HomeMy WebLinkAboutMITIGATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EnecoTech Southwest, Inc. 2421 West 205th Street · Suite 0206-E Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790 · Fax (310) 618-9778 EnecoTech® ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS March 31, 1999 Bakersfield Fire Department ATIN: Mr. Howard H. Wines III 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed please find a copy of the Waste Oil UST Workplan for Soil Assessment dated March 31, 1999 concerning assessment of suspected oil impact in the soil beneath a 250 gallon waste oil tank. Soil samples collected during the March 1997 tank removal indicated that soil assessment iis neeeded.. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (310)618-9790. Sincerely, ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. ~~/~ Project Geologist, R.G., C.H.G. cc: Duke Eskew @ Sun Valley Oil C:\files\Jobsnz\sunvaley\1157001 \BFDWOWP.ltr ·0 Recycled Paper I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I Eneco Tech Southwest, Inc. 2421 West 205th Street · Suite 0206-E Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790' Fax (310) 618-9778 WASTE OIL UST WORK PLAN FOR SOIL ASSESSMENT 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY 3940 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 For Submittal to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Prepared by: ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. 2421 W. 205th Street, Suite D206-E Torrance, California 90501 March 31, 1999 PROJECT NO.: 08-01157-001 David J. DeVries, RG, CHG Project Manager o Recycled Paper EnecoTech® ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS t r ~'I ," -I t~ ~, :t ~; :!"~ ~j Page :i , " .' 1 ~'I ~, r \ 1 ~~ 0, 1 '. . !,; 4 L : 4 ~! ~I .~.~ 4 0"" :~J 4 ~' ;'.~ 5 :;~ 11., .' 5 ~. 5 ;~:) ~ . 5 ," " :" 0',1 Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 2.0 OBJECTIVES 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK 4.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions 6.2 Geologic Conditions 6.3 Soil Conditions 6.4 Groundwater Conditions 7 .0 REPORT/SCHEDULE LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page ~ ~ 1 Site Location Map l-~I i'~i ,".. 2 2 Proposed Boring Location 3 ., :,J t·i f:;" Hi ~; fi i..:;' ,.' " ::'j ¡..'. .~.~ I S,: i. I ~'I ',I :. . ': ~ o RecycJed Paper EnecoTech® ~ :1 "."¡ ~~;~ ", 'I~ " ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS -~EnecoTechf, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project: I. '- '- i. · · · · · · · I · · · __ File No.: IH ~.r È' ~ .' . '1- ; I! I,:.:. I ~. ~...- \.- ~'----;r' ~, : ': \ ..'. - '". Ilr\":"'~.jr:'·\\..;'''''1'1.~ _~..--:- ~-:-_1~~_~~ '.; ~~'\!~ ~~~~ '~-:""ct1 ....'~ ~,... ~!" 1i!!... ~I I:··> ~ \..J" .~~ ~" Ç¥/" .'? ';tl ~I'" \;.I_tU !-:/ í/ ~~.... )( COLLEGE ,/ ~/(}¡:.../ , / AV,.' J . leST "'1It.::-'¡ ...~;:-~({"~c/:t...~...!.., ""'''''''S' I ø6~o ; ~~ J .,..:. ",0"1.-""';" '"", °1 (I .s ~.~ I' ~1..:19. r '. l ~ -.: ,}\'7 '''.J:I C· ~ 0..: ..:y"'., fOil 'lIUlU, ,; I t" !(E ./.~--~ f..,~ ~ VIS'" ".t "" ..} .P J ~.I' q ;7" ~0 J; ~ fl" ~i O. ~ I~.. ""t co oJ z t!"<4 "';0 .. ::. .... ;' ,\S't" !'o L.~ '.,.',..... ¡ o. {" '..,,~ .:~ ~, .!~ 011 -'NIL'S-.:sr..~'.! '~.r. "' i' I ., ~r~__.:1 IC ..J I~ J 17 "T"~:w' ': I.~: 0.. ,.n," I . .It... .~,. ." : ::~.:;;., I :~ :~:.:.'~:.....'.. I :; :::'.~,';",'" I I I I I I \ \oII S'LI( ,....\ , ". "I":G;¡. UIO',~I_:..(( -". "::J.::~;:~~' "Reproduced with permission granted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS, This map is copyrighted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS. It is unlavvful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof. whether for personal use or resale, without permission" N -. . -- -- -.. Sun Valley Oil Comp::my 726 South Union Avenue' Bakersfield, California SITE LOCATION MAP 08-01157 -001 Dale' 3/99 I F,çure No.: 1 ACAD File No.: I · , ~ · .,.. "-4 I · · ,\.... · ~ I ..:.; · ,-,' I I :..t. I · · ~..-::: I ~ · .;, II ~ · EL CHARRO MEXACAN FOOD AND PARKING II II II I II POWER II I ~PQE~ 1/ /1 I --------~-----------------------~ r-= -= =---- = ---- I ::1 ¡ MA~C~NE II I III II I II II I I II I I III ¡ II, ( ) " I II II I I II II I cr I w II' ( J j w :J a z III 5 I w èS ~ " a ." II w I z 11 . . V1 0 I f- :;;: Z II 0 cr ::J I ...J I III ( ) f- TANK ¡ z II BUILDING <: , I III AREA u " ~ I " II I I " ( ) * III \Ð I III II I I! II I II l II I I III III I ::L I II ---_ x II o f.l -Jc____ I I -- -H-_ I ~- ---.J CHANNEL LEGEND o -"PR ev I O\J $ W À 51 ~ C \ 1- -$- - PROPOSED BORING LOCATION c::=::J - LOCATION OF DISPENSE:R ISLAND = = = = - POWER LINE ~ - FENCE u ~ í L (j CA T 16 N ~~ I NOTE: ALL BUILDING LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 0 15 JO , . SCALE: ," .. JO' {APPROXIMATE) - ~EnecoTechCÞ ENVIRONMENTAl CONSULTANTS Pro;'.\: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATIONS 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 08-01157-001 I ~C~ r~. No.; 1157PS8 M.J.l. I D..'9'" 8" D.H. I o...hd 8" I Dol.: 3/99 'I ~P9'·..d a." rh No.; REV.; nquu No.: 0..0.1"1 By. D.H. .,; 2 I I II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I 1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND EnecoTech Southwest, Inc. (EnecoTech) is pleased to provide this work plan to conduct soil assessment activities at the Sun Valley Oil Texaco fuel station located at 726 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). In March 1997, a waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed by Lutrel Services of Bakersfield, California. Based on EnecoTech's review of the laboratory results, it is apparent that soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet below the bottom of the previous waste oil UST. The sample" @2' .. was reported by BC Laboratories to contain 5800 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1. The sample" @6' .. was reported by BC Laboratories to contain 1200 mg/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1. 2.0 OBJECTIVE The objectives of the Soil Assessment are to assess the vertical extent of soil impact in the area beneath the previous waste oil UST. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK To accomplish the stated objective, EnecoTech proposes to drill and collect soil samples from one soil borings to a depth "6f 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Based on the estimate that the bottom of the previous UST was 7 feet below ground surface (bgs) , the impacted soil samples are estimated to have been collected from respective depths of 9 and 13 feet bgs. Therefore the soil samples from 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet bgs will be analyzed using USEPA Method 418.1 for total petroleum hydrocarbons. f ~ I I ! ; The tentative location of the soil borings are indicated in Figure 1. Drilling and sampling activities will be conducted under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. !. ,~ Each soil boring will be backfilled with bentonite chips and sealed at the top with concrete. EnecoTech will notify Underground Service Alert and the City of Bakersfield Fire Department 48 hours prior to any field activities. '., " ,. " 1 ~.. o Recyc1ed Paper EnecoTech® ~~! ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS '. ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL The soil borings will be drilled using a direct push technology rig utilizing Geoprobe equipment, operated by a C-57 licensed drilling company. The rig will be equipped with 2-inch diameter push rods. Push rods will be steam-cleaned between borings to prevent cross-contamination. The soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals from a depth of 5 feet to the total depth of the boring. The samples will be collected using a modified spoon sampler lined with brass tubes, driven into the ground with pressure. One brass tube from each sample location will be sealed with Teflon tape, capped, labeled, and stored in a chilled ice chest until delivered to the analytical· laboratory. Another portion of each recovered sample will be placed into zip-lock plastic bags, sealed, and agitated for 15 to 60 seconds. A PID will then be used to measure and record organic vapor concentrations. The PID will be calibrated with 100 ppm isobutylene prior to beginning field work. All samplÜ1g equipment will be washed before sampling in a Alconox (soap) solution and thoroughly rinsed. Based on the results of the PID on each sample interval, a minimum of four soil samples from each boring will be analyzed. The geologist in the field will use the remaining recovered sample to describe the soil in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Additionally, a qualitative characterization of contamination will be made based upon any petroleum hydrocarbon odors or soil discoloration. These observations and USCS descriptions will be included in the Boring Logs, which will be reviewed by a California Registered Geologist. 