HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN · .~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. Hazardous Materials Division 2130 "G" Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 RECEiVED NO" ~ 3 ~99~ Ans'd...... 00..·· o¡L HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS: - 1. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt.. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: BFGC Architect Planners Inc. LOCATION: 5701 Truxtun Avenue Suite 200 MAILING ADDRESS: 5701 Truxtun Avenue Suite 200 CITY: Bakersfi el d STÄTE: ~ ZIP: 93309 PHONE: 805633-5100 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 08-540-3418 SIC CODE: 89-11 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Bl uel ine Printing and copying OWNER: BFGC Architect Planners. Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: Same as above SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE l. Brenda Cebrun Administrator 633-5100 835-8716 2. Bruce Biqqar Safety t1anaqer 633-5109 871-8640 1 . FD 1 590 _ Bakersfield Fire Dept. .. - Hazardous Materials Division HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 2 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS ON FilE: Yes BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: 1. Training on proper changing of aqueous ammonia containers. 2. Use of protection gear. 3. Training in special precautions that should be taken in hanöling all materials in the shop. -~. - _~' 4.. . ~merg~~,Y-¿J;,tr~t~i9_.!?J9~.illJr~~-LLf9r ¡PQ.}'j.i~~~ ç2!!tJ,~t;~liþ.,:.,ß!I)lrL~i.~ ~.:;_:_ -.:.~~__ 5. Safe operatmg practlces and propèr actlon to take Tn case of emerqencles. '" SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOllOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. XX WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. --.- --- --<- - ~-.- -,~- ._-~.., -.- - ------ _.~-~-....--- ::..;:--------~---~~"- -.- OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I. Brenda T. Cebrun CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- ,MATlON IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION Will BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM1S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALlFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL,) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. kf! tJIt . SIGNA TURE --'\ Admi ni strator TITLE 11/11/91 DATE 2. FD1590 -- e CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF October 29, 1991 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIElD,93301 326-3911 Brenda Cebrun BFGC Architects 5701 Truxtun Ave. #200 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Ms. Cebrun: Following our phone conversations regarding the conversion of the BFGC blueprinting system to aqueous ammonia, it is my understanding that storage of the aqueous ammonia is not expected to exceed 50 gallons. In the event that no other hazardous materials are being stored in quantities equal to 55 gallons of liquid, 200 cubic feet of gas or 500 lbs of solid, BFGC may file a request for exemption fròm hazardous materials reporting requirements. To request exemption, complete sections 1, 4 and 5 of the attached form and return it to: Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 2130 G Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 In the future, we will conduct periodic inspections to verify BFGC's exempt status. If hazardous materials storage will exceed the quantities stated above, please call me at 326-3979 so that. I may send you a complete set of Hazardous Materials Management Plan forms for the new facility. Based on your verbal report, we have noted the ,status of the previous BFGC office at 3611 Stockdale Hwy. as no longer in business. Please contact me anytime that I can be of assistance with hazardous materials planning. Sincerely, ßc~~~~~ Barbara Brenner Hazardous Materials Planning Technician cc: Ralph Huey /~ ~- e~~ Bakersfield Fire Dept. e ~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION Date Completed Â-rej,,'¡eci-r Pia Vil1eý S, , ;::çnC / !lw Ý ß ßFGC 5~d-d~e Business Name: Location: 3C:. II Business Identification No. 215-000 oe:I3551 (Top of Business Plan) Station No. 7 Shift C Inspector Ii kl YI ~ Þt j Adequate Verification of Inventory Materials D Verification of Quantities 0 Verification of Location D Proper Segregation of Material 0 Comments: Verification of MSDS Availablity 0 Number of Employees Verification of Haz Mat Training D f{ Comments: Verification of Abatement Supplies & Procedures Comments: D Emergency Procedures Posted 0 Containers Properly Labeled D Comments: Verification of Facility Diagram D Special Hazards Associated with this Facility: /()-/7- crt RECE\\!ED (QC1 ? , \99\ HAl. MAT. OW. TA 'lS hu s 11l~S;5 10 c/¥{-z"oV\ s I1D ¡olations: hzs Iou'!:; p r c¡<[ All Items O.K. D Correction Needed D Business Owner/Manager FD 1652 (Rev. 1·90) White·Haz Mat Div, Yellow·Station Copy Pink·Business Copy It e October 11, 1990 TO~ Nina Mayer, Accounts Receivable FROM~ Ralph E. Huey, Hazardous Materials Coordinator SUBJECT~ Repro Depot Nina, account 648301 turned out to be the same business operating under two separate names, there£ore all charges on this account should be voided with no balance owed. Thanks to getting on line with prime all other changes have been made. Thanks 4 " - e ()/1 ,- i ,ß-t,\ ~ n ~~- \~t{;1 G .,.~ j \ I, 1:-1..' '( \ JI. 1.-); \." _, V.", ~ . \ r-J" I ':'t r ( \ ~ ,F) lj~ \\ '-, c). . -=) .\ ~33-5\OO 51D \ 1 (\)~iOrv -ß::ólOD Q33D'ì ...... __ _ _.... ~... -..-. ~_" r - - -' ...'- - _.----~ --- \.»o\""'<- \("\~ \.N~ \.. '''\~C/\ Q),\\ít ~ e IAlY'.." \, ö"v : 0 r··..~', \ (' { rp,t\ \~ Ir-:--- V . I .--. .- ~- .-.." ~. ~ '-= i ~N\O-; '''¿p¡:>\1r \,);~ ..- \ c,t'o (\)~ ~ Yw.lC \)ìC«p-' 01\~ - 3~Y= ~f1C¡~ 1 ,.., ! (ìJ\M~ = 1..1 ,?IÎ ~ ,rl ~ I,Vli OJ..! I ~~, "J'L- ",\.,/"'........ ;0-., p"ll q _. ...¡ 1 , · - CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT D. S. NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 OCTOBER 1::J, 19 ¡j 8 BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, INC. 3611-B STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CA 93309 DEAR. MR. WILLIAM TUCULET: THE ENCLOSED "ACUTELY HAZARDOUS tvlATERIALS REGISTRATION FOR~l" MUST BE COMPLETED BY ANY BUSINESS, HANDLING ABOVE THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITY OF ANY MATERIAL ON THE EPA LIST OF EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. (FED. REGISTER VOL. 52, NO. 77, P. 13397). YOUR COMPANY HAS REPORTED HANDLING THE FOLLOWING ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: ANHYDROUS AMMONIA PLEASE RETl'RN THE COMPLETED ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGISTRATION FORM TO: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION 2130 G STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93301 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS FORM PLEASE CALL RALPH HUEY AT 326-3979. SINCERELY YOURS, RALPH E. HUEY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS COORDINATOR REH/ed ENCLOSURE ACUTELY H.ARDOUS MATERIALS REATRATION FORM TIllS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY TIlE OWNER OR OPERATOR OF EACH BUSINESS IN CALIFORNIA WInCH AT ANY TIME HANDLES ANY ACU1EL Y HAZARDOUS MATERIAL IN QUANT111ES GREATER mAN 500 POUNDS, 55 GALLONS OR 200 CUBIC FEET OF GAS AT STP.l TIllS FORM SHALL BE COMPLETED AND SUBMfITED TO YOUR LOCAL ADMINISTERING AGENCY. (§25533 & 25536 Health & Safety Code) R F ~ :" ! V E 0 Note Instructions on reverse NO V 3 0 1983 Business Name BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS INC. Án:ì'{j. ........ Business Site Address 3611-B Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Business Mailing Address (If different) (8G5) 832-8122 or Business Phone (805) 834-7872 P.O. Box 9698, Bakersfield, CA 93389-9698 Business Plan Submission Date2 11-16-88 --- ..