HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-REPORT 1989 . ---.. . (r'"\ IÞ .:. FILE CONTE~TS SUMMARY FACILITY; (ì/Q}/~rnia WQ-Aor S~Y"II¡'~e Cðm(YJrJY ADDRESS :, ~/..f{)1 --rF'JI¡-/-t)f) Ave. PERMIT #: J?ððD~ ENV. SENSITIVITY: ~S Activity Date . # Of Tanks Comments ., ,:;t'. IfpJ/œhðn 17eððtoG !#JpJ i ~O !-¡'ðn "'.' -..- ,-,- . , \,4 /()/3!o~J7 ~m'<'Q\ 'i~ &. le-I-P r 3)d~/ SJS 7 1// f¿' I 9//R',/ R7' q 1'2/Q(L\Q ~ IOh.3/f9 , , 7ó 0ßmk·. /r)0~r(Jk . ·kJ. cJ-:nnd() f) . :~-r A-' ..,. " La.'O'(l'(\Cl\~~~ " ': -.".' I I J . . ·~ f ;¡f....~-'~ARY J. WICKS.C tit r: 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Agency Director Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 861·3502 .' ''. '-:'~-'>':';';;~~'J~~;:"." .' "," .', .._~~~;,'~:::;:;:: ~:~:~ ::~:::: :STEVE McCALLEY.' """q~~fl~?\" ,': '.' ." '","'::~-. ,:' Director RES? "Y, ~, q--~-,,:~,~~(~t~L~ ,~j.~~\tJk\, ::~ ,~~,~, :~,::.:2;~, ?~~.,c~ .~: ,r~'::'t<'~)":~::':' , .','~ '," , ., ,r[6fj¡f't\' '......... l~~, ;,' , , :; ~..', : '.~,î."",,- "",',~ ,'. 'è, ; , , --' .' 'DEPARTMENT::OF"'ENVIRONMENTAL ;,;~~. ~i:': ,:'-'i:~,: ",-,-:,,~.., ::"~;.:(~,~,;,,, " ,-'., ';-~.-:: ':.-"':':. ,¡"~'H'·'Ë.Â/jTJ~'H-\'S· -"E"R' "~I/C""'E¡S' , :: :' :~,::~l\<:'>~~;::~~:,~~:;':-~~, ::-\:~-;,;.'.,.:::r~ë~~:'~} -~,;:~'.. " ..,'.-.-,1<, ',-. fi.~"" . ~ <__J"~_____,--_""-,c.ç___'''_''~'~_r",,,,,,__,,4 ',"','" ,'. ::~."',, " : ,,":: ,:~';': -, ,~~ 7 i: '~;}2!.: :~~t~:~~t~4.~;,~ '{:>~;: ':2~~:~f~:-?~~+~f,;S };f*:;,~~:?,,;},?~;.:i~~~~ ~ ~/';I::fi t. " "PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ",.,~.,'.+"'"~",<:,",,,.'.,,:,<_'-"..-" -,,: .:.¿"t.,>.---;__.-:;,,~':''':':'~' PERMIT NUMBER A1036-17 ...., ..... ~F~~,~D~~~ROUN~ ~.~.~iRDo~S~~;~~~¿~,:~~·~·~~,·':~¿{;f:}J;~~~~~~~~~{~&?i¡{:i~$~;Þ~;;~ ," ,:,SUBSTANÇES STORAGE FACILITY,.,.,. -:,':'. -:,,'"1:"""¡::'''~'' ",,'f' ._,;r '. :c" "'.}'::::-:.':;-,~.}!':,'~> ",;,¡.:,,'_' ^:.. . ;":,,,", :: +' 'c' ",:"'. {. '···:'~~%%."~;~H~1·¿.t;~r::\::;i.~~;·~·;.:~t~¿~~~i~8,~'è~;;è;,~'·;'}:~~i¡·~:i~?i~:":}~::;~;'J,S{·';:{·:l$,:~f,!~r .'," '., FACILITY NAME/ADDRESS: ',__:~::,:~;,:: :"OWNER(S) NAME/ADDRESS: ',~¡~~:'?CONTRACTOR:',':r': >«:<',t>~:':·.:, , ,;_: ~ :.~ ,::':<"'~:~~i::~:\~'·~'~,: . " "..~ ~,""f;:':'\', :;,': ):'~~L,:t;[r:':'~,~-::.:"{;·:~:> :<;~:' l::-~.:;::~}:'.;>~ ~,::,~A~?~/~'(:~?Æ~J~J:"'~~}::1:~~":::"~~;~'~~:f~(ic:;5~,~'1"", .' :; ,-Cahforma Water ServIce ,~.".j' .:-:'5",:~..;.;d:-Cahforma Water ServIce ,-"';'-:¿-¿}Y:':'-":'''',:Kern Envlfonmental ServIce ';>."('·4c " :, ·3401 T ' .' '::,'L.,f' ',~:: .,:,:. ';';':~72S So b'-H" S ",';:'~-,., t.;---;'.'. ":PO':Bo '-'5337 "",;;-""">,:';:;';"-'" . '''''' .' ";' .' ruxtun A ve.~:' - .,: '. ::::,' , . ',':,:~,~. :,',\;1 ut. treet:' >- :- -.;:,,: ' "¡" . . , ~ ' ",,:,.: ;,.;: '?".-'" '..~, -~ 1, ',<., " , · ....., Bakersfield. CA '..". ·';·"'T¡i';i,'~~;·~~kersfield.CA;>' ··?\~·;.,:í:~á][t~~!~~~~1~~JJtiH¡ii:';¡\ " '~. ~:. ..' Phon~: (805)-832-2141 " ',J",.!..,,'. ':,Phone: (80S)~S89":S22Ö ':.~;:::,,".,~~ . ," ' ',,' :',""., ',,' ,. {':;<'·J¡Þ:;~Yh[:;;.-:~,{fFJŒ;;;:';::i:,:rr./:',;::<., PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF "" PERMIT EXPIRES ":"":>,Deèember '26. ':1989 .' ~: LOCATION APPROV AL DATE ,c' SePtember 26. 1989 . ' '. (~'~ ,',. ",' '.""~ ..;.:., ~ APPROVED BY .' /),( '-.. 'f~',k£,c K' Ü 1\'\' . ' ,\ , ,Turonda R. Crumpler, R. .H.S Hazardous Materials Specialist .1 TANK(S) AT ABOVE .......................... ..... .......... ......................... ............... .... POST 0 N PRE MIS ES. ...:.... ..... ..... ..... ...................... ..............~..........., CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Pcrmittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencie~ prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal to arrange for required inspections(s). 3. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 4. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Departme,nt approved method~ as described in Handbook UT-30. 5. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbcrs or constituents to be sampled for which arc described belO\'. and in Handbook UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Environmental Health Department. a. (Tank size less than 1,000 gallons) - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved benèath the center of thl tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. . 6. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listcd on permit and permit application are to bc utilized prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. - ~./;~.t' eC. eC' . ,~:,~:,~: ':;;.: .¡ <,. ~,~'- . , " .. ·;'li~~;i;;,~· ,', ,,' ", ,:, "", , , ' ":é;:'t,>;~),v': "i . 'i}~¿:c~:i~t:~;i ..,. PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE ,·¿:'H;i~;)~>.·j'~~~:;<·~ ;·'.':/7·:~:r;:;~~:~o.~~::PERMIT NUMBER AI036-17,¿¡"Ä,;:,,¡.';;¿;; '. OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS,:'·,::\'~';;·;·' ,:'>L'?r.,,,:,·;' ""..: - -.. >.~... "~'.' '!;.~-.' ~.,.':" ',.; .-. ~;~" ~..";"',.' .' .~. .... . 'a minimum of two samples must be reiCieved at dc'pthsof approxim'ately .t\v~ feci and siX feei 'f<,>reveÌ'y is. ,linear ~:.:.":;/fect or~pipe rûn and also near the . dispenser area(s).::·,r:\::'~'l /:",,!:t.;~·'~',~':.~.>";":·~~:";':·:~:;'1~;;·1.~~..;,:r,;"'.~;t;¿,~~;':-~"~·~:':f/;;;;:\;,:, . "~';~,:1~G:~~plè . anal ysis ,~f~;t;~ "~ç¡:r::'Yt~êi:)::;f(~!f~:t~J {;J;::DEt;:'~~F;I:)~,';tS;A:~~:i~?~~:f~~~~S'~:~,}:I:'~~.~·Y,~;f:;:eUtf.:=0,~:.:.i< ~:::,~:,~iJ;.~;,fi:-~::]¡.f;!:~'t~~;,;t?t,:· ':'0.),:. :i,*~J:~."~NI (leaded/unleaded) gasolincSamples Ïnùst be 'analyzed' forbenierié~"toluene'~'iylene, and total 'petroleum . .::; !;*::::~ ~.,~:';LXX'~,h yd rocarbons for . gasoline; ,:;;'iY)::~~~ ¡ :.:~:;è:~/~';~'i~~'¡ :~;~5;4~0<::';ij{¡ ::)~¡'1~ 0tj,:~:':;f~~~)Š~·r :;;;;:~ ~:;' ~'~,'(~>L:: ~;,;,\ ~¡:~}::'N~~~?··:.} /;;'j':;,...~. .:;.~ 9. '~)FCopies of transportation manifests 'must be' s'ú6DÌitted to the' Environmeñtal Health Department' within'; five. days . ..' :- o::t?~,;~;{'Wf;~f waste. 'iI isposal. 1.1~~: ~ }//. ~~::;'~7.it:k~':~S2.;;5:rn.:;:~\¿::i,l;'~'i· ~;;¡i:~~:f:;{:¡?2j~::s:'f~;~~r:0:::';.;~t~~f~;:1:;~:~;·::?;;~; \iD "'w·~::.~ð::~~~c~~.~;~;.'?:¡:::g~ ::~.~: :':/¡ ".;-/':;10. \:"",;AII apphcable state laws for' hazardous waste dISposal, trailsportatIon,or tteatment ):nust\>e 'adhered to."',. The , - "<'{'d'.. t·.,,:.-\~:;-;¡ ~ ".' '.~ '-. .' .-. -~ ,'.\j;, ~ ~ .-~..._ . . ;:_" "','.....,.~'¡.,)".~....,.. _-.~7',~.,·...~!<·,·~'.·h\(I'-·' ....; ,.;../::;; ,;Kern County Envlfonmental. Health ServIces Department must·. be. notIflcd .þc~«:>r.~ . movmgand 10f'. ,dlsposmg' of , . 'f ;'¡:àny contaminated soil. ,~.\ ~'.¡,:: </::"', ":>,\:';' ;':';', . ::!~!:~¡:;~\-·<"};;:-.~:~:'V~>,ty;r"':0':>:J'~<{·;. '11. Permittee is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within Fourteen (14) days of tank removal. "".2.,.'.:.'):,.,'.". / -,..,:,:;~'):~r:<t:.;T:~};~..,;:',.. 12. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 48 hours advance~o.tic~..:::·;~;~:'i:·;t;:,a:·'/>h'. 13. 'Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion.; ", :::'~\>~~;·,;,;,~"'.-r<..:~l::~::.,'·'~'>:;· ";; .," ,"~: -¡ >T"·~,·.\:-··' .':';:':'-:; ..:.::-'.'.';. ~'~.{~, .'-,:. ",.. ',' : '~,':' ,:<.,....~..~<_:.. ~ .~-;.ì:~,..~~;~~.:,~{.,.....i...¡~<:{..~~~~/< -:::-~1'~.~·':~~, p, ... ., . o ACCEPTED B'(f!{14I1/~h)¡( 1£.{(- I .. DATE o :!/r. - ,79 TRC:cd crumpler\1036-17.pta ~ \ f ~ , .&;_ 1f ~ r 'r·· 4JìWFI~er Slreet ,... \1(EnH COUNTY IIEALlll DEPARIE,-NT0Ò~tIEALn'OFFICER .~~,. ~ld'~80~1~.93 . .' Leon M Hebertson, M.D. ~)I;: ~,... .. ENVIRONMENmL HEALUI.DIVISION "'/0 . '.' V~ ·_...·1ff/P~~·' .1.'\',' ~ .DI,RECTOROFENVlR,O, N, MENTALH.,EA, ,LTH . ..' ,ø.. . . ·.>¡l¡íI" . ~~ . .1\ \.) .:1 .'. .Vernon S. Reichard: .., " . ity ~a s...;.,. .:::..' ~ : ,~{ '(·}{~I~~~~f;~;~.#~1.~:J~f " . ..,... ....,¿/~'". . :~/"""","j; ''''''''''''''' ._.~ .,........' ._¡¡\:!,;;/€"....,. . ... ~..:25 ~V...·· . ~~ :þ~~<;~~~*W~-:~i~il~Jf>-~~~~~~'::~;~~~~¡· ~rr\:~~ts.~-~~;.::. . Address J '\ ~\! .' ......"... I· ",,~.f',r1...'t.:..... :Oh';';"".· f' . ""'\''', ., "j ~/ ~,'~~. .S ..N:~7:~i;"6!{I·:A,~:'~t'f>Ti~~4r~:r~3~'v¿\ . '.. * * UNUERGHOUNU 'rANK UlSPOSlTION 'rMCIUNG RECORD * .*:.>-~-(~~·,~;l:~::;:·":':=:'!";r."; ·~·~:.>'~;tf . h ':- ··.·~··:.>::;·.:2:;~.ji,.?~:~¡<.'~. ~.;~: .'~.' . ;~::f~:-~;2;:;.;.:··~'~:,::t¡::· "~~:~~"~:;"!.::. .:~ ,.¡;"This form is to be retul'ned to' thé Itern C9unty lIealth Uepartment within.!! -:.;" . .,:..~ff; da~s . of . acceptnnceof~,tnl1k (s) . ',by. disposal or "recycling '~,::fQc:Ul ty .,¡...'rhe .. _." '.':: "holder of the permit with numbcr notod auove "is res pOll sible· for insuring: .' that this form is complc ted and 1'0 lurned. "'~:A;¿:'" :. .'