HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 131-88RESOLUTION NO. 131-88 A RESOLUTION OF TME COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING GRA~T APPLICATION PROPOSAL FOR DRUG ABUSE RESISTANCE EDUCATION (D.A.R.E.) FROM TRE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING. WMEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to undertake a certain project known as the Drug Abuse Resistance and Education (D.A.R.E.) Program funded in part from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning under the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Program (hereinafter referred to as OCJP). NOW, TMEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that Chief of Police R. A. Patterson of the Bakersfield Police Department is authorized, on its behalf, to submit the attached application to OCJP and is authorized to execute on behalf of City of Bakersfield the attached Grant Award, including any extensions or amendments thereof. BE IT RESOLVED that the applicant agrees to the joint venture required for said project with the Bakersfield City School District and that cash will be appropriated as required thereby. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that grant funds received hereunder shall not be used to supplamt expenditures controlled by this body. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 22, 1988 , by the following vote: AYEg', COUNCILUEM[tERS CHILDS, .OQMOND. SMITH, RATTY:I~(~a~N, McDERMOTT ~ALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: COUNCiLMEMBERS: ~.~ ABSTAINING COUNC LMEM8[8~:. CITY CLERK ~nd Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED June 22, 1988 -- MAYOR of the City ~f Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: /CITY AT~TORNE~Y,~ ~he-{~ity of Bakersfield GB/meg R RES 5 GRANT.YDS1 6/16/88 - 2 - JUVENILE JUSTICE AND DELINQUENCY PREVENTION PROJECTS CONCF. I~ PAPER FACE SWaT CATEGORY: X PROJECT E~4PHASIS (Give % if split) BALANCE-OF-STATE STATEWIDE EMPHASIS STATE AGENCY 100% DELINQUENCY PREVENTION/DIVERSION POST-SENTENCE A~'A'~ CARE SERIOUS VIOLENT J~ILE 1. TITLE OF PROJECT Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Please do use acronyms: the title should briefly describe the project. 2. a. APPLICANT Agenc~: Address: Contact Person: Phone Number: City of Bakersfield Police Department 1601Truxtun Ave., P.O. Box 59, Bkfld, CA Gary Bahnsen (805) 326-3052 93301 IMPLEMENTING ORGANIZATION (if different than "a" above) A~enc~: Same Address: Contact Person: Phone Number: 3. ANTICIPAT~u PROJECT PERIOD One yea~ only X 4. YEAR OF CaRANT IF THIS PROPOSAL IS FUNDED New x Second 5. NUMBER OF YOUTH TO BE DIRECTLY SERVED 7000 Three year project (*) Third Other BUDGET SU~,~t%RY (12 month project period requested in this concept paper) a. Proposed Project Federal (JJDP) Non-JJDP Funds Amount Personnel Services $ 37,108.00 Benefits 7,855.00 Travel 516.OO Consultant Services ~ Supplies & Operating Expenses 5~220.00 Equipment 1,75 0.00 T AL PROJE $ 52,449.OO $ Amount 7,855.OO 12,540.OO 2O,395.O0 CONCEPT PAPER FACE SHEET PAGE 2 (continued) 6. b. OrKanization's Total Resources Applicants must identify the organization's total annual budget ~nd sources of funds (insluding the funds requested). Show how the JJDP funds will be used in relation to other resources. PROJECTED BUDGET JJDP FUNDS: OTHER SOURCES: (PLEASE LIST) City of Bakersfield Dr. Pepper Burger King City School Dist. Personnel $44,963.00 7,855.00 Operating Travel Consultant Other Total Expenses Services $ 5,220.00 $516.OO ~ $1,750.$52,449. 8,500.00 3,400.00 640.00 PROJECT SUGARY PROJECT YEAR: '2. PROJECT TITLE: New Year 2 x Drug Abuse Resistance Year ] -- Education Other APPLICANT: Nmme: City of Bakersfield Police Dept. Address: 1601Truxtun Ave. P. O. Box 59, Bakersfield, CA Phone: (805) 326-3052 93301 CATEGORY: BALANCE OF STATE STATEWIDE EMPHASIS STATE AGENCY PROGRAM AREA: DEL. PREV/DIVERSION X POST-SENTENCE SERIOUS/VIOLENT JUVENILE OFFENDER COM~I~"f CORRECTIONS/ JAIL REMOVAL 5. IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Name: Address: Phone: 7. NUMBER OF YOUTH TO BE SERVED: 7000 8. FEDE~L FUNDS (JJDP) REQUES/~mD: 85% $ 52,449.00 (45,267.00) FFY 1988 9. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: We will have one officer assigned to this program %n spring of 1989. He will be assigned to 5 elementary schools. He will spend one day of the week at e~ch school for ~7 weeks. He will teach the D.A.R.E. curriculum to the K-6 students. He will establish relationships with high risk students and spend one on one time with them. During the summer he will provide programs at summe~ schools. He will also teach a program to students under 13 who have been placed in the Diversion Program. These lessons will include consequences, self esteem, how to and ways to say no, alternatives to criminal behavior, and support systems and gangs. During the fall of 1989 he will repeat the spring program at ~ different schools. 10. PROBLEM STATEMENT: Due to the high rate of drug abuse and juvenile crime in the Bakersfield area, along with the lack of education in schools about these subjects, a program to meet these needs must be implemented. Implemen- tation of a program of this nature has and will begin to develop students with higher self esteem, who are more responsible and who will have better attitudes about the laws and rules that we live under. 11. OBJECTIVES: 1) to place 1 officer into 10 elementary schools, 2) to provide 1--7 "core" lessons to Y50 6th grade s~udents, 3) To pqovide 3 lessons to 6,500 K-5 students, 4) 10 parent meetings will be conducted expTaining the program and how to deal-~ith and help their children, 5) summer program: to conduEt l__qO 2~ hour sesisons involving 150 youths under 13, 6) to conduct surveys of teachers and principals along with pre and post testing of sixth grade students, 7) to secure alternate future funding. The first year grant is at the halfway point and we are reaching and exceeding all objectives set forth. PROJECT SUMMARY 12. ACTIVITIES: l) Lectures 2) Discussions 3) Role Playing 4) Films/Videos 5) Tests:Written/Verbal 6) Group Interaction Page 2 7) Faculty Meetings 8) Parent Meetings 9) Student/Teacher Evaluations - A major p'roblem with today's youth is self esteem. This program continually addresses this area with many of the above activities. Kids who feel good about themselves will be less likely to commit crimes. - We have devoted a lot of time to principal/teacher evaluations because they see the students daily add have a better feel for the measuring of accomplish- ment. - The activities that the program uses changes attitudes and lives. 13 . EVAIJIATION: All sixth grade students will be pre and post tested. The first half of the first year yielded major improvements of students knowledge of drug related problems and their attitudes about laws and;rules. Teachers will be assisting on our evaluation process and they have also given exceptionally high marks to the program and say that it has changed numerous attitudes and lives. We will yearly track, randomly selected students in the D.A.R.E. Program and will track the diversion students 1, 2, and 3 months after their program. 14. (1RGANIZATION'S BUDGET AND OTHER RESOURCES: PROJECTED BUDGET Personel Operating Travel Consultant Other Total + Benefits Expenses Services JJDP Funds: $44,963.00 $ 5,220.00 $516.00 $1,750. $52,449 Other Sources: (Please List) Dr. Pepper City of Bkfld. Bkfld. City Schools 7,855.00 3.400.00 q. ADn~ 8,500.00 16,355. 640.00 640. NAME OF RESPONSIBLE OFFICIAL: SIGNATURE: TYPED NAME: R.A. PATTERSON DATE: 6/23/88 TITLE: Chief of Police OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-ITEMDETAIL A. Personnel Services - Salaries (1) Police Officer - One year salary COST $37,108.00 TOTAL $37,108.00 OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-ITEr4 DETAIL B. Personnel Services - Benefits Retirement (PERS) 29.584% of $37,108 - $10,978 Workman's comp. Medical Ins. Uniform Allowance City to pay one half Grant to pay $7,855 3.71% of $37,108 - 1,376 - 2,806 55O Total- $15,710 COST TOTAL City to pay: $7,855 Total paid by outside funding $7,855 $7,855 OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-11'~ DETAIL C. Travel OCJP Workshop (2 persons to attend) Meals: 2 days @ $45.00 per day/each person $180.00 Lodging: 2 days @ $55.00 per day/each person $220.00 Mileage estimated @ 550 miles x .21 per mile) $116.00 COST Agency will use own travel policy. Agency will use OCJP travel policy. TOTAL $516 .oo OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING PROJECT BUDGET BUDGET CATEGORy AND LINE-IT~m~ DETAIL D. Consultant Services TOTAL COST OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING PROJECT BUIXIET BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE-ITE~ DETAIL E. Operating Expenses COST Sixth Grade student workbooks Films Audit charge Misc. Handouts $2,000 (1/2 to be paid by city funds) $3,200 500 520 1,000 DARE Giveaways: T-shirts Rulers Bumper stickers Buttons Pencils Purchased by private funds: $3,400 Vehicle rental (vehicle, fuel, maintenance) $750 per month x 10 months $7,500 Paid for by city funds Binders .80 each x 800 Paid by city school district TOTAL Total paid by outside funding $12,540.00 $5,220.0C OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING