HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST ~~ ,..- .¡; - e ~:;1 ~ SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. January 8, 1985 File No. 84-4262' . '-, ~ .-. Ron Ruettgers 2707 F. Street Bakersfield, CA. 93301 Attention: ; Ron Ruettgers Subject: Abandoned Gasoline Storage 1ank--Reviel'l at Sumner- &--Un;on Ave. Bakersfield, CA. '.- -., _.,-- --~.- - -~. ". .~ -- .......---.- Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we performed an on-site review of an abandoned gasoline storage tank excavation at the former King lumber Yard at Union Avenue and Sumner Street, Bakersfield, California. We were present at the time the storage tank was removed and visual review indicated no visible leakage. Earth materials at the excavation bottom "ere checked for discoloration, petro- chemical aroma or other evidence of tank leakage; none were found. Bulk soil samples were obtained at the midpoint and near each end along the centerline of the tank setting. Sampling depths were approximately tW0 (2.0) feet below the exposed excavation bottom. Samples were subjected to chemical analyses to detect the presence of Toluene, Benzine, Xylene and EDB. All results showed'less than 0.1 parts per million. Test results are attached. Accordingly, it is our opinion that the tank location is essent- ially free of contamin2tion due to petroleum leakage and remedial cleanup of the site shculd not be necessary. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. ~G~ L. Thomas Bayne R.C.E.26106 LTB:hk attachment 2901 H STREET . BAKER~: FI ELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 . PHONE (805) 327-7065 -. - - .-" ------- .-.-- -~ --- --+-- .....- '1!10 b ;iJ e e SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. File No. 84-4262 January 8, 1985 Ron Ruettgers Abandoned Gasoline Storage Tank Sumner &·Union Avenue TABLE 1 CHEMICAL -ANALYSES _:-~-~,. -_.. -- ~-._._-- .' _ Sample._Descriptions:. ._"-____.~._ .__~._"_=c.-.'-'_Samples,. taken by:__LTB~__.___,__ .__Uu.-._ .__.__;__~" -..~.._~- #1 - 2' Below tank bottom; IS' below ground 1/3 pt on north side 12/21/84 #2 - 2' Below tank bottom; IS' below ground mid point 12/21/84 #3 - 2' Below tank bottom; IS' below ground 1/3 pt on south side 12/21/84 Consti tuents #1 #2 #3 Toluene, parts/million (-)0.1 (-)0.1 (-)0.1 Benzene, parts/million (-)0.1 (-)0.1 (-)0.1 Xylene, parts/million (-)0.1 (-)0.1 (-)0.1 EDB, parts/mi 11 ion (-)0.1 (-)0.1 (-)0.1 (-) refers to "less than". ._-~- --- --. .- ._~._- -.-. --~---- -~~-'~."'+---'._'-'_._-""""-=-'~ . , e e [å. .,. .. 0.. -:-....:: '.:~". SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. December 21, 1984 Fil e No. 84-4262 Kern County Health Department 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, CA. 93306 -,-.- '.. -- -~- - .-..- Attentj on: Subject: Ann_ Boyce _ __.:_ __,___~_..--~_ _.._ h__ ..- -- .-~ ...~ '-,.- ---- -"-~~ --.~- ~'._. --~ --~- Diamond-King Lumber Company Demolotion Project- Gasoline Tank Removal Dear Ms. Boyce: This is to summarize our telephone conversation of December 20, 1984, wherein we discussed procedures for review and testing of old gasoline tank installation. It is our understanding that the excavation will be visually inspected for signs of leaks, such as soil discolorations or petro-chemical aroma. After an initial inspection is made and no leaks are apparent, soil samples are to be taken at approximately three (3) points at a depth of approxi- mately two (2.0) feet below the bottom of the old tank. Soil sam- ples may then be combined into one (1) sample and subjected to the following chemical tests: Benzene, Toluene, EDB and Xylene. If these tests prove negative, the gasoline tank excavation ,may be backfilled using materials previously excavated and no remedial cleanup measures will be required. Respectfully submitted, SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. o /~t~ L. Thomas Bayne R.C.E. 26106 LTB:hk 2901 H STREET . BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93301 . PHONE (805) 327-7065 1700 flower Sir"... Baker.lI.