"'~1 ',,( ; }./ ',/ l:" ~.- {;, )/7;~'11 '1 r:' f"?:" CCR/REV 0/2-89 77 j!-'-,;11..'·,' , t /'" '" - v (-. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT EMERGENCY o YES ~ NO HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERV CES . ' REPORT BEEN FILED? 0 YES ~ a I!! a: o 11. UJ a: '5 , " ,O'.OWNERIOPERATOR 0 ,REGIONAL BOARD Ø,' LOCAl AGENCY DOTHER " " ' ADDRESS Z7Oð\~' 0\'" ~,}~'ÙI1t, 300 , . .. STREET .. _ J. ' ~ 0 UNKNOWN <0.. ?"~ c:.> C :!; "'1 '" ".. c') z º ~ I!! ¡¡¡ ..~ ~ ~- '"C >' '" ...'.r-~~~~~~~~~A~~~NZ'1,~ä;MAt~å6~~~~~m.~ij~bý~~~6. ··.'ÄiiÁÁ0€ ~~1)T)415 .F n~m~ŒF~JP$PuRSOANT.)r 11~ël~~~ ,', ,',' .' '.' ,'.. .,..,.'.............'.................".,...,.,...,'....'...,.,.,........,.,.: ,',' , ;" ....$\ ·;·{~8rtØ;..;.;,..; ........'.............'.'.'"",'.'.','......................'....,.".;.;.....;........,.;.;.,.;..;J)'" e·;,;;'"...,······,·'·",....'· CITY CONTACT PERSON ,c, ..: :, M \c-h :ç. \ \)i'\:: .~ ~~ Bakersttëld ',' ,"~', ' CITY ,~,' " OPERATOR ' <sDd ßa.~~~ ~ : . ,:) CITY , STATE ZIP .> ,'PHONE ~':;: ~'(8l\S")8~ \ - 36~~ " ~ ^ E--.:'-:;;. Q.::>~o c- ~--~~:~ -r.;:)J ~ \~ '-'STATE .. .. -::. n' - . -' lIP c: a_ ~ '" ~,(n CROSS ~TREET: ~~ ; 2 ~ .,'~ ;,2 TYPE OF AREA ~ COMMERCIAL q INDUSTRIAL D RURAl 1 ß ~ : S"\"Ø:..~ 0 RESIDENTIAl 0 OTHER ' LOCAL AGENCY " ,'" ' AGENCY NAME J Co. tNVlltû.J I \ok. F. ~~ REGIONAl BOARD C-E.tJ ~ \... \J A LLE\j /+1" C..£\ tJ'Tft.,OL ß 0 ,b o INVENTORY CONTROL D SUBSURFACE MONITORING 0 NUISANCE CONDrroNS ~ TANK REMOVAL 0 OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK All THAT APPI. Y) o REMOVE CONTENTS 0 REPlACE TANK 'Ø ,CLOSE TANK o REPAIR TANK ',0 REPAIR PPING . 0 CHANGE PROCEDURE Q y 0 OTHER MATERiAl o FIBERGlASS ~TEEL o OTHER o UNDETERMINED ~ SOIL ONLY 0 GROUNDWATER CHECK ONE ONLY ~ SITE INVESTIGATION IN PROGRESS (DEFINING EXTENT OF PROBLEM) 0 CLEANUP IN PROGRESS D SIGNED OFF (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) o NO ACTION TAKEN D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS 0 NO FUNDS AVAILABLE TO PROCEED 0 EVAlUATING CLEANUP AlTERNATIVES CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BACK FOR DETAILS) o CAP SITE (CD) 0 EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) o CONTAINMENT BARRIER (CB) 0 EXCAVATE & TREAT (En o TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) 0 NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) o o o ---rüç-nec\ tJ \!e~ .-\-0, L_. a. L- .T ~ (t.. ~1^~e.r- s:.¡t-e- IA0e-~+I-5 ~~\Or-. a ~d M :+l3ð:hct1 ~en I-UJ z- UJ~ ::!iUJ ~~ ~ (1) NAME en we ~~ I-..J g¡ ~ (2) :J- en I- Z UJ ::!i ~ i >: a: UJ > ~ õ HOW DISCOVERED o TANK TEST DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN UNKNOWN UJ en g ~ ~ UNKNOWN o UNKNOWN UJUJ ~11. o~ CHECK ONE ONLY I-en ffi~ ~~ Gen :¡¡!z 130 ~¡::: ~~ I!! z w ::!i 8 (2n9) QUANTITY LOST (GAlLONS) UNKNOWN o UNKNOWN GAL. CAUSE{S) D OVERFILL 0 RUPTUREifAILURE o CORROSION ~UNKNOWN o SPill 0 OTHER YRS D DRINKING WATER . (CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACiUAlL Y BEEN AFFECTED) REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) 0 ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) 0 REPLACE SUPPI. Y (RS) OTHER (OT) HSC 05 (4187) - e WATERRESOURES ,CONTROL BOARD DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY UST CLEANUP PROGRAM SITE SPECIFIC QUARTERLY REPORT - ____ - .-_.0 CONTRACTOR NO: 15000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: SUBSTANCE: 12034 ,SITE NO: 150042 FEDERAL EXEMPT: N PETROLEUM: Y SITE NAME: CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS DATE REPORTED: 03/06/9i 600 WILLIAMS STREET DATE CONFIRMED: 03/06/9i BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 CATEGORY: SITE STATUS ADDRESS: CITY/ZIP: CASE TYPE: S CONTRACT STATUS: 4 EMERGENCY RESPONSE: RP SEARCH: S DATE UNDERWAY: 03/06/90 DATE COMPLETED: 03/06/9, PRELIMINARY DATE UNDERWAY: 02/16/90 DATE COMPLETED: 03/15/9 ASSESSMENT: C REMEDIAL DATE UNDERWAY: 1 1 DATE COMPLETED: / / INVESTIGATION: REMEDIAL ACTION: DATE UNDERWAY: 1 1 DATE COMPLETED: / / POST REMEDIAL DATE UNDERWAY: 1 1 DATE COMPLETED: ACTION MONITORING ENFORCEMENT ACTION TAKEN: TYPE: DATE TAKEN: RAP REQUIRED: DATE APPROVED: CASE CLOSED: DATE CLOSED: / / DATE EXCAVATION STARTED: REMEDIAL ACTIONS TAKEN: RESPONSIBLE PARTY CONTACT NAME: I SPECIALIST: V COMPANY NAME: CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS SENSITIVITY: NES . ----,-- ~- 600 WILLIAMS STREET VERIFIED (X) BAKERSFIELD, CA 93305 DATE OF REPORT: 03/16/90 ADDRESS: CITY 1ST ATE: ABANDONMENT #: A1127-15 h. f~~J1::" : ~;¡;f~~~~~~' 1700 ~ SItMt Bab,sfIe4d. CaRfomla Q3305 , Telephone (805) ~1·363S 0 ··"'W;)'.~:'r.;":':·4 ¿'·~~~~!:;;;:;;:"¡fi;;~ '\';' ~';{r: o,,,~..' 1.. .. .; ~~ ,'¡ . , A ~\1;1·,.-t.:ii1t~~E}~~;t~;}'AQiit~1:;~:.I~' ',~ç.:.: t:~~:~\~...~~",;,~;~;~ ' . U n~'~'''''?:'~:~''')¡'''À~~;o-<.''"J~""i¡\''''''Phone ,~, :'".;,;" ~:¿. ~', ,';/~-:..~' !',~~i~;:t' ~';'--;·(-"',~::'i'+.";~i,~' t¥~'!~~~;'-:i€~'tfj¡),~'::~itt:~~;~f,~~!j~~m;<~~" *,~fJ..,~'~ """:'j~...,; - t - "~'. ~~l ,;;;.;r"i?i~4ì-"'$;¡.1iti,'ï\;',Uif~Ji~'Zip ~),~~c -=??~ . . . . . . . . Re~o~.~ .'~-:ç~.-~~."~'·:":~.::;:,~~:;-'~:f~~0T;¿~;;'r*¡ii;;f~:~ci~~~.<. SectiOD 2 '",,:,)0 ~ tUled .2!:!1 ~ contractor '-decontaÎi1nattnJ{ tank(s):':,~~4~)7~~:'t~;$~1:;,~ ' ,'." : . .. ···"·~JJ~::T~:·~ri~ct~~:;'¡~~~10;;:- ê~ntr.ct~~7~.;;;;r;;;;5;':'~~:;;Z<"~;J;á;S. ';"f' _ (.... 'Address ~1);B;';'.k-,~~-=?7 - .' Phone ~ 8CJS-S89-6óYJC' ~:~'~~"::, ',: :',,¿=,",":.~;~~:,,':::'::':~~~'~:-'~~-,'~~" ~4A-€Æ~F/;:-~" '~ ' ' '. Z~~é'-::':5?z?X ~",_7',:'¡)~i~[rY;çF/:'·', ',,' ~:,':",Authorized representative 'ot contractor'certitles by signing below that ,~t: "',.,..:~\:::,',:~tank(s) _~have been', decontaJll1nated in accordance with Kern County Hea1th\'.;<;!r,~,;' ;.., ..-'~DepartJlent requlrelllenta. _",:~~,~ . '::' , n '.., ~~~<~~)', ~.' ,:" -, ":"'~ - .- ::....,<\~:,..:,}:.'.'/~ / .-~.: ,:" ,- , <, "'-',,-;.::'r,:;,:'::i;:',:,¡.,,' , 'n, ' ,~. ::;' -~~~ ' ~{)/<;èY2......:, ,<., ~'¡'" ._, , ,:,<" ::~\ ':,It-.Ìf~;~',:~ '~~ :~:;i~ft"*~:~;"i-;, T,l. ,1 ~ ,,~"t~,;' §-~~:;;j : ,:,,;: :,: :' ·~~,~~;},:.~t;~.: ." .. · ~ .' . .' · · · .' .. . . .. "_"" ".. ... . . .' . . ., ,.', ,.' . .' .". .' . .' .. r--.. .. .' ';., ',~,,'.' . ~ be ,tUled .2!:!1 'Aru! s1lmed J!I nauthorJzed "reDresentative ~ ,!he ':l::~;: :,:, . treatment, storage. .!!.t disposal fac1Ut~ accepting tank(sl:';::':'::.':""£A~þ:;,g ::,::y~:':t<:'L >::::.c_. ·!~CU1~Y ",~e .:.,.¿,~ ~~'~';~\":~': ~. ...... .~:'#~'?'-:~,¡;:~¡~~~~~, ·~:;'?>"¡:Address' 71:.8 ~ Ci?z-z'¿ ~', '-:'Wh.~¿[,,::':'{"<';~'·,"4:::t~Phon8_ ,8??-/ 7/ð'~., .:~.." ' , .;;. "i~"'~::'a...; ~~::::;: " . - Zl;"'~7B30? "'~::)":/;;:;;: f,' .. ' .' , '. " '",' ,. '.. .~i"'-" 'H .' ,'J:~~.:, ::. '..'.--,' .::",:,..,~,;' " - .~ &'ð'---'" '" ,.,~, '" ,'..""J",,:,.,' "'>~"" ank.' ' '\;/"'" ";-"~~'- "'i'oc.J~-~~o' .._',_'_::':',~_":;:":,"'é"';"'~;"', .'ot T s \-"""-"'""''''';.. . c!J . _ :'/ ',.,,' );:;"':*'T i tl~ .. ...."'.,~/'~".,:;~,~!!;~~". . . ... . " . . . . : ~A:t~~~1;~~ _~e:::';~;~~1v.),.~èi~;:~",f~~~~:(:!:~fi~t!~~:l:~:}~:~ ~ . ,:,' , ~ , ~ . . . MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Pold ''in halt and staple. ..:.... . ,,·,ti~';.--, ~'K",trt;0::t;1"'.';" '. :··""·~_~¡t;,;s¡~~"",:':¡;i~,:.: '..;' '~~'~r~'':'!'!i.;1''''~1i..'/tf'-4\f.1:~;?t;,..·; '--";"'¡J.,:, _ ( F 0 - ';I :-,...., ~!'r"o - ~ ~ "- , ~!)::----..,._. ...... ;t, - > GÃAY J. WICKS _ Agency Director (80S) 861·3502 STEVE McCAllEY Director ( e '( e' 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301, Telephone (805) 861.3638 Telecopler (805) 881-3429 ,. ' RESOURCE '/," , ~, t," ;',',' ~:-;','~ )' -f' , .. ~ ~-" <" ~ :"~~ .~' ;,~,:,;~:::;?{~~-~~'<':~/~'~' ':"~,~,,::~~):j.~~~~ ,;;(,~:;:;;; PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ' , '?~;--. '~~~~:~~;~~~~~§:~~~~~~~~~~~t~'~~~1~~~;~~r~~~;::~~~~~{~~~~~~r~~;~~' '.:,~ ¡/¡~,~1'OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS ~ ,~::~:~1,~:~:~: ~~:~}';~~1~~;~;,t~~·~/:~!iJ;:~~'f~~~j·~~}Ô~~',~!:: .~~i)¡~ :1~~i)1~~:..#/ßfi~;~~~,~~jg~FJ~t~!!