HomeMy WebLinkAbout BUSINESS PLAN 8/1990 ~·;*"¡;;;f,:Y??:.:~:·" . "?"~~i~,~!¡f-j!~??t~~' . ..:t.. . '." .. .,.... ...' ,....,."""..~. ;/t....,p:, .... ..~~~~~~~~~i·~k:~'~:-~1~.5.~);;~~¡,: ;:¡JgìJ~h)((ji/;J!fJ . ~~" "':','" ,':':::"".: -;'; 1--.: ~þ~: '.:::~.' . :" r' ", -........ ~ .' . .'o:-.~.~ . ~ ., ~.. c :"'., ;~.:'~': .:". '(g@R OI~@n\f3 'tIr,. LJ~ <. r1- De:ry,...~~-='~,.. .. ==~r a';''IDES Cu~f'ØM . . -~~i~~~-' . .....: . ~ * x -,( '. e - August 14, 1990 TO: Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: Motor City Buick/Motor City GMC/Suzuki Nina, account # HM 404001 is no longer in business at this location, they have merged with Motor City GMC/Suzuki located at 115 Union Avenue. They do have an outstanding balance o£ $226.26, o£ which we will turn aver to M.J. £or collection. Motor City GMC/Suzuki account # HM 439901 should have it's name changed to read Motor City GMC/Buick with a £ee group o£ K. This account is current. e e August 14, 1990 TO: Bill Descary, City Treasurer FROM: Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT: Motor City Buick/Motor City GMC/Suzuki Nina, account # HM 404001 is no longer in business at this location, they have merged with Motor City GMC/Suzuki located at 115 Union Avenue. They do have an outstanding balance o£ $226.26, which should be collected. A contact person at Motor City is Warren Owens, 327-7171. Motor City Buick was in business at 1201 24th Street until sometime in mid February or early March, which makes them responsible £or the 1989-1990 billing. Motor City GMC/Suzuki account # HM 439901 should have it's name changed to read Motor City GMC/Buick with . £ee group o£ K. This account is current. Thanks M.J. i£ you have any £urther questions please call me and I'll give you as much help as I can. Valerie ·",1 , e e Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECEIVED AUG 8 1990 Ans'd.. .......... HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: . , 1. . ro avoid further action, return this .form within .30 days of receipt. 2. . TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. - 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA Motor City GMCjBUICK BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: 149 Union Avenue, BakersfieJk:ãI., Ca. 933CJ7 MAILING ADDRESS: P.o. Box 672, Bakersfield, Ca. 93302 CITY: Bakersfield STATE: ~ ZIP: 933CJ7 PHONE: 327-7171 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: . 02-788-0319 SIC CODE: 5511 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: New & Used Vehicle Sales, Service, and Parts Sales OWNER: Richard Stricklen MAILING ADDRESS: 4125 Cabernet , Bakedfie~4, Ca. 93306 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Warren Owens Business Mgr 327-7171 872-3188 2.' Mike Loe Service Mgr 327-7171 871-2221 1. FD1590 e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division -rv--, .~~. ~. , . ' " , HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN l' : . ~ 1J. . "', : . : SECTIO.N 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYESS: 84 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: New employes are given a copy of the Hazardous Communication Program and shown the .location of the MSDi sheets along with our Hazardous Material Business Plan. The shop and parts personel have a monthly meeting on safety and MSDS sheets. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.-95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED 1HE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. \, -. OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I, Warren Owens CERTIFY THA T THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. (J~o~ SIGNATURE TITLE 7-31-90 DATE Business Mgr 2. FD1590 ~~: ....