---- PrOcess DeSigna-tlon3 Ozalid-780 Bíueprinting Machine - . -- - - ACUTELY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HANDLED4 -USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NECESSARY- CHEMICAL NAME QUANTITY Anhydrous Ammonia 3,375_Cubic Feet 1 - Cylinder GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROCESSES AND PRINCIPAL EQUIPMEN"s: Ozalid 780 Blueprinting Machine SIGNATU#~~ mLE PRINTED NAME Ka hryn I. Schmidt Office Manaqer DATE 11-28-88 California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) e e INSTRUC11Ot-Js: Superscripts: 1. Quantities for RMPP compliance are "equal to or greater than" the minimum criteria and apply to chemicals handled "at anyone time". 2. Businesses handling reportable quantities of Acutely Hazardous Materials that have not submitted a business plan MUST contact local Administering Agencies. The business plan submission date will assure the Administering Agency that a business plan has been submitted and is on ftle. This will also immediately identify businesses that have not submitted business plans. 3. "Process Designation" is provided as a reporting option (with the approval of the Administering Agency) for facilities that can most easily report by process. Thus, facility RMPP registtation data could be submitted in a similar fonnat to a business plan that is divided by process. "By process" data can initiate an emergency response to a process incident rather than a general emergency response to a major facility. Process designation can simplify inspections for major facilities and improve future emergency response. 4. Refer to the EPA list of EXlremely Hazardous Substances from the Federal Register (Volume 52, No. 77. p. 13397 ~,April22, 1987). Each chemical has a threshold planning quantity. This list may be changed by EPA on an annual basis. Updates of this list may be available early in 1988. To comply with this element, you may attach a copy of the inventory submitted to your Administering Agency from your business plan and highlight all Acutely Hazardous Materials. It is recommended that facilities list all extremely hazardous chemicals handled in quantities equal to or in excess of 1) 500 pounds, and 2) any EP A threshold planning quantity less than 500 pounds. 5. Do not include Trade Secret information in these descriptions. General: For emergency response purposes, it would be desirable to describe the following to the Administering Agency: 1. BalCh Process: a. What raw materials? b. What operating pressure range? c. What operating temperature range? d. Batch capacity rating? e. Product characteristics? (e.g., chemical state, flammability, toxicity, etc.) f. Critical JX'OCe8S points and characteristics? 2. Continuous process: (similar information as above.) HQIE: "Pursuant to §25534. the Administering Agency may require the submission of a Risk Management Prevention Program (RMPP), ü the AdminiRtP.ring Agency determines that the handler's opezation may present an acutely hazardous materials accident risk. The handler sba1l prepare the RMPP in accordance with subdivision (c) [of §25534]. The RMPP shall be prepared within 12 mœths following the request made by the Administering Agency pursuant to this section." (§ 25534 (a) Health and Safety Code) An amendment to the RMPP must be submitted to the Administering Agency within 30 days of: 1. Any additional handling of acutely hazardous materials. 2. Any material or substantial alterations to business activities. 3. Change of address, business ownership, or business name. (§ 25533 (c) Health & Safety Code) · EVERY BUSINESS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT AN RMPP SHALL IMPLEMENT THE APPROVED RMPP · California Office of Emergency Services FORM HM 3m (1-15-88) ~ '\ . ' r .' ;;::_... BAKEßtir H:LD CIT Y FIRE DEPÄRTME:NT- " 2130 eG· STREET ~ BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 (805) 326-3979 ¡ 1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY I D # ) :3 52) BUSINESS NAME HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A ~ INSTRUCTIONS: 1. To avoid further action, return this from within 30 days of receipt. 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, 3. Answer the questions below for the business as a whole. 4. Be as brief and concise as possible. SECTION 1: 'BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA A. BUSINESS NAME: ßf&L ÄifLhì+ects B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: BUS. PHONE: { SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material, call 911 and 1-800-852-7550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire department and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. EMPLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE DURING BUS. HRS. AFTER BUS. HRS. A. PHI PHI B. PHI PHI SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: B. ELECTRICAL: C. WATER: D. SPECIAL: E. LOCK BOX: YES / NO IF YES, LOCATION: IF YES, DOES IT CONTAIN SITE PLANS? YES / NO MSDSS? YES / NO FLOOR PLANS? YES / NO KEYS? YES / NO e e a / ;.... '~ ~ SECTION 4: PRIVATE RESPONSE TEAM FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE fl t: r J:" iii v: fJ MAY 1· ~989 Ans'd. ........... SECTION~~: LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE FOR YOUR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE "'t~;) SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINING EMPLOYERS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A TRAINING PROGRAM WHICH PROVIDES EMPLOYEES WITH INITIAL AND REFRESHER TRAINING IN THE SAFE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. A. NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES AT THIS FACILITY B. DO YOU HAVE MSDS (MATERIAL S FETY DATA MATERIAL YOU HANDLE ? ~ C. GIVE A BRIEF SUMMARY OF Y R HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRAINING PROGRAM: ()Jlf2 ~~OO~ heJuu¿ ~ ~ < '- ~ ~cr---~V~ ~.s()s~ I:¿ , SHEETS) FOR EACH HAZARDOUS ~ SECTION 7: EXEMPTION REQUEST I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6.95 OF THE CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE DO NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE DO HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TIME EXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES. OTHER-rSPECIFY REASON) SECTION 8: CERTIFICATION I, , certify that the above information is accurate. I understand that this information will be used to fulfill my firm's obligations under the new California Health and Safety code on Hazardous Materials (Div. 20 Chapter 6.95 Sec. 25500 Et Al.) and that inaccurate information constitutes perjury. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE Standard Business RECEIVEO MAY ~ 1989 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY NON - T R AD ESE eRE T S Aß~d ....vf.... ,." M¡r ____ ____ R.chrt~ PJQN.e~WNER NAME: fA), II {Q.M, f.. Ïß0 u (et· NAME OF Ttn:Š r.M:;JL1.TY: ADDRESS: l~ M~H.rl:e VJ_~ STANDARD IND. CLASS CODE CITY, ZIP: -:RQ... ~_Q - c¡d DUN AND BRADSTREET NUMBER L PHONE #: ~... ~ ç;¡ 5 Q-~ 77 - Q L6. - º 2.8~. RUB TO INSTRUCTIONS 'OR PROPDl CODIlS CIT}T of BAKERSFIELD FarM and Aqricu I ture '-.J ,--, L--' -h "i' BUSINESS NAME: LOCATION: CITY, ZIP: PHONE #: 1 2 Trans Type Code Code 3 !lax Mt . Average bt 5 Annua I Est & Measure Units 1 . I Oys Cont on Site TyS- 9 10 Cant Cant Pr... T_p 11 Us. Code 12 Location "here Stored in Fac i Ii ty 13 'by Nt U lIa.., of "1 xture/CoDøonent. See Instruct ions ! lC. ~W·~:_a_____ L Q1f.!itd_'" L~ Physical and H..lth Hazard C.A.S. Nwber____________ C~t 1\ ,.... C,A.S. bbtr ((heck all that apply) e Fire Hazard ~: J ReactiYity ~ytd ~V?' Sudden R'~IIS' ~ ~..cIiat. CœQonent 12 !Ia.' C.A.S. NUIIber Hea ¡ th of Pressure 11M I th ----------------------------------------- ----- ---- ------.... .