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SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN FUEL DISPENSER UNITS CORPORATION YARD - TRUXTUN AVENUE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 22 MAY 1996 K/J 962301.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 22 May 1996 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Engineers and Scientists 200 New Stine Road, Suite 115 Bakersfield, California 93309 805-835-9785 FAX 805-831-5196 ML Arnold Ramming City of Bakersfield Public Works Department Engineering Services Division 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Subject: Site Characterization Workplan Fuel Dispenser Units Corporation Yard - Truxtun Avenue KIJ 962301.00 Dear Mr. Ramming: As requested by the City of Bakersfield - Public Works Department (City), Kennedy/Jenks Consultants is pleased to submit the site characterization workplan for the above-referenced site. The workplan was requested by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department - Fire Safety Services and Office of Environmental Services (Fire Department) to further assess hydrocarbon-impacted soil that was identified beneath the fuel dispensers during an underground storage tank replacement project conducted in May 1995. The Fire Department requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that a subsurface investigation be performed to define the vertical and horizontal extent of fuel released from the dispensers. A copy of the workplan has been forwarded to the Fire Department for their review of the proposed investigation methods. Up~n Fire Department approval of the workplan, Kennedy/Jenks Consultants will prepare and submit a cost estimate to the City for implementation of site characterization activities. If you have any questions regarding the workplan or require additional information, please call me at 835-9785. Very truly yours, KENNEDY/JENKS CONSULTANTS Ke/~ ~,t-- Ken Knight, R.G. Project Manager Attachment cc: Howard Wines, Bakersfield Fire Department I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN FUEL DISPENSER UNITS CORPORATION YARD - TRUXTUN AVENUE K/J 962301.00 MA Y 1"996 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJ ECT SUMMARy.............................................................................. .......... ..... ....... 1 1.0 FACILITY INFORMATION............ ............................................................... .... ..........2 1 . 1 Tan k Own e r. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. 2 1.2 Site Location............. ........................................................................ .......... ..........2 1.3 Site History and Tank Use..................................................................................... 2 1.4 Previous Investigations......................................................................................... 2 1.5 Area Land Use...................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Depth to Groundwater....... ............... ............ ........... ....,............... ...................... ....3 2.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION METHODS....... ...... ................ ....... ....... ....... .......................3 2.1 Field Preparation................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Sampling Locations.. ........................................ ..... ................................... ............. 3 2.3 Field Investigation Methods............................. .......................................... ............ 3 2.3.1 Drilling Method .................................................. ......................... ......... .... ..... ...3 2.3.2 Soil Sampling Method.................................. ...................................... .............4 2.3.3 Field Screening Methods.......................................................... .......... ............4 2.3.4 Reconnaissance Groundwater Sampling Method........................................... 4 2.3.5 Borehole Abandonment............................... ...................................... .............4 2.3.6 Equipment Decontamination............. ...... ................................. ....................... 5 2.3.7 Investigation Derived Residuals.............................................. ;....'. .~'.... ...:.......... 5 3.0 ANALYTICAL TEST METHODS ............................................................................... 5 4.0 SOIL CHARACTERIZATION REPORT .............................................. .......................5 5.