HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 138-86RESOLUTION NO. 138-86 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD EXPANDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE TARGET AREA FOR THE CITY'S COMMERCIAL REHABILITATION PROGRAM TO INCLUDE ALL CITY AREAS IN THE "ENTERPRISE ZONE". WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield established a Commercial Rehabilitation loan program in 1983 which provides below-market interest rate loans to eligible businesses; and WHEREAS, the program has used Community Development Block Grant Funds since that time to provide this assistance to several businesses in the targeted areas within the City; and WHEREAS, the original program emphasized the downtown area and the Lakeview Avenue and Baker Street neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the City and County have jointly applied for desig- nation of an area of Southeast Metropolitan Bakersfield as an "enterprise zone" under the Employment and Economic Incentive Act of 1984 as amended; and WHEREAS, such an "enterprise zone" is designed to provide state and local incentives in order to attract businesses and thereby employment opportunities to a targeted area; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern have developed a list of local incentives; and WHEREAS, the Commercial Rehabilitation Program would provide an integral part of a full spectrum of incentives to business; and WHEREAS, the California Department of Commerce has condi- tioned final designation of an "enterprise zone" on expansion of the targeted areas to include the city territory surrounding the Bakersfield Airpark; NOT THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The boundaries of the area within which businesses are eligible for City of Bakersfield Commercial Rehabilitation Loans are expanded to include all City areas included within the "enterprise zone" thereby adding the area surrounding the Bakersfield Airpark and approximately bounded as follows: So. Union Avenue to the west southern boundary of Casa Loma Park and Casa Loma School to the north, Madison Avenue and Central Branch - Kern Island Canal to the east, Pacheco Road to the south 2. The California Department of Commerce be notified of this action and the fact that the City of Bakersfield has com- plied with one of the conditions for final "enterprise zone" designation. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 10th day of September , 1986, by the following vote: Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 10th day of September , MAYOR of the City of ~kersfield 1986 APPROVED as to form: ATTOrnEY of th~ Ci~y o Bakersfield 5:R.EP1 CONDITIONAL DES IGNA3 IO~ EMPLOYHENT INCENTIVE AREA NAME: SO~FTHEAS~ BAKERSFIELD EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/28/86 CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION EXPIRES ON: 9/25/86 JURISDICTIONS APPLYING OR ENDORSING: City of [~kersfield Kern Counter CONDITION J: City and County Staffing for Progrin Implementation Final AppJication Page No. B 53 Documentation Required: a) None Other Requirements: a) List staff with responsibility for program implementation including: each position, the area of responsibility relatlng to program implementation for that position, and the approximate percentage of tin~- spent on program impJe~entation (as opposed to other duties). Continued staffing for program impJe~entatJon by the city and county ~y be included in a Me~m~randum of Understanding (hereinafter described as a "MOU") bei~een the City and County and the Depari~ent, executed prior to final designation. CONDITION 2: City Water Distribution Improvements Final Application Page No. O-10 Documentation Required: a) Documentation that $100,000 has eisner been spent, or has been budgeted, for water distribution improvements in the TED. In the event that funds have been budgeted, but have not been spent, documentation includes City Council budget resolutions for the current or next fiscal year. Other ~qulre~nts: a) None. CONDITION 3: Phased Property Acquisition/Improvements to Bakersfield Airpark Final Application Page No. 0-67 Documentation Requlred: a) None Other Requirements: a) Status report on year 2 (1986) property acquisition and improvements, including status of continued FAA funding and availability of matching funds as required by FAA. b) The city's exercise of its best efforts (contingent upon continued availability of funding for the federal portion of project costs) to complete ~he Bakersfield Airpark acquisltion/improvement project may be included in a MOU between the City and the Department. BAKERSFIELD: CONDITIONAL D~.,,GNATION DOCUMENT Page 2 of 5 4: Relocation/Expansion of Day Care Center (County) Final Application Page No. D-91 Documentation Required: a) Documentation fhaf reconstruction of the Colonel ~eker School as a day-care center has been completed and that the center is operating. Ottler Requirements: a) None. CONDITION 5: Employment Incentive Area Marketing Program (City and County) Final Application Page No. Documentation Required: a) Documentation that a consultant contract to establish a marketing strategy has been entered into~ including the nan~ of the contractor, and a copy of the executed contract with scope of work and coe~oletion date. Other Requirements: a) Interim administrative plan for marketing program (with the understandinq that this plan is subject to change based upon the rec~,,,=ndation of the consultant report). The interim aciainlstrative plan shall include a description of which parties are responsible for each of the following: I) dissemination of information regarding state and local business ~ncentives and assistance programs to existing firms in the city and in the county; 2) assistance to existing program area businesses in the city and county regarding the forms and procedures for becoming certified as a qualified business under the program; 3) follow-up assistance to existing program area firms exploring expansion alternatives regarding site availability, Iocat permii-fing, f[nancing~ job training and any other public assistance generally available from the city end/or county; 4) assistance to firms not currently operating within the program area regarding I-3 above as appropriaFe. b) Continued financial support of marketing and prc~otionaJ efforts, including the production and dissemination of materials identified as appropriate through the consultant report, may be included in a NOiJ between the City, County and the D~parfment, executed prior to final designation. The city and county may want to refer to the enclosed documents regarding local business marketing programs in developing the employment incentive area marketing program (assistance from I)eparfment of Commerce, Office of Business Oevelopment staff may also be arranged at the c~fy or county's request). CONDITION 6: Consolidation of Development-Related Departments Into One Building (County) Final Application Page No. F~8 Documentation Required: a) County Board of Supervisors budget resolution appropriating funds for the project. Other Requirements: a) Administrative plan detailing which permits (or portions of permit processing) will be expedited and how they will be expedited and given priori h/. i~;~~Tl~_ ERSFIELD: CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION DOCUMENT : Final Appl icai'ion Page No. Documentation Required: a) ~one. Page ~ of 5 O~her Requirements: a) Administrative plan detailing which permits (or portions of permit processing) will be expedited and ho~ they will be expedited and given priority. The administrative plan should identify which staff will "hand carry" permits and hc~ t~ne time savings identified in the final application wi}l be achieved. CONOITION 8: Cit-y of Bakersfield Commercial Rehab Loan Program Final Application Page No. F-21 Documentation Required: a) Cii-y council resolution authorizing the extension of the loan program to the cii~ portion of the program area. O~'her Requirements: The interim admin~strat~ve p~an for program marketing should include marketJng of the loan program as a component. CONDITION 9: Casa Lama Specific Plan Adoption Final Application Page No. F-52 Dcx::un~ntation Required: a) City Council resolution adoptlng the Casa Lc~ specific plan. b) Counfa/ Board of Supervisors resolution adopting the Casa L~ sp~ific plan. Other Require~nts: a) The specific plan must amend the land use designation for any port[on of the program area ncw designated as agricultural area. in the event any portion of the proqram area re~alns deslgnated for aqrlcultural use, that area must be removed from the program area, by resolufion of the city and/or county prior to flnaJ des;pnat~on. CCNOITION I0: Consolidation of Cormllunify Service and Welfare Programs Final Application Page No. F-54 Documentation Required: a) County Board of Supervisors (and/or other funding agencies/entities) budget resolution authorizing funding ~f the consolidated center, Other Requirements: a) Listing of major tasks required to c~ple fe project, potential $i res for the project, prorams which will be housed in the facility, and projected rimeline for completion. ~Ai(ERSFIELD: CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION DOCUMENT CONDITION I I: Job Training Outreach and Job Development Activities by PIC and EDD Final Appilcatlon Page No. F-57 Documentation Required: a) Page 4 of 5 Letter from the Kern County PIC/SDA describing current end planned activities within the labor market area, and in particular in and around the enterprise zone~ relating to the following: I) efforts to identify and enroll area residents in JTPA/other training programs (including any special outreach programs/efforts underway or planned), 2) job development/placement effort ~o identify employers (particularly ttlose within the enterprise zone) willing to place JTPA/other (e.g. GAIN) participants. A similar letorat should be obtained from any entities with master contracts from the state employment training panel (ETP) ac+ive in the labor market area. Other Requirements: The Depari~ent requests that the SDA's two year plan, no~ being prepared for the state Job Training Partnership Office be sent to us for informational/coordination purposes. CONDITION 12: Targeting of Job Training Programs Final Appilcation Page No. F-56 Documentation Required: a) Lei~cer from SDA describing what discretionary funds are available to implement customized training projects, OJT, Tryout Employment, and on-site industry based training programs within the program area. Other Requiree~nts: a) None. CONDITION 13: Utilization of CDI~ Funds for Infrastructure Improvea~ents Design/Land Acquisition, or Construction (County) Final Application Page No. Documentation Required: a) County Board of Supervisors budget resolution. Other Requir~nts: a) Oescription of projected use of funds, and fin line for ccx~oletion of whatever projut/program is funded. CONOITION 14: Analysis of the Feasibility of Estabiishing a Redevelopment Project Area in Census Tract 22, and the Airpark Area (City) Final Application Page No. F~56 Documentation Required: a) None. Other Require~ents: a) The city's intent to perform an analysis of the feasibility of establishing a redevelo~nf project in the above area will be included in a MOU beh,een the City and the Department. i..~KERSFIELD: CONDITION 15: Reporting Final Application Page No. N/A Documentation Required: a) None. CONDITIONAL DESIGNATION D(XaUMENT Page 5 of 5 O~her Requlr~ments: a) Within the nex~r six weeks the Depari~ent of C~,.,~rce will issue draft regulations covering "post designation" requirements for the Employment incentive Pro, ram. Generally, the regulations will require that cities and counties wlttl designated e~%oloy~ent incentive areas report t~ne following informlion fo the Oepart~nt every six moni~ns: I) aggregate collections of proper~y tax, business license fees; 2) aggregate number and dollar value of building permits issued (new construction, other); 3) utilization of I~al incentives; 4) capita{ improve~ents com~leted; 4) HDUA residents enrolled in ~TPA/GAIN funded programs; 5) activities of the cc~m~ni~y advisory council. Reporting syste~ ~o provide this information should be in place prior to final designation. CONOITION [6: Mapping Final Appiicat~on Page No. N/A ~(~ ~f O~umentation Required: The city must cc~olete the listing of street address ranges for the Deparfment's~e Enterprise Zone Map, and verify that the boundaries of the zone, as shown on the map are correct. CONDITION 17: Agent, Community Advisory Council, gualified Communi~-y Service Programs Note: The responsibilities of cities and counties with designated program areas regarding the Agent, C~uta~uni~y Advisory Council, and Qualified C, oe~unlf~ Service Programs will be specified in more detail in the post designation regulations. The purpose of this section is to advise local governments as to the general requirements l-hat will be set forth in the regulations, the regulations themselves will govern. Final Application Page No. N/A Documentation Required: a) Copies of by-laws and/or operating procedures for the Community Advisory Council. Final approval by the City Council and County Board of Supervisors of the Agent. changed by resolution at any time. Other Requirements: Agent designations m~y be a) Approval by the C~unity Advisory Council (CAC) of a procedure for adopting authorized c~unity service programs or actions fo which businesses seeking status as qualified businesses m~y contribute. The procedures adopted must subsequently be approved by both the city and county (or fhelr authorized officers) and by the Depart-merit. The CAC must also adopt an initial list of approved "qualified coamunit-y service programs" and send the list to the city and county for approval. After approval by all local parties the list must be sent fo the Oeparh~ent. Approved qualified community service programs may be changed at any time subject, hcr~ever, to certain rights of appeal. b) Adoption by the City Council and County Board of Supervisors of procedures for approving cora~unit-y service ~rograms or actions, adopted by ~he CAC~ which businesses may contribute to in seeking status as "qualified businesses". Alternatively the governing bodies may designate an administrative off,car to carry out this function on an ongoing basis (fhl, could be the Agent). The Agent will be responsible for ~aintaining a current list of qualified community service programs, qualified businesses, assisting businesses in cajoleting certification forms, assisting the OepartT~en~ in verifying certifications and i~ auditing, and in either directly approving CAC additions or deletions of community service programs, if so ~ufhorized, or referring such actions to the local governing entity/person with such authorization.