ìd, Calilornla 93305 · Telephon. (805) 861-3636 e¡r-' e (' KEn,,, COUNTY HEAL TH OEPARTMEN', ~ 1//101'7 ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH DIVISION HliAl TH OfFICER leulI NI Heberllon, ",D. " ~' . '" . '. ,I.. u__...-;_ __ '_;_ ._~._ DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTtf : .',:.:' Verllon S. R. Çtlllld . " .:. '\' ~ ;.... '., . . ~~'.~;- ~~..'.,,;' ·t~: ~~ - -.-----.."-.. ~. . .' -"."At ø' >..k "1" " December 3 , 1984 " ~!'~;;:~j",',:, 'ê/; ," _: ,', ,: :' ;:« ~"'<" ;,; , '''', ,,~~,: ;.,i ,~};fJW;.f ':'l '~~~hThe_. GreateI; ßakersf1eld _Sepat;~!tgn._.:~· :...._~_~~-'-_ _- '__~~;;"';'':''''::''~'~_~.:.~.~_''~':=-*..£''''''{_ t~h.,fqf Grade.Dist'rict .;.~-. -,_c---- -';-:,;_ '.",'''', ,...,. '.' : .>(~: 'ò,' .,"'-î:~~:.t:::~"';:;~}11;i;:, "'V;;·"·;";;·:'c/o Ronald F. Ruettgf:1rs ." ¡':. .. ':·'h.;.,.,-,ç~;.:, ";:J~'(~¿:~,:>~':~"" -:. , _,{::-:;~~:):;~~, ;i~ak7 07 · Ffi·'I.:sldtrëceAt 1'~;;9: ~3~3::"O' :1' '. ..'..;...\',...:'~;.:..._....,~.~:.....~".:.;~....,.....~.:.,_>..':.:...',;.-,~~..':,;;:~:":":':"'~'"'·I.'~"':~"·':..,..:........'.~.-:..'.....'.·.'~.:.:...·l:.~.~'!"·.··.':'.~.~,'.:.',..'....:'...:.....~..;i ¡ . i ... . .'. ".. . ."t,· - ~1:~.:.~·~.:;~;:~*tÚ,k;¡· Q f¡trs e , ., ..-'.." ....~'.'~,.~..,.;..~..:.:.)f.-/.l/\.}.·._.:·.;.,:/,~,~.'i,..·>· "H.. . ," ,~ ,'" ::i¡;~'/Y'j;ii }F.'i ,,.; ~i".: . (i . . ," ~,:'1i\:;';\,:::; "t.;., ¡:d::Ðear Mr. . Ruettgers., . < . , _..';' r~i#:~;".',·:~;;,1'-:·_'::t<· -<~ . :~:'-'< .',., :- '.:', ' '.' ,;<,. ., .::,~,7'. ." ':;' '~:', ~,':~;:¡:t: ~t~~,::·!.':j~\~:ntJ:';;;':;{~:~".: :Thi:¡ J.~ "to ackriowlédgerecèipt òf'your::notification'9f ;:~nt,e.~~;.;c~ ::~.~¡;:};':::;;':i:'J tQ .remo¥9. :'9ne ':unde~groun4 gasoli1?-e ~ank:¡a~ Old DiaIDonp/j(;1ng L~b~,~ .;:.'~?;t;:;;~/:,'lÇ9mpany'c:µ.rrently .owne~ by ,_the ;C:L~y\·~f Bakersfl,eld, 'loca~ed at;_Jg". ":,::J/ : nOJ:':theasr corner of Un10n' and Sumner ,B~kersfäd,California.··~ ';:'ß;,~~'~~ '/J>.::,. ,Removal :pfthis'tank can be initiated'as S09n as a'pèrmit·; is acquít' !~d.... ':~:;i,."fro. the 'ak~rsfieldçi ty~;i.r.,\pepa~.tment. ;.é.This,: lett.r will. ~naÞl" ':,;: ;,;,:.'. ;you·"to·Qb.tain this permit; '1,,'. ," ,f;.'~;¡¡,~'·',. ,.'," .. .;;~,t '':( ::1),::: .<~~",:~';~:,;'f.'K.~i'\ : 'è~ ,;:: ..o:~.¡:; . ;.". .:'~" ¡~:.:. ',::),: !".:'. '. '. ;,;..:,'. : ;" :¡.;.:.:;:;.:~ " . . :.¡ ;: '. .;,~ .' ..i!'/;",; ,.".~.~~' .~. >....:'.1·" 2!..tt.:;,~:; , 1<L.':, ;;": <;,;T~' /::Act~al removal of the tanks"'mus't be inaccordance'wÏth .all'::Fir~'H_. ''',:. 'i)'-'-',!'é De!,;¡rtmen~ requiremen.ts. The-,-required assessment to detèZ1J in" "xten't';~ .; :--."":;,:,of. contul1.nation', if any J mugt be in accordance ~i tho the Kern qount!'~r:'..~:! ~> '.;:;:~i';: .Heal th Departmen~ S,tandards de~eloped pursuant to KCOC IG3941. :-< .rhit;.'t~'j~ ~f~t,:?::y.~;~Cf'~rtment 'mult âpprg~e .Pleth~.and numbet\:!.??:tsOi-}; s~~inl J)rior>i~-:~ .,v't ¡;;~~;{;;,..::: ;~'),tia ti on., . " . .... .-,-' :.' , " ,.', .' . i., 'é'" ',' ",.". '.' ,... .'" -' ,-,:!i,rjf;i~~t;i :i~~<~;~,:~;,""j2', If you haye'. anyÎurther'questiònson our requirements, ·þie~$~(~4. .." ( .' .... ". .' ., . . . .,:.Ann Boyce',' R. ,,;: , .. . . . '. . ._ ·'.Environmental, Heal th 'Specialist II : ;,!.:,,-,¡/":;,-,:f' .::.'IJ~az:~us ,M~terial8, M!lna~ement Secti9,~;-,~h~:/¡~::~i · '-, ," ~ , ': 'i '"" - ,,'-" -";~)';~i~"-,, ~i ¡:~. ..",..-\~......~~.. '~~< Ii' ..,' "'1>~~! ,¡. ,~, :~1"; :.t . .:'¡,:': ., ..' ;'" .: oJ ".~ ~:;: ~ '5¿" , ' . ~t~~~.>~~i' fS:i;~ti.~:j"', .... .,' ~':.. "~.;'p ":.!, - . , ,Yi&5', . · '::I;iJ .~, r- " .i,";' u.~ _. .~~~;_': '.. ..', ~~. " . . . · ~..,' ~ - '.' i'" \ D.lano . Lamon' DISTRICT OFFICES lak.. 'Iabella Maj.... ',. t", ~. Rldqecr"a' Sh"U.., TAft ll;¿-UJ e e Rond~J F'.' R1nctlgers Civi~ Engineer 2707 F STREET BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 (B05) 327·1969 December 3, 1984 Department of Public Health County of Kern 1700 Flower Street Bakersfield, California 93305 - -.- - -.. --_.~~._-_.-.~,--_...."' Attention: Ann Boyce Reference: Proposal-Gasoline Storage Tank Removal-Old Diamond/King Lumber Company Property Dear Ms. Boyce: Please find Proposal for the above referenced storage tank removal. If the Proposal is satisfactory, we would like to proceed with the permit process at your earliest convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact me should there be any questions or additional requirements. Very truly yours, Ronald F. Ruettgers By O~/? Z#~ ¿d""a es R. LaRochelle RFR/JRL/mcj Enclosure 112-03 e e PROPOSAL GASOLINE STORAGE TANK REMOVAL The existing gasoline storage tank is located in the City of Bakersfield at the site of the Old Diamond/King Lumber Company as shown on the at- tached drawing. The tank is to be removed as part of a site clearance project in conjunction with the Union Avenue Grade Separation Project. Following is a list of tank and site characteristics which may be necessary to secure the required Health Department Permit. 1. The existing tank has a capacity of 1000 gallons. 2. There are no drainage sumps located near the Project area. ... --_. ." -.. -.--.' ~ - -- .... ..~.. ..--' _.,_.~ . 3. Two irrigation canals are located near the Project site. The first is the Eastside Canal located approximately 1200± feet north of the Project site. The second is the Kern Island Canal located approximately 1500± feet west of the Project site. 4. Test borings conducted for the Grade Separation Project indicates no apparent ground water exists to a depth of 50± feet. (See attached Foundation Investigation excerpts.). All soil contamination testing will be the responsibility of the Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District. The actual tank removal .will be performed by a licensed contractor. t . e ¡ . t , J l . ¡ j : í I 1 <1 " ~,~¡. i ~ It ; II ! t 1.~ . 1. !!~¡I q I t ~ 1 ¡ ! l f! t , I .¡ . ~ co. °1101 e i JI i ,¡ ~ . u ~ E " AIIOII':"UIe ~ 23 B..Q ~~ ~ 22 ~ 21 ~ t .t ~ IX) .¡. '" 1 iJ ~ . ;::. .t S l~! ~..,.",.. . ... ..~ t ~ ~~h l to: ! I' 'õ ~ . '" . I ~ She.e f ~ 1 1/\ Lac" ''-on /1ðp . Sepðrðt/ø" Or ,,"I".. ð"Jr"r-:;';~'<:f p;.o~rf'fJ ¡ G,."d~ K.. L...""be" '" . """",¡ 0,. '''1 (ron....,.1J 0,,, , ST. "'~ S~T. ~ ~~ ~ r ' :5r; NOTI!: J of¿ s~~ !)".." 2. sch~"'dI'IC ~or properfy ;¡.~ -"'iô OTHER Ol'I"CII.: ANAHEIM WIEST SACRAMENTO SANTA ROSA e e ( M '0 0 R E & TAB E R CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 2001 WESTWIND DR.. SUITE 10 . BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA 93301 . (805) 325·9484 FOUNDATlOO rnvESTlGATlOO' Proposed Union Avenue OVerhead at S.P.T. 00. M.P. 312.3 Bakersfield, California -~ - ~_.:..,-_.-...~~_._-~ _u' Client Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade District c/o Ibnald F. Ruettgers, Civil Engineer 2707 F Street Bakersfield, California 93301 Designer DeIßuw, Cather & Conpany 120 Howard Street P.O. Box 3821 San Francisco, California 94119 I December 19, 1983: . ,~ Job No. 583-113 1 n. JY~ i" ,-- .--. - ... ----..". I, -" It MOORE & TABER e ( , \ CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS Prepare this written report doCUlœ!1ting the \tt'Ork performed, physical data acx;¡uired, and geotechnical design recx::mœn- , -dations. .- ~.'---'-~--' FIEID AND IAOORAroRY INVESTIGATION -' .-- -,- ..__.,~- ~~.- _.~,----._~._-- .::- ,__ --'-" -... . . ~ .'- . .~_. . -..:._~ _.- -.-, ~. -, _.:. - ----.---.;:;;-...::;...:::;. ~-~-"'';;:''';'''~-G .- ,~_._-, -.__.,-,~.~--. .,~*'-' - Site Conditions The general terrain in the project area is relatively flat with a gentle gradient toward the southwest. The proposed alignment extends through developed property. The iDprovaœnts on the property consist of several large buildings, PC ooncrete slabs, asphaltic ooncrete paving, and subsurface utilities. One building is supported on a dock-height fill. Subterranean Iœchanical pits were observed in saœ buildings. A diesel , delivery pipeline is situated in very close proximity to the proposed Pier 3. Subsurface Exploration J ~"=- "~""~ ....". ".." ....l' - t "P --....... . - J'. r e..·...···~·' ( "I;""'; "'''''. --,.: - ~ '.-... ., þ.... - .:- ---;:--:-'7"~.""lIo..'" _ _ ~.-~-".-..--- ~.,.: _.: -~""",_" ,. ...-' ... .1".- _:" :-'..,..........~ The 'subsurface exploration was performed in August"-1983t'and included ~ --,":" . .-:.::',' . .. 7'''~ . ".._--..:,~ .-. 'drilling five 8-inch diazœter hollow-stem auger borings to depths ~i.27 to~ 5i?f~t:' The ground surface elev~tions at the boring locations were obtained " by level measurements using an elevation of 422.897 for the project survey EM 3 (top of the curb at the fire hydrant located near the southeast oomer of Kentucky Street and Union Avenue). Details pertaining to the drilling operations and locations of the l:orings are presented oil the U:>g of Test Borings drawing attached to this report. The boring locations are based on visual alignment and taped tœasurements from physical features identifiable on available plans and srould be oonsidered approximate. Job No. 583-113 - December 19, 1983-; -4- I ~ ,;~' e MOORE & TABER e (- CONSULTING ENGINI!:ERS AND GEOl.OGISTS Grourrlwater .--.--- -=N:Jgroundwater seepage ·was-observed durinq'our7-subSUtfä:œ-"~explorätio~'-~'-~o,-- -.._... _. ._-.-~-"'-,"""""';..~rt.;;3~"'f'~·~1 ·{,;·_-".·..¡.t,···.·~~..' .,'~~ .. ,,",\"'jò""""'0::.: ',....,;...........;;..,,:'.....\;..:-,:~\.:'':'''.;~:-..~,~'..<i.t þerfonned in August I. 1983;, . ._...,""'....'.--.L."'~. _.- 0-- Laboratory Tests . , - -~ - - ". ..._______ Lal:x:>ra:t;:or,y tests ~ereJ>erf~I.JŒ<!. to pI'()videaJ)asis for foundation design recc:mœndations. All in-place sanples retrieved fran the borings were tested to detenn:ine ItDisture content and dry density. Representative sanples were tested to detenn:ine shear strength and consolidation character- istics. The results of the ItDisture and density tests are sl'M::>n on the ID;J of Test Borings drawing. A brief description of other laboratory testing procedures is given below and the test results are presented on page A-I through A-4 of the appendix. f In addition to the in-situ field tests, strength characteristics of the foundation soils were determined in the laboratory by direct shear tests perfonned on eight undisturbed sanples in general accordance with AS'IM D3080. The deeper sanples were tested at natural ItDisture ooritent and approximately overburden pressure, while the other surface specimens were saturated and tested under several different normal loads. All sarrples were tested in a 2.5-inch LD. circular shear box, using a controlled displacement rate of 0.058 inch per minute. Settlement characteristics of five representative samples were evalu- ated by rœans of laboratory oonso1idation tests. These sanp1es were tested in a floating ring consolidoIœter using a dead weight lever system for load I application. Job No. 583-113 - December 19, 1983 -6-