--~,¡ e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Motor City GMC;BUICK SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY- NOTIFICATION ~ROCEDURES: . Cail 911". _ Alarm & alert people in area of' Hazardous spill. If the Hazard is extreme, call CALPI (589-5648) B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Alarm & alert people in area of spill. Notify Manager in charge. ._ Verbally notify customers and employes on the Company public address system. Have all people assemble in the south parking lot. If the hazard is extreme, notify the people in the adjoining facilities. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: . Same as above. - - '- D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Dr. Willard Christiansen 2021 22nd Street Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxton Ave. Medi-Center 820 34th Street, 327-9617 327-3371 Suite 102 325-6334 .- 3. FDls;o e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division '':;...--. - ;...-.' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 7: MITIGATION, PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A. RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: Oxygen and acetylene separated and chained. Emergency shut-off switches for fuel pumps. Proper containers, valves and proper ~andling and storage of hazardous materials. No smoking signs posted in appropriate areas. Refer to MSDSsheets for cleanup and l'I!.edicalattention. Call in outside :help on ' serious problems. B. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: Use absorbent material to dike and cleanup spill. Dispose of material as per instructions. C. CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Same as above. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): _' " ~ __.:~'- ~~--",.--~~'--"::"":> '1;- NATURAL,GAS/RROPANF' TUrnoff locåted .g':t-,:th~~~;NoJ.:'thwest outsid~ wall of Clyde's Custom'SnCJp. tPaft of'"Shop Building) , - ELECTRICAL: West wall inside utility: room next to Men's restroom across from General Office. VVATER: Approximately 100 feet south on the V street and 2nd Street intersection on the street side of the fence. SPECIAL: LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: .- ' , . SECTION 9: ' PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABILITY: A. PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION: Fir~ extinquishers located throughout the building with appropriate markings. B. VVATERAVAILABILlTY (FIRF HYDRANT): Fire hydrant located at t:he"'"Nortneast corner of 2nd and V Street 4. FD 1 590 ·7'""-".".[ -~:.. . Bakersfield Fire Dept. . Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Motor City GMC;BUICK SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY· NqTl.FICATION PROCEDURES: _ Caii 911 .- .. . . Alarm & alert people in area o~ Hazardous spill. If the Hazard is extreme, call CALPI (589-5648) B. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Alarm & alert people in area of spill. Notify Manager in charge. ._ Verbally notify customers and employes on the Company public address system. Have all people assemble in the south parking lot. If the hazard is extreme, notify the people in the adjoining facilities. C. PUBLIC EVACUATION: Same as above. ~ . ~ D. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Dr. Willard Christiansen 2021 22nd Street Mercy Hospital 2215 Truxton Ave. Medi-Center 820 34th Street, 327-9617 327-3371 Suite 102 325-6334 '-- - . .. 