HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 95-88RESOLUTION NO. 95-88 A RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IDENTIFIED AS ANNEXATION NO. 325, CALLOWAY NO. 2 ANNEXATION, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF CALLOWAY DRIVE AND HAGEMAN ROAD, CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS. (WARD NO. 4) WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to propose a change of organization, to wit, the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the hereinafter-described territory, pursuant to Section 56800 of the Government Code of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it hereby finds and determines as follows: 1. That the City of Bakersfield hereby proposes the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the territory described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this resolu- tion as though fully set forth herein. 2. That a map of the territory proposed to be so annexed, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. That a Plan for providing services within the affected territory of the proposed annexation, in accordance with the provisions of Section 56653 of the Government Code, is marked as Exhibit "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 4. That this proposal for change of organization, to wit, annexation, is made pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, and it is requested that proceedings be authorized for annexation in accordance therewith. 5. That the reasons for the proposed change of organi- zation are that the owners and residents of the affected terri- tory desire to receive municipal services from the City of Bakersfield, and the City desires to receive tax revenues for benefits given and to be given to the territory proposed to be annexed. 6. That for this proposed annexation and the zoning upon annexation, therefor, the ordinance for which was adopted May 25, 1988, an Initial Study was conducted and it was deter- mined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration was prepared. 7. That the laws and regulations relating to the prepa- ration and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act and City of Bakersfield Resolution No. 107-86 have been duly followed and the Negative Declaration for this proposed annexation is hereby approved and adopted. 8. That the territory proposed for annexation as described herein has been determined to be uninhabited pursuant to the Cortese-Knox Local Government Reorganization Act of 1985, Section 56046 of the Government Code. 9. That the names of the officers of the City of Bakersfield who are to be furnished with copies of thE? Executive Officer's Report and who are to be given mailed NoticE? of Hearing, if any, are: City Clerk City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 J. Dale Hawley City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Arthur J. Saalfield City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 10. That the appropriate City officials shall file ten (10) copies of this resolution, with Exhibits, with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County at 1430 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 802, Bakersfield, California. .......... o0o ......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on June 8, 1988 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMOEI~;: CHILOS, OeMOND, SMI'flt, RAT'Pf. Iq~l'T%'ON, MCDERMOTT S;4.VAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBEBB: None ABSENT* COUNCILMEMBERS; None ABSTAINING: COUNCILME MBERS; None DEPUTY CITY CLERK and Ex Of~io Clerk of the Council of the City 6f Bakersfield APPROVED June 8, 1988 MAYOR of the City o~ Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: / /t'./ AJS/me~ / Attachment~ ~ ' A ANEX 5 AP.CALL2.1 5/28/88 Bakersfield F~IBIT "A" ~NNF~XATION NO. 325 (CALLOWAY NO. 2) A parcel of land situated in Sections 18 and 19, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.&M., County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 19; thence South 00°28'15" West, along the East line of said Section, 2003.57 feet to a point on the east line of Lot 16 as lots are shown on "Sales Map of Lands of J.B. Haggin" filed August 20, 1890 in the Office of the Ke~n County Recorder; Thence North 89039'37" West, 30.00 feet to a point on the West line of the East 30.00 feet of said Section 19, also being a point on the West line of Calloway Drive (Co. Rd. No. 522) and also being a point on the existing corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence (1) Continuing North 89039'37" West, 1307.87 feet to a point on the West line of Lot 15 of said "J.B. Haggin Sales Map"; Thence (2) North 00°34'41" East along the %~st lines of Lots ][5 and 2 of said J.B. Haggin Sales Map" to the Northwest corne~ of said Lot 2, also ~ing a point oR the North line of said Section 19; Thence (3) North 00°95'01" East, 30.00 Feet to a point on the North line of the South 30.00 feet of said Section 18, also being a point on the North line of Hageman Road (Co. Rd. No. 522); Thence (4) South 89°54'59" East along said North line, 1304.53 feet to a point on the West line of the East 30.00 feet of said Section 18, also being a point oR the West line of Ca!lo~ay Drive (Co. Rd.~o.745) and also being a point on the ~xisting corporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield; Thence (5) Southerly along saig existing corporate boundary TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 60.89 ACRES (MORE OR LESS) 4:~NNEX. 325 RTY:ag ~SEC~ 16 T, 2S S~ R, 27E~ P&UL 'oi SEC, ~P (2) ANNEXATION NO. ~2§ RESOLUTION NO. ANNEXATION OF CALLOW,~Y NO 2 TO THE CITY OF' ~AKERSFIELO EXHIBIT "B" PLAN FOR PROVIDING SERVICES Check Services Which City/District Will Provide ANNEXATION NO. 325 (CALLOWAY NO. 2) SERVICES Planning Parks and Recreation Library Police Protection Fire Protection Streets Construction Maintenance Sweeping Lighting Flood Control Sewerage Water Other: (REFUSE) Agency Which Presently Provides Service County North Bakersfield Recreation & Park Distr. County County and Highway Patrol City/County Joint Agreement County County County N/A N/A County N/A Vaughn Water Company N/A Upon Annexation X No Change No Change X No Change X N/A X No Change (Specify) Indicate How Services Provided Upon Development Upon Development Upon Development Upon Development by City/District Will Be Financed (i.e.~ General Tax Rate or Special Assessment.) General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General and Gas Tax Revenue Private Development General and Gas Tax Revenue General and Gas Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue Special Assessment/User Fee User Fee User Fee D30 ANNEX325.1 EXHIBIT "C" RTY:mro Please provide the following information, when applicable, only for services which will be provided by the Applicant City/District. Location Indicate location from which service will be provided (i.e., nearest fire station~ library~ etc.) Police: Ail police services in the City of Bakersfield are administered through the City Police Department located at the southwest corner of Truxtun Avenue and Eye Street about 6-1/2 miles southeasterly of the annexation. Fire: Fire protection service will continue to be administered from County Station No. 65 located on the north side of Rosedale Highway easterly of Calloway Drive. Parks and Recreation: Development will require dedication of a park site or in lieu fees in accordance with adopted standards of the North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District. Library: Not applicable. Streets: Construction/Maintenance; Sweeping; Lighting: The City Corporation Yard on Truxtun Avenue, West of Freeway 99 will provide necessary facilities, personnel and services to accommodate Public Works efforts. Maintenance and personnel will be dispatched from the City Yard on a regular basis preventative maintenance as needed. Repair includes streets construction/maintenance, sweeping and lighting. Sewer: This territory is within the boundary of the Buena Vist Planned Sewer Area whereby sewerage is sent to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 by extending a pipeline from Rancho Laborde Drive. Water: This area will be served by the Vaughn Water Company. Service Level Capacity Indicate frequency and availability of service (i.e., street sweeping, response time for emergency services~ rec. pro~rams~ etc.) 24-hour patrol is provided in the imanediate vicinity of this annexation. First priority response is approximately 7.00 minutes or less. Fire protection is provided on a 24-hour basis with response time of 3 minutes or less. /he annexation will not affect City/County joint fire service capability. District parks are open to the public at reasonable hours. Not applicable. There will be no reduction in the range capacity of the City to provide the necessary public works services to this area. Services will be on a regular basis and "as needed." Adequate capacity exists. Adequate capacity exists. Other: REFUSE - Present refuse service is by franchise collector. Upon annexation, the City will provide collection collection either by City forces or by contract with the present collector if possible. ~0 ANNE×325.2 City refuse pick up is twice a week. RTY:mro IfI. What effects, if any, would annexation of this territory have on the existing level of City/District services (i.e., need for additional emergency service personnel or construction of new facilities, etc.)? The annexation of this territory will not affect near term level or capability of the City to provide needed services. Upon time of full build out of this territory, additional City police officers will be required to maintain the current level of service. Street improvements resulting from proposed development will increase the maintenance responsibility of the City but will not affect the existing level of service. IV. Would City/District require any upgrading ,or change in facilities to serve affected territory (roads, fire hydrants, mains, etc.)? If so, would City/District or residents be responsible for financing? The City will, at time of development, re§uire upgrading or changes in existing facilities. As development occurs, Developers shall provide and pay for major improvements and facilities and dedicate them to the City. Future residents of the project will possibly be assessed for a landscape maintenance district and a sewer assessment district if established. Vo Indicate and explain existing zoning in affected territory. The Kern County Rosedale General Plan designates 42.98 acres as Estate Residential (10,000 square feet net-l.76 to 3.00 Dwelling Units per gross acre); 12.06 acres as Multi-Family Residential (6,000 square feet net-5.01 to 14.00 Dwelling Units per gross acre); and 6.32 acres as Commercial. VI. Indicate and explain praposed prezoning in area. (List effects on present land use that would occur as a result of annexation, such as maintenance of livestock on property, etc.) The South 42.98 acres (gross) are prezoned City R-1 (One-Family Dwelling). The Northeast (6.50 acre) corner of the territory is prezoned City C-2 (Commercial Zone) and the remaining 11.88 acre portion is prezoned City R-2 (Limit Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone). City prezoning will be consistent with County Planned Land Use. D30 ANNEX325.3 3 VII. List City/District services that area will directly or indirectly benefit from such as decrease in fire insurance rate, shorter emergency response time, use of community facilities:, etc. City police should be able to respond in a more timely manner than the present County Sheriff and State Highway Patrol. Current City police standard is a higher sworn officer per 1,000 population percentage compared to the County standard. Refuse service will be provlded by the City and will result in savings to the owners within this annexation. No special assessments or charges for street sweeping, leaf collection, school crossing guards, street lighting energy costs and fire hydrants upon any future development of subject area. VIII. Please provide the following information relative to City/District and County taxes: Ao List existing tax rate(s) in area. Existing tax rate in area equals 1.199076% of assessed market value. This represents the total property tax rate. When annexed, a designated percentage of the total tax of the area will accrue to the City. (Rate as shown on 1987-88 County Auditor-Controller Tax Rate List). Would affected areas be subject to any bonded indebtedness of the City/District: If so, explain. Yes, the tax rate for City bonds equals 0.004970% of assessed market value. When annexed, the total tax rate will be 1.204046%. (Rates as shown on 1987-88 County Auditor-Controller 'Fax Rate List). How will the difference in tax rates affect a house with a market value of $50,000. The yearly tax rate would increase by the amount of $2.14 on a house of $50,000 market value due to inclusion of the City Bond Rate. (Figure includes deduction for home ow~ers exemption). D30 ANNEX325.4 4