HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (2) ~"'-"..... .............. r ....-"r-a,-....., -..... ~.... .......... -- -- ..... --~ ~ ~- -- --- , FORM 5 I [3lC6io~\"'''_~1W.'~>CIW~'''-''¡IIIW~.&¡;''U'/~ ~'ft~),VIoiIlill"''''''''''<ft''&''~~."...,..............."",y·/'ñI''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''~ --~~ '.'IM1 ~~,;,/;<. t.ØIiIIØI:1" '? ': ',?'", 'NORTH SCAL.E: BUSr~ESS NA~IE:THE I~OT' M- CO FLOOR: Of ¡ '"'. ~'''''"" , '''= 801 -..J. ¡ . .~' DATE:7/ (~/87FACrLITY ~A~IE: ' UNIT:: OF (CHECK ONE) SITE DIAGRA)(, X . ,FACILITY DIAGRAM" . LEDG£g . ~p. ~ PDWER POL£ FH.- FIRE HYDHAN1 . . - F:.D - 1='IR£ D£PT., Äèc£ss - - - E..MER. E.5CAPE ' . ..:.-.. - -:,AL T. £.3 CAPE >( ~< )< CYCLONE FENCE . . l - ;PAV£M£/VT i 'BUILDINGS' . " '\ SH£.D COVER. ßis tðæJ tût..Jwf/4 I , ., I T '.k, " ,t / - - -+ - ~ ' - . -,."",,,,"- ~t:· I ~ I: t f ~-~1 .,,: --~I tJ~ DR.UM DIL GAS ,''I :.-rIi EM£R. FUEL P~M~ ,;,} ,'\ " PUMP SHUT .~ . ; :.500'GAL. I OFF" I, ì GAS TANX ' t " - + _ :]'j 'UND£RGR UND r 11 i~¡~¡I' J \!\",. ,- I ':..':,' ',' . "", i' '- , . " , , I I J, ' ,', _I, ..'" - " 'I:, I,. ,I ,I, ; ,"", ) ._, ~i!~~L",-. ~j \Ii :,-:'~':; ) ,""~', " ' ' ?'" '"i,' '\\ti" ,,,\!i~r- ' IlL t C' "'-'i';"', :,~" '~," "/"",,,, ,...1-\11 r 'r,O _",.,.':.,-.1:t,--,~.",.:.,' '. ~ ~-.~....'., 'i/ ."...,.....,. , - J ' F?p. W/LL/A/V\.5' ST. ---------------- -'-- -- (rnspector'~ Comme~ts)~ ~OFFICIAL USE ONLY- " ", , , . -~ ..;,þ....' ¡ .. ..~ t', ¡~'I-. ., r ~_. ~-- - - - - . .(v ~, Air Gonditioning . Sheetmetal Plumbing' Refrigeration "I J' ISOTHERM I MECHANICAL (805) 325-6951 lie, # 526961 605 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 - - -- -- ..-.... / .....~- . ,NOr ,SJ\I(UGHT FORM 5 . -- ,,'~_~-4... .. - SCAL.é:: A3us I~ESS NA~IE: /11= 20'''' THE DATE: 7.11(; /87 FACILITY ~A~!E: (CHECK ONE) SITE D IAGRA){ AC. 20J.O FLOOR 150T/-1 ErfI co. FLOOR: Of ~ A.C.~ NATURAy GAS / . ~ET[R f ~S¡"¡UT OFI= (Inspector "s Comments): -OFFICIAL USE ONLY- UNIT:: OF FACILITY DIAGRAM FENCED PART FL, c. I ~ SHOP ~~ AREA ,G.:g ~ fll . :z l;; ¡:;; fI1 :t' r ~.~~ C::> rr¡ F.G. -.," r- c::: ìl c:: l.n ~ ,r-za 'r" I g ~ £: Þ :::tJ:A1(ì)" r¡ I ttr1 \ -} 'UP 1ST FLOO?, V' ;" , ---- It Bakersfield Fire Depa HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ~ ~ usiness Identification No. 215-000 - ~ (fop of Business Plan) C ^ - DEC 0 4 1991 Z Shift Inspector úr+ . ~ . ð . lC4 .vtb.s HAZ. MA,T. DIV Adequate Inadequate . erification of Inventory Materials Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Proper Segregation .of Material Verification of MSDS Availablity Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: Emergency Procedures Posted Containers Properly Labeled Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: D D D D D D D D o o D D D D D D D D D D Violations: Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1-90) All Items O.K. D Correction Needed D White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Copy ~,~ e e MEMORANDUM MARCH 29, 1991 TO: VALERIE, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FROM: DREW SHARPLES, FINANCIAL INVESTIGATOR~ SUBJECT: BANKRUPTCIES The following companies have filed bankruptcy. Claims have been filed where applicable. No further collection activity can be made. O'Neill Auto Body Works is out of business. Cardinal/Isotherm is still in business. Close existing accounts and open new accounts where applicable. Name: Patrick & Eleanor o I Neil dba O'Neill Auto Body Works Acct. Balance Cl aim Filed HM 418701 $ 372.94 Yes CB 00597 $ 80.00 Yes SG 259602 $ 0.00 No SS 497201 $ 0.00 No Name: Carnidal Mechanical/Plumbing dba Isotherm Mechanical Acct. Balance Claim Filed HM 443602 SG 103201 $ 258.74 $1,220.34 Yes Ye. :s krc F:M.DS26 cc: Sanitation Wastewater Police Department Attachments H.O~27 841~rK ~ ~ ~~<?'#~ , "~111222 ROBERTS. WILLIAMS 1706 CHESTER #404 BAKERSFIELD, CA93301 r-' ." - ." </- - - -- - - -- 1- ~STERN DISTRICT· OF CALIFORNIA ... . 4IÞ IN RE: PATRICK £ ELEANOR O-NEILL 300~ BRALOURN COURT BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 . SSN" 573-90-5932 AND FDBAJO-NEILLAUT080DY WORKS ID#95-31t-628D6 "....A.............. -; - CASE NUMBER, 91-112Z2B-13K 564-02-0340 \> ORDER FOR MEETING OF CREDITORS, COMBINED WITH NOTICE THEREOF AND OF AUTOMATIC STAYS To the debtor, his creditors and other parties in interest: An order for relief under title 11 U,S.C. chapter 13 having been entered ona petition filed by the above debtor(s) on: MAR. - It, . 1991 IT IS ORDERED, AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT: A meeting of creditors pursuant to title 11 U.S.C. § 341 (8) shall be held at: 'DR ~}t ;' ROOM 228, 'FEDERAL BUILDING, ,800 TRUXTON.AVENUE ' :1:r. ;,:BAKERSFIELD,CA ' "-" . :,,~.~.;.:~5::,..i~~~<;:':':¡-" '''',., ~" <.. .p- ,..-,.,,' _.- '-,' > ..3.,;; '" , :~~¡·t:·~;S,~,~>·.,-~",-,' d:"" ':~\";¡~~"ThedebtQr shallapp~ar in pe~on at that tinìe'a~d placè ~ "?, 1'" ':,H, -.;,¡;:" '. ' "'::';rforthe purpose of being examined, ,-" ,""-' ;-'.: " ,;,:YOUARE FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT: The meeting may be continued or adjourned from time to time by notice at the meeting without further written notice to creditors. At the ,meeflng the c...dltors 'may 'file <thalr clelm., 'exemlne ,the' ,debtor, -end tran..ct .uch'other bu.lne.. e. ,may property come befo... the meeting. DATE MAY 1,1991 , : TIME" 10.30 A.M. 9111222 - 19'-3 ,CITY; CITY'OF'BAKERSFIELD PO -80X..2057 . I _ '. >' . , ..' ~,. BAKERSFIELD,,:CA''93303 >,' J, " ,A..a ....ull 01 the filing 01 the petlllon, certelnectaand proceeding. egeln.tfhe 'debtor end hi. property ere .tayed e. provided In 11 U.S.C. §382(e) end egeln.f '" :;;"'arleln codebtors ea provided In .11 U.S.C.·§ 1301.81gnlllcent peril 01 theae HCtIon. era ...produced on the ...verse aide of thl. notice. . '..,'~.;;: ':;Irî 'order to have his claim ,allowed so 'that he may 'share in any .dlstrlbutlon Irom the estate, a creditor must file a claim, whether ()r not he is included <:;:In the list of creditors filed by the debtor:Clalms which are not flied on or before JUL Y ,30, 1991 ,will not be allowed, except as otherwise provided by law. - "'A hearing on confirmation oftheplan will beheld , ,..,ON MAY~I,':;1991. AT 1.15 P.M. ~ "AT':ROOM;'204,':FEDERAL">BUILOING, "800TRUXTONAVENUE , ,,',,', 'BAKERSFIELD ·;:~CA,:;"·~ j..', ,";;"" ,;," '. " ,ANY' OB.JECTIONS T~CONFIRfllATION·"UST'8E:FILED PRIOR TO' THE, CONF I RMAnnN HEARING. THE PLAN OF ,ARRANGEHENTDIVIDES CREDITORS INTOTH£. FOLLOWING· CLASSES- ,GROUP 1 - ,CREOI'TORSWHOSE ;',DEBT SARESECUREDBY, A SECURI TY.IHTERESTWHICH 'THE . _ DEBTOR· HAS, ELECTED TO,. INVALIDATE UNDER SECTION 522 -F- OF THE BANKRUPTCY'CODE GROUP 2 -CREDITORS WHOSE: DEBTS, ARE TO 'BEPAID ON A : PRIORITY "BASIS. GROUP 3-SECURED,CREDITORSWHO ARE TO BE PAID AN AHOUNTEQUAL TO THE ACTUAL VALUE OF THEIR COLLATERAL. . " GROUP"" - CREDITORS HOLDING Cl.AIMSON'·WHICHOTHER INDIVIDUALS ARE LIABLE WHICH, UPON FILING ·AND ,ALLOWANCE, ARE TO BE ,PAID IN FULL. . GROUP 5- CREDITORS OWED ARREARAGES, WHICH ARE TO BE PAID IN FULL OVER' THEìEF OF THE PLAN. GROUP 6 - GENERAL UNSECURED CREOITORS';' GROUP 7 -,CREDITORS 'WHO ARE TO "BE PAID WTSIDETHE PLAN. GROUP 8-'THISDE8T·IS TO ßE-PAID.IN'FUl.L:IN,ACCORDANCEWITHeTHE CONTRACT BALANCE DUE. . GROUP 9- COLLATERAL'TO BE RETURNED., ANY DEFICIENCY AS UNSECURED. GROUP 10- TO RECEIVE "NOTICE ONLY. THE DEBTORS PLAN ,DOES NOT PROPOSE PAYMENT-OF UNSECURED CREDITORS. r .' TRUSTEE: ·M.'NELSON"ENMARK,13lt3 ,BULLDOG LANE, FRESNO, CA 93710. 209-225-5677 , ATTY FEES $1500.00 ' ATTORNEY FOR. DEBTOR - ROBERTS. WILLIAMS,' 1706 CHESTER #404- 805-323-7933 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 YOUR CLAIM IS SCHEDULED IN GROUP 6 THE PLAN PROPOSES PAYMENTS TO THE^TRUSTEE OF $605.00 MONTHLY' UNSECURED CREDITORS TO BE PAID NOTHING. THIS CLAIM IS LISTED AS _UNSECURED GROUP 6 FILE CLAIM WITH ATTACHMENTS. IF ANY, IN DUPLICATE WITH: 9111222 19- -3 UNITElJ STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT 5301 U.S. FEDERAL^8LDG. FI¿S NO, CA93721 DATED MARCH 27, 1991 BY THE COURT AT FRESNO, CA R.G. HELTZEL CLERK OF THE COURT SECURED PAIORITY 15,,682.31 UNSECURED 74..136.79 TOTAL DEBTS 263,007.50 173.188.40 , " ,,',. ,""",~,;,. .;P-7"" . 'j 1 ·WT~RÑ ------ ..-.'"- ~......- c- ~-""··"'-r"'-~ DISTRICT'Of LALI~ÙRNIA e ... .. .....:...6- '. .. . .:,,("..;. ~;-:.;:, " INR~: ...=- .&,\..·~4':" ~ PATRICK , ELEANOR O·NEiLl 300~ 8RALOURH COURT BAKERSFIELD. CA 93309 SS~ 513-90-5932 AND ~~?~..oF",~.Ch"TM~ bCDY., W(jRKS ('"' ~!;,-: . .' . CASE NUMBER 91-1122l5-13K 5ó4-0i-o'3'~O - . " " . 1" Th'is proof is made 'for the claimant named below by the undersigned individual who siates that: (Check appropriate box) O 0 The claimant is a Corporation and the Under 0 The claimant is a partnership and ~ He or she is agent or attorney He or she is the signed is 'an authorized officer of auch Corpora- the underaigned is a member for the claimant ClaImant tion thereof (INDICA TE THE STA TE OF INCORPORA TION, NAME OF PARTNERS. .OR SUCH OTHER DESCRIPTION OF THE CLAIMANT AS MA Y BE APPROPRIA TE) (P_ aupply Cor ...rlfy) your _ounl number lor thl. ...blor) 2. ,he ,underaigned repreaents that he or ahe is duly authorized to -make' this proof of claim (If.approp,løte, and to accept the plan) on behalf of the claimant. ' ~. The correct post ,office ,address ,of the claimant to·which.a" notioes ,and diatribufion checks ,9111222 ,- '19 -3 C.ITY .,¡shouldtte-mailedl88tated below. '"iCITY OF 'BAKE~SFIELD_ -Tre.a~urY,n,ept:~1 "'r!(:,.o,~;B~,:.205~:""¡,:,,, ",:.;: ':;¡~'>~>'.:c''-'·' '. ¡~,..' \ '!SAKERSFIELC".C.A''- 93303" " . '.. ,~-,,,,,..,,~ ..............- ~,.. . '.t., "' '- ; ,~ I 'I . , ;. ,I ...... ~ . '.-. " , _.~___.", ..._..J name or addreas. as prinled, is not correct please indicate correc name and address to which checks and notices ahould be delivered, ,"I, This claim la baaed upon: (Check appropriate box) .~ -A Tlote, 'contract. "or other -writing, The original, or complete duplicate copies of 'all documents are .attached, (or ,are ,not -attached forfhe ,reason sat forth in theatalemenl ,attached hereto),' An open,øccount. An itemized statement.1Ihowing the date due ia attached, Other consideration (or ground of liability). Expiain. ~n~aidHazardous Materials bill & ~n~aid alarm violationbil . 