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES I Ë F ti f , Each soil sample will be hand delivered to a State-certified hazardous waste testing laboratory. The four samples will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline USEPA Method 418.1. The laboratory reports for soil sample results will be included in the Site Assessment Report. 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions The subject site is located in the southern San Joaquin Valley. This area is bound by the southern portion of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range to the east, the Transverse Ranges and the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, and the southern portion of the coast ranges to the west. The general topography of the Bakersfield region consists of alluvial terraces, fans, benches, and floodplains sloping westward form the foothills of the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains to the main drainage axis of the San Joaquin Valley. The Kern River, a perennial stream draining an extensive watershed in the souther Sierras, flows in a general southwesterly direction through the center of the metropolitan Bakersfield area. Temperatures in this region average 57° F in the winter and 90° F in the summer months. Annual average precipitation ranges between 4 to 6 inches, with most rainfall occurring between the months of November and April. 6.2 Geologic Conditions " ¡: (. The San Joaquin Valley is a large basin lying between the Sierra Nevada range to the east, and the coastal ranges to the west. This basin was formed in intermittent westerly tilting of the underlying Mesozoic crystalline rocks, which elevated the 4 o Recycled Paper EnecoTech® ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS , I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I 'I I Sierra Nevada and depressed the western portion of the block. Duling Tertiary and Quaternary peliods, both marine and non-marine sediments were deposited on the basement rocks as the western portion was depressed. The tertiary rocks consist of a selies of stratified sediments including sandstone, conglomerates, and shales that are relatively thin along the eastern margin and become increasingly thicker towards the southwest. Tertiary sediments are generally overlain by Quaternary sediments of varying thicknesses, including Pleistocene non-marine terraces and fans and Holocene fans and alluvium. During the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, the ancestral Kern River deposited a huge alluvial fan which spread for many miles in what is now Bakersfield. Subsequent uplift of the Sierra Nevada raised the fan to its current elevation. Erosion by the Kern River and its seasonal tributaries has produced the topography of the region. 6.3 Soil Conditions The soils in the general area of the site consist of alluvial fan deposits delived from the Sierra Nevada uplands and transported by the Kern River. This alluvium generally consists of unconsolidated, indistinctly bedded, conglomerate containing sand, silt, gravel and boulders. ;., 6.4 Groundwater Conditions Local groundwater is generally found in shallow alluvial sediments of Holocene age, normally in unconfmed aquifers, frequently becoming semi-confined with depth. Beneficial uses of groundwater in the area include agliculture, municipal, and industrial applications. " Groundwater in the area is usually more than 100 feet below ground sunace. ~ ~ I ~ 7 .0 REPORT/SCHEDULE Field investigative work should require no more than two weeks to be completed. Upon completion of the field work, EnecoTech will prepare a Site Assessment Report, which will be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department within 45 days of completion of field work. The report will detail the scope of work, the investigative procedures, and the results of the investigation. C:\FILES\JOBSNZ\SUNVALEY\OI 157001 \WOWKPLN.RPT " ,; ';1 o Recycled Paper EnecoTech® '1 >.··.1' '. ;'1 .1 5 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS --~-=~r II ~I I 1'1 I 1 I .'1 -I .J II ,I I II I I I I , II I II I Eneco Tech Southwest, Inc. 2421 West 205th Street 0 Suite 0206-E Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790 0 Fax (310) 618-9778 EnecoTech® ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS March 31, 1999 lPi n-:" ,.- , .-.-. '. ~"_ ? -. - '-~'D '"",...... ',. ,"'. 'I , --... ~ APR ,~1999 Bakersfield Fire Department ATIN: Mr. Howard H. Wines III 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93301 BY, '- Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed please find a copy of the Workplan for Soil Assessment dated January 30, 1996 conceming additional assessment of gasoline impact in the soil from a suspected release near the southern dispenser. A letter from the Bakersfiled Fire Department dated February 21, 1996 was recieved stating that this workplan was satisfacory. Some time has passed since then and EnecoTech is resubmitting this workplan on behalf of Sun Valley Oil. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (310)618-9790. Sincerely, ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. David J. DeVries Project Geologist, R.G., C.H.G. cc: Duke Eskew @ Sun Valley Oil C:\fIles\Jobsnz\sunvaley\ 1157001 \BFDWPRltr o Recycled Paper · 4i" '?'I I ~:: . fl f.··.1 ,. rl --;1 "'1 ~~.- i/. 1/1 '"'. L:,..: ¡:I i~ ti: ~"" ~,: I~¡ U1¡- i'l I t~:'; ~ >1 t.:,';; ~'I ~, t::.;;) "I þ,~ l~:.., ,.1 ¡: l~; "I '" [(. ¡~ L..:J :'1 b. ,·1"'" t- :< ~ ::1 L~ WORK PLAN FOR SOIL ASSESSMENT 726 SOUTH UNION AVEl\"UE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFOR1\LA .... . Prepared for: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY 3940 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, Califomia 93308 For Submittal to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93301 Prepared by: ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. 373 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 110 Torrance, Califomia 90501 January 30, 1996 PROJECT NO.: 08-01157-001/EP02 ~~é~~ Kenneth L. Durand, RG, CHG, REA Regional Manager () R<c)'clrd Pa¡xr ~ EnecoTecli ENVIRO....'-4ENTAL CONSULTANTS "'I ,.. Î' r>..¡. rJI ;~, "-I t,,: t t' 'I :;.... " ~-~.;::.~ ,.1' " > ~;:'.; TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 2.0 OBJECTIVES 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK 4.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions 6.2 Geologic Conditions 6.3 Soil Conditions 6.4 Groundwater Conditions 1;1 1 ¡ , (·<1 7.0 REPORT/SCHEDULE , , [I >-::.,; LIST OF FIGURES Fi!2:ure tl b:..: 1 Site Location Map 2 Proposed Boring Locations , i \~y< , ~> I (I ' ~"~ L..è'J f,1 f-~ i l:;2 rl .' ; r ~ : tü I ~I t~8 I D !-I () Rocyckd Paper ,.....::- Page 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 . , : ~ 5 Pa~e 2 3 ~ EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I i~I<" i':" 'c "'1 ~ .- ft [I nl ~ ': I~ Ir. Isl I ;.' ~ 1.0 INTRODUCTION /BACKGROŒ\ì) EnecoTech Southwest. Inc. (EnecoTech) is pleased to provide this work plan to conduct soil assessment acti\ities at the Luch")'-7 #3 J\-1ini-Mart. located at 726 South Union Avenue. Bakersfield. California (Figure 1). In December. 1994. soil samples were collected adjacent to the dispensers and associated piping. Gasoline compounds were detected at concentrations up to 22.000 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Diesel was also deleted at concentrations up to 1.500 mg/kg. In a letter dated January 12. 1995. the City of Bakersfield requested that a work plan be submitted to assess the e:x1:ent of contamination. This work plan was prepared by EnecoTech to submit to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Ì\1aterials Division. 1;1 If: ': I ; ~._~'; 1- " I :;1 ~:.;:; ::·1 On March 29. and April 21. 1995. nine additional soil borings were drilled using a truck-mounted hollow stem auger. A total of 54 soil samples were submitted for laboratory analysis. Gasoline compounds \vere detected at concentrations up to 24.000 mg/kg. Benzene. toluene. ethylbenzene. and xylene (BTEX) were detected at concentrations of up to 220. 2.500. 510. and 3.300 mg/kg. respectively. Analy1:ical data from these soil borings indicates that impacted soil may extend beneath properties north of the subject site and South Union Avenue. to the west of the subject site. In a letter dated September 13. 1995. the City of Bakersfield Fire Department requested that a work plan be submitted to assess the lateral extent of contamination. This work plan was prepared by EnecoTech to submit to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department, Hazardous Materials Division. ..... , . 