HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK FACILITY NAME~~S~e:.\d 111~W\oi'þ.)~· ~IINSPECTION DATE *20 ~q\''''' ~ Section 2: Underground Storage Tank~ Program CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I?IRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd Floor. Bakersfield. CA 93301 II/gþf- . o Routine E' Combined 0 Joint Agency Type of Tank D~ F Type of Monitoring (1L1'Y\ o Multi-Agency Number of Tanks Type of Piping o Complaint 1- Dit\)F ORe-inspection OPERA TION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on tìle X Proper owner/operator data on tìlc ~ Pennit fees current ~ Certification of Financial Responsibility X Monitoring record adequate and current Y.. Maintenance records adequate and current \( Failure to correct prior UST violations )( Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes No Y- Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program AGGREGATE CAPACITY Number of Tanks TANK SIZE(S) Type of Tank OPERA TION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on tìle with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding/labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF? I f yes, Does tank have overfì lI/overspill protection? C=Compliance V=Violation Y=Yes N=NO White - Env. Svcs. Pìl1~ - RlIsincss Copy 0/<' ,~ ;.- RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 5643 BROOKS CT BAKE~SFIELD,CA,93308 OFFICE(661)392-8687 & FAX (661)392-0621 ACURITE TM PIPELINE TESTER Precision Product Line Test TEST RESULTS Test Date:lO/ll/04 BILLING:MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 420 34TH ST. BAKERSFIELD, CA SITE:MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 420 34TH ST. BAKERSFTELD,CA PRODUCT PRODUCT lv.ŒCHANICAL MONITOR PRODUCTS LINE TEST LEAK DETECTOR LEAK DETECTOR DIESEL -,ODD-PASS N\A ANNULAR & SUMP DIESEL VISUAL FAIL DO TO STRIPPED FI BERGLAS S FITTING IN PUMP ROOM OMMENTS A precision test was performed on product lines at the above location using the ACURITE TM PIPELINE TESTER. I have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with this test for purpose of verifying the results and certifying the product line test systems, The testing was performed in acorrdance with AES protocol, and therefore satisfies all requirements for such testing as set forth by NFPA 329-92 and USEPA 40 CFR part 280. The results of testing are shown on the following page. Included with the report are reproduction of data compiled during the test which formed the basis for these conclusion. This information is stored in a permanent file if future verification of test results is needed. I declare under pénalty of perjury that I am a licensed tank tester in the State of california and that the information contained in this report is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ::t~;Ü C¿;~~-1072 .(:: -" :, ~ RICH ENVIRONMENTAL 5643 BROOKS CT BAKERSFIELD,CA.93308 OFFICE(661)392-8687 & FAX (661)392-0621 ACURITE TM PIPELINE TESTER WORK SHEET DATE: /ð-IJ-()"I W/O#: Facili ty Name: n'f;t'7(?tt/-fL. fÍ()jf tr" L Facili ty Address:!::IM .J'1Tp.. ,.fï ß'+A::~;IÇL 0 J ~ Product Line Type (Pressure J Suction I Gravity): ~c.)(.Ì'lð'1.,.) Pump Hanufacturer: .JJ I tA. Isolation Mechanism: PotJT u.f'.."'¡- PRODUCT START TIME /READING OO:OO/GPH II :CJð. TEST PRESSURE (PSI) VOLUME RATE (GPH) ~~ RESULT PASS/ FÄÍL -.O-S _~L. I certify ~hat Lh2 above line tes~s were conducted according to ~he equipment manufacturer's procedures. The results as listed are to my knm.¡.ledge true and correct. The test pass/fail is determined using a threshold of 190 ml per hour (0.05 GPH) rate aL 1 1/2 times working pressure or 50 psi which ever is greater. St.ate License: # 90-lo"'~ MFG. CERTIFICATION: # 60a.LT 1J'~u.tL ~vE Fl'tìJ~ J-U ~ i,OVIV-Q "FA'I LJJ(LE- OcJ/E. PÔM ~ I v6, fl..O(!)"." . rtJ S'rt2.,. f PE ø F tßE'll.. 61.A'~S i' ~... . _ ~ . MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For V$e By All Jurisdic1ions Wj¡hin ¡he State of California _-lIlfhoriry Cired.