. '~',,:-;¡';:;:~:i' ,.,">:..h~".· .' ... "'.. '~'.-.'~ . '. . ., .'~.>., ..~ :....:.;~;}~ ~.~;~ <"..\'~:-. ": :;~'~:"~\;i:~>~';: ~}:~~j~~~:7~':;.~:.~.~~:1!.:"~~!.~:;~~\; 't .. '.: '~"Sect1on .! .- '1'0 I.)(! filled oul JDr.. ~¡!!Ik .!·(! nov~L!.. ~!.Ul\lractOl":~::-:>'::~:i' .....~ :;~.;:y\··. r', ("/:'.:};\~.~'7 ....."".,., '!,~' ,'~'~,".' t;....~ .'''' j~-' _ .~\:,....~,. ," ,:'Tallk Jh~movnîC" CUllt~~~i:~~·/·.'·<.'~';"';·:'~6:tv/;'ð;,k~k/ .' -'¡';;~¡j-' :::),' ;;~-/J:< .:. . Addrcss . ~ Ò ~ ~ ... ~1:'1'~ PJ1oÌt~ 'Pð...~"':S;?9.S.:J';¡Ò ~.rAGh-:; . ~. Zip '9:~,%::X> Date 'fanl<s R~d /~'f'.~!,.í?9 . No. of Tanks -/ ", ~ .. I .", 't. '.",.;.:'!,¡ -:.:. ." . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .> . . . .' . . .. _, -ov' SectioD 2 - 1'0 ue r l!led out !!:l contl'actol' "deconlamInating tani« s): Tanll: .. JJecon taminß t1 on" COIl trac tor .A' ê:R~ ¡ ,.¿::ç;:,·eJ/.R'onm~/1 ~ / ~ [/ /~e- . Addl·ess./?J ~ v -5L~...?? Phone' Pa~-rt)X'9-,~~:2...0 . .~',: . ~~~//?S~~~M ~ Zip ~ ~ ,..<??" " Authorized l'epresentntlve of coulra«;tol' certifies by signing below that - tank(s)' bave been. dccontami/lol.ù In accordance wIth I(ern County Health Vepartmen requirements. ~¿_!!:~-;þt//.ØR~ T tle ...../...... SeetloD 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. - 1'0 ùe rllled ouJ:. and .§..~rJ ~y. an authorIzed representative .2I ~ treatmcnt, s torunc" . Q.t ùl.!!p'osul faclllt~ nccepUuS! tarde (s) : Faclllty Name Address Valley Tree & Construction ; ; ~' . ! : i:- I .; ì. : 4233 Quinn Roarì Bakersfield, CA. ( ..J.... (,' (. Phone # 399-1783 ';Zip 93308 . No~ of Tanl<s . 1 ~. ~- "--~--' Uate Tanlcs Slgnntul~~ SeDte.mber 28, 1989 ~.z......... <...¿ ,¡ .....T! tle \., '.' Ucp";'!Înlllntl va) , . . . . . . . .' . . . . * * .. MAILING INSTHUC1'lONS: .. -h .,. ,,/) .....# 7h..ð~?ðJ' (Form #1Il>lMP-150) FoJd 111 huH .... and ..' staple. Delano . Lnrnl'm DlS 1 mcr OFFICES ,kn 1."hell11 , MoJ"ve , Rldgecrnst . Sholler . Tnll ~",<,-. .. " :' '~f:~::( ~ ~ . .~.,. !!' , ., .....,.", 1:¡'-4IOh ~ ., -~.-..~ ~¿..:;r."":~' ".','. ..1:,,-:. :~\~~;f.~~t, . ~f~!~~.;·'~~~' '. ,,' It . .. . .. . -,,;. -.,.":" .. -'," '. -~~". . . ..: ~- ~ .' ~.'-..", ..{':::.. _,',,:.,·,.t·¡·· "' .¡<r ~ ". .' . r '" '" .... . .' ." ; . " , . '. ..!:>~.: .~'_>~.~~;'~~f:h):~~:;·~·~:,:~ :.:,::,~,~~::;,!,::., "' . "'. ;';:j:~':J: ";', ·":·~~~':~Té,;;~·:~~.,;·,;,,;··-·.~;i'''.''''~'· .. T:: ",'. "';"t. ;~.":¡~\ .;','. . ., ~ .... .,:. E ~ ...... .. .¡,< I - õ9ï 1" šïš 9 - - - -"': -:: ~:: ~::7'~:,~ - -: ·7·::;::-·,~,~::..;·~~ ~.::,~- .~j.-:-: -:-- - ~::~·~~;:.1?jri~õ iõë -Ñ¡;; :,~,-~~¡P~t~.~2 2991"7t I 2·23 pm .. ;.., KERN COUNTY . PLANNiNG" &"ÒE\ÌÈL.OPMENT·~··~"~:1,:'~~·>:;f:'·'-·;·~f,:c·ii;:""";'·~-,:;;:;,~:;;:~··"::·~.:.¡,;[f,~,,,:j"".'·~f I· < .: ",~;;:!jf';' '; >: "', .;'.:, -:.2700 · M' . S~'reet ~}: '. ~",.·<.;··~.:·~:.:::~~i,:~~'~·:~1~f~~·;· §~,~:'!:~i~~:~·' :,.;:~~;'.;·)¡.:~:~·:.,,·:.::~r',:.;~;:Z,'}: . 1 '. ":.: -:. r,/tJ. ..;' :--¿'.'.::>:~' ::àakersfië1d ;.~CA :':.93:301 ":' "'~<"¡r::~i,itypè"j)f ,~Ó~d'~'r' :.'\~.~·~'~,,:,W ;:>1/5'~r<'f' '" .:::. ........,.:t.,.~.. 'p/ "-':-~¡".'<~:,'" ¿..... . ~~, 'e>.~' ..,.' _ :""~~ ~:r....f;,~!)·~L'/J~t~-, o"::;.\·.':·,::;"\.d..t";,:Ì"·~~.w.;:'¿;;\;",:)...-J:":~'.~~-:':: !;:~'~;~:--:-~J-,~ ..,4\,~"~:;;,~~; \ t ,...... .',: ,..,,' .'. ",......:.,:,..".. '(a05) .~ 861-,615 ','.,"'( :'__¡.n'o.;..,..,· ..-·,_,)",."f.-{!o..;;,.-,.:t..".... ..~.:\!~.~. ..,'.",' ··l. '.. . 'f" '" ;~ -, .~; ...'- .. ~ . "..- ' :~~:';';.. .. .- ...... .' ~ " . . .- ,Custome,.. P. 0. # . Wtn 8y I Or de,.. Date Shi p Date I u, 'Via '. "....., I Terms:;·..:·',' > IH091889-3&4" ,I .·.DLG 1:09/18/891· 09/18/89 I '..' . .' .'.:' ," ,.' >~1 ~;Nt~;~~,~;,::~\·{:',;t " ,:., ." '. ..... I '.... ..' ::..., . I ~..".'.:,.': .:< -.L·.,::-,;' ~··':I··,·,i.· ", ;"\,' ">::;:;",:, -- - -- - - -- --.- - -...;,. ----.... -,- -' '-.- - -- --.~";"_._' -- -- - - --- - - _.:..- ....._~---.- .:.._-'~- - - ..:....:_--~ ...:.~:......:.._._. Line Description. . '.' Quantity Price ·Unit·;Þ:fsc· - :i/':::~Total 1 TANK PLAN CHECK 2 100.00 E' ·200..00 170A O,..de,.. Tota1 200.00 Amount Due 200.00 Payment Made8y Check 200.00 .. THANK YOU " .. '.\ ..... ',:' .-,;.. I . ,.. ,¡ .-S' KERN ENIIRrlMENTßb SERDIlr- ,,' .' A Division of Kern Saclthoe Service. Inc. d ~........ . . Cont,. Uc. .432372 -October 12, )989 '.,0' . ;. . ." ~:. ~. - q' ..... - ". . " . . . . ..:,;: - .. ..- ,t;...;.,.... -.-. .'. ,. ..;.,.... ,'" ..,. r ", ,:: . _.' .' .:? :_~ :~·~s:T:r~~da'''R>·~ru~;¡~~~·;:{.- .' >. .~ ~_., .,' ~- . ,<<::,.->~~~;?ç'~~":~);-.~~.~~/.~;f~:'~}·>~·:;· .>\~:}t~~f~~- ,. ì~,KERN COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES. " d"" ."-; ,:,,',;; .'~:S:< ·'·"'''''''f~~'~·''!'',7"5-:'''':' .;"">." '" . ,.' , ,. :7· "" J 30 .- ...-{ - .: 't~' . .~ .41?:-~·..':·.: ..;..;; ~ ~ ....¡. i'~; ~.. . :~..~;. ~~. -1~ .·t_~:.-~"-_, ~~.~,~~ ~..:::~ .:: ,,,\ ';r',.~'.J ':'~À';;;'~ "'..'\',,200'.,M Street, Suite 0 ·~c'_-·'«·J"'''·';''4.' --",~<'" -"'1;,1""~"" -.--" ':~'\"-""""""~;"';"·'.·.·,t~.. :z.':·/r~ ~\. ~~ 'f' . . ~4;-Ç.~,(,.. r1':~:: -"... . '..;'¡:.:5 <"-~,: ~:.).~Þ.\~·f':t~;~;,":.~;~,~r ~"~.::"~;".. J:~~="·~~~~'·;i~~:::'!:~~if:.~.i~~~r~~-:" ';".;,.,~ ;Bakersfield, , Çalifoz:n~a \93301 ::rz";;Ì; ",~';~ ,:~i",'-,.::, ~\",t,;( ,/.'!;¡}~;!P--;:'.:,~':,.::::-', ; _:. \ ¡-ì';\ò!;':''''¿ .'. I,: "'.,:>r:1A">~;¿/,¿_, '.. :~\~":~/:, . .'~ ~ .~~;~t·~~~~:'::~~':~~";~~~:!~~}:~:~~·tii~t~~' j ~.~, ~,'\¿::~ ~~J~:<:;' ~~\'.~ '::·~~~~~7·f,:\,~~~:"~~~~~~~,~~,%.,~~~.~::·:~~:~~:;I~~~.~;~~;:~'~::;::~~:~r;~~~;,';f~~~[.;· . ":. ..~REGARDING: , Underground Stank Closure Permit Nos. AI036-17 ,'·_~-··L;;;,~'·,,;,'J:·~.~i'.:ß'~:.:/i¿:,~4.::·' "" . ,,::;.~,,,~~ ;'!'.~Y:and AI035-28; KES Project No. ~,E-3.19 (California .!'l\;;',::·fF~,;,~:;'-;.f,;'~-;î;!~::~::~}~t ""..:.;~ ......"'> ~'. ~\ .) ~ ~" t '~,'''',..~'''.~'':.,,- J:''';'.;.;'j''~'{''':.~ """-."'~1 ",-' .~¡. .'t,'-,,~~.~A....~---".r,",,~2o;~·..·' . ",,' ... "",".' "Water Service Company '.' . 1"';'·6 "'1"0 ., -; >,' '" - -.,. ,..' , é, ." " ""'," "'. ',' ',' -; . \ ..... ': ¡~~~ ·;:.~~ler:' ',:iJ·,>!i~ .i~~~~:f:;~. /~J:~~::;g~r(,·;;;~t·j'f"';:';·:·:~~Î"{~} .. Enclosed please find analytical results (B. C. Lab Nos. 7636-1, .7636-2, 7637-1. and 7637-2) and chain of custody records for the above referenced project. .- , .', .. - '.'..".,.... ,,' . . f " Also attached are copies of Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest Nos. 89508527 and 89508528 and completed underground tank disposition tracking records. Sincerely, KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE, a division of Kern Backhoe Service, Inc. ¿¿ Æ 4.--// F~K R. ROSENLIEB, Operations Manager FRR: j m Enclosure REee~Ne-e1-¥1SI9N , CORPORATE ADDRESS: 8S15 CA8fIaAAe. StJite A,ReØèiAg,GaIifefAi&-9êOO:l - (91&) ~3 ~~H Post .Offlce Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 · (805) 589·5220 In California · (800) 332·5376 ..,.. WI' (" r' \ 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield. CA 93301 . Tmephone(8051861·3636 Telecopier (805)861·3429 GARY J. WICKS Agency Director (8051861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE . ~r,..ø. ___ '~~'" ,'. .. ..-_.... . ,~. M·~;-{:AG.4~\:E NT DEPAR~ÈNT~~~~i~'vì'RbNMENTAL Hf ({ffi'š~R~;ê1s 'c~.:: . "':'-.:" ~.::.:.-:. .r:""(!' ~ ~ . AGENCY .?' October 23, 1989 California Water Service 3725 South "H" Street Bakersfield, California 93304 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE TANK LOCATED AT 3401 TRUXTUN AVENUE, IN BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA. PERMIT # Al036-17/170006 This is to advise you that this Department has reviewed the project 'results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tank noted above. . Based upon the sample results submitted, this Department is satisfied that the assessment is complete. Based on current requirements and policies, no further action is indicated at this time. It is important to note that this letter does not relieve you of further responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if additional or previously unidentified contamination at the subject site causes or threatens to cause pollution or ,nuisance or is found to pose a significant threat to public health, Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. ~~~~~~~US MATERIALS SPECIALIST cc: KERN ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE ~ fI( _c-. 2700 M Street. Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Talaphone (805) 861-3638 Telecopler (605). 