2.0 OBJECTIVE The objectives of the Soil Assessment are to assess the lateral 3l1d vertical extent of soil impact in the area beneath properties north 3l1d west of the subject site. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK ..... To accomplish the stated objective. EnecoTech proposes to drill and collect soil s31nples from four (4) soil borings to minimum depths of 80 feet below ground surface (bgs). The soil s31nples \vill be selected for 3l1alysis based on the field observations and photoionization detector (PID) readings for each sample. The proposed boring locations are subject to the location of underground utilities. ¡~I , !0J , Two soil borings are proposed on the south side of the EI Charo Mexic311 Restaurant parking lot, north of the subject site: and two soil borings are proposed in the north bound lanes of Union Avenue. west of the subject site. The tentative locations of the soil borings are indicated in Figure 2. Drilling 3l1d sampling activities will be conducted under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. '" t K, 1"','1 Ii: t~ ~221 Each soil boring will be backfilled with bentonite chips or a bentonite grout mixture 3l1d sealed at the top with asphalt. Soil cuttings from drilling operations \vill be placed in labeled Department of Transportation (DOT) approved 55-gallon drums 3l1d stored 011 the site. !cl r,: I t~:! f::1 I,.'.~. tL:::J EnecoTech will notify Underground Service Alert and the City of Bakersfield Fire Department 48 hours prior to any field activities. One of the north bound lanes of Union Avenue \\-ill have to be closed to traffic while two of the soil borings are drilled. Traffic control \viII be conducted according to the California Department of Tr311Sportation (Cal Trans) State of California Manual of Traffic Controls. tl' ,. ~ , () co.) Recycled Parer 1 ~ EnecoTecli ENV'~ONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ·' 1\:,:. > J' ". i ~ " - - --v :; " ï .~_. - -~ ~I ~II I ,.",,~ - 1\- -!r~ 1t :. I 1l"~ .. ~! ~I ~I : ----J;1-+ 11 ~':''j s: I ~II ,-- '. 'IC I~ .... ~'~___:I d "T'-:"I'" j).Þ.o\ 0.. I (" 1'\ I '. I " I \ "':'t'$ILlI 10.. ,\ , , . ' "',~~:..(( ··'~·\s~:~"~.; "Reproduced with permission granted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS. This map is copyrighted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS. It is unlawful to copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission" N -~EnecoTech~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project: .... _ ---..---.. Sun Valley Oil Company 726 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, California SITE LOCATION MAP 08-01157-001 1 Dale: 1/96 F 'gure No.: 1 ACAD File No.: LEGEND . - BORING LOCATION -$- - PROPOSED BORING LOCATION c=::=) - LOCATION OF DISPENSER ISLAND = = = = - POWER LINE ~ - FENCE :~I i :lj, :,'1 ~:I rl I,.:.; rl t~_" -·"1 (. t¿~~.; [,I 1:1·. L"~ , , r-I L...; I I I I +1 I I I I I c::: I w W :J 0 z 5 +1 w ëS ~ 0 z w I 0 VJ :;;: Z c::: I :J I I I I I I I I I I ":1 ,', ~::..~; "I ,', f' &~ tl ~"';, r'l l~ b; tfl f2J "I I;' k, Œ... EL CHARRO MEXACAN FOOD AND PARKING -$- -$- ~~ II II II - II POWER II rpOLE~ I? ~~==-----~=----=-------=-----====~ III - - - - riCE ' l II MACHINE II' ::1' · 88 B3 · II . B2 II .81 II III III II II II II II II' 'II II II II II III II III II II II II III "I II II II II II III II, i:L --- II -if- I ( ) I I ¡ ( ) .85 j ·87 , . .89 I b I ...J I- P ( ) TANK AREA BUILDING 86. ( ) ·B4 I * :I. I x -~ I -- - Jf- ---if-_ , -- - - ---..¡J CHANNEL NOTE: ALL BUILDING LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 0 15 JO , , SCALE:1"=JO' (APPROXIMATE) ~ ~EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS \-;1 k.. . h~ Project: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATIONS 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 08-01157-001 Ac...or.oNo.: 1157PSB M.J.l. I 0.';9" 9" D.H. I Ch.ckod 9y. D.H. "I ~ , ,hi ! fie No.: Oroen By. I Dote: 1/96 I Ap!>"o..d By. REV.: n;lJffl No.: 2 'el i;' t-.>· I :i~ I ···.·1 ,. ;:: ~. f.,1 r-I !rp ILl ¡.. c........ '~I It: 1;-.' I ~" {~'. ¡·I r;· I··.· . "J ,. ,. ,. ~:..~ I ¡I <"','.1 I~. 1'. ....11 I¡·~I. ,.. '..', ¡/;::" [':., ~:: \,."1~ , ¡., r: t':1 ~:I >. lSi 4.0 SOIL SA.'I\1PLING PROTOCOL The soil borings will be drilled llsing a truc1,-mounted hollow stem auger drill rig operated by a C-57 licensed drilling company. The rig will be equipped with G-inch diameter hollow stem augers. Augers \vill be steam-cleaned between borings to prevent cross-contamination. Auger cleaning rinsate \\ill be contained in 55-gallon DOT-approved drums. ," The soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals from a depth of 5 feet to the total depth of the boring. The samples will be collected using a modified California Split .Spoon S3111pler lined with brass tubes. driven into the ground with a l40-lb.. rig- operated safety h3111mer. Relative penetration resistance will be measured by counting the number of hammer blows (blow counts) required to drive the sampler a distance of 18 inches. in 6-inch increments. Blow counts will be recorded on the boring logs. One brass tube from each sample location will be sealed with teflon tape. capped. labeled. and stored in a chilled ice chest until delivered to the analytical laboratory. Another portion of each recovered sample \\-ill be placed into zip-lock plastic bags. sealed, and agitated for 15 to 60 seconds. A PID \\ill then be used to measure and record organic vapor concentrations. The PID will be calibrated with 100 ppm isobuty'lene prior to beginning field work. All sampling equipment will be washed before sampling in a Alconox (soap) solution and thoroughly rinsed. Based on the results of the PID on each sanlple interval. a minimum of four soil s31nples from each boring will be analyzed. The geologist in the field will use the remaining recovered sample to describe the soil in accordance with the Unified Sou Classification System (USCS). Additionally. a qualitative characterization of contamination will be made based upon any petroleum hydrocarbon odors or soil discoloration. These observations 311d USCS descriptions will be included in the Boring Logs. which will be reviewed by a California Registered Geologist. 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Each soil sample will be hand delh'ered to a State-certified hazardous waste testing laboratory. Three to four samples fro111 each soil boring will be analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) or Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel (TPHd) by the DHS-approved EPA Method SOI5m: and BTEX using EPA Method 8020. The laboratory reports for soil sample results will be included in the Site Assessment Report. 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Phvsioe:raphic Conditions ~·I ~; Lì The subject site is located in the southern San Joaquin Valley. This area is bound by the southern portion of the Sierra Ne\'ada Mountain Range to the east. the Transverse R311ges 311d the Tehachapi Mountains to the south. 31ld the southern portion of the coast ranges to the west. The general topography of the Bakersfield region consists of alluvial terraces. fans. benches. and floodplains sloping westward form the foothills of the Southern Sierra Nevada :tv10untains to the main drainage axis of the San Joaquin Valley. The Kern River. a perennial stream draining 311 e:x-tensive watershed in the souther Sierras. flows in a general southwesterly direction through the center of the metropolit31l Bakersfield area. Temperatures in this region average 57° F in the winter and 90° F in the summer months. Annual average precipitation ranges between 4 to 6 inches. with most rainfall occurring between the months of November 31ld April. '-'I (" l:··J ~.2,1 ~~I k~, 4 ~ EnecoTecli a Roc)icl<d Pop<r E N'IIRONME N'TAl CQNSUL ¡....Ni S '"I " <, ::. ",' ", "',"1-' ", ¡. ~'·I i, ':1 ~~I' , 6.2 Geolo!2:ic Conditions 1'1 r: r,' t ~., The San Joaquin Valley is a large basin lying between the Sierra Neyada range to the east. and the coastal ranges to the west. This basin was formed in intermittent westerly tilting of the underlying Mesozoic crystalline rocl{s. which elevated the Sierra Nevada and depressed the western portion of the block. During Tertiary and Quaternary periods. both marine and non-marine sediments were deposited on the basement rocks as the western portion was depressed. The tertiary rocks consist of a series of stratified sediments including sandstone. conglomerates. and shales that are relatively thill along the eastern margin and become increasingly thicker towards the southwest. Tertiary sediments are generally overlain by Quaternary sediments of varying thicknesses, includillg Pleistocene non-marine terraces and fans and Holocene fans and alluvium. During the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. the ancestral Kern River deposited a hugh alluvial fan which spread for many miles in what is now Bakersfield. Subsequent uplift of the Sierra Nevada raised the fan to its current elevation. Erosion by the Kern River and its seasonal tributaries has produced the topography of the region. 1;,1 .i ~:' .- "'1 Ii: ~~ ."- 6.3 Soil Conditions 1,1'::·' , ' i The soils in the general area of the site consist of alluvial fan deposits derived from the Sierra Nevada uplands and transported by the Kern River. This alluvium generally consists of unconsolidated. indistinctly bedded. conglomerate containing sand. silt. gravel and boulders. . . 6.4 Groundwater Conditions II lel- 'i'. " ["..',,;. Local groundwater is generally found ill shallow' alluvial sediments of Holocene age. ,normally in unconfined aquifers. frequently becoming semi-confined with depth. Beneficial uses of groundwater in the area include agriculture. municipal. and industrial applications. Groundwater in the area is usually more than 100 feet below ground surface. i,'l I::. ,..I >', t~, (:'1 I: ·t : t::~.:·. ~;I I,., : ~,--:I ¡'I I ¡, ~.; i¡~1 " 1~:'3 :,'1' ~ (:":'~ 'I" I' ~, ..' /::.~; 7.0 REPORT/SCHEDULE "- Field investigative work should require no more than two weeks to be completed. Upon completion of the field work. EnecoTech will prepare a Site Assessment Report, which \vill be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department within 45 days of completion of field \\·ork. The report will detail the scope of work. the investigative procedures. and the results of the investigation. C:\Tn.ES\JOBSNZ\Sl'~\·ALEY\OI 157001 \ WKPLN,RPT ,. t..1 Rrcyckd Pap<r 5 ~ EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUlTÞ.N1S I :1 I. I ~Pj.\~, ~ <lc>J«- 62-6ItB-J ~ Eneco Tech Southwest Inc. 2421 West 205th Street · Suite 0206-E Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790 ø Fax (310) 618-9778 EnecoTech® ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Bakersfield Fire Department ATIN: Mr. Howard H. Wines III 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Califomia 93301 RR~7~ìT'VE ~., '.,.......¡ ßl! '-..... D ~4 ,I JUL 1 1999 By: '--"~ --.:~ :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I June 29, 1999 Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed please find a copy of the Revised Waste Oil UST Workplan for Soil Assessment dated June 28, 1999 concerning assessment of suspected oil impact in the soil beneath a 250 gallon waste oil tank. Soil samples collected during the March 1997 tank removal indicated that soil assessment iis neeeded.. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (310)618-9790. cc: Duke Eskew @ Sun Valley Oil Sincerely, ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. &~. prOje~~~lOgist, R.G., C.H.G. C:\f1Ies\jobsnz\sunvaky\ 1157001 \BFWOWPR.ltr o Recycled Paper I ¡ I ,I I I 'I I ,I , i I I I I II I I I I 'I I Eneco Tech Southwest, Inc. 2421 West 205th Street · Suite 0206-E Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790 · Fax (310) 618-9778 ~ EnecoTech® ENVIF;ONM(N1AL CONSULlA....TS (REVISED) WASTE OIL UST WORK PLAN FOR SOIL ASSESSMENT 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY 3940 Rosedale Highway Bakersfield, California 93308 For Submittal to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Prepared by: ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST, INC. 2421 W. 205th Street, Suite D206-E Torrance, California 90501 June 29, 1999 PROJECT NO.: 08-01157-002 o Recycled Paper I I I I I I :1 I I I I :1 I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND 2.0 OBJECTIVES 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK 1 1 1 4.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL 4 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES 4 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions 6.2 Geologic Conditions 6.3 Soil Conditions 6.4 Groundwater Conditions 4 4 5 5 5 7.0 REPORT/SCHEDULE 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Site Location Map 2 2 Proposed Boring Location 3 o Recycled Paper ~ EnecoTechaÐ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recycled Paper 1.0 INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND EnecoTech Southwest, Inc. (EnecoTech) is pleased to provide this revised work plan to conduct soil assessment activities at the Sun Valley Oil Texaco fuel station located at 726 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). In March 1997, a waste oil underground storage tank (UST) was removed by Lutrel Services of Bakersfield, California. Based on EnecoTech's review of the laboratory results, it is apparent that soil samples were collected from 2 and 6 feet below the bottom of the previous waste oil UST. The sample .. @2' .. was reported by BC Laboratories to contain 5800 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1. The sample" @6' .. was reported by BC Laboratories to contain 1200 mg/kg of total petroleum hydrocarbons using EPA method 418.1: 2.0 OBJECTIVE The objectives of the Soil Assessment are to assess the vertical extent of soil impact in the area beneath the previous waste oil UST. 3.0 SCOPE OF WORK To accomplish the stated objective, EnecoTech proposes to drill and collect soil samples from four soil bortngs to a depth of 30 feet below ground surface (bgs). Based on the estimate that the bottom of the previous UST was 7 feet below ground surface (bgs) , the impacted soil samples are estimated to have been collected from respective depths of 9 and 13 feet bgs. Therefore the soil samples from 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet bgs will be analyzed using USEPA Method 5520 for total petroleum hydrocarbons from the soil boring installed in the previous waste oil UST excavation. Two soil samples will be selected from each of three bortngs outside the UST excavation for analyses using US EPA method 5520. The soil sample from . each bortng with the highest 5520 detection will be additionally analyzed for Chlortnated Solvents by EPA Method 8010 and for the metals Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn, and Ni by EPA method 6010. The tentative location of the soil bortngs are indicated in Figure 1. Drilling and sampling activities will be conducted under the supeIVision of a California Registered Geologist. Each soil boring will be backfilled with bentonite chips and sealed at the top with concrete. EnecoTech will notify Underground Service Alert and the City of Bakersfield Fire Department 48 hours prior to any field activities. ~ r ¡ I' J'. ¡i. I'! {I ~; j' II ., ;·1 I" [. o 1 ::1 :1 ~: !~ '''j ..i ~} ~ EnecoTech® ENVIROf'.lMENTAl COI\:$'UlT.AN1$ ~EnecoTech:O: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project: . Sun VaHey 011 Company 726 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, California , I;. 1 I I I 'r~__J .' ~ 1:1 .._~,: _...·\·::l· r:.. I (~~ I ......, I '. I .\~ .{..I,:~:.~" " ..~~~.~~, . \ '\':r~l!Jl ~.-\ # "Reproduced with permission granted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS. This map is copyrighted by THOMAS BROS. MAPS. It is unlawful 10 copy or reproduce all or any part thereof, whether for personal use or resale, without permission" N '. I - -. -.--...-- --.--.. ---. .-- -.----. - --. -- ..- SITE LOCATION MAP 08-01157-002. I ACAD File No.: : Da1e: I FIQure No.: 1 ,\ I ,.__1 f~:' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EL Cf-:ARRO A MEXACAN FOOD AND PARKING II II II ~ I 1/ POWER II I ~POl£~ Ii II I --------~-----------------------~ r-= = =-....:--=-=.=--== ---- II ICE I II I MACHINE I III , I III II I II I II I II I I III ¡ "I ( ) II I II II I I II II I a:: I w III ( ) ! w ::;) 0 z III :> I w õ ?t II 0 z II w I II I V) 0 f- < Z II 0 a:: ::;) I oJ I ", ( ) ¡ f- TANK z II AREA BUILDING < I III u II ~ I II II I I II ( ) f I III -$- æ ... "I -:¡r 11 I 11 II I II ... * -:¡r II I I III III I ::L I 11 --- _ -)( i II o ./ --->l- I --o ._ I ~----.J CHANNEL LEGEND o -PRE.'J\O\JS WAS\"£ D\L. -$- - PROPOSED BORING LOCATION <::=) - LOCATION OF DiSPENSER ISLAND = = = = - POWER LINE " ~ - FENCE \J ~ T L ð C" 1\ 0 ¡J NOTE: ALL BUILDING LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. 0 15 .30 , , SCALE:'" =.30' (APPROXIMATE) - ~EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY .~J PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATIONS ne ND~ 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 08-01157-002 I "CAD rn. No.: 1'57PSB M.J.l. I D..;9" B < D.H. I Checked B < D.H. I D.lo: 6/9q R(V.: Dr.... B < I ¡'¡'p'oYCd B < n;u'. No.: 2 I "','_. .