3. FOl~ e " CITY of BAKERSFIELD .t.' - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY fara and Agticulture 0 Standard Business.XfXIX NON-TRADE SECRETS Page _1__" of - B9S¢~Ir NAH~: Motor City GMC/BurCK OWNER NAME: Richard Stricklen NAM~ OF THIS FACIlITVÒ BUic~ --- ~ C N' ~ ~ion~ve. ADDRESS' ~ STA DARD IND. CLASS C ~'-àll .._-_._--_._--~ P¡HÒN~ ~P: í;- ·He d, Ca 93ja, ~ÀÒ~~ ~!P: _ r le , c~. 9::~ DUN AND BR"t2Z~R~E~7~M~B~R=Ol12 ~-- , ' REFER to-r NS rUH PHufJER CODES I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II ,12 ,13 U Tr~ns Ty~e Max AY¡rage Annual Hea$ure I D{S Cont Cont Cont US~ Loc~tlon Vhe~e , by Nales of ~jxture{CoIPonents Co e Co e ht at Est Units on S te Type Press Temp Co e Store In Facl Ity Wt See Instru: Ions I AI M I 110, 1 ~110 _I 600 ,I LBS I 365 110 I 1 I 4 T 34 T Showroom 44 Mineral Spirits Iph~~ie~1 ,~d ~etlth Haiard C.A.S. Number 64742-g~7 Component II Name & C.A,S. Number 39 Asphalt I ee a t a apply DOT 126g g052-42-4 . Auto Armor Sound Shield ~ Component'2 Name & C,A.S. Number o Fire Hazard o Reactivity fi: Delared o Sudd;n Release Immediate I . Hea th o Pressure Health Component'3 Nale & C,A.S, Number " '.. Iu Ip I gOO I 500 16000 I Ft3 I 365 113 I 2 14 I 10 I ' Shop , Ph~~iC~1 t~d ~ealth ~afard C.A.S. NUllber COllponent It NUle & C.A.S, Numbe17571g 10C Methane, dich10rodifuro ( ec a t at app Y UN 102g GM Refrigerant-12 OOT 20 '. ]jK] . Component '2 Name & C.A,S. Number o Fire Hazard o Reactivity fi De Jared 0 SUddfn Re I ease IlImedlate Hea th' 0 Pressure Health Component 13 Name & C.A.S. NUllber , - , I A , MIlO I 10 I 120 I GAL I 365 1 13 I 2 l 4 I 26 I SHOP Phl~ie~l tnd ~ealth ~ajard C.A.S. Number Component 11 Nue & C.A,S. Numberg052413 50 Stoddard solvent ( ee a I t at app y t~OPenetrating Oil [] Component '2 Name & C.A.S. NUllber749g6 25 Propane ) ']fi Fire Hazard o Reactivity o Delared [] SUddfn Release Immediate , Hea th o Pressure Health Nue & C.A.S, NUllber752/5 25 Propane, 2 methyl COllponent 13 I A I H I 60 I 120 I 120' I GAL I 365 I 10 L1 14 I 34 I SHOWROOM Ph~~ie~1 ,~d ~ealth ~ajard C.A.S. NUllber , , / Component' I Name & C.A.S. Number64742-g~7 26 Mineral Spirts ( ec a t at app y . Auto Armor Paint Sealant Kk Component '2" Nalle & C.A,S. Number64742-47-g 9 140 Solvent I 0 Fire Hazard [] Reactivity tl D~ I ared o SUddfn Re I ease Immediate I ea th o Pressure Health I COllponent'3 Nalle & C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS "1 Warren Owens Bus. Mgr~ F512- 31gg 112 Mike Loe Service Mgr B7.1-22~t Nalle Iltle 24 Hr Phone Nalle Title 1T Hr ne ~brtifi~atio~ ÇRe Fa and ~i~m af ~r c9mflftingal1, sections) . ", l~ertl y un er enal 0 a th t~ I av peesona examln 0 m familiae It the infoematlon $U mltteð In his ond all h --, 2 a~taçhed dQCymen~sl an~ t~t ~ase~ on my InQuiry 01 lhose In~lvl~uats responslb'e ~or obtaining the In~ormatlon. ï believe that t e subllltted Information IS true, accu,ra, te, aM complete. Þ /l I, Warren Owens, Busines Mgr. ' , ~ ·D (c¿""- ~ 1I!"e UCI oUchl cIne or owner/ooernor u~o\tner!operacor's authorlzeClreDresentatlve ' 5\ a ure ¡: '~L~____ fJ- 30~?D I UHnHr.eG - I CITY of BAKERSFIELD " ~.' Physical aod Health Ha{ard (Check all that apply¡ Goodwrench top engine cleaner aerosol EJ{Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Detayed 0 Sudden Release , Hea Ith of Pressure C.A.S, NUlllber ftHAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON-TRADE SECRETS Page Z of ~~~~~S~~~~2~i8~g~n~tricklen ~~~~D~~DTY~B.F¿Elš!Ttòu~~~ ' I CHIÒNY~ ~!.p~rs~le~, c.:a; ;;;~ DUN AND BR12f!R~ET7HMMB~R 0310 ------------"--1 IEFE~ ffTO-¡~~ f"hV ~ì -NS ¡-Ufo( PROPER CODES - - - - - - - t.. - 7 8 9 10 II 12) 13 U I Dys Cont Cont Cont Use Location Vhere 'by Nalles of lIixture{ColIPonents on SIte Type Press Telllp Code Stored