HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK-C-03/29/02 HAZN»)OUS MA1ERIALS rwnSION TIME CHARGED BUSINESS/DEAPRTMENT NAME: ~L-~~ fVc'"L~ *- I ADDRESS: '2..4 t ÙÑl~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 1) / ';. pCNSC--t.. t Nve<;trr6A.-'ftc.W PROJECT NUMBER: ~l'"3. \~}J \)7 .. r . \/ TIME CHGD: COMMENTS: 3 t.-.r (2ÉWIe.J ~J ~~+- ».J /¢,-I/. '~t\'~/S. DATE: NAME: ·jW¡{'t- ~ j I /'d Iv? ~ 5 hI' íZ.w''''-' Wuv-t.pl., - J. """ "i C,,,,,Jp W ./~/'1/01- ~ ( tv-.- &/1 wI Lle<:'~-~(J r:vJ 4' fVI~'I çJ<:'ZN'~j éM'. '1/u1IIJ1- 4.AJ It.r ~ ~'+e ' rlt,¡,e.,-J Q-t ~~Av1t wwk ~~þ;¿ ·~9h ~Á!¡J ~ #7070, ~ ~t:J 0,h1¡{'t-- ~ 4 Ívr ~!~ ~f ~G,u¿ F."(e f i'ssu<. ({.r ?/v/O:L ~d f144 ¿ t{); .; ~;W. ad ~ PROJECT COMPLETION: . DATE: I I. I - "'" .... '<".~. ~er it Operate to Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit ~ CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE This permit Is Issued for the following: ~ Hazardous Materials Plan o Underground Storage of Hazardous Materials o Risk Management Program o Hazardous Waste On-Site Treatment Permit 10 #:: 015-000-000913 CARDLOCK FUELS #1 LOCATION: 241 UNION AVE Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Approved by: Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 Expiration Date: Issue Date June 30, 2003 · .. . CA Cert. No. 00792 I City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Ave., Suite 300 Bakersfield, California 93301 (805) 326-3979 An upgrade compliance certificate has been issued in connection with the operating permit for the facility indicated below. The certificate number on this facsimile matches the number on the certificate displayed at the facility. Instructions to the issuing agency: Use the space below to enter the following infonnation in the fonnat of your choice: name of owner; name of operator; name of facility; street address, city, and zip code of facility; facility identification number (from Fonn A); name of issuing agency; and date of issue. Other identifying information may be added as deemed necessary by the local agency. This permit is issued on this 2nd day of November, 1998 to: CARDLOCK FUELS #1 Permit #015-021-000913 241 Union Ave Bakersfield, California 93307 II Per Operate Hazardous Materials/Hazardous Waste Unified Permit Ït to I CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ON REVERSE SIDE LOCA nON 241 This permit Is issued for the following: zardous Materials Plan :~ground Storage of Hazardous Materials . agement Program Waste PERMIT ID # 015-021-000913 CARDLOCK FUELS #1 TANK HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE PIPING PIPING PIPING TYPE METHOD MONITOR m 0001 Unleaded Gasoline SWF PRESSURE ALD '- 0002 Unleaded Gasoline SWF PRESSURE ALD 0003 Diesel Gasoline SWF PRESSURE ALD Issued by: Bakersfield Fire Department OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SER VICES 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Voice (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 Approved by: Expiration Date: June 30, 2000 ""-, '-.:.i R.est for Reconsideration.m I 5 () I. ,~ -:T' ~. t~ ! F ACTLITY ID# CITY A- , COUNTY ~r ll. NAi\Œ AND ADDRESS OF OWNER/OPERATOR SUB~G REQUEST NAM't' d;. r \ ~ ~ : 0 ,OWNER úvà \0 ~V\e~) ,,<; VV\ I ~c L~,OPERATOR TITLE OF APPLICANT ' PHONE ~-tt'. \J\Þ\~ -Ò~4-+/~-AJW). '(rlJiJ--4L¡J-Id.-IS MAILrNGQDRESS ~(MArLING ADDRESS SA.'v!E AS ACIUTY ADDRESS) ,__ . D. -12.7N. ]J21J 3 CITY PV ; STAC A-- Please check reason(s) why you believe that the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) notification is in error. If you are requesting reconsideration for reasons #2 through #4, documentation is required. IF YOU DO NOT INCLVDE REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION, YOU"R REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION APPLICATIÓN WILL BE CONSIDERED INCOMPLETE Ai"1) 'W1LL BE RETtJRJ.'lfED. INCLUDE ALL SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION YOr \VISH THE SWRCB TO CONSIDER WHEN RK\tìEWING YOUR REQUEST. REQUESTS FOR RECONSIDER..~TIO:\" ARE SUBJECT TO 'VERIFICA TION. 1, ( ) I am not the owner or operator of a UST system. Check applicable reason: ( ) Change of owner or operator, (Provide name and address of new owner/operator, ifkno\"ll) ( ) No UST system(s) present. 2. ~ UST system(s) is permanently closed. (DOCIDIENTATION IS REQUIRED) 3. ( ) UST system(s) is exempt from regulation, according to Section 25281(x) (1)(A)-(D) of the Health and Safety Code, or Section 2621 of Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. For example, certain farm tanks and heating oil tanks are exempt. (DOCIJMENTATION IS REQlJìRED) 4, ( ) Closest component ofUST system(s) is greater than 1,000 feet from well head of any public drinking water welL Check applicable reason(s): If the request for reconsideration is based on evidence that the UST system in question is greater than 1,000 feet from a public drinking water well, include a demonstration that the well head is more than 1,000 feet from the closest component of the UST system. (DOCUMENTATION IS REQUIRED) ( ) UST facility incorrectly located in GeoTracker database ( ) Public Drinking WaterWell(s) incorrectly located in GeoTracker database ( ) Other (e,xflain) f\-~"'''^i \... -\\ w ~ ~D,,^ S--k\-,o VJ.-ttr i2l"~ (ò~l,-,\ &J -t{~ z..~7~~ ~)eV\ ~-\~-\.LII\*" ~I . ~"P\eVV\ ~Çf Y'NÃlI\e~\1 C ID'S~k;). <uAA'l?iJ ,5/JI/IJd- NOTE: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE OF TIDS FORi"1 5. m. APPLICANT SIGNATURE Certificadon - certiry thallhe inrormation provided berein is true and accurate 10 the best or my knowledge. Knowingly submitting a request ror reconsideration based on raise or misleading inrormadon may be considered a violation or Health and Sarery Code, Section 25299. punishable by fine up to 55000. /3:'ß~{;;:3:::FOR AGENCY.USE,ONL y:':;"::~;ii.:("{¿;: DA TENOTIFICATION MAlLED",DATEREQUESTREÇEIVED'( ·;~^:~::,~·.:~~~~i;~~~f;~~~~tji~i~~¡~H~A~:·~Thiri~ ~-~:':~1~J~¿~;Bft~~~:::2~¿i}~~~~J~~i~\~~:Eiij~:;~ii- :'~P~iw~~t~i~~;~~t '~~~~~~:]~~%!~Ê;~ ·--- .,-.---- ..".-. Request for Recons¡deration 'structio~s:' -- fuclude the following information: 1. Completed Request for Reconsideration Form. 2. All required documentation. Submit all materials as follows: 1. Submit original form and all required documentation to: State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality, UST Program . Attn: Elizabeth Haven, UST Program Manager ELD Request for Reconsideration PO Box 2231 Sacramento, CA 95812 2. Submit one complete copy to your local permitting agency at the appropriate address. 3. Keep one complete copy for your records. #" -:::: ---_. "'iÞ -~, - :,- ! i .~ ..... .. .. '~.. B~LD FIRE PREVENTION (ê1852-2172 JU~ 23 2003 16:12 a " StattNVater Resources Conttdl Board Division of Clean Water Programs lOOt [Street, Sacramento, California. 9S8t4 P.O, Bmt 944212. S8ctamento. California 94244 (916) 341-5855 . PAX (9Hi) 341-58C8 . www.swlCbca.mv Winston H. Hickox ~creta7'j for Ellvironmenràl ProteczÙln The enelllY chaJJenge facing California is real. Every CaJifomil:m needs to ttllt.e /JnmeJJùJJI! ac'ion to mIuce energy consumption. For a list of simple way.r you can /'f!duce deltlllnd and cut your energy costs, see our webslte at www..SWrcb.ca.gov CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7001 25100001.1882 9894 MAY 2 I t..œ2 JMr. Viola Bankhead Operation Administrator CARDLOCK FUELS P.O. Box 7003 Lancaster, CA 93539-7003 Dear Mr. Bankhead: APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERA TION OF ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION (ELD) TESTING, CARDLOCK FUELS, 241 UNION AVENUE, BAKERSßELD,CA93~ This letter is in response to your March 15, 2002 request for reconsideration of the requírep:¡ent to perfotmElD testing. We have reviewed your request and the supporting documents you provided and have consulted with the local permitting agency. As a result, we have determined that your Underground Storage Tank (UST) facility is not subject to the ELD testing requirement. Based on the enclosed information, your request has been approved for the reason(s) indicated below. ~ . UST system(s) permanently closed.' If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ahmad Kashkoli at (916) 341-5855. .' Sincerely, 7þ~Q(~^- Elizabeth L. Haven, Manager Underground Storage Tank Program Enclosures (basis for the decision) cc: :Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue, Third Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper o , , p.2 e Gray Da~s Governor FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (561) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES FilE SAFETY SERVICES' ~IEIITAL SÐIVICES i 1715 Chester Ave. !: Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 i FAX ,...}"....,. I !. I I PUBUC EDUCATION 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3696 FAX (661) 326-0576 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave, Bakerslleld. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 328-3951 FAX (661)326-0576 TRAINING D)VlSION 5642 VIctor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (561) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -. -w (....... WIII;' January 22, 2003 Cardlock Fuels 530 Millieg Street Lancaster CA 93534 RE: Upgrade Certificate & FilJ Tags Dear Owner/Operator: Effective January 1,2003 Assembly Bill 2481 went into effect. This Bill deletes the requirement for an upgrade certificate of compliance (the blue sticker in your window) and the blue fill tag on your fill. You may, if you wish, have them posted or remove them. Fuel vendors have been notified of this change and will not deny fuel delivery for missing tags or certificates. -... Should you have any questions, please feel free to caB me at 661- 326-3190. Sincerel.. . yLdM Steve Underwood Fire InspectorÆnvironmental Code Enforcement Officer Office of Environmental Services SBU/de ""Y~ ~ WtYn/~ ~ '-~~ §"~ .A W~''I c;""\ .~ a State der Resources Contro~oard Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection Division of Clean Water Programs 10011 Street· Sacramento, California 95814 P,O. Box 944212' Sacramento, California' 94244-2120 (916) 341-5761 . FAX (916) 341-5806 . www.swrcb,ca.gov/cwphome/ustcf The energy challenge facing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption, For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at www.swrcb.ca.gov. Gray Davis Governor MAY 2 2 2002 Cardlock Fuels System Robert W. Bollar/Mary Salazar POBox 4159 Orange, CA 92863-4159 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUND (FUND), CLAIM NO. 016960, FOR - -.- SFrE-ADDRESS:~241-T:JNI0N~AVE,-B:AK£RSF:IE:I:D - --.. - Cç,..~-~_-_~ ~-'- - .-. -- - The State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) is able to issue, pursuant to applicable regulations, the enclosed Letter of Commitment (LOC) in an amount not to exceed $3,000. This LOC is based upon our review of the corrective action costs you reported to have incurred to date. The LOC may be modified by the State Board. It is very important that you read the terms and conditions listed in the enclosed LOC. Claims filed with the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund far exceed the funding available and it is very important that you make use of the funding that has been committed to your cleanup in a timely manner. . You are reminded that you must comply with all regulatory agency time schedules and requirements and you must obtain three bids for any required corrective action. Only corrective action costs required by the regulatory agency to protect human health, safety and the environment can be claimed for reimbursement. You are encouraged to obtain preapproval of costs for all future corrective action work (form enclosed), Uyou have any questions on obtaining preapproval of your costs or the three bid requirement, please call Mark Owens, our Technical Reviewer assigned to claims in your Region, at (916) 341-5796. Failure to obtain preapproval of your future costs may result in the costs not being reimbursed. The following documents needed to submit your reimbursement request are enclosed: "Reimbursement Request Instructions" package. Retain this package for future reimbursement requests. These instructions must be followed when seeking reimbursement for corrective action costs incurred after January 1, 1988. Included in the instruction package are ßamples of completed reimbursement request forms and spreadsheets. "Bid Summary Sheet" to list information on bids received which must be completed and returned. "Reimbursement Request" forms which you must use to request reimbursement of costs. incurred. California Environmental Protection Agency r;:, ~J Recyded Paper , - e Cardlock Fuels System -2- "Spreadsheet" fonns which you must use in conjunction with your reimbursement request. ''Notice of Change of Address" fonn if needed. ... THIS IS IMPORTANT TO YOU. PLEASE NOTE: You have 90 calendar days from the date of this letter to submit your first reimbursement request for incurred corrective action costs. NO EXTENSIONS CAN BE GRANTED. If you fail to do so, your LaC funds will automatically be reduced to zero (deobligated). Once this occurs, any future funds for this site are subject to availability when you submit your first reimbursement request. We continuously review the status of all active claims. You must continue to remain in -- - -- -compliance and-stlbmit-a-reimbursemenhequest-every-6-months:-Failure-to-do-so-will result in - the Fund taking steps to withdraw your LaC. - ---- .-- ~- If you have any questions regarding the enclosed documents, please contact Anna Torres at (916) 341-5784. Allan V. Patton, Underground St Enclosures Lustis Case #: 5T15000733 cc: Mr. John Noonan RWQCB, Reg. 5 - Fresno 3614 E. Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA 93726 . Mr. Howard Wines j City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 CaUfornia Environmental Protection Agency I/ro ~J Recycled Paper a State'ater Resources ContfWl Board Division of Clean Water Programs 10011 Street, Sacramento, California 95814 P.O. Box 944212, Sacramento. California 94244 (916) 341-5855 . FAX (916) 341-5808 . www,swrcb.ca,!!ov Winston H. Hickox Secretary for Environmental Protection The energy cha/lengefacing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list of simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at www.swrcb.ca.gov CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7001 25100001 18829894 MM 2 I 2002 Mr. Viola Bankhead Operation Administrator CARDLOCK FUELS P.O. Box 7003 Lancaster, CA 93539-7003 Dear Mr. Bankhead: APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION (ELD) TESTING, CARDLOCK FUELS, 241 UNION A VENUE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 This letter is in response to your March 15,2002 request for reconsideration of the requirement to perform ELD testing. We have reviewed your request and the supporting documents you provided and have consulted with the local permitting agency. As a result, we have determined that your Underground Storage Tank (UST) facility is not subject to the ELD testing requirement. Based on the enclosed information, your request has been approved for the reason(s) indicated below. ~ UST system(s) permanently closed. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Ahmad Kashkoli at (916) 341-5855. Sincerely, ~if~ c7Vj"-t~ Elizabeth L. Haven, Manager Underground Storage Tank Program Enclosures (basis for the decision) cc: Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue, Third Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 California Environmental Protection Agency Recycled Paper o Gray Davis Governor Cðfi6:i~"ªI<~~:6:~gtEJi~g~~~t~"!2E:B.~çgn.'ation"·~"""·'"~. From: To: Date: Subject: "Howard Wines" <Hwines@ci.bakersfield.ca.us> <kashkola@cwp.swrcb.ca.gov> 3/25/02 9:49AM Requests for Reconsideration Cardlock 241 Union, ceased operation June 30, 2001 & UST's removed in Sept. 2001. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326·0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- e March 29. 2002 Mr. Stan Keolanui Cardlock Fuels Systems Inc POBox 4159 Orange CA 92863 4159 RE: Former Cardlock Fuels at 241 Union Ave in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Keolanui: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Site Characterization Report dated March 2002 associated with the underground tank removal. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use may require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (661) 326- 3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services by: ~éftu..:::-~ Howard H. Wines, ill Registered Geologist No. 7239 Hazardous Materials Specialist cc: J. Whiting, RWQCB D. Scatena ""g'~ de g:'~ S7OP.Aeve .r~ .A W~'I'I · A J Environmental, Inc. - 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 101, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bus: (661) 327-7429 Fax: (661) 327-1707 March 26, 2002 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Site Characterization Report Cardlock Fuels 241 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Wines: A J Environmental, Inc. is pleased to present this Site Characterization Report that has been prepared for Cardlock Fuels, The property is located at 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Please contact me if you should have any questions or require additional information, Sincerely, A J ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ~ð:~ Michael A. Feldman, R.E.A. President Cc Stan Keolanui G CIRDLOCI FuA._ P.O. Box 7003 , Lancaster, CA 93539-7003 e For Customer Service Call 800-441-1215 March 11, 2002 City of Bakersfield P.O. Box 2057 Bakersfield, CA 93303-2057 Re: 241 L11ion Avenue, Bakersfield, California To Whom It May Concern: The enclosed statement of account dated January 15, 2002 was forwarded to my attention. As you know, on June 20,2001 and July 10, 2001, we informed you that Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. no longer "owned" the tanks. A copy of our previous letters to the City of Bakersfield are attached. The enclosed bill. as well as all other bills relating to the ownership of the tank, should be properly remitted to the owner, Mr. Scatena at the following address: D.J. Scatena, 616 Magnolia Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93305. Sincerely. ~~ . Robert W. Bollar General Counsel RWB:vf Enclosures: as specified ~ cc·::,Mr.;;SCate.(la;~ .... .". e STATEMENT OF ACCOU4IÞ PAGE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POBOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 ... (661) 326-3642 1 DATE: 1/15/02 TO: CARDLOCK FUELS 1 PO BOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 CUSTOMER NO: 3182 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ _M __________________________________________________________________________ 3182 Cl GE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT -- ---- -------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------- 0/00/00 ill 005 1/15/02 ill 017 1/15/02 Sf 001 1/15/02 S~002 1/15/02 U'] 001 1/15/02 . BEGINNING BALANCE HAZ MAT HANDLING FEE E HAZ MAT ANNUAL INSPECTION CA STATE SURCHARGE UST STATE SURCHARGE THIS FEE IS A STATE SURCHARGE OF $8.00 FOR EACH UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK. UNDERGROUND TANK ANNUAL OPERATING PERMIT FEE OPERATING PERMIT FEE OF $66.00 FOR EACH TANK. THIS '~IFIED BILL REPLACES SEPERATE BILLS RECEIVED IN THE PAST FOR THESE PROGRAMS. ~'f ,~: ;:",'"~:--' ~~.\~.~:. ~: ,':.j ¡'.;!'~~¡'~"Jl:.1A¡ÞI'·,' .. ,¡t~~~\')¡~~ :·~j:~f,\1~~·'1·..:,;:·: ¡" .,:-,:::,>':' ';.i,/;,~'è:};< ,:(:~i::;:\ ' ' .:) . CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE. . . .00 116.00 53.00 17.00 30.00 225.00 ,'. , " e STATEMENT OF ACCOUJIþ PAGE 2 ~ ." CITY OF BAKERSFIELD POBOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93303-2057 (661) 326-3642 DATE: 1/15/02 TO: CARDLOCK FUELS 1 PO BOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 CUSTOMER NO: 3182 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ 3182 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARGE DATE DESCRIPTION REF-NUMBER DUE DATE TOTAL AMOUNT ------ -------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- -------------- ." PROPERTY MAINTENANCE INSPECTIONS AND CLEANUP COSTS DUE AND PAYABLE 60 DAYS FROM ORIGINAL BILLING DATE -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- CURRENT OVER 30 OVER 60 OVER 90 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- 441.00 DUE DATE: 2/14/02 PAYMENT DUE: TOTAL DUE: 441.00 $441.00 ".,'~w:~~~¡:!~F,£I;J~:~~!~~~';;i~;'~~py "'WITH . REM~TTANCE DATE: 1/15/02 DUE DATE: 2/14/02 CARDLOCK FUELS 1 CUSTOMER NO: 3182 CUSTOMER TYPE: ES/ REMIT AND MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PO BOX 2057 BAKERSFIELD CA 93303-2057 (661) 326-3642 TOTAL DUE: $441.00 ." '-.¿.. , e e July 10, 2001 Sent Certified Mail .... Domenico J. Scatena c/o Kuhs, Parker & Stanton P.O. Box 2205 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Domenico J. Scatena 616 Magnolia Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Scatena: Please allow this letter to confirm that Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. has vacated the property. All of the remaining improvements, fixtures and equipment have now become the property of the Lessor. Sincerely, . Robert W. Bollar .... General Counsel RWB:vf cc: Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department r,~ e e June 20, 2001 ~ Domenico J. Scatena c/o Kuhs, Parker & Stanton P.O. Box 2205 Bakersfield, CA 93303 Domenico J. Scatena 616 Magnolia Bakersfield, CA 93305 Re: 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Scatena: We are in receipt of your letter of June 12, 2001. It is certainly our intent to comply with all laws and regulations relating to the premises and the business conducted thereon. You, however, will be the owner of the tanks and related equipment upon termination of the lease. The lease addresses this issue specifically. The lease states as follows: "Prior to or within 15 days after the termination of this lease and any extension thereof, U?SSEE shall have the right, but not the obligation, to remove all improvements, fixtures, equipment and goods of whatever description from the premises. Any such improvements, fixtures and equipment not removed within such time shall become the property of LESSOR." PleaseaJJow this Jetter confirm that Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. wiJJ not be removing certain improvements, fixtures and equipment and, pursuant to this provision of the lease, those improvements wjJJ be the property of the lessor. Sincerely, Robert W. Bollar General Counsel RWB:vf cc: Steve Underwood, Bakersfield Fire Department De Holbrook 02/27/02 11:40 UST CLEAN UP FUND PRoG ~ 661 326 0576 NO. 370 GJ01 s ,- . State Water Resources Control Board Winsto¡:¡ 1:f. J'Jic:kox Se'ré/m'}l ¡(lr El )J '(Cmmellla/ ProtectiQn Division of Clean Water Programs 10011 Street· Sacramento, CaHfoL1lig 95814 P.O. Box 944212' SaçrameDto. CII.HfOl1lia· 94244·2120 (916) . fAX (916) 341-5806 . www,sWl'tb,ca,gav/cwpbomelllstcf The /!/leTgY ctltlllei¡ge!a.cfllg California is real. Every Californian needs 10 uúœ f"ll1ledir¡¡e r¡£'/;Oll/O redrlce elU!rgJI cónsrll1lplion. For" li,f/ofJ:imple Wtr)lS you CIIII reduce dUMlld and clIl YO/it energy coSts, see Ollr webs/Ie as W'IIW.swrcb.ctl.gpv. Cray Davis (¡own¡or FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: February 27,2002 TO: City ofBakèrsfield Fire Depanment Attn: Howard Wines Phone: (661) 326-3979 FAX: (661) 326-0576 FROM: Barbara Rempel UST CLEANUP FUND FAX #: (916) 341-5806 . PHONE #: (916) 341-5761 NUMBER OF PAGES (including this page): 1 I (along with co-worker Shari Knieriem) plan to visit your office 011 Tuesday, March 27,2002 to review files for compliance. Please call me when you receive this fax & let me know ifthere is anything else you may need for us to review these files. Thank you, and I look fOIWard to meeting you. Claim No. Claimant's Name Site Address 16960 Cardlock Fuels System, 241 Union Ave., Bakersfield Ca/iIQrolo Elly/rODmcnl1ll ProtecdoJ1 AIJt7DCf Þ. .......__....lYa-_ _ - '- . r\~ ~- A J Environmental, Inc, . 4800 Easton Drive, Suite 101, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bus: (661) 327-7429 Fax: (661) 327-1707 February 13, 2002 Mr. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Work, Health and Safety Plan Card lock Fuels _ 241 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr. Wines: A J Environmental, Inc. is pleased to present this Work, Health and Safety Plan that has been prepared for Cardlock Fuels. The property is located at 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Please contact me if you should have any questions or require additional information, Sincerely, A J ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ~4L¿~ Michael A. Feldman, R.E.A. President Cc Stan Keolanui '\.. a State ~ter Resources ControfÐoard Winston H. Hickox Secretary Jor Environmental Protection Division of Clean Water Programs 1001 I Street· Sacramento, California 95814 P.O. Box 944212' Sacramento, California' 94244-2120 (916) 341-5674 . FAX (916) 341-5806 . www.swrcb.ca.gov/cwphome/ustcf Gray Davis Governor The energy challenge Jacing California is real. Every Californian needs to take immediate action to reduce energy consumption. For a list oj simple ways you can reduce demand and cut your energy costs, see our website at www.swrcb.ca.gov. February 5, 2002 Cardlock Fuels System POBox 4159 Orange, CA 92863-4159 PRE-APPROVAL OF CORRECTIVE AC1JON COSTS, CLAIM NO. 016960, SITE ADDRESS: 24-1 UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 I have reviewed your request, received on January 28,2002, for pre-approval of corrective action costs. I have included a copy of the "Cost Pre-Approval Request" fonn; please use this fonn in the future for requesting pre-approval of corrective action costs. With the following provisions, the total cost pre-approved as eligible for reimbursement for completing the December 18, 2001, Diamond Resources, Inc. workplan approved by the Kern County EHD (County) in their January 10, 2002 letter, is $7,032. Refer to the table below for a breakdown of costs. Be aware that this pre-approval does not constitute a decision on reimbursement: all necessary and reasonable (as detennined by the Fund) corrective action costs for action work directed and approved by the County will be eligible for reimbursement at costs consistent with those pre-approved in this letter. However, depending on what happens in the field, some costs may not actually be necessary. If the Fund agrees that they were in fact necessary, the Fund will reimburse at reasonable rates (rates consistent with those pre-approved.) In an effort to expedite future reimbursement requests associated with the implementation of the c_orrective actio]l tasks pre-approved in this letter, we ask that the attached 'Pre-Approval Specific Reimbursement Request Fonn' be completed, updated and submitttfd with each reimbursement request. All relevant supporting documentation must also be included with each reimbursement request. In order for future costs for corrective action to be part of the expedited reimbursement process, they must be pre-approved in writing by Fund staff. All costs for corrective action must meet the requirements of Article 11, Chapter 16, Underground Storage Tank Regulations in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Calirornia Environmental Protection Agency o Nec,yded Paper e e Cardlock Fuels System Claim No. 016960 -2- February 5, 2002 COST PRE-APPROVAL BREAKDOWN # Task* Amount Pre-Approved Comments 1 Mobilization/Demobilization $380 2 Site Assessment $3,068 Drilling of 5 borings to approximately 20 feet bgs 3 Laboratory Analysis $3,335 -- 4 Transportation $244 5 Disposal $5 TOTAL PRE-APPROVED $7,032 * Task descriptions are the same as those identified in Diamond Resources, Inc.'s December 24,2001 cost estimate. · Only the tasks/costs reflected on the above table are pre-approved at this time. The Fund will review any tasks/costs that go beyond the pre-approved amount to be detennined ifthe additional tasks and costs are necessary and reasonable. However, if costs exceed the above pre-approved amounts, the Fund will be unable to expedite your Reimbursement Request. · The work products must be acceptable to the County and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. · If a different scope of work becomes necessary, then you must request pre-approval of costs on the new scope of work. · Although I have referred to the Diamond Resources, Inc. proposal in my pre-approval above, please be aware that you will be entering into a private contract: the State of California cannot compel you to sign any specific contract. This letter pre-approves the costs as presented in the proposal dated December 24, 200 I by Diamond Resources, Inc. for conducting the work approved by the County for implementing the December 18,2001, Diamond Resources, Inc, workplan. Please remember that it is still necessary to submit the actual costs of the work as explained in the Reimbursement Request Instructions to confinn that the costs are consistent with this pre- approval before you will be reimbursed. Please insure that your consultant prepares their invoices to include the required breakdown of costs on a time and materials basis, that invoiced tasks are consistent with the original proposal, and tha(reasonable explanations are provided for any changes made in the scope of work or increases in the costs. When the invoices are submitted you must include copies of all: California EnJ/ironmental Protection Agency #r> ~c:1 Recycled Paper _ ,n, ~.;~._ . r' . e e Cardlock Fuels System Claim No. 016960 -3- · subcontractor invoices, · technical reports, when available, and · applicable correspondence from the County. Please call if you have any questions; I can be reached at (916) 341-5674. ~~ Guy cZ, Associate .Engineeriug Geologist Technical Review Unit Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Enclosure cc: Mr. Howard Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services Bakersfield, CA 03501 California Environmental ProtectionAgency #rJ ~J Recycled Paper .'''.~"'',~, '-'~>-'. '. . February 5, 2002 ¿. -' ~~ ~ \.;;;; State ,,"ter Resources ContrlBoard Winston II. Ilickox SecrelW)' jiJr EI/\'irollll/L'I/IIII Prolecliol/ Division of Clean Water Programs 1001 I Strccl' Sacramcnto. California 95814 P.O. Box 944212 . Sacramcnto, Cali fornia . ()4244-2120 (9Ih) 341-57hl . F^X (916) 341-580h . www.swrcb.ca.gov/cwphomcfustcf 711(' el/ergy challel/ge/acing ClllijiJmill is relll. EI'eIY Californilll/ needs 10 /like ill/II/edillle aclion /0 redllce energy cOnSlIlI/pliol/. For a Iisl a/sill/pie ways YOII cal/ redllcc dell/III/d IIlId CIII YOllr el/ergy COSls, see ollr websile alwwwswrcb.ca.gov. Gray Davis Governor January 18, 2002 Cardlock Fuels System Robert W. BollarlMary Salazar POBox 4159 Orange, CA 92863-4159 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLEANUP FUND (FUND), NOTICE OF ELIGIBILITY pETERMINATION: .CLAIM NUMBER 016960~ßOR SITE ADDRESS: 241 UNION AVE, BAKERSFIELD Your claim has been accepted for placement on the Priority List in Priority Class "C" with a deductible of$5,000, We have completed our initial review, The next step in the claim review process is to conduct a compliance review. Compliance Review: Staff reviews, ve~ifies, and processes claims based on the priority and rank within ~. p¡'iority~cl~,ss., After the Board adopts the Priority List, your claim will remain on the Prio,rity Lis~ until' your Priority Class and rank are reached. At thahime,staff will conduct an extensive' Còmplianc'e' . Review a.t the local regulatory agency or Regional Water Quality ControlBoard. During this Compliance Re'view; staff may request additional information needed to verify eligibility. Qnce the Compliance Review is completed, staff will determine if the claim is valid or must be rejected. If the claim is valid, a Letter of Commitment will be issued obligating funds toward the cleanup. If staff determine that you have not complied with regulations governing site cleanup, you have not supplied necessary information or documentation, or your claim application contains a material error, the claim will be rejected. In such event, you will be issued a Notice of Intended Removal from the Priority List, informed of the basis for the proposed removal of your claim, and provided an opportunity to correct the condition that is the basis for the proposed removal. Your claim will be barred from further participation in the Fund, if the claim application contains a material error resulting from fraud or intentional or negligent misrepresentation. Record keeping: During your cleanup project you should keep complete and well organized records of all corrective action activity and payment transactions. If you are eventually issued a Letter of Commitment, you will be required to submit: (1) copies of detailed invoices for all corrective action activity performed (including subcontractor invoices), (2) copies of canceled checks used to pay for work shown on the invoices, (3) copies of technical documents (bids, narrative work description, reports), and (4) evidence that the claimant paid for the work performed (not paid by another party). These documents are necessary for reimbursement and failurè to submit them could impact the amount of reimbursement made by the. Fûrid. It is IlOt ll,!cessarjJ to subillit thèse documellts ai this time; however, they will defillitelybe réqiiirèdpriorioreimþurse1ÍïëiÚ>' '."1..', ,'-" -', . , . ". " . ,í \" 7 ~ . , . ., ') '. .:- ~i.' _ èOITmliánce \v.Hh Corredive ÅctionRequii-emeÌ1ts:, ItÍ. order to-bt~ reimbursed fo~ you~, eligible èosts of éle~nup incurred at}êr DêcembÚ 2,1991, you must hàve complied with corrective aétiün requ(rements of Aiticle II, Chapter 16, Division 3, Titlé 23; California Code of Regulations. Article 11 categorized the California Emironmental Protection Agenc}' #r:t ~J Recycled Paper L ¡ ,,'~ e e Cardlock Fuels System -2- con"ective action process into phases. In addition, Article II requires the responsible party to submit an illvestigative workplall/Corrective Actioll Plan (CAP) before perfonning any work. This phasing process and the workplan/CAP requirements were intended to: I, help the responsible party undertake the necessary corrective action in a cost-effective, efficient and timely manner; 2. enable the regulatory agency to review and approve the proposed cost-effective corrective action alternative before any corrective action work was perfonned; and 3. ensure the Fund will only reimburse the most cost-effective corrective action alternative required by the regulatory agency to achieve the minimum cleanup necessary to protect human health, safety and the environment. In some limited situations interim cleanup will be necessary to mitigate a demonstrated immediate hazard to public health, or the environment. Program regulations allow the responsible party to undertake interim remedial action after: (1) notifying the regulatory agency of the proposed action, and; (2) complying with any requirements that the regulatory agency may set. Interim remedial action should only be proposed when necessary to mitigate an immediate demonstrated hazard. Implementing interim remedial action does not eliminate the requirement for a CAP and an evaluation of the most cost- effective corrective action alternative. Three bids and Cost Preapproval: Only corrective action costs required by the regulatory agency to protect human health, safety and the environment can be claimed for reimbursement. You must comply with all regulatory agency time schedules and requirements and you must obtain three bids for any required corrective action. Unless waived in writing, you are required to obtain preapproval of costs for all future corrective action work. If you do not obtain three bids or a waiver of the three bid requirement, reimbursement is not assured and costs may be rejected as ineligible. If you have any questions, please contact me at (916) 341-5761. Sincerely, ,.