5. ,No judgment has been rendered upon' the claim, ,except CALCULATION OF BALANCE DUE PRINCIPAL ,AMOUNT 452.94 ADDITIONAL CHARGES .6, The debtor was at the time of the filing of , the petition initiating the caae..and still is. indebted (or liable) to this claimant (afler giving full credit for.all payments, 'ael-offs..and counterclaims) as follows: (Itemize .all charges in .addition to 'principal"amount of debt. state basis for inclusion ,and computation, and ,set forth --any other consideration relevant ,to the 'Iegalityof ,any charge.) ,Exclude ,any interesl ,accrued afterthe dale'the case was commenced. TO'l"Al lESS PA YMENTS( AND CREDITS ON ACCOUNT -452_94 ) 7, Thla claim la free from any charge forbidden by .applicable law and exclUdea all unmatured Int,,,.at. PRESENT PRINCIPAL AMOUNT DUE (PAYOFF BALANCE) ,8, This'claim is a general unsecured claim. except to the,extent that fhe,security interest. if any, described below is sufficient to aatisfy the claim. (If priority is claimed.,state the 'amounts and the basis thereof:) 9, NO SECURITY INTEREST IS HELD FOR THIS CLAIM EXCEPT: (If ,security interest in property of the debtor is claimed). The 'aecurity interest ,is claimed under the writing referred to 'in Paragraph 4 hereof (or under a separale writing ,which (or a duplicate of which) is 'attached hereto, or under a separate writing which cannot be, attached herelo for Ihe reason set forth in Ihe statement attached hereto.) Evidence of perfection of such aecurlty inlerest is also attached hereto, .10, ,The fair market value oftne property on which tha clalmanf has a lien (..cured portion of claim) I. .... ........................... .1 $ ~ \t:, ?L,;.¡.'''; ;-S~":UrL.::.~.~ ;..;....T;~.. ;""1.oJ i...l 1:1e i't:..;J';';' il.:~ UNS~~URED CRêùlTO~S TO Bt ~Al~ ~QTHING. : ~~ IS ~~~:,~.r11.:Jt~:,t!s,:~~:~, AS UNSE~.,~R,~D ",'.' , ~¡- ;¡) :::H'; J. ¡J:-'" r....;:., i .,i- f 9111222 19- -3 'ILE iJNITED Sl ATES BANKRUPTCY COURT ~LAIM::<~·'.n U.S. FEDERAL t:H..m;. VITH: ' F'" N:¡", C:' 93721 SIGNED ., ". ~ROUP 6 DATED: March 29, 1991 1'? f?_Q":I\ ~r!:: '!\f!'11 IDI Ir.~T::- FlOe of not more than $5000 or imprisonment tor not more than Svpe" nr hnth -- Titlp 1R U S.C G 1S2 .. 'õ e e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECE'VEO JAM 1 9 1990 Ans'd. ... ..... ... W c.!> dxfk 3 r t2t2 &-. ;:r 11/) (ø?"f' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: 1, To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3, Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4, Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: Cardinal / Isotherm Mechani cal LOCATION: fiOS Willi~m~ ~treet ~~k~rfi~lñ. rn 9110S MAILING ADDRESS: 605 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CITY: Bakersfield STATE:~ZIP: 93305 PHONE: 325-6951 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: SIC CODE: PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Mechanical Contractor OWNER: President - Chuck Peck vice Pres. - Greg Wright MAILING ADDRESS: 605 Williams Street Bakersfield.CA 93305 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 1. Greq W,r.' iqht 'Vice Pres. 325-6951 2. Steven Wright Estimator 325-6951 24 HR. PHONE 12S-fiQS1 325-6951 1 . FOi5OC e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e HazaråoU5 :'laterials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 15 - 20 MA TERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: YES BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: Employees are to atte nd a Heal th and Safety Orientation set up by Gary Atchison prior to start of work. Information and trainirrg on the following areas; 1. Overview of Hazard Communication Regulations. 2. Inform Employees of any operations in thier work area where hazardous substances are present. 3. Location of the Hazardous communication Program 4. Physical and Health effects of hazardous substances. 5. How to prevent & lessen exposure. 6. Emergency and First Aid proceedures 7. How to read and review MSDS Sheet 8. proper-proceedure for storing Hazardous Substances. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TlMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I. Greg Wr igh t CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. ~.(\~ 0v0~~ce President SI Ä E TITLE 1/13/90 DATE 2. FOISQ() e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division e " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Cardinal/Isotherm Mechanical SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Telephone 911 and 1-800-852-7550 B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Employees are to notify Office Secretary. She will set off buzzer ~nd use P.A. Paging System notifying all personell. Employees will callout all doors. Go next door and notify them. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: There is nothing that would require public evacuation other than fire. Leave area and go next door and notify them. D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Call: Paramedics 911 Memorial Hospital Kern Medical Center 420 34th St. 1830 Flower St. 327-1792 326-2000 3. 'OI~ e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous :'laterials Division "' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A, RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: All personnel are instructed on how to use and dispose of Hazardous Materials. We have only small quantities of spillable liquids. We have posted guidelines and in- structions on how to deal with these items. 8. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: C, CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Personnel are instructed to look at charts for clean up proceedures. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT·OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: No. side of building, 25' from front door. ELECTRICAL: Inside building on back wall of Office. WATER: North side of buildinq, 25 I from front door. SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES. LOCATION: SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: ~ire2Ext:t:~gQísaeI's 8. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): In front of building. 4. ~OI5~ HAZAR~~~~ ~~T~~~;~~F~~~~NTORY J Farm and Agticulture [] Standard Business [] NON-TRADE SECRETS Page ___ of BUSINESS NAHE: ~ /rsòthermM:!chanicàl OWNER NAHE: Corporation NAME OF THIS FACILITY: =1 b?f¢T 12~~: ~~~H~ stA 9TIõ5--- ¿~~~ES~ip: sane ðMN~~§DB~~8sT~HySN82~~~=---==-===-~=--==,~-- PHONÈ II -3 -69~---'---- PHONÈ II: - - : 805 _25 ---- REFER T07NSTRUCTIONS-nJR-PROPER CODES - - - - - - - - - . 3 ~ 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 U ~H Average Annual Hea~ure , Dys Cant Cant Cant Use loc&tion ~here 'by tlslles of ~hlure{ccrponents ht AlIIl Est UnIts on SIte Iype Press Temp Code Stored In FacIlIty ~t See Inslruç Ions 80000 400 ~ 1200CU 365 04 635 42 N:>. Side & Back li t acetylene I Tr&ns Code N PhYsic~1 ond Health Halard (Check all that apply) C.A.S, Humber 74-86-2 Component" Hame I C.A.S. Humber e3 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity o De I S{ed 0 Sudd~n Re lease Hea th of Pressure r.J .' Component'2 Hame & C.A.S. Humber lð ImmedIate Health Component 13 Hame & C.A,S. Humber N Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Humber 13 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity o Immediate Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S, Number N C.A.S. Number [] Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Dela{ed ~ Hea th e -28 1 Component 'f Hame & C.A.S. HUllber Mathane 75-71-8 [] Reactivity [] Dela{ed o suddf" Re I ease 0 Component 12 Hame & C.A.S. Number o F ire Hazard Immediate Ethane 75-37-6 Hea th o Pressure Hea 1th Component , 3 Name & C.A.S. Number - Freon 12 100 å , 0 1~ Diclùorodiflouraæthane Diclùorotetraflourcethane . flour'arethane EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 #2 Ra~e Tttle ,4""Hf-Pñõñe----- Rãme ,Certifiotioq tReed and $ign 8fJßr c9mp7~ting ç¡77 sections} . , I certIfy un6er penaltr 0 la~ th~t I have persona III exallllneo Oqd ð~ familIar yilh the in(ormatlon $ubnitte~ In lhis ond all . altaçhed dQcvr.ents. ano t at based on IIY Inquiry 0 hose IndIvIduals responsible for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the submItted Infor~atlon IS true. accurate. and cOllplele. TItre I ¡ nl!n%5ñèll .. ~~~~r~ï5rTë1ãr-rtf1è 01 t~n~r/Ooer!tõr UH 0~n~fTõPëf8rõf'š-ãüt~fiTeõ-rëõfëšëñtatlve SlgõãWfr- UHeHQr.H OHAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agticulture [J Standard Business NON-TRADE SECRETS Page of BUSINESS NAME: Cardinal/Isotherm M::rl1aniœl OWNER NAME: Co.I:p:>ration NAME OF THIS FACILITY: .-.&A b9t¢ T 12~Þ: ~~f!M~~~~~-=== ¿~9~ES~ip:~ Bù~N~~§DBA~8sT~~HSN82~f~-'--'- ------ PHONÈ It: 805-325-6951 - PHONÈ II: REFER T01NSTRUCTIONS---roFrPROPER CODES - - - - 1 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 Tr~ns ~ax Average Annual Hea$ure I Oys Cont Cont Cont Us~ loc~tion Vhm Code t st UnIts on SIte Type Press Temp Code Stored In FacIlIty N M CITY of BAKERSFIELD Fire Hazard [JReactivity o Oe 1 ayed ~ Suddfn Re 1 ease Health 0 Pressure 3 N o Fire Hazard [] React i v ity [] Oe Jayed I?J SUddfn Re 1 ease Health 0 Pressure Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number rn Immediate Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number <::) '2..... . Component II Name & C.A.S. Number CFC 502 Azeotropic 75-45-6 . Component.2 Name & C.A,S. Number ~ Im~eedalNhe HFÀ 22 Component'3 Name & C.A.S. Number 49 C1ù.orodiflourare1:har1e 51 C1ù.orqJeIltaflourethane Physical ond Health Ha{ard (Check all that apply! C.A.S. Number o Fire Hazard [] Reactivity [] Oe 1 ayed 0 SUddfn Re 1 ease Health 0 Pressure Component 11 Name & C.A.S. Number Component.2 Name & C,A.S. Number [] Immediate Hea 1th Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Number I I I I I I [ Zfl1rPñOñel¡ EMERGENCY CONTACJS #1 n2 Rãmè Tttlè Zr-nr-Pñõñe----- Rãme Certif¡çatioq fReed and $ign Bfler c9mp7~ting {:l77 sections} . ·1 certIfy under penal1ï 0 la~ th~t I have persona Iy examln~Q Oqd 8m familIar vith the informatIon $ubmitted In this ond all àttaçhed dQcYllents, anij t at based on IIY Inquiry Q those IndIVIduals responsible for obtming the InformatIon. I belIeVe that the s~bmltted InformatIon IS,true, accurate, and co~plete. Phrsical 8nd Health Harard (Check all that apply) C.A.S. Nunber o Fire Hazard []Reactivity [] De 1 ayed [] suddf· n Re 1 ease Health 0 Pressure \ Component'l Name & C.A,S. NUllber Component 12 Name & C.A.S. Number [] Immediate Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. Humber - T!tie i -- R3ií€arõoffënmtle of ()wnWooeratõr u~ ownëf]opefHõf'-š-ãütñõfî1ëãrepresentatlvè STgôHure D~tnfqr.ëõ-l OOB e J~o /-fj December 22, 1989 Mr. Greg Wright Cardinal Plumbing/Isotherm Mechanical 605 Williams Street Bakersfield, Ca. 93305 Dear Mr. Wright: Enclosed please find a copy of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan to be completed and returned to this office within 15 days (January 12, 1990). If you have any problems or need any assistance in filling out these forms, please do not hesitate to contact this office at (805) 326-3979. Coordinator REH:vp ...... - .. . e /-1" Bakersfield Fire Œpt. Hazardous Materials Inspection 9;25'-'& 951 (' Ar/J / /?