· Chaprer 6.7, Healrhand Safery Code; Chqpter 16, Division 3, Tide 23, C'71ijòrnia Code ofReguh¡¡ions This 1'o1'1n nms, be used {Q document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment, A separate certification or report must be prepared for d·i..:Ìì mOflÏtoriflg SVSlelìì comrol panel by; the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank SYS¡;ëlll owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy ,of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems wirhin 30 lid)::; ()f lest darè. A. Gt:.fiëcallnformation Facility Namè: r1þfY)d e", 4-'- 1Je;~P 1'r'4-'L SiTè _"'-ddress:.!1 >{) :> 4 ru-- ~T Facility Comac¡ Pèrson: (2OG'1 pf . IVbkè,lVlodd of Monitoring System: ðwf:4J5 - (ßj fl4JJ41¡ . R. Inve.ntory of Equipment Teste4lCerrified CJ¡",I: [1", ;¡ ) )J"¡) dare boxes to indicare s eciJic c¡ lii mcllt ius )ecred/seJ"\'iced: 'L¡¡¡j. i.D: --Pb L -~ o In-La1k Güuging Probe. Madej: ~ ,-":i1111ILu: Spacè,~r Vau!~ Sensor. Model: ~J ((JOAIJtfJ~ tJ Plp1llg Sump! lrellch sensor(s). Model: o FilJ Sump Sensor(s), Mode!: o )\kdHu1Íca! Line Leak Defecror. Model: o Ekt.·u\\ ¡jc Line Leak De¡ecrof. Model: o Li.nk Over1Ï1J / High-Level Sensor. Model: _ o ()fhè~: (S ecit\' e ui mel1t tv e and model in Sþcfion E on Paoe 2 , '[¡wli. ID: o In-LUll;: Gauging Probe. Model: I 0 ,-\..1ìJlubr Spacè or Vall!¡ Sensor. Model: I 0 Piping Sump 1 Trench Sènsor(s). Modèl: I 0 FiJl Sump Sensor(s). Model: o )\·kckU1ical Line Leak: De¡ector. Mode!: o EkWùJlic Line Leak Derecl'Or. Model: II 0 'LU1k OVèffill / High-Level Sensor. Madej: . II¡to U.' [J~èrlsfJè"iI\ è. ui l11ènt t)' e and model in S¢crion E on Pa'e 2 . I Dispenser ID: ~ ' :¡ 0 Di~ptusèf COl1lainment Sel1sor(s). Model: ' ¡III 0 ::>hdr Va!vè(s). ' t~_Dj~£.cllSèr Comainmem Floar(s) and Chain(s).. !I Dispenser 1D: ! 0 Di:;pellsef Containment SeI150r(s). Model: [I 0 She'LI'VaJvè(S). 11_ q Qi.-;f'tl!Sèr Containment FJom(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: . il' ~ l?ispèJl~èr COntuiJ1l11èm SeJ1sor(s). Modèl: ¡ U ::)hc,U' 'v d.lve(s). LOJ':)~spènsèr .c0n¡¡¡inmenr FJoat s) and Chain(s). 'lfrÜè ÚII.:iJÜy comains more tanks or dispensers, ~opy this 1'01111. City: ß-ð-I{,$¡'SFIF(",D Bldg. No.: Zip: '3Jå J Contact Phone No.: ( ) 15" cr - J. Date of TestinglServ icing: JtL¡ -'1-/ ~ .... TanJ{ ID: TJS L.--1ÆAq:i o In- Tank Gauging Probe. Model: jlJ Annular Space or Vault Sènsor. Model:o-.J£UJ ~(/þi:ItJ..LNfi)_. o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: o Mechanical Line Leak Detecror. Model: o Electronic Line Leak. Detector. Model: o Tank Overfill / High-Level Sensor. Model: o Orher (s eci', e ui mem t e and model in Section E on Pac :2). _ Tank ID: o In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: o Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: o Fill Sump Sensor(s). .lvlodel: o Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: o Elecfronic Line Leak DetecIOr. Model: o Tank Overíìll / High-Level Sensor. Model: o Other (5 eci e ui ment ' e and model in Section E on Pa -e 2). Dispenser ID: o Dispenser Conrainment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containmènt FJoat(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: o Dispellser Conrainmellt Sellsor(s), Model: o Shear Valve(s). o Dis enser Containment Float s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ill: o Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). o Dis enSèf Containment Float s and Chain(s). Include information for every tank and dispenser at the íàcitiry. C. Certiileation -I certify that tbe equiptflent identitied in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with tbe manufacturers' guiddini:s. Attached to this Cer(iticatio~ is informacion (e,g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verity that this informatioo is ':OITe.:r àud à Plot Plan showiog the layou~ of morlÌtoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also _, arr¡¡¡;h¡;d a copy o~' rhe report; (check /11/ Ih~¡ /lppM: 0 system. ~et-up O~lan~epO 't lècl1mCl:ill Namè (pnm): "y4'U 1"14St1V SIgnature: _~~ c..'c:nirìcmionNo.: tI~(;,OS-" /J7-'7 License, No,: 61/D40- #~'p9850 TesÜngCùmpanyName: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL Phone No.:(661 ) 392-8687 Silcr\ddrt5S: t/Jð JtJTIf iT 84J(.$UPI/./.,rQ¡ c--1- 'JJP/ Date of TestinglServicing: ;dIll I_~ 1VloJÌiwring Systtm Cerri1ïcation Page 1 of3 03/01 t , . .. D. i{.èSliÌtsof Testing/Servicing .. SoÙ\\ Jfè V.:r:3ion Installed: . CÙil1pkr¡; dìèfollowinü Chécldist: l1t Y èS 0 No" Is me audible alarm 0 . erarional? ~ \~ U No" Is ù1e visual alarm 0 erational? YeS 0 No* Were all sensors visuall ins ected, functionall tested, and confinned 0 erational? j(ì \\:s 0 No" Were all sensors instaped at lowest point of secondary contairunent and positioned so that other equipment will not imertère wirh their ro )er 0 eration? o No'" If alarms are relayed to a remote .monitoring starion, is all communications equipment (e.g. modem) . N/A operational? For pressurized piping systems, does the tu!bine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containJ1li:nr moniroring system detects a leak, tàils to operate, or is electrically discormected? If yes: which sensors inil'iatè posirive shut-down? (Check all that apply) . a Sump/Trench Sensors; a Dispenser ContailUnenc Sensors. Did 'ou confirm ositive shm-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? 0 Yes; 0 No. No" for rank systems th~t utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no NiA mechanical overfill pI:evention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the rank fill oim(s) and 0 era¡íno )[0 erly? [fso, at what ercent of tan!< ca aci does the ala.rm tfiü er?"O 'Yo Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identifY specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaceJ and Jist the manufacturer name and model íQr all re lacement arts in Section E, below. Was liquid found insiete any secondary cont~inment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all ¡hat apply) 0 Producr; 0 Water. l~ es, describe causes in Section E, below, )SI \' èS 0 No" Was monitorin s stem set-u reviewed to ensure ro er settinas? Attach set u y çs 0 No* Is all monitorina e ui mem 0 erational er ma.nufacturer's s ecificatiol1s? " In Si.'ccion E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected, CJ \ c:s U \' eS I I ,I il ~ 'è> I g II [j y,,' )ð No I :.J YeS" ~ No (icable E. Cü.l.Hmencs: __.._..____n._~·_~ .. --..-- --. ,.--"---.- ~--.'-- .-."-'..'"-.---'- ----.-.-.-..- "--- __.._ .,...._~. ._~U___ __"___. +---.---- --..--.--.,.- .---..---....---. -..--...--. .---. ----- ----.--.-- -- ----.----- --- -.------ ..._----~ .-.-..--.--.--- u.__._··u-.._. ________ Page 2 of 3 03/01 - .¡ F. lü-'Lull-: Gauging / SIR Equipment: fit Check this box. if tank gaLLging is used only for inventory control. 1:1 Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is instalkd. '; This sèèrion l1.1.ust be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. CUú'1'.!'\t {li¡; fùllowifio cnecKlist" , J ç 0 \1"';$ 0 No'" Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? -" 0 ').'çs U No" Were all rank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? 0 ·Y.:s 0 No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tesœd? . DYes \ 0 No" Was accuracy of system water lewl readings tested? f---~ o Yes 0 No" Were all probes reinstalled properly? U Yes 0 No* Were a1J items 011 the equipl11em manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? " 111 llle .sè~tion H, below, describe how aud when these deficiencies were or will be corrected, G. Line Le¡)1\. Detectors (LLD): ,94' Check this box if LLDs are not instaJled. l.Ollil) tIc { Ie o OWIß¡;: c ec : o Y'èS 0 No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? 0 N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: [:J 3 g.p.h.; 0 0.1 g.p.h; 00.2 g.p.h. 0 Yc's 0 No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? 0 'YeS 0 No'" Was me testing apparatus properly calibrated? U Yè:$ 0 No'" For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? 0 NlA 0 YeS 0 No'" For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? 0 NiA 0 YèS o No* For elecn"onie LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled I o N/A or disconnected? 