{~. "~C"'~FSUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY': -'~',~'~f¡'-~" . :".: :,~~';.~;;: , "- , ". .." ';'-3:~fh'~PhoDe: (805) 324':'9681' :' ,.. ;:,::':~:' f,~:, _';;>'~:~;:~':'J:i~~~;~;r'?~~:~~:¡':jf:']~¡t~~~:~fl' ti\;~~~¡~1¥~~:~ii;~~1.J:J~~~~, f)i\lfPERMITFOR CLOSURE OF."J'··>"'· ;":~PERMIT ÈXPIRE ~t:~t~,!~~f\;,~i::~!:~;::;,~~'~~:¥{:';",;9~'~~:'i~~;~,~t~',;~~;:~( , .. !¿":~~¿;~'~J~~!t(.¡¡¿~~<" , , ' " ,1<,c';:' ~':>:!,,:J. TANK(S) AT ABOVE :"';/':''.,,,:,:f:;fAPPROVAL DATE" ", "Februarv . 1 ' 't'\;: ... . ::OCATION . . .,:..APPR~~~~.,~;:~~~~ _or '", , .' ,': ',:J,,',', :",',;:/';, ""',:·",,J,;!iY'k,,,:,]¡;,,,,,:!¡;,,\,.,,,,Turonda R.,Crumpler, ~ ry ';". - j . ..., )" ;,,, , ;- I, :;";,,,.; -:- ';>" ',..~' ",.' , ,'<-.,.. ,~~;, :~-": ';~'r;~::',f12"H d M t ·al S ec·al·st ~">,- ~:",' , ' ",,4::-,' ">;," "'=, '.:7"!""~,~,,-,;-1,'b~J,,,-,}· azar ous aen s, P 1 1 : ' ,;.. ~ " . -- ,1' '" . . . ' ~ . .' _.- . . \: ': . : ~:~' ~ rJ,~ . ..~'~,I;;~:~r~~'<·' ~ ~~~~;:~~.~.:-~~ ;;t~:~'~:~; ;~~1;~j¿j~~~~j~~.t~~t;:~::~~~:J~ :......................... ~.................~.:.................................:.... POS TON PRE MIS E S.. .:.:.:... :.:'.... ....:..:.:.:...:. ..': ::~..::~:..::. ::..':.:::. :~.::.:..... '. .' ~, CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: , ," ".",,:":' 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencieS prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) , ' " " ,w< ';:'::~;¡-,~"Y'.~,,:,,:;,'-t:~. c.,. 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for fequired inspections(s). ' , ',;,'..' ,";, '.. " 3. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. ' . 4. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and adhere to all applicable laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment, of hazardous materials., " :' .';;':':: .'" ~",?,: ',:' S. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. ' -~ 'C,b, , , '¡;', ", 6. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by 'the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. 7. Soil Sampling: . " '...," a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. ',', ,"'..' ",..,' ;.',;.,' , , , '~:" ""<'",.1,,;:';::, ;, :' , ,b. 'Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum offour samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. ' ' ,'" ,Õ! ",';'.,:" ' , , "',;',' ''; ,', ",,' ..' c. Tank size greàter than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. '\" ",", ' .< 8. Soil Sampling (piping area): " ,.::' .. A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the __ ", dispc;nser area. .. __ "-0 "'__ h',~h" ,- ,,"_~. .~""_h",h_ ",'_'_' "",. '" " " ., .....-~ ,~. p... J. ., e (' e( -." ',' PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE , OF UNDERGROUND lÍAZARDOus , SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACll.ITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1127-15 ADDENDUM ,>:, ¡".. :;..':'.' ",:'-,.ì:- ',~:~,., "., PurginglInerting Conditions: , " , ,,-.: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&S , ,"'f¿. b. ,'Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) ,:;i} , ,::,';:c:. No'emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) ,'. :".~,;' .; ':~(:2~~~"';:~J.¡ , , . d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700)';}J.G~i¿~:,~~~,. c. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize removal. ' . . :.;:, 'l, .. . .. , " - RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE T~~ '~,~,_~, ,~' ":>;t¡g~{;:.~~~,l~;~~;f~;~~r::· ,This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks, I Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and' that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department.' , , ': " ", " ,. :',: .h~:~;i=~F~'·',,-,~~~·:~~;~:.<i:¿~"·';:i·~Ç.~~~j:: ;<.. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by , CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when uns.afe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders." "',; """ .' " '.".,; Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation ~rom the permit conditions may ~esUlt in a stop-~or~~r~~.".., X~¿':::::::~'::i~:t.;;;:!,~;i~~.~::: ',3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms; hazardous-wastc' inànifests and analyses , .,; documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on L' necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. .., .. 2. .. ..",;,', ·,.5~J~;~~~~i¡1~~£:. DATE " ~~I~B:~~~-it .;U~'~" TRC:cd crumpler\1127-1S.pta ,...",0" ',~. ..'. -. ' :::-':'1" ,'~~ :': :~ ¡ , ~ ?> ,...~' GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director e( e( 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3636 Telecopler (805) 861-3429 RESOURCE AGENCY " - > MENTAL .. (\:/ S PERMIT NUMBER A 1127-15 PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY .. ..'. , ,FACILITY NAME! ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME! ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams 'Bakersfield, CA Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams ' Bakersfield, CA Kern Environmental Service P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Phone: (805) 324-9681 License #432372 Phone: (805) 589-5220 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES Mav 5. 1990 2 TANK(S) AT ABOVE APPROV AL DATE Februarv 5. 1990 APPROVED BY~~~~ ' , Turonda R. Crumpler, .E. .S. Hazardous Materials Specialist LOCATION ..................................................................................... POS TON PREMIS ES........................................................ .................. 1. CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. (i.e., City Fire and Building Departments) , Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal or abandonment in place to arrange for required inspections(s). Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT- 30. lt is the contractor's responsibility to know and 'adhere to all 'applicable' laws regarding the handling, transportation or treatment of hazardous materials. The tank removal contractor must have a qualified company employee onsite supervising the tank removal. The employee must have tank removal experience prior to working unsupervised. If any contractors other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. Deviation from the submitted application is not allowed. Soil Sampling: , a. Tank size less than or equal to 1,000 gallons - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved from beneath the,center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. , b. Tank size greater than 1,000 to 10,000 gallons - a minimum of four samples must be retrieved one-third of the way in from the ends of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and,six feet. c. Tank size greater than 10,000 gallons - a minimum of six samples must be retrieved on-fourth of the way in from the ends of each tank and beneath the center of each tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. Soil Sampling (piping area): A minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and under the dispenser area. ,2. 3. 4. 5., 6. 7. 8. f ~, e e ..--{ PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER A 1127-15 ADDENDUM 9. Soil Sample analysis: a. All soil samples retrieved from beneath gasoline (leaded/unleaded) tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (for gasoline). b. All soil samples retrieved from beneath diesel tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (for diesel) and benzene. c. All soil samples retrieved from beneath waste oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for total organic halides, lead, oil and grease. d. All soil samples retrieved from beneath crude oil tanks and appurtenances must be analyzed for oil and grease. e. All soil samples retrieved from beneath tanks and appurtenances that contain unknown substances must be analyzed for a full range of substances .:hat may' have been stored within the tank. .'~ !',:- ~S;;=-":""~¡"~:-_-" -'.. __-.:;,'........ ~-rt" ~'J_.'-<"..~~:_~r... '''~:?=~·::-:;::::7:.=:?1·. _~.,.-.....::- ·-,':..~~::-:-f';..,.