HomeMy WebLinkAboutHAZARDOUS WASTE 'I I I I I I I I I II I. I , I 'I I ! I I I II I I Geotechnical Specialists HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN Presented by: Hawatmeh Shell 101 South Union Bakersfield, California 93307 p~ BH 157A 590 -¡ ¡:-------¡ ~BH BH BH bH BH BH 18ts' I~ p~ ~I~ r3'1 ~~ i~j~~t=é~..1'J~rtJ~.'-~¡--1'-----:f-- 500 :1 1 U \ic~-'7_. _ _ ;~~:,+",;,,~, z 480---Tf-;~~ ,it~-:~-~:-:', _~~~~..--~~.~¡¡,.¿:,~ t'.~.:J~ ¡ 4'~ f :::~>::o'IT,~::'j:OM.OO" '0'"000'+ ;onJ, ¡~U~'" BH BH BH 703 177 135 590 -::---'11 ! pso jI- - - - - -~f560 .':1 u _460 440 1076,OOOE 1,078,OOOE 1,080,000 E C' looe;G2c ~~A.E iN FEE ~- - Krazan & associates, inc. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I OJr HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN Presented to: Kern County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Unit by: Hawatmeh Shell 101 South Union Bakersfield, California 93307 Prepared by: Krazan & Associates, Inc. 3860 North Winery A venue Fresno, California 93726 (209) 291-7337 ~~(g~~~~¡fJ) @(CV lOJ (6 ~~~~ lJ=O~l. WJ~ r. fD~V. JcycØ 0[ : ~ (51 ð1J2 2Cr-;S I i I I I I I I I II i I i il i. I I I I I I I I I CONTENTS BUSINESS PLAN Registration Form Emergency Response Form Annual Inventory Forms Site Map EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN AND PROCEDURE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES APPENDIX A Summary of Business Plan Requirements General Information and Employee Training Program APPENDIX B Introduction to Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 'I I 1 I I I I I I I I ¡I II I I I I I I I I II ORB COtJHTY PIRE DEPARTMENT (805) 861-2761 2 -.-..---.----, ID# ~(O~) DO HOT WRITE IN THIS BOX HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN FOR.M 2 Porms Due By: SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIPICATION DATA A. FULL LEGAL BUSINESS NAME: Hawatmeh She 11 B. PHYSICAL LOCATION/STREET ADDRESS: 101 South Uni on CITY: Bakersfield 93307 BUS. PHONE: (_805 ) 322-0297 ZIP: C. MAILING ADDRESS: 101 South Uni on CITY: Bakersfield ZIP: 93307 D. HAVE YOU FILED A BUSINESS PLAN WITH THE DEPARTMENT UNDER A DIFFERENT NAME WITHIN THE LAST TWO YEARS? YES NO XX IF YES, UNDER WHAT NAME DID YOU FILE? E. THIS SUBMISSION IS A NEW XX BUSINESS PLAN OR REVISED SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In the event of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, telephone 9-1-1 and then (800) 852-7550 or (916) 427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by State law. Additional Federal reports may be required. PERSONS WHO SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IN CASE OF EMERGENCY AT YOUR BUSINESS THAT HAVE FULL ACCESS AND CAN PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: NAME AND TITLE ~ . DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. Amer Hawatmeh B. Thomas Stanci 1 Ph# 322-0297 Ph# 322-0297 Ph# 871-4794 Ph# 861-8289 - CONTINUED ON REVERSE - ( 1 ) SECTION 3: LOCATION OP THE MAIN UTILITY SHUTOPPS POR THE ENTIRE BUSINESS A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: Center r.ear of buil di ng B. ELECTRICAL: Inside southwest wall C. WATER: East side of site-on sidewalk fronting Union D. SPECIAL/OTHER: Emergency dump shutoff in cashi ers booth E. LOCK BOX: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM DESCRIPTION Do you have a group of employees trained to handle minor accidents involving hazardous materials at your business? Yes No If so, you must explain the level of training and equipment they possess and how they are notified to respond. SEE ATTACHED "EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN & PROCEDURES" SECTION 5: IDENTIPICA~XON OP THE CLOSEST APPROPRIATE EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ~VAILABLE TO YOUR BUSINESS #1 Kern Medical Center #2 Bakersfield Memorial Hospital ADDRESS: 1830 Flower Street 420 34th Street CITY: Bakersfield Bakersfield PHONE: (-ªºL) 326-2000 PHONE: ( 805) 327-1779 COMMENTS/ADDITIONAL INFO: - CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE - ( 2 ) I I I I I' I I I I, II , I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED BY STATE LAW TO HAVE A PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1) Methods for safe handling of the hazardous materials used by your business. 