0 YèS 0 No'" F or electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any p0l1ion of the monitoring system malfunctions 0 N/A or tàils a rest? 0 \'ë;S 0 No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiringcoIU1ections been visuaJly inspected? 0 N/A U Yes [0 No'" Were all items on the equipmenr manufactur~r's maintenance checldist completed? t f 11 . a h klist ;,. iü (he Section H, below, describe how and when these deticiencies were or will be corrected, 1-1 Comments: -- ~,'------'-'--' ---_..~--- ------ - ".--------- .------- -----'- Page 3 of3 03/01 . ~ .~. .. r\ ! l\'iûil.ilûring System Ce¡·tificatioß Sir" .-\.ddn::ss: n'l;'O UST lVlonitoring Site Plan ;;'lTH~ ~F/Þ"'£3 C4- 9J»/ . ~. '.;J . .. .~. . . .C,.J. ð3> 0' J' . r" . , ~. ell '~J' j .\A J' .Q . 1:\.' '\\\'1 . ((. .~ It>: : : .~ . 1" .~ . .~. .,. OJ If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may include it, rather than this page, Witll your IvlonÍloring System Certiíìcatioll, On your site plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify IO(:Jrions of The following equipment, if installed: mon.itQrin.g system control panels; sensors monitoring tank annular spaCeS, sumps, dispenser pans, spill containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or electronic line leak clèTè(:[OrS; and Ìl1-[ank liquid level probes (if lIsed for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan \\<1'; prep:1fed. . . . . . . . . ~~«~J-: Da[emapwasdrawn:~ II /&17 Instructions Page ~Of~ 05/00 8S/27/20B4 14:36 661392B621 J()- /J-øLf ~ Cftoo-fI'M" PAGE IiIl/Ell ® R RightFax 9/29/2004 7:16 PAGE 002/002 Fax Server - -- -COpy RSQUESTSÐ P~EAS! FAXC~61)3g2-0621 CrrY OF BAKERSFŒLD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ·'100 "'f'J2U.Xmn ~. -~R5~ÆL}) 1 c.A ~ (tø.(o O.g.s~..- ó)\ ì.t APPLICA TIO.N TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORI;NG CERTIFICATION FACD...lTY ml'U'O(,,)~14( .J:Jo5P IT"J'\ L ADDRESS J..f ()..Q . ~ ~ ~ .'3r-. ' OPEMTORS NAME Ct&) . OWNERS NAME ~ '¡juJ NAMB OF MONrI'OR MANUPACTUlU3R. DOES PACII..lIY HA VB DISPBNS11R PANS? , ~B\<'~~V\ Fl Pi, C~ I I - Qu.)E() -('O«(\lntj ~-~ YBS_ NO--/4ft , . ¡ TANK' .\ , VOLUMB lC2r ÐOO I () ¡oDD CON'ŒNTS . . a,t~ ,; . n ~ _ . _. t . .---! : . ¡ . . , I . NAMaOF'IBSTINOCOMPANY . RIÇH ~l'lVIRO~D.rBNTAL i : .. CON1:RAcro~ UCBNSB if ~O-l 072 NAME lit PHONE NUMBER. OP CONTACT PERSON JAMES RIca ( 661 }3 9 2-.' 87 DATU TJMB TIJSI' IS TO BE cœmucn¡p ~... - ~:ro~,.,Æ¡' r · . .i/(ÆavrO 1/;;'Î~i~, nt~ ,j · A.PP&OVBl> BY DÅTB.. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT' : '- ~-"'t __... -t¡ S,\\i R.CI.:!, hnuary 2002 Page -L of ~_u " Secondary Containm~Dt Testing Report Form This jÒrm is ¡mended for use by contractors performing periodic testing of UST se.comiCU')J containment ß)J.rteTnS. US(l thil iipp1'L)pria~e pages oj:thisj'o,:m to report l'esultsfor.olJ components tested. The completed form, written test procedures, and prj!1wuts from lests (if applzc.able), should be proVlded to thefacility owner/operator for submi!taJ to the loc.a1 ref;Ulafory agenc.y. 1. FACILITY IN.FORMATION I[ FaciJny Name; ~, \1~f~~D~)' AddH:SS: 4JØ ;J 0/7# . (T t!- It ¡:aci li.y Contact: ¡~--_.__. IL[!~~~OCal Agency Was Notified of Testing : ,e¿J(,$'t . ,l_N.;;l~::::'~ of Local Agency Inspector (ifpresent during testing): ~d~ ... r_~~~;ìp~~·;1~~m~: R.I~~ ENVIRON~ŒN'l'AL ., .. f:r'dUlician Conducting Test: ~l"-1V ~;....J , i.yredel1!ials: ¡gCSLB Licensed Contractor o SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester Liœnse Type. C611 D40 ··1 L¡c~t.\ Number: 809850 F·~n......"~~...,.'''~~.~....,..... 'l\~"'.r ", ,to " ",.'~ ,L, ..".' ". Ma'øfv'þIrer Trainip.g I Manutàcturer C011.1nonent( s) Date Traming EXDÍres -_.--- 8/04 INCON INCON ~S-STS --_."--,--- , . -- ------ --." - 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' \ - Component Pass Fail Not Repairs Component Pass Fail' Not Repairs Tested Made Tested Made JI fJ 0 'D 0 0 Ò 0 I QS.~ FI t..~ 11 oI)C j 0 0 '0 [] 0 0 0 1--. 0 0 0 '0 0 0 0 [] r- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [I 0 0 0 "',;.'"" 0 0 0 .0 0 [===-=~. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I [J 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ______.._H. 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 0 .--.--- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [) --."--- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --"- 0 0 [J 0 0 0 0 0 - "- --'. - 3. SUMMARYOFTESTRESULTS if hydrostatic testing was per~Q.m1ed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: -'----' RECYCLE AND REUSED -.---------- CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THlS TESTING T<} t/xe hesÌ of my knowledge, the acts stated in this doqunrlµlt aTe accurate and in full compüance with leg,,1 Ttlqui,.e~ts /7 Date: Jd-IJrl?"/ T èchnician's Signature: FaciÙty is Not E~luipped With. Spill/Overfill Containment Boxes 0 SpiJJ/Overf¡ll_~~:)J1tainment Boxes are Present, bcrt were Not Tested 0 H__"-;:='" __ ___ _ _ Ti.':SI Method Developed By: 0 Spill Bucket Mai1ufaCtUJ:er o Other (Specify) o Pressure o Other (Specify) INCON TS-STS ~ .... - . '1 S Vv'RCB, January 2002 __ _._._.__________0 TèS[ l\llëthod USi.';d: l-1'~:~~-E~I~.iE~n~nt Used: [:.~::,."c:~;''r·"''1~·.:~~ß!C:?: ~~~: ~~:r' I WaÍI rime bètween applying I pr¢ssllre/vacuurn/water and ! S(;;lrÜll~ œst: \- -~- --.-""- l'esr Starr Time: lniLiaJ Reading (R¡): Test End Time: Final Reading (R!,): Test Duration: I (~hangè in Reading (R¡:-R¡): P~ss¡Fail Threshold or Criteria: T.es~ Result Page --.d-of __~_. 9; SPILL/OVERFILL CONTAINMENT BOXES ñö. Industry Standard o Professional Engineer o Vacuum S Hych"ostatic 'pmentResolution: . oooin. Spill Box # Spül ox # J() ~ Vt.J .00d,.v }4 Pass .O~''Ÿ o Fail o Fail ,OOJ.. -u o Fail o Pass OFaü OPus J; onunen ts - (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended follow-up for failed tests) .--.---.-.--.-' -..-....------- -.- .-.-.-----.--- ...._~-----_.- -~--~._-- --.-.........--- ___0___- ------_.---- --------- I 'c' o - " . 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 02/09 MONITQRING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION POI' Use By All J1J¡-isdiclÎons Within the Slate ofCaliforn;o ,.·il¡¡bOl'flY CJ¡ed: Ch,lpter ó.7, Heallhand Safety Code; ChQPter 16., D;yir!Oh 3. Title 23. California Code of Reg/llmions Tllis fül'lu must be u~ed ro document testing Uld set'V'icing ofmonitorìng equipment. A S~Ðarutc çertification Or report muSt be crr:pàred for ~'I.;;h moqitoring systen, control panel by: the technician who performs the work:. A copy oftbls form mun be provlded to the tlillk ~y~n:llI O\\'~1erlopc:nttor. The ownerloperator roust submit a copy of this for.rn to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 lhk>.~ l)f ¡~~t dl\lc. A. Gt:J1eral }n1'armation .r·lidlhyN:1l11ë: YI.~I!44-L-_ ~Pl~ Sire Address: ...,)oð , '" TItt -:¡tL- F.,ç ¡.liI) Cantllc, Pel'son: ~1 ~ . l'vu'I!,c:iModd o{Monltoring System: ~..uS - GO..W.J.&lfj :ß. Jnvt!o.tor)' of Equipment Tested/Certified ('¡lcd, rh" ;1 ~ Jro JrÍlLle bQ~~s ro iDdíCI1Jt S ~1I1~ e ùi m~IIJ In~ e~ted/s<,r...ic<,d: BJdg, No,: ___ City: ß"'It.¥~SF,F¿¡¿,_~ Zip: ~;Jð J Contact Phone No.: ( ) Fa- - J.. Date of Testing/Servicing: 1(}_-, .lL-Jt?~ Tal~k W: _-Rb L Tank ID: ~.J-.. o !iI-Tank Gllu~i[\g Probe. Modcl: [J In-Tank Gauging ?fIJl)e, Model: ~ Anilular SPdJ:¿ Or Vauh ScnSOr. Model: ~ 'oUlflfiJ jØ. AnnulàJ' Spaœ or Vault Sensor, Model: ~~~~~. tJ P¡ping Sump l Tl'lJDCh Sensor(s}. Model: ~ .. 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: Q Fill Sump Scn~or(s}. Model: Q Fill Sump Sen.'IOr(s}. J'vU;¡dcl: v___~.::: o 1'...j,;dHl1li~¡ 1 .l.ino: 1..Gàk Detector, Mod~l: a Mechanical Line Leak Dl!:tcctor, Model: o rJ,:c1J'(\uic Li )~ L.:ilk DéICC[Or. Model: 0 Elecuonic Line Leak Detector. ModeJ: o r~lI1k O\'~J'll J / Hlgh·Level $emmc. Model: _. a TáDk Overfill I J:oIlgh~Level Sensor. Model: c:J Oth~r (~JcL'i" . uj n\ent I ' e and model in Section E on l'a'(I 2 , a Oilier s ci . c ui mem t e find mDdc:1 in Section .E on Pa 'c 2). 'l\wk lD: TAnk ill: Û In- 1'11,111;. Ga'J~ging .Probe-, Model: _. [J Ill- Tank Glluging Probc. Model: o AUIIUhll' Sp8C~ úr VaLllt Sensor, Modcj; a Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: o .I'ipin!i, SU( )~, I TI'.::l1t'h Sèl1Sl>r(S}. Model: 0 Piping SU!11P I TrcocJ'¡ Sensor(s). Model: Q f.iIJ Sump SeI1Sl)I'(~}. Mudel: a Fill SImIP $cmsor(s). Model; Q !\'l~.;hilnical Lin..: teak Del~CtOt, Model; _ 0 Mcchaaicall.¡nc Leak DeIccror, Model: (J ¡-:I.:mL>llic LiM L~Bk Dctcctor. Model: ~_____.~ C Electronic Litle Leak Detector. Model: CJ 1'; k OV<!J'lIJJ I High-Level S..:nsor, Model: __ 0 Tl1nk Oveltìl1/ High-Level Sensor, Model: CJ Urb~ ' t;¡ c!1:jr'y ~ III l11enr t e and modl!J in Section E on Pa e? . CJ Other s eci c ul mc:nt 'e aru:I model in Section E: on Pa c 2), DìS¡¡¡:Dser ID: :Díspenser lD: o Dl:öp;:nscr COlua.iIU11cnr Seosor(s). Model: Q Di!lpcnser Containment Sensor(s). Mode!; o Sh.:al' Vtlh'e{~), 0 Shear Vnlvets), CJ Dis .1~ )~ð ' Cont¡ljnmenr Fh)~1 3 and Chain s . 0 .Dis cnsCI Containment .Float s and Chain s . .Dib¡lCIlSIH'ill: DIspenser ID; . o L)ispç )~~ ' Cunlaillmo;:nt Sen~aI(s), Model; 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s}, Model: o Sh~u¡, V~I\lCl.s). 0 Shear Valve(s), o Di:> èn~~I' Conl;ii!lm~m Host $) and Chain s . CJ Dís nser Con.tainmenr Float $ IU1d Chain 5 , Dis¡>el1~eT .ll): _ ," a Dispenser ID: 1:1 l)i..¡¡><!n>~l' COlltl1i1uncnr S~"sor(s). Mod"l: __ 0 Dj£pellSer ContaínmenJ Sensor(s). Model: o ~hcar Val\'t1ls). 0 Shcar Valve(s). CJDi:; 1c.'nSc!T CÙDI'II.inml!nI Flollr s o.nd Chain ~). a Dis enser Containment 'FJOflt 5 and Chain !I . -1fth.: tilCility conrains more tanks Or disp~nser!l, ~opy tbis fann. Include information for every tank nnd dispenser at the fACility. C. Certit1cation - 1 c.-lily tb.øt the e'lllipOlent identified in tbis dòtllòlent was inspected/serviced In accordance witb the manufacturers' gllideline~_ Attmlhed to tbls Cllnlticatil)Q is information (e.g, mAßufactureñ' checklists) necessary to verily that this information is a:( rr~l:~ .and 1:1 Plot Plan !lhowing the layuü~ ot' mOllí(()ting equÎpmGnt. For Dny eql"pme.nt capable or generating SlIeh reports, I havl> DI~u "œ,b,' , ,.or ., lb. ......1; (d"'" ai, thiu nppl..' 0 .>"'''' "'-'P ~~." 1'ccluúciliIl Nam~ (priot): -1!.Y.-4'V YI.:!6J,,;U __ Si¡nature: , Ct!T[iíkuioD No.: ()tJfß.. (I~.. J) "].., License, No.: 61/D40- # ~.pge50 IçstiLJ~('¡)mpZl.ll>'Name: RICH ENVIRONMENTAL PhoneNo,:(~61 )~-B667 Site AddJ·~.'Ss: !LJ:()_~ <IT /J4-xÞgp /$1, () r~ ,.v~L Datc atTesting/Servicing; -L!!!!.LJ ~ ....----. Page] ofJ OJ10 1 !\1ollicorillg Systc!m Certification . . 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 03/09 Süfl\\ jj-': Ver~i0J11ns(l\lled: 0. R~~rlJhs of rfesting/Servi~ing Cù!il 'ICOI'<:, dl~ (Ollowioa chec djst: ~ \'èì 0 No"" Is the audible all!Cm 0 eratioaal? fi!!I y~.,¡ 0 No~ Is the "isual alarm 0 . rariol\o!'? Ÿ~2 UNo· Wel'e all sensors vÍ5uaJJ i )s ected, functiona1l teste al1d confirmed 0 rational? jd Y.;:s 0 N¡)* Were all sensors instaUed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that ocher equipment wUI not interfere with their 1'0 ).::t' 0 eration? If allU'ms are relayed co II remote .monitoring stBtion, is aU colll.l1Junications equip1T~cnt (e.8- modem) operarional? Fat· pl'essurized piping systems, does the t~lrbine lluton111tically shut dowu it the piping secondaJ)' .::ontaÍl\l\'lC!\( monlr\)rìng system derects 0 leak, fuils ta operate, or is eJeçtrically disconnected? If yes: which se.nsol'~ inj[it1t~ positi...e shut-down? (Check an that ðppl}') 0 Sump/Trench Sensors; 0 Dispenser Containment Se.1S0rs. Did ou conûm1 sil.Îve 9hur~down dll9 to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? 0 Yes· 0 No. D Nö'" FQr rank systems that utilize the monitoring system. 8S the primary tank overfill wamínz. device (i.e. nO o N/A mech!iJ1i~al overfill prcvention vI11ve is installed), is the overfUl warning alarm vLsible and ~llldible at the mnk fill oint(s} ß1\d 0 eratin )ro erl 7 [f so. at what ercent of tank en ací does the nlartn tri . er? I .'o Was any monitoring equipooont replaced? If yes, identify s~cit1c :¡ensoIS, probos, or other equipment rl:pl!1ced an.d lisc the D1J'JJ1L1factuter nan1¢ and model tòr aIJ re lacemenc am in Section E, below, Was liquid found inside any s~condary conrainmet1l: systems destgned as dry sYStems? (Check all that appl)l) 0 Product' Q Water. I( es, describe ~a1.lSes in Section E. below. B '{c:) 0 No'" Was mOl\itorin 9 stem sec-LI reviewed co ensure ro settjn s7 Attach set u 'y'çs a No* Is allmonitoritJ e \JI 111elll 0 eratiolUlI er manufacturer's s cificatiol1s? '" in S¡:çtioll I: below, describe how and wben tbese d~fit:ieneies were or will be corrected, . 0 \'I.:S o NIJ'" ,N/A a No· Ji!P N/A a \'.;s ~5 y," LI Y~:i~ I No Q Yè!ò* õt No .f.. CO.l.Uments: l!cable --..---.- .. ...--.---. .. --.....---.... ,....-........-,,- ...--...... .'---- _. ....-.- ..--..--' ..... -.-... ,"---'--- .---.--.... ",,-_. ... -"-"-"-- ..............-...--.- ---..-..... '--'" ......-..--.... .--........-.. ..... .--............----,.. ---..-..... ._.. .. - ...__..~ ,..- .-- .......,,-- ---_...,. ..'--- .. .-----.... --_...... ......-. ...... ....-....- - Pille :2 of.1 03/01 i ~ 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 04/09 Jf, lo-T~nk Gnugiug I SIR Equipment: 1! Check thi¡ box. if tank saugir'i is Llllod only for inventol)' contl'OJ. o Cb4)ck this box. if no tank ga~giT\i or SIR eql1ipJD@nt is Ìl1S~111ed, Thi:!; scc£Ïo.n must be completed if in-tank galJging equipment is used to perfoml1eak detection monitoring. COlli r:.l4!t~ t I~ öllow nil: cb.ecklbt: o y~~ o N¡J* Ho.s aU input wiring been iMp(),m:d for propcl' entry and termination, ï.ocluding testing for ground mults'? ... ~..'~'- U \'.;,; Q No'" Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? O\'Ói o Nol!< Was accuracy of system product level rèadin~ tested? -=- ~"'~ Q 1;;$ UNo· Was accuracy of $Y$tem watèr levcl readings tested? a y~,.;¡ Q No" Were all probes reinstalled properly? r-=--- o Yr;$ a No· Were. all Items on the oquipm~n[ IruInufacNreT':¡; )~¡'uel')ance checklist cornplet.ed'1 '====' ..-- - I r ,.. 111 m~ s~ction J;;I., belQw, describe h.ow and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leuk Detectors (LLD): j1d' Check this box ifLLDs are not iostaUed. CU(U1)J~rl! tbe: followine: checklist: Q y~s Q No" FOl' equipment start·up 01' tIllllual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD perforn'l8néc? o N/A (Check all that appl)l) Simulated leak rate; Q 3 g.p.h.; a 0.1 l;.p,h; Q 0,2 :,p,h, a Y~'S CJ No· Were .all LLDs confirmed operationa.! and accurate withìn regulatory requirements? o \/~: a No· Was we testing apparar.us properly calibrated? o y~:) o No" For mechanical LLDs, does tlle 1.l.D restrict product flow jf it detects a leak? a N/A -=-' t:J No* For eJectronic LLDs, does the turblne a.utomatically shut off ¡fthe LLD detects a leak? o y~s 10 N/A o '\{~s o No" For electronic LLDs, does thr) turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled o N/A 01' r; isconne~ted? 0 Yes (J No· For electronic u..os, does th~ tLlrbine automatically shut off if any portion ofth.e monìtoring system maltùncriol1s D N/A 01' fails a test? 0 Yes o Nl~'" For elecrronic LLDs, have aU accessible wiring con.nections been visuaJ\y inspected? o NlA o "Ùs o No" Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checkli$t completed? w In clu: Section H. be ow~ desc:ribe how and when these det1deneles were or will be c:orrel:ted. H., C()(lun~nts: -.. --_.~_...'." -.-,.."..- --- .---.... ---..,' -"---'--'--' .,- .-...""---" _......--- ----.... ..,,~._-,' ---. Page 3 ofJ 03101 .. ~. 1B/18/2BB4 1B:21 661392B621 PAGE B5/B9 Mtmitol"ing System Cllrtìth:ation UST Monitoring Site Plan Si¡';A,jdl"ess:___VJ.t)~_-2'ITH .IT ~/¡þ-¿4 c.,+- 9J~/ .~ , (' . ~ . . ~~. ;J' ;J' . r.... . . ~, ò:l J- ~. ~: tD: : .~ '1' 'so .~ rJ1 .' 1:§.1 ~«:d-: Date map was drawn: -A:2! II / d Instructions If }~}(.l tlJf~¡1dy have a diagram that SbOW5 all required informacion, you may include it, rather than this page. with YOLll' M.ùniLo!'ÏJ3g System Certification. 01,\ yom site plan, show tIle general Iltyout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify lo~;trions of th~ following equipment, if installed: monitoring system control panels; senSOrS monitoring tank ~ni\ula[" sp~l\:es. sump¡¡, dispenser pans, spill cOl1tainers, 01' other secondary containment areas; mechanical. or electronic hM leak der~'.;tol·~; and in-mnk Hquid 1eyel probes (it uged for leak detection), In the lòpace provided, note the date thi.$ SitB PLal\ \....IS prepaJ"r:!d. Pag,è ~ Of!i.-. O5lUO ~ -. ! .~~, """,. ,.- 18/18/2884 18:21 6613928621 PAGE 87/89 SWRCB. laJ.1ltJU'Y 2002 h&c: -L of~_ Secondary Containment Testing Report Form ThS$ flJrrn js Imllrll.fød fa, 118' bjJ fJO"t1'Q&.tOl" pørf01'mlng pu1odlt! ("tin¡¡ oj US'/' &lIr::ondlU')J Cr»1ta1nm11nt I,V.ttanll, Usa thl appTiJpriatf p ~:r.1!}J of Jhis {orm to report re.ml/~ 1"1' all Q(;Im.pClnants ruted. The cømpÙltedfo/'tn, 'Written tut pt'o~u. tmd prìntrJIII3 from rests (if QPplJCt2ble). .thou/Ii be próV~ to t/f8~tJity ~nørIDp"r(l1tJl' for s'll.bm~ to the local ,.eplato", agency. 1. FACn.t1'Y 1NBORMAnON ~ ", 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR.1NFORMÂ.T1:OX· S~1!1'pany 'Na.me: IUCa ENVIRONMENTAL . l'~~ll\ician Conductiñg 'Test: ~~A-..v ~~ C reL1eutiAls: IX CSLB Licensed Contractor J SW1lCB Licensed tank Te~ -- I Lic~~ NU1nber. License Type, C611D40 809850 ~N'.-VUl"er TrainiU Date- , , Manufacturer COlUDonmttls' ëxDÍl-es -~ INdON TS-STS 8/04 ¡NCON ------ f-..-- Cornponent Pass 'an Net ~ Coœpo..øt }tøs J.il' Not ReplÛn Tested i 1'Mted. Made f----- Ò .ºí~~...Ð u... A ØI~ II 0 0 0 0 0 o. ~b PI I..l J1~ ~ 0 0 0 {] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (-. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 Q ,0 __6____- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q D 0 0 .~.. 0 r:¡ 0 0 0 0 0 0 --. 0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 .~ 0 0 IJ 0 0 0 0 0 --- 0 Q 0 '0 0 0 0 0 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS tf bydt'o1tatic testing was per~ d.eactibe what was done with the wat.e.t after complætioD of tests: __ f' J;<.ECYCLE AND R~USED.. CIi:R'J:'lFlCATlON OJ' TECHNICIAN BUPONSIBLE FOR CONDUC'I'lNG TØ1S TJlS'1'1liG 1~ t"~ bt!ll of"~ J knoJPladgfr, tñe Ød.t ,'atld ÎII ibis dIH!JlmBlrt 4tl! IlCCUf((fe tIlJd lnÞ.U compl/lznl;t:",1IIt Ieg.' f"IIfpI~ /l Pate:./d-¡Y'Y T ~chl1jcian's S ignaturc; ~ ;¡. 10/18/2004 10:21 6613920621 PAGE 08/09 ~ 'Jo..'RCB, Jaouary 2002. P.~~_. 9. S ·IL.L/OV CONTAINMENT :SOXES F¡¡<.:iln ~ Not 1.li ed Wid1 S nt/Overfill Contamøumt Sexes Q SpllUOve1i.íU CO lWtlm.ent Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested Q T~:>t MethoC1 Developed By: a Spill Bucke.t Møimfa.œufer Q Other (Spec¡ß.oJ o Pressure o Other (8pt:!c¡)Ý. 'l'S-STS ø Indusl:r'y Standarc\ Q Pro1!essionaJ &,aincu -....-.---' '\'t:\\t M~thod Used: tJVacuuro II Hy<Itostatjc -.------ Box#: 5 x# i)u~\<.èt Ciá.t\'\~f:¡:r: ~uck.et ùtpth: W:1.ítti~tween applying prçs$I.I..reJva.;uu.m/waìer and ~.~~\l1~ .tèst: fast Sti!rt Time: lnil:.ÌùJ R.eadi 111(: (Rt); Test End Time: Final Readit\~ (R¡:): T~st Duration: Cht\11gt1 in Reading (R...-R,ù; ?;sslF ail Threshold or g-~~ Test ResuJt: .! 0. """ V" .~.v .~."" . OOø.~ .ajJ.. "Ù Jl Pass 0 FAiJ .8' Pass 0 FaU [J Pus Q Fail OPus [J r.n Ü:)lnment$ - (includz i!formmlon on røpaiI"J made pl'1Q/' Ie turlng. IZI'I4 1'8éomml11dødfol/OW-rJ{J fo,. fQl1ød tefta) -..---- _.._._ ..<II ......--- -'- ----- -....-- .. 09/27/2004 14:36 6613920621 PAGE 01/01 *COpy REQUESTED PLEASE FAX(1;)61)392-0621 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ·'ŸOO 712l1.Xmn ~..-~¥<~rFtE.Q),U¡ mX ((O.l.o\)-8'Só(..-éHì~ . APPLICATION TO PERFORM FUEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION FACILITY (ý) fC.%V1()r<I.Q( i Hosp I-~ l ADDRESS yacJ. '3 ,:/71+ ~r. ' OPERATORS NAME cf:fù.) . OWNERS NAME ~ .¡.((;.) NAME OF MONITOR MANUFACTURER DOES FACll.1TY HA VB DISPSNSER PANS'? I \bB\<ri1)"F"\ Fl Û£ Cj4- I I - OG...)~ -('Qt'<!\ln(; ]SL:;L-~ YES_ N0H TANK#: .\ VOLUME J(9l DOD I () ¡ODD CONTENTS ~ " ~.. . . . .. - ,-.-: ~ NAME OF TESTING COMPANY-., RI~H iNVIRONMEN~ð.L CON'tRACTORS UCBNSE # 9 0-1 0 72 NAME & PHONE NUMBER OF CONTACT PERSON JAMES R XCii 1661) :3 9 2 -$ 6 87 , , . DATE & TIME TEST IS TO BE CONDU~ . i OJ ¡ d I o""¡ - q: Cùi\ V'Y) ~ : I . I '. I . ì : .. ,iJ (dtt~tO APPR.ovm> BY '1/:;-1/0 .¡ DAtE. ~ i . . i11 CCQ' I ~.L..t.... f'....... ~. SIGNATURE O~ APPUCANTj . \ I '-.