(/,,< . '1.- DO' (\ . ,Di)..·-;'~-c..\.f,- \ '>"~(G-"- Barbara Rempel Claims Review Unit Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund Lustis Case #: 5Tl5000733 cc: Mr. John Noonan RWQCB, Reg, 5 - Fresno 3614 E, Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA 93726 ~r. Howard Wines City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 CalilOrnia Environmental Protection Agenc"v #D ~J Re(,'ded Paper ~ ~ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "HO Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "HO Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326·0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakerslield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 "-- e January 10, 2002 - Mr. Stan Keolanui Cardlock Fuels Systems, Inc POBox 4159 Orange CA 92863 4159 RE: Former Cardlock Fuels at 241 Union Ave in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Keolanui: This is to notify you that the work plan for the above stated address is satisfactory. Please give this office 5 working days notice prior to the commencement of work. Please be advised that any work done that is not performed under direct oversight by this office will not be accepted, unless previously approved. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~{¿j~ ~ ~ Howard H. Wines, '" Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dlm cc: M. Feldman, AJ Environmental S:\USTFORMSIUST,L3 ~~y~ ~ W~ g-o,-e ~O/q} y~ A W~" "' / e e Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. POBox 4159 1800 W. Katella Avenue, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92863-4159 Stan Keolanui December 28,2001 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services C/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mr. Wines: #" , G/1<;' 0 Subject: Work Plan for further assessment at the Cardlock Fuels former location at, 241 Union Avenue,; Bakersfield, CA 93304. Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. has selected R J Environmental, Inc. as the Environmental Contractor. Their work plan is being submitted for your review and approval. I am faxing this letter and work plan today. I will Fed-X the hard copy to arrive on Monday, December 31, 2001, at your office. Respectfully, ~~, Stan Keolanui: Special Projects & Environmental Manager Office: (714) 516-7224 Cell Ph: (714) 981-3433 Fax: (714) 922-7307 E-Mail: keolanuis@scoil.com - i fVwy ~r 6.rð)J~, 5'(0 ( 't 4~ (.,. 07ð'1. ~ q4; 4-2>7. é)S'-bq e - \J~c:k 5~6 G )~ ') ßvt( ð fLv(tte.v-- ';I( ~Î)( Cc.Ñt D;l ~ Y ~ bh,J 01\. -;1 Je.l."...,.J Ie. ' 'Tlf <t~ ð v-J~ (607 lë '3> ?.- q Î II '- r~)kJ r~r+- ~~- 3A-\ Ç1q~ C~fid- y~~.. :3:<3 -¿¡ 9';;( r . c._ ~ -~- - e Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. POBox 4159 1800 W. Katella Avenue, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92863~4159 Stan Keolanui December 28, 2001 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Enviromnental Services C/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mr. Wines: Subject: Work Plan for further assessment at the Cardlock Fuels former location at, 241 Union Avenue,; Bakersfield, CA 93304. Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. has selected R J Environmental, Inc. as the Environmenta.l Contractor. Their work plan is being submitted for your review and approval. I am faxing this letter and work plan today. I will Fed-X the hard copy to arrive on Monday, December 31, 2001, at your office. Respectfully, ~~; Stan Keolanui: Special Projects & Environmental Manager Office: (714) 516-7224 Cell Ph: (714) 981-3433 Fax: (714) 922-7307 E-Mail: keolanuis@scoiLcom ,~..:.'~' /~:.~~: , , ~:~~> . .~' , .' . ,,,," . ,:.··:·,l,.. ¡ ':'...,....." I , ·:'~)0~7.~! e e S~ ~ t)¿¿ ~/CARDLOCKFUELSSYSTEM, INC. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: POBOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 FAX NO. (714) 922-7307 1800 W. KATELLA AVENUE, SUITE 400 ORANGE, CA 92867 DATE: /2. ~e. ~QQI TO: M~. /I;JN__,.q 1/, 11It;'e,:7E . (C,t.¡) ~26· ~111 , COMPANY: g'+QI Ø4~ltJf I'iè~,....i; ð,~:"J.! ....~å¿. ,~cc FAX NO: ((;'tl) ~z¿,.. ¢,ø ." FROM: 6f-al'l /(Ge/.Y)c.....¡' SUBJECT: Ítløt 6>1 NO. OF ÞAGES: 41)~M-!- COMMENTS: .. fh,. I/r;JAJ~J'c{ tù'11~' ,4f1~ ~~~ -rhþ1~ : - (!AHi~ k~ ø/ ~l~ ' - kø¡¿ fSn, ~ fJ~~ '~ #> r¡-- h1-IM Ef~..L.· .. ('/~ I qA~' '. ~. ". ... "" .'.. .., " ,'.,. ": .::~.~: :~.~. J ":'J'i',('~':''':'' .' .,' . .".... .. . ":'i~ª/f ~:;..t , . t~~¡\~.·:;·.. . . '.' .' ~-:"':' -' ' ...... .\.,. . From: A J Environmental, Inc. 661-327-1707 To: seolanUi Date: Time: 2:_ PM Page 2 of 8 A J Environmental, Inc. 4100 Easton Drive, Suite 12, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bus: (805) 327-7429 Fax: (805) 327-1707 December 5, 2001 Mr. Stan Keolanui Southern Counties Oil Company Cardlock Fuels System, Inc, 1800 W, Katella Avenue, Suite 400 P.O. Box 4159 Orange, CA 92863-4159 Re: Site Characterization 241 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 Dear Mr, Keolanui: A J Environmental, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to perform a Site Characterization of the former Cardlock Fuels System facility located at 241 Union Avenue in Bakersfield, California. This is required by the Bakersfield Fire Department (BFD) as a result of the removal of one x 6,000 gallon and 2 x 12,000 gallon underground storage tanks. It will address the contamination found beneath the two diesel dispensers. The work plan will be prepared in accordance with Appendix A - Reports, Tri- Regional Staff Recommendations for Preliminary Evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites developed by the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board. 1. Site Background a. Current and past uses of the site, current and past contents of the underground tanks and length of time the tanks were in place. b. Information regarding discrepancies or reportable variations on inventory monitoring, failed tightness tests, repairs to tank piping, past spills or leaks. c. Description of known surface and subsurface hydrogeology, 2. Site Specific Plot Plan The plan must include all process equipment, surface and subsurface piping, location of all abandoned and existing tanks, product dispensers, wells, and buildings. From: A J Environmental. Inc. 661-327-1707 To: seolanUi Date: Time: 2:ePM Page 3 of 8 A J Environmental, Inc. Mr. Stan Keolanui December 5, 2001 Page 2 3. Preliminary Site Assessment Results Analytical results of the preliminary site assessment. 4. Soil Sampling Plan a. Proposed locations and depths of all borings and rationale for choosing them. b. Contaminants to be analyzed, laboratory that will perform the analyses, analytical methods and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QNQC) plans. c. Equipment and procedures for sample retrieval. 5. Health and Safety Considerations a. Personnel protection and training. b. On-site monitoring. c. Required safety equipment. Receipt of approval from the BFD for the work plan grants you authorization to proceed with its implementation. In order to present you with a total estimated / project cost we have obtained bids for the remaining phases required to complete the project. These phases include drilling; obtaining in situ soil samples, analysis of the samples at a State Certified Laboratory and presentation of a final report that documents the findings with recommendations for site remediation. Melton Drilling Company will perform the drilling and sampling and the laboratory analysis will be performed by BC Laboratories. Drilling and Sampling It is planned to drill one hole, deep enough to penetrate ten feet of uncontaminated soil at the northeast dispenser and three holes at the northwest dispenser. The holes and their rationale for location will be based on being able to delineate the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. Initial borings will be drilled to assess the vertical depth of contamination, Subsequent holes if required will be drilled at least as deep as the first hole, From: A J Environmental, Inc. 661-327-1707 To:eKeolanUi Date: Time:.8 PM Page 4 of 8 A J Environmental, Inc. Mr. Stan Keolanui December 5, 2001 Page 3 The cost estimate includes the drilling of four holes to either: a. Depth required to encounter 1 0' of clean soil at each location b. Drilling refusal due to encountering impenetrable soil or buried objects. c, Encountering groundwater (unlikely at this location). It is impossible to know the depth or amount of contamination without drilling. For this reason, our work is performed on a time and materials basis at a rate of $100.00 per hour, Samples will be collected according to standard industry practices and State and City guidelines. These procedures will be enumerated in the workplan that will be submitted to BFD for approval. A California Registered Geologist will be on-site to log the drill cuttings, monitor the soil during drilling and collect the samples. After drilling the boreholes will be backfilled with cement to seal them. All soil will be drummed pending laboratory results. Sample Analvsis BC Laboratories, a State Certified Laboratory, will analyze all soil samples. They will be analyzed for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, MTBE and total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel (TPH-D). Individual Constituents will be tested by EPA Method 5030/8020. TPH-Diesel will be tested by D.Q,H.S./L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified E P A 8015. For this estimate we are assuming four holes and that twelve samples will be required at a cost of $115 per sample. Report Preparation Upon completion of the field work and receipt of the laboratory analysis, a report will be prepared and submitted to the BFD, The report will describe the field work performed, borehole logs, review of the laboratory results with required documentation and recommendations for the remediation of the contamination, if required. ~- - e e Cardlock Fuels Systems, Inc POBox 4159 1800 W. Katella Avenue, Suite 400 Orange, CA 92863-4159 Stan Keo[anuÎ December 03, 2001 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Mr. Howard H. Wines, Subject: Former: Cardlock Fuels Site # 001 241 Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93304 In response to your letter. dated October 3D, 2001, requesting further assessment. I am requesting an extension of 30 days, from November 30,2001 to December 31, 2001. For the submittal of a work plan for further assessment, to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. I am in the process of selecting a environmental contractor from the local listing. As soon as one is selected, a work plan will be submitted promptly. Thank you in advance for your çonsideration. ReSpectfUq)'j . Stan Keolan~pecía Projects & Environmental Manager Office: (714) 516-7224 Cell Ph(714) 981-3433 Fax: (714) 922-7307 E-Mail: keolanuis@scoil.com e e S~ ~ t)¿£ ~ I CARDLOCK FUELS SYSTEM, INC. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: POBOX 4159 ORANGE. CA 92863-4159 FAX NO. (714) 922-7307 1800 W. KATELLAAVENUE, SUITE 400 ORANGE, CA 92867 TO: DATE: , COMPANY: FAX NO: COMMENTS: _ /JU~ 4j,()~cf 1V'YU>11 , 'I ~ r~ ;3Ø~ ~~~.. Thanks. Offlce Phone: (714) 516~7224 Cell-Phone: (714) 981-3433 E-Mail: keolanuis@scoll.com e e S~ ~ ()il ~J CARDlOCK FUELS SYSTEM, INC. OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT: POBOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 FAX NO. (714) 922-7307 1800 W. KATELLA AVENUE, SUITE 400 ORANGE, CA 92867 DATE: 12· 04, ZðO I TO: 4. 1!iJ1Alu4 J1ine." atl) .,2t~~r71 COMPANY~t#¡oI,~ftq4!fik~IJ tú,JI;HJ1~d.~ FAX NO: (¿,~ ~ zt .. ð51~ , . FROM: ð~h ~ SUBJECT: 'Ie (~) tfE! ~ NO. OF PAGES: 3...· COMMENTS: hu. ~ álH1d( ~de afll~ '". , .ád¿~J- k¡fð/.4t~-""·~~ ~~(~)- ~~~~&¡ g . ..~ ' u!Z ~....'I4,!JUt¡ ft::/~4/Ø~ ?~/~m/jµ¿. ~b' Thanks, ~A ~ ' Office Phone: (714) 516~7224 Cell-Phone: (714) 981-3433 E-Mail: keolanuls@scoil.com e e Sample letter (2): List of Landowners Form Date: ;Z.()~. "2ð'O I City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services clo Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 B¡;¡kersficld, CA 93301 RRJ.1æPy¡ r- RE: Certified List of Record Fee Title Owners for t14-f!.Z>Þck litèg 4~~ -'IW:::. , ' '241 ¿¡NtON Ave, '/bA·KeP;;rl/d.l), (!A r* 01' Sitc nalTlc Sìtc addrcss Fill out item 1 if there are multipJe site landowners. If you are the sole site landowner, skip itcm 1 and fill out item 2. 1. In accordance with section 25297 .15( a) of Chapter 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, 1, Name of primm)' rc~ponsiblc party certify that the following is a complete list of current recotd fee title owners and their mailing addresses for the above site: 2. In accordance with section 25297.1i(a) of Ch. 6.7 of the ealth & Safety Code, I, J../l/Z-. ~m~ l>tci:- 5zi:M¡e;Nfl. ~ t.lt no~ he--. NamE: of primary rcsponsible Party )Sr' ~ (tA.. Q2.:2. ,,- .. I ';/;;o~ certify that I arn the sole landowner for the above site. Sincere1y, Signature of primary responsible party N ~mc of primary responsible party © e e Sample Letter (3) Notice of Proposed Ac(Íon Submincd t(¡ Local Agency Date: r2,~? -::2..001 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency for ÞPlP't¡ ( ~ PLI.li./C ~~ .(21/ ¿¡NIdAl 4Vl!1 ~r/é:Ll:>í d1A . C¡!¿,P01-il~name Sitc addrcss In ~çordance with sectio~2 ,97,15(a) ofCh. 6.7 ofthe Hea~th & Safety Code: 1, ~ iPd::-· Is ~ ~ , certIfy that 1 have notlfied all Name of primary responsible party responsible landowners of the enclosed proposed action. Check space for applicable action(s): . '1£ -L ' r .. . {.~ ~ (:MomfJ1,;¿d¡z.G. . /" c1eanup proposal (correctIve actIon plan) ~~ . -I~.~ ~~ 4a --<-<-- r-øj) , . (j#1/C4I , :?~/6 Nt/;Æ(JÞ~/J.~ ~Í1!:1;~r¡n'~ ./ SIte closure proposal ~ Øv~l. ~ ../ local agency intention to make a detennination that no further actjon. is required. /local agency intention to issue a closure letter. Sincerely, . SignatlJre of primary responsible: party Name of primary responsible party CC: (Nsmc:¡¡ and addresses of all record fee titlú owners) , gJ FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H'Slreel Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326.0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chesler Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- . December 13, 2001 - Mr. Stan Keolanui Cardlock Fuels Systems, Inc. POBox 4159 Orange, Ca 92863-4159 RE: Extension Request Letter of December 3,2001 Cardlock Fuels fonner location at 241 Union Ave in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Keolanui: I have received the above referenced letter and approve the extension request until December 31,2001 to have a selected environmental consultant provide this Office with a work plan. Please instruct your selected consultant in the provision to have a work plan submitted to this office prior to December 31,2001. If you or your consultant have any questions, please call me at 661-326- 3979. Sincerely, 4~ß- Howard H. Wines, ill Hazardous Materials Specialist Registered Geologist No. 7239 Office of Environmental Services HHW/dm cc: D. Scatana ~~7~ ~ W~ !¥"eve vØ&0Pe ff~ ..Æ W~" FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 °Ho Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661)395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 - - October 30, 2001 Mr. De Len Holbrook Cardlock Fuel System, Inc. POBox 4159 Orange, Ca 93863-4159 RE: New Landowner Notification and Participation Requirements for the former Cardlock Fuels #1 at 241 Union Ave in Bakersfield. Dear Mr. Holbrook: This letter is to inform you of new legislative requirements pertaining to cleanup and closure of sites where an unauthorized release of hazardous substance, including petroleum, has occurred from an underground storage tank (UST). Section 25297.15(a) ofCh. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code requires the primary or active responsible party to notify all current record owners of fee title to the site of: 1) a site cleanup proposal, 2) a site closure proposal, 3) a local agency intention to make a determination that no further action is required, and 4) a local agency intention to issue a closure letter. Section 25297. 15(b) requires the local agency to take all responsible steps to accommodate responsible landowners' participation in the cleanup or site closure process and to consider their input and recommendations. F or purposes of implementing these sections, you have been identified as the primary or active responsible party. Please provide to this agency, within twenty (20) calendar days of receipt of this notice, a complete mailing list of all current record owners of fee title to the site. You may use the enclosed list of landowners form (sample letter 2) to comply with this requirement. If the list of current record owners of fee title to the site changes, you must notify the local agency of the change within twenty (20) calendar days from when you are notified of the change. ""..7~ de W~ .9"¿'V« vØßOPð Yk& A WYlh~'I'I ~ - e " . Landowner Notifiaction Page 2 If you are the sole landowner, please indicate that on the landowner list form. The following notice requirements do not apply to responsible parties who are the sole landowner for the site. In accordance with Section 25297.15(a) ofCh 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, you must certify to the local agency that all current record ownersof fee title to the site have been informed of the proposed action before the local agency may do any of the following: 1) consider a cleanup proposal (corrective action plan) 2) consider a site closure proposal 3) make a determination that no further action is required 4) issue a closure letter You may use the enclosed notice of proposed action form (sample letter 3) to comply with this requirement. Before approving a cleanup proposal or site closure proposal, determining that no further action is required, or issuing a closure letter, the local agency will take all reasonable steps necessary to accommodate responsible landowner participation in the cleanup and site closure process and will consider all input and recommendations £Tom any responsible landowner. Sincerely, alph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services REH/dm enclosures S:IUSTFORMSIUST.L4 ..... - e ~ Sample Letter (2): List of Landowners Fonn Date: City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Certified List of Record Fee Title Owners for Site name Site address Fill out item 1 if there are multiple site landowners. If you are the sole site landowner, skip item 1 and fill out item 2. 1. In accordance with section 25297.15(a) of Chapter 6.7 ofthe Health & Safety Code, I, Name of primary responsible party certify that the following is a complete list of current record fee title owners and their mailing addresses for the above site: 2. In accordance with section 25297 .15( a) of Ch. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, I, Name of primary responsible party certify that I am the sole landowner for the above site. Sincerely, Signature of primary responsible party Name of primary responsible party ~' Sample Letter (3) Notice of Pro pol Action Submitted-tó Local Agency e ~ Date: City of Bakersfield Fire Department Office of Environmental Services c/o Howard H. Wines, III 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301 RE: Notice of Proposed Action Submitted to Local Agency for Site name Site address In accordance with section 25297.15(a) ofCh. 6.7 of the Health & Safety Code, I, , certify that I have notified all Name of primary responsible party responsible landowners of the enclosed proposed action. Check space for applicable action(s): _ cleanup proposal (corrective action plan) _ site closure proposal _ local agency intention to make a determination that no further action is required. local agency intention to issue a closure letter. Sincerely, Signature of primary responsible party Name of primary responsible party cc: (Names and addresses of all record fee title owners) FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 °H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 °H" Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 e e October 30, 2001 De Len Holbrook Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. POBox 4159 Orange, Ca 93863 4159 RE: Laboratory results from preliminary site assessment conducted at the former Cardlock Fuels #1 at 241 Union Ave in Bakersfield. Permit #BR-0282. Dear Mr. Holbrook: Upon review of the recently submitted laboratory results from your facility, this office has determined that the extent of the contamination plume, associated with the diesel dispenser pumps previously located on the property, has not been adequately defined. This office requires (in accordance with Chapter 6.7 of the California Health and Safety Code and Chapter 16, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations) that further assessment be done to define the vertical and horizontal extent of the contamination plume. Please submit a work plan for further assessment, to this office, within 30 days from receipt of this letter. The workplan should follow guidelines found in: Appendix A -Reoorts. Tri - Regional Board Staff Recommendations for Preliminary evaluation and Investigation of Underground Tank Sites; July 6, 1990. Additionally, be advised that oversight cost for this project will be billed to you at a rate of $80.00 per hour. If you have any questions, please call me at (661) 326-3979. alph E. Huey Director of Prevention Services REH/dlm CC: D. Scatena S;\USTFORMS\UST.l2 ""7~ de W~ --%P ~0Pe .r~ A We/lbU<'y" -- - It - SUMMARY Zalco Lab Results 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Constituents ~ - w w 00 l- I- 00 ::æ: - m .... a> a> .s:: Õ - W rñ ~ a> <U ~ c:: I/) a> C> 00 ~ a> .E J: , c:: ~ m 1:: a> a.. a> a> c:: ~ a> I- - c:: a> a> <U Õ >- a> c:: .c C) I- ::ë N a> >. ãi u. Q) c:: ~ J: J: ::> a> (5 .s:: Õ a.. a.. Soil Sample # ::æ: - ...J 00 J- W l- I- I- 1-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 2-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 3-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 4-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 5-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 6-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 7-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 8-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 9-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 10-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 11-2' NO NO NO NO NO 39 NO NO 12-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 13-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 14-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 15-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 16-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 17-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 18-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 19-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 20-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 21-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 22-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 23-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 17300 24-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 18700 25-2' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 2600 26-6' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 760 fõýBß~,~~ -=: -- e e 8118, Ine. Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy., # B Bakersfield, CA 93308 Phone #661-588-BSSR (2777) October 17,2001 Bakersfield City Fire Department Inspector Steve Underwood 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330 I RE: Formerly Cardlock Fuels, 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, CA Dear Inspector Underwood, Please find the attached analytical fÌ'om Zalco Laboratories, lab #0 I 0931 0-1 through lab #0 I 0931 0-26. In addition to the analytical, the sampling diagram for the above location is also attached. Sampling was completed during the excavation on September 26, 2001. If! can be of further assistance, please contact me at 661-588-2777. ZALCO ~BORATORIES, IN~ Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CA 9330S Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-1 09/26/01 10/15/01 Attention: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:25 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #1-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref L~FT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/S Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/B015M/S Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 B020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/S TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/S Analyzed 10/04/01 09:30:28 JMM cc: Method Reference 8. DOHS LUFT Manual £/mQ-- obert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This report is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested, Zalea is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO ~BORATORIES, INee Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 £661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CA 93308 Attention: Brett Tackett Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-2 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 14:28 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #2-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference 8. DOMS LUFT Manual ~L(X J- bert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million: ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion: umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected MIA : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Thi. r..nnrt i. fllrni.h"rl fnr thA Avdll~iVA II~A of our Customer and aoolies anlv to the samoles tested. Zalco is not responsible for report altera1ion or detachment. ZALCO ~BORATORIES, INdt Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (681 J 395-0539 FAX (861J 395-3069 Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CA 9330a Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-3 09/26/01 10/15/01 Attention: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:31 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #3-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/S015M/S Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/a015M/S Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/S Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 S020/S015M/S TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference B. DOHS LUFT Manual ~!;~~~~atory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C nunhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A: Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ?L!_ ___ _....!. L..._=_L.....J 1.__.a.L.... _.._r....i.._ ...._ _I. ....... r..~..._..... __~ _......-r:..... ,..",., -f,.. ,''''co ......wto"',øco ioetfAA 7,..1,..", if;: nnf røcnnnc:ihlø fn,. ~nnrt nltAmtinn nrtlt:!tllchment. ZALCO litBORATORIES, INdt Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CA 93308 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-4 09/26/01 10/15/01 Attention: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:33 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #4-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 S020/S015M/S TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference B. DOHS LUFT Manual J?~~~torY Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million: ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This reDOrt is furnished for the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to the samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment, ZALCO ~ORATORIES, INCe Arnalytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330B (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Se+vice Station Repair 6630 Rosedale ~wy #B Bakersfield, CA 93308 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-5 09/26/01 10/15/01 Attention: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:44 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #5-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert~Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference 8, DOHS LUFf Manual ~LLOCJ- Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams pel- Liter (parts per million; ug/L ; micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C romhos/cm : millimhos/cmat 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting I'Ul'poses Th:. ...""ri i. furni.h"'¡ fnr!h" "yrlll'iv" """ nf nllr Cllstomer ond oDDlies onlY to the somo/es tested, lalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ZALCO ~BORATORIES, INc4Þ Arnalytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CA 9330a Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract .No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-6 09/26/01 10/15/01 Attention: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:45 Sample Type: Solid Description: Soil Sample #6-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 B020/B015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 B020/B015M/B Toluene ND ug/kg 5,0 B020/a015M/B Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/B Total Xylenes ND ug/kg 15,0 B020/B015M/B TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 a020/S015M/S TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 S020/8015M/S Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference 8, DOHS LUFT Manual J?b~r~~~aboratorY Manager mg/L ; milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm ; millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A ; Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR ; Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Tt-..... "~"'~""':r .t......;f'o..."...I .J:,..... .....er. crow-I....,.;". . 'COG ,..f ^".. r"c:tl"lr'nAI'" nnrl nnnliøc nnlv tn thP c;nmnl~.. tAdArl. 7nlr:n is not resoonsible for reoort afterotion or detachment. ZÄLCO ~BORATORIESJ INc4Þ Analytical & Consulting Services I Bakersfi~ld Service Station Repair 6630 Ros:edale Hwy #B Bakersfi~ld, CA 93308 4309 Armour Avenue Ba~ersfield. California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3089 Attenti~n: Brett Tackett Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-7 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 14;49 Sample 'I'ype: Solid Descript¡ion: Soil Sample #7-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methyl tert~Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/801sM!8 Tolue:ne ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/801sM/8 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/801SM/8 Totall Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/8 TPH ~asoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH Diesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Reference 8. DOHS ~UFT Manual t/;;lQC~ obert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million~ ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umbos/em : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysts DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Th1C' t'A"^r+ ;c:,ç"rn1eh4A fl"'\r tho ovrlltc:ivlI:I IICO nf nlfr (lIcdnmor nnrl nnnliAct nnlv tn thA ~mnlp.!'ò tA,;tM. Zalco is not resDonsible for reoort alteration or detachment. ZALCO ~BORATORIES, INc4Þ Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 I Bakersf~eld Se~vice Station Repair . I· ' 6630 Ro~edale Hwy #B Bakersf~eld, CA 9330B Sample ~ype: Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-8 09/26/01 10/15/01 i Attenti9n: Brett Tackett 09/26/01 14:54 Solid Descrip~ion: Soil Sample #B-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ConstitJents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TP~ Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Methy,l tert·Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 B020/a015M/B Benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a Toluene ND ug/kg 5.0 B020/a01SM/a Ethylfbenzene ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a Total: Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 a020/a01SM/a TPH c\asoline ND mg/kg 10 B020/a015M/B TPH IÜesel ND mg/kg 10 B020/B01SM/a Analyzed; 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method Rbference 8. DOHS LµFT Manual £Lj(2C+- Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (pa~·ts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS Not Sufficient Sample for Analysia DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes i . Thi. ....nnrt ¡.I ñ orni.hAli fn~ 1M A"d".ivA "'A of our Customer ond ooolies onlv to the somoles tested. Zoleo is not resoonsible for report alteration or de\ochment. Z.ÄLCO ~BORATORIESJ INcJÞ Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I I· , Bakersf~eld Service Station Repair 6630 RoJedale awy #B Bakersf~eld, CA 9330a Attentiqn: Brett Tackett Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-9 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 14:56 Sample 'Iiype: Solid Descripj:!ion: Soil Sample #9-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constituents Results Units DLR Method/Ref LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM I . Methyjl tertiButyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Benz~ne ND ug/kg 5,0 a020/a015M/S Tolu~ne ND ug/kg 5,0 8020/801SM/S Ethy l,benzene ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 Total: Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/S01SM/8 TPH Gasoline ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 TPH qiesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/801SM/8 Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM .cc: Method R¡eference 8. DOHS ~UFT Manual ~~~~~oratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million; ug!L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umbos/em : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Thico !"ClIo"''''" id ~t...n¡C'h.orl ~~ thD ;lwrl"ci\fQ IICQ ,..f: nor rudnmør nnn nnnlip.c:;: nnlv to thflt ~nmnIA~ tAstp.d. Zalco is not resoonsible for reoort alteration or detachment. ZALCO ~60RATORJESJ IN~ Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 l. . ¡"; : Bakersfi~ld Service Station Repair I.: , 6630 Ros~dale Hwy #B Bakersfield, CÁ 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Attentio~: Brett Tackett I . Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-10 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 14:59 Sample ~e: ! Descript!iol1 : Solid Soil Sample #10-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS ConstitJents Results Units DLR Method/Ref I LUFT TP~ Gas, qiesel, BTEXM MethYll tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 BenzeÞ.e ND ug/kg 5,0 8020!8015M/S Toluehe ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 I Ethylþenzene ND ug/kg 5,0 8020/8015M/S Totall Xylenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020!S015M/8 I .' TPH qasollne ND mg/kg 10 8020/801SM/8 TPH D;iesel ND mg/kg 10 8020/801SM/8 Analyzed; 10/04/01 JMM Method Reference B. DOHS tUFT Manual I' . ~~~~tOry Manager cc: mg/L ; milligrams per Liter (parts per million' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm ; micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm ; millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Thi. n,,,..,rt ¡.f fllrni.h"' fnr thp. Axdusivp. use of our Customer and aoolies onlv to the samoles tested, Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330B Bakersf~eld ser...Vice Station Repair 6630 Ro edale Hwy #B BakerSf1eld, CA 93308 Attenti9n: Brett Tackett I Sample 'I1ype: DescriPJion: I i I I I I constitJents LUFT TP~ Gas, Diesel, BTEXM Meth~l terttButyl Ether (MTBE) Benz~ne. Toluene Ethylþenzene Totali Xylenes TPH Gasoline TPH 9iesel I I ! I i I I i ! ¡ I I í I I I ¡ i I Analyzec1 i I I : Method R~ference 8. DOHS IUFT Manual ! í I t I I , í Th;c ,.~nnrt J f¡ ,rniCl:h~rlln,. thllllo pov~1t l~ivA II,"P nf Ol,r C:11!dnmAr nnrl nnnlies on Iv to the samoles fested. Zalco is not responsible for report atteration or detachment. cc: ZÄLCO LlsORATORIES. INC. Analytical & Consulting Services Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled Solid Soil Sample #11-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units ND ND ND ND 39.0 ND ND ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg mg/kg mg/kg 10/04/01 JMM (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 0109310-11 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:01 DLR Method/Ref 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 10 10 8020/S015M/8 S020/B015M/B B020/B015M/8 S020/S01SM/S B020/B015M/B B020/a015M/B a020/a015M/B iL)(}(/ Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes 431I19 Armour Avenue Ba~ersfield, California 93308 I I Bakersf~Fld.. Seívice Station Repair 6630 RosFda1e ~wy #B Bakersfi ld, C~ 93308 , I i Attentio Brett Tackett i ! Descript'on: , i ZÄLCO ~BORATORIESJ IN~ Arhalytical & Consulting Services I £661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-12 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:03 e: ; Solid i 'Soil Sample #12-6' I ¡Sampled by Joyce Farmer i I ! REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/8015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/8015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/8 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/S015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/S015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S Constitu~nts LUFT TP~GaS' Diesel, BTEXM . I Meth tert¡Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benze e i I Tolue e ' Ethyl . Total XylenE~s . I TPH G soline TPH D'esel Analyzed cc: Method R 8, OOHS I 10~04/01 , ; i I I ! ferençe j FT Manual i I I I JMM ~JJºatorY Manager mglL : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR.: Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes i i \ Thi. ",,,,.,rt i. f",ni.h...rI fJ th... ...xdll,iv... "'" nf nur Customer and ooolies onlv to the samoles tested. Zoleo is not responsible for report alteration or detachment. ! i' ZALCO ~BORATORIESJ IN~ Ar¡talytical & Consulting Services 43mg Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 I ; i Bakersf'eld Service Station Repair , I 6630 Ro edple ¥WY #B BakerSfJ'eld, Cf 93308 , Attent1 n: Brett Tackett I' ' Sample ,ype: :Solid Descrip ion: Soil Sample #13-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-13 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:07 Constituents I ' LUFT TP~ Gas, Piesel, BTEXM MethY¡l tertfButyl Ether (MTBE) Benz~ne. , Tolu ne : Ethy benzen~ Tota~ XY.' len~s, TPH qasplin~ TPH rSe1 . REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S ND ug/kg 5,0 S020/S015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/S Analyze 10/04/01 JMM cc: 12 L-1O (7 d Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager Method B. DOHS UFT Manual I ~,. ___" J ,._~. ~l ~_ _"...,.. . ... ., .... o.~_..... ...,,_ _, M ,,.. __,.. _. 'o'~;. om ~_,"I. "" m'''' ,"ro"" ,,_~m. mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 2S C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limi t for Report ing !'urposes , ZhLCO L.JItsORATORIES, INC. Arnslyticsl & Consulting Services 43Œ9 Armour Avenue ! Bak~rsfield. California 93308 ¡ Bakersfi ld Service Station Repair 6630 Roskd~le HWY #B Bakersfibld, ci 9330a Attentiol: ¡Brett Tackett (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-14 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:11 Sample T T: Solid Descript:o¡;¡.: ,Soil Sample #14-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS c ,I Results Units Method Ref onst~tuents DLR LUFT TPH Gas, Diesel, BTEXM \ : ug/kg a020/a015M/a Methy tert~Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO 5.0 Benze e NO ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/8 Tolue e ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/a015M/8 EthYlfenzene NO ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/8 Totall xylen~s ND ug/kg 15.0 S020/8015M/a TPH G soline ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a TPH D 'esel ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a cc: AnalYZej' 10104101 Method ~ef~rence 8, DOHS LlUF1' Mamtêll JMM g~)Q CLry Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes This reoort iifur~ished fo~ the exclusive use of our Customer and applies only to Ihé samples tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment, I. . Z.ÄLCO LlSORATORIES. IN~ I Analytical & Consulting Services i ' 43G9 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 I' ¡ i BakersfiFl~ se~vice Station Repair 6630 Rosed~le Hwy #B Bakersfikl~, CÁ 93308 AttentioL: iBreJt Tackett ! :sol1.' d Sample Trr: ~scriPr?' Constituents LUFT TPH~G~S' Diesel, BTEXM Methy , tertJButyl Ether (MTBE) Benze e' ' TOlueLei t1 I EthYlte~zene Total, Xylenes TPH G soline I ' TPR rr' £661 J 395-0539 FAXC661J395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-15 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:41 ;Soil Sample #15-2' ,Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5,0 S020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 15,0 8020/S015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/S ND mg/kg 10 8020/S015M/8 ¡ Analyzed! 10/04iol JMM Method ~eference B. DOHS D~FiManu~l ~t~~atory Manager cc: mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million\ ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/em : mieromhos/em at 2S C romhos/em : millimhos/em at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit fer Reporting Purposes Thòc ,..nnrt ;~f..,~;ch..,¡ fn~ Ih.. Axrh"ivA ...A nf nllr Cllstomer and ooolies onlv to the somoles tested. Zo1co is not responsible for report alteration or detachment, ZALCO ~BORATORIES, INdt Amalytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 BakersfÜJ!d se!rvice Station Repair I I , 6630 ROfe~ale ~wy #B Bakersf~eld, CA 93308 I I Attenti0n:i Brett Tackett I ¡ . Sample TYPe: D . 1.1 escr1p'1qn: i I I I i i i Constitue:dts ¡ t . LUFT TPH Gas, D1esel, BTEXM I I : Meth~l itert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzene I I Tolue¡ne¡ EthyJibenzene Tota~ :rlenes TPH dasoline I: I TPH Die'sel II I Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-16 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:44 Solid Soil Sample #16-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/a ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 8020/8015M/8 cc: AnalYZe] I 10/04/01 Method Refrrence 8. DOHS L~FTManual I . I I i I \ ,! mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 2S C NO None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes JMM th~Çkry Manager ì This report is fur~ished for Ihe exclusive use of our Cuslomer and applies only 10 the samples tested, Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment, ZALCO JtBORATOFRIES, INctÞ Analytical & Consulting Services cc: 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Bakersfiri~ Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy #B Bakersfit.lr.' cA..... 9330a Attentiof<: Brett Tackett Sample T~r: Solid DescriPt'o~: Soil Sample #17-2' I Sampled by Joyce Farmer I i , I Const~tuents LUFT TP~ G~S, Diesel, BTEXM MethyQ tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benzebe I TOlueþe¡ Ethylb:efzen~ Total Xylenes TPH G¡asbline TPH diekel i I I ¡ , I I I , I ! I ¡ I I I ! i I i I I , i I Analyzed : i 10/04/01 Method leJrence .. DDH' ~u., .0""01 I I , ( I £661 J 395-0539 FAX (661J 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-17 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:46 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5,0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/a015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/a JMM lliQz~ry Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L ; micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes i I ! . .. . .~ J l...J'L _ .1<._ ,L. ....1. ..~ ,. ,... _t .. ,. .......'__M __..I _..1:__ __h". .1._ M~_I.. ........1 7NI~^ õ, ..... ............õhl.. fnr r..nnrl nl"'rntinn nr , "tn~hm"nt. ZALCO ~ORATOR ES. INC. Analytical & Consulting S;ervices 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield. California 93308 BakersfJ~lâ Service Station Repair 6630 RoJedr,le Hwy #B BakerSf~el~, CA 93308 ,J \ k Attent~OJn:1 Brett Tac ett Sample ype: Solid I Descrip ion ¡I: Soil Sample #18-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer I constitJenhs LUFT TP~G~S' Diesel, BTEXM Meth 1 tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benze el TOlue~el EthYlþenzene Total! X~lenes TPH Gjaspline TPH Die el (661) 395-0538 FAX (661) 385-3068 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-18 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 15:47 REPORT OF ,ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/B01SM/S ND ug/kg 5,0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/B015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/B015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 B020/B015M/S Analyze : 110/04/01 I I ference F1Manual JMM cc: 12LLQC( Method 8. DOHS Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billioni umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes TL.:_ ____-':_ ..._:..L._.J I...... .1..... .......1....:..... ....". .....1.....". r......................... .........1 ..........1:"'.. ""nlu..... fhA!~........."loC' +odorl 7,..11"''''' ie "nt r'øocnnnc:ihlÞ for rpnnrt nltArntinn nr dAttJ(,:hment. 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 BakerSfib~l. Service Station Repair 6630 Ros d le Hwy #B Bakersfi If' CA 93308 Attentior: Brett Tackett Sample T : Solid Descript'o ZALCO ~ORATO~IESJ INdÞ Analytical & Consulting Services (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310 -19 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:06 Soil Sample #19-2' Sampled by Joyce Farmer REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Constitu Results Units DLR Method Ref LUFT TPH Methy ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/a015M/S Benze ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/a Tolue ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/S Ethyl erene ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/S015M/S Total X lenes ND ug/kg 15.0 S020/S015M/S TPH G s line ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/a TPR DTl ND mg/kg 10 S020/S015M/S Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method RGf rence B. DOHS L Manual woc~ Robert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 2S C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Thõ. 'Annrl J f... i.h"" 'nr thA Avrl...ivp ...P nl n..r r..clnmAr nnrl nnnli". onlv to th~ samales tested. Zalco is not responsible for report alteration or detachment, i ì ZALCO ~ORATOtRIES, INCe Analytical & Consulting gervices OF !ANALYTICAL RESULTS Units DLR Method Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5_0 8020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5,0 a020/a01SM/a ND ug/kg 15.0 a020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a ND mg/kg 10 8020/a01SM/a 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330B BakerSf'elb, Service Station Repair 6630 Ro edale Hwy #B BakerSf'el~l' CA 93308 Attenti n: Brett Tackett sampl~ ~~: Solid Descr~p ~o: Soil Sample #20-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer Js REPORT Constit LUFT TP~ G s, Diesel, BTEXM Meth~l tert-ButYl Ether (MTBE) Benze¡ne Tolue¡ne Ethyllbe zene Total! X~lenes TPH ~asblìne TPH Diel el Analyzed :, 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method R ference \ 8. DOHS L FT Manual (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 09/26/01 16:09 0109310-20 09/26/01 10/15/01 ~~~~ratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/em : micromhos/em at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C NO None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes Th... r......,.....; .Jur",;ch...,.I font" tho. Qvrlllci\lll'l IICA n:f 1"\111" rlldnm,:or nnN nnnlipc; nnlv to th~ !';.omnlAS tested. Zalco is not resDonsible for report alteration or detachment. I ZALCO LA30RATOFRIES, INC_ Analytical & Consulting Services ! 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Bakersfielf Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedrle Hwy #B BakerSfiblf, CA 9330a Attentio[; Brett Tackett samPl~ ±r: Solid Descr1pt on: Soil Sample #21-2' l Sampled by Joyce Farmer Constituen s G~s, Diesel, BTEXM tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) e Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-21 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:12 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS i Method/Ref Results Units DLR ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/aOI5M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a01SM/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 15.0 a020/aOI5M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/aOI5M/8 ND mg/kg 10 8020/aOI5M/8 Analyzed ..: [10/04/01 cc: Method R~f rence 8. DOHS LUF Manual JMM g.L)£2CJ- obert Cor ez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : millig~ams pe~ Lite~ (pa~ts per million~ ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion; umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I T~:. .nnM':' ~,.l:'~A"¡ JM .hA Ayrl".:"A ..... "J ",,, r"cfnmAr "nrl nnnli..< nnlv tn .omnles tested. Zalca is not reseansible for reeort alteratian or detachment. ZALCO LlBORATO~IESI INC. Analytical & Consulting E$ervices , I 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 Bakersfiel~ Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedkle Hwy #B BakerSfíelrl , CA 93308 Attentia : Brett Tackett Sample ype: Solid . . I DescnPtT Constit en s LUFT TP G~s, Diesel, BTEXM Meth 1 ~ert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) Benz~ne Toluene EthyJ.berzene Tota~ Xvlenes TPH ~asbline TPH Diebel Soil Sample #22-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-22 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:14 REPORT RESULTS Units DLR Method Ref ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/801SM/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/8015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a ND mg/kg 10 a020/801SM/8 Analyzed 10/04/01 JMM cc: Method ·eference 8. DOHS U Manual Æ)QÇLa~ratorY Manager 1TI9/L : milligrams pel- Liter (parts per million; ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhoa/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes TL~~ ___ _....I. :_ L..__~_\.._.J 1_.. .1....._ ...._1....:.._ . ....... ....t ....... r...................... .......J ...........1:....... .......1.. ¡... r......'Y.....14C!' .ðc.o+A~ 7,..1,.,.. ic: n"t I"Ac:nnn<::ihlø fnr r :\nnrt nlt~rntinn nr rlp.tnrhmfllnt. I ZALCO t.!BORATO~IES, INC~ Analytical & Consulting Services 4309 Armour Avenue , Bakersfield I California 93308 I I I ! BakerSf~~ d Service Station Repair 6630 R0f.~'ale Hwy #B Bakers~feìd, CA 93308 Attent1ffi..I... 1 Brett Tackett Sample i.: 'e: Solid I Descrip in: Soil Sample #23-2' constit~ljts Sampled by Joyce Farmer LUFT Tpmqas, Diesel, BTEXM Metht.i. Itert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) BenzTne TOlUiJ¡J ! I Ethy benzene I I Tota !~ylenes TPH asoline : I TPH 'Tel i I \ I I (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-23 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:31 REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Results Units DLR Method/Ref I I ! ug/kg ND 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a ND ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 8020/8015M/8 ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/a015M/8 ND mg/kg 10 a020/8015M/a 7300 mg/kg 50 8020/8015M/8 cc: Analyzel I"~ 10/04/01 Method R¡elt=rence 8, DOHS D~F~ Manual JMM oratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million' ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion: umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 2S C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes ¡ I. ¡ ¡ ! I: i ; ¡ I ". " ',..... ...", ..u......I:....e' ,..",1.,..,.. tho ~""r'Y\,",loC' tøe.o~ 7,,1,.,... ic:: nnt rÞc:nnnc:.ihlp fnr rP.nnrt nltArntinn nr rfAtnc:hment. TL..:~ ____.....:_ L........:...L....."" ...... .h... .....,... ..,....... ........... ........ .... ^_...... "" Constit LUFT TP Meth Benz Tolu Ethy Tota TPH TPH Analyze cc: Method 8. DOHS T'_':. .u._ _..a. ~ ZALCO JtBORATO~IES. INC. Analytical & Consultihg ~ervices . I 4309 Armour Avenue I Bakersfield, California 93308 Soil Sample #24-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3069 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 0109310-24 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:34 I Bakersf'Efl Service Station Repair 6630 Ro e~ale Hwy #B BakerSf'~lr' CA 93308 ¡ I ï:¡ Brett T~ckett yp,e: So11d i I iT' : I en s Gb.s, Diesel, BTEXM ¡ I ~erert-ButYl Ether (MTBE) gel benzene ; I :Xrl~nes 9SEl1ne iesel ¡ REPORT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS Units DLR Method Ref NO ug/kg 5.0 8020/S015M/8 ND ug/kg 5.0 S020/a01SM/8 I NO ug/kg 5,0 S020/801SM/8 I NO ug/kg 5,0 8020/S015M/8 NO ug/kg 15,0 S020/8015M/8 J87: mg/kg 10 8020/a015M/8 mg/kg 50 8020/8015M/8 ~ 10/04/01 ! I .1 éference ¡ ~ T I M~ua1 . I JMM mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhos/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A: Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I ._L_L_..I t_~ ~t.._ _.._I.._~.._ ...._ _, _.... r..,"",___.. ..._...a ...._....t:......·: ......1"...... 4ke,. ...................1_ hu:tc.,.,t 7"1,.." to: ""t roc.t'\t"\nc:.ihlø Inr r~.n(\rt n(tArntinn nr nEdachment. . .! a ZALCO JtaORATOfBIES, INC~ Analytical & Consulting SE¡érVices 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 9330B I I REPORT RESULTS Constit I Units Method Ref en s DLR LUFT TP iG~s, Diesel, BTEXM Meth ~ . ert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) NO ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a Benz I ug/kg a020/aOlSM/a tie ND 5.0 . I Tolu ne ; NO ug/kg 5.0 a020/aOI5M/a I Ethy J:::je zene NO ug/kg 5.0 a020/a015M/a I Tota X lenes ND ug/kg 15.0 8020/aOI5M/a ! TPH as line ND mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a I TPH iesel 2600 mg/kg 10 a020/a015M/a BakerSf~1l~ Service Station Repair 6630 Ro,1~ale Hwy #B Bakersf elr' CA 9330a AttentiJi, Brett Tackett Sample JiPl: Solid DeSCripJJo Soil Sample #25-2' I I Sampled by Joyce Farmer I , Analyze 10/04/01 cc: JMM Method 8. DOHS Manual (661) 395-0539 FAX (661) 395-3068 Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled 09/26/01 13:46 0109310-25 09/26/01 10/15/01 mo~~ obert Cortez, Laboratory Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion) umhos/cm : micromhos/cm at 25 C mmhoa/cm : millimhos/cm at 25 C ND None Detected N/A: Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient Sample for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes I i i .......,_ ___.~: JJ'.L..J <._ .L. ....1.,.:.,. ..__ .< ..._ r....._M ~~..I ~~~J;_ ~"I" +~ + .,l.~m"'A. +A.....4 7nlrn;. nnt ....nnn.ihl.. fnr r..nnr! nllArolion or detochment. i ! I I I I I I ì I I I ! j i I I i 1 Analyze !' 10/04/01 II Method R..~..f1~rence 8. DOHS ~Uf Manual I I I ! II : I j , Tt..:.. .....""........ :...l.L......hø...l J,.... +h... cw,....coiuoC:lo ..C'Q...,,# ....01',. rlu::tnrn~r ,·tp·,,··1 nnnliøe nnl" tn th l:ll)I;~mnIÞ<: tAdArl 7nlrn i~ not resoonsible for reoort alteration or detachment. ZALCO ~ORATO~JES INC. Analytical & Consulting s:~rvices I ' I I \ I ¡ 4309 Armour Avenue Bakersfield, California 93308 BakerSf~~~d Service Station Repair 6630 Ro~e~ale Hwy #B Bakersf~'1d, CA 9330a AttentiJJJ¡ Brett Tackett ¡ i I! ! Sample ~Ie: Solid Soil Sample #26-6' Sampled by Joyce Farmer II Consti t ijJts LUFT TPHldas, Diesel, BTEXM Meth~~ ¡tert-ButYl Ether (MTBE) Benze.ne¡ II Tolu~ne Ethy~~erzene Tota], :X,ylel1.es TPH ,...1S¡bline TPH Jlesel Î ! I I i I Laboratory No: Date Received: Date Reported: Contract No. Date Sampled Time Sampled I I I OF IAjNALYTICAL I I I I ~esults REPORT RESULTS Units ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg mg/kg mg/kg . ND , ND ND ND ND I ND ,760 JMM cc: £661 J 395-0539 FAXC661J395-3069 0109310-26 09/26/01 10/15/01 09/26/01 16:50 DLR Method/Ref 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 15.0 10 10 a020/aOI5M/a 8020/8015M/8 a020/a015M/8 a020/a015M/8 8020/a015M/a 802o/ao15M/a a020/a015M/a ~tQte~~~ Manager mg/L : milligrams per Liter (parts per million) ug/L : micrograms per Liter (parts per billion; umhos/em : mieromhos/em at 2S C mmhos/em : millimhos/cm at 2S C ND None Detected N/A : Not Applicable NSS : Not Sufficient San~le for Analysis DLR : Detection Limit for Reporting Purposes y.-, -- ~:¢¡ <1t . troct) I' ~zs~ ~ . ,.' ~" ,\, , .' j ;. Ch,in ..of Custody Record ~< ~ . ZALCO LABORATORIES. INC. " .~'f' lj ~,4309 Armour Ave, - \ ~ '. ,1I.J.-Or'\A "ÍiLvJt., V 1j . " 8akersf¡êld. Cålifornia 933'08 Project Till . !~ I rr /"tr ¡"" l~h (661) 395'()539 UnJC1YI AUff)/Lf..; , . . < Fax' (661 ).39.5-3069 "'",Ce Chest # ,,":.,., . TemPê~úre.oc' ~~"ftiiJlwu itJ3 ..: ~',~~l~~~-- :'."þ~¡¡,: ~~f!/l~1~~I2JtJ!!Jgtn,^/1 '~;t~~~' . ~ II . ~f1¡ ¡I'f r¿,__YJ11.1v 'f,4, "'\"-->K.... -YYIC/ I ÇDt 02(""\- i {/) {/) , ........ . t-=~ 1800 S pie :ate Time' Type..... -..' Legal Sample Description Containers --ê: 8 8 I ' '0# Sampled Sampted See K~ Below ' .,. 1# Type* I i I ~. 1 .¡10 " I ~., I 91' , 7 ~1 " ." ," ."/, " i tJl.;' {!, I~' __' r 1 ?:7 /14 / .,i'b, ~ . ." --J ;: 7Þ11 I q }Pith ;'111r ~J' Shd . I (j ~Ti . :, ~~.~ .' = I -'-.. I I 1 '--" U J:z ~iJJ I ~:a'5P S -2-i ~/t(;ID I ;¿;2.~p S , . 7~' ql~tiÞÍ l~; 3-1 P S ~1.JaJ1Jd& d"31)j) s 52' C¡~/ó1 :t 4L/P S ltrlO q I~l .1...\1; tjiçri\ '5:/': 1l Cf/~WnI'):lt,n S ~ qllù_IAl ~: 5l.J)Y\ :) " , ¿2' ~Vt4I61'.' \¡ Sbl" S .- ,'1 0 ,¡ . ,j '~J ... "... " . \ ,'l:" ! -2", i ". P~~~~af" I':::::::> ..' '_}"K"IT Turnaround Time:, 'iaIJLab# ,ðl:bQ31 0 ,~,,"...' o RUSH By: " o Expedited (1 Week),:' Reld'Log #I dJRoutine '(2 WeElks) Work Order # - ~~~,~ ~ . (ltff)l~ V~markS Shi SiJì I , ~/ C\; ( /{)/ i~ ì 'f ~il ~,.I 1:Ðì I .¡ i~' I J' 'oÞ{ .. .... ~ ,J :' "',.; , i - .1'1' "foX; .- '.......~ ", , .?:' ;/ .'>." "'.. ~ '" '. . , " IT " : I, '..". NOTE: Samples are discarded 30 days after resul1s are reported unless o1her arrangements are made, Hazardous samples will be returned to client or disposed 01 at cUent's expensa. . ,,/ KEY: · G-Glass P·Plastlc M:MetaI T·Tedlar VNOA ** W..WmAf" \AI\N'..WøQtAWotar C:~C:^1t1'f D_þll"fo_I....._ · · 1_. .1.. ; "L t ";.. .,-- .. " -- Chain of Custody Recdrd .i.Î.._:.~~J. ZALCQ, LA. SORiA. JORIES, INC. <::::,,,,, 4: ;//1) . 4309 Armour Ave." ~;lìftj~ IA11 C4""tl / / Turnaround Time: Zalco Lab If "Ba_'~. California 93808 - ...;,."" Un; rt'VJ . '.f...n/~,A' . . dRUSH By: - ,', (661) 395-Ò53~ v, , ~ . .,' 0 expedited (1 Week) Field Log 1# , Fax.(661) 395-3r.¡¡69 _~"~" lce_~h~-'-,_ __, ,_~~~ure.OC _ r RoU1iD~ (2" WAAk~Ù WnrltnroiørH , .~.. '.." ._ -:~~"'":'.. . ,. ..,_. . __ ~ ::·,:=:'=='C·_'~"':~",·-":·,.:.;,: _'" ~_..;.,.'---~ __~.. -~-- .-.- -.r.::....... . ,:..,':.µ.. : :'.:'. ":'" :' , " L ,- ,- ,.T. '~.'-," ""'<;'-, . -', -. ,., - - ..-....-.. . _n' ",,_..,,_. "-'~'--'--' -- --,. .".-.-'. - .- -,. - -"~" ._~." ~ .. '~~~kc--'"Jfi!S:"~--"'- -'--,~. 'fJ'~~:::~1t~6'Ø~·ig'7ii~· F~= ~d~7./&g)1!fiiidlfle7ItVu !i8"CJ~:;:6g;~--:21g¿;u -- ~ ....- ,"u.._n.___=__._ ~ls£ëlil.lYtXI:3§¡; gl ""6€'fFIÁd-â/- .. ":wl~Y~~ uu-:l r ~-: Lab # ~rJ~fåV~ý IE~I~~' . ,~~:;t:R-.~ ill· ,Date Time \ TyPe" Legal Samplè Descr;ption C#on .tai~yepers. I~ .:;;:.. I., .,... ~(, ¡..- /i..1 § 8 I Sãmpled Sam'pled See Key èelow ,\' \ >" .... - .. J~ J. (}T . '''':¡ .. ,t ~ 7J ~l _ .I ,:t ,tl¡ 'f (~ i tz~~,k,.hr ~'.~f) 'S l?Jt ctt>JAta 3:V1M'.s '"<St,rl ~ftYin-'~q:lrÍfi- -5 ~~} (' l51lOi'lt'ido/Y;:¡1 t'\.... è---:-. '. í..,(h//M"-"",; llelr5.q/j¡;;Æ~~J.fl ~ èl\~\D~~' \\·f;.~~(\{ , ~2/ q/':/iA~J ß '~lA~N;¡ ~ "<xt; / ~ ç ~1PP¡i/~ \tt~"~ S' .~.,...~; I ~9iidJJ :fJ:/J~ ') ~Nóq h~J6l ~ ~ S {)({/ t)/fJIJ,;¡ t.¡ : r~5 ~: ~~~.. \.); u - ';' ,~ ...... . .. page~of 3 -- ~: ') ~ I '. f 1 ~ ~ i f , v no __~.._~_..~.. . ~. --. ....... ¡ ....-.. - -...."f ¡ i r ¡ ~ ..... " .-;. ""k' i ¡ ~ t , , ~ ,J; ; í: ¡ , A~l11arks ~ì I I " ~ h I , .... t\ ,\"",,·,~t . ,~. i \' f f ï of './~" . .-..- -..... ...... ...-... . ...--~.. --....----- -...-.- . .... .. / .' -. .. . , ." I ; " .~. >. .. : . ~ :..;>.--';)' ,. .. , . .. .... ¡'<i~}J¥""" ", .. , ,#i", .. I f~ ......-- I~ ,"-,,, C li " (~ . , . . f (IJ? ~i/' -'71i 1 ,;%/1 i > " .' ~. . " .,..' , - T ';" ~ " .. . .," , , .' " . . . .. . . . . : . . . _Jí)J J(\ 0 I rMllr- t\~~~. ..~ ~toInl I U~~Î~ r .. il--'l (t,--.Y .,;¿~ , .J . NOTE:' Samples are diScarded 30 days áfter results are reported unless other ammgemen1S are made. Hazardous samples will be returned to client Of' disposed of at cllent's expense, White· Offiêè Copy Yellow· Lab Copy Pink - Client cOpy KEY: · G-Glass P·Plastlc M-MetaJ T·Tedlar V-VOA I .. W-Water 'WIN-Wastewater S-Solid P·Petroleum L·Uquid· 'O-Other - A-Acld. pH<2 (HCI.HN03.~S04) S-NaOH+ZnAc C-(~ustlc. pH>~NaOH) ""-;,.~ '. -p'- . e BISB, IDe. Bakersfield Service Station Repair 6630 Rosedale Hwy., # B Bakersfield, CA 93308 ::~:~:o:~= fN 241 uni~::~:~=::SR (2+ 6K Gasoline Tank Sample 11-2' Sample 12-6" 12K Gasoline Tank Sample 7-2' Sample 8-6' Building No samples pulled. Sample 13-2' Sample 14-6' Sample 9-2' Sample 10-6' Sample 15-2' Sample 16-6' Dispenser Area - 1 Dispenser Area - 2 Sample 17-2' Sample 18-6' Sample 23-2' Sample 24-6' Dispenser Area - 3 Dispenser Area - 4 Sample 19-2' Sample 20-6' Sample 21-2' Sample 22-6' North 12K Diesel Tank Sample 5-2' Sample 6-6' Sample 3-2' Sample 4-6' Sample 1-2' Sample 2-6' Dispenser Area - 5 Sample 25-2' Sample 26-6' FINAL COpy i I! i i! Pi I ¡ If 1 il!v: ¡ - I 1--; 11\ \ i 1 i\A-¡ Klh i ! 'ii I V, r L~ V'! I ~ ' -- -- --l~)---------l~-t1Jmr-7··· WYï Â\li- , ' , I ' ' 'm~rr. . ! ! ¡ , ¡ t 1 f"" I ¡ , ¡ t ¡, i i ¡ i i ¡ i .f- t iXli : i : ¡ i ' :agr . ¡ Q:! : IN I~ i · · ¡ 'ti' i \ .~~~: ¡ i '~:.~\\t. \ : ~\) V'\: : i \:~'f '\J:~ i ¡ !.'~\i: i . ~: ' : :¿) th£' bÆ-1 ' I : , \ I: : I f I I I' , ¡ I i I I ,'. I I 'I ! !WIìt~Lt') jP;JI ' i ' I I " I ~AJ~ ft nl ;1); ~ il ¡ pv¡r¡IV~, I ' I ¡ ¡ 1)! I ! ~-+ ; : -- : I I ¡ I I I I I I I I, I I i I : ¡ ; I i I I I I "I" I I' : 1 i II I I ¡ I ¡ \ i I I I I ! I ! i I II ! I i I I I I ! I ;: 1 I I i I i I I 1 ¡ ,J.Jþ I' -!~Ui~i --s:t-:'~)I ·1r~fJ~I\Y' I I I ~! I I I I 0" j ,¡, II 1 ~ ! i I I: i I I , i i \~¡ ! ! i II I ¡ ¡ \QA~ i' I ! I 'I I i I ! ~ I !! ¡ ! !! I ¡ ¡ ¡I I - I I I -¡------- e ¡ : :--T~---i ' i I I i ! i -,+.-. - i . i , : i' I ! ~,: i{~ ; I ~¡ i 1'5 id t=1~~U Î ! ¡ , I I I i I ¡ i i : I I I! iJ -- I ! 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I ., -- -~;-~ -_:- - ~-~ ,,- - _BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTHail'. - ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICEs-' 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM CONTACT PERSON LEL% '3 <n ,..-/' t:- l' PLOT PLAN VIJ'.\ 0,", \I'll n 016t("~~ D O\~fl"~'" D D O\~~C~'l ,....... /1\ ,. r". r T" .... ,. (" . o \!lflMC\ \ ..::.J ï -, .i, I r f.! r ,~ I I~~ rè5.~ L.-- I ~.~.\ I J 3. r --I ï ï J. .:;J I r~ loj I J I _ I I,... '...9 c:1I -- I , ~ L ,-fJ CONDITION OF TANKS ~~nÁ CONDITION OF PIPING ,(119(( 'IHI fihtl'1{o(Ç ll\.fh Pc.J( St{()fI\,{f!l/'\( CONDITION OF SOIL tk(or f .SoI-kL ~ 11A1~ CJt'\. -H\ e¿ óf ,U\Í\ 3 COMMENTS cl!c~ (,./t! ( , , DATE ,~t(Itt ()V\rÍ- I'tlflOA,.( INSPECTORS MAIlE It, ¿¿wn SIGNAnIIE ~'Svv 0~ Permit No. ßCJ -tJZ[37- e CITY OF BA.SFJ ELD C~ 'if-.- ~?>?;-f OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (8Q5) 326-3979 PERi\iIIT APPLICATION FOR REi\tIOV AL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE ~"i?ll~ file/S-ADDRESS .)41 Ur1IÌ5YJ hl1Uf ZIP CODE q 89/)7. APN FACILITY NAME b Yd /()(!~-21gjS ____ CROSS STREET Y1fYYJ¿ TANK OWNER/OPERATOR -jR-/C ~ _--...._ PHÇ¡NE NO, ~.z3 - 44:J~ MAILING ADDRESS b/I:- ClqfjlJl' ;'U( CITY ~eICt_____ZIP.9 ' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION èOMPÂNY ~~ PH~ENO. ð'ifg-z:n LlC NSENO. úJ2r&3 ADDRESS ie ' ( & ~ CIIT e.. ZIP j D f INSlJRANCECARRJER - )JJfl~ '-fk?æM_~ WORKMENSCOMPNO_ 2--12-5)/~q~ PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT INFORMATION . COMPANY PHONE NO. ~n'6'2JJJ~ LICENSE NO. (PÎ2~Jz. ADDRESS J -t£ ' _ CITY . -~1!/J{lj ZIP q~?;o'g INSURANCE CARRIER ORKMENS CaMP NO, U}~'2-- I 25JLPQr ____ TANK CLE :"lING INFORMATION COMPANY ADDRESS D WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICA TION NU1ytB~R _ NAME OF RINSA~ Df~CtLW'~ ADDRESS ..jJ;) J ar-,· FACILITY IDENTIFICATTÓN NUMBER N JIr . TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATIO~ cOMrANYJj{g't>l:&1.2~¡f/:¿f1:1zJ/J \. YIl/l-&HONE NO. ðE!l~ZJ ~ LIÇ!;NSE NO. ~'~J~ ADDRESS .-t>f-- 5 ~ . CIIT __Vt;rì e teL. ZIP -- ?;r¡T TANK DESTINA TrON .' ïil'fJ Sft1f:'( fflt..:/t) Is . - . TANK INFORMA nON CHEMIC AL TANK NO_ AGE VOLUME STORED =í~~= _=~-- . 'f#= !i{¡Æ?~ DATES CHEMICAL STORED PREVIOUSL Y STORED fJilU-------.---- -- --~-------- YLrJÿ-¡ ~ . -- ----------- ------ ---..--- ~.'~------ Fur Ot1ici31 \;sc On! APPLICAT(6NriATi~:~~~;i'~)(f08~Ä~~~~m~~~;~:~~~0~)¿~~~ '1'111: AP/,i ,.'eANT I fAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS. AND WILl. COMPr. Y WITH THE A1TACf lED CONDITrONS OF TI liS l'I-:lHvHl/\ND ANY OTílER STATE. LO<':AL AND FEDERAL. REGULATIONS. II ¡IS H>RM IIA~ IJI:IiN COMPLETlil) UNDER PENALTY or pmUURY. AND TO TILE UESTOF MY J{NOWI.I: )OE rs TR( E ,vw C ¡<I<rCI ,.,..-:-- __ _,. "7(01 'í3r~t+ A.I~~1"fz::=-- APPI.lC^N'r N^ME (PRINT) APP('(C^NT SI<JN^ TUlU! THIS APPLICATION BECOME A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ... --~--....;;;;;." -------- -.. - FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399·4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 -- .- January 22,2001 Cardlock Fuels #1 241 Union Ave Bakersfield Ca 93307 RE: Dispenser Pan Requirement December 31, 2003 Underground Storage Tank Dispenser Pan Update Dear Underground Storage Tank Owner: You will be receiving updates from this office now, and in the future with regard to the Senate Bi11989, which went into effect January 1, 2000. This bill requires dispenser pans under fuel pump dispensers. On . December 31, 2003, which is the deadline for compliance, this office will be forced to revoke your permit to operate, effectively shutting down your fueling operation. It is the hope of this office, that we do not have to pursue such action, which is why this office plans to update you. I urge you to start planning now to retro-fit your facilities. If your facility has upgraded already, please disregard this notice. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3190. Sincerely, Jl~ ./ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~7~ ~ W~ ~ ~0Pe.r~ ~ Y?~" <'1' ee tie ., Tanlcnology 8900 Shoal Creek Blvd, Building 200 Austin, Texas 78757 Phone: (512) 451-6334 Fax: (512) 459-1459 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES INSPECTOR STEVE UNDERWOOD 1715 CHESTER AVE., 3RD FLOOR BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93301 RECEiVED ,h.W 222001 fNVtRO~' ~r;,RVICES Test Date: 12/21/2000 Order Number: 3114856 Date Printed and Mailed: 12/28/2000 Dear Regulator, Enclosed are the results of recent testing performed at the following facility: CARDLOCK FUEL #001 241 UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA. 93307 Testing performed: Line tests Sincerely, -:D~ K~ Dawn Kohlmeyer Manager, Field Reporting CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTING :t~ »:Jnknology 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST TYPE: TLD-l PURPOSE: COMPLIANCE TEST DATE: 12121/00 CUSTOMER PO: WORK ORDER NUMBER: 3114856 CLIENT: CARDLOCK FUEL P.O. BOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 SITE: CARDLOCK FUEL #001 241 UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 De Len Holbrook (714) 744-7141 Manager (111) 111-1111 The following test(s) were conducted at the site above in accordance with all applicable portions of Federal, NFPA and local regulations Line and leak Detector Tests 87 89 DIE. 1 REG UNLEAD 2 MIDGRADE 3 DIESEL 0.000 0.000 0.000 P P P y y y Tanknology appreciates the opportunity to serve you, and looks forward to working with you in the future. Please call any time, day or night, when you need us. Tanknology representative: KEN MINTON Services conducted by: SCOTT HAPP /¿ -f1 ~ ~~.+ c: Reviewed: Technician Certification Number: 98-1611 Printed 01/03/200116:20 KOHLMEYER INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS ~r-~ 7ánknology 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 TEST DATE:12/21/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL WORK ORDER NUMBER3114856 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL #001 Tank 10: 87 1 Product: REG UNLEAD Capacity in gallons: 6,061 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 196 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: YES Overfill protection: YES Overspill protection: YES Installed: ATG CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 154.0 159.0 52.0 4.0 DUAL BALANCE Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in see: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: NOT TESTED Ullage NOT TESTED NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS DW F:IBERG 2.0 50.0 50 145 40 07:50 08:30 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Impact Valves Operational: YES Printed 01/03/2001 16:20 INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS 1- ~ n:.nknology TEST DATE:12/21/00 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 WORK ORDER NUMBER3114856 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL #001 Tank 10: 89 2 Product: MIDGRADE Capacity in gallons: 12,000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: YES Overspill protection: YES Installed: CP installed on: I I Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 154.0 159.0 51.0 4.0 DUAL BALANCE Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS ,"'i¡if_.l"~I. New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mllm: Metering psi: Calib, leak in gph: Results: NOT TESTED Ullage NOT TESTED NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS DW FIBERG 2.0 50.0 50 160 40 08:35 09:15 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Impact Valves Operational: YES Printed 01/03/2001 16:20 ¡, INDIVIDUAL TANK INFORMATION AND TEST RESULTS :Jl~ DJnknology TEST DATE:12/21/00 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 WORK ORDER NUMBER3114856 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL #001 Tank ID: DJ:E. 3 Product: DJ:ESEL Capacity in gallons: 12,000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: NO Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: YES Overspill protection: YES Installed: CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 155.0 160.0 52.5 4.0 NONE NONE Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS New/passed Failed/replaced New/passed Failed/replaced L.D, #1 L.D. #1 L.D. #2 L.D. #2 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: NOT TESTED Ullage NOT TESTED NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS DW FJ:BERG 2.0 75.0 50 140 30 09:27 09:57 0.000 PASS PRESSURE RED JACKET NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Impact Valves Operational: YES Printed 01/03/2001 16:20 ee SITE DIAGRAM .t~ 71:Jnlmology ee 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE: 12/21/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL WORK ORDER NUMBER3114856 SITE: CARDLOCK FUEL #001 ~ ~ CXX) VENTS § TLS 250 OFFICE ...... 0 I\:) C ^ en r CARDLOCK FUELS #1 241 UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD 00 ^ w s.r #blpOS #6 <D D¡¡s #4 <:[þ #3 #7 o pos #1 <D []> #2 Printed 01/03/2001 16:20 KOHLMEYER -- . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME è,k.tJJJQt.J, kt-f- (~ ADDRESS~ ÙlI\lntr-.. A\.J"L FACILITY CONTACT INSPECTION TIME INSPECTION DATE 10 In (oo PHONE NO. f{OO-l/l/1 ~ IL.-/) BUSINESS ID NO. 15-210- _ NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES--L.h vŸùtf\/ll t Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program D Routine ~mbined D Joint Agency D Multi-Agency D Complaint D Re-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Appropriate pennit on hand \I / Business plan contact infonnation accurate V / Visible address / V V / Correct occupancy Verification of inventory materials vi Verification of quantities V.... Verification of location 1./ ~ Proper segregation of material V Verification of MSDS availability V Verification of Haz Mat training \/ Verification of abatement supplies and procedures V '" () 11' St)~ b. £L"'~. the..kruJ ~I\ ,,\\~'I" Emergency procedures adequate ¡J Containers properly labeled V Housekeeping vi Fire Protection V Site Diagram Adequate & On Hand V C=Compliance V=Violation Any hazardous waste on site?: Explain: DYes DNo White - Env. Svcs. Yellow - Station Copy Pink - Business Copy Inspector: Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326-3979 · CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME (1ltvrl l~c,(t Fttdb INSPECTION DATE ID f itl DO Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine [BiSombined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank nwFéC; Type of Monitoring ÆTCn o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 3 Type of Piping ,~uJF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile ¡/ Proper owner/operator data on tile J Permit tees current ~ Certification of Financial Responsibility ¡,.. V Monitoring record adequate and current tI Maintenance records adequate and current V Failure to correct prior UST violations II Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No ¡,."""- Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=CompJiance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO Inspector: Oftice of Environmental Services (80 ) 326-3979 White - Env. Sves, Pink - Business Copy /7' (. ' CERTIFICAT~F UNDERGROUND STORAGE aK SYSTEM TESTING 1-. DmImoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST DATE: 07/25/00 CUSTOMER PO: TEST TYPE: TLD-1 CLIENT: CARD LOCK FUEL P.O. BOX 4159 ORANGE, CA 92863-4159 De Len Holbrook (714) 744-7141 The l'onowing test(s) were conducted at the site above in accordance w Line and Leak Detector Tests 87 89 DIE. 1 REG UNLEAD 2 MID GRADE 3 DIESEL y y y P P P Tanknology appreciates the opportunity to serve you, and looks forward to working with YOll in the future, Please call any time, day or night, when you need liS, Tanknology representative: KEN MINTON Services conducted by: RICHMOND PHILLIPS /¿ f1 ~«_ .',," Reviewed: Technician Certification Number: 91-1071 '- Printed 08/10/2000 17:30 KOHLMEYER ., i¡ .~ INDIVI /- J \ TEST DATE: 07 /25/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL L TANK INFORMATION A r., DJnImoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 TEST RESULTS WORK ORDER NUMBER31129791 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL #001 TanklD: 87 1 Product: REG UNLEAD Capacity in gallons: 6,061 Diameter in inches: 96. 00 Length in inches: 196 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: Overspill protection: Installed: CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 154.0 159.0 52.0 4.0 COAX SIST Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Newlpassed Failedlreplaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in see: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mllm: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: NOT TESTE] Ullage RED JACKET FX1V 013197-2650 3.00 16 55 189.0 10 3.00 PASS NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS ~ DW FIBERG 2.0 50.0 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED PRESSURE RED JACIŒT Impact Valves Operational: UNKNOWN Printed 08/1012000 1 :30 :1 ,j ., ~ '~ INDIVI -. ,r- ( TEST DATE: 07 /25/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL TEST RESULTS J\L TANK INFORMATION A ~", DJnknoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 WORK ORDER NUMBER311297 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL 1001 Tank 10: 89 2 Product: MIDGRADE Capacity in gallons: 12 ,000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: YES Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: Overspill protection: Installed: CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 1"54.0 159.0 51.0 4.0 COAX SIST Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate mllm: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: New/passed Failed/replaced L.C. #1 L.C. #1 RED JACKET FX1V 013197-2690 3.00 14 60 189.0 10 3.00 PASS NOT TESTEJ Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS ",-. .j Ullage NOT TESTED COMMENTS DW FIBERG 2.0 50.0 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED PRESSURE RED JACKET NOT TESTED NOT TESTED Impact Valves Operational: UNKNOWN Printed 08/10/20001 :30 INDIVID ,.-- ( - TEST DATE:07 /25/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL WORK ORDER NUMBER311297 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL ##001 TanklD: DIE. 3 Product: DIESEL Capacity in gallons: 12 ,000 Diameter in inches: 96.00 Length in inches: 387 Material: DW STEEL COMMENTS L TANK INFORMATION A t-~ DInknoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 TEST RESULTS Tank manifolded: NO Vent manifolded: NO Vapor recovery manifolded: NO Overfill protection: Overspill protection: Installed: CP installed on: / / Bottom to top fill in inches: Bottom to grade in inches: Fill pipe length in inches: Fill pipe diameter in inches: Stage I vapor recovery: Stage II vapor recovery: 155.0 160.0 52.5 4.0 NONE NONE Dipped Water Level: Dipped Product Level: Probe Water Level: Ingress Detected: Water Test time: Inclinometer reading: VacuTect Test Type: VacuTect Probe Entry Point: Pressure Set Point: Tank water level in inches: Water table depth in inches: Determined by (method): Result: COMMENTS New/passed Failed/replaced L.D. #1 L.D. #1 Bubble Make: Model: SIN: Open time in sec: Holding psi: Resiliency cc: Test leak rate ml/m: Metering psi: Calib. leak in gph: Results: NOT, TESTEJ, Ullage RED JACKET FX1V 0J.3J.97-2683 3.00 14 55 189.0 10 3.00 PASS NOT TESTED COMMENTS Material: Diameter (in): Length (ft): Test psi: Bleedback cc: Test time (min): Start time: End time: Final gph: Result: Pump type: Pump make: COMMENTS \ . ',-- DW FIBERG 2.0 NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED NOT TESTED PRESSURE RED JACKET Impact Valves Operational: UNKNOWN Printed 08/10/2000 1/ ,30 ~ ~ONITOR SYSTEM CERTIFiA TION . TANKNOLOGY Test "Date: r, í . Work Order #: 07/25/2000 -.------- Client: CARDLOCK FUEL P.O. BOX 4159 ORANGE. CA. 92863 Site: CARDLOCK FUEL #001 241 UNION AVE BAKERSFIELD. CA. 93307 Overall System Operation The pumps; Shut down automatically if the system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electronically disconnected, The system has functioning audible and visual alanns. The circuit breaker for the system is properly identified. The system is certified operational per manufacturer's performance standards. Product Tank Monitoring: [X J Double waU Make: . VEEDER-ROOT Model: J Single wall FLOAT Type: _AN.NlI.LAR SPACE LIQUID How many: 1-______ Operational: (Automatic tank gauge, annular space vapor probe, annular space liquid probe, hydroguard system, vadose zone monitor well, groundwater monitor well) I Comments: . 3-atg Ol)~~at~:nal Product Piping Monitoring: [X ] Double wall Make: . VEEDER-ROOT Model: ] Single wall FLOAT . Type: _SlIMr..Ll.QlI:IIl.-SENSº-~_ How many: 3 Operational: (Piping sump liquid sensor, piping trench liquid sensor, electronic line pressure sensor, mechanical line leak detector) I ~=ents Other Monitoring Systems: Make: Model: Type: How many: ------ Operational: "----. [Comments: ------.-----..-- i '-.~.. Technician: RICHMOND PHILLIPS Technician Signature: 3112979 [X ] Yes [ [X]Yes [ [X ] Yes [ [X]Yes [ [X ] Yes [X J Yes ) Yes .... .' <;.¿:<'i;';~:~~;:; ".~:::;:. .' j' t L 0 ] 0 ] h 0 ] f-~ (. ¡." "DJnknoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST DATE:07/25/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL WORK ORDER NUMBER:3112979 SITE:CARDLOCK FUEL 1001 COMMENTS Monitor and Leak detectors only per Charlie PARTS REPLACED HELIUM PINPOINT TEST RESULTS (IF APPLICABLE) ~v Printed 08/10/2000 17:30 KOHLMEYER ~ e SITE DIAGRA. -" "DJnknoIogy 8900 SHOAL CREEK, BUILDING 200 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78757 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 ¡ ,-..--- ( TEST DATE: 07/25/00 CLlENT:CARDLOCK FUEL WORK ORDER NUMBER3112979 SITE: CARDLOCK FUEL #001 @posl #1 <DO> #2 I ~ ~ CXXJ VENTS ~ ITLSI í 250 , CARDLOCK FUE:_S #1 -u OFFICE 241 UNION A~ E ~ (X) r \) ~ 0 BAKERSFIEL! ^ (j) \) C ^ Cf) r I , , #8<cþ I POS I #6 <D CJ¡¡; #4 <cþ #3 #7 UNION AVE f"' to "-- " Printed 08/10/2000 17:30 KOHLMEy\Î: R .. w e e JUN-30-00 FRI 14:45 FROM B.S.S.R_ · (r- : BSSR I . '.',' \ . ... 6630 RosedaIe Hwy Bakø'Sf"tEIId êa.93306 Ph E61.588-2777 C~LIB~TION FORM Calibration No. 1-1444 INC. P.02 "¿¡cB43Cf,3 .... . on. company: (-4-" {) L ~., ;' k: t;', ðl~ . ~íte Information: u ^ I r') þ\. Å vi . ,. .... h~::~'. . ,Notes: ..-,.-....~ "./1 ...rl-~ £'/7~ f/~ ':'~3":' f1 T....... F_ Slow . ',' Start '. F",~ BefOl'Ø After Before After Gràde 1"':~' :i, Gradë~'j Gräœ3~ .; Griite4":~ : . I Ù'...~i,(.. t::« f_ ,_ I I -+4 -.:. -+\..01 +a ~..:~:.\., ~ TotaIlMr F8$t Slow :... F'rnísh Before Mer start Before MfIl · Gr_r:î' Grøœ2 .:¡ , Gm<te 3-: dníœ4':;: ,D;~~~t. ",I. aeg ,~ ...... . +1 '~;'~:¡::f3 Total,..,. .. Fast Slow : · . Start F'",ísh Before Aft(!I Before Met , Grade 1: ':': . GdtcJè 2": '~ ' I~u" ' ~t!""6t.4n t..f1 .....~ ø -j-~ r7( · Grtide"3 :":;'. r I' Grâél!'4.'; ~ ' i..~~ y: .. TotdMt . Fast Slow Start Finish BefOl'Ø After Before Afler · ..: ~ . . . , "àde 1 _ ;' , .. ·:_,2 :.f, va¡.(~ 'Z. /')~ 4 & cr -. Gràde3....~ ~4··:';' f ~i··! IS TotaSIMr Fat Slow , - .. Start . Finish Before Mer BefOl'Ø Mer Grärre L.·; Giáie2;~ Giaife"3 ';:' d... 4 :.~ , D'·II'f..øl ..,tn' ~() "10 .+ , .~ :+. :,,:'~p':'?i " Totel"', Fat Slow "" Start Finìsh Before Mer Before Mer Gisde , ':> G'rÐi:Jo 2 .::.: . G'r8ðe 3·:;::( , ., cji...:..:i· IÐ .«tSt.l. I'" ....."'" 'B-1 ....:1. . ,..,.~ , p,.,mp,~" f#7 Totelleer Fast Slow Start Finish BEIcte Aft.èt Before After GI'IJd& 1··~ :; l\.ahl 1-i"1 -t IX ~2-· 'i3fàdi: 3, GÍ'aiJe4 ".: .. .' '~~~õ m.J TotlllJøer Fast Slow Start Finish Befae Msr BefOl'Ø Mer Gi'ilœF'! tJt'\t.;. . ,..... '.J-¡ t\ £) +ri.. GÌ'äiIê 2 :: ' GÌi!ëIe"3.:·;;l· "1~4Yf .' , " I " f .... · ,', "'," :.,,': · ' ..... · " " , ;;!:.": .' , , " ( .. '--.....-' · ~ TOTAL DUEL ,. P1"C ~I-t 0 +A· IH..ï 'C:) ~f . î " ~:. ~ .;,.';:' " :; ~ .~:. f 'i I CusIome< Signature I .. :f . ',...:, IrÞtclrJ'..¡.o1'Þ( ;2(('" nlu.i ' , I Dare: j ,,: . , ~ . ßí -Of)~L( -pi (d/. 'JL( ß? CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA (805) 326-3979 APPLICATION TO PERFORM A TANK TIGHTNESS TEST FACILITY Ccw£lo e/L::I£. / ADDRESS Zti/ {¡ t1 lðl1 4-v<€- PERMIT TO OPERATE # OPERATORS NAME I OWNERS NAME LAt'pt.!öe.-!c f!ix.¿/( NUMBER OF TANKS TO BE TESTED IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTED 3 TANK # VOLUME CONTENTS I foiL ~utV/ Z- /L /¿ (YI1~ßt'4-~~ :] /¿Ie {)I~e-( TANK TESTING COMPANY 74n-lcnDlo~r - NOr:::: / 3~~ð~ I MAILING ADDRESS ~ '? S-l C éDtk"......e ('Lf" C~~ Dr. '/~~,,~ 1& I t?fl Q¿)7Ò I NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON /~ (lIt~ /{ 901-;]Of-/Z/7 TEST METHOD 1(~() - ( NAME OF TESTER R,c.Ju ~ fit (I ~ (5" CERTIFICATION # 10 7 / DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDUCTED 7-.::LÇ- /ol!f/l1 DATE / 7- 27-éC' CITY OF BAKERSFIELD .FICE OF ENVIRONMENTÞASERVICES 171~hester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 9~OI (661) 326-3979 e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS - UST FACILITY TYPE OF ACTION (Check one //em only) o I. NEW SITE PERMIT o ), RENEWAL PERMIT o 4. AMENDED PERMIT o 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (SÞectfy ~nge . /0(;" u. only) o e, TEMPORARY SITE ClOSURE P8ge _ of _ o 7, PERMANENTLY CLOSED SITE o e, TANK REMOVED 400 ! BUSINESS NAME (S-. _ FACILITY NAME! ", DBA . Oaingllulin_ Aa) I I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 3 FACILITY ID . 401. FACILITY OWNER TYPE g I. CORPORATION o 2, INDIVIDUAL o ), PARTNERSHIP o 4, LOCAL AGENCYIDISTRICT" o 5, COUNTY AGENCY" 06, STATE AGENCY" o 7, FEDERAL AGENCY· 402. -\-f'e.-e 1- BUSINESS TYPE o 1. GAS STAnOH o 2. OISTRI8UTOR j TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS I REMAINING AT SITE o 3, FARM g 5. COMfÆRCIAL o 4. PROCESSOR 0 e. OTHER 403. fa teciIIy onlnclan ~ ", " __ of UST a puÞIIc: agency. name of IU MtViIor of 1NIIIancII? dvIIIon. section ", oIIIc:e whJdI operat.1he UST. (11Iia ia Ihe oanl8C:l IerICII'I for !he lank -œ.) 404. Ov. 8No 405. 406. IL PROPERTY OWNER INFORMA11ON PROPERTY OWNER NAME! i :r 0 + Uo ì(\\\.~ I MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ! ~ 1(" ~1:0\ leA i <ßD..ke '-e.-ld. PROPERTY OWNER TYPE o 1. CORPORATION 407. PHONE 406. ~ - 409. IQ 2. INDMDUAl o 3. PARTNERSHIP 410./ STÔ~ o 4, LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT o 5, COUNTY AGENCY 411./ qC0330'S o e. STATE AGEJ«::( o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY 412. 413, ~ ',. . ßL TANK OWNER INFORMATION. ., 414. .......:.:'. 415. 416. S 1. CORPORATION o 2. INDMOUAl o 3. PARTNERSHIP 417. / STATE CA o 4, LOCAL AGEJ«::( I DISTRICT o 5, COUNTY AGENCY 418./ ~qCO~ <66'3 _ Lf /69 419, o e. STATEAGEJ«::( 420, o 7. FEDERAL AGENCY TV (TK) HQ : IV, BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Call (916) 322·9669 If questions arise 421. .;. ,; ::. ' . . '.. . .,,". V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY INOICATEMETHOO(S) 0 1. SELF-INSURED o 2. GUARANTEE ' o 3. INSURANCE o 4. SURETY BOND o 5. LETTER OF CReoIT o e. EXEMPTION &it 7. STATE FUND o 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER o 9, STATEFUHD&CO o 10. LOCAL GOV'T MECHANISM o 99. OTHER: 422, VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS CIIeck one tIoIlO Indc:aIe wtIidI ~ IhouId be UNCI for 1egII1ICIIIIIeaIIoI. II'Id m8lflng. Legal ~ II'Id m8IIn I wII be MIll 10 !he'" __ un-. tIoIl ",211 dMICked. o 1, FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER ~ 3. TANKOWNEA 423. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE 425. 428, , STATe UST FACILITY NU~ (FotIOMl_ 0IIIy 428, I'. UPGRADe CERTIFICATe NUt.IIeR (For /oeM UH only) 429./ UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMS\swrc:Þ-a.wpd fYPI; OF ACTION I C"..,k ~". ,,.,,, oIIIy) CITY Of BAKERSFIELD E OF¡.¡lCE OF ENVIRONMENTALM=RVICES 171S Ctller Ave., Bakersfield, CA 933"'(661) 326-3979 . ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 o " NCW 'ITI! Pl!AMlT 0 4. AMeNOl!O PeRMIT ". of o 8, TEMPOAAAY SITE CLOSURI! o I, PER~NTL Y ClOseO ON SITE o 8. TANK IU!MOII1:0 o " 0iAHQI! OF INFORMATION) o 3. ReNewAl Pf!RMlT ISlI«#I-- . "" IOUI uH oIIIy) ISlI«#I cIIMtge . "" IOUI.... only) ANKI . I. TANK DESCRIP110H c TANK use : r& 1. MQTOA VЫU I'\JI!L : IIf_rltMJ.~"""" rw») ì 0 2. NON-FUEl PE'TACl£IJM , 0 3. CHEMICAL PAOOUCT ¡ 0 4, HAZARDOUS WASn (1nt:IudN i U-.1 0#) ¡ 0 95. UNI<NO'It'N I ! TYPE OF TANK I (Ch«k OM AIm ody) TANK MATERIAl· IItIMIy .... ~ ICIIðck OM iIMI only) COMPARTMENTAlIZEO TANK 0 Y. ~ No If OY.', oemp et. one øage for Nd'I oem~ent. 4 L TANK CONTINTI 43t ~TYPt! o ,.. REGUAA UNLI!AOEO o 111. PREMIUM tH.EACED o 1e. IoC)QfW)E tH.EACED o 2. LEAOEO Iii 3. 0ESEl o 4. GASOHOl. o 5. JET FUa. EJ e. AVIATION FUEL 0.. OTHER CAS' (&om HazatØous ~ ~ ¡»ge) ... .. COI&C)N HAM!! (&om ~ ..___ "'-'*"'>' ¡»ge) ~1 o 1. SNiU! WALL :m 2. OOUIU! WALL .. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOft MEMIIRNE LIfER 04. SN3lEWALLlfAVAUlT 443 o 5. SINGlE WALL'MTH IHTEfINAL 8t.ADOER SYSTEM ON. UN<NOWN 0.. OTHER o 5. CONCRETE 0 N. UNKNOWN o So FRPCQM>ATl8lEW"00%~ 0., OTHER o 1. IIAÆ STEEl o 2. STAItoUSS STEEl o 3. FI8EROI.ASS, PlASTIC ':S. 4. STEEl ClAD WfFIBERGlASS RElNFORŒD PlASTIC (FRP) o 3. FIBERGlASS I PI.AST1C J!!t. 4. STEEl ClAD WlFIBERGlASS REINFORCED PlASTIC (FRP) o 5, CONCR£TE o 3. EPOXY L...o o 4. PHEHOUC L...o bf»I_ OA Te 1NS'fAU.S> 449 ~ 1 TANK MATERIAl· ~.... 0 ,. IIAÆ STEEl. ICh«k one ""'" ody} 0 2. STAØ.ESS STEEl TANK INTERIOR ~ OR COATING , IC/I«ff OM 11m My} SPILL AND OIl1:RFlLL I I 1 IC"..,k " cn.t apply} I I r-' 1 o e. FRPCQM>ATl8lEWI'OO%~ o t. FRP NQH.COAAOOIBLE JACIŒT o 10. COATED STEEL 095. UNKNOWN 0.. OTHER ~ DATE INSTAU.ED 447 o 1. IUI8IR UN!D IJ 2. AIJM) IJNIG o 5. 0lAS8 LINING . .. UNLINED ON. UNKNOWN IJ.. OTHER 44ð ~3. F1IEAOlASS RI!N'OAŒD P\ASTIC 0 N. UNI<NOYttI o 4. It.IPAESSeD CURRENT 0.. OTHER o ,. toWU'ACT\JN!D CATHOOIC PAOT!CT1OH o 2. SACRIfICIAL ANOOE Y!ARINSTAlLED ~ TYPE(~/oeMu..ody} 451 ~. SPIlLCOHTANENT ~WLÙ í'kF;)ls...~ PIJ\S ¡;z( 2. DAOP rule V n \< now N ..0 P I..A..J W;. STAICIAPtATI U \'\ KY\Ðo1lÙ S fnd ~!';'. ...: .~;~;-~'>.~,>'!~'~" ·.~:.~,'T~KLBAIC 448 (~/OeM _ My) OVEAFIU. PROTECTION EOUIP1.ENT: Y!AR INSTAU.ED v~2 J' t> -/ UfI,-"OWrv If) 1. ALAAM 1Jr'I\,coou! &6 3. FILL TUBE SHUT OFF VAlIl1: _ J V nl<..oow¡\) Ii2I 2. BAl.L. FLOAT 0 4. EXEMPT 101, i 02. 03, 04. ., SlNO~ WALL TAMe {CItecIt.. ..., ~ VISUAL (I!JCIIOSIO PORTION ONL V) AUTOMATIC TNI< OAUOIHO (ATO) CONTINUOUS A TO STATISTICAlIM/I!HTOAY IœCONClUATIOH (SIA) . 81eNNIAL TNI< TIISTINO ",.~", :;'~~r·'::,/:..~j·:.· .,,;" '. "..... '.~}~~¿.. 483 ... DOUBU WAU. TANK OR TANK WITH IILADOP (CMdI OM .", orJyJ: 454 o ,. VISUAL (SINGU! WALL IN VAUI. TONI. V) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 3, MANUAl MONITORING I' ¡ ¡ I!'TIMArI!ODATlLASTU8IO~V) .... 05. MANUAL TNI<GAUGINO(MTO) o e. VADOSE ZONe 07, GROUNDWATER o e. TANK TESTING a.. O'Oil!R V. TANK CLOIUg IN'ORMATION I PIRMANINT CLOSURIIN PLAce UTlMATIIO QUANTITY Of' SUISTANCIIWoWNNJ .... TANK FILLeD WITH INI!In' MATllAIAL" 467 UPCF (7199) GIIIorIt Ov. ONÒ S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8. ,^",O CITY OP IAKIRSFlELD OIIPlCIOII INVIRONMINTAL SIRVICIS e. C..... A.... ..Ic..fleld, CA .3301 (tt1J . w. ...... CONI1RucmaN iO** II lilt",., un 0'_ PMI ~-.-- .. UNOMCJM)UND PIPING SYSTeM TVI'! .~. PAISSURI a 2. SUCTION a J. OAAVITY .... CONSTRUCTIONI' 8!'" SINOLI! WALL. a J, UNI!D TRINCH a... OTHeR 480 : MANUFACTlJRERIO 2. OOUIL! WALL. a II. uNKNOWN ¡ MANUFACTURe.- 481 i 10"1WU!ST!!L CJ.. FRPcoa.ATIaI.,CIØa.mHNO. j MATERIALS AND 0 2. STAIHU!SSSTll!1. CJ 7. cw.VAHIZ!OSTEa ~:~~':. :03, PlÄSTlCCOWATa1!wmtCONTENTS 011. UNICNOWN ¡~, F18ERCUSS a .. FL!XIILI (HOP!) 0 SII. OTHeR , ;0 S. STEEL "" COATIifG 0 t. CA'n4OOIC PROTICT1ON 484 0 5, STEEL WI COATING VI. .-.,.0 LÞK DlTECT10N (C/IØ II lilt"'" I UNDERGfIOUND PIPING i PRESSURIZED P1PINO (CItecII II lilt WIt): o ,. ELECTRONIC LINI! U!N< DETECTOR 3.0 OPH TEST mDI AUTO JI\MI SHUT OFF FOR IJ!N(, SYSTEM FAILURI!. AND SYSTEM D480CI J8:TION . AII)eU! AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONnt.Y G.2 GAt illY o 3. ANNUAL INf!GRfTY TEST (0. 1 CFH) ~SUCTlClNSVSTEUI: , œr s. OAIL v VISUAL MONITOAINO OF.fIUIoIIING SYSTEM . TAIØNAL fIllING IN11!GRITY I TEST (0.1 QPH) I SAFe SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES II BOWOAOUNDPFING): o 7. SELF MONrTORINO GRAVITY FlOW: o t. ~ INÆGIUTY TEST (0.1 CFH) MCONDMILY CON1'ME)....... PRESSURIZED PI'INO (C1tet:Ic II lilt WI1J: - - . 10. E T\JA8N! SUMP SEN8ORmDlAUOIIILE ANDVlSUALALARM8AND ( -) .. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A U!N< OCCURS . . o Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND 8Y8TEM DISCONI'IECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AIITOMo'TIC lN! LfA ( De1'ECTOR (3.0 OPH TU1') mDI FLOW SHUTOFF OR AUnaCTIOH ... o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRfTY TEST (0.1 CFH) SUCTIOft'GAAVITY SYSTEM: o IJ. CONTNICIUS SUWIENlOR . AUDB.II AND VllUALAtNIMI ., I!JØIJtO!NCY OIl!mtA1œ.t ONLV (attct "......, o 14. CONTIMJOU8... 8EN8ORmDDaAUTO PUaoP 8HU1'OFF .AUDaI!AND VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AIITOMo'TIC LINI! L£AK DETeCTOR (3.0 OPH TU1') mItDa FLOW SHUT OFF OR AESTRICTIOH Ole. ANHUAlINT'EGMVTEST(O.1 QPH) o I 7, DAILY VISUAL CHECK AIOVlQROUNO PlPINO o 2. SUCTION 095. UNKNOWN o III, OTHER o ,. GRAVITY o I, PAl!SSUAE o I. SINGU!WALL o 2. OOUBLI! WALL MANUFACTURER o " BARE mEl o 2. STAINÌ.ISS STEEL o 3. PlASTIC COMPATIBLE IMTH CONTÐfTS o 4. FI8EAGlASS ~. -: ~, 4t 0.. FRPCOWATlIL£WIIClØMeTHANol a 7. cw.VAHIZ!O STEEL o .. FU!XIIU! (HOPe) 0 II. 0ntER o .. CATHODIC PROTECTION o 95. UNKNOWN ~ :·:·v~·-t A8QVEGROUNO PIPING ~ PRESSURIZED PIPING (CltecllII //la, WIYJ: o 1. ELeCTRONIC lINE L£AK DETECTOR '.0 OPH TEST mDlAUTO JI\MI SHUT OFF FOR lEAl<. SYSTEM FAILURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONNECT1ON . AUOIIILE AND VISUAL ALARMS CJ 2. MONTHLY D.2 OPH TEST Ü I. ANNUAL IN11!GRnY TEST (0.1 CFH) CJ ... IWt,Y VISUAL QtECI( CONVEHrIOHAL SUCTION SYITÐotS (Checll1I lilt IfIIJ/1}: CJ 5. OM. Y VISUAL MONITORING OF f'IOING AHO PUMPtNO SYSTEM o .. TRIÐNAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 QPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN saowGAOONO PIPING): o 7. SELF MONI'TOAINO GRAVITY FlOW (C/IØ 1I".,.wJ: o .. OM. Y VISUAL MONITORING o .. BIENNIAL IN11!GRnY TEST (0.1 GPH) -'f I!COIIIWaL.Y COtÌrÃÌÑl!D'...... PRESSUAIZED PIPING (C/IØ II lilt WI1J: 10. CONTINUOUS TURBINE SUMP SENSORmItlAUDIBLE AND VISUAL AiAAMS AHO (dÌIck_¡ o .. AUTO PUMP SHUTOFF WHEN A L£AK OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR L£AKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTÈM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AU'TOM4TIC lEAK DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL IN1'EGRITY TEST (0.1 CFH) ., . SUCTION/GAAvnY SVSTBot . o 11. CON1'INUOUS SUM" SENSOR . AUDØ.E AND VISÚAL ALARMS IIII!MINCY GI!NIRATORI ONLY (CItåll lilt IAIM o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR mnaa AUTO PUW SHUT OfF. AUDIIII.E AHO VISUAL . AlARMS o 15. AUTOIMTIC UNE lEAK DETECTOR (3.0 OPH TEST) Ole. ANNUAL INTeGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. DAlLYVlSUALCHECK ~~\;. ..t..··..... ..~ ',t.: :.:'>~;..:-:'~ ~'''_~..I·' '../.\'~P......~...~.(.,~.. .' ':, .t.·....~p...;.,....-·i. . .{~~. . ...~ "~..~.",,, '. ,I, {-J.1. ".... __~.... Jo~ ......._."" ,~. '. _.t"j~~~. OISPeNSeRCONTAItMNT a 1. I'LOAT-..owIIMTHATIHUTSOfIIIIHeMVALVI! OATE INSTALLeD .... a 2. CON1'INUOUI DIIPINIIR tAN IINIOÀ. AUOaI AND VIIUAL AiAAMS o 3. CON1'INUOUI DIIPINIII' PAN SINIORJfID1AUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER . AUOI8LE AHO VISUAL AI.AAMS DC. OWNIRIOPIRATOR IIONATURI ... at "" 1a1oI11dge. ... UPCF (1199) o ... DALYVISUAL CHECK o ".TRENCH lINER I MOHfTORJNCJ o .. NONI 4811 471 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8·wPD . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFeE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SeVICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS . INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank Page _ 01 _0__..__0'______·, ._.____... ..----..--.----- ---- _._.._-_.._---_......-....~ ......--..-. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION '"'~~~'_.,~~ . C (j) '" .. ~()(I, FACILITY 10 ,:: I TANK I , , !.L I 1t ~L --....--.---.....------. ....-..... ... -......... --........--...---.. ..--.--..-. ... - .. -...---.. -----..... ..-....-----.-.-. --....--..... II. INSTALLATION I~ .~ ~ Check aU that apply The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been ins~Ad and certified by a registered professional engineer. . The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield OffIce of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNERlAGI;:NT SIGNATURE , r- õAie ------.---.-......,--..-. .. --. ..----:¡¡;¡- <5 ,"-0 ò ~~qif¡f;f~Ji I'omI C .(~~ -. - .-. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ·,1715 C.er Ave., Bakersfield, CA 933_(661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 Œ r'fPE OF ACTION 0 '. ~ 'ITe ~MT 0 4, AMeNOf!!O PERMIT ,Cllec_ <1,.. ,,.,., 0""'1 P-ve 01 o ð. TEMPOAARV SITE CLOStlRI! o , F"EflMo\NI!NT1. 'f CLOS¡:O ON srre o 8. TAl« IU!MOVEO o ), RI!NEWAI.. PERMT o ,. ~ OF INFORMA TION) (~__ ./rN IOUI uH onIyl eUSINESS ~ (Sem.. JlAClLfrv NAMII!! 01 08A. 000n9 ......Aa) (~~ . /rN lOcal uH On/'f) ANK I . I. TANK DESCRIPT10H CO....AAnEHTAl..IZEO TANK 0 'f. 'ië{ No If "y.', com IeC. CI'- ø. fa uc:n ccmøanmenl. NO c .. TANK CON'TDTS TN« use at . ì!L I, MOTOR VI!HICU! AJEL I (If rNrlted. ~ ~ Type) I 0 2, NON-FtJEL PETROL.E\JM o J. CHEMICAL PROOUCT ; 0 4, HAZAAOOUS WAST!: (1ItdIIdN , U_ 01) ¡ 0 95. UNIOIOWN I ¡ ~OFTN« i (CMcIt - AIm ody) ¡ TANK MATERIAL· ønrnary ** : (CMcJc 0,.. .", aNy) . ~'M'f! ~.. AeGULAR IH..I!ADED 0 2. L£\OED o 1D. PRDtIUW \H.£AOEO 0 3. OIESS. o 1e. YOQRAOE \H.£AOEO 0 4. GASOHOl. COMoIOH HAM!! (II'Om ~ &4a__ /mwIÞy¡w¡e) o 1. SINOU!! WALL fil2. 00U8U! WALL .. TANK CONSTRUCT1ON o 3. SINGLE WAlL v.mf EXTERIOR MSØWE lNR o 4. SINGLE WAlL IN A VAULT o 1. BAAE STEEL o 2. STMUSS STEfl 03. FI8ERQtASSIPlASTIC Pi 4, STEEl a.AD WlFleeRGlASS R£lNFQAŒO PlASTIC (FRP) o 3. FI8ERGtASS 1 PlASTIC 18. 4, STEfl a.AD WlFIBERGlASS RE»lFORŒD PLASTIC (FRP) o 5. CONCÆTE o 1 EPOXY LMIO o 4. PHENOlIC lINING I TANK MATERIAL· --*Y ** 0 1. BAAE STEEL 1(0->_......' 0 · or............. . T ANI< INTERIOft I..HNG OR COATING (CMcIt _ IMr onM OTHER CORROSION 0 ~ - 0 PROTECTION IF AI'PUCAIIU! 1. MAHUf'AC1'UfœD CATHODIC ~. FI8ERGlASS fIfN'OAŒO PI.ASTIC 815. UNKNOWN PAOT!CTIOH 0 4. U'R£SSED ctJRR£NT 0 ee. OTHER o 2. SACRJIfJCIAL ANOOI!! (For local UN aNy) Y£AR INSTAlLED 450 TYÆ (FM1øeM~"aNy) 451 ~flL PROTECTION eQUIPMENT: YE4R INSTAU..ED U11.~tV ~. SPIlLCONTANENT ~¡cj ,kf\\[s or C~64n.s 1Jt,. ALARM iJhItnAIÓ/lJrJ(";. FIll. TUSESHUTOFFVAl..VE_ ~ OROPTUIII! vnk.flCW)0 f){J )J 111"2. BAl...LFlOAT (/~O 4, exEMPT 112t'3. STAII<!A PlAT! 11 t'\ !cf'\f)WJÜ ðh> f>,/ . ~."''';''''' ,.to': '~!.' ..' .·1.'(1·'~"'·""". ~"..'~.) ','^ .,....u. ...........K··.." ...':' .~; ,...~~..: ..... "''':''..: .....-..... "''f'I" I.oIW'ft II' SlHOUI WALL TAM( (CMoII....., ~ VISUAl.. (VCP08eO PORTIOH ON. Y) AUTOMATIC TN« QAUGIHQ (.4TO) CONTINUOUS ATO o 5. MANUAL TN« GAUOINO (UTa) o e. VADOSE ZONE o 7. QIIOUHOWATER STATlSTICAl..INV!NTOAY RrCONClUATIOH(SIR). 0 8. TANI( TESTINO IIIENHIAI.. TN« TUTINO 0 ee. OTHI!R V. TANK ClOSUq IN'ORMATIOH I PIRMANIHT ClOlURIIN PlAce 4N UTlMATlO QUAHTITY Of' SU88TANCI ~ 46e TMI( FII.L!O WITH INeIfT MATlAIAL? (C1t«k 0t>II .,.." ody) SPILL ANO OVERFIll. (Clleck ., /Nt Ipp/y) Ot, 02, OJ, 0.. o 1. IUIIIR LND o 2. AUCYD L.-.o eSTIMATeD GArt LA8T UNO ~Y) IMIonI .. o 5, JET FUEL [) e. AVIATION FUEl. 0911. OTHER 441 CAS' (bum HaDIrIous &4a__1nwnÞy ¡w¡e) ... o 5. SINGl.E WAlL WITH INTERNAL 8L4COER SYSTÐC 0815. IM<NOWN o ee. 0'0iER o 5, CONCRETe 0 M. UN<NOWN o 8, FRPCOMPATlBl..EW/100%~ 0911. OTHER 44J .... o 8. FRP COMPATlBI..E W/100% ~ o a. FRP HOf+COAAOOI8I.é JACKET o 10. COATED STEEl. 0515. UN<NOWN Dee. OTHER 44S o 5. Ql.4S8 LNNG "!M.. \HJNED DATI! INSTAI.LED 447 o 815, UHI<NOWN Dee. OTHER 44ð (FfN bœI_ 0lI/)l) OAre mTAU.ED 449 44ð :,~( ;.:~~; .,~.;.;. '~~1i::: < . ~', :;~f.~'~' ".(;..P:?' ~ '.' . '.:.;~~¿:.. II' COUll&.. WAU,. TANK 0" TAM( WTH ~ (CMck _1Mr ody : 464 o 1. VISUAL (SINGLI! WAlL IN VAU\. TON. Y) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTrTIAI. MOHlTORINO o ). MANUAl.. MONITORINO 467 Ov_ ONo PCF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-e. WPO ~.. T \If" IIA"IU~; "I~"" OfIPlCI OfI,INVIRONMINTAL SIRVICIS 1711 C......, Ave., "lcnfleld, CA .3301 ('" 71 '. "" . TANIe '-'GI '-Ie _ _ -- VI. ,... CONI'IItUCT1OH (CIttft""" IIIfIIY '. ~PlPtNO SYSTEM TYPe c:r;: PRfSSURf CJ Z. SUCTION 0 ,. OAAVITY 451 0,. PRfSSUAE CONSTRUCTIO~' rp/" SINQlI WALL CJ ,. UNID TReNCH CJ.. OTHfR 4ecI CJ " SINGLe WALL . MANUFACTURERIO Z. OOUIU WALl. CJ N. UNCNOVt'N 0 2. OOU8U! WALL i MANUFAC'r\JAØ 411 MANUFACTURER ¡ ;O',IAAUTUL CJ I. flAPc:oa,pAT1aI\W1001UeTHANO\. CJ ,. BAAESTE£L : MATERIAi.SANO '0 Z. STAIHU!SSSTUL CJ 7. QALVAHIZIDSTUI. 02. STAINLESS STEEL I ~~~~N : 0 3. Pt.AST1C COM'ATIII.! WITH CONTENTS CJ N. UNICNOWN 0 3, PLASTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS ~~. FIRROlASS CJ .. I'\.IX8.! (HÐfI!) 0.. 0THfR 0 4. FIBERGLASS :05. STEEI.""COATINO CJ t. CATHOOICPAOT!CTION 4&4 05, STEELWlCOAT1NG VI. ~ LIM œTl!CTIOH (CItd.,..,..., UNDERGROUND PIPING PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChecIr ., ..., fI/IIII1): o ,. ELECTRONIC UNI! LeAK œTeCTOA 3.0 QPH TEST mD1 AUTO...... SHUT OFf! FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FAIUJN!. NÐ S\'ITEM DlllCC)NtCCfION + AUÐaI! NÐ YIIIW. N.NVIIS Ü 2. MONTK.YU QPH TaT o 3. ANNUAL IN1"!GAfTY TEST (0.1 OPH) ~ SUCTIONSYST'EIoe , œ' 5, DAILY VISUAL MONITORING OIl ~ SYSTEM + TREfØAL PI'INQ IN1'EGftI1'Y I TEST (0,1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IfIll!LOW OAOUND Pf'ING): o 7. seLF MONrTORING GRAVITY FLOW: o II. BIENNIAL JNTæRf1Y TEST (0.1 OPH) IeCONDMIL V CClHrAMD......, PRESSURIZED PFINO (CIIec*...., ~ 10, ~ T\JA8INI! SUW SÐI80RmItlAUDIIILE ANDvtaW..AI.ARM8ANlJ EI L AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS . o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SY8'ÆM FAII.URE ANO SYSTEM OISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUW SHUT OFF o 11. AU'TOIMTIC LINE LeAK DETECTOR (3.0 QPH TfST) mD1 FLOW SHUT on: OR RESTRICTION . o 12. ANNUAL 1HT!0RfTY TEST (0.1 OPH) SUCTIOK'GAAVITY SYSTÐt o 13. CONTNIOUIsuaP RNIOR +AUDalNGYllUALALNIMI BII!ItOI!JICY OIl!!mtATOa !)tft,y (CIItct., lilt wM o 14. 00NT1NU0U8 SUMP SEN8ORmIJ:lQYIAUTO PUW 8HU1'0fI0 +AUDeU! NÐ VlSUA&. AI.ARtoCS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DET!CTOR (3.0 QPH TfST) mD:IIII FLOW SHU1' OFF OR RESTRICTION o 111. AHHUAI. INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAILYVlSUALCHECK AIOVlGAOUNO PlPINO o Z. SUCTION o M. UNKNOWN o JII. OTHER - ~ - ~I o ,. GRAVITY 4< 0.. flAPCOMPAnlU!Wt1001Uo4&THANol - o 7. GALVAHIZIDSTEEI. o .. FleXI8U! (HOPE) 0 ft. OTHER o t. CATHODIC PROTECTION 0.. UNICNOWN 46 ,':';;"..;. ....;.t--f~:, A80'ÆGROUNO PIPING N.L 46 PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChecJI" ilia, fI/IIII1): CJ 1. ~CTRONIC LINE I.!AK DETECTOA 3.0 GPH TEST mD:1AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR lEAK. SYSTEM FAIWRE. NÐ SYSTEM DtSCONNECTION + AUDØ.! NÐ VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MOHTHLY IU Gf'H TEST [J 3. ANNUAL INT1!GAI1'Y TUT (0.1 QPH) o ... DAlL.Y VISUAL CHECK CONVENnONAL SUCT10H SYSTEMS (CIIec*"" fI/IIII1): o 5. OAIL Y VISUAL MONITORING OIl PIPING AND PUWtNO S'tSTÐI o .. TRIEHNIAL /NTEGfVTY TEST (0.1 QPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONrTOAING GRAVITY FIDW (CI/eI:k". ¥PlY): o .. DAlL.YVISUAL MONrroAING o t. IlENNlALNÆGRnYTEST(0.1 OPH) ..7;" sec:otDIavCOIÌrNNm' ...... PRESSUAIZED PIPING (CItd.. /IIet fI/IIII1): 10. CONnNUOUS TUR8INE SUMP SENSORmItI AUDIBlE ANO VISUAL AlARMS NÐ (ctI.dt_¡ o L AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF 1NHEN A LEAK OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATlCLEAKDETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGMY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUC1'1ONIORAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTINUOUS StN" SI!HSOR + AIJD&E NÐ VI8ÚA&. ALARMS IMIMINCY GI!NIRATOM ONLY (CIIec*"""'" o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SfNSOR mIJ:lQYIAUTO PUW SHUT OFF + AUOI8Le NÐ VISUAL . ALAAMS ,0 15. AUTOMATIC LINE I.!AK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 111. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. DAIlYVlSlJALCHECK ~~,;: ';.': .":" .....' .... ..~ .~. :.~~.·.:-,;i '<".~~" ./":~~.-^-gr:;~;,. .~... '" ··,_··-·...........·i"· ',f~' .~~·fI~~..~~~._: ~,,';.. . ,I,. _l~j~~~. o 1. IILOAT M!OWIIIM tHAT IHUT8 0fIP .eM VALVB o 2. CONTIfUOU8 DIIPINIM PANIINIOR + AUOa8 AND VISUAL ALAIWS o ,. CONTINUOUI DIIPINIff' PAN SINIOR mDiAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUOI8L! NÐ VISUAL AI.AAMS IX. OWNIRIOPIMTOR SIONATURI 10 IlllIIIIt III m, 1IrIowIIdgI. DlSPeHSEA COHTAMeNT DATE IHSTALLID .... ... UPCF (7199) ..'.!~:::-..... [J ... DAlL.YVISUAL CHECK [J L.TRI!NCH LINER I MONIfOAING [J I. NONe ... 471 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8.WPO \,,11 T ur tlAf\CI"("rICLU .::::,QF&CE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~VICES . ',17'f!' Chester Ave., Bakersfleld,1!'A 93301 (661) 326·3979 I I .': , UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ·INSTALLA TION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank Page _ 01 -.--..--..------., .-.----... "< ~ ~ ~ § ..------- .---- ----.. -------..-----......-...- .-------- .. On ...... __ ._... ___.... __.. --..--.-----. .. - .. -'..---.. ----..-.... -..-....-.------ ---.--.-. II. INSTALLATION . CIHIcIc BlI that apply The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The Installation has been InspectAd and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNERlAGF,:NT SIGNATURE I cettJfy ItIaIItIe Inlomulllon IIIIVIded herwIn Ia true & acante ~ ItIe bell oIlI'If ~ -~~ ~ --~-,-; TrJzL-=~-~--~--u_--:_==: __¡/JØ1~M (! G__ =1_ -'-~I--.Y£----- ____ - _ ___ '0IIft C "'r.~ .~~ ;~~ ~. '.-. .',., OFFICE OF ÉNVIRONMENTAL SERVICES , .1715 C.erA:ve., Bakersflel~, CA 93'3.661) 326-3"979:.:';' UND,ERGROUND STORAGE TANKS~ TANK PAGE 1 . , . (EI ,...,.~ OF ACTION ,elf«. ~". ,,.,,, onIyJ o '. ICW "Te ~MlT 0 4, AMl!NOt!O PeRMIT o 3. ReNEWAl PeRMIT o " CHAHal! OF INFORMA nON) "-ve 01 o ~. TEMPORAqY S¡Te CLOSURe o , F>ERMAAEHTL v CLOSEO ON SITe o ~. rN4/( R£MO~O (:;p.dy c/taItt¡e . for IOUI .... 0",) FAClUTY 10 . (:;p.dy,.... . for IOUI YH ONyJ L ANK I . I. TANK DESCRIPT10H COMPARnEHTAlIZEO TN4/( 0 v. D No "-V.', ccmø4el. one p-ve (or eacn ccm~enc. NlJ c .. TANK CON1BfTI TNfI( use . ~ I. MOTOR VEHICU I'UEL : (If matted. ~ PwtaIIrø TYf)e} I D 2. NOH-FIJEI. PETROl.EUM o 3, CHEMICAL PROOUCT ; 0 4. HAZ.AROOUS WASTE (1Itt::IuóN , U..,¡ OIl ¡ 0 95, UN<NOWN ¡ TYPE OF T Nfl( : I (CIIet;k onelfem only) : TANK MATERIAl . prIm.Wy ** . (CMcJc 0". Item only} IIf!TJQ.!UW TYPe o ,.. A!GU.AR UN.!ACEO 0 2. LEACED o lit. JIMMUU \IN.EADED 0 3. OIESS. rsa::'C. ~ UM.£ADED 0 4. GASOHOl COfo&C)N NÞM! 1h)m HIØIUouS ~....1twwIÞy pege} 4:Jt o 1. SINOU! WALL a 2. DOUa! WALL o 1. tIAAE STEEL o 2. STANJ!SS STEEL i TANK MATERIAl . ~ tar« 0 " tIAAE STEEL (CIIet;k ond,'" only) 0 :z. ST AN.fS8 STEEL T ANI< INTERIOR LNNO OR COATING (CMck one Item 0tIIyJ O'OiER CORROSION I PROn:CTIOH IF APPUCA8U! I (Ch«k one item only) SPILL ANO O~RFIU. (Clf«k .. eNl opp/y) o 1. r.wurACTUAI!DCATHOOIC Q.1 F18ERGLASSROoFOAŒDPI.ASTIC 085, UNI<HOWN PAOT!CTIOH 0 4. IM'RESSED CUAAÐIT 0.. OTHER o :z. ~ AHOOf! (FIN local 11M only) 'I1!AR INSTAU.£D ~ TYPE (FtKIOcM UN only) 451 OVERFILL PROTECTION EQUIAEHT= 'I1!AR INSTAU.ED 452 g ,. SPtU.COHTAMEHT ~tV íK -;~\l6 t'~O I, AlARM ~FIU.TU8Es.il1TOFFVAlVE~nhwwr1 .a 2. DAOPTUU! un KM"v \) O{)\,Q ø-;: 8AU..FLOAT ~t+'O 4, EXEMPT S 3. STRIIŒRfltATI Ut\/c..(lOw\CI .,gt@1 o 1. IUIIÐt LMD o 2. ALJC\1) LNNQ .. TANK CONSTRUCT1ON o 3. SINGI.£ WAlL WITH EXTÐUOR MEM8IWE LINER 04. »IGt.EWAlLffAVAUlT o 3. FIBEROlASS J PlASTIC 1š 4. STEEl. CLAD WJFI8ERGlASS RÐNFOACEO PlASTIC {FRP g 3. FIBERGlASS / PlASTIC o 4. STEEl CLAD WlFIBERGlASS Ra.'FOACED PI.ASTIC (FRP) o 5. CONCÆTE o 3. EPOXY LNIO o 4. PHENOUC LNIO 01, 02, 0], D 4. .". ..... it '" .." ".. ''I...... .. . L!AK "........~ '.....; ,~.; ,,·.f',~, .",......,~....,.., ,". .......K '.,. "__õ ",. ....: ........... . .d':1~:;~. ...~; ',<"" .;... .:,..J~: '("WI"" ., "NOLI WALL TAMe (ChedI" ".,~): VISUAl (exPOseo PORTION ON. Y) AUTOMATIC TNfI( GAUGIHO CATO) CONTINUOUS A TO STATISTICAL INV!HTOAY A!CONCIUATIOH(SIR). SleNNIAl T Nfl( TIISTING o 5. MANUAL TANI< QAUOINO (MfO) o I. VADOSE ZONE o 7. GROUNDWATER D I. TANK TESTINO 0.. O'nIER V. TANK CLOIUM lH'OftMA TIOH I PIRMANaNT CLOIURIIH P1.Aa IIT1MATlO QUAHTI'TY O¥ sueaTAHCII ~ 46e TAAt< FIU.!O 'MTH INPT MAnAlAL? UTlMA reo OATII..4IT UNO ~Y) .... CIIIIotII .. o 5. JET FUEL o a. AV1ATIOH FUEl D 911. OTHER CAS' ~ HaZMfIxø MaIlnM ~ pege} .. 441 o 5. SINGle WAlL'MTH INTERNAL IILACOER SYSTnI 085. UN<NOWN 0.. cmtER o 5. CONCRETE 0 85. I.IN<NOVtN o S. FRP COWAT18lE WI100% I.EnW«JL 0 911. OTHER 44J ..... Os. FRPCOWAT18lEW/I00%1.EnW«JL o a. FRP~JACI<ET o 10. COATED STEEl O~. I.JNI<NO'MoI 0.. OTHER 44$ o 5. GlASS UNIHQ 'B.11JN.HÐ DATE INSTAU.ED 447 o 85, UM<NCMfoI 0.. OTHER 44ð (FM bt:M _ onI)'J OAT! INSTAUm 449 44ð 413 .... :;"~f~ ,'- ".::..!I:?' . ',;" , .' . ..::}~~¿.. I ooueu WAU. TANK 0" TAHK WITH ILADOM (Ch«:k one Item ønIy1: 4&4 o 1. VISUAL (SINOU! WAlL IN VAl./\. T ONLY) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONlTORINO o 3, MANUAL MONITORING 467 Ov. DNo PCF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCs-e. \NPO ... . T \It" ·_"C"....IC'"Y OfIPlCI OfIINVIRONMINTAL SIRVlCes 1711 c........ Ave.. """'fleld, CÀ 13301 ( , "" . "AMe ftoIIGe ,... - 01 . -- '. VI...... CONITRUC'nOH (CIWII" 1IIt~ ~PlPlNO SYSTEM TYPI! ~. PRUSURe CJ 2. SUCTION a 3. OAAVITY 458 CONSTRUCTIONI' ~, SINQU! WALL CJ 3, UNI!D TReNCH a ft. OTHeR 4eO : MANUFACTURERIO 2, OOUILI WALL CJ II. UNKNOWN j ¡ MANUI'AC'T\ Aþ 411 ¡ ; 0 1, loW! STUL CJ .. ,.,. COWATIaI.... 1~ MITHANOI. iMATERlALSANQ10 2. STAINU!SSSTll!l. 07. OALVANlZ!DSTUL I ~~;~':. 10 3. Pl.ASTlCCOWAT1ILI~CQHT!N1'S 011. UNICNOWN i~, FIII!ROl.ASS CJ .. Fl!Xa! (HDfII!) a ft. 01HI!R I ; 0 5. STEEI..... COATING CJ t. CATHODIC PAOTICT1ON 414 0 5. STEEl. WI COATING VI. ~ LUK œTECTION {CIIØII..,WIfJ UNDERGROUND PIPING PRESSURIZED PtPINO (CMcllII ..., ¥PlY): o ,. EL£CTRiONIC UNI! LEN< ~ 3.oGPH TESTmDfAUrO AM' SHUTOFF FOR lEAK. SYSTEM FAIWRI!. AND SVSTIM ~CTION +AUDeU!AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONTK.Y U QPH TIlT o 3. NlMJN. M!GRfTY TUT (0. f GfIH) ~SUCT1ONSYSTÐe , C3' 5, OAIL Y VISUAL MONITORING OF f'UMPING SYSTEM + TRIENNIAL PI'ING IN1'EGRrTY I TEST (0.1 QPH) SAFe SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALves IfIll!l.DW GAOUND PI'INO): o 7, SELF MOHrTOAINO GRAVITY FLOW: o t. 8IÐNAL IN'ÆGIVTY TEST (0. f GPH) IeCONDA""V CONI'~ I'a'IIIØ PRESSURIZED PI'INO (CIIet:Ir...., ~ 10. CONTNJOUS TUNIN! SUIM' SENIOR mnI AUOIIIlE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (Cþ**-) (¡J a. AUTO POW SHUT OFF WHEN It. lEAK OCQJRS . o Þ. AUTO POW SHUT OFF FOR U!AI<S. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM 0ISC0NNECT10N o Co NO AUTO PUIoF SHUT OFF o ff. ~~LINE! L!N( DETECTOR (J,OGPH TOT) mIll R.OWSHU1"OFF OR . o f2. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIOtWRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTNIOUIsuaPlI!NIOA +AUDalANDVllUALMNIMI IMP.MI!NCY CJI'N!ItATOItI!)HI.Y (Cttct" fIIf WM o f4. CONTINUOUS SUM' 8EH8ORmngaAUTO PUMP 8HU1'0fF +AUDBJ! AND VISUAL ALNIMS a 15, AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DET!CTOR (J,O QPH TOT) mnIIYI FLOW SHUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17, OAIL Y VISUAL CHECK AIOVI!OAOUNO PtPlNO - - . - .. o I. PReSSURE o I, SINGU!WALL o 2. OOUBLI! WALL MANUFACT1JRER o 1, BARe STEEL a 2. STAINL£SS STEEL a 3. FUSTIC COMPATIBLE WITH CONTENTS o 4. FIBERGLASS o 3. OAAVfTV a 2, SUCTION o 15. UNICHOWN CJ It. OTHER .. a .. ,.,. COIM'ATlIILE WI 1~ ~ - o 7. OALVANIZ!D STEIL o .. FlEXIBlI (HOPE) a It. one CJ t. CATHODIC PROTECTION CJ II. UN<NOWN 4€ ' ··:H~·'\ A8QVEOAOUND PlPINO 4E PRESSURIZED PlPlNO (Ch«Jt II IN, ¥PlY): Of. EL£CTROHIC LINE! LEN< DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mnfNJrO PIM' SHUT OFF FOR lEAK. SYSTEM FALURE. AND SYSTEM DISCONECTION + AUDa.I! AND VISUAL ALARMS o 2. MONntLY U OPH TEST o 3. NMIAL NTEGRn'Y TI!Sf (0. fGPH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL QtEQ( CON\IENTIONAL SUCT10H sYSTEMS (CIIet:Ir.."., ¥PlY): o 5. DAII. Y VISUAL MONITORING OF PFING AND PUWINO SVSTI!M o .. TRIENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN sa.ow GROUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONITORIHG GRAVITY FLOW (CIIeck II """."pIy): o I. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o e. BIENNIAL INTEGAfTY TEST (0.1 GPH) .;"' I!CONDA"'V coNrMÌ!I;...... PRESSURIZED PIPING (Chedt "" ¥PIYJ: 10. CONTINUOUS TUR8INE sua.P SENSORmnlAUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS AND (c:tiect one) o .. AUTO PUf<P SHUT OFF WHEN A LEN< OCCURS o II. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR L.EAI<S. SYSTEM FAA.URe AND SYST'EM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LEAK DETECTOR o 12. NMIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 OPH) SUCJ'IONIGAAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. COHT1NUOUS SUW SENSOR + AUDaI! AND vt8ÚALMAMtI IIIIft/aIHCY GBllRATOM OM. V {ChIIcIr1l lilt ~ o f4. COH1'1NJOUS SUMP SENSOR mngaAUTO PUa.tP SHUT OFF + AUDII!Le AND VISUAl. . ALARMS ,0 15. AUTOMATIC UNI! LEAK DETECTOR (J.O GPH TEST) CJ fS, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAIL Y VISUAL OiECI< '............."...., ..~9.t.. . ~~.""\;' .~..-f .. .,.,' ..~ ',,' ~... .-: :. ~.¡:-.... ~"',¿.-;;;'" '/'<;i!~' -, '1'fr.:~ ; r ''To'' ': ' ..-,_..-...........'j... , !..~. '..~'~~'~. ~~~._: :' _ ~ ':"'. _!~Jj_~~. o 1. ~T ae:HANIM THATIHUTIOfIII..,.,. VALYB o 2. CONTINUOUI 0IIfIINIM PNtSlNlOR +AUOIRIAND VISUAL ALARMS a 3. CONTINUOUI DIIPI!NIII!ft PAN SINIOR mntAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER . AUDIBLE AND VISUAL ALARMS DC. OWNIM)PI!RATOR SlGNAtuRI! IIIÒ __ to 1M ..... ~ "" 1rncMIed t. OISPeHSEA COHTAINMI!NT DATI! INSTALL!D ... UN UPCF (7199) " .!i.:'..... [] 4. DoU,y VISUAL CHECK a ".TNNCH LINER I MC)NITORING [J .. NONII ... 471 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8·wPD "II T Ur- aAf'\CI"(~rICL~ . O,F.iLCEOFENVIRONMENTAL !iiRVICES 1t"Cl1ester Ave~, 'åákersfl~ld~~A~$33'01 ' (661) 326·3979 .' UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS -INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank Page _ 01 -.--..--..------.. -----_.. ..-------.--- ---- ...-----...-----........<#.- ....-----. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION B essÑAM£(s-a'F¡ëiùTŸNAMEOt08A.~BuU-.AaI -------..--...------. .--.., ... " 0.\~ ~vY\ =r::n Q.., FAOUTYIO' ¡ i.LIJJJJ1J rT~ - ffiJJ L -......... -.........--...--...- - "'--'---'-' ...- -.....---------... --.........--.--- ---.---... II. INSTALLATION : Check all that apply The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The Installation has been InspectAd and certified by a registered professional engineer. . The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. AJI work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNER/AGeNT SIGNATURE I cetIIfy !hat the Inlblmllllon pnM ed -~ . _-;¡J;/á . ÕÃfe ---- --.---.-..-....- ....- . . . - . -.----:¡¡¡- ... ~jÞ!L--.---- _n --/«--(,... ·-/-T~d;St--rt-Ú(/ - -.. 1'0IIII C ..' 0F:FIC~ OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. . .. 171Wbester Ave., Bakersfield; CA W01 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· UST FACILITY .~ '0 T'YPe OF ACTION (Check 0". 111m only) o 1. lieN SITE PERMIT a J, RENEWAL PeRMIT a 4. AMENDED PERMIT a 5. CHANGE OF INFORMATION (Specify ~1IgI' lOCal use only) a 5, TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE Pee¡. _ at _ a 7, PeRMANENTlY CLOSED SITE a 8, TANK REMOVED 400 BUSINESS NAME (Same. FACilITY NAAE 01 08A. Dcing Bulin_ As) I. FACILITY I SITE INFORMATION 3 FAClUTY ID . .'1 401. FACIUTY OWNER TYPe )if 1 , CORPORATION a 2. INDIVIDUAL a 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4, LOCAl AGEHCYIDISTRICT" a 5. COUNTY AGENCY' o 8. STATE AGENCY' a 7. FEDERAL AGENCY' 402. 6 \-\- o 1. GAS STATION o 2. DISTRIBUTOR TOTAL NUMBER OF TANKS REMAINING AT SITE q BUSINES TYPE o 3. FARM (J( 5. COMMERCIAL o 4. PROCéSSOR a s. OTHER 403. Is fIICiIIy an IncI8n ~ 01 'If own« at UST a puÞllc agency: name ot suøervIIot ot 1nIIIMdII? dIviIIon, MdIon 01 aIIIc:e which operaI.. !lie UST, (This iI!he c:ont.eà person (01 !he lank recardL) 404. Ov_ aND 405, 406, IL PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION 4f17, PHONE 406. ------- .~. - - 409. 'M 2. N)MCUAl 'ò 3. PARTNERSHIP 410., Së A- a 4. LOCAL AGENCY / DISTRICT a 5. COUNTY AGENCY 411. I Z1P93305 o s. STATE AGÐCI o 7. FEDERAL AŒHI::f 412. 413. 414. , -:" ..-:~, .. ßL TANK OWNER INFORIIA11ON 411, 419. o 2. INDMCUAl o 3. PARTNERSHIP o 4. LOCAL AGENCY I DISTRICT a 5, COUNTY AGENCY o S. STATE AGENCY o 7, FEDERAL At38¥:;'( 420. TV (TK) HQ IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER Call (916) 322·966911 quesllons arise 421. . ;,', ."1.... V. PETROlEUM U8T FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY .. .. ," INDICATE t.ETHOO(S) o ,. saF-INSUREO o 2. GUARANTEE . o 3, INSURANœ o 4. SURETY BONO o 5, LETTER OF CREDIT o II. EXEMPTION ,1Ia' 7. STATE FUND - ¡j 8. STATE FUND & CFO LETTER 09. STATE FUND &CO o 10, LOCAL GOVT MECHANISM o 99, OTHER: 422. VI. LEGAl NOTIFICATION AND MAILING ADDRESS Check one boll to incIIcIIe wtIictI ..... ItIouId lie UHd for legal noaIIcatIoI.. IIICI malting. L-va I'1OIIfIc:aIIon IIICI maiIngI..... be MIll 10 !he I8nk owner unIeA Þox 1 or 2 Ia àIecked. o 1, FACILITY o 2. PROPERTY OWNER ~. TANK OWNER 423. VII. APPLICANT SIGNATURE 4.25, 4211, I STArE UST FÁCIlITY NUMBER (F<¡, /oeM - only) 4211, I. UPGAACE CERTIFICATE NUMBeR (For IoeaI uø orly) 429, I UPCF (7/99) S:\CUPAFORMs\swrcb-a.wpc -.,~~ - ".. .... . .i.r~ .' . -.' --- '.-.' VI' (,I'-~Yl' .I!.L~ V IKUNM.I!.N I A1,. ~~J< V ICt..~ . ,.1 71S .Ch~ert\. :~e.~BakersfIeld, Ct\,9. 3,JOJ.i~U)61)326~3979, . .QE,~GROUND STORAGE TANK~ ~ .K PAGE 1 .er~.. ..~ PaQe 01 r'fP1; OF "'CTlON ,C""" J". ,,.,,, """') o '. /'WYi "T! ~MlT 0 4. AMeNOf!C P!!RMIT o J. RI!NEWAl P!!RMlT o 5. C¡.w.¡Q,I! OF INFORMiI. TION) o ð. n:MPOAAR'I' SITE CL03(JRI! o , P1;R~NTt. 'I' a.O~D ON SITe o 8. TANK ReMOVEC (~I'M-' . lOr IOCM UH 0Ny) (~ CNnge . lOr I()(;M "". o,.,,) I. TANK DESCRIPT10H CO".,ARn.ENTAlIZED TANK 0 '1'. NND If -y-,', canplel. one ø~ (or ucn cz:xi,panmen(. Nt.) I c .. TANK COffTØTI T Nfl( US!! 43t 'f:2! 1. MOTOR veHICU! ~ . 1^nanretJ. ~ ........" Tw») I 0 2, NOH-l'1.JEl PE1'RIOI..EIJN o J. 01EM1CA1. ~ ; 0 4, ~ WASTE (1ncIIIØN U_ OIJ : 095, UN1<NC)'M4 ! TYPE OF T ANI( I (C1tecJr OM ...", ody) ; rANK Mil. TERIAI. . fImer'f ** (CI>«J< one ..", odf) ~rtPf! o IL AeGU.AA IJN..!AŒO o III. PAÐIUM UPI..EACEO o Ie. IoIDGRACE UN.EADED 4- o 2. LEAOEO S1( J. 0ESa. o 4. GASOtiOC. o 5, JET FUa o 8. AVlATJOH FIJEl. o gg. OTHER ..., CAS' (bom HaZMIOuS Me"" ~ pegI) ... COfo&IOH NMI! (II'om HIIøIØoIø MeIliMM ~".ge) o 1. SIHOU! WAU.. ~ 2. coc-...I! WAU.. o 1. BAÆ STæ.. o 2. STAJtiIDS STEEl TANK Mil. TERIAI. - ~,.. 0 1. BAÆ STEB. (C1tecJr one ..", odf) 0 2. ST AN..eS8 STœ. TANK INTERIOR I.NNQ OR COA T1NG (C1tecJr one "'" onIyJ OTHER COAñOSIOH PROTECTION IF APPUCA8U! (CJt.ci< one"'" odf) SP1LL AND OVERFIlL o 1. IaJ8IIR LMD [J 2. AU('tO LNNO .. TANK CON811tUCT1ON o 3. SINGL£ WALL 'MTH EXTERIOR IoEMBfWE lHR 04. »G..eWAU.WAVAIA,T o 3. FI8ERGI.ASS / PlASTIC ~ 4, STEfl. ClAD WlFIø.ERGlASS REINFORCED PlASTIC (FRP) o 3, FI8ERGtASS I PlASTIC ~ 4. STEEl. ClAD WlFI8ERGlASS RaFOACED PU.ST1C (FRP) o 5. CONCÆTE o 3. EPOXY L...o o ... PHENOUC L.M«) o 5. »G..e WAU. wrTH IHTERNAL 8lACOER S'fS'TBt 086, UNKNOWN 090. OTHER o 5. CONCRETE 0 95. ~ Os. FRPCOMPATlBU:W/I00'UAeTHANQl 090. OTHER 4oVo <44J o S. FRP COfoFATlBU: W/I~ METMAHOL o a. FRP HON-COAAOoI8U: JAO<ET o , O. COATED STEEl. 0115. UNKNOWN Die. OTHER 4-4.\ o 85, UNI<NO'MI [J ie. OnER 44ð ~TE INSTAlLEO 447 (F« 1OcIII_ odfJ DATE !NST I.U...ED 4019 o 5. 0lAS8 lNNG ø:.. UNJNEO o 1. t.WU'ACT1JA!D CATIiOOIC ~ o 2. SACItI'ICIAL ANOOe YEAIIINST Al1.ED ~ SPIlL. COHTANENT ~OAOP TUII!! ~ STRIŒA Pl.ATII ~ 3. FI8EAGI.ASS fWNFORŒD PI.AST1C 0 85. UN<NOWN o 4. ~ CUAA£HT 0 gg. OTIiER 448 (For IOøI use orIy) OVERFILl. PROTECTION EQUIAEN'T: YEAR INSTAlLEO 4ð2 [ið1. ALAAM 1~q3 ~ FIU.TU8E~UTOFFVAlve19q3 ¡¡("i BAI.J.. FLOAT I o¡ q .3 0 4, EXEMPT ~ TYPe (ForIOcM uH orIy) 4ð1 TI<. fj/ /5 rf ¡Ys. P4t15 {jPW 8 f'f',e. / :,M.T~KU!AK : ~( ;~~~. ,,:~.; ~. ·~·,1i.:: " '~~f~" ".::."¢;;'~. . ~ . :;~~¿.. II' DOueu WAU. TANK 0" TANK 't'WTM IUDOØt (CIted< OM "'" øn/'f1: 4&4 o 1, VlSUAL(SIHQU WALL INVAIA,T CRY) o 2. CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAl. MONITORING o J, MANUAl MONITORINO ~CI1"'k .. CNIIP{JI'y) I·· Ot, 02, ¡ 0 J, O. " SlNOLI WALL TAM< {C/t«lIr., INII.-n: VISUAL (txPOlII!D PORTION OM. y) AUTOMATIC TAN< ~ lATa) CONTINUOUS A TO o So MANUAL T NIl( QAUOINO (MfO) o e. VADaS¡¡ ZONE o 7. GROUNO'NATER STArrSTICALINlf!HTORYRI!COHCIUATIOH(SIA)+ 0 e. TAHI<T!STINQ SIENNIAI. r Nfl( TUTINQ 0 ge, OTHER V. TANK CL08UU lH'OftMATJOH I PIJtMANIHT CL08UJtIIN PLA~ 461 IITlMATaO QUAH'T1'T'I' OIl 5UBSTAHCI ~ 4ðð TN« FIWC WITH INeKT MAnRlAl.1 I!STlMA reo OA TI L.A8T' UNO (YMC)It A Y) 467 ...... Ov. OND 'CF (7199) S:\CUPAFORMS\S~cs-e. WPO .....-.-....,.....-- ....'n,.,............'.~ "''''.'''..___''II1II' 171 S C........ ~.,.;...k....fteld, CA .3301 ("1l32Wl7t UIT.r_~e fII w. ...... CONI1RUCTJON {CIIHIf II ,., .. ~PIPIHO SYSTeM TYPI! -~ I'RI!SSUAI! a t SUCTIOH a 3. aAAVITY 4SI 0 I. PR!SSURE CONSTFlUCTIO~' U I. SINO&.! WALL 0 3. UN!O TR!HCH (J II. OTHeR 4ðO 0 I. SINGU! WAll. . MANUFACTlJREFlI!5Y2, OOUIU! WALL 0 III. UNKNOWN 0 2. OOU8U! WAll. ì ~'ACTIJAø. .tel awlUFACTlJA£R ¡ ;0 I,IAAUTUI. a .. flAPCOIoPATIaI....1001UtlTHANOl 0 1. BAA! STEEL iMATeRIALSANDiO 2, STAIHlISSSTUl. a 7. QALVANIZIOSTUL 02. STAINU!SSSTEEL I ~:~~N i 0 J. PlASTIC COWAT1IL! WITH CONTENTS (J II. UNICNOWN 0 J. PI..ASTIC COMPltTI8t..E WITH CONTCHTS :~, I'IRROL4SS a .. FL!XIIU (HCfI!) CJ.. OT'HI!R 0 4. F'~ : 0 5. STEEL "" COAT1NO CJ t. CA'J1otOOIC PAOTICTIOH ..... 0 5, STEEL WI COlt T1NG VI. ~ LrM DeTECTION (CIIIcIt II,.., IIIIJ/YJ UNDERQAOUNO PIPINQ i PRESSURIZED PlPIHQ (ChecllII ".., "",,~ , o I. ELECTRONIC UNI! I.!N( œT!CTOR 3.0 GPH TEST rdIi AUTO A-.. SHUT OFF FOR U!AI<. SYST!N FAIUJR!. AND SVST!M DI8COfotCC1'ION. AU)BJ! ANÐ VI8UAL AI.ARNS \ o 2. AoIOHnC. Y 0.2 QfIH ïa8T o 3. ANNUAL HT!OAITY TUr (0.1 GPH) .1 ~ SUCTIONS'tSTEIe ,c, 5, 0Nt. Y VISUAL MONn'OfUNO Oft PUIØ'INQ SYSTEM. TREPNAI. PI'INCJ INTEGRfTY I TEST (0.1 GPH) I SAFe SUCTION SYSTeMS (NO VAlves IN II!LOW GAOOND PPIHG): o 7, SElF MONrTORING GRAVITY FlOW: o I. 8IÐNAL INTEGRfTY TEST (0.1 GPH) 1eCOHDMII.., CONrAINID fIllING PRESSURIZED PPIHG (OI«:Ir" flit ~ 10. COHTNJOUS T\JAIIINE SUM" SENIOR mIH AUOeU! AND VISlW.ALARM8 NID CO-d aM) L··.. AUTO P\JW SHUT OFF WHeN It I.!N( OCCURS o Þ. AJJTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR I.E!AKS. SYSTEM FAILUfIII! AND SYSTEM DISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. A~T1C LINE U!AK DETI!C1'OR 13.0 GPH TUT) mIll FUMSHUToFr: OR A£~ .' o 12. ANNUALINTEGRfTYTEST(O.1 QPH) SUCTlONGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTNIOUI SUIoP SENIOR. ~AND VllUALAI.ANoe IJIII..AGI!MCY CJIM!ftATOII!I ONLY (CMct........, o 14. COHTIHUOUS SUIoP 8EHSOR ~NIfO fUP SHUT~.AVDØJ!NID VISUAl ALAAMS o 15. AUTOMo\TIC UtE LEAl( OET'!CTOR (3.0 GPH TU1') îdIJ:1Q!,II F1.OW 8HUT OFF OR RESTRICTION o HI. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. OAJL Y VISUAL CI-IECI< AIOvt!GROUND PIPING o 2. SUCTION o 15. UI'oII<NOYt'I CJ.. O'OEA o 3. GAAVIT"r - - 4 - 4 ~ o e. flAP COfoIIATlILE WI 100% ~ o 7. GALVAHIZID STEEl. o e. Fl£XØJ! (HOP£) 0 II. 01'HeR o to CATHOOICPAOTeCTIOH o 95. UN<NC:)'IM ~ . ....~. ,:;. .. ··~i--f'~;· A80VEGROUND PIPING ,.,,., <4t PRESSURIZED PIPING (C/Iec ¡ ., lllat .,qJ: o 1. ELECTRONIC UNI! LEN< DETeCTOR 300 QPH TEST mIJ1AUTO PtJI,P SHUT OFF FOR L£AK ' SYSTEM FALUAE. AND SYSTBot DISCOtMCTION . AUDØ.I! AND VISUAL AI.AAMS o Z. IoIOHTM.Y 0.2 GPH TEST a 3. NNJAL INTeGRn'Y TQT (0.1 QPH) o "- DALY VISUAL QtECK COH\IENT1OHAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (ChecII" ",., tIPIJI1 : o 50 0AIl Y VISUAl UONTORING OftI'Pl'<lG AND I't.U'INQ S't'STÐI o e. TJUEtHAL INTEGRtTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFe SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7, SElF MONrTORINO GRAVITY F1.OW (Chedr" ltIaIaþpIy): [J .. DALY VISUAL MONrTORING o t. BlÐØALINTeGRn'YTEST(001 QPH) .~'." I!CONIWaLY coNrME...... PRESSURIZED PIPING {CItedr..",., IIPPIYJ: 10. COHTINUOUS TUReIfE SUM' seNSORmIHAUDIIILE AND VISUAL AtAAMS AND (crì.c:k one o .. AUTO P\JW SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM OtSCOhMECTION o c. NO AJJTO PIJr.4P SHUT OFF o 11. AUTOMATIC LEN< DETECTOR o 12. ANNUALINT'EGIUTY'ÆST(0.1 QPH) SUCTIONIORAVITY SYSTÐot o 13. COHTNJOUS SUIoP SENSOR . AUDIIU! AND VI8ÛAL ALAAM8 IlleMI!NCY CJBllRATOa ONLY (Chect..""" IfIP'1t o 1.01. COHTINJOOS SUf.P SØISOA WITHOtIT' AUTO PUW SHUT OFF . AUDIBlE N«J VISUAL AI.AAMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TëST(O.1 GPH) o 17, OM.YVISUAL CI-IECI< ~)\,~;~ ,'~~' ,,~ ... ....,.~~'. ·'-·':~~'·'~~;L"r·"· ',.·.·~-·~.-..-.-·i..· ....~~ '~!""..~~.~;;.:~-: :"oí ':. ,I", ~t....Jj.~~' 1. fILOAT aaawtIM THAT IHUTIOR IHIM VAlVl o 2. COHrNJOUI 0IIf'IJ-.1Wf 8INIOR. AUat.I AND VISUAL. ALNU.cs o 3. CONTINUOUS ~!WI SI!NIORmDiAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISPENSER · AUOI8LE NÐ VISUAl AlARMS DC. OWNIM)P!MTOR SIGNATUR! " ""-Iftd ICCIUrII8 to !lie II1II 01 "" 1InøiIIiIedgI. '~ ( ..:',:.'.:- OISPeNSEA COHTAINM!NT OAT! 'fWAl.UO .... J 79" '.{ ~ UPCF (7199) // (, ,.'.~::.... o 4. DAlLYVISIJAI. QEC ( o So.TRIHCH UNER I MC:/IIIITOAIHO o .. NONI - 471 470 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRCB-8.WPO , .- I -~ ..9F~19E OF ENVIRONMENTALSE~VICES . '.171tfhester Ave~;Bakèrsfleld, _93301 .. (661) 326-3979 . UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS . INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank P.ge _ 01 -.--..--..---..--.. -...---... - I I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION BUSINESS ÑAME (Same as FAëit.ñ'Y NAME 01 08A . ~ 8uINa AI) \ -----.-- .00----- - - _.-.. . (, av-A~~~s""\<¿W\ -:Lnc.- ; FACI~ID' _ ¡ RLIIlUllJ ~ F'-jþ if /)S~___ ..----..-- .--- --~- -..-..---------..........- ....---.-. -.......... -..-----..---. ....-.--"'-' ..- .......---..-----... ..--.._.__0_._' ___."_...., , , : II. INSTALLATION . Check aJ/ that apply The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspectAd and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checkJist has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNERlAG{:NT SIGNATURE , . oO" . _.___--:¡¡;;¡-- '0IIII C '4-~ ".. ',i·'!. '. -- -- .-. ------ ~.-..·n...a:.v&' &.l' YI~Vl"'lVl.J:.L"'I"'L .3I:!.I<.VILt..~ . , 1715 Chester ~ve., Bakersfield, ~!\9.~J...QJ.' .(66.° 326-3979, . .' _UNDERGROUND ]TORAGE TANKS _Nt< PAGE 1 .' . o " CHANG!! OI',NFORMA TION) PIQe 01 o G. rE"*'OAARY SITE CLOSURe! o , PERMANeNT!. Y CLOSéO ON SITe o 8. TANK RJ!MOV1:0 o J. Re!NEWAI. I't!RMlT 1'YPf: OF ACTION 0 I. /oW:W "T! I't!"MlT 0 4. AMeNOt!O I't!RMfT ,c.,«> oJ". ,,..., onty} (SlHdy ~ . lor 'OeM uN onty} S ~ (s.me . ~-'CJ'- T'r' I'W.4I!! Of 08A . eo.-.g ~ Aa) (SlHdy ~ . lor IOCM .... onty} I. T ANt<: OESCRIPTION u No en(. COMPARTMEHTAl.IZEO TANK 0 v.. It "'f..., QQtlløIeI. one øage for aacn QQtII c I. TANK CCW1"!NTI TAN( use QI ~ I. MOTOR V!HICU! AJE1. (r,)".rlted. ~ "....." rWMJ I 0 2, NQN-Ç\JEl ~ o J, CHEMICAl. I'ROOUCT ; 0 4. HAZAROOVS W~ (JncM g U_ OIJ iOgsuN<NOWH ! TYÆ OF TAN( I (Ch«;Jr one - OI"iyJ ~ T'r'PI!! J?1 I L ReGU.AA IH..!ADED o lit. PAÐoIUU IJN.EAOED o Ie. YDGfW)E IJN.EAOED CO....oN NAME! (IIgm ~.we~ "'-'Þy~) o 3. FI8ERGlASS I PlASTIC Jl 4. STEa ClAD WJFI8ERGlASS RElNFOAœD PlASTIC (FRP) o 3. FIBERGlASS / PlASTIC Ql 4. STEEl. ClAD WlFIBERGlASS REINFORCED PI.AST'1C (FAP) o 5. COHCÆn o 1. IUIIIeR UtE) 0 3. EPOXY \.RIG 0 S. GlASS l.JNING 095, UM<NO'MI o 2. AU<'tD UoNI 0 ... PHEHOUC lHNO ~.. UfoUED 088. OntER o 1. I.WU'ACT\JN!D CA'ßiOOIC &'3. I'18EAGlASS RO#OAŒD P\MTJC 0 as, UNKNOWN .wa PAOT!CT1OH 0 4. u>RESSED CURÆHT 0 88. OTHER o 2. ~ AHOOE (For /oQI1Øe 0I"iy) YEAR INSTAU..EO 450 TYÆ (FQ,1ocM u.. 0I"iy) 451 OVEIU'IU. PROTECTION EQUI~: Y!!AR INSTAU..ED 452 ~ SPIllCOHTANENT ¡qq3 íÞ. h'tl-s\t{Jl~ ftmSg/;.A1AAM 1m u(;.FIlL.TU8ESMUTOFFVALVEd'L? ~ OAOPTU8I! J Cfe¡ '5 l0óJuJ M BAU.FLOAT ¡qq3 04. EXEMPT qv(" STRJIŒR PlAT! 81-{>£/ ;,MT~K L!AK o 1. SINOU! WALL ~ 2. I)()(Jk2 WALL ; TANK MA TERW.. - ønmary ** : (CMc:J< 0". iNm OÑ/) o " BAAl: STœ. o 2. STAIfIUSS STEEl. TANK MATERIAL· MOOI'Idrt ** 0 I. BAAl: STEa. (Ch«;Jr one - 0I"iy) 0 2. ST AK.eS8 STœ. T ANI( IHTEIUOR L.HNO OR COA T1NG (Ch«;Jr one ..", 0fIly OTHER COAñOSIOH PROTECTION IF APPI..ICA8U! (Ch«:k one ifam 0I"iy) SPILL ANQ OVERFIlL. ~ ell«k .. tn./ 'ÞPIY) 4- o 2. LEADED o 3. DIESEl. o 4. GASOHOC. o 5, JET FUEL o S. AVtA TIOH FUEl.. o ge, OnER CAS . (J\'om HazaIf10ur .we__ "'--Y ~) 401 4041 .. TANK CONSTRUC'T1ON o 3. SINGLE WALL Vt'rTM EXTERIOA MSØWE LIfER o 4. SHJLE WALL IN A VAU\. T o 5. SHJLE WALL WITH INTERNAL IUDOER SYSTÐI o as. UN<NOWN o ge. 0'1'HeR o S. CONCRETE 0 is. UN<NOWN o S. FRP COMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOl 0 ge. OnER 443 ..... o a. FRPCOMPATIBLE W/100% METHANOl o a. FRP NOH-CORROOIeI.e JACKET' o 10. COATED STEEl o is. UN<NOWN o 518. 0'T1iER 4045 o404ð 04re IHSTAU..ED 447 (FfN IOf:a ... 0I"iy) 01\ Te 1HST1.U.fD 449 o 5. MANUAL TANI( OAUGINO (""0) o e. VAOOU ZONE o 7. OAOUHOWATER STATlSTICALIIN!NTOAY Rl!COHCIUATIOH (SIA) + 0 s. rANI< TESTING !II!NNIAL TANI( T1!mNG 0 ø. OTHeR V. TANK ClOlUIIU! INPORMATIOH I PIJUIAHIHT ClOlURIIH PLA~ 4U IITIMAT1!D QUAHTTTY Of' :JU84TAHCI ~ 4ðe TAAt< FIl1.!D 'MTH ~ MATtRlAL1 0" 02. 03. D 4. '" SlHOLA WAU. TAM( (Checic""".",xyJ: VISUAL (l!Xf'OseD POR'TIOH ON. Y) AUTOMATIC T ANI( I1AUQIHQ (A TO) COHTINUOUS A TO !STlMAT!D OATII..UT UNO ~Y} 4ð3 ~:~( ¡'-:~~'tI~,;;"~'~i::: ~ ".. ·:·~f~····:;..~;'·:·· ,,; ..:-;~:¿.. ~ ooueu WALL. TANK O~ TANI< 'MTH ~ (Chedt OM ,.", ønIy): 464 o I, V1SUAL(~WALL IHVAU\.TONL.Y} o 2. CO~INUOUS I~ERSTrrlAL MONITORING o J, MANUAL MONrrORING 447 ...,. 0'1''' ONo S;\CUPAFORMS\SWRCs.e,wpo 'CF (7199) - -vrr..... vr .........'''''''''''''..n ,.... ....".....,..'IiII 1715 ChHter Ave., "kenfield, CA .3301. (M1) ~7t un. TANIc Jto\GI! - w. ..... CONI1'RUCTION (Ctø* " lilt """ . . ~PIPIHQ SYSTeM NFl! ~. PRESSURE 0 Z. SUCTION 0 3, OAAVITY 451 CJ I. PReSSURE CONSTRUCTIONI' U), SINO&A WAI.L 0 3, UNIO TJIIfNCH a.. OTHÐt o4ðO CJ I, SIHGI.! WAU. . MANUFACTURERI g Z. OOUIL! WAI.L 0 II, UNKNOWN 0 Z. OOUBI.! WAU. I MNoIU'ACTIJAe.- ...1 MANUFACTUReR ¡ ;0 UAAI!ST!II. 0.. I'RPCOWATI&I"'I~MmiANOI. 0 1. SAAESTE£L : MATERIALSANO iO 2. STAlfUSSST!ll. 01. OALVAHIZI!DSTHL 02. STAINL!SSSTEEL I ~:~~N ¡ 0 3, PlASTIC COWATIIU! WITH COHTÐITS 0 II. UNKNOWN 0 3. PlASTIC CO....ATI8I.E WITH CONTENTS !~, FIIeAOI.ASS 0 .. A.2XIIU! (HDf'!) 0.. 01'104I!R 0 4. FIBERGlASS :05, STEEI.,,*COAT»fO 0 t. CATHOOICPAOT!CT1ON 4ð4 05. STEELW/COATING VI. ..,rtG LIAK DÐECT10N (CItØ" lilt""" UNDERGfIOUND PIPING i PRESSURIZED PIPIHG (CMc1I " lilt ¥PlY): o I. eu:CTRONIC UNI! LeAK œT!CTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mns AUTO PUW SHUT' OFF FOR LEN<. SYSTEM FALURI!. ÞKJ SVSTIM DIIICONNECT1OH + AI.I8.I! NÐ VI8tW. ALARMS o 2. MOHTK,Y Q.2 GAt 'i1!8T o 3. NHJAL INT!GRfTY TEST (0.1 GPH) (;(,"MNTIONAI. SIJCT1C)N SYS'T1Ie , s, CAlI. Y VISUAL MONTORINO OIl JIt....ø IVST'EM + TRENNIAL PI'INØ IN11!GRfTY I TEST (0.1 GPH) I SAFe SUCTION SYSTÐe (NO VALves IfIl!LOW GROUND PI'ING): o 1, SELF MONrTORING GRAVITY FlOW: o t. BIENNIAL INnGMY TEST (0.1 GPH) II!CONDAM..V CONrAINID..... PRESSURIZED PI'ING (ChecIt"" ¥PI1 : 10. CONTNJOUS T\JRIIINI! SUMP SENIOR WIItI AUCIIl! AND VlSUALAI.Mae ÞKJ (Q\ck -) - I. AUTO PUW SHUT OFF WHeN A LeAK OCCURS LJ Þ. AUTO PUW SHUT OFF FOR L.eAKS. SYSTt!M FALURENfO SV8TEM OISCONNECTION o Co NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 1 1. AU'T'OMATIC LN! U!AIC DeTI!CTOA ø.o OAt TI!ST) mns ROW SHUT oFF OR RI!~ . o 12. ANNJALINTEOArTYTI!ST(0.1 GPH) SUCTlQNlGRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. COHTNIOUISUYÞ S!NIOR + AUDalÞKJ'MUALAINIMI IIIP.AGI!NCV Q!lH!ftATOII!I ONI. Y (CIttct" lilt.., o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP 8EN8ORmngaAUTO PUW 8HUTOf' r +AUDa.I!ÞKJ VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE U!N( OET!CTCR ø.o OAt TI!ST):œDI!UI J'LOW SHUT' OFF OR RESTRICTION o I II. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 11. CAlLY VISUAL CHECK ·A8CM!OAOUNO PIPING CJ 2. SUCTION OM. UHI<NOYM o it. OTHER - o 3. GRAVITY 4 - 4 4. o .. I'RP COMPATIIL! WI 1~ ~ o 1. OALVNIZI!D STEEL o .. FlÐCIØU! (HOPe) 0 it. one o t. CAntCOIC PROTECTION 011. UN<NOWN ~ ··:·:'f-~~;;. ~, PRESSURIZED PIPING {CIIedI " ItIat ¥PlY}: o I. EU!CTRONIC LIE U!N( DETECTOR 3.0 GPH TEST:t4D1AUTO fIUI¡p SHUT OFF FOR LEAK SYSTEM FAIlIJAE. AND SYS'1'EM DISCONECT1ON + AUDØ.I!! ÞKJ VISUAL ALAAt.CS o 2. MONntLY cu QPH TEST a 3. NMIAL IfT'EGRn'Y TEST (0.1 GfIH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL CHEQC CXINI/Ðf11ONAL SUCT10N SYSTEMS (CItecII..,.., WI1 : o 5. CAlLY VISUAl MOMTORING OIl PFING ÞKJ PUM'INCJ SYSTI!M o 8. TRIENNIAL IH1'EOArTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN øe.ow GROUND PIPING): o 1. sa.F MONfTOA HQ GRAVITY Ft.OW (ChedI" ,.., ClPlYJ: o .. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o .. BlEJØALIfT'EGRn'YTEST(0.1 GfIH) ,~'.': IICONDAIILV coÑrAINiID ....... PFIESSURIZED PIPING {CItecIt.. -1fPIJ/YJ: 10. CONTINUOUS TUR8INE SUMP SENSOR mntNJDIIILE AND VISUAL AlARMS ÞKJ (di.ck_ o L AUTO PUW SHUTOFF WHEH A LEAK OCCURS CJ Þ. AUTO PU.... SHUT OFF FOR L£AKS. SYSTEM FAIUJRE NfO SYSTEM DISCONNECnON o Co NO AUTO PUW SHUT OFF o I 1. AUTOMo\TIC I.EN( DETECTOR o 12. NMIAL INÆGAITY TEST (0.1 GfIH) SUCTIONIOAAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. COHI'HIOUS SIM" SENSOR + AUDeUÞKJ vI8ÛAL ALNUI IIII!MINCY CJBllRATOIIS ONLY (ChMJt..,.., wM o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SENSOR mIJ:D.II AUTO PUM' SHUT OFF + AUOI8lE NfO VISUAL . AI.NWS .0 15. AUTOMATIC UNE I.EN( OETECTOR (3.0 GPH T!!ST) o IS. ANNUAl. INTeGRITY TEST (0.1 GAi) o 11. OAILYVlSUALOiECK ~,:,\:(.'~~" ..~ .~. .:> ¡,~ ~.,.~~" '''''aj~' ..~~; ~'."'." " ' ..'.........-.--.':j... ..~~~ ·..:·'I4::~:r:~;~~.--: :.... ': ~I.. .::.:~~~~. OISP!NSEA CONTAINMI!NT :~::'... o .. DALY VISUAL CHECK o S..TReNCH LINER I MONfTOAIHG o .. NCINII ... 0AT!)~1f~ 1. I"lOAT ~ THAT IHUTI OR IteAIt VALve .... 0 2. CONTINUOUI DIIPINIM PANIINM)R. AUDB.lÞKJ VISUAL ALARMS o 3. COHTNJOUI DIIIfIINIM PAN SINIOA mDf AUTO SHUT OFP FOR 0ISPENSeA · AUDIBLE NÐ VISUAL ALARMS DC. OWNIIVOP!JtATOR IIONATVRI! Ie INe Ind __ to 1IIe MIl 01 mr 1IncIwIecIOe. ... UPCF (7199) 411 410 412 S;\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-Ø. wpo - . ().FfICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES >:.,.171·Chester Ave., Bakersfield. 93301 (661) 326-3919 i ! UNOERGROUND STORAGE TANKS . INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ; i One form per tank I Page _ 01 ---..--..------.. -.------ -_.._--~._--- .~'NESSc:'-..'Aëim~ 0. If à \ 0 (. t::.- '-\-l ,-e- .' .::t.- V) 6 , FAClUTY 10" ITIJ:- ¡ TANK 10 .J:Þ :J- ..------- ._-- ---- ------....-----.....-...- ......--.-. I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ------__.....0______. ..___.._. '" .."-.---.-. ... - .. ..._---.. ----_... -_ll~___._._.__,___ ___.__... , , II. INSTALLATION ~ ~ ~ !t ~ I I Check all that apply . The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspec+Ad and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been Inspaded and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checkJlst has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNER/AGeNT SIGNATURE .. -_._._--~ "CllmC "'~ . ···~L~~!~ ..... -- ..~ .-. OFFICE ,OF Ë'NviRONMENT AL SERVICES . 1715 Ch_,r)'Acv~~~'Baokersfleld, CA:93J.~61) 326-3979 . '~NDeRGROUNDSTORAGe TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 .. .~. ...~. (~~ ."" JouI ua. On/'y) "8Qe of o s. T£I.4PORAAY SIT! CLOSURe o , F>ERMNlEW1.'" ClO~O ON SITe o 8. TANK ReMOVEO r"YF>E OF ACTION 0 I. ~ SITe P!RMT 0 4, AM(NO(O P'!RMIT , CII«_ J". ,_ """'I o ~. 04ANGI! OF INFOI'lMATION) (~_'''''JouIUH'''''''1 aUSINESS ~ (SIm.. ~ACll T'r' NAMI! 01 08A. Ooong 8I.--Aa) o ]. ReNEWAlI>f!RMT LV) 6> I. TANK OESCRIPT1OH COMPARnENTAlIZEO TANI< 0 ..,.. No If "Y..., axil.. OM 8\ e rOl eac:n c:anpartment. c .. TANK CON1DTI TAN< use 431 , ~ 1. MOTOR VI!HICU! I'\ÆL ; (lffNfted, ~ ~ Type) I 0 2, NQN-Ç\JB, PETROl.eUN o ]. CHEMICAl PAOOUCT : 0 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (1Iw:IIIØN UMd 0#) ¡ o !IS. UNI<NOWN ! TYPE OF TAN< I (Ch«Jc OIM ." oI'Iy) I'E1"AOC..!UW moe o ,.. ~ UM..I!.-œo 0 2. L.eAOED o '11. PftÐoIUM IHJ!ADED 0 3. 0ESEl ~,c. ~\JNLEADED 04. GASOHOt. COWoIOH NAME! ( tom Huan*Ius .w.ewws /twwIÞy 1»f1eJ 4- o 5, JEr FtJa. [] S. AVlATIOH FUEl 0.. OntER 441 CAS' (f1om HaZMIous.w.-.- /trvetrII:Ny 1»f1e) ... o 1. SINOU! WAlL ~2..~WAlL .. TANK CONSTRUCTION o 3. SIHQt£ WALL 'MTH EX1"ERIOA ..øtBfWE I.NR o 4. SN3LE WAllIN A VAtA. T o 5. SN3LE WALL 'Mnf IHTERHAL IILACOER SYSTEW 085. UNI<NOWN ON. 0TJiER D 5, CONCRETE 095. UNI<NOWN D I, FRP COWATIBlE WII00% W!THANOl 0.. OTHER 44J : TANK MATERIAl- WtrMry'" : (CM<;/< 0'" - only) TANK IHTERJOR L.M«) OR COATING (Ch«Jc OIM IIMr onM OTHER CORROSION PROn:CT1ON IF APPUCAIIU! o 3. FIBERGLASS I Pt.AST1C ~ 4. STEel. CI.AD WlFISERGlASS R£N=ORCEO Pt.AST1C (FRP o 3, FIBERGlASS I PlASTIC 1iå... STEEl CI.AD WlFIBERGlASS ~PlASTIC(FRP) o 5. CONCÆTE o 1. IUIIIR LND 0 3. EPOXY LN«'J 0 5. 0tAS8 L.HNQ 085. UN<NOYrfI CJ 2. AUC'tO UNNQ 0 4. PHEHOUC lMfQ B-.. UN.IfED 0.. OnER CJ 1. MAHU'ACT\.IMDCATHOOIC 18l3. FIIEAOLASSRfN"ORŒDPI.ASTIC 085. UNKNOWN 448 PAOT!CT1ON 0 4. ~ CURREHT 0.. OTHER o 2. SAatI'ICW. AHOOf! (For /oQI- only) YEAR INSTALLEO ~ TYPE (F«tocM IJH otrIy) 451 OVERFIlL. PROn:CT1ON EOUIPM:HT)ÆAR INSTALLfD 452 0,. SP1U.CONTAIHfoEHT rqq1 ík¡:;'II~t-iJ~~~r6 ~ALAAM JC¡Cf3 ar3.FIU.TUBESHUTOFFVAlve~ ~OAOPTUee I qq3 Vf>IAJ ~ IlAU.FlOAT /113 o. . EXEMPT ~ STRIIŒR PlATI she I :.~:T~KLØAIC o 1. IIAAe STæ. o 2. STAN.£SS S1UL """ i TANKMATERIAL·~'" 0 " 1lAAeSTEÐ. I (Ch«Jc one /film only) 0 2. ST AN..!SS ST!EL I D s. FRP COMPATIBlE W/I00% W!THANOl D t. FRP~JACKET o 10. COATED STEEl. o 95. lJNI<NO'MI o lit. 0TJiER ~ 44ð EMTE IHSTALLfD 447 (FoI1OeM.- only) DATE INSTJ.U..ED 4069 (C/leck OIM _ only) SPILL AND OVERFIlL. (CII«k .M tNllpp/y) 463 :.~( "-:~4JI¡#~:6i.:,;"i'~i::: :~. . .', .;.~~~.,. ",:':..f.t?,' .'; ,. ~;~.~ II' DOUlll..1 WALL T ANI< 0" T ANI( WITH IILADOCR (Ch«Ir OIM IIMr oI'Iy1: 464 o 1. VISUAL (SINOU! WAlL IN VAUlT ONlY) D 2. COHTINUOOS INTERSTITIAl. MONITORING D 3, MAAUAl MONITORING 0" 02. 0], 04, I' SlHOlI WALL TAM( (CIIeoII" ..., ~ VISUAl (EXI'OseD PORT1OH ONlY) AUTOMATIC TANI< ~ (ATQ) COHTINUOUS A TQ STATISTICAlINV!HTOAY ~TIOH (SIA)· IleNNIAl TANI( TlSTlNG o 5. MANUAL TAN< GAUGING (MfQ) o S. VADOSE ZONE o 7. GROUNDWATER o S. TANK reSTING o ell. OTHeR V. TANK CLOSURe IH'ORMA TIOH I PIItMAHINT CLOIURIIN PlAa UflMATlO QUAHTrTY Of' SU8STAHCI ~ 4ðe TAN< FIWO 'MTH INI!In' w.TiI'IAI.? 461 !STlMA TeD OA TI LAST USIa ~Y) 416 ØIIoN Dv.. DNa PCF (7199) S;\CUPAFORMS\SINRC8-8. wPO ..... . ... .........".-. .--- OPPICIOff INVIIWNMINTAL SERVICES 1711 C...... Ave., ..k......Id, CA .3301 (II wr . TAlMIlAGI '-Ie _ f1I .-.. VI. ...... CONI'rRUCTION (OtetIII"......"" '. ~PlPlNO SYSTeM NPf . ~. PRESSURI 0 Z. SUCTION (] 3. ORAVITY _ CONSTRUCTIONI.0, SIHOI.I WALL 0 3, UH!D TR!NCH (] II. OTHIR 480 . MANUFACTURERI'Qf Z. oouar WALL 0 II. UNICNOWN i *HUI'ACTUAIf' 411 i ; (] " IAAI! ST!IL 0 .. .... COWAnaI.... 1~ MITHANOt. : MATERIALS AND '0 Z. STAINLISSSTUL 07, QALVANIZIDSTEII. I =:¿'~NN 10 3. ~ CX)YtAT1a! 'MTH CONTENTS 0 II. UNICNOWN i~. I'IIERQLASS 0 .. I'l!XJILI (HDf'I) 0 II. OTHER . ;05, STelLWCOATIHO 0 t. CATHODICPAOTECTION * 05. STE£1.WlCOATIHG VI. ~ LI!AK DaTECT10H {CII«k IIfIIJt~ UNDERGAOUND PtPINO PRESSURIZ!D PIPING (ChedlII lilt 1tJI1I1þ: o 1. ELECTRONIC UNI! LEAK Df:T!CTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mnI AUTO AMI SHUT OFF FOR lEAl<. SYSTEM FAILUAI!. N#O S't'ST!M DlSGQI..£CTIOH + NJDeU! NI/lJ VISUM. ALARMS Ü 2. MDNTK. Y 0.2 QPH TUT o 3. ANNUAL IN1'!GAITY TEST (0.1 GPH) CO'"VENT1ONAL SUCTION SYS'T'Ðe , ljf 5, DAILY VISUAL AoIOHITORINO Of' PUMPING SYSTÐf + TREfHAL PFINØ INTI!GRI1Y I TEST (0. I GPH) I SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES"III!LOW OAOUND PIPING): o 7. SELF MONr1'OAING GRAVITY FLOW: o t. 8IENNIAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) IIICONIWILY CCIIfrAMD...... PRESSURIZED PIPING lCI** II lilt ItJI1I1 : 10. COHTNJOUS TURIN! SUMP SENIOR mItlAUDIIlE AND VISt.W.~ N#O (0)IIck -) L: '.. AUTO PUM' SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o Þ. AUTO PUNP SHUT OFF FOR IJ!AICS. S\'STEM FAI.UR& AND SYSTEM DISCONrECTION o Co NO AUTO PUNP SHUT OFF o 11. AU'T'OM-'TIC LN! U!AK DeTECTOR (3.0 GPH 'JUT) mOl A.tNIIHUT oFF OR RESTRICTION . o 12. ANNUAL INTEQArTY TIS1' (0.1 GPH) SUC'1'IOK'GRAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. COHTNJOUS'" SINIOR + AUDaI NlO'MUAL1U#IIIj IIII!AOINCY CJI!NMA1W!I ONLY fCl**lI lief'" o 14. CONTINUOUS SUtoP 8EN8ORmDlZYIAUrO PUW SHUl'OfF +AUDaI! N#O VISUAL ALARMS o 15. AU'T'OM-'TIC LINE LEAK ŒT!CTOR (3.oGPH 'JUT) ~FLOW SHUrOFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTeGRITY TEST (0. I GPH) o 7, ONLY VISUAL CHECK A8QWQROUNO PlPINO a Z. SUCTION o 95. IJNICNO'M o II. OTHER (] 3. GRAVITY - .: o ,. PReSSURe o 1, SINGLe WALL o Z. OOUBLI! WALL MANlJFACTIJRER o 1. ØAAE STEEL o 2. STAINL!SS STEEL o 3. PLASTIC COtM'ATI8LE WITH CONTENTS o 4. FIBERGLASS .. .. o .. FRPCOMPATlILE WlI~ ~ o 7. QALVANZI!D STEEL o .. nexae (HOPE) 0 It. onteR o t. CATHODIC PROTECTION o SI5. UhlCHOYM ASOVEGROUNO PlPINO 4ê1 ,-:'~. ,:;, ~.. ." . ,......-~~., . '. 4ê PRESSURIZED PIPING (CIIecIt II ilia, WIY): o 1. ELECTRONIC UN! LEAK œT£CTOA 3.0 OPH TEST mns AUTO fIUM' SHUT OFF FOR LEAK. SYSTEM FALURE. AND SYSTEM CISCONNECTION + AUDØ.I! AND VISUAL ALAMtS o 2. MONTHLY 0.2 OPH TEST o 3. ANNUAL INÆGRfI'Y TEST (0.1 GPH) o 4. DALY VISUAL QEO( CONVENT1OHAL SUCTION ~ (Cltecll1I"'" WIYJ: o 5. OAIL Y VISUAL toICINm:IAING OF ......ø N#O PUMPtNCJ SYSTEM o .. TRIÐNAL IHTEGAfTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALVES IN BELOW GROUND PIPING): o 7. seu: MONrTORINO GRAVITY FLOW (ChØ II".,.,): o .. IWL YVISUAL MONfTORINO o t. BIENNIAL INÆGRfI'Y TEST (0.1 GPH) ,~\.;. UCOIIWIILY coÑrÅINI!DN'ING PRESSURIZED PIPING (CII«k II /IJat WIYJ: 10. CONTNJOUS TUR8INE SUMP seNSORmItI AUDIBlE AM) VISUAL AlARMS AND (ctiedt_) o .. AIS'f'O PUM' SHUT OFF WHEN A LEAK OCCURS o b. AUTO PUtM' SHUT OFF FOR IJ!AICS. SYSTEM FAILURE AM) SYSTEM DISCONECTION o c. NO AIS'f'O PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AU'TCMATlCLEAKDETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUCTIONIGRAvrTY SYSTEM: o 13. COH11NUOUS SUtoP SENSOR + AUDØJ!N#O VI8ÚAL AI.AAMI Øll!MIHC'I' GI!JIØATOIII OM.Y (ChØ1I Iwt.,ç¡IyJ o 14. CONTINUOUS SUMP SI!NSOR mnøø: AUTO PUMt SHUT OFP + AUDIBU! AM) VISUAL . ALARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC LINE LEAl( CETECTOR (3.0 GPH TEST) o 18, ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17. DM.YVl5UALCHECK ~~{;\ ~'.. - " ", ..~ '<.' :..'~: ::;~.r._'/~'.' .~~:~~:_ :~~~ ~ :'..~~,' . ': '~'<.'~~:j~~CJ"k."'., . DISPeNSER CONTAINMI!NT OATE I~ALLI!D _ 1'1t¡ :s : ',!t;'''' (] 4. DAlLY'MUAL CHECK [J ".TRINCH LINER I MQNT'OAING [J .. ~ 4ðII 1. fILOAT MICHANIM THAT IHUTI 0IfI1H!M VALve o 2. CONrN.IOUI OIIPINIIR PNlIINIOR. AUOaI AM) VISUAL AlARMS o 3. CONnNUOUI CIIIIP!NIIR PAN SINIOR mDiAUTO SHUT OFF FOR DISP£HSER + AUDIBU! AM) VISUAL ALARMS IX. OWNIRIOPIMTOR SIONATUR! ICCUtIIe 10 IIIe II1II at my 1InOIiIIIedOI. ... UPCF (7199) 471 470 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC8-8.wPD . -\,,11 T Ur- aAI'\Cf'(~r-ICLU '. -::O.FaCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL~VICES , .·..·,:.·fi.f!'ê'hester Avê~, Bakersflåld,~A'93301' . (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS -INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank PIge _ tII _.__..__.._9_~__·' ._______. - ... ... '.. _. ..- ---...... -.... ..----.-- "--- --.- --------------. ....-....- --.---.-- .....-.---.-. ..- ... .....-..-------... ./ --..._.__0_'- ___.__._. II. INSTALLATION . Check sJI that apply The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspec+Ad and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has been completed. The installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNERlAG-=NT SIGNATURE '0IIII C ·,·4~~. .~ .........- OFFICE~OF EN,VIRONMENTAL SERVICES ·".171SC_terAve~,~akenfield, CA93a(66.1) ~2~:,~979, UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS ~~NK PAGE 1 . , ~I o 3, ~t!NEWAL PeIU..IIT '"~ at o e. reMPOAARY SIT! CLOSU~t! o 1 P€Rw.NEHT\. Y CLOS¡;O ON SITe o 8. T ANI< REMOVEO r'fp€ OF ..CTIQN 0 " NEW 'IT! ~"'T 0 4. AMl!NOI!C PeRMIT , C,'eck oJ"" ,,.,,. only} o 5. QIANQI! OF INFORMA TION) (Sp«i'f ~ . !IN IOUI ua. only) FAClUTY iO . 'I I. TANK OESCRIPTIOH 6WV) COMPARTMENT ALIZEO T ANI< 0 Y.. ~ No . If "'1..., complete one ø~ (or Uc:/'I comP4lrtm-. NIJ I c .. TANK CCN1!JfTS TAN( USI! 43t o I. MOTOR V!NCU! I'UE1. I (If_rlted. ~ ~ Type) I f!(2. NQN$UEL ~ o 3. CHEMICAl PAOOUCT ; 0 4. HAZARDOUS WASTE (1ndudN u_ (1) ¡ 095. U~ I ¡ TYPI: OF TAN( J (CMck OM ..." ody) ~T'YÆ OIL AeGUAA IH..I!AOED 0 2. l.EAŒD ~ III. PN!MUM IH.EAOEO 0 3. 0ESEl o Ie:. ~ UN..EACEO 0 4. GASOHOl COI&tOH NNotI! (110m HeØI'dous Ua_ In>wIby ~) 4- o 5, JET FlJE1. o a. AVIA T10H F\Æ1. 09&. OniER 4<11 CAS' Øom Haz:udO<4 Ua__1nveIrIDty ~ .. o 1. 8INOl.e WALL. N 2. 00U8L.e WALL. .. TANK COHSTRUC11ON o 3. SINGLE WALl. 'MTH EXTÐUOR toÐIBRNE lINER o 4. s.o...e WALl. .. A VAtA. T o 5. s.n£ WALl. 'MTH INTERNAL 8I.-'COER S'YSTÐof o ViIS. UN<NOWN o 98. 0TIiER o 5, CONCRETE 0 iIS. UNKNOWN o a. FRP COM>ATlBU: WI100% I.ETHANOI.. 0118. OTHER 44J : TANK MA T'ERW. - ørtmary lank (Check 0"" _ only} o 1. BAAE S1æ. o 2. STANnS STEEL o 3. FI8ERGLASS I PlASTIC .Iil4. STEEl a..AD W/FI~ RElNFORœD PlASTIC IFRP! o 3, FIBERGlASS I PlASTIC ~ 4, STEEl. a..AD WlFIIIERGlASS RaNFORCED PlASTIC IFRP! o 5. CONCÆrE o 3. EPOXY ~ o 4. PHENOUC LNNO 44A ! TANK MA TERW, . MCOndery lank 0 I. BAAE STEB.. i (CMck OM _ only} 0 2. ST AIN..!S8 STæ. o a. FRP COMPATIBlE W/100% I.ETHANOI.. o a. FRP NON-COAAOOIBLE JACI<ET o 10, COATED STEEl o ViIS. UNKNOWN o 118. OTHER 44.! TANK IHTEIUOR LNNG OR COA TINQ o 1. NJeeIR lMD o 2. AIJM) IN<<J o 5. <3U.s3 I..IHIHG œ... UfUED O~,l~ o 118. OlliER ~ ~TE INSTAUEC 4047 (CMck OM 11m onIyJ OTHER ~SIOH PROTECTION IF AfIPUCAIIU! (FMbaII_ ody) OA TE 1NST.t.U.£O 449 (Check OM ... only} SPILL ANO OVERFIll. o 1. MAHUPAC1'I.RDCATHOOIC ~3. ~IWNf'ORœDI'\,ASTIC PAOT!CTIOH 0 4. IU'RESSaJ CtJRR£HT o 2. SAaWJCW. ANOOE o ViIS. UNKNOWN o 118. OTHER 44a (For lOcal 11M only) (C/leck ., r1I4/ 'PfJIY) TYPE (ForIouJ uN only} 451 OVERFILl. PROTECTION EOUIPMENT: YEAR INSTAUEC 452 n ¡:':;' \\ ~ \jfÀ\.s ~V!6'[J;Y( ALAAM rCfQ3 rø-J. FIll. rullE SHUTOFF VALVE (~qJ {J p lù ~ BAlJ.. FlOAT I q Q.:3 0 4, EXEMPT ske,{ ;./Y¡,T.-..K U!AK 0" 02. OJ. 0.. " "NOLI WALL. TAMe (CheoIf.ø II« eppIy): VISUAL (VCPOseo PORTJON ON. Y) AUTOMATIC TAM< GAUGIHG (ATG) COHTINU04JI A TO 4ð3 ~·.~c ":~4ÄI·fI~~.; ;··~:1.~:.:: ~. .' ;~~~!" "::..~~':. .'; ....~;~:¿.. II' DOU8I.. WALl.. TANK 0" TANI( 'MTH IUDCMIR (Ch«Ic OM 11m ønIy : 464 o 1. VISUAL (SIHOLe WALl. IN VAU\. TON. Y) o 2. COHTINUOUS IHTERSTrTlAl MONITORING o 3, IMNUÞ.L MONITORING o 5. MAMJAL TAHI< GAUGING IMTG) o 8, VADOSE ZONE D 7, Of\OUNOWATER STATISTICAL IHVtH1'ORY R2CONC1UATIONISIR). 0 L TAHK TESTING IlIeNHIAI. TAM< TlSTlNG 0 it. OTHER V. TANK CLOIUIt! IHI'ORMA TIOH I PIIUilAHIHT CLOIURIIH PlA~ 4U IITIMA TIC QUAHTTTY 01' SUSST AHCI ~ 46ð TAM< FIWO 'MTH IN(In' "" ~1A1.? 467 I!STlMAreO QAT' WT UNO~Y) MIotIe Dv.. ONo 'CF (7199) S:\CUP AFORMS\SWRCS-8.WPO '-, I ~ v.... ~n..n~....'....., OfI'ICI OfIINVI..ONMINTAL SERVICeS 11 S C....... Ave.; "k"'fteld, CA '~1 ("1) 11 "If. TAIIc Mal! ,... - cI ~"""HQ VI. ..... CONITRUCTIOH {Øtft",.., WIYJ ABOveGROUND PtPlHO SYSTEM NFl! 1. PRESSURE 0 Z. SUCTION 0 3. OAAVITV 451 0" PRl!SSURE CONSTRUCTIO~' U LJ.lNOll WALL 0 3, UNI!D TRVOf 0 II. OTHeR 4eO 0 1. SINGU! WALL . MANUFACTURERtUJ..'f. OOUIlIWALL 0 IS. UNKNOWN 0 Z. OOU8I.!WALL i r.wIU'ACTVA~ '" MANUFACT'UR£R ¡ ; 0 " IlAAUT!!L 0 .. ". COWATIIlI.... u)n MITHANOI. 0 1. 8AAE STEEL I MATI!RIAlS.4ND'O %, STAIM.!SSSTUL 01. C3A1.VAHIZ!OST'Œ. 02. STAINLESS STEEL I ~:¿'~N ¡ 0 3. PlASTIC COWATa.I WITH CONTENTS 0 IS. UNICNOWN 0 3. PlASTIC COMPATIBU: WITH CON'T'ENTS !~, I'1RAGLASS 0 .. Ft.!XIa! (HCf'I!) 0 II. OTHIR 0 4. FI8ERGt.ASS :05. S'TI!I!L""COATINO 0 t. CATMOOICPAOT!CT1ON 484 05. STEELW/COAl'1NO VI. ~ LIAK DlTEC110H (C1IØ II '*WIYJ UNDERGROUND PIPING i PRESSURIZED PIPING (ChecllII lilt 1I/tII1): o 1, EL!CTRONtC UNI! U!N< œT!CTOR 3.0 GPH TEST mnt AUfO PUYI SHUT OFF FOR L.EM. SYSTEM FAI..UR!, NC SYSTEM DIIICON€CTICN. ~ AND VISUAL AI.AAMS . o 2. MOHM. Y 0.2 QfIH TUT CJ 3. NH.IÞL INTI!GRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) ~ SUCT1ONSYST&e: ,C 5, CAlL. Y VISUAL MONmJfUNO OIl ~ SYSTEM . TRIEfNM. PIPING IH1'EGRflY I TeST (0,1 GPH) I SAFe SUCTION SYSTEMS (NO VALves IfIll!l.OW GADUND PIPING): o 7, SELF MONITORING GRAVITY FlOW: o t, 8lENNW.IN1ëGIVTY TEST (0.1 GfIH) ae:oNDAIIIL. y cotn'AINID.... PRESSURIZED PIPING {Chtc*" flit wM: 10, CONT1NUOUS T1JRIINI! SUMP SEN80R mD1 AUDIIlE AND VlSUALAlARMS NC (CIoIIIck _) FJ' Q. .\UTOPUMPSHUTOFFWHENALEAKOCCURS . o Þ. AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR U!AKS. SYS'TEM FAIL.URE NC SYSTEM CISCONNECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AIJTOf,MTIC LN! L!AI< DETECTOR (3.0 GPH TU1') mnt ROW SHUT oi:F OR R£~ . o 12. ANNUAL IN1ëGIVTY TEST (0.1 GPH) SUC'T'lOHGAAVITY SYSTÐot o 13. CONT1NUOUS ~SEHIOR .~ANDVIIUAL~ IMPJtGI!NCY (J~TOII!I OHI.Y (CI/'å"1IIt ~ o 14. CON1'1NUOUS SUMP 8I!H8OR mngaAUTO PUMP 8HU1'~.AUCe.e NC VISUAL Ai.ARMS o 15. AUTOMATIC UNI! LEAK CETeCTOR (3.0 GPH TU1') ~ ROW SHUT' OFF OR RESTRICTION o 18. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 17 . CAlLY VISUAL OlEO< . .... ., o Z. SUCTION o 95, UNICNOWN CJ II. OTHER CJ 3. GRA'JrTY 4 o .. FRP COMPATlIU! WlIOQ% ~ o 1, C3A1.VAHIZID STEEL o .. Fl!XIIIU! (HOPE) 0.. 0'ntER o t. CATHODIC PROTeCTION 0.. UNI<NOWN 41 :"':;".:" '"·":-f~~:" 4{ PRESSURIZED PIPING (Ch«II"lNt 1IJPIr): o 1. ELECTRONIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 3.0 QPH TEST mntAUfO PUMP SHUT OFF FOR LEAK SYSTEM FAIL1IAE. NC SYSTEM DISCONECT1ON. AUDeU! NC VISUAL ALAAMS o 2. MOHM. Y 0.2 GPH TEST o 3. NNJAL NTEGRITY TEST (0.1.GfIH) o 4. DAILY VISUAL OIECK CONIÆHT1ONAL SUCTION SYSTEMS (CIwtå""'" WI1J: o 5. DAILY VISUAL MONTCAING OF fIFIfO NC PUMPING SYSTEM CJ .. TRJEHNIAL JNTEGM'Y TEST (0.1 GPH) SAFE SUCTION SYSTeMS (NO VALVES IN 8B.OWGROUND PIPING): CJ 7. SElF MONrTOAINO GRAVJTY FLOW {C1/«It II.,., WI1J: o 8. DAILY VISUAL MONITORING o a. IIIENNIAL NTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GfIH) I!CONDMILY coÑrÁitÏ!D I'I'ING PRESSURIZED PIPING (C1IØ" "., IfJIJ/1): 10. CONTINUOUS TtJR8INõ SUMP SENSOR mntAUDI8LE NC) VISUAL AlARMS NC (ctiå one· o L AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF WHEN'" LEAK OCCURS o It. AUTO PUW SHUT OFF FOR LEAKS. SYSTEM FAILURE AND SYSTEM DISCONoIECTION o c. NO AUTO PUMP SHUT OFF o 11. AIIT'OaMTIC LEAK DETECTOR o 12. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 OPH) SUCTIONIORAVITY SYSTEM: o 13. CONTNJOUS SUNP SENSOR. AUDa.l!NC VlSÚALAtNWI ÐleMI!NCY OI!JllRATOM 0tL Y (CheI*" '* IAII}1 o 14. CONT1NUOUS SUMP SENSORmItalIAUTO PUMP SHUT OFF. AUDlBLENC VISUAL ALARMS ,0,5, AUTOMATlCUNELEAKDETECTOR(3.00PHTEST) o 1 S. ANNUAL INTEGRITY TEST (0.1 GPH) o 11. DM.YVlSOALCHECK ~~\:~ .' ~ . . '. ..~ '<." ... ....... ¡,.. ·...,,~~...·r ';'\~i'~".....~~~..~.,... ':. ·.""'",A··..-~..........·i'..· 'f~- .~~.;~.~J~~:_.: <''co ': "'. ..:tt".Jj~~ J....., DlSPI!NSER CONTAINMI!NT "~~::.,, ,"' o 4. IWLY VISUAL QIEC ( o S..TRINCH LINER I MONrTOAIHG o .. NONI .ell OATe INST~ I 9 9...:) 1. F1.OAT a.-04ANItIM 'THAT -.uTI MP IHI!M VALve ... 0 2. CONTNJOUa DIIPtI.... PM IINIOR . AUDBJI NC VISUAL ALARMS o 3. CONTNJOUa DIIP!NII!ft PM IINIOR lII'DJiAlll'O SHUT OFF FOR 0tSPENSER · AUDlBU! NC VISUAL ALARMS DC. OWNUJOPIItATOR SlONATUR! n:I __10 tile IMII 01111)' 1IncIIMIcI I. .. UPCF (1199) 470 412 S:\CUPAFORMS\SWRC&8.WPO """.' v.-- g",,~I;ö~~'-- ........, OFijK:E OF ENVIRONMENTAL ~VICES ':1Qti'!'Cl1ester Ave., Bakersfield, ~ 93301 .:.. (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS . INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form per tank PIge _ 01 ·.-------.----- ____ ..._____.._____....._..._ __4__.__ -.--..--..- -_.- _.. -.---... I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION , BUSINc;;&~~ , FAClUTYID' l ¡ I.l~ II TANKID' ---.---....------. .-.-..... ... .. 0.. _._ _.. _. .._ ___._ ___ ~c 4~ .---.---.-. "- .. -...-----------. ffi G_ --'-'-'--'--- ---.--.... I II. INSTALLATION Check all that apply . The Installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The installation has been inspertAd and certified by a registered professional engineer. The Installation has been Inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All work listed on the manufacturer's Installation checklist has been completed. The Installation contractor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield OffIce of Environmental Services. Identify method: III. TANK OWNERlAG~NT SIGNATURE '. -_._._--~ 1"0IIII C . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FACILITY/SITE MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT -gr 4 AMENDED PERMIT o 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 0 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED. SITE o 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMATION & ADDRESS· (MUST BE COMPLETED) tI' BOX ~ CORPORATION 0 INDIVIDUAL 0 PARlNERSHIP 0 LOCAL-AGENCY 0 COUNTY-AGENCY' 0 STATE·AGENCY' 0 FEDERAL-AGENCY' TO INDICATE DISTRICTS . "owner of UST is a public agency, complete the following: name of supervisor of division, section or office which operates the UST TYPE OF BUSINESS [8J 1 GAS STATION D 2 DISTRIBUTOR D tI' IF INDIAN # OF TANKS AT SITE E. p, A. I. D, # (optional) RESERVATION 3 Ç-s D 3 FARM 0 4 PROCESSOR D 5 OTHER OR TRUST LANDS' C!.A L 000 11£0 b 0 . (MUST BE COMPLETED) Söa+-e, CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION tI' box to indicate (. r III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION· (MUST BE COMPLETED) c~;¿t~l fu-e\ S &km MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS t¡ '-I ~ ~eGl~ fbe.. CITY NAME h.û.. lL:\t:,r ':e1eA 353 2> IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST"STORAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 322-9669 if questions arise, TY(TK) HQ @]±J-~ INDIVIDUAL o CORPORATION 0 PARlNERSHIP STATE ZIP CODE ('If- o LOCAL-AGENCY 0 STATE-AGENCY o COUNTY-AGENCY 0 FEDERAL-AGENCY PHONE # WITH AREA CODE , tk o STATE,AGENCY o COUNTY-AGENCY 0 FEDERAL-AGENCY PHONE # WITH AREA CODE V. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY· (MUST BE COMPLETED) -IDENTIFY THE METHOD(S) USED tI' box to indicate 0 1 SELF·INSURED 0 2 GUARANTEE 0 3 INSURANCE 0 4 SURETY BOND 0 5 LETTER OF CREDIT 0 6 EXEMPTION ~ 7 STATE FUND o 8 STATE FUND & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER LEmR 0 9 STATE FUND & CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 0 10 LOCAL GOV'T. MECHANISM 0 99 OTHER VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Legal notification and billing will be sent to the tank owner unless box I or II is checked; CHECK ONE BOX INDICATING WHICH ABOVE ADDRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS AND BILLING: 1·0 11·0 .III~~ THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAL TY OF PERJURY. AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT COUNTY # CD JURISDICTION # ITIJ FACILITY # ITIIIIJ LOCATION CODE . OPTIONAL I CENSUS TRACT # . OPTIONAL I SUPVISOR . DISTRICT CODE - OPTIONAL THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST (1) OR MORE PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B, UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY. OWNER MUST FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM A (6-95) 'f <;' O.CE ~~ 'E·N~~;;NMiNT¡L.RYICES 1715 Chester Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS· TANK PAGE 1 Œ ""'101" ACTIO'" I C~..: _ .JIM .- ow,J a I, NC'fI/ srTe I"I!/UIIT 0 .. ..,../oQID ..e,....-r o ~. CiúHGII! OF 1Nf'0'-_ T\O",) p. d o 8. 1"!...o~'I' SITS CLOSURI! o , PEltioWCl!NT\.'" ClOSEO 0IiI SIT! a I. r AI« IU/oCIVI!O d:s. ll þlW~ PI!,.,.T Is.-;, CIIMgII . ~_.... øn/';J FAQUTT co . 1s.-;,...-.."".II!cM w_ ~I Al'j ( I . I, T ANIC OI!$CR1PT1OIIf COMPAATWENTAl..iZJ:C 1N1k 0 y- 'IIG. No It "T.'. call"'. ( f'IOI ø.ge r... ..,., com,*"",,, ~ .. TAMe ocínørI 1M« use , ¡:g, I. 'ertOR vecu I'WL : I"_tltetl.~"""" r,..1 I 0 2. ICJ~~ . 0 3. ~EIoICAL I"RCIDUCT ; 0 .. ÞOIAlAN:IOUS WU'T£ t....... u., or) ; 0 95. u IoIIOOMII r I niIt O~ T.u« !1~__~1 ~T'YP'I! a 1a. MGLUf' \KIADEØ (] :r. L.ÞŒD a,.. fIiIIIIDIUW ~ ~ Ji 3. cea a,e. ~\HV( E[) 0 .. ~ CØ6III)IiII JWiI! (JeIft *- MIl..... ~,.,.) .. a 1. ~WAIJ. 1Q 2. OQ.&I; VIIoIoU. rANI< ....TeRW. - ~ -* 0 ,. IAI'I! SYØL lo..ckone_OffI1J a z. ST~S'TUI. r.....1( Mot. TERIAL. . -*Y .. 0 1. IAIIII!! STHL (CMc.t.,.,. _ ðIII)'} C a. STÀH.ØI ST&1. T.&HK MaueR ~ OR èOATtHO " (Ch«i .... ..... 0fIIJ1 OTHER~ PR011:CT1CH II" Af"III.J(:AIU ro-k ..... ... Øf'I;J $PILL ANa O'Æ/tFIlL I Ch.ck .. ".., .., a 1. ~UiB o I.~LMIO o :s. ~18eAOLASS I PUS1'IC ~ ~. STUL Q.AD WlflIØ.I!RGP.ASS REIN'~ I'\,MTIC: (AAP) (] 3. FllERtUSS I fiUSTIC .,8(~. STm.a.tD"'~ ~FV8T1C(FRP) Cs.~ o " Ø'On' I,MG a s. 0lASS I.MoIO a 115. UMCNOMf [J .. JIttINO Ie LMG JJ. .. UiI.JIIEg a.. one ~:s. ~ RiØORCZD ~ a lid. IJI'IIQI(MN "" o .. ~ WIO CI.JfUtI.NT C 118. On-lER & TNØC caMl'ntUC1'1CM C 3. DGJ! w.u.-:: ~ ÞÐeIWEUER [J 4. SItCIL£ WA.LI.IN A VAt.U a 1. ........~c:AT1CCIC Ø'RØTII;. JIQot [J Z. ~NIXIt! 'I1IAA 1NST.At.lEO u.a TYJIIE (~lðuIuø~) 451 ~, SPUc::OIoITA»oMHT ~WfJ n r,")ls t-Pis PV'lS r¡('z. ClACPT\Jee: un I¡(MWfJ .lJ (>L0 ~. ~"""'Ta .1J y\ lJ.rvlollÛ 5 f-~.f'j 01, o So MAIoIUAL TANe GAtJGtHO (t.rI'Q, C .. V,..;IOIIE ZOI'C! (] 7. GfIOU...,..,....T~ (] L T'" TUTIfoIQ a... OTHI!A ¥. TANK Q.OIUIU! lII'OIUIAnoN' ,.RllAlllIIIT a.oIU... IN Pt.Aa UT1MotI TIIO QI,IoUiITI1"r ()' Sl,lIIST NCI -P"'""....... ... T.-.- ,lLLtø WITI4 INIUn "" ""' ¡I.L '1 I!STI~nø DoITIIoAIT UMO ~YJ dot ..... ... ...1 o 5.""~ D .. ,\'W\A TJQH FUll. o 118. oTW£A CAS' {fIeIJI ~....... ~,.,.J ... a I. $aG.I! W.IU, YoYTH ~ ILÁCŒR 8"rSTÐ4 a..~ 0.. (JT)IER o $, ......-.....:fti 0.. I,HOIOWN o II.. RfP c;o.FAT18LE W/'~ METHA1<II. (]!IiI. OTl-lEJl ..: .u. D & ~ COtoIPATIB/...E WJ,OO!ro ~ CJ.. ,..~~ a 10.. COATIÐ STeEL [J..~ o 1m. anEA ~ ... EM TI! INIT AUf ) ..7 (1W 1r:aI_ ,.qJ DIo T11N1ST'AU.ED ..e (filM IDaI u.f M)'J ~ILL PAOn(:TlON EOuIPlENT: '!'1:AA IfdT..u.J!O ~2 J' ~~ I){\~ Ill,. ~ Ût\\eI'JOJ 14', FlU. TUN $1UTOFF VAL.V£ _ .J' Ufll<-now"'> IItJ z. 8AU. ~OAT C .. I!X&FT ' . ·~A~.,··'·t',;:,~~~,,~~,:"· ........ :~~~?~·~·:'t..~~·:··,,~~,·; ....,.....:....~}r.~~... _ OOU8L1 WAU. TAM( 0.. .,__IIWTM ~ ro..:. -,.,. ~ · C I. VlIUAI. (SINCIU! W~ I" vAIJI..1 eN. \") o Z. (:ONTI~ INT!RSrrrlAL, M( NlTC)R NQ C 3. w.a.Nu~ Ioé)HrrORlIilO 1/41 o y_ 0 ~ PCF (1190) S:\cUPAPORMS\SWRC8-8. wPC a ~I J T """ ......-."., .-..... . OPPtc:' M uM"o..".NTAL II!IVIC 1'" a.w A...... ..1I.......ld, Cot '130' (..1&71 .,. . T.....ltoIGtt -- ,.. . - WI..... caM'll(UCTDI /0.11" -.,.", ~~ SYST.'" TYPE .~. ~SlUIII! a z. SUCTIOM C 3. fMAVff't öI a I. PRISSUMI!i -" --. · ,.,. C 3. LJNU) T'IIINCI4 c.. ClTHIR _ 0 1. SWGLE wALl, ~T~IJC:TJO"" Q: I, S--... W....... : MANUFACnJR( IIIO I. CIOUII.eIllf-'U. a.. UNIúC\tIN a I. DOU8leWALL i """'_ACTUI'IJII 4111 IoIAÞIIJF~AliA ; ;0 1.~stUL. C L "~41'a1'tIIIJloø~ CI I. ......1!S1"EEL i ~~~UND '0 ¡, STA/IIUUSTUa. C '7. cw.VAJG!DaTUL (J 2. STAlIiLIUITEEL. I COIII ll(lJlO 11 ! a a·........ ............ PROTECTION i CJ 3. P\AST1C CXIIiØ'Á"" WITH CiQI1f1'IIM1 .. IJMIN)WfiI 3. PUSTIc: CQIIPA TIIII.£ ""'" CO... ...... " !~, ~ C L 1II.DaI(tØ'I) C.. 01'ItØt a ~ F~ :0 s. lmiIL'tWCO&1'INQ a I. Co\THQCC~ .. 05. STW.W1COATIHCi VL ~ L&AK ÞeTlCTION ~_IIIr""" '. ~~ i PRES$I, RIZEO PlP1N13 (Chetà .. ftIr I!IIIIII)I¥ o 1. eLE.CT1QC UJ1I! LIIAK ~ 3.0 QPM 1DT IlDiNolTO ...... MJf ( flIt RIA ~ S'\'SfbI FAI.1.IM...cI sm&i Nl'X f.c:n)oo......... AND...... ........ o z. ~,. o.z GPH"1ff C J. AIHJo1IL ~ 7Uf (8.1 tJIIH) ~ Sl.lCnClNftS'I'Ðe œr s. Do\IL'I'WÞ&.III)o ~QF....... rtWI8I................~ i TUt (0.' ØfIMJ I ~ 9IJCrION S'I'S'I!MS (M) "ALVU .. aaow GfOJHD""'-'O~ o 1. SEI.F ~QRII1G GRAV1TY FU)W; o .. ~ ~OMYTEIT (0.1 QIIIW) ~"CCIWI'~"'" ~PIItNQ/QICIt.._~ 10. ~. TIJA8N! ~""'Y4Dt.tWIUN«JWlaJAL.A&NQIINC ( -) a. AIJTO JIUIjp ..." OFF ~"I.ÞIC oc:c;uiII , o II. AIITa.....!HIt on: FOR I.tMI, ~ FAI.UAI! Nfþ I'r8'I1iW ~IAr~ Q Co NO AII1'O ,..,... ....... OFF o 1~. "~T1C.... LÞK DCf"' ~ þJl QIIþ 1U1)*Df RQIIfa.rron OR RtmcTOol ' a 12. ~ IPITtGAlT'l' TU1' (e.1 GPtf) sucr~VfT'f"~ o 13. CICWrNA::UJ....II!IIBa.~ NiO~""'" UIIMIIC'f QI!I8MnMI ~"~r¡ "wM o 14. CCH1'1J1I. Q , .........!l'!lD:llUIAIItO P'UMP -..nQfll....... AND Yt$UAL~ o , 5. ~ TIC UIIII! L&IC óf¡11tCTC111t a..o GPH TaT) lInIIŒ AJ:M..." OFF CIA AlS'nUCt1Cl1iI a I'. A/1O UAL IÌ1ITI!GRfTY TUT (0.1 OPH) o 11. DAIl T viSUAl. CHeCl( ...-oveaAClUlCI PIPtNO a a. SUC'tlON C _. UI1IUQ¥IW 0.. cmteR () 3. .......,., ~ 4. ~ ~ o .. :Rp Cl:N'ATIIL.E WI law. ~ CJ 1. cw.vANZG STIlL CI e. F\DIfU (ICIPE) 0.. 0T1Ð C t. CATMQOIC ~T8C110111 0.. UNOIQ'iIIt ~ ...~f¡~;. ~~PlPUoIG .. '4! PRUSURlZED PIPING (Ch4dt ..1Ief,-,\: . CJ 1. QJ:c:nIICIMC UN! I.6Nt CETIGTOA U QPH TUT mIlS AUTO ,.,. 8HUT OP'P I'CR ~ 8'I'ITÐI FAI.LIIE. NCI I'rITDt I)I$-xr.~. Ai.lDaENCI'o1iIuAL oII.ÁM8 C z. "ONnuu QfIH 1UT o '- ~ INY1!GAn'r 'JUT ce.' c:JfM) o 4. ~'I'~ c::HII:* ~suc:noN I'I'SJUa 10** .....,): o S. QAa,.1' WIIJoI&.~OF fIRiG.-N) ~ mstI» [J .. TAlEJilNW,.INY!GMY TIi8T (o.t GfM) ~ SUCTIOÞI snnae NO VAlY£S IN III!1.OW QAOUI1I) PIi'ING): CJ 7, SELF r.tONITOAII1IG QAA\IrI'T FLOW ('OId''' .., 4 lP)'J.' (] a. ~Y\'ISUÀI.~ o I. eeMAL.1m!OAr7Y 'IUI' (0. f GI'WJ ". ." ~'t'coÑrMiÎl!D..... P!i"15$CIt IAIZf1" PUlING (Ow;It""'" ~ ill c;:Ot.ITNJOUS 'l'IJR:8I1e IIJttP SEJG:)ftmDI AUDII&.! ~ WIUAL MNtUI AM) (GÌldtG'lO C .. .wrt) P'I.IW' M.IT 0t:F *ÐI A LEAl( oc:aJIa [J .. AUTO PUàf" liI'M' Of<F Á)IIIl£A (S. S'I'STS4,NtJ.IR& ÁitD ~ 0ISCCNECrJ: [J Co NO AU10 PtMJ SHUT QFJ' o n. ~TlCLÞK~c;n)R a ,2. NNMlMlGltm'TEST(o.f Gf'H) IUCTICII*OAAVIl'T I't'I18I: !J 11. c:cHTNJQI,IS......... ÁUDIU Ne wa..ì.u. AIMIM . . IDel/lllllCYGI!NÞATa,.... ~.IIIf" a 1.. C':ONTN.Q,IS SUW SI9Ø)f« WftMðtJ! AUTO PI.W atU1' ( f:fI. AUDIILe AND VI8UAL .......... . CJ 15. AUTOIiIoiTIC uHI! L!AIC œrECTDA (10 Øf'H TEST) o 1'. ~INrlGRm'TE.ST'(O.' GPH) a 11. DIUL.,. VI8UfoL CHtClC ~~,;. "~.'~:")~,~~:~ .r.¡/~~~ . . .~·~iiŒ¡7 ~..~", ~'. .~. . . .~< ''';' ;~-~\~ì.,'. . -.... ........ "- tL.....-... _.4&... ~. . _ -,j..;-:tw.1_.:..~ - C t. I'UMT"'-W"''04I'",,*CW'IH!MVAI.\III C Z. ~~""~.~N#Þ~ALAAJo4I C J. CII:IIiITINUQUa..... PAN __~AUn:lIHUf 0'ÞfI ~OA 0IaPE.NSIIt . NJOUILE ÁICJ \lUllJAI. ~ DC. ~UTOJt ....N.. ..... "" '~ o 4. cw..,. \1I&W. CM!QC (] .. .1R8CHLN!R/~ [] .. !Ole .. ÞI~ COfIf............. ~T'! ~T~D .. - UPCF (1199) 411 .,0 S:\CUPAFORM8\8WAçs.a·~[ e ....-......... .-.. .... _. e One form per tankJ ". _ d -~"'-.._--._.""--'. _.,,--'" -'- --......- ...... ......-____...__-_.... __ -_ow -_...______ I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ------_._--...........~-- - .... .- ....~.. . '" .... ... '" -- .._,,---- --.. ..--.---.-.. '-- ... -,.._-'...._-~-~_.,.. ---~--_.__.__.-._. ....----..-- II. INSTALLA nON : I I ? , ,; Chedc ., ",.t .ppIy The Installer hn been certified by the tank and piping manufacturers. The Installation has been inspec'fMi and certlfted by a registered professional engineer. . The Installation has been inspected and approved by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. All wotk listed on the manufacÞ.lre(a in8fa'latlon checkll8.t has been completed. The installation contractor hea been certJfled or licensed by the Contractors State Ucense Board. Another method waa used a8 allowed by the City of Bakersfield OffIce of Environmental Services. tdeOtifv method; 01. TANK OWNER/AGeNT SIGNATURE ÓÃiE -- -----.-.. _n.. - -. - . - -.,. ..----::¡¡¡- g ~--_.__... ...- . ..._- ~. IL~~2fJ¡ ~ f}¡t//Jr ¡J11)J7¿ '9!MC ..,~ ". !.,~ ., -. - .-' 0.£ OF ENVIRONMENTAL"KVILt.~ 171S Chester 'Ave.. Bakersfield, CA 93JdIP'(661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAGE! TANKS - TANK PAGE 1 ~ o t CJoWoIG! o~ I,*ORWOONI 1'-0- r:t o s, T(...-.o~Y SIT!! Cl03URt! o , PE.RJoWoiI!f'(I\." Cl.OSEO ON 3/TE a I. r A,/>Ù( R£1.c:I'w1!O rvP!õ OF ~TIO'" , CJ>oe.lI .".. .,.." ~I o I, ...w 5ITIt """T (j -. ~o ~"'T 0). Re~ÀI. P'l!RWl1 Is,.d, ØMge .1f1' 1ðcaI.... o"'"'} ¡: AQ&JT'T 10 , I r~..... . If , II¡caI UM ""'r' .11,..)\ I . I. TMlk cesauPTK* CO of>ioIInEHT'Àl.IZED UNK 0". 'i{ ND If "'1... """'~. .",. p. r..- MC1I CDnpenm.... .: I. TANIe CXINTØTI " ~n'I'I!! 8J.. ~~ [J z. I.ÐŒO [J 11». ~~ OJ. DIUEI. a,C.~~ o..QASQHO&. ~IIWÆ~..-.......... ~P9) T.... .. ... , ~ I, "4OTOA \IÐCU I"UII. ; l"m.II,*~. ~~""J I 0 2. ~PETAOLÐM o ). 01~ P'AC:IOUCT 0-. ~ISW~(~ UIØI QI. o 9:5, IJNOIOWN o of. JET FUEL EJ a. AV1AT'ICN RJEJ. D.. OTHEA .., CAS . ¡IIQm .-.- ........ .--,. page) .¡. 'NPe O~ T,AM( ,~-~"J r.w« ~~. IIMWf '-* (~O". ..... tJd iJ C 1. ~Wo\U. R a. ~...... o 1. ...... STØL. o 2. STAIoUSa S1'U1. f _I< Mot. T'ER~ . ----,... 0 ,. ISAIte STQI.. I~--~) 0 z. STAMOaSnB. T.w« INT'fRI)JI LMG OR COA~ ~ _..... 101M O'f1ojER~aøc ~T'EC1"ION II' ~ 'a-Jt__~ JP'LL -0 O~1lL ell.". .. -, -tdr) o 1. III.J8IIeIIt LMO CJ I. N.Ja'O lIINI aI, o ~, 0). 0.. , lIIIIIILa .-u. f'AM( {t:IwtdI.,,,,., ...w: VISUAL (IÞPOUO ~ ON.. 'I") Auro,"",TIC TANe o.auoM3 ~rl)' CONTI/IIlCUI "TI) 9TAnITIé.N. ~ ReCClfolClLlATI( I (IIA,- 5II!NMì>I. r Nfl( 1a1'TlJolO Uf,..,...rll!O QAT. u.IT u..ø 'I1II/IIICIICI'r') 461 .. TAHIC COM81'RIJC1'QI a :I. SN3Le WAlL Wf1'H EXI"EIUOA L~'PE LMR D.. ~WALLI""I"'~T D J. f'1IIÐd.ASS1 ~ 'þ( .. STUI. a.AD WIf~ ~~D fV..STIC(FRPI D 3. FIBERGLASS I PVoST1C 18.. 4, STI!EJ.. Q.N:I....~ ~ F't.AST1C (FRP (] 5. CIOtCFI£T'E o 3. II!JIIOX'I' LNoIG C &. PHÐCIUC 1.-.0 (] 5. SMII...& WAU. ~ ~ ~ S'I'STVoI c..~ a.. cmER [J 50 ~E a... lNOI;IWN D So FJlPc;OM>ATl8I,S WJ1a:J'.4 ~ (] 90. OT1iSl &4- 44 a\lL$.~ o !!IiI. Q'T104ER [J So FRP oo...ATlBlE WI'~ ~ o a. FPP HQH.CX)AAOCa! .JAC;JŒí CJ 10. c::t)A 'ÆD S'I"EÉL 44! o-re .....AUSI 404J a s. GI..'8S LMCJ l!!k. tMM!D o IS. UNCPOMI [J II. OT1et 44 {1tt>' __.- arw'rJ 01. n :NST,i,U.!O ..~ /3..1 ~u....-oACSI PUIt1C a 1IIf_ ~ (] .. ~ c:IJftRþIT 0 II. OTtiER ... (1'ør Jot:aJ _ tWfJ ~IU. PPOT!G'T1OH !QUI~: 'r'5AA II»STAUEO )\~ lit I. AI..AAM U1}~AW,.;cr(;. FILL TUBE SHUf O,,~ VALve <:.-. c¡(:. 8o'U. F1.0AT iJ~ 0 .. ~ .., ..... :;~?~':':..:....~~~.' ,"; ... ·:~t~~ __ DO....... wALL 'tAM( ". T'NtI( 1IIIT)f ~ (CIrM:k _ ..,. tIdy : 464 [J ,. VlSIJ.&L.ISIHCII.I W~l J v AI,Jll' ON. ." a ~ éCI>n'I 1o UQ(JS lI>n'fRS11'T'W. MONlTOAINO o 3. MANIJAL. "'Nr10RINO a 5. hWII.I.\L TN« ~UQØoG(WTQI o .. VN.1CsE ZON!! [J r, ~NDWAT!It (J ... TN« TESTINO CJ II. oTHU V. T.ANJIC a.oauu ..'C=-MA TICIN , PlltMAJiI&IfT CLOIURI IN Pl..AQ U'T'IfMT10 ~ 0' SU88TNCI-V"-- 4611 TNIIC f'lu..eo ~ ~ W¡A TP!Ltol? .,1 ....... aT. aND ~CF (7198) , S:'CUPAFO~MS\SWRc&-8.WPC .- I'. .. ....., ~ __ ~m"."'~",,, .: O"lItel (JI,INWIONIIINTAL '...Y1C '71' C..... Ave., ..1t........cI. CA tw, (II,L1I "'.'-''''''' .... - cf , ...... '. \It ..... CGIII'I'RUC'I1I'.* ~......., ~ II'IPINO STST!!1oI NPI! ¡st;. "'USUI'I CJ 2. ~TJOH 0 3. QIU.'IIm' ... a , ~SSIJI'E CONSTA\J(;TIO~'Q'" SIfIIOlIWAU. [J 1, LUeÞTMNOI C.OTHllt till a I. SIHOLIWAl.L :MUit.lFÁC1'U~ II a a. OOùafWAU. a... ~ 0 z. CIOtIS.!w.w. i I, ~ofoCTU Itfff 411 IoWOIIJfrACMtI!/t ; 101.fWII!STUL a.. ""'~taI..,...~ C I. 1IAAI$TE1t. : WAT!!R1AI.S AICI ,0 Z. ST...... tnaL C 7. ~VNQIDme. 0 2. STAH..ISUTUL j ~..:~::. :0 1. ~~T18I.aWITWCI:IffTINT' c.. UIIOO/* a 3. IùST1CCCWA11I1U!'4I/mf~ !~. ~ 0.. fI1..Þa!(ÞØII) o. onø o,~ FIIeRGLASS :0 $. STEm. \lWCQaTNJ C to c..ncJOCPIIIDTICT1CIN .. CJ So STlELWlCOAT1MG 'fIlL ~ 101M DlTEC'T1I:IM (Qfc*"-"" I ~~ I ~S$URIlEØ PfPI/'IIG (C/ItKII ~....., CJ I. ÉLlC'TJOIIC LM LJIAIC ~1I)A 1.0 GPH 1Uf 1mI I& ft:).... MIl' OR,.,.. L!AIC.!I'rII'ÞI FAI.I.N. AIIG S'IS1W~~ 1..:IØf·......MC'I~ ~ o z. IØlTlt.T U ""1'1111' CJ 3. ~ ~ .. TW.-r (1L.t CIfIN) Q;)~ suc:T'II:)III S'\'S'T&c: . rr 5. þAlLY VISUAL WCINTOIQIIO ( Ir ~ S\'ISTI!)I- ~fIIIIG ~ I TlST (0.1 GPHI I SAFI! SUC1'1OfI snTENIlfC) VAlvES.. -.ow GM:IUIIID PIPN3): a 1. $EI.F IoOIITOMG GRAVITY F\.OW: a t. 1ilEÞNl&.1N'n!GN1"'r 1ØT (0.' Gf'H) ... ~YCQfl''''''''' PRliS8IJfUZI!Þ PFNJ to-*..IW~ 'Q.~S 1'UAMII! .........-mIAUOØ.IMlDVIIUM.~MC) ( -) .. ..uT'O PCNf!Þ SHUT OI'F........ A LBM QCICI.N , . o '" ~~~~0i'J' FCA uwca. """'''~NlOftImiM a... NOAUTQ~~on a ff. A""",,,tIC LM ~ ~ Q.."1QA (3.0 QllN1"ØrJ!!!IID( FI.OW*-"~ OR M~ " o '2. AINJAL M'ECRTY T9I' (0.' GfIH) S/JC'T1QHIQAA'm"f' II'I'STÐI: CJ ". ~ ...1IH8OIt.........NG~___ IIIIMlI!IICy.......".. DIIII..' fOWd ....,., at.. COÞITIMICU8....,.... rdDIiIIß.uTO PUIiP 1HUf01fiJl ....... AliI) V'lSUN. ........ o 15. .AI.ITO*TIC UII! LE.M ~r~(I.o QPN TUT'J .nIIIlnøw.-.r "" Of' IŒST'ROIOM o la. ~M1!GlUTYTUT(O.' CJPIo J o 1 T. (ljUl Y vtSI.I~ CHECK ~aAOUlIID PlPlIIIO o ~ SUCTXIN (J 15. ~ (J II. one - . - ~ C 3. _WOr - . CJ L "'c.:owArr"~t'"~- CJ 1. GA4,vAMZ!Ø ~ a L I'\..EXB.! (MCPe) c.. one o .. c..ncoc PROT!CT'IOH a lid. uJIICN:IYWM , ..:~~~~ ~QliQUND PIPING PReSSlJAlW) PlPlNØ(CIIct., I1Mt IØ/Y): [) ,. &I.I!CTAOMC Uifš LIM ~ 10 QIIH TUT mDlAUTO..... SHUT QFJ: FaillJA¡ 8YSTIW FAUJAI!, NC) ~ !:IitIÞ:o"l!crDI- AU:IIkI AND 'JtàIM......... a 2. IIDtM.Yo.J'" tUr C a. liel.llll.1ß&IIII'I\''n!IT IlL' ~ (] ~ ~Yl/'&IaL.oe:. ~ suc:T'ØC....,..~.,_"'"' : C s. Qo\ .:r~_~"'''''''NG ~...,... o L 1'R\INIIW. IHTtOAITY TaT ca.' taIIHJ W1! SUCTICIIII $'I'STÐo8 (NO VA¿.\IU 1M BIiLCW GAOUNØ JIANO): [J 1.swr~ GR4\IfTY F1J:IW (t:IW4t,. """.....J: [J .. ~"YI8LIaI.~ a .. IIIIEJItMI. MEGAtJ., 1UT ,0., ~ .'. ." ~TcoWr.ùNa>.-..a "'eG<II1AJZSI'I PIPINCJ (ØIeó"" ClllrJ: 10. CIOtITMJOUS'TtRIC SI.M' ....J!m1 AUCI8J!! AM) Yl!llJA&.A&AAMS MIl) (diá III o .. AU11) ~ SHJTOFFWtEN À....OCXUtI (] IL N.ITO AMP SHIJ1' ~ FOR IÆNC& IIY8'1$I FAA.I.IRfi »II) S"f'ST&t DISO::J.-cJ.. o ... HO ~ IIUIoP SHUt' ow a , 1. AU'l'tllU.ft:: LÞIC r.MiIuo. ~ [J 12. AIIH.IAlINÆGAITY TE.IT (0..' CAtJ , . ~vmST8TØot a Is.. ~......... .A4IDIU/IIC)\IIIÚ.\L.~ .......-:YCI.-u~ OIL" ~.ø........, a ,.. CCNTllllJCUlSUW ~ mnaa AUtO """1fM' OFF. .........AHò \II8Uà. A&NtNS ' ·CJ IS. '-U1'CI*T1CUNEt.eN(~p.OOPHT1!S'I') o II. ,f NUAL ItI'r'eóRITY TlST (D.' GPH) CJ 11. ÞM.. 'I' \IISI.W. Q4f!CX ~.':),r·" ~',,:' )''¡';.'.~~~ X~"~;.;:· .::~~ŒiY~_-.~1i""J::,.'" . . >: ·(·;';·-~""rTiÞ". . ~. ~ ~- icu.... .. -......a.... ..' _. -J. ,~~.G l)I~co.crAMen' [) t. ~f~,*TMtrlC»P~\lAL.'4 C4nINS'TA&.l.I!D ... a z. ~DIIN"'''''_.~ANI~~ C ~. CCINIMJOUI ~PAN"'EiAU1"O MT ""' R)A O/.SPÐISP. A,UOtII,.I ÁNCI V1IU~ A&.NVII8 IlL ~T~ '1QfCA'N.' .l1li..." ""......... ... UPCF (1118' a .. Dq,'tVlilUAl, OII!QC [J L.TNÞCH L..MR I W)IIII'OfWIII' C .. M:MI .. .71 S;\CUPAFORf.t8\SWAc:&8.WF . "-II' U" 01'\"1;;"00#' ....-- ,.'.. OFI'ICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SevlCES .17'15 Chester Ave., Bakersfield,' CA 93301 " (661) 326-3979 UNDERGROUND STORAG! TANKS -INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE One form er tank P-v- _ 01 ..--....--.-- ._---- ---.- .-.---..........----......,.....- -...----. ....--........- .....--_.. ----- I, FACILITY IDENTIFICATION ---------......,.----.. ....-..". '" ,.......... -......-----, ..--.-.-'-"'- "'- .. -...---------.. .-...-.--.--- ---.--.... II. INSTALLA TlOH < 3 ~ ~ § Ch«;k IJJlIh.t apply . The Installer has been cet1lfted by the tank and piping rnanufaçturers. The InstallaUon has been lns~Ad and certified by a registered professional engineer. The InstallatJon has been InsPf.'ded and applO\l8d by the City of Bðkersfleld OffIce of Environmental SSlVlces. All work listed on the manufacturer's InstaUation checklIst has been completed. The Installadon contractor has been cerUfied or licensed by the Contractors State Ucense Board. Another method was used as allowed by the City of Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services. .lØentlfv methosl; III. TANK OWNER/AG~NT SIGNATURE I ~ fill' tile "'fDm1a1føll pøaooIII.-I1W8In III IIW . ~ III .... ~ III my____ ~- Ifo;. W .. __'''_n CJСjf-' __________.__w .~- . 'j ..8 , I' 't ~ _.(h11(!fJ. idmt. .__ c)¡'!'E ........-..- .-....--.-.-,...." .....,-.. ". - ..- 'u ,._..._._~ -, ,.", c . .~_.. O~CE.,OF'ENVIRONMENTAL.RYICI!.:=S " ,1715 Chester:'Ave.. Bakersfield, CA 933 ()If'(661) 326-3979 UNOeRGROUND STORAGE TANKS- TANI( PAGE 1 ~ a " 0WtG! OF I..,OR.... nOI\l) ...,. ~ o ~, 1'1~" SITe CLOSURe o 1 "'iJ;\"""'wn. 'f CLOSED ON SITE o s, T"" IlA!IoC)VE C rYP£ OF ..CTOOIol CJ !, ~ 3rT! ~"T CJ .. .u.ll!I'CIeO pI!"'....,. ,eft.", ~,. ,_ ~J a), Rt:HlMAL I"I!Jk..-T (s,.dr~'--""'.~} 4 'o (1 . I. TAN ( OESCRIP11ON COMPAAn.EfIT......LZEO TANK 0 "'. 0 I'WJ If.......·, QII'IIp.. ....11. f,. Md'Ioamp8l1m__ ~ .. TAJIC ""'"" mn. ~r-noe o 1L ~~" a z. IÞDID C 'If. .......1.M£AOf.D 0 J. ceaa !Sil'$. ..,.~ tMÐœD 0 4. GASOHOl CC&AOC NMÆ hot Ha--.. ....... /IMtIÞT~) T»It .... 41t . Ji( ,. ...oTOA \IØCU na : (If _III.,. -.... ,....... Type) 0 ~. IC)NoAJEJ. ~ ,OJ. Q1~ fIRCIiCIUCT' : 0 4, ~WAST£(ft:àd,a u_ CII1 Oi5.u~ o s. ..ET FUEl. o &. ...V14T1QM FUEl.. 0911. OnER ..., CtoS . (ftDm I-IIIIMbø w..- --.-,.".) 4 TYPE 01 TN« (a-Jt_ '-'" ~J TiJ« ""'~ ......, '-* (C~ aM.-m-n C 1. .... 'I'Ø&.L. Iii. 2.. CCtAI!! WALL o ,. ~STœ. D 2. STAMÆ.SS S1UI. UN!lÍNoA.TERW,.---,.. D ,. 1AM!STUi. (a-Jt ~.... OI'it'J CJ 2. STAM.a8 STœ. TN«INT~L.-cJ OA COATINO (ChèJt - ....."" Of)jEJ( ~SIQN PMC1'tCTlO,. ar .II'PUCAIIU (CI>ec*..... ...... ..."J SP4\.L N«! O~fU'1U- 'C/lec* " (fl.' .pd;) 01. a a, 0]. a., a 1. .....~ CAT1'IODC It). ~,.....,ÒftCS) f'IA"I'IC a III. ~ ~ 0 .. ~aJ1UI£HT' 0 II. OTWS. o 2. s.tQIt <IQfL AICIOI! (,:0, IœM - odT) 'I'1!JoA INSTAU.EO ~ ~ (~b:aI u.. only) ..s, ~1lL I'MCTECT1ON EQUIPWS.NT: ~ INSTAUB:I 4$: ~ 1. SPUCCfiIT'~ ~Ñ Th ~~\C6 t'W-nsa 1. ALNUoI ~ Fru.T1Jø.eSHUTOF'VAL.ve~htÐù J5. 2. DIiIOPTUII Un t:.fLO~!IJ o,,1.0 ~ ~Fl.O"'T UI\\{l\OioIl"'O 4. II!.¥EY'T S~. ITRICIIIP\ATr vt\k..f\Q¡.OrO $~J c ,. IUIeØt &.MD C L ~LMO n1'I_Tee DATII.MT u.o ~Y) - .. TNII( CONS1'ItUC1'1OIIf [J J. ~ WALL wmt ~ "9"ø~L.IIØI o .. SH3LI! WAI,L. III A VALlI. T a ,. FIIERQUoSS I PU$TIC 1!11 ., STUL. Q.,\D WIF~ IŒIN'ORŒD PI."Io.STIC IFRP! §t3. FeER~J~ o .. sræ. Ct.AO Wlf'8V1G1.AS3 IŒH'CAC!C IIUS1'IC (f"F) o s. c:o.c:A£T! [J 3.. Ø'CIX'I'LNC) 0... ~L.NNQ a I. $aoQJS WAU, WI1M QIIITENIIAL ~ S'I'S1ÐI a., I.MQIC)wfo [J.. cmeA d s. ~¡ e [J 115. 1.INICÞCWN D s. FJIP (:OM>A118I.Æ WI'~ uerHANOL CJ iSI. O~ .oW .. [J..~ [J.. anE1'I o L F'lV'COY'''TIIlU!WI'~~ o .. ,:,. ~J,AC;IŒT ala. CGiTeO IJTs:L ..w DATE INIJTAI,.I.£O U~ CJ.. IJMO DWN [J iSI. OmER (J 50 QI...\M L.NM3 "&1. UM.Ie:I 448 ~tIZf¡ .- crd)<J ~T!! M'I'~ 44\ ... :~c ;:~~;.1i.;.;··i\~::~· .:' . . '. ;;~t~ .'.,;....:¢:?.' .,.¿.", ,.' ;rt~. "00..... WAU. T..... 011 r..- WfTM IILAD08Jt (CII«:If -..... ~ ~ a " VlSUALI~WAU.IHVAIJl:rOfol,:rt CJ z. CO/olTItoIIJOUS Ih'fUS1'IT1,a.L ÀoIONlTORIHQ o ), &4AAIUAL MONrTOfln.:¡ o s. ~ TAHlCC3o'YGINO(WTOI D ... vAOOSfi zeN! o 1. QIIOVICIWATI!JI Q I. T»at T£STlNO a .o~ Y. TAN ( a.OIUU INfatllATION / PIRMANINT a.OSURIIN PLAa IfT1WA,TlO QUoUfTrT'Y 01' suesrNICI ~ 46ð TAN< 'II..U!O WITH INØff toI4TU1..."," 467 ....... a,.. CND PCF (1/9i) S:\CUP AFORMS\SWRCs..8.'tYP( e . STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM D 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE D 8 TANK REMOVED D 1 NEW PERMIT D 2 INTERIM PERMIT D 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION D 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE D 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. . COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN :# D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: v B, MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MOIDAYNEAR) II. TANK CONTENTS IF A-liS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C, A. &11 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL D 4 OIL B. C, D 18 REGUlAR UNLEADED ~ 3 DIESEL. D 6 AVIATION GAS 02 PETROLEUM D 80 EMPTY ~ 1 PRODUCT o Ib PREMIUM UNLEADED 4 GASAHÔL 0 7 METHANOL D Ic MIDGRADE UNlEADED 0 5 JET FUEL 0 81.485 03 CHEMICAL PRODUCT 0 95 UNKNOWN D 2 WASTE D 2 LEADED D 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D, Ba.OW) D, IF (A. I) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C. A. S. t: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION [jZ[ I DOUBLE WALL 0 3 SINGLE WALL WliH EXTERIOR LINER o 2 SINGLE WALL D 4 SINGLE WALL IN A VAULT o 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL 0 3 FIBERGLASS o 5 CONCRETE D 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 0 7 ALUMINUM D 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL D 95 UNKNOWN D 1 RUBBER LINED 0 2 ALKYD LINING D 3 EPOXY LINING o 5 GLASS LINING ~ 6 UNLINED D 95 UNKNOWN IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WliH 100% METHANOL 7 A. TYPE OF SYSTEM B. TANK MATERIAL (Primary Tank) C. INTERIOR LINING OR COATING MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B, AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D AND E o 5 INìERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM D 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OiHER ~ 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 8 100% METHANOL COMPATlBLEWIFRP D 99 OTHER D 4 PHENOLIC LINING D 99 OTHER YES_ NO_ D. EXTERIOR 0 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP 0 2 COATING CORROSION PROTECTION D 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION D 91 NONE E. SPILL AND OVERFILL, etc. ~~~ ~~~~AJy~~ENT I STA~~D (YEAR) NO o 3 VINYL WRAP IV. PIPING INFORMATION A, SYSTEM TYPE B. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)A@4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 7 STEEL WI COATING A U B 100"10 METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A U 3 GRAVITY 2 PRESSURE A U 4 FLEXIBLE PIPING A U 99 OTHER SUCTION A U '2 DOUBLE WAll SINGLE WAll 1 BARE S1EEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 9 GALVANIZED S1EEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION V. TANK LEAK DETECTION I MECHANICAL UN.e lEAK 0 2 UNE T1GIfTNESS . 3 CONTINUOUS INTERSTI11AL 04 ELECTRONIC UNE 0 5 ASHUTDQIITOW.TIWNC PUMP 0 99 OTHER IJETECTOR TESTING IIONTORING ŒAIC IJETECTOR 1 VISUAL CHECK 2 MANUAL INVENTORY D 3 VADOZE ~ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK 05 GROUND WATER D 6 ANNUAL TANK RECONCILIATION MONITORING LB GAUGING MONITORING TESTING ~ 7 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL D 8 SIR 0 9 WEEKLY MANUAL D 10 MONTHLY TANK 0 95 UNKNOWN 099 OTHER ¡,.aJ MONITORING TANK GAUGING TESTING VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION (PERMANENT CLOSURE IN·PLACE) 3. WAS TANK ALLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? LOCAL AGENCY USE STATE I.DAt COUNTY . rn JURISDICTION II ITIJ FACILITY II ITIIIIJ TANK ¡ ITIITIJ PERMIT NUMBER I PERMIT APPROVED BYIDATE I PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATlON· FORMA, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORM C MUST BE COMPLETED FOR INSTALLATIONS. THIS FORM SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PLOT PLAN. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM B (6-95) e e UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETAN~ INSTAllATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FACILITY ID# I DBA/FACILITY NAME DThe installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufactures. DThe installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engeneer. DThe installation has been inspected and approved by the Certified United Program Agency, DAII work Listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. DThe installation contactor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board, DAnother methos was used as allowed by the Certified Unified Program Agency. Identifv Method ;>OWNERlAGENT'SIGNATURE· I certigy that the information provided herein is ture & accurate to the best of my knowledge "Ii e e STATE OF CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 3 RENEWAL PERMIT ~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT o 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION o 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTlY CLOSED ON SITE o 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACilITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTAllED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION A. O~;~~'~ T~K ~}? /I COMPLETE All ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN I B. MANUFACTURED BY: II. TANK CONTENTS IF A-1IS MARKED, COMPlETE ITEM C. A. ø1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. C. ~ 18 REGUlAR UNLEADED 0 3 DIESEL.~ 0 6 AVIATION GAS 02 0 EMPTY ~I PRODUCT o 1b PREMIUM UNLEADED 0 4 GASAHOL 0 7 METHANOL PETROLEUM SO o 1c MIDGRADE UNlEADED 0 5 JET FUEL 0 8 MaS 0 3 CHEMICAL PRODUCT D 95 UNKNOWN o 2 WASTE o 2 lEADED 0 99 OTHER (DESCRI8E IN ITEM D, 5a.OW) D. IF (A.1) IS NOT MARKED, ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C. A. S./I: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B, AND C, AND All THAT APPLIES IN BOX 0 AND E A. TYPE OF g 1 DOUBLE WAll D 3 SINGLE WAll WITH EXTERIOR LINER D 5 INTERNAL BlADDER SYSTEM o 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM 2 SINGLE WAll 0 4 SINGLE WALl IN A VAULT o 99 OTHER B. TANK 0 1 BARE STEEL 0 2 STAINLESS STEEL 0 3 FIBERGLASS œ 4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC MATERIAL 0 5 CONCRETE 0 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE D 7 ALUMINUM o 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP (primary Tank) 0 9 BRONZE 0 10 GALVANIZED STEEL D 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER C. INTERIOR 0 1 RUBBER LINED o 2 AlKYD LINING 0 3 EPOXY LINING 0 4 PHENOLIC LINING liNING OR D 5 GLASS LINING ~ 8 UNLINED D 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER COATING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES_ NO_ D. EXTERIOR 0 1 POLYETHYlENE WRAP 0 2 COATING CORROSION PROTECTION 0 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION 0 91 NONE E SPILL AND OVERFILL SPill CONTAlNME T STALLED (YEAR) . ,etc. DROP TUBE YES NO o 3 VINYL WRAP 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC o 95 UNKNOWN 0 99 OTHER OVERFILL P EVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) STRIKER PLATE YES NO DISPENSER CONTAINMENT YES NO IV. PIPING INFORMATION A, SYSTEM TYPE B. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. lEAK DETECTION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A U 1 SUCTION 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 4 FlEXIBLE PIPING A U 99 OTHER ,. SINGLE WAll 2 DOUBLE WAll A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER 1 :re~~ UNE LEAK D 2 ~in~SS 3 == INTERS1IT1AL 0 4 :.cCTR~~~~ D 5 ~~: PUMP D 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ~1 VISUAL CHECK 7 CONTINUOUS INTERSTITIAL MONITORING o 2 MANUAL INVENTORY 0 3 VADOZE 4 AUTOMATIC TANK 05 GROUND WATER 06 ANNUAL TANK RECONCILIATION MONITORING GAUGING MONITORING TESTING 8 SIR 09 WEEKLY MANUAL 010 MONTHLY TANK 0 95 UNKNOWN 099 OTHER TANK GAUGING TESTING VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION (PERMANENT CLOSURE IN·PLACE) 3. WAS TANK ALLED WITH INERT MATERIAL? TANK OWNER'S NAME (PRINTED & SIGNATURE) RY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT D T LOCAL AGENCY USE 0 STATE 1.0:# THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OF THE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW COUNTY /I JURISDICTION II FACILITY /I CD ITIJ ITIIIIJ TANK II ITIIIIJ PERMIT NUMBER PERMIT APPROVED BYIOATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPLICATION· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORM C MUST BE COMPLETED FOR INSTALLATIONS. THIS FORM SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PLOT PLAN. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM B (6-95) e e UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETAN~ INSTAllATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE DThe installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufactures. DThe installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engeneer. DThe installation has been inspected and approved by the Certified United Program Agency. DAII work Listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. DThe installation contactor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. DAnother methos was used as allowed by the Certified Unified Program Agency, Identifv Method I certigy that the information provided herein is ture & accurate to the best of my knowledge TANK OWNER/AGENT NAME (PRINT) Monica Andrade - Cardlock Fuels stem, DATE e - STATE OF CAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION - FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEM. MARK ONLY ONE ITEM o 3 RENEWAl PERMIT ~ 4 AMENDED PERMIT o 1 NEW PERMIT o 2 INTERIM PERMIT o 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION o 6 TEMPORARY TANK CLOSURE o 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SITE o a TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: I. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN B. MANUFACTURED BY: A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. II D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: II. TANK CONTENTS IF A·IIS MARKED, COMPLETE ITEM C. A. ~1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 0 4 OIL B. C, o 18 REGULAR UNLEADED 0 3 DIESEL 0 6 AVIATION GAS o Ib PREMIUM UNLEADED 0 -"" 0 02 0 ~1 PRODUCT 4 GASAHOL 7 METHANOL PETROLEUM 80 EMPTY ~ Ie MIDGRADE UM.EADED 0 5 JET FUEL 0 a Ma5 03 CHEMICAl PRODUCT 0 95 UNKNOWN D 2 WASTE o 2 lEADED 0 99 OTHER (DESCRIBE IN ITEM D. BELOW) D. IF (A. 1) IS NOT MARKED. ENTER NAME OF SUBSTANCE STORED C. A. S.II: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION ~ 1 DOUBLE WALL o 2 SINGLE WALL D ' BARE STEEL o 5 CONCRETE D 9 BRONZE o 1 RUBBER UNED D 2 ALKYD LINING D 5 GLASS UNING ~ UNLINED IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL 7 A. TYPE OF SYSTEM B. TANK MATERIAL (Primary Tank) C. INTERIOR LINING OR COATING MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A. B. AND C, AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D AND E o D D D D D 5 INTERNAL BLADDER SYSTEM 0 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER 1Jl'4 STEEL CLAD WI FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC D 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP D 99 OTHER o 4 PHENOLIC LINING D 99 OTHER 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 4 SINGLE WAlL IN A VAULT D D D D D 2 STAINLESS STEEL 3 FIBERGLASS 7 ALUMINUM 95 UNKNOWN 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE 10 GALVANIZED STEEL 3 EPOXY LINING 95 UNKNOWN YES_ NO_ D. EXTERIOR 0 1 POLYETHYlENE WRAP D 2 COATING CORROSION PROTECTION D 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION D 91 NONE SPILL CONTAlNME I ALLED (YEAR) E. SPILL AND OVERFILL, etc. DROP TUBE YES NO D 3 VINYL WRAP 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC D 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER OVERFILL P EVENTION EQUIPMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) STRIKER PLATE YES NO DISPENSER CONTAINMENT YES NO IV. PIPING INFORMATION A, SYSTEM TYPE B. CONSTRUCTION C. MATERIAL AND CORROSION PROTECTION D. LEAK DETECTION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNDERGROUND, BOTH IF APPLICABLE A U 1 SUCTION 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 4 FLEXIBLE PIPING A U 99 OTHER A U 1 SINGLE W 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 6 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL WI COATING A U 8 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER , ~~~ UIŒ lEAK 0 2 :~~ss 3 =:~ 1H1tRSTITIAl. 0 4 ~~~~ 05 =: PUIII' 0 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION 2 MANUAL INVENTORY D 3 VADOZE 4 AUTOMATIC TANK 05 GROUND WATER D 6 ANNUAL TANK RECONCIUATlON MONITORING GAUGING MONITORING TESTING o a SIR D 9 WEEKLY MANUAL D 10 MONTHLY TANK 0 95 UNKNOWN D 99 OTHER TANK GAUGING TESTING VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION (PERMANENT CLOSURE IN-PLACE) 1. ESTIMATED DA 3. WAS TANK RLLED WIT\'! 1 Y 0 NO D INERT MATERIAL 7/V LOCAL AGENCY USE PERMIT NUMBER STATE 1.0:# COUNTY /I IT] JURISDICTION /I [II] FACILITY II ITIIIIJ TANK II ITIJ][[] PERMIT APPROVED BYIDATE PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMIT APPUCATlON· FORM A, UNLESS A CURRENT FORM A HAS BEEN FILED. FORM C MUST BE COMPLETED FOR INSTALLATIONS. THIS FORM SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PLOT PLAN. FILE THIS FORM WITH THE LOCAL AGENCY IMPLEMENTING THE UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REGULATIONS FORM B (6-95) e e UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK! INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I STATftl'3K ID# ~ The installer has been certified by the tank and piping manufactures. DThe installation has been inspected and certified by a registered professional engeneer. DThe installation has been inspected and approved by the Certified United Program Agency. DAII work Listed on the manufacturer's installation checklist has been completed. DThe installation contactor has been certified or licensed by the Contractors State License Board. DAnother methos was used as allowed by the Certified Unified Program Agency. Identitv Method I certigy that the information provided herein is ture & accurate to the best of my knowledge r of Health Safe & Environmental - e (ê~j@þ March 29,2000 Cardlock Fuels Inc. 530 Millieg Street Lancaster, CA 93534 Dear Underground Tank Owner: Your permit to operate the above mentioned fueling facility will expire on June 30, 2000. However, in order for this office to renew your permit, updated forms A, B & C must be filled out and returned prior to the issuance of a new permit. Please make arrangements to have the new forms A, B & C completed and returned to this office by May 15,2000. For your convenience, I am enclosing all three forms which you may make copies of. Remember, forms B & C need to be filled out for each tank at your facility. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326-3979. Sincerely, Steve UndelWood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SU/dlm Enclosure CARDLOCK FUELS 44746 Beech Avenue Lancaster, CA 93534 1825 West Collins Orange, CA 92867 PHN.800-441-1215 FAX. 805-945-5189 www.cardlockfuels.com < (\\U -- e Cardlock Fuels Location # 001 241 Union Ave Bakersfield, Ca 93307 June 24, 1999 To Whom It May Concern: I am the Chief Financial Officer for Cardlock Fuels System, Inc. 44746 Beech Avenue, Lancaster, California. This letter is in support of the use of the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to demonstrate fmancial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by an unauthorized release of petroleum in the amount of at least $10,000 per occurrence exclusive of the Fund, and $10,000 exclusive of the Fund's annual aggregate coverage. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured by this letter: Amount of annual aggregate coverage being assured by this letter $10,000 Total Tangible Assets $8,434,465 Total Liabilities $5,749,375 $2,685,090 Tangible Net Worth I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in subsection 2808.1(d)(1), Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed at 44746 Beech Avenue, Lancaster, California on September 10, 1998 ~ Chief Financial Officer .:. ~, FROM : AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL 4IÞ FAX NO. 8004254405 e Nov. 09 1999 05: 17PM P5 * AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL ~ TANK TESTING INC. MONITORING SYSTEM :INSPECTION REPORT CUSTOMER: ('.IJ.Q.4) LDc..4- fv G1..$ LOCA T1ON: 2,41 U \.), n~ A-\)';- ßA,v...e;ø.?\ EL-ô '. (',A. MAMFACTURER: V~- t2úD1:- SERIAL NO.: 2-4'4- ALARMS: VISUAL: o'L.. PRINTER: . a\¿,. DA TE.: h-L~-~C; MODEL NO.: NO. OF TANKS: AUDIBLE: \I,...~ -z.AD- .3 ck, .. ., , ß C':¡õi:a;¡æ of T êink v",\.,ò I.M L.D :f¥..l- Capacity of Tank t.?k. \2.1L \2-\L... Type of Product line: (Gravity, Suction, Pressure). f'e.. p~ Ptt- PROBES TANK 1 TANK 2 TAIIIK 3 TANK 4 IN TANK (INVFNTORY) 0"- .d.t. ð\... IN TANK (I'ESTING) æ- p't... ok.. ANNULAR SPACE I / I / SUMP I, I / 11JRBtNE SUMP / / / SITE: MONITORING WELLS / / / OTHER 7 / / SAFETY: INTRINSIC: SENSOR CONNECTIONS: ok- o\L..- ELECTRICAL: D~ POSITIVE PUMP SHUT-OfF YES:_ No:K N/A:._ This 1s to certiiÿ that the above are not [ J, opBrnting to the ~'3.-7 V>~ TECHNICIAN: Underground Tank a"d Stage 2 Vapor Recovery Testing and Upgradir'g 2058 N. Mills Ave., $Ie. 452 . Claremont, CA 91711 . (800) 738-2600 . (909) 931-2745 . FAX (909) 931·2491 "i ~ FROM : RMERICRN ENVIRONMENTRL 4IÞ e FRX NO. 8004264406 AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL TANK TESTING, INC. DISPENSER CALIBRATION Date (ç)-\(o-ð¡ 4 Client C-.A'2.D ~ ~\)6U. Z~\ úÑtù.~ 'BAk-~GLD\ Address City, State Telephone Dispenser Number/Fuel Grade {b 1St Test -+- 2- '\.) 2- <i:? ~l \ ~<; -e- 2Nd Test~ +- t 3Rd Test (') --€J ~ Nov. 09 1999 05:18PM P7 - This is to certify that the above dispenser is calibrated correctly, and meets the manufacturing requireme . Authorizing Signature 'i .:;, FROM : AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL 4IÞ FAX NO. 8004264406 e Nov. 09 1999 05: 18PM PB AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL TANK TESTING, INC. DISPENSER CALffiRATION Date ~llo-<1q - Client c~ City, State 14\ oµ\.oµ ß.þ.~?i G"I.D Address Telephone -- Dispenser Number/Fuel Grade (þ 3}4- fl> g. ( ß4 . 1St Test -I 2Nd Test ~~ 3Rd Test -t;)- -f.2... -.... ~ ~ This is to certify that the above dispenser is calibrated correctly, and meets the manufacturing require ts. . .~~ Authorizing Signature ,.. .r; FROM: AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL4IÞ FAX NO. 8004264406 4IÞ Nov. 09 1999 05: 19PM P9 AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL . TANK TESTING, INC. DISPENSER CALffiRA TION Date &-\b -q<q .- Client C-.?- 2-41 Ù...s~Dµ ~f4crL.O \ (A.. Address City, State Telephone -- Dispenser Number/Fuel Grade Ç'd~ ~L. (þ £J 1St Test -e- +6 ,- 2Nd Test +\ 0- 3Rd Test --Ù D This is to certify that the above dispenSer is caIìbratéd correctly, and meets the manufacturing requir nts. Authorizing Signature 'Of .~ FROM : AMERICAN ENUIRONMENTAL 4IÞ FAX NO. 8004264406 4IÞ Nov. 09 1999 05:19PM P10 AMERICAN ENVIRONMENTAL TANK TESTING, INC. DISPENSER CALffiRATION Date (p- t <uL1<==7 Client C,.,p Address M1 Uy..Jto~ City, StAte ~1§LÛ'1 LA- Telephone Dispenser Number/Fuel Grade (þ ~~ ~L- 1St Test -c. 2Nd Test -- ) 3Rd Test -/';).- -+-2... -+ \ -è- --..- This is to certify that the above dispenser is calibrated correctly, and meets the manufacturing require nts. Authorizing Signature FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE 8EIMCE8 2101 ,.,. Street Bakersfletd, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 328-3941 FAX (805) 395-1348 SUPPRESSION SEIMCE8 2101 ,.,. Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENT10N SEIMCE8 1715 Chatel' Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 328-3851 FAX (805) 328-0578 ENVIRONMENTAL 8EIMCE8 1715 Chafer Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) ~79 FAX (805) 326-0578 TRAINING DIVISION 5842 VIctor Ave. Bakersflelcl, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4897 FAX (805) 399-S783 , ~- -- . November 23, 1999 Charley Willard Cardlock Fuels Inc. 530 Milieg Street Lancaster, CA 93534 RE: Cardlock Fuels #1, 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield & Cardlock Fuels #4, 4600 Stine Road, Bakersfield Dear Mr. Willard: A follow-up inspection was performed at both locations on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. The purpose of this inspection was to verify compliance on the remaining violations outlined in my letter of September 30, 1999. By this letter, you are hereby notified that all violations outlined in my letter of August 12, 1999, have been corrected. This office acknowledges your efforts, and thanks you for your cooperation. If this office can be of further assistance, please feel tree to call me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, JL~ "" Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~9'~~ ~~ ~ ~~ §"kz, ~ W~'I' FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (861) 326-3941 FAX (861) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (681) 326-3941 FAX (681) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 328-3951 FAX (661) 328-0578 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSlON 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . - September 30. 1999 Charley Willard Cardlock Fuels Inc. 530 Milieg Street Lancaster, CA 93534 RE: Cardlock Fuels #1, 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield. CA., & Cardlock Fuels #4, 4600 Stine Road, Bakersfield, CA. Dear Mr. Willard: Significant progress toward compliance has been made since my letter of August 12, 1999. This office wishes to acknowledge those efforts. A follow-up inspection was perfonned at both locations on Monday, September 27, 1999, with BSSR. The purpose of this inspection was to test the recent modification and repairs to the leak detection systems at both locations, as well as check progress on other violations noted. My observation was as follows: 1. Both leak detection systems appear to be functioning properly, with turbine shut down achieved. It is noted however that both systems do not at this time, have interface capabilities and are not being monitored by remote. (I was told you are changing computer software). This situation must be rectified immediately. 2. Address numbers still have not been placed at either location (l" x 6" letters). 3. A pay phone has not been installed, but understand it is in progress. 4. Two drums are unlabeled, and need proper disposal at Card lock # 1. All other violations noted in N.O,V. have been corrected with exception of those mentioned above. Please contact me with a finn time table for correcting the remaining violations so that a final inspection can be scheduled. I would again, like to commend your company for its diligent efforts in making these corrections in a timely manner. If! can be of any further assistance, please feel free to contact me at (661) 326- 3979. S1'~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm ~~7~ ~ g:'~.¥eyø.A~ .r~ A W~~" -~ It . \·!EEIiE~~-F::CiCiT TU:;-25Ø TANK LEVEL SENSOR - - - - - - - - - - I t'1\iEt'iTCi~~\; ~:EF:i]~:T AUG 11.p 199'3 t=, : ~71 f-1 H'" t'1 ,---- - - - ;. \ '-..--' TANK 2 Ur'iLEADED 4117 GALLONS FUEL 1944 GALS ULLAGE 61=38 INCHES FUEL ø .~:::1 INCH~::;_ ~·JATER . :::2 a ;:; -IIi:.i~:EE::; F TAr·w: :;: ~~E(;iJLA~~ IJi-1LEAIiEII 10798 GALLONS FUEL 1202 GALS ULLAGE ~0.54 INCHES FUEL ~ a = (1 I t"1i:HE::; ~:~A TE¡:;:: .... .:. .~.:1 DEGF.:EE::; F TAnK 4 DIESEL 2 9596 GALLONS FUEL 2404 GALS ULLAGE 71.21 INCHES FUEL 0.9 INCHES WATER 83 . E. DE(;REES F L - . CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ] 7]5 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, CA 93301 FACILITY NAME Car¡lko<.l ..Çwt_~ GJw , Vu'Cf\ Av-t- INSPECTION DATE ~ If (('1 c:¡ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program rioutine 0 Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank (JuJFC.~ Type of Monitoring ÆiC, o Multi-Agency 0 Complaint Number of Tanks 3 Type of Piping Ow F ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner/operator data on tile Permit fees current v II' t/ Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGA TE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? If yes, Does tank have overfill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO ,",p"to, /kæc'~ Office of Environmental Services (805) 326-3979 White - Env. Svcs. Business Site Responsible Party Pink - Business Copy 1'0, œ 't:I '¡¡j œ UI .. œ > œ .. œ .&. - C o 't:I œ I~ , -ë;- E o t) en en 'w a: o o o:t z a: :J I- W a: CIiARLEY WILLARD CARDLOCK FUELS INC 510 MILLIEG STREET LANCASTER CA 93534 RE: 11i1 UNION AVENUE I .pI .g,¡ ~i o Addressee's Address Æ ,I :é/ f1¡ œ' a:: cl .. , .a 4)/ o Insured a: I o COD ~! '~I o Return Receipt for _ Merchandise .. 7, Date of ~ivery .21 '6- / - 51 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested :¡ and fee is paid) ¡ .&.1 I-¡ I also wish to receive the following services (for an extra fee); 1, 4a. 2. 0 Restricted Delivery Consult postmaster for fee. Article Number P 024 368 631 4b, Service Type o Registered Imertified o Express Mail vU.S, GPO: 1993-352-714 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVI Official Business . .' S S :.- 1-- ,\, L'H Á PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAYMENT OF POSTAGE, $300 ~. -' U.S, MAil " Ï" . d ZIP Code here Print your name, address an . BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Avenue, Suite 300 Bakersfield, CA 93301_ HI '11 1111 I ¡,,, ,/I 'I !HI II ,1,1111111, ul/ n ,"",,1'1 1,111111,1 ::7;:::::i:i i +-~·2 i ;:; P 024 368 631 ~ ~ Receipt f~ Certified Mail ~ '" No Insurance Coverage Provided '== Do not use for International Mail POSTAI.!iEIMŒ (See Reverse) .- m m .- SefifARLEY WILLARD St'53tr Ïh:LLIEG STREET P·~t':~fËffd'èA 93534 Postage $ .32 Certified Fee 1.10 Special Delivary Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing 1.10 to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ 2.52 & Fees Postmark or Date CD C ~ ., Ò o CO ('I) E o u.. ( ) no FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H' Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 oW Street Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326·3941 FAX (661) 395·1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 . J ..~ .:S ~;;--~ .~ August 12, 1999 Charley Willard Cardlock Fuels Inc 530 Millieg Street Lancaster, CA 93534 CERTIFIED MAIL RE: Cardlock Fuels #1, 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, CA NOTICE OF VIOLATION & SCHEDULE FOR COMPLIANCE Dear Mr. Willard: As you are aware, a compliance inspection was performed at the above stated address on Wednesday, August 11, 1999. The purpose of this was to verify that your underground storage tank monitoring systems and operations meet all compliance regulations for Uniform Fire Code (UFC), Health & Safety Code (H&S), California Code of Regulations (CCR). During that inspection, serious violations were found with regard to your underground tank documentation, as well as H&S violations and UFC violations. They are as follows: 1. Failure to perform or submit annual maintenance on leak detection system per California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Section 2641(1). During my inspection, your line leak detectors failed to perform. It is noted however, as of this writing, that it has been corrected by BSSR of Bakersfield. 