In FacI I Ity lit SeHnstru: Ions 365 13 2 4 08 SHOP COllponent 11 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber 111762 , c~IIPonent.2 Nalle' I C.A.S. NUllber 8030306 n Imllledlate Health Component.3 Nalle I C.A.S. Number 2-butoxy-~- farll and Agticulture [] Standard Business B9S¢NE2S NAM~~ ~otor City GMC/BUICK ~ C TI N·l4'f-Uu..lUU Av'ò I T ~ IP: ~ákersfielð, Ca. 93307 ¡HONt: It: J~7-7171 t 2 3 4 5 Trans Tyøe Max Average Annual Code Code Amt Amt Est A M 20 20 120 a " North of Gas Pumps COllponent . L Nalle & C.l. S!,. .Humber ; 'Nd'E aVal"Iaule Complex Mixture Physical aod Health Ha{ard ,C,A.S. Number (Check all that apply¡ Exxon Extra Unleaded Gasoline E}CFire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed 0 Sudden Release Health' of Pressure O . COllponent 12 Nalle & C,A,S. Number Immediate Health Component.3 Name I C,A.S. Number A M 100 =_100" 1200 GAL PhYSical 'nd Health Ha{ard C.A.S. Number (Check a I that applll Goodwrenèh 15W-40 Motor Oil . fg)CFire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed 0 SUddfn Release Health 0 Pressure 4 26 SHOP Component.1 Nalle I C.A.S. Number 64742650 9 Distilitates, solvent dewaxed heavy paraffinic ) e I A M 100 100 1200 GAL Pr~~~~~la,~dt~:tl~~ ~~{ard C,A.S. NUllber Goodwrench î~W-30 Motor Oil , KJ{Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed 0 SUddfn Release Health 0 Pressure I EMERGENCY CONTACTS "1 Warren Owens Business Mgr 872-3188 112 Mike Loe Name Iltle Z4 Hr Phone Hame cèrtification (Re~d and sign afjßr cÇJmp7eting a77 sections) , . , II~ertlfr unde~penal1ï 0 la~ that I have persona IYl examlneQ ond,m familIar with the informatIon ,ubmltte~ In thIs ond all attached docUllents. anQ t at based on my Inquiry 0 hose IndlVldua s responsIble for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the sUbllltted informatIon .IS true. accurate. and complete. 0 ' I. Warren Owens, Business Mgr. ~ ' ' ~e!n 0 C 8 e ~ne 00 ra r' o~ner pera or s au orlze reoresen a IV signature I ' --, '----¡ O d' Component.2 Name & C.A.S, Number Imllle late Health COllponent.3 Nalle I C.A.S. Number / / 26 SHOP Component.1 Nllle & C.A.S. NUllbep4742650 o , , Component'2 Name & C.A.S. NUllber o IlIImedllate Hea th Component.3 Nalle I C.A.S, NUllber Service Mgr Tttle 871-222~ 'Ztlfr none '').;'5D -yO Uãte!iQr.ea CITY of BAKERSFIELD ':.' , ~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY farll and I.gticulture 0 Standard BusIness ~ NON-T RAD E S ECR ETS rage ~__,_ of _ BH~IY~öS NA~t r-1o~or City GMCjBUICK OWNER NAME: Richa]:'d Stricklen NAM~ OF THIS f;ACILITY' ~llk . ___ b~b¢ Ë ~~Þ: J3~~:t~!~~lâ;ecd. 93307 ~9ï~:S~!p:ft~~r~r~~~g~t t;a. ~1ju6 ð~~ ~~~DBÄ~T~~~fS~M~~----0212-------_·_----- PI N . 3 7 7 17 RfF~R lito ~rrfslfkut:L1DNS I-Uff PRDt-'ER CODES - - - - - - - . I 'I 2 3 . 5 7 8 91 0 ~,1 12 13 U ~r4ns TYDe Max Average Annual . Oys Cont Cont Cont Use Location Where 'by Nalles of l!1Xture{COIIIPonents ~ode Code Allt Allt Est on SIte Type Press Temp Code Stored In Facility Wt See Instru: Ions I A M 50 50 00 3 5 10 1 4 2 SHOP I Physical fod Health Halard C.A.S. Humber COllponent 'I Nalle I C.A,S. NUllber 64742650 (Check a I that apply) , . Goodwrench 5W-30 Motor Oil EPCFire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Oelared 0 Sudden Release Hea th of Pressure O - Component 12 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber IlImediate Hea Ith Component f3 85 Solvent-dewaxed.heavv pararrlnlC dìstlILat~ à~grîrl~t~ed heavy paraffin c " I I , PhYSIcal fod Health Hafard (Check a I that apply Goodwrench ATF Dexron II rnxFire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed Health C,A.S. Humber SHOP COllponent 11 Nalle I C.A,S, NUllber 64741895 95 Solvent refined light parafflnlc distillate o Suddfn Release - 0 Pressure O COllponent '2 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber IlImed is te Health Component '3 Nalle I C,A.S. Number I A M 24 24 1152 GAL I Physical fnd Health Halard C.A;S. Number ¡(Check a I that apply! Safety Kleen 105 Sol vent-MS, ¡xpg- Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity U Delayed 0 Suddßn Release e I Hea Ith Of Pressure I 08 SHOP Component.! Nalle I C.A.S. Number 8032-32-4 9 Mineral Spirits ~ Component.2 Name I C.A.S. NUllber ty\.llImediate Health / Conponent.3 HallB I C.A,S, HUllber / SHOP Component.1 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllberl0'7;"'21-1 80 Ethylene Glycol I Ph(Ysical fod Hea.lth HaIard C.A.S. HUllber Check a I tha~ apAI Y > Pennzoll An i-Freeze & Còãlant o Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed 0 Sudden Release Health of Pressure ~ . Component.2 NallB I C,A.S. Number ~ Immed18te Health Component.3 Nalle I C.A.S. Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS It1 Warren Owens Business Mgr. 872-3188 112 r.fike Loe Service Mgr I Hatle Iltle 24 Hr Phone N8IIIeTftle Ce1rtificatio" (Re~d and sign afJf3r c9mp1eting ÇJ77 sections) . . r ~ertlfy un~er penalt~ 0 la~ th4t I have persona Iy examlne~ '"dfll familIae with the informatIon $ubllltted In this ond all at~açhed dQcuments¡ ano t at based on IIY Inquiry 0 those In~IVldua s responsIble for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the submItted Informat on IS true. accurate. and coiplete. . J (L- I. Warren Owens Business Mgr -, Ú (~ _---4 _ ~~~\ ~"( of,..:!!1 rl[le of OllnerlCDerBtOr UII ollner/operator's authOrlleO reoresentHlve sIgnature - t . - ---------- --~-~ __ __ _ ____ ___ _ __ 871-2221 1flfr PhOne 7-30-90 UHë"'S'Hr.ea CITY of BAKERSFIELD~ d d ' v~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY Farm and Agticulture [] Stan ar Buslness~ NON-TRADE SECRETS Page _:t___ of _ B9SINE2S NAME= Mot9r City GMCjBuick OWNER NAME: Richarµ Stricklen NAME OF THIS FACILITY' Buick U CAn N' '1:49 UH.J..UU Avt: . ADDRESS' 4125 Cctl)t:.LHt:L STANDARD IND. CLASS CÒUF:-5511 -- C: TY IP: Eak s!1eld. Ca 9JJ(J'{ CITY zíp~ r field. Ca. 93306 DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER--·--------·----u-- RHON~ It: J2(-~í PHON~ It·· ~l~-ïít¡":4 . 02 - 288 - 0112, I REFER TO-rN:5 / Hue; /1 uNS J-UH fJHufJER CODES - - - - - - , I '1 2 3 4 5 6 1 8" 9 10 11 12 13 U Tr4ns TYQ8 Max Average Annual Measure' Dys Cont Cont Cont USQ loc4tjon Where 'by NUles of l!ixture/Ccllponents Code Code AIIt AIIt Est Units on Site Type Press Temp Code Stored In FacilIty Wt See lnstru:tlons I A M 200 200 1200 GAt 3 5 03 1 4 2 SHOP Ph(Ysical GOd Health Ha¡ard C.A.S. Number Component.1 Name & C.A.S. Number Check all that apply) . Pennzoil 20W-40 Motor Oil I E}CFire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 oelared 0 Sudden Release Hea th of Pressure I A M 200 200 2400 GAt Physical GOd Health Hafard C,A.S, Number (Check all that apply _ . - Pennzoil 10W- 30 Motor 'Oil E]K:Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delared 0 Sudden Release Hea th' of Pressure ~ . Component.2 Name & C.A.S. Humber t::J. lmmed I ate Health Component.3 Hame & C.A,S. Humber " SHOP Component.1 Name & C.A.S. Number o Base Lubrication Oil Mixture W1l . Component.2 Name & C.A.S. Number I!:I~ Jllmed18te ' Health Component.3 Name & C,A.S, Number I A M 200 I Phy~ical fnd Health "¡lard (Check a I that apply) Pennzoil 15W-40 Motor Oil . I81XFire Hazard 0 Reactivity. 