HomeMy WebLinkAboutUST-MONITORING SYSTEM 9/29/2004 /I~~ '¡( " ~;' .. ,"~ 0 C T - 4 - 84M 0 N 14:48 FROM B.S.S.R. INC. P.06 ; , BSSR, Inc. 6630 Roseða]e Hwy._ # B, BakeBfield, CA 93308 Phone (66 t) 5SS<!777 f'ax. (66 t) 588-2786 ·M.ONITORlNG SYSTEM CERTIFICATION " , . - " ·'!-'L · ',i .:', '.i~~; :fo,rm.. must be U$ed to docu¡:nent testing Mod s~"Vicing of moilitoring cqll1pm<:nt. ð. ~Qt?u,:l1t!e ~~o~ tnllst ~, i\!~:. t;r.á.~.~~¡u:h rnonitoril\S 1IX1~Ø1ÜIDi!~W b~ the technician who performs the work. A copy ofthís fonn must be p.rovided to, 'j:!. ~~¡þ]~:~stêm. owIIer/operator. . ,The':ov\tner/opeA\t9r must submit a copy (' f this fol',(1'} to the 100a1 aBene)' .wgulating UST SYG~~' . . ! ': ;\ :wr'~~'9;.~~y~. of,t~~t date. I . : :t·. :. : !;:¡:~;1£ß.~~ra~.lD(9~mari' tio~ A.=~,. .AA/1t:t:.. /.'/ 01' ." . ..:.I.!o'M~..::~)' '!\Jame' " ,,' ,"'"/.', L,..../~ / t.- ~ ~.:~ No" ;. '" i¡~;:~;¡;;¡: A"'1l~~S:i:"~~O ,'. : -r-8£; - _-::,~~...··ci¡;;~14E~J~~~íP:P{bI. ').,' '. ~~~~ý¡F~nt.~~Person: ~d:1.,_.._-- . _.._,~ ..._~ Contact Phone No.; <..6..£L.ta~Z ;;e.?,;fõ . tl~' ..It;: ".0 ¡¡r1W#e1 ?~M?.nitoJ;~~;.~)'stem: @~¿1~ Zl:J..-:-3£a" Date ofTestiJ1¡1Servicin¡: .!lJ.cdJ.t2¥ . ..,¡~¡: ': i!:~~.~,ry o,(~q~ip~~~t, 'f.~!J~~a/Certitïed . :<,;#.I~· ".~:~.::',.o rtah"!)o'xCltoJildl~ce's ~.:~~;;.·:u~.:~cn~bla· dC/V5Ç~\llt ~-=--.~. "':T~ =O~; . .:., (of,....'.. ;', -:,. .....~~ I . ".'" .... " TankJD, ~a .; J¡! ~ .,O~~$irìg P~be. .:';~ .' .. :.M~dcl: :fY0žÞ~ _ C In-TankÓauging Probe, 0 c1: Si?.J:!i:2;i'f-,7·~ .. ¡, ,Space o~Vault S~or. t>4,04e1:..' : .. a ~nular Spaco or Va\ltt Sensor. Model: _ >'. .". . . . ",. , ',,'. ..,,~.nip/.1)'enÇh S~n$o~~~>,~ .: W:~el: ~ß~ 1D"P~ ) ng Sump/Trencb Scnsor(s). M~~.~: Øf.fl'ri:~-Zð:¡T. :;¡)Ii.., .: ..;f:~,k;,'$~~~~$Or(:¡)· .. J·'·'-:~·.~?deJ: :.. 0 FtnSUrtlpSe~sor('5), Modéf:~_' .;. ..~,~. ., :'~I:~ '. ';~\~al)lI:aJ Lme Leak Detector. Mod!:}: J C M,echllnlcal Lme LCllk Dc~c:ctor, . Model: , ~ .' : :: :~': ~ ·::~N~,¡i9,#1~'~i~o. ~ø ~t.~t~f· ,MOd!:,I: ~~ ~Iectcol'l ç Lin~ J.èAk Deltttor. MOde!: ¡:~~ I'.',f(l,r-Øz..~~ . . ..~, ~. i ' IJ_r.:~Oy~r£íU I f{ ¡I\.Lev.el Scn~r.. Model: '" ." CJ Tenk OVerfill I HIgh·LcveJ Sensor, Model: \. f ,,: 1 :''''';:~~; '. . "êf $' 'cÇ " , 'u1' øtni r- 'ån( model in Section E' on Pa e 2 , Other tsne. cifv .....u!Rn~en~ t a model in Section Bon Pa c 2 . .;.' " '''~' .l:4r.~ ,~~ ~ :.-:, . J .,. I': tr\" ~,~'. -. . .