--------- c:o.pon.nt 13 1Iaw' C.A.S. IIuMItr -------- -- ------ ----- --- Physical and H..lth Hazard (Check all that apply) u.s. IIuØIfo ________ CcIøonInt II .... C.A,S. IIueIIer -- ------ --------- --- r--, r-' r-" ,..-, ,.-., ~_OJ Fire Hazard '-_oJ Reactivity '-_oJ Delayed '--.I Sudden R.lllse '--.I 1..cIlate . Hlllth of Pressure H"lth CoIItIaMnt 12 .... C.A.S. .....beI' ------ ---- Cononent 13 11_' C.A.S. IIuIIber -..- --- -------- ----- Phvsica I and H..1th Hazard (Check all that apply) C.A.S, IIuIIbIr CcIøonInt 11 .... C.A.S. IIuMItr ---- ---- r--, r-' ,.-., ,.-., r-., ~_OJ Fire Hazard '-_oJ Reactivity '-_oJ Delayed '--.I Sudden Relnse '--.I IMediat' Health of Pressure H,alth CcIøonInt 12 11_' C.A.S. 1IU8ber ------------------------ ----- Coeponent 13 11_' C.A.S. .....beI' ____L____________l_____________l__________J_____1__L__l__-L_l____-L___ ---------------------------- Phvsica I and H..lth Huard (Check al1 that apply) C.A.S. Nullber ______________________ Co.ponent 11 11_' C.A.S. II'*"" -..----..------------ ----- r-, ,.-, ,.-, r-, r-., ~ -.. Fire Hazard '--.I Reactivity '--.I Delayed '--.I Sudden Release '--.I ¡Mediat' H,a 1 th of Pressure Hea 1 th Co.øcmnt 12 11_' C.A.S, lIù.ber ------------------------------------------- ------- to. IOIIIIIIt 13 11_' C.A.S. Nu.ber Certification (Read and sign after co_pieting all sections) I certify under penalty of law that I have personally e~all'ned and a. fa.iliar with the ínforlNtion subeitted in this and all .ttae ~iJr 0 talnlng the I"¡;;or '~~I-,ve that the SUblt~'tt infor..tlonlS Á~u,. accu,.ate. and co. ~¡et _1Jr.«(/~l.T --fT----_- A1J,,()LL --.~~~fLnMl.l/f¿oc __ T--- - ___~ I! añ"â' Of fi'C'(¡í~h e 0 o,,"er operator !!k ownei1òoera or 5 aUll1"rlZ~ reOre5'"\a\ ,ve 'qn \Ure -\ 5-/-R9 Då{¡-Sigñëð------------------------------ B;SINESS NAME BFGC AR~ITECTS PLANNERS, INCo LOCATION 3611-B STOCKDALE HWY ~NUMBER 215-000-001358 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 10 OVERVIEW LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL JURIS CODE 215-003 JURIS BAKERSFIELD STATION 03 MAP PAGE 123 GRID 02B FACILITY UNITS 1 HAZARD RATING 3 RESPONSE SUMMARY 2A SEC 4) ENCON HAS TWO EXITS ALERT ALL EMPLOYEES TO LEAVE BLDG QUICKLY TRY TO STOP LEAK, IF POSSIBLE CALL 911 EMERGENCY CONTACTS 2A SEC 2) WILLIAM R. TUCULET - 832-8122 OR 323-4938 BRUCE M. BIGGAR - 834-7872. 832-8122 OR 322-6733 UTILITY SHUTOFFS 2A SEC 3) A) GAS -? B) ELECTRICAL -? C) WATER -? D) SPECIAL - NONE E) LOCK BOX - NO 20 NOTIFICATION / PUBLIC EVACUATION LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > PAGE 1 05/01/89 15:43 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, INC. LOCATION 3611-B STOCKDALE HWY ID NUMBER 215-000-001358 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 3. HAZ MAT TRAINING SUMMARY LAST CHANGE / / BY < NO INFORMATION RECORDED FOR THIS SECTION > 4. LOCAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL 2A SEC 5) CALL 911 FOR AMBULANCE - IF MAJOR EMERGENCY. IF MINOR FOLLOW BASIC FIRST AIDE AND TRANSPORT TO MERCY HOSPITAL. MERCY HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM, 2215 TRUXTUN AVE., 328-5276 PAGE 2 05/01/89 15:43 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 ~ e - ~ .. BFGC ARttITECTS PLANNER~, 3611-B STOCKDALE HWY 01 INOe . NUMBER ~lfi=O@O=OOlfHje HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 . BUSINESS NAME LOCATION FACILITY UNIT A~ OVERALL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTOR~ LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL ID TYPE NAME LOCATION CONTAINMENT MAX AMT UNIT HAZARD USE 1 PURE ANHYDROUS AMMONIA WEST WALL WEST RM 8 PORTABLE PRESS. CYL. ID PERCENT COMPONENTS 1024.00 100.0 Ammonia (EPA) 3375 FT3 MODERATE OTHER HAZARD LIS' EXTREME E' Bo FIRE PROTECTION / WATER SUPPLIES LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 4) 2A lOBC EXTINGUISHER 3A SEC 5) FIRE HYDRANT - ? PAGE 3 05/01/89 15:43 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS~ INC. (805) 648-6800 BUSINESS NAME BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, INC. LOCATION 3611-B STOCKDALE HWY ID NUMBER 215-000-001358 HIGH HAZARD RATING 3 D. EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION / EVACUATION LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 2) ENCON HAS TWO EXITS: 1 FRONT EXIT (EAST), 1 BACK EXIT (WEST) KEY OPERATOR: 1. ALERT ALL EMPLOYEES TO LEAVE BUILDING QUICKLY (CLOSEST EXIT) AND IN AN ORDERLY FASHION. E. MITIGATION / PREVENTION / ABATEMENT LAST CHANGE 11/22/88 BY VAL 3A SEC 1) CONTAINERS IS SITTING LEVEL ON FLOOR CHAINED TO WALL MANIFOLD WITH EMERGENCY BYPASS SHUT-OFF VALVE PAGE 4 05/01/89 15:43 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SYSTEMS, INC. (805) 648-6800 - 'f .... ..4 e e '4: <.::- '1; BAKERSFIELD eIrl FIRE DEPAR~~'. ~ 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 , (805) 326-3979 0.. .-0 ().- - V i~~ . . e .' ~..' OFFICIAL CSE O~LY ID;¡: GS r:iESS :JA.\tE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN AS A WHOLE FORM 2A INS7:i.UCTIONS: I~ 1. To avoid fur~her action, return this fQP~ by 2. TYPE/PRINT ANSWERS IX ENGLISH. 3. Answer the questions below for the business 4. Be as b~ief and concise as possible. as a whole. SECTION 1: BUSI~æSS IDENTIFICATION DATA p ¡:- r j:' 1'11= n NOV 1 6 1988 Ans' d............ 001358 '~3 ryæCHJ It IIH- fo:J~ A. BUS L~IESS NAME: . BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, INC. ..~.. - ......,.-...... (ENCON ConsultinG EnGineerina Services) B. LOCATION / STREET ADDRESS: 3611-B STOCKDALE HIGHWAY CIrl: BAKERSFIELD BUS. PHONE: ( 805) 834-7872 ZIP: 93309 SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS In case of an emergency involving the release or threatened release of a hazardous material. call 911 and 1-800-852-;550 or 1-916-427-4341. This will notify your local fire departmen~ and the State Office of Emergency Services as required by law. E~PLOYEES TO NOTIFY IN CASE OF E~ERGENCY: NAME AND TITLE A. WILLIAM R. TUCULET DURING BUS. HRS. , . Ph# (805) 832-8122 AFTER BUS. HRS. Ph# (805) 323-4938 B. . 'BRUCE M. BIGGAR Ph# (805) 834-7872 orPh~ (805) 322-6733 (805) 832-8122 '. SECTION 3: LOCATION OF UTILITY SHUT-OFFS FOR BUSINESS AS A WHOLE A. NAT. GAS/PROPANE: SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN B. ELECTRICAL: SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN C. WATER: SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN O. SPECIAL: N/A E. LOCK BOX: YES , ~O IF YES. LOCATION: NO I IF YES. DOES IT CONTAIX SITE PLA~S? FLOOR PLANS? YES I ~ro YES / XO MSDSS? YES / ::0 KEYS? YES / ~O - 2.1. - (,) ~ ~ e e . . SEC71 O~¡t: DR rVi\TE ~ESpm¡SE TE;\~ FOR BUS T:iESS AS A ;'iHO~: ENCON has two (2) exits: 1 Front Exit (East) , 1 Back Exit (~'Vest) SEC7=O~ 3: LOC~L Alèitall cemployees to leave building quickly and ïn an orderly fashion. Try to stop leak, if possible. Call 911 - Iilform~thè:'dispatche:L .of the, following.::. ,,:~ A. Send Fire Department B. Ammonia Leak C. Firm Name D. Firm Address and.Land Marks (Next to Shakey's in wild West Shopping Ctr) ;::.!ERGE:';CY :ŒDIC,~L ~SSIST,~NC: "?r)R "C!_? 3USI:rESS -\S A ~mOL2 Key Operator: 1. 2. 3. Call 911 for ·,ambulance - if major emergency. If minor injury, follow basic first aide. and transport to Mercy Hospital. " Mercy Hospital Emergency Room 2215 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 328-5275 SECTION 6: EMPLOYEE TRAINI~G :::·!PI.CYZRS ARE 'ŒQCRED 70 :1A VE A ?RCGiV,:'Y ;1HI C:: ?ROV:::::S ::::,!PLOYEE:S ;H7;:¡ ~XI7I.':'L .-\::D REFRESHER TRAIXI~G I~ THE FOLLOWIXG AREAS. C:::RC:''::: 'IES OR ::0 A. ~ETHODS ?OR SAFE HANDL¡~G OF HAZARDOCS :'!..\ TER I..; L S : . . . . . . . , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , , , . . . . , . . , . . . . ::·~l::.