HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 22-87RESOLUTION NO. 22-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 92-86 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE OPERATING, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1986-87. WHEREAS, in accordance with the charter of the City of Bakersfield and applicable ordinances, the City Council of said City adopted the Operating, Capital Improvement and Redevelopment Agency budget for the fiscal year 1986-87 on June 25, 1986; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 92-86 approved and adopted the Operating, Capital ]improvement and Redevelooment Agency budget for the fiscal year 1986-87, and the City desires to make amend- ment thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the original of the Operating, Capital Improvement and Redevelopment Agency budget for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1986-87, as adopted by Resolution No. 92-86, is amended to reflect the changes included in Exhibit "A". 2. That tile said budget for said fiscal year 1986-87 so amended shall be the budget for the City of Bakersfield, California, for said fiscal year 1986-87 as contemplated to be made by this Council under the requirements of Section 53 of the char- ter of said city. 3. That the said budget for said fiscal year 1986-87 shall total ~141,212,678 with the Operating budget totaling $83,382,340, the Capital Improvements Budget totaling $55,206,651 and the Redevelopment Agency Operating Budget totaling $2~62],687. 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of the resolution, and henceforth and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. ........... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on February 1I, 1987 __, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: CHILOS, ~:~?,:S",~.~';"£N. SMITH RAT'U, MOORE,~,;CK[~&G;~ SALVAGGIO NOES: COUNCILMEMBE RS; ABSENT: COUNCILMEMiJERS: AeSTAtN,NO: COUNC,U,,E,U~ERS: ~ITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield the APPROVED February 11, 1987 MAYOR of the City of ~Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CIR~f 'ATT~NEY of tick'City of Bakersfield JS/sdm 6:R.RABUD - 2 - 06-Feb-87 y of Bakersfield - F.Y. Final Budget Amendm · as of 2/11/87 Page I Date Council Sub Net Title Approved Fund Prod Object Total Effect Counci! Approved Budget and Transfers 6/25/86 $139,065,614 Toxic Waste Clean-up Airpark 6/25/86 Unapplled Appropriationm Other Outside Services 11 911 76100 ($20,680) 11 281 74500 $28,680 $0 Authorized Payoff of American National Bank Note Outstanding - Redeve]op~nt 7/ 2/86 Transfers to Ot~er Funds Payment on Othe~ Debt 82 99! 79~00 $658,888 67 868 78808 $658,708 $1,316,780 Equipment Acquisition Financing - Revised 7/38/86 Auto Equipment 54 441 77200 Construction Equipment 54 441 77380 Fire Fighting Equipment 54 441 77400 Street Cleaning Equipment 54 441 77~8~ Refuse Equipment 5~ 441 78088 Equipment NOC 54 441 78300 Auto Equipment 54 444 77288 Construction Equipment ~ 54 444 77380 Sewer Equipment 54 444 77780 Shop Equipment 54 484 77800 Street Cleaning Equipment 54 444 77308 Refuse Equipment 54 444 78080 Equipment NOC 54 444 78300 Auto Equi~ent 81 441 77888 Construction Eq~:ipment 81 441 77388 Fire Fighting Eouipment 8! 441 77400 Street Cleaning Equipment 81 441 77900 Refuse Equipment Bl 441 78080 Equipment NOC 81 44] 78380 Auto Equipment 81 444 77800 Construction Equipment 81 444 77308 Sewer Equipment 81 44~ 77708 Shop Equipment 81 444 77800 Street Cleaning Equipment 81 444 77988 Refuse Equipment 81 444 78080 Equipment NOC 81 444 78308 Payment on Other Debt 81 832 78808 Professional & Consulting 54 232 74100 Printing 54 232 74388 Other Outside Services 54 832 74500 Administrative Cost Allocation 54 232 75400 Other Outside Services 54 873 74500 Payment o~ Other Debt 54 871 78888 Bond Interest 54 871 78900 $171,300 $45,008 $12,000 $108,500 $90,080 $72,080 $656,288 $8,080 $870,008 $270,088 $55,580 ($171,380) ($45,080) (~12,800) ($108,500) ($90,888) ($72,080) ($656,208) ($270,080) ($270,000) ($55,5~0) $50,080 $25,008 $15,000 $10,880 $821,360 $557, ($591,300~ Harris and Akers Park Purchase 8/27/86 Unapp]ied ApproF~iations ll 911 76108 Transfers to Other Funds ll 991 79380 Non-Structural Improvements 58 754 7~400 ($75, 008) $75,080 $75,880 $75,000 Date Council Sub Met Title Approved Fund Prog Object Total Effect Lowell Park Police Inforcement 8/27/86 Unapplied Appropriations ll 911 76100 ($20,000) Overtime Pay II 321 70300 $16,008 Materials and Supplies NOC ll 321 71900 $4,000 Crossing Guards - Change Insurance Limits 8/27/86 Umapplied Dppropriations Other Dutside Services 11 911 76100 ($13,000) 11 321 74500 $13,000 $0 Electronic Voting System - Council Chambers 9/ 3/86 Unapplied Appropriations General Maintenance Supplies 11 911 76100 iI 422 71100 $4,100 City Clerk Additional Personnel 9/10/86 Uoapplied Appropriations 11 911 76100 ($35,600) Salaries and Wages 11 251 70100 $14,3S6 Retirement 11 251 70509 $2,136 Worker's Compensation 11 251 70700 $88 Medical Insurance il 251 70808 ~2,398 Office Equipment 11 251 77100 $16,628 $0 Underground Tank Removal - Mandated 3/24/86 Unapplied Appropriations Other Outside Services ll 911 76108 ($35,000) 11 411 74508 ~5,000 Remodel Office Space - 515 Truxtun 9/24/86 Unepplied Appropriations ll 911 76108 ($70,000) Telephone 11 421 73400 $80,000 Electricity 11 421 73500 $7,508 Gas 11 421 73600 $7,500 Temporary Salaries 11 421 70200 ~5,000 General Maintenance Supplies 11 482 71100 $15,000 Office Equipment 11 422 77100 $10,000 Duplication - Internal 11 672 73100 $5,800 $0 Paint Volleyball Courts - Centenial Park 18/ 8/86 General Maintenance Supplies 11 422 71108 $280 $200 Toxic Waste Study Airpark 10/ 8/86 Unapplied Appropriations Other Outside Services 11 gll 76100 11 393 745~0 $23, 500 $8 Facade Improvement Program - Redevelopment ll/ 5/86 ================================================================= Taxes and Contributions 62 675 75280 $68,000 $58,000 Exhibit "A" 8ate Council Sub Net Title 8pproved Fund Prog Object Total Effect Buena Vista Trunk Line Financing - Revised 11/ 5/06 Non-Structural Ii~pr.ovements 9~ 746 79480 $1,887,224 Professional & Co~sulting 94 746 74180 $315,000 Printing 94 746 73000 $18,800 Other Outside Services 94 746 74500 $13,880 Other Outside Services 94 899 74500 $22,000 Payment on Other Debt 94 889 78880 $218,800 Bend Interest 94 889 78900 $183,000 $1,850,224 Duffall Line Financing - Revised 11/ 5/06 Printing 91 745 73800 $7,880 Professional & Consulting 91 745 74100 $150,0~0 Other Outside Services 91 745 74500 $G, 125 Administrative Cost Allocation 91 745 75400 $3,000 Non-Structural Improvements 91 745 794~0 ($903,880) Other Outside Services 91 889 74500 $28,450 Payment on Other Debt 91 089 7800~ $85,358 Bond Interest 91 889 78900 $115,925 Transfers to Other Funds 72 991 7990~ $78~,008 $872~858 Reelass - Mayors Secretary to Admin, Analyst 12/3/86 Unappl ied Appropriations Salaries and Wages I1 911 76100 I1 111 70100 $2,917 $0 Refrigerated Rai] Car Noise Study 1/14/87 Unapplied 8ppropristiens Other Outside Services 11 911 76100 i1 811 74500 Child Care Grant to BankAmerica Foundatier, 1/14/87 Unappl led Appropriations Taxes and Contributions 11 911 78100 ($5,800) 11 122 75280 $5,000 Grant to DBA for Christmas Parade 2/4/87 Unapplied Appropriations Taxes and Contributions 11 911 76100 ($500) 11 182 75209 $500 $8 Crossing Guard at Panorama and Neadew Vista 8/4/87 Unapplied ~ppropriations Other Outside Services 11 911 78100 1! 321 74500 $3,880 $0 Crossin§ Guards-Insurance Increase 8/11/87 Unap~lied 8pproprietions Other Outside Services 11 911 76100 ($8,680) 11 321 745~0 $2,608 $8 Reclassify "in lieu" Payment to General Fund 2/11/87 Transfers to Other Fur, ds Taxes and Contrib~tions 69 991 79900 ($49,987) 69 521 7580'~ $43,987 $0 Exhibit Date Council Sub Net Title Approved Fur;d Pro9 Object Total Effect Reelassify Capital Leeee Payment and Dudget Principal Portion for Consistency 2/11/87 Rental - Outside Firms 72 451 73800 ($245~000) Capital Lease Pr:incipal 72 893 79700 $110,080 Capital Lease Inkerest 72 893 79880 $1,159,153 Rental - Outside Firms 72 452 73888 ($924,153) $100,800 Auditorium Improvements Financing - Oedevelopment 2/11/87 PriMing 61 758 7~808 $16,883 Professional & Consulting 61 758 74180 $53,100 Other Outside Services G1 758 74500 $19,900 Buildings Gl 758 79280 $3,731,260 Payment on Other Debt 61 892 78080 $108,388 Bond Interest 61 892 78900 $150,705 Other Outside ServiAes Gl 898 74580 $6,000 Negotiated Salary Settlements - Proposed 2/11/87 Salaries and Wages 11 800 70100 $764,718 Salaries and Wages 16 651 78180 $7,564 Salaries and Wages 33 413 78180 $7,699 Salaries and Wages 68 518 70180 $13,129 Salaries and Wages 69 582 78188 $2,675 Salaries and Wages 72 451 70188 $85,897 Salaries and Wages 73 531 70180 $35,111 Salaries and Wages 81 448 78108 $31,081 Salaries and Wagss 85 291 78180 $2,192 Fundin~ of Self-Insuraoce Liabilities 2/11/87 Transfers to Other Funds Community Development Block Grant - Loans 2/11/87 Loan Prc, gra~s Loan Programs City Hall South Win~ - Architectural Fees 2/11/07 Buildings $4,877,345 $898,058 11 991 79980 $1,800,080 $1~800,800 16 652 75708 $183,000 16 673 75708 $103,800 $286,088 58 712 79200 $64,080 $64,888 Total Changes Amended Budget and Transfers Less Transfers Out Amended Budget (Appropriations) Note: Appropriations are defined as a legal authority granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur obligations for specific purposes, $9, 328,277 $3,328,277 $148,393,891 ($7,181,2131 ($2,463,0131 $141,212,678 $6,865,264 Exhibit "A"