&-L //ll/'I1£/VG / Iso h' < rh? / !J//k,llm5 . .' } 'bate CompÌèted' j:i~"li·-j;'·7' ¡' , /?J<d@~;~/ 0_' \.. .. '" I ¿()~ 5"/ RECEIVED DfC 1 4 1989 /1 - / ~A7. Mp,-o/V r...-roJJ pp-~ . . , Plan ID # 215-000«2:)/009 (Top right comer Business Plan) Station No. ~ Shift c. Inspector Verification of Inventory Materials ~uJMr¡i Adequate Inadequate Proper Segregation of Material o Ø' o ~ o ff o 0 Verification of Quantities Verification of Location Comments: Verification ofMSDS Availability D ~ Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training o [ð Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures o o Comments: Containers Properly Labeled o o o o Emergency Procedures Posted Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram o o Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: J1ICW' hl/)4.s:. /LéeøÉ Æv~s..> ~~ ~ / Violations: _ 2A/lÚi/l/ 7ðrt¡ ./ FD 1652 (Rev. 3-89) White-Haz Mat Div. Yellow-Station Copy Pink-Business Office I:;;' -~;;. ~m /-/7-90 - L T :\.;. '; :~,'. ,þ ".' '~'~"~.,.':">'t; '\ ",.r' ",,, ,'_' ..:,,:'r"';:"'- :.{...,....--:-;.:·r..'.·'·,-:,.-.:.>:~;,:'1':--'-m·,.'i\·.('r':..;..,.-'~. r e'\" e )p~ WaiI~. -~ ~ ~ ~.~ I-tO¡ ,(j :~_~ v' ~ f~":, ::~~ t::~ I . '. ."," ¡,',;, :,'t, ~.'~. '<L¡;:~ ,\,/ '\ ::~..: ~..~,. þ, t\/' '.' . '.. ·~...1 \. · e Maroh 29, 1989 TO: Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: Haz Mat Billing Per the enclosed cOMMunication with the IsotherM COMpany ACcount NUMber HM1Ø0S could you please void their bill ae thiS cOMpany 15 no longer 1n busines5. Thanks for your cooperation. (i " THE ISOTHAM COMPANY, INC. 605 WILLIAMS STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 PHONE 325-7491 STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 335516 ItICIIVIO NA~ 0 9 '98Y HAZ. MA7: O~ ., ' City of Bakersfield P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2057 (joq }J\\ \\. Attn: Hazardous Materials Division Gentlemen: The Isotherm Company, Inc., located at the above address, ceased operations on December 23, 1988. Weare returning your bill. See attached letter. Very truly yours, " f" '~ f ¡.-.. -.J(. e, ..,e 60S WilliAMS STREET BAKERSFIELD. C~LlFORNIA 93305 PHONE 325-7491 STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 335516 THE ISOTHERM COMPANY, INC. January 17, 1989 Gentlemen: ,'- - ----- j -- ~ - The Isotherm Company, Inc. has ceased opercttions. We are in the process of surrendering assets for liquidation to Union Bank, which holds a security interest on all of the assets of our company~ We eKpect th~bulk of the liquidation-pr-oc-ess to occur over the',next sixty (60) days. At the end of that time, we should have a better idea of the outcome of the liquidation process, and in particular, whether unsecured creditors can expect to receive any distribution from this liquidation. If you have a mechanic's lien and other similar rights arising from any account that we owe to you, we would recommend that you take whatever steps that are necessary to protect your interests. We would ask your pati~nce and forbearance as we engage in this unfortunately un~voidable process. We feel that liquidation outside of bankruptcy offers the best hope of maximum return under the circumstances. However, that requires the cooperation of our creditors in refraining from what we believe is futile activity at this point. If Isotherm is prevented from going about this process in an orderly fashion, we will probably have to consider seriously.the bankruptcy option, which we would rather avoid if possible. Again, we believe we will have a better idea whether this liquidation will result in recovery over and above the amounts due- to-our secu-red- credi tor. -In the me-anti me . . if you have any questions or need to discuss this matter in any regard, you may contact us at (805) 32S-6953 or the attorney assisting us in this process, Michael D. Worthing of the firm of Borton, Petrini & Conron at (805) 322-3051. We request that you limit yourself to only two (2) essential questions, as we wish to engage in the winding up of Isotherm's'affairs in as an efficient manner as possible, and minimize the ~ttorney's expense. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and forbearance. Ver~y)yours ' /~~ i/" ,~arry a~ ~ , Vic resident ,., ' ,':, " , ' If RETURN PAYMENTS TO: " , CITY OF BAKERSFIELD P.O. BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 I . ;,~ .' " HAZARDOUS MATERIAt:iS..·.D..IVISION . , ..1 , , ACCOUNT NO. HM-01009 \ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLING FEE STATE MANDATED PROQRAM ANNUAL FEE '~ ,.",,; ~ .: . ,-' ,,,", - . . ~ ,. ~ ., '.. "V , ~¡; "& ~ ~.'!,~~~~,~,i; i~~EDÔ;~N~:~~~~:;.·,;.·, (.c ~"';'. '.' . "; . >. ", '~", ~'":"' , ':'" .,- }-; ~} " " ". ':~.,,',. ~~,. , , ' ". 'ìtO;'MÄtt~f;"1989' .i. _-'< ,·f. r,'.'.!' .~ INQUIRIES CONCERNING THIS BILL, PLEASE PHONE: 326-3979 þ. 121911 INVOICE NUMBER ~121871 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: . ,I l,o',;,1'.'/.j '~" " , r ; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .-..{-.;...-;....... .' .... ..... "_L",- . L-,,~ ..."-'.........~ Previous Balance 0.00 ~ i ,i'ìioIî;;ifjtîi," " .' , 26(). '00',.. : ':r'òt4l1 Curr£mt B11l,....,:":260,,.OQ, TOTAL. NOW ,J)Uf,t " ",:J:!~O.,O,O "I ,-.,,'.:,"'., ",i ",\-,. ',i :.; .' ;' _..-- .- ~~~- ~ -- . -------.-.- ISOTHERM CO 60:'J 'W~Lf...IAt1S 6T BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 ~. I!Crrt\Ul:a "nav HM ::., - , Lr . .¡.. . ;-. BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTJIIT 2130 "G" STREET . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 ~ (805) 326-3979 \ C)?::> - ).~c. J:-Ñ~ r 1- 6il~ OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# !BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A ~~4^ ft&& ~N'~ (2) INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this form by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME:--¡th~ Go PÍH~ ~ .E¡v C- B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: ~ tJ ~ tcJ, Ii, ~ kf CITY: ¡ßÆ£~(Jj;;~ ZIP: c¡ 3'3lJJ" BUS ,PHONE: ) J~<5~7<{q { SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law, EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF ~~ÎÆryIæi J tI ¡J B.}'f:v.y Lf),JP~ EYlERGENCY: DURING BUS. HRS. Ph# y...J-::Š: 7c.{t::¡ ( Þ1 ".tJ IV of) Î ¡'{Æh# J;;L ~- 7 «q f AFTER BGS. HRS. Ph# '3"1' 1"' -qó~-( Ph#: '75Q 7'-'?'50S- SECTION 3: LOCATION OF IF YES, LOCATION: A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICA{:.: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL; E. LOCK BOX; YES IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / ~o MSDSS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO - 2.'\ - -- ~-- ~ ~'\ ' . w- - ~ ):' , 1;:'" --/'. :-- /' . e e ,,; / ,. SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEA.\1 FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE No SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSIST~~CE FOR YOUR BUSINE G~4~vL Æ/J -Z::CLð!:t¡7;/¿ 1!p£~¡0t' I«~~¡..J G,~µ~ L ~~fJ(.l-d 1(( 1t E SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING E~PLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PROGRA.~ WHICH PROVIDES E~PLOYEES WITH INITIAL A~D REFRESHER TRAINING I~ THE FOLLOWI~G AREAS, CIRCLE YES OR ~O A. METHODS FOR SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS ~TERIALS: . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . B. PROCEDURES FOR COORDINATING ACTIVITIES WITH RESPONSE AGENCIES:.,.................... . . . . C. PROPER USE OF SAFETY EQUIPMENT:........... ..... . . D. E~ERGENCY EVACUATION PROCED~RES: ..........,.. .... E. DO YOU MAINTAIN EMPLOYEE TRAINING RECORDS:....... I~ITIAL (i;) ~O ~~O NO E ~O YES 6§? REFRESHER YES YES YES YES ~ ~ iffiY ~ YES SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL CIRCLE YES OR NO DOES YOUR BUSINESS HANDLE HAZARDO~S ~~TERIAL I~ QUANTITIES LESS THAN 300 POCNDS OF~ SOLID, 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID, OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF A COMPRESSED GAS:...... YES ~ !, 1-411.~f!tt~ ' certify that the above information is accurate. I unde~sta d that this information will be used to fulfill my fi~m's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. S!G"ATL"R~~ TITLE y/. DATE fl-t -?7 - 28 - . ;/~ ~ 0\ ...... . ,. . . e '.¡.. ¡. ~ " BAKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 OFFICIAL USE ONLY ID# - - -' - - - BUSINESS NAME: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRUCTIONS 1. To avoid further action. this form must be returned by: 2. TYPE/PRINT YOUR ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for THE FACILITY UNIT LISTED BELOW 4. Be as BRIEF and CONCISE as possible. FACILITY UNIT# FACILITY UNIT NAME: Office/Shop SECTION 1: MITIGATION, PREVENTION, ABATEMENT PROCEDURES All containers are kept caps securely in place. method of clean-up. in their own area with all lids & Foremen are instructed in the prope~ I ~ SECTION 2: NOTIFICATION .~~ EVACUATION PROCEDù~ES AT THIS ù~IT ONLY Evacuation is shown on site plan and posted in all ~ork areas. e~~ q t( ~ 1-~ÐéJ-<g5~-7~JOf frd oj At! "ßOO«--5 =b £,ëÁ- /JtU5{/,o£. ( ¡¿'fv.OOw ~ U 5 r'~ t?~) &-1...- a-Ð 00 /ZiV<- ~ /7i..yI(- dtP~~ /DI-ß W~. '~~ .- 3A - e e' .' .", ....- \". . .; ,. " SECTION 3: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR THIS UNIT ONLY A. Does this Facility Unit contain Hazardous Ma.teri:JIs?,.,... § NO If YES, see B. If NO, continue with SECTION 4. B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES @ If No, complete a. separate ~a.zardous materials inventory form marked: NON-TRADE SECRETS ONLY (white form #4A-l) If Yes, ,complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS ONLY (yellow form #4A-2) in ªddition to the non-trade secret form, List only the trade secrets on form 4A-2. SECTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION Yes, Fire Extinguishers SECTION 5: LOCATION OF WATER SUPPLY FOR USE BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS Shown on site plan, front of building SECTION 6: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS AT THIS UNIT ONLY, A. N1\T. GAS/PROPANE: As shown on site plan B. ELECTRICAL: As showl\~'on=-site-~þraÏ1 ~---~_. C, WATER: As shown" on site plan D, SPECIAL: As shown on site plan E. LOCK BOX: YES /@ IF YES, LCCl~TION: IF YES, SITE PLANS? FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO YES / ::10 "'~SDSs? KE'lS? YES ! 0:0 YES NO - :3B - I, liJ\KEHSi'IEJ.U CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY .- r- 1. D. # Page --1-.0,( J. . . ¡ BUSINESS NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: , The Isotherm Company, Inc. 60S Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP: FACILITY UNIT #: FACILITY UNIT NAME: PHONE # : (805)325-7491 PHONE #: IOFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUAJ.. CO NT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZ'ARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE 0J> 350 8QO Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner ? 100% CP-lO VI~CRYL ~Sß5. óK. Big Warehouse ,) Southwest Corner , V'1t..> t> 5' 0 t-<.. ' P 50 200 Gal. 10 02 Big Warehouse 100% CP-11 VI ~CRYL ?)P Southwest Corner 10ar.. CP-50A CHIL-SEAL ¡/ /-'t So D S ð k... 65 800 Gal 10 02 Bi2 Warehouse 3)P 71 150 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% CP-82 CHIL-STIX FRN '-1fŠ f) S 0 K Big Warehouse U)P 500 28,000 Gal. 01 19 As Shown On Map 100% GASOLINE Il C(; d-- 5) 55 no Gal. 06 26 As ShoWn On Map 100% OIL ~i5D <6 ) I t; . I I .. \ f , \ . , . . NAME: Larry· Clark TITLE: Vice President SIGNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CÒNTACT: Larry Clark TITLE: Vice President PHONE # BUS HOURS: ( 80S) 325-7491 APTER BUS HRS: (805) 399-9051 -EMERGENCY CONTACT: J eny Waldrip TITLE: Branch Manas?;:er PHONE # BUS HOURS: (805) 325-7491 PRINCIPAL ßUSINESS~ ACTIVITY: Insulation and H. V.A.C. . Contractors. AFTER BUS. HRS: (805) , 399-8505 .-:r;,~ ~i..'J\' - 4~::-1 - " ~:v '. .J_ ,/'~ . - < .,.' . e MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CHILDERS PRODUCTS CO. " , .' . Approved by U.S. Department of Labor "Essentially Similar" to OSHA Form-20 II ~ Section I Manufacturer's Name: CHILDERS PRODUCTS CO. 2061 HARTEL BRISTOL, PA. 19007 Trade Name: CP-10/11 VICRYL® Emergency Telephone No, (215-943-7600) Chemical Family: POLYVINYL ACETATE EMULSION Section II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER PERCENT PPM TLV mg/m3 , Titanium Dioxide '1 O~ ~ 13463-67-7 3 15mg/m3 Ethylene Glycol ?- ~ /'"" 107-21-1 2 50 Diacetone Alcohol (;z..> 11o ~ '0 123-42-2 1 50 Calcium Silicate C ~ b 37 b 10101-39-0 9 10mgfm3 Section 111- PHYSICAL DATA , BOILING POINT (0 F): SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 212 deg. F EVAPORATION RATE: VAPOR PRESSURE: 1 (Water=1) Appreciable, Not established. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.2 VAPOR DENSITY: Not established. % VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 38 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Thick paste, characteristic paint odor. Section IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: Not determined - aqueous system. FLAMMABLE LIMITS: Not applicable. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Product will not burn until water evaporates. Then use water. Section V - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a physician if irritation persists. SKIN CONTACT: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. INHALATION: With normal ventilation no inhalation problems should occur. INGESTION: If this product is swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice and/or attention, - e r "... Section VI - PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND HEALTH INFORMATION ~ EYE EFFECTS: This product may be an eye irritant. SKIN EFFECTS: This product may cause skin irritation in sensitive individuals upon prolonged or repeated contact. INHALATION: Toxicity information not available on this route of exposure, INGESTION: Oral toxicity not available on compound. Seek medical attention. SYSTEMIC EFFECTS: None, Section VII - SPECIAL PRO' ECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None required. VENTILATION: General mechanical ventilation is sufficient. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: The use of impermeable gloves is advised to prevent skin irritation in sensitive individuals, EYE PROTECTION: OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Safety glasses, chemical goggles and/or face shields are recommended to safeguard against potential eye contact, irritation or injury. The availability of eye washes and safety showers in work areas is recommended. Section VIII- REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITY: None. (Malerlals to avoid) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION Thermal decomposition in the presence of air may yield carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide. PRODUCTS: Section IX - SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS IN CASE OF Material will not flow. Spills should be collected for disposal. RELEASE OR SPILL: WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS: Bury in landfill where permitted under appropriate government regulations. Section X - STORAGE AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS DOT FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: Non-flammable, EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Product will not burn until water evaporates. Then use Water. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION . None - water based material. HAZARDS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING: None, PROCEDURES: Section XI- DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION ISSUE DATE: March 11, 1987 Supersedes August 1, 1986 PREPARED BY: Robert Andrews, Chief Chemist CP-10 · - - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET CHILDERS PRODUCTS CO. II -'- { ~.. ~ " Approved by U.S. Department of Labor "Essentially Similar" to OSHA Form-20 Section I Manufacturer's Name: CHILDERS PRODUCTS CO. 2061 HARTEL BRISTOL, PA. 19007 Trade Name: CP-SOA CHIL-SEAL® Emergency Telephone No, (21S-943-7600) Chemical Family: POLYVINYL ACETATE EMULSION Section II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER PERCENT TLV PPM mg/m3 Calcium Carbonate Þ6\Q.O ~ 471-34-1 25 Titanium Dioxide q ò'5 ~ 13463-67-7 2 15mg/m3 Ethylene Glycol (:£ ?-- <60 '"J- -1 107-21-1 2 50 Mineral Spirits 64742-47-8 2 100 Vt>3'O % VOLATILE BY VOLUME: APPEARANCE AND ODOR: Section III - PHYSICAL DATA 212 deg, F EVAPORATION RATE: 1 (Water=1). Appreciable, VAPOR PRESSURE: Not established, 1,2 VAPOR DENSITY: Not established, 50% pH: 7 BOILING POINT (0 F): SOLUBILITY IN WATER: SPECIFIC GRAVITY: White, thick water based paint like material with characteristic paint odor. Section IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: Not determined (aqueous system) FLAMMABLE LIMITS: Not applicable. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Product will not burn until water evaporates. Then use water. Section V - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes. SKIN CONTACT: Wash thoroughly with soap and water. INHALATION: With normal ventilation no inhalation problems should occur. INGESTION: If this product is swallowed. DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical advice and/or attention, e e <:,' '- -'; " :...' ~ Section VI - PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND HEALTH INFORMATION EYE EFFECTS: This product may be an eye irritant. SKIN EFFECTS: This product may cause skin irritation upon prolonged or repeated contact. INHALATION: Toxicity information not available on this route of exposure, INGESTION: Oral toxicity not available on compound, Seek medical attention, SYSTEMIC EFFECTS: None, Section VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None required, VENTILATION: General mechanical ventilation is sufficient. PROTECTIVE GLOVES: The use of impermeable gloves is advised to prevent skin irritation in sensitive individuals, EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses, chemical goggles and/or face shields are recommended to safeguard against potential eye contact, irritation or injury. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Impermeable aprons are advised when working with this product. The availability of eye washes and safety showers in work areas is recommended, Section VIII - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: Stable, HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. INCOMPATIBILITY: None, (Materials to avoid) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION Thermal decomposition in the presence of air may yield carbon monoxide and/or carbon dioxide, PRODUCTS: Section IX - SPill OR lEAK PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS IN CASE OF RELEASE OR SPILL: Material will not flow, Spills should be collected for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS: Bury in landfill where permitted under appropriate government regulations, Section X - STORAGE AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS DOT FLAMMABILITY Non-flammable, CLASSIFICATION: EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Product will not burn until water evaporates. Then use water, UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION None - water based material. HAZARDS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING: None, PROCEDURES: Section XI - DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION ISSUE DATE: March 11, 1987 Supersedes June 6,1985 PREPARED BY: Robert Andrews, Chief Chemist CP,50A ~ .. . . e MATERIAL SAfETY DATA SHEET CHILDERS 'PRODUCTS CO. Approved by U.S. Department of Labor "Essentially Similar" to OSHA Form-20 II ,{I Section I Manufacturer's Name: CHILDERS PRODUCTS CO. 2061 HARTEL BRISTOL, PA. 19007 Trade Name: CP-82 CHIL-STIX® FRN Emergency Telephone No, (215-943-7600) Chemical Family: NEOPRENE CONTACT BOND CEMENT Section II - HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER PERCENT TLV mg/m3 PPM Methylene Chloride (4) dd-"3 \~ 75-09-02 60 100 1,1,1 Trichloroethane /JLJb 71-55-6 15 350 Phosphoric Acid 1>;;).0 7664-38-2 0,1 1mg/m3 Section III - PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (0 F): SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 104 deg, F EVAPORATION RATE: 1,8 (Ether=1) Negligible. VAPOR PRESSURE: Not established, SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.3 VAPOR DENSITY: Not established, % VOLATILE BY VOLUME: 75 APPEARANCE AND ODOR: White sticky liquid - penetrating ether odor, Section IV - FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA FLASH POINT: Not Applicable, Chlorinated Solvent FLAMMABLE LIMITS: Not applicable, EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Will not burn in the wet state, \ Section V - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES EYE CONTACT: Flush with copius amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention, SKIN CONTACT: Wash thoroughly with soap and water, Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse, Seek medical attention if irritation from contact persists, INHALATION: If breathing difficulties, dizziness, or