-\L REFRESHER ß, PROCEDGRES FOR COORDI~ATI~G ACTIVITIES WITH RES?OXSE AGENCIES: ,...........,.,........... C. PROPER GSE OF SAFETY EQUIP~EXT:..,.",....,...,.. @:':O I::~~ ~~ ::0 '(E NO @ :;0 J. E~!E~GE~CY ~V~C~A7IO~ ?ROCEJ~~ES:................. :\0 010 XC :IO E. DO YOU ~{AßT.U:i E~!PLOYEE TRAn-LNG RECORDS:...,." SECTION 7: HAZARDOUS ~TERIAL C IRCL'::: YES - :iO - NONE DOES Y01.:'R 31.:'S IXESS HA:\DLE HAZARD01.:'S ~L<\TERIAL IX QUAST:7I:::S LESS THAX 500 ?OL"XDS OF A SOLID. 55 GALLONS OF A LIQUID. OR 200 CGBIC FEET OF A CC~P~ESSED GAS:,..... YES ~ T. WILLIAM R. TUCULET , certify that t~e above information is accurate. r undersLand that this infor:nation '...,ill be used to :'-11::'11 my fir;:' 's obligations under the new Califor~ia Health and Safety code on ~azardous ~aterials (Div, 20 Chapter 6,95 Sec. 25500 Et AI.) and that: inaccurate infor:nation constitutes perjury. ·SIG:'AT1.:'RE~~ T:7l:.Z DIRECTOR/PRINCIPAL DATE NOVEMBER 15, 1988 - '..,~ e J ". " " " e L SECTIO~ 3: HAZARDOnS ~ATERIALS FOR THIS ¡~IT O~tY A. Does this Fi1ci li ty Dnit cont:::1.in X¡};::1rdOllS ~!aterials?,., ' .' ~ ~O If YES, see B. If ~O, continue with SECTIOX 4, B. Are any of the hazardous materials a bona fide Trade Secret YES ~ If No, complete a separate hazardous materials inventory form marked: ~O:J-TRADE SECRETS OXLY (white form =4A-l) If Yes, complete a hazardous materials inventory form marked: TRADE SECRETS OXLY (yellow form ::4A-2) in addition to the non-trade secret form. List o~ly the trade secrets on form 4A-2. ~F,CTION 4: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTIOX 2A lOBC EXTINGUISHER SECTION 5: tOCATIO~ OF WATER st~PtY FOR USE BY ~RGENCY RESPONDERS SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN SECTION 6: lOCATIO~ OF l~It!TY SHù~-OFFS AT THIS l~TT O~LY. A. XAT. GAS'PRO?~XE~ SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN B. ::LECTRICAL: SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN C. WATER: SEE ATTACHED SITE PLAN D. SPF.:CIAL: -- NONE ::, LOCK BOX: YES'G ,~ YES, LOC'o,TIO~:: IF YES, S!7E PLA~S? FLOOR PT.),:::;? Y:;:S / ::0 YES ::0 y!SOSs? :;:¡::\'S? ,.....~ ~ .:-_.") ~o \'0 \.,...,... . Co'::> - 33 - '" e e 8AKERSFIELD CITY FIRE DEPART:!EXT 2130 "G" STREET BAKERSFIELD. CA 93301 OF?ICTA~ rSE OXLY ID# ------ BUS EESS :\.-\~rr::: BUSINESS PLAN SINGLE FACILITY UNIT FORM 3A INSTRüCTIO~S 1. To avoid further action. this form must be returned hy: 2. TYPE/PRIXT YOGR AXS~ŒRS r~ ENGLISH, 3. An$wer the quest ions bp. 1 01\' fer THE FACUITY I;XIT LISTED 3EI.m~ 4. Be as BRIEF and C~NCISE as possible.- FACILITY UXIT~ 3611-B FACILITY UNIT N~~: ENCON CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES SECTION 1: ~!TTGAT!O~. PREVENTION. ABATEME~-r PROCEDu~ES 1. CONTAINER IS SITTING LEVEL ON FLOOR 2. CHAINED TO WALL 3. MANIFOLD WITH EHERGENCY BYPASS SHUT-OFF VALVE ,~ SECTION 2: ~OTTrTCATTû~ A?ill EVACGATIO~ PROCEDlKES AT THIS l~IT O~LY ENCON has two (2) exits: 1 Front Exit (East), 1 'Back Exi:t (West) Key Operator: 1. Alert all employees to leave building quickly .(clo~est exit): and in an orderly fashion. .. - :~A - ¡ Ii. # -, u ^ ( E R S FIE 1.0 C I T Y FIR H J) E PAR 'f JI P. N 'f F 0 ¡HI 4 A - Z ¡ NOA/-T R AD ESE eRE T S IIA Z A R n (J 11 S 1"1 ATE H I A 1. S 1: N"\/ I~ N T 0 H ''V . ¡ ,,_: I' ü t;' ¡; " J . --,. -------- f- O\~NER NAm·;: WILLIAM R. TUCULET, DIRECTOR FACILITY ¡HilT ió ;3611-B AUDnESS: 120 MONTE VISTA FACILITY UNï'l' tIA~tE<~N<:;<2.~__CONSULTIN CITY, ZIP :~~RSFIELD, CALIFOR~r.~___ 93305 _'~h_.~~~_~E~~~~pSERVICES PIIONE ,: (805) 323-493'8 -~::~:-~__J~FF ~~:.~~.~ SE_~~_~ HS ('(lId' 7 8 . 9 10 l.OCATION IN TillS % BY IIA2.;\jOJ . ,. I _rAfl1JI.ï~tlIT WT. CIIE'MICAL OR CO~HION NA~jE ~;!~!!h ",II ¡AI WEST WALL --99.~ . =~~ÏÃH_---------lÕ2i{-------- ---- --. ~vEST - ROOM 8 : 1 OIL ANH';{DROUS AMMONIA-_.____ NFLG O'Z.~I.-IO fbLu€ f£',.,¡ï INC':.I MIH!..H.NI! I¡\JS I NESS NAHF.: BFGC ARCHITECTS PLANNERS, ~_~ç. dilW E S S: 3611-B STOCKDALE HIGHWAY I IT Y. ZIP: BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93309 .'UOtlE #: (805) 832-8122t' J 1'.1'[ , ..lIE 2 ~I i\ l\ 1)M!!!! -PL 3375 -----,-- -_..~-- .---.--.- --'---"- ------ ----~ ------ --..- _.<----- 3 4 5 6 ANNUAl. CON'f USE t!I. _AM.QUNI_ _-º tl 11_ f_!W~ COº~_ - 6750 FT3 04 c¡q - . 1'0 t"urJ - -- - -- -- -- -- - -- - - .- -- -- - -. - - - e ----.------. -,.." .._~~_u.__ ~...--- '''''--- -------- --"-.----. ------ ---.--------.. ,...--- e -,------ _.,._----~ ---..----..- --- ._---.._.~._-,.- ------ ... -.---".-... _. '_'_'___'_H .. _ . A '1' E ; ..1:.1.:15-88 lONE , BUS HOURS :832-812..?_1ª_~ - 5 P ) AFTER BUS HRS: PIIONE , B(JS HO(J (3 :~34-78:?}_~(~__~f!1 = 5~~~) AFTER BOS fiRS: ¡\t·IE: KATH£\YN 1. SCHMIDT TITLE: OFFICE HANAGER SIGNATUR L iIElWENC\, CONTACT : WILLIAM R. TUCULET __ T I TI.E: DIRE.CTOR/PRINCIPAL III LfW ENC \' CONT ACT :'BHgC.J1: M.BJ.gQl\R_._~~~.~_,,_~ TIn. E : -,?R,ES):DENT of ENCON I (I i/ C r f'...1f /ì II SIN F. S SAC T J V I TV: ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING ----.. -..--..".- ~ ~ "':~...-? · , J .' · " 1 .J · .' .' · · , · ~ A .. ) .' · .. e MAI1:1~-I:l::¡~~t .. MSDS CODE NO 5B81-83 8/85 11/86 ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE REVISED !~... .,' ~~. ," INFORMATION & EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 404-491-7987 (24 hours) MANUFACTURER: LaRoche Industries Inc 1100 Johnson Ferry Road, NE Atlanta. GA 30342 (404) 851-0300 PRODUCT NAME ~,C~I~ HUAf"\tl.116 COMMON NAME(S . I UN !NA NO. 1005 - DOT HAZARD CLASS Non-Flammable Gas SHIPPING NAME Anhydrous Ammonia Or Ammonia. Anhydrous MATERIAL FORMULA CAS NO 'J..WT EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA-PEL ACGIH·TLV C-Grade P-Gradi.: Ammonia NH. 7664-41-7 995 99.995 50 ppm 25 ppm Water H_,O 7732-18-5 04 33 ppm None Established None Established 011 01 2ppm 5mg'M' 5 mg/M3 &ì.rr~"'1i~~~/\ ., .-. ..: . .' .. . '.. '. .. ·---1fiI - ....~~.......~. .... ._,'"" .>!'.....,...~.,;~~-_., .... ,~~~d!~....._......__".....'~""""'..h...."'~~.,·.......,.,~=..:i'~,~ BOILING POINT (~F) -28.1 G SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H.·O= 1) 0.62 0~' 60úF MELTING POINT (OF) -1079~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 100 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg) 48029 (94 pSI) I,!' 60°F pH Approx 116 for 1 N Soln an water "r-. VAPOR DENSITY (AIR= 1) 060·-g· 32°F "'. SOLUBILITY IN WATER 33jú (WI) @ 68°F APPEARANCE AND ODOR Colorless gas or liquid with extremely pungent odor , ¡"", '!';: '."-- .. ~ ..,,-~... FLASH POINT (method used) Not Applicable FLAMMABLE LIMITS LeI Uel 16'í;, 25% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA With a source of ignition, ammonia will burn an the range of 16-25'1" in air Use water fog or spray to extinguish flames SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Stop flow of gas: move contaaners from fire zone if possible Stay clear of tank heads Use water to cool fire-exposed contamers and protect personnel Use water spray to control vapors Personnel must be equipped with appropnate protective clothmg and respiratory equipment . ,. .1- ,-~ '-.;,:. "'6.,,_, STABILITY Unstable Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID Not Applicable. x ; } ~ INCOMPATIBILITY (materials to avoid) Strong acids. Ammonia reacts with chlOrine, bromine, mercury, silver, silver solder. Þ and hypochlorite 10 torm explosive compounds .. 1 , .' · "J ,I .J .J ,I ,,) , .) , J ) · J .1 · c. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hydrogen on heating to over 850°F The decomposition temperature may be . lowered to 575°F by contact with certain metals such as nickel HAZARDOUS May Occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID Not ApplIcable POLYMERIZATION Will Not Occur X LAROCHE INDU5fRIES INC. ..~ ~ '\... ~ ....," G ........ .' '~., ~' e .............. ...dL.-.. ... . .6100..~~_ ~.... . ....¿.............. ~ _ ~...