HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK HAZA~OUS MAJERIALS divISION J , TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: L~ C!a..ßY-UVJoh 63 I úJ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: fAST s-t ' -;¡;;;;, kvrr~ r~, OV-Q¡~ F.o-m3cr~ _, ~, r O-fo~l.f~ ~'L4~ éf ~ Ij ADDRESS: PROJECT NUMBER: I IJ ~ 7-00 DATE: NAME: TIME CHGD: COMMENTS: êr$-f3 (j!'1t~ 1-p- 'ß ,rrlt i-UJ 1-t~r3 ~. ' 1(-81'& ~~ =25~Ç) øS Iv !CR.v. LJ~ ' ' " cl ., D_ !-..n /1 / A .JL v J IV !l(J).} . 'j..e.y ,U:»I, 'tr)~u/ ~ -r.e.U- Þo}, JJ~ I /~0-14/ ~ .kJ\J & /~, '- --i7 sO:::- / I <t. 7 ç 13/!~/='s- øSIv· rø~-/~J7'~ 56-J"r CEIt'£" LÆ'TT(;R... j' g/1..-?(C¡ 4- d ~ kr eA-t-LE:þ "\W, c:E' IN rOoJO D A~~ (-V(L eN2ðb 02ro 0) Æ5"r-."\ ~(ewJ ~ A~ /ApprwJ 14-(. (~ 0) ! 'ttr 6" çJe øJQ[s<~~f- óP . kr....~ Is~,""pl,~ (7 ~ u) 2. S kr p( S? # A. (Ge·ldtC.~~ /í)'~IJ<;SIt.t.'\ I L...,I-('f;1f '3QS, SO d de; ~ (òJ Ii bd:l t2JA tA , I hr' þ/~ -U{J le~~ rC! ';. C:C¡ð;R,~Ldj.....t- . 2. \....r <pe.v..e..J f?,,-k Á~~, I!<f'J'I cc.Pf;"'j 3 tJ.Jll Ç) ft' Q~ i (~~<P¿Q cJ- SIte-. c(os~~ (.e-~ Jiyù c#rv '1/ ~å-2v-~4 ~ bJt0Dd ~ /3('lÓr(c.rÇ ~ èJ-.;)?;.qt.o QJ]-OJ /()~6 -r3 ~- zç -'Î4t /&'-2. Î-£1+ 1/7 -17 -0/1.. \it' IJ- ~ 0'''_0 (~;¡ PROJECT COMPLETION: dk0 DATE: C£!1.-4!c.. r IJ I... ~I I I I I 1 1 ì "I -I ì ,r- :¡\ ~4~~¿n ~st¡;I-ã..... ·';15~ ' ¡¡ ¡ ¡ fel )....I!!!illl·ë....~ "--' ~~". : ~ ST' ....-.. } ~(4¥jt i_! 'i.i III i ~ ~1404 lil;!!a- I I ,iåW_!f: :'ch-\:, 1M FS.:'IRFRN't;;b' I~_Z....~ : š'T" z . ~ ...,;,:7·~;;'~ '1ê" ::.:"\.. ~¡It,:' -;t;" BERNARD ~ -::::;;;:'-T - ~ (': ~~'~'f-i~lflIJJ§ ~'J;.j~ ~J,~ ~l~ h q G ~':!l- t;5 ~~~~l: \~,',;~l ~... r.i~ ~r ~r~~1 L ~; _ f 1~;!!..'il-cl.TÐI .." ..' ~~ ~ ~~"bï:!i·li.::: IJ~J:j ~I €m _ W_~OUI.b~ ~ .. IS oK ~ ..-.:;. ··,',;i" 7¿:;7l, -r~"': '? ,~~ '1 ,r-S PAClFI" 1;tI ~ t; f~~ ~ rIDGE'" L ~ 7¡ J IiIC ~ --it! 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I rJOS I W.YCROSS IT I 58 / L I 58 2',..( 'Q~OR 1 t ~'EU -~'ADM - í... r ,:;: SE,m" 1 : ¡,:,., ~.~WY ¡ ~. j:lj;~ ~ MCNPNCT Q-"It1L -¡ ~- "·-:ti-·~1----r~:t-----1 t- I ft._o ....!-Ja. i ~ 1(....7 ~I ~._.v œ: " . I 'i:=::-::" '" I "4!l!:. --::::;"y - '" '" Q I ~ I ' uow... '" 1 ,= ~ ~. I:~~~~ ~IT~D~ ;;",,:' ~-4- · om: TO' ~~~": I -, \,-Li- ~ ¡~-~~ 5Ii;,~[7!l ê I I: 5 II "I ~~!, ~g _#'_ I;J- ....=- 8: I 1 I :<1 t.."..;,-/" I'" , ~ I I' , ~.~r.""1-:,...\o.:. OR'" I DR 0..,. .. .. ~ MIp ___11anII \InII. ..... AEC - Location Map - Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield Kern County · California 1 FIGURE ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40872 BAKERSREW. CA 93384 :1 .- ] I ~I ~I ] ~I 1 ~ I ,I 1 E. 18TH STREET - . - GA1E " -= CONCRETE PAD ASPHALT :::-:-- B4 . Partc"~ ~ ~ i B2 . B3 . 1'·····-......-·········..··..-..1 /t 81 ! I . ! Farmer Tank I.Jx:8IIan ¡ I L_..................................I BUILDING 0 10 . Sol BorIng L.ocatlon I I Scale 1 In. - 10ft. AEC - Boring Location Map - FIGURE lewis Cabinets 830 Wiliams Stræt 2 ADVANCED ÐMRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.o. BOX 4DIJ72 8AlŒRSREI..D, CA Ii83IU County of Kern . 81kersf1e1d, California E. 11TH STREET e ØA1E I -= CONCRETE PAD ASPHALT =~ I A' ,I ParId.. -I ~ ~ B' i 'I I I -I - r ) I I I 'I A j"........'.--:;:.. ·-····...-··..1 /Î \, B1! / i i Former Tank UJœIIan I i I I ..........--.-.. .-........--...... B BUILDING . Sol BorIng location o 10 I I I Scale 1 In. -10ft. AEC - X-Section Location Map - lewis Cabinets 630 Wiliams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California FIGURE 3 ADVANCED ÐMRONIlENTAL CONCEPTS P.o. BOX 4tJB1R IWŒRSRBD, CA ØtJ4 E. 1ønt STREET ' ØA1E I I I .J 1 I I /1 I CONCRETE PAD ASPHALT ~ : B4 . Perking i 9 5 m huttwntallknlt 01 HyØoœrbons ............ .............. ........... ....... B3 . I .1 J I ":-::::::~~~rr¡¡¡¡¡¡~!~~~¡¡U)~)::::-'" ............ o 10 I I I Scale 1 In. - 10ft. . Sol BorIng location FIGURE - Extent of Hydrocarbons · LewIs CabInets 830 Wiliams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California AEC 4 I 'I ADVANCED BMRONMENTAL OONCEPTS P.o. BOX 4OB12 IWCERSRELD, CA ... I . e I I \, ~.... ~',~,r-f~ST~ :;;¡ ;... "''ã:0;: co ~I""~:;;¡~,:;; ~ ,~ '0 1% I ¡', YESA~: <> ~,<~ ...,/ :n QC)OC)MMt ¡~ STIW >ø ., ~ 3 ~ ~?I~- ~ ': t ~~'( ST .........¡,~, ; ~......,/)~ ¥ . I iLr-~ ~ zii ~Iæ iili ! i !! ~ ~i.. t;~" ~E l~ I' .' 0' Vl¥. 'foW()lflW.t II ,tþ1- :3-::5 4( -~,-,,1~ ¡¡~ ~----- "".. qT." ,.. :;;1__. /~Z ltj.~z:r-: ~I S'NOrnIT I zl _ 'IT "'-' >.,~ 'r-- -' AV ;f\!,"!:-; , BERNARD '? ._,~ , , ~s."B"RNARO C) , " z' , , ,~ ,;RID¡¡~ ~~I ~ " ~:<~ ;no '/(i~ Ó :ñIJEf"'SO.'fJjfJJjT'f , 'E'''''..''.Ct ,,'is; "";fM' g~~'P~31 X'¡'WIEW'¡'~'':",.~ ~!"' ~ ~\.$" · _ \t <J! <(I~ .,.¡, "V ~.!-t"~ A .;r ÞE.4 ~\,o" I"·'::C~.... Go :..J (.} ...íO-~ ~ 4" .f, i'\ NCOLH ....L-ª~I!J) !!} ~I $1" .~I:tif, !., 1.. ~ .... E'lfllf. ~...,! 4~ ST:.,";W !M!:.-GIM»- tir Zr~; ~..t-"f' ~h1 _ ;¡i ['" ROWEII.1 ð T::O íl , {I~{" ~ '~.-, ~... ,#.~ G..Cp '" S. { ~ i~:O ~ ¡; ,'ÉM7'Ai;. J fig ~;; EI ~i. ./~. il II ~5t-~ 'f _' .;; " ó ' I AV~ . ,'.,"". GAUlAV" :"', ~I :;;,¡¡~~ "!!!g PI.~ i . ¡----::!_~laU1NCY ¡..; ""..' , ~ $!' A .. " LT:; -~:tãi~ ~",,' , ~ PArlW ] ~, I ¡..; í;"" {~ ~~a' rlDGi.O / -r: \7 ./ ¡;:;;;: ~ ~ .,i.J ¡ .:0 Ja, _ ~~ "'. - ,,/::,, III S. Sr ,~I" ~~..; ¡ ~_~:.. ~.fJ N~E - ;.;:"" ~.- ~ i.; -"..::¡¡ ? '< - - ~+- ~~+ ~ .. I¡¡..~ ð~~ ~;¡'Ú' ¡ '< ~ j~ ~ ;; ;;;; ~MS> I .~r¥i~f~iš 17 ~I G'K~t .;:¡. ~í·.~ )ti~"1[', .~ ~ 'B ;; ;;;Îð '.ck.,,": Sr . ~,~~GE ~ ~~. ~ ~I ~ -........... \ ~t; ~ """"-- a ~',!;Y , -I'W,L.,S I ~.... .. $!'I ~,' IWCERSREUI ¡, - _""Ó' I ~ t,.¡ ¿ <t ..._j~ ~ I t;, I § "\I!'N ~ "'U:! ~" . , i~--ST"-'12 iI f/1¡':Yc",~~:" ",~.' /10Iiòi" I '-Ij¡ /§ .. H$ fg!. ..~ -.... "" ", " sr.: ~<.. ~J 'II' S'" Q I If. ~ ... \. ~. _" ;;!, " ' Sr ' 5: ~ ~ o. " ,...... ><'" ,,' :,¡, sf' !!'~~ ' PO . 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'''''TOMA''' 0 All « "'!! ~rP I " ~ u ffi AV ,I , I 111TH"T r,:,,- -",'j;;-.- ~I~.n"",,' oe~ ~ I ~ i6 ~ .. ~II ó> ~ ~:;; I~~.t. Õ J k~ ST ..t'..,",!ñ I',· ~LSTO. AT I S~i hTIÆi hi1- $ = :i[~l~, T AV~ ; ~ ~ :; ~I ~:~T "".;:-- ~,' ",IJN1O!f,~ MURDOC1< ST """SER ¡ ST ~;:¡ I .. ¡~ FS ~ . p I 4TH c ~IW-st'" '. ,., VIRGINIA I I '!: ';! AV .. -',.; __i ! ~~ ~.~ ~D ;:J~: .1 ~.: :;; ;lr~1 It ~ z :;; : I..;!!. 2JØ ~ ~ ~~ ~ I ~ D"S ~ 81~lt Ir~fil ~;¡; -~"'~1---, --~ - - +~.- ----~·i ~ + _.~- ')~ I . if ilt; rr. I.!P._:~ ¡:¡ ~.!! .. :3 j'l ~ Š I! TEXAS ST ~ I ¡:~1 Sf I ~,~t~áì:' ~ ; ¡ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ il ::11 K£ A N i~' ,~ 1: ~.;¡ Sf 1 8 ~;¡ U WIU<'.S'I ST I I « T I :: ST ~~. - I 1"/ .j ~ _ BRUND G r ,...... '" @ 1ST ill" wA~Jl \ I /Y ) I I.~ : 'r305 * ~ J ~1~LOOOJ~ti:-' .=__ ~ ~L .~ .~ -"7';:: .:. -.~1 ----~:~-----l ,..- ~ ~ WT ~ n z!I~.. ~ _t:T ° ~ÓI ª I I ; A tl :::=::V" ¡ ~,. I .:_. ~ i ~ W~~ ~ ~..__.. II: ¡ I ~ ¡¡ .. I Š ¡~:: I ~., .IN!!9.!..~ V.;r' -;I......ST 08: J os, I ~ .~" I ~ RI ~ ~ ;1 ~R \ ....L1- . ''<It Tl'R ::=" 1 !:I, ~ z :!i ñ·~ ~"" -- m::, .-;;, ~ I I :::';..."1 I '.71 I . ° C ' 'fi: :---... I ~ "i"",.-,; 0 I I. I ,:.1.~i- ~ i~, / ~ ~ i':"'" I: I I' I I ~! ~~ ~:4"_ r~~ \..Ji:#- 8: I! ¡ I '.!:r.....~/;;., //.._ _ I.. ",', : I, ~ : ~ =:!~~ ~ Ilrii I -I ~'I I -I ~ I I I -. I ~ I '~I __"'- en....... AEC - Location Map - Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield Kern County · California FIGURE 1 1 ADVANCED ÐMRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40872 BAKERSRELD. CA 93384 1'- r , . I -I I I .1 I I -.1 .1 I I 1 . e East 19th Street Fence \Ji~'"11 ..u,..........III....IIII'II...""II""IIU" : CD - ª- ãi ~ ~ B-3 -ä. WAREHOUSE Offices :c ¡(I) ~o « 1° B-2 ~ -+ t< B-1 ormer UST WAREHOUSE , - o 20 40 I Scale 1 in. = 40 ft + Proposed Boring Location AEC - Site Plan - Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield Kern County · California, ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONÇEPTS P.O. BOX 40872 BAKERSRELD, CA 93384 œ ! êi5 (I) ~ ~ .~ FIGURE 2 . ":. . - I . ~ 1- r .p~ ) ~ 7 'P ~ <1'1 .J Ir~ I. I. c~ BAKERSFIEW FIRE DEPARliENT FIRE SAFETY SERVICES & OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVE, . BAKERSFIELD,CA . 93301 R,E HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 August 30, 1995 R,B, TOBIAS, FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 .... Carol Kincheloe Lewis Cabinets P.O. Box 9095 Bakersfield, CA 93389 RE: Closure of 1 Underground Storage Tank(s) Located at 630 Williams Street. Dear Ms. Kincheloe: The Site Assessment and Risk Analysis for Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil has been reviewed by this office. The proposed mitigation of this site, which includes capping the site to prevent percolation of seasonal rainwater, is found to be acceptable to this office. We do concur that the vertical separation between the impacted soil and potential groundwater, along with the lithology in this area provide adequate protection to groundwater. This letter does not relieve you of any liability for past, present or future operations. In addition, any future changes in the site use may require further assessment or mitigation. It is the property owners responsibility to notify this department of any changes in site usage or changes in property ownership. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326- 3979. "- Sincerely, d::f~ I ¿L¿)..-c-e- --- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/dlm cc: Jason Castillo, AWaCB '" UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE (LEAK) I CONTAMINATION SITE REPORT \\tlifiã~ll~~~¡16$ii¡i~~K1Ä'£~r~F~~::') EMERGENCY HAS STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES DYES . NO REPORT BEEN FILED? 0 YES f$ NO D:R5:~6,J I ~ q ~ s-:\ CASE. ZOO NAME OF INDIVIDUAL FILING REPORT ¿j;J.ðW~ Wf/'J~ >- aI @ REPRESENTING D OWNERIOPERATOR Ii: =:1... ~ ~OCAL AGENCY D OTHER ~ ADDRESS rf:)f\\tr: :::::::::::::;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:::;;:;::; :::.::: :'.. :~~~~~~:~:~r~~~~~~~:\???::~:~:::;:::::::;:;:::::::::::;:;::/::::::.:.:. :.:.»:-»:.:~:.:-:::«.: t~~tfr/:t~t:)~:~ :';'"':':';';':':';':':-:':-:-:':':':':-:':':':':-:'.';' .......... ",......... '::,SIGII!'D:::" ;:::,:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::',,'::::',',' " ',,':::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::,:::: I PHONE I SIGNATURE I ~O.Ç) 3U -3979 GPr v..1-- D REGIONAL BOARD COMPANY OR AGENCY NAME 1YJ.1<.G~ç(8-P F R..G 0 gr :-:.:.:.;......................-..:....................... .... ,.. .................... .............,--,............... ............. .............. .........................................-............'.'.' ............................ ............................. ......................-..-.'... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . - . ................,............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............-....".....-.., ..........,',...... ........... .. ..... ...... .....-, ::;::::::' DATE':;::::::::::::::::':: ,'<'::;:: STATE PHONE ZIP STREET CITY w NAME CONTACT PERSON ...J lJ!!3v.j IS CAWETS aI D UNKNOWN C A(2.ð i.- K/NC-HELDt: ëñ~ zlI: 0< ADDRESS \)sCl. b30 VV((...LIAMS 51 ßAKGlZÆ.FI6Þ w II: STREET CITY FACILl1Y NAME (IF APPLICABLE) OPERATOR SA-M ¡;: Þ.S Â(~c)\/6 ADDRESS STREET CROSS STREET E, Ie, 17i LOCAL AGENCY AGENCY NAME SE:-E- Af?d~ REGIONAL BOARD !ž DATE DISCOVERED J HOW DISCOVERED ~ I III L-III 2DI Z' 01 '1 vi "2.... v D TANK TEST ~ DATE DISCHARGE BEGAN aI < ): II: W 8 U) ë J III .J DI vi vi HAS DISCHARGE BEEN STOPPED? ~ YES D NO IF YES, DATE 1 1111- MI~I Z [ C; vi 2- v SOURCE OF DISCHARGE CAUSE(S) ill TANK LEAK D UNKNOWN D OVERFILL D PIPING LEAK D OTHER ~ CORROSION z o ~ o 9 I!! ëñ C ~æ ffiõ ~ffi ~~ :! U) (1) ~@ ~~ Ii; ~ (2) ~?: U) C:C--..J 7flA L G-A c;m..,,,.Æ. (&l;) 5 '2-4- C¡g77 CA '1330~ STATE 71P \ PHONE ( ) CITY COUN1Y ZIP WW OU) II:;:¡ 5< U)O CONTACT PERSON PHONE ( ) PHONE VA-l-'-EY ( ) NAME QUANTI1Y LOST (GALLONS) ~ UNKNOWN D UNKNOWN e D INVENTORY CONTROL D SUBSURFACE MONITORING D NUISANCE CONDITIONS ~ TANK REMOVAL D OTHER METHOD USED TO STOP DISCHARGE (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY) o REMOVE CONTENTS ~LOSE TANK & REMOVE D REPAIR PIPING o REPAIR TANK D CLOSE TANK & FILL IN PLACE D CHANGE PROCEDURE D REPLACE TANK D OTHER ) I I UNKNOWN D o D o SPILL OTHER RUPTURElFAILURE UNKNOWN w w CHECK ONE ONLY ~CI. O~ 0 UNDETERMINED ~ SOIL ONLY 0 GROUNDWATER 0 DRINKING WATER -(CHECK ONLY IF WATER WELLS HAVE ACruALLY BEEN AFFECTED) CHECK ONE ONLY I-U) ~~ 1I:¡5 aU) o NO ACTION TAKEN 0 o LEAK BEING CONFIRMED 0 o REMEDIATION PLAN 0 CHECK APPROPRIATE ACTION(S) (SEE BloCK fOR DETA&S . CAP SITE (CD) o CONTAINMENT BARRIER (ca) D VACUUM EXTRACT (VE) ...J ~z 00 ~i3 ~< f!! z w ::;¡ ::IE 8 wAtr,tJ<;- A,..J ALYS 1.$ fða... ðI=' PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN SUBMITTED PRELIMINARY SITE ASSESSMENT UNDERWAY CASE CLOSED (CLEANUP COMPLETED OR UNNECESSARY) ~ POLLUTION CHARACTERIZATION D POST CLEANUP MONITORING IN PROGRESS D CLEANUP UNDERWAY D EXCAVATE & DISPOSE (ED) D EXCAVATE&TREAT(E'T) o NO ACTION REQUIRED (NA) D OTHER (OT) o REMOVE FREE PRODUCT (FP) D ENHANCED BIO DEGRADATION (IT) D PUMP & TREAT GROUNDWATER (GT) D REPLACE SUPPLY (RS) D TREATMENT AT HOOKUP (HU) D VENT SOIL (VS) ¡j&2l h CA T(ÒtJ ðF C4PP¡,J(y So, Tc ¿f Fü)"'1-tC-.c..... rA'ÍE <;$ 'TflAtIVsfðreï ðP «es.,OOAL. pi...vMé HSC 05(8/90) mSTRUCTIC::S REFC1R7";D T: ~ Enter ;'cur :-:c:¡ce, telephone number, a::C: êC:~ess. ~. repres~nt an~ provide company or agency ~~e. ...~........; ~ ~ .... ,.. ....---. -....- ::i:::å party you Leak Bein~ Confirmed - Leak suspected at site, but has not been cDnfirmed. Preliminary Site fissessÜ',ent \ '¡n:kplan Submitted - \'JOrlcplaniprDp0sal ë8qvested of/submitted ~y responsible party to determine t,hethe~ grD~~d ~"?ater h(,$ beenJ o:e ~;{i:l ::e: ':'ryacted as a L'esult. of the re1..Bá.Se, Prelimir.¿1r"r ~it.>(' t\ssessn:e:-.~ ~lnd.erway - j,mplementa"(.icn of fr..·or::;"9~¡_a:.'.. 'pol111t.lOl\ Cì-;.aract.2rizDt..:.cn - ::esponsible party :i.s in the p~=,ce'35 of i\:¡l:'y d;::fining the o;.:tent af ccnt.2.."':':':'Jaticn in soil and ß1:'ound "::>ater :¡;:¡d ~':ssessinõ impacts on surfac? ~~d/or 3rc~d water. R?m~díation Pl2il - =~roedia~i~n ~lan sLbmitted evaluating long te=m rAffiaòiaLi0u options. ?rc~c531 and iQ~lementation schcd~le for ¿Fpropri&te rcmed1ation optiDns also sli~~ted. CleanuD Unòan18Y - ~mple~€~~a~ion ~f ~emediation plan. Pose Cleanup Monit0rin? :n P==R=ess - periodic grolli'¿ ~e~£I cr other monitoring at site, as necss5~J, to verify and/or evalu~t~ 9ff~:tiveness of remedial activi~les. Case Closed - regional beard a...'ìd loc3:' a2,er..cy in concnrrer.ce ~hat no f~rther wDrk is DeCGSSa~J at the site. fl-ffiRGZtJCY Indicate ':;~ether emergency respDnse persoI'.nel ,,~::J f:,1.':';:="::::; ;;ere involved at êiT'!;7 t.:~~":ð. If so, a Hazardous iviateria=- Incid£I:::' ~:~;:.: :-:, ,=i:'.='U~LÎ be filed t.¡it.h c."te S-:..ate Office of Emergency Se=vicss ~DES: c.:, _~~ ~ ~::::'::;;"View Road, Sacr~ent.c C"'\ 95832. GGpies of the CES =q?=~rc. :::=~ --:.-: i:?l :''::·('~l.ned at you.r ~0ca:'" ...:nderground storage tan_~ ps~::!:'tt.:~g i:;~-:':~7 _:::'.~ca~2 whether the C;::S rs.-:srt has been filed as of t.he :ia":.e of ';:,"':is _:.~.:=:.. LCCiì.L ~\S"E:"'::{ O:!I.Y l'o avo.~~ ::-:L:;':":'cate notifícation purst:~t ....::.::) 2eal'=.: :_::: .;.. ~'~~T ~ode Section 25130.5, £. <-<'\vern::nent employoe shou.l.~ 3:"jn and Úë..-:E '; ..z- :::::=-1 :'I! :'his block. A sign¿¡'i:1J::·? :--:e::e does naG fIleðn that t~3 :'BPLC ë£:.s :s.=.=. :.~ ':'¿=_-:-'~n21 to pose a sígni::::';:;a:l'ì:. ·t.~1=eat to human health or safety cn:'] .,:,,:,:2.: ,,::::·~~¡1.cation proca'~Clres ;::z.ve been followed 1f requ~re¿. RESPONSIBl.E FA1UY Enter TIaEe, telephone number, contact peT~~n, £r.d ê~~~~5E 2f the party responsible for :'he leak, The r€spons~ble l'a=t7 ,,::::2.:: ,,:::r=!Üly be the tank o'Vmer. IMPORTANT: THE INFORMA~ION PRGV:DED ON TYIS FORM IS I~TENDED FOR GE~E&\L STATISTICAL PURPOSES ONLY AND ::5 '::J:i' TO EE CONSTRUED AS REPRESENTING THE OFFICIAL POSITION OF ANY GOVF_RK.''lENTAL AGE;,CY SI':Z L2CA~I::-J REMEDIAL ACTION Indicate which actiDn have Deen used to c~eanup or rgmediate the leæt. Descriptions Df 0ptions follDw: Enter ~nfc=atl.Dn regarding the ta1Ù facility. ,£: ~ ;-ci=-:.z.œ. you must provide t~e facility name and full address, .OURCE'::;XUS2 ·""'3d~cat~ scu=~e(s) ~f leak, CASE TYPS Indicate ~he case type category for this lzak. C~~~::~? DOX only. Case type is ~ased on the most sensitive resourçe aXîe~~ed~ F~r example. íf both so~l â!\d ground water have been affac-:"ed, ca3ê !.J"fE :li:l be "Ground Water", Indicate "Drinking Water" only if one or .:::;1:e T.IIucipal or domestic "<",ter wells have actually been affected. rl ·':;~~:md Water" designation dDes not imply that the affected ~ate= ~~J:ct be, or is not, used for drir~ing water, but Dnly that water ~el~s ~~;$ ~ot yet been affected. It is understood that case typ~ may &b~Z~ -~~ fõ~ther invest~gation. Check box(es~ indi~a~~~3 ~~~e of leak. Cap Site - install horizontal impermeable layer tD reduc2 rainfall infi ltration. Con:'aipment B8rrier - install vertical dike to blocx hDrizDr.t~l mDvement Df contaminant, Excavate and Dispose - reæove contaminated soil and dispOSE in 3pproved site, Excavate and Treat - remove contaminated sDil and treat (includzs spreading Dr land farming), Remove Free PrDduct - remove floating product from water table. Pump and Treat Groundwater - generally emplDyed tD remDve dissolved contaminants. Enhanced BiDdeRradation - ~s€ of any available technD1Dgy to prcmote bacterial decDmpDsitiDn of contaminanL~, Replace Supply - provide alternative \'rater supply tD affected parties. Treatment zs HDokup - install water treatment devices at each dwelling Dr other place of use, Vacuum Extract - use pumps or blowers to draw air through soil. Vent Soil - bDre hDles in soil to allow volatilizatiDn Df cDntaminants, No Action Required - incide~t is minor, requiring no remedial action. IMPLEŒ;¡:rEG AGENCIES Enter names of the local agency and Regic~al Wat9~ Ç~s~~7 Control Board invDlved. SUBSTANCES INVOLVED Enter the name and quanti ty IDs t Df the hazardous .s'.:¡;s::z:::u;e i~volved. Room is :t:rov~~£è fer information un b-10 slilis'::.~~2S ií ::;;;,=c:?=':'~·::a. If more than two SU~SGancas le~ted list the t~o c~ ~~s~ co~cz:~ ~~= ~l?acup. DISCOVL~Y/.\BATEMENT Provide infornation regarding the discDverI and a~2~E~E7.~ ~~ the leak, COMMENTS - Use this space to elaborate OP any aspects of the incident. SIGNATURE - Sign the form in tbe space prDvided. No ActiDn Taken - No action has been taken by respnnsible party beyond initial report, of leak. DISTRIBUTION If the form is complated by the tank owner or his agent. retain the last CO~, and fDrward the remaining copies intact tD your lDcal tank permitting agency for distribution, 1, Original - Local Tank Permitting Agency 2, State Water Resources Control BDard, D~visiDn of Clean Water Programs, Underground StDrage Tank Program, F.O, Box 944212, SacramentD, CA 94244- 2120 3, Regional Water Quality Control Board 4. Local Health Officer and CO'U.'l.ty Board of Supervisors or their designee tD receive Proposition 65 notifications. 5. ~mer/responsible party. CURRENT STATUS Indicate tbe category which best describes the current status of the case. Check one box only. The response shDuld be relat:.ve z;lJthe case type. ~ or example, if case type is "Ground \~ater", then "Current Status" should refer tD the status Df the ground water investigation or cleanup. as DppDsed to that of soil. Descriptions Df options f~llow: - -' .::L D ADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC· , June 26, 1996 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 I:!ECIS1VIEft) JUL (J1 J..¡,q ,6 1995 <: 1i4.q r: DII/. Regarding: Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) has prepared the Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Report for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report which AEC is submitting for review, Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Attachments: Report (1) Distribution: 1/ Addressee - REG MAIL 1/ Ms. Carol Kincheloe 1/ Bksfld Fi Ie . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646. FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -- e .::L 61 ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC· / Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Is pleased to present the following: Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil for Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California This report has been prepared for: Ms. Carol Kincheloe . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. June 1995 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646. FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 Table of Contents Subiect Pace INTRODUCTION 1 BACKGROUND 1 ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPACTS OF THE CONTAMINATION 3 3.1 Characteristics of the Contaminants 3 FEASIBILITY STUDY 5 4.1 4.2 5 5 Soils Profile Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration CONCLUSIONS 6 RECOMMENDATIONS 7 LIMITATIONS 7 CLOSING 8 APpendices: Project: AEC 95C-1554 (A) Project Maps I Figures (B) Laboratory Reports/Chain-of-Custody Documentation . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of an evaluation of risk conducted by Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) to assess the probability of contamination beneath the subject property to impact groundwater. The lead regulatory agency is the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD). The tank was located at the Lewis Cabinets facility, 630 Williams Street. Bakersfield, California (Appendix A. Figure 1). This report presents qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the environmental risks resulting from an unauthorized release of gasoline from an underground storage tank (UST). Also discussed are hydrogeological profiles, project history, and background information regarding existing site characteristics, and regional and local regulatory objectives. Finally, AEC provides an evaluation of said findings and makes related conclusions and recommendations. The report appendices contain project maps/figures (Appendix A) and analytical results/chain-of-custody documentation (Appendix 0). 2.0 BACKGROUND On December 29, 1992 Wegener Construction Company performed the excavation, removal and disposal of one 500-gallon gasoline UST from the subject site (Figure 2). Strong gasoline odors were noted in the soil during excavation procedures. Soil samples were collected from 2' and 6' beneath the former UST and dispenser area following removal procedures. Samples were transported to and analyzed by SMC Laboratory, a state certified facility located in Bakersfield, California. Samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes The analytical results of soil samples collected from below the removed UST and dispenser are summarized in Table 1. Units are in micrograms per gram ( lg/g) which are equivalent to parts per million (ppm). TABLE 1 ANAL YTlCAl RESULTS SOIL SAMPlES - TANK REMOVAL 12/29/92 (ppm) Sample J.D. TPH-g Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene #1 (UST-2') 920 0.1 7.8 181 8.1 #2 (UST-6') 3,200 1.3 52 710 40 #3 (Disp-2') ND 0.007 ND ND ND #4 (Disp-6') ND ND ND ND ND Detection 1,0 0,005 0,005 0,005 0,005 Limits (ppm) ND: Non-detected at Indicated level of detection Project: AEC 95C-1554 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Laboratory analyses of samples collected from the Lewis Cabinets facility indicated detectable levels of petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and volatile aromatics in locations #1 & #2 (beneath the former UST at depths of 2 and 6 feet, respectively). Additionally, volatile aromatics (benzene only) were also detected within the sample collected from location #3 (beneath the former dispenser at a depth of 2 feet). No deteCtable concentrations of gasoline-range hydrocarbons or volatile aromatic compounds were Indicated from laboratory analyses performed on the sample collected from 6 feet beneath the former dispenser location. Based on results of laboratory analyses of soil samples collected at the site, BFD requIred that additional assessment be performed In order to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbon impacted soil. Four exploratory borings were advanced at the site on July 18, 1994 using a Mobile B-57 Drill Rig, with 6-inch diameter, continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. Selected soil samples were analyzed for TPH-g and BTXE by methods 5030/8020. The results are presented In Table 2 and the laboratory data and Chain-of-Custody documents are presented In Appendix B. Units for analyses are in milligrams per Kilogram (mg/Kg), which are equivalent to parts per million (ppm). TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SOIL SAMPLES - SOil BORINGS 07/19/93 (ppm) Sample I.D. TPH-g Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene B-1-15' 3,380 ND 11 430 20 B-1-20' 435 ND 1.0 2.6 0.4 B-1-25' 14,300 ND 1,010 1,320 220 B-1-30' 1,060 ND 22 85 9.2 B-1-35' ND NO NO NO NO ß-1-40' ND NO ND ND NO B-1-45' 65 NO 0.06 0.2 NO ß-1-50' NO ND NO ND ND B-2-15' 44 NO 2.8 6.2 0.7 B-2-25' 720 NO 2.0 20 0.8 B-2-35' NO NO ND ND ND ß-2-40' NO NO NO NO NO B-3- 20' ND ND ND NO NO B-3-25' ND NO NO ND ND Project: AEC 9SC-1SS4 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e . Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. TABLE 2 (continued) ANAl YTlCAL RESULTS SOIL SAMPlES - SOIL BORINGS 07/19193 (ppm) Sample 1.0. B-3-30' B-3-35 ' B-4-25' B-4-30' Detection Limits (ppm) TPH-g NO NO NO NO 0.005 Benzene NO NO NO NO 0,005 Toluene NO NO NO NO 0.015 Xylenes NO NO NO NO 0,005 Ethylbenzene NO NO NO NO 0,005 NO: TPH-g: Not detected at the Indicated limit of detection Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline 3.0 ASSESSMENT OF lHE IMPACTS OF lHE CONTAMINATION 3.1 Characteristics of the Contaminants Gasoline and its components (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes), are the only contaminants of concern (COCs) for this site. Gasoline is composed almost exclusively of hydrocarbon compounds; the mixture changes from producer to producer, and may even change from season to season. At sites of gasoline spillage, chemical toxicity is the factor in determining the appropriate COCs. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes are the most important compounds in terms of human toxicity. Of these compounds, benzene is considered the only Class A carcinogen (i.e. a known human carcinogen). Benzene is identified as the primary COC at the site. A lengthy review of the potential toxicity of benzene is beyond the scope of this plan. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled and reviewed toxicological data on benzene, and this Information is presented in the EPA Information Retrieval and Indexing System (iRIS) database. Site Geology and Hydrogeology The Lewis Cabinets facility is located at the southwest corner of the Intersection of East 19th Street and Williams Street in East Bakersfield, California. The surrounding area is occupied by industrial and residential properties. The property is presently occupied by a warehouse building and paved storage yard, enclosed by chain link security fencing. The former UST and dispenser were situated in the north central area of the site, adjacent to the warehouse structure. Project: AEC 95C-1554 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831·1646· FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soli Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. The subject site Is located In south central Kern County and Is part of the Southern San Joaquin Valley (Valley). The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central Valley and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada, the south by the Tehachapi and San Emigdio Ranges, and to the west by the Temblor Range. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary Age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones, and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to an ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of sand, gravels, silts, and clay. The majority of groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. Groundwater beneath the Poso Creek area occurs in the White-Poso groundwater storage unit. This section occupies the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley and includes Delano, Wasco, Shatter, McFarland, and Famosa. The regional groundwater flow direction is towards the north. Depth to first unconfined ground water beneath. the property occurs at approximately 280 feet BGL. The topography at the site is gently sloping toward the southwest at approximately 30 feet per mile. The average elevation at this property is 410 feet above mean sea level. The sediments beneath the site consist of unconsolidated, poorly bedded gravels, sands, slits, and clays. Maximum Clean-up levels MCLs are part of the drinking water standards adopted both by the California Department of Health services (DHS) in Title 22 of the Code of Regulations (CCR), "Domestic Water Quality and Monitoring", and by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Safe Drinking Water Act. It should be noted that the balancing of health effects with technologIc and economic considerations used In MCL derivation may not be applicable to the protection of water resources. The MCLs for gasoline and Its organic constituents benzene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers are 1 part per billion (ppb), 680 ppb, and 1,750 ppb, respectively. No California MCLs currently exist for toluene or total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g). Hydrogeologic data indicates that the first encountered groundwater beneath the site is not currently used for drinking water or agricultural purpose, and because of the limited total volUme of water available in the shallow unconfined aquifer and the elevated total dissolved solids (TDS) the potential of this groundwater has limited future beneficial use. Because there Is no current use, and has limited potential use, if the water was impacted the California MCLs should be attenuated accordingly to reflect a reasonable reduction in hydrocarbon concentrations rather than drinking water standards. Project: AEC 95C-1554 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, 11206 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831·1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 4.0 FEASIBIUTY STUDY 4.1 Soils Profile Soli within the borings consisted of poorly graded, moist. fine-to-medlum grained sand (SP) and well graded, flne-to-coarse sand (SW) from grade level to a depth of 20 feet BGl. Sed1ments consisted of silty sand and sandy silt (SM/ML) from 20 to 30 feet BGl. Firm, moist silt and slightly plastic lean clay (MUCL) was observed between 30 and 35 feet BGl. A layer of light yellowish brown, moist. well-graded fine-to-coarse sand (SW) was observed at 35 feet BGL with a transition to moist silty sand/sandy slit (SM/ML) with Iron oxide staining at 40 feet BGL. Sediments between 40 and 50 feet BGL consist of moist, dark reddish brown silt (ML) and light reddish brown clay (CL). 4.2 Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration Based on results of laboratory analyses of selected soil samples within boring B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4, AEC estimates a that the hydrocarbon plume occupies a total area of 14,137 cubic feet (524 c.yds.) and has an irregular shape with a 30 foot diameter, 20 feet In length, and extends to approximately 30 feet BGl. To simplify the evaluation, the hydrocarbon plume will be considered a cylinder with a 30 foot diameter and length of 20 feet. The estimated contamination limits are illustrated In Figure 3 and 4. Volume of Hydrocarbons The estimated volume of gasoline present in the soil was calculated using two different methods. The first averages the laboratory results and the average concentration was used to calculate the weight and volume of gasoline present in the cylindrical plume. The average concentration used for this determination was 4800 ppm. The calculation and parameters are presented in Figure 5. The second method calculates the volume of each 5-foot interval (Figure 6) of the cylindrical plume then adds the industrial units. The result for method one was 1,168 gallons and method two was 1,162 gallons. For this evaluation 1,200 gallons will be used for the volume of gasoline present and the volume of impacted soil will 14,000 cubic feet. Residual Capacity of Soil As released hydrocarbons migrate downward, in the unsaturated zone, a portion of the liquid is adsorbed onto the minerai surfaces (API 1989). Horizontal spreading will also occur within the release zone due to attractive forces between the liquid hydrocarbons and soli granular surfaces. The volume of liquid left behind the migrating front is referred to as the residual capacity of the soil. The American Petroleum Institute (API) has determined that gasoline concentrations of 0.02, 0.06 and 0.15 gallons per cubic foot of Project: AEC 95C-1554 5 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, Ø206 · BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. soil would remain in place for coarse gravel. coarse sand. and fine sand/slit soli types. respectively. For the purpose of this discission the horizontal dispersion of the liquid will not be considered. Instead. the entire volume of liquid will be considered in the determination of vertical migration only. Migration. Potential Migration. and Threat to Groundwater Laboratory data indicate that the hydrocarbons have migrated to a depth of 30 feet BGL and. on average. the soil occupied by the plume contains approximately 0.09 gallons' of gasoline per cubic foot of soil. Comparing the above stated hydrocarbon concentration to the API residual concentrations for coarse gravel. coarse sand and fine sand/slit we see that a 0.07. 0.03 and -0.06 gallons of gasoline per cubic foot. respectively are available for further migration. If the 0.02 gallons per cubic foot is used as a worst case scenario it would result in approximately 280 gallons of gasoline being adsorbed per 14.000 cU.ft. (30 X 20 ft. cylinder) of soil. With the 1.200 gallons of gasoline present in the soil at the subject site this residual concentration would leave 920 gallons available for further migration. Still using the 0.02 gallons per cubic foot standard, It would require 3.3 additional 14,000 cU.ft. soil cylinders to adsorb the 920 gallons of free gasoline. or In terms of vertical migration, the plume would migrate another 66 feet BGL to a total vertical depth of about 96 feet BGL. Depth to ground water. as reported by the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) In their 1994 report on water conditions. is between 280 and 290 feet BGL in the area beneath the subject site. This would leave a buffer of 189 feet of non-impacted soli between the groundwater and the 96 foot deep plume. If the plume were to migrate twice as far as has been estimated in this evaluation. that is 192 feet BGL as opposed to 96 feet BGL there will still be a 93 foot buffer between groundwater and the downward most extent of the hydrocarbon plume. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on the information presented in this evaluation AEC present the following conclusions: . An unauthorized release of gasoline from an underground storage tank occurred at the Lewis cabinet facility. . This release resulted in approximately 1.200 gallons of gasoline occupying 14.000 cubic feet of soli beneath the former tank emplacement. Project: AEC 95C-1554 6 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND' 4400 ASHE ROAD, (1206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 II I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I e e Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. -Appendix A- PROJECT MAPS I FIGURES . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400ASHEROAD,#206. BAKERSFIELD,CA93313 805/831-1646. FAX 805/831-1771 I, e e I I :¡\ ~~'~~~~?a0cf8~l:-" ~t~:; i g I~ ~L1~~~ [" .ö:~ ST =<Þ ~} U>MA ",,'" (~1D _~ ~I z ~;rli a ¡¡ ! ~~r..~AI¡¡ ..~¡~ _J \ . 1 ' .t6'fí! l'IOS,uJ,I: ~ ., /'~Z' IQ z i ~ KNO ,)0 ~'5ïóWM ~o: ,'f X-RF rt'l __.L TI 1,- "."BERNÀRD IÒ~- ....:." z TI ~ "7'- 7 O~~ C\J~~'~rAv ,,~ >- BERNARD +. -,- - ¥'( ~ Ó :;;IJEFFEASON '5fJT'IlIJjJE<'E A t~' 1--.'fj..1£lif'.... ,,.U ~ SW'EW'¡'~~' 9 ... ~\~~ I). - In -_I.. ê ... ..;. 4so", CE ~.f Jro; FF .0£.4 9~~ II ~ C. U G ...Ff~1 ~/." ,rNCOlH o~.g? t; $r ~l J ,1ft ¡...;, EII"t.f~""'! AVlOS.N ST· III ör;~:T4GI ~ ~ 1r~rii~-1 ~~~ ~~1 _ : ':1 ~E.!L~'-~ T::i. I ""Co,,. ~ '~' ~~~ ·'AC. '" Sr ~ - ~ I;; 11; (k~;'¡TAé; j {¡g l~ ~ ~ ~ 'ifL /~: ð 2 « t;".l ~ 2 AV PARI( GALf AV ¡¡ '2 ~ 1;;;5 l\,or: ~I'I. ~ ~~ -~ OUINCY ¡.; t; 0 '~" Sr . . 'I.,¡.~,-........... J -' 1 ~ · ---] , ~§ P'\CIFII' 1:tI ~ :;;, -....-,,. y ,""~, §g,. ~"?-;'º" ~IOGE RO Ël .. -.·X~ 1; ~;: ~ ,.!J >- Ja,.L 1': "I ~~ ~",,. 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I I ~ fT óT ~ ~ '5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;t~ I VE· jj N j ....., ST r ~ <¡ " . w..,_.. I >< 5 C ~ ~ ~ c:" .. II /,\jf"l C I IF I sri ST I~ a LL WilKINS I ST/ Ii ': I ~ I, ~~1!3B I I / .11 ~._ BRUNO G~~ .r -- 'N Ið 1- . 's .... ~ 4-/ Jl " ."" I I ~_ ,_ J WAVCROSS ST I /} ~ ~ ~,( R.... T - -r"" r I I I '- ÍIIUJ ~ _~OII, ..I.: -;:,;:..~'t-/ .AORI__ _Q~.J L ,n i I SE''ífl'' I I' ';"v 'I<-'" I r.A' N'. +, .7: 11 - - - - -;-;.;.¡¡¡¡¡;;; + - - - -- I '......1 ?(,~ W1 9 z I~ / ~ MCH_t:T 0a: ~óll ~ I i I ¡;:::E" I t~ nA~"'. g W ~ NN S 1£ ~ 'f I ~ :~... I ~~¡ ~~~i~Jt :' ··,t -: j~¿"j !II -, :....:r..., ,-L'~' 1//'" 0Ii ..... I 011 ", T : I 1 1 t I I I I I I I I I I I I I UapSaulœ~ Brat. u. I AEC - Location Map - Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield Kern County · California FIGURE I 1 I ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40872 BAKERSREW, CA 93384 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I -= E. 11TH STREET GATE CONCRETE PAD ASPHALT B4 . Parking B2 . B3 . r·····....:..···..···....·..................·..····..··..! : i ~ .81 I Former Tank location ¡ ¡ 1............................................_.._.........1 BUILDING . Sol BorIng LocatIon AEC - Boring Location Map - lewis Cabinets 630 WllDams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield. California ADVANCED ÐMRONIIENTAL 00NCEPT8 P.o. BOX 4OB72 BAKERSRELD, CA S3384 ::--- i ~ ::::) m o 10 I II I SœIe 1 In. -10ft. FIGURE 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E. 19TH STREET ------------------------------FENCe.-------------------------------.-------------------- ---"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~----- ------ -= , CONCRETE PAD Parking Approximate horizontal limit of Hydrocarbons B3 . ..,...... . ..... ........' """"'..,'....,"."""'.',.,'" ............ .. ....... ............. ., ........ ,':':':':':':':':':':':':':':', .':':':':':':-:':':':':'.' ................... ...... .... ,', ......................... . '". ........ " .................. ,,' . ... . .. ....,.. .... ... . .. . ............. .. .. ... ...... .. .. .. .... ... . ...... ....... ...,'. . ......".. ........... ~~.rTM··.I·I!........~...aI!!................................... .......... ............. .............. ", . .... ... . . .... ... ... .. ... . . ....... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... . . ... .. ..... .....:.:.:.:.:.:...:..:.:.:.:. :." '.':'. :-....-:..::::-:-:. .: "::..:':: .'. ....... . '...:::::::::::::::: ~~iLi;)'N.~:.::::::::::"· . Soil Boring Location GATE ASPHALT ' B4 . - Extent of Hydrocarbons - AEC Lewis Cabinets ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 4fJ672 BAKERSFIEW, CA 93384 630 Williams Street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California ===-.,~- (!J Z Õ ..J 5 CD o 10 I I Scale 1 In. - 10ft. FIGURE 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B3 B1 B2 B4 A' A (PROJECTED) WEST EAST - 10 -20 ND ND - 30 ND - ND .... ....... .... ......... ...... ',':::.: ::'::: ::. ':. ,):H¡//:',:::~p:::::: )\'://<\ :,¡¡,,::::n/.> - ND ND /~ / ND ND J/:í/ ,1/ (/ HYDROCARBON PlUME -40 _ 50 e ND ND 1" ... 10' UNEXPlAINABLE HYDROCARBONS SCALE AEC - Cross Section A - AI - Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street County of Kern. Bakersfield, California FIGURE 4 ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40672 BAKERSFlEW. CA 93S84 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II VAPOR EXTRACTION PROJECT PARAMETERS IMPACTED SOIL VOLUME TC 15220:::: 14,137 FP HYDROCARBON VOLUME Average gasoline concentration = 4,800 ppm Average In-site soil weight = 120 Ibs./CF Weight of one gallon of gasoline = 6.9 Ibs. Weight of impacted soil = 14,000 CF x 120 Ibs/CF = 1,680,000 Ibs. Weight of gasoline in soil = 1,680,000 Ibs. x 10,000 = 8,064Ibs. 1,000,000 Volume of gasoline in soil = 8,064Ibs. + 6.9Ibs./GaI. = 1,168.7 gallons of gasoline In soil 1,168.7 or approximately 1,200 gallons of gasoline are present In the Lewis Cabinets Facility. AEC - Average Hydrocarbon .. Volume FIGURE ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40672 BAKERSFIEW, CA 93384 Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street County of Kern. Bakersfield, California 5 I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 20 feet 5 feet -=::: ~ 30 feet ' ~ 3380 ppm 435 ppm 14300 ppm 1060 ppm Not to Scale AEC 3,500 ft3 X 120 IbS/ft3 .. 