HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN (3) -. ·12-07-04 01:34am From-TAIT ENVIROMENTAL 714-580-8237 T-828 P.02 F-508 -:r .- '-..,./ ',,- : í)SJOOR OR_MAL This fo=. must be used tD do o . 0 . \em CD :¡yø\6m ownerfopCRtor. 'The 0 ~a ofte.t elate. A. Guøal Wonnation ¡ÿãë!~_Name: ARCO PROP NlTORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION .Pm- U.s.".AU JurlIJd1~øn~ ~~)1 the state qfCalíÞrJldd Hea'tI'I ~ ~fdy Coda; C__ 1 ~ Di"i~ion 3, nile 23, Calt/b1nÜ.. Code oJ Iœtfµltúiom 1 testing and servicinG ofmoni1oring equipmenl A ,eparate ~tûßc~or~porl rh'IHt 1!lIIlIf~lIIrIIId 8' by the \lcbDicim who pedoœs the wast:. A copy of this fODQ must b~ provided to the tank oplntœ must. .Ubsd .. copy of 1bi8 foam to the local aglnGY flguWing UST ~ wübin 30 1 Semel: Station N o. : 10583 J ! CJ!Y-: ! BAKBRSPIBLD J _~~_lg3304 ~ FãCš1i1ŸContact Penon: --.--........... Conta~Phone No.: ----, DIIte ofTol~OJVÌçe: ¡ I O~'Z·b ..ë.~ -J c. OMI . 12-01-04 01 : 94am From-TAIT ENVIROMENTAL 114-560-8291 T-628 P.09/12 F-506 ?- ~ . .. MO r~RING SYSTEM CERTIFLATION ' '001 ftII'm~b\(\" For UStl By All Jurisdictions Wilhln me Stilt. ølCalifornia , Aut¡;rltY CiUld: ç;hllpter 6.7 Health œad Safety Cod", Chapter 16. Division ), Title 23, Cali/omit¡ Code ofRegulatio1l8 This fonu tm1i1 be used to for . rin CDn system owner/operator. The 'days of~~te. . "<~i . ~~_. . A. 'GbuerBl Information Facility Na:œc: ARCO PR.ODU testing and seJVicing ofmonitorina equïpmem. .t..ßr;paTate certification or re:pon must be meDared anel by the technician who pedorms the work. . A copy of tbía fODD nmat be provided to the tank operator must submit a copy of this fOJD1 to tho local agency rogu1ating UST systems within 30 Service Station No.: eoç. 2 "3 Site Address: ,,"Z W A,Je! City: @a ~ S¡:;~'Þ Zíp: Facility Comaçt penon: Contaet Phouc No.: -" 'Ï) ~'70 ~ ~1:.' Date of Testïøa;'Service: (u -z f) ......,. PICe 1 at], 03181 Mo1litorinl Sy.tem Certificado 12-07-04 01:35am From-TAIT ENVIROMENTAL 714-560-8237 T-628 P.04l12 F-506 ... .. r_ .... \.......... ~OOR ORIGIL\1~~ '.........' .' MImitøriDc S7S*'- Ca1IIicatiø. :.~·Ã~#~~!~ ~S83: 3220MiÑÕà . BAKHRSfïËufëÃ933õ4---·-···_~---¡-~iÏe ofTost.iDW'S~ Tf;-:Z-Ö-,p 'f D. Results or'IestinWS g UJ.I!f!\!~-.ÿ~er..!..ioD. WkØed: _ 7'''-- ....._-- . .0' .-........-.--...-......... I iE.CÐ~_: __ ___... _.._-____--.--.-....-.-..-..~---.---.---...-~...H..... _........._..~_I Pap 2 .n I3Øl 12-07-04 01:35am From-TAIT ENVIROMENTAL 714-580-8237 T-828 P,05/12 F-508 - 9' . 1. --'" ~~ Addre l8; losã3-; 3220 MING J VB, -ŒãsFrEÜ>, CA 93304 ~·---rr~ofTe~~~. ílfl-i$=¿;Y-¡ '--' '- F. In-Td Gau¡ing I SIR ~quiprnent: :l:Check this box iftUl1c Saugiñg'is U$ed only for invento¡y conitol. a Cheek this box if no tank gauging or SIR. ec:¡uip~em.is ù:md-=4. This section must be complete ifin-tank g~ equipment is used to peñonn leak detection monitoring. o.-IIJde t" toDowbu! checkBs i'i YeG !l No· Ha. eJ1inp1å wiring been ins¡'Iee\6dforpt'Oper .nt.ty an4 ~n. incNdiftgtostiAgfar grouccU'aultf? ~ Ye. No'" Were 611 tan: gauging plobeø ~NG11yšn.specte4foa' dea'ge anciresidue buildup? Ve. No'" Was a.ccW'al y of syRm product level ptutings tellted? Yet No'" Was aCC\1&'ac y of IJ'Item water 1eve1 reedångs tested? I- Ye. No· Were a11 pro os reinrnD.ed FOPet!.y? Ve. No· Were a11 itel .I on the cC1\1Ìpmem monufacturez's 1Mii1t..nmce chock1is\ comp1etoci? .. b. tile Secdo. B, helow I œscr. be 'k1lW u.d vJœa tbe$1I ddiclen.:w wen or wiD.1Ie C01'ftC:W¡4. G. Li:IUIÌ Leak Detectors (t LD): i Cblcktbia boxifUDs ere nob'Ult.lII1ed. Ce1IlDlete the foDDwÌlU!! c)w¡ek1:id: If.1!r.Ves INO. Fot .q . stut.