0 Delared Hea th [] Sudden Release of Pressure SHOP Component"~ Name & C.A.S. Number ~ Component.2 Name & C.A.S, Number [!,I\.Jllmediate . Hea I th / Component .3 / 8 Base Lubrication Oil Mixture C.A.S. Number I A M 5D 50 120~ GAt Þr~~~~f I a f~dt~:fl~h p'~afard C.A.S. Number FpennZOil ~~ 30 Motor Oil YII1'I'I . COlllponent 12 Nue & C.A.S. Number Kire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delared 0 SUddrn Release ''Cf.lmllledlate - Hea th 0 Pressure Health Component.3 Name & C.A.S, Number EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 ìvarren Owens Business Mgr 872-3188 tl2 Mike Loe I HUle _ 11 t Ie Z4 Hr pnone Hallie C~rtifiçatioo fReiad and $ign afjf3r cçmp7eting a17 sections} . I ~ertlfy unoer penaltx 0 la~ th~t I have persona I~l examlnQO 000 em familiar with the informatIon $ubllitted in this ond all a~taçhed documents, anQ t at based on my Inquiry 0 hose IndiVidualS responsible for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that the submitted InformatIon IS true, accuratel and complete. . ~ I Warren Owens Business Mgr.· . _ ~~!t~~:( ~f~hlp~e~~~~oera~tor Uti oll~:r/o~~r8tor's .autnormo reoresentatlve ' gna~ SHOP /~- Component.1 Name & C,A.S. Number 90 Base Lubrication Oil Mixture Service Mgr Title 871-2221 IT Hr phone ()~~ - UãtniQ'r.ea 7-30-90 ~I '.~"'; , , I farl and Agticulture [] CITY of BAKERSFIELD , ,~HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY I Standard BusIness ~ ~ I NON-TRADE SECRETS Page ;;7 of ! OWNER NAME: Richard Stricklen NAM~ O~ THIS FACILITV¿ ~ck ----.. -I ~hM~S'jp~~~. Ca~ ~06 8M 2~OoBÄ~!W~~HsfYI!R~Å-~~-_·· -~-- REFER to~ ~ 1 NS ~Uf( fJf(ufJER CODES - - - - - - - - - . 9 12 13 U Cant loc~tion Where 'by Na~es cf ~ixture/Co~ponents Press Stored In facility Wt See Instru~tlcns 1 OUTSIDE SHOP B~SI~l~S NA~' Motor âity GMC/BUICK HIr¢ ~ z~Þ: B~~~;tY~l v~ Gä. 93307 P¡HONc ä: )27-7171 I 2 3 4 5 Tr~ns TYDe Mu Average Annual ICode Code Allt Allt Est I A M 400 400 9 00 Ph(Y~iCal aod Health Hlafard C.A.S. Nu~ber Check all that.app y . WASTE OIL xmcKire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delared 0 SUdd;n Release I Hea th 0 Pressure I A ·M 2 PhY~ical aod Health Hafard FCheCk all that apply Petrolane Propane fire Hazard 0 Reactivi. ty 0 Delayed 0 Suddøn Release Health' of Pressure I A M 10 10 I, . Physical fnd Health Hafard (Check a I that apply General Motors Antifreeze o Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity tJ Delared 0 Suddøn Release Hea th of Pressure COllponent., Nale I C.A.S, Number ~Ýaste Oil C,A.S. NUllber ,,~ ' COllponent.2 Nale I C.A.S. NUllber ~ ImmedIate Health Component.3 Name I C,A.S, Number 42 Component., Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber 74-98-6 " 97 Propane O d" COllponent.2 Nalle I C,A.S. Number Imme Ilate Hea th Component .3 'Name I C.A.S. Number C.A.S. Number Component.!, Nalle & C.A.S. Number 107-21-1 ~ . Component.2 Name I C,A,S. NUllber I!:P- IlIlIedlate Health Component.3 Nall9 I C,A.S. Number 4 Ethylene Glycol / / I A fr70 20, ~OO LBS I Physical ood Health Uaiard C.A,S. NUllber ~Check all that applYI Pennzoil lubrication oil I Fire Hazard 0 Reactivity 0 Delayed 0 Sudd-en Release r ' Health of Pressure 26 SHOP Component.1 Name I C,A.S. NUllbe'64742;47 yn d· Component.2 Name & C.A,S, Number 61790496 '>-eJ IlIIme late Health Co~ponent.3 Nalle & C.A.S. Number o Hydrotreated Heavy Paraffini Distillate petroleum- 1 Octadecanoic acid EMERGENCY CONTACTS .1 Warren Owêns . Business Mgr fr72- 3188 112 Mike Loe I _ Hue II t Ie 24 Hr pnone . NUle Ce1rtificatioo (Re~d' and $ign afjf3r cÇJmp7~ting a77 sections) . . . 1 tertlfy un~er penaltx 0 la~ th~t I have persona IWl eX8mlnQQ OOd 011 familiar with the informatIon $ubmltte~ In thIs ond all at~açhed docUllents, ano t at based on IIY Inquiry 0 hose IndIVIduals responsIble for obtaIning the InformatIon. I belIeve that 1he submItted Inforllatlon IS true. accurate, and COllplete. ., .' f. I , .tl I. ~'larren Owens BUsJ.nêss Hgr , {;(..J~ U~;.., .J ~!~e ar~ otic!!, tlrle of ovnerfooersror ~K owner/operator's autnorlzea reDresentatlve signature 1,-- ----.:-_ ;- - - - , Service Mgr Title 871-2221 n Hr PMne I U~~~~?~ -I '. ~.,.; J 07/17/r:30 MOTOR CITY GMC SUZUKI 215-000-000966 Overall Site with 2 Fac. Units Page 1 General Information Location: 115 UNION AV Ident Number: 215-000-000966 Map: 103 Hazard: Moderate Grid: 32C Area of Vul: 0.0 CC'Y',t act Name WARREN OWENS MIKE LOE Title 13 tJ.s oj E.S S. /IA 6;L. Sfl1-tJt<:E /i1l6f.... I Business Phone (805) 327-7171 x (805) 327-7171 x 24 HO'.lr PhOne] (805) 87i:::-3188 (805) 871-2221 Ma i 1 Addt~s: City: Cc,mm Ccode: Administrative Data 115 UNION AV & 149 UNION AV BAKERSFIELD 215-006 BAKERSFIELD STATION 06 I I I D&B Number: 02-788-0319 State: CA Zip: 93307- SIC C,:.de: 5511 Owner: RICHARD STICKLEN Address: 4125 CABERNET City: BAKERSFIELD Phc'Y'le: (805) 327-7171 State: CA Zip: 93306- r Summary I I II 'I ~, tJ4I2t&J [)4J&J.<,\. D') h:~rcty certify ~ha~ ~ havs rfypa Of ptlt1t name) reviewed tile attached hH,.:';:.::\~:jS materials managso ment pla.n for.JJ.~~k'5:~:f1-.--.~.i~d that it along with any corroctions CQfìst¡¡Li~e {.~ cornµlete and correct mano mgemsnt plan for my facili1y. I~).~·,dk- SlgNIIUre 7-30 ~9'q_ Daæ . e 07/17/'30 MOTO'CITY GMC SUZUKI 215-000-(.'366 Page 2 Hazrl1at I rlverlt cl)·~Y List in Refet~ence Number Ot~det~ 02 - GIV C Plr,-Ref Name / Ha z a t~d s F c.t~ro Quarlt it Y MCP 02-001 CARBURATOR CLEANER Liquid i28 High lromed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-002 CLEANING SOLVENT Liquid 128 Mc.det~at e Immed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-003 LURICATING OIL Liquid 240 Mi rlimal Fire, Delay Hlth LBS 02-004 MOTOR OIL Liquid 300 Mil", i mal Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 02-005 TRANSMISSION FLUID Liquid 110 Lc.w F i t~e, Delay Hlth GAL 02-006 ANTIFREEZE/COOLANT Liquid 300 Low Fit~e, lroroed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-007 WASTE OIL Liquid 300 Lc.w F i t~e, Delay Hlth GAL 02-008 DIESEL FUEL Liquid 2,000 Lc.w Fire, I filmed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-009 UNLEADED FUEL Liquid 10,000 MClde)-~ate Fire, Imfl1ed Hlth, Delay Hlth GAL 02-010 REFRIGERANT 12 Gas '320 Mi r,imal F i t~e, Imroed Hlth FT3 03 -~ g()(~~ 03-011 LUBRICATING OIL Liquid 240 Mi rlÌmal F i t~e, Delay Hlth LBS 03-012 MOTOR OIL Liquid 300 Minimal F i t~e, Delay Hlth GAL 03-013 WASTE OIL Li.q'.\id 300 LClw Fire, Delay Hlth GAL 03-014 REFRIGERANT 12 Gas '320 M Ì'r'li mal F i t~e, Pt~essl.n~e". Immed Hlth FT3 ... 07/17/90 MOTOR CITY GMC SUZUKI 215-000-000966 00 - Overall Site Page ~ ,:, <D} Notif./Evacuation/Medical <1} Agency Notification CALL r:311 ( l ~ eJ-veo; ð ~ (;, el..2ß..JrJocJ S S P ~ If. A {CkJ'~ ..,. p,llW'f- P ~p e.. " , IT ( c:.l>rt..ft (§ge¡ ... ~ Is, .¡ 8 ). :J' f ~ tM-~ ~ I ';) e..,.c..~ ~ <2} Employee Notif./Evacuation VERBALLY NOTIFY CUSTOMERS AND EMPLOYEES ON THE COMPANY PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. CALL 911. HAVE ALL PEOPLE ASSEMBLE IN THE SOUTH PARKING LOT. f'J (> TI fi (V\ A-AJ /t(;.é-L I Ai c:: H4R.6(!. ..!.p rrl-e- l#2..fJr/lJ) J.s E:JL771-~EI ¡..JDTíF'1' THé PEoPLE' IIJ 71-/-£ AD:JDOh)J6 FÆCIÌ-,7,ES. <3} Public Notif./Evacuation 54-M~ A-~ ~þ'¡G. <4} Emergency Medical Plan 2A SEC 5} DR. WILLARD CHRISTIANSEN - 2021 22ND ST - 327-9617 MERCY HOSPITAL - 2215 TRUXTUN AVE - 327-3371 F12II'1I L y f't1t:.