420,000 Ibs 420,000 Ibs X (3,380/1,000,000) .. 1420 Ibs 1 ,420 Ibs /6.9 Ibs/ gal .. 205 gallons 3,500 ft3 X 120 Ibs/ft3 .. 420,000 Ibs 420,000 Ibs X (435/1,000,000) .. 183 Ibs 183 Ibs /6.9 Ibs/ gal .. 26 gallons 3,500 ft3 X 120 Ibs/ft3 .. 420,000 Ibs 420,000 Ibs X (14,300/1,000,000) .. 6,006 Ibs 6,006 Ibs /6.9 IbS/ gal .. 870 gallons 3,500 ft3 X 120 Ibs/ft3 .. 420,000 Ibs 420,000 Ibs X (1,060/1,000,000) .. 422 Ibs 422lbs /6.9Ibs/ gal- 61 gallons Total Hydrocarbons = 8,019Ibs. = 1,162 gallons - Hydrocarbon Volume - Per 6ft Interval Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street County of Kern. Bakersfield, California ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40872 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93384 FIGURE 6 ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. -Appendix B- LABORATORY RESULTS I CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTS . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e . ASSOCIATED lABORATORIES 806 Nortb Batavia - Orange, Calilornia 92668 - 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO. G75137-01 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil 07/19i94 RECEIVED IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 81-15' 81-20' 81-25' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 3,380 435 14,300 Benzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Toluene (mg/kg) 11 1.0 1,010 Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) 20 0.4 220 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 430 2.6 1,320 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 Ph.D. ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 1 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED lABORATORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668· 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO, G75137-02 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE B1-30' B1-35' B1-40' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 1,060 ND< 5 ND< 5 Benzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Toluene (mg/kg) 22 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) 9.2 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 85 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 2 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for pUblication In part or in full without our written permIssIon. ThIs Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED lABORAIDRIES 806 Nortb Batavia - Orange, Ca1i1ornia 92668 - 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 G75137-03 LAB NO REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 81-45' 81-50' 82-15' ND< 5 44 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 2.8 ND< 0.005 0.7 ND< 0.015 6.2 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 65 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mgjkg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 0.06 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mgjkg) 0.2 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 A]~nAT~RATORIES , EdW~~~.D. Vice President by: ~- ESB/ql HOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 3 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical . Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED LABORATORIES 806 NortlJ Batavia· Orange. California 92668·714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO, G75137-04 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 82-25' 82-35' 82-40' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 720 ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.015 ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.015 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 2.0 0.8 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 20 Date Analy~ed: 07/21 & 07/~2/94 ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 4 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This 15 tor the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED lABORATORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 -7J4/77J-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 G75137-05 LAB NO, REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE SQil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 83-20' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 83-25' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 83-30' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/~2/94 RIES, by: ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 5 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical . Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permIssion. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. !I II I I I I I I I I I I II !I il I I :1 I It e ASSOCIATED lABORATORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 -714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 G75137-06 LAB NO: REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE Suil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 83-35' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 84-25' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 84-30' ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethy'lbenzene (mg/kg) Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07i22/94 ORIES, by: ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 6 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permIssion. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II e e ANXYAZElJ IAlKJRAWR./ES 'a:Mi1ZlIÐO'm (X.M1LT1' . QUALITY CONTROL ¡QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT 075137 QAlQC CONTROL NO. 075137-16 INSTRUMENT LOGBOOK Hyd 1-7 DATE 075137-16 ANALYZED Ju1221994 LL.B. PAOELOCATION 73 DATE 075137 ANALYZED Ju1221994 SAMPLE LOG PAOELOCATION 15 EP A 8015MID.H.S. L.U.F.T. REPORTING UNITS mglkg COMPOlfND SR SRl RPD SA. SSR SAMPLEMATRIX soil SSRl %RE %REl RPD A J-FRAOE 88 '7 .:,. SR----- SAMPLE 0 SR1----- SAMPLE DUPLICATE RPD---- RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE S.A.n-- ANAL YTE SPIKE IN SAMPLE MATRIX SSR----- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR' SSR1---- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR1' %RE--- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN'SR' %RE1--- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SRi' BLKn- ANALYTE CONCENTRATION DETECTED IN LAB BLANK 99%---- UPPER/LOWER CONTROL LIMIT 95%---- UPPER/LOWER WARNING LIMIT 8---------- STANDARD DEVIATION 28---00--- 2 X STANDARD DEVIATION (WARNING LIMIT) 38------- 3 X STANDARD DEVIATION (CONTROL LIMIT) MEAN-- TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF SPIKE RECOVERY PASS ¡ NO PAS SURROGATE SPIKE DATE BENZENYL FLUORIDE SPIKE CONCENTRATION OF WITH A RECOVERY OF BENZENYL FLUORIDE RECOVERY LIMITS OF TO Jul231994 ACTION TAKEN SPIKE SOURCE Texaco R ANALYST Danielle Luian QA / QC COMPILER STANDARD LOT NO. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I e e AN.r!A'IED L4JÐRA7DRDN '~:IV Q1.I4l0'1' . QUALITY CONTROL ¡QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT 075137 QNQC CONTROL NO. G75137-16 INSTRUMENT LOGBOOK Hyd 1-7 I.LB. PAGE LOCATION 73 DATE G75137-16 ANALYZED Ju1221994 DATE G75137 ANALYZED J ul 221994 SAMPLE 1.00 PAGE LOCATION 15 EP A 8020 REPORTING UNm mglkg SAMPLEMAlRIX soil SSRl %RE %REl RPD 0. 048 84 -~. COMPOlíND SR SRl RPD SSR SA. BBVZENE 0.042 .iij'jl'?I~::::::: ,'j:j,j:Ø:{l,::::::::,: :':¡::I:::::':;j':'I:'¡;I'¡: ::::::'111:::::::::::::::" .. ... . .. . ............................................................... ..................,..................."....................... ............................................................... ::"':~:.."..,:-:"":""::"""':':""":'œ;"":"",:::::::::::::::::::::,:::,:::::::,::::::::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::: ::::;::'" .::. .;::/ . . 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ANALYST Danielle Luian QA ¡ QC COMPILER ------------------- CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Turn Around Requested: TH¡Vk; ¡J;f r ,ce/1/kr L\ .~ ~. " \.1 'f '1 t 'f t. V1 " t( \of ~\ '/ \I II H 'I 1\ 1 I () ( /V()Y'~ T/1IVÆ p; ¡ I.\. \( , l It Il : (Signature) ~ go" eii'x o E E iIl1I:J ..I I/) Z· Analysis Requested LAB Project # Page I of 2 CD .. GI C ~ C o o - o ...' GI ~ E :J Z Lab Use Only. Sample Condition as received: Chilled Yes I No Sealed Yes I No Container I Comments . Date lime Company: 1 Total Number of Containers /:::L -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- / Date Time 805/831-1646 FAX80S/831·1771 4400 ASHE ROAD 1206 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 ------------------- CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD CIi7?Ic//l)d~iD ç; Date7!IÌJI¡7-! LAB Project # Analysis Requested ~Ë;~~/' Ca6/~ Client Projectl# , Page 2-- of ¡? Progj'Ö U//lltrM4-5 $'1-. Turn Around Requested: uß II Lab Use Only. ::::'11) "- Sample Condition GI o 24-Hour-Rush -~ c 00 as received: I ~æbcJ¿/¡c12-- elf I/)ep iii ~Hour'Rush ..~ t ~ E )(0' 0 Yes I No Normal 't:ct 0 Chilled .. . Sampler's Si~e ,~ o Mobile Lab ~ CII::¡ ~ Õ Sealed Yes I No SG)a... ==1/) "- oJ? -'" -- ---..ø~ CD....... GI ~Q.~ _CD ,g -- ...... Q.CI ~ E ..8EE E'C ~ ~ . . . . . . ., - jCII~ CII': Z . . . . I/)Z 1/)1/) 82..- 35 I I M? r.¡( v1' T H- /Vie D~'¡ 111 ðlc¡~ !<) / I l to , \' ( / , l l. Il 'l (,( 1'1 ß;l.. - 'i 0 .. ( II g3~ 2tl -;..,d é lit:> .j.- ~ TJ41V1<.. f'''¡' I r I} ( 1/ I l &3 ~ ')$ H t ( I I I ' . IL '\ \ / / ß3-3C It II t l , A ~-36" ·t l I\. I J I /( It 84 -Ã5' 3D I Not'tÁ~5¡rl f111,Jrlllj II J / 'l --, f\ I / ~ e IRCf - Jo I ( 1 it v\ ,..-:;- ,/ l.- i- I . " o .z:is~ by: (Signatu"ef ' ;i/]/7'Y '~ ):eiVedb~~~~~ D~\\'t \~~ Total Number of Containers . / / . ~- ~ - - ~ - - e::::/ ":::?' :~~j}-.GC- / . Ti):¿Jc)( :Gcrm~~(jC'~~~~ 'U~~ Time~ /:::L \ ' a Received by Laboratory: (Signature) v Date @) Relinquished by: (Signature) Date -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- ., . Time Company: Time Company: 805/831·1646 4400 ASHE ROAD W206 , FAX 805/831·1771 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 -e -, ., ~L IL o ADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCa " I June 7, 1995 ~ / ~C ,i/~ ~~ ~~ / .¿; ~ð .~ ~ '.</~ rt . ð/i:-' Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Regarding: Lewis Cabinets Facility 630 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: This letter is to confirm that Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc (AEC) has been retained by Lewis Cabinets to perform an evaluation for potential environmental degradation and hydrocarbon migration at the above stated facility. A summary of the results and conclusions will be forth coming. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. :Jos ph A. Dunwoody, III Registered Geologist cc: Ms, Carol Kincheloe LETR301 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I . I I: ë.1 2. D Restricted Delivery .a::~c: I Consult postmaster for fee. _ 4a. Article Number P-390-214-404 ~ I 4b. Service Type D D a::¡ Registered Insured [X Certified D COD .i D Express Mail D Return Receipt for - Merchandise '"'I Ö I ~ ~,,(Ooly;f ~q",""" i i ~ *u,s. GPO: 1993-352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I ,... ~ SENDER: ëi> . Complete items 1 _ 2 for additional services. ) . Complete items 3 a & b, f? . Print your name an dress on the reverse of this form so that we can Q.) return this card to you, ~ . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece. or on the back if space .. does not permit. 1 . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number. ... . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date § delivered, -a 3. Article Addressed to: G) ... CD "5. E o u (I) (/) I!.I !Z Q C <t MS. CAROL KINCHELOE LEWIS CABINETS P.O. BOX 9095 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93389 ..,. b~ ... :J g, PS Form 3811, December 1991 ( ) I a~wish to receive the follo.services (for an extra fee): 1. D Addressee's Address Officisi Business -iJ PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT ' OF POSTAGE, $300 UNjTED STATES POS_SEI"JViCE œ Print your name, address and ZIP Code here CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 1715 CHESTER AVENUE, SUITE 300 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 . ----- P 390 214 404 ~.~,.", ":It:: --- UNITED STATES POSTAL SER'\Itœ IRhe(ciSi[p)tc reF· -;- CiSli'tcifiiSd MtaJii No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) 0'1 0'1 Sent to CAROL KINCHELOE Street and No, LEWIS CABINETS P'Î>,.sð~ a~Óic~'b95 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered 1.10 Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees 2.52 Postmark or Date Q) c: :J ..., Ò o CO (\') E o LL fJ) a.. STICt( POSTAGE STAr,;¡PS TO ARTICLE TO COVEll fiRST CLASS POSTAGE. CEIITlfIED I1.1AIL flEE. AC1D CIIAIIGES fOil ArJV SELECTED OPTIONAL SERI/ICES (see front). ,. If you want this receipt postmarked. stick tha gummed stub to the righl of Ihe return address leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge). · Q) ~ ~ II) ~ .... .. m 'Î m Q) c: ::3 ..., Ò 0 CO C") E 0 u.. en c... 2. If you do not want this receipt postmarked. stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article. date. detach and retain the receipt. and mail the article. 3. If you want a return receipt. write the certified mail number and your name and address on a return receipt card. Form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article bV means of tha gummed ends if space permits. Otherwise. affix to back of articla. Endorse front of articla RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED adjacent to the number. 4, If you want deliverv restricted to the addressee. or to an authorized agent of tha addressee. endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on the front of the article, 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. If return receipt is requested. check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. 6. Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, 1 05603-92-8-0226 ~ . . CITY of BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE SAFETY CONTROL & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISIONS 1715 CHESTER AVE. . BAKERSFIELD, CA . 99301 March 16, 1995 R,E, HUEY HAl-MAT COORDINATOR (805) 326-3979 R,B, TOBIAS. FIRE MARSHAL (805) 326-3951 Ms. Carol Kincheloe Lewis Cabinets P.O. Box 9095 Bakersfield, Ca 93389 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: 630 Williams Street, Site Assessment Dear Ms. Kincheloe, A review of the file indicates that closure of the soil investigation of this case is pending receipt and review of two additional documents: . A letter certifying that the former tank site has been capped with cement or asphalt to prevent seasonal rainfall from percolating into the contaminated soil. . A risk assessment projecting the deepest vertical extent of the contaminate plume once immobile concentrations have been reached. Please submit the requested documents within the next 30 days. Once received, this office to make a determination if "no further action II is acceptable for this site. If you have any questions regarding the documentation required for case closure, please call me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ~/:ziW-5 ~~_~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: R. Huey J. Dunwoody, AES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soli Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. · Soli has adsorptive qualities which retain a given volume of liquid, the volume depends on the character of the liquid and the soli type. A coarse gravel has a residual capacity of about 0.20 gallons per cubic foot and fine sand/slit has a capacity of 0.15 gallons per cubic foot. · Using the capacity of gravel, 0.02 gallons per cubic foot, as a worst case scenario and assuming that this soli type comprises the entire soli column, the gasoline present at the subject site will migrate another 66 feet (96 ft. BGl) before it attains equilibrium with the residual capacity of the soil. · Once the liquid hydrocarbons attain residual equilibrium at 96 feet BGl there will be approximately 190 feet of unimpacted soil between the plume and groundwater. If a 50% error factor Is added Into the equation the plume would migrate to 192 feet BGL which still leaves a 96 foot buffer. · The fine grained, low permeability soil matrix (silt and clay) Identified at depths of 40 to 50 feet BGL will likely attenuate the total vertical distance the gasoline migrates. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the information presented In this evaluation, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. recommends the no further action designation be given this facility and site closure be granted. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This work has been performed In accordance with generally accepted environmental science and engineering practices. Conclusions and recommendations are based upon Information collected and compiled during this investigation. Soil samples were collected from a finite grid, hence they are not meant to be misconstrued as indicative of unsampled surface or subsurface areas. No other warranty, expressed or Implied, Is given. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Project: AEC 95C-1554 7 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND· 4400 ASHE ROAD, 0206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Evaluation of Environmental Impacts and Risks from Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil 8.0 CLOSING e Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Ms. Carol Kincheloe on this project. Should any questions or additional information be required regarding this report. please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. This Risk Assessment has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This report has been technically reviewed by: than L. Buck stered Environmental Assessor #1508 DOC16EV Project: AEC 95C-1554 8 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 ,-~ . e - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY FIRE CHIEF October 24, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. Joseph Dunwoody, III Advanced Environmental Concepts 4400 Ashe Road I #206 Bakersfield, Ca 93313 RE: 630 Williams Street, Bakersfield, Ca. Dear Mr. Dunwoody,. I have reviewed the Preliminary Soil Investigation, dated August 1994, for the above referenced site. This office received the document on October 4, 1994. In order for your recommendation of the IIno further actionll alternative for this site to be approved by this office, further risk analysis must be performed. At present, the contamination plume exceeds the residual hydrocarbon concentrations expected for an immobile source within the soil types found beneath the former gasoline tank site. Please provide a more detailed risk assessment based on the fate of the contaminate plume at residual immobility. Please show all assumptions and calculations projecting the deepest vertical extent of the plume at stabilization. This detailed level of risk analysis is required to support the IIno further action requiredll alternative. In additionl because the plume has migratory potential, this office may still require additional sampling after a period of one year to determine the rate and extent (if any) of the migratory plume. If you have any questions regarding this matterl please contact me at 326-3979. Sincerely, ' I d::.{owJ.. t:£¿J-Á. ~ Howard H. Winesl III Hazardous Materials Division Underground Tanks and Risk Management Programs HHW/dlm cc: R. Huey C. Kincheloe . .~ - e .fCL a ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCa / September 28, 1994 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 RECEOVEID ,OCT () 41994 HAl', fVl4 r. DIV Regarding: Preliminary Soil Investigation Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) has prepared the Preliminary Soil Investigation Report for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report, which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 'e In t Coordinator / Office Administrator Attachments: Report (1) Distribution: 1/ Addressee - REG MAIL 1/ Ms. Carol Kincheloe 1/ Bksfld File LETR34DE . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, '206 0 BAKERSPlELD, q~93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I -I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I . ~ ~ LPC[ D[s~ aADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCa Þ r -~ /~'-';·.<';"ß'·'·'" N~.-,..>;t.;~.:i""',~. I I I I ,I I !I , I 'I I !I I I I I I I I I . . UL ICS D ADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCD / Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. is pleased to present the following: Preliminary Soil Investigation for Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams street County of Kern . Bakersfield. California This report has been prepared for: Ms. Carol Kincheloe August 1994 I, o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH'DESlGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Preliminary Solllnvestigaflon e e Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Table of Contents Subiect Pace 1 1.0 2.0 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND 1 Site Description Site Hydrogeology 2 2 2 3.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 3.2 4.0 METHODS and PROCEDURES 3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Boring Methods Soil Sampling Field Screening of Soil Samples Soil Analyses 3 3 4 4 4 5.0 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 5 6.0 FEASIBILITY STUDY 7.0 CONCLUSIONS 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 9.0 LIMITATIONS 10.0 CLOSING 6.1 6.2 6.3 APpendices: Project: A£C 94C-1447 Soils Profile Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration Remediation Alternatives 5 6 7 9 9 10 11 (A) Project Maps I Figures (B) Laboratory Reports/Chain-of-CustodY Documentation (C) Boring Logs o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I e - Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a subsurface soil investigation conducted by Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. (AEC). The purpose of this project was to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil resulting from the unauthorized release of petroleum hydrocarbons (gasoline) detected following the removal of one 500-gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST). The UST, dispenser, and associated piping were excavated and removed from the site by Wegener Construction Company on December 29. 1992. Based on results of laboratory analyses of soil samples collected during the removal operations. additional assessment to define the extent of contamination beneath the property was required by the lead regulatory agency. City of Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD). The tank was located at the Lewis Cabinets facility. 630 Williams Street, Bakersfield, California (Appendix A Figure 1). All environmental services performed on-site were conducted in accordance with the site assessment work plan previously prepared by AEC and approved by BFD. This subsurface soli assessment project was authorized by Ms. Carol Kincheloe. owner of Lewis Cabinets and performed under the direct supervision of Mr. Howard Wines. BFD. This report contains background information regarding existing site characteristics. regional and local hydrogeological profiles. and the project history. Also Included in the following sections are the objectives and scope of Investigation. detailed investigative procedures. and subsequent findings. Finally. AEC provides an evaluation of said findings and makes related conclusions and recommendations. The report appendices contain project maps/figures (Appendix A) and analytical results/chain-of-custody documentation (Appendix 8) and boring logs (Appendix C). 2.0 BACKGROUND On December 29. 1992 Wegener Construction Company performed the excavation. removal and disposal of one 500-gallon gasoline UST from the subject site (Figure 2). Soli samples were collected from 2' and 6' beneath the former UST and dispenser area following removal procedures. and the samples were transported to SMC Laboratory. a state certified facility located In Bakersfield. California. Samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) and benzene. toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes The analytical results of soli samples collected beneath tank Invert and dispenser are summarized In Table 1. Units are In micrograms per gram (lIg/g) which are equivalent to parts per million (ppm). Project: Af.C 94C-1447 1 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I II I I I I e e Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. TABLE 1 ANAl YflCAL RESULTS SOIL SAMPLES - TANK REMOVAL 12/29/92 (ppm) Sample I.D. #1 (UST-2') #2 (UST-6') #3 (Disp-2') #4 (Disp-6') Detection limits (ppm) TPH-g 920 3.200 ND ND 1,0 Total Benzene Toluene Xylenes 0.1 7.8 181 1.3 52 710 0.007 ND ND ND ND ND 0,005 0.005 0.005 Ethylbenzene 8.1 40 ND ND 0.005 ND: Non-detected at indicated level of detection Laboratory analyses of samples collected from the Lewis Cabinets facility indicated detectable levels of petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and volatile aromatics In locations #1 & #2 (beneath the former UST at depths of 2 and 6 feet. respectively). Based on the analytical results. BFD required that additional assessment be performed In order to evaluate the lateral and vertical extent of hydrocarbon Impacted soil. 3.0 PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS 3.1 Site Description The Lewis Cabinets facility Is located at the southwest corner of the intersection of East 19th Street and WIlliams Street in East Bakersfield, California. The surrounding area Is occupied by industrial and residential properties. The property Is presently occupied by a warehouse building and paved storage yard. enclosed by chain link security fencing. The former UST and dispenser were situated in the north central area of the site. adjacent to the warehouse structure. 3.2 Site Hydrogeology The subject site is located in south central Kern County and is part of the Southern San , Joaquin Valley (Valley). The Valley forms the southern two-thirds of the Central Valley and is characterized as a broad structural trough. It is bordered on the east by the Sierra Nevada. the south by the T ehachapl and San Emigdio Ranges, and to the west by the Temblor Range. Project: AEC 94C-1447 2 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831.1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I . e Preliminary Solllnvesfigaflon Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Geology of the southern Valley consists of a Pre-Tertiary basement complex overlain by marine and non-marine sedimentary rocks of Tertiary Age. These rocks are composed of consolidated sandstones, siltstones, and shales which thicken from northeast to southwest. The Valley was once an inland sea of comparatively shallow depth that continued to subside due to an ever increasing load of sediments transported and deposited from higher elevations. These deposits consist of sand, gravels, silts, and clay. The majority of groundwater pumped from the Valley floor occurs within these relatively unconsolidated continental deposits. Groundwater beneath the Poso Creek area occurs in the White-Poso groundwater storage unit. This section occupies the southern portion of the San Joaquin Valley and includes Delano, Wasco, Shaffer, McFarland, and Famosa. The regional groundwater flow direction is towards the north. Depth to first unconfined ground water beneath the property occurs at approximately 200 feet BGL. The topography at the site Is gently sloping toward the southwest at approximately 30 feet per mile. The average elevation at this property is 410 feet above mean sea level. The sediments beneath the site consist of unconsolidated, poorly bedded gravels, sands, silts, and clays. 4.0 METHODS and PROCEDURES The methods employed during Implementation of the subsurface assessment at this facility are described in the following sections. 4.1 Boring Methods Four exploratory borings were advanced at the site on July 18, 1994 using a Mobile B-61 Drill Rig, with 6-inch diameter, continuous flight auger in accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soil investigations and sampling by auger borings. The augers were steam cleaned in order to minimize the possibility of downhole or crosshole contamination. The lithology and other pertinent data were recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 for visual description and identification of soils. Cuttings from the borings were placed on sheets of plastic and covered, pending results of laboratory analytical results. Treatment or disposal will be the responsibility of the facility operator and occur within 90-days of completion of drilling. 4.2 Soli Sampling Soil samples were collected using a California modified, split spoon sampling device containing clean brass sleeves. The sampling device was driven Into undisturbed soil by repeatedly dropping a 140-pound hammer a vertical distance of approximately 30 inches in accordance with ASTM Methods D 1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soil and D 1587- 83 for thin-walled tube sampling of soils. The number of blows required to drive the sampler each successive six (6) Inch distance was recorded on the field logs during Project: Af.C 94C-1447 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I II I 'I ,0 , 0 I II II I I e e Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. drilling and sampling procedures. The brass sleeves and split-spoon sampler were decontaminated in a phosphate-free detergent solution and double rinsed in clean de- ionized water prior to each use. Soil samples were collected at five (5) foot intervals within each boring. The total depth of B-1 was extended to 20-feet below the last field detected indication of contamination. The blow counts, recovery amount, and lithology encountered were recorded on the field logs. lithology was described in accordance with the Unified Solis Classification System. Selected soli samples were quickly sealed with teflon tape and plastic end caps, sealed with tape, labeled, and placed In Individual plastic bags in accordance with EPA protocols. The samples were recorded on a Chain-of-Custody document, placed in a cooler with frozen blue Ice, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory under Chaln-of-Custody protocol. 4.3 Field Screening of Soli Samples Soil samples were collected using three (3) 1.5 x 6-inch brass tubes installed inside a split spoon sampler. The middle sam pie tube was Immediately capped, sealed, labelled, and stored in an ice chest containing blue Ice. The bottom tube was used for lithologic description, and field screening. A headspace reading using the PID was collected and documented on the boring log. 4.4 Soli Analyses Selected 5011 samples were analyzed by Associated Laboratory, Inc. located In Orange, a California Certified Laboratory, In accordance with state guidelines and EPA protocols. The samples were analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by CA DHS methods and volatile aromatic organics (BTXE) by EPA method 8020. 5.0 ANAL YllCAl RESULTS The results are presented in Table 2 and the laboratory data and Chain-of-Custody documents are presented In Appendix B. Units for analyses are In milligrams per Kilogram (mg/Kg), which are equivalent to parts per million (ppm). Project: Af.C 94C-1447 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831·1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e - Preliminary Solllnvesflgation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. TABLE 2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SOil SAMPLES - SOil BORINGS 07/19/93 (ppm) Xylenes, Sample 1.0. TPH-g Benzene Toluene Total Ethylbenzene B-1-15' 3,380 NO 11 430 20 B-1-20' 435 NO 1.0 2.6 0.4 6-1-25' 14,300 NO 1,010 1,320 220 B-1-30' 1,060 NO 22 85 9.2 B-1-35' NO NO NO NO NO B-1-40' NO NO NO NO NO B-1-45' 65 NO 0.06 0.2 NO B-1-50' ND NO NO NO NO B-2-15' 44 NO 2.8 6.2 0.7 B-2-25' 720 NO 2.0 20 0.8 B-2-35' NO NO NO NO NO B-2-40' NO NO NO NO NO B-3- 20' NO NO NO NO NO B-3-25' NO NO NO NO NO 6-3-30 ' NO NO NO NO NO B-3-35' NO NO NO NO NO B-4-25' NO NO NO NO NO B-4-30' NO NO NO NO NO Detection Limits 0.005 0,005 0,015 0,005 0.005 ND: Not detected at the indicated limit of detection TPH-g: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline 6.0 FEASIBIUTY STUDY 6.1 Soils Profile Soil within the borings consisted of poorly graded, moist, fine-to-medium grained sand (SP) and well graded, fine-to-coarse sand (SW) from grade level to a depth of 20 feet BGL. The sediments consisted of silty sand and sandy silt (SM/ML) from 20 to 30 feet BGL. Firm. moist silt and slightly plastic lean clay (MUCL) was observed between 30 and 35 feet BGL. A layer of light yellowish brown, moist, well-graded fine-to-coarse sand (SW) was observed at 35 feet BGL with a transition to moist silty sand/sandy silt (SM/ML) with iron oxide staining at 40 feet BGL. Sediments between 40 and 50 feet BGL consist of moist, dark reddish brown slit (ML) and light reddish brown clay (CL). Project: AfC 94C-1447 5 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 8051831-1646 0 FAX 8051831.1771 I I I I I I I I I I II , I I I I I I I I e e Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 6.2 Extent of Hydrocarbon Migration Borings B-1, B-2, B-3, and B-4 were positioned to assess the lateral and vertical migration of gasoline range hydrocarbons proximal to the removed gasoline UST (Appendix A. Figure 3). B-1 was drilled through the estimated center of the hydrocarbon plume. Backfill material was encountered to a depth of 8 feet BGL. The backfill and native soil had a very strong "degraded" gasoline odor which continued to a vertical depth of 15 feet BGL. Photoionlzation detector (PID) readings indicated detectable levels of hydrocarbons coinciding with the malodorous Intervals. Laboratory analyses of B-1 samples collected at depths of 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet Indicated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline in concentrations of 3,380; 435; 14,300; and 1,060 parts per million, respectively. Ethylbenzene, Toluene, and Total Xylenes were detected in samples collected from depths of 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet within this boring. No detectable levels of benzene were Identified within any sample from this boring. B-2 was drilled 10 feet northeast of B-1. This location was chosen in an effort to establish the lateral extent of hydrocarbon migration to the northeast. No petroleum odors were observed within cuttings and samples collected from this boring. Laboratory analyses of samples collected at depths of 15 and 25 feet indicated Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline were detected in concentrations of 44 and 720 parts per million, respectively. Toluene, Ethylbenzene, and Total Xylenes were detected In samples collected from depths of 15 and 25 feet within this boring. No detectable levels of benzene were Indicated within any samples analyzed from boring B-2. No petroleum hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds were Indicated from samples collected at depths of 35 and 40 feet within this boring. B-3 was drilled 20 feet northwest of B-1. This location was chosen in an effort to establish the lateral extent of hydrocarbon migration to the northwest. No petroleum odors were observed within cuttings and samples collected from this boring. No petroleum hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds were Indicated from samples analyzed at depths of 20, 25, 30, and 35 feet within this boring. B-4 was drilled 30 feet northeast of B-1. This location was chosen In an effort to establish the lateral extent of hydrocarbon migration to the northeast. No petroleum odors were observed within cuttings and samples collected from this boring. No petroleum hydrocarbons or volatile organic compounds were indicated from samples collected at depths of 25 and 30 feet within this boring. Based on results of laboratory analyses of selected soil samples within boring B-1, B-2, B-3 and B-4, AEC estimates a total volume of approximately 200 cubic yards of gasoline impacted soli lies beneath the former gasoline UST area at this site. The estimated contamination limits are illustrated In Figure 3. Project: Af.C 94(;-1447 6 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I ,I I I e I. Preliminary Soillnvesfigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. 6.3 Remediation Alternatives Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. recommends the following four (4) remediation alternatives for treatment of the hydrocarbon contamination located at the Lewis Cabinets facility: 1) No-action alternative; 2) Excavation and disposal of impacted soil and backfill with clean, imported soil. 3) Implementation of an In-situ vapor extraction system; and 4) In-situ bioremediation of the impacted soil. Alternative #1: The no-action remediation alternative Involves leaving In place, the soils that exhibit hydrocarbon levels in excess of RAL then capping the contaminated area with a relatively Impermeable layer of asphalt or concrete. This alternative would require approval of the Bakersfield Fire Department. To be eligible for this remediation alternative, the site location must satisfy specific parameters associated with depth to groundwater, site geology, and contaminant concentration levels. The Lewis Cabinets facility scores 49 out of 50 points based upon the "Leaching Potential Analysis-gasoline" as outlined in the LUFT Manual: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) No discernible fractures (10 points) (10 points) (10 points) (10 points) ( 9 points) Groundwater depth is estimated in excess of 150 feet BGL Average annual precipitation is less than 10 inches (5.72) No available man-made conduits Coarse grained soli There Is a total of 49 points scored which correlates to the following maximum allowable levels of gasoline-range hydrocarbons that can be left in place; 1,000-ppm and 1/50/50/50 for TPH and BTXE constituents, respectively. (Appendix B). Alternative #2: Based on information obtained from laboratory analyses of soil samples collected during this assessment, an estimated total of approximately 200 yd3 of petroleum hydrocarbon Impacted soil is located beneath the former underground storage tank area. This amount of soil could be excavated and replaced In a more cost-effective manner than other remedial alternatives. However, due to the loose sand present and the Project: Af.C 94C-1447 7 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. proximity of the plume to adjoining buildings it is unlikely that an excavation to 30 feet BGL could be completed without undermining the supporting foundations of the buildings. Alternative #3: The vapor extraction alternative involves the withdrawal of the volatile organic constituents from the soil matrix via a vacuum pump manifolded to extraction wells. and the subsequent destruction or collection of hydrocarbons using a regenerative thermal oxidizer or carbon adsorption. This system operates on the principle that volatile organic compounds have relatively high vapor pressures and will volatilize at ambient soil temperatures provided a reduction in pressure is applied. Vapor extraction is most effective and efficient in coarse grained soils (SP), although soils classified as ML (silt) also have the capability of being treated by this method. Because hydrocarbon vapors are generated by the removal process, an air emission recovery system will be required by the local Air Pollution Control District (APCD) if the hydrocarbon concentrations exceed allowable emission levels. The advantages of this treatment alternative include the ability to treat the soli In-situ, ease of Installation and manifolding of the extraction wells, minimal maintenance, relatively rapid reduction In hydrocarbon concentrations, and minimal disruption of normal site operations. This method of treatment is costly and only economically efficient for large plumes and would not be monetarily justified in this case for 200 cubic yards of contaminated soli. Alternative #4: Bioremediatlon involves treating the impacted soil either aboveground or in-situ. The aboveground treatment alternative involves excavation and surface treatment of the affected soil and is more time-efficient and effective than the in-situ method. However, this discussion will center on the In-situ method because the depth of gasoline impacted soil and the proximity to the service station structure negates an excavation alternative. The in-situ treatment method involves introduction of microbes and nutrients to the contaminated soil via injection wells screened across the affected intervals. A mixing tank is placed above the well and hydrostatic head pressure allows continual percolation of biologically active fluids through the contaminated zones. The soil type is primarily a sand or silty sand and would be receptive to an active biological treatment method. However, intervals of slits and clays are also present. which could impede the lateral migration of the microbes. To offset this effect it would be necessary to Install a tight Injection well pattern, which increases the treatment cost per cubic yard. Many gasoline constituents are toxic to bacteria thus Impeding the effectiveness of this alternative. Project: A£C 94C-1447 8 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Preliminary Soli Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of our Investigation. AEC presents the following conclusions: · The soli profile at the subject site generally consists of interbedded sands and silts to the total drilled depth of SO feet. · The analytical results indicate detectable levels of TPHg and BTXE to a total depth of 30 feet in B-1 and 25 feet in B-2. TPH and BTXE levels are below the RAL for gasoline in soli in all other samples analyzed. · The vertical extent of the gasoline migration appears to be limited to a depth of 30 feet BGL and the lateral migration appears to be primarily confined to the horizontal limits of the former tank excavation and occupies approximately 200 cubic yards. · The soils containing elevated levels of TPH and BTXE are separated from groundwater by more than 1 SO feet. · It is unlikely that groundwater is currently threatened by this unauthorized release. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based upon the relatively shallow vertical and limited lateral extent of gasoline range hydrocarbon impacted soil proximal to the former underground storage tank location and the current depth to ground water. Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. recommends the no further action alternative for this site. The reasons for this are briefly stated below. 1. Excavation of the impacted soil to a depth of 30 feet BGL would be seriously hampered by the loose, unconsolidated sands which underlie the site. These sands would undoubtedly cave to some extent. If not excessively. and result In an excavation with a large circumference and would undermine the foundations of the surrounding buildings. This would endanger not only the structural Integrity of the buildings but the workers Inside and the people performing the excavation. 2. Vapor extraction may remove the majority of the contaminants; however. 200 cubic yards of Impacted soli does not pose a threat serious enough to ground water to justify the excessive cost. 3. In situ bio remediation has yet to be proven effective and gasoline constituents are tœd.:.: to many bacteria. 4. Presently, the hydrocarbon plume is approximately 120 feet from first water. Even if the plume continued to migrate it is highly probable that the hydrocarbons concentrations would attain equilibrium with the solis residual hydrocarbon retention capacity before It reaches the water. The residual hydrocarbon Project: Af.C 94C-1447 9 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I e - Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. concentration of the soli is estimated to be between 3,000 and 4,000 ppm (API 1989, p.13). 9.0 UMITATlONS This work has been performed In accordance with generally accepted environmental science and engineering practices. Conclusions and recommendations are based upon Information collected and compiled during this Investigation. Soli samples were collected from a finite grid, hence they are not meant to be misconstrued as indicative of unsampled surface or subsurface areas. No other warranty, expressed or Implied, Is given. -------------------- Project: A£C 94C-1447 10 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Preliminary Soil Investigation Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 10.0 CLOSING Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. appreciates the opportunity to be of service to Ms. Carol Kincheloe on this project. Should any questions or additional Information be required regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (80S) 831-1646. This Environmental Site Assessment has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. -------------------- This report has been technically reviewed by: nathan L. Buck egistered Environmental Assessor #1508 DOC22DW Project: Af;C 94C-1447 11 o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831·1646 0 FAX 805/831·1771 I e e I I Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. I I I I I I n Appendix An I I PROJECT MAPS I FIGURES I I I I I I I I I . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 ------------------- A WEST - 10 -20 - SO -40 -10 AEC B3 81 B2 ~ ND ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ........ ....... ........ ...... ......... ....... ......... ....... .......... ......... ........... ........ ......... ....... ...... ......... ........... .. .......... .............. ........... ........... .... ............ ................ ............ ........... ..... ............. .................. ............. ........... ....... .............. .................... .............. ........... ........ ............... ....... ............. ............... ........... ......... ................ ..................... ................ .........., .......... ................. ..................... ................. ........... .......... ................. ...................... ................. ........... ........... .................. ....................... ........ .......... ........... ........... .,::::::::::::::::::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::: ...·..:····...·.·.·.··.·.····.1·.····.·.··.··.··.·.·..·.·.··.·.·.·.·.1····.·... ....................... ........... ............. ... ..................... ......................... ................................................ ................................................. ................................................ .................................................. ........................ ........... .............. ................................................. ................................................... ··..·...··...·..·...·.......·;1.··.........·.·.·...·................._......... ................................................ ................................................ 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CUI.... 1SO'M11am8 Street County of K8m . ~ C.ufomIa B4 NO N EAST ND FIGURE 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B B1 B2 B' WEST EAST - 10 -20 - 30 -40 -10 AEC HYDROCNI8ON PWfIE l' - 10' ~ UNEXPLAtIABLE IftDROCNØ)NS ADVAM::EÐ ENVIIIONIIEIITA ctJNCI!FrB P.o. BOX «JIJ1R IWŒRSFIELD, C41SS1U · Cross Section B - B' · LewIa Clblneta 880 Wlllaml Street County at Kern . BIk8rBßeId, C8IIfomla FIGURE e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It - Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. . Appendix B· LABORATORY REPORTS I CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY DOCUMENTATION o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400ASHEROAD,#2060 BAKERSFIELD,CA93313 805/831-16460 FAX 805/831.-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 10M e e ASSOCIATED LABORAIORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668· 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO, G75137-01 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 81-15' 81-25' 81-20' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 435 14,300 3,380 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 1.0 1,010 11 Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) 0.4 220 20 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 2.6 1,320 430 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 A ESB/ql BOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 1 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical. Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1'1 e e ASSOCIATED lABORATORIES 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 - 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO, G75137-02 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 81-30' 81-35' 81-40' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 1,060 ND< 5 ND< 5 Benzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Toluene (mg/kg) 22 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) 9.2 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 85 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 A by: ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 2 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. 10M II I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 e ,ASSOCIATED lABORAIDRIES 806 Nortb Batavia - Orange, California 9Z668 -714/771-6900 CLIENT Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 SAMPLE soil IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 81-45' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH'DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 65 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 0.06 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 0.2 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 by: '- ESB/ql e FAX 714/538-1Z09 LAB NO, G75137-03 REPORTED 07/25/94 RECEIVED 07/19/94 81-50' 82-15' ND< 5 44 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 2.8 ND< 0.005 0.7 ND< 0.015 6.2 NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 3 of 6 The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission. This is for the mutual protection of the public, our Clients, and ourselves. 10M TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED lABORA1ORIES 806 NortlJ Batavia· Orange, California 9Z668· 714/771·6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1Z09 Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 G75137-04 Concept LAB NO, REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 82-25' 82-35' 82-40' ND< 5 ND< 5 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline 720 Benzene (mg/kg) Toluene (mg/kg) Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 2.0 0.8 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) 20 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 4 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or In full without our written I permission. This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. 110M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1-1 e e ASSOCIATED lABORAIDRÆS 806 North Batavia - Orange, California 92668 - 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538-1209 Advanced Environmental Concept Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 LAB NO, G75137-05 REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE soil RECEIVED 07/19/94 IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE B3-20' B3-25' B3-30' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline ND< 5 ND< 5 ND< 5 Benzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Toluene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Ethylbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date AnalY7,ed: 07/21 5: 07/22./94 vice Jr RIES, by: ESB/ql NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 5 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication In part or In full without our written permission, This Is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. 10M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e ASSOCIATED lABORA1ORIES 806 Nortb Batavia· Orange, California 92668· 714/771-6900 CLIENT FAX 714/538·1209 Advanced Environmental Attn: Jon Buck 4400 Ashe Road suite #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 G75137-06 Concept LAB NO, REPORTED 07/25/94 SAMPLE RECEIVED 07/19/94 soil IDENTIFICATION Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams st., Bakersfield As Submitted BASED ON SAMPLE 83-35' 84-25' 84-30' Total Hydrocarbons (TPH DHS) (mg/kg) -Gasoline ND< 5 ND< 5 ND< 5 Benzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Toluene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Ethrlbenzene (mg/kg) ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 ND< 0.005 Total Xylenes (8020) (mg/kg) ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 ND< 0.015 Date Analyzed: 07/21 & 07/22/94 ESB/gI NOTE: Unless notified in writing, all samples will be discarded by appropriate disposal protocol 30 days from date reported. Page 6 of 6 TESTING & CONSULTING Chemical· Microbiological . Environmental . The reports of the Associated Laboratories are confidential property of our clients and may not be reproduced or used for publication in part or In full without our written I I permission. This is for the mutual protection of the public, our clients, and ourselves. I C-1 10M I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e AiYXJA7EDIAlKJRA~ . a:IIttILllfBVJ':IV QlMlJ.l'1' . QUALITY CONTROL ¡QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT 075137 QNQC CONTROL NO. 075137-16 INSTRUMENfLOGBOOK Hyd 1-7 I.L.B. PAOELOCATION 73 DATE 075137-16 ANALYZED Ju1221994 DATE 075137 ANALYZED Ju1221994 SAMPLELOGPAOELOCATION 15 GASOLINE o o o .f 4.4 _tKJ Ilß EPA 8015MID.H.S. L.U.F.T. REPORTINOUNITS mglkg CVMPOlfND SR SRI RPD SA. SSR SAMPLEMA1RIX soil SSRI %RE %RE1 RPD ..................... ..................... ....................,..................... ::;:::::::::;:::::;:;:::::;:::::;:;:;:;:;: :::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::;::;::: ...'...................................... .......................................... .......................................'.. .......................................... ..........,............................... .................,.., ..................... ........"........... ..................... ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;::::::::::::: :::::::::::::~::;:::::;:;:::::::::::::::; :~:~:~:~:~:~:f~;~:~:~:~r:~:r~:~:~ ~:f)~:~r:~:~:~:~;~:~:j:~:~:i:~:~: :~:¡:¡:;:;:::~:~r:~r:~:~:~:¡:~:r~ ~¡¡¡~¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡\¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡j¡¡¡¡¡¡¡[¡¡~ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡~¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡I¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡i¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡t¡¡¡¡ ::,,:,:I<II::::",:!,11:11:1:11:1::;,,:::::,:,::::,,':,::::"':"I::::::,:!I!ii"i,ii:::1,:::1111:11:!!1:1:1i::I!::::i!!!i:!1!:1'::::::I:::I!!!!!::!::!::!!!:ii::!!:!::li,'!:!::!!i::::i!::i!:!i!!li!ill:i::ii:i!i:::!:::!:i:l:i,::i!::::::::,!::i::,::!:i:i, ..................... ..................... ..................... ~~~~ft~~~~~~~r~~~~;~~¡¡~~~~;~i~ii ~~~~¡~¡~¡~~~¡~~tti¡t~¡~¡~¡¡¡~~~i~ t~~~~~~~~~~~¡¡¡¡¡¡;;~~¡~~~~~i~~~~~¡¡~~¡ ................,.... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ..................... ...................., ..................... ..................... ::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::: ::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...................., ..................... ..................... :!:::,:,:::::1iiili:i:i:i:i:iiii:::'!:iiU:::iii'iiili:i'iii~::i::i:i:i:i:i:i:iH!:i::::::i::i:i:ii:i::i:ii¡:iil:ii~'U:i:::i::ii:,i:,::ii:~ii:i:i:i:i:i'i:::!::::::::!i::::::::::i::::i:I::::i::':ii:U:il:ii:::i,::!:i:!':i::!::i:::,:i:::::":::::':i¡:::::I::!:i:,::I::i::::::::::,:: A WR40E 10 jV Ilß SR---- SAMPLE ~~~ 0 SR1--- SAMPLE DUPLICATE RPD- RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE S.A.---- ANALYTE SPIKE IN SAMPLE MATRIX SSR---- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR' SSR1---- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SRi' %RE---- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN'SR' %RE1-- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SR1' BLK----- ANALYTE CONCENTRATION DETECTED IN LAB BLANK 99%---- UPPER/LOWER CONTROL LIMIT 95%----- UPPER/LOWER WARNING LIMIT 8------- STANDARD DEVIATION 28------ 2:11: STANDARD DEVIATION (WARNING LIMIT) 38------ 3:11: STANDARD DEVIATION (CONTROL LIMIT) MEAN-- TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF SPIKE RECOVERY PASS ¡ NO PAS SURROGATE SPIKE DATE BENZENYL FLUORIDE SPIKE CONCENTRATION OF WITH A RECOVERY OF BENZENYL FLUORIDE RECOVERY LIMITS OF TO J ul 23 1994 ACI10NTAKEN SPIKE SOURCE Texaco R STANDARD LOT NO. ANALYST Danielle Luian QA ¡ QC COMPILER I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e AWLTA7EDIALVRA~ 'aMDMNJ'1t) QlWJI'Y . QNQC CONTROL NO. G15131-16 QUALITY CONTROL ¡QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT G15131 DATE G15131-16 ANALYZED Ju1221994 DATE G15131 ANALYZED J ul 221994 INSTRUMENTLOGBOOK Hyd 1-1 I.L.B. PAGELOCAl1ON 13 SAMPLE LOG PAGELOCAl1ON 15 COMPOlfND SR REPORTING UNrn mglkg SRI RPD SA. SSR SSRI SAMPŒMAlRIX soil %RE %REI RPD BLK 84 _!¥ 7 0 BBV2ENE o o EP A 8020 o 0.05 0.042 0.048 EIHJZBBV2EVE Xl'LENES o o o o 0.05 o.l.f 0.0.18 0. 046 76' 0.14.1 0.162 .9.f .92 108 If) 1.1 o o o o 186 AWRNJE MA1RIX SPIKE RFroVERY CHART 39 ~ 29 95% MEAN 29 95% 39 ~ MEAN = x= 9 = 0= PASS I NO PAS ACI10NTAKEN SPIKE SOURCE Chem Service , ' ............'............................. .......................................... ..................... ..................... .....,............... ..................... ......,.............. ..................... ..................... ..................... ~:~:~:~:~:~:}~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~;~: :~;~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:}~:~:~:~:~ ;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:::;:;:;:;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::; IfKJ SR--- SAMPLE SR1---- SAMPLE DUPLICATE RPD- RELATIVE PERCENT DIFFERENCE S.A.---- ANAL YTE SPIKE IN SAMPLE MATRIX SSR---- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE'SR' SSR1--- SPIKE RECOVERED AND SAMPLE 'SR1' %RE-- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN'SR' %RE1-- PERCENT RECOVERY OF SPIKE IN 'SRi' BLK---- ANALYTE CONCENTRATION DETECTED IN LAB BLANK 99%m-- UPPER/LOWER CONTROL LIMIT 95%---- UPPER/LOWER WARNING LIMIT 9--m-- STANDARD DEVIATION 29--m- 2 x STANDARD DEVIATION (WARNING LIMIT) 39-m-- 3 x STANDARD DEVIATION (CONTROL LIMIT) MEAN-- TIME WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF SPIKE RECOVERY SURROGATE SPIIŒDATE BENZENYL FLUORIDE SPIKE CONCENTRATION OF 150 DJ WITH A RECOVERY OF 74 % BENZENYL FLUORIDE RECOVERY LIMITS 0F70 % TO 150 % J ul 23 1994 STANDARD LOT NO. ANALYST Danielle Luian QA ¡ QC COMPILER - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD Turn Around Requested: ~ s..... 10-1: ~ a. E .aE:::I ~~z \ TIt/Vk:. ¡;;f r ,ce""kf' I"\~ I \\ . ,~ '~ . ..z.p , 't \1 " ,- '}v~ /... 30' ~ 'I 'r , , ' . 'I ..~5 V) " \ "f ~\ '( 1- L( b ~ f \I 'I L( 8/- ~ .f' 'I 1\ ~ .. 50 ~-,~/ ,() I /VoY'.,t.. T¡lJNk p;:I I l\. 1\ 1\ ß)..-]..fJ \( Il Analysis Requested LAB Project II / of '7 Page Lab Use Only. Sample Condition as received: . .... GI C ~ o CJ - o ....' .8 E :::I Z Chilled Yes I No Sealed Yes I No , , Container I Comments ' , 1 Total Number of ContaIners Date Date /:::L -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- / oc.. e Received by Laboratory: (Signature) . @) Relinquished by: (Signature) Company: lime Company: 805/831-1648 FAX 805/831-1771 lime 4400 ASHE ROAD 1206 BAKERSFlao. CA93313 ------------------- 'CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY RECORD CII Analysis Requested LAB Project # Page 2- of ? ~ S4)~ I! ã...8 o E E .aaa::J .=Jenz iß =~ 00 en 4) ::J ~c¥' . ( ~::f J !¡~ E"O aa': en en ~ ~ ~ . ~ C/I c B c o o - o ~ C/I .a E ::J Z Lab Use Only. Sample Condition as received: Turn Around Requested: o 24-Hot.r-Rush 9?Hot.r-Rush ~ Normal o Mobile Lab Chilled Yes I No Sealed Yes I No Container / Comment~ B2... 35 ' I l { It ~.. '1.0 A ß3....2tJ ~C/ ë 4'5 .j.- T~k.. f'f.- . , I l I} 83~7$ H &( , I B3- 3° I ' . IL '\ \ i l II I l ..' I( ·l I l 1\ ) J - ~ - ")..51 3D t NOl't Å~SJ- l~i 'l I 1 It "\ r\ l by: (Sig~,e( .. Total Number of Containers @) Relinquished by: (Signature) Company: . Time Company: Time /:::L -ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- " Date 8051831·1646 FAX 805/831-1771 4400 ASHE ROAD 1208 BAKERSFIELD. CA93313 II e . Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. II I I I I I I "Appendix C" I I BORING LOGS I I I I I I I I I . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 I' I I ,I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I II I WELL DETAIL DEPtH II ~ t'Ht LOa DESæIPI10N & o GRAB 811 Sl.1YSAND ~ 1It_.. fn.~.......... 4ft..... maW, ..... 10 +2100 . 11 15 SP POORLY GRADED SAM) (sp): Y" 8m, fIHnId..... ~...., medUn --. hDIIIo, IIIDIII,... odor, 1-10% ttt. 1& +2IlOO 12 22 80 1M waL8RADEÐ SAND (SW): UYII!"'" -~.......1tR, maIat, hamo,... pICrOIMIn.... 20 +JI!IDO 12 22 80 SIIJML SILlY 8AN~DY8ILT (s1IIU~ U~ bin -I'" bin, 10 % ..... Fn - ...... no .....- no dIy...... Shng odor. -25 +2100 14 18 21 8UJII- SAME AS N!I:NE MLJa. SlLT/lEAN aAY (MI..IC4: 0IY8 pH)Ine 11m, low .....løwciy aIrgIh, 5% cse.-..... homo, ÃQ pICnII odar. 30 +2&00 10 18 .aD AEC ADVANCED BMRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 4IJfJ7l BlJŒRSR CA «JSIJ4 PROJECT LewIs CebIneIs LDCATION WEI.L BORING NO. B-1 SURFACE B.EVATION ~TE DRUED 7/18184 I.ÞaGED r1t. J. DwIwoocIy' DRIWHO COMPAHV S B & S DrIIhI c:an..nv DRII.I..ER V-.n 8Ira METHOD HOI.JDN 81EM AUGER BORE HOLE DIAMETER 81NOH TOTAL DEPTH 10' DEPTH TO WATER: INITIAL MIA CASING TYPE DIAMETER SCHEDULE INTERVAL MIA SCREEN TYPE DWEŒR SLDr SIZE INTERVÞ.I N/A FLTERPACI(1YPE INTERVAl NlA SURFACE SEAL TYPE 0ImIrIt.-t IIu1yCMl' benlDr*- INTERVAL NlA NOlES WEll/BORING LOG 1af2 I WB.L DEPTH PIC us.cs.. ~c DESœPI10N DETAIL (ppm) LOO I I 85 1.., sa WELL GRADED UN) ~: 11m, tn-......... .. INI I ... ~..................... . I I 40 ICIO 31 .. SlL1Y SANDI8AYTf SILT (8UIU~~"'1Im -ttaløllm, &0" &1 SWIlL .... Fb - ... rID pIaIIc:. no dry 8Inq odIIr. I I 4Ii II 28 ML,Q. ~ a.A~ 0IV8 gmdInellm, Iøw~ løwdry sa &16... ..... hamo, ... .... . ... I I 60 40 . 48 CL Lean Clay (C4: yell bm. firm. hard. low plude. no 60 dilatancy. 10% tinea. no odor. mollt. I I 55 I I 80 I I I 85 I AEC ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL OONCEPTS WELl/BORING LOG 2012 p.o. BOX 40872 8AIŒRSFIEl.D, C4 9S8U I PROJECr LøwIt CabNtB LOCATION 830 WIIemI SInNII, Bdk..4Wd, CeIfanM WEI.1 BORINQ NO. B-1 ·' , .. WB1. DETAIL DEPTH ·'$CS Lœ Lþ.œac DESCRIP110N II : I I I I I I I I I :1 :1 I I II I I I I I I & o GRAB 811 ILlY SAND (SII): m_1Im" fit. ~ I1nL IK..... 4K.... maIIt, no..... 10 &0 . 11 15 SP POORLY GRADED SAM) lSP): Y" 8m, fIHned",. ............1wcI, medUn.......... ~.. odDr. 1-10% lIMe 1& 200 12 22 au 1M WBJ.GRADED SAND (SW): UY'IIIIm" fn - CN --. ~ moist. ....... pIIrIIIun acJar. 20 11500 11 22 30 SUJUL SILTY BANDtSANDY SILT (SUJU~ U~ bin -.... bm,lIO " .... Fn . Med. no pIaIIIo. no ðIy....... Shng odor. - 25 +2100 14 18 21 8UJMI. SAME AS N!JDIE ML Œ. 8ILTJI,EAN aAY (IA.,Q,): 0Iv8 GI'ft"OIne bin, 1ow....1Dw cty 1Irgth, 5" ~ __ maIsI hamo, Ihng pIInIIodar. ' 30 100 10 18 .au WEu.¡BORING LOG 1012 AEC ADVANCED BNlRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 4IJIJ1R IWŒRSR CA ØIU PROJECT I.8wIs CIIbInet:s IDCATION WEUJDORING NO. B-2 SURFACE ElEVATION WBJ.JiEAD ELEVA110N DATE DRIl.ED 7f1111M IDC'aGED BY J. DwMocIy REVIEWED BY IDRIWNG COMPNlY 8 B &.8 DIaIV CanmmI DAII.1.ER v.,.~ METHOD HOUDN STEM AUGER BORE HOLE DIAMETER 8 INCH TOTAL DEPTH 40' DEPTH TO WAlEFt ~111AL NlA CASING 1VPE DIAMETER SCHEDULE INTERVAL NlA SCREEN 1YPE DWE1ER SLOr SIZE INTERVÞ.I ~ FLTERPACK1YPE INTERVN ~ SURFADE SEAL 1YPE 0emInI: .-IIImyCMl' bellIIariItB INTERVAL NIA NO'ÆS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ¡I I I I WBJ.. DETAIL DEPTH as 40 46 50 55 eo 85 PlD (ppm) o 38 .us .. o 31 . 11 AEC ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS p.a BOX 40172 BAIŒR$FIEI.D, C4 9SS84 PROJECT LIIWII CabMI8 uses.. LOO - .... ~DESCRIPT1ON WBJ.GRADED 8AN) (8W): UYIII! 1111\ tn-_......... ........... .-.q ___ odar. SILlY 8AN~ SILT (llllM1.J: u~ 1m -It.. 11m. ID" .... Fn -lied, no pIado. no *'.trgth. 8Inq". WELL/BORING LOG 2012 LOCATION 830 WID8ma Sbwt, B8kInIIeId, C8Ifaria WEUJBORINQ NO. B-2 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I J WB.L DETAIL DESCRIP110N u.s.c.s. LOO DEPTH cœ.) - 5 GRAB o 8M aLlY SAND lSU): Dt)'llllm, ,. 0Ie,..... ....... 4OK..... ~no"'. - 10 o SP . . 11 POORLY GRADED SAN) lSP): Vel Bm. 6Hned...... ............. ..... mdm..... hDmD, moIIt,... CIdDr. 1-10% ... -1& 02 18 28 sw WEU. QfW)B) SAND (SW): U yell 11m, I'll - ae S lAIInId, ..... moist, homo. ... peCI'OIeùn odar. ! o - 20 SILlY 8AN~DV SILT (sUIM~ U~ bin -.... bm. 80 % .... FIt . Med. no..... no.,..... Shng odor. 2D 12 æ 30 SUlML - 25 14 18 21 8MJUL SAME AS APDIE 110 - 30 SlLTjLEAN ClAY (MI./OIJ: 0Ivearn-aßn8 brn.1øw pIaIIc, løwdly ....... 616 os......... màIIt homo, ... pIInII odar. o 22 S5 18 ML,Q. AEC NNANCEDENVIRONMÐlTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40IIlR BAKERSFIELD, G4 tI3SI14 PROJECT L8WIs CIIbIneœ LDCATION WELI./BORING NO. B-3 SURFACE ElEVATION WELLHEAD ELEVATION 'A DATE DRUED 7118194 LOGGED ~ J. Dw1wucIcIy REVIEWED fN DRIWNG COMPANY S B a. S DrIIDna Company DRII.læ Vøm 8mII'I METHOD HOLlOW S1EM AUGER BORE HOLE DIAMETER llNOH TOTALDEPni 95' DEPTHTOWATBt INmAL NlA STATIC CASING TYPE DIAMETER SCHEDULE INTERVAL HlA SCREEN TYPE DIAMETER 8L01'SIZE INTERVÞl NIA FLTERPACKTYPE tnERVAI NlA SURFACE SEAL TYPE C8m1rt.-cl tltl'lyCMl' benIor.It8 INTERVAL ~ NOJES WELL/BORING LOG 1af2 !I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I !I II I I waL DETAR. DEPn4 3& 40 4& 50 55 80 85 PlD (ppm) 1100 . .. 41 AEC ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS p.a BOX 4OS72 BAIŒRSFIEI.D, CA 9S884 PROJECT lewis CabIneIB u..s.c s. LOO sw .,. rwc DESæIP110N WB.L GRADED fWI) ~ U}tlll1Im, In -............. n-....... ~ ""--odor. WELLJBORING LOG 2a12 LOCATION 830WIIIIImI SbwI, BIIkIIdeld, CdfamIa WELLIBORINa NO. B-3 WB.L DETAIL DEPnt U$CS LOa a.þ.œac DESœIPI10N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6 o GRAB 8M ILlY SAND (811): œJIIIIIm ~ c.. ........... 405.... maW, ....... 10 31 12 12 12 SP POORLY GRADED SANJ (sp): Vel 8m. ffHned...... ~...... medUn.... homo, moIIt.... CIdDr,I-10% .. 16 21 1$ 28 83 sw waLGRADED SAND tsW): U yellIIm fit - cu....... hn, moist, hamI,..........,..... 20 o 28 22 81 SIIIML SILlY SAN~DV SILT (SIIIML): U~ bin -. at.. bin. 10 % .... Fn -IW, no pIaIIIo, no*,!....... a.q adar. - 25 o 14 21 <42 8NIML SAMENJ N!IDIE ML (1 SlLTJLEAN a.AY~: 0It\I8 gm-dIne 11m, low platll:.1ow tty atrgth, 5% c:se gAhcI, maI8t homo, 8hng peCnII odar. 30 o 28 . 82 weu.¡BORING LOG 1012 AEC ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 4IJB7R 8AKERSR CA f3S84 PROJECT ..... CebInets LOOATION WEL1JBORINØ NO. B-4 SURFACE ElEVATION WELLHEAD ELEVATION MTE DRUED 7119 94 LDGGED W. J. Dœwoody REVIEWED BY DRIWNQ COMPANY S B" S DrIIIInU CamDanv DAIu.æ Vem SmMI MEnfOD HOUDN STEM AUGER BOAEHOLEDlAMETER llNOH TOTALDEPlIt 30' DEPlItTOWATER: INmAL NfA STATIC CASINO TYPE DIAMETER SCHEDULE MERVAL HlA SCREEN TYPE DIAMETER SLOT 8I2E INTERVÞ.I HlA FLTERPACKlYÆ IN'ŒRVþI NlA SURFACE SEAL TYPE Cement.-,d IIuny CMI' benaiIIø INTERVAL ~ NOlES WELL DErAIL DEPTH u.s.c.s. Lœ ~~IION 6 o GRAB 811 ILlY SAND ØQ: mJII _ fIt.......... 1ft..... 4Ø.... ... ....... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 10 . 12 11 12 SP POORLY GRADED IN«) (Sp): Y" 1m, frHnId__. ............. twd, .......... --. ...... ...... dDng odDr, 1-1n awe 18 . 1$ 21 sa IJNi WELL8RADEDSAND(SW): u__ tn-CN__ hR, maIIt, .... .............. adar. 20 o 28 22 11 SIIIML SILlY SANDt8ANDY SILT tllIIM~ U~ bin -. at... 11m, 10 % ..... Fn -...... no..... no*"........ odar. - 25 II) 14 2J t12 8IIJIA.. SAlEM N!JDIE MI./Cl 8ILT/I.EAN aAY (Ia.Q.): 0IIv8 pdM 11m, law..... ciy ågth, 5%.. __ .... harno. ahng PIInII odar. so 1D 28 . 82 WELL/BORING LOG 1of1 AEC ADVANCEDÐNlRONMÐlTAL CONCEPTS P.O. BOX 40tJlR CA,.,.. PROJECT LøwII c.bIneCa LOCATION VVELIJBORING NO. -B-4 SURFACE El.£VA11ON DATE DRl.LED 711_ LOQGED fit J. DWIwIDody DRIWNG ~Nff S B a.S er-.. ean..rcy DRIUBI v.n.... METHOD HOUDN STEM AUC'iæ BORE HOLE DIAMETER 8INOH TOTALDEP11i 80' DEPlHTOWATER INmAL MfA CASINQ 1YPE DIAMETER SCHEDULE IN'IERVAL MfA SCREEN TYPE DIAIETER 8LD1'SIZE INTERVAL NIA Fl.TER PACK TYPE IN'IERVAI NlA' SURFACE SEAL TYPE 0ømerII:"'1b1y CMI' bRDnII8 INTERVAL NIA. NOÆ8 · e I I I II II I I I I I I I I I I I I I II o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD. CA 93313 0 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 e 'i' 1 e D','.',',LJ',,',',',,'.'·,;,·, ~, ' , , -ADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- 0"'.'.,: LY June 15, 1994 Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 d ~<&~ V~ ~~ ~> <? () © ,.~ ~ '</ ¡. :Y!i' . <'.It- Regarding: Site Assessment Workplan Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams Street Bakersfield, California Dear Mr, Wines: Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEC) has prepared the Site Assessment Workplan for the above referenced project/location. Enclosed please find that report which AEC is submitting for review. Should you have any questions or require clarification on any aspects of the enclosed, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (805) 831-1646. Respectfully yours, Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. ~ eb' Irwin Project Coordinator / Office Administrator Attachments: Report (1) Distribution: 1/ Addressee - REG MAIL 1/ Ms. Carol Kincheloe 1/ Bksfld Fi Ie LETR34DE . ENVIRONMENTAI..-.roNCEP:r:s WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 I I 1 I, I ,I I I II I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I .tV~ .- " -o::L II! ADV ANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INC- ff -- . -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I e e tirL I~ aADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS INCa / Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. is pleased to present the following: Site Assessment Workplan for Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams street County of Kern . Bakersfield, California This report has been prepared for: Ms. Carol Kincheloe o ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND 0 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 0 BAKERSFIELD"CA 93313 805/831-1646 0 FAX 805/831-1771 May 1994 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplen Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Table of Contents Pace 1;0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Scope of Work 1 1.3 Schedule 1 2.0 BACKGROUND 2 3.0 WORKPLAN 2 3.1 Boring Locations and Depths 2 4.0 METHODS 3 4.1 Boring Methods 3 4.2 Soil Sampling 3 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples 3 4.4 Soli Analysis 4 5.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN 4 6.0 REMARKS/SIGNATURES 5 Appendix: A) Project Maps/Figures B) Health and Safety Plan Project: Af.C 94C-1447 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646' FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Ms. Carol Kincheloe has authorized Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. (AEe) to prepare this site assessment workplan for three soli borings at the Lewis Cabinets manufacturing facility. The site is located at 630 WIlliams street, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The regulatory contact for this project Is Mr. Ralph Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator, Bakersfield City Fire Department (City). Specific locations of the proposed borings are shown on the site map (Figure 2). 1.1 Purpose The soil boring program described in this workplan has the following objective: . Evaluate the extent of hydrocarbon Impacted soil originating from one removed 500-gallon gasoline underground storage tank (UST). 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of services described In this workplan are summarized below for clarification purposes. Detailed Investigative methods are presented in section 4.0 of this report: 1. Locating underground utilities using Client records and Underground Service Alert (USA); 2. Drilling three exploratory soli borings to evaluate the vertical and lateral extent of the hydrocarbon plume; 3. Collecting soil samples at 5·foot Intervals using a split spoon sampler lined with clean brass sleeves. The soli samples will be field screened using a Photolonlzatlon Detector (PID) equipped with a 10.6 eV lamp; 4. Analyzing selected soil samples for appropriate parameters by a State Certified Laboratory; 5. Preparing soil boring logs according to the United Solis Classification System (USCS); 6. Preparing a final report detailing the results of the soli Investigation which will Include drilling methods, analytical results, extent of hydrocarbon Impacted soil, conclusions, and recommendations. 1.3 Schedule Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. anticipates beglnni~ services described In this workplan within one (1) week upon approval by the~ and authorization to proceed from Lewis Cabinets. Drilling will commence only after applicable permits have been obtained. The soli borings should be completed within one day of mobilization on the site. Project: AEC 94C-1447 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. A final report will be prepared summarizing all field operations and laboratory results. The report will be provided within 30-days of completion of the field work. 2.0 BACKGROUND On December 29,1992 Wegener Construction supervised the excavation, removal and disposal of one SOO-gallon gasoline UST from the subject site (Figure 2). Strong gasoline odors were noted In the soil during excavation procedures. The analytical results of soil samples collected from below the removed UST are summarized In the following table. Units are In micrograms per gram (µg/g) which are equivalent to parts per million (ppm). Sample I.D. TPH-g Benzene Toluene Xylenes Ethylbenzene 1 (2' UST) 920 0.1 7.8 181 8.1 2 (6' UST) 3200 1.3 52 710 40 3 (2' Dlsp) ND 0.007 ND ND ND 4 (6' Dlsp) ND ND ND ND ND Detection limit: 1.0 0.005 0,005 0.005 0.005 ND: Non-detected TPH-g: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline The City submitted a letter to Lewis Cabinets informing the addressee that a site assessment evaluating the extent of Impacted soli was required. 3.0 WORKPLAN Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. proposes three soli borings to establish the vertical and horizontal extent of hydrocarbon migration In the vicinity of the former gasoline underground storage tank. 3.1 Boring locations and Depths Af:.C plans to advance three borings at the locations shown In Figure 2. Boring B-1 will be drilled through the center of the UST excavation to an estimated depth of 40-feet In order to assess the vertical extent of hydrocarbon migration. Borings B-2 and B-3 will be positioned at staggered distances from B-1 to assess the lateral extent of gasoline Impacted soil. Because of the permeable lithology of the subsurface solis, AEC Is anticipating relatively minor lateral dispersion. Boring B-1 will be terminated when three consecutive five (5) foot samples Indicate non-detectable (ND) PID readings. Borings B-2 and B-3 will be advanced to approximately 30-feet. although actual depths will depend on field screening data at the site. Project: f.K; 94C-1447 2 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831·1771 I I I I I I I I I I œ II i I ,I ~ I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 4.0 METHODS The methods to be employed during Implementation of the above scope of work are described in the following sections. 4.1 Boring Methods The borings will be advanced using a Mobile B-61 Drill Rig, with an 8-lnch diameter, continuous flight auger In accordance with ASTM Method D 1452-80 for soli Investigations and sampling by auger borings. At no time shall any water or other liquid be added to the boring. The augers will be steam cleaned prior to drilling the borings. The lithology and other pertinent data will be recorded on a field boring log in accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 for visual description and Identification of solis. cuttings from the borings will be placed on sheets of plastic and covered until verified, with analytical results. whether or not the soli is contaminated. If the m~1 is contaminated, a written plan will be submitted by the facility operator to the ~ for their approval before treatment and/or disposal occurs. Disposal will be the responsibility of the facility operator and occur within 90-days of completion of drilling. 4.2 Soil Sampling Soil samples will be collected through the auger In 2-lnch diameter by 6-lnch long brass sleeves driven In a split spoon sampler by a 140-pound hammer with a 30-lnch drop In accordance with ASTM Methods D 1586-84 for split-barrel sampling of soli and D 1587-83 for thin-wailed tube sampling of soils. The brass sleeves and sampler will be washed In an Alconox solution and double rinsed in clean de-ionized water prior to each use. Soil samples will be driven at five (5) foot intervals In each boring In order to provide baseline data and confirm prior laboratory results. The total depth of B-1 will extend to 10- feet below the last detected Indication of contamination. The blow counts. recovery, and lithology will be recorded on the field logs. Lithology will be described In accordance with ASTM Method D 2488-84 (Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Solis). Selected soil samples will be sealed with teflon tape. capped. sealed with duct tape. and labeled In accordance with EPA protocols. The samples will be recorded on a Chaln-of- Custody document. placed In a cooler with frozen blue Ice, and transported to a California Certified Laboratory with Chain-of-Custody documentation. 4.3 Field Screening of Soil Samples Soli samples will be collected using three (3) 2 x 6-lnch brass tubes Installed inside a split- spoon sampler. The middle sample tube will be immediately capped, sealed, labelled. and stored in an ice chest containing blue ice. The bottom tube will be used for lithologic description. and the top tube will be used for field screening. A headspace reading using the PID will be collected and documented on the boring log. Project: AEC 94C-1447 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I I I I I I I , œ m œ I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. 4.4 Soli Analyses The soil samples will be analyzed by BC Laboratory, Inc. In Bakersfield, a California Certified Laboratory with state guidelines and EPA protocols. The samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPH-g) by CA DHS methods (purge and trap) and volatile aromatic organics (BTXE) by EPA method 8020. All five (5) foot interval soil samples will be analyzed from the vertical definition boring, B-1. Soil samples from the two (2) lateral borings, B-2 and B-3, will be analyzed at staggered ten (10) foot Intervals (i.e. B-2 at 5 and 15-feet, B-3 at 10 and 20-feet). The bottom two (2) samples in each boring will be analyzed to confirm the base of the hydrocarbon plume. 5.0 SITE SAFETY PLAN Appendix B contains a Site Safety Plan which complies with Worker Right to Know Regulations and 29 CFR 1910.120. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Project: Af.C 94C-1447 4 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831.1771 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e Site Assessment Workplan 6.0 REMARKS/SIGNATURES e Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. This workplan represents the professional opinions of Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. These opinions are based on currently available data and were arrived at In accordance with accepted hydrogeologic and environmental engineering practices. No other warranty, expressed or Implied, Is given. This workplan has been prepared by: Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. NN~NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN This workplan has been technically reviewed by: DOC16DT Project: Me 94C-1447 5 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD. #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 ------ II e e Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. I I I I I I I . Appendix A- I I PROJECT MAPS I FIGURES I I I I I I I I I . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, *206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831·1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 I e e I Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. I I I I I I I . Appendix B- I I HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN I I I I I I I, I 1 . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND . 4400 ASHE ROAD, .206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 805/831-1646 . FAX 805/831-1771 I I I I, 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepfs, Inc. Health & Safety Plan for Lewis Cabinets 630 Williams street County of Kern _ Bakersfield, California Introduction A Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been designed to address safety provisions needed during the site soli assessmentlremediation. It's purpose is to provide established procedures to protect all on-site personnel from direct skin contact inhalation, or Ingestion of potentially hazardous materials that may be encountered at the site. The SSP establishes personnel responsibilities, personal protective equipment standards, decontamination procedures and emergency action plans. Advanced Environmental Concepfs, Inc. seeks to enter the property described above for the purpose of conducting a site assessment consisting of hollow-stem augerlng and soli sampling, to remove hydrocarbon impacted soil. Undisturbed soil samples will be collected to assess the extent of hydrocarbon Impacted soli at the subject site. Each sample to be chemically analyzed will be collected In a brass sleeve, capped with lined plastic lids, sealed with tape, and immediately stored In a cooler with frozen blue Ice immediately. All Chain-of-Custody protocol will be followed. Drilling equipment will be brought to the site and operated by: S Band S Drilling Company 3022 West Santa Ana Fresno, California 93722 Contractor's License # C57-560175 This SSP describes means for protecting all on-site personnel from deleterious contamination of personal Injury while conducting on-site activities. As described below, we will strive to meet all requirements promulgated by the California Department of Health Services. Responsibilities of Key Personnel: All personnel on-site will have assigned responsibilities. Mr. Jonathan L. Buck will serve as Project Manager and on-site geologist. He will also serve as Site Safety Officer (SSO). As SSO, Mr. Buck will assure that on-site personnel have received a copy of the SSP. Personnel will be required to document their full understanding of the SSP before admission to the site. Compliance with the SSP will be monitored at all times by the SSO. Appropriate personal protective equipment listed below, will be available and utilized by all on-site personnel. Prior to beginning work, the SSO will conduct a training session to assure that all are aware of safe work practices. In the training session, personnel will be made aware of hazards at the site. Project: Af.C 94C-1447 1 I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts, Inc. Mr. Buck will also be responsible for keeping field notes, collecting and securing samples and assuring sample integrity by adherence to Chain-of-Custody protocol. All on-site employees will take reasonable precautions to avoid unforeseen hazards. After documenting their understanding of the SSP, each on-site employee will be responsible for strict adherence to all points contained herein. Any deviation observed will be reported to the SSO and corrected. On-site employees are held responsible to perform only those tasks for which they believe they are qualified. Provisions of this SSP are mandatory and personnel associated with on-site activities will adhere strictly hereto. Job Hazard Analvses: Hazards likely to be encountered on-site Include those commonly encountered when operating any mechanical equipment. such as the danger of failing objects or moving machinery. Simple precautions will reduce or eliminate risks associated with operating such equipment. A drilling contractor has been employed to deliver and operate all drilling equipment. Qualified personnel only will have any contact with this equipment. All on-site personnel, Including the excavation contractor and his employees, are required to wear hard hats when In close proximity to excavating equipment. Latex sampling gloves will be worn by persons collecting or handling samples to prevent exposure to contaminants. Gloves will be changed between samples and used ones discarded, to avoid cross-contamination. Proper respiratory equipment will be worn if vapor contamination levels on-site exceed action levels as determined using a Photoionlzatlon Detector (PID). Action levels requiring respiratory apparatus will be 10-ppm above background level, in the breathing zone. Furthermore, no on-site smoking, open flame or sparks will be permitted In order to prevent accidental Ignition. Risk Assessment SUmmary: Exposure to chemicals anticipated on-site Include gasoline, diesel, and benzene, toluene, and xylene (BTX). These chemicals represent a hazard because they are moderately to extremely toxic and most are highly flammable. Threshold Limit Values (TL V's), Short Term Exposure Limits (STEL's) and Toxicity levels (LD50, oral-rat), all In mg/kg (ppm), are listed below: CompOund TLV STEL Gasoline 200 300 Diesel 50 75 Benzene 10 25 Toluene 100 150 Xylene 100 150 T oxlcitv 4894 5000 4300 Benzene is considered an extreme cancer hazard. Project: AEC 94C-1447 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Exposure Monitorlna Plan: A PID will be used to monitor vapor concentrations around the site. Should concentrations exceed TLV's, protective measures will be taken. Passive dosimeter badges will be placed in downwind locations If PID readings Indicate high levels of volatile organics In the breathing space. Personal Protective Eauipment: Personnel on-site will have access to respirators with organic vapor cartridges. Replacement cartridges will be available on-site as needed. When handling samples, the on-site Geologist will wear latex gloves. Hard hats will be worn by all personnel on-site when In proximity of drilling equipment. Work Zones and Security Measures: Access to the site will be restricted to authorized personnel. A set of cones, placards, or wide yellow tape surrounding the site will define the perimeter, if needed. The Project Manager will be responsible for site security. Decontamination Measures: Avoidance of contamination whenever possible is the best method for protection. Common sense dictates that on-site personnel avoid sitting, leaning or placing equipment on possible contaminated soil. All personnel will be advised to wash their hands, neck and face with soap and water before taking a break or leaving the site. Respirators will be washed with soap and water following each day's use. Drilling and sampling equipment used will be decontaminated by steam-cleaning. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated before each sample is collected. General Safe Work Practices: On-site personnel will be briefed each day In "tailgate" meetings as to the day's goals and equipment to be used. Anticipated contaminants and emergency procedures will be reviewed. Appropriate personal protective equipment will be put on and verified correct by SSO, Including respirator fit. Drilling and sampling equipment will be steam-cleaned before arriving on-site. Split-spoon sampling equipment will be cleaned before each use. Augers will be steam-cleaned between borings. The on-site engineer will oversee operations and log borings. The Sample Coordinator will assure that proper protocol Is used at all times in collecting and handling samples. Project: AEC 94C-1447 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. Trainina Reauiremen1s: The sse will conduct a pre-site training session which will include contaminant properties, warning signs, health hazard data, risk from exposure and emergency first ald. All chemicals are to be covered and the sse will assure that everyone fully understands site hazards. Medical Surveillance Proaram: According to CFR 29, 1910.120, Paragraph (1), employees who wear respirators thirty (30) days or more during one (1) year or who have been exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards above established permissible exposure limits are required to be monitored medically. All site personnel will be required to have had a complete chemical physical within the past year. Record Keecina: Documentation will be kept on personnel exposed to contaminant hazards on the job site according to OSHA regulations. These will Include documentation that employees have received training on the SSP, respiratory protection, MSDS forms and all emergency procedures. These will be reviewed during the pre-site training meeting. Exposure records on each Job will be kept for thirty (30) years to meet requirements. Included will be names and social security numbers of employees, medical evaluations, on-the-job logs from entry to exit, first aid administered, visits on-site by outside persons and personal air monitoring records. Continaencv Plans: In the event of an accident, Injury, or other emergency, the Project Dlr.ector, Senior Project Manager, or other person, will notify the appropriate government agencies or Individuals as follows: 1. Bakersfield City Fire Department 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 2. Pollee, Fire, or Ambulance Emergency 9-1-1 3. Emergency Hospital: Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93306 (805) 328-5223 Project: A£C 94C-1447 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e e Site Assessment Workplan Advanced Environmental Concepts. Inc. I have read the Health and Safety Plan and understand the contents herein: NAME: COMPANY Project: Af:C 94C-1M7 5 e . I I I I I I I I I I I I Ii I I I I I I I . ENVIRONMENTAL CONCEPTS WITH DESIGN IN MIND. 4400 ASHE ROAD, #206 . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93313 . 805/831-1646· FAX 805/831-1771 ,~. ë- CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M, R. KEllY FIRE CHIEF June 28, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Debbie Irwin, Project Coordinator AEC Inc. 4400 Ashe Road #206 Bakersfield, CA 93313 RE: Site Assessment Workplan for 630 Williams Street Dear Ms. Irwin: This is to notify you that the workplan for the above stated address is satisfactory. However, it should be noted that you incorrectly referred to the "County" as the local oversite program agency. The site is within the Bakersfield city limits and will be overseen by the Bakersfield Fire Department. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversite by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. ' If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~ cd ¿J~ ¿',^,- -- Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician HHW/ed cc: Carol Kincheloe Of Phone FAX Area Code Phone Number r_T;!e:~hO~~ _ - r/1 _ R;tU;~;d~C~11 c - ~_;ftP_:ika¡~=¡r,-~ ~ P~ea~eCall __1-"":L Wa ¡I~~__ i Plea ¡esee~~jr_j WIII-C!I~g;ln - nL \ylliRetU!n - ¡ , I~~~~~~t- ~] ]1 ~AVERY Signed ¿ ___ ____ . _~_ __J, Made With Recycled Paper REORDER NO, 5()'226 ..... -! SENDER: .¡¡¡ . Complete items 1 andlor 2 for additional servi¡;a _ Q) . Complete items 3, and 4a & b, ... ' ~ . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can QI return this card to you, ~ . Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space .. does not permit, 1 . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the article number, .. . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivered and the date § delivered, 'C 3. Article Addressed to: QI .. QI is. E o u en en w 0: o o ~ ~ 5. ;:) ~ w 0: CAt'20t.- t,(/,.JCi4r:;t.O I:: ê I Þ LEw,.5 CAß.WGTS Co '3 0 c..J I LLIAlW5 S~ 'ßp.\(.~Sç¡ ~~ CA. r:; '3 30~ 6. Signature (Agent) .. :I o > PS Form 3811, December 1991 .!! I also wish to receive the following services (fo~ ~n extra fee): 1. 0 Addressee's Address I ~I .:; I ..I ~I 1 'é..1 '¡ u QI a: I: ~I QlI 0:1 C) 1 .5 I ~I .. o ... 2. 447- eceipt for dise :I o > y if requested ~ I ;1 .cl ~I I I DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I I 8. Addres and fee is 1rU,S. GPO: 1992-323-402 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE -c-> ,_ , j ~ {~~' ; - -!II ¡ ~ "" ',' , " v'",J "", PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT "''- /$:3 f', ./ OF POSTAGE, $300 ...-- Official Business Print your name, address and ZIP Code here . ( 1715 Chester Ave., Ste. #300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 . '\ .... "1'1111"11 ~UJ1.u.u.JjJu1L--lI1u...u.I11JuJJ:uJllulu111' I I I I I I'll II ~ ~~ P 078 216 442 e ~.,. -Receipt for Certified Mail ,. No Insurance Coverage Provided == Do not use for International Mail POSTAL SERVICE (See Reverse) m 0") Sent to L..:Ez..,J. CÅßrJ~ (5 Street and NO~ ~ ( W'LU~ 1''Í P,O" State and ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees Postmark or Date ~-d7- c¡ + Q) c: :J """') Ò o CO M E (; u.. (/) a.. STlCt{ POSTAGE Smrv1t"S TO ARTICt~ TO CO\l~R ~mST CLASS POSTAGE, CIEIITI~IIED r:JAIL ~IEIE, ArJD C~ARG~$ fOR A('J\' SŒLIECTŒD OPiIO('JAL SŒRtflCIES (uøo trolltl. 1, If yoo want this receipt postmarksd, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return addrsss leaving the receipt attached and present the article at a post office sSlvice window or hand it to your rural carrier (no extra charge), "i'- n "" 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. I~ return receipt is requested, check the applicable blocks in item 1 of Form 3811. ,. ¡;; (, ¡t~ . ,';ì~' (' :.i ., I~:~.: Œ,... 0' t.I. æ 2, If you do not want this receipt postmarked, stick the gummed stub to the right of the return address of the article, date, detach and retain the receipt, and mail the article, 3, If you want a return receipt, write the certified mail number and your name and address on e return receipt card, form 3811, and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends if space permits, Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RIETURN RIEClEiLi>Y i'lIEQUESTIED adjacent to the number, 4. If vou want delivery restricted to the addressee, or to an authorized agent of the addressee; endorse RIESTRICTIED DIELIVIERY on the front of the artitle, 6, Save this receipt and present it if you make inquiry, '" U,S. GPO: 1991-302-916 ~ ~ . ... .~ . e·, CITY of BAKERSFIELD HWE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M, R. KELLY ACTING FIRE CHIEF May 26, 1994 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Ms. Carol Kincheloe Lewis Cabinets 631 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 CERTIFIED MAIL P 078 216 442 Re: Gasoline contaminated soil from underground storage tank removal. Dear Ms. Kincheloe A review of the correspondence file shows that you were last notified on April 8, 1993 and were then required to do the following: IIThis office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume.1I Unfortunately, I can't find anything else in your file that indicates you have complied with the code requirements. I'm especially alarmed because so much time has elapsed since our last contact. Please help me update your file by responding within 14 days, in writing, as to how you have addressed the previous code violation. If you've had difficulties with compliance, I'll need to know that as well. I'm willing to work with you toward gaining compliance with the law, but we do need to resolve this issue at once. Very truly yours, ci:£~ (cþ{ ¿J~ ~ Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: R. Huey, Coordinator Hazardous Materials Division e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S, D, JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF April 8, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 Carol Kincheloe Lewis Cabinets 631 Williams Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at Lewis Cabinets, 631 Williams St., Bakersfield CA. (Permit #=BR-0066) Dear Ms. Kincheloe: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the fuel tank previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, with in 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Reqional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investiqation of Underqround Tank Sites; January 22, 1991. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $47.50 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, A2i1nJi. ~(j-/ ' I' - \ ~'- L~ \---- lph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator cc: Wegener Construction APR- 6-93 7· !Š' J . I , . ~'~ .. . TUE _-~'4 C 0 t..J _R U C T ION P a ø 1 ~" EGENEF.: liceNSE NO. 413913 1110 CAllOWAY 8AKERSf~ElD? CÂUfORN~A 93312 (805)589-5510 (c@ If\I s) il ~ illJ CClT II@Ir\I ( ¿ ;~ :;;; ",;':) , "i~ 'i1 !~" ", \:: . -, - ,f ,.. -.' ¿;,.J. U '.' ß .... - ----- ~--~ .'" FAX COVER SHEET REC[E!VED '.~PR 1 .~9~3.1 YES ~ HAIDMAT. DIV. toO .:I. ~ ..:::J' DATE: 4= ~~ 93 URGENT: THIS FAX IS DIRECTED TO: NAME~ RA1PII #(/£// / -~----._. - ---- -- ---, COMPANY ¡ßJ¡Itð&~/~ ['J4i[ {)¿I1/ ""'=_._~ ¡-to fJ~~'\ ADDRESS TELEPHONE I/; ..::.=-=-::-=-~.:."'~ FAX * ~9I5'~ )~49 lJrwy ttJE11M1&1- -=-=----;-~ ~ZRSON SENDING FAX: ;;{E!''iARKS AND SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: æ k. á9 ¡¿, """t?OC:tþ ).eA}!Jj e~g/(Þ~/;~' ~NA1Yl1rÞtl. £ep/N~'~ &fJlÆ~ e'ÚUM ã1 cusib/Jj1 ~IJAJ~;;ßI ~~:1frl!fc _f{Þ1fàrJ ß fEø:! NUMBER :~;? PAGES (INCLUDING COVER) ~ rr¡ PLEASB NOTIFY PJRSON IECEIVING rei FiI fHAT IT HAS ARRIVED ~ ~ TUE _ :25 ~"'EGEt-~ER CON _¡:;:~ U C T I 0 t-l P.02 . APR- 6-':=;'3 ~ ~ '. l SMC Laboratory, Inc. Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Wegener Construction Address 1710 Calloway Bakersfield, Ca. 93312 Date samples received :12~29~92 Date analysis completed;01-06-93 Date of report :01-06-93 project Name: Lewis Cabin~ts RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4267 ID:l Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene ug/g 0.10 j,8 8. 1 37 84 60 ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 TPH (Gasoline) 920 1.0 Matrix Type = Soil Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 5030/8020 (PIP) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH ~ Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND ~ None Detected 1'~~ Kevin Lagan ~ Analytical Chemlst 3157 Pegasus Drive P,O. Box 80835 0 D Eb~(!2rsfidd, CA 93308 B< kúrsÝi, c!cl CA 93380 (> " (805) 393,3597 FA,.'\{ (805) 393-3623 \ TUE & :25 ¡., APR- E.-93 I~ ""'it. £ RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4268 ID:2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene O-XYlene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4269 ID:3 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4270 ID:4 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xy.lene m=Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ~+=- Kevin Lagan ' Analytical Chemist ~""EGEt·~ER ug/g 1.3 52 40 160 320 230 ND 3200 ug/g 0.0070 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND CON_RUCTION P.Ø3 MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 MDL,ug!g 0.005 0.005 a.oos 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 LO ;;. APR- \. & COt'~_F':UCT I Ot~ 6-93 ~·JEGEt~ER TUE 26 P.05 $¡., iol C"'fi"rnI..,...¡:nlllf""...."'oI Prol,ctlQf\ A¡¡on<:y F.¡':~II\ AþþfÓWl,j OMB No. 2050..0039 (fJ(f)I,OI 9·30.94) , "Ì'!!KIH 'pt.';,t or /yp0, Form d'I;g~.d (Of V$O 011 ,111-0 (l2·plldi) Iypøwrlm. 1. ÚðMfator'a US EPA ID NQ. ~, i":- N ~ ,.. .... ... ð $ CO~ OÒ~ ~= If:>ð Nz Ns: N.... ~ @ Q).. ~ N ~ ID A 'ìf 0 œ: fI¡ ~ ~ UJ if) R w 1;1€ ..I ~ ;Æ w èE -" 5 -1 ...., it IfI ð t- '- Z t ~ ~ Qt loll W 1\ ~, ~ t.!.. V II 0 Q WI III ð !: Seð Indructloni O~ I::IClck of pag" 6. Dopûrt,'M1'II 01 To~k: S~bltøl\(GI CóM~ s.x1~1ò, CQlilomlu IIIIonnotton In tho uJ¡od.d o'(IOa II nol r.q",lr.d by fodo.al klw. UNiroRM IHIAIARDOUS W ASTE MANI!F~Sr tJ 0 ¡ tJ 3. C<a~rçrl"r'1 Nom\! j,lId Melling Add",u ~ !-r;:LJIS {':&~/,AJC ;¡ . /J b'Ø ¿../I a J'?U£' ~r; '!!t:Ø;¡:-7£zþ (!.rr ;1, C'''iMrOlór', PT'OM þ"!51 3 J q .. 9 8 7 7 5. Tr.-:om~r or , Compólly Nomo 6. US eM It) NVI'lbó. Monit'lt O«UlMf'If No. 2. tog. ! - <I j a " ,j¡ _mf-1p,.,-tH.y-I+mNM-F~Jr ~ I XK¥"fC~~~~µ,+-*-H Y. "f'O"t!X'i1<if í! 'Ç¡;inlþè~y 'Ng'¡'~ 9. -¡;:;,igò()!ed Fad!11y Nllm$ olld SIlO Addr$u GIBSON -e.-I L At-m--RE'F'HHNG/' EtW or COMHEnc r AL OR DAKER~FIElO.CA ?3308 ~J 9 ~ ~ 1 9 9 ~ ï 7 ,no us DOT I);¡t-(.1ptÎon Ondvdill( Pro~-..¡r Shlppill9 N/lme, H(>la,d Clòu, olld II,) Nv:bor)~_ 011. NOH RCRA HAZARDOUS WA~1 r UQU I 0 b, ,___"" .J.L. 1 c, --'--.-.. c.1. 1~b(~~IdI~E!~'ß °'J¥r<'i!!dì! i>f~J11e:~~;tryE CLOT H I NG , ' :J ~ ;.¡ r""neCMèV OH"NF #SOO/458 3036 ¡ ~1 ... ....... "",., «"",OAT',,", ",,"" ""to. ,h. '" "",,... 01 ~;;;;~ do,,,"'" ,b". '" ~;;;-'''P~",~ "" ,. "...",.. , pöà"d, Rlork,rJ, Qnd loÞolød. tlnd OfC ¡ij all re~~'~ 1/1 pfop...r ,ondiHon 10, !rQn p<;>rl by highwcy c<;,ord!f1{J 1<;> cpplÎ<ohle I"do'cl. $!ofo 110(1 Inle'n(ltlo"gIIQW'/. If I om Q 1(I'go ~uor\!il)l geMra!o., t ,ortily I!\O! 1 hove 0 prog'am 1/'1 placlI to 'edu~ø tho vOlvlM tlnd ló...idly 01 wo~1ø SUllora!od to ltIo d09rOO I hove dotcrm ~d 10 Iw ) ~ol\Omklll!y P'lI'IÎcoblo (lnd thai t hove sDlo(led the prQ(tl<;oblc method II' 'reotm~nt, $tor<;llJo. 0' dilp<;'11I1 <;\,orrcntly QVQi!;;¡hl. tll mo whkh r¡¡inim¡~el tho pf~;ont IInd r~tuf" I thr..ølto hvmOIl h."Hh tI"d 11\/1 "n"ironNlcn" OR, III 11m II Imllll qVQ~!!1y ( ø~~rr.r1or, håYÒ ",,,da " ( öód lólth ~!/"I'IIO ",ir,;",Îi6 my ..,01'0 9MO'otiOh ol1d ,,,lot! Iho bQ" I ~~mCnO¡¡OniMI Mo!hod 11,01 ÎI o.oîloblo 10 mo Qnd !hen I 'Qn Qlford. __~_ ._~ ~ :;t~Y:dt~mè C~to'I~~'~J - ~fø.~._l ._~~lvt.~~ ~ï:rJdl~J I,., ~~_0r'7or I ÅthowlodQ~t!LoJ Ròc.¡p1 0/ MQloriól, __ __~____ ._ i'1Ì1,'~d4;\,pod NOnio ) ~ Mordh DllY 'foil' O<-~---j/ W¿ç.: (. þ" c:~_ ,_.._..L, ;1..~ø~<I-"-1.~__1.LL4l;iJ.5?J5,j.. .!!L1!!?!,~pr>rto' Il AçknQwl~rlQ~l1'ont 01 R~(>'!p'1 01 M,QIorloll ~ri"t.d/;yp.d NOMO J 5ignåMo ,___." '-~.~-......~~':~~~===rI~ 19. Dhtrcponcy IndkufiOrt Space I I ....~, I -?Q:];~il~Ownof Qf cpo,,,,'or COr1i!¡COfioi:of fðCt)ÎI?.!...2' hO~Oldoul MOIQri'ili CO'Mndb;;¡;¡;;~mf!;~ï;;t:£.eis~:~..;~,i9. ---'.- -~----'-"-::l 7};;;/ ø'd'ç;:.Ci ~""~d~~' - -- : ~ff"~ 00 fi\JO'í'~ié~~OW YH~S LINE. plsc BOnA (1U911 rPA 8700·-22 Whjl". T$DF SENDS THIS cOpy TO OTSC WITHIN :)0 DAYS. T.:" P,O. Box 3000, $acromonIQ, CA 95812 ... ~ . ~ APR- 6-'::;'3 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: JOB SITE: ADDRESS: DESTINATION: HAULER: WEIGHT CERT. NO: EHSD PERMIT NO: COUNTY: TUE & :27 CON_RUCTION P.06 WEGEt'~E¡:;;;: GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. p, 0, Box 70156 . 2000 ¡:, Brundage Lane BD.k.orsflold, Col!fornia 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 . Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Motals, Procosslng & Rocycling N~ 1 0406 TANK DiSPOSAL FORM DatI;: ,'9 qL I"L~ "2.'1 Contractor's Llc~n$e No. Contractor'$ Phone No. 'fi1j-e ,J \?'(\- , ~o Ûu..ow !SF ~ Cf~:)ç l'þ- "_lo:-µ~';) (r-h-r7 P. Dj f5c.x qo~ ,r ßç:;: {ep. "1 ~Ço~ G. S. 1Vi. . 2000 IE. BRUNDAGE lANE . BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 LICENSE NO: 6/'L DÖb b &A~5ñ~ '.:;ï1~,-.. OTV GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS 250 .14 ¡i[¡\~¡\¡W!ii:mg¡i:i:";'::;i;¡:!.!:":::::::i!:\¡i.ij\¡i¡::i\¡:~¡f:;¡·:::'¡:'¡'!:¡,:::¡i;::::!':::';:¡,:,.:'!!':';:¡j,::.¡i¡iiiii!¡i':!i¡iii!iffi¡i!:j:¡;1i:ii!:!':!i::¡ii:::::i¥.~i!!:¡ifj:¡¡i:!:¡:!:!{ij;\ ;::.r:: 550 .24 i:!;]:!1i¡:i!ii!ii!j!~li;:¡::i¡i¡ijii~:H';:,:!;¡,;:!!:¡¡:;:}l¡~ø.~Ah:W:::!;:l(¡:!:!;!;::¡:;:i!;;iii¡'i¡:¡!¡i';ij:¡:i:'!;i!¡[¡¡'¡;;j,:ji::.4i¡;:¡:/tiil¡:';:::!: 1000 . 6 1'1 .61 i\~!i~i1¡¡!~\;¡;!:;W¡W~~;;¡!jj:);:~(.)·:¡1¡(;::¡!ir:¡H:Mp/¡~\{:J·¡u:¡:{¡;,::::~:{rr!%~~!;)@~tm~TIj@[!1r(!}!f:\:~~'ð'¡;:¡¡¡¡1¡¡:i:\H~:~;¡:;::: 2000 ,97 i1!~¡:\lii~!¡¡~:1!!::¡~:¡¡i;\~im!:~:::~r~§(;}]¡:~¡;~~:i:~~\'~:¡jg$&~;)\;::;{!:!}!:¡::n:\,:;)(:,:l:~~\~!{¡ir;li1~i:¡¡¡¡\~:i1j¡:1~t;1j¡;:~¡:!~\~!~~J;\~!:j~1/¡!:j:d~5:>¡?l¡:¡(;;\: 3000 1.32 1!¡¡ljjiiiBi.i,.¡;¡¡;:'¡::.¡!.i¡;i:¡¡!::¡!j:1i ~,:¡::!.i¡:;i.:;.;¡:,::;::::ji¡'i¡!!:¡¡::¡~¡I'dlj:i:i;¡¡'!¡::j!!i¡;¡!.:::'1:;~~~:\!:::l':¡.:i!,ii\:i;:¡ 5000 2.42 ¡¡!¡li~1!j~~mj1! !¡r~¡0~~f;¡¡i~1)\:!~~!)~[:j¡ ;¡¡r :~\!¡~ijir:p.:?~9.;~[:\¡~ !~H~:::\:!\~! ;;~ri¡::::~\!~j~:\:¡~:~¡1¡~t¡j¡l¡~;ii¡¡i¡~;¡i~iill;l¡¡ji;j~[;;~!;!;¡f!:j:: ?:~ ~~~;¡!,:j!; ¡;:!j¡~i~¡¡:l¡\ 7500 3.28 ;~¡!;j;!:~!!J~~t¡;~¡¡¡~:~~~¡¡¡¡~¡~~i¡;!1ti'?!(::~:!¡\ii~\:ij¡[i!¡h~\j~:¢!~[:;UH¡¡j~i¡!(:!;¡;!¡;;[!~\[:~~¡:i~[Œ!~U;~!¡~;:¡¡i¡~::~~~~;¡;¡::!1:i¡l:¡;::~;[:::~:;i~~·4~~:;:\:([!::!:::::~:~!1 9000 3.82 li~¡~j\!j¡:!it:1¡¡j¡~%1:~~¡~i¡j~¡i;~~:1¡¡¡?1~¡:1~[!:!i!¡¡¡!¡~1:~¡j¡~fi9:~§::\H¡~)~1i¡!;!;~!;~~i::~;~,1[A@t:!~j::~;1\ii!~!;Ç¡\i;¡l!:;~!}:¡1¡~r¡::l¡;1!:~;'~;t:~)J;f:;¡¡j~~::;\!l 12000 4.93 TOTAL _ r~K INSPECTION œr CL~AN 8.. DRV (ACC~PT). OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) ._º-- LEI.. READING ~ OXYGEN CONTENT .__ DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALU~ OTHER ¡i;¡ti¡):~~¡:j¡.;jjiijjij;j;::~if!¡ji.:;¡§jfA~~!.~i)~~:~;~!!j¡I;¡¡;:~\):¡(!J::~):C;:¡ii¡,¡:ji~i)i:.i!:;¡:]!';1;jj¡!j;i¡!j¡rt¡!t¡!:¡U¡j¡j¡j:;~j)i~:!¡:;~;!;f~!:):¡)~';~Ht:tij¡¡:!j!!j;!::!:;!¡:.!i¡¡ TOTAL All fCQS Incurred ar0 por load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receIpt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance oftorm$ tor payment, a nd confirms that tank removal compllcs with St~te laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DiSPOSAL I DESTRUC'f~ON THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE REC~IPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE ALL MA'fERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETEL.Y DESTROYED FOR SOR FiECYOLlNG PURPOSES ONLY. í l2- ~"2-1-!ll-- oto.'\'£ r" ,'1 ~ ð -I C f11 - (") o z -- XI C (") -I 1-1 o Z D 11 XI I 1)\ I \[,1 W " ~) \[,1 E f11 ¡;"¡ f11 '7' .... f11 ;tJ Í) ~~ t ~ f WEGENER CONSTRUCTION I/. N f' ~ve:osy' I j),.. ~ ~~: '/ U5 = ~ . CRAWN SlY ',Uj, O;<;~: ¡~-1-92 kkJ lJ)~ "0151E0 ¡,¡go CA LLOW¿ì, 11 DfH1¡/£ J 0 . (80.§ - S~9 -5570) Hfl.d{E~5FffEUJ CA. 933ff2 I I h lu l.u a:: l- V) V) ~ '<:( - -J -.! -- ~ ! ¡ OFF! CE5 19n~ STREET - GAT:-T SNOP CANOPY .... S/òßpJ(i.$ "3 rJ. if M - SAMPLE POSPd'T$ LEwffS CABINETS 630 WRLMMS 57 S,ß¡tf ERSFf ELD eA 93305 SHOP £NCE ) ~\( \ 'ROPERT 11' LiNE- 485 I J '7-- /" \ 11 . o -J rORAGA ~:7 CA S TATE CONTRACTORS LiCENSE NUMBER 4'3913 ! iboratory ~0' y:,.J, ·,,-3(.~ ¿\ 2155 Pegas0£ ~)"iv~ BliiJœ:rsJ1reld;, CA 93308 Name::. Company:: Address: Name: Company: Aãdress: 393-3597 393-3623 805 805 { ( Telephone: FAX: ~~-5S/V Telephone: ) Tele9hcne: ~...-....>. ....-- r a:o,...·,""" 'o"v-N-o ..L...I-~_,.__.~ ~ .. A¡éL h 1 '(;1-6:3 f i ~ ! J ) ---~.--~ ~ =.4_' Da te;: 1;2 -d--9 Jf ul Date: Id- ~d-'o/ 4~, -----:;.--- ~ r- '\ Preserva~ion Hetnods: Analvsis Requested ì~rH-b g;y-c J ~TK-~ I S:rY -~ 1 g/l/_~ 1 1 I I Method; . I D~te TiIiIle ~/Zá;r¡Þz.. it~:?3~ Z i /' 1/; 51 ¿/ 1/;µ¡L I ,r 1//40 ~? ¡ ( I~D4ØI (¡ I I 1 ¡ ì I i ì ! I J I Relinquished B Samole T"roe: pescrintion 1/1 AI K.. r f Sa.r,mline; ~le No pI #Z- :#~ P4 (.~ I~ , 11. z o I-t I- Ü :' 4 z o ü ct LU Z LU Ij W :::: ~- ,..¡ Company: Company: Received By: - J I I- Date: Date: Date Company:: Company: -------------~..~----~ -'~ -----"-'="'- Company: Rel~nquished By: Rece':"ved By: Re liZ'lq-\..lished t(¡ (r', I CO of Date: Sheet Company: By: Received By: Ct:: 11. ,1 i .. ~ e e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE'" FIRE DEPARTMENT S D JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF January 19, 1993 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 LEWIS CABINETS CAROL KINCHELOE 630 WILLIAMS ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at 630 WILLIAMS ST., BAKERSFIELD, CA. (Permit #BR-0066) Dear MS. KINCHELOE: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the GASOLINE tank previously located on your property, has not been adequately defined. This California California define the office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the Health and Safety Code and Chapter l6, Title 23 of the Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done, to vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, with in 30 days from receipt of this letter. The work plan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A - Reports, Tri - Reqional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underqround Tank Sites; January 22, 1991. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $47.50 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. cc: D. WEGENER, Sincen;ly, i j ~/'1 (', ,i) ,f i /;, ,:--;' ,~/ ~/ {L LV, -", :. ' ,/./ ,.> (-, ,><:'-f ,~-- ~,~ ; -=----- ' -' t '. Ralph E .c:Huey--~~~ ; Hazardous Mater~als WEGENER CONSTRUCTION Coordinator ~ " WEGENER" -.-- -... CONSTRUCTION JANUARY 11. 1993 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 ATTN: S.D. JOHNSON RE: PERMIT #BR0066 l_EWIS CABINETS 630 ~~ILLIAMS ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA. ....".............' FIND ENCOLSED THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS FOR YOUR FILE. IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED PLEASE CONTACT ME. 1. SMC LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT 2. PLOT PLAN WITH SOILD SAMPLING POINTS. 3. CHAIN OF CUSTODY 4. GOLDEN STATE TANK DISPOSAL FORM #10406 5. RINSATE MANIFEST #92225788 S7rç)'IA~' DOUG WEGE~f 1710 CALLOWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93312 (805) 589-5570 FAX (805) 589-1161 LIC. NO. 413913 e e - ----- -.- -- ~ldk- . --, - - -'.-- --- - - '-- - - --- - ~ ·1 ;:··/0 -.- - -.---- _.-- --- ~ - ~ - --- - - --- I'· ~.II -- ;1 }IW~ - - - -- - - -- - - '" - ----- -,- - -- -- - - -- --. - - -- ---- -- -- - --- --- - -- - --- -------- - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -- ------. . ^ . -¡:- t ~ I \-. 4J 4J cr: \-. V) V) OFFICES ~ ~ - -.1 -.J - ~ - I 1 - - WEGENER CONSTRUCTION SCAL.E: !Ii 6": I' APP"OVEõtBY: DRAWN BY ¡{)JJJ. OATE: 12 - 1- 9Z 'IIJ)UJ¿V------ REVISED 1710 CA LLOWAY DR~VE J (80S - 589 -5570) , 1 Z SA K E R SFIELD CA. 9 31 CA. S TA TE CONTRltC ORS DRAWING NUMBIER L1 CE N S E NU"8EA 4 r 9/~ GA - I C ~H C:~R£=~ - ..... I _ I GAT SHOP r-èANOPY FILL DISPENSER .... s/I¡tO¡;I()$ '!I t" x - SANPLE POINTS LEwl S CABINETS 6.30 WILLlAM3 ST BAKERSFIELD CA. 9.3305 FENCE - SSO GAL. 1 - ........... - SHOP e 'ROPERTY LINE -S.AnfP/81 I'?- \ ~ - --.......... e '\ SMC Laboratory, Inc. e Analytical Chemistry Client Name: Wegener Construction Address 1710 Calloway Bakersfield, Ca. 93312 Date samples received :12-29-92 Date analysis completed:Ol-06-93 Date of report :01-06-93 Project Name: Lewis Cabinets RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4267 ID:l Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) ug/g 0.10 7.8 8. 1 37 84 60 ND MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 920 1.0 Matrix Type = Soil Method of Analysis for BTX/TPH (Gasoline): 5030/8020 (PID) MDL = Minimum Detection Level TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g = micrograms per gram (ppm) ND = None Detected "1~ ,¿, Kevin Lagan ~ Analytical Chem1st 3157 Pegasus Drive P,O, Box 80835 - · Bakersfield. CA 93308 Bakersfield. CA 93380 - · (80S) 393-3597 FAX (80S) 393-3623 e RESULTS OF ANALYSIS: #4268 ID:2 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene' Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4269 ID:3 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) #4270 ID:4 Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Isopropylbenzene TPH (Gasoline) KeVi~ ~ Analytical Chemist ug/g 1.3 52 40 160 320 230 ND 3200 ug/g 0.0070 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ug/g ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND e MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 MDL,ug/g 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 1.0 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD Location of Samcling Name: I J/~}; (It?J?¡ j.¡ ð?> I ' ( { Company: Address: ú'30 ¿JÍ¿¿lj914'» :¡:; ¡/ SrD Telephone: ( ) Name: J~~~lL~ compa~y: /J£'t;;ìæ (h,<1;!; Address: /;?/û {l rlLLoc-J~ ~ Telephone : (~r; -5\ íD SMC Laboratory 3155 Pegasus Drive Bakersfield, CA 93308 Telephone: (805 ) 393-3597 FAX: (805 ) 393 - 3 6 2 3 #Z- :#3 PC¡ I' Samcle TV'Oe: Descricti'on Preservation Methods: Analvsis Reauested SamoUn Method: 4IÞ Samcle No. Date Time ¡J I 11?á1~z- /:;'3 /: 157Y-6 Laboratorv No. 'ld- h 1 1.L0ß If¿fo ;I10 , I ý '\ Relinquished. Company: Date: ;) -d,9..1f ~ Date: IJ ~M -tfc-Z e Relinquished Received By: Company: Company: Date: Rece':'ved By: Company: Date: Relinquished By: Company: Date: Received By: Ccmpany: Date: Sheet of CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: JOB SITE: ADDRESS: DESTINATION: HAULER: WEIGHT CERT. NO: EHSD PERMIT NO: COUNTY: GOLDI STATE METALS, INC. P 0, Box 70158 . 2000 E Brundage Lane Balo-ersfleld, California 93387 Phone (805) 327,3559 . Fax (8051 327,5749 Scrap Metals, Proœsslng & Rc-cycling .. ~ ~ 'J 6 .ANK DISPOS~L F~RM Date ,19 q 2- (1.. - z..c Contractor's License No. Contractor's Phone No. i ~ 8l::--£ ,.J 2(\.- Lv..,J I ð G\u..o~'J o:v ß t=' e.JIr ¿;j-s ç I'l- -l ,..J t') I N.:----r.:r p r. Új ~..: ß~ G. S. M. . 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93387 ,. LICENSE NO: TANKS RECEIVED TOTAL CTY GALLONS 250 \','\,'500 SERIAL NO. NET TONS ,14 .21 ,24 .44 ,61 ,87 ,97 1.14 1,32 1.64 2,42 2.84 3,28 3.44 3,82 4.33 4,93 .................. '...'...........'...,. . ......,..,,',..,.... . .....", .. o. J ...... 550 «»i?j()Oo . 12ft ·.·",i .'<" ' 1000 . 6 t\ -- .' .-, .:::::,::::::, .:' ::"/1500 2000 . . -- .' '.',..", ...... " ,:,::",,:(~o 3000 i:..¡¡;oo ,\ .,' '. 5000 .:)<):~",<>< ' 7500 ......, .....................'.................. :':"".:'/'::::::::»»'})::Iiooo 9000 ·'»)>:,,1()ôoo'.·..',} " 12000 _ T~K INSPECTION Œ( CLEAN & DRY (ACCEPT), OR o RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) o ,J-<; LEL READING OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE OTHER SCRAP VALUE -,. ..........,........... ':·'·':'::>'::':':':::'::::·':··':':':':'·'·<'OTHU(:'::, ' . ..,...................., ........ '······,···c···· ...............................:...;.:.;...~......,.:.."." TOTAL All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURE CERTIFICATE OF TANK DISPOSAL / DESTRUCTION THIS IS TO CERTIFY THE RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE TANK(S) AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. ALL MATERIAL SPECIFIED WILL BE COMPLETELY DESTROYED FOR SCR RECYCLING PURPOSES ONLY. /2- -Zr-1l- DATE WHITE - Contractor Copy . YELLOW - File Copy . PINK - Permanent Copy ~ 1/"1 " N 1/"1 CI) 8 G? - .( ooz ooõ r-~ LOð Nz N:i: N!:: aJ~ G 's E ! ~ ~ : '9 T o R S- 04 e.lo.';" b.';'_ -... p,~ "9M<'f ""'" ~ OMI No, 20»4)39 <E..- 9- - M',~"'Iy >e, F_~¡"'_ ~ ~ < u tC1 119iJdt ~, I. Generatot'. US EPA 10 No. o..--o4T_~c- s-_,~ Inf--.. in ... ...... _ ÌI _ nquind bot ,...... ..... UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST ¡ C 3. c..-a.o.-. _ and Moilino AdcIr.u L~L...I¡S C,¡;g/,J./¡:;- ~¡hp . A ¿,~ ¿jll¿/~¡Vf{. ~r; t9'~CZ~ f!.r · O-,ator'.!'to..... tð1' 3 J 1 - 8 7 7 5, T ,anlpO".' 1 Company No_ - Cf;3Q~ 6. US EP" 10 Numbe, - "I·...... -. " ,~ ......-' , 7: ,an.po;""'2 Cò<npöñy WorM 9, Dnignaled Foc,lity Nome and Site "dd,... GrC~8t~ ~':L we RfrItlIN& [tW or r=OHMcr~c ¡ AL O~ OA~[R~r:[LO.CA ~330G 10, US EP" ID Numbe, i-).j v' £C'N M CAJ:ï'\ c....- 11. US DOT Dew:npt;on (oncluding Prope' ShippinQ Nom., Hozo,d Cia.., and ID Numbe,) Q, NOt¡ PC~A ::AZARCOUS W;;::;¡C LIQUID b. c, ~ W U , d. w VI z 2 VI w ell: ~ < z o ~ < z 1~&@:'Æ~~ 0~:Mditfo~We.~qt1'V[ C LOTti I NG rucn~c~rY DHnNF ~800/453-3036 IlP~1u w J: ~ ::: 16. GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION: I h.,.by declo,. that the conten" of the canliQnment o,e fully and occu,ately deu,ibed above by proper >hipping nome and 0'. clollified, < pocked, mark.d, and labeled, and or. in 011 ,.,pects in p'oper condaian for tronlpOrt by hiQhwoy occo,ding to opplicobl. fed.,ol, "ate and inl.rnationollo..., U ...; .... ë: VI ell: o If I om 0 10'118 quantity Q....,ato" I c.rtify that I hove 0 p,O\ ,om in ploc. to ,educe the volume and lo.icity of wo.te Qenerated to the d.Q,ee I hove determined to be economtcoUy practicable and that I have selected the practicable method 0' treatment, storage, or disposal currently available to me which minimizes the present and 'utur. threat to human heatth and the environment; OR, if I am 0 small quantity generator, I have mode 0 good faith effort to minimize my woste generation and s.elect the best waste m .men! method that i. available 10 me and that I (on offord, P,in,.d /T yped Name \- SiQ \... lè.W -, $ C Go.. \0'. ~ JL' j >- U Z w l:) ell: W ~ W ... o 17, T ,on' "e, 1 "cknowl.d emen! of Rec.i t of Mat.,iol. P,inted Typed Nome , · .. N · p o · , I · ~ ( ¡/ w VI « u ~ 19, Disc,eponcy Indication Spoc. F A C I L I T y r9'-:?' m 19, Month Day Yoor /f'c~,ð DTse 8022" (12/91) fPA 8700-22 White: TSDF SENDS THIS COpy TO OTSC WITHIN 30 DAYS, To: P,O. Box 3000. Socram.nto, CA 95812 ·. ___uo ___ . e ¡ --. .~/~, .::.. ;--~ '-0 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISION 2130 G street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM FACILITyJ .PU)~S CP. 6;nP\ s ADDRESS ~ '3\ LD:l\\'Q./Yls' OWNER (0..,0\ K ,r)(:YH' In£' . PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR We Q &\er Cûf]S~()'" CONTACT PERSON ::Je.,raJk~ \-1cx.lo LABORATORY 5rYìc.. # OF SAMPLES3 ' TEST METHODOLOGY~+t - (.,a J:., '?;\~. t ¿... ,',' ,. PRELlMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. CONTACT PERSON CO2 RECIEPT Jb \'05 LEL% 0 O2 % ~5 PLOT PLAN 'j 1õ.r. ~ TtJUt¿ ()!2fJ ~ ~ 1 ~ .~ J cþÔ 1~'\ S\-"0V o \~ý\L ,~ O(,~ l :!.:.:....... r CONDITION OF TANKS / Sf\1qll h~le - (V1:J.dl9. 1 L.U{ Sf p Y\ d- O!h.e.-vw;'$..Q -Iûl\l( r;-ík~ bu-l no ohIJ;Ov<; ho/.ß5 CONDITION OF PIPING f)o CJbv:òJ5 MÌ)~ ~ CONDITION OF SOIL '5A'N~ \ COMMENTS ß¡ _;}I íl1,JL ( fl')./ (;1 ílÀ(11t..... .JJ- I' .fL " /' 1.1- .3 -?- rIA) íXl'~ I "'!I- 1-0 d.5 flr&<r '~~t..s ~ ~ ï -. ~~,~\J. ¿ vJf h.c.-,,¿ D.v~r ~~'/~J~( INSPECT RS NAME ~(>-~~Q'ff ~f IGNATURE f? - Jß 'C¡1-. DATE ~ e Bakersfield Fire Dep~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT NÕ~COGb 'i: PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION l. . SITE ê':;-:'7inØ- ,.!b¡-!¿?P /1 ADDRESS é s¿> lv/It //-f}--I;: ZIP CODE 93X:>Y-- APN FACILITY NAME ¿ // L'r?0<i'o-} CROSS STREET TANK OWNER/OPERATOR I /At'; MAILING ADDRESS ¡::r C/~ . . I PHONE No. CITY ;5'J(sP/J ~ -'-./1- 7:) ~,~ -:>""'_'- I ,/' /' ZIP CODEc3::>~~ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION'Î COMPANY /i../EZfi.(/~-:e [Odé!)~ PHONE No. ADDRESS / "71¿~ /*¿¿¿~ l'~ INSURANCE CARRIER ~, r¡; h'M17 PRELlMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY W~(,.I3;Jð¡¿ (VÑ$! ADDRESS 1710 CAIj'liJ¡ ~ INSURANCE CARRIER -ù"J/) 5g7-53~U LICENSE No. 9551 Z ~ CITY ;Z;/}/p ZIP CODE 4/37%~ WORKMENS COMP No. ~43'/4L/ PHONE No. 5Ø- 55'7ò LICENSE No. 9/3 q /3 CITY A)(<;PO ZIP CODE '13 ?/~ WORKMENS COMP No. TANK CLEANING INFORMATION/Î COMPANY ¿..<..IE¿:,rA /,ç--Z (¿9Á/')':- ADDRESS /1 I / WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY r'?/.z:;.:;¿, ADDRESS aiD C-/---- (}~/,I-_?'t:_;P?l//:;~ Tè?/¿;d FACILITY INDENTIFICATlON NUMBER ,/ PHONE No. ~~- 5~C¡' 55-"0 CITY gj(5FIJ ZIP CODE 1~"3 ¡,;t CITY TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY /V17-" !~(tÎ2j)..-1' ADDRESS ?40i) }-//,4¡tj¿7'¡:: c;r: TANK DESTINATION ,{-:Cl¿:ry rN·.K/~ ,J:i7p.-~D PHONE No. :;95-//51 LICENSE No. (;;F3/}¿)¿;' CITY .~>¡::- ZIP CODE Cl~fJ/ TANK INFORMATION TANK No. :;iJJ AGE VOLUME -'5~ ¿}éV CHEMICAL STORED DATES STORED CHEMICAL PREVI~USL~STORED ,Æ 'c/'-,,( é; /~ .'.í1i.WllD1J__.II..I'¡~¡0¡¡! ::;.:.;. ..:::::......::::..:..........:.:: :.:.:...:.:-:-:.:.:::::.._-....-...:;:<:::::::::........: ::;::::::: :::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::':.;.:.:.::"::::::::::;:::;:;:::::::::::::;.., .-.....:........ ..... ......... .........:...................:::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::....:.-.....-.............:.............. THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OFTHIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULA nONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ~ ¿-.t?c ¿/);o f-<r¿£ (' APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) il7~J~ NT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED t ~ "" ~ì STREET 19TH ~ Lu Lu ct ....... U) GAT FENCE V) ~ ~ --- ......J ......J --- ~ OFFICES SHOP CANOPY WEGENER CONSTRUCTION 1/ N 1/ APPR' AI'. , SCALE: / /6 = £ DRAWN BY W, DATE: 11-/- 92 REVISED /7/0 CALLOWAY BAKERSFIELD CA. ~ DRIVE 933/2 SAAlPLE POINTS LEWIS CA"BINETS 6.30 WILLIAMS 5T BAKERSFIELD CA, K K-¡ fõ:J--FILL ~DíSP£NS£R TAN SSO GAL. SHOP PROPERTY LINE - 5570 ) DRAWING NUMBER GA - I (80S - S89 CA, S TA TE CONTRACTORS LICENSE NUMBER 4139/3 93305 1000H ClEARPRINT _ PRINTED ON NO. 11 X 17 I I I ~ 'f 1 . J T ~ ~ j j 'J ~ 'I , " STREET 19TH t- Lu Lu a: t- V) GAT FENCE V) ~ ~ --- ...J ...J --- ~ OFFICES SHOP CANOPY K1 fõ:J--FILL rDísPENSER TAN 550 GAL. PROPERTY LiNE WEGENER CONSTRUCT/ON SCALE: ÝíSN = /" - APPRO' BY: DRAWN BY ¡{)JJJ. ik ~ DATE: IZ-I- 9Z - REVISED /710 CALLOWAY DRIVE (80S - 589 - 5570) BAKERSFIELD CA. 93~3IZ CA, STATE CONTRACTORS DRAWING NUMBER LICENSE NUMBER 413913 GA ~ I K SAMPLE POINTS LEWIS CA'BINETS 630 WILLIAMS 5T, I BAKERSFIELD CA" 93305 SHOP PRINTED ON NO. 1000H CLEARPRINT . 11 X 17