-up Of annual equipment. certü\c~ wu a teek sUnu1ated to vesi1Y IJ.D peú'omumco? . NIA (Check dll t 1atappl ) Simu1~d1eeknte: if!¡ g.p.hh 0.1 g.p.h.2; 11\0.2 g.p.h.2 Notes: 1. R.equiredfol.¡¡uåp2neœstart-up c6ltifica.tioftE umualcertüieation. . 2. ¡¡mess snonckted by 10 Gel agecey. e.ltÏfieaÜ= requir.d œa1y fw o1oçl&'clDß UD stm-up. : Ye. No· Wen ClUW II contUmed operational and. accurate witbin regu1alcny nquårelMDtc? , ",.,Yes No· Wa ! the tes :iq, appldLUa proJledy caJibmed? Yell No· Porlll.e~ eel UDs. does the UD rofÞi&t pro~ ftow itit. dmcts a leak'? N/A .. y.. No'" For electron c UD., doel the t.tñine autome.tic611y shut offiftb.cUD4otect8 a1eGk? N/A ayo. No'" Por o1ecwor¡ 'c UP., do..1ht ~ wtoma1íceJ1y shut off it vry portion of the mœmaring syst.emis disab1ed N/A 01 di.cOÐf\o :teeS? ¡ayOI 'No'" P or ete c:t.r011 ic UDa, dou th. n.biA. &Utomûioû1y s~ut œr if lAY portion oflhe ~ .yøt.em m.a1fI.w:ti.oZl.I ~ NlA or fai1& a wa ? s\'Y08 No· Por eleçtro:c ic UDa. have all e.cceøøible wirinG ccmnect.ions betA viNI11ym.pect.ecS? .. N/A ~.. No· Were an ite u on the .quipmentmmufaclqrer's meint.nance choc:kti$' cosnp1ct.ed'? "Ja'" See&. H, bel.w, IIMoI .. kow IIUI.d whim 'dies" de&i8øellt. wen OI'wDl be COI'J'eÅI". , , -.--.... 'M_____ - ---l ,~_C~ts: ¡ ~ ! I , ..MOUBlQ.~~!1 ! . -- --- .. , : I ! ; , ! h«. 3 013 O3AIl 12-07-04 01:36am From-TAIT ENVIROMENTAL 714-560-8237 T-628 P.06/12 F-506 ?" .. .. ,r ; Site A~ð£~!~: ;0583:3220 M1NG A E.l.~ ..JjRšFíEm; CA9í:Jó4 ': Mom'rine Syc.... Cenltinßq ; t~,!,_estinglSerYi.~ 1 i~ -2~ -, .,i--~ UST Monitoring Site Plan . . . . . . I . . . . , , '~..?:' ';---'p ~ . . . . ~ ~. :¥:~ , : ~~~'Q.: ~.~-:D: . .. . O· : : : : . . , , P' " . . , . . . . . tJ· ;, . .. _"," :~: :q'~.: :Ó~:: :~i.-.~~: ~: . "..,~, .. , , , . . " ...,.... '0 . . .. 'P- Co""" '@ÀJCr" .~o... .~... .~. .,.. <I- . ...... .~. ·,;0 '. .... '.0 "'ð' ~,,' . 'C¡""tD~ . . . . , . ,. . ~_'~'"s. . . . . . . , . . . . . . 8"'1St . . 87....· . . '8,</' . . . a" .. , : : : : : . : : : ;u : :Q: :t.'\ : : n : : ñ ~~ ...... ~~ .... ".~.~.~.. ,. ... Iê:-';'~;'¡":.: ;' . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . S1"ø~ Dœe mop wu d:rawA: 1(; 1"Z6 I tI 'I . If you already have a die Monitoring System Cerl:ific locations of the foUawing e spaces, sumps, di.:;penser p detector:;; and in-taWs: liquid 1 was prepared. å~ODS that shows an requ1red infonnation. yoU may include it. rather than this page, with your On youc sitt plan. SMw the gcncallayout of tames and piping. Clearly identify 'pmCDt, if instaJ1ed: monitoring fòystem control pane1s~ sensors monitoring tank armular spiD. containers. (If other secondary cOßJ:aÚlmeQt area:;~ øechanical or e1ectrazlic =8 leak 1 probes (if used for ·leak c1etection). In the space provided. note the date this Site Plan I Pace -Lor--L 05.ClO PÜOR ORI@D~tJ¡ . "". ~. '.. .-,-.-;--. " 12-07-04 01 :36am From-TAIT ENVIRO~NTAL 714-560-8237 -----' ~... ~" AlCtJ Products Camp ny Elect oDic Leak Detector Test Data Sheet StatlOD #1 Address: Date: 10/28/2004 . ,'~~I OR\G'Mê11., " ~ -...---,' Test Information Product Manufacturer Model Lint Bleed Back (¡pI) Check Valve Holding PreaIU e (psI) Test Leak Rate (ml/min) (gp ) PASS or FAIL Comments: T-628 P.07/12 F-506 '-'" 4 5 This letter certifies that e annual leak detector tests were performed at the above referenced facility acco ding to the equipment manufacturers procedures and limitations and the res ts as üsted are to my knowledge true and COITect. The mechanica1leak detect test pass/fail is detennined using a low flow threshold trip rate of 3 gph at 10 PSI. Inspected By: Contract l: Tait Envirori.mental Systems --c?,,\\o,~p..ÔÆ7'.J'~ Lic# Si