HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK (3) UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST as'ECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Enironmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield. CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 ~~I~~Y ~AME LMc¿I¿._v..__:z_._ ~_.~_ _ 6~e.___ _______._..._____________._ j2~~1;;;¡___~~~~_~~TI:~~~:E__ ADDRESS 1 PHONE No. No. of Employees ____ U?D L 0, CJ1~~mL_.~Y'~_.__________ B3t?-J7.Q+_ _. ____t._____.__ FACILlTYCONTACT Business 10 Number 15-021- . Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program o Routine .p\ Combined o Joint Agency o Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection c V ( c=comPlianCe) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS Jt_. 0__ Ap~RO~~~~E. P~~~~~~!:~AN~_____ _______________m__.__ _.' . ___ _.__.... n_..-____.___.__ _ m____ ___._ ._._n_n _ _______.._ .... __.___ _.~-.!:!-- BUSINESS PLA~~~N2~~~_~NF~~~2:'~_~~~~~_RA~.:..__.._ _'.._n._ ..__________.... ___n" .... ____. !JfI 0 VISIBLE ADDRESS ~.____...:~___.___~__.__~_._,______..._____._____..___~_.______.___.__,___._..., . ... __ ._..,,___.~_..____. .__..._ _._... ____~.. _...___ n..__ _ ._____,_,.. .__._._.~___.__. ... ~ 0 CORRECT OCCUPANCY _____n.._____.___.__________.______...__...____.._____.n........._ .....____....._n_.... __.____..... ___'_'__'_'_"__n..' _'mm'__"__ __.__, '__"_' 1\ 0 VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS _~.--.__-.__.--..-_-----....-m.--..-.....--....-----_.. ____...__om__.._.._ __.____. __ _________ .. ....__.____.._ _. ___...___.._.__.... __. ........_.. ..._.... ...._. .. ..._ __J!__~_.._~ERIFI~~~ON_~_~UAN~~~IE~_____.. . __.._____.n..._.... ___..________..._ __ _.__....____..___.____._______ _ _[__~__....~~_~~~AT~~~_~OC~~I~~_______..________________. ..______...._______...__ ____________________..____.__ __" u__ !...~ PROPER SEG~~G~~~~..?~~~~ERIA.: ____._______________ .______..._..____. moo_.._.. __ _.. .____.._........__...___.__ __ _______ _~---O ._~=~~:~TION OF ~_~~~_AV~~~~~~~~.._...__..______. ____.,,_ ..__..____...______....__ __n___n..__......._.._ .___u....... _'_'_".___ b' LI VERIFICATION OF HAT MAT TRAINING -3:.--..__.._______....__.____________..._____. ____...... ___"_,,. _._______...._____..__...__..._..__.. .. ...m..._____....._.. .._._..........__ .. . . k-....9--- VE~IFICATI~~.. AB~~~....':~T SUP~~IE~_~~~!~~~~~~=-~_ __________.__m_______ ______....______ __,,_____.. .___._.______ _.. ___ ~ 0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ..~-.-__-_-__--.-.....----- .......m..____.....__.....__......·.......____.._______ _ __mum. ..__._.~_..__..____.._....__._. ..._.....__ ._..___....__. .__.__._ _ ...__ _ ... _. _.__ .__..__... ~ LI CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED 1 "'~"r;--H~US~~~~;ING -....--- ----..-.-------- --..----------... --1' ......-.. "--'-'---"--- -. '-'-'-..------- - ......--.--- --..-.. ........-- -- ...---.-.--..------------...------------.-..-.--....-- ...- -.----.-..- --- ----.----.----.----.....--..-..-----..-.--...-.-----.. -... ----..-- _.-- If 0 FIRE PROTECTION "J.mï:J_-- SI~~D~~~-AMA~~~~~~~...&-ON-H~~-~..----..- ---..-..---.. -..----...---.--- --------------------- .....--- ..- - .-' ------..- ...... 1<.. i .......... ...-.-. -. .--..- ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: o YES þ(NO EXPLAIN: IS INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 Badge No... )L~~..(;i'~ -- White· Environmental Services Yellow .. Slalion Copy Pink - Business Copy ¡ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave., 3rd Floor, Bakersfield, C A 93301 '~¿ FACILITY NAME L«d'¡<l FäJ ~e: INSPECTION DATE 9/zß/v4 Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~Combined ? Joint A)ency Type of Tank :5 ,Ai L <!.. I Pc Type of Monitoring L\TCS? o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint 3 DIAl Fl~~ ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile X Proper owner/operator data on tile X Pennit fees current ~ Certification of Financial Responsibility X Monitoring record adequate and current K Maintenance records adequate and current / Failure to correct prior UST violations :t Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Y- Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MYF? [f yes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection? C=Compliance Y=Yiolation Y=Yes N=NO f ~ ",-a ~¿:: fÍ¡ si~ess Site sponsible Party Pink - Business Copy