HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 28-87RESOLUTION NO. 28-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD APPROVING THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SETTING SALARIES AND RELATED BENEFITS FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE POLICE UNIT OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Bakersfield, Section 12, authorizes the City Council to provide for salaries and related benefits for officers and emQloyees of the City; and WHEREAS, in compliance with the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act of the State of California, the City has met and conferred in good faith with the Association of Bakersfield Police Officers, which represents this City's Police Unit employees; and WHEREAS, the City's negotiator and the Police Unit have agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding, as attached hereto; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined of Understanding complies with the guidelines City Council; and that such Memorandum established by the WHEREAS, the Council has determined that provisions of the attached Memorandum of Understanding shall commence on January 5, 1987, and expire midnight on April 1, 1988, for all employees of said unit employed on the date of adoption of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that commencing on January 5, 1987, the attached document, entitled "~emorandum of Understanding Between Representatives of Management for the City of Bakersfield and Association of Bakersfield Police Officers," shall constitute the salary schedule and related benefits for officers and employees for the categories and positions specified therein on the date of adoption of this resolution, and that the whole of said attach- ment is hereby incorporated and approved as the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bakersfield and the Police Unit for the period January 5, 1987, to April 1, 1988. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ~ebruary 11, 1987 , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: CHILDS, CHRISTENSEN, SMITH, RAT[Y, M~)8~, OICKERSON, SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ASSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ASSTAtNING: COUNCItMEMBERS: an EX O lclo C er;{ of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED February i1, 1987 MAYOR of the Cify of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield RJO/dr I:R.SALARY5 --2-- 10 FEB 0 CLS T 104 B IO~S B IlS B 117 A 125 A 1987 CLASSIFICATION TITLE DETECTIVE TRAINING OFFICER FEMALE INVESTIGATOR III SENIOR POLICE LAB TECH POLICE OFFICER FEMALE INVESTIGATOR SENIOR POLICE OFFICER FEMALE INVESTIGATOR II POLICE TRAINEE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD SALARY SCHEDULE 4 - POLICE (SAFETY) UNIT EFFECTIVE DATE: 05 ~AN 1987 C SALARY EDU D BASIS STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEP 5 PCT H HOURLY 13.893 14.596 15.336 l&. 114 16.929 H HOURLY 13.893 14.596 15.336 16.114 16.929 H HOURLY 13.893 14.596 15.336 16.114 16.929 H HOURLY 13.893 14.596 15,336 16.114 16.929 H HOURLY 12. 590 13.225 13.893 14,596 15.336 H HOURLY 12.590 13.225 13.893 14.596 15.336 H HOURLY 13.223 13.893 14.596 13,336 16.114 H HOURLY 10.357 10.875 11.418 11.989 12.590 This Memorandum of Understanding was approved by Resolution No. 28-87 at the Council Meeting on 2-11-87. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN REPRESENTATIVES OF MANAGEMENT FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ASSOCIATION OF BAKERSFIELD POLICE OFFICERS City Contract No. 87-7 · 01.00.00 01.01.00 01.02.00 01.03.00 01.04.00 RECITALS The Association of Bakersfield Police Officers (hereinafter, Union) is recognized as the exclusive representative, as provided in the City's Employer- Employee Relations Resolution for all employees assigned to the Police Bargaining Unit in the following classifications and any other classification which is subsequently determined to be included in the Police Bargaining Unit. Female Investigator I Police Officer Female Investigator II Senior Police Officer Female Investigator III Senior Police Lab Tech (sworn officer) Training Officer Detective Representatives of Management for the City of Bakersfield and representatives of the Union have met on a number of occasions and have conferred in good faith exchanging a number of proposals concerning wages, hours, fringe benefits and other terms and conditions of employment of employee-members represented by the Union. The representatives of Management for the City of Bakersfield and the representatives of the Union have reached an understanding as to certain recommendations to be made to the City Council for the City of Bakersfield and have agreed that the parties hereto will jointly urge changes in wages, hours, fringe benefits and other terms and conditions of employment contained in these joint recommendations. The parties hereto shall jointly recommend to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield that one or more salary resolutions be adopted ~ffectuating the following changes in salaries, fringe benefits and other terms of employment for the employee-members represented by the Union. -t- 02.00.00 02.01.00 02.02.00 03.00.00 03.01.00 04.00.00 04.01.00 04.01. 04.02.00 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS The City shall have the exclusive right to determine the mission of the Police Department, set levels of service to be performed, direct its employees, schedule personnel., set watches, exercise control and discretion over the Police Department and operations, and determine the methods,, means and personnel by which the Police Department's operations are to be conducted, and the levels of service met; provided, however, that the exercise of such rights does not preclude employees or their representatives from meeting and consulting with Management or filing grievances about the consequences that decisions on these matters may have on wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment. Prevailing rights, rules of conduct, benefits and all other working conditions within the scope of representation in effect at the date of this Agreement and not inconsistent herewith shall be continued. NON-DISCRIMINATION The City and the Union agree not to discriminate against any employee because of membership or non- membership in the Union or because of any activities or lack of activities on behalf of the Union. The City and the Union further agree not to discriminate, harass, cr reprise against any employee as a result or the exercise of their rights under this Agreement, or under Section 3500 et seq., of the Government Code of the State of California. SALARIES The salary ranges for the classifications of the unit shall be increased by four (4%) percent effective January 5, 1987. 01 The salary ranges for the classifications of the unit shall be increased by one (1%) percent effective January 4, 1988. Retirement Contribution. The City's contribution shall be nine (9%) percent for employees hired prior to July 1, 1983 and four (4%) percent for those hired on or after July 1, 1983. Employees hired on or after July 1, 1983, will be eligible to receive the nine (9%) percent payment effective the beginning of their seventh (7th) uninterrupted year of service. Such payments by the City shall be reported as normal contributions and shall be credited to the employees accounts pursuant to the Government Code Section 2615 this PERS pickup is done pursuant to Section 414 (H) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code. -2- 05.00.00 05.01.00 05.01 HEALTH INSURANCE 05.02.00 05.03.00 Effective January 1, 1987, the City shall pay the cost of medical and dental insurance premiums, subject to the following maximum amounts: Category Bi-Weekly Maximum Employee only $ 42.14 Employee + 1 84.97 Family 114.05 .01 05.01.02 Effective January 1, 1988 and for the remaining term of the agreement, the City shall increase the dollar amount of its' maximum medical and dental insurance payments to maintain the existing propcrtion of payments by medical plan category. For example, if the City currently pays seventy- five percent (75%) of the premium in an existing coverage category, it shall continue to pay seventy-five percent (75%) of the premium for the term of this agreement. Any additional City costs pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be paid through accrued reserves of the medical reserve fund. Employees shall pay the balance through payroll deduction. The accrued medical reserve fund shall remain in existence until it is depleted through the payment of increased medical insurance premiums or other agreed upon expenditures. Vision. As soon as practicable, the City shall implement vision insurance coverage for all employees and their family members. Plan coverage shall be as agreed by the medical insurance committee. The City shall pay the full premium for the term of this agreement. Retiree Medical. Only employees with a minimum of fifteen (15) years accumulated service shall be eligible for participation in the retiree medical insurance program. The fifteen (15) year minimum shall be waived for employees retiring because of job related disability. Employees retiring with job related disability shall be credited with either eight (8) years or their actual accumulated service time, whichever is greater for the purpose of calculating the retiree medical allowance under the City's adopted formula. -3- 06.00.00 06.01.00 06.02.00 06.03.00 06.04.00 06.05.00 06.06.00 06.07.00 07.00.00 07.01.00 07.02.00 07.03.00 OTI~ERCOMPENSATION Uniform Allowance. The uniform allowance for unit employees shall be $500.00 per year. Said uniform allowance shall be payable on or before July 1 of each year but shall be earned monthly on a pro-rata basis so that any employee terminating during the year will be charged :for the unearned portion of the uniform allowance at the time of termination. Effective July 1, 1987, the uniform allowance shall be increased to $550.00 per year. Motorcycle officers shall continue to receive an additional twenty-five ($25) dollars per quarter in uniform allowance. Standby Pay. Effective January 5, 1987, standby pay shall be increased to twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per eight (8} hour shift in addition to any call-back pay earned. Longevity Pay. Those employees who received longevity pay as of January 7, 1985 shall continue to receive the dollar amount received as of that date for so long as they would have retained eligibility under longevity pay rules. For all other employees the longevity pay program has ended. Hazard Pay. Effective January 5, 1987, hazardous duty pay for motorcycle officers and bomb squad members shall be increased to eighty-five ($85.00) dollars per month. Deferred Compensation Plan. Employees in the unit shall be entitled to participate in the City's Deferred Compensation Plan. Minimum Court Call-Back. Effective January 5, 1987, employees; called back for court appearances shall receive a minimum three (3) hours compensation at the appropriate rate of pay. Educational Incentive Pay. Educational incentive pay shall be unchanged for the term of this agreement. T .'W.. AVJ~S Personal. Employees in the unit may utilize up to one day per year of earned sick leave for personal business. Holidays. Employees in the unit will be entitled to 12 holidays per fiscal year. Holiday Conversion. Unit employees shall be allowed to convert up to forty (40) hours of holiday pay to compensatory time off on an hour for hour basis. 07.04.00 08.00.00 08.01.00 08.02.00 08.03.00 08.04.00 08.05.00 Vacation.. Effective January 5, 1987, the vacation accrual schedule shall be modified to provide for accrual of the forth (4th) week of vacation beginning with the sixteenth (16th) year of service instead of the twentieth (20th) year of service. MISCELLANEOUS Residency Requirement. Effective immediately, the residency requirement shall be amended to forty-five minutes ,[45) normal driving time from City Hall. Normal driving time shall be defined as driving at the posted speed limit, absent any accidents, traffic jams, etc. Provisions for waiver of the requirement by the Chief of Police shall continue unchanged. Charter / Code Re-opener. The City is currently undertaking a comprehensive consultants study of it's personnel system. The study recommendations may require modification to Code, Rule or Charter provisions. The City and Union agree to meet and confer on any proposed changes which involve matters within the scope of representation prior tc. the City taking any action. The Union shall have the right to propose changes to Code, Rule or Charter provisions to the consultant and the City as part of the review process. The study/re-opener will not involve classification issues ner will it affect promotional opportunities for unit personnel nor will it affect existing wage hours or benefits. Supervisers Working Files. Materials in Supervisors Working Files (3 x 5 cards) which are used in preparing performance reports, counseling employees, etc. may be kept for up to fifteen (15) months without being placed in a formal evaluation or otherwise formally recorded. Sick Leave Conversion. All unused sick leave earned during the calendar year, which would otherwise cause an employee's accumulated balance to exceed one hundred and twenty (120) days, will be converted into additional vacation time at seventy-five percent (75%) of the unused current year accumulation. The City will provide, at the employee's option, cash payment for all or a portion of annual sick leave which is converted to vacation time. Physical Assessment Program. At least once during the term of Agreement, the City will offer each unit employee the opportunity to receive a comprehensive physical assessment and follow-up counseling session. The assessment will measure: -5- 08.06.00 Cardiovascular fitness Blood pressure Blood composition (cholesterol, Body composition Muscular endurance Flexibility etc.) When indicated by initial results, follow-up testing will be performed. Results of the assessment will be confidential and for the individual employee's use only. The City will receive composite data to be used in evaluating the need for training seminars, etc. The program will be provided on work time and will be voluntary. The Union will provide input to the City concerning the selection of providers. Existing Benefits and Practices. The parties recognize that there are existing ordinances, resolutions and policies relating to benefits and other terms and conditions of employment and the same are not affected by this Agreement, except as recommended herein. Specifically the following City policies and procedures remain unchanged. 08.06.01 08.06.02 08.06.03 08.06.04 08.06.05 08.06.06 08.06.07 08.06.08 08.06.09 08.06.10 08.06.11 Grievance procedures as set forth in the Supplemental Rules and Regulations. Overtime Policy Minimum time or pay for court appearance Minimum time or pay for call-backs Vacations Holidays Pay for temporary assignments to higher rated positions Jury Duty Layoffs The City will continue to comply with the Peace Officers Bill of Rights Emplcyer and Employee rights set forth in Code Section 2.76. The above items are specifically set forth in Appendix A. -6- O8.0?.00 08.08.00 08.09.00 Committees. The Union will be entitled to representation on the City's Insurance Committee. Grievance Procedure. The current grievance procedure shall continue in effect for the term of this agreement. However, prior to the final step of the grievance procedures the City and Union agree to include a mediation step utilizing a mediator from the State Mediation and Conciliation Service. The mediator shall meet with the parties to the grievance and attempt to arrange a mediated settlement acceptable to both parties. The mediator shall make no public recommendations nor shall there be any public disclosure of mediation discussions in further proceedings in the grievance procedure. Requests for mediation shall be made within the same time limits as the request for movement of a grievance to the final step of the grievance process. Once the request ils made, time limits of the grievance procedure are waived until such time as the mediation process ends. Thereafter, the regular time limits shall apply. Hours of Work. The City shall conduct a study of alternate work schedules for unit personnel.. 4-10 9-80 schedules shall be specifically addressed. and Employees shall be involved in the study process. At least four of the employees involved shall be selected by the Union. No later than April 1, 1987, the study shall be completed. The Union shall have the right to review and comment on the study prior to any decisions being made and implementation or non-implementation of alternative work schedules. The final decisions as to implementation of' an alternative work schedule shall be made by the Chief of Police, such decision shall be based on reasonable criteria, and made in good faith. Any alternative work schedule shall be implemented on a trial bas:is by May 1, 1987, and subject to cancellation by the Chief of Police if necessary for reasons of economy, efficiency and or quality of police service. If both the 9/80 and 4-10 work schedules are relatively equal, as determined by the Chief of Police, the decision as to which schedule is implemented shall be based on the desires of the employees in the unit. In conducting the study pursuant to the paragraph above, it is the intent of the City to make a a good faith effort to develop an alternative schedule which meets the needs of the employees, department and community. Rotating days off or seniority shift bidding shall be given serious consideration during the study process. -7- If a schedule meeting the departments criteria is developed, it will be implemented on a trial basis. 08.10.00 09.00.00 09.01.00 10.00.00 10.01.00 10.02.00 10.03.00 Compensatory Time Off - Maximum Accrual. Effective immediately, the compensatory time off accrual maximum shall be increased to one hundred (100) hundred hours. PEACEFUL PERFORMANCE During the term of this Agreement neither the Union nor its agents or any employee covered by this agreement, for any reason, will authorize, institute, aid or engage in work slowdown, work stoppage, strike, picketing on matters within the scope of representation, or any other interference with the work and statutory obligations or functions of the City. The Union agrees to notify all of its officers and members of their obligation and responsibility for maintaining compliance with the section, including the responsibility to remain at work during any activity which may be caused or initiated by others, and to encourage employees violating this section to return to work. No lock out of employees shall be instituted by the City or its agents during the term of this agreement. DRUG TES '~ING Introduction. The goal and intent of this program is the rehabilitation and assisting of first time offenders with drug problems to overcome them. However, action taken against an employee shall be determined by individual circumstances of each case, and disciplinary action up to and including termination is possible. No information or knowledge obtained through application of this policy/procedure may be used for other than administrative purposes. Authority for Testing. Only an employee's department head or his/her designee, acting in the absence of the department head, may order a drug test. Conditions Allowing for Testing. Employees may be subjected to drug testing if the City has a reasonable suspicion that the employee is using (1) illegal drugs; (2) prescription drugs without a prescription, or (3) alcohol on duty. Reasonable suspicion shall mean an articulable and specific state of facts and/or circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe an individual was using unlawful drugs/narcotics. -8- 10.04.00 Detailed testing procedures shall be developed to: 10.04.01 Positively identify employees prior to testing. 10.04.02 Prow[de for employee privacy and security of samples. 10.04.03 Establish any drugs being taken legitimately (e.g. under medical supervision). 10.04.04 Develop a two-step test. Any specimen testing positive in the urinalysis shall be subject to confirmation by a second test using a different technology. No notification shall be given of initial positive tests until confirmation by the second test has been completed and is positive. At the time the samples are drawn, a second set of samples shall be taken and sealed. Should the original samples show positive, the second sealed set of samples shall be retained for six months to allow for further testing in the event of dispute. 10.04.05 The ]~aboratory selected to conduct the analysis must be experienced and capable of quality control, documentation, chain of custody, technical expertise and demonstrated proficiency. The Union shall be given the opportunity to provide input on the selection of the laboratory. 10.04.06 The City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the ABPO harmless against any claims made of any nature and against any suit instituted against ABPO arising from the negotiation and/or implementation of this policy/procedure in the Police Bargaining Unit. 11.00.00 TOTAL AGREEMENT 11.01.00 This Memorandum of Understanding constitutes a full and complete agreement by the parties and contains all of the matters upon which the parties reached agreement. Therefore, except as provided in this Agreement, the City and Union for the duration of this Agreement each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right and each agrees that the other should not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter whether or not referred to or covered in this Agreement. 11.02.00 Should any section, clause or provision of this Agreement be declared illegal by final judgement of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation of such section, clause or provision shall not invalidate the remaining portions hereof, and such remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement. In the event of such -9- 12.00.00 12.01.00 invalidation, the parties agree to meet and confer concerning substitute provisions for provisions rendered or declared illegal. TERM The term of this Agreement is from January 1, 1987 to March 31~. 1988. Proposals for the contract period beginning i__n_~pril, 1988 shall be submitted by December 15, 198~7~d~egotiations shall commence no later than January 15, 1988 unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. This Memorandum is entered into and effective upon ratification and acceptance by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield. FOR THE UNION: FOR THE CI~Y~ DATE -~-& -~7 DATE -10-