HomeMy WebLinkAboutABOVEGROUND TANK lW'inston H. Hickox ( Jecretary for Environmental Protection California Rtional Water Quality ~ontrol Board Central Valley Region Steven T. Butler, Chair '/(~ .~~ Fresno Branch Office Internet Address: http://www.swrcb.ca.gov/-rwqcb5 3614 East Ashlan Avenue, Fresno, California 93726 Phone (559) 445-5116' FAX (559) 445-5910 Gray Davis Governor 10 July 2000 Mr. Gil Rubio AT &T Wireless Services 4180 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93309 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES - MTSO FACILITY, 4180 TRUXTUN AVE., BAKERSFIELD, KERN COUNTY We recently received a referral from a City of Bakersfield Certified Unified Program Agency inspector regarding an aboveground petroleum storage tank located at your facility, A 10 July 2000 telephone conversation with you and a member of our staff confirmed the presence of one 2,000-gallon diesel tank. . Major provisions of the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act (Health and Safety Code, §25270), a state law effective 1 January 1990, require the owner or operator of an aboveground petroleum tank facility with a single tank capacity greater than 660 gallons or with a cumulative storage capacity greater than 1,320 gallons to do the following: 1. File a storage statement and submit an appropriate fee on or before 1 July 1990 and on or before 1 July every two years thereafter. 2. Prepare and implement a Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan, except farms, nurseries, logging sites, or construction sites. 3. Establish a monitoring program for the tank(s) if the appropriate Regional Water Quality Control Board, upon inspection, has determined that discharge from the aboveground tank facility will affect waters of the state or sensitive ecosystems. A storage statement form and information about the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act are enclosed. By 14 August 2000, please submit documentation to our Fresno Branch Office that you have submitted your storage statement and fee to the State Water Resources Control Board in Sacramento. By 16 October 2000, please submit a copy of the SPCC plan that will be maintained and implemented at your facility. The SPCC plan needs to be prepared in accordance with Part 112 of Title 40, Code of . Federal Regulations. California Environmental Protection Agency o Recycled Paper J ,..-- (J . . ,.. , It -2- - Mr. Gil Rubio 10 July 2000 Guidance for the preparation of a SPCC plan, as developed by the U.S, Environmental Protection Agency, is enclosed to assist you. If we may be of further help or if you have any questions regarding the Aboveground Petroleum Storage Act, please call Richard C. Stewart at (559) 488-4391. ~ 1r; 1ýJ& RUSSELL W. WALLS Senior Engineer RCE No. 43140 RCS:rcs Enclosures cc: Mr. Steve Underwood, City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services, Bakersfield o ~ L -~ ..:~.. iil . ........-- -:~4Æj;~~r ~'" '. " . . [. .' .:.._-~~... _.~- , ~ ~". 0._ .C.. 1\ .~;. --, I ~~\._.",.." '\ _. _ i < D·· "r1~.]í~-2.'ì - Li '10f ~:I. COMF.·.Yì"(\["H " , "."\, I '\J,. n'\ ~; c \;, ~I)\J\) :. NO S~i' '~û{ING ["J"'" . ":'- _ ,,':;, :~"'i_~ .·...J.........'.'...'..ii '~. .' "-', "'~', ,- '\-~ ·.:.~.~r ~ '.' I .- 'L_~ . .- . __' ! Ì" ~.., ~. ~ ~-:T..il:'JY["".}8¡'j"" -~~~';:.. . . .. I~ l '"", . .... f:. /]/:1' ','} j.tf,J1' >¡!r<~~::- /' ~: .. ..' .' ' ft'·1- ;, ';,: . . - !7""~- r/- -~- . '~~ ' . , ....r· '~. . .. . ¡. ../" . -' ..~ ..., '~JJ' . ~"DIE~ll~n~<;<:'¡\1 COMBiW©~~~lN _ 1>- '. nrn\f W\ . ~ No 51/\01 ,1! Ilj\1@: . 1~,.v,""J, IVI ~ --,- \ ~' .~. -" '''.'·;t.jw.-...--;'.:--_-:- i ~~ ,--.e- ~~h_ -----',' FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADM)NISTRATlVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ«661)395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 21 01 "H" Streel Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAJ< (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAJ< (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAJ< (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAJ«661)399'5763 -- e ,--- March 23, 2000 Pam Wagner, Administrative Assistant AT&T Wireless Services 4180 Truxtun Ave Bakersfield, CA 93309 RE: Update Business Plan Dear Ms. Wagner: On Thursday, March 23,2000, this office completed the fmal inspection of your new 2,000 gallon above ground storage tank. This office requires that your Business Plan be updated to reflect both change in business name and the addition of your fuel tank. Health and Safety Code requires that this be completed and returned within thirty (30) days. For your convenience, I am enclosing the necessary forms. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326- 3979. Sincerely, JL~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosures "7~ de W~ ~OP ~~ ffbt, J'& W~" ,_~_~_~u e - 7 J (--if exYllf ()1 CITYOFBAKE)lSFIELD x- ~\(, OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (80S) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO INSTALL AND/OR REMOVE ABOVE GROUND STORAGE TANK(S) In confonnity with provisions of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations, permission is hereby granted to: ---.Kl a SS "r\ ð.~ { Pc Name 0 Company . ~~ ~~t\ W~.sh..u\~t1 (Jr. ~';)1-Ð8rz? Address to display, store, install, use, operate, sell or handle materials or process involving or creating conditions deemed hazardous to life or property as follows: ,. { ~("¡OF) ~ \ '-;' "- f),'~ S..tL. t -\v LÅ ----¥\iA.. d,L u r rt ~.....Q (" 0.... ~ ~ \ Q (..CL.it.fi.c1 @. '\-~ ~ -r ~ r 0-..... 1\--"'( ~ 7 41&) 'T1l"~"tu" ' subject to the provisions and/or limitations as provided. Violation of pertinent ordinances, codes and/or regulations shall void this pennit. ~- Pemut Denied /2-7-:11 Date ~ ~ bb)"-t. ,~IY\ N- ~ _. Applicant Name (print) ~4 Applicant Signature THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED f " }.. 2201 R Stree&ersfield, CA 93301 661.325.1940 fax 661.325,5826 " I ' .-,~, ' . DMI MeChanical I ;' ~ ~ Fax To: S -+ e J e... LJ v'\ote / ~ FfOrn: {ÝÌqfl Q()¡,~S FaJC Pages: Phone: Date: Reo; cc: o UJ'gO"tO For RøviowD Please ConunentO Please Reply S-teJ~ RC)6b (~ W~V\-\ ~CA w ~-t L t. \qsS;eV\ -rCJ r~'f Y00 -{OtV\l fOJ COif p. -l kL Me, Sfe~s. A T1 o V'\.. i~~ 3 -{k<: ~' , q u c.s ~\.C'^ S ~ cr6 . .::t.ç y 00 \t\o. Je: p ! "'C~~ C 0... \ l \lV'C. e>tV\.'1 (V\o¡rL £/td W~è£:6Ø 666t èØ '~da øøøøøøøøøø : 'ON X~~ : WOèf~ "TJ ;:u o 3: JJI3 PœIClmI'f A r $tWI£ B .. AU.. C r ~\Im 0 2.' ~ 0'-2- E r t'IIIIARV' TNt( ~ æfT f' ,I" $PN!( 6" 6- G SW!. . .. Pl.œ. Ii e" CONrAIIQl ~ ~ 6" ., 2." IiOfIt(JRIIG: 'AAI. K .2' ~ ~ \IVtf L ~ NCHOR QJfI owc."J.œOO2'" OPml1MOS t.ABRLIÐ "SPAn" MAY DB CIJANG8D TO A.C<::or.NODA'IB cumn.mP.'S NImD3 10 GÆ 1~' -{-- OUTER TANK e 3/16" 1NNER TANK e ~ \D \D \D ., Of' t ACONTAlNMENT fì¡ '1i 3-99 SOLUTIONS w - " OÐW.I CC/tIPNrf W 11-16-99 -t· ~~ ~ 1 00496 000 ,..,,,, f">,,, »I; MoiIMINe". œNI_ _ 2........l...I.-Uf'I II 1IIt fIIGI'!IIn' ( f _ IICHIU ~. ØI ! D /W ~ PECIAL =-=- =-oo:&'c:-u" K wœ ';.12 LlIe£ cuæ 6" TOP VIBW \7'-~" 16'-4" l 1~" I lsp.i-E~'~ -1-- 3'-8" -I-- 3' -8" -1- 3·-a"--L.. SP. @ 4¡ ..5 17" - "1) " . ---.........-------......--........----- mllYATION DM\ f'1e.u-\ANJLAL CJ MPROVBD 1tS8BOWN o RBVISfCH8 AS INDICAI1!D ~ 0 t>IS.AIftOVm) SIGN: \ DAm ...._4__.......---.....-_ t3'-10;}-j_ ' Ir- :r-7-l,1i" "TYP. ?I f.~r>l- 1 1" --1 ( 'I S·-.'-L I I 4'-IQ"1 I IJ ' I ___ I 4"Il j .. r'fP _ J'-' 1!H BND vmw 4' -7" j f'ROOO CT CODE: "fL UØIO U/L-f41 -~ J. GARRETr ANiIIIOII= IIIWA A JVG ::c c <: t- o I.J L ... , : I- J ;: ~ " .;' - - - - : . i :"TJ -D .x 'z to '. J.. ilS) -IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) t:1 (1) (j IS) [\j ìJ [\j "- W 1'11.1" .~ ':r'-' ;¡.~; J."+ 1"'1"'; '-UN I Hll'r'It:.N I ::iUL.UI !iJ' 55él ;j':J';J,J41:t':; IU ';;~::;'I:I....:b ~ ~ JRt\CONTAINMENT L~ SOLUTIONS AD&M4U COW~ ~/-.,.. -, I ~ -.-': Gulllol1ne<Ð Label.... Note 1: Tho measurement from the bQttom of the fill adapter to thé bottom 0' ths 'Joat \AIm vary deþendln9 on the fuel storage tank design and size. Note 2: The léngth of the aluminum connecting rods will vary depending on the dapth or the fuel storage tank. Note 3: The length or the fill tvbe· varies dependIng on the depth of the fuel storagé tank. Fór tanl<s 48" or 6rnalter, the GulllotinSl:11> flow restric:tor will 6'ttênd to withIn 6" of the battom 01 the tank. For tanks 49~ and larger, . thé GulUotine<llJ will havé e. drop tube ada,pter attached. It is the responslbìlìty of the installer to attach a length or 4" drop tube that would extend the fill tube to within 6" of the bottom Qf thft fuel storagè tank. ihrQa.d~d Fill Adapter 4" FNPT X. 2" MNÞT -+- Fill Ad/ilpter (Ductile Iron) PaM. #(;-004. , ~FJammab"! And CommbLlstlb ~ \!!,J ~lqUid Tank ~Ø$Sory 1".~.q'/04 =--. Cast Atuminum ~ Pert #G-003 . v , tu.L. Lab$1 1 1 1(2" 1.0. Fill Tube 6051 Aluminum C""--+- "!e- M C\I I I ~ ~ G -,- 'CO 1-1- t ~ Z T It = to I ~ .... '<t '" I Z~ðO Pc~~..s Dr¡"c .. (\ Q) ~ ....... Float Nltrophll rubber 1 C-~4 x 314 Seckel Set Screw "4' Ola. CóMer::tínç: Rads 6061 Aluminum . 4" X , 1/2" .Drop t~be Adapter 6061 AlumInum 1 "2" OetrlnØ Aest,ictor Valve 1/16" x 1" CcUeï Pins a~k.trJfield. C(llifornia 9JJ08·ð809 .. Tdephong: 661/399.955() £/£d W~££:60 666~ c0 '~3a 0000000000 'ON X~..::! _..-------~. Fax: 6611399-3489 'II'" TOTHL PAŒ.Ø4 ** WOd..::! ¡~ '- ,'- 2201 R StreetaerSfie,d. CA. 93301 661.325.1940 fax 661.325.5826 , DMI Mechanical Fax To: Siev <=- Uv'\de' ~ From: (Vlq/ LOUt,::: <; Fax: Pages: PÞone; Date: Re: cc: o UrgentC For ReviewO Please eonun...tO PI... Reply S-teù<Z. RC)6b((~ w ~ "\. -1r. c. cA w ; i L. \::. \ Q..S S;~\A --t CJ r~ 'I ·Y00 i.o.¡/\l for' ik<:: COif p. -{ k~ Me: Sfec..~ t4 T1 o V\.. i~~ 3 <"' . q UCS~\C~S ~ob ~ '.:1+ 100 hc-~'<. p h:: o..,ç ~ C. 0... \l "'^ c:: . qq~ fV\.OIJ l £/1d W~8G:60 6661 ¿1 'AoN 000Ø00Ø00Ø : 'ON X~~ : WOèl~ - o' -2." 6" 6- 6" mp vmw 17' - 2Â" 16'-4" Iii· -F~ 10 GA 'I OUTER TANK J/16" INNER TANK e 6- l 1~" -------------------- I b~~ ~~f-!-I~~~~: -I- J'-8" -1- 3' -a"--L· 'RJRYATlON DMI o IdftOVBD AS SHOWN o RIMSIONS AS 1NDICAŒD o DeWfROVm) .l: '\¡ SIGI'4: DAm . ....~----- IIZB 1'IJlIC[I(B( " ;:u o 3 - (: . ( " D X Z o IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) IS) z o < ..... -...J ..... 1.1) mocucr CODE: tß W/LU'L-142 ., Or 1 ACOH!'AINMENT ffi JGARREIT "-3-99 SOLUTlUNS ~ - '" OENAU COOPAM' D A IN1UJDG 11-\6-99 ..... "ŒSC&ftQIC 3 _ .... oIIID fill ÐØIQN -18IØI 1 00496 2,000 GALlON . ,. fIIGft1IIIY 01' ,. tCHIIJ 00III'Mr. tQN6 D /VI SPECIAL U _'=r~..... f:3.2: weE CIJSE f'1e:c..HA Ii JLA L ì) \j "'- w ,"'-'- ~o ~;pJ .."'..... ~,.. <...uI'I·........·ø:;n1 ~VI.~c:ICI;¡. ~';I':I' ~_::If IU ..:I..:~~~ e··-- . , j .-4 -1 ., "'IIr .~, ".CONTAINMENT LÐ SOLUTIONS ADQWJ~ Guillotine\!> label-. Note 1: Tl'lè measurement from the bottom of the fill adapter to the bottom of the Iloat will vary depending on the fuel storage tank design and size. Note 2: The length of the aluminum conneçtlng rods will vary depending on the d$pth of the fuel storage tank. Note 3: The length or the fill tube' varies dependIng on the depth of the fuel storage tank. For tanks 48" or smaller, the Gulllc>tine<.!b flow restrictor will extend to wIthin 6" of the bottom of the tank. For tanks 49" and larger. the Gulllotine<iÞ will have a drop tube adapter attached. It Is the reSponsibility of the installer to attach a length of 4U drop tube that would extend tl'l& fill tube to within 6" of the bottom of the fuel storage tank. Tl\raaded Fill Adapter 4* FNPT X 2" MNPT -+ FlU Adapter (Ductile tron) Part #(3·004 C""-+- " ~ l- I ~ Ä""- ; LL . ~ z T ~ to ,...~,.~ t=-- Ca$t AIlJminum . Part IG.003 ' ~ ... ~ . + U.L. label I 1 1/2" I.D. Fill Tube 6081 A/umÎnun1 Flo~t I NllrQ :)hll rubber ! ~ .,... "! ' ~ I 1 Q'24 ¡( 314 Socket Set Screw . ~ 4)' ~ -. . 1(4" CIa. Connectlo\,1 - RQds 6061 Aluminum 4" x 1112" Crop tube Adapter 6061 Aluminum 1 1/2- DelrlnØ Restrictar Valve 1116" X 1M Cotter Pins 2~ PtgtUILS Drlf/( flU: 66' /399·3489 Btl1urslkli. California 933D8·6B09 · 'Telephone: 6ð 1/)90.9556 £/£d W~6G:6Ø 666t ¿t 'AoN øøøøøøøøøø 'ON X~~ >\<.>0; 'TOTAL PAlE. ~ ** WO~~