861-3429 GARV J. WICKS Agency Director (805) 861-3502 STEVE McCALLEY Director RESOURCE AGENCY PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMIT NUMBER A1036-17 OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY .. '-? ,',', "0 ." .. .,. ; ,":.: ," ~_. . ,. .... FACILITY NAME/ ADDRESS: OWNER(S) NAME/ ADDRESS: , CONTRACTOR: California Water Service 3401 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA California Water Service 3725 South -H- Street Bakersfield, CA -. '. :'. ...~..~ Kern EnvirOIimÈmtal Service ·:P.O. Box 5337 . . Bakersfield, CA 93388 Phone: (805)-832-2141 License #432372 Phone: (805)-589-5220 PERMIT FOR CLOSURE OF PERMIT EXPIRES December 26. 1989 .! T ANK(S) AT ABOVE LOCATION APPROVAL DATE ~*1989 ~ APPROVED BY D.u. . Q ~ Turonda R. Crumpler, R. .H.S. Hazardous Materials Specialist .................................................................................... .POST 0 N P REMIS ES.......... .............. ............ ....................... ............... CONDITIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain permits which may be required by other regulatory agencies prior to beginning work. 2. Permittee must notify the Hazardous Materials Management Program at (805) 861-3636 two working days prior to tank removal to arrange for required inspeçtions(s). 3. Permittee must obtain a City Fire Department permit prior to initiating closure action. 4. Tank closure activities must be per Kern County Environmental Health and Fire Department approved methods as described in Handbook UT-30. 5. Soil Sampling Any deviation from sample locations and numbers or constituents to be sampled for which are described below and in Handbook UT-30 must receive prior approval by the Environmental Health Department. a. (Tank size less than 1,000 gallons) - a minimum of two samples must be retrieved beneath the center of the tank at depths of approximately two feet and six feet. 6. If any contractors or disposal facilities other than those listed on permit and permit application are to be utilized, prior approval must be granted by the specialist listed on the permit. er r 4Þ- PERMIT FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY PERMIT NUMBER Al036-17 ADDENDUM 7. Soil Sampling (piping area) a minimum of two samples must be retrieved at depths of approximately two feet and six feet for every 15 linear feet of pipe run and also near the dispenser area(s). ' 8. Sample analysis a. All (leaded/unleaded) gasoline samples must be analyzed for benzene, toluene, xylene, and total petroleum hydrocarbons for gasoline. , 9. Copies of transportation manifests must be submitted to the Environmental Health Department within five days of waste disposal. " ,- 10. All applicable state laws for hazardous waste disposal, transportation, or treatment must be adhered to. The Kern County Environmental Health Services Department must be notified before moving and/or disposing of any contaminated soil. ' 11. Permitteè is responsible for making sure that "tank disposition tracking record" issued with this permit is properly filled out and returned within Fourteen (14) days of tank removal. 12. Advise this office of the time and date of the proposed sampling with 48 hours advance notice. 13. Results must be submitted to this office within three days of analysis completion. ACCEPTED B DATE o ;¡/ç -f cr - TRC:cd crumpler\1036-17.pta ,./. . ;/ .. . J>TQ H COUNTY EHVlROHNENTAL· HEALTH SERVI~ES DEPARTNENT o ·N· STREET. SUITE 300 ERSFIElD. CA 93301 5) 861-3636 APPl ~ATJON DATE , or TANKS TO BE ALAHOONED LtNGTII or "I"HO TO .AlAHDON APPL%CAT%ON FOR PERM%T FOR PERMANENT CLOSURE/ABANDONMENT OP UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE PAC%L%TV T"II A"LICAfIDN IS rDIt ¡sa'1I, I:HDVAL DII 0 AUHDDHlftHT IN ,1.,,,:£ PIID.I£CT CDNTACT ,d I PILL OIlT m APPI.JUTro. ,n ~ACrLJ':'Y1 '.. ,..tlLlrt HAHt: . fl../PI/J~~':""" /2 ßo.J// #' S'~~-.;/ ; l;>5.9tP (7 IpHDH£ :~ .0 iF . Cjlli- ) 5F1- .só2~c:.. JHSUIIU ..-- ) - ICU£HI~AL COMPOSITron 0' HATfllrÅ~$ STOII£D ITANK It Y01.UM£ C1IDUCA1. noUD INON-COKICfIlCU1. HAME 1 ...L- 2?CJ &<;ê'>~/JE ~ DATES no~ /9/, q TO' tRt:--st:-I7! TO TO TO OIEMICAL 'IIEVIDUSLY STDRED /J on t-- DEPTß TO CIIOUHDWATEII 02 ESea. liE I~ IIE:lJDU£ IJf TJ.HKISI ..4HO pll'llICIIS TO BE IIDlDVlD AHI) 01$1'05£0 or I I NCLUD£ T1IANSpDJrTATION J.HD DISPOSAl¡- CDMPANIESJ.: I ,//"7' 0 F/~.s#~o //7Ýo /P4nM'S ,4// R5:50e",lq.T€.ð ,¡<?In.s~79~-'7'-o 6t;; -;r;iÙ.::¡n-¥>O<!'n:::o TO <:r, è:::;O....... ,.f?€" A E"',Æ> (Y:¡ ." ESCUBI: BOTII TIlE OISPOSAI. HET110D .LHD OJS"O~AI. LOCo\TION '011: / / / TAHKISI /0 Z?=- ,Rlns€<? ,.//?EÞe'h:D .pnD 7R,qn~ð,er¿ÇL).k, ~/,{-'17Ãf'~-t:" ~'1$h<(/c?T7c>/I.... 4': ',., ,c) . 11 , 1 NQ . . ~= .....,VI":! :""OI"lATfO" ll!2!!U!I!! !!!! !~ ~!!!~ !2! !!!!~ ~!!~~ .!!"nllp: ~!!!Uf!?!!! ~P",.'CAT'n" !!2! !~~ S rOI" ..4:; ~U:H . :¡...rL~TED UNIIE. 'EHALTt or 'UJUIIY ANO TO TilE IIE'T 0' MY (NOWLEDnE IS T1IU~ AND COlIltCT. .....¡~a/Ú~ ) á/JA'-<') ;>TU h;~,;/va>I>I-'<''''' ./ . . taTt 9-/9-Pr¡" ...... " .' . PROVI[)E DRfMING Of PHYSIC,1\L LWCI.:T Of r.:'I.CrI.ITY L'Sl!:i SPACE rRCVIDED ~. AlL OF nŒ FOLLCHING INFORNATICN MUST BE iNCLUDED 1:1 ORDER fOR APPLIC.;TICN TO Sf: . ~. -- PROCESSED: :-::-.:/. ...~ TANK(SI, PIPING & DISPENSER(SI, INCLUDW,~ I..E:N;7HS AND DIMENSIONS PROPOSED SAMPLING LOCATIONS DESIGNATED BY nÜs SYMBOL II CD " NE:ARE:S1' S'I'REET OR INTERSECTION ANY WATER WELLS CR S~RFACE \~ATERS WITHIN 100' RADIUS OF FACILI!'i NORTIi AFP.CM "' . ~' ·'TS ¡:OR FUEL ~é 2~IIOSPARG (CAPP£o/. .' I II r - .. , , .' .':; . , ; " ..4 'j , .' ., REVISED DRAWING Des,troy Previous Prints R-:I t-"IKF 3{1'9 . MOVE.. EX" íAIJ~ .r" ,"7 .' '.' , , . ..f '. ':,' I,. _ '5~A Iso-cn -7 ~ IL 18TH ~-r: r- ~" f~ ~"\ L -J WL AVE. Ir- IL lù > ...l o TRuxìOJ..) ~I « I bíH "ST. a A. í, ~ '? F. f2.A I LIZÐA P V1CII-IITY MA P H, T, S . ·PLAT. 28 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. . ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 'BAK~~SFI~L17 DtBTRICT STA, /50-0J <, p,éOPOSED 500 GAL. GASOLI/JE FUEL TAIJK ~: 4~6"'x //'x3'-4" ~ ~: ( \...)' T..ACI:D ay CHI:CKI:D ay acAU .45 SHOWN ~: h482 61< ~~.a. ,51( 820 (R- -- !.~ '. . ~ ~.' 'j ) ;; J 'I - }- to 't () .~ ". .~ \, ,~ . .) ., . ~ \ ~ :¡ -l ~. ----..::t ~/Y1."CO)JDUI FEED LIA S£é NOT, '" GE)JERATO,{? " 7' ',!, . , " SECT/ON A-A /"=. 2' 1:;-' GAï E. Ixt~ . .". ,'='!-..' ,. r , I ': q- ~rt - '. 0} t ~. , " :- 1. i.' ,.. 81 ::200' 1 II 'II 2- I y,.'I PVc, WrJDUlíS róR FUEL -+11 FEE-D LINE CJ-'?PAp-t: (CAPF~D) ..:5.,..:; /-'<,I"c' 2- II 1'3',c.7' ¿oIJ(... FOUNT;? S c ~ r/... 1-.:.. I II &"E.M£R6. VF-I-Ií II PROPOSED r;;oo GAL. ASCVE:: :J &ROUI.JO FUEL. TANK, 21/ VEt-JT 32'-8" ........___-.r..1..,~......r:_.~."'..~...J... - --..- .'. ",' ...... .... ...'...... __#'o~..::'";~..~_:"'.:~,;....r...':~..·..._t_. -.~-.~...~'".:.-...~.;:--.,...,..-~) _..." -.. .:;:.:....-4. :", .........:. ,_..- . ¡';~7.: ~~.- -; ~::::.. ", . \ ..r_.;~;_'V~' .~è"~<'" , , .~. .......'.. ....~.. .¿..o_ _.'....._",JI...."·". .'\:r.....>.... . . .,- . ,',' 0"- '';... ......... ... ~6.r.ljov¡:: !:)(/?TIf·.JC:7 2.80 GAL,\ UNDF-R,6ROU/.JD FUé.L. TANK . 5TA. (5'0-01 \ ,~/ . /// - .--. " PLOT PLAfJ 'Sc.ALI:.: 1"::.'30' - l/I (f) ... ~ "'--.: 4'1 FILL :r '<{! { ...<. ,- ":~ ' j},," ~i/~: .:: .f?: .\þ...... ./j-Ú [¡~7 ~(.~/. . "¿: . r· ENViIlOM'¡ENTAL (. (' . (- LABORATORIES, INC. J. J. EGLIN. REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 CHEMiCAL ANALYSiS PETROLEUM Purgeabl~ Aromatics (SOIL) Kern Environmental Service P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: Date of Report: 03-<X:t-89·. r"··,,Æ' Lab No.: Sample Desc: 7636-1 California Water Service E-319 9/28/89 #1 @~2:12 Grab -~ ." '..; ",'- 1 "I ..... DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 28-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: . 28-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS COMPLETED : 30-Sep-89 ," ..\. . \ Constituent Reporting Units Analysis Results Minim.1m Reporting Level Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene p-Xylene rn-Xylene o-Xylene ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g ug/g none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocaroons ugfg none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. rœthod. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis CorrlTJents : California D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By iÝ;~;' tt¡;~£' .J. J. Hl ENVIRONMENTAL .c .r LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. . 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 BTX;rPH GASOLINE Quality Control Data Kern Enviroruœntal Service P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: Spike ID: 7635-4 Analysis Date: 30-Sep-89 Sample Matrix: Soil Units: ugfg ._-~ ',"{? Quality Control for Lab Nos: 7636-1, 7636-2 o .. ~ . - . . , . \~"j.;' . . One sample in twenty is selected as a representative matrbc. which is '. spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rec) of the spike is a relative rœ.asure of the accuracy of the analysis. The comparison of the spike with a duplicate spike is a measure of the relative precision of the analysis. " ,." ~~;f . Cone. Cone. fup in Spike Added to Spike Spike Spike Constituent Sample Spike % Rec % Rec RID -------------------------------------------------------------------- Benzene 0.00 5.01 100.32 99.88 0.44 Toluene 0.00 5.03 104.76 104.69 0.07 . Ethy 1 Benzene . 0.00 5.09 96.42 95.60 0.85 \ p-Xylene 0.00 5.02 99.49 98.62 0.88 m-Xylene 0.00 5.11 102.60 101. 80 0.78 o-Xylene 0.00 5.03 102.58 102.29 0.28 TPH Gas 0.00 301.06 91.37 89.19 2.41 QC CoIrInents: Spiked SaITJple Concentration - Sample Concentration % Recovery = -------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD (Relative Percent Difference) = Spiked SaITJple Cone. - Spiked Duplicate Sample Cone. ----------------------------------------------------- X 100 (Average Cone. of Spikes) ENVIRONMENTAL '.c ._( LABORATORIES, INC. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS PETROLEUM J. J. EGLIN, REG. CHEM. ENGR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327·4911 Purgeable Arorratics (SOIL) Kern Environmental Service P.O. Box 5337 Bakersfield, CA 93388 Attention: ,".,....1'. Lao No.: Sample Desc: Date of Rep:lrt: 03-O::t-89·· 7636-2 California Water Service E-319 9/28/89 #2 @ 6' 12:17 Grab .. - ".'. . "" ." ::i <.-" . ". ' - ! -I. . .",. " ~.'. . . -,- - DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED : 28-Sep-89 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: . 28-Sep-89 DATE ANAV(SIS COMPLETED: 30-Sep-89 \ Minim.m1 Reporting Analysis Rep:lrting Constituent Units Results Level Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Ethyl Benzene ug/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 o-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. method. Individual constituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Basis CorrIl'Jents : Califc1rnia D.C.H.S. Cert. #102 By æ iri&:/;' aT ~ '. oj.'. . ~n J'>l>~t :L cdk Analyst ~ -- :s / ~( I lO ..-Jl{? ) :).. L . . CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD j\ n j) , .- , Clienl nil,' J;;L i 2 . L-. . -p '.' . .. I Job nu-,!!ber 'J c¡ / Analyses required / )"14, /)..,o/lll-J '1 l/ '-;...-P (~-Ø'~I"I'-: 1::=-3 , "Ø" P,ojen nllme IV/ .. ~ .," ',. , , .~ , :?L~r)/ 7~() 'Î /-I" - ! ,,' ^. (]. ./\ .> ",/ ".i- ..f> )S~~'I '/,f-/þ' '¡j)('liiv;J.1'¥-' .. ... !X~~I m?;grf) ~/- -Æ', C ?t C"flt :-') :( IF], /. /- ;A. ,A'_b' n (7/1 j/:~] (,¡, .{6-' , l Type ',' r' __'.... > I / .. .C" d'~ , Sample Dale Time Compoalte Number b ~ , Slmpl. description 0' number sampled sampled M conlaintlS -/:,..,Q , ' Grab / 9-:11 I'-IL- 1/;'/1h -'J r--~ / t:. ;L - - f- -"/ 'J.: ,~J<;? /z17 1¿..r.;Q J; 1(' r- -I- ' ( ì\ Ii' , . . . . E - - ~, -. /'. f1 ^ Si!lnature Company O~le ., 'Time Jtelinq~ilhed bY_j.~ -) ()(~f-¿l~ ,,,' "./ J! f:~Sr c,zL c:Ù~ c;¡ l'/e ¿[ . y'C...ff '. (' 1\\ \1 ,; /)!{PlaM mr fJc.C70. b0 q 18~kg ~X·~[) RKeived by I Relinquished by Received bv . ,.Þ";.., nelinqulshed by ',f""~1î'; . I - Rtc,iYfll bv KERN ENUIRONMENTllb SERUICE 8~MPL~S RECEIVED IN COUNTY O~ -., Posl Orrice Box 5337, Bakersfield, California 93388 . (805) 589.5220 In California . (800) 332-5376 Date Rec'd: q -dO-?Fl Client: :. l >~~ I ,;. '. ~., NO. L- < '.' .; ::J .J t.:.. ...1 .. BC CHAIN OF CUSTODY Sample Type: Sampler:·,'!' ',,' ~"r~" .~. .;, "J, '. .' ~=~s~~~re. . ",' .;'~~:~ .-~.:< (:~1.~~::~><.. '. ";1" ..! ¡ ',..;. ; : J _ ~, ,.I Analysis Requested: tJ: tJ: tT1 -1 -1 ." ~. ~ ~ ." ." 00 =:t:' =:t: "òõ aoo po _. 00 II> ~ 0 o - tT1 tT1 tT1 tT1 ." ." ." ." > > > > VI VI VI VI 0000 tv w tv ~ ~~~tr1 000000t1 8S8tJ: oOQð 00 tJ: § q tT1tT1." ." ." (') > > tJ: VI 0\ tv tv ~ VI , - tv 00 - tv 00 ...... ~ 0 o Name' ~ ES 5:::2.:=¿ß Addre' :PO~. .....J.a,...,J Attn:êåPirs-tìe ( q33æ Lab # Description:(hJif II ÌOlur ~r\JiQ? E-3\q ((o?fo-I 11- I q-Ch~' o.±' I~: I ~ '. ~ I qrab \<" ,-~ '~'é). 'l; at) l"d: 17 /s;' nm.b u Water Soil Sludge Oil Other: (specify) ;( . Other Tests IY ì.X . - v ~-y - .. ~nquished J/y: Date: Time: ("'\ Received By: vi'J/) ~Fb.~7111 ~$89 3AQp1~ ~5J__ ~ Q' -_\..1_ ICfh~ læ l/:L(}' 1!f;17·11} L 0 MY/I(f¡; o \ (, ~~,f r! Date: Time: Comments: '\ \~\\s LA-,).~ Cl!d¡!n ¡'If; I I ' ;; ¡ " While: Relurn 10 Cuslomer with Report YeUQ.w; DC Lab Copy , ':~~db~ ·NDE í- ) 7 ¿/0'0 TECHNOLOGY ",åNC_ ; '-. Q **** CERTIfICATE Of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INTEGRITV **** PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE LEAK TEST The following underground storage tank systeM has been tested and is certified TIGHT at: GRADE LEVEL. STATION NUMBER TANK NUMBER TANK CAPACITY TANK CONTENTS TRUXTON/150 150-01 Z85 UNLEADED . .J> ., .., TANK LOCATION: CALIFORNIA WATER/TRUXTON 150 TRUXTON AVE. @ WEST UINO DRIVE BAKERSFIELD. CA TANK OWNER: CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. is authorized to test and certify this tank by the: COUNTY OF KERN. STATE OF CALIFORNIA. This CERTIFICATION Meets the reauireMents of State ReQulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA 329. This certification Meets or exceeds certification standards set by the Federal, State, and Local jurisdictional agencies. " Certification Date Certification No. Certified Tester Recertification Date RecoMMended 05/1V88 NDE-CT-05/ 1 V88 MICHAEL OOLIM (TEST TECHNICIAN) 05/1'2/89 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY HOE TECHHOLOGY, IHe. 2909 OREGOH Cr., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 (2131 212-52H ¡ ...)... .- e( er NDE TECHNOLOGY. INC ?iIO! '/Yr.Ax+l.A.t\ **** CERTIfICATE Of UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INTEGRITV **** PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE VOLUMETRIC LEAK TEST TANK VISION, INC. has tested the following underground storage tank systeMs, and certifies theM tight at the product height equal to the gade level. - List of Tank SysteMs Tested: .' '-?-' :~ TANK CONTENTS TANK CAPACITY TANK NUMBER STATION NUMBER ------------- ------------- ----------- -------------- DIESEL 1000 CBK-13 CBK-13 - TANI<: LOCATION: CA UATER SERVICES CO TRUXTON STREET BAKERSFIELD.CA . . NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. is authorized to test and certify these tanks by the COUNTY OF KERN This certification Meets or exceeds certification standards set by the State of California, Federal and local jurisdictional agencies. NDETECHNOLOGY. INC. CERTIFICATION Meets the· reauireMents of the CalIfornIa AdMinistrative Code Title 23 Waters Chaoter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchaoter 16 Underaround Storaae Reaulatlons. Part 2643 (b). Paae 4.14; 0.05 aallons Der hour. Date Certification No. Certified Tester RecertifIcation date reCOMMended 7/Z 1 / 1 987 NDE-CT-7/21/1987 RAY MOAlEMAN (TEST TECHNICIAN) 7/Zt/1988 CertifIcatlon SiQnature:11j ~ ----------------------------- --~------------------------- (NaMe and Title) NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY Tf!!IK UISIOH, IHC. 1406' E. f!RESTOH[ SRH1R f[ SP~IH6S, CP. 90670 (213) 802-0017 ", ec CAPACITY 1000 gal PRECISION STAT # CBK-13 TANK # CBI<-13 TEST DATE;' 7/21/1987 1. Owner of storage tanks COMpany Representative Title 2. Mailing address of owner 3. Phone of owner 4. Station nUMber 5. Location and address of ·.'tthe tanks '1 Phone nUMber 6; Regulatory Agency 7. 8. 9. Tank designation or 10 # Date tank was tested The naMe of the test Method Business naMe of tank testing cOMpany Mailing address of tank testing cOMpany Person conducting test and cOMpleting report 10. 11. Station Operator or ~anager Phone nUMber Owner naMe and tltle Capacity of tank 12. 13. 14. .- UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULT Patent pending PAGE I, SHORT REPORT FORM - @CopyriQht 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY CA YATER SERVICES CO CRAIG L.6IU10UR CONpany Representative 1720 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE. CA 95107 ( 408 ) 298- 1414 CBK-13 TRUXTON STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA . (805)832-Z144 COUNTY OF KERN CBK-13 7/ZtIJS87 NOE VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK LEAK TESTING SYSTEM TANK VISION, INC. 14064 E. FIRESTONE SANTA FE SPRINGS. CA 90670 ( Z 13) 80Z-0047 RAY HOAlEHAN ~ TECHNICIAN) (S'gnedl ~ ED UEGEKER,PROD SUPERINTENDENT . ( 805 )832-2144 CA UATER SERVICES CO 1000 gallons 15. Present or past contents DIESEL 16. Tank construction Materlal STEEL 17. Testing fluid DIESEL 18. (a) THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM CERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. YES (b) Allowable leak resolution of instrUMentation or allowable change per California AdMinistrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Page 4.14; 0.05 gallons per hour. *** (c) MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE: LOSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: -0.018 Gallons Per Hour This MeasurMent is within the legal liMits as defined in <b). NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY rAH~ ~ISIOH. IHC, 1406i t, rmSiOH[ SANTR rE SPRIH6S, CR 9067'J (213) a02-00i7 \ ' er ,--" CflPtìC ITY 1000 TANK #, C81<-13 STAT # CBK-13 TEST DATE:" 7/21/1987 gal PRECISION UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING RESULT Patent pending PAGE 2 SHORT ,REPORT FORM - TEST PROCEDURES ßlCopyright 1985 NDE' TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY COMPUTERIZED PRINTOUT OF DIGITAL LEAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA ATER SRVICE CO. Tank NUMber - CBK-13 MeasureMent # 20 Date of Test 07/21/1987 TIMe of MeasureMent =16:21 :47 Tan~ TeMperature = 82.1918 degreés F Tank Pressure = .7179 psi _~Ba5lC Tan~ VoluMe = 10ØØ.201 Gallons. ".4 TeMperature Correction = 10.005 Gallons. . Pressure Correction .003 Gallons. Corrected VoluMe = 1010.209 Gallons. VoluMe Change = -.0114 Gallons. E~pected Level Change -.03006 inches Measured Level Change .01897 inches Total Fluid Level = 69.010 inches PriMary Apparent Leak = -.019 Gallons. Elapsed tlMé = 00:57::Ø PriMary Apparent Leak Rate -.019 Gallons/Hour GeúMetry Band = -.ØØØ2 Gallons/Hour Secondary E^pected Le~el Change -.012 inches Secondary Apparent Leak = .169 Gallons. Secondary Apparent Leak Rate = .177 Gallons/Hour StratIfied E~pected Level Change -.027 inches Stratified Apparent Leah = -.017 Gallons. StratIfled Apparent Leak Rate = -.Ø18 ßallons/Hour Averaged Measured Level Change .01752 inches. Averaged VoluMe Change = -.0104 Gallons. Averaged E~pected Level Change -.02759 inches. A·...e~aç¡ed Apparent Leal = -.017 Gallons., A,.eraged Appõt-eni Leak Rate' = -.019 Gallons/Hour. Averaged StratIfIed VGlu~e Change = -.Ø092 Gallons. Averaged E~pected StratIfied Level Change = -.02437 inches. Averaged StratIfIed Apparent Leak -.016 Gallons.. Ave~aged StratIfied Apparent Lea~ Rate = -.018 Gallons/Hour. .10ØØ .0300 .0800 .07130 .0GOO 0» P i\-.,,,,,,,,,, - l .~OO ,~ 0:: / .0~ ~ Q .020.., ..J / .01üO ........" -' '" c, ,''':-u''" ~ ',,_ B $: ~ ~ ~ c;ø ;; -.....~ -.- 0" -.0113(1 '.... --------- 1:1 -.0200 ~ ~ -.133Üû e ... -.04ØØ P - ",,,,,-.,,', TE'::T TIME - t1It1UTES NDE TECHNOLOGy. INC. PROPRIETARY fRHr IJIS!O~, !NC, HD64 L fIR[:~D~[ SRm f[ 5PRI~G:, CP. 90Cr: (213) 802-00~7 CAPACITY 285 gal PRMsION STAT # TRUXTON/150 TANI< # 150-01 TEST DATE: Ø5/12/88 1. Owner of storage tanks COMpany Representative Ti tIe 2. Mailing address of owner 3. Phone of owner 4, Station nUMber 5. Location naMe for tanks Location address for tanks .. location phone nUMber Manager or operator at location 6. Regulatory Agency (' 7. Tank designation or 10 # 8. Date tank was tested 9. Precision test perforMed Business naMe of testing cOMpany Mailing address of testing cOMpany Testing cOMpany telephone 10. Technician conducting test Reviewed by 11. Capacity of tank 12. Tank construction Material 13. Testing liquid /' ( UNDERGROUND TANI< TESTING tltULT Patent pending SHORT REPORT FORM - @Copyright 1985 PAGE 1 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CRAIG GILMOUR COMpany Representative P.O. BOX 1150 SAN JOSE, CA 95108 (408) 298-1414 TRUXTON/150 CALIFORNIA WATER/TRUXTON 150 TRUXTON AVE. @ WEST WIND DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA (805) 832-2144 MEl BYRD COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 150-01 05/12/80 NDE VPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. LEAK TESTING SYSTEM -~t/ 285 gallons UNKNOWN UNLEADED 14. The Underground Storage Tank SysteM was tested at the following level: GRADE LEVEL. IS. The Underground Storage Tank SysteM WAS tight at the tested level. Allowable leak resolution of instruMentation or allowable change is in, Regulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA 329. Measured NUMerical Leakaae Rate is: (-) 0.007 Gallons Per Hour Loss (+) or Gain (-). This MeasureMen~ is wi~hin ~he allowable liMi~s es~ablished in HfPA 329 for a Tight ~ank or tank systeM. NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NOE TECHNOLOGY, INe. 2909 OREGON CT., 8-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 (2m 212-5211 CAPACITY 285 gal PR."¡'--ON STAT # TRUXTON/150 \ TANK # 150-01 TEST DATE: 05/17./88 UNDERGROUND TANk TESTING REy' T Patent pending SHORT REPORT Fa, PAGE 2 .. PRINTOUT OF TANK SYSTEM LEAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE Tank Nu~ber - REGULAR 285 .Measure~ent # 35 Date of Test = 05/12/1988 TiMe of ~easure~ent ........... Tank TeMperature .............. = Tank Pressure ................. = Basic Tank Volu~e ************* = TeMperature Correction ******** = Pressure Correction *********** = Corrected Volu~e ************** = Elapsed Ti~e .................. = GeoMetry Band ................. = Total Fluid Level............. = VoluMe Change ................. = Expected Level Change ......... = Measured Level Change ********* = Pri~ary Apparent Leak ********* = PriMary Apparent Leak Rate **** = -"" 13:43: 18 68.3053 0.1964 285.403 1 .514 0.00Ø 286.917 00:57:06 0.000 67.0163 -0.005 -0.0478 0.0163 -0.0063 -0.007 degrees psi Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons/Hour inches Gallons inches inches Gallons Gallons/Hour .1 COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LEAkAGE RATE DATA er:: :I: :J P_ Ir dS:: (.! I Q - '11 L. ~ ~ P.3S- ..J ~ (\1 ~ v - ,,\ . ~ ¡- /v' -/ ! f·2 --1' . TI'"<:T TTMI'" _ .n, ._, ,- - c oil L. 1\1 Q. Q. a: :n t- 1\1 S ,~ t- o.. cr¡ CD/, ~ """....IS): _J"'-'"'''----... ~ {po" '~-y' æ~ --_.~.... NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NDE TECHNOLOGY, IHe. 2909 OREGON CT., 8-1 TORRRNCE, CR 90503 (213) 212-5214 "t e( CAPACITY 285 gal PRECISION STAT # TRUXTON/150 TANK # 150-01 . . TEST DATE: 05/12/88 1. Owner of storage tanks COMpany Representative Ti tIe 2. Mailing address of owner 3. 4. 5. Phone of owner Station nUMber Location naMe for tanks Location address for tanks 6. Location phone nUMber Manager or operator. at location Regulatory Agency 7. Tank designation or 10 # 8. Date tank was tested 9. Precision test perforMed Business naMe of testing cOMpany Mailing address of testing cOMpany Testing cOMpany telephone 10. Technician conducting test Reviewed by 11. Capacity of tank 12. Tank construction Material 13. Testing liquid UNDERGROUND TANK GENERAL PAGE (- TESTING tIIULT Patent pending REPORT FORM - @Copyright 1985 1 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY CRAIG GILMOUR COMpany Representative P.O. BOX 1150 SAN JOSE, CA 95108 (408) 298-1414 TRUXTON/150 CALIFORNIA WATER/TRUXTON 150 TRUXTON AVE. @ WEST WIND DRIVE BAKERSFIELD, CA (805) 832-2144 MEL BYRD COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 150-01 05/11/88 NDE VPlT COMPUTERI1ED TANK LEAK TESTING SYSTEM NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON CT., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 9Ø503~: (213) 212-5244 ~ MICHAEL DOLIN : DAISY E. MOSBY o 'r¿j~ 285 gallons UNKNOWN UNLEADED 14. The Underground Storage Tank SysteM was tested at the following level: GRADE lEVEL. 15. The Underground Storage Tank SysteM WAS tight at the tested level. Allowable leak resolution of instruMentation or allowable change is in Regulations and Guidelines based on National Fire Protection Association Title NFPA329. Measured NUMerical leakaqe Rate is: (-) 0.007 Gallons Per Hour Loss (+) or Gain (-). This MeasureMent ~s within the allowable liMits established in HfPA 329 for a Tight tank or tank systeM. NDE TECHNOLOGY. INC. PROPRIETARY NOE TECHNOlOGV, INC. 2909 OREGON CT., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 (213) 21Z-5ZH CAPACITY 285 gal _I;. STAT # TRUXTON/150 TANK # 150-01 TEST DATE: 05/11/88 IN UNDERGROUND TANK TESTIN~~_r Patent pending GENERAL REPORT~RM PAGE 2 1. Capacity of the tank 285 gallons 2. Present or past contents UNLEADED 3. Testing liquid UNLEADED 4. Tank construction Material UNKNOWN 5. a. Tank inclination (degrees) 0 b. Fill pipe incl inat ion (degrees) 0 .. ... 6. a. Internal diaMeter of tank b. Tank bOttoM to grade level 7. a. Fill pipe internal diaMeter b. Fill pipe length c. Top of fill pipe to tank bOttOM d. Top of fill pipe to grade level 45 inches 67 inches 2 inches 34 inches 79 inches +12 inches 8. Air vents nUMber 9. Type of fill pipe cap THREADED 10. Type of pUMpS associated with the appurtenant piping SUCT! ON 11. Coeff icient of therMal expansion .0006386 voluMetric coefficient of expansion/deg 12. Specific gravity .750 13. Bulk Modulus 188000 14. Type of phase II vapor recovery systeM NONE 15. Depth of groundwater froM grade level UNKNOWN inches . 16. Date and TiMe storage tank systeM was topped off for testing 05/10/88 date tiMe 17. Total product level froM tank bottOM 67 inches NDE TECHNOLOGY. INC. PROPRIETARY HOE TECHNOLOGY. IHC. 2909 OREGON Cr., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 (213) 212-5241 CAPACITY 285 gal per: STAT # TRUXTON/150 TANK # 150-01 TEST DATE: 05/12/88 ( IN UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING .: f Patent pending GENERAL REPORT M PAGE 3 ." 1. General notes and log entries. NONE 2. Other MeasureMents or readings not included in the COMputer printout. NONE .' ,\ 3. Any special procedures perforMed other than NDE COMputerized VPLT Tank Testing Procedures. NONE 4. Descrip{ion of any repairs Made to the storage tank systeM prior to or during the test. NONE 5. Describe any recoMMended repairs. NONE 6. Describe any significant delays not caused by tester that resulted in delays in cOMpleting the test. NONE 7. Describe quantity of liquids reMoved froM tank and not replaced or liquids added to tank by tester froM tester storage tanks. NONE 8. If tank was subject to sludge deposits during norMal use, was it properly cleaned prior to testing? N/A NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NUE TECHNOLOGV; !He. 2909 OREGON CT., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 905U3 (213) ZIZ-5Z~~ STAT # TRUXTON/1S0 TANK # 150-01 4IÞ TEST DATE: 05/1Z/88 GENERAL REPORT FORM PAGE 4 e ." . TOTAL TEST CONDUCTION TIME - 2. Leak Rate Calculation TiMe: a) Start b) End Z HOURS, 1 MINUTE hours 1142 1343 Military hours l'Ii 1 itary hours <Calculated leak rate based on data generated during the final hour of testing.) 3. Test perforMed with liquid at how Many inches above grade +/-0 inches. y 4. ~ocation in the tank systeM where test was conducted IN FILL PIPE S. Height of water present in tank o inches PIPING PRESSURE TEST - PNEUMATIC PRESSURE DATA 6. Piping Pressure Test Conducted? NO 7. AMount of pressure initially applied to the systeM N/A psi 8. AlYlount of pressure drop, if any: N/A psi 9. AMount of tiMe elapsed during the test N/A lI'Iinutes 10. Piping Pressure Test leak Rate is N/A Gallons/Hour 11. Was turbine pUMp activated? NO 12. If full systeM leakage rates are in excess of allowable liMits, were the owners notified of any additional testing procedures necessary to isolate leakage to the tank or piping? N/A 13. Have these additional testing procedures been cOMpleted? N/A VAPOR POCKET EVALUATION 14. Does the tank show evidence of vapor pockets? NO If yes, was the owner inforMed of any additional procedure necessary to release trapped vapor prior to cOMpletion of testing? N/A NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY HOE TECHHOLOGY, IHC. 2909 OREGON CT.. 8-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 <213> 212-SZ4i CAPACITY 285 gal pe- STAT # TRUXTON/150 . TANK # 150-01 TEST DATE: 05/12/88 .-- I IN UNDERGROUND TAN~: TESTING ___ f Patent pending GENERAL REPORT~M PAGE 5 PRINTOUT OF TANK SYSTEM LEAKAGE RATE DATA Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE Tank NUMber - REGULAR 285 MeasureMent # 35 Date of Test = 05/12/1988 TiMe of MeasureMent ........... = Tank TeMperature .............. = Tank Pressure ............... II' = Basic Tank VoluMe ************* = TeMperature Correction ******** = Pressure Correction *********** = Cor~ected VoluMe ************** = Elapsed TiMe .................. := 6eop\etry Band ..... I . . . . . . . . . .. = Total Fluid Level............. = Volul"'le Change ................. = Expected Level Change ......... := Measured Level Change ********* = PriMary Apparent leak ********* = PriMary Apparent Leak Rate **** = 13:43: 18 68.3053 0.1964 285.403 1.514 0.000 286.917 00:57:06 0.00Ø Gallons/Hour 67.0163. inches -0.005 Gallons -0.0478 inches 0.0163 inches -0.0063 Gallons -0.007 Gallons/Hour dègrees psi Gallons Gallons Gallons Gallons .1 COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA 0:: ::t ~ Pas:: UI I \II ..- '1 L. Q (\ Q 'It ../'----/ ~ :::. ~ Pas ....I -.1 -'--.J'~ ..- C 01 L. 1 Q, a. a: :11 L 1 E -~ L a. / 1-:> .- Q (J) ~~,---------,,- {!;.. Q 1"""'1 Q(\ I;\J(" -----7' NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NOE TECHNOlOGV, INe. 2909 OREGON Cr., B-1 TORRANCE, CA 90503 (213) 212-5241 CAPACITY 285 gal P~!~_JN UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING.i~_r Patent pending STAT # TRUXTON/150 GENERAL REPORT M TANK # 150-01 PAGE 6 TEST DATE: 05/12/88 COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF AVERAGE TEMPERATURE LL III 'II <II L ( I Q '1:J 88.40 68.39 68.38 '188.37 68.36 68.35 '8.34 8.33 .32 6 .31 68 3Ø 68. 9 68. ·V" 68.2\ 68.26 IS) IS) . ('oJ '<t IS) (X) IS) IS) ... IS)('. ('oJ - 0- r UI ~ IS) (J) III 'II .t; v C .... COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF LIQUID LEVEL 7.30 ~:~~l 7.26 7.25 ~:E L \, 7.19 V i' .18 7.17 \tN if ~ . I 01 C ... 1:1 1\1 I / Ct:: I / j I / .J -0 ... ~ .... LL J> L ,n ¡¡ 7.18 7.15 7.14 IS) 00 L il. ~ IS) - IS) ('.J IS) v IS) i.D "? COMPUTERIZED PLOT OF PRESSURE DATA .187 ~ 0('\ J~ \ I I \ -.. ^ I \ I V \', \ f \~\/ \ I .196 \ I .... j v vI if) il. ~ I I '1/ .195 L 3 III ~~ III I / J L 0- .x .194 c 1\1 ,~ ~ IS) IS) IS) ~ (S) (oJ v ÜI 00 - .~ '" NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY NOE ìECHNOLOGY, INC. 2909 OREGON Cr., 8-1 TORRRNCE, LA 90503 í213) 212-524'1 /- .~ ---~ERN COUNTY HEALTH DEPAR,.â; ...' Î;f·~ i>-..:'J';'~.: ," 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 Telephone (805) 861-3636 HEAlTH OFFICER - "'.<. ',A~' .'., ~ ".'fc.·,.,..;k¡:,,,,,". .1>...<". "O"i"'"'t."-~.",,, ~;.- ::-:~',1'-,,:,~' '-~,~..... ':.;1 ;~i,:J¡;~;,~~_"-;~~~ .,:::,::';~:>.:-.'\. 7,.;:;.!.:.f..0 ~~+.r -(~,_..~. . ). w~I.~....,~, 1{ ::i·NUMBER ,OF 'TANKS~ 'i'''' }~,;:,: "',,,' "j:Úfi;;¡;~~~;;;:;~';RÃ;¡;~j¡~¡;¡¡}i7i4~¡f}%~jj~~¡;":;;;~~f~~~i~~~~i~~;~~~&~f' ",,'::.7:,:Y;¿;;~,~AL;r<FORNIA WATER SERVICE, ,90MPANY)'J'; '" ~~;~S\CALIFORNIAWATER ';~ERVICE,~~Ç9~~ANY ·~,"",:,<:;f'.·'340~ TRUXTUN AVENUE 'f,,~."t: .:.i¡~~F<'J~":'" "~',;;:r" ~1"~1 120 NORTH FIRST STREET"'; i ¡¡;''''{'~T ' ':~"è.;7t?~t~~~~~~~~¡øS~~~~~~t;~t~~~~~~~1~2~i~E;i~~~~~~~g~~t~t~{~~~,· ,;:><;",:;~1;TANK # .iX;;:~,~;;·AGE (IN YRS) ;lft'<%~~;"'l~SUBSTANCE CODE :J;"4'~:::'e,;;PRESSURIZED PIPING?·~1.;i.~::~~.~~f ALL INTERIM REQUIREMENTS' ESTABLISHED BY THE' PERMITTING J::~~<o::!3;1;.:!t ;:!;l~~l"~ -: ,t;.. :t~:i, r,.. \ \ '-~,<.'r;,· .....,:. -'. ",. ,~, '';': :AUTHORITY MUST BE MET DURING THE TERM OF THIS PERMIT ,,::/:';,)·"/,;...Öt,þ\;;,,1:t,_~ " .. 1< ~~~P ~:)~~:~:.'~';:'~':'<'~'::": ~' :' >~~;~,. .~,. . ~ ::¡ ~ i" .;.Ì;: . 7;- ~¿':;;~j~:Æ ..~;. ~::[; . ,./~.>:~ ~L;,~_. .;<:~ ~~:':~:.~~ ,~:-~;~r:::\~! :'~ ê~/ "NO N- TRANS FERABLE ";;,* ";*.IIIC -,<~'POS or :)6N-'·~'PR.EM±"sfES·'} . .~- .~:.;'~":~': ',: " -~':: ~"":"..~: "'lc'~~o,,;~;~:~{~;::;~;,~~~~;~y,:; . -.' >,-- .. ,.;."t. - '~'.:~ " .-,r: .' -_'_1 r;~~~ ,;¡....C¡"'1 -- , :I:NTER:I:M PERMIT TO;.~~;.OPERATE : --,." . . ,:. . , , '. .:'1 ,. " DATE PERMIT MAILED: AUG 2 5 1986 'DATE PERMIT CHECK LIST RETURNED: .~, . ., -:' ~- Kern'County Health OepartmerA- 'Division of Env\ronmental H~~, 1700 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Permit,-- Appl ication __~ 17aðObc. 11 March 22. 1985 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OpERATE UNDE~ROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES S'I'ORÞGE FACILIT'i ~ of Application (check): DNew Facility [JPb3ification of Facility [E)Existi~ Facility DTransfer of ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days B. D. Lewis 805/324-6011 NightsSuDervisor on call:805/832-2141 Facility Name California Water Service Company , No. of Tanks one Type of Business' (check): []Gasoline Station GJOther (describe) Water utility Is Tank(s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? Dyes GaNo Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Þtgricultural Purposes? Dyes @ No Facility Address 3401 Truxtan Avenue Nearest Cross St. Oak Street T ,/ R SEe (Rural Locations O1ly) Owner California Water Service Company Contact Person George W. Adrian Address 1720 N. First St., San Jose, CA Zip 95108 Telephone 408/298-1414 Operator California Water Service Co. Contact Person B. D. Lewis Address '1920 Eye Street,· ,Bakersfield,CA Zip 93307 Telephone 805/324-6011 B. Water to Facility Provided by California Water Service CO'Depth to' Groundwater', 142 ' Soil O1aracterlstlcs' at Pacility 0'-6 , soil;6'-14' sand; 14'-20' silt;20'-64'- gravel;64'-76' yellOw' clay Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Depth Detenninations Water well drillers' logs C. Contractor Address Proposed Startil'¥J Date WOrker's Compensation .Certification I CA Contractor's License No. Zip , Telephone proposed Completion Date Insurer D. If 'n1is Permit Is For Modification Of An Existi~ Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all that apply): ~! Waste product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Pr_ilJD Diesel .ste Fuel Oil D OJ - 150 I!J D B 0 8 B 0 D 0 0 ~ D D 0 8 B B 8 D 0 0 F. Chemical CanlX>s~ tion of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vehicle fuels) Tank' Chemical Stored (non-coamercial name) CAS . (if known) Chemical previously Stored (if different) ~ G. Transfer of Ownership CBte of Transfer Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept fully all obligations of Permit !b. issued to . I understand that thE> Permittin;J Authority may review and modify or tenninate the transfer of the Pennit to Ope:ate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed fonn. This form has been completed under penalty of true and corr~ ~ Signature _ -:1f/ ~). eorge . rlan perj ury and to the best of my knowledge is Title Vice President Date --¡;)ã(e r ~ua II t Y 3/22/85 FacU i ty Name California w~r Service company.. permit TANK 3 ')u (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM .J:AŒ TANK) -FOR EAŒ SECTION, ŒECK ALL APPROPRÏÃTEBõXES- -- - ~.17¡J tJd be::.. H. 1. Tank is: Dvauîted DiNon-Vaulted Orbuble-Wall Easingle-Wall 2. Tank Material 0carbon Steel 0 Stainless Steel 0 Polyvinyl Chloride 0 Fiberglass-<lad Steel O'Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic 0 Concrete 0 AlLlt\inln 0 Bronze Ounknown o Other (describe) 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1969 0.1046 285 Supplied by 4. Tank Secondary Containment Brockways, Bakersfield -0 Double-WaU--n Synthetic Liner 0 Lined Vaul t ~ None 0 Unknown " [JOther (describe): Manufacturer: OMaterial Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) __ 5. Tank ,Interior Lining DRubber 0 Alkyd DEpoxy DPhenolic DGlass DClay fialblined DlbknOW1 OOther (describe): 6. Tank Corrosion Protection -UGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad O~l~thylene Wrap DVinyl WrappiBJ rnTar or Asphalt Dunknown DNone OOther (describe): ' Cathodic Protection: ~None DDnpressed CUrrent System OSacrificial Anode System Describe System' Equipnent: 7. Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interception ~Tank: OVisual (vaulted tanks only) LrGrourdwater Monitorirg' Well(s) OVadose Zone Monitoril'¥j Well(s) Ou-Tube Without Liner OU-Tube with Compatible Liner Dlrecti~ Flow to Monitorirg well(s)* o Vapor Detector* 0 Liquid Level Sensor 0 Conductivit~Sensor* o Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank o Liquid Retrieval , Inspection From U-Tube, Moni toril'¥j Well or Annular Space weekly 0 Ðaåi",GaU}il'¥j , Inventory Reconciliation 0 Periodic Tightness TestiBJ o None 0 unknoW1 0 Other b. Pipil'¥j: Flow-Restrictirg Leak Detector (s) for pressuri zed PipiBJ- , o Moni toril'¥j SlI'Dp wi th Raceway 0 Sealed Concrete Raceway o Half-cut Canpatible Pipe Raceway 0 Synthetic Liner Raceway 0 None DUnknown GaOther Engine & fuel e.ump operation, suction feed to fuel pump *Describe Make , Model: 8. Tank Tightness Has ThlS Tank Been Tightness Tested? Ui]Yes ONo Dunknown Date of Last Tightness Test 1969 Resul ts of Test Test Name UL label Testing Company 9. Tank Repair Tank Repaired? DYes QNo Dunknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection ~ator Fills, Controls, , Visually Monitors Level DTape Float GaU}e DFloat Vent Valves 0 Auto Shut- Off Controls DCapacitance Sensor DSealed Fill Box o None Dunknown OOther: List Make , Model Por Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Pipil'¥j: tiùYes DNa DunknoW1 Material copper tubing Thickness (inches) 0.032 Diameter 3/8"Manufacturer Reading Industries, Inc. DPressure [2iSUction LJGravity "Approximate I.en;Jth of Pipe RLn 25' b. Underground Pipin;J Corrosion Protection : DGalvanized DFiberglass-Clad OImpressed CUrrent DSacrificial Anode Dpolyethylene Wrap OElectrical Isolation DVinyl Wrap DTar or AsP\alt OUnknown DNone []Other (describe): Installed in 3/4" galvaniz~d piping c. Underground Pipin;J, Secondary Containment: ODouble-Wall 0 Synthetic Liner System DNone DUnknown QOther (describe): 3/4" gal-'l'3'1izer! pipe · c - PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility California Water·Service Co., 3401 Truxtun Avenue Permit # 170006C This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No x ~ ::L -X- X- X Il.JEß...' (:y'pJ.!? V,Ë"IZ IF 't.l N6 1- .L :p A.1The packet I received contained: 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist, Interim Permit, Phase I Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-I0. 3) The Following Forms: a) Inventory Recording Sheet b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse c) Trend Analysis Worksheet 4) An Action Chart (to post at facility) B. I have examined the information on my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between OWner and Operator), and find owner I s name and address. facility. name and address, operator I s name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). 1... E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). AJ.A. F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-IO, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). M.A. G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-IO. Date Started Signature of Person Completing Checklis : Ti tIe: Date: September 3, 1986 ~ .~ f-' American Tank 1èsting Service, Inc. "1 ~~~ ~~ 8404 Magnolia Avenue, Suite A, Santee, Caiifornia 92071 · (619) 562-7300 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. SITE 1150 . 3401 TRUXTOR BAKERSFIELD, CA. . g3304 CERTIFICATE OF ONDERGROOND STORAGE 'lARK INTEGRITY ,,' . \ PRECISION VOLUMETRIC QUANTITATIVE VOLUMETRIC LEAK TEST AMERICAN TANK TESTING SERVICE INC. has tested the following underground storage tank systems, and. certifies them at the product height equal to the grade level. Tank System Tested: ;µ~ ~:;ZÎ .~~ ~Jg 1. 285 GALLON REGULAR AMERICAN TANK TESTING SERVICE INC. is authorized to test and certify these tanks by the County of Kern. . This certification meets or exceeds certification standards set by the State of California, Federal, and Local jurisdictional agencies. AMERICAN TANK TESTING SERVICE INC. Certification meets the requirements of California Administrative Code Title 23 Water Resources Control Board. Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations. Part 2643. The leak test certifies the leak resolution of instrumentation or allowable change is no more than 0.05 gallons per hour as cited in Part 2643(b) on Page 4.14. Date JULY 21 1987 Certification No. ATTS-87-1239-152 RANDALLlM. BARNES, TECHNICIAN Certified Test.er ~"" Recertification Date Recommended JULY 1988 .- . - - ..-- Certification Signature: q'JJOtl( ~ /7()606c 7!Ýfl <7.. CAPACITY Z85 gal P~~SION STAT # SITE #150 TANK # #.150 TEST DATE:. 7/Z1/87 ,. 1. Owner of storage tanks COMpany Representative T it Ie 2. Mailing address of owner 3. Phone of owner 4. Station nUMber 5. Location and address of . the tanks .'> . Phone nUMber a. ·Regulatory Agency 7. 8. 9. Tank designation or 10 # Date tank was .tested The naMe of the test Method Business naMe of tank testing cOMpany Mailing address of tank testing cOMpany Person conducting test and cOMpleting report 10. 11. Station Operator or Manager Phone nUMber Owner naMe and title Capacity of tank 12. 13. 14. UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING~ÙLT Patent pending PAGE 1, SHORT REPORT FORM - ~Copyrlght 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY CALIFQRNIA WATER SERICE co. ED. WEG.EMER COMpany Representative P.O.. BOX 1150 SAN JOSE. CA 95108 ( 408) Z 9 8- 1414 SITE' 1150 3401 TRUXTON BAKERSFIELD.. CA 93304 ( 80S) 823- Z 14 1 COUNTY OF KERN #150 7/Z 1/87 NOE YPLT COMPUTERIZED TANK LEAK TESTING SYSTEM AMERICAN TANK TESTING SERVICE. INC. - 8404 MAGNOLIA. SUITE A SANTEE. CA 9Z071 (619) 56Z-7300 RANDALL . BARNES (TEST TECHNICIAN) /0 "! I ' ED WEGEMER. PRODUCTION SUPT. ( 80S) 8Z 3- Z 1 4 1 CALIFORNIA WATER SERYICE CO. Z8S gallons 15, Present or past contents REGULAR GAS lB. Tank construction Material STEEL 17. Testing fluid REGULAR GAS 18. (a) THE UNOERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM CERTIFIED TIGHT AT PRODUCT HEIGHT EQUAL TO THE GRADE LEVEL. YES (b) Allowable leak resolution of instruMentation or allowable change per California AdMinistrative Code Title 23 Waters, Chapter 3 Water Resources Control Board Subchapter 16 Underground Storage Regulations, Part 2643 (b), Page 4.141 0.05 gallons per hour. *** (c) MEASURED HOURLY CHANGE: LOSS (+) OR GAIN (-) GALLONS OR NUMERICAL LEAK RATE IS: - .007 Gallons Per Hour This MeasurMent is within the legal liMits as defined in <b). NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY Rtl£P.ICAH TAHK TESTIHG SERUm, IHC. 8101 MAGHOLIA, sum R SAHm, CR 92071 (619) 562-7300 ""'Þ. CAPACITY 285. gal PR.~tON UNDERGROUND TANK TESTING __ T Patent pending ¡µ TANK; #150 STAT # SITE #150 . TEST DATE: ?IZ llå7 PAGE 2 SHORT REPORT FORM - TEST PROCEDURES @Copyright 1985 NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY COMPUTERIZED PRINTOUT OF DIGITAL LEAKAGE RATE DATA .. .._~-------_..- -- -,--- -.-.----..- -._-- .. ~ ... Tank Owner - CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE CO. Tank NUMber - '150 MeasureMent . 10 Date of Test 07/21/1987 TiMe of MeasureMent QI6:Ø8:46 _ Tank TeMperature m 84.2923 degrees F Tank Pressure Q 1.1535 psi Basic Tank VoluMe Q 285.060 Gallons. TeMperature Correction m ~.342 Gallons. Pressure Correction = .002 Gallons. Corrected VoluMe = 289,403 Gallons. VoluMe Change = . .0027 Gallons. Expected level Change = .19953 inches Measured level Change = .70769 inches Total Fluid Level - 78.737 inchea PriMary Apparent Leak = -.007 Gallons. Elapsed tiMe m Ø0:56:48 PriMary Apparent Leak Rate - -.007 Gallons/Hour GeoMetry Band · .0001 Gallons/Hour . COMPUTERIZED.PlOTS OF LEAKAGE RATE DATA . Ieee p ~ '. -J a: (! I .. - .. 0:: ~p O -J " GI ... .... .. - .. o - ~ . .n "'''''''' .. æ .. ... IS) (') IS) ~ IS) \I) IS) v fSJ U:. . . ------ -- , --------- ---- ,""- ,/ -.teae / //' TEST TItl£ - MltlUTES NDE TECHNOLOGY, INC. PROPRIETARY II1mŒH IRHK 1£511H6 S[RUm, IHC. 8~O~ MR6HOLIR, sum R SRHm, CR 920ìl <&19) 562-7300 · ,'~ ,:- A¿- .( .--- CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY JT20 NORTH FIRST STRBBT ; P. O. Box 1150 . SAN JOSE, GA 95108 . (408) 298-1414 September 11, 1986 -.-:.... ....- .... ,- Bill Scheide County of Kern Health Department Underground Tank Section 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA 93305 Dear Mr. Scheide: Per our earlier discussion, enclosed are the permit checklists for nine (9) of California Water Service Company's underground storage tanks which are located within our Bakersfield district. Our records reveal that Kern County currently has issued permits to operate for nine of the eleven non-metered tanks that we currently have in service. The nine non-metered tank permit numbers are as follows: o 050074C 050075C 050076C 090027C 170006C 280024C 290002C 31oo37C 310038C Two non-metered tanks remain to be permitted by your agency. These two tanks are located at Truxton Avenue, and Milloak Run and have capacities of 1000 and 550 gallons respectively. We are requesting that your agency provide the necessary application(s) for the permitting of these tanks. /~,.- // -,. In addition, our 1500 gallon tank with petmii#220004¿-is inactive and has not contained any product for quite some time. We- are not planning to use this tank in the future, therefore, please provide us with the necessary form(s) an~ guidelines for the closure of this tank. Our 4000 gallon storage tank with permit #310039C is a metered tank and we are progressing with the mandatory meter calibration and monitoring. We will keep you apprised of our progress in meeting the monitoring goals. ~ .; - :~.:~ . - . CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE COMPANY Page 2 As required by the Kern County underground storage tank ordinance, enclosed are the precision test results for each of the above mentioned tanks with the exception of the abandoned tank. As can be seen, each tank has been certified as tight by the testing consultant. If you have further questions concernng the permitted tanks or the precision test results, please contact this office at (408) 298-1414. -'Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, ~.~ Craig~lmOUr Water Quality Engineering Associate CG!rt Enclosure cc: Mr. B. D. Lewis j '. .'--: I ¡OUJþ . '.' . . .~..:==;-~-:-~-_. EZY -CH EK . / WORK SHEET rank" I S()-;.· V I . Testlevel /::..../ / !~h....Product ÓC.,."fc /,....t? CaDacltv ~ð<5" . ~~- ~I Chart cal, _,;)..r /,'x' f + .ps se../~ I ~'1 "'" I - . 0 UO S 3 (A; Measured gravity 5 if . .1 Product temp. (, 2...- C-o rr-c,t,+~,l /J P .f. ~ .5 J. C) .es"!eU . .tar1l leyel end gain + loss - , 7 ;l r7 "7 7'9 - 17.-, = :;1 n 1[1 c¡;)- -~I f'75 ¿,! ì '1 74 ~ C) ¥] - ~ 1'J.) -5 1"5 = '- t( 7 00 ~s . -5'. x, ()l:ro S ð 13 -7 qo J\ x(A) . x (A) x .600'5 x . 07rv 5 '"S Coeffleclent J)ÛnS7Ó~)C,Temp.cBI.,OOoS70 )..&'1 x J.-T5 = .1 (p :LS"!f fB) level result - :O()I. 77 - __or) '-1 '77 x . co x . (,rlJ7) 5 x . ()'oo5 -: (J D)&'5' - -.. ÓÓ:) I J. x oco S J -.. CC' 3 7 I ;laUon location Ú/ Ue.....I-~r .Lerv" a I Yô --t) I \ddr~ss " YC"V.-,c./(,I~ .A-H- ..,C'tv PI.S lìJ { Kô,,\).A. ~lty.SJale (5t:,¡'--(!rs.f,c.},} (A- , . ~ ) < .t (OJ ~ /11' temp. . start gain + loss - lð' 'I' flnnl result tin x(B) x(B) temp. result temp. end. ·1 i & 7 IfrJ- -I (,.. S- - +-, (It'.5 = - ð(Y;ð)" II( . ì(j ç , x /. )S£../ ·=-.()O/L(ht =--.OCJJII/., /5 " ./5(" . 3i' =-,6/'f X ./{¿.)$'- =,òO)4' =-..60 I fl.( il: . ,(!,¥ = ~C05'f2 1/: ../l/.). =+-00 1.( x. 1(,.;)5;' ./ t ,/II{ --,()Ol x ./~)5( =~()ODI¿' = - ()ð.}lft7 I,) I{ll - ,,( 3 ð = -: G'Q x .,(;)çt. = ~OO/," J. j) .(.~~g- ./ II ;) = ~ OD t{ x. /&)5 t- = ,ö ð8(rÇ = ': Co'" 0 JSC~ /> ,/11,)- _ ./l/7 = ~Ob5 x ./L- Sif =~..ðO()'F1 =~()()t/~lJ) Average Certified tight TI ') h't leak rate per hour - - 6 J /0 (l '3"J II~o t....r Operator 15 ,4 It"\.. , .' . . ~ e e 4 ~ I I . ! . / . . ^ , .. ~ ~ / I . . ",' 1 .'. . . - I.' ,I 6 e ,.' :> \ ",,'.. . .' '. ' .----.. .. ., .' 'T.I,7!( (Sc: - 0 / (c'-t ¡j I,..... E ...- /- ¡//- 'j7; ,¡/( .I - /, J) Jl?vWr tf ') // (.j( !;; n.Jf l J ., J 77- )r - /2- //'-..cI - 7{ C-r( - (3 If..... ...../ - (0 1..{7 - I J /1<.., C' ..r - ~ 7 f/¡; e ..... , . .. ' '. , .t. ... . '. .j' .'. .¡ :l~.:'· .. . . ' . ." .. -_. .... .....-.. ... . '. ff/C r:¡;;: /) If I~ "3. é' ~-D 5' J ¿J ,.~h: (" ,..... h'1 Ie:. - /2-.:r //;" c f .~. ,', .' ..... .- . ,. ,. .!;, ----- . " . ., -:. EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET :mk "t 1ST.:. r,) Test level C:.I/ .fïslc- Product /J ,.e. u./ CaDacltv I () 0--0 )-~-J ,o~se..-I Chart cal. ---' ~. I,....," + t ï1 ....1 == ~OOO 7ò fA) Measured gravity '33, . , Product temp. 7" ~rn.~fd A-þ:i ~3/,Y Coeffleclent ,000t¡l/l(ID Temp. cal..CCOI/L/lf'j û x /00 Ò = .. lIif·t.¡( 6 f8) It 9> 5' "nel level gaIn + x (A) . level temp. temp. gAin + x (B) temp. flnnl ___rt end loss - x(A) result , star' end. loss - x(B) result result Um. ![~7 - .ðð$G. . ; 74 -u- ~ , 1/(, of ó . . t/l/l{ /0 == .60/7 f x',óðó'?6 - ~~ F'.:' =.Olf x =-. ,o73r s:~ J.- ___9!-L S' yç == - 1,S- x ,Óðð76 = -,ðð . S .//~ - I =. -,ol/ x 'I'il{ /0 = ~ð04'¡P =-'01/ SJ 5)0 ,T-CZ5 rÇ- = -c>¡ x _ Qð¡) 76 ~ -:óoøöl =~O/ x ' L/¿/'I16 = :Vð ).:1 =-.ð/Jr;;i ') .Is' I ( 1)..,$ ~S - 7. )' .Oðð7ð =~ODS.')S' .1«11 , / l/) .,. . I x . {(t¡tlto =:ÓODf./í( = -,Ô05c;.Q 5 j~ = X - = ,CD d q& ð'1 r . (Jð'ó 7ò - ~ 665"(,b l{). ,/30 - /7- , tl'IC¡ /0 == ~ 00 3- = - too = - x = x (,.i:r , . -J;~~5 "i If. 5 "- == ": OO~&D ./3D - .I ~ ~I = '",(¡()y : x· . f./lf'r.¡ (0;::. "001 == -r x ..ððo à ð' = - 60ìJr :')r.; 7 q::ç ~ç = -r x I 00D70 = .. 005ú:D 1 - ,/ll/ =~û07 'lS- L'Jo.s ~ 'i~ = f-.ooc; , = - S:-5 x ,0 .D36S- ~/t{ I 150 x ~ ;\ Average ú-/LJÂ.kr 5<r¡,.;(.l'. t!?J:: - /J "rfonlocalfon ()Ä I? r . Certified Ught f.] c. ~.( . - :t 6~~J;~ t-.. . dre~9 , 1 r I..t.,<. (.c. ""- ("-Ii t:'r K''¡L~rflcÙQ leak rate per hour ¡) r:\. :>..( .Y. sraìe (/I ó)/} /L,. ~ Operator ank" cR~'r5 EZY-CHEK WORK SHEET Test level Ç<.(II 5''1s'¡'~- Product 0, t-ú I CaDacllv /OlJ7)' Measured gravity 33 Product temp. 77 Coeffleclent.Oóot/ljllJö Temp.caLVODI!il'l/() )( /()c-t-() - . ({ 'I 'f /0 fB) -st leye' level gal" + art end loss - ~~[(7I,S- . '-<{ .5' f.-"' qLf '8 = / CJ"j S- ir; - 7.5 ~I 1'ð 11 = ~ 7 x I x ] = x allon location ft,! ù(,kr Sprv¡(-e CD):. -/3 jdress .. Y-rv\"pl..1-L..' "" r; 1'-1-(' -'\5, (;) ~'"' fy, State bc...!¿erf'¡:' e/ ,,(); ¿ 4 , > x(A) . level x (A) result i , x .dOD' O' -:ÓOSJS" x . ÓDO - D =: OD I/C)'D x . 000'7 0 -, ,; [) '1' {.' x = == ~ç- -I Chart cal. .-.!::.---;:?í,... ... J + .Dç~1 If'i "'" (A) =: , ÓOD 7 () temp. . start x (B) x (B) flna' result Um gain + loss - temp. end. temp. result ,/50 - x _ (/'I(ll ð It.., /7). -"',6{! x ,£f,/l.( () =~OO«ð9 ~()00717:.}1 17).. . 'fl - I-,oor. - - Cr1trì _ 7·~ .i'ð I -:- ¡Cj-i) . - . (M x yf(l.(lð ~~ ()C(/oo == - GCne ·5í = Yo = = == x ;:;. = == x :::: :::: I x = == == Average CertifIed tight rl') 'tY- leak rate per hour .., ():S"f 7 Õ / J} ~ :'"r Operator V) /J IV? .¡ ;¡; e . , í " <\~ ~ ~-i: e - '" , ' 1 í ' " , . .- c "'0. ........ r:r,i¡ ~ :;Þ7" '. '{2..." K.. ~ Lt)- . ========---- r¡;1~1c ~/C.rL II 7"'::" I av-o ----- J 12. 1"1 d.... ~ ,-.. 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