HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 232-88RESOLUTION 232-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE APPLICATIONS FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE TRAIL GRANT PROGRAM UNDER THE CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE, COASTAL, AND PARK LAND CONSERVATION ACT OF 1988 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BIKE PATH EXTENSION FROM CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY-BAKERSFIELD TO STOCKDALE HIGHWAY BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE REST STOPS ALONG THE BIKE PATH IN THE KERN RIVER PARKWAY. WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Act of 1988, which provides funds to the State of California and its political subdivisions for acquiring and/or developing facilities for public recreational and open space purposes; and WHEREAS, the State Department of Parks and Recreation has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of the program within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by local agencies under the program; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield wishes to construct a bike path extension from California State University-Bakersfield to the Stockdale Highway Bridge, and five rest stops along the bike path; and WHEREAS, the procedures established by the State Department of Parks and Recreation require local agencies to cer- tify by resolution the approval of application before submis- sion of said application to the state; and WHEREAS, said application contain assurances which the City of Bakersfield must comply; and within WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield will enter into an agreement with the State of California for acquisition or devel- opment of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: The filing of an application under the Trails Grant Program under the California Wildlife, Coastal, and Park Land Conservation Act of 1988 for state grant assistance for the above project is hereby approved; and 2. The assurances and certification in the application form are acceptable; and o The City of Bakersfield has or will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the project; and The project included in this application is consistent with the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan; and The City Manager is hereby authorized to conduct all negotiations, execute all documents, including, but not lim- ited to applications, agreements, amendments, payment requests which may ]De necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project. .......... 000 .......... -2- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30thday of November , 19 sjby the following vote: AYES: COLINCILMEMBEI{S CHILDS, DeMI)ND, SMITH, ~, PET~gSON, NOES COUNCILMEMqFRR None ASSENT COUNCIL~'J'~:~EZ~__ Ra~ty, McDermott ABSTAINING: C0b~Ck;'! '~ '~ None CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 30th day of Nov , 19_j~ MAYOR of the City of Ba~kersfield APPROVED as to form: pjt r/rccgp -3- CALIFORNIA WILDLIFE, COASTAL, AND PARK LAN~ ..ONSERVATION PROGRAM APPLICATION This Form and Required A~tachmen13 Mu~ Ba Submined for Each Projec~ Site pROGRAM TYPE {chf~k on~ b~towJ $pe<:i~ D~strict {no~ qual/fyin£ for P~r ~.a~it~) Kern River parkway Bike Path Rest Areas and Extension City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 m.. ~.~.-~ .~ ~."~J ' s 310,000 Kern Bakersfield Kern River through Metro Bakersfield H~ ghway 99 16 J. Dale Hawley City Manager Edgar W. Schulz Public Works Manager 805/326-3751 805/326-3724 : Development of four rest areasadjacent to the existing 7.5 mile long bike path at approximately one-mile intervals and a 1.6 mile western extension of the bike path from its terminus at California State University Bakersfield, including a rest area. A total of five rest areas would be constructed. The project location is along %he Kern River as it transverses metropolitan Bakersfield from Manor Street to the Stockdale Highway Bridge. IMPORTANT DPR 8D7 {Back) PROJECT PROPOSAL PROJECT NAME: Kern River Parkway Bike Path Rest Areas and Extension PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of rest area improvements to the existing 7.5-mile bike path and a 1.6-mile extension, including rest area, of the bicycle path transversing through metropolitan Bakersfield along the Kern River. The project includes: a. Development of five rest areas adjacent to the existing bike path at approximately 1-mile intervals. Each rest area would contain information points, benches, shade arbors, drinking water fountains, security lighting and localized landscaping. The size of each area would average approximately 10,000 sq.ft. The four rest areas are located at points numbered 2, 3, 5, and 6 on the pro- ject description Map Exhibit E.1. The amount of funding requested for this portion of the project is $60,000. b. Construction of the 1.6 mile extension of the bike path from CSUB to the Stockdale Highway Bridge and development of one rest area adjacent to the new bike path extension, located at point number 1 on project description Map Exhibit E.1. The extension would be similarly con- structed and connect to the existing bike path. The extension would be designed and constructed with a 10-foot minimum width of paved path. The amount of fund- ing requested for this portion of the project is $157,400. The total amount of funding request is $217,400. The bike path and rest areas are primary features of the Kern River Parkway Plan recently adopted by both the Kern County Board of Supervisors and Bakersfield City Council. The Parkway and its EIR create a comprehensive land use planning document to provide recreational opportunities and open space enhancement for the 1,400-acre boundaries along the Kern River in metropolitan Bakersfield. p/pdje Page 2 The Bike%~ay System Study For The Bakersfield Metropolitan Area documents broad base community support for bikeways. The Parkway EIR (DEIR, page 6-1) indicates a beneficial impact resulting from the implementation of the Parkway Plan by eliminating or reducing existing deficiencies for a variety of recreational activities including bicycling. The provision of 1.6 miles of new bike trail and the improvement of the existing 7.5 miles of trails "will provide an important and valuable resource for trail-related activities." Tables 6-2 and 6-3 of the Parkway EIR (DEIR, pages 6-5 and 6-6) summarize the amount of area of bike trails supplied by the Parkway and the estimated 1998 need and supply of trails. The Parkway EIR Appendix II (pages 87-94) provides analy- sis for the recreational use of the Parkway. In summary, the projected number of activity days in 1998 for bike trails in the Parkway would be 106,600, the fifth highest activity listed. Many of the public comments obtained in the public input phases of developing the Parkway Plan stated a desire for increased bike path opportunities. The Parkway, including the bike trail, is developed to serve the metropolitan Bakersfield community. Over the last five years, the City's population has grown 21.4 percent, from 129,686 population in 1984 to 157,430 in 1988. There should also be a proportional increase in user demand for bike ways and other recreational uses. Broad-based community support has been expressed for the proposed project. The general public, individuals, business, and recreational groups and government agencies provided input comment on the Bikeways Study and Master Plan and the Parkway Plan in several community-wide publicized participation efforts, including workshops, newspaper surveys and public hearings. In preparation of the Parkway Plan, two community concerns reports were prepared (see Exhibits L and M). The "Public Opinion Analysis" was prepared using statistically valid methods. In both surveys, knowledge and use of the bicycle path and its future extension were mentioned by numerous respondents. The Kern County Board of Supervisors has given its sup- port for the Parkway through its recommendation for its approval. The Kern Council of Governments has previously approved the Bikeways Master Plan. Kern COG has awarded a grant to the City Of Bakersfield in the amount of $92,600 toward construction of the western extension of the bike path from California State University Bakersfield (Exhibit E.1). This project proposal Page 3 5 o o under the Trails Grant Program is requesting the remain- ing $157,400 to construct the extension. The total cost for the 1.6-mile extension is $250,000. The amount of funding requested for the rest areas is $60,000. The following lists those individuals and groups who have submitted letters of support of this project. Copies of the letters are provided in Exhibit N. Kern County Board of Supervisors Action Kern River Foundation letter Kern Parkway Committee letter Kern Wheelman letter 11/15/88 There have been several community-based efforts to improve the bike path and parkway. The Kern River Foundation under sponsorship by the City received a $20,000 grant from the Urban Stream Restoration Program (California Department of Water Resources). These Urban Stream Program funds purchased trees and other materials used by volunteers for plantings along the Kern River and bike path. The California State Parks and Recreation has reviewed the Parkway Plan and EIR, including the bike trails and has made written confirmation the project is in conformance with the Department's program to provide hiking and riding trails for recreational use and to provide open space for resource preservation (FEIR page 6-5). The Bikeways Master Plan and the Parkway Plan are consistent with the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. As indicated on the Parkway and the Bikeways Master Plans, the bike path is a primary recreational transpor- tation corridor for bicycle users through the metropoli- tan area. The bike path is connected to other bikeways as a integral part of a comprehensive circulation plan of the Bikeways Master Plan. The project would complement future equestrian trails and staging areas to be located along the northern bank of the Kern River, as indicated on the Parkway Plan. The project would enhance user groups' recreational experience and open space appreciation of the unique nat- ural resources along the Kern River. Page 4 TI. II. C. 1. ACCESS Access to the bike path is available by foot, bicycle and paved parking areas from various points along the entire stretch of the bike path. Existing surface streets, such as Stockdale Highway, Truxtun Avenue, and Manor Street, provide direct access to the bike path. Several paved off-street parking areas are within approximately 100 to 200 feet of direct access to the bike path. Existing bicycle lanes on surface streets provide connections to the project site. Regular public bus routes travel Truxtun Avenue along the majority of the Parkway. Other bus routes pass near the access points to the bike path at CSUB, Oak Street and Chester Avenue. The project will improve access and safety by providing rest areas for user groups. The extension would allow bicycle users access to areas west of CSUB without riding on a major arterial surface street, thus reducing potential conflicts. For user safety and convenience, rest areas are designed with paved entry and exit access from the main bike path. The existing bike path and other features of the Parkway are open to the general public and there is no user fee required. The project site would be accessible to people of all abilities. Handicap access is available at all access locations. Grade of the bike path and the rest areas would be relatively flat. Since the bike path transverses the southern portion of the Parkway, it serves as a transportation corridor pro- viding access to a variety of existing and proposed features of the Parkway, such as natural habitat, the Kern River shoreline, open space vistas, recreation fields in Beach Park, nature study areas, and picnicking. ORGANIZATIONAL CAPABILITY The City has pro-actively planned for and promoted bike trail opportunities for recreation and as a mode of alternative transportation. The City has historically developed and currently maintains all public parks and public recreation facilities within the City of Bakersfield. In addition, for more than five years, the City has successfully operated and maintained safe bike ways throughout its jurisdiction, including the Parkway bike path. Page 5 II. D. 1. The city's Public Works and Community Services Departments maintain all City streets, parks, trails and the Kern River Parkway within the City. This Department will continue to regularly assign personnel and equipment to maintain the bike path and rest areas for public safety, health and welfare. Maintenance crews service the path and rest areas at least once a week. The pro- ject will be incorporated into the Department's regular maintenance program. PROJECT READINESS The City would be prepared to submit construction plans for State approval approximately within four to eight months after funds become available. Upon approval of the plans by the State, the City anticipates construction to begin within nine to twelve months. Preliminary construction plans for the rest areas have been included in this proposal. The City will begin pre- paring standard detail construction plans for the rest areas within the next few months. Construction plans for the existing bike path are available. Construction plans for the extension would be similar to those plans of the existing bike path. Preparation of these plans would begin within the next eighteen months. p/grant LIST OF EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B.1 B.2 EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E.1 E.2 E.3 EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G EXHIBIT H EXHIBIT I EXHIBIT J EXHIBIT K EXHIBIT L EXHIBIT M EXHIBIT N p/egrant City Council Resolution Approving Grant Application Notice of Determination and City Council Resolution Certifying EIR Kern River Parkway EIR Metropolitan Bakersfield Project Location Map Land Tenure Documents Detailed Project Site Location Map Construction Plans Rest Area Site Plan Cost Estimates Kern Council of Governments' Letter Confirming Funding Photographs of Project Site Kern River Parkway Map and City Council Resolution Approving Parkway Bikeways Master Plan Bikeways Study for Metropolitan Bakersfield Community Concerns Report Public Opinion Survey Letters of Support KERN RI 'ER FOUNDATION P.O. Box 1861 Bakersfield, CA 93303 11/17/88 To: Shirley Willd-Wagner, Project Officer Regarding: Proposition 70 Trails Grant Program Dear Shirley; The Kern River Foundation is writing in support of the Trails Grant Program application as now submitted by the City of Bakersfield. The projects described within the application fit the program criteria most appropriately. The proposed projects extending the Kern River Bike Path to the Stockdale Bridge and construction of the Bike Path Rest Areas are projects containing much support from both public and private sectors and are most worthy of Proposition 70 Funding. The Kern River Bike Path is an integral part of this open space area we call "The Kern River Corridor". The Bike Path creates ready accessibility to Open Space for a large population , especially exemplified by the North, Central, and Southwest Bakers'field Communities. The Kern River Foundation is a non-profit,'tax exempt organization established to help foster trail systems that are not only compatible but also will enhance the Kern River Parkway and Bakersfield Community. This letter of support is a means by which we can further encourage the cooperation or. private citizens, industry, and government toward an appropriate development'of our Kern River. The Board of"the Kern River Foundation feels that the extension of the Bike Path and the construction of the Bike Path rest areas are most eligible of the Trail Systems Grant. We support the efforts of the City of Bakersfield in this application and urge your grant approval. NOV 1. 8 CiTY OF BAKERSFIELD P..A.~N ,,~ D.=PAPJM~NT. for your considerations. Vice President, Kern River Foundation Kern River Parkway Committee '~,'~,,4,~ P.O. Box 1861 · Bakersfield. CA 93303 Bakersfield City Planning Dept. 1~01 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 03301 November 17, 1~88 Dear Sir: Our organization is pleased that the City of Bakersfield has targeted the Kern River Bike Path for improvement. We can think of no better oro~ect for Proo. 70 fundung. As you know, the l~rn River Bike oath bas experienced heavy use since the addition of the Cal- State limk-uo to Beach Park. We believe that the extension of the oath to the Stockdale Hizhway brid~e will ooen the path to even more public access. Vie feel that the path will comoliment the orooosed Rioarian Studies Area immediately accboss from the Cal-State campus and that no conflict will exist. In addition, the Kern River Bike Path is a key element in the newly adonted Kern River Parkway Plan. If we can be of any assistance olease let us know. Our members stronzlv suooort this oroject and the efforts by the City of Bakersfield are truly aooreciated. You may use our orzanization~'s name in suooort of the ~rant request. -D oper ~ ~halr~nan CITY OF BAKERSFIELD pbe:~NNING DEPARTM~.NT