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Cardinal Health
~ 501 40th Street Suite B
- Bakersfield, Ca 93301
tel 661.633.2116
fax 661.633.0123
July 16,2004
Ron Fraze, Fire Chief
PO Box 59
Bakersfield, Ca 93302
- --------~ -
Dear Mr Fraze,
We are required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and/or the state of Cali fomi a to notify you
that we are utilizing radioactive materials under an NRC or California license at:
50 lB 40th Street
Bakersfield, CA 9330 I
This notification is for your information in case of a fire or disaster that might involve this building.
The material with which we work is for use by physicians for medical purposes and, therefore, is comprised
of short-lived radiophannaceuticals.
Very little danger would exist in case of a fire or disaster; however, precautions should be exercised by fire
fighting personnel should it be necessary to enter the room in which the radioactive material is stored, In
the case of a fire, the material would remain confined to this room due to the nature of this building's
Should it become necessary to enter the phannacy area, survey instruments are readily available; they are
located in the rooms adjacent to the radioactive storage room, Also, personnel trained in the use of survey
instruments and familiar with hazardous radiation levels would be available to assist your personnel.
If you have any question~ corrcemi.ng thi¡; :lotificatio:l, Dr if you w0t:ld like to viÚt our faci!ity tQ familiarize
yourself with our location, do not hesitate to contact us.
Dianna Romero
Nuclear Phannacy Supervisor
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