HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 193-88RESOLUTION NO. 193-88 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS CERTIFYING THE FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (F.S.E.I.R.) FOR THE BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE. WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Airpark Master Plan Update is proposed as a guide for overall development and improvement of the Airpark; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield did certify the Bakersfield Airpark Expansion Environmental Impact Report (E.I.R.) on July 13, 1983 and it is incorporated in the Final Supplemental E.I.R. by reference; and WHEREAS, the Final Supplemental E.I.R. provides only the information necessary to make the previous E.I.R. adequate for the project as revised, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) section 15163; and WHEREAS, a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. on this proposal was prepared by the City of Bakersfield under contract with consultant Peat Marwick and was circulated and distributed in accordance with the requirements of law and applicable regula- tions; and WHEREAS, public and private agencies and individuals submitted written comments on the Draft Supplemental E.I.R. as listed in the comments and responses; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held and con- ducted by and before the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission in accordance with procedures required by City Resolution No. 107-86, on April 2]., 1988 at which hearing the public was enti- tled to comment on the Draft Supplemental E.I.R.; and WHEREAS, the consultant has responded in writing to all significant points raised by the public and private agencies and individuals in the review and public hearing process in the Final Supplemental E.I.R., consisting of a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. and comments and responses dated July, 1988; and WHEREAS, the Final Supplemental E.I.R., consisting of a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. text and Comments and Responses dated July, 1988 were reviewed, evaluated and considered by the Planning Commission at its meeting held August 4, 1988, and that Commission found and stated in its Resolution No. 38-88 that the Final Supplemental E.I.R. has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State E.I.R. Guidelines and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 107-86, and the National Environmental Policy Act; and WHEREAS, the period for public review has been adequate; and WHEREAS, the various alternatives to the project, including "no project", have been considered in the Final Supplemental E.I.R.; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act requires one or more of the following findings as to each signifi- cant effect: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final E.I.R. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency mak- ing the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final E.I.R. WHEREAS, such findings are supported by substantial evi- dence in the record summarized for each identified significant or potentially significant effect, below, accompanied by a statement of the facts supporting each finding: Topograph~ and Soils. Development would result in soil dis- placement and compaction. An area on the south side of the Airpark, known to have soil contamination, may be needed for expansion of airpark parking facilities. ~indings and_~Application: Finding (1) above, applies to the entire project. - 2 - Supporting Facts: Only minimum amount of earthwork will be required for Airpark development, due to the relatively flat topography of the site. A management plan to identify and provide contamination cleanup methods will be approved and implemented by the City of Bakersfield, Kern County Health Department, and State of California Health Services, Department of Water Resources and the U.S. EPA, if any of the contaminated area is needed for Airpark development. Air Quality. Forecast increases in aircraft operations will add to the emissions levels in the area. Findings and Application: Finding (1) applies to entire pro- ject. Supporting Facts: The project requires an air quality cer- tificate from the Governor of California (Air Resources Board). Cumulative impacts and mitigation measures would be identified, providing for active implementation of tactics outlined in the Air Quality Maintenance Plan/Non-attainment Area Plan and consistency with the mitigation measures required by the Casa Loma Specific Plan EIR. Hydrology and Water Quality: Expansion and development of the Airpark will increase the impervious surfaces on the Airpark. Runoff from additional paved surface would result. Findings and Applic~!9~: Finding (1), above, applies to the entire project. Supporting Facts: Development will be consistent with approved water quality and drainage plans. Implementation of the soil contamination management plan should prevent fur- ther contamination of surface and ground water. Biotic Communities: Some Airpark property will be removed as ~otential habitat for some animal species. The project site is within the range of the San Joaquin Valley Kit Fox, a Federally listed rare, endangered or threatened species. The Burrowing Owl has been sighted in the past on portions of the project site. The Burrowing Owl is listed as a sensitive species by the State of California. Findings and Application: Finding (1) applies to the entire project. Supporting Facts: The loss of potential habitat for the kit fox and Burrowing Owl is marginal. No active kit fox dens have been identified on the project site. The City of Bakersfield, in cooperation with the U.S.F.&W.S., the California State Department of Fish and Game and other local agencies is currently preparing a Habitat Conservation Plan (H.C.P.). The H.C.P. is a comprehensive resource protection program and an essential component of an application for a Federal Endangered Species Act Section 10(a) permit from the U.S. Department of Interior. An interim mitigation fee has been adopted by the City of Bakersfield (Ordinance No. 3122; City Council Resolution 183-87) for mitigating environmental impacts resulting from property development. However, if construction proceeds prior to H.C.P. approval, the City shall obtain a qualified biologist to conduct a field survey o~ the project area to locate any active kit fox dens, thirty days prior to ground disturbance. Should an active den be located on the project site, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be notified for consultation in hand excavation of the den. If the H.C.P. is approved and a Section 10(a) permit is issued to the City of Bakersfield prior to construction of the project, mitigation measures identified in the H.C.P. will be sufficient. Should it be determined that the project may affect a federally listed endangered and threatened species, the lead agency involved in funding or permitting the Airpark develop- ment must initiate consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended. Noise: Increases in aircraft operations will increase noise levels at and adjacent to the Airpark. Findings and Application: area affected by CNEL 65 aircraft operations. Finding (3), above, applies to the or greater as a result of increased Supporting Facts: The CNEL 65, 70 and 75 contour lines would be on Airpark property in 1995 and the land uses identified within these contours are considered compatible with the Airpark operations. The suggested land use compatibility standards in areas exposed to aircraft noise, as derived from Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150, "Airport Noise Compatibility Planning." Year 2010 project contours for CNEL 65 and 70 extend to land uses designated for industrial uses compatible with airport operations. The CNEL 60 to 65 con- tour would extend into the Crystal Heights residential area. If bona fide noise complaints increase and periodic noise measurements show significant noise levels in relation to compatible land use, a detailed noise compatibility study should be conducted and impact analysis performed. - 4 - Traffic & Circulation: Extension of the runway and develop- ment of the airpark facilities result in closure of East Planz Road between South Union and Madison Avenues which could limit access to the neighborhood east of the Airpark. Findings and Application: entire project. Finding (1), above, applies to Supporting Facies: Madison Avenue will be improved and extended from Watts Drive to White Lane to provide access and through circulation to residential ~eighborhoods located east of the Airpark. G. Socioeconomics: Development of the Airpark will require sub- stantial financial resources. Findings and Application: Finding (1), above, applies to entire project. Supporting Fac~s: Funding for capital improvements are eli- gible for FAA grants in aid. Economic incentives of the (Casa Loma) Southeast Enterprise Zone are available. Development of the Airpark is considered a beneficial economic impact. WHEREAS, on the basis of Findings and Statement of Facts, the Final Supplemental E.I.R. adequately addresses all issues raised during the public review period, and all mitigation measures required must be incorporated into the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. Required public notices have been given. The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (F.S.E.I.R.) consists of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (D.S.E.I.R.) dated February 1988 and the F.S.E.I.R. (Response to Comments and D.S.E.I.R. text amendments dated July 1988). That the said F.S.E.I.R. is an accurate and objective discussion of the proposed project and adequately dis- cusses and describes the environmental considerations and mitigation measures. - 5 - The F.S.E.I.R. was presented to the City Council, and the Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the F.S.E.I.R. prior to considering the project. Mitigation measures are required and must be incorporated into the project (if approved) which would avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and where no substantial evidence before the City that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. The Final Supplemental E.I.R. is hereby certified as having been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act. .......... o0o .......... - 6 - I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on September 14, 1988 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS CHILDS, DeMHND, SMITH, PATTY, r'ETCqSON, McDERMOTT ~ALVAGOIO NOES: COUNCILME D,~ DER$ None ASSENT: COUNCtLM;_-- M~EP_% None ABSTAINING: COUN£ 1LM~MS~.'RS None ~ITY CLERK ~nd Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED September i4, 1988 MAYOR of the (.lty ~BaKersfield APPROVED as to form: (./ :.' / AJS/meg '~ R RES 5 FINAL.EIR1 9/08/88 - 7 - RESOLUTION NO. 38-88 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL E.I.R. FOR THE BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE. WHEREAS, the Bakersfield Airpark Master Plan Update is proposed as a guide for overall development and improvement of the Airpark; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield did certify the Bakersfield Airpark Expansion Environmental Impact Report (E.I.R.) on July 13, 1983 and it is incorporated in the Final Supplemental E.I.R. by reference; and WHEREAS, the Final Supplemental E.I.R. provides only the information necessary to make the previous E.I.R. adequate for the project as revised, pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) section 15163; and WHEREAS, a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. on this proposal was prepared by the City of Bakersfield under contract with consultant Peat Marwick and has circulated and distributed in accordance with the requirements of law and applicable regula- tions; and WHEREAS, public and private agencies and individuals submitted written comments on the Draft Supplemental E.I.R. as listed in the comments and responses; and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing was held and con- ducted by and before the City of Bakersfield Planning Commission in accordance with procedures required by City Resolution No. 107-86, on April 21, 1988 at which hearing the public was enti- tled to comment on the Draft Supplemental E.I.R.; arid WHEREAS, the consultant has responded in writing to all significant points raised by the public and private agencies and individuals in the review and public hearing process in the Final Supplemental E.I.R., consisting of a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. and comments and responses dated July, 1988; and -2- WHEREAS, the Final Supplemental E.I.R., consisting of a Draft Supplemental E.I.R. text and Comments and Responses dated July, 1988 were reviewed, evaluated and considered by the Planning Commission, and that Commission found that the Final Supplemental E.I.R. has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the State E.I.R. Guidelines and city of Bakersfield Resolution No. 107-86, and the National Environmental Policy Act; and WHEREAS, the period for public review has been adequate; and WHEREAS, THE Final Supplemental E.I.R. is an accurate and objective discussion of the proposed project and adequately discusses and describes the environmental considerations and mit- igation measures; and WHEREAS, the various alternatives to the project, including "no project", have been considered in the Final Supplemental E.I.R.; and WHEREAS, the California Environmental Quality Act requires one or more of the following findings as to each significant effect: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final E.I.R. Such changes or jurisdiction of ing the finding. other agency or agency. alterations are within the responsibility and another public agency and not the agency mak- Such changes have been adopted by such can and should be adopted by such other Specific economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final E.I.R. WHEREAS, such findings are supported by substantial evi- dence in the record summarized for each identified significant or potentially significant effect, below, accompanied by a statement of the facts supporting each finding: Topography and Soils. Development would result in soil dis- placement and compaction. An area on the south side of the Airpark, known to have soil contamination, may be needed for expansion of airpark parking facilities. -3- Findings and Application: Finding (1) above, applies to the entire project. Supporting Facts: Only minimum amount of earthwork %~ill be required for Airpark development, due to the relatively flat topography of the site. A management plan to identify and provide contamination cleanup methods will be approved and implemented by the City of Bakersfield, Kern County Health Department, and State of California Health Services, Department of Water Resources and the U.S. EPA, if any of the contaminated area is needed for Airpark development. Air Quality. Forecast increases in aircraft operations will add to the emissions levels in the area. Findings and Application: Finding (1) applies to entire pro- ject. Supporting Facts: The project requires an air quality cer- tificate from the Governor of California (Air Resources Board). Cumulative impacts and mitigation measures would be identified, providing for active implementation of tactics outlined in the Air Quality Maintenance Plan/Non-attainment Area Plan and consistency %~ith the mitigation measures required by the Casa Loma Specific Plan EIR. Hydrology and Water Quality: Expansion and development of the Airpark will increase the impervious surfaces on the Airpark. Runoff from additional paved surface would result. Findings and Application: Finding (1), above, applies to the entire project. Supporting Facts: Development will be consistent with approved water quality and drainage plans. Implementation of the soil contamination management plan should prevent fur- ther contamination of surface and ground water. Biotic Communities: Some Airpark property will be removed as potential habitat for some animal species. The project site is ~;ithin the range of the San Joaquin Valley Kit Fox, a Federally listed rare, endangered or threatened species. The Burrowing Owl has been sighted in the past on portions of the project site. The Burrowing Owl is listed as a sensitive species by the State of California. Findings and Application: Finding (1) applies to the entire project. -4- Supporting Facts: The loss of potential habitat for the kit fox and Burrowing Owl is marginal. No active kit fox dens have been identified on the project site. The City of Bakersfield, in cooperation with the U.S.F.&W.S., the California State Department of Fish and Game and other local agencies is currently preparing a Habitat Conservation Plan (H.C.P.). The H.C.P. is a comprehensive resource protection program and an essential component of an application for a Federal Endangered Species Act Section 10(a) permit from the U.S. Department of Interior. An interim mitigation fee has been adopted by the City of Bakersfield (Ordinance No. 3122; city Council Resolution 183-87) for mitigating environmental impacts resulting from property development. However, if construction proceeds prior to H.C.P. approval, the city shall obtain a qualified biologist to conduct a field survey of the project area to locate any active kit fox dens, thirty days prior to ground disturbance. Should an active den be located on the project site, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service would be notified for consultation in hand excavation of the den. If the H.C.P. is approved and a Section 10(a) permit is issued to the City of Bakersfield prior to construction of the project, mitigation measures identified in the H.C.P. will be sufficient. Should it be determined that the project may affect a federally listed endangered and threatened species, the lead agency involved in funding or permitting the Airpark develop- ment must initiate consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, as amended. Noise: Increases in aircraft operations will increase noise levels at and adjacent to the Airpark. Findings and Application: Finding area affected by CNEL 65 or greater aircraft operations. (3), above, applies to the as a result of increased Supporting Facts: The CNEL 65, 70 and 75 contour lines would be on Airpark p~operty in 1995 and the land uses identified within these contours are considered compatible with the Airpark operations. The suggested land use compatibility standards in areas exposed to aircraft noise, as derived from Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) Part 150, "Airport Noise Compatibility Planning." Year 2010 project contours for CNEL 65 and 70 extend to land uses designated for industrial uses compatible with airport operations. The CNEL 60 to 65 con- tour would extend into the Crystal Heights residential area. If bona fide noise complaints increase and periodic noise measurements show significant noise levels in relation to compatible land use, a detailed noise compatibility study should be conducted and impact analysis performed. -5- Traffic & Circulation: Extension of the runway and develop- ment of the alrpark facilities result in closure of East Planz Road between South Union and Madison Avenues which could limit access to the neighborhood east of the Airpark. Findings and Application: entire project. Finding (1), above, applies to Supporting Facts: Madison Avenue will be improved and extended from Watts Drive to White Lane to provide access and through circulation to residential neighborhoods located east of the Airpark. G. Socioeconomics: Development of the Airpark will require sub- stantial financial resources. Findings and Application: Finding (1), above, applies to entire project. Supporting Facts: Funding for capital improvements are eli- gible for FAA grants-in-aid. Economic incentives of the (Casa Loma) Southeast Enterprise Zone are available. Development of the Airpark is considered a beneficial economic impact. WHEREAS, on the basis of Findings and Statement of Facts, the Final Supplemental E.I.R. adequately addresses all issues raised during the public review period, and all mitigation measures required must be incorporated into the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified. NOW, THEREFORE, the Planning Commission hereby deter- mines, finds and reviews as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct. 2. Required public notices have been given. The Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (F.S.E.I.R.) consists of the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report (D.S.E.I.R.) dated February, 1988 and the F.S.E.I.R. (Response to Comments and D.S.E.I.R. text amend- ments dated July, 1988). The Final Supplemental E.I.R. has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act, and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 107-86. -6- The F.S.E.I.R. was presented to the Planning Commission, and the Commission reviewed and considered the information con- tained in the F.S.E.I.R. prior to considering the project. Mitigation measures are required and must be incorporated into the project (if approved) which would avoid or substan- tially lessen the significant environmental effect as identi- fied in the Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and there is no substantial evidence before the City that the pro- ject as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. That the said F.S.E.I.R. is an accurate and objective dis- cussion of the proposed project and adequately discusses and describes the environmental considerations and mitiga- tion measures. 8. That the various alternatives to the project, including "no project." have been considered in the F.S.E.I.R. 9. Certification of the F.S.E.I.R. is recommended to the City Council. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield at the regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of August, 1988 on a motion made by Commissioner Bjorn and seconded by Commissioner Jarrett by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Gronbeck, Jarrett, Milazzo Patrick, Roselieb, Cohn NOES: None ABSENT: None DATED: August 4, 1988 r/rair PL~NNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Y / ~lannlng Dl~or EXCERPT, PL/C Minutes of 8/4/88 FINAL SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK EXPANSION MASTER PLAN UPDATE Planning Director Hardisty introduced Ms. Jennie Eng, project planner who coordinated the environmental review for this project and Mr. Robert Olislagers, manager of the Bakersfield Municipal Airpark. Mr. Olislagers commented that this EIR supplements the "Final Environmental Impact Report - Bakersfield Airpark Expansion" certified by the City Council on July 13, 1983. The City of Bakersfield contracted with the consulting firm Peat Marwick to prepare a Master Plan Update and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Bakersfield Airpark expansion. The Master Plan Update includes recommending modifications to the airport layout and development plans. Implementation of the Master Plan update would be staged over a 20 year planning period. Staff recommended that the FSEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and NEPA and adequately described the environmental setting, impacts and mitigation for the project described. Mr. Olislagers further indicated that required public notices were given. The FSEIR was presented to the Planning Commission and the Commission reviewed and considered the information contained in the FSEIR prior to considering the project. Commissioner Cohn stated that this was not a public hearing but would entertain brief comments. Mr. Harlan Hunter representing the People's Missionary Baptist Church stated that the report fails short on some of their concerns regarding air quality, noise level and division of the community by the expansion of the airpark. He also stated he was concerned with regard to cleanup of the contaminated area. Councilman Salvaggio commented that the Council has selected a consult- ant to assess what contamination there is at the airpark and that the FFA made a preliminary decision to fund the cleanup of the hazardous waste at the airpark. Motion was made by Commissiner Bjorn, seconded by Commissioner Jarrett, Commission adopted resolution to certify the Final SEIR with findings a. through f. on Pages 2 and 3 of the staff report and recommended same to the City Council, and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Bjorn, Gronbeck, Jarrett, Patrick, Milazzo, Rosenlieb, Cohn NOES: None ABSENT: None 111u~i , P1/C, 4/21/88 ,, ,, Page 8 C HEARING - STREET VACATION OF 9TH STREET BETWEEN H AND EYE ND A PORTION OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 48 (continued) eller representing St. Francis Church indicated that the two the church owns on the south side of 9th Street have been mercial property to the south. They were the primary r the church will continue to provide parking for the s. The church is going to deed over five feet of ,to the Mixon property. The five feet on the west lot will be deeded t~that property to enable the church to develop ten parking spaces off the alley. Mr. Mueller was amenable t~e conditions listed in the staff report. Mr. Larry Mixon stated that th~ :hurch had worked long and hard on this project with the neighbors has the concerns of the neighbors. Motion was made by Commissioner )ursuant to Government Code 65402, to find the closing of 9th Street tween "H" Street and Eye Street and a portion of the alley in is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Bakersfield and ~rt same to the City Council with the following recommendations: Easements shall be reserved for any publ utility facilities or public sewer lines remaining within area to be vacated. A 25 foot wide east/west extension of the alley in Block 48 between "H" Street and Eye Street shall be dedicated, including 10' x 10' corner cut-offs and constructed to City Standards. Street improvements (curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving) shall be constructed to City Stand- ards along "H" and Eye Streets to close vacated portion of 9th Street. 11. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF DRAFT SUPPLEMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK EXPANSION MASTER PLAN UPDATE Mr. Hardisty entered into the record, letters received from the Department of Planning and Development Services County of Kern, U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife Services, Kern County Fire Department and the Bakersfield City School District in addition to others included in the Appendix of the EIR. Mr. Hardisty introduced Mr. Robert Olislagers, Airpark Manager. Mr. Olislagers informed Commission that the document is a supplement to the original EIR which was completed in 1983. This document meets both the federal as well as the state requirements. Minutes, PL/C, 4/21/88 Page 9 11. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF DSEIR BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK EXPANSION MASTER PLAN UPDATE The Supplemental Environmental Impact Report runway realignment and the relocation of the principal taxi way thus reducing the noise level for the residential areas. The SEIR also addresses the issue of toxic waste at the air park by providing areas where contamination has been identified allowing the city adequate time to address these issues. The SEIR also addresses to a greater extent, endangered species. He also stated tha~ the change in the major activity center having shifted those centers away from the residential area and placed them along the west side of the airport. Public hearing was opened. Mr. Martin Milobar was concerned about the proposed fencing around the project to limit access on the east side of the extension of Madison Avenue. Mr. Olislagers replied that the fencing for the airpark would specifi- cally be a peripheral fencing that would meet federal requirements. There is a sump that will be located outside of the airport property that would also be fenced along the same guidelines that would provide for a corridor. Mr. Harlan Hunter spoke on behalf of the People's Missionary Baptist Church and interested parties in area of the airpark indicating that the report fell short in providing feasible mitigation measures and alternatives to improve the air quality. The expansion would also increase the noise level in and around the airpark. He also stated that the study does not take into consideration the amount of indus- trial vehicle traffic that will be caused as a result of this expansion project. He was also concerned with the cleanup of the contamination on the site, and the increase of traffic on Madison Avenue due to cutting East of East Planz Road being cut in two. He further stated they had asked the city to look into the socio-economic problem as a result of East Planz Road being cut in two. He also felt shat the city has to enact a relocation plan under the California Relocation Act because of the possibility of displaced persons due to this expansion. Minutes, P1/C, 4/21/88 Page 10 11. PUBLIC HEARING - REVIEW OF DSEIR BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK EXPANSION MASTER PLAN UPDATE Mr. Curtis James resident of Census Tract 22 agreed with Mr. Hunter's comments. However, if this project does not pick up momentum very readily, the city will loose it. Ms. Elinor Montecino, resident on Madison Avenue was concerned that the expansion bring in more planes and buildings with high fences. She was concerned about the value of her home. Public hearing was closed. Motion was made by Commissioner Milazzo, seconded by Commissioner Gronbeck, Commission referred all comments to staff for preparation and inclusion in the Final EIR. 12. REQUEST FROM SALVATION ARMY TO CLOSE THE ALLEY IN BLOCKS 220 AND 221 OF THE GODEY TRACT The Salvation Army requested that the alley in Blocks 220 and 221 of the Godey Tract be closed for future development. Frank Sousa owner of a building at 20th and "V" Streets indicating ils property goes to the center of the alley and was concerned :cess and easements to his gas lines. Mr. Art study. Engineer IV suggested a two week continuance for further Motion was made Commission ommissioner Cohn, seconded by Commissioner Patrick, his item to the May 5, 1988 meeting. 13. REQUEST FROM GARY FOOT WIDE PUBLIC RY L. GERLICH FOR ABANDONMENT OF THE FIVE ~EMENT IN LOT 11 OF TRACT 4650 Mr. and Mrs. Gerlich have public utilities easement in Lot abandonment of the five foot wide Tract 4650. Mr. Hardisty indicated that the is being requested because another utility easement which runs slic south of the proposed abandonment has been granted to the utilit, ipany and it does overlap somewhat on the western edge. Motion was made by Commissioner Patrick pursuant to~X~vernment Code Section 65402 to find the abandonment of the five foot~jde public uti- lity easement in Lot 11 and 38, as dedicated by Tract 46!~t~is consis- tent with the general plan of the City of Bakersfield and ~ort same to the City Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner JarN t, and carried. ~ · 8/20/87 Page 4 ?. PUBLIC RE~RING - AMENDING CIRCULATION ELEMENT "K" STREET FRO~ 17TH $~E£C %0 11)~JC STREET (continued) Mr. Ken Pulskamp,~istant City Manager stated he is not positive %hat there is an~hin~ fully satisfy the Bank nf An~rica and sug- dested a two.week continu'~2~e to have an opportunity to meet with Bank ~f America and make sure we ~ly understand their concerns and deal with the developer to try and wo'r.k.,~omething out that is satisfactory for the parties' involved. ~ Motion was mad b C StUd' 1 her Patrick, se't'~L~_ded by Commissioner Jarrett, Commi ~ tied thi~ h?rin~ to_'~..September 3rd meeting and refer this 't t t~ em o e General Plan Committee~.~.~. STREET VACATIO~TREET BETWEEN I?TH A~l~.~lSTH STREETS AND ALSO THE ALLEY 1N B~OCK 272 ~ Motion was made by Commissioner Jartart, seconded by Commis~ione[. ~ Patrick, Commission cnntinued this item to the September 3rd meeting. ~ g. )NFORMATIONAL WORKSHOP - BAKERSFIELD AIRPARK MASTER PLAN UPDATE Mr. Robert Dlislagers, Airpark Manager, Economic Development Division stated that the city is currently undergoing its master plan update with a consulting firm and with the exception of EIR about 80 percent of the study has been completed. He then reviewed the various subsections of the master plan. qn G~N~RAL PLAN CONSISTENCY FINDING (SEC. 654D2(a) OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE)- ~"' A~O~TION OF 25 5 ACRrS OF REAL PROPERT)LOCATED SOUTH/SOUTHWESI OF ~ CHE EXISTING BAKE~SFIEk~ AIRPARK , ~bject properties are located north of White ~ane south of Planz Road. Cur nt zonino for the subject properties is "Special Use" (Casa Loma ~:ci~'c~Plen: 1986) a,,d present owners operate under "legal non- co nf orm~'~q.u se" guidel ~nes. Mot'on~ was m-~e by Commissioner Patrick, seconded by CommiSsioner jarrett, CommiSsion found the proposed acquisition of approximately 25.5 acres o~ re~,l, property consistent with the Bakersfield Metropolitan Area G'aQerel Plan and the Casa Lom~ Specific Plan as to its ocl ati no, purpose'~.a~nd extent· as required bJ Government Code, S tion 6s o <a ~STR Etl T VAC.. A'IO~ N - REQUEST B'~F~J.D. AXTELL TO VACATE AN il.25 FOOT WIDE STRtP ALONG THE WEST SlOE OF '~' STREET NORTHERLY 0~ 3~TH STREEi. Repuest was made by J.D. Axtell~r-~the vacation of an 11.25 foot wide strip along a portion of the west sil)e.~of "O" Street northerly of 34th i~ie~ilntv Community Development Departmen~t~'~!t .as ~ropOsed cOnstructiOn of curds ~nd outtars in that portion of the v~acating area between 3~th anO 36t~ Streets. The County has agreed that the.~abanoonment will have no negative effect on their project. ~ Discussion took place as to no curb and gutter on the's~e of the pro- posed vacation. ~ Motion was made by Con~issioner Bjorn, pursuant to Governments. Code 65a02, to find the vaoation of an 11.25 foot wide strip along a~N~ortion of the west side of "0" Street northerly of 3~th Street is consis~e~nt with the General Plan of the City of Bakersfield and report the same~to th~ ritv Council with the recommendation that easements be reserved fo~ an'e~is~inR water main and a public storm drain line. Motion was sec- onded by Commissioner Jartart. and carried. ~ STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION Meeting of August 4, 1988 AGENDA ITEM NOTE: THIS IS NOT A PUBLIC HEARING PROJECT: Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Bakersfield Airpark Expansion Master Plan Update - Recommendation Action Pursuant to city Resolution 107-86, XI B.1, the Planning Commission shall determine whether or not to recommend certifica- tion that the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and City Resolution 107-86. The following is an excerpt from CEQA to assist the decision-makers in making a determination on EIR adequacy. STanDARDS FOR ADEQUACY OF AN EIR CEQA Section 15151. An EIR should be prepared with a sufficient degree of analysis to provide decision-makers with information which enables them to make a decision which intelligently takes account of environ- mental consequences. An evaluation of the environmental effects of a proposed project need not be exhaustive, but the sufficiency of an EIR is to be reviewed in the light of what is reasonably feasible. Disagreement among experts does not make an EIR inade- quate, but the EIR should summarize the main points of disagree- ment among the experts. The courts have looked not for perfection but for adequacy completeness, and a good faith effort at full disclosure. NOTE: Certification of an EIR indicates only that the decision- makers feel 'that the FSEIR adequately addresses the impacts of the specific project analyzed. It in no way indicates support or non-support for the project itself and should not be interpreted as doing so. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This EIR supplements the "Final Environmental Impact Report - Bakersfield Airpark Expansion" certified by the City of Bakersfield City Council on July 13, 1983. In accordance to CEQA Section 15163, this document provides only the information neces- sary to make the previous EIR adequate for the project as revised. Staff Report, PL/C, 8/4/88 Bakersfield Airpark FSEIR (continued) Page 2 The City of Bakersfield has contracted with consulting firm Peat Marwick to prepare a Master Plan Update and Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the Bakersfield Airpark expan- sion. The Master Plan Update includes recommending modifications to the airport layout and development plans. Implementation of the Master Plan update would be staged over a 20 year planning period. The primary development items include: Construction of a replacement runway 16-34, 4,000 feet long by 75 feet wide. - Continued use and expansion of the existing fixed based operator and aircraft storage areas. Acquisition Of approximately 25 acres. Provision for improvements to realign Madison Avenue. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Environmental impacts of the project are documented ill the FSEIR, which is composed of the DSEIR (February, 1988) and the FSEIR (July, 1988). Table 1 (pages 3 and 4) of the FSEIR lists the environmental impacts and recommends mitigation measures. Mitigation measures have been included to eliminate, avoid or substantially lessen all significant effects to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur and where there is no substantial evidence before the city that the project as miti- gated may have a significant effect on the environment. STAFF ADEQUACY STATEMENT: Staff recommends that the FSEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and NEPA and adequately describes the environmental setting, impacts and mitigation for the project described. RECOMMENDED DECISION-MAKER FINDINGS: a. Required public notices were given. The FSEIR consists of the DSEIR dated February, 1988 and the FSEIR (Response to Comments and DSEIR text amendments) dated July, 1988. c. The F~nal Supplemental EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and NEPA. do The FSEIR was presented to the Planning Commission and the Commission reviewed and considered the information contained in the FSEIR prior to considering the project. Staff Report, PL/C, 8/4/88 Bakersfield Airpark FSEIR (continued) Page 3 Mitigation measures are required and must be incorporated into the project (if approved) which would avoid or substan- tially lessen the significant environmental effect as identi- fied in the FEIR to a point where clearly no significant effects would occur, and where no substantial evidence before the City that the project as mitigated may have a significant effect on the environment. f. Certification of the FEIR is not to be interpreted as support or non-support for the project as described in FSEIR. RECOMMENDATION: Motion to adopt resolution to certify the Flnal SEIR %~ith find- ings a. through f. on Pages 2 and 3 of the staff report and recom- mend same to the City Council. IF NO CERTIFICATION: If the Commission does not find that the FEIR satisfies CEQA & NEPA requirements of being an informational document which ade- quately informs the decision-makers of the environmental effects of the project, identifies possible ways to minimize significant effects and describes reasonable alternatives to the project (CEQA Sections 15121 and 15151), then certification would not be warranted. IMPLICATIONS OF NO CERTIFICATION: Prior to the decision-making body acting to approve the Master Plan Update, the Final SEIR must be certified. I~ certification is not recommended, the Commission should state specific informa- tion to be provided through further study and the detail desired. A decision to approve the project would have to be delayed until the EIR is satisfactory. p/srap 'BAKr. LRSF IELD MASTER PLAN AiRPARK UPDATE WATTS DRIVE i_J!, t~ - .- t t LEGEND ------ PROJECT SITE ..... NEW RUNWAY ALIGNMENT SCALE IN FEET