2. Failure to provide a public telephone not requiring a coin to operate to report fire or releases. Per Uniform Fire Code UFC 5201.6.3. See enclosure. 3. Failure to provide portable fire extinguisher on site. Per UFC Section 5201.9. ~~7~ de W~ ~ ~0Pe .o/"'bt, ./Ó W~" .- . J 4. o Address numbers are not clearly visible from street. Address numbers need to be 1" x 6" and placed in such a way that they are visible from street. Per 5201.8 UFC. 5. Failure to submit forms A,B&C per Title 23, Section 2711 and Chapter 6.7 Health & Safety Code, Section 25286( c). It is noted that the underground tank information provided to our office dated 11/30/93 does not accurately show what you actually have in place. 6. Failure to submit a "Written Routine Monitoring Plan". Per CCR Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Section 2642(2). 7. Failure to submit "Unauthorized Release Response Plan". Per H&S code Section 25295. 8. Failure to label and properly dispose of fuel soaked absorbent product. Per Title 22, Sec~ion 26234, H&S. With regard to violations 6&7, this office w~ll review your plans once they are received by this office. If changes are needed to meet Bakersfield Fire Department guidelines, we will inform you. Please have the above mentioned violations corrected within thirty (30) days (September 12, 1999). Failure to correct will result in further enforcement action. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 661-326-3979. Sincerely, Ralph E. Huey, Director Office of Environmental Services by: ~~ Steve Underwood, Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dlm enclosure 520J.~.2 520"2.3.9 . 5201.6.2 Attendants. The auendant's primary function shall be to supervise. observe and control the dispensing of motor fuels. The attemJant shall prevent the dispensing of Ilammable and com- bustible li4Uids and tlammable gases into containers not in com- pliance with this code. control sources of ignition. give immediate auention to accidental spills or releases. and be prepared to use fire extinguishers. A method of communicating with the fire depart- ment shall be provided for the attendant. 5201.6.3 Unsupervised dispensing. Unsupervised dispensing is allowed when the owner or operator provides. and is account- able for. daily site visits. regular equipment inspection and main- tenance, conspicuously posted instructions for the safe operation of dispensing equipment. and posted telephone numbers for the owner or operators. A sign. in addition to the signs required by Section 5201.8. shall be posted in a conspicuous location reading: IN CASE OF FIRE, SPß..L OR RELEASE I. Use emergency pump shutoff! 2. Report the accident! Fire Department Telephone No. Facility address During hours of operation. stations having unsupervised dis- pensing shall be provided with a fire alarm transmitting device. A telephone not requiring a coin to operate is acceptable. 5201.7 Sources of Ignition. Electrical equipment shall be in ac- cordance with the Electrical Code. Smoking and open flames shall be prohibited in areas where fuel is dispensed. The engines of vehicles being fueled shall be stopped. 5201.8 Signs. Signs prohibiting smoking, prohibiting dispens- ing into unapproved containers and requiring vehicle engines to be stopped during fueling shall be conspicuously posted within sight of each dispenser. 5201.9 Fire Protection. Portable fire extinguishers shall be pro- vided as set forth in UFC Standard 10-1. 5201.10 Clearance from Combustible Materials. Weeds, grass. brush, trash and other combustible materials shall be kept not less than 10 feet (3048 mm) from fuel storage vessels and fuel- handling equipment. 5201.11 Maintenance. Fueling systems shall be maintained in proper operating condition. SECTION 5202 - FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL-DISPENSING STATIONS 5202.1 General. Automotive, marine and aircraft motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations utilizing flammable or combustible liq- uids shall be in accordance with Section 5202. See also Article 79. 5202.2 Approvals. 5202.2.1 General. Equipment and appliances used for the stor- age or dispensing of flammable and combustible liquids shall be approved or listed in accordance with Section 5202.2. 5202.2.2 Approved equipment. Pits and piping used for flam- mable and combustible liquids shall be approved. 5202.2.3 Listed equipment. Tanks. electrical equipment. dis- pensers. hose. nozzles, and submersible or subsuñace pumps used for the storage or dispensing of flammable and combustible liq· uids shall be listed. 1-118 J 1998 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE 5202.3 Storage of Fuel. 5202.3.1 General. Class [ liquids shall be stored in closed con- tainc:rs. in tanks located underground or in special enclosures in accordance with Section 5202.3.6, Class II and III-A liquids shall be stored in containers or in tanks located underground or in spe- cial enclosures in accordance with Section 5202.3.6. See also Ap- pendix H-F. 5202.3.2 Interconnection of aboveground tanks and under· ground tanks. A connection shall not be made between an aboveground tank and an underground tank. 5202.3.3 Fueling from portable tanks. Portable tanks are al- I lowed to be temporarily used in conjunction with the dispensing of Class 1. II or III-A liquids into the fuel tanks of motor vehicles or other motorized equipment on premises not normally accessible to the public when approved. 5202.3.4 Storage tanks at bulk plants. Storage tanks used for fueling operations shall not be connected to or serve as bulk plant tanks. 5202.3.5 Class I liquids in basements or pits. Class I liquids shall not be stored or used within a building having a basement or pit into which flammable vapors could travel unless such area is provided with ventilation designed to prevent the accumulation of flamma~le vapors therein. .' )I. 5202.3.6 Speåal enclosures. When installation of tanks in ac- cordance wi th Section 7902.6 is impractical. or because of proper- ty or building limitations, tanks for Class I, ß or ill-A liquids are allowed to be installed in buildings in special enclosures as fol- lows: 1. The special enclosure shall be liquidtight and vaportighL 2. The special enclosure shall not contain backfill. 3. Sides. top and bottom of the special enclosure shall be of re- inforced concrete at least 6 inches (152.4 nun) thick, with open- ings for inspection through the top only. 4. Tank connections shall be piped or closed such that neither vapors nor liquid can escape into the enclosed space between the special enclosure and any tanks inside the special enclosure. 5. Means shall be provided whereby portable equipment can be employed to discharge to the outside any vapors which might ac- cumulate inside the special enclosure should leakage occur. 6. Tanks containing Class I. ß or ill-A liquids inside a special enclosure shall not exceed 6.000 gallons (22 712 L) individual or 18,000 gallons (68 137 L) aggregate capacity. . 7. Each tank within special enclosures shall be surrounded by a clear space of not less than 3 feet (910 mm) to allow for mainte- nance and inspection. 5202.3.7 Container storage inside buildings. Class I. ß or ill-A liquids stored inside motor vehicle fuel-dispensing station buildings shall be in approved containers and in accordance with Section 7902.5. 5202.3.8 Testing or leak-detection devices. Leak-detecting de- vices shall be tested annually by the owner or occupant of the property on which they are located. Test results shall be main- tained on the premises and available to the chief on request. 5202.3.9 Inventory control. Accurate daily inventory records shall be maintained and reconciled on Class I. H and Ill-A liquid storage tanks for indication of possible leakage from tanks and piping. The records shall be kept at the premises and available to the chief upon request and shall include records showing. by prod- uct. daily reconciliation between sales. use, receipts and inventory on hand. If there is more than one system consisting of tanks serv- ing separate pumps or dispensers for a product. the reconciliation shall be ascertained separately for each tank system. A consistent ( ( ( ( ( (', ( 'I. . . . .-;r '. __~:"._,..,...~~~L"..~¡,~)L . ~ ;··~~"'::~~~:ici:~2~"¿;~~2','L:,;~~~~~~&~.,~~~~1~~ýi~~~----,. ITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT F ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 CHESTER AVENUE AKERSFIELO, CALIFORNIA 93301 CARDLOCK FUELS 530 MILLIEG STREET LANCASTER CA 93534 ....~, ,o>~. .-,·,,1....'... , ... '-.'~' r·',·,A"S1:··~.'~ . ~,.,., .: ~ -", "v...:~;~;"""'~, \..~ ¡"~."t~ ç;., "";',", :- ' . <-'" ;..' ;"" ~ ~ .'" .~-, FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 'H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 'W Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENTION SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave. Bakersfield. CA 93301 VOICE (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DMSION 5642 Victor Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (805) 399-4697 FAX(805)3~5763 e e. February 9, 1999 Card lock Fuels 241 Union Ave Bakersfield, CA 93307 RE: Compliance Inspection Dear Underground Storage Tank. Owner: The city will start compliance inspections on all fueling stations within the city limits. This inspection will include business plans, underground storage tanks and monitoring systems, and hazardous materials inspection. To assist you in preparing for this inspection, this office is enclosing a checklist for your convenience. Please take time to read this list, and verify that your facility has met all the necessary requirements to be in compliance. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 805-326-3979. S;lY'~ Steve Underwood Underground Storage Tank Inspector Office of Environmental Services SBU/dm enclosure 101o..9'~ de WOR1H~ ~p ~OP6 ff~ A W~p" e e Cardlock Fuels Location #001 241 Union Ave. Bakersfield, Ca 93304 October 26, 1998 To Whom It May Concern: --I am the Chief Financial Officer- for Cardlock Fuels System, Inc, 44746 Beech A venue, Lancaster, California, This letter is in support of the use of the Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by an unauthorized release of petroleum in the amount of at least $10,000 per occurrence exclusive of the Fund, and $10,000 exclusive of the Fund's annual aggregate coverage. Underground storage tanks at the following facilities are assured by this letter: Amount of annual aggregate coverage being assured by this letter $10,000 Total Tangible Assets $8,434,465 Total Liabilities $5,749,375 Tangible Net Worth $2,685,090 I hereby certify that the wording of this letter is identical to the wording specified in subsection 2808, I (d)(1), Chapter 18, Division 3, Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed at 44746 Beech Avenue, Lancaster, California on September 10, 1998 - -- - --- - ~ .------ _ ~ _____-. __ _..__ _ ___ .õ.-____ ___ _ ¡¿~ Chief Financial Officer .J i State of California State Water Resource~trol Board ostructions 00 reverse __I CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBiliTY FOR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS CONTAINING PETROLEUM A. I am required to demonstrate Financial Responsibility in the required amounts as specified in Section 2807, Chapter 18, Div. 3, Title 23, CCR: 0500,000 dollars per occurrence ~ 1 minion dollars annu.al aggregate ~ ~D ~ ŒJ 1 minion dollars per occurrence D 2 million dollars annual aggregate 8. ' CA('" d \ 0 c... ~ ç: u e. \ s ~'i ~ \-e. M, 1:NC. hereby certifies that it is in compliance with the requirements of Section 2807, (Name of Tank 0wDe:r or Operaror) Article 3, Chapter 18, Division 3, TItle 23, California Code of Regulations. The mechanisms used to demonstrate financial responsibility as required by Section 2807 are as follows: -3-=fA-1=e FOND ,"It' 5e e AHï C-he.d \.e.t\-e..\ ~\'. - --- Note.:---If you-are-using--the-State-Fundas-any part--ot--your demonstration of-tinanciaJrespofìSibilitp. yorJr execution ana sufjrrîission of this certification also certifies that ou are in com liance with all conditions for rtiei tion in the Fund, , Faàlil)'Namc Faci1i ry Address s ¿ e. II tf-a.. c.h to d L ~ ¡"·h~.- ÿ Faàlil)':-iamc Faclily Address FaciliryNamc Faci1i ry Addr.... Faàli¡y;o;amc F.àli I)' Address Faàli ry :-iamc FaciJj I)' Addr.... DaLe ,Iv'l DaLe CFR(~92) FII.E.: Original - Local Apcy Copi= - Paci1itylSiI«1) CARDLOCK FUELS 44746 Beech Avenue Lancaster, CA 93534 1825 West Collins Orange, CA 92867 PH N . 800-441 - 121 5 FAX. 805-945-51 89 - -----www."ca-rdlockfuels.com e e October 27, 1998 Bakersfield Fire Dept. 1715 Chester Ave" 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Sir or Madam: Request a checklist and or any and all requirements that your agency is requiring to be certified as in compliance by the EPA for 1999 operation be sent to us. Additionally, request the C~rdlock )~uels System Inc,-location- listed below have-their certificates/stickers of compliance issued as rapidly as is possible, If unable to issue compliance certificates/stickers, could you please send us a letter with our compliance indicated so as to relieve any doubt in our suppliers. As most of our locations are unattended, the compliance stickers should be sent to the business office address listed on our permit, If there is found to be any items or documents that you require for complete compliance please contact me as soon as possible. My phone number is (714) 744-7140 Ext, 271. 241 Union Ave Bakersfield CA 93304 4600 Stine Rd Bakersfield CA 93313 Sincerely, b::t:~ Manager of Operations FIRE CHIEF MICHAEL R, KELLY ADMINISTRAJIVE SERVICES 2101 ·w street Bakers1leld. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 SUPPRESSION SEJMCES 2101 ·w street Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3941 FAX (805) 395-1349 PREVENOON SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3951 FAX (805) 326-0576 ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 1715 Chester Ave, Bakersfield. CA 93301 (805) 326-3979 FAX (805) 326-0576 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor street Bakersfietd. CA 93308 (805) 399-4697 FAX (805) 399-5763 ~ BAKERSFIEL FIRE DEPARTMENT - -~ . ~ D February 20, 1998 Mr. DeLen B. Holbrook Cardlock Fuels, Inc. 1825 West Collins Avenue Orange, CA 92613-4159 RE: 241 Union Avenue in Bakersfield Dear Mr. Holbrook: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the result of the Soil Vapor Extraction Test Results Report dated January 12, 1998 associated with the underground tank overspill of November 8, 1996. Based upon the information provided, this department has determined that appropriate response actions have been completed, that acceptable remediation practices were implemented, and that, at this time, no further investigation, remedial or removal action or monitoring is required at the above stated address. Nothing in this determination shall constitute or be construed as a satisfaction or release from liability for any conditions or claims arising as a result of past, current, or future operations at this location. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit the rights of any parties with respect to claims arising out of or relating to deposit or disposal at any other location of substances removed from the site. Nothing in this determination is intended or shall be construed to limit or preclude the Regional Water Quality Control Board or any other agency from taking any further enforcement actions. This letter does not relieve the tank owner of any responsibilities mandated under the California Health and Safety Code and California Water Code if existing, additional, or previously unidentified contamination at the site causes or threatens to cause pollution or nuisance or is found to pose a threat to public health or water quality. Changes in land use many require further assessment and mitigation. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 326- 3979. ;;z.~ '-".. - Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Specialist cc: Ralph Huey Y. Pan, R WQCB Gary Barker, Horizon Environmental 'Y~áe Won~ ~ ~0Pe ~ A W~ " HORIZ~ ENVIRONMEN'~ INC. Specialists in Site Assessment, Remedial Testing, Design and Operation January 12, 1998 Mr. Howard H. Wines Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RECEIVED JAN 1 4 1998 BY; Subject: Transmittal of VET Report Cardlock Fuels Facility 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California Mr. Wines; At the request of our client, Cardlock Fuels, Inc., Horizon Environmental Inc. (Horizon) is transmitting to you a copy of the Vapor Extraction-Test Report dated January 12, 1998 for the above-referenced site. Please call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Horizon Environmental Inc. Gary D. Barker Senior Project Manager cc: Mr. De Len B. Holbrook, Cardlock Fuels 5011 Golden Foothill Parkway, Suite 7. EI Dorado Hills,CA 95762. (916) 939-2170. FAX (916) 939-2172 P.O, Box 5283 . Bakersfield, CA 93388 . (805) 589-8389 . FAX (805) 589- 1456 ..:0':" HORI2.tÞÞN ENVIRONME.AL INC. Specialists in Site Assessment, Remedial Testing, Design and Operation -January 12, 1998 Mr. De Len B, Holbrook Cardlock Fuels, Inc. 1825 West Collins Avenue Orange, California 92613-4159 Subject: Soil Vapor Extraction Test Results Report Cardlock Fuels Facility, 241 Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Mr. Holbrook: At the request of Cardlock Fuels, Inc. (CF), Horizon Environmental Inc. (Horizon) conducted a long-term (5-day) vapor-extraction test (VET) at the Cardlock Fuels Facility located at 241 Union Avenue in Bakersfield, California (see attached Figure 1). The purpose of this investigation was for short term remediation of gasoline hydrocarbons, particularly the gasoline constituent methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), and the feasibility of vapor extraction for remediation of gasoline hydrocarbons in soil beneath the gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs). This work was performed as an additional precaution against long term liability associated with MTBE since MTBE removal through vapor extraction is more effective the closer it is implemented to the time of the spill. This work was performed voluntarily by CF as an additional liability precaution after a no further action letter (April 15, 1997) for this site was issued by the Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. Site Description And Background The Cardlock Fuels Facility is an operating fuel dispensing station located on the western side of Union Avenue between Second Street and Third Street in Bakersfield, California, as depicted on the Site Vicinity Map (see Figure 1). Site facilities include a station building situated in the central portion of the property, five product dispenser islands situated in the eastern portion of the property, and two gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) situated in the southern portion of the property. An additional diesel UST is located on the northern side of the station building. The locations of these facilities and other pertinent site features are depicted on the Site Plan (see Figure 2). An estimated 500 gallon gasoline fuel spill was reported on November 8, 1996 when the 12,000 gallon UST was being filled prior to performing a pressure decay test. The spill filled a containment ring and spilled onto the ground The contractor responsible for the spill was RL W Equipment, Mr. Ron Wolfe, Vice President.. On January 15, 1996, at the request of RL W Equipment, Horizon observed the drilling of soil borings B-1 through B-3 and the collection of soil samples from the borings. Results of 5011 Golden Foothill Parkway, Suite 7. EI Dorado Hills,CA 95762. (916) 939-2170. FAX (916) 939-2172 P.O, Box 5283 . Bakersfield, CA 93388 . (805) 589-8389 · FAX (805) 589-1456 Cardlock Fuels Bakersfield, California . e January 12, 1998 VET Report the assessment indicated that MTBE was detected in the soil samples collected from a depth of approximately 15 feet bsg in boring B-3, and depths of approximately 20 feet and 30 feet bsg in boring B-1 and B-2, and ranged in concentrations from 0.0397 parts per million (ppm) to 12.9 ppm. Soil sample S-20-BI was analyzed for MTBE by EPA Method 8240 and confirmed the presence of MTBE. TPHg, BTEX, and MTBE were not present above the laboratory reporting limits in any of the bottom soil samples collected from the borings (Horizon Report dated February 13, 1997), Based on the presence of MTBE detected in the soil, CF requested that a VET be performed to evaluate if additional MTBE was present in the soil beneath the USTs as a result of the RL W spill and whether vapor-extraction is feasible for MTBE removal, if present. A Work Plan for this work was prepared and approved by the Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services Department in their letter of August 28, 1997. Prior to initiating the VET, three temporary vapor extraction wells (VW-l, VW-2, and VW- 3) were installed at the locations depicted on Figure 2. Each well was installed by drilling three borings utilizing a hand-operated power drill with 4-inch diameter augers to an approximate minimum depth of 23 feet below surface grade (bsg). A 2-inch diameter PVC vapor well was installed in the borings with 5 feet of 0.020 screen at the bottom. A bentonite seal was installed directly above the screened interval to seal the annular space above the screened interval of each well. Soil Vapor Extraction Test Prior to initiating the VET written notification was provided to the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SNUAPCD) which was followed with telephone notification in which verbal approval to proceed with the test was given. Equipment utilized for this test included a 100 cubic feet per minute (CFM) blower and vapor-phase carbon to be used for abatement of hydrocarbon vapors. This equipment was connected to a manifold, which was connected by piping to the wellheads of each vapor-extraction well. Initially the VET was started on September 29, 1997 utilizing a single 200 pound carbon canister for abatement. After approximately four hours of operation it became obvious that the concentrations of total hydrocarbons in the influent vapor were higher than anticipated and additional carbon would be required. Therefore the VET was discontinued until additional carbon could be acquired for the VET. On October 27, the VET was restarted and was run continuously for approximately 110 hours during the following five day test. With the 4 hours on September 29 the total extraction time was 114 hours. During the VET the following information was obtained: soil vapor-extraction flow rates, soil vapor hydrocarbon concentrations, and carbon control efficiency. Additional field data collected included measuring influent and effluent hydrocarbon concentrations from each well and total influent concentrations utilizing a Horiba Hydrocarbon Analyzer, and measuring effluent hydrocarbon concentrations with the Horiba. The 200 pound carbon canisters were changed to new canisters daily when the mid-point Horiba reading indicated carbon breakthrough 900 1.11 rpt 2 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC.. . Card lock Fuels Bakersfield, California e e January 12, 1998 VET Report from the primary carbon canister had occurred. A total of six 200 pound carbon canisters were used during this VET. A total of ten air samples were collected for laboratory analyses of the hydrocarbon vapor concentrations. Air samples were collected from the influent and effluent vapor streams of the individual wells on the first day of the test, from the influent vapor stream periodically during the test, and again at the end of the test. Summarized results of the laboratory vapor analyses are shown on Table I. Copies of the laboratory reports and chain of custody are attached to this report. Summarized results of the VET are shown on Table 2 and individual vapor well data is shown on Table 3. During the first day of the VET the individual wells were sampled and the data recorded to evaluate relative concentrations of hydrocarbons and flow rates that could be extracted from the respective wells. Results of the data collected from the individual vapor wens are summarized on Table 3. Vapor well VW-I was shown to be the most productive vapor well for extracting hydrocarbon vapors from the subsurface. Periodically during the VET combinations of extracting from VW-I and VW-2 together and separately were tried to evaluate the most efficient combination. The data indicted that VW-I alone was most effective for removal ofMTBE from the subsurface. Based on the flow measurements obtained during this VET, the maximum total flow achieved utilizing the temporary vapor wells is approximately up to 36 standard cubic feet per minute (scfm). Sample results indicated that abatement of hydrocarbons achieved during this test was 100%. Removal rates ranged from approximately 47 lbs./day of MTBE, 114 lbs./day of TPHg, and 0.8 lbs./day of benzene on the first day of the test dropping to 9.99 lbs./day of MTBE. 26.5 lbs./day of TPHg, and 0.75 lbs./day of benzene toward the end of the test. The total pounds of MTBE removed during the VET was approximately 104 pounds and the approximate total TPHg removed during the VET was estimated to be approximately 334 pounds. On October 27,1997 additional magnahelic gauges were attached to the top of the casing of vapor wells VW-2 and VW-3 to evaluate the radius of influence of the vapor air flow. Air flow was adjusted by shutting down the flow from all wells except VW -1 to evaluate whether at current flow rates, the air flow being extracted from VW -1 was influencing the vapor wells located approximately 18 (VW-2) and 21 (VW-3) feet away. Readings were recorded every half hour for four hours. Recorded readings ranged from 0.0 to 0.11 inches of water recorded at VW-2 and 0.0 to 1.3 at VW-3. Based on this data it appears that the effective radius of influence utilizing VW -I as a vapor well at 25 scfm is approximately 21 feet. 900 l.ll rpt 3 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Card lock Fuels Bakersfield, California e e January 12, 1998 VET Report Discussion and Conclusions The VET performed indicates that soil vapor extraction will effectively remove MTBE and other hydrocarbons from beneath the site. During the five day VET, the MTBE and TPHg concentrations being extracted begin at 6,270 ppm and 13,350 ppm respectively and had declined to 926 ppm and 2,200 ppm respectively at the conclusion of the VET. Decline rates over this time interval are normally an indicator that the hydrocarbon source within the radius of influence is low. A total of approximately 104 pounds of MTBE and 334 pounds of TPHg (53 gallons of gasoline) was removed during the five day VET. It was estimated that 500 gallons had been released by RL W Equipment at the time of the spill. According to RL W approximately 100 gallons of gasoline was captured in the containment ring and, immediately after the release, soil containing gasoline hydrocarbons was excavated to recover an additional amount of the spill. Soil boring data indicates that the release is not laterally or vertically extensive and most likely limited to directly below the UST cavity. Therefore if it is assumed that 53 gallons recovered during the VET and another estimated 200 gallons was recovered at the time of the spill and soil excavation, it is reasonable to assume that approximately 250 gallons of the release has been recovered. Based on the data collected during the previous investigation and the amount of MTBE extracted during this VET it is unlikely that the MTBE will be a threat to the groundwater, estimated to be approximately 200 feet beneath the site. Therefore, based the rapid decline of hydrocarbon concentrations observed during the VET and the results of the previous subsurface investigation it is Horizons opinion that no further action related to the subject spill is necessary. Distribution A copy of this work plan should be forwarded to: Mr. Howard H. Wines, III Bakersfield Fire Department Hazardous Materials Division 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Mr. Mike Amundsen San Joaquin Valley Unified APCD Southern Region 2700 M Street, Suite 275 Bakersfield, California 93301 900 I.I I rpt 4 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. Cardlock Fuels Bakersfield, California e . January 12, 1998 VET Report Please call us at (916) 939-2170 if you have any questions regarding this Letter Work Plan. Sincerely, Horizon Environmental Inc. /'~t: Gary D. Barker Senior Project Manager 13~ Kenny B. teik Registered Geologist C.E.G No. 1935 Attachments: Figure 1, Site Vicinity Map Figure 2, Site Map Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Laboratory Reports 9001.11 rpt 5 HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. I 11TH ~ / .. ¡., fR ImH° 1\ '\ ~:....- '''''''''' I: ~ ~6TH '" .IJ! :r \ 4 .~~ ~ .. 4TH aAEf1S IN,u SQ'OOI. ~ _ "'H"''''''''' i RILL .¡¡ >An J """"" ...~ ocnoou,. i" I -............:J f....,. ~ \~ ~ ! ~ 11TH I", '1"TU ........ ~tm ~ 1 1""" .~ ::J l· ...... "'" ; r-- ~ .~ , ~ "'Tn< C ~ "'..... '-- ~ - ~ ~ - 4TH _.~ - ~ RG ··' '- ~ ~ 1"'>Øn ~ I ~~ ....... Z/ '!!J ; I ~ ...,...... ~ i ~ i L/ 1 . ~ Source: Figure Modified From Street Atlas USA, Delorme (1995). ~ HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. - - - """ , Iz 0 o~ V~ / ....,""'"" 1,---, l. l. ~ a An i. 7 ~., ~Uy ~v< r~ ,,1;1' East B",,,,,,, r__. ;jY UMn......, I 1ø.~~ / T~"~ ~ ../-'r- .....".,,, Project Number: 5001.11 Prepared By: G. Barker Reviewed By: ",=.L< 2ND... i I I...~".. ~ ~ > ~.~" 1ST ~ ~ i --~ C¡~~L ",-cr ~ :..:~~ ~ I I - ~ "".."'" 7 ~ ~ -; . ~ V·,¡ / '/'...~ .~V 1 -_. y - ...~. 'IL ...-......~ .... £ NORTH ~ o 0.25 0.5 I I I I Approximate Scale In Miles SITE VICINITY MAP CAROLOCK FUELS 241 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA ..ElQJÆE Drawn By: D. Alaton Date: 12/96 RevI.ed Date: 1 t Property Boundory Approximately 30 Feet VW-1 82 81 ~o p3 VW-3 - r- -, 0 0 =$- 0 I I 6,OOO-Gallon 0 I I Unleaded Gasoline_ r - ì I I o¡"T' I I I II I I II I 01 II I 71 _Jl --t. o 0 0 ,,0 0 Underground Storage Tanks 12.000-Gallon c::::::> Unleaded Gasoline Temporary Remediation Compound . Office r--, I g I 115 I I" Q) I I I 1/)1 10.!E I 1001 10 I I Ñ !--- L,=_J Underground Storage Tank ~ W W IX: ~ (/J Q IX: ('I) o c::::::> >- o ~ Q) > .¡: o Dispenser Islands c:::::> c::::::> c:::::> Property I - Boundary - Approximately 40 reet Approximate Property Boundary '_'_1_'_'_'_'_1_____1_ _._._._, ._._._._._. Driveway Driveway UNION A VENUE EXPLANATION: 83- Soil Boring 82---7 Angled Soil Boring z ~~:K -I I _ Å Temporary VW 3 'IT Vapor Extraction Well o Crash Post o I Approximate 30 I I Scale In Feet Source: FIgure Modified From FIeld Notes. ~ HORIZON ENVIRONMENTAL INC. ~ Drawn By: D. AI.ton Date: 08/97 Revised Dat.: SITE PLAN CARDLOCK FUELS 241 UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CALIFORNIA rn.uBE Project Number: 900 1, 11 Prepared By: G. Barkor Reviewed By: 2 TABLE 1 LABORATORY RESULTS VAPOR SAMPLES Cardlock Fuels Union Ave Bakersfield, California Sample Sample MTBE B T E X TPH. Date ID ppmv ppmv ppmv ppmv ppmv ppmv September 29, 1997 A-0929-INF-VW-2 9.38 0.76 <0.20 0.20 0.40 17.2 September 29,1997 A-0929-INF-VW-l 6,270 251 289 65.5 249 13,400 September 29,1997 A-0929-INF-VW-3 2,940 455 86.1 37.8 145 9,810 September 29, 1997 A-0929-EFF <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.40 <5.00 October 27, 1997 A-1027-INF 4,440 549 369 45.9 203 8,580 October 27, 1997 A-1027-EFF 2.48 0.71 7.34 0.41 2.33 30.3 October 29, 1997 A-I029-INF <1.0 28.1 230 30.5 153 3,890 October 29, 1997 A-I029-EFF <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.40 <5.00 October 31, 1997 A-I031-INF 926 78.4 132 13.6 65.0 2,190 October 31, 1997 A-1031-EFF <1.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.40 <5.00 Notes: MTBE = Methyl Tert Butyl Ether B = Benzene T = Toluene TPHg = Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline INF = Influent vapor sample EFF = effluent vapor sample PPMV = Parts per Million by volume as reported by the laboratory < = nondetectable at the indicated detection limit e E = Ethylbenzene x = Xylenes Horizon Environmental Inc, VETCLF.XLS TABLE 2 VAPOR EXTRACTION TEST DATA Cardlock Fuels Bakersfield. California TPH as Gasoline Benzene MTBE DATE DAYS OF SCFM INF INF TTL. INF EFF INF INF TTL. INF EFF INF INF TTL. INF EFF SAMPLED OPERATION INF PPMV LBS/D (POUNDS) I PPMV PPMV LBS/D (POUNDS) PPMV PPMV LBS/D (POUNDS) PPMV 9/29/97 0.5 23 13400 114.55 57 <5.00 251 0,8 0.4 <0.20 6270 47 23.5 <1.0 10/27/97 1 25 8580 82.56 140 30 579 3,99 4 0.7 4400 36.2 60 2.48 10/29/97 2 36 3890 52.21 274 <5,00 28.1 0.30 8 <0,20 <1.0 0.08 96 ~. 10/31/97 1.5 33 2190 27 334 <5.00 78.4 0.75 9 <0,20 926 9.99 104 Total Days of Operation = NOTES: SCFM = Standard Cubic Feet per Minute INF = Influent EFF = Effluent PPMV = Parts per Million by Volume as reported in laboratory analysis 5 e Horizon Environmental Inc. VETCRLK.XLS TABLE 3 INDIVIDUAL VAPOR WEllS VAPOR TEST DATA Cardlock Fuels Union Avenue Bakersfield, California I TPH as Gasoline Benzene MmE DATE Well INFLUENT SCFM INF INF INF INF INF INF SAMPLED No. DPNAC INF PPMV LBS/D PPMV LBS/D PPMV LBS/D 9/29/97 VW-1 0.09/79 23 1 3,400 114.55 251 0.8 6,270 47 9/29/97 VW-2 0.02/9 1.6 17 0 0.8 0 9.4 0.005 9/29/97 VW-3 0.03/34 14 9,800 47.24 454 1.99 2,940 13.42 - NOTES: SCFM = Standard Cubic Feet per Minute LBS/D = Pounds per Day INF = Influent EFF = Effluent PPMV = Parts per Million by Volume as reported in laboratory analysis DP = Differential pressure measured in inches of water. VAC = Vacuum in inches of water, e