2) The CAL OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. 3) Correct use of emergency response equipment and supplies available at your business. 4) The prevention, minimizing, and cleanup procedures you have developed for your business and explained on the business plan forms. 5) The emergency evacuation plans you have developed, the notification procedures used to alert people to evaluate, and the closest location to obtain appropriate emergency medical care. 6) Procedures to coordinate with and assist the local emergency personnel that may respond to your business. 7) Who and how to call for immediate assistance in the event of an accident involving hazardous materials. Describe the location of the written plan and the training records which are required to be developed and maintained. State law requires your training records to be inspected. SEE ATTACHED "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES" STOP! Is your business divided into smaller geographic areas or units? X No Continue on with Sections 7 through 10 of this form. Yes Do not answer Sections 7 through 10 of this form. Sign your name at the bottom of Page 5, then fill out a Form 3 for every area your business was subdivided into. - CONTINUED ON REVERSE - ( 3 ) SECTION 7: EXPLAIN WHAT PREVENTION, MINIMIZATION, AND CLEANUP PROCEDURES YOUR EMERGENCY PLAN INCLUDES. INCLUDE A DESCRIPTION OF MONITORING METHODS AND PROCEDURES. SEE ATTACHED "EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN & PROCEDURES" . SECTION 8: EXPLAIN THE NOTIFICATION METHOD AND EVACUATION PROCEDURES YOU HAVE DEVELOPED FOR THE EMPLOYEES TO USE IN AN EMERGENCY. YOU MUST INCLUDE A MEETING POINT. SEE ATTACHED "EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN & PROCEDURES" - CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE - ( 4 ) 1 I I, II I I I I II II I I I ,I II I I I II I I I I I I ! I I I II I. I. I I I I I I I I I SECTION 9: EXPLAIN WHAT PRIVATE'PIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS ARE IN PLACE THAT MAY ASSIST EMERGENCY RESPONDERS. FIRE EXTINGUISHER ON SALES AREA NEAR CASHIER'S BOOTH AND IN STOREROOM BEHIND DOORS. SECTION 10: LIST THE LOCATION OF ANY WATER SUPPLIES THAT MAY BE USED BY EMERGENCY RESPONDERS. I , Å "'" Ç? < /l.AwA ¡: ~ . cert ify that the " ,formation submitted on all the business pla~ forms is accurate and complete. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my obligat~ons under California Health and Safety Code Division 20 Chapter 6.95 'ek seq. and Title 42 U.S.G.C. Section 1100 et seq. and false information may be punishable by fin , imp~iso nt, or both. ~ HYDRANT LOCATED NORTH ACROSS BRUNDAGE FROM CENlJR OF SITE. . , ( 5 ) 6--Ø-J'l Date r-, "'arm~ric~ L__ r-, Standard Business L -- J DUN ~NO lJRAO;i¡ RtU NIIM¡:U~ ~ _ _ _ ~ER"'UN__I~P." HAZARDOUS MATERIALS "t7w'" - - INVENTORY - -- BUSINESS NAME:~~atmeh Shell OWNER NAME: Amer Hawatmeh IJOCATION: _lQUoutlL Un;~__________ ADDRESS: 101 South Unìorï----------.---.- CITY, ZIP: __Rakersf;e...~_9.l3JlL CITY, zI~-BãkërsfìeTë(--93j(fr=:.=.-.--:~-=-=====~=~~_ PHONE #: .__BD.5.=.3.22.:-_029L___._nu_ .______ PHONE #: 805-322-0297 STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE: .____.§i>1J________ NAME OF T-HISFACILI-;rY-~=.~:_=-=---5~-1-==:=:-_~:_-~ I REFER TO INSTRUCTIONS FOR PROPER CODES _____ ______ .".. ·,.._..._____0.___. Pagp of ------~-_.__._-_._.._---~-- .~~_._---_._- -_.._-~-_.~--_._-_.._--~._-,-._~.-..~..__..,-....__._-.--"-'-'--'-'-~-'-"----'"_._-_._._._--_..._-_._.-.__.-----,,~_._..._-_._..._-.._. ,.. ......_..______'.·__.M_._·._,· '. ...........----.-.........--...- ...-........-.-................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trans rype Max Averdge AnnUd 1 Medsure Cant Cant Cant Use % by Names of Mixture/Components Code Code Amt Amt Est Units lype Press lemp Code Wt See Instructions lth I ~:~·i ~t~·gOO.Q T W~~t·~ ~/ ~~Q;{t;;--· . .~a.l ..g]______l.... ...4 ___~9. m100 . §h?lL Reg~!a ~ Ga.>9Uge. . -- .-.. Health ----------..--------------..--------.----------------------------------------- r4- , r' -, . L._.J Fire L _.J Delayed lIealth C.A.S. Number Ml xture -.. - - ........-.... __ __._ _ _._ .__ _'M _ .... _.. _..__._.~_.._ ___ _ .._ __.. _ _...... ----------------------.-...- ------------..---------------. r{)- , r --1 L_ -' Reactivity L -- _J Sudden Release of Pressure 13) U Days on Site r- .-- '-'- , 1365 I L _ __.J __..__ ~__."'_. __.~~.._~..._._____.._......._ ~_._..__.__ ..._.........__.._ __"..._....__ ._.....M_~_.._ l~~~~~~J~!1~~~]~~l?i!9~~~-I~~[~~~~~~~~~~~[~~!iºP~QP~~~~~~~J~~;J~]~~Qj~~~~]~~~~J~~~~~I~~4~~~~]~~~ï~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~R~~~~i~~~~~v~~ï~~;~~~~~~~~~;~ij-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,- --, . L;L -I Immediate West end of s 1 te Health ---'. . --------------------------------------------------------------------- __ _._... ..._ _..._ ___._ _.._.._____.. _._ _.. .__'_..__M___._ __..__ .__._ M_"'_'" ..'___..'_ _ _.~._ ._.. ..__ _h___ r -.-, L4-.J Fire r --'1 L -- J Delayed Health C.A.S. Number Mixture ----------.--.----.--,..-------- ro- ' I L __.J React ivity r ---, L -- _J Sudden Release of Pressure 13) U Days on Site r- -- -. 1 ì 365 I t____ J ...--..- -----.--------..------.--...-.--.-------..---...-------.---....-....----... ..-.. I ~~~~~]~~~~~~]~l?!i99~~~~-[~~r~~~~~~~~~~~r~?~~º-Q9-.Q~~~~_.~]_.~~;~lJ~_.º)~~~~]_.~_._.~l_._._.~r~_.!ï._._._.J~~~)~~_._.~. _.i9šJ._~_._.~~P_.~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~~~~i-.~~_._.~_.~-~~_.~~_._.~~~_._._.-._.-~~-.. r-, . L3- _J Immediate West end of s; te Hea i th _____________.________n._._n ------ ___n_.._ ---.---- n____n_n_____....___ -..----- - r-' r-, . L4- _J Fire L _..1 Delayed Hea1th C.A.S. Number ___~1.~~~_~~_____.._.___._ r .-- ....-:1 1 3651 L .__ _." J ----- _..----------------------_.._-,-~...._....__...- ........... ....._._----~.~ .~_..~.~.- --...... 11 .. .---. (1) '" 00 o '" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..--- ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- ~ .... UI :J: š: ~ '" ~o..::J Re.3ct ivity 1- -.- 1 L ._.J Sudden Release of Pressure 13) U Da ys on Site _..___ -·-----------------___-..0____·.-··.·-·.--··-----··-·-.____..__..____..__ EMERGENCY CONTACTS #1 Amer Hawatmeh Owner 871-4794 Nâiñe--- ---..- _n_______ ---.. -..... --..- --....--- - ------.----- TìtT ë-'--- --------..- __n.___ -..-.--- .---- -.. n__ 24"'Hr- Plionë- -..-- ... n --... .... ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ #2 Thomas Stanci 1 Manager Nâiñë----------------------------------·---------------- Titlë---------------------------------- 861-8289 RRr-Phìjñë"-' ._.m Certification (Head and sjp,n after comp.loUng all sections) I I [ certify under pendlty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached documents, and that based on my inquiry of those individuals ¡'esponsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. flâiñë-ãiíò-öHíëíâT-fífTë-ör-'õwñë¡:;7öj)ë¡:;ãfö¡:;-OR-öwñë¡:;7õj)ë¡:;ãfö¡:;rš-ãü[fiõ¡:;ì-žëir¡:;ëj)¡:;ëšëñfãHÿë Sígñãfü¡:;ë--nn-----m--------n----- __.n__n - - -- - - - --- - -- - - ..- -úãfë -S í ÿñed - - - - - - . r-., _ Far~gri~e L_ r- -- , Standard Bus iness L)O(J _ _ _ _KE_OU_FI_EP'-E~ - - - - - HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY TRADE SECRETS ONLY I)IJN AND [JRADS1REE: NIIM!:':, ~ " BUSINESS NAME: Hawatmeh Shell OWNER NAME: Amer Hawatmeh LOCATION: lOl Sout1ïUñTón--- ADDRESS: 101-SoUThuñTõñ------------------------------ CITY, ZIP-;- Sikers-·rreTa:-gJ3Ôí---· CITY, zI-p;-~ãKersfíeTá;-·93307----"·--···~=~·_~~.~:__ PHONE #: .___8_®_::)2.f.:_Q2_~L_______________ PHONE #: 805-322-0297 I STANDARD INO. CLASS CODE: .-._~54t-REFER -'TO IN~~~~C~~O~~I;'O~A~~~~~: ;~~~~meh-~hëTI====. .. .__.________~.~..._ ..__._'.__.__..____..~.._...____¥._.__...~. ___. .~_"H_._..._M..~._..,_.___~_w.____..__..._____________....____..__..____._.~M...___·___._,_____·__._··~_·__·__·_·.___,,__._..._,,___.__. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Trans Type Max Aver;¡ge Annua I Measure Cant Cant Cant Use % by Names of Mixtul'e/Components Code Code Amt Amt Est Units Type Press Temp Code Wt See Instructions u~...,._"_.. _...._._,,_,___ , , ),JgfJ 1! ot ........."'...--.......--.....-.--............-..-- " , -----. ---..--..---------.--.----.---- .----.---.--... --.....-..,.---..--.-..--.-. ,. .______ _"__ __. _u _..__.___.... _. ._.._ ". _. . .,.'_ _.~..._,. ... ... - . _...... __....~ . n_ __ - ..... _. . ~ . ... ... r --, L_ --- J Fire r -.-, L _..J Delayed Health C.A.S_ Number ---.-------------..---..------ r- -' -1 r -.- ., L __..J Reactivity L ..__..J Sudden Release of Pressure 13) I Days on Site r--- ì I I \.~ __ _._ .J .......__. .___u.__.__u_______."'.___ .___.__._n·._ _.....___._... ,-- "-_....~_._._".__......,__,,.__. ..",.' ~;:;:~~;;i~~:::::::::Î~~::--~~:~-:~~:~-~:~~~=-~:~=-:~J[~~~:~]~~=_-=_:Jl~=_:::::-I---=-~::[~~-:~-:: ::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-::::-:- __ ... _.. _ _,.___...__.______._."__...__... _'..u_.._~.,,,_,_..._ _.....__ _.... .... _ _,.._.. _. ___ _._ M'.' .. .,. ,..._._.. _.... 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J Sudden Rf' 1 ease of Pressure 13) I ûays on Site r -- .-.. -, I I l. __..__J ___., _ _............ .___.~_ _ .. ._....... ........_ .... .... ...... h _ .. ..... .__...-........... ...... -, ...-... EMERGENCY CONTACTS 11 Näi~---------------------------------·-------:------- T1Eli------------------------------··-- 21-R~·Phò~~---·· .... ~ 0> --------------------------------------------------------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ 12 ~~in¡;-:----- ~.--..- _..- ...----. - --- ---.-------- _n___·.___. ntlën------ u._ .-- ---.'" n ....-..-.- --., L~-Rr-Phöñë -- - Certification (Read and s.ign after completÍng all sections) I certify under penalty of law that I have' personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in this and all attached docum8nts, and that bas8d on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, ¡ believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. Rãliië-äñël-õffìëlãTflfTë-ôf-ôwriér!ôpë¡;ãfõr--OR-ôwñëF7õpèFãfôF'"š-ãütnôFížèa-r-èpr-èšëñfãflvè 5ìgñãtüFë-------n--m ------ - -------- - --- - ---- _n u -.- -- -- - - -- -·-acitè -S1 grïêú -- - -- - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN &: PROCEDURES 1. Prevention: This station incorporates several features which offer a reasonable level of protection against a hazardous material release or spill. Features such as: emergency shut-offs, vapor recovery, leak detection systems, and approved tanks and containers help to prevent or minimize releases. Regular testing and certification of tanks, product lines and dispensers as well as inventory records are used to verify the integrity of the fuel storage and delivery systems. 2. Reporting and Notification: In the event of a spill or release of a hazardous material, regardless of slze, the event will be reported immediately to the station's designated emergency response coordinator. The coordinator will determine if the spill or release is reportable to the appropriate emergency response agencies. Threatened releases will also be reported if it is determined that a significant threat to individual safety, property or the environment is present. If a release is determined to be reportable, this person will immediately contact the emergency response agencies. The agencies and their telephone numbers are: 911 for 861-2761 for (800) 852-7550 for Police, Fire Department & Medical Kern County Fire Department California Office of Emergency Service, warning center, or (916) 427-4341 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The immediate reporting shall include, as a minimum: 1. the exact location of the release or threatened release 2. the name of the person reporting the release 3. the hazardous materials involved in the release 4. an estimate of the quantity of hazardous material involved; and 5. if known, the potential hazards presented by the hazardous material involved in the release. A list of Emergency Response Unit (ERU) contracters which serve the southern San Joaquin Val1ey area is presented below with their addresses and 24-hour telephone numbers: Calpi, Inc. P.O. Box 6278 Bakersfield, CA 93386 & Coalinga, CA (805) 589-5648 (209) 935-5011 Hazardous Material Services (HMS) P.O. Box 705 Coalinga, CA 93210 (209) 935-1508 Kern Environmental Services (KES) P.O. Box 5337 Oildale, CA 93388 (805) 589-5220 & (800) 332-5376 IT Corporation Rt. 1 Box 25 Taft, CA 93268 (805) 589-9383 & (805) 763-4171 3. Mitigation: If the spil1, release or threatened release is determined to be mmor, and therefore non-reportable, service station employees will immediately commence clean-up and containment of the spill or release, and carry out all necessary action to mitigate the release in accordance with standard service station mop-up procedure. These procedures include but are not limited to use of an appropriate absorbant and/or cleaner on spil1s of gasoline, oils, sol vents, etc. Coincident with reporting, employees with emergency response training wil1 take whatever measures are appropriate to assist the emergency response agency and offer the benefit of their knowledge of the station and its contents. I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4. Evacuation: Should it become necessary to evacuate the station, the order will be given verbally to evacuate to off-site location indicated on site diagram. 5. Medical Assistance: All employees in need of medical assistance should be transported to Kern Medical Center or Mercy Hospital. If the injury involves exposure to a hazardous material, a copy of the appropriate Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) shall accompany the effected person to the hospital. 6. Additional Information: Telephone numbers for Emergency Response agencies and applicable MSDS's are located in the cashier's station. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRAINING FOR EMPLOYEES 1) All employees will be trained in the contents of the Business Plan, Emergency Response Plan and Procedures (ERP&P), and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). 2) All training will be documented by employee's signature on a training session sign up sheet. This record of training will be maintained by Station Manager. 3) New employees will be trained on Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Procedures prior to working with hazardous substances. 4) Employees who handle hazardous materials will be trained in the safe handling of hazardous material, and appropriate emergency response actions. 5) Employees will receive training on the location and proper use of on-site emergency response equipment. 6) Personnel responsible for incident reporting will receive special training with regard to the reporting of releases or threatened releases of hazardous materials as described in the ERP&P. 7) Refresher traIning will be done on an annual basis and will encompass all aspects of the Business Plan, ERP&P, MSDS, and all facets of training listed above. --- ------------------- r Appendix A - - ---- ---- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BUSINESS PLAN REQUIREMENTS SHELL OIL SERVICE STATIONS (Kern County Fire Jurisdiction) Service station businesses are required by law to provide hazardous material information (Business Plans) to local health and safety agencies. Following is a brief outline of Kern County Fire Department requirements. The Complete business Plan Includes the Following Forms · Hazardous Materials Business Plan (Forms 2A and 3A) · Hazardous Materials Inventory (Form 4A-1) · Site Map .and Facility Diagram (Form 5) Hazardous Materials to be Registered Include: · Gasoline, solvents, and waste oil, in quantities at or above 55 gallons Business Requirements 0 Initial Compliance · File Plan within 30 days of notification from Kern County Fire Department - File one copy with Fire Department - Fees: Sliding scale, billed after submittal · Copy of Plan to be kept at business · Copy of Material Safety and Data Sheet to be kept at business · Conduct and document Employee Safety Training -New employee hazardous material handling -New employee emergency response training -Annual refresher Business requirements 0 Continued Compliance · Bi-annual Business Plan review · Annual Hazardous Material Inventory Form update · 30-day notification of major changes in business activity - 100% increase in volume of regulated material - Storing a new regulated material - Change of business name, address, ownership or emergency contact person, or business closure - Other business operation changes Release Reporting Procedures · Must report significant releases immediately to - Kern County Fire Department . - California Office of Emergency Services 800-852-7550 - Local fire department · Must provide access for emergency response personnel Please Note: This business plan requirement summary was derived from Kern County Fire Department Guidelines and business plan forms distributed June, 1988 and is not meant as a substitute for these guidelines. For more detailed information, please refer to the specified guidelines, and forms. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION In 1985, the California Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 2185, the Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory Law. It became effecti ve immediately when Governor Deukmejian signed the bill on September 28, 1985. In January of 1986, the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) issued emergency regulations that, in conjunction with AB 2185, requires handlers of hazardous materials to report releases or threatened releases to the local administrative agency and the OES. Provisions of AB 2185 require every county to designate an administrative agency to implement a hazardous materials program. In some counties, certain cities have assumed authority for their own programs. BUSINESS PLANS In addition to the reporting of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material, businesses that handle hazardous materials are required to submit a business plan. The business plan consists of: 1) Specific details of the business, including ownership, address, description of business, and 24-hour emergency contact information for the business. 2) An inventory of the hazardous materials on site. 3) A site plan of the business 4) Emergency response procedures in the event of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material (1) I I 5) Procedures for immediate notification of releases to the I I I I I I I I I I I I ;1 I 'I I I I administrati ve agency and OES 6) Procedures for the mitigation, minimization, prevention, and abatement of a hazard resulting from a release 7) Evacuation plans and procedures for the business site 8) Training for employees who handle hazardous materials to include the safe handling of such materials and proper emergency response procedures in the event of a release or threatened release ~ho must file Any business which handles a quantity of a hazardous material at anyone time during the reporting year equal to .at least a total weight of 500 pounds or a total volume of 55 gallons, or 200 cubic feeet of a compressed gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP). HAZARDOUS MATERIALS According to the definition given in Aß 2185, 11 'Hazardous material' means any material that, because of its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemical characteristics, poses a significant present or potential hazard to human health and safety or to the environment if released into the workplace or the environment..." EMPLOYEE TRAINING I I I I I Businesses that handle hazardous materials, and are not exempt from filing a Business Plan, must provide and document employee training in safety prodecures in handling hazardous materials and in the event of a release or threatened release of a hazardous material. Training should be undertaken a soon as possible for existing employees and before any new employees handle any hazardous material. Employee training must be documented and signed by the employee. This documentation should be maintained by the station manager and should be made available in the event the administering agency conducts an inspection. (2) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I Training must include, but need not be limited to: 1. Methods of safe handling of hazardous materials. Several sections of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) pertain to the safe handling of hazardous materials. It is recommended that the employee reads a representative sample of MSDS's (Le., those corresponding to the products on site). The appropriate OSHA Hazard Communication Program also will satisfy training requirements of the business plan. 2. Procedures for coordination with local emergency agencIes. The station manager or a designated emergency response coordinator (ERC) should be on duty during all business hours. If it is likely that only one person is on duty at any time, that person should be a designated ERC and should undergo the appropriate training. It is the responsibility of the ERC to determine if the release or threatened release is reportable. Please note that, according to California Administrative Code, Title 19, Section 2703: "Immediate reporting shall not be required if there is reasonable belief that the release or threatened release poses no significant present or potential hazard to human health and safety, property, or the environment." This definition of a reportable release is fairly broad and the ERC should exercise caution in his/her determination as to whether a release is reportable. 3. Use of on-site emergency response equipment and supplies. If, in the event there is a release of a hazardous material, and the ERC has determined the release to be minor and therefore does not warrant reporting, the ERC will direct employees to commence cleanup and containment. Proper equipment and supplies for this action are outlined in the correct MSDS. Emergency equipment and supplies for a gasoline station include, but are not limited to: fire extinguishers, absorbants, neutralizers, sand, and underground tank leak detection monitors. Also included should be personnel protective and safety 0) I I I I I ,I I : I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I equipment such as gloves, safety glasses, face shield, and first aid kits/first aid station. 4. The business Emergency Response Plan and Procedures. All employees should be familiar with the contents of the Business Plan. The employee should read and understand the Emergency Response Plan and Procedures, MSDS, and all other aspects of the Business Plan. (4) --------- L_____ ---------- ."'...,...."--_.........--_....~........_-----..........------""'......, Appendix B II II I I :1 ,I I I I I II I I I I !I I I II I , I I I MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are a valuable tool In hazardous material handling. A considerable amount of information is contained In the MSDS. Of particular importance to the service station employee are: Section III Section V Section VIII Section X Section XI Section XII Health Information Emergency & First Aid Procedure fire & Explosion Hazard Employee Protection Environmental Protection Special Precautions It is recommended that all employees who handle hazardous materials (e.g., gasoline, oil, waste oil) become familiar with the Business Plan, Emergency Response Plan & Procedures, and MSDS. A copy of these items should be placed in a conspicuous location, accompanied by the names and telephone numbers of the appropriate emergency response agencies. IRl /§ ((; I§ j P? IÆ J/J~ , f) 'BOU W ~N"'¡~O . . 'f\J 114 EIVr4l f.¡ e4l 'tf¡ I II I I! II I I II II I I I I I I I I I I, I I II II I - ----~, 6J£ . ~P7 8,,,cc- \', fnv~ ,~ ~ utPd~r~ /h-"Lt/14~( ~ 15~s. Ø/~ ~ ~ 5 Gv~ J m-:h~ ..¿ &-"f'~ d- / t) / > ~ ¿) ;)/ "'"' , ---.../J J <. ~ 'f\. ~\ ;""--- ~ ~ "- œ @ ~ ~ ~ 'W @ \b»V' )i w::,r J\I\'I2 t119f'é\ Hi t KG~D \-\N\CU ~ ~llEY _-J.__. /' " / ~:f:: f D. A. LINDSLEY i J ~ Area Manager-Retail Los Angeles East District Retail Sales Shell Oil Company 511 N, Brookhurst Street p,O, Box 4848 ANAHEIM, CA 92803 1 (BOO) 447-4355, Ext, 1013 (805) 834-2888 ......'