~_,_.. __ _ __ I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I" Recycled Paper 4.0 SOIL SAMPLING PROTOCOL The soil borings will be dIilled using a direct push technology rig utilizing Geoprobe equipment, operated by a C-57 licensed drilling company. The rig will be equipped with 2-inch diameter push rods. Push rods will be steam-cleaned between borings to prevent cross-contamination. The soil samples will be collected at 5-foot intervals from a depth of 5 feet to the total depth of the boring. The samples will be collected using a spoon sampler lined with brass tubes, driven into the ground with pressure. One brass tube from each sample location will be sealed with Teflon tape, capped, labeled, and stored in a chilled ice chest until delivered to the analytical laboratory. Another portion of each recovered sample will be placed into zip-lock plastic bags, sealed, and agitated for 15 to 60 seconds. A PID will then be used to measure and record organic vapor concentrations. The PID will be calibrated with 100 ppm isobutylene prior to beginning field work. All sampling equipment will be washed before sampling in a Alconox (soap) solution and thoroughly rinsed. Based on the results of the PID on each sample interval, a minimum of four soil samples from each boring will be analyzed. The geologist in the field will use the remaining recovered sample to describe the soil in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Additionally, a qualitative chaÌacterization of contamination will be made based upon any petroleum hydrocarbon odors or soil discoloration. These observations and USCS descriptions will be included in the Boring Logs, which will be reviewed by a California Registered Geologist. 5.0 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Each soil sample will be hand delivered to a State-certified hazardous waste testing laboratory. Selected soil samples will be analyzed for the parameters stated in the scope of work. The laboratory reports for soil sample results will be included in the Site Assessment Report. 6.0 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC/HYDRO GEOLOGIC SETTING 6.1 Regional Physiographic Conditions The subject site is located in the southern San Joaquin Valley. This area is bound by the southern portion of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range to the east,. the Transverse Ranges and the Tehachapi Mountains to the south, and the southern portion of the coast ranges to the west. The general topography of the Bakersfield region consists of alluvial terraces, fans, benches, and flood plains sloping westward form the foothills of the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains to the main drainage axis of the San Joaquin Valley. The Kern River, a perennial stream draining an extensive watershed in the souther Sierras, flows in a general southwesterly direction through the center of the metropolitan Bakersfield area. Temperatures in this region average 57° f in the winter and 90° F in the summer months. Annual average precipitation ranges between 4 to 6 inches, with most rainfall occurring between the months of November and April. 6.2 Geologic Conditions The San Joaquin Valley is a large basin lying between the Sierra Nevada range to the east, and the coastal ranges to the west. This basin was formed in intennittent westerly tilting of the underlying Mesozoic crystalline rocks, which elevated the o 4 ~ EnecoTech® E NV I R ON MEN TAL C 01.5 U L T A NT S I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Recycled Paper " Sierra Nevada and depressed the western portion of the block. During Tertiary and Quaternary periods, both marine and non-marine sediments were deposited on the basement rocks as the western portion was depressed. The tertiary rocks consist of a series of stratified sediments including sandstone, conglomerates, and shales that are relatively thin along the eastern margin and become increasingly thicker towards the southwest. Tertiary sediments are generally overlain by Quaternary sediments of varying thicknesses, including Pleistocene non-marine terraces and fans and Holocene fans and alluvium. During the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene, the ancestral Kern River deposited a huge alluvial fan which spread for many miles in what is now Bakersfield. Subsequent uplift of the Sierra Nevada raised the fan to its current elevation. Erosion by the Kern River and its seasonal tributaries has produced the topography of the region. 6.3 Soil Conditions The soils in the general area of the site consist of alluvial fan deposits derived from the Sierra Nevada uplands and transported by the Kern River. This alluvium generally consists of unconsolidated, indistinctly bedded,. conglomerate containing sand, silt, gravel and boulders. 6.4 Groundwater Conditions Local groundwater is generally found in shallow alluvial sediments of Holocene age, nonnally in unconfmed aquifers, frequently becoming semi-confmed with depth. Beneficial uses of groundwater in the area include agriculture, municipal, and industrial applications. Groundwater in the area is usually more than 100 feet below ground surface. 7.0 REPORT/SCHEDULE Field investigative work should require no more than two weeks to be completed. Upon completion of the field work, EnecoTech will prepare a Site Assessment Report, which will be submitted to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department within 45 days of completion of field work. The report will detail the scope of work, the investigative procedures, and the results of the investigation. I .1 c: \FILES\JOBSNZ\SUNVALEY\O 1 157001 \REVWOWKP.RPr o 5 ~ EnecoTechaÞ ENVIRONMEN1~L CONSULTA~lS I I !I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I ~.I ,. -I 0 SUBSURFACE PHASE II SOIL INVESTIGATION REPORT 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA Prepared For: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY 3940 ROSEDALE HIGHWAY BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 Prepared By: ENECOTECH SOUTHWEST INC. 2421 West 205th Street, Suite D206E Torrance, California 90501 October 1999 PROJECT NO: 08-01157-001 RecyCled Paper i':L:¡ '. J) or:~. , f.:: v .:¡ ~ EnecoTechGÞ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I II !I I I I II I I I II I I :1 I I I I I I £necoTech Southwest, Inc. 2421 West 205th Street · Suite 0206-£ Torrance, California 90501 (310) 618-9790' Fax (310) 618-9778 ~ EnecoTech~ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS . October 11, 1999 Sun Valley Oil Company Mr. Gary Chapman 3940 Rosedale Highway, Bakersfield, California 93308 RE: Report for Sun Valley Oil Company Waste Oil Tank Subsurface Phase II Investigation 726 South Union Avenue, Bakersfield, Kern County, California. EnecoTech Project Number 08-01157-001 Introduction EnecoTech Southwest, Inc, (EnecoTech) appreciates the opportunity to provide this letter report for a Phase II Limited Site Investigation at 726 South Union Avenue in Bakersfield, California (Site). Sun Valley Oil authorized EnecoTech to proceed in accordance with the proposal dated June 25, 1999. /" Procedures Analytical Program All soil samples were collected using brass tubes. Each end of the tube was sealed with a Teflon sheath and capped with a soft rubber end-cap. A total of 16 samples were collected (Four (4) from each boring). The samples were shipped in a sample cooler with ice, accompanied by a completed chain-of-custody, and submitted to A TL Analytical Laboratories for analyses of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Chlorinated Solvents, and Metals. According to the laboratory record, the samples were analyzed in accordance with EPA-approved methods as described in EPA Manual SW-846. Copies of the laboratory reports can be found as Appendix C. The soil samples were submitted to A TL Laboratories for the following analyses: · Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) - EPA Method 418.1 · Chlorinated Solvents - EP A Method 8010 · Metals (Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn) EPA Method 6010 Soil samples that indicated elevated Photo-ionization Detector (PID) readings were placed on ice and shipped to a California-certified environmental laboratory. Upon completion of the soil borings, each boring was backfilled with bentonite, and the boring subsequently hydrated. Asphalt patch was used to re-surface the boring entrance. All boring logs can b~ found as Appendix D. .', o Rocyckd Papor I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I () Recyckd Paper Mr. Gary Chapman October 11 1999 Page 2 of3 fÌ The results of the Limited Phase II are presented as follows: . All samples collected were within allowable limits per regulatory guidelines. A table summarizing the analytical results can be found as Table I, Appendix A. Copies of certified analytical reports can be found as Appendix C. Field Program · EnecoTech obtained vapor readings from soil samples collected continuously on two- foot intervals. Samples were selectively analyzed (field screened) using a (PID) in an effort to maximize characterization while minimizing analytical costs; · Decontaminated all down-hole tools between each sampling using A1conox