-=5~'~~~,'~~,,-,-,,-..4-!!~:'71· ........~:=-:.~.:P,~. ~~.,.~......,..:';"":.",~~~ !~~""!'r";'; r,.~~::~~; . 10. Th!= fOllo~ng timet~ble lists pre-and post-tank removal requirements: ,.. ACTMTY DEADLINE Complete permit application submitted to Hazardous Materials Management Program At least two weeks prior to closure Notification to inspector listed on permit of date and time of closure and soil sampling Two working days Transportation and tracking forms sent to Hazardous Materials Management Program. All hazardous waste manifests must be signed by the receiver of the hazardous waste No later than 5 working days for transportation and 14 working days for the tracking form after tank removal Sample analysis to Hazardous Materials Management Program No later than 3 working days after completion of analysis 11. Purging/lnerting Conditions: a. Liquid shall be pumped from tank prior to purging such that less than 8 gallons of liquid remain in tank. (CSH&SC 41700) b. Tank shall be purged through vent pipe discharging at least 10 feet above ground level. (CSH&SC 41700) c. No emission shall result in odors detectable at or beyond property line. (Rule 419) d. No emission shall endanger the health, safety, comfort of repose of any person. (CSH&SC 41700) e. Vent lines shall remain attached to tank until the inspector arrives to authorize r~movaI. RECOMMENDATIONS/GUIDELINES FOR REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS This department is responsible for enforcing the Kern County Ordinance Code, Division 8 and state regulations pertaining to underground storage tanks, Representatives from this department respond to job sites during tank removals to ensure that the tanks are safe to remove/close and that the overall job performance is consistent with permit requirements, applicable laws and safety standards. The following guidelines are offered to clarify the interests and expectations for this department. 1. Job site safety is one of our primary concerns. Excavations are inherently dangerous. It is the contractor's responsibility to know and abide by CAL-OSHA regulations. The job foreman is responsible for the crew and any subcontractors on the job. As a general rule workers are not permitted in improperly sloped excavations or when unsafe conditions exist in the hole. Tools and equipment are to be used only for their designed function. For example, backhoe buckets are never substituted for ladders. ' 2. Properly licensed contractors are assumed to understand the requirements of the permit issued. The job foreman is responsible for knowing and abiding by the conditions of the permit. Deviation fr~m the permit conditions may result in a stop-work order. 3. Individual contractors will be held responsible for their post-removal paperwork. Tracking forms, hazardous-waste manifests and analyses documentation is necessary for each site in order to close a case file or move it into mitigation. When contractors do not follow through on necessary paperwork, an unmanageable backlog of incomplete cases results. If this continues, processing time for completing new closures will increase. ^=1<dBV~{2~CPh' , £~~ OWNER-OR AGENÌ' TRC:cd crumpler\1127-15.pta .~- <~7 - 90 DATE ---,-. .--,.,..- ~ " I~ ( e( ( ( 11IT!~~ us&; p-ro 1500 t{1- PTA 1J./IZ7 -/ S 2-- 2..-~ D 'Z- I I ! \ I I ! KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT 2700 "M" STREET, SUITE 300 ' BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 (805) 861-3636 APPLICATION DATt , or TANKS TO BE ABAHOOHEO LENGT" or PIPINO TO AJWroON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBS~ANCES STORAGE PACILITY THIS APPLICATION IS POR [j REMOVAL. OR 0 A8ANOOIÐŒNT IN PU.CE IPILL OUT ~ APPLICATION PER rACILI~1 z ~ ~ Brandon Walters - .. :: ~ PACILITY NAME UIII: :~ ,Consolidated Freigntways - OWHIOR IPHONE , DAYS- HII111T5- 805-589-5220 ADDRESS PROJECT CONTACT (RURAL LOCATIONS ONLYI 600 Williams. Bakersfield. ,Ca. ADDRESS California Avenue IPHONE ( 805 ) 324 - 9681 è Consolidated z ;!O .- .. .. ;,¡c ~: =õ 3~ ...- TANK HEHOVAL CONTRACTOR vt:... ADDRESS 93388 ¡'HONE I Kern Environmental Service O. Box 5337: Bakersfield Ca. ( 805 ) 589-~ 5220 . ; PROPOSEU PROJECT STARTIHG DATE ¡CALIFORNIA LICENSE' , WORKER'S COHPENSATION , ¡'''SURER - I Upon Permit Issuance 432372 WC 581-71-04 Tolman a~d Wiker I PRELIHINARY SITE ASSESSHENT COHTRACTOR AOORESS r"ONE ¡ Blymer Engineers Inc. 1829 Clement Ave. . Alameda. Calif. ( 415 ) 521 - 3773 WORKER'S COHrENSATION , INSURER 94501 rHONE ! WZC 80333852 Firemans Fund (415 ) 434 -1500 ~DORATORY TIIAT WILL otNALYZE SAMPLES &-- ADDRESS 435 Tesconi Circle rUONE Net Pacific Inc. Santa Rosa. Ca. 95401 ( 415 ) 526 - 7200 = C EHICAL COHPOSITIO/l OP HATfRUU STORED ~ TANK , ~- ~:~ -:I: 3 iš ' D- 2 :... uz - VOLUME 7.000 1.000 OIEMICAL STORED INON-COMMERCIAL NAMEI Diesel Diesel DAns STORED 1956 TO 1990 19,)ó TO 1990 TO TO OIEMIC~L PII£VI0USLY STORED None None ù ~ cz ...0 ~: :l:C zs: :1= :cO - ... >z z- ;oj DEPTß TO GROUNDWATER 12 250 Ft. 501 L TYl'r. AT FACILITY 0- 2% slopes imberlina-Urban Caj.on Complex / Kern County Water Agency Water Supply Report Ed Wie mer-California Wate SÅNPLES WILL 8£ ANA ZED rOR: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as Diesel ane BTXE~ IP WITUIN 500 fEET & Chico Q pESCRIBE UOW RESIDUE IN TANKIS) AND PIPING IS TO 8E R~OVED AND DISPOSEO Of (INCLUDE TRANSPORTATION .tND DISPOSAL COMPANIES I: ~ P~pinQ ~~..Qe~tlushed into tanks. all associated rinseate to be transported to Gibson Rëfining ..I _I CAD OQSOx811/ I .::: ~ lþESCRIBE BOTII TIlE DISPOSAL HEnlOD .um DISPOSAL LOt.\TIOII PORI ~ ~ TANKISI To be rinsed. inerted and transported to Valley Tree and Construction Q~1 Bakersfield. California i PIPING ... Same ~z ~ :H'O,uuTTOH !!g~!! .!l!! !!~~ ~!!!~ !!t !!!!~ ~!!~n ll!!!!! !!!~u:!.!!!!l ~PPI.IC-'TION !!!! !!~Y!!!! " " nits POR" ,,"~ aEEN ,'.;!'IPLETl:D UllDER 'ENALTY 0' PEIIJUIIY AHO TO TilE BEST 0' KY JlHOWLEDnE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ""u,"'~M4tk) ~ j,"¿'~¿J TITLE Field Supervisor DATE 01-31-90 , - . ~ " (- e(, ( er ....._~,,' f '·rf~:, i,,~:.~:,~r' PROVIDE DRA~vING OF PHYSIC.;r. LWC'UT OFrAC!LlTY USl!;; SP¡'\CE rROvIDED GELD.v. -- AU. OF TIlE FOLI£WING INFOR!'-lATICN MUST BE INCLUDED 1: I ORDER FOR APPLICATlCN TO 3E PROCESSED: TANK {51, PIPING & DISPENSER (51, INCLUDlì'!,~ I..ENGTHS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING ILCATIONS DESIGNATED BY TIUS SYMBOL "GD" NEAREST STREET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WELLS CR Si:RF.n.CE tvATERS WITHIN 100 I RADIUS OF FACILITY NORTII ARRCM -- --_. -- --~-_. SEE ATTACHED DRAWING {::-~':~~ <' 0'.' ,( " , J . ~ ·1,..:;,:<;;; ...¡ , ! :.: ~Al)fu;; ):~+ _n,....".".....,.... _/J,JJiJ.IA~ ~7".. , , ........._-----_..._~_.... ""1' ' ,,'. ,0. ..,t , J . , : ';' '"!'," ~ ~ r ¡;; e IAcJc Top .... , i 1 "'f . ~ i ,j , ~ l ----- , ~(': (nf F'.;1It:' ',' f ! .,! ,.~ .- ¡ ;. :' ".,.1' , ' , , . ¡ , I' ..ri- , p '--i ~..... ! --~, I "I , '·~·-rt -' -,'..~,~..,- ¡ ¡ ..·t t ~ r f :5,~. 't. ,.:;: ÓFFlcr ~,-,- ,.--!' - ..\, ,~.:.i' ',"; , ' i., '.. '~.' t ~ ~ "" ~ ~ '() ~ ,... ... ...... .,...'.. .. , : .,' ~ - ": '.. rF~<·"~·" JI-'~ '".' -'~',,',i,: ;..1 ,.. ,·1 . ,~ ~ " , . :-1 :: ~ :~~ 'r'''! rr ~' ~ ,~ I I ,..._---, i.". BlACk Top ~ SCALE: ! I... ... !~ ¡~ ~ ~ ¡ ~ ,,- ~ \J i I ! ! 1 I i ! , , 1 ! J L~/1·M/'~:;~'-J::. ¿:R1!--'9#I4JALj~ APPROVED BY: DATt:: 1- ~J-qO ~"-L~/ , , .n.~.s;{.....LkkÆ'$EI£I',.~__ - ¡ I ~J ~I ~ ::,:1 \1 ~ì ~t ~I "I I ! I \ I I . f I ¡ j I I ; , i DRAWN BY ~ REVISED DRAWING NUMBER ; . - ..,..¡. ·'¡~ì-,~'t.~~",'*~;'#'~1¡"-"* :..t-.\",'r, f1ibt;~'!c1't-""-1' +·it.;t'1'~1 ",...,~':. COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT 2700 'M' St'~eet' 8i!1kersfield,CA 93301 ( a 0 5) '8 6 1 - 26 1 5 ( ¡ , i I f I I, ! t , , , ,..~ .' '" ~ ~ ,', I I ¡ I I I . ~ ',-".., ," "'....',:...., ' ' , ,ÇASH ~~GV5TER I,,;: 'J,:'.", I ,,: I \; I CU:3t'omer P, 0 ,# I H020290-2 I t¡ , '" ,I " ~inl,e Description TANK 'PLAN CHECK 02/02/90 '1 0 : :; 8 am " .."