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE....................... ........... ........ .............. ........... ..................... .....6 P:\962301.OQ WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN FUEL DISPENSER UNITS CORPORATION YARD - TRUXTUN AVENUE K/J 962301.00 MAY 1996 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES FiQure Title 1 Site Location Map 2 Tank and Piping Diagram with Proposed Borehole Locations LIST OF TABLES Table Title 1 Summary of Analytical Data 2 Project Schedule LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Title A Laboratory Analytical Reports ii P:\962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN FUEL DISPENSER UNITS CORPORATION YARD - TRUXTUN AVENUE K/J 962301.00 MAY 1996 PROJECT SUMMARY The City of Bakersfield (City) operates a vehicle fueling facility at their Corporation Yard located on Truxtun Avenue approximately 1/4 mile west of Hwy. 99 (Site). During an underground storage tank removal and replacement project performed in May 1995, hydrocarbon-impacted soils were observed beneath the fuel dispenser units and soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis. A representative from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department - Fire Safety Services and Office of Environmental Services (Fire Department), the local enforcement agency for underground fuel tanks, witnessed the tank replacements and collection of soil samples. Laboratory analyses identified unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel constituents in soil samples collected from beneath the dispenser units. Soil samples collected beneath the former storage tanks did not contain any fuel constituents. Based on the laboratory results, the Fire Department notified the City that a site characterization workplan must be submitted to further assess the vertical and lateral extent of fuel released beneath the dispenser units. As requested by the Fire Department, the site characterization workplan described herein has been prepared in accordance with the guidelines found in Appendix A - Reporting Requirements, Part A - Soil Contamination Workplan: Tri-Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Initial Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tanks, January 22, 1991. The workplan' describes the investigation methods the City will employ to delineate the extent of the fuel released beneath the Site al1ëtthepotential threat to human health and the environment. In general, the site characterization will include drilling four boreholes to a minimum depth of 40 feet below ground surface (bgs) or when encountering 10 feet of native sediments that are not impacted with hydrocarbons, whichever is shallowest, based on field screening techniques. Soil samples will be collected every five feet for potential laboratory testing of fuel constituents. If hydrocarbons-impacted soil is suspected below 40 feet, the City will be contacted for immediate approval to extend the borehole(s) until 10 feet of clean soil is encountered or a maximum depth of 80 feet bgs. Should shallow groundwater be encountered before defining the vertical extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil, a reconnaissance groundwater sample will be collected using a Hydropunchâ„¢ sampler prior to the abandonment of the borehole. No groundwater monitoring wells will be installed during this investigation. 1 P:1962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Following the receipt of analytical data collected during the field investigation, a site characterization report will be submitted to the City and Fire Department that defines the extent of fuel released beneath the dispensers units, the concentration of hydrocarbon constituents in the subsurface, and recommendations for future management of the release site. 1.0 FACILITY INFORMATION 1.1 Tank Owner The vehicle fueling facility is owned by the City of Bakersfield. It is operated and maintained by the Department of Public Works, Engineering Services Division. The City contact person for the site characterization is Mr. Arnold Ramming, Civil Engineer III; telephone (805) 326-3724. 1.2 Site Location The fueling facility is located at the City Corporation Yard on Truxtun Avenue, approximately 1/4 mile west of the Hwy. 99 overpass. The entrance into the property is on the south side of Truxtun Avenue, across the canal bridge at the stoplight for Empire Drive. The underground storage tanks (USTs) and fuel dispensers are located in the southeastern portion of the property immediately north of the railroad corridor. Figure 1 shows the location of the Site and general vicinity. Figure 2 is a tank and piping diagram that shows the locations of the USTs, fuel dispensers, and the proposed investigation boreholes. 