HomeMy WebLinkAboutInsp 2004 (2) tUNI;~D PROGRAM INIECTION CHECKLIST SECTION 1 Business Plan and Inventory Program Bakersfield Fire Dept. Entronmental Services 1715 Chester Ave Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (661)326-3979 FACILITY NAME VA ¡J .6c::::\ \ "e; trë:> ~ 0 ,~ . 17;;¡;'N~+- INSPECTION TIME .00.,,,--- -- ------- -~---t2í--- -- --------- - _...'L! - "'C"'~, . ___~__~ 5'Q_fu~___.___d-__m._______________._._______ z51-: 3?'J!?__ __l±..___m._ FACILlTYCONTACT Business 10 Number 15-021- Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program l] Routine ~Ombined l] Joint Agency l] Multi-Agency o Complaint ORe-inspection c V ( C=Compliance ) V=Violation OPERATION COMMENTS !f__~___AP~RO~~~~~ P~~~~~~~~~~____ ___________...____.___ ....._ _______________.____. _ K_.E.__~USINE~PLA~~~~~~_I~~~~~~~~_~~C~~~:r_=__.___ . _ _______________.... ._____. Jsr O. VISIBLE ADDRESS u. _____. ___..,.".'_ ~._.._. '___"'__.....n.' ___.. ._..._0""_. _ . --.---....-..--.....- .----------..---.-.---..----------..--------.----.....---..--------- --. .---,,----.-----...-...--.->... --- --.-----. ------.....-.--------.--.- _.~ -.__.- -.. l] CORRECT OCCUPANCY -- ---.---------------------.--.-------.------.----------... ..--..--....--.--.-.. -..-.----..-.. --....-.--.--..--...-.-.-.--.-....-- --.--.---..--- ...._-_.~..... -..-. ~._~__ VERI~~~~~ON OF ~VENT~~~_ MATE~~~~:_.u______ ____ . _~_~_._~ERIF~CATION OF_~~~N2~~~_____ . __________ _~__.~____~~_~~~AT~~~_~OC~~I~~_____._______________u. ____________._______ _u_____________ _ _ ~ LJ PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL )(--0 -~ER;~~TION ~F ~SDS A~~;:~BILI~-~---------u------- .---------.----.-----------------..---..------- ___Un· _._----------_._---------_._-~.._-----_.~------- ..-_.. .---.--.....-----.. .----....-- ---_...__._~..__._-------- l!! l] VERIFICATION OF HA£MAT TRAINING ~--a- VERIFICATI~~~-~~~TE~~NT ;~;;~;~~-~~D-~~~~~~~~~~-u------ -- -----..---..---.. - -----------..---..--. .... ---------------------- --- -~--- -------- - - --- -----~---- -- ----- - ---- ~-- - - -- ------- ---- - ---------- - ~ ~ a EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE ---.._____________ ___ _ _ _. ______ _ __ __ _ __._____u__ _____ __ ~_ _ __ ___ ~ -0 --~R~P;~~~;;~~-- ------------ ---- .- ----- ----- ---.-------...--. -- --- ---------..--------- ____.____.m ~ --D---s,~~D~~~~--AM A~~~~~~~ -&-O~ H~~-~ - -- --- - - --- ------ -- - ----------- --- ----- -- - --- - --- m - - - __u_ _____hu ....- -- .-.- I . -.- ~- ..----.. --. ------_._.~. -,- -----------.-- .. -.-- ._--~_....._. ._--... -- ---------~---_.--- -_.. -...-..--.- . .~--_._---.._-_....._--_.._._-_..._- -.- . -.-....--..--...---.--- ------.--.-..... .-.----..--.---. -.------...---.... __.u··___....__·_. .- -. -...----...-.-.-. ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE?: M. YES 0 No EXPLAIN:--1J~ O,l/rlA.E Lfiltt=:'f3 1 ùsed ð;/ INSPECTION? PLEASE CALL US AT (661) 326-3979 - .. -~" No~n-n--- White· Environmental Services Yel/ow . Station Copy ,.Y ( ~.<I(?I:<-~~.... ~--~_.,....: ----- I)POP PEPOPT ---------- rUE SEP 21,04 4:56:46 PM ,C·T¿,."r ~( RE: I,ll:, ,qœ,119I41 DIE:::;EL 2: fUE!II21,~ 4::39: 14 PM :3193, :362 q.~.l LUfd: :31,6174 in st ,~::3 .:' F TIUI21,04 4: 56: 46 Pt1 769:::. 776 ';:I.~. 1. 1 UW,: 59,6340 '" 91. 0E1 ':·F I' :, NVEt4fO~DIŒ: 4505. 414 q.~_l ..... ~ FACILITY NAME Yþ~ p~Rv _ _I ; CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd Floor. Bakersfield. CA 93301 \ \ pe:-tr¡, I eJ """iNSPECTION DATE /D/~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program o Routine ~Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank ~ Type of Monitoring ~ 1..." VV1-- o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint I DlAJF ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tile ''f.... .. ~ Proper owner/operator data on tilc Penn it fees current K Certification of Financial Responsibility )( Monitoring record adequate and current ~ Maintenance records adequate and current v.. Failure to correct prior UST violations y Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No '1 Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tile with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? 'f... / Iryes, Does tank have overtill/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO Pillk - AlIsiness Copy