-. .'", .. . T k m · '" J!: ~ .f.f;·':1··... .,' "', ~Q. : : : .:: ~::" ,'~,!~~~J.';~u8ing Probe.. M04cl: [J JI' .·ra,.,Jê(fa~g¡ñ8 Probe, Model: ._ '. :'1.,: ;1' ~.... .,: t.:íl~,¡"I¡u',~pác.<! 9f Vault Scn~pr. Mòðc:t: 0 AI\nu ar Splice or Vault SenSOr, Model: . _ : . ¡:; ~~ )·:8..f;~~~1!8 ~\I~P I TreJ1ch SensOt(5). Mödê1: 0 Pipil\ß Sump / Trench Sensor(!;), Model: ':- ;:~ ~ ';~¡,f;:~M~lnp S.cnsor(~). Moð,el: _ 0 Fill Sump Scnsor(£), Model: : r ;¡¡¡~ ':!~l;¡(~~,~!~I,t.,inc Lóak Dcteçtor. Model: a M~cr,anical·Linu Leak Delector, ModeJ: " I~; ·.,~:.~{{fVp'n,lI: Li~.c Lc3k Detector. Model: a Electronic l.int: Leak Detector. ModeJ: 11; ~':Q¡ . ·.9,~f.n.tll.a: ~~-LfV~J S,ensor, MOde,I:. _ Q Talllk Ovor~1J I tf¡~h.Lcvcl Sc;nsor, Mode} I . .... : ,>!*- ,.,~ ..' ~~,. "c UI .. e an~ rru~d¢1 m S¢(;tI01\ P; on Pe 02 . _~ Other S CCI ! IU C und model ,n Seetlors 2 on Pa 02 . !; :i..¿¡ .N X.:m.::·:,·,(- Z. '¡'. OISIIl~n$CI'1D' _......y- r' . !~: };;; 1:\~er çontlianmcnt Se¡1spr(s): Model: _ [) Q.iwcnscr Containment ScnJ¡or(s), ModeJ: ¡.: .r!.} 'j, Yalv¢(s); 9"'S'hcar Valltc(s). . . ;+~~fim1.. ;~ ,cnser C~~tah\l~cnt ~JO~ s and Cha¡~ ~ . ._ CJ is nscl' Conl~ir ~::E0t\t~sl !!!1d Ch~iQN· " ....', ¡ :::i';;¡II~ ß? .. ..~~r.,.~n: '.' DlslJ~nSer 10: .~.:z.-,. ___- :;.:":~ï ~;i .:fib; I§P~~ Conlwl\mont Sensor( I)~ Modçl: _"'- 0 j)i$cnst:r <';ontIiInI1\0111 Sensor(~). ModQI:_ 10,,'</' i';fì ;;~';t~.t~:Yal,:,*). er-S~Cat Valve(s). , . . ."O.J!1t. cnscr COR a men! P1o~ s and Chain s . , ,.., a DIS I:IJSC Containment FIQat~s) ~d Chall~(s~. . : :J)1~p.~!i~~f'I'O: .. ., - . ,'".:. _ t>!$penscr rD: ..._ ..,.¿; .::L 2 ' , ;q':t~~~p~lIj;cr Conta}nmcnt $~nsOr(s)¡ . M04el: _ 0 Qj.$pClIscr Contaimncnt šC'ñsor(s). MQdel: __ ._....;,. · ,!.:i :~~r. VaJve(s).' . tiYShœ V lvC(s). 'Id! .:~e¡epCO$c:r Contai'r.1lT\cnc f'loat~s) ~d Ch3Ín(i). . __ 0 I>i$ enscr Cuntllinmc:nt Ploa.t s ..nd Chaln.<¥2· _ ') "<i~t~~I.~~~Ci.lit)'·conta nå more' tanks Or·öi:¡pci'iw,. C:6p)' t~Ï$ form. Include infcrrl'lotion for every t',lnk and dl8pctl\~r at \h~ facility, (; ¡<rr~~:f~~tiqcation . I ccrtJCy t.I~~t the cqlllpl~er¡t lðwíGed In tbl. document W~t5 In$pectcd/$~n'léec1 In ac<ord~n~ w.l~~· the ¡. . f ~'UI~t~~rácturcrs' &uldcl!nes.. A.U?'~t.d. to this C~çadoQ I, b1rormatlon (e.g. m:UJu(¡u:turol"$' chedt [sl:$) nec:esliary to verifY tbat thIs '. !;~. \(?nnatlOD I. correct .IDd a :I'M, PI~ ~howlDU Ithe IAYOQt ot mònltorJJlB cqUIP~ent. ~r ßIl)' ~1Ilpmeut c.apabJe 'of ¡óneratJ.og such j' t.tþorts, I bt,vo also attŠl.cb14 )fèJ~r the~ë:m all t'lat tlJ}þly): a Sy,· $et-~ -º. A1~;Y report . . 'rT'J~~i.çiaD Name (p,in~): -U " ~ Signnture: _ , ~~ j:.....£¿,..~.¿ _ . , ~11t1i'.átion No.; --d146.:::C!r:-Lì~ __ License. Nt).: " . _._~&Z- . __ -. _ .'tf~~n8Compant N,~e:"'-~SK, _ ... _~... .,... \>none No.:(47J1i-LJj'!{,[(ø;77;,.': St~j; f\.d.cJrO$$: _ ø6.W-C~.;2'J#zæ:¡¡;¿4~ Lf:. Dote otTesUns/Servidl\¡: ~/~¡~ ." . .I:;~."; ~!tr~~'·~~!,nç.~:r~~elX1 Certißçatlon :i .;. . , Page I of ;, a3lQ t :¡ I ¡, i70CT- 4-04 MaN ~4:41 FROM B.S.S.R. XNC. P.ø-r :~;¡>~gHs. of Testing/Servicing . S1>!~~'r' ~O¡'íon 111$..11.<1: I L9.....fcJ r...-_e____.__...,· · ~(~ ',' I \\.10 :the (QUowin checklM: ! :. ~ ~. :':[to 'No' Is the audible alarm o»"érado~ "'....-.-'"~'_.",....,,'..- "'''' ,....~=.,~.=-r._.""""...:~~'="== .'- . .1' : J\ 'jI ¡ 0: . NQ'! Is the visual alarm 0 eratiQnal? =--====~-~:- .,: ::, :¡., .1~; n:r No' Were aU senSors V'\$Utl.qy inspected, functionaUy reslcd, and confirmed ~l'erat¡òl1a ? " :. .; 'v ~('. ..!~;: 0: NQ" Were all senSOrS ù~stållcd at lowcst point of secondary containmenl ..nd positioned so tlûtõthë;' equipment will' ~. ~:"i.'~.;..~ ___ nOl interfere with thcir ro cr 0 eration? ' ¡ ji-:t1:v.þf. ;.¡ :.Q NQ'" If atiUms are relaycd to a remote monftol'Îng suìi1ö;~·~ír~~;;:;~jCati.oDs cquipm~nt (a,8, modern) ::." :' ".' .' ::~.. Nt A operational? ; )f~~f¥~\; :"q: .·NO* Por ~rc~wized piping systems, does the tt.u'bine ãùfo"ßïotica1Jy·šiiüi" dowXl ¡ftheprpLl18 secondary containmcut , .iI :' I:': . ,.:.; Ö' . Nt A mODltOX'lng system detects a lcak, fails to operate, or is elecnically discolmected? 1f yes: which sClIsors i.nitiate , " ." ¡.I '. positive shut-down? (Check al[ that apply) ß1 Sump/Trench Sensors; 0 Dispem.cr Contam.méJ1t Sensors. Did ou <:onfinn ositivc sbut·down due to feãks '). senr; r fai1urddi.scon.ne:ctiQn? Yes' 0 No. ::rw.t~: 1;> :¡·O: .No.' For tank Systems that UtiUZð the rrtonitOtù1g System as tbe primary tank ove 111 wamÎf'lOO devic; (i.e, no : ;\~:,: r: ~·1:;,I!P.· NI A m¢oh'anical ovcrfiU prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning IIlarm visible and 'a~dible at the tank . '.' (111 oint s and 0 elating ~ro:etrl'(? If so, at what p~Jcent of tank capaci~ does tbe alarm trigger? % Was any lUonitoJing equipment replaced? I(yes, identify speçific $eDSon, probes, Qf othcr equipmel1t replaoed and list tht: manuf'acturer n&n\e and model COt aU b.cernont arts in Section E below. Wd liquid found inside any $c¢ondlU)' containment systems d.esigned as dry systCI'I'1S? (Check all that lJpply) C Product' Q Wswr. .If os desoribe causes in Stction E below, ," p. ;Xç,f'.ï:ro' .No· Was monitorîn' s ~tcm set-u review to ensure 1'0 er settin 7 Attác:hšët u re orU "((8 Ucable , :: ~ .,,;;J1J1P ::? No~: Is ·"ll.monitor~ : e:ui ment 0 rational er manufac~£.eC\tì9atio~!_"""coo''''''''''''_L.'--"",ør~.. ~:~i~~:¥f~~'9;q:1Ç b ow, describe how and wben these dtl.1dcncies werc or will be corrected, · . ;~¡h(;t{~~n~cnts: · .. I . . . ~.".. .~. ...--- ,.' . .---.... -.- - .--.-. . ........r···~~..···- _..._....n'..__~__··" .. .0. ....................._ ~....~-....~ ...... '.0............·- .-...................... - _._.............._._. __.._........, 0._".,_,," . -~,...¡...':"'-....--- ..' .-~.-..__...--_...._--_.. ...-"~" '" '--f ....__.... ".~¥.', "._..__.. '4' .~......._...,' ---..--.--.... " ~.---t~-;~~.. . --.-.--.. . .-.. ... ... ....-... .......--- . ,. .........-... -.... .,..---~..__._-- .~.;--~ ._- .. ." .-.... .1...... _,__,_....... ..··10·___......_-·..-· . ......... "" I...... ...-.....- ............. ....- ..-... ,.~ ...-... . .,..--....... --..-... ~..- .._~.........,,~- __--_-M...····- '.' ........ ..-..---...-.-.----- . ........-I-:.-+-w- ., ........"".. .. . .... .,....._- .'.. --...-.-.....--.............-.-.-.-..- .-.,.......;.......-..- -....--.....- .. .... . ..........--.----...-. ..~~,.,...- .. .~-_.... ... ,.......-.....-.... ._~...---~.......,"""- .. .--. .......,. .............-..-- ~_.;!... .~. ..-""+0" _.._.._..~4""" .__'_". .-. ......_----~--_......__.---- ............'""...!....-- ,'.. ~,.... .... .... ..... .......-----... . ....-.-- ---.---- .~..:.......-:' Page 2 of 3 03/01 i, . ?OCT- 4-04 MaN 14:42 FROM B.S.S.R. INC. P.08 li\.. ~~7-~ßi* C,.~giog I SIR Equip'ment: .... C Check !his box if Lank gauging is used only for inventory control. [J ChèCk this box if nO tank gauging or SIR. equipment is in.stalled. This ~~~~ijpn.must be comp'Jeted ifin-~k ga,uging equipment í~ used to perJonn leak detection monitoring. ~~~£J~;~ th~ folJowln cl1el ~klist: . ~- ....::... J:" ___,1OC;:'n~-" .">=" .._~._'~_.~.~~_.~:. ...,.............=.. '. '. ~;~~:.;t.: .~o·: Has a1 mput wirln ~een ins¡rc<:ted to~prope~ entry and tennination, including testing fol' ground faults? .. , ¡. :P. NQ"· Wr:re al1 ~nk sauging probes vj.suaJ1y insp¢cted tQf damage and residue buildup? · ". ,'.:" "'<.,..'~¡ ~~:':~o'" Was açcu@cy Qfs)'stero pavduct 1c:v~l teading$ tested? '" J¡¡(;X~f:F.i '. ., :N.o.... Wu aoc~~c:y of sysr;crt1- w",tc~ level readings tested? 0_'__'_0_". --..-- _.....~" ..--......-.... .,,""~..,...~ -~~~ . . þ(~.ò~-;;i~ ."P. ,No·. Were all p'robeå rcin~taJled.p'opér1y? . .oAo."It~IW'" -1 -.....---........... ~ -.. - :'. .. ,:Jl~/ ~ .' . ;NO·: Were aU itè~ on tb.e. eq11ipn\Ont manufactu.rçr'¡¡¡ maintenance oheoklist completed? .', '(~;Ç~~~:foL'l ßp. H~ belowt describe how and wb;;th;;d:&iß~'~;r;õr:wñïb~~=~""""""=-' - p Check. this box if LLDs arc not install~1. .. C-i),~~mJ~U tJ\~ Collowin checklist: ~';1!.4"'~" ,.. ... ---M:~ ;:ar::~~,r.....Nr.!'!"_~~..::~~.:a::::&C-_..~'........·_..·'Jr.-~~ 1: . . , ;,·f~(/,p' ,No·; For equi~¥n( stut.-ü.P·:·?r~~al equipment cerliIication, was 8 leak simulated to verity u..P p/:rtonnance? · .;\~:. ..: :..'[~ ·;.~':'N/A. (Check all.that apply) Slmu1atcd It;ak rate:"3 g.p,b,; a 0.1 g.p,b: [J 0.2 g.p.h. ,.{,... J'-'" .~- -'. ---- ......- ~ '.. .,' ':'!' :;Q< ~o~ . Were all µ..D.s conf'~ oþera~ona1 and accurare within l'egulatory requirements? .. , :!;~L:~O.I I. WU the testing appa~atus properly calibrated? .' .:. ~'~'riJ', :No~ . , Por mt91wUcal LLDs. does the LLD restrict produot :flow if it detcct;·~ leak? .:. . . :;':" ·N/A · . ,. .:Jff{;:;~·:.~t~ Por electronic UDsl dOC$ the turbinc automatioally shut off if the UJ) detcct$ ~ teak? '. .~"ÿ¡;>.:.:.. . No. Por electronic LLD$I docs the tuIt.ine autQmatically .sh~tõffif~ÿ·pörtion ofthé mooitorin¡ system is disabled .,.... ·!···ø N/A ordiscoxm.ectcd?· ~'Bï~~T:~. No. For electronic LLDsl doC$ the tw:bino automatically" ~hut off 'jf any portion of. the monitoring system . ;:ç¡} N/A mnIfunc:tio~ or fails a test? . ~~:;~:~:i 11 Nt· For eleç1rOµic LLPa, have all accessible wiring connectiõ~.~C: :.~~~fiÿ inspected? ',. .~:ïi~.~~". N.~. Were "1 ítems,.on.thc...cq~~ipmcnt manufacturer'. ~jntel~.,~~~~:~~~_......___~ . iii' ¡~tnJï(~~~~9n Ht.below, de~1be M~~~ w~en these de.fidencles were or will be corrected. q.. .~1~,~,~t!a1{ Detectors (LLD): . . , ';¡ . .~w ,(:~.i~~;~~:nts: ~,:,..i,~"·.l<'rl~·r,,··1 . ~..._~....~"..4I -_I -_......~."'_._...~._......"."',.. ...-....-.- ", --. ....._~,.__._.- .. .. . -..... ~. ", '. ;;";~ . , ......... ......,........ ...............-..- ._...._..._.,~ . -. ... .......- .... ......-.--. -"._~___"",....... --.-..--:...........- ---~":~ . .~1J1~·:~ __..,.. .,'_ w..... _. ...._.....__._... -- ~ . . -~_.....,.,... -.. -.. ......--- ... .. .... ..... ..__...~.-........__.. - .....-........-........ ................ ....- ~.~'O'_.........~~ . -..........-... ..-.-..---.-...-- .¡r-... . ~ 11 " .::.. -....---..............".r ."'" Æ. --.---...- .... . . .' . ..; ':;". :;~" .._.__.'.'M"- . '. .. . . t· .~; : " --.. . -..... . .-... ." .'. .....-...........- Page 3 of 3 03101 ''Í' 1· . ., . ./OCT- 4-04 MaN 14:43 FROM B.S.S.R. ~.¡)¡~i~I.~.r,ing System CertUieatlon · :~¡~i~:~.<1Tc~$; 3).00 'f. . UST Monitoring Site Plan , , s:r.g:ç;E.:L. . --. .._-~-_.......... . f""'fN" ::..: ~ f; ·W'· .-" E. .. .;: : : : ~ I',' . . , . . . . . . , .:~: '. .: :0' . : P'~ N~: : :s: . . , . , .; 1" ~ P. . ' ;:~:"~ . . .. :s~~so~ . . . . : ~ .. . . , , . . . . . . · :.,~ : ''':!. '1:1'1:: . . . . . ..' 8 . . ~t. \0. ; j' . ~: : . . '3.&¡ .,: I . . . . . . I '\0' . . . . . . , I . . . . . . . . I . , . · , , . . I . · "1' . . , "!' ~:s 'U . ., \."" . . , . . , · . . .. ..' · , · " . · . . . '1 ... , "ð. '. , . . . . , . fo . . . . . , .' ·e··· ...0..... ." .. ~f\q~..,. . , :. '0:, :: di'~": .. "'" . .. . :,~~to· . . . ~~: ~: .: ~~:\'1): '" . . I , · . . . . . . . I . . . . . . · . . , , , . · I . . . . . . , ' .' . '~~. :8···''':: .. . I ., ..' .. . f . . . . . ð·~'t.O··, . .. ~'(~. : :: ..' ~~"I.() · f . . , · ~\,.\. o~ : · . . . . I . Date Q)Ji}) was drnwn: ..:1,../.l9../ ~ INC. : 5 rOQ:E: . P.09 -~ . : ~> ,',\ ~. , , : .. : )' ,,'1. 'Úf)1~ . ~Cþr(\ , ~6¡;; ~' . , , ~: ¡;. ~' , Instructions · . :#::t~>'~~.:~l~C;I3dy have a diagram that shows all required information. you may Include it, rath~r than this page. with )'our : .: :~1;~\i¢.ri~~ S)'ste.m çe:n~cati?n!. On .y~W' site plan. s~o~ the general layout of tanks and pipin~. .Clearly identify ,:~~'b' of the fol1O"'II1~e<¡",~,,:,.nt. If _ned: momtonng systern ~ontrol panels; ,,",'o~ rnomtonngtank ,OIOIU\" · ,..;~.~~¡#.% sumpSt d~spenset p(l.ns. sp.l11 containers, or otber $ðOOndaty conta1J\ment areas; mechanioal or electronic hne leak · .!d~~~~òrsi and in.tank liquid level probes (if used for leak detection). In the space provided. no~ the date this Site Plan :wå.~ ~,.epared.· . . ' Page _or~_ 05100