1.3 Site History and Tank Use The Corporation Yard is operated as a vehicle service, maintenance, and storage yard for City sanitation trucks and service vehicles. City vehicles are fueled from the service island dispensers on a daily basis. Currently, the fueling facility consists of two USTs located on the south side of the service island with six dispensing units; three each for unleaded gasoline and diesel fue). Previously, the fueling facility had three USTs located on the north side of the service island; one each for unleaded gas, diesel fuel, and low-leaded gas. The former tanks were replaced with the currentUST sysfem in May 1995. 1.4 Previous Investigations During the UST removal and replacement job performed by Lutrel Services Inc. in May 1995, hydrocarbon-impacted soils were encountered beneath the fuel dispenser units. Soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet beneath each dispenser. Laboratory analyses of the soil samples confirmed the presence of benzene, toluene, ethyl- benzene, and xylenes (BTEX), as well as elevated concentrations of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline and diesel fuel. Soil samples collected from 2 and 6 feet below the former USTs did not detect any BTEX or TPH constituents. Table 1 provides a summary of the analytical data for the fuel dispenser samples. Appendix A contains copies of the laboratory analytical reports. 2 P:1962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 1.5 Area Land Use The land use within 1/4 mile of the Site includes industrial facilities, office buildings, and undeveloped property along-the south side of the Kern River. Immediately south of the Corporation Yard is a wide railroad corridor. The Kern River is located approximately 1/3 mile north of the Site (Figures 1). 1.6 Depth to Groundwater According to data collected by the Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) in September 1994, the depth to groundwater in the vicinity of the Site ranged between 150 to 180 bgs. Since that time, the Kern River has had an almost continuous flow of water, as well as the unlined irrigation canal located between the Site and Truxtun Avenue. These sources of groundwater recharge have most likely raised the water table since September 1994, but the current depth to water beneath the Site is unknown. Due to the proximity of the river and canal, perched groundwater conditions could exist in this area. 2.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION METHODS 2.1 Field Preparation Prior to implementing field activities, a site-specific health and safety plan will be prepared for the project and submitted to the City and Fire Department. A copy of the health and safety plan will be kept on-site during field activities. In preparation for the field program, Kennedy/Jenks will obtain necessary drilling permits, prepare subcontractor agreements, and schedule all field activities to facilitate an efficient investigation. Pre-sampling activities will be initiated with a reconnaissance of the Site to mark the borehole locations for an underground public utility clearance (i.e. "Dig Alert"). All sampling locations will be approved by the City before beginning field work. 2.2 Sampling Locations Four boreholes will be drilled along the northern edge of the fuel service island, each located in proximity to the fuel dispenser units and former piping conduits. During fieldwork, only the south side of the service island will be accessible for fueling. The approximate locations of the boreholes are depicted on Figure 2. 2.3 Field Investigation Methods 2.3.1 DrillinQ Method The boreholes will be advanced using a hollow-stem auger rig. A low-clearance rig (approximately 12-ft. mast height) will be used to work beneath the 14-f1. clearance of the service island awning. Prior to drilling, concrete cores will be cut through the driveway to expose the soil beneath the structure. 