soap and a double de-ionized water rinse; · Described each sample using the Unified Soil Classification System; · All soil cuttings were be placed and stored in 5-gallon pails and transported off-site by EnecoTech's sub-contractor; · EnecoTech's sub-contractor affixed a label marked "Non-Hazardous" with their project number on each pail; · All fluids produced during the drilling activities were placed and temporarily stored in 5-gallon pails with covers; and · EnecoTech's sub-contractor transported all fluids off-site. All fieldwork was conducted i!J accordance with EP A guidelines for soils testing and sampling. Quality assurance / quality control procedures were followed during all field activities. Site Investigation A subsurface hydrocarbon investigation was conducted in the area of a former waste oil tank on September 7, 1999. Four (4) hydraulic push probe borings (WOSB-I - WOSB-4) were completed utilizing Geoprobe technology. The total depth of each of the four soil borings was 30' below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were collected at 5-foot intervals throughout the vertical extent of the boring. A detailed site map, boring location map, and boring logs can be found in Appendix B. Soil Analytical Results No parameters were detected and no concentrations were found to be above regulatory guidelines for chlorinated solvents (EPA Method 8010), TPH (EPA Method 418.1) or five metals (EP A Method 60 I 0) per laboratory results. Certified laboratory reports and chains-of-custody documentation can be found as Appendix A & C. ;.~... Conclusions & Recommendations Laboratory results clearly indicate that no contamination was found. Therefore, no additional investigation is warranted in the area of the former waste oil underground storage tank. ~ EnecoTech$ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I 0 Recycled Paper Mr. Gary Chapman October 11, 1999 Page 3 of3 Ii Qualifications and Limitations Infonnation provided in this Report, dated October 4, 1999 is intended exclusively for Sun Valley Oil Company for documentation of Phase II activities. The professional services provided have been perfonned in accordance with institutional standards and practices generally accepted by environmental consulting finns and other geologists, hydrologists, hydro geologists, engineers, and environmental scientists practicing in this field. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made. This report is issued with the understanding that Sun Valley Oil, Inc. is responsible for ensuring that the infonnation contained is brought to the attention of the appropriate regulatory agency. EnecoTech appreciates the opportunity to provide top quality environmental services on this and future projects. If you have any questions regarding this report, please call the undersigned at (310) 618-9790. Sincerely, EnecoTech Southwest, Inc. LL}J.AJ( Christopher Holcomb Staff Geologist ~~ John Mays P.E. Associate Engineer cc: File/Torrance , .-. ~ EnecoTechaÐ EN'I\~ONMENT"L CONSULTÞ.NTS - - - ~ o Recycled Paper - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I SUMMARY OF SOIL LABORATORY RESULTS SUN VALLEY OIL COM PAN Y BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA SAMPLE SAMPLE DEPTH Chi. Solv. Cad. Chrom. TPH LOCATION DATE (feet) Lead Zinc (mg/kg) WOSB-1 09/07/99 5 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 10 NO, NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 20 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 30 NO NO 4.4 2.9 56 <10 WOSB-2 09/07/99 5 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 10 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 20 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 30 NO NO 3.4 2.7 69 <10 WOSB-3 09/07/99 5 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 10 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 20 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 30 NO NO 2.9 3 83 <10 WOSB-4 09/07/99 5 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 10 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 20 NO NS NS NS NS <10 09/07/99 30 NO NO 1.9 2.4 90 <10 NOTES: <10 = Below laboratory detection limits WOSB = Waste oil soil boring mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram NS = Not sampled NO = Non detected above laboratory detection limits Cad, Chrom = Cadmium, Chromium - - - - ~ EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~/. }¡::''''- .Vlii; ¡.. <. ~: "< :".< ~;;'I Tr' n S L . L . : " L[~ ~ f.F' ;.¡ -',.i.-'n;'i'~':'. , '/~:;" n·'· ~ ~)~ ,:\ '¡,it -'.<., J " _3~ 19"" ",",...., " .. ~ ~ \0 ¡ I :~ì~~~~Q~_:'~:f' '., ~-~II' " II ~~è~ w~ ~D -f. ~ J ,I IJ " "I .~", 1'''1 , ',1'<: , ì j ·1 i 0 ~- -;.; :::~ ':,¡ ,~=; Þ= N, ' l" I , ",,: ,it J ' ,,' .- ,! " ,11\'" BAN:, /. '.' 0-+--11 I> :~:iL""I-I, '"".::,, I..... .\' ~.:..~.:"" ;-:<\V,,_,.,' »'.,.'..~. :=;R~ sev It<, ", ,..~' ~ ~ - 0 ,~./' ot;{,·;,:, '..' ,'.' "-'Ir"" c::;;~ .... - S '.' , ",,~ '. .,.';>- __ 1"'0':!!:\, I·,. h "'f" "~.I ,!' -- c II'i .'" 1:::- :"~ ¡iY);I' Yl ,,> .. = . L'::'!! ~',~,", v ;;1:,~ _ ~~ I.:!.~~ ¡¡X;;~V ,- I" .,.¡.i; ,,,,' 38d'"õ'. L'_ " '; ; . tat . ___ /' ",SR N,tTA .....,If: ~''ë''''7h - ""'. '.'.... '..'. '. .. ""= ~<I ~.,~. '41.. .... ::.,./..' '- } bfA ',' //.. I...,.^ ,.,... . ." F\I' ['''' _." II I ",'00 ""'" , ",. ¡r't' . .~ II I II \k", IKf\( :;,~r}D¥:.. ::~:, ,.., i Site. ~~~..~ ~j r I .~~~I ¿ 'lþ/ '~;i1:~....' 'F"r ."1'" i~' ," iQ.it t'} _~' \: ~';/'~.I.';~~"<' ° "N¡lL : U ' be I \ 'l~'~ t'-, \0 i- _\~"\\'\'" '\:=' Þ ,,,,:.x:\,X I ~'\,. ') i : ~\\ \, ~. - - i==] Don; . .o=ozoio, \I II ,-==- .._ . II ) I #II ., : : q" , H' . / ~.¡¡;.;., = ,.' ~-' ~ "V'~ ,', ¡." .- U , i/~!! 1'\ " ,<i .. -: .~M . ~. . . ~. . .J -y~ ' -..- " = -.- -' ,... '""': -, ,.,-1."_ -." ., '-'\¡; ;;j , ',_~''''': u .,/' ··Lj.~~·., 8....;, "" ¡d~ _ : ¡~ ," : (90 .. J --. ,'~.II I 1'-:' ~A, ~. . :;; . " ... ~ = .~r'u I~ ,:\\ R8~lJ'oNer .', ..... II I ,~.;;, ~ I {/d '., .. , .. 0 K RN .., II ~ '==' ~' . ~. -¡Ic -- ~..... . h~'"~~~:~"ì"'C""1 co:: ·..i. . .~., "'" .'.! =1lI¡ ;,:.\'~"F ' . __--c"!\ '.:,,'. "" ,',' n, .. .' '. ' II 1 ., .ð ,', .' ~~, . . . , t· " '. . , " , "11111 _\'.\ SCALE 1 :24000 1 1/2 0 1----1 1----1 1----1 1----1 1----1 I 1000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 1 f---j f---j f---j , I I I 0 ,5 0 1---1 1---1 f---I 1---1 f---I I SOOO I 6000 I 1 Mile --------¡ 7000 I 1 Kilometer 1 \\ LJ GOSFORD, CALIFORNIA CONTOUR INTERVAL 5 FEET USGS 7.5 MINUTE QUADRANGLE PHOTOREVISED 1968 AND 1973 ~EnecoTech· ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS QUADRANGLE LOCATION SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY SITE LOCATION MAP 726 SOUTH UNION A VENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FileNo,: CH Figure. No,: ---- ACADFileNo.: 10/99 Rev,: OB-01157-002 1157FIG 1.CDR Checked By: Drawn By: Approved By: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II EL CHARRO MEXACAN FOOD II AND PARKING II I II POWER II I COLES~ -------- ~-----------------------~ I -------- ----------------------- 1--- -------- II I ICE I I ::' MACHINl I III "I I II II I I II I I III t III ( ) II I III II - CANOPY I II I II I cc I w III ! j w ~ a z III :> I w ëS ~ II DISPENSER a II ISLANDS w I z II . VJ º I Ö ~ z II cc ~ I ...J I III ( ) I- ] z II TANK AREA BUILDING « I III ü "I ~ I II II I 1 II ( ) * I III WOSB-1. œ . WOSB-3 I III II I III II WOSB-2· · WOSB-4 I II * II I I III I III I ::L I II ---- x II *1 - -x_ _ Jf- I I -*- I ~- ---¡¡j CHANNEL ~~ LEGEND . - WASTE OIL SOIL BORINGS rn - APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FORMER WASTE OIL UST c==:::> - LOCATION OF DISPENSER ISLAND = = = = - POWER LINE ~ - FENCE o , 15 30 , SCALE: 1 "=30' (APPROXIMATE) NOTE: ALL BUILDING LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. - ~EnecoTecli ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Project: SUN VALLEY OIL COMPANY SITE MAP AND SOIL BORING LOCATIONS File No.: 726 SOUTH UNION AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 08-01157-002 I ACAD File No.: 1157SM M.J. L. I Design By: D. H. Checked By: D.H. I Date: I Approved By: 9/15/99 CH I REV.: I Figure No.: Drawn By. 'I '. . ,. II ( 'I: ,.'.1 \, , 'I ,I il I I il I I I I I 'I I 'I I IA '"~~ _. ...,......_....._,__............' .. ...._. ..,.."'......~.....~_... '--""".~,."-....,..,...."'~;.....~... .~.o....'...:-.o ......... ....""...'.....",.,~.liJ<ü.....~'........,..~,'...¿.~'.:~_I.·_,~'.::...:. \. .