."x;¡-, .. .:,', 'r;~~~ ,~,,:fr ' KERN , , ~ ,... .., i I I I I I I i I I ! ! THANK YOU' ¡ ¡ ¡ I I' ¡ I I e(~ .. . + .,,-, .-- 'R E ç E I P T . '.'-, , ---.. ~-, -, , ," ..'..~-'::! ",;' -- " '~- '. " .' .' " , -, ' , " - '.' , .. , Wtn Bi 10rder Date L.JD I 02/02/90 I 170A , ,~ , .. KERN , , Ship Date 02/02/90 QUi!lntity 1 Invoice Nbr, " 1 " ~."'2àp:31 ',I ' /," .",;:}L" ,...' ",f , '¡;:::}i:': . "r"::"r ; .~";,~rt~~;~fwtE~r , I Terms "0'1, NT I , ' :,T Toto!t1 100,00 e(- Type .. .. .. ~ , - , - ~', Via Price Unit 10000 E O"oe,. Tot.:!1 Amoun,t' Due Payment Made By Check . ,'~ , , ~ ;,.>~ ..~ . , PAGE,':':'" , '" .. " .. ,I I " r Disc, ' 100,00 ,100,00 100,00 GARY J. WICKS Agency Dlrec,tor (805) 861·3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director -( e( 2700 M Street, Suite 300 Bakersfl.td, CA 93301 Telephone (805) 861-3638 Telecopler (805) 881-3429 RESOURCE AGENCY January 17, 1990 ,. ,¡ Blymer Engineers Inc. =Attn:,Michael S. Lewis 1829 Clement Avenue Alameda, CA 94501-1395 Re: Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street, Bakersfield, CA 93,305 Permit Number: 150042 Gentlemen: This Department has received and reviewed the tank tightness test performed on the 7,000 gallon tank and a request to close the tanks located at 600 Williams Street, Bakersfield, California known as Consolidated Freightways. Per your request the tanks", one (1) 7,000 and one (1) 1,000 gallon tank can be closed by first obtaining a permit to close per the Kern County Ordinance Code Section 8.48.270. Enclosed is an' application for a permit to abandon and the closure requirements Handbook UT -30. Please return the completed form within twentyone (21) days of the date of this letter. Please be advised that even with the tank being out of use and if no application to abandon the tanks, an investigation for a leak will be necessary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (805) 861-3636. Your cooperation is much appreciated. Sincerely, ,S Turonda R. Crumpler, R.E.H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program TC:cd cc: Consolidated Freightways 1Ptcum¡UA1\blymer .let ec _( KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLA.INT FO'RM , Oate._J¿!l..:::.J.-::..2.ç¿: :¡:...................... p{. '""/1'''"''' 0 ~::;".. .. --I;T N'__~';,"" '",--0::U)l2--JlXtJ.lJU...G........- '_ocat,on...(2)rJ.~QlLd~, ULÆr.ø - d:1:L~/ì/)-~- Olrectlons._..W_oO-_ZD¡)}¡LlD2{J___. __ .4-..JdJiJâl..~..J.--.:i3ß{2Z.._._ .. Reporting Person, ,. ___._ Address_._._.::.....___.____._.____..__._.___ Phonl!;..___.__':~' :::':~:if~J~£!;iP~~ -- ~ ~ ~-- ~;è1L2~ _ _ _ Íßfl1!J<? IfJ - - ~~, ' Information'" 'ð c ~', Taken by ð {, I.....- /62'04:!L ' RIESUL TS OF INVESTIGATION , .~- --.'-- -..-.--- ",-- ,---,----. -. - ---...----- !Jdk/ :if ~ideR ------------- -------------------- Complainant notified of results.____.___._______ Investigated by __.___.________.____________. .--. ,-+-- --- - .-- -¡--'-- _. ...__,. .__ ~.......___,__ ____... - ,_._0. \~ ( C. KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT SERVICE AND COMPLAIN~ FORM Date._J-:-.6.__2ð Tlme:..__.___._. g4 '"'/'f,""M' 0 C':1:_ / _ r N.Jt5D{)i;2...,." '"~--- ,~",,".~òiK1u:tea:ft~,----- Dlrections._.._______________________.._..._.0__._._..___......__._.._..._.._....__.__. ---..--- Reporting Person, __ Address_.__.__________......_.._~_____ Phone....._..___ ~Ne;~sL~~~~oN.l \1.oJ, O__~_~.....~_____~ '._ .__.__~. ~~~~Gkd-~~_L .~ -~ -I-=L~,~(L.~.-.- ~__~ C.\=~g._......_Y.rltL_£t.....!~....£U~~.~~(' fl_._.___ \)") ~ \ " ¿ --0 -r~··~-r- ..---~..~1=.---........._..____..__..._._.._..._........__...---.-..-......-......................-....-..-,...-..............-......-.-.-------.---.-.---------. Complainant notified of resu r t s,.. .......... ...,...... ,........,.,., Invest i gated by,.,........." ,.,.. ..........,m...........mmm'.,....'...m.......................mmm............... Da te .........._..............................c....,_ . , " '.L ,.......... "1'''' '")n")n ,....._" ...... /{'\'- e( e( BLYMYER ENGINEERS, INC. ® December 28, 1989 BEl Job No. 89552.3 ~ ,JAN 2 llreflll; Q¡; q )Y <a Ms. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bákersfield, CA 93301 ¡t;() 01:J..-. Subject,:, Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street Bakersfield,CA 93305 Dear Ms. Green: On December 1, 1989, Blymyer Engineers, Inc. (BEl) submitted precision test results for the 7,000 gallon underground diesel tank at the subject facility. The test indicated a high level leak in the tank system. Consolidated Freightways has decided to permanently close this tank, rather than investigate the location of the leak. In addition, an out-of-service 1,000 gallon, underground diesel tank will also be permanently closed. A tank closure permit will be obtained from your department prior to performing this work. Consolidated Freightways will discontinue use of the 7,000 gallon tank immediately. If you have any questions, please contact me at (415) 521-3773. Cordially, BLYMYER ENGINEERS, INC. ?N~~ Michael S. Lewis Environmental Specialist cc: Mr. Ben Encisco Mr. Gary Detrick '1 (415) 521-3773 · 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501,1395 . FAX (41'5) 865,2594 BLYMYER e( e( ®- December 1, 1989 BEI Job No. 89552.3 ENGINEERS,' INC. Ms. Amy Green Kern County Environmental Health Department 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Ms. Green: Enclosed are the precision test results for the 7,000 gallon underground diesel tank at the subject facility. As indicated in the results, the tank system failed the high level test, but passed the low level test. The low level test was performed at 101", which is 6" above the top of the tank. Blymyer Engineers, Inc. is arranging to have the tank top uncovered and the associated piping hydrostatically tested. A tank modification permit will be obtained from your department prior to beginning this work. As we discussed, Consolidated Freightways will continue to use this tank while the additional investigatory work is in progress. If you have any questions or are in need of additional information, please contact meat (415) 521-3773. ~ Cordially, BLYMYER ENGINE~RS, INC. U'~' . J I _,'~ / ¿ I , :I IUJ0~' . Michael S. Lewis Environmental Specialist Enclosure cc: Mr. Ben Encisco Mr. Gary Detrick - -~ ~.- .' - . ,- (415) 521·3773 · 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501,1395 . FAX (415) 865-2594 , ::'j¡":I~:~ ::~~ }~~t~::1 ,1~1~~! :Î~;': ~,::" ,::;;:a ''''f1 '''',,:'': ~ ".:1, :i,';m =- 3 e\ e( Associated Snvir~nmental Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 8Ø427 Bakersfield, C~ ~~~ ( 8iLï5) , 39 3-~:::212 Invoice Address: CF 1- BLYMYER ENGRS 1829 CLEMENT AVE. ¡AU~¡'r' EDA, 4H.')4S01-1395 , . '. ..'. PRECISION TANK & LINE TEST RESULTS Tank Location: w. O. #: 104Ø9 n. CONSOLIDATED FRTWYS 6ØØ \.JILLIAt"1S BAKERSFIELD, CA. I.D. Number: ---------- T echn i c i an: ì-'\EiY1 Tech.#:87129 Van#:dl11 Date~ 1t-20-89 Time Start: 08:ØØ Facility Phone# :8Ø5-;32'~-9681 Contact: GARY D~TRICk End: :2:45 County: KE GrolJndwat er Depth:" 15 FT.+. Bl ue Print s: i\i/i=i Date;Time system was filled: 11-13 13:0Ø Tank Tank Capa~ity Product 1 2 3 4 5 & 7K DSL Tank Fill/Vent Product Type Of Vapor (;5" ê Re:::ory Inch e s of PUllp Tank Water/Tank Type Materiç ø sue sws PASS Additional Information: PRODUCT ~rNE FLOODED & INC~UDED C!...EAR 65 DE5RE:::S SITE LOG p Set Up Equip: Bled Product Lines: Bled Vapor Lines: Bled Vent lines: Bled T1.lrbi n e : Bled Suction Pump: Risers Installed: TIME ,,~ì8 : i::5 ;Z2 '~ l 2~ "~í;.::; ,ZiS :: ;.~:.:: N/A \218 ~ eliz~ ¡"~1 / :::'~i a) This system and method meets the criteria set forth in NFPA #32~. b) Any failure listed above may require further action, check with all regulatory agencies. ß~ /~~ ..', " .' //, ./ Cer~tlfled fechnlclan Slgnatt.we: c:.- ~~ D.a t c? : // -Jlc. -- .f1 · ;. :i ';-r~~ ':':'. e ( e AES/System ~._ o. f.!'o)1 .E~'e4þ¿7 II P~e~±s~on Leak aük_r~.~t.1~. C~ ~33aø <aø~) 3~3·-a~~~ Test -------------------------~----------------------------------------------------- Technician KEM Cë.\! i bt~at ion Vall..le /3.~ UN I TS =, CIS Ga.l . Da.te ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Variation I UNITS GPH 11/20/89 HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) 37' I-: /~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 09:05 , Time Sta~~ted Gallons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7K LOW LEVEL< ) MID LEVEL ( ) I --------------~---------------------------------------------------------------- 95" PRODUCT LINE Tank Diamet et" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15'+ TEST IS ()PASSED ~FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE: ,I Ground Wat et" -, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST CONDUCTED AT /3<:) INCHES I GRADE LEVEL AT /30 INCHES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - , - :1:' i.... ff , IV"! E - ,l,¡ .,' T .,. E ..... I I 1:- ... Li ~, .. 1 ¡ I;' ~ . !" ,I. .., .n' \'~!' I:::' ¡"III !:::;¡?¡ '" :... ¡;;:¡ :II' ~;. '''õ' !.,.. I't::::: iF' ;01 C !l::: I!I T T .iI t~. Ih : ~. '. \'; I - 1 ~ 'I' "f· III .i. :11 , '~I.,¡..oa. :u .J.. ~ - ! ~ 11 :1 r ~~-~~ --It j ü·''I. " Jt " II :; . .-; '. , -; I A --...--"" ~ ), - 1/--- . j I j 1- . -E ,~ ... $ í 1 I j ;¡ .... ñ I' - ;: ;~ ..... (:'( , ~:;:: I;::r i ::~: ~;::' ,"" ," I.! I'" ',I ," I, I II'," ,... no .1, II. 1,1 I::. Uti 1" t Ii. i I" If Ii. I;:. ;;;, ,;'U , I "I, , ',;.' ¡:':I ~\; ,~<. :;, :/1, <::T :; " . 'II' ~ .. I i J ØØ-:Li'-' U'l ; '\Õø :11!!1 O~..,.."........... ; "a ";1 "H "\ >JI''!Idjw ,.,_.' ~:"".A:.~'~ :i;: ... ,U ... \bI u :fa ~'';¡i!JI ~ ** Notes CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS óøø WILLIAMS ST. BAKERSFIELD,CA. HIGH LEVEL TEST CALIB. ~ 3X ~! r-Q~ (:,171 nc=r-qr-r-r.:; "v j .' ~.- ja.., . ~ '.\ -( AES/-Syst em ¡:::'. (). J:).C)>-e a04~~'7 II P~ec~s~on Le~k aM.._~.~~~1d. CA ~33a~ (aø~) 393,-¡~a~~ Test () ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technician KEM Cc11ibt'~ation Value /1 UNITS = c:J.J' Sa 1- , ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date 11/20/8q System Variation I UNITS GPH ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~-_. Time Stat'~ted 10:2q HIGH LEVEL (FULL SYSTEM) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Gallons 7K LOW LEVELK) MID LEVEL( ) I '- 't-;óO? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tank piametet" Q5" PRODUCT LINE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Ground Watet" 15'+ TEST IS ÞtPASSED ()FAILED ()INCONCLUSIVE ,------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST CONDUCTED AT/O I INCHES I GRADE LEVEL AT !3c;¡Þ INCHES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1'''''''11 r ::::. E k ;1 1 ~ I ;!' T .h :n ':" III'!, IU ... III J !! :¡ T : ! l '" ',' ~ ø + ~ ~ ~ 1 â L I ,I, l'li~ ;c- ,!,. ::~:~ :;::f L - -r .... '... I:::;;:::' - ~:I ~ " ~ 11 _ ,I - ;!f ~-~ .Ii - '·-W-·'r· . ""-_d ~ -- " ", T E M P ':::1 I I i I I I '; â j II," "I>, "t'!111 dill .01' - 'I ~ ¡ : '111 ¡'"j ;::;";:;1; ':'1; i-I' .... - I ~~" ...' ;'t;;;:t '¡ , I I J ; . ~ :: :':' I ·1I.,lt..1 -:! . I j '" ,TI 1'1' ,i, :-. !;:!¡ I!::t !~ ::~ ~I~ I ¡rIff E:: IUI ¡,." I ¡;) Ll'I' E:: :::~ iI' ::::¡ ¡'t.¡ :1< :!. :¡::; :::: :~:,i F J) ~: U $ ,:. ,"':1\10 '*- u ''I.¡' .... . ~J'.... s~øø T 1'"1, R-' ,...-, '!"Ijjn."I. ,1/ ·""'4·"!"':&A ,. n '. " ': ". ". i ~, ,'II~ ,,,,~ '".. :.J d. .,. Ih_"'" :' III ,I . Thi' "-!.ó ** Notes CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS ó0Ø WILLIAMS BAKERSFIELD, CA. LOW LEVEL TEST CALIB. = 3X CLEAR 65 DEGREES -.. ,.. -- -.--. --------"-'- i .' f¡ YYì Y , e~\~ \^^ \ \.1 C) \: "t· . Y Y \ ~ k:\..:... v IV . 0.~/2.q/y8J 0; 01- Y YY¡¡;-fè ¡:;;..ru (j- , Xl ~ /iJI' L.-) l.~[ - '::? '/ /' ~ U' '~ L'-r.J -.) J. ,- -,- -. -.. -- ~ - - ~ -- . - - - --. ~. ~ - - - _.....~& ~ ~~~ (Á f~:&T~JJ.d-·· . o..:t '\ ~~&~d7~J~:ÀtLu.ø¡ liJ!Jf3() . ....-----.: ,.~..~ ?~ó7·è·- "·'-:",-~T;;-~-= . ~.._-'=_:-../~ /Ath-. . £!....~ .j'J, b!5_.;~o/----~.~;. "'~'1~-'-'~-"-'-'" ¡ -,-, htlcP·-';~'-(..~~"4~...,_.~,:_-~::..~-~~:'-';:~t_~=-,-~--~~-~~~~~~~r"::,?-;~~::,·~-~:~,~ , . '-1 6-;i~~jÞ~~~Þfl;;i) It. It-u cA _ ---4L-ltj-V~l¿~ ~'- aL-/~ I ~v: lÙJzrv... \...C_ ~Jl {L~, - H "'" '..,_u..-_, _ _.., II I / /-ð)'-Jgc¡ " i I' . cI (}fJjfed ß/L£[YJBr tnq;nÜ;?Om C1/7d '. ' ~ W Øì7r1<is !Ji£J/ÓJ ~ r{j4œé cm~ Cfhe ~() cuJ LiJcJ(j1cl ð06n¡ 1& (L G ' ð! e ~ðr? ôe- .. óùfk¡ . and - . . A . .. ..(k.íY1(xf)¡ J1- . rd)¡O() W--0 ~ ~/ír}/ CJ.he ~~ o/J œ &1f¡'~ (f ( 4141 /j " /7 ' oj/~ " I ' ,I I '. COUNTY OF L..E~' Environmental Health Services Department' 2700 "J\-f' Street, Suite 300 Bukersfield, CA 93301 (80S) 861.3636 (80S) 861·3429 Fox Number April 24, 1989 ..., ---- -.. Consolidated Freightways Attention: Carol 600 Willi' am St. Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Carol: After careful review of the reportable inventory variations at your facility located at 600 William St. (permit #150042C), this Department has concluded that these results are due to a history of low throughput. This letter is to advise you that you will be granted a IIprovisional exemption" from the standard reporting described in your permit packet. Our preliminary information indicates that a, change in reportable variations is necessary when the throughput of a tank is less than 2,000 gallon!L[>er w,~~~ and le~~!Þ_~!!~~QQ.º-.9all,2~~r-Æ2!1t~ The accompanying "Low-Throughput Tank Reporting Outline" describes these changes. A revised action chart and an example of a changed summary sheet (on the back of inventory reconciliation worksheet) have also been enclosed for your convenience. Please make these changes on your worksheets for weeks in which you have low throughput. Be advised that this provisional exemption is subject to change as further data becomes available to the Environmental Health Department. If, however, a listed, tank at any time exceeds the defined low-throughput amounts, you must revert to compliance with the original reporting requirements. If you have any questions regarding this correspondence I can be reached at (805) 861-3636. Sincerely, . 1,1 L- t1:Cuvu) Ic~ Laurel Funk Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program LF:cd Enclosures (funk\freight.way) I , ~d ~, , ------ i i (,j ~¿ " \...-~, ~'ó 2~ HOUR~.L':PO:RT~LE -/ VARI , .....ON/LOSS NOTIFICATION TO: W &©/lUWŒ@ FfB 0 " 1989 ENVIRONMENTAL Hr:~L r,.d" Kern Co~ty Health Department . .1199 i'l~~~r ~tFeet :L.7oo.?nP 5r t£~~OO Bakersfíeld. California 9330' Attn: Underground Tank Section REGARDING : Facility: CPIh-F Facility Address: &¿JO Name Of Person Filing Report: Permit * / ~¿)D 'T ,;;....., ¿J~~, CðL,~~ On 1/3//& (date and time) inventory variation/loss that exceeded reportable limits as described below: , the above facility had an Amount of Amount of Amount at Total Minuses Tank # ' Daily Weekly Monthly Liqe 3 of Variation/Loss Variation/Loss Variation/Loss Trend Analysis .; -- - 5. , - I This notification is in 'addition to ' the phone call I previously placed. fa-(ft¿ d ¢ð .S!gnature r~~å/~ ~ ~ ~..II/I~//t é'fT 1/>/ ;¡, ,., ,~ é ~ -~" .' . ," , ¡ . ,- ~:(~~~:I ~ '.: ~.,}" , - _ ,__.~ _ "'___n,____ __ '_ __ h___ -- -- - (-It, ',:;":" _" ,,~'t'C,~/,~ ~~':;i: ;,jèi1 :~\ .' ""-. -- - -~, ~.'. '.. " " \.. . '. "'~~- ~ " -' , " . ..'.... ~! \', ..- -',," ",-, '" ", ",',' -,-~--'- ,', .- '~-q ,,- -- ,-.., , --,.., .. . .-' ---"-,-".",,~_.,_.' .....-..-- ,., .".."-'" '-:- ,- ~ -. ,-,- ff, ~ I~ ;!.. /1;/,· j -,'\..,..::~. ':::-":"'::"~""':::::":_""'-' ,:.::.:..:. __.-_____H~_ /~-¡/;~r;;Þrj- ~ ~;J7r . ¡V ,¡,J,./J~ /J. pt-r v{ 9!;14- tt PÚ ;;¡, ~ j? ~~ ~- {~ .. ,\.. --...' -" ,., -. -'- - ..., '--,' -- --'---'--,--,--.._- --'---~. .. - ,-...--...... <' .;.'---------_........_..._--_...._~-,., -:K-BRN COUNTY-HEALTH QEP.A~J:."MEN"I' PERMIT # IS?J ¿)U¥-'2- -~ --'- INVENTORY RECONCILIATION SHEET- ~ /9c?:7 TANK # ~ / CAPACITY 752:J Ò PRODUCT ~ MONTH/YEAR - - - - /' 2 E UATION :3 EQUATION 4, 14 8 9 . I 15 15 ~ 14 I 16 INVENTORY TOTAL METERED READING TOTAL METERED TOTAL METERED INVENTORY AMOUNT = - = REDUCTION SALES ADJUSTMENT THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT REDUCTION OVER OR SHORT GALLONS - GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS GALLONS +GALS -GALS. -- - - - / 7'7 /71 - - ?F -4 - 7 /' .L£z -? ~ - - - - - - -- - - ?7 7¿ - - 'J. 'III 11111111/1/ /1////1/////////// /////////// - - . ilL- I 7~ ~ - - - - ~7Ç - Z 2 c:;- ..¡ 12'- -- - - - - /C)~ - /OJ, - - - =L .;;9 2ú -(./ - - - - - - - - - 3/k:. - ~ rl/ l.LJ. - - 1::3-2 - - - - - - 2..Q - - - 4'7 - - - f;t- - - - - - - ~Á~ I/¡ - 6 - - ~ - -~::-:;:":"~--::'::-:-:~ - K!L - - - - c;;~ - ~ - ~ c;;-; - - ~ - ' ; - L~?- Ie 41 - - - - - - L I !.L - - -- ~,- .-' " - -' ----..--'- - - - - L l/lllLLL/LUII/ lL / / //// / 11/ III L/ / / / / I.LI1// .,. ("/,,/11 ¡C - I EQUA~ 12 IELIVERED + NVENTORY GALLONS '1 TOTALS 2 TOTALS TOTALS I -1' .. 'I, Þ. FACILITY 1 2 DATE - DAY/HOUR ~ /Õ;OD - L/ -',~ Þ L - /0 II Iz. A - A - I? ...L2.. ,.~-.., ~.' . ~ ' ' --:;z-±~.~I~".,.., . if ("' "- Î 4 TOTALS MOl'rtHLY TOTALS Env. Health 5804113 1017 (6/86) (Front) ,- - ;£)- ... i ./ -~ ~ INVENTORY RECONCILIATION SUMMARY ''''' - - IߌI( 11 A. Percent Variation Amount Over/Short (Col 16 -;-7 Gals . . Total Metered Throughput (Col. 16) 37' Gals. x 100 = ¡/,9 % Variation B. ReportinR': 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? 0'Ñ0 - Continue routine .onitoring DYES - 24 hours of discovery. 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? QNð/ - Continue routine .onitorin DYES - Re ort hours of discover . r WEEK 21 A. Percent Variation: Þ ) Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) -I-~ Gals . . Total.Metered Throughput (Col. 15) 3 7t, Gals. x 100 ... ~(, % Variation . B. ReportinR: 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? o NO' - Continue routine .onttoring DYES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? ONO - Continue routine .onltorln~ DYES - Report to Permittin~ Authority within 24 hours of discovery. WEEK 31 . A. Percent Variation: Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) -r Gals. · Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) ;J-tZ S- Gals. x 100 = 3;11 % Variation B. ReportinR: 1. Does the Amount Over or Short exceed 350 Gals? (2rN0 - Continue routine monitoring DYES - Report within 24 hours of discovery. 2. Does the Variation exceed 5%? BN'0 - Continue routine .onitorin~ DYES - Report to Per.ittinR Authority within 24 hours of discovery. 1IEB 41 A. Percent Variation: J -3 336 7 ~' ",' :" Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) Gals. · Total Metered Throughput (Col. 16) Gals. x 100 =; . % Variation ..'.,:.'.-. · B. ReportinR: .... ',~ ,-1-. Does the,Amount 350 Gals? ., DNo. - Continue routine monitoring DYES - 2. Does the Variation exceed DNO - Continue routine .onitorin DYES ~ !!!ll. - ImRTIII , ,3 " . A. Percent Variation: ~ Amount Over/Short (Col. 16) Gals . . Total Metered Throughput (Col. 15) /(//7 Gals x 100 ... -3~iC % Variation , .....t:.-' B. Reporting: ~S ,,-- 'Does'theVar iation exceed 1.5%? ONO - Continue routine monitorin¡ Author i ty~wi·thin=2-4~~hours-(tf -db'cover ----: I HEREBY CERTIPY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE REPORT. SIGNATURE DATE ~"" 1-Ið"\It"" I:;qn.11 1 ~ 1n17 It:../Rt:.,\ tø,.,..", : BoLYMYER i SONS engineerWc. January 20, 1987 BSE Job No. 8411B BAKERSFIELD Mr. Mark Pi shinsky KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA. 93005 SUBJECT: CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS FACILITY PERMIT, #150042C Dear Mark: Enclosed is a copy of the calibration record as recorded by RLW Equipment. We have now completed the required items'òi1-~"l:h'e permit checklist that was sent October 24, 1986. If you have any questions or are in need of additional information, please contact me at (415) 521-3773. Cordially yours, BLYMYER & SONS ENGINEERS, INC. ~j/- Sue Black SB/ds Attachment cc: Mr. Ben Encisco - CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501-1396 . Phone (415) 521-3773 . TLX 364412 INTR . ~~TEA CHANGE o METER CHANGE Company /-- (,: ,Þ /' Pu..P........E "'NO waDEL - -J I" TOTALIZER READINGS ",OOUG T /)/,/('1' / PUUP,......E "NO WOO¡"L FINISH STAAT o CALI.N o W/M NOTIFIED /'..; ~ - ",.-", NOHEY "ONEY !Jump * TOTAL I . STAAT Pump # TOTAL STAAl Pump # ....' ,'; ---.. ,-.. ---,-~ ..--- ~-' ~ WONt ., FINISH 1 u I ALlZER HEADINGS -,. -.., .---- PAI":I" .. -' '''''"P,.....''E ",NO ..ODE, "lINLY _..~....-" ~U"P, M..t(t ANO ..oOtL TOT "LIZ€R READINGS ,--- -...=..-- ---_. -- MONEY FINISH "ON¡"Y TOTAL y. ,Ht y FINISH ---·-~i'--- STAHT ¡Jump 1/ TOTAL waNLY TOT ALlZER FINISH RC:ADINGS IoOONfY STAAT pAQoucr r'ump IUIAL 00IUHt. Y FINI&H ~y START Pump # TOTAL .'-. .. RKard of comput.Change, Meter Change, or Calibration .. r"t '.; ,~I,";, $.EIII'AL NU..BER ¡ST..nCH NO TùTAllZEH READINGS ""OOUCT ~~- P\J....I M"lIl ANI' ,., 'Ul ~ -..---, ----- --- ~"'f '\A"'" I .....r'..uUCL .- - 1 ù T ALlZER READINGS ,,"ouuC t IIM..Lilll \s,/",ruRi GALLONS '7 ~ c: c¡ t': 7 (..i GALtON'$" -, ? -Z z ~1'.?j , (ALLOHS RETURNED '2 ST~"Õ SERI"'- Nu"BER DArt DISPATCH NO .'1-:',( - ;:ç'/ f..sr CHECKED ~: I~:~' -... TOT"LIZER SE..'EO o VES ONO --.---- CHECKED .--,- ,-¡¡;¡---- I~OW -- -- ' .~H~Tr.~Eu_D.. .A'.I _ ~"'I JN" ------'--7ur....'uRSEALlO OVES ~"'I L()"'~ - GALLONS " .-, ~ ...... .....llUNS Ri' rUHNtO TO STOR""E .. .. ., ~ ; StRI"'l NUM8llt -.---.- '-' - --,- , -,- (,ALL""'S , - CìALL( N~ H,ï'ü"f4ÑÏ""U'ïõ~~ .'í ,.( RI... "U"I;' A .. ._-- tor"'IIZER SE"'-EO DYES ,- ONO ^ CALIBRATiON ADJUSTED TO F..sr rl~~ ! , .. _ 7 /'- "ETEA SE",EO DYES 0..0 0..0 ---- ".....'. - .. ,".h'_ ,.." " '... -. ;.,':,. CALI BAA TlON J ADJUSTlO TO ,..,.T -J:)~ WE It II SEALED, -- --.. DyEs'·'" 0....; ... .' ~:"t;..;þ)òð'..,;-.t""¡¡; !I-.>~'.: ' CALIBRA TlON ,;i::,:~j¡l.~ -- ADJU~. rflJ 1(- ¡..,;'~--l;;;-;'~'-- MULA SE"'I EO DYES 0"" J , " a.,'~ CALlSRA TlON (.A~ l\)N:-, CHfCKEu ,- _-. ~~~,=~,_-.rv~~:~·,- IOIAII/llt M Allll -- ADJUS H:.O T 11 '~~, ~ JLOW.., ~= Wl I .. R ..... AL f U - - -- .. ._-- -.. -- -- ,-- I,A611'H:, -- GAlll)N~ Rll UAHt U 10 :; I OkAl.a\. - .~ - ~A'.... N""'bER GAuONS "...LLUNS I"""ONI> lit 1 URNEO TO S TOR"GE ~U4."'" NUllAtit' Hi (.ALl UNS ......, . "HS . GAl,ON,. Rtïu'MÑi Oïõ-šïOIl...GE , ',~ , -, I 1.......',LN..,..c.t'....NS 61.._1 ~t..: - Oyt.s 0..0 CHECKED rlÙ" TOI .....ZEA St..'L£D DVES 0..0 f"ST '...o.c ,<' f"S r CHECKED rLOW 'OI"II~lH:at ..lEO Ons ONO - - -, .." ,'~ DYES ON- -------'-- ,- '....~ ,,!C' '. . """- CAL.IBRATION . ADJUSTED TO ¡SlO" fAST "ETtR 5£",.£1) ÐTU 0"" ~,~, ',' '''~ ,0- CALIBRATION ADJUSTED TO f"'ST rl ".. w£ Itll SE"'LED ,\ DYES OHO "'.... ...~ '......'. "'1~n ,- [) L YIVI Y t: H i vU \J ~ engineers,c;, Ntot.1 responsibility engineering" Mr. Richard Casagrande COUNTY OF KERN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 1700 Flower St. Bakersfield, CA. 93305 October 24, 1986 BSE Job No. 8411B-BAKERSFIELD SUBJECT: CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTAYS Interim Permit #150042C Dear Mr. Casagrande: Please find enclosed Consolidated Freightways' Permit Checklist and Calibration Charts. We apologize for the delay in submitting this 'information. The terminal has had a contractor attempt to calibrate the meter; however, due to a problem with the meter it has not yet been calibrated. We will notify you as to when this work is complete. SB/ds Attachments Cordially yours, BLYMYER & SONS ENGINEERS, INC. --4?ZJ£é Sue Black cc: Mr. Ben Encisco -CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS, MENLO PARK, CA. Mr. Gary Detrick-CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS, BAKERSFIELD, CA. ~"-', 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 9450H396 . Phonè (415) 521-3773 . TLX 364412 INTR , ~ ,,\/.,.. ,~ ".~ ' ,'. ~, '< \ ~:': '" ".. .~.. '" ',...'..' ""..,.".'.';':\..'. ,,:A'~...'I."'... . ...' ~ ., . . . .: "0:;;';' .::'" ':~':", ''c' ..' .::-:. . .: -/ ': . ': :", '.' :.' , .. , .'. G'I ., ..." ,,'. " ,....... . , .",.. ..."" ,.... ,,}.:-;~ ,.~.:':, ..," .' :..~'; ...,"'" . ) ., .,¿ ',' ·:i{:~.:::;<;~·':· -:-. ':~ ;:~,' . :'; .,;'> '~.: .:. ,',',: .. '.. ,." " ..' .. '" I, '/ " ,', '\" 1'" ",' .,.', " \' '.' '" .' ,.,' " . . ,~. .... .j........: :.,;'::..:..' ..." ..·F <'.. . .. ".' '.. .,'..' ... , HOiUZONTALTANKCAU¡;E C~AR' - DRIVERS :', :'.',: ;..,0:"..,.., ..,...·.·..,;.'"';,...~,,,:::i..:.~.:~~.:,:,i}~·:~;/'· '., . F" \';!:::...'.t'-;;ÜLh::;i~h· ".;::~;'.: : .~'. ,:::;,.~,;;'; -~"f i.: )' ;(:';, .'. " ',,'" ". ,::." "''''. ')¡it?;;: ~,,;,,' ',:, 1~' ',;, 2000' .\ : 3000' . I <lOÖÓ I 5000, 1 GOO\) ¡ ,7500 I, .. 60'00 . ! ",' , 10~ÕÖ·:1""T¡::-:':~'~'C:;,." .! ',' :D.". ".s¡,-.i..~ ,......... . ,.-..,. .' 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Facility - ,el CHECKLIST 'Permit # 1 ~ 00 42J../ This checklist is provided t~ nsure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No ( ~ {- L_/ -tL .B. - (c \ft'~) L ~ / / L'F. A: The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between OWner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements. and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find' owner I s name and address, facility name and address, operator I s name and address. substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked. note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter ,calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). ~ _ G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures desc~bed in Handboo~ #UT-10. Date Started [ 'e. T 1 , )o)a. Signature of r ~, ,/-7 Ti tle: Date: e,\ e (' Permit Questionna.ire Normally, permits are sent to facility Owners but since many Owners live ou,tside Kern €ounty, they--maychoose ,t.o,have __t.he per~J,tsc_='-~~' sent to the Operators of the facility where they are to be posted. Please fill in Permit # and che,ck one of the following before returning this ,form with payment: jSoo4-l.C For PERMIT # -Xl. Send all 'information "to Owner at' the address listed on invoice (if Owner is different than Operator, it will be Owner I s responsibility to provide Operator with pertinent information) . fLEAS! A1>D,' A7TVv""/~~ ~ BEN E IV CIS Ci. 2. Send all information to Owner at the following corrected address: 3. Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner) . .. 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 tit, (~ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPART&Ç- HEALTH OFFICER Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION .' DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S. Reichard INTERIM PERMIT, TO OPERATE: PERMIT#:L50042C , , ...' .~. ""J~). , '::'~;:' '~;,1.~,:~:;ii:,-?¡~'4:~ ',,,:\~:..:>,¡:,;~:..,:'~-,~,:;.' I S SUED : '~\JULY 1,,1986 EXPIRES: :;'~JULY 1,'1989 UNDER::::::::::~~=:::::~::_______________:_~~~:::::::~f,~~~:T~~!f~~~~!r- " F AC IL ITY : I OWNER: " ':,:':,:i~,:,,;.i,;!.{: ,·,,('/:';:':'¡';;,/rî;;;:;?;~:,~:," CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS I" CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS ,':)j~/~!;~i~:,:" "':,,::'::", 60,Ot"'WILLIAMS STREET : 'I :,}:,'~:~::; 175 LINFIEL~ ST"~EET '::~::'~f:Øt"'ì~~Jjf, ,..'\;,'..,-::: ...., BAKERSFIELD, CA ';" ';!').'>~:c;MENLO PARK ,,' CA,2,,¡¡94025 :¡{-'Jrf" ,:~';?;, ,,};~:,;-;,;~¿{:~:":~:~~--------------~~:~:;:~+:::~::;~:!î!'¿;0,~~;:~~f¡':;~B~~~~~*Çt~~i~4~~¡~~~£~~i~;il~~L q:" AGE (IN YRS) ,'. ,,~, SUBSTANCE CODE;'~::?PRESSURIZEDPIPING? ':~',:¿9'1~';<' ..~"i;'t~t~j0J,i~f~!~~~j;!~¡~1j~~~~:~t~~~,~:.. UNK.- f"M::!~ '-_::··',,1:',,:,;.1;:'.., - - " -:. ,~." ,:'.~~:::.. NOTE: ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS ESTABLISHED BY THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT , "::" NON-TRANSFERABLE *** POST " .. ';. ,;,;~' .4~~'~;,,:,:,¡'i:;-/,i: :i" ':;.', : ¡-,; '<'(', ,ON'PREMI SES "." , " DATE PERMIT MAILED: AUG 2 5 1986 DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: '- ....,.-- --.-- ~--, . _ _._--,-,.. --, '" "'-"-"~'~~'''-'--''-,--- .---~,,-.~-- BLYMYER. JONS engineer.,~, April 10, 1985 BSE Job No. 8411B . _ _ --'" Mr. Richar d Casagrande -.._- KERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. Division of Environmental Health 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 '^....,_.. .__ __'._'__ ~~..~.____=_ ~--::--:..':"...._~-,___:_....;:::'7_-=:_-:_:___"- Dear Richard: :a 1 ymyecan d..Sons ' Eng i neer.s, is,r e p r ~"s e !!.tJ 11 g"o",GQpsQ,J,.LciA,te d__ .._~'o..:.~__,.""",',___~ Freightways in regard to compliance with underground tank legislation in California. We understand that the enclosed information was due on April 1, 1985. We apologize for the delay. The enclosed plot plan and facility description is the only detail drawing of the facility bought byCF. Please notify us as to how we are to proceed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, BLYMYER & SONS ENGINEERS, INC. ~ßj~ Sue Black Environmental Specialist SB/jr Enclosures, cc: Ben Encisco, CF Menlo Park Gary Patrick, TM, CF Bakersfield .'--.-.--., -- .,- -..--,.---- ----- -'- ,-..---- -----.---".'-_.,,,--~'-, - -'~- _..'- .- - - --- --'.- ·ror~1 ,..ponsil1ility ~ngin",ing .. 1829 Clement Avenue, Alameda, California 94501-1396 . Phone (415) 521,3773 . TLX 364412 INTR nfvision ot ETtvirormental Health ApplicatiOn Date--.r)"J/H'J 1700 Flower Street, Baker.~' CA 93305 e( APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROOND \ ' HAZAAOOUS SUBSTANCES S'I"()Rþ£;E FACILITY ~ of Application (check): ' DNew Facility Opt)dification of Facility OExisti~ Facility DTransfec of Ownershi , 10 ðOll" A. Ðnergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, ¡i1one): Days (805) 324-9681 GARY DETRICK '.. Nights(805) 83i-8294 Facility Name CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS No. of Tanks 2 Type of Business (check): [JGasoline Station COther (describe}cOMMON FREIGHT CARRI F IS Tank(s) Located on an ~r1cultural Farm? . Dyes fiNo.. ....,..,... -, ' ", un' ,,' Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for 1qricultural Purposes? DYes !XI No Pacility Address 600 WILLIAMS STREET , Nearest Cross St. CALIFORNIA AVENt T R SEe. (Rural Locations O1ly) Owner CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS Contact Person BEN ENCISCO Mdress 1/5 LINFIELD DRIVE M~:rÙ(') Park Zip 94025 Tele¡i1one (415) 326-1700 Operator SAME AS ABOVE' Contact Person Address Zip Telephone " ---."-"" ,. _,u,",_n. ._,._ -" ~. -- . B. water to Facility Provided by Soil Characteristics at facility Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations Depth to Groundwater CA Contractor's License No. Zip Telephone proposed Completion Date In~urer C. Contractor Addr ess Proposed StartlBj Date Worker's Compensation Certification . D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existi~ Facility, Briefly Describe Modificatior Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): Tank ! waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular premilln Diesel Wastg Fuel Oil ./ D-l D U g D 0 0 rl] 0 D-2 0 n g 0 0 B K] 0 0 0 0 .0 B B B 0 0 0 0 0 F. Chemical Canposi don of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank .' Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS . (if known) Chemical Previously Storeè (if different) G. Transfer of Ownership CI1te .J)f Transfer Previous Facility Name I. Previous Owner accept fully all obligations of Permit No. issued t I understand that the Pennitti~ Authority may review a~ modify or tenninate the transfer of the Permit to Operate this underground storag facility upon re6eivi~ this completed fonn. ,"'is form has beencanpleted under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge i true and correct. Signature ~ lJl ~ Title EN'! I T SPRr.TAr.Ts~te 4/3/85 F9ci1H,Y-Name-- CONSOLIDATED fkEIGH'l'WAYS PeLlllit No./~ () () ~ ;: TANK It ,-=-. (FILL OUT SEPARATE FO~, ~ ~) FOR ~ SECTION, mECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. ,'- ~., 1. Tank is: Ovauii:ed mNcm-Vaulted OIbuble-Wall OSingle~all 2. Tank Matería1 lcarbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass~lad Steel Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Ahlnim.ll1 0 Bronze Ounknown Other (describe) '3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) UNKNOWNU/K 4. Tank Secondary Containment ODouble-WaU--C Synthetic Liner DOther (describe): o Material Thickness (Inches) S. Tank Interior Lining , --¡:]RUbber 0 Alkyd DE'p:)xy DPhenolic DGlass DClay Dl1'\Uned (XJl1'\knO'li OOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ,_ "'-- -, -r:TGalvanized QFiberglaàs-Clad DPolyethylene Wrap OVinyl Wrapping OTar or Asphalt £]Unknown OHone Oather (describe): ' , Cathodic Protection: ONone OImpressed OJrrent System [JSacrificial Mode System Describe System' Equlpnent: 1. Leak Detection, Monitori~, and Interception ' ¡:--Tank: OVlsual (vau tad tanks onl:y) C!Grourdwater MonltorirqO Well (s) o Vadose Zone Mani toring Well (s) 0 u-Tube Wi thout Uner o U-TUbe with Canpatible Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitorirg WIll (s) * o Vapor Detector* [] Liquid Level Sensor [] Conductivit~ Sensor· B Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank Liquid Retrieval , Inspection Fran U-Tube, Mon! toring Well or Annular Space ŒJ Daily Ga~irq , InVentory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testi~ o None 0 ll'\known 0 Other b. Pipi~: [JFlow-Restrlctirq Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- [] MOni tor ing SUDp wi th RaceWBIY 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway [] Half-cut Caapatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None m Unknown D Other *Describe Make , Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has TI11s Tank Been Tightness Tested? Date of Last Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair , Tãñ1ë Repaired? DYes ONo rnunknown Date(s) of Repalr(s) Describe Repairs 10. OVerfill Protection --rJõPërator Fills, Controls, , Visually Monitors Level OTape Float Gauge OFloat Vent Valves D Auto Shut- Off Controls BCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box o None Œ}l)1known Other: List Make , Model For Above Devices Capacity (Gallons) 7 ,000,,,, Manufacturer , ~~-, U/K .- o Lined Vaul t 0 None fi()1known Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -.- DYes fiNo Otk1known Resul ts of Test ~sting Canpany 11. Piping a. t)1derground Piping: BYes DNo Dlk1known Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer U/K OPressure OSuction OGravl ty 'Appr-ôXimate Length of Pipe IU1 b. 'Underground Pipirg Corrosion· Protect ion: ' ~ OGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent OSacrificial Anode OPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation OVinyl Wrap OTar or Asphalt KJUnknown o None Oather (describe): c. Underground Piping, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall DSynthetic Liner System ONone £9lktknown OOther (describe): CONSOLID£--FREIGHTWAYS , ,pennit No. ~~O() ~&l... ~ ! -1:::-2-. (FI LL OUT SEPARATE roAr.. ~ TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES Facil ity Name H. 1. Tank is: DVaulted E9Non-Vaulted OD:>uble-Wall OSingle-wall 2. Tank Mater ia 1 _8 Carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-<lad Steel ~iberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 Allmimn 0 Bronze Ounknown Other (describe) 3. primary Containment Date Installed ,Thickness (Inches) r UNKNOWN .-11LK- 4. Tank Secondary Contã1rment DDouble-Wall-o Synthetic Liner Cother (describe): [JM!IIteria1 Thickness (Inches) 5. Tank Interior Lining . -rfRubber OAlkyd [JE¡:oxy OPhenolic DGlass DClay OLhlined [2'JLhknOW1 , []Other (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection ,-:-D"GalvanIzed LJPlberglass-Clad OPolyethylene Wrap OVinyi Wrapping , , []Tar or AsphIlt EJtt1known DNone OOther (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: DNone DImpressed OJrrent System Caacrif1cial Anode System DescrIbe System, Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, Monltorl~, and InterceptIon ¡:--Tank: (jVisual (vau tedt:ãnks only) [!Groumwater Monitorll'l)' W.11 (s) o Vadose Zone Moni toriB} Well( s) D lJ-1'\be Wi thout Liner [JU-TUbe with Com~tlble Liner Directi~ Flow to Monitoring well(s)* o Vapor Detector* D Liquid Level Sensor 0 Condoctivit¥ Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank [] Liquid Retrieval , Inspection From U-TlÌ>e, Moni torin:J Well or Annular Space m Daily Gau;Jing , Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness Testirq o None 0 lt1known 0 Other b. Pipirq: [JrlOW-Restrlctirq Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Piping- o Moni tori~ SUnp wi th RaceWlY D Sealed Concrete Race'-8Y DHalf-cut Compatible Pipe Raceway DSynthetic Liner Raceway DNone m \JnkncN'\ 0 Other *Describe Make , Models 8. Tank Tightness HaS 'lbls 1'ank seen Tightness Tested? Date of List Tightness Test Test Name 9. Tank Repair 'Tãi* RepaI red? DYes DNo [3lbkno\1lll Date (s) of Repair (s) Describe Repairs 10. overfill Protection -¡:jõpërator Pills, Controls, , visually Monitors Level DTape Float Gauge DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls 8eapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box DNane E'LhknOVl Other z List Make , Model ror Above Devices Capaci ty (Gallons) 1,000 Manufacturer U/K DLined Vault DNone IOlbknown Manufacturer: Capacity (Gals.) -.- DYes [}No Olt1known Results of Test '1'estirq Canpany 11. Piping a. lh!erground Piping: IKIYes DNa O\})knO\1lll Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer .. U/K DPressure ,OSUctlon LJGravi ty Approximate Len:Jth of Pipe RLn b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized OFiberglass-Clad OImpr-essed CUrrent OSacrificial Anode OPolyethylene Wrap DElectrical Isolation OViny1 Wrap OTar or Asphalt mUnknoW1 ONone OOther (describe): c. Undergrolnl Pipirg, Secondary Conta i nnent: ODouble-Wall OSynthetic Liner System o None rnunknown (]Other (describe): Office Memorandum · KERN COUNTY TO : f;'lf (5" 0 ù ~ L )~) /; b DATE: FROM I !1 (. - Telephone No. SUBp¡cr, pro ¿ A Ue ~J t!- Ia.- I{~~ ý./ i i . ! j I C 0><. S; !,l)J (;/; I f ('(f.J r var (c< f¡ 1ft- , J "" ",J / t1I~/lt- ¢ ,(1<-/ /;C(~ ~ ~7 rß(~ ~. 0"- (()~ ¡tv'ïlf/ £rN ft-~< () vi- oiL r:') II~ I¿'P~{)'" jhv(&(' c{¿LI .. I<C 96-5004 e "........... ,-, e ~ '~ I i i, )5¿10. e The EF COnSOLIDATED FREICHTWAYS, Inc. Companq BEN ENCISCO Director. Industry Relations October 25, 1990 Mr. Joe Canas Kern County Environmental Health Department Hazardous Materials Division 2700 "M" Street, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Subject: Consolidated Freightways 600 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Canas: Consolidated Freightways is requesting approval to dispose of soil derived from a subsurface investigation at the subject facility on the site by spreading this soil on an unpaved portion of the property. Consolidated Freightways, the generator of this waste material, hereby certifies that this material is not a listed hazardous waste, as defined in Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 261, Subpart D. Furthermore, based on analytical testing of soild samples collected during the subsurface investigation, this material is not, a hazardous or State-regulated waste based on the characteristic of Total petrole~m Hydrocarbons concentration. cc: /0/';/"0 J'." ,_' Mike Lewis, Blymyer Engineers, Inc. I ~ 1829 Clement Avenue 11 'fUvlt;. ~... ~ Alameda, CA 94501 b ~-é. V ,f I j 1. Jon Buck, Associated Environmental Concepts ( I/~>~~ .u/~ 4400 Ashe Road, Suite 206 j/ ' Bakersfield, Cl\ 93313 -~-C- BE:mr 175 LINFIELD DRIVE, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 (415) 326-1700 ~, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT pEAMI TTI NG 'AN D :AlSPEGTI G>NS' ","CT I V I TV SH E E,.-W' INITIALS TIME ',' ",,, )-<~ .. . ::.. - '.::~. :',:..:: ,- 3 , ' t},;).. ~ l;:;¡ e ·e ' _.' _ ?1"> .~.:¿ÇJ ..' (jl¡;) S 2J· . (?C\J~ UUl.. k~_ fv.l~ l~~, RÞ-L)~~. ~ ~ 'r " ~ ç 1, C' Q . . K.v '. . ~V\~",,!l" ~~ uS~~_~.~ ,ND.~__~ d-"-to' ~7.8r~"" W~ 6.~~~\~~ 2 ,~ " ,. '. '~~pm ~'2; '-.)--'---'-' " ".. ." _ -r~~' --., , ___ ,_ .. _ ,., 3,2.. >I... _ ,...,..,uu"" __.....~d~~__-~~~ -"'--....-..-.--- -~'-~~~·"~~-"~---~-7..__.. ..,.: ' ,..,._....,....___,..... ......;;;L' ~~~J 3~(JðfP~.__y -\)~~* --.---- ' - . . . .'\~~\' . 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