lightheadedness occur when working in areas with high vapor concentrations, victim should seek air free of vapors, If victim experiences continued breathing difficulties, administer oxygen until medical assistance can be rendered, If breathing stops, begin artificial respiration and seek immediate medical attention, INGESTION: If this product is swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting, Seek immediate medical advice and/or attention, " e e .. ..' -, L:: Section VI- PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND HEALTH INFORMATION' = , .. INHALATION: Minimal anesthetic or narcotic effects may be seen in the range of 500-1000 PPM of 1,1,1 Trichloroethane, Higher levels over 1000 PPM may cause dizziness or drunkedness; concentrations in excess of 10,000 PPM can cause unconsciousness and death, These high levels may also cause cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats), EYE EFFECTS: This product may be an eye irritant. SKIN EFFECTS: This product may cause skin irritation upon prolonged or repeated contact. INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is low. Excessvie ingestion may produce symptoms of central nervous system depression ranging from light-headedness, to unconsciousness and death. May cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract with vomiting, If vomiting results in aspiration, chemical pneumonia could follow, Absorption through the gastrointestinal tract may produce symptoms of central nervous system depression ranging from light- headedness to unconsciousness, SYSTEMIC EFFECTS: Various studies have shown a possible assocation with exposure to the solvent in this product and the following: Narcosis in high concentration, liver damage in animals, Kidney damage in animals, carbon monoxide formation in the body; exposure risk greater for smokers and individuals with heart disease, Section VII - SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: The use of respiratory protection depends on the vapor concentration above the time-weighted TL V; use a NIOSH cartridge respirator or gas mask, VENTILATION: General mechanical ventilation may be sufficient to keep product vapor concentrations within specified time-weighted TL V ranges, If general ventilation proves inadequate to maintain safe vapor concentration, supplemental local exhaust may be required, Other special precautions such as respiratory masks or environmental containment devices may be required in extreme cases, PROTECTIVE GLOVES: The use of impermeable gloves is advised to prevent skin irritation in sensitive individuals, EYE PROTECTION: Safety glasses, chemical goggles and/or face shields are recommended to safeguard against potential eye contact, irritation or injury, The availability of eye washes and safety showers in work areas is recommended, OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Section VIII - REACTIVITY DATA STABILITY: HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur. Stable, INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong alkalis and oxidizing materials. (Materials to avoid) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION Hydrogen chloride phosgene (small amounts) (wet state only), PRODUCTS: Section IX - SPill OR lEAK PROCEDURES PRECAUTIONS IN CASE OF RELEASE OR SPILL: Material will flow, Keep sources of ignition and hot metal surfaces isolated from the spill. Avoid contact to skin and breathing of vapors, Ventilate area, Scrape material into closed containers, WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS: Incineration at government approved sites, Section X - STORAGE AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS DOT FLAMMABILITY CLASSIFICATION: Non-flammable, EXTINGUJSHING MEDIA: Foam, CO2 or dry chemicals, UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION Keep work areas free of hot metal and other sources of ignition, HAZARDS: SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING: PROCEDURES: The use of self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended for fire fighters. Water may be unsuitable as an extinguishing media, but helpful in keeping adjacent containers cool. Section XI- DOCUMENTARY INFORMATION ISSUE DATE: Robert Andrews, Chief Chemist March 11, 1987 Supersedes June 5,1985 PREPARED BY: CP-82 .,~' ., 1It.~" . "'- I. ..~ 72-62-7S25-01 ......""-......... '-.'. ., ...;,,'¡ ·(;::·~i·IJ,f.~~:,F,;.':'¡\:.<·,,'·' :", ..", '-,~ ;.\1'''' ',',' Ash/and Petroleum rampant' DIVISIDN DF ASI1LAND OIL. la p,o, ¡¡OX 391 . ASHLA~jO. KENTUCKY 41101'( 9-3333 . ," :., -'", - ~~-:. !II" .,'.,...,.".' ::;ÚÒ};;0.~~l:~:f;x:;:,;;:'~;;~~:~'i:~,~;~:~GENGX T~LE~j~:j'.~;~(~~~'3~4:11~:~1[fl:;:~CT 8 /j" f~l ". . ,'.j(;':J;" '" ,..,' ,!<: ,t,: ;';!.." .:,' , .- ~~ ~?"::. . :., ~.,¡ . .",' . ·:...·'1.' -'. , MATERIAL SAFETY . D~TA SHEET ""'!:, 'f:¡' . ~,..' lìshlanci($ . ., "" .. . . . .......s..œœ.........œ.œ............æ....œ.....................................œ... 0221t74 , . SHPO:lO ·PAGE. 1 TH%S MSDS COM~L%*S~%T~2j C~~ 1910.1200 (THE HAZ~RD COMMUN%C~T±ON STANDARD) , , PRODUCT NAME: C"'S NUMBER. SERV%CE 0%1. COMPANY C W B"'RKSDALE SHPO 30 107 LAKE: STREE:T BAKE:RÐ~%E:LD CA '03305 OS 70 000 OB7B773-000 DATA SHEET NO. 017S0~B-001 LATEST REV%S%ON DATE. OS'S~-B*2~1 PRODUOT I 157 %NvO%CE:1 036522 %NVO%CE DATEI 0~'1B'SS TOI I' ATTN. PLANT MGR , BA~ETY D%R. -----------~-------~----~--------------------~----------~-------------------------- , SECT%ON X-PRODUCT %DENT%~%CAT%ON ._--~---------------~----_._-~~~----------~~------.----------------------------------- GENERAL OR GENER%C %DI PET~OL~UM BASED-LUBRZCAT%NG 0%1. HAZARD CLABS%rZOATZON, (~9) NOT APPL%CADLE --------------------------šËëT%õÑ-i%:HÞÃRòõüã-cõ~põÑËÑTŠ---------------------·----~ -_._-----------------~.~-----~----~-~---~~-~~~-----~-~~~----_._----.------------------- %NGREC%ENT .... (ay WT) PEL TLV NOTE: ---------- ---------- PETROLEUM LUBE 0%1. . CAS #. 6*7~2-6S-,O ( i) I PE:L,TLV %S rOR 0%1. M%ST. >60 5 5 MG.ì'M3 ( 1) , . " _THE: SPE:C%r~C CH~M%CAL %DENT%TY HAS ~EEN W%THHELCAS A TRADE SECRET. " . ". -, ' . ------~--------~-------------------_._----------~~--------------.-------~------------ BE:CT%ON %%Z-PHYS%CAL DATA --------------~------------------------------------------------,-,------------------- PROPERTY RE:r:tNE:M.ENT MEASUREMENT -------- ---------- ----------- %N%T%AL SO%L%NG PO%NT rOR COMPONENT(>60 ....) > ( s ~25.00 21S.33 760.00 CEO F DEG C) MMHG VAPOR PRESSURE '. VAPOR'DENS%TV SPEC%F":tC GRAV:ITV '\ . - '. ",.' .----:~---.-._--------.---------------------~-_._--------------- .'. NOT APPL%CABLE: " .' . - . .". ---------------------~-------------,-----~------------------ NOT APPL;ZOABLE .----------------------------------------------------------- . S~O Ð 60.00 CEO F -----~--------~----------------~----------~---~~:~~--~~~-~~ PERCENT VOLAT%LES EVAPORAT%ON RATE APPEARANCE DT"'TE F'ORM NOT APPL%CABLE . . ------------------------'----------------------------------- SLOWER THAN E:THER ----------------_.--~-~~----------------------------------- UNKNOWN ---------~----------~-------------------------------------- L Z QU% C ------------------ ---~-_._------------,--------------------- HOMOD SOLN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BECT%ON,%V~F%RE AND EXPLOS%ON DATA , . '" . --------------------------------------_._-----------------------_._~----------------- . . . . . '. .. . . . . ~LASH PO%NT ~~O.OO DEG r 226.66 DEG C) ...-.-.... EXPLOS%VE L.%M%T UNAVA%LABLE EXT%NGU%SH%NG MED%A REGULAR rOAM OR CARBON D%OX%DE OR DRY C.HEH%,CAL; IIAZARDOUS CECOMPOß%TZON PRODUCTS, M"'Y FORM TOX%C MATERXALS., OARBON DXOX%DE AND CARSON MONOXXDE., VARXOUS HVDROOARBONS, ETC. " '. SPEC%AL r%REP%GHT%NG PROCEDURES. WEAR, SEL~~CONTAiNED BREATHiNG APpARATUS W%TH A FULL~AC£PZECE OPERATED %N PRESSURE DEMAND OR OTHER POS%T%VE: PRESSURE MODE WHEN r%GHT%NG ~%RES, WATER OR ~OAM MAY CAUSE rROT~%NGWHXbH CAN BE V%OLENTAND~OSS%BLY ENDANGER THE LZ~E Or THE ~%RE~%GHTER, ESPEC%ALLY %~ SPRAYEd %NTO CONTAXNERS OF HOT"SURNXNO L%QUXÖ. . . UNUSUAL r%RE . EXPLOS%ON HAZARDS,NEVER USE WELD:tNG.OR CUTTZNG TORCH ON OR NEAR DRUM (EVEN EMPTy) BECAUSE PRODUCT (E:VEN JUST RE:S%DUE) CAN %GN%TE EXPLOS%VE:LY. N~PA 00DE6, HEALTH- £ f"LAMMAElZL%TY- ,1 REAOT%V%TY- 0 , " , ' . . . . ., . , ---------------------_._,------~----~-~---~-~~-~~---_.--------~----,------------------- SECT%ON V-HEALTH ~AZARD DATA . ------------------_._-----.------~~.~._~--~-~--~-----------~~~-------'---.--------------- P£RM%SS%BLE"EXPOSURE LEVEL. ~9T ESTAÐL%SHED POR PRODUCT. SEE SECT%O~ %%. ErPECTS Or OVE:REX~O~UREI rOR COMPONENT -------------------~---~ . . . ~~~~ :g:~ g:~:~ :~~~~~T~R~~~~~~~~~N, REDNESS, TEAR%NG. g~~ALLTHO~N%NGG--M~ASNT OAUSE OASTRO%NTEST%NAL XRR%TAT%ON, NAUSEA VOM%T%NG D%ARRHEA. "~. . CAN CAUSE DAMAGE TO NASAL AND RESP%RATORy'PASSAGES.' 'QOPVR%GtiT 190'. CONT%NUED O~ PAGE" ~ ";-', .;., " - \ . -·,:r·!" i,'c~' J ,4~I;i.~,T\;,¡~!.;J;.'!."'. '72-62-'7B25-01 . ;:."":,i}.-;~jll{,i;Iv.'~:I",t¡;·, {i'.;,.\...~,t··il' "-"---'.'-J -;¡;." :i,;';·';¡,,¡;'f;'_;.;I; "¡;:·-,'T,.-.-Y,¡-, "ir . . Ashland Petroleum cåmpam¡ CIVISION CF ASHL.ANCOII... IN. p, O. .BOX 391 . ASHLAND, KENTUCKY ~1101 ·1~·3333 ~ A5hland~ ~"... ~ -s." '..... " ... MATERIAL SAFËTY . DATA SHEET 24-HOUR EMERGENcY,r~LEP,I:IO.N,E ,(6061324.113~. 0",,', ',' " .. .t, " 'n ;' .t.'" ..::~.:.:.~}.~ _:' ! ~ I'· ,~,;~ ~:~.:~:~~\l~l~;lli-~~.:r.,~,' :, ~'~ !};~.~~I :';;:~~f~·.~;.~~ " ~ ..,' :~-"""'" \ '~,:; ~:~·-t1\?: :·;L;·~\;·~':.·, . :-; '.';'/,f. '.:.\.;.~ :~;~:~.~':'.;.:. ;. ,'.:'~..'" --.::- , , ',' .,' .. . ¡ ". ~~------------------------'----~-----~---------~--------~~-.-----~~----------------.- . SE~TXON Y-HEALTH HAZARD DAT~'~ONTXNUED) 022"'76 , ¡ SHPO 30 'PAGE. 2 --------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------- ,'J" ~-XRST AXD. .\ ---------- " ON SKXN. THOROUGHLY WASH EXPOSED AREA WXTH SOAP AND WATER. REMOVE CONTAMXNATED CLOTHXNG. LAUNDER CONTAMXNATED'CLOTHXNG SErORE RE-USE. XN EYES. F'LUSH WXTH LARGE AMOUNTs.or'wATER1 L%rTXNG UPPER AND LOWER LXCS OCCASXONALLY. GET MEDXOAL AT~ENTXON. SWALLOWED. XMMEDXATELY DRXNK TWO GLASSE& or WATER AND XNDUCE YOMXTXND BY EXTHER GXVXNG XPECAC SYRUP OR SY PLACXND ~XNGER AT SACK or THROAT. NEVER GXYE ANYTHXNG SY MOUTH TO AN UNOONSCXOUS PERSON. GET MEDXCAL ATTENTXON XMMEDXATELY. xr BREATHED. xr AF'rECTED, REMOYE XNDXYXDUAL ,TO F'~ESH AXR. xr BREATHXNG XS DXF'rXCULT, ADMXNXSTER OXYGEN. xr BREATHXNGHAS STOPPED, GXYE ARTX~XCXAL RESPXRATXON. KEEP PERSON WARM1 QUXET, AND GET MEDXCAL ATTENTXON. xr xr :rr PRXMARY ROUTE(S) or ENTRY. -------------------------- SI(XN CONTACT ----------------------.--------~---------------------------------------------------- SECTXON YX-REACTXVXTY DATA ------------------------_._---,----_._------------~-----------------~----.----------~-- , ' HAZARDOUS POLYMERXZATXON. CANNOT OCCUR STABXLX~Y. STABLE , . ,"', ,'.. XNCOMPATX~XLXTY. ~VOXD CONTAOT WXTH'I ~tR~~GOXX~XZXNG AGENtS. , ' , ' " --------------------------------------------------------~~--~---------------------- -------------_.._~.~~----_._---_.__.----------------------------_._------------------- SECTXON VXX-SPXLL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN XN ÇASE MATERXAL XS RELEASED OR SPXLLED. ---------------------------------'-----~------------------- . . . SMALL SP:ILL., ABSORS LXQU%D oN PAPER> V~~MXCULXtEI ,rLooR ABÈiO~BENT;1 OR OTHER ABSORSENTMATE~XAL AN~ TRANsr£R,TO HOOD:. " ,;. LARGE SPXLL.ELXMX~~T~ALL~GNXTXðN~6u~CE~ crLAREB, FLAMESIX~CLUàXNG PXLOT . LXGHTS1 ELECTRXCAL SPARKS). PERSONS NOT.WEARXNG PROTECTXVEEQUXPMENT SHOULØ DE EXCLUDED rROMAREA OF' SPXLLUNTXL CLEAN-UP HAS BEEN COMPLETED. STOP SP~LL AT SOURCE~ DXKE AREA or SPXLL TO PREYENT SPREADXNG, PUMP LXQUXD TO SALVAGE T~NK.REMAXNXNG LXQUXD MAY DE TAKEN UP ON SAND, CLAV. EARTH, rLOOR ADSORBENT OR OTHER ADSORBENT MATERXAL AND SHOVELED XNTO CONTAXNERS. PREVENT RUN-OF'r TO SEWERS, STREAMS OR OTHER BODXES O~ WATER. xr RUN-OF'r OCCURS I NOTXry PROPER. AUTHORXTXES.AS REQUXRED1 THAT A SPXLL HAS OCCURRED. WASTE DXSPOSAL METHOD. -----------------.---- SMALL SPXLL. ALLOW VOLATXLE PORTXON TO EVAPORATE XN HOOD. ALLOW SUrF'XCXENT TXME rOR VAPORS TO COHPLETELYCLEAR HOOD OUCT WORK. DESTROY REMAXNXNG MATERXAL SY SURNXNG XN AN XRON PAN. . , , , ' LARGEC~~~~~%N~i~~R~~S~~B~~;U~2vX~~%~~~~~i~~D %N A LANcrXLL ,%N ACCORDANCE WXTH LOCAL, STATE AND rEDERAL REGULATXðNB. , . . , , .' . . . . . , ." ., ------------------------------.-------.------------.'.------------------.----------- S£CTXON YXXX-PROTECTXV£ £OU%P oU;:ÌIIT T(LBE,..,I.J..SED·· --------------.----------~---------------~----~---------_.~-~-_._--~------------------ REBPXRATORV ~ROTECTXON. ir TLv~rTH£ PROCUC~ 6RANY 60~PONEÌIIT ~~~XCEEDED, A NXOSH/MSHA JOXNTLY APPROVED ~XR SUPPLXEDRESPXRATORXS ADVXSED%N ABSENCE or PROPER ENVXRONMENTAL CONTROL. OSHA REGULATXONS ALSO PERM%TOTHER NXOGH/MSHA RESPXRATQRS UNDER SPEcxrXEDCONDXTXONS. (SEE VOUR SArETY EQUXPMENT SUPPLXER). ENGXNEERXNG OR ADMXNXSTRATXVE CONTROLS SHOULD BE XMPLEMENT~O TO REDUCE EXPOSURE. . VENTXLATXON. PROVXDE SUF'FXC%ENT MECHANXCAL (GENERAL ~ND'OR LOCAL E~HAUST) VENTXLATXON TO MAXNTAXN EXPOSURE SEL.O~ TLV,CS). PROTECTXVE GLOVES. WEARRES~STANT~LO~ES jUCH;AS'1 NEOPRENE EYE PROTECTXON. CHEMXCAL~PLASHGOGGLES XN COMPLXAN~EW%TH OSHAREGULAT%ONS ARE ADYXSEDj HOWCVER,OSHAREGULATXONS ALSOP£RHXT OTHER TYPE SArCTY GLASSES. (CONSULT YOUR SArCTY EQUXPMENT SUPPLXER) , . . " , OTHER PROTECTXVE £QUXPMENT. TO PREVENT REPEAT~D oR ,PROLONGED SKXN CONTACT, WEAR XMPERV%OUB CLOTH%NGAND SOOTS. ----------------------------------------------_._---------------~------------------- , SÈCTXON %X-SPECXAL PRECAUTIONS OR OTHER COMMENTS ---------------------------~----~-_._---_.~---~--,--~-~--~-~-------_._--------~-------- " .. , CONTAXNERS or THXS MATERXAL MAY BE HÁZARDOLJSWH~N.EH~TX~D. BXNCE EMPTXED CONTAINERS RETAXN PRODUCT RES%DUES (V~POR, LXQUXD, AND/ORSOLXD), ALL HAZARD PRECAUTXONB GXVE~ ~N THXS DATAS~~ET MUST BE ODSERVED. THE XNrORMATXON ACCUMULATED HEREXN ;%8 BEL.XEVED TO BE ACCURATE BUT XS NOT' WARRANTEO TO DE WHETHER ORXGXNATXNG WXTH ^SHL.AND OR, NOT. REC1PXCNTS ARE ADVXSED TO CONFXRM IN ,ADVANCE ,or NEED THAT THE XNF'ORMATXON ts CURRENT APPLXCABLE. AND SUXTABLE TO THEXR CZRCUMSTANCES.··· . '..,. ...' 'COP,YRXGHT .t "a* , ' . '. '. LAST' RAGE.. -SEE' ATTACHMENT PAGE 'ENCLOSEO- -,LAST' PAGE .. e e ... "'Þ~~R~LEUM CO, 920 EAST TRUXTUN AVENUE (805) 327-4373 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93305 IMPORTANT HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Enclosed are the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous products purchased from Pence Petroleu~. According to Federal, State and Local regulations all petroleum products are classified as hazardous materials and the MSDS are to be used to inform employees of the special handling required. A file should be readily available on the premises for use by employees and inspection by OSHA. We have a file 'of MSDS for all products and will make these available to you. Because of the volume of sheets. required we would appreciate you letting us know when you order a product for the first time and we will supply you with the proper MSDS for your file. If you have any questions please feel free to call us at 589-5620. Robb Pence or John Woods will be glad to help you. Pence Petroleum : "'. ' ~ .~ " .,. . ¡. 'Uf' "C-('II"'- ."" . ....~,..;~ L ,. E *.,0 ~rc èJl-¡1 F-'¡.J! Y l I ~, ;". ¡. (.)¡VISI(\-!'j:)r ¿l)·;<or. (1.'liI'l, ',Ihll, DA TE ISSUED 4/10/86 MÞ,TEFiI/\L SAFETY DA T/\ SHEET [ì..\[J/; l..~ur·~;,/.¡,hl u ~~'¡, I. p ,0 [\0,:' 1 HO HDUS1orJ, Tì 77;:~)¿-21Ül' ________.+.___..___w___._,_'_.__._~,_.,___._.____._..__.__.~._____.__ Þ.. IDENTIFICATION ÞJ\lD EMERGEf\JCY INFORMATION ~...._--_. ._~.__... ...-.------.-.....--.....--,-- , I PRODUCT NAÞlé I EXXON CASO!.l ;'f. prWDUCT CODE 0:.10000 . OO~H;;:~ r------····-·--·--·--· I .-.._~_...~------,._----_._..-.__.-.,. .....-,---.--.-------.----. CH¡;.HCAL NAMf Motor Gc\so1 HI'.' CAS NUMBEI< COlJlple>. M',:',L/I'l' CAS Nurr.tJür nc¡t dpµ) ICdl"Jil;' L__._ ___,....,...,__ .. . ..-.....-.-.- .---_._~-_._---~.__._-_.~_.,.._._-_...._..__.- ! PIWDUCT M>PEMU,NCE AND U[)U[< Clear cc1oreo \'J~"l(J' !'¡r~ ìC¡:~ 1> '-lI'drIOC " Gél5C\ ,r¡c- tì\:CJr'U-::Z¡r t:'(,~. (J(j\)' ----.-..---,----------.-..---. . ..._..__.~--,_.,---_....----------._.._---- EM~¡:(GENC't TI.:LEPHONL 'HJMßEf< (713) G:;';;-3,1;:·: ~--_...._--~-_._._- .__.__.u____~,____ _____..___ , I i r:3. COfV1POr'~ENTS Af\ID HAZARD INFORMATION , L-.__,________.___,..______.___ I ¡;OMPONCNTS I CAS NO, or COMPONeNTS APPROXIMATE CONCENTRATION P rorJuc 1 1 ~~ ¡, p",r'fOI^rl.dllé:(' , V;'li ì¿,IC,1i;l :':':C¡I¡I~IIl:) Illli'\Ur"(: of component::., (·¿:tt·!L'r tnc:.ln ct',L:I1¡ \ C(.1 I . ~peC)f1Ci1t,on5 prIncIpally hyOrOCarDons, clenaoa to See: S(;C~1()n t to: 1'1",:,,111"1 dl1d Hòz;,,'a Inforn;éJt·,on. HAZAIWOUS ¡,tATERInS IDWTInCt\TlOr'/ SYSTEM (HMIS) Hqalth Flammability Reactivity OASIS 1 " 0 RocommancJod o/' E ~,xon EXPOSURE LIMIT FOR TOTAL PRODUCT 100 ppn: (30(: I"çJ'II':~) 10' ¡II", fj-tìüur' 'r-'O¡"'kO¡;\,' BASIS I<ûcomrner~ood ov Exxon. -Ilk' flrner1car, :onfel'er,cl' of Gov(,rnmont",\ Inaustr1i:\ II/9H!n1::;tS (t.CGIHj l,sts Thro~hola L1Wlt Value (TlV) of 300 ppm (900 rn9/m3) for D~ a-'Ilùllr worKa~IY, ....__.._.___.___~_.._,~ ...h_._.._..........__~.__._~.~..___ C PHIIVlp,RY· F~OUTES OF Ef\JTnY Af\JD [MER,GENCY AI\ID FIRST AID PROCEDUf1ES ~.__.____..___._.___..__.~____._________~___....___.._4____________ ¡:y E CONi ACï Jf ::;¡:,)¡:Si,ê'O H1le, 1IIL L')'U~, fie/51 ,nUl cleor wèJ1UI le,r 1~' rlllnLJ10~ or un't,1 If'rltðtion SUI ) ~ 1 (! (~ ~ ! í 1 r ,. 1 l ,\ t , U ,-. P II r . ~:' ) ~~ t ~.. C ,: 1 1 i1 P II '/~; \ C , i.1 r, , SV-IN COtHf,CT 1 (, cas", 01 c.\ I)(] vJ¿', t (! f' ~.il~ \ n C()f'lé12 t . r'Vl!i(jVl: ''"I) cunti1rn\f'ìdt(:(j clotnlrìfj ¡JiiO ,¡iJsn :>_,11" H10r'ougnly with soap r W' ¡\l AT I DtJ 1 f ovnrCUIl!L': \ r ("(:9..1: ¡'.1 r' 0: f'.,' ·i;..IP(II. 't~¡¡¡CiV!: r '''Or: L')',rJOSu('Ü ¡:¡r¡() rl".I~ ~;~( P~H.:(j, ~1,.¡r t r C'~~U~',C1tiJt lOn, ::; iJ 1 ì ,: p n,,~, , ~~ "'" 1 IIIlIIe 0 1 ¡\ 1 e ¡ .) J f b r" at h I ng 1 S ¿10¡¡,ln\~t(:r' G^)~Jc'ri. )f D'/i.111.:\tJle. IIJGESTI ON ~ t I nç)E:s t eo. DC I,~C'! ì ¡'I(J...JCl: \/c.¡~;, \ ~ IIÏU: cnll ¿~ pn>'~;',::':' 11.If·¡ \ Il\tHL'C I d t~; ì y . - -.... _..- --~ . .. .._.._.._.-------~-----~ . ': ~ () ~ " ,I'. ~ 1/ I . ,I ! . ¡; "' " e i ',,;()I. G:'~OL¡. ? :)OCJ ,,, I _____._.~.~. ....____._.___..~.._.._,_..... .~ .,~.. .__~,_.-..-_ ________~,_..__.._......_H_W....~_______._____~.. D, FI'RE AND EXPLOSION HAZ/-\RD INf=Of1MA TION ----..-..----.--.-....- .--- -...-.--.-.--.-----.- ...--.- ---_.._._---_.~-~--_.._-_._-------------- UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HA1AIW EXTREMELY FLAMMAULE VAPORS CAN EXPLODE --....-.----.-.--...-.-------.-. fLASH POINT (MINIMUM) EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE ApprOxImately -3ü'( AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE ¡: l:" ( - 3(,' I' ) DUT '¡~J Cl'R 17:>, 115 APPI'üÁ,mdt01y ,::'G·C (!3~)3'F ~J¡:¡tlonw1 FH''-' f'r'oteC:lon ASSOcIatIon's GUIde on Ha::£IrClou5 ~\i\terlûls NATIONAL FWE PROTECTIDN I\SSOCIATlOt~ (~JFPA) - HAZAfW IDEtHIFICATION lioalth flamrn<:lrJil ity Hc¡¡ctivtty BASIS 1 :i U f<ocomrnunO(,d llj" 11\" tJiJt IC"',') F lrl! F'r'ütuct Ion A~SoclatlOri HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Keop prOCJUC1 ¡'.:il, f,'ull. ¡,:,;iJ1 sp¡,ns, pl1U1 ì l!JlltS, ~;til¡ IC l,1l:::;¡r 'CIty, ¡HID open flame. -_._--------- FLAMMABLE OR EXPLOSIVE LIMITS (APPROXIMATE PERCENT BY VOLUME IN AIR) Estimatea ViJ1UD5 Low~r FliJmmiJ~lu LImIt 4~ Upper fl£1mmiJDle LImIt 7,G% ----------~--~-_.__._--_..._--~~ EXTINGUISHING MEDIA AND FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Foam, water spray Ifogl. cry chemIcal, corDon al0~IOü and vaporl21ng 11quld type Dxtlngulshlng ûgonts mi1y i,1i [)C; S,J1tdt:,\(; for extInguIshing fil'cs Hwolvlnç¡ tt~l¡; 1ype of pl'Oduct, dependIng on sIze 01'- .)O\"l1tl;'\ ::',1::(: (1f fl/'l' Dna ClrcunJstil¡"\C(;S rel¡;H:d t(.o tl~(: Sltuiltl0n, Plan fIre proteCtIon ¡,¡na r·c:¡¡:,on¡;(, :;tl';,.l('J, \n'OU~JI1 contòultatlon 1,11111 ioei.1 fll'e plotectlon authOrItIes or approprl<JtC: spec} a 1 1 S t s The fo\ 10.1\1"" pr'üc."lJ'JI""~' tell nIl::; 1YP'2 of Pl'QCJUCt i,re b¡,!;(,cJ on th(' r(~cornlll¡.!nd¡,t'ons In the Ni:ìtl0nal F\r'0 ·'f'Ol(!C110f1 :~s~r.JCI¡~tlon's "F,r'f:i Pr'ütc.:c;tlon G'..J1Ut;: on Hd~L'raVutj Mate.."iblsll. El9t'1th E all Ion (195,j ¡ : Usü Or'',' chCm1cdi t(',1F1i 01' ¡;¡: I'Oün Oloxl,Jt:, WdtCI' ow)' bC' 1ncdt",ctlvC, uut water snc>u\d Oe used 'to ~(eep flr'ü-eXpOSt:o conti:llnt:2r's cool If (:1 lû"k or ~p\11 1"1~1~' \çH1\'tea, u~e water' sp,"ay to U1Spel'S(, Itì"' vapo"f. :Jf~cJ t[, pr'üté:C\ /lien attelHptHI£.J to 5tOp a leil., Wilter ::;pl'ilY möy De usea \0 fhH:;n sp\\ls "Wi',' trOll' t:,.:pe,c.LlI'ü::, Mlnllnl;:c Dreathinç¡ 9;,S8::>, vóPOI'. fumes or decompositIon proaucts, USI2 ~,U'ji'\ 1<:0",\\1" nr'é:i.ltrI1119 equlpf1lùnt fOl' l!nc1osúa or confIned spaces or liS otnerwlse needed, . I,OTE: Tn[~ \r,c)u~;10n oí tnt· pnr'iJSl' "w¡,H,r l11ðy De Inùffec"C1VC" IS to lnd1c.\I(-; ,n"1 t.lthougr. water car, DC' USI:O te. coo) dno prOH,ct é:XPO:¡Cd IlIélterl<J1. W",ter /IIay not ü):tlngul!ôt~ tne fIre un1ess usee unaer favcra01e conUlt Ions uj' experIenced flre fighters traIned In fIghtIng ~11 types of (lamma!)le ,llqU10 1 j,'8:;', ,- __..__.__________n , DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS Fume~;, S/IIol<e, C¡II'()C'.n ¡"anOXIa!.;, Lliaehyaes "no otnêr ot:cornçlOSltlOn pl'oouCts, l,ncomp 1 £:t8 comous t ,on In the Ca5£! of i r'..'-------·---'..-·------------- I "EII<1PTY" COtJTAlNER WArmING I -.----,-, "Err.p~/" cont¡:¡HH''''~ l'et¿11f', "(::';'OUi! (1 lqulC1 anc'-or· vapor) ono can 0') a¿,ngl:rOlrS, DO NOT f'REssur<I2E, CU1, WELD, bRt.2C, SOLDEf<, DRILL, GRJr.O OR E^POSt SUCr1 CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAMl, SPARKS OR D1H(P SUURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Dc n01 ,JttÜfI'pt 10 c;ìu,lr, S,lfìCE: 1'2S'Oue 1$ a1fflcu1t to r l!T1IO 'IE: "Empt,'" Of-urns shDU10 De comp 1 \? t (! 1 \' (JI èJ ; nee, pr'(¡pl: 1'1 \' OUfìDod iJnd promp t \ y 1'1;: tu l'ril!O t C e' a,'urn r(:con,:: I t 1 onor . A 1 \ otner COn1i.IlnÜI'!: !::\ovld 0(; OlSpOS0cJ of In an envlronnwnt¡,ll" ~'.iJle m¡:,nnl:" anC1 In ac:cor'aar.ct2 \,¡)tn ~)LJVi.!rTHlH:~n1.:J) "ÜC!U1¡1tions For wor...... on tiHIK~ r(!te::r 'to Occupation,)l 5¿1fü'tì' ¿jnu r"1l:~·.1tt·1 r..<.1r1.\nl~~'trat\on reÇJu1at\ons. td~~1 2.tG.1. ¡Jnu (jtnL~r Dovùr'nmentw1 ana Inaustr·12.lJ ,,(·t't_'I-(:'ICU~: r.:.er·1¿:lfllr¡ç te. clúan\ng, 'e:r..Ji:1r"1tìq. wl:'lcìrlg. or otner· contümplilted çJper'ð 1" I on~ --,.,',. '--'--'--., ..--,.--- --. . ..-. .-. .....--.---..-.-.---.--------- 1';. '. 'J (I' f .~,;. ..:. e e [ i .),UI'J C,", ::iO~.1 r'~L :. ;¡ 'r-'-~---' -:----......--,...'.. _.~___ _. .._.~_.., .... _. _. _...u....~~.. ,,~_"n_..~·__..._~., ._...... .._... ... -- -. ----.- ..-.. E f ¡'- II I ..1"[ J .. t: !-\ l.., r-1 1\f\!D ¡'1/\:/~Þ.J:;D INFOHìVlJ\T I ()f\J L.____~._.__..__...__ _____.__ "'-"'~--'----'-" - ....--.-.----.-.-.--..--- ..--.... .....~...._.-,._----_.~---_..._. VARIAnIL,ITY MWhlG rNDrVIUlJi\l_S He~t1tn s·tU(11C~~ n¿JVl ~;t"d. \'-.'¡" ttl.11 /'j.l(" POtcll't'''11 tillr!!:_.!) '1(;.:111",: 1~,¡.J'~J \·:I\1Ctl tc 11QUldS. Vi.lpOr'~.. I].J~,\~.. ur f~H:¡'.J~ ~H: t I'U ¡ ÛUfll (l') (II (¡C~.tI'l {}n~. ¡;,d)/ VDry f r'un, ¡'1f.'r·~Ü"i t(J ~1"10Lll(j b0 rH)n'Ii¡I~(:(j .:1(\(J ~;yntr,ut \C r.J('r·~J;jrl A~; ö ìI.JDr'1C~nt~ pose pracau"0n, exp05ure EFFECTS OF OVEREXP(JSUHE i~; 1 ,ins Ml(] ~;Yi¡'1.Jlom;; of CXpO~UI'~ I Hlgh V¡;'P01" conc(-'ntr',,1 ",":, t,U'(,¡1l0r U,¡Jn appr'OXlf11.-.'tû\y l(;,jv ppr:,) ¡lr'(' HTltat1l1[1 '0 'he eyes ana tt10 r·e~~plr·íltor'·:. ·.r,:.C~. rn':\~, (,<:1d~)L' head,Jcnes iJno U1:::;':ln(:~:.s, '-11"(' anestt-\CtlC, may cause unCO/"¡5C10USne~~j, drl(J Ind', rl(I'/l: (j11\t:r' cerltr'ð1 n(~r'vous SySll!llI f~t tcct~:. PI'o)onf:j8G or' !'C'pH;:'"'' '11,1,-,11"1 CUf\\¡oct litH", tne l:~ ,r,wI! ì elf"/ ¡ono oet¡, I tnp. Sh1n, lc¡¡dlng to po f¡ ~~ ~ () ) (. 1 r'r , 'd 1 I l)'-] . I r J:; U i .' r . r 11 ~ ¡ t \ 1 1 ~. ~JArUF~[ OF Hr(U\RD AI~¡) ProlC.If'1[Jüu or r'(n~Jt::i.!1.\·U lcHldlnÇJ to 1,.'I"lt;;,\ If to;-'1ColÜ91C¿ ¡ 0i:1't... OJ' OStM cr'l tf-,,' lOXJCITY ¡ t,JrUWMT 1 OtJ " ;,f 1¡\ C.j:\1;Jct wit ¡ thl~:. pr'()(juc1 t(!na~ to r"'ùmOVl: ~h1n 011s po~slo1y '¡n.:.: fH.~t'Ir.:\~ìt1~i. nOI,.J(!'/or', U~l!;"e(J on flLHlI,:)n ÙxpÐrlence ana ava,)at>1e ¡;ruu....H:" ::.- ).Jagod to L'c· IH:1tf'i¡::r' ('::. !'C0f'r'O~1Ve" nor an 1'1rr1t'lntl' r-rCiO...j;::'t COIl:i:C\ 1t', ,¡It I,:.·il' !lll:¡ :_.dU~)t: (:/(;.' Irr'\-::u~ìCHì. Tn,::. pr'oouct n:¿,') CU.':;;!I l~l.. t(., ~\ 111~j),'IIH..Ilì1 of ..ì S \.¡í..:I011l p~r·C{·_~nt D(;!n~CnE:. CAS t-..:o. "71-43-2, ;:,s i'I naHJriJì c()n~;t' 1.;1.:1)\ cd 'Je>' IOu;, Dð~,oI1n.,: ull.:flo COlilponent!> Genz<:nc: con CDUSC: anemIa òno ott'le/' t¡ìrAI:.I (11:;1.:,1:,('" 1I':,lulJ 11'1,1 1('U~(f'JlIII¿' (c.H1Cl.:r· of \I'L: blooa-formlng s)·s,en¡ . af,er' rope.noc 0'- pr'ol\)n~~Od f:)I:pC~::ur(::: ... r·11Ui'1 conccntf'at1ons It.: [I 50,,500 prJri,) It tì~~S alsO' cau~Qd ieti' CJi~f(:ct~, In IC';,'.:, ("¡I', L'IJi.!I·:itor'y èJnlmélls, E>",(¡/','~ l'ucomrnen080 OEI. for oen:ene 15 5 ppm fo~ un £1-t'I{)l~f" pCr'loO, !:JI :.~:.,(; ur:nn-I\;lfiutl:S over a 5- 10 :1ú-nì1nutp per'\oa. CGn"tiIH);' \ I (Jt'I'( n\,l1I'".c,.,"l.,')I', COII'Pl)I".:nt!¡, llf,!t I flit: ~,tuoleso)" \1'1(- Amur"lcan Petrolc:ulTI. In~jt ItutC ¡'H)VL' ~.I¡()'....l. tIlt':,: ;. IUnl'y CJLlf¡)o<jl; anD k\(Jn(~y Ci1ncur Ci.1n occur In rnLilc r'ðts uftor pr'Olongeu In''',i,),,'!1f>n i::,po:,l1rl:'; [It elüv¡¡tod conccnt"dllons of ,0Ù¡) Çli.I~'OI1ne. Kloneys of I1llee ,:1'1("1 fU¡Oáìó,: ri.:1~', ~"r'",: unid fUCled, The lfr;pllCèJt Ion of tile!.>!? di.ltil fOI- humilns t'ilS no' ueen c1utc;,'f'fr.1neG. p..1r·1.,ç, ì~·Jr·¡v ~,nce most tlufHan fJxµO!ìuros élr~e to 1191"'11 components. not to tOt,11 ÇF:~:ì011r1(' Ct>1 \:111'1 C:<'JiI¡p(H\l.'n\~"). ~juct'\ a~ norhlt..l tìe^~lne. mil\ é1150 aff(::!ct tt1e nc:rvOlJS systcm i\t 11'911 (:onc"rt\! ,it Ion,; 11000 '0 1500 PPfI,) lYP1Cél11y, n-l'1exal1l: reprcsen,s I tC 3% of fF",ül in" 11,1.1". C()I,'éol"\ " C(;lnt,lnuu conccntr<lt1()I: of 1o!uení:, CAS No. 108-BU"3, find xylone, CtlS 1"0 1:.J3C·-:)("''''; 1',H'~J'nu f"Oln ¡¡P!H'oxll11¡¡,e1y t\ tu tJO¡. COn1,\ ì ns or'gi1n 1 C ) l.!~1(1 ..J 1 ¡... \' .JCWlt1"CS up '0 a rni.l>; of 4.2911' il:ilO/gDI1on, Pr'(Jouct nn~ 'I l O~J or'('j(.·r· at tno )\...jr.gs (;1ur'lriÇj l¡':Ut~~::": lorl ;¡CUH' Or¡¡\ and t;Jermal tOX1C1ty. but mInute amounts a5piraH,d into may ci.luse mIld '0 severe pulmonary lnJury and po~slOly death, TrllS prOChJ~~t ðn:J an i~c;ute 1:', .1"(1,:,.,,,::; \0 n¡,\¡f.' w, ¡¡cute: oral LD~O (rat) gre¡¡,er' Hléln 5 g/Kg of bOdy welght. u.-,r'"",', l,[)'':'C II'ilDblt) ç¡roater' tnan 3 ló O/~.g of cooy welgnl. i , , 1"'.--'-,...--'-....".'--...---..-'..-.........---...'..'.....----..-.--..---.-.--- F, ..'' ' JVCIC"A¡ t""f-l , ,,) ".. r)i\ T J-\ ï-·..'·....'-...-·"·'··..'......'-'...'..-·--..........'·..·-·'....·· --......,....--..-,..--.-. Hie f()¡lo\'I1(1g d:;¡t¡¡ ¡)n; ¡'Pf)('(jJ(lm¡¡,c 01' typiç¡¡.1 design rurpD5e~, -------. Y i) 1 UI!S <HIl) ShOll 1 d not be used for prcc i se , BO! LX ¡~i; RM'¡GE :q::¡pr'o:,< ~¡¡~ütc 1 \ '1 \ . 'J ¡ j It':t ~ 0 :'.2}· c (.) í¡ (';' ¡: r í ~ ¡> VAPOR PI~ESSUR[ liar"18S 5(:¡¡:,(,r,¡,ll~ irun: appro>:tmatcly ~J to 1S ~)~ 1 ~e\d VÐpor Prussur~ ~f>EC!FIC GI,LWITY (l~,C C/FiE, CI ''>.PP/''();' Imal",\) 0 " VAPOR DENSITY (AIR APP"o>,1n'Llte1 i :;, 1 ) MOL(ÇLlI_^,~ ~IEI(;;H"f PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME C()n¡o)ex Uìl....·tur·c'. ~;()¡¡(I'.,JIH.!'i~~. :¿, f'~ 1r~c-rH apP!"o;"(1ldll.:·I/ ·t':! t(~ ·lí.';·~J 108 pH If."~, "..'.1 , " i 1;, lieu 1 ,. '" l EVAPORATION RATE ¡¡-;. 1 AnI. AND 25 C (77 F) in-BUTYL ACETATE r 1) ~ppro;'lmat~ly 10-11 . __ ___. ......_.___.___ _ _ _ _"'_h__ .. ---'~-"-~'--'----'-_.'- I ~ ~.; ¡' '; H.1·... I III ¡;:¡, .~ ,'. . I' "UI,4t';OL lrJl :.. ,'- _"__~~"""'~~"'___'_______"h' ,.. .. . ~ - --.-." .'-- --- .. ...__.._.._----_._---_._-~-- f;', PCWR,-CdNGE^LING OR MCLTING rUINf Leii1i lt1an -;W' I :J(, f ) Pour PDlnl D:,- :,é "it,' f, ',I SULUUILITY IN WATER ~ 1 ATM. AND 25 C (77 F) t·.JI..:~,lID\rJìl.~; less ~tl,-lIì O. ~'l. VISCOSITY t~pprox':H¡1lf..:1~1 1... .. C~~1 ~.:¡ I... .---...-..-.. .-. ._--~----.._- -- . '''-''-''--'- ,-- -----.,-..--"".--.---..---".--." ......-.-......-. -- - ---~_._._--- G, REACTIVITY r--------.--..--.-...--...--...... ! -.-.--..---,..-----------....-..---.--..-.-.-----..--- Tn 1 S P"ü(JWC [ :~. ~. l .,.1. 'I L: ",¡Ii!.) .: 1 ; \/ 1 1 1 not UC cur h \' C. I (, C Ü f) t i:1 L t oxygen. ~CJ(j1; n. tì\'r.lu~:t,)I.)¡'1tt~ or lì~)t rÜ'.\(';·1 \ I ú ì L-1'111 " w,tn st,,"ong CJ,,10¿lrit~ ciJlc,um nYPocl,lol'11E: .,¡,ltrf 'r"¡:lt(~r..· ~·I~~:dr'Ciou!:. µolYOlcr1Zat1on ~:;dCh ¡¡~ 11q'J1(.1 cl11or1nE!, concentrated ......._-~--,_.._-_.~._-_..~...... ..~_...,....~. ."..-.. ..__ w, ___.....~_.___~._,__~_.~_._.__~_~ .'_~_...___. 1,-1. C'FJ'I ' ~) I_L, ori LE,l\I< F)HOCEDURE:S ~.--,---~~-,._---,-_.._-... ..-p....--..-.-..-..-..,.- _._----------_._-~_._---_. SlLT'S TO BE TM<LN If¡ Ci\St: IU\TEfnl\L IS R.ELEAS[I) Of! SPILLED ::, rH J ~ 0 f ! ,ltH' t,} ~I, :r·,.II¡ 1 i \ ! I". ; ~ I { I ¡'. ~,ÇJUt"ct:!~. t\l'i.!: ~.' \ \ \ dl \:: r, (~o: ¡ ¡ t· 1-:,'1\'11.\:'\ ,1".!, l~t'C:()V(:'" t rt.'l' r.¡....oauC1 t'",l.:¡·\\.\'~~' v..~r o~··'':: t/,ìr,'m'...~t: Ace 5"'''10, \;".,·"tl- ~. ,> ~ { \\ . ...' ' "; 01: . \ \ ,\t·", :' \ JC':; : !j~. , r"'. c(\r\~\::;~ V"..:: .,:1i Cd I !III.': :."...111.(:: (Jr.Jl:r "'¡I::U..,:~ .'rl.' :luC,r-' "~:0r ~H'lJ~H,I::~ out cf SewE!r~ dnC \-:¡, tí.'r:.:~O\, r;,\.'~_ !). 'If" 11,,;,~.,Un:. 'II·¡~' 1t(I\/l~,l' ~.l;lI)Cir ¡t1t:~ 'f pr'O(1uCt na::· t::nter'(!o or ma\· enter ~;(n.."t;I'S, ~J(J t t:t C\'. '.'~ t:.. Il:ll~ I··it: 1 tlnCJ ¿lr'l:~I~'j t\S~..dr·(: (:OlttU:'I,¡1 ~!! i¡:¡¡,ll,,-:d[JIl: fjuV(!("r1IIiI.;ilt¿l: l't;'~.I.,I,:1\·¡on~, C.on:ìflul· to oos£?r"'v(' prüCaut1on5 for v\~ll.\t11r.:. ().::liill,lr¡11. ':;:Ir...()r"'~:. tl'OI/1 ¿It...sor·t:H.'CJ fI\¿ltl~r-l¡~l ----_._,_._...__.--,.,..._~._--"-_...__._-..,----,._--..-------.. I. PFiOTECTIOI\J Ar\JD PRECAUTIONS . _~. '_.U'.__·_u_._ __._....._.....__._.__. ..... . ._._..._....., .__,... ... _._..._._ _._._ ._~_______.._____.,.__ VEtHILATIO/J U ~:; 8 0 n ì y 1'1 1 t r \j t: ¡ .: 'I ¡:: i r:, r \ ~~ \J t f cf L':~r)10Sìvt;, CUtl',..l.'f\1t ,Jt I{Jrl~ of \ 1 S I'\ \ ~> , 1 ('; 1 t;1'1 t V:j.POI· tü i",r'["vc'nl e"C(:f;:JH'Çj rt;COmm.::n(H':O ('xposure 1 ;mlt or QUllcup HI",r use ic><r)los\on-proof l:qu\p"'únt, No smok1ng or open RESPIR~TORY PROTECTION use 51,JÇ'p)ll:( ·~I)r rt:spìf~1tUr'\ ;.Jf·C1t(;Ctlún ,n COnflrìl":d or L'ncl0sl:'(: :-;r:.é1C(:~. '1 nl:eOec. PROTECTIVE GLOVES U5e cnf~mìC~'J¡-r't:.:S1: t¡1:1t ~llov(::'J 1/ n<l\:U80, Ie> ,'V01CJ prulü",,":1 or' ,'upc:"tt·O 5k\l) contact. EYE PROn:CTlON US(· ~;p1~t:..:rl ~:(':J~;:'" it-I::'\.' :"/('\i.:\:,: ',IIH?rl e/....~ CUrì1ilCt rl1,1\' c.cc~'..Jr OTHEr< PROTECn VE. [LIUlf>t,IUIT US( C'ìl.'flj 1 Cd ì . i·t.·~.. 1~. t ,:r~ 1 r·t.!~-'u I ¡II" C 1 (It ''',: rl;1 ~Jlll I.:', ;If)r'(iT~ l..r ()!llí.:r· 1.lHr)l:~·V\(HJ~> L 1(ltt:lf¡~ \' t'll't,!CH.'U. 1.0 ¡,!vOld contamtnat1ng :.:\,\.ir¡ "t',,:,,~ 11 If I pf"U1 ()fICI\:(! Uf l't~pt:i\tt:U ~Þ·.1n CCHìtëlCt \¡OI(I<. PPM:n C[s UJG ¡ IK Li( J (Ie; CONT¡(Ol.~; . t<.F:t...! .1 c(¡nt"-l 1 f If.:! f ¡ ;.HI!I.: e'l..: 1'(')( II I "(":COH'¡'I{" ,(H ;"; t:· ¡.,. ,f l' ,111 ¡ \ r...(I!)T(:lr·Ii..~r·'J Cll;'!::' h'II.'r, \.,~. t ()(, 11\)1 ~;tür~e near neat. spiJ,rK~. :' '. t: ' i . d t ~:' , t: r 1 t \ ¡ ,I \ i (, f' (. t.: '1 . \ 1 ~ "..; ~,r! 1. {" 1 t.-! n : t (.1 P r' eve n t ex c e e d 1 n 9 1.1':\\:';:;1: (11 t;'¡,IU',1'/l: .·;':;fIC.:t.,!..¡tf¿l: lon~, (,It Va~)0r 11'\ ,:11"'. Talìk.~· tnat ;1' 11.(-)') :;:Vt }t.;..:c;··(·:,:,¡',t(:;'II'¡~:1 (·\!~.10d;,: SpC'21()i p,"'eCilU'tlOn!i 1:.<.1' ~IL,tl'üll'~!¡1 ]~I~~11~...¡tt: I:~d·¡ 11.":.\1 \(H'1~ ~!()'3. ::CJ1;J "nd 2015A, US€- , ~ I ¡{ J ~. 1 (., r ;:! 