3 P:I962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants The boreholes will be advanced to a minimum depth of 40 feet bgs, or when 10 feet of clean native soil is encountered, whichever is shallowest, based on field screening methods. If hydrocarbon-impacted soil is suspected below 40 feet, the City will be contacted for immediate approval to extend the borehole until 10 feet of clean soil is encountered or a maximum of 80 feet bgs. Should shallow groundwater be encountered before defining the vertical extent of hydrocarbon-impacted soil, a reconnaissance groundwater sample will be collected using a Hydropunchâ„¢ sampler prior to the abandonment of the borehole. No groundwater monitoring wells will be installed during this investigation. 2.3.2 Soil Samplinq Method During drilling, soil samples will be collected with a split-spoon sampler at five-foot intervals beginning at five feet bgs. Soil samples will be collected in pre-cleaned brass sleeves, sealed with end caps, and retained in chilled ice chests. After all samples have been collected, field screening data will be reviewed to select the laboratory samples. Soil cutting descriptions will be logged onsite by a Kennedy/Jenks geologist using the Unified Soil Classification System. 2.3.3 Field Screeninq Methods Soil from each sampling interval will be screened for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VaCs) using a photo-ionization device (PID). vac monitoring will be conducted by immediately placing soil samples in sealed plastic zipper baggies for approximately 15 minutes and then inserting the PI D probe into the headspace. Field vac readings will be recorded on the borehole log forms and used to select laboratory samples. 2.3.4 Reconnaissance Groundwater Samplinq Method If shallow or perched groundwat~r is encountered during drilling, a reconnaissance groundwater sample will be collected for laboratory analysis using a Hydropunchâ„¢ drivepoint sampler. The direct push sampling system uses a non-retrievable metal point with a PVC well screen attached. The well point/screen unit is secured inside a hollow metal sleeve approximately 5 feet in length. The metal sleeve isthreadéd onto the bottom of steel drill rods that are lowered through the inside of the augers. The drill rods are driven approximately 5 feet into undisturbed sediments and pulled back approximately 3 feet to expose the well screen. Grab samples are collected by lowering a disposable bailer through the drill rods into the well screen. After the samples are collected, the drill rods and augers are removed from the borehole, leaving the well point and screen intact in the sediments. Groundwater samples are collected by slowly pouring the water from the bailer into three 40-ml glass vials with Teflon septa and hydrochloric acid preservative. 2.3.5 Borehole Abandonment Following the completion of all sample collection, each borehole will be abandoned by placing a sanitary seal consisting of a cement/bentonite slurry from the bottom of the 4 P:1962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants borehole to ground surface using a tremie pipe. New surface concrete will be placed to grade where the concrete cores were cut. 2.3.6' Equipment Decontamination To reduce the possibility of cross-contamination of samples, all drilling and sampling equipment will be cleaned prior to initial use and between use at each location. Drilling equipment will be cleaned using high-pressure steam. Sampling equipment will be cleaned with a non-phosphate detergent solution and triple rinse. 2.3.7 Investiqation Derived Residuals Investigation derived residuals include all soil cuttings, decontamination water' generated from equipment cleaning, and any groundwater generated during drilling and sampling. The residuals will be place immediately upon generation into DOT-approved 55-gallon capacity steel drums, labeled as to contents, and stored onsite pending proper disposal. Appropriate disposal will be assessed from analytical results of site samples and samples of bulked residuals, as necessary. 3.0 ANALYTICAL TEST METHODS Approximately 4 to 5 samples will be analyzed for hydrocarbon constituents from each borehole, depending on VOC screening data and total depth. In all boreholes, samples from the bottom 10 feet will be analyzed to verify that native conditions exist. All soil samples and groundwater samples, if collected, will be analyzed by the following methods: · BTEX by EPA Method 8020 · TPH-gasoline by EPA Method 8015-M · TPH-diesel by EPA Method 8015-M To assure the quality of the samples results, the following quality assurance samples will be collected: · One field duplicate sample per twenty soil samples (submitted blindlo""thé lab) · One equipment rinsate field blank (blind) · One water travel blank (only tested if groundwater analyzed and hydrocarbons detected) 4.0 SOIL CHARACTERIZATION REPORT Following the receipt of all analytical reports from the laboratory, Kennedy/Jenks will prepare a draft site characterization report for submittal to the City and Fire Department. The report will include an executive summary, descriptions of drilling and sampling activities, a summary table of analytical results, a discussion of investigation findings, and recommendations for future management of the Site. All comments from the City and Fire Department will be incorporated into the final report submittal. 5 P:1962301,00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Kennedy/Jenks Consultants 5.0 PROJECT SCHEDULE Table 2 shows the anticipated schedule for workplan approval by the City and Fire Department, cost development and contracting, implementation of field activities, laboratory testing, and report preparation. The schedule also highlights the approximate periods when City or Fire Department reviews and approvals are anticipated. 6 P:\962301.00 WORKPLAN.DOC I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURES . ~.~. ,.- ... . I ROS HIGHWAY I BLM, CAUENTEJI !' ! - RES. A REA \J.. < ~ FF Commercial Orlvt' ....J 2J - , - ~ I OJ ...LI .x c 5! ~ CL -:! CL 21' I 201 19: W 18, I w a:: -, ("'\'1 I- " Jastrol17th > CI) :J Park' : I V:d .: 16th I II GOLC~ V EMP I I . SITE I '" CALlFOJ r, - '- -. ::;! .nse; I ,- San Er ,- , " - Ches - - ~ Che I 2 u:J :n 0 I (/) ..r:: u ~. > ~ -:ú I 3rc - .J.' Bani I u; - 3 ;. ~ ~ I :. I I N Kennedy/Jenks Consultants I .. City Corporation Yard - Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California I 0 .It. Loc.tlon ..p I FEET K/J 962301.00 I January 1996 Flgur. 1 13 - i . Proposed Borehole Location N . 0 I FEET - Kennedy/Jenks Consultants City Corporation Yard - Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, California T.nk and Piping DI.....m with PropoaH Borellole Locallone --._- -- -.- - -~- ._. ----- -- ~. - -- -- - K/J 962301.00 January 1996 figure 2 , , ¡! , \ 1 \ I, I ) ,I I I I I ! i ¡ I ~ \ \ ì ! \ , , , \I j ) ¡ \ -4 ¡ i I.S%!" ? ,? / \ " \ r~<:)~c::..·./ /' ? - - , e.lC...ra.t...O ~~ c~. ;lJ~r '- to-. c. rA..." f_~ c::::;... -........ "- \ ~~.-:O ~_~~=....... ~-"'"?"C~L / --, \ ( ~,l..'~ ~.~~ f "- '- ,E U E:.. L E- I S A.. '..J - -----'\~ - - '- / \ I (ç(q 5) ( l I lJE~1.:, lA. 'S \ I ¡\1 t::V\.J 'vlsí ( 6li G) ; \ I \ (,(1"; I.-EAÞ ¡:=D \ D I [SU-- I '" / \ / "------ - - - - - - - ./ "- ./ -- - -- ...:c¡ - ...",. 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I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE 1 Kennedy/Jenks Consultants SUMMARY OF ANALYTICAL DATA CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN FUEL DISPENSER UNITS CORPORATION YARD - TRUXTUN AVENUE MAY 1996 K/J 962301.00 DISPENSER #, DEPTH AND (pRODUCT) ETHYL BENZENE TOLUENE BENZENE (mg/kg) (mg/kg) (mg/kg) NO 8.3 4.8 NO 27 25 NO NO NO NO 18 26 NO NO NO NO NO NO 26 170 31 NO 0.5 1 #1-2 @ 2' (gas) #1-2 @ 6' (gas) #6 @ 2' (diesel) #6 @ 6' (diesel) #7-8 @ 2' (diesel) #7-8 @ 6' (diesel) #11 @ 2' (gas) #11 @ 6' (gas) TOTAL XYLENES (mg/kg) 180 230 NO 510 NO NO 780 12 TPH-Diesel (mg/kg) 6,900 3,000 12,000 1,600 TPH-Gas COMMENTS (mg/kg) 3,200 no Benzene 1,800 no Benzene --...........,.......... ::::~:~:~:~:~:::::~:~:::~:~:::~:::::::::::::::: no B TEX :rrrrrrlIImri no Benzene ....................... ........................ r@IIII:rrrr@I no BTEX ¡IIill¡il¡I¡:::i¡i}:i:::::. no BTEX 8,500 highest concentrations 91 lowest concentrations NOTE: Soil samples collected by Lutrel Services Inc. during th'e tank and piping replacement in May 1995 mg/kg = milligrams per kilograms NO = not detected TPH = total petroleum hydrocarbons BTEX = benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylenes I:;:::::::::::::::;::;;:::::::::::;:::::::;:;:::::::::1 - Not analyzed for the gl'ven constl'tuent :;:::::;:;:::::::;:::::::::::::::;:;::::::::::::::::: - - - - - - TABLE 2: PROJECT SCHEDULE ID Task Name 1 Prepare Workplan 2 City and Fire Dept. Approvals 3 Develop Implementation Costs 4 City Approval & Contact 5 Conduct Field Investigation 6 Permits / Health & Safety Plan 7 Drill and Collect Samples 8 Laboratory Analyses 9 Prepare & Submit Draft Report 10 City and Fire Dept. Review 11 Prepare & Submit Final Report 5/22/96 - - - - - , I ~ - - - - - - - - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SITE CHARACTERIZATION WORKPLAN CORPORATION YARD FUEL DISPENSERS - TRUXTUN AVENUE I KIJ 962301.00 1 Start Finish 5/13/96 5/28/96 5/29/96 6/14/96 6/17/96 6/25/96 6/26/96 7/12/96 7/15/96 8/7/96 7/15/96 7/19/96 7/22/96 7/23/96 7/24/96 8/7/96 7/24/96 8/14/96 8/1 5/96 9/4/96 9/5/96 9/18/96 Task Task Summary ..... ..... City & Fire Dept. Review ITTIIIIIIIJJIIJ ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A LAB ORA TORY ANAL YTICAL REPORTS Page 1 I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I LUTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-5 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #1-2 @ 2' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-B020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(g) : Analyzed-8015M(g) : 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 @ 04:22PM I Date Date I Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit I 3200. mg/kg mgjkg mgjkg mg/kg mg/kg 3. 3. 3. 6. I Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected 8.3 4.8 180. 600. I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 I I ,~9:J~ ~ Stuart G. Buttram () Department Supervisor I AU results lisled in this report are lor the exclusive use olllle submittlnq Plrty. BC Laboratories. Inc. assumes no res~ibilify 10< reDOrt alteration. !U!Oaratioll. d@tachment n, "'"'" ..- ¡............¡.... I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 I LtJTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-6 II Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #1-2 @ 6' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g} : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 05/11/95 @ 04:37PM 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 I Practical I Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 5. I Toluene 27. mg/kg 5. Ethyl Benzene 25. mg/kg 5. Total Xylenes 230. mg/kg 10. Total Petroleum I Hydrocarbons (gas) 1800. mg/kg 1000. I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 I &~~ R9:= Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor 10 results listed in this report are lor the exclusive use of the sUbmlttlnq par1v. BC Labon1or1es. Inc. assumes no resoonsibilitv lor reoort alteration. seOlration. detlcllment or third -'" Interuretatlon. I- I LABORATORIES Page 1. I purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I LtJ'l'REL SERVICES 221.2 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11./95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-7 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #6 @ 2' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015MCd): Date Analyzed-8015MCd): 05/11/95 @ 02:38PM 05/12/95 05/12/95 05/11/95 05/12/95 I Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit I Constituents Analysis Results I 6900. No Recovery mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %- 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.9 I Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate \ Recovery None Detected None Detected None Detected None Detected 400. I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA BOIS Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/B020. I I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #11B6 £/¿ I Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor I An mults listed in this ~ Ire tor the exclusive use 01 the submittino oartv. BC La""""_. Inc. ..sum" "" ...........¡kU.... ,_ _" ,"._>4.... ._......... ~...__...... ...,-, .--. ,..._..h"_' ¿. '- I LABORATORIES I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 I LUTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-8 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #6 @ 6' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(d) : Date Analyzed-8015M(d): 05/11/95 @ 03:05PM 05/12/95 05/12/95 05/11/95 05/12/95 I I Constituents Analysis Results Reporting Units Practical Quantitation Limit I 3000. 86. mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg %- 5. 5. 5. 9. I Benzene Toluene Ethyl Benzene Total Xylenes Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (diesel) Surrogate %- Recovery None Detected 18. 26. 510. 200. I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. Sample chromatogram not typical of diesel. I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 I I ~~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor 11/ results lilted in this reool1lre tor the erclusiv.. us.. nf Ih.. .,,""'1ttINI ft'_ R~ I .h"..'"n.. ,"_ .......... M _...-.,~".... ... ..--~ ....-...- ........-- "--'~---' -. .~,... .._. .,............ I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 I LUTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-3 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #7-8 @ 2' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(d) : Analyzed-8015M(d) : 05/11/95 05/12/95 05/12/95 05/11/95 05/12/95 @ 03:20PM I Date Date Practical I Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.3 I Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.3 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.3 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.6 Total Petroleum I Hydrocarbons (diesel) 12000. mg/kg 1000. Surrogate ~ Recovery No Recovery ~ I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 L¿¿ I Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor III ~,ullt Ii,,@(! in "';,. _ .,~ In, 'h" ~..hl';y. "0 "I ''''' ."hmiHIM "..tv III" ......,.t",l_ I,," ...,,"'.. M _,...,;";00... ... '.M" ...._.;.. .......i.. ~......_.....",;..I .._. 1...__....-. Page 1 I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I LOTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-4 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #7-8 @ 6' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Extracted-8015M(d) : Analyzed-8015M(d) : 05/11/95 05/12/95 05/12/95 05/11/95 05/12/95 @ 03:42PM I Date Date Practical I Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.2 I Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.2 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.2 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.5 Total Petroleum I Hydrocarbons (diesel) 1600. mg/kg 100. Surrogate \ Recovery 10l. \ I I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 .~~/ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor I IAII results listed in this reoort are for the elclusive use at the submiltlll<l carty. BC laboratories. Inc. assumes no resDOMibiIiIv fOf "'00" alteration. seoaratlon. detaehment or third ...m ,"'",,",totion. Page 1 I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons I LUTREL SERVICES 2212 S ONION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-1 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #11 @ 2' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 05/11/95 @ 03:52PM 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 I I Analysis Constituents Results Benzene 26. I Toluene 170. Ethyl Benzene 3l. Total Xylenes 780. I Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 8500. Reporting Units , Practical Quantitation Limit mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg S. S. 5. 10. mg/kg 1000. I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target analytes requiring sample dilution. I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 I ~~~ Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor I all ,..,,11. II.,owt ;" .~¡. ......... or. .",... ..~,...;y. ....~. .h. ...~_....M .0_ Of' '.h......I.. I.. ....._.. __ _.___.,.""..... _.__~ .k._"__ .......... ........._._.. _I~ ___. '_00.._.0.".. L I Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Page 1 I LUTREL SERVICES 2212 S UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 Attn: BILL ROSICA 834-5986 Date Reported: 05/12/95 Date Received: 05/11/95 Laboratory No.: 95-05695-2 I Sample Description: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CORP. YARD: DISPOSAL #11 @ 6' SAMPLED BY BILL ROSICA I Sample Matrix: Soil Date Collected: Date Extracted-8020: Date Analyzed-8020: Date Extracted-8015M(g) : Date Analyzed-8015M(g): 05/11/95 @ 04:14PM 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 05/11/95 I I Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.3 Toluene 0.5 mg/kg 0.3 Ethyl Benzene 1.0 mg/kg 0.3 Total Xylenes 12. mg/kg 0.6 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) 91. mg/kg 60. I I I TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. I I I I Note: PQL's were raised due to high concentration of target ana1ytes requiring sample dilution. I I California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 I ð~~ Sb-- Stuart G. Buttram Department Supervisor IAlI ~sults listed in this ~DOtt are for the e.clusiw uw of the subml"lno Da"" BC lobor"o,les. Inc. ..sum_..... __.ihm." .^' _M" ."......... ..n..""",, ....__ - "',... _.....1_..__....-- 00 000 ('I)T'" ('1)0) O)T'" I !'- N ('I) "Ó- -10 OJo :¡::oo If)- ... OJX ~<{ ct1u. CD . . tT'" :JT'" 00) ü"'f If)!'- ct1'" -('I) <........: Oll) og T'" _ V > C o t- en ::::J o LL o Z c¡: :J: o _U___m" --- -----+-~-- Report To: ~_ __ _______ ------------------ -------- - -- "0 Name: t....vi~1 Se~\t, <..J 'vt Project: C~y af Ì>1\tv iL ~~ Address: l Z '_0, Uþl,-~~ Project II: L()~ .JL::::ì'vJ-J_____ ~ð CitY:hL'~lf I'~.IJ .. Sampler Name: K'O.5¡'l,_ ß -~ State: C'-' I,~ Zip: 9.3Jc) Other: ~ ~ Attn: 6,'1/ 12~ '( A ~~ "'" ~ - 'J ,~ -"e ~ \9 '- ~ . -~ :z: J- I "::l.. 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