~~"'_~n.t__ê!C... .... -..0 . TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCIES Call CHEMTREC 800-424·9300 . STEPS TO 8E TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED Slop leak ,f feasIble Avoid breath 109 ammonIa Evacuate per~onnel not eqUipped with protective clothmg and eqUipment Use COpiOUS amounts of waler spray or tog to absorb ammonia ...?,. ~O NOT put water on liquid ammonIa unless more thdrl tOO volumes are available per volume 01 liqUid ètmmOnlél ~ ,;ontaln run-off to prevent ammonIa from entertng a stream. lake, sewer or ditch o In case of release to the environment. report spills to 800-424-8802, The National ResJ1o/lse Center ~.~~: .~. - ~_...._ ,'_ ....~J Not Applicable WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD Let ammonia evaporate or soak into ground Release 01 100 pounds or more of NH3 wIthin 24 hrs must be reported to the National Response Center the RCRA Hotlme -. f" ~ ',. . --.....+-...... EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE MAJOR EXPOSURE HAZARD Oral LD,o=350 mg:Kg (Rats) IDLH Level=500 ppm ACGIH STEL=35 ppm InhallC",=4230 ppm (MIce) Ammonia IS a very strong base and reacts corrosively with all INHALATION CONTACT CONTACT INGESTION body tIssues Inhalation: The gas /s pungent and can be suffocating. " ;s extremely Iff tatmg to the mucous membranes and lung tissue A sore throat, coughing. shortness of breath and labored breathing can develop Skin Contact: Repeated or prolonged contact with hIgh concentrations can cause carras/on, trost bIte, redness, pain and seflous skm burns Eye Contact: COrrOSIon, pam. redness, ulceration of the conjunctiva, cornea and lens, and opacities may occur Ingestion: Burns, nausea, vomItIng and severe irritation OCCur EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES Inhalation: Remove from exposure. If breathing has stopped or is dilltcult. administer artificial respiration or oxygen as needed. Skin Contact: Immediately flush with large Quantities 01 water for at least 15 minutes while removing clothing. Clothmg frozen to' the skm should be thawed with water before removal Seek medIcal aId Eye Contact: Flush with large amount 01 water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical ald. Ingestion: Do not Induce vomiting. Give 1-2 glasses 01 milk or water. ImmedIately seek medical aid Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. . (- \..- t:7~l=.~~-~~~:r.:- ~J¿:l~~-·~:':-~'~'~::~~·~~>.:~.;~'- ~I.""":.~ .,....-~l!~ . . ~~ .............. ~...";....,,..,..:.:;.~~ ......_ _. ,'d-' '~-J--':';; .~~~~...~.J::j1. .... RESPIRATORY Respiratory protection approved by NIOSH/MSHA tor ammonia must be used when exposure limits are exceeded. Appropriate protection depends on the type and magnitude of exposure. (See Section IX) SKIN: Rubber gloves and rubber or PVC/Nylon/PVC laminate protective clothing should be used to prevent skin contact:' A face shield should be used when appropriate to prevent contact with splashed liquid . EYE: Chemical splash goggles must be worn to prevent eye contact with liquid and vapors. VENTILATION local exhaust ventilation should be used to control release at air contaminants in the work place. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Emergency eye wash stations and deluge showers should be available in the wOrk area. l r"'~'Tt.::.~:· ¡",,¡. ~-:-; :::·__n·;-.'Y\¡~:· . . . .' '. " .,.. . . . .' ""'~ 'L,"--~ ~.~. -t:..J.!A.. ~ Lrn.... _ "II:' ~~\. .~... _~ _"..u~!.-.J:i~:.:J~_ k.r.:" ...-....!'.~~IU_'f~.J.~-L-<.t~~û. '-iI~-.....\ "l"lh\5'-·""·--Iwl<..:.a.""I:.. ...,_...~~j.A; :..,.-- -oc ........_ "-"-~'-~ .,t- -~.:._~ f \ PRECAUTIONS TO 8E TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Protect containers from excessive heat (greater than 120°F) or physical damage, Use only approved pressure vessels with appropriate relief devices Zinc. copper and copper base alloys such as brass are rapidly corroded by moist ammonia. (Ref. American NallOnal Standard Institute. Pamphlet K61.1). OTHER COMMENTS: Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations may cause bronchitis and/or pneumonia, with some residual reduction in pulmonåry functions. Symptoms of lung edema are often latent (usually a few hours), and are aggravated by physical effort, (Handling . Chemicals Safely, Dutch Assoc. of Safety Experts et. al. 1980). Rare allergic manifestations (urticaria) may occur from inhalation .::~. (Occupational Diseases: A guide to Their Recognition. U,S Dept. H.E.W.. 1977). Contact lenses should not be worn when --- working with ammonia, Whether a chemical cartridge respirator or a self-contained breathing apparatus is sufficient for effective respiratory protection depends upon the type and magnitude of exposue, . ThIS information is taken from sources or based upon data believed to be reliable; howevèr. LaRoche Industries Inc. makes no warranty as to the absolute correctness or sufficiency of any of the foregoing or that additional or other measures may not be ron. ,irorl , ,"riA' ();frticular conditions. .. e e ¡o [J@mJ~MÖ~~@~ to Båk~rsfield City Fire Department 2130 I G' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attention: Hazardous Materials Control Unit date November 16, 1988 architect's project no. from Kathi Schmidt application no. re we are transmitting the following: for: ______addendum # ______advertisement for bid ______application & certificate for payment # ______bonds ______change order # ______clarification ______contract ______drawings ______inspection report ______invoice ______distribution ______file ______information ______price request # ______shop drawings ______specifications ~other ______review/approval ______signature & forwarding ______signature & return -Lyour use remarks Enclosed are all forms required to complete a hazardous materials business plan. roUge archiiecis planners inc.. p.O. box 9698 bakersfield california 93389-9698 31 south real road 805 832 8122 copies X. . , , , , . file owner . . . . . contractor inspector . . . . . . other via .... united parcel .. mail X . messenger greyhound ~~,~.. ..J' _ f¡ .- " £Neo~ 02lwO ~~ e B\lL- fu'1æpO FIRE DEPARTMENT D.S.NEEDHAM FIRE CHIEF CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CAJþam\fŒI SEP 1 ~ 1918B 2101 H STREET BAKERSFILED. 93301 326-3911 ,~ [f @ © The Bakersfield Fire Department requires all businesses operating in the City of Bakersfield to meet the following fire safety requirements (items 1-14) as set forth in the Uniform Fire Code, the Bakersfield Municipal Code, and/or the State of California Health and Safety Code. The Bakersfield Fire Department will contact you if an inspection of the premises, is required. In the event of an inspection, additional fire safety requirements may be brought to your attention. 1. If you handle, store, use, or dispose of any hazardous substances you are required by California law to complete a hazardous materials business plan. Forms can be obtained from the Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division, 2130 "G" Street. Typical every day hazardous materials you may find in your facility may include, but not be limited to: compressed gases - oxygen, acetylene, etc.; fuels - all types, solvents, oils (new and waste), thinners, caustic or corrosive materials, poisonous or toxic materials, and radioactive materials. Fai ~re to complete a hazardous materials business plan can res~lt in fines of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per day. 2. Address of building must be visible and easily read from the street. X3. Provide exit signs with letters five or more inches in height over each required exit. 4. Keep all hallways, stairwells, fire escape landings and exits free of storage or other obstructions. 5. Property must be kept free of dry vegetation and combustible waste. 