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PU<SONtd, HYGI [tJ[ Mtn\Ii:1;:l' t:'(·(:.::tr.)I¡~·ì \¡iq.J')I \.:~ ¡¡,I:,: ¡'.'/()lcJ µ(~J¡('II~'I\.':.J e,! '''t:;.Ìl':~:tl:~.: C(Jr¡tilct Wttrl 5K1n. Remove CC){ìtlalIr1''¡d1L'Ll CI¡,:f,lfiU. 1"lurll:':' UI ur'/'-c1t..:d('1 t..;L·fLfl: ,"L:U:)L' ~.,'1.:/l10VL contdrnlnittC'rJ snoes ana ltìO:·O~J~.llil' ell>.1I1 ~lr1(1 Uf")' Ut:f,:HV It~USl:. CIl:¿H)!¡(.: !-)~\f¡ tnur·...h.,~pìl,,· i,!·t~r· cont¿IC't. before breáK~ d.lü"n,(:(\l~:J, .UI'.~ .,¡ l.'nu (;t ·...·ür·¡· 1,:;~~rl00. ~"f'onuCt 1< ~l:..IU\)) relì¡OVt::Ci 1rom Skln b,;' wé)tcrloss ,¡¡1/'I(: ":il.::lIlE" :~. f'_" J(I__J(:U £)1, Wd~,r¡Jn~J tfìür·oI.J(lnly v,'1 tll ~o:q. dt~:J W~jt(.',. ...._--_.~.._,,-~...~ ....... _.. , ,_! ')'\: L. ,',1."'1 1 '::o~ .' e EXXO.OLINE " . 'I ,; .....'.. . ..? . ' j I I , i J. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION INCIDENT INFORMATION For further InformatIOn relatIve to spills resultIng from transportatIon IncidentS, refer tc latest Oepartment of TransportatIon Emergency Response GUIdebook for Hazardous MaterIals InCIdents, DOT P 5800.3, i DOT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER I UN 1203 , I I I i I '!he informatIon ana recommendations contained herein are. to the best of Exxon's knowledge and belIef. accurate and rel,able as of the date issueo, Exxon does not warrant or auarantee their accuracy or rellaolllty. and Exxon shall not De lIable tor ant 10s~ or oamage ar;slng out of the use thereof. The informatIon ana recommendations are offered for the user's consIderatIon and examination, ; and it is the user's responsibility to satisfy itself that they are sUItable and complete for , its particular use. 'j : The Hazardous Materials Identification System (HMIS) and National Fire Protection Association i INFPAl ratings have been included by Exxon Company, U.S.A. in order to provide additional I health and hazard classification information~ The ratings recommended are based upon the ! criteria supplied by the developers of these rating systems. together with Exxon's I interpretation of the available data. ' i I FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON HEALTH ¡ EFFECTS CONTACT: ¡ DIRECTOP OF INOUSTRlt,L H\'GIENE EXXON COMPANY, u,S,A, P. 0, BOX 2180 ROOM ~737 HOUSTON. TX 77252-2180 (713) 656-2443 FOR OTHER PRODUCT INFORMATION CONTACT: MANAGER. MARKETING TECHNICAL SERVICES EXXON COMPAN', u,S.A, p, O. BOX 2180 ROOM :355 HOUSTON. T~ ?7252~2180 (713) 65~-5949 I I I I . I I , ~4.-0277IMWI1002 ".-- ,.. -, ' e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H S'ffiEET BAKERSfIELD. 93301 326-3911 Dear Business Owner: Enclosed please find a copy of your re~ponse to the ,Hazardous Material Business Plan request. We have found it necessary to reject your plan for the following reason(s) as checked below. c=J Illegible Business Plan (please print or type information in English). Form 2A ~MiSSing or c=J Incomplete /' Form 3A mMiSSing or c=J Incomplete ~ < ,'ì I~, ,I I ~ t . u;.:r. , ,,1/ I'Þ-< .,~ Jc- cJ~~ L. 0 '""j .. .. t?,,::.V :.J.;(¿:¡¡f;//j.v ~ . Form 4A D Missing or D2f Incomplete ~ a,¿y ~ -~ ~,~-~ N d N ~ -I:¿¡ ~~ ,~) ~{¿~_uv'1 "'"' ~ ~ G' {.OC>'. ,-..' t1 cL:) Form SA rj-/ ~ ~ i.!1!A-~ -.:5kw ~ e>< . ù~ /} " Site Diagram D Missing or c=J Incomplete " ;,rJ, ~ ~ cY() aJ¿Y Facilities Diagram c=J Missing or Ivr- Incomplete ~~-...-.' ,¡-./~ of\. This is to be corrected and resubmitted within 30 days to: J~~> Bakersfield City Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 UG" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 If additional copies of any forms are needed they can be picked up from the Hazardous Materials Division at 2130 UGH Street in person. Sincerely Yours, ~¿' Ralph E. Hu Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/eg 605 WILLIAMS STREET , BAKERSFIELD, CAliFORNIA 93305 PHONE 325-7491 STATE¡ CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 3355 6 BUS I N E S S P LAN FOR THE ISO THE R M I C3 .,=;, ----~ / /ì j C 0., lf~ C RECE\VEQ SEP 3 1987 Ans'd..........·· SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA ---------- The Isotherm Co., Inc. 605 Williams St. Bakersfield, CA. 93305 (80S) 325-7491 001009 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION ---------- Larry I. Clark 6001 Oakhaven St. Bakersfield, CA. 93308 (80S) 399-9051 Jerry A. Waldrip 7005 Pembroke Bakersfield, CA.93308 (80S) 399-8505 SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT~OFFS ~ ---------- UTILITY SHUT-OFFS SHOWN ON SITE AND FACILITY DIAGRAM SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM ---------- Fire extinguishers are readily available throughout the complex. All workers are instructed in their proper use. SECTION 5: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ---------- Greater Bakersfield Memorial Hospital: Kern General Hospital: Mercy Hospital: SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING ---------- Yes SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL ---------- Yes I ;' ,,----- . /.",/ ,// ,_ if ::...." .,/~...-.- ~:- ... / Larry_-r. Cfark V.P. .- /' / --,-- , "AKERSFIELU CITY FIRE UEPARTMENT FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Page 1 0 f 3 1. D _ t BUSINE~S NAME: ADDRESS: CITY, ZIP: The I sotherm Company, Inc. 605 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP: FACILITY UNIT #: FACILITY UNIT NAME: PHONE 1t : (805) 325-7491 PIIONE # : 10FFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 -9 10 TYPE MAX ANNUM.. CO NT USE LOCATION IN TillS % BY HAZARD D.O.T CODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE P 136, 000 542,000 Ft.3 11/1 2 99 Big Warehouse 100% Fiber Glass; fibrous glass South Shed insulation products. ~ 350 '800 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-10 VI-CRYL . Southwest Corner- p 50 200 Gal. 10 02 Big Warehouse 100% CP-ll VI-CRYL P 6 25 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-12 VI -CRYL C P 15 60 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-30 CHIL- PERI1 p 1() 50 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-32 CHIL- PEID-t NF P 10 50 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-33 CHIL-PERi'1 P 65 800 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-50A CHIL-SEAL P 10 20 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-52 CHIL-LAG P 10 )0 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-70 CHIL-JOINT p 3 14 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-76 CHIL-BYL P 0 0 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP- 79 STALASTIC P lì-) ! --<7') Ga.l. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% I . Big Wa.rehouse CP-80 CHIL-STIX FR '----.----, .' '-'--"{ P 71 150 Gal. 10 0 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse CP-82 CHIL-STIX FRN p 10 . .50 Ga.l. 10 02 qouthwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse . CP-85 CHIL-STIX NAHE: Larry· Clark TITLE: Vice President SIGNATURE: DATE: EMERGENCY CONTACT: Larry Clark TITI,E: Vice President PHONE # BUS HOURS: ( 805) 325-7491 AFTER BUS HRS: (805) 399-9051 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Jerry Waldrip TITLE: Branch Manas?;er PIIONE , BUS HOURS: (805) 325-7491 , P R T N,C r P ^ r. nTJSTNF.~~ I\~TTVTTV: Insulation ~nd "_V.A_C. - Cont:r~ct'nT"~, ^t:T1:"n nn~ nT)~. (0" "" "",""n n~.....-:- , j;.ul; J o. t FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECRETS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ~NVENTORY Page 2 of 3 JUSINESS NAME: ¡\DURESS: -:ITY, ZIP: The Isotherm Company. Inc. 605 Williams Street Baké:sfield, CA 93305 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITYIZIP: FACILITY UNIT t: FACILITY UNIT NAME: ?HONE 1t: (805) 32.5-7491 PHONE #: . 10FF I CIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "9 10 IPE MAX ANNUAL CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZ'ARD D.O.T JOE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE FACILITY UNIT WT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE P 0 0 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Bie: Warehouse CP-88 CHIL-SPRAY p 0 0 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner Bie: tllJarehouse 100% CP-89 CHIL-SPRAY NF -. 19 110 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Ble: Warehouse CP-97 FIBROUS ADHESIVE p 60,000 600,000 lbs. 15 16 Hain Shop Area 100% Carbon and Alloy Steel p 30 150· lbs. 15 16 Main Shop Area 100% Stainless Steel F 60,000 1,OOO,OOC lbs. 15 16 North-Central Shed 100% Aluminum Alloys p 4 6 lbs. 15 16 Main Shop Area 100% Brass/Bronze Rods p 25 ho lbs. 15 16 Main Shop Area 100% Copper Alloys p 20 &0 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse Elastolar Sealant p 20 30 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% Big Warehouse LA-76 -- 10 20 Gal. 10 02 Southwest Corner 100% . Big Warehouse PF-88 Southwest Corner , p 10 20 Gal. 10 02 Big Warehouse 100% PF-92 P '4 34 Gal. 10 02 North Central Shed 100% Silicon p 150 600 lbs. 15 16 North Central Shed 100% 2300 Silicone Coated Cloth F 600 9,000 lbs. 15 16 . North Central Shed 100% Insle:ard-Tvoe II , . AME: Larry· Clark MERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE: Vice President SIGNATURE: LarrY' Clark TITI.E: Vice Fresident 325-7491 399-9051 325-7491 399-8505 HERGENCY CONTACT: Jerrv Waldrip TITLE: Branch Manager RINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Insulation and H.V.A.C.· Contractors. PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS. HRS: DATE: (80S) (80S) (805) (80S) (11\/1.1,11.'1 i I:,J.l! 'vol L 1 1 lid:. IJJ.:. J\h iìl.tH 1 FORM 4A-l NON-TRADE SECR~TS HAZARDO~S MATERIALS INVENTORY Page -1... of 3 . D. # ßUSINE~~ NAME: I\ODRESS: CITY, ZIP: The Isothenn Company, Inc. 605 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: CITY,ZIP: FACILITY UNIT #: FACILITY UNIT NAME: PHONE 1t: (805) 325-7491 PHONE f: . IOFFICIAL USE CFIRS CODE ONLY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 '9 10 "VPE MAX ANNUM... CONT USE LOCATION IN THIS % BY HAZ'ARD D.O.T :ODE AMOUNT AMOUNT UNIT CODE CODE F AC I L ITV UNIT HT. CHEMICAL OR COMMON NAME CODE GUIDE P .300 3,000 lbs. 15 16 North Central Shed 100% 2025-100 Finish p 500 28,000 Gal. 01 1~ As Shown On Map 100% Gasoline I r_ 55 110 Gal. 06 26 As Shown On Map 100% Oil p 10 100 Gal. 08 13 Main Shop Area 100% Paint Thinner -- . . 1 . . . . . . .Î AME. Larry Clark EMERGENCY CONTACT: TITLE. Vice Pres1.dent SIGNATURE. Larrv Clark TITLE: Vice President 325-7491 399-9051 325-7491 . 399-8505 EMERGENCY CONTACT: Jerry Waldrip TITLE: Branch Man~er PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY: Insulation and H.V.A.C. . Contractors. PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS HRS: PHONE # BUS HOURS: AFTER BUS.HRS: DATE. (805) (805) (805) (805)