HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN ..." ., Dec. 6. 2004 1:53PM lVl'West Star Environmenta1, Inc. \..;~Kl1.rl\.J1\lNo. 6599 P. 3 For Uae By Åll Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cite& Chapter 67, Health and Safety Code: Chapler 16. Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulal;l)1!.t This form mnsr be used to document testing and servicing ofmonitorillg eq~i.pmenl A s_rate certification or reDOrt must be u.....-red for eacb moni~ng system control panel by the tec1miçian who performs the worlt. A copy of this fonn mGSt be provided to tbe tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy oftbis form to the local ageucy regulating UST systems within30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: QUlK SHOP MINI MART Site Address: 349 UNION A VB. BAKERSFIELD. CA 93307 Facility CœdzK:t Penon: BILLY MakeIModel of Monitoring System: EBW AUTO STICK JR. B. Inventory of EquiplØeøt Tested/Certified Cbeek tbe approprbde MUll to IDdlate IpecUle eqalpmellt IDJ iak ID- UNLEADED TapID- MID In. Tan aU31ng Pro c. Model: [¡fJn- Tank Gauging Probe. ~~l:. +l./ Amiular. Space or Vault Sensor. Model. I:ÝftMular Space or Vault Sensor. IY.......__ Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). MQC;)eI; I7PipiDg Sump / Trem:b Seuor(s). Model: [] Fill Sump 8ensor(s). Model: C Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: ~echllniCll1 Line Leak DetectQr. Model: [] Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: ectfonic Line Leak Deœçtor. Model: 00 [J Jñectronic Line Leak Dctcc:t.or. Model: Tank Overfill/ Higb-Le\'el Sensor. Model: F/I!/IP(J/ [J'Tank Overfill I Hish-Level Sensor. Model: ~~...... [j Other . ui o.t and model in Sec;tj0J} E on 2 e Otbef . . em III1d model in Sedion E on fSkID' Ta.k 1D: T8DIë{¡augiDgl'iOhe. ModcJ: EBi;'; [J In-Tauk GaugiDg Probe. Model: . Space or Vault Sensor. Modø~ / D Annular Space or Vault SCnsor. Model: Piping Sump I Trench SeDsor(s). Modet; I 0 Piping Sump I Tnmeh Sensor(s). Moœl; [J Pill Sump Seusor(s). Model: [] Fill S\II11P Sensor(s). Model: o Mecbanical Line Leak Detector. Model: D Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: [J,E1ectronic LiDc Leak Detector. Model: [] ElcctroDic LiDe Leak Detector. Model: ø Tank Overtlll/High-Level Sensor. Model: ~A4'./ e Tank Ovccrflll/ High-Levcl Sensor. Model: [] Other . . ment and model in Section E on Fa 2. e Other i . em t and model in SeCtÏórJ E on D~euer 1»: 1&2 E ID- ~ lZfj>ìspenscr ContAinment Sensor(s). Model: .£dt./ ¡spenser ntamment Seosor(s). Model: l/ 17 Shear Valve(s). Shear Valve(s). . []' ser Containment FJ s and Chain s . D Dis ser Containment PI II BDd Chain s . Dlspeaier 10. Dispeasel' ID- e Dispœ\SeT ContainmC!llt Sensor(s). Model: Dispcoser CoDtainmCDt Seo.sor(s). Model: o Shear Valve(s). Sbear VaJve(s). Di Containment FI II and Chain II . [] Di ser Contaimnent FI ispeo.... IJ).. bpeDaer ß). . Dispenser Containment Seosor(s). Model: Dispenser Containment SCftSOr(s). MOdel: Shear Valvc(s). Sbear Valve(s). nser Containmont Float $ and Cham 8 Di enser Containment FI 51 BJld Chain(s . . Iftbe fadlhy coDtBfDs more tanks or dispensers. copy IhIs form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the'fàcillty. C. Certification - I certify that tbe equipmeat identificcJ in this documeotwu baspë'ètëdJñiviieït iD .Uõrdäãëi -';'ith'tbi m~inõiietõñiS" guideliDes. Attached to thill CettifièatioD i$ informatioll (e.I. manafaetllren' cbeckliJtI) sary to verify tllat tllillaformatioD II correct Ind a Plot Plan sbowbag the layout of mODltorillg equipmea" For ..7 equipme Ie of lcoeratilll such reports, I have also attached a eop, oUhe report; (cbøllltl""'''',)l C System set-up L] is ry report Tcclmician Name (print): JASON ESQUEDA Sianature: -- Certification No.: 39S9 License. No.: 142 Testing Company Name: WEST STAR ENVIRONMENTAL Phone No.: ( SS9 ) ?17...Q~~8 Site Address: 4688 W. JBNN F.RBSNO,CA 93722 Date of Testing/Servicing: .JlJ2!LJ. 04 Bldg. No.: City: Zip: CoJJálct Phone No.; ( 661 ) 322-8551 Date ofTestinglServiçiDg: .JlJ 30 I 04_ 2 2. MODÎtoring System Certification Page 1 of 4 03/01 .... - , ;, Dec. 6. 2004u 1:54PMt;lðcWest Star Environmental, Inc. Software Version lnstaJled: No. 6599 P. 4 , if icable B. Comments: 7Lrk/4/1(JJ h/llfrßÆeD .4// /Ãfxl..l ... - .. .. - .. .._.__..__._-_._~~_.__._._.. .. ... ....-----------.-------------- PIJe 2 of 4 03101 !S Dec. 6. 2004 1 :55PM West Star Env i ronmental, Inc. No. 6599 p, 5 P: 11l-1'ønk Uauging / SIR hqUlpment: C1 Check this box if tank gauging IS USed. on]y tor mventory control. o Check this box if no tank gauging 01' SIR. equipment is instaUed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. faults? G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): o Chec:k this box ifLLDs are not installed. Com Jete the fol1owin checklist o Yes 0 0 For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify ILD per:fmmance? o N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: [] 3 g.p.h.; 0 O. 1 g.p.h. [] 0.2 g.p.h. etects a leak? s, does the turbine automatically shut off ü the LID detects a leak? any portIon 0 e mOnItormg system IS e turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions H. Commeats: --... -- -- .. .. . .. - - - - ". - ,. -. . - ... - .. . Page 3 of 4 03101 .. ., Dec. 6. 2004 1:55PM West Star Environmental, Inc. No. 6599 P. 6 Monitoring System CertificatioD liST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 349 UNION A VB. BAKERSFIELD, CA 93307 ------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - . .. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . .. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ . ~ ~ . - - ~ - ----- - - - .. - - .. - . - - - - - - - - - - - - .. . - III _ .. _ _ 1:-- ~ - - - - - - - - - - .. - - - - - .. ----- .. - - ... - - - - ... - .. - .. - .. ... ... - - ... - ~-- '* - - ... - - - - - - - - - .. .. .. - ------ - ,. . - ~ - - - - ----- r____ ... ... - - .. - - - - . . : : t : 1ft~ : . .. . .. D~Ç! - '".t'Þk:Þ~:r P..fi,W -~. _0- -00·- ~ - ------ ... ... - .. . .. 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Instruetio. lfyou already have I diagram that sbows all required information, you may inelude it, rather d= this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your site plan, show the generallayoat or tanks and pipiog. Clearly identify locatioá$ of the foDowing equipmeBt, ü installed: monitoring system control paDela; HDBon ...oaitoring tank aRDular spaees, sumps, dispenser paIlS, splu containers, or other seeoudary contammeøt anaSi mecbanieal or electroDic Jirae leak detectors; and in-tank liquid level probes (ifused for leak detection). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Page 4 of4 IWOO