6. Provide non-combustible containers with tight fitting lids for storage of combustible waste and rubbish pending its safe disposal. 17. Extension cords shall not be used in place of permanent approved wiring. Install additional approved electrical outlets where needed. 8. Multiple electrical outlet devices must be equipped with an overload/ breaker switch. 9. Provide at least three (3) foot clearance around any electrical panel, fuse box, or door. 10. Repair any cracks or holes in walls or ceilings in order to maintain fire resistive condition. 4~ -'~.~' -;:~.. r e e [" 11. Hotels and apartment houses shall provide at least one 2A lOBC extinguisher within 75 feet of travel and on each floor. All other occupancies shall provide a minimum of one 2A 10BC extinguisher for each 3,000 feet of floor area with a minimum of 75 feet of travel distance. Additional requirements as to size, type, and placement of extinguishers may be made upon inspection of premises by Fire Department personnel. 12. All fire extinguishers shall be serviced once a year, and after each use, by a person having a valid license. 13. Locate fire extinguishers in a conspicuous location, hanging on brackets with the top no more than five (5) feet from the floor. 14. Fire Extinguishing System Requirements: A. All sprinkler systems shall have a maintenance inspection at least quarterly (to be conducted by a person designated by the building owner or occupant). The building or system owner shall insure immediate correction of any deficiencies during the maintenance inspection. Records of all maintenance shall be retained for a five (5) year period by system or building owner. B. All standpipes shall have a w4intenance inspection at least semi- annually (to be conducted by a person designated by the building . owner or occupant). The building or system ownp- shall insure immediate correction of any deficiencies found during the mainten- ance inspection. Records of all maintenance shall be retained for five (5) years by the building OWl ~r or occupant. C. All pre-engineered and engineered fixed systems shall be serviced semi-annually. Servicing of Systems: A. Automatic fire sprinkler system shall be serviced at least every five (5) years. 1. Records of all service shall be retained for five (5) years by the building or system owner. 2. The building or system owner shall insure immediate correction of any deficiencies noted during the service. A service tag shall be applied to the system when completed. 3. All service on automatic fire extinguishing systems as set forth in the Health and Safety Code shall be per- formed by concerns licensed by the State Fire Marshal. B. All standpipe systems shall be serviced at least every five (5) years. (1), (2), and (3) same as above. Failure to comply with requirements stated above in items 2-14 shall constitute a misdemeanor, which may result in fines and/or other penalties. PLEASE HELP US HELP YOU -- THINK FIRE SAFETY! ., .' :... ø · Bakersfield Fire De~ Hazardous Materials Division ~('~.. 2130 "G" Street ~ / ¡j¿ aJ2e :3 Bakersfield, CA. 93301 , o.vo I%e &- T HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN 1, 2. 3, 4. To avoid further action, return this form within 30 days of receipt, NPE/PRINT ANSWERS IN ENGLISH, Answer the Questions below for the business as a whole, Be brief and concise as possible, RECE\VEO ',JUN , 21990 INSTRUCTIONS: !.iô7 MAT.DIV. ... :... ....-.:1 I.. p~': - ~ - - ~ - ~ SECTION 1: BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION DATA BUSINESS NAME: REPRO--DEPOT LOCATION: 3611-8 Stockdale Hwy. MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 9698 -,o"ð-D \'d- "-:J Î ' t(J CITY: Bakersfield,,: STATE: ~ ZIP: ~3389 PHONE: 834-2246 DUN & BRADSTREET NUMBER: 08-540-3418 SIC CODE: 89-11 PRIMARY ACTIVITY: Reproducti on OWNER: BFGC Architect Pl anners Inc. MAILING ADDRESS: P.o. Box 9698, Bakersfield, CA 93389 <> SECTION 2: EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: CONTACT TITLE BUS. PHONE 24 HR. PHONE 1. Mary Gibson Production Supervisor 834-2246 835-0502 2. Jim Newkirk Project Manager 834-7872 835-1558 .\ " 1. 'DI~OC b8..KerSnelQ r'1re iJept, HAZA.~;z~1;~sR~a~;r~~~~~~~. PLAN '\. ~ ~ ...-...- SECTION 3: TRAINING: NUMBER OF EMPlOYESS: 2 MA TERIAL SAFETY DA T A SHEETS ON FILE: On fi 1 e in Repro-Depot and BFGC Accounti ng dëpartment and next to Anhydrous Ammonia Tank. BRIEF SUMMARY OF TRAINING PROGRAM: 1. Training on proper installation and replacement of Anhydrous Ammonia Tank. 2. Instruction of manifold, þressure relief valves and pressure regulating devi ces . . 3. Use of protection gear. 4. ,Training in special precautions that should be taken with Anhydrous Ammonia Systems.· .. 5. Emergency first aid procedures for physical contact with ammonia. 6. Safe operating practices and proper action to take in case of emergencies. SECTION 4: EXEMPTION REQUEST: I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY THAT MY BUSINESS IS EXEMPT FROM THE REPORTING REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 6,95 OF THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH & SAFETY CODE" FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: WE 00 NOT HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. WE 00 HANDLE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. BUT THE QUANTITIES AT NO TlMEEXCEED THE MINIMUM REPORTING QUANTITIES, OTHER (SPECIFY REASON) SECTION 5: CERTIFICATION: I. ~1ary Gi bson CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFOR- MATION IS ACCURATE. I UNDERSTAND THAT THIS INFORMATION WILL BE USED TO FULFILL MY FIRM'S OBLIGATIONS UNDER THE "CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE" ON HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (DIV. 20 CHAPTER 6.95 SEC. 25500 ET AL.) AND THAT INACCURATE INFORMATION CONSTITUTES PERJURY. .~, ~~N6~ '?eo~¡jC'.)Joj _'~12.JI'~(J~ TITLE ¿·j/·?o DATE 2. FOI590 ·~~~:~~'~~_:'...~......& '..<'~~~Q:"-,> . . ........__ ·-..è:J:~'''~'A .-, ~- ."~~ f"~~, - -,.~ '. ~ ______~ ~ ;~~~~C~~··~.:;1 ~ '" e Bakersfield Fire Dept. e Hazardous Materials Division . HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN Facility Unit Name: Repro-Depot SECTION 6: NOTIFICATION AND EV ACUATION PROCEDURES: A. AGENCY NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Mr. David Cartnal, CEO, of BFGC and Bruce Biggar, Encon Board Member. r¡otification 'Iill be by phone. 3, EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION AND EVACUATION: Evacuation will be verbal. All employees to exit front door. C, PUBLIC EVACUATION: Immediately, a person or person's \"i11 notify Shakey's and any other businesses near by and verbally state the ep,ergency occuring. D, EMERGENCY MEDICAL PLAN: Evacuate building, Dial 911. ~1edical facilities: Mercy Hospital (327-3371, 24-hour emergency department 328-5275.) Bakersfield Memorial (327-1792). 3. ~I !IQO ~<i1'!1f..;t{-'Ì>-:~,,-,~.;a~Ñ'~~~~.~¿'¿.:,,~~· ¡ ~ _.,-,~.2;::·:"'::"·e·;-'~~'~>~~~~~~::h~~~~~~:-~~':~~~~~~~~~:i~~'~~'~f~ . "'-. . " HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT PLAN -:~<' SECTION 1: MITIGATION. PREVENTION AND ABATEMENT PLAN: A RELEASE PREVENTION STEPS: 1. Fire Department has approved placement of equipment which is segregated away from hea t . 2. The cylinder, piping, hoses, tubing & fittings are all according to D.O.T. specifications. 3. Instruction for shut off valves are clearly posted above the tank. 4. The cylinder is secured by a chain to prevent it from tippin9. 5. Room is weTT-ventèã; gauges are monitored everyday. Pressure relief valves and excess flow devices have been installed. 8. RELEASE CONTAINMENT AND/OR MINIMIZATION: No on-site chemical storage. Trained employees that consi:stei1t1'y monitor~cylinder for leaks... Pressure readings and system hook-up to equipmènt. C, CLEAN-UP PROCEDURES: Opening all doors to air out buildrnng. SECTION 8: UTILITY SHUT-OFFS (LOCATION OF SHUT-OFFS AT YOUR FACILITY): NATURAL GAS/PROPANE: Di rectly in back of shop in a 11 ey. ELECTRICAL Far left corner of ozalid room. WATER: North end of building - near 8hakey's. SPECIAL: N/A LOCK 80X: YES/NO IF YES, LOCATION: N/.A SECTION 9: PRIVATE FIRE PROTECTION/WATER AVAILABilITY: A. PRIV A TE FIRE PROTECTION: 2 - ABC Fi re Exti ngui shers 1 - North side of office - by Accountinq 2 - Northwest side of Repro-Depo~ in shop. 8. WATER AVAILABILITY (FIRE HYDRANT): Fire Hydrant located approx. 100 feet N.E. 4. 'O'5~ G IT Y 0 f i3A t( L: H~ I· Ii: L U ,'-' ~HAZARDOUS MATERI,A, LS INVENTORY 1 fUll Ind Agticulture 0 Stlndard Business t.J of i,¡l ¡JðAi - T R A DES E eRE T S ' Paqe ____ nJr:llt.íS~. "AHE: ,.~EPR~_-D~PºT_ _ ~r,U~~sN~HE: BFG~~; P~;~~~RS W~t~~ogf,oT~hsß FêHhPr.ò()E~-Ro::-_n~~~T :-..::~.:... ..--- F"'JXi ,!(>:~~~ ~ ~Sk-ëIM~~~:=--= q ibŸ ~!P~3.LS....r-:===== _____ DUN Afm BnA ŠTR~E' NU~IU~R DB.sïfõ...,:Jof-¡8 _. . .._.~__W 3t ~l4tt\ .,... ..----- -·-,---,JEFMh l'O-~ -FOR-PROPER CODES - - - - - - - -=_=-________._____ _ .. I l ] . 5 I ~ 8 9 10 II Il 13 , \I Irans Ine "n heraqe Apn~II Hea$ure I rs Cant Cant Cant Use location Where 'by llalles of lIuturelCCfPonents Code (ode Alt Allt Est Units on te fYPI Press 'up Code Stored n faCility lit See Instru: Ions .________ _~. ~ [~~]~~)5 J33islî3500 __JIfÐ 365 fQ3-1 2 1 4 I 99 IN.w. CORNER REPRODUCTI N rÞYSic,1 fPd He,Ith Ha,lrd C.A.S. Nu.ber COllponent II Halle I C.A.S. Number tCheck I I thlt apply 7664-41-7 99 AMMONIA COllponent 12 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber (I F ire Huard U Reactivity l~ oehred U SUddfn Release U IlIlIIediate 7732-18-5 Hea th 0 Pressure Hellth COllponent 13 N~~e I C.A.S. Nu~ber 0,. I~ATER ------- o. OIL =.I~ I rhl'ic,I fDd Health Ha,lrd ( heck a 1 that appl, (~ C.A.S. NUllber Component II Halle I C.A.S. NUllber U f ¡rl Hazard U Reactivity (J hlayed [] SUdd,n Release Health 0 Pressure [] COllponent 12 Nalle I C.A.S. HUllber 11I1II,dllle Hea Ith COllponent 13 NIIII I C.A.S. NUllber ---_..-+ =-L~ J Phy~ic.1 ,od He.lth HI,.rd I~heck a I that Ipply ]=:I l C.A.S. Number Component II N.lle I C.A.S. Number o fire Huard [] Reactivitr [] De hred [] Suddfn Re lease Hea th 0 Pressure [] 1, COllponent 12 Nalle I C.A.S. Number IlIlIIedll e Hea Ith COllponent 13 Naill I C.A.S. NUllber _0 I PhIJic,1 'gd Hl,lth Hlfard (theck a 1 that Ipplr D C.A.S. NUllber COllponent II Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber U fire Hlurd [] Reactlvitr [] oehred [] SUddfn Release Hea th 0 Pressurl [] I Co.ponent 12 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber 11I1I"d lte Hea'th COllponent 13 Nalle I C.A.S. NUllber EHEnGEIICV corlf ACTS "1RI~RY GIBSON PRODUCTf'~~1 SUPERVISOR mr:PJi2t- 112~U~ NFIIlKT RK PRO,JEf1I,¡1ANAGER Cerli(icatloll (Re~d 811d Sif,fJ lff1ør C~n~'eting 1111 ~eC~iOnSJ , ter If, under 'Inll\, 0 Ilw th,t I hlY !eCSonl f'l ex 1m ne 'lid" falllllC wit the nfoeMatlon 8ubllltt'4 In this 'nd all altat ed dfcullen II an t at Þ!Sed on I' n ulrr, hose nd Y dua I responsible or ob lining the Inforllltlon. I bel eve that the subllllted nforlla on S true, aeeurete, en eo~p ete, ';1" ;;1 fi~f[¡~PïH1fJ/~Iif¡~?ö~ß~rj,Oó¡-t.~rfi~,lmhIJmlrl!m~~¡\ñlllll'· ~ ~~~¡~~~- ~. ¡f.1!J Oit! 51~r.ëð·----~ r,.r-TP-' - . CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" F¡P~ lJ~oÄRTME~T J S '.!:::IJr-'AM c,¡:¡<:: ::HEF 2~01 ¡... Sï¡:¡E~~ BAKERSFiE,D. 3330~ 326·3911 Dear Business Owner: ThlS packet contains important information regardlng your buslness and the requirements of Hazardous Materlals Inventory Regulatlons. Both State and Federal laws may requlre that your business complete a Hazardous Materials Management Plan (HMMP). Please read all the enclosed information carefully, fallure to comply wlth any portlon of the Buslness Plan requlrements may result in C1Vll Llabllities of up to $2,000 for each day in which the violatlon occurs. WHAT BUSINESSES MUST COMPLY If you handle, use, store or dlspose of Hazardous Substances at any tlme during the year ln excess of the mlnlmum reporting quantities you must submit a Plan. Typical everyday Hazardous Materlals you may flnd in your fac1lity may 1nclude, but are not limited to: compressed gasses; fuels - all types includlng propane; solvents - most solvents would be Hazardous Materlals; 0115 - new and waste; thinners; caustlc or corrosive materials; pOlsonou5 or toxic materials. and radloactive materlals. M1nimum State Reporting quantities for all hazardous materials are: 55 500 200 gallons for liquids pounds for SOllds cubic feet (at standard temperature and for gasses) pressure, For all acutely Hazardous Materlals the minimum reportlng quantities are found on the list of Extremely Hazardous Substances on the current EPA List (Vol 52 No 77 of the Federal Register.) This llst lS available at the Hazardous Materials Division of the Bakersfleld Fire Department, 2130 G STreet, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. Your reporting requirements are either the State quantlt1es or the Federal (threshold planning quantity) -- W H IC H EVE R I S LOW E R If your faclllty lS exempt or handles Hazardous Materlals 1n quantlties less than the minlmum reportlng quantities please flll out and return to thlS office Section (1) one, (4) four, and (5) f1ve of the Hazardous Materials Management Plan. ~-- I> ~ e e .~.-r Page 2 HAZ MAT BUSINESS PLAN WHAT BUSINESSES ARE EXEMPT If you do not handle Hazardous Mater1als or 1f the quantitles of Hazardous Mater1als are below the m1n1mum reportlng quantities at all tlmes during the year, you are exempt. Hazardous Materlals Wh1Ch are stored in transit or temporarily maintained in a flxed facility for less than (30) thirty days durlng the course of transportat1on are exempt from the inventory requlrements of the law. NOTE -- (Hazardou$ Materials contained solely in a consumer product for direct distribution to, and use by, the general pUblic are NOT exempt from the reporting requIrements of the law per this Administering Agency.) HOW DO BUSINESSES COMPLY Businesses that are requ1red to comply with requirements of Chapter 6.95 Of California Health and Safety Code must submit a Plan. ThlS Business Plan cons1sts of: 1) Emergency Response Plans and Procedures. 2) Inventory of Hazardous Materials. 3) Trainlng Program for Employees. The forms for completing the Hazardous Materials Management Plan are attached to this letter. By correctly filling thIS BusIness Plan ln you satIsfy both the Federal Requirements (T1er I and Tier II Inventory Requirements of SARA Title III) as well as the California RequIrements of Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. BUsIness owners are urged to read and become famlliar wlth Chapter 6.95 of the California Health and Safety Code. Copies are avallable at the Hazardous MaterIals Dlvision of the Bakersfield Fire Department, 2130 G Street. Bakersfield. Ca. 93301 (80S) 326-3979. The completed BUSIness Plans or Exemption Request Form are required to be submitted within 30 DAYS of receipt of thlS letter. On-site inspections are required to insure compliance wIth the law. If you have any questions or need assIstance Wlth completlng the Business Plan please call 326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials CoordInator REH\ed ~ e .'.~i ~nø¡TA~SHÊÉt , ~-:.----.. "i \:. ". .,;0, MSDS CODE NO 5B81·83 ORIGINAL ISSUE DATE 8'85 REVISED 11/86 .( . ~. PRODUCT NAME ANti';'~~IC:: II.~HM"'\f\IIA COMMON NAME{S] A , Old UN 'NA NO.. 1005 ~ DOT HAZARD CLASS Non-Flammable Gas SHIPPING NAME Anhydrous Ammonia or Ammonia Anhydrous -. ... 1. . INFORMATION & EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 404·491-7987 (24 hours) MANUFACTURER: LaRoche Industries Inc 1100 Johnson Ferry Road. N,E, Atlanta. GA 30342 (404)851-0300 ;,:.-',:.... .~: ~~~·~~·~I~tl ;ì·~·:~.....:·:V~if~~~~·........n·:.~¡'.":H :~'-"!'frr7:... . . .-...: '""t r--. ",,' Ii ~,- , . .>. -. 1':_ ~..' ~. .".¡~ ~ ~ .:......... c',.', -.~...... (. ....t.:...,.~.. ... ", ": :. ...... ~.~.;.,.~. MATERIAL FORMULA CAS NO ~.WT EXPOSURE LIMITS OSHA-PEL ACGIH- TLV Ammonia Water 011 NH. HèO 7664-41· 7 7732-18'5 C-Grade 995 04 0.1 P-Grad<: 99995 33 ppm 2ppm 50 ppm None Established 5mg;M' 25 ppm None Established 5 mg/M3 '. . "':'.." ~. . ~~~. . -" .;,'-- ~ ...... ¿ -,:..' .;. .~'. ..-..... ;.. . ~;............. '·',·a··-....·· BOILING POINT (:OF) -281:' SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H,.0=1) 0.62 @, 60:JF MELTING POINT (=F) -1079~ PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (:to) 100 VAPOR PRESSURE (mm Hg.) 4802.9 (94 pSI) iq 60'~F pH Approx 11.6 lor 1 N Solo In water ..r' VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1) 0.60~. 32:'F '" SOLUBILITY IN WATER 33;" (Wt.) (g. 68,jF APPEARANCE AND ODOR Colorless gas or liquid with extremely pungent odor .. >"¡.ðo-'.:':- : f":!' ~.., .;: ,~::. h~'.;:'. ;, .: .,,:~..".I:'< ··~~i~,':~"'" FLASH POINT (method used) Not Applicable FLAMMABLE LIMITS LeI Uel 16'~. 25% EXTINGUISHING MEDIA With a source of ignition, ammonia will burn 10 the range 01 16-25~¡ In air Use water fog or spray to extlOgulsh flames SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Stop flow of gas; move containers from lire zone if possible. Stay clear of tank heads Use water to cool lire-exposed containers and protect personnel. Use water spray to control vapors. Personnel must be equipped with appropnate protective clothing and respiratory equipment .,.. ~, ". -. . -"" ." .. ....... ", . , . 0" ~ . . . " . _.a'': ." -~ >.;. STABILITY Unstable Stable ' CONDITIONS TO AVOID Not Applicable. X INCOMPATIBILITY (matenals to avoid) Strong acids. Ammonia reacts with chlorine, bromine. mercury. silver. silver solder, and hypochlorite to form explosive compounds. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Hydrogen on heating to over 850°F. The decomposition temperature may be (, ~Iowered to 575cF by contact with certain metals such as nickel. HAZARDOUS May Occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Not Applicable POLYMERIZATION Will Not Occur X LAROCHE INDUSfRIES INC. .... -- .,. ... '-":~":,,,..., A., ~ -" ..~ .... ..... /110' :.; ~. ._ ......... --....~................ r ..........L...................... _ L.... . _.A. _.......... ~A."..;; ............~. .L..6..6. :.. .J:...:.'1 ~ .....-.. ANSPORTATlON EMERGENCIES Call CHEMTREC 800-424'9300 STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED Stop leak If feasible Avoid breathing ammonia Evacuate ~õsoÖ1el not eqUIpped with prctectlve clot~mg and equipment Use COpiOUS amounts 01 waler spray or log to absorb ammonia t· 1'" N put water on liquId ammonIa un es~ more Ih,¡n 100 volumes are LAv,lI ilblc pcr volume of liQuid ammonia ~. ,-ontain run-oil to prevent ammonia from entering a stream. lake, sewer or ditch o In case of release to the environment. report spills to BOO-4:?4-8BO? The Nédlonaf Rr~~()()l/se Center. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD t' '."..-;, ..,'.. , 1 Not Applicable Let ammonia evaporate or soak IOtO ground Release of ~.., s·...... . '- -' - ""W' . _ ù_ 100 pounds or more of NH3 within 24 hrs. must be reported to the National Response Center. For hazardous waste regulations call 800-424· 9346 the RCRA Hotline if:' .,~~~.~~. ~ ~'-.,. .-', .;':!~l~ -,,~...;,,~. ~ \,1. " . " "... . . _. .1 4. .... - . . -~..... ;..a..._.. . .' . - ~ . ....... . "4;' EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE: MAJOR EXPOSURE HAZARD Oral LD~o=350 mgiKg (Rats) IDLH Level=5oo ppm ACGlH STEl=35 ppm Inhal, lC~l,=4230 ppm (Mice) Ammonia IS a very st~ong base and reacts corrosIvely with all INHALATION CONTACT CONTACT INGESTION body tissues, Inhalation: The gas IS pungent and can be suffocating, It is extremely ,mtating to the mucous membranes and lung tissue A sore throat. coughing. shortness 01 breath and labored breathing can develop Skin Contact: Repeated or prolonged contact with high concentrations can cause corrOSion. trost bite. redness. pain and serious skin burns. Eye Contact: CorrOSion. pa.n. redness, ulceralron of the conJunctiva, cornea and lens, and opacities may Occur Ingestion' Burns nausea vomiting and severe Irritation occur. . . , , EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove from exposure, If breathing has stopped or is difficult. administer artificial respiration or oxygen as needed. Skin Contact: Immechately flush with large Quantities of water for at least 15 minutes while removing clothing. ClothlOg frozen to . the skin shoutd be thawed with water before removal. Seek medical aid Eye Contact: Flush with large amount of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical ald. Ingestion: Do not Induce vomiting, Give 1-2 glasses of milk or water. Immediately seek medical aid. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. . ( '"- ~' .' 1- ~~..-;y ..~.",,!, ----r;-:v;:"",i:"!'\r·~·y .--;~~\ . ~ ...... ':: .~ - ; ~ -... t,.:. ..........z ~. . ...... ..' .:' _.,'.... ".; j,;J ...... . '<.. ~:-." .,.. .; ... i.:' . RESPIRATORY: Respiratory protection approved by NIOSH/MSHA for ammonia must be used when exposure limits are exceeded. Appropriate protection depends on the type and magnitude of exposure. (See Section IX). SKIN: Rubber gloves and rubber or PVC/Nylon/PVC laminate protective clothing should be used to prevent skin contact:' A face shIeld should be used when appropriate to prevent contact with splashed liQuid. ' .. EYE: Chemical splash goggle~ must be worn to prevent eye conta~t with liquid and vapors. VENTILATION: local exhaust ventilation should be used to control release of air contaminants in the work place. General dilution ventilation may assist with the reduction of air contaminant concentrations. OTHER PROTECTIVE EOUIPMENT: Emergency eye wash stations and deluge showers should be available in the work area. . ... "~,":",.- ~. '\.~'¡. '-'V~~" i.,.!£.t :_...1..,.. 'h.'-"';' ''i'.. . . - '. . ... _.:...1....1 '-.rf'l_.-... -.... '-4..,.", ~... _..:. III. ..t..I.~t~~á.~ J"...... ....-..':..io'" .r.J;':'':-:_.~';'.tf'':&....'::'''' "".1.-.._, .".....-........:A :':;',,0( :...a.:...- __ .....:.: _.-~, ^- . ~.-i~;.. '~.~..~'- ........~....·...:....--~~~..:.......··1~ f \ PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORAGE: Protect containers from excessive heat (greater than 120"F) or physical damage, Use only approved pressure vessels with appropriate relief devices, Zinc. copper and copper base alloys such as brass are rapidly corroded by moist ammonia. (Ref. American National Standard Institute. Pamphlet KG1.1). OTHER COMMENTS: Prolonged inhalation of high concentrations may cause bronchitis and/or pneumonia. with some residual reduction in pulmon~ry functions. Symptoms of lung edema are often latent (usually a few hours). and are aggravated by physical et1ort. (Han~hng . . .' Chemicals Safely. Dutch Assoc. of Safety Experts et. at 1980). Rare allergic manifestations (urticaria) may occur from inhalatIon ~ (Occuøational Diseases: A guide to Their Recognition. U.S. Dept. H.E.W.. 1977). Contact lenses should not be worn when working with ammonia. Whether a chemical cartridge respirator or a self-contained breathing apparatus is sufllcient for effectIve respiratory protection depends upon the type and magnitude of exposue. ThiS information is taken tram sources or based upon data believed to be teliable; however. LaRoche Industries Inc. makes no warranty as to the absolute correctness or sulliciency 01 any 01 the loregoing or that additional 0/ other measures may not be 'ðIO"~ unrl_ n;trticula' conditions.