£Í I GPrI::::-€~ ...58\,,1 L..AL-TF0 RhlI g ~ ,:,.::: f -"1'':'1 t- M~D /- C;/irJJ'1'Eê. g).o 3'11!:J S7"2EÆ-r ~t.l17E /ð2,. ~L5'-b1l1f¡'f e e 07/17/'30 MOTottCITY GMC SUZUKI 215-000-~1'366 00 - Overall Site Page 4 <E> Mitigation/Prevent/Abatemt <1> Release Prevention OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE SEPARATED AND CHAINED. EMERGENCY SHUT-OFF SWITCHES FOR FUEL PUMPS. PROPER CONTAINERS, VALVES AND PROPER HANDLING AND STORAGE OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. NO SMOKING SIGNS POSTED IN APPROPRIATE AREAS. REFER TO MSDS SHEETS FOR CLEANUP AND MEDICAL ATTENTION. CALL IN OUTSIDE HELP ON SERIOUS PROBLEMS. . <2> Release Containment ":0 h. lit... Pnvb e t..f:4.JJvrP -sro_J.-. Ðt ~ Péj.1,1F ~~ M fvrC-t2./1rb, ¡) 5é l:J-ð'soQ.ßevr flAAí1!f¿,Jyi- I' U 'Ç Irs Pt=R.. ;j;¡J~T~';t::- Í/iJÃl.S <3> CleaY"1 Up S f'h.\..t~ k"S ~ O(/f:;, <4> Other Resource Activation ¡J/A- 07/17/90 MOTOR CITY GMC SUZUKI 215-000-000966 00 - Overall Site Page ~ ~ <F> Site Emergency Factors <1> Special Hazards µ/~ <2> Utility Shut-Offs A) GAS - WEST END OF SHOP OUTSIDE B) ELECTRICAL - WEST INSIDE WALL OF SHOP AND WEST INSIDE WALL OF PARTS C) WATER - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FENCE AT WEST END OF LOT ON V ST D) SPECIAL - FUSIBLE LINK SHUT-OFFS ALL PARTS CLEANING TANKS E) LOCK BOX - NO <3> Fire Protec./Avail. Water PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION - FIRE EXTINGUISHERS LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE BUILDING WITH APPROPRIATE MARKINGS FIRE HYDRANT - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE FENCE ON V ST. <4> Held for Future use e - 07/17/90 MOTO'Crry GIVJC SUZUKI 215-000-_)966 00 - Overall Site Page 6 <G> Tt~a iY'Ii rig < 1 > Page _ 1 WE HAVE ?? EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY? 8'-1 DO YOU HAVE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FILE? '(e5 BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING: tJ~ 6v-tfID1e.5 ~~ ?loJ~ <::\ ~p 'á- þ..f. C>~ HA-Z.ItI!OOtJ5 cejo4.o lI11£1Y~e.A-r,ÞÞJ fJro5~ ~.() S#OuJ:1J TH-£ LOC4-Tiop of 1?IC' /'15./)5 5#EErS />rt..ðNð- u.)¡""" (:) i//(. þ/-I'J.UP-Dð¡/$ /lit lr,tEl¿JlH_ _gùSI J~ P'-'HJ. rl/é StJoP ~ {Jt92T5. PE!2s0¡..)£L 1~G A- ßDNnlLY' f\'I£E7/J.Jc::;. DJJ '5 A-Férï .¡- M $bS $/-I£E-75. <2> Page 2 as needed <3> Held for Future Use <4> Held for Future Use e D uts 8'-IS-ge July 17, l'j9û CITY oj' BAKERSFIELD "/lE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D S NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD. 93301 326-3911 Mr. War-r-en Owent3 Motor City GMCJBuick 149 Union Avenue Bakera£ield, Ca. 93307 Dear Mr. Owens: We have received the attached inventory sheets 10r your business located at 115 and 149 Union Avenue. However, all but two o£ the inventory sheets are completed on 'old £orms (more than two years old) and those forms do not contain su£ficient information. We have highlight.ed in green the materials that do need to be reported on revised inventory forms. Currently this office has separate business plans for Kot.or City GMC/Suzuki and Motor City Buick. 80th plans carry inventories for 115 Union Avenue as well as 149 Union Avenue. I£ this is t.o be considered on facilit.y perhaps a business plan revision is the best vehicle. I have included a complete set of business plan forms for your use. New inventory forms must be completed. You may elect. to mark up your existing business plan, clearly indicat.ing changes, or resubmit a new plan. The revised inventory forms or the revised business plan need to be returned complete, by August 15, 1990. If we can be of any assistance please do not. hesitate to call. , , Coordinator