HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 97-88RESOLUTION NO. 97-88 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD TO SUBMIT APPLICATION TO AMEND STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH PERMIT TO OPERATE A NEW WATER WELL. WHEREAS, pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1) The Council hereby files an application to said State Department of Health for an amended permit to serve domestic water to the City of Bakersfield Municipal Water System and to include as source water a new groundwater well, known as Pumping Plant #L201 (Station #L201). 2) Application shall include all water analyses, well logs, and site plans as required for permit. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 8, 1988 , by the following vote: AYE$~ COUNCIL~,tEM~£RS: CHILDS, DeMO]'JD, SMf~rL NOES: C OUNCILM [I,?~FIE FIS: None ABSENT: COUNCilMEmBERS: NonR ABSTAINING: COUNCiLMEMBERS. Non~ DEPUTY ~ITY CLERK and Ex Officio ~terk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED June 8, 1988 MAYOR of the City of'~akersfield APPROVED as t_j~form: CITY ATT~ ~The Ci%y of Bakersfield I AJS/meg R.SIG.PAGE - 2 - STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Certified Copy of Resolution (To accompany application on Form A1 ) ,h City of Bakersfielda California ................................................. ot me ................................................ .................................. (City, town or oouDty, etc. that pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions o£ Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 o£ the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water .... , · City_ be made to the State Department of Health, for a permit to supplies application Dy m~s ........................... (City, town or coumty, ate ) domestic water to the Cit2 of Bakersfield M.u. ni.c. jga] .W...a.t..e...r...S.y.s_t..e_.m....(.~.h..~. ......... Water), to include as source water, a new groundwater well, known as Pump!..n..g. ......... Pl ant #L201 [S.t..a..t..i..o.n..!k.2..0.].] .......W-a..t..e..r.~.a.~.a.~v-s..e..s-~.w-e.~L~.g.s.~.a-~.d--s.j~.t.e~p.~an~are ........... ~l~--'~ '~"c~."~a';3' 'o~'t~'i;"J;e'~'e;ed. AddAtlottal $heetz may b~ attached. enclosed for the new facility. . ................................................................... ~f said- Ci that the ............_M.._a2~0_r .................. -"----(ci~-~;d,aX-'go~d-of-~;;~-;,~m,, go~=i~ body> (Title of chief eaecutlve officer) be and he is hereby authorized and dkeeted to cause the necessary data to be prepared, and investigations to be made. and in the name of said- ........... -C-~--~i(~[-~;;~-;;--/o,(~¢]~i;-~ ................to sign and file such application with the said State Depmhnent of Health. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the .... Co u n c i 1 .............................................. ................ ( Coveming body) of the .........[i_ty__._a.f_B~kers.field ...................on the ........8J;b ..........~ .....day of .......J_une ..............lgB8 .... OFnC~m SF-~ Deputy City Clerk of said Ci t y o f Bake rs fi el d ' , ......................................... l'fiil-;7~;;,/- oT; 'Ji~/. STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Application from ........... _C_~.~____O f ._B__8__~e rs fie 1 d · . N,~a* mu,~i,~ty ot ~,vtl atbatvts!k~n), Charter first rat~fleJ anc~approveoDykeg~s/ature by'concurrent or~ized ~des ........ ~]~i~a ry 2 3, 1915 To the State Department of Health 2151 Berkeley Way Berkeley, California 94704 Pursuant and subject to all of the terms, conditions and provisions of Division 5, Part 1, Chapter 7, Sections 4010 to 4035 of the California Health and Safety Code and all amendments thereto, relating to domestic water supplies, application is hereby made to said State Department of Health for a permit to.___.5_~r_v_e___doJll_o~$.~_i_£ .... June 8 lO88 A~r: I City of Bakersfield ~--'~". :p,~y.__ ..'~.. ____~~,,; om~..~, d, lm Mayor .... Attest. Deputy City Clerk ~d~u~) ..... ....................... ....................... _.!_~_9]_Tr~_[kuk_8.~.~ ·, ~!~2s f~]_~.,___~...~3_~.O .......Bj_~[rg_ri~_J_d~__C]._p3_~p] ......................... Before making application for permit~ such action must be authorized by resolution of the governing board, sub~antially in the form furnished by the State Department of Health (Domestic Water Supplle~, Form A2) and a copy of such resolution, duly cett/fied by the clerk of such board, mt~$t accompany the application.