~ ': . ELAP No.:,1838 September 13, 1999 EnecoTech 2421 W. 205th St., Suite D-206E Torrance, CA 90501 ATfN: Chris Holcomb CHent':; Project: Lab No.: ~ Valley Oil, 89-0025 38214-0011016 Enclosed are the results for sample(s) received by Advanced Technology Laboratories and tested for the parameters indicated in the enclosed chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please feel free to call me at (562) 989 - 4045 if! can be of further assistance to your company. Si;¡/ Cheryl de los Reyes Technical Operations Manager CDRljh Enclosures This cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. This report pertains. only to the samples investigated and docs no. necessarily apply to other apparendy identical or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client '0 whom it is addressed. MY reproduction of this report or use of this labor31ory's name for advertising or publicity pur¡>OSd without authorization is prohibited. "; .~~~ Advanced Technology Laboratories Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 1510 E. 33rd Street I I \1 'I ,I 'I I· :1 il 'I I I ,I ,I I 'I Reviewed/Approved By: :1 I ! ~ßcover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. ~¡; Advanced Technology Lab tor' S 1510 E. 33rd Street : ora Ie Client: AUn: EnecoTech Chris Holcomb Client's Project: Sun Valley Oil, 89~002S fI Date Received: 09/08/99 Date Sampled: 09/07/99 .h" ~,; /~:~i~~~i~jíl~·~ " .;<,.i"!'\·f:.', :,~~j;<i~~';~~~:; ;"; ::~:\~ :(;~:1~~~, >;~: -:~~j1t~¡~L:_'-;~~~' ,,'>~;_ ..' );,;'~'~ -:,~';:;:'-~:';~i;Yt;;;;<t1 '~~~!;~r:;~t~ if! ,~'. "~;¡; <k~~~~~~~¡~: ,''''1". ~".:¿,," >"'" ,,',: :'~''';';)'. nateAÌ1âíÿièd R~~i.üìS/ \MåtHX:\ùriH~:! '~MDL DLR; ..ð~ì~t~ k ,,"';,::', 38214-001 WOSB-1-10 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m2/k2 10 10 DTC 38214-002 WOSB-1-15 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, me:/ke: 10 10 DTC 38214-003 WOSB-1-25 EPA 418.1 lTRPID 09/13/99 ND Soil, mg!k2 10 10 DTC 38214-004 WOSB-1-30 EP A 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m2lke: 10 10 DTC 38214-005 WOSB-2-S EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND S;>il. m1!lke: 10 10 DTC 38214-006 WOSB-2-10 EPA 418.1 (TRPID 09/13/99 ND Soil, m2/ke: 10 10 DTC 38214-007 WOSB-2-20 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m1!lke: 10 10 DTC 38214-008 WOSB-2-30 EPA418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, me:/ke: 10 10 DTC 38214-009 WOSB-3-5 EPA 418.1 lTRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m2lk2 10 10 DTC 38214-010 WOSB-3-10 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m1!lk2 10 10 DTC 38214-011 WOSB-3-20 EP A 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, me:/k2 10 10 DTC 38214-012 WOSB-3-30 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil. m2/k2 10 10 DTC 38214-013 WOSB-4-5 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, m1!lke: 10 10 DTC 38214-014 WOSB-4-10 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, me:/k2 10 10 DTC 38214-015 WOSB-4-20 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil. m1!lk2 10 10 DTC 38214-016 WOSB-4-30 EPA 418.1 (TRPH) 09/13/99 ND Soil, me:/ke: 10 10 DTC MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR) DF = Dilution Factor (DLR!MDL) ~'\SíZ Cri~teta Rocamora Inorganics Supervisor Date: grl?~'J Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fa.x: 562989-4040 ':n'"..;....~..I."'.::;-:......"'"....,..,'\,,;... ," ,.·.,·...........~.-........,,:~""'....·,>...""..c ...._.._--....."".....~..._----_. ....--....... ....... , ",- .--..-....--.._~.-----,. .... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _I ... Method: 418.1 Analyst: DTC Data File: 9256-1 S Date: Sample ID: Matrix: 09/08/99 38214-005 Soil - , ANAL YTE UNITS LCS Cone LCS Res % Ree METH BLANK SPL CONC SPK ADDED MS RESULT MSD RESULT %MS REC %MSD REC % REC Limit RPD RPD Limit I MDL TRPH mg/Kg 100 99 99 ND ND 100 97 96 97 96 50-150 1 ' 50 I 10 ,j- " QC Bateh'TRPH 990913S 1 App,o..' by, ~".(S f, Cristeta Roeamora Inorganies Supervisor Date: c:t}I? 111 ~~ Advanced Technology Laboratories - - -- ~ m§º~I~ÇQ® --------------- PROJ. NO. PROJECT NAME ø~, DDl.--5 ~V¥ Ii s,UÆ.'! O,L SAMPLERS: (Signature) U-. kh-f \ 0.: CD STAT. NO, DATE 11ME :::; <{ 0 a: u C) (i fA. O~-'f ~ / 'Î7 (.q~ - ID ( I þ lob J \ - 10 ~ - . R, ,"q"lh'~ b¡' IV\J' Iv- Rel11'iquished by: (Signature\ CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD 2421 West 205th Street· Suite D206-E· Torrance, CA 90501 STATION LOCATION , I -ÇO\L ~Q't"LI"'" - ,I W ~~ O\L 1'""~~ - '1 - ~ I' - If..i- It::> 'f - '(-_ to , , - H - 10 " DatefTime ' Received by: (Signature) l' ¥" 11'I1ZOO (}/.. Relinquished by: (Signature) DatefTime I DatefTime I fPleceived by: (Signature) I Received for Laboratory by: (Signature) CONTAIN· ERS NO. o - () <> #() I\J?; N ( ..J tit ",'" <\.: ~ ~ ~ '~~ ..£ V f vf;".t5' 'f-.- X ì< 'f.- ~ ( 1--. ) ) 'I. X i T OF \ I I \ Relinquished by: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature) ';ç>1 DatefTime Remarks I cac CA # Ship To: i EnecoTech contact: Remarks/Bottle No. <r ~ ~ 1£ \ Ln ,-. ~ c.J..f115. , " " ; f DatefTime I DatefTime I Received by: (Signature) ~ i Received by: (Signature) Split Samples: o Accepted 0 DEclinej SIgnature I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - IA ELAPNo.: 1838 September 27, 1999 "~.. EnecoTech 2421 W. 205th St., Suite D-206E Torrance, CA 9050 I AnN: Chris Holcomb Client's Project: Lab No.: Sun Vaney Oil, 89-0025 38214-0011016 Enclosed are the results for sample(s) received by Advanced Technology Laboratories and tested for the parameters indicated in the enclosed chain of custody. Thank you for the opportunity to service the needs of your company. Please feel free to call me at (562) 989 - 4045 if! can be of further assistance to your company. Sincerely, Q Cheryl de los Reyes Technical Operations Manager CDR/jh Enclosures TIlls cover letter is an integral part oftllls analytical report. This report pertains only to the samples investigated and does not necessariIy apply to other apparently identicaJ or similar materials. This report is submitted for the exclusive use of the client to whom it is addressed. Any reproduction of this report or use of this Laboratory. name for advertising or publicity purpose. without authorization is proluòited. Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562989-4040 I I I I , I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .A Client: Attn: Enecotech Chris Holcomb Client's ProJect: Sun Valley Oil Date Received: Matrix: Units: 09/08/99 Soil ug/kg Lab No.: Method Blank 38380-001 38380-002 38380-003 38380-004 Client Sample I.D.: - WOSB-I-30 WOSB-2-30 WOSB-3-30 WOSB-4-30 Date Sampled:"-'· - 09/07/99 09/07/99 09/07/99 09/07/99 OC Batch #: P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 Date Analvzed: 09/17/99 09/17/99 09/17/99 09/17/99 09/17/99 Analyst Initials: EM /DWK EM /DWK EM /DWK EM /DWK EM /DWK Dilution Factor: 1 1 1 1 1 AN'AtYìE'>~:::ië1' lMDt ':OLa: ~;dtés1l.itiš ¡jiB ¡~?R'fsldk/ DCR ~R'e~ùlisj¡, DLR ~trR~~iiìts~! D£R :nièsuiíS!' :fiEii ¡:.k"es'ìlíS' Bromodichloromethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Bromoform 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Bromomethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 . ND 5 ND Carbon tetrachloride 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Chlorobenzene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Chloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 2-Chloroethyl Vinyl Ether 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Chloroform 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Chloromethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,2-Dicblorobenzene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1.4-Dichlorobenzene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Dibromocblorometbane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND DichlorodiOuoromethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,I-Dichloroethene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,2-Dichloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,I-Dichloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND trans-l 2-Dichloroethene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1.2-DichloroDroDane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND cis-13-Dichloropropene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Methylene Chloride 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Tetrachloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Tetrachloroethene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1.1.1- Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Trichloroethene 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Trichlorofluoromethane 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND Vinyl Chloride 5 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND 5 ND MDL == Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR). DLR = MDL X Dilution Factor NA = Not Analyzed Reviewed/Approved By: e.~ Date: O<f / ').:z-J q 1 I I Compton Persaud Department Supervisor Tbe cover 1ettcr is ø integral part of1his analytica1 rtpon Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' .£ Client: Alln: EnecoTech Chris Holcomb Pg.1of2 Client's Project: Sun Valley Oil Date Received: Matrix: Units: 09/1511999 SOIL UG/KG ""~~~"'~~~1S'Y"a'~~-' "" "";'''W('~~~~''^"\II'~m ?i~~:(;J;~~:~~,~~ ~~¥-",~~tbt;~cl~ :~~tt~\f~,~;$~~~ ,. Matrix' Sø]Jèe.a i:I. MàtrlxiSbllìe Dû·óllc:ati,Reøoítk#p¡p,..· <~~~l~',.¡; ~ t ,~~,è~¡;i ';¡!it~~~iìi ~~" ': ,~~,~~ Lab Nó~:·. 38380-001 38380-001 MS 38380-001 MSD QC Batch Number: P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 P99VOCS195 ~~%~1~~~~J~t:~ANAL-aE'~~t*~~'J;:~~4:~~~::::~ \tÞfDLR1~~\ ! ResUltS';! ?'RiSûlts1; 1~~~1%Reè~tj~~i "Rêsùlti¡¡ ~'1f:,Y.RëèIi~i<~ f,RPOm ..Rëêd:lmlts RPD"lbTiIt! %:'.Æiìõuntii, 1,1-dichloroethene 5 NO 76 76 82 82 8 58-156 20 100 benzene 5 NO 88 88 95 95 8 72-134 12 100 trichloroethene 5 NO 91 91 98 98 7 55-145 16 100 toluene 5 NO 93 93 99 99 6 73-127 16 100 chlorobenzene 5 NO 95 95 104 104 9 80-119 11 100 MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR) DLR = MDLx Dilution Factor /í7~ NA Not Analyzed ~ (Jó J. Approved/Reviewed By: . Date: ()i~VI1í Compton Persaud Department Supervisor The cover letter is an Integral part of this analytical report. Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562 989-4040 :f.._;;tt,:~."'::':~(""'!'!'~.-::;'.ï:Ç)õ.~;:~,~Ht·""'7~~J'~~,<'"""""";""""õ'.:.otT'""t~..~~."..,..:<V<:-';-'''~'~,,,,~_,,,,,,,,,,,,~.,''''___'..'''.''''._.'''-'''_'__''''''~''''""""'-_'_~_' __·~_··...w__~-,,~ _ ,._ _~~_~ '", 38380-001 38380-002 38380-003 38380-004 WOSB-I-30 WOSB-2-30 WOSB-3-30 WOSB-4-30 09/07/99 09/07/99 09/07/99 09/07/99 09120/99 09120/99 09/20/99 09/20/99 09/20/99 09/20/99 09/20/99 09/20/99 Anal st Initials: DJ DJ DJ DJ Dilution Factor: 1 1 1 1 !~1fÂl(~¡7YTi"~,; ~,,," >oAb> " >Em, Cadmium 0.15 ND ND ND ND Chromium 0.15 4.4 3.4 2.9 1.9 Lead 0.25 2.9 2.7 3.0 2.4 Zinc 0.50 56 69 83 90 I I Client: Attn: I Client's Project: Date Received: Matrix: Units: I I I I Enecotech Chris Holcomb Sun Valley Oil 09/08/99 Soil I I I I MDL = Method Detection Limit ND = Not Detected (Below DLR). DLR = MDL X Dilution Factor I I Reviewed/Approved By: I t\ \~S~ Cristeta Rocamora Inorganics Supervisor D""~ .' The cover lener is an integral pari of this analytical report I I I I .£ - Advanced Technology Laboratories 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 Tel: 562 989-4045 Fax: 562989-4040 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ·.8 "'â ~ :~ ~ r.~ ~ 'f! I -':~~." .~ ': ~ ~ ,~ !.i ~~ ~ ~ "I ,j Method: EPA 6010 Date Analyzed: 9/20/99 Analyst: DJ/SER Date Digested: 9/20/99 Data File: ICP90920·1 Sample 10: 38419-003 QA File: 9263-1 Matrix: SOIL .:- Analyte UNITS LCS Cone LCS Res % Rec METH BLANK SPL CONC SPL DUP % Dev SPK ADDED MS RESULT MSD RESULT %MS REC %MSD REC %' REC Limit RPD RPD Limit MOL Antimony' mg/kg 1.0 0,98 98 NO 0,34 0,37 8 125 53 51 42 41 50·150 4 18 0.25 Arsenic mg/kg 1.0 0.92 92 NO 5.1 5.4 6 125 111 108 85 82 57-126 3 12 0.25 Barium mg/ka 1.0 0.95 95 NO 125 123 2 125 226 221 81 77 58·124 5 19 0.05 Bervllium mg/kg 1.0 0.90 90 NO 0.18 0.19 5 125 99 96 79 77 48-124 3 16 0.05 Cadmium ma/kg 1.0 0.94 94 NO NO NO 0 125 99 96 79 77 55·122 3 11 0.15 Chromium mg/kg 1.0 0.97 97 NO 26 26 0 125 130 127 83 81 59·123 3 12 0.15 Cobalt mg/kg 1.0 0.91 91 NO 7.3 7.2 1 125 104 101 77 75 60-119 3 9 0.15 Copper mg/ka 1.0 0.96 96 NO 22 25 13 125 135 136 90 91 76·114 1 15 0.15 Lead maIko 1.0 0.95 95 NO 5.2 5.5 6 125 108 104 82 79 67-119 4 9 0.25 Molvbdenum mg/kg 1.0 0.97 97 NO 1.1 1.0 10 125 90 87 71 69 67-115 3 16 0.25 Nickel mglkg 1.0 0.95 95 NO 35 35 0 125 135 131 80 77 57-120 4 14 0.15 Selenium mglkg 1.0 0.95 95 NO NO NO 0 125 103 101 82 81 41·136 2 16 0.25 Silver mglkg 1.0 0.87 87 NO 0.068 0.088 26 125 107 105 86 84 24·155 2 25 0.05 Thallium mglkg 1.0 0.95 95 NO NO NO 0 125 108 107 86 86 62-123 1 16 0.25 Vanadium mglkg 1.0 0.97 97 NO 21 21 0 125 125 122 83 81 62-120 3 13 0.15 Zinc mglkg 1.0 0.95 95 NO 34 36 6 125 139 141 84 86 35·126 2 11 0.50 - LOW IOI.I~ n¡;;;..., U9 to 58mp 9 matnx. QC Batch No' ICAP 990920S 1 ~ ~ 'j ~ '1 " Approved by: QSb Cristeta Rocamora Inorganics Supervisar Date: S}2--? Iqî ~ A Advanced Technology Laboratories - - - - - - -c6 ðflCu!POD"'RE~RD- FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY: Method of Transport Walk-in 0 Courier 0 UPS 0 FED. EXP. 0 ATL 0 - - - - Pg _1 -II of I I 1 ~ :1 ~ ~ j [, J " ~ ¡ I í ~~. Advanced Tech,~olagy ~~. Laboratones 1510 E. 33rd Street Signal Hill, CA 90807 (562) 989-4045 . FAX (562) 989-4040 Client: lNtOOrtl~ Attn: rnv.\C \.\11tc i\\'\1\ Yh Project Name: JUru ~AiU" f Relinquished by: {Signature end Printed Neme!" Sample Condition Upon Receipt Batch #: D.O. # . 1. CHILLED YON 0 4. SEALED P.O.#: ·2. HEADSPACE (VOA) YON 0 I YO NO 5.#OFSPLSMATCHCOC YON 0 Logged By: f~ Date: "J\'1 ÅI\, Time:--kJD I I 3. CONTAINER INTACT YON 0 6. PRESERVED YO NO I Address: City State Sampler: (Printed Name) Zip Code , TEL: ( ) FAX: ( ) O\L Project #: (Signature) Relinquished by: (Signature ond Printed Neme) Relinquished by: (Signalure ond Printed Nome) Date: Date: Date: Time: Time: Time: Received by: (Signature end Printed Name) Received by: (Signature ond Prinled Nome) Received by: (Signature end Printed Nome) /""" f/!JJ I . /" '--tf' I DateA IA 1M' Date: ,-, Date: Time: Time: Time: SHIP TO LAB: (SUB CONTRACT) TEST: ATl': DATE: CLIENT J.D. I hereby authorize ATL to perform the work indicated below: Project Mgr ¡Submitter: Send Report To: Attn: SpeciallnstructionslComments: Date: / / Co: .* CD,Cy..., LN, ~PJ Print Name Address I Sample Description Sample J.D. ~tt\u.- m~j tA.\n\t1> - - 'M1 '.-00 t_~ -0\1 J - ~ \ I .-0 \(n/ \) - Q. ï Date Time City State Zip CI"'''' M "~ 'I CIRCLE APPROPRIATE QA/QC I Analysis(es) cY' J' J' MATRIX Z RTNE 0 Requested Jj ! '" f 0 J4~&~ ~ ~ lq o/jll: I - RWQCB 0 ::.,0 ;$' ~ ., ~ (J' r? ø3~ l- i b"'tU;:..?rOø <s § ~ '$,'" « WIP 0 I ..f!il ølð.~~ ~" "" v $ > NAVY 0 I '" ... .>f' '" <ö . Gj ~ ~ ~ i~~J~Ç!i Ç5~~ ~ . ~ $ II: l(j '" 'Ii '" ~ '" u ~ W ~ ~'" w CT 0 i .~ # $ ~ l R If: If: ~ Y-..~ '~ll:~ «Q: (J) OTHER w - ~rfJ3rfJt ~~~~~ S.~~ ~ÿ; II: I ... ~ø~~~q,·.!Ji: ~ ð ~'" $ $" Þ t TAT # Type REMARKS ~ ~ ~ <2' ~ & ~ ~ ;' f~q¡ Cl. Xx X t I I \ I I 1 Signature Unless otherwise requested. all samples will be disposed 45 days after receipt. Sample Archive/Disposal: o Laboratory Standard o Other o Return To: * $10.00 FEE PER HAZARDOUS SAMPLE DISPOSAL. I T E M LAB USE ONLY: Batch #: Lab No. '»~~~~ ._ m1 -1)1). _rt\~ ::tllli- OJl ¡ I I I U ...v 1/ \1) I \ I ~ I I , ~ I ~ i I I . TAT starts 8 a.m. following day if samples received after 5 p.m. TAT' A_ overnightl B I Emergency . - < 24 hr I Þ=¡ Next workdav Container Types: T = Tube V=VOA L=Liter DISTRIBUTION: White wi ~ I Critical I _ Urgent / _I~ outine c= 12 Workdays I D- 3 Workdays E-=,}'7 Workdays P=Pint J=Jar B= T edlar I G-Glas~ P~astic M-Metal th report. Yellow to folder, Pink to submitter. Preservatives: H=Hcl N=HN03 S=H2S0. C=4'C Z-Zn(AC)2 O-NaOH T-Na2S203 , ! I I I I I I 'I I I I , I I I I I I I I ~ I LOCATION MAP ~ E ~ he 2421 Y\I. 205th Street (Notto scale) ~ neeD ee SuiteD206-E N ENVIRONMENTAL CONSUlTANTS Torrance. California 90501 t BORINGIWELL LOG I.D.: WOSB-1 Refer to Boring Location Map Date(s): 9/7/99 /iroject SUNVAUEYOIL Name: start Finish Project Time: 10:30 Time: Number: 08-01157-002 Logged By: CKH Drilling Enviroprobe Page 1 of 1 Company: Elevation: NA I~apor NA Drilling GeoProbe I ¡samPling Direct Push 11ft, ams!) Délector: Method: Method: Filter NA I ~ntonite Baos NA Iseal: NA Paçk: Bags Seal: Bags Casing NA Diameter: NA Boring Water NA Type: Dia.: Initial Sc:reen NA Slot NA Diameter: NA Total Water NA TYD8: Size: Death: Final Depth LITHOLOGIC DESCRIPTION Sample Screen BoringlWell (feet) UNIT: Color, moisture, reI. density, texture Depth Q Vapor Time Completion (Uses Symbol), details. Odor, variations. !Blows ~ Designation Type (ppm) f- 0 Asphalt OPID - Brown, moist, loose, fine sand with silt(SM), no odor. - - 5 - - - 10- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -------- -- ---- -- -_...... -- ------ ---- -- -- --.... -- -- -- -- --...-... ____n__ -- ...----------- ----- ---------- __n____ Very fine sand with silt, olive brown with yellow striation, moist. No odor (SMlSL). 15- -----------------------------...----------------------------------------....---------- 1..-_______ -- ------------ ----- ---------- -------- - Brown, moist, poorly graded, loose medium sand with trace S1 It. No odor (SP). 20- - OPID - - - - - - - - - 25- Light brown, moist, poorly graded, loose medium sand with - - - trace sill No odor (SP). - - - - - 30- No H2O - OPJD - 0 Sample Type Screen Type ¡--1 Conçrete -- Perforations -- -- Z ø Sleeve A-Ambient f2£'j BentonfteSeal 1 ì w I I WeUCasing (!) ø Grab B-Bag CJ W lSJ C-Cuttings FiherPack - Locking Cap Disœrå Traffiç Rated ....J Contac:t - Dashed . No Re<:OVery H-HeadSpaœ - - - - where inferred. -5Z- WaterTable Well Cover - Drawn By: MJL I Date: 10/99 I Approved By: I Date: RG Number: Fig. No.: