HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK ----~' tr -------¡ 10/14/2004 15:53 l11ii1A& ~ l=¡es.oU~tE ENCIN,EEAING COMPANY : 'I' ... ".~. : .. 4' ...... .r,: t;:.=" .:_~~ 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 02 .- f\rG..J UST fé?L{)C~ 7t:ü Cftc<;Tt:JLAV ..~ .,;". ~...~.~.~"'), ,; ~ , - "·!i',"'U'''lIt,·t(fI/ (111:1 .. ;.. December 23, - . Pile; C6SS :: Ms. Ann Córnell As·.istaht. Vice President Security Pacific National Bånk 333 Sout.h Hope' S~re.t, 811-50 Los Angeles, California gOO?'1 Dear Ann: Re: ~reliainary Hazardous Waste and Petroleum Hydrocarbon Site Assessment of the Bakersfield Property. ERT, Inc., A Resource Engineer1ng COIDPany, is pleased to aUbm1 t i t.s prel iminary 'aasessmen~ of t.he above-referenced propert.y · This evaluation was performed pursuant t.o YOur written authodzaUon of Ø""8l11ber 2·.,· 1987. We understand that you are the seller in this financial transaction. The fOllowing paragrapbs s~rize our initial findings, prov ide' recommendat.ions regarding the need for future investigative activities, and discuss study limitation. Sit.A Loea~ion and DêSC~iDtio~ The sUbject site is i~proved land situated at the corner of 7th· Street. and Chester Avenue in the City of Bakersfield. The property contains one va.cant bUilding previously ueJed as a car stereo shop. No ,.anUf'acturi~9 or significant W8Ate- generating activities cU~rently take place on the SUbject property. SummarY of Findinas Tbe ðe~il8 of the scope of our investigative efforts, inclUding major findings,· are presented b!>low. A complete list Of references utilized· in the preparation Of this. report is attacbed. . . . - , .. ...,".'.¡:;.'..,_..~"..:..~.., ...~-~ :.~P£'~~'""ë :,:....¡..:... ~...:.. .......;'.,.ö",. 10/14/2004 15:53 ./:'.'..,....' I' ~. '"' . . / / ,I 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 03 "8. Ann Cornell Security Pacific Deo.ùer 23, "'19.7 2' hseð upon our historical rèsearch; review of 90v.rnaen~al waste incident data bases and filea,'and interviews conducted w1t:'b selec1:ect IncUviduals and public Officials, no direct evidence vas found to indicate ~hat there 1. or has been a significant contamination problem on or affecting ~he subject .ite. However, during 'the course of our invest.igation, we !dentified .~veral sources of potential concern. The subject property waspreviou.sly owned by Richfield oil Company and u~ecl as . a. 8erv~ce.t.at1on. Located at 1:.he e1:.e.1:.10n were t.br.~ underground storage ~anks containing gasoline and waste motor oil. The station was reportedly abandoned in approximately 1969. At this time ~e property was purchased by Hr. "erlin Frasch and leased t.o .n upholstery shop. '. When Mr. 'Frasch Bold the property in 1972, he bad the under~ound storage ~ank& filled in-place with a concrete slurry. The local Fire Departmen~ was rèpor~edto be on site during the filling of the tanks. . , If leakaqe froln the ta.nks had oO'c:::urred while in operation, t. ere is a 'low rob 'lit t. 0 tam 10 st11 ~xists· beneath the ~ite. ,This opin on is base~0!1 similar -"Perieneer¡, and InfOX1Rat'~on concerning the' eXJ.stJ.ng local soil and qroundwater conditions" which would tend to prolnate volatilization and· natural biodegradation of any leaked fuels OVer the fifteen years since abanãonment. ' Specif$.c:ally, the site is. unde~l.in by porous sands, silts and ,·gravels deposited by the ancestral Kern River. Depth ~o groundwater 1s estimated to b. 170-180 feet, accOrding to the X.X'n County Wa~er Agency.· . These factors present opti1DWI conditions ~or the breakdown of petrOleum hydrocarbons. In view of the above considerations, we are ~f the oninion that the sUb'eet site resents a relativel low leve of risk n t.~~~'_~i,_ ~'l..-p~~~n~J~l.~~:rese!~e ~f . a s em f1:caE ........ contam1nation pro~lem resul~1ng from ~azarao.ua materIal. or . r--1~ ----¡ "q:.,ç.~1'" I ¿"Ü(J I.. r ! " '...L...J 15 53 3102631701 ··lr/2""~% ~r:~t" 1/ :./ METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 04 December 23. 1987 3 "pe~rol.WI bYdrocarbons .s defined under applicable faderal and state enYironmental laws. This opinion 1s, based upon Our proies.lonal judgement of the facts and other pertinent information collected as þart of this investigation. Rec~endat.iQt!s 'If further investigation is required" ERT recommends the CQllection of so11 samples beneath and/or around the tanks. The samples should be anAlyzed tor constituents stored in the tanks to verify the presence or absence of contamination associated with possible past tank failure. Stu~v Limitations This report; inCluding ,the eXhibits attached thereto, describes the results of EaT's initial ,investigation to 1de~tiry the potential presence 'Of. significant contamination problem involving or affecting the subject property. Tbe çonclusions and recommendations stated herein represent the application of a "ariety of engineering and t:echnical disciplines to material facts and conditions ,associat.ed with the subject property. Kðny Of these facts. and conditions are Subject to change OVêr ti~e, accordingly, . the conclusions anes' recODlmendations must· be viewed within this context. We note that. the investiqative activities took place between December 1 and 15, 1987. ERT has performed this preliminary assessment in a professional mannQr using that degree of. skill an~ care exercised tor· siinilar proje~ts under similar conditions by rep~table and Qompeteptenvironmental consultants. ERT sh~ll not be responsible for conditions or consequences arising from relevant ~act8 that ""ere concealed, withheld or not fUlly disclosed at the time the evaluation was performed. -........ - - ....... -. . . ~^~ -. ...----- . ... 10/14/2004 15:53 .. ,~/ II... Ann Cornell '. .þ' .ec:urity Pacific /" PAGE 05 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL Deceaber 2J, 1987 4 '~lly we not. that thi_ ~liaihary ........nt wa. P~.pa~.d for the benerit or Sec~~ity Paciric. Th. info~tion cont.ined in this analysi_, including .Xhibit. th.~.to; ..y not be UBed by any oth.~ party without the .~re.s Writt.n Con8.n~ ot ERT, Inc. If YOU ha_ any qu·.U...... ~.ga~dill9 .ou~ ~.port o~ its findings, pIa... f.el free to call .. at (714) 47G-0321. , . . JS/ep .C655NIL At:tachment: Sincerely, £RT, INC. . _! . ( )~'.'J'-- ~/~~, _ Jo{ynn Sheldon ' . Project Manager ,. .' , ' ~~~ ; r I of . , 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 ~"':::I"'/ . - :'. '.... :. /" - ' ., . ~1 BEFEaRN~I~' METWEST COMMERCIAL Bakersfield Fire Depa~..nt, Personal coamunica~ion&, December 4; 1987. (80S) 326-3951 FRAsCH, Me~lin Personal communication, December 15, 1987. 355 Garney Road' .1" Bakersfield, CA J1\ (80S) 39~-05J4 t1\ ,,, '}. HAYMOND, c. Dex~er Personal communication, December 14, 1987. 4100 H. Camino de Carsilo Tuscon, AZ . (602) 299-4734 Xern County Department of Health Services Richard Casagrande Personal communication, DeCember 4, 1987~ 1700 Flower Street 8aker.tield, CA (805) 861-3636 ~ern County Water Aqency Xen Turner, Geologist ,Personal COMmuni oat ion, December 22, 1987 (805) 393-:6200 PAGE . 06 ~A \.::, '. ,. \" ~. , . . ~J".j." , M··~ .~'./'\ ' p_~./...,IO P . '":l;!;:' _.,to.. ~ y I r ~~. ~ \\O~ . ,;)Þ-\ i 3~ ... ~~:---ï 1 c:;"""1 = ~ ~ ¿~ j'~ 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 ~' , ':; ~. ¡. . groundwater resources inc. ." METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 07 seCURITY PACIFIC BANK 700 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA 1.0 INTRODUCTION Thi~ repðrt by aroundw~ter R~source~, Inc. (GRI) ~upplements a previous Site Assessment Reþort' for 700 Chester Avenue in Bakersfield, dated May 30, 1989. The additional site a$seSGmen~ work is described and the results of laboratory ~nalyses are presented for soil samples collected on September 26, 1989. During this investigation, no potential contamination derived from the storage and use of gasoline was identified in any of the samples retrievQd at the site. 2.0 PROCEDURES Three borings have been made in addition to the six previously reported. Two are six feet deep in the dispenser island are~ and the third is a 30-foot deep angle-boring into the area between the bu; lding 'and the north end of . ~he tanks. Plate 2 (revised 10-27-89) ,is a plot pl~n il,lust~ating ~ll boring locations. The borings were drilled using six-inch diameter hollow-stem auger eqUipment. Dr; 11 ing was performed by Melton Or; 11 ing of ~~kersfield under the supervision of a GR¡ geologist. Cores were taken with a Cßlifornia Split Spoon Sampler. Soil from each 'Core was screned with an HNu photionizatión meter, checked for signs odor and discoloration and logged following the Unifi~d Soils ClasSification System. The boring logs are provided in Plate 3. The und;sturbod cores were cont~ined in s1x-inc~ long. two and one- half inch diameter brass tubes and sealed using teflon tape and . pastic end c~ps. They were chilled and transported under a chain of custody to a state certified laboraotry for analysis. Augers and downhole deQui, pment including coring devices, were cleaned between successive borings to avoid cross-contamination. The son samples were analyzed by B.C. LaboratOries of Bakersfield, Cal ifornÜ,. Copies of' the results of the sample analyses are. listed' in· Appendix A. All of the samples were analyzed for' benzene, toluene, ethYl benzene, and xylene using' EPA MethOd 8020 and totaJ petroleum hydrocarbons using methods outlined in the DOHa LUFT Manual. . 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 08 I , -/\ I groundwater resources Inc. I~ I I I I SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 700 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD. CA 3.0 DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS Soil s~mples were collected from two feet and six feet below thQ dispenser island identified by a crack in the asphalt which outlines the shape of a dispenser island between two concrete-sl~b driveways. Electric conduits and wiring were enco~ntered at both dispenser locatl0nG, below which the soil samples were Collected, described as fOllows; , ON-2 Sand, tan. fine-medium grained, loose, dry, no odor or sta; n (probab 1 y cand used in the const.ruct i onl í nata 11 at ion of the dispenser ísland). DN-6 Silt, brown, cl ayey, damp. no odor or stain (undisturbed so; H . D8-2 Silt, brown, clayey, moist, no odor or stain (undisturbed soil). DS-6 Silt. as above {undisturbed soil). Laboratory analyses reported "none detected" for gasoline canst; tuents. ' The boring, B-7, located near the southwest corner of the bUilding was angled 20 degrees from vertical to pass eastward along the' north end of the tanks. At a measured depth of 30 feet the boring had a lateral departure of 10 feet and a t~ue depth of 28 feet. Plate 3 is a Log of Boring B-7. No gasoline constituents were reported by the laboratory; the l4b resul~s are attached to this report. 4.0 CONCLU$ION AND RECOMMENDATION The results of this investigation support tho8e of the previous report in .that nothing was found to tndic~te cont~ination from the abandoned tank$ or dispensørs. No further assessment 1 s 1ndi cated. 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 09 '~ , groundwater resources Inc. ." SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 700 CHESTER AVENue, BAKERSFIELD, CA 5.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared fer the exclusive use e~ Security Pacific National Bank as it relates to the facility described. rne discussion and conclusion presented in this report as are based on: The test borings performed at this site. The observations of field personnel. The results of laboratory tests performed by B.C. Laboratories. Bakersfield, Cali~ornia. Our Under~tanding of the regulations of Kern County and the California Regional Wa~er Quality Control Board. Possible variations in the soil or groundwater conditions which may exist. beyond the points explored in this investigation might effect the validity of this report unless those variations or conditions come to our attention and are reviewed and assimilated into the conc.ll.lsions andrecomrnendations of this report. Also, changes in the hYdrogeologic conditions.~ound could occur .with time due to vari at ions; n ra; nfa 11. temperature; regi ona1 water '~~age, or other factors, any of which could effect thia report~ The serv1 ces performed by GRI have been conducted in a manner 'consistent'with the levels of care and skill ordinarily exercised by prOfessionals currently practicing under similar conditions in CaliforniC1. Thts report does not guarantee that no contamination ; S present on or beneath the prop.arty. No other warranty. expressed or implied, is made. Respectfully submitted, GROUNDWATER RESOURCES, INC~ ~J-~~. Rex J. Young State Registered Geolo918~ -720 Date: 11-1- If"9 I; " ~ ... 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 BWIIIONIIENTAL CHfIllCAJ. ANALrstS P£77WUUII METWEST COMMERCIAL / .~,JA~::!":..'J' LABORATORIES. INC. ~ J. J. EGLIN. REO. CHEM. ~NGA. ~ /' . 4100 PIERCE RD., BA.KERSF'ELD, CAUFORNIA 93308 Purgeable Aromatics (f39IL) Groundwater Re.sourcë Industries 540p Aldrin Ct.. . Bakersfield, CA 93313" Attention: Lab No.: .,. Sample Deso: DATE SAMPLE <X>LLECl'EI) : 26-Sep-89 Consti tuent Benzene Toluene ~l Benzene p-Xylene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleuro IJJrdrocarbons Date of Report: 03-<:Qt-89 7601-1 #97027 North Part of I5land DN-2'9/26/89 0 14:20 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED ct LAB: 27-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS LY.t1PLETEJ); 29-Sep-89. RePOrting Onita MinilWro RePorting Level AnalYSis Results ug,tg usJg ug/ß ug/g ugJg ugjg none detected· none detecrted none detected nOne detacted none de1:.ècted none detecrted 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST l1E'I'ßOD: TPH for gasoline b» D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. methcxl. Individual oonstituents by EPA method 8020. Dry Matter Ba.si~ Cœmant.s : ~lifoJ:ni.a' D.O.H.S. Cart. #102 By ¿Jf {é~'. ~.. tn, ~:tJqjL,. AnalYat. . PAGE 10 ;' PHONE 327-4911 " 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL ¡ . , ÐW~ ~L ANAL" /lE11lOUUII 4 ') LABORATORIES» INC. J. J. EGLIN, FIEo. CHEM. ENGR, 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALJFOFlllflA 93308 PHONe 327-4911 BTX/TPH GASOLINE Q.Jali 1:¥ Chntrol Data G~ater Resource Industries 5400 Aldrin Ct. Bakersfield. CA 93313 Attention: SPike rD: 7601-8 Analysis Date: 29-Sep-89 SJ!wp16 Matrix; Soil Units: ug/g Quù.i"Qr Control for Lab Nos: 7601-1. 7601-2, 7601-3. 7601-4, 7601-5. 7601;6, 7601-7, 7601-8 One SNDple in twenty is selected as a. representative roa:trixwhich is spiked. The percentage recovery (% Rae) of the spike is a relative me.àsure of the aocuracy of the analy,,:.ìis. The comparison of the spika wi t.h a. duplicate· spike 15 a fœa!¡ure of the relative precision of the analysis. Cone. Cone. l\.w in Spike ~ to Spike Spike Spike CQust1 tu.en't Sample Spike % Rae % Reo RPD ------------------------------------~------------------------------- Benzene 0.00 5.01 96.65 96.43 0.23 Toluene 0.00 5.03 105,86 105.27 0.56 Ethyl Benzene 0.00 5.09 97.42 96.15 1.31 p-Xylene 0.00 5.02 100.70 99·08 1.62 m-Xyler1e 0.00 5.11 103.75 102.31 1.40 o-Xyler.¡e 0.00 5,03 103.07 104.01 0.91 , TPH fJas 0.00 301.06 99.43 94.16 5.44 QC Corrlœnts: Spiked SatQple Concentration - Sæqple Concentrat.ion % Recover,y :------------------------~------------_____________ X 100 (Concentration of Spike) RPD CRelati vePè%'C8nt. Diffe.i-ence) ; Spikec:l ~le Cone. .;. Spiked n,¡plicate Sample Cone., ----------------------------------------------------- X 100 (AYer;o8ge Cone. of Spikes) PAGE 11 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I , I 10/14/2004 15:53 METWEST COMMERCIAL 3102631701 ~ ClfEMQL ANALt'SIJ PëtRØUUII LABORATORIES. INC. , , ... EOUN. RaG. CttliM. EiNaR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIE"D, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Aromatics (SOIL) Groundwater Resource Industries 5400 Aldrin Ct. Baker~fi61dJ CA 93313 Attent.:1on : Date of Report.: 03-00t-89 Lab No.:' Sarøple DaBC~ 7601-2 #97027 North Part· of Island ON-a 9/26/89 @ 14:30 DATESAHPLE DATK'SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS OOLLECTED: RECEIVED @ LAB: cctIPLE'l'KD : 26-Sep-89 27-Sep-89 29-Sç-89 Mi.nirrJ.un Reporting Analysi5 Reporting . Const.i tuent Uni ts Results Level Benzene ug,Ig none detected 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Etbyl Benzene ug/g none de't6cted 0.02 p-Xylene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-Xylene .' ug¡g none detected 0.02 o-Xy lElne ug/g none detect.ed ·0.02 Total Petroleum HYdrocarbons ug/g none deteQted 5.00 TES1' METHOD: TPH far gasoline by D. O~ H. s. L. U. F. T. ræthcd. ~vldua1 oonstj;tuentQ by EPA Joeth:rl 6020. Dry Matter Basis '~Its: Califomia D.O.H.S. Cen. #102 . .~ By jf¿~.:n ~ ~- in ~'~ ( Analy~t. PAGE 12 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 13 , , I I fNVÑløNIIÐnAI. CHEIIICAI. ANALYSIS LABORATORIES. INC. ... J. EGLIN. Rt;Ø, (;ttEM. ENQR, 4100 PIERCE RD.. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PfTROUtJII PurgeableAroroatic:s (SOIL) Groundwater Resc:>I..n'Ce Industries 5400 Aldrin Ct_ &1œrsfield, CA 93313 Attention: Data of Rep:>rt: 03-CK:t,-89 Lab No. : " Sample Deso: 7601-3 #97027 South Part of Island 00-2 9/26/89 @ 15: 00 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATR ANALYSIS ()')[.LEC'l'ED ; RECEIVED @ LAB: CCtiPLE'l'1ID: 26-Sep-89 27-Sep-89 29-Sep-89 Minim.un RePOrting Analysis Reporting Corusti tuent Units Result5 Level Benzene US/g none deteCted 0.02 Toluene ug/g none detected 0.02 Etb¥1 Benzene u¡¡/g none detected 0.02 p-Xylene QIl/g none deteCted 0.02 ni-XTlene ug/g none detected 0.02 0- Xvlene uslg none detected 0.02 Total Petroleum Hydrocar~ns ug/g none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH for gasolù1e by D.O. H. S. L. tJ. F. T. rœthod. IndividuaJ. constituents by KPA Jœthod 8020. Dry Matter Basia Conroen:t4 : ' 'Ca!ifonû.a D.O.H.S. Cert. #102 By If /~.~~/ .J: ~. Q4.t~ Analyst I I I I I r I I' I 10/14/20e4 15:53 ElWiRDNMfltrAL 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 14 CHtl/iCAL MiALms LABORATORIES. INC. .I, ... EGliN. REG. CHaM. ENQA. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4911 PfTROLø F\1rgeable Aromatics (SOIL) G~até.t' Resource Industries 5400 Aldrin Ct. BakerlS£ield. CA 93313 Attention: O· Lab No. : Sample Desc: DATE SAMPLE COLLECTED: 26-Sep-89 Constituent Benzene Toluene . . ~l Benzene , p-XYlene m-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum ftvdrooarbons Date of Report.: 03-OCt-89 7601-4 ~97027 South Part of Island 00-8 9/2S/89 ~ 16: 10 DATE SAMPLE RBCElVED @ LAB: 27-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS o:t1PLETED: 29-Sep-89 &potting Un.i t.s Qg/g ug,Ig ug,Ig ug/g ugjfl ugjg Min1num Reporting Level AnalYliis Resul 1:5 none detected none: detected none detectEd none detected n¢l.le det.ected. none detécted 0.02 0.02 0-02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ugjg none detected 5.00 TEST METHOD: TPH foX' gasoline by D.O. H. 6. L. U. F 0 T. rœthod. . Individual corust1b.wnts by EPA ,roethod 8020. Diy Matter Basis CorŒœnts : California D.O.H.S. C:trt.. stl02 ~ V "~¿.~/ :/J J. in ~ 1> ..ß.ø. í\nal,y~t 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 15 INVI/I()NJ £JtJJL CH£tIIèAL ANAL'" LABORATORIES. INC. oJ. oJ, r;oU.... Rl!Q, CHEll. EHG". 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93308 PHONE.327-4911 I'ETROLEUII Purgeable Anxoatics (SOIL) Groundwater ReSCl\.trCe Industries 5400 Aldrin at. Bakersfield, CA 93313 Attention: Date of Rep:irt: 03~t-89 Lab No.: ,Sample Deso: '7601-5 , #97027 North of Tanks 5-7-10 9126/89 @ 15=40 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPIJi DATE ANALYSIS OOLLECTED: RECEIVED Ii, LAB: a:t-fPLETED : 26-Sep-89 27-Sep-89 29"':Sep-89 Mirl1rtLUn Reporting Analysis Reporting Constituent Uni ta Results Level !3enzene ' ug/g none detected. 0.02 Toluene ugJg none detected 0.02 EtJ'orl Benzene ugjg ncme detected 0.02 p-Xylene u8/s none detected 0.02 m-Xylene ug/g none detElcted 0.02 o-X¥lene ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Petxoleuro :Hy~bons ug/g none detected 5.00 . . TEST MlttHOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.S. L.U.F.T. matbod. Individual oonsti'tuents by EPA trJ91lJOd 8020. Dry Mat.ter Basis Carments.: , California'D,O.H.S. cert. #102 By .-£: /ì/ifl . /. ,,. , ~ .' .., , . . J , r 10/14/2004 15:53 ENViRONIIENtAL CHBtK:AL ANALt'IIS 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 16 Mp"-~6"'''~_,,_~~ PlrROLEull LABORATORIES.' INC. J. J. EGt.IN. FtEG. CHE;M. ENOR. 4100 PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELO. CALlFORN'A 93308 PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable komatios (SOIL) Groundwater Resource Industries 5400 Aldrin ct. ~.sfield. CA 93313 Attention: Lab No.: ~le De6C: DAN SAMPLe COLLECTED: 26-Sep-89 Calsti tuent Benzene Toluene Etb;yl ~ P-XYlene ro-X3rlene o-Xylene Total Petroleum ~ Date of· RePOrt: 03-üct-89 7601-6 #97027 North of Tanks ~7-15 9/26/89 @ 16:00 DATE SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 27~Sðp-89 DATE ANALYSIS CXt1PLETEO: 29-Sep-89 B&porting Uni 1:8 .ug,Ig ug/g tWg ug,Ig usls U8/g MiniD'lml Reportins Level Analysis . Results none detected none detected none detected none detected none detected 110né detected 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ug¡g none deteated 5.00. TEST MSTHOD: TPH for gaeol1ne by D.O. H. S. L. U. F . T. method. Indi vic:lu.ù CXK1.$ti tuants by EPA roet.hoc:1 8020. Dly Matta- Basia Conments: CalifOrnia D. 0, H. S. Cert. #102 8.v: :l .]. t~·~ JJ.d. "in 10/14/2004 15:53 3102631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 17 ÐiVIIIONMfJnAt LABORATORIES. INC. J.... EGLIN, ReG. CliEM. EHGR. 410U PIERCE RD., BAKERSFIELD, CALIPORNIA 93308 PHONE 327-4811 CHEIIICAL 4WYII$ f'ETROLEUII furBeable Aromatics (SOIL) Groundwater Reaouza, Industries 5400 Aldrin Ct. ~field, CA 93313 Attention: Da~ of Report: '03-üct-89 Lab No.; Sample Desc:· 7601-7 #97027 North of Tanks B-7~20 9/26/89 @ 16:10 DATE SAMPLE DATE SAMPLE DATE ANALYSIS 00l..t.ECTi'D: . RECEIVED @ LAB: CCt'1PLETIID : 26-Sep-89 27-Sep-89 29-Sep-69 Minilwm ~porting Analysis RepOrting <X>nstituEtnt Units Results Level Benzeœ ugjg none detected 0_02 Toluene ug/g :none detected 0.02 EtlQrl B6næne ug/g none detected· 0.02 p--Xy lene ug/g none detected 0.02 m-X,ylene ug,Ig none detaatOO. 0.02 , 0- X,y lane ug/g none detected 0.02 Total Pet.J:ooleum ~ns ug,Ig none detected 5.00 TEST MJn'HOD: TPH for gasoline by D.O.H.6. L.U.F.T. ,method.. Iridi vidual consti tuen"ts by EPA rœth.od 8020. Dry Matter Basis Garments : California D.C.H.S. Cert. #102 '..'-1: ~' . B.Y. . (.G/ .~ í"I:t . ..7J.. in 10/14/2004 15:53 ENWlDNllÐlTiU CIŒJlIeAL ANALt1I$ I'ErROUtIII 31eJ2631701 METWEST COMMERCIAL PAGE 113.- LABORATORIES. INC. .t.... ECUH. REG. CHEM, I!NG". . 4100 PIERCE RD., BAkERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 9330B PHONE 327-4911 Purgeable Arotnatics (SOIL) Groundwater Resource Industtles 5400 Aldrin Ct. Bakèrsfieldt CA 93313 . Attention: Lab No. : Sample D8sc: DATE SAMPLE 00LLEcTED: 26~Sep-89 Const.i'tuent ' Benzene Toluene Etb.vl Benzene p-xYlene ro-Xylene o-Xylene Total Petroleum nYdrocarbona Date of RF.:porl; 03-Oct-69 7601-8 #97027 North of TankS ~7-30 9/26/89 @ 16:30 DA'Œ SAMPLE RECEIVED @ LAB: 27-Sep-89 DATE ANALYSIS CCtiPLETED: 29-Sep-89 Reporting Uni ts ug/g ug/g ug/g UBlg Uß/g ug¡g Mi.nim.un Reporting Level Analysi~ Resul t.s none detected none ~ none detected none det.ectec1 none detected none de1:ected 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 O~,02 ug,Ig none c:letected 5.00 'I'HST MBTHoD: TFH for gasoline by D. O. H. S. L. U. If. T. rœthod. Individual constituents by KPJ\ met.hod 8020. Dry Matter Basi:!! Conments: Cali~o.mia D.O.n.S. Cert_ #102 B.Y ii ¿' ·j·.i·ø~. ~~ :b~_ '..- - b; j'y. A :~..:~ _ ?~' ,&A.-C-. - - ",/ ...I ";-ÇC V.LÞ3'U-.r -- CHAIN oF CUSTOOY RECORD 5CS'O.Distñct Blvd.. u. t08 Be_stiefel. CeHornta 83313 (80S) 835-7700 - Bakerlfle1d 1213) 724-3147 -Lot Angeles <i 1-1 Ü 0:: ~ ~ Ü I- 00 W :3 I- W :::E SM. TO: 13, C. L.Að-5 ~AMP\.E i 1_" ¡"Vlßl ! g S çøv.....( CCHO"£JN _..__u~' . - ... . _." -. - ~ .. ... ". ...... - sM1fURS: (Signature) PROJECT NUt-1SER ~ R£HARKS ~ 4 Î1VÅ.. 9 70d 1 ..ON ¥ !;t!! (lAB ··s ETC.) ~ f(£Œf'f slHU t II SWPLE LOCATION ê,~¡ I ~.. tud-( - ~ ÞA'tt Tt1E .. ea f!7~ðl- II.t18ER I ~ .. n"v~"'J I~-'L-~~ l.tnø lJ ~¡l:1'"¡I/ ¡'¡~,..; 01 ~~JI:) ßr~ i rr;~ (G"}~) :1 -, IDJ~Go "..... .... 1'r''!,O ,. . . " ., , . I D5>-:1 9-.Jt.-A't ¡SDO j ~_"'H PAI.'f" ~, ,jLA"" ., .. ~ D~-<' I ~.I" 8'1 I s,o / ,. " .. . .. . 13- 7-/0 ~£'~ IS: Yo 1./ 1fI{}~fH of fÅ~l(!J .. .. . , ¡j' 7-'S "'~'1'1 /#:00 1./ ,. " II /' " D'1'~ c )-:Jt..Jr /(,: IP j .. .. .. , .. . &,,7- $0 1-.J(/7 It:Jo I . .. ~ . "", .......tat4 'V ~S9Wtur't) oat.('w. Reetivtd toll :(Slinatu....l R.1fn<t'risMd .... : CSi9natur.) o..t. ff"". Reu'vtd ... :(stgn¡ture) - I - -- ....tJM. tIIJ : (stpat",*) Dat', Rtc.tiv.4 b~ :(Si¡N""") Re-1inq>.aishtcS ~I :(S~iturt) :~Irkø ~Ivtd by: (s.,ture) ._.._~-- I . -- .----------- .. Ite~ by :(Signatare) Dat.nW. Rtc.i~..d (or L~bor'~OI'-' ~ ~ D.tt lTirM Remarks cc: I/';.~; ~). > ,; (Signat"",.) . -;6(/;, p,.;r DEB ~ I[ I(,,..,. ('n1 U~, _ [II lreÞO: '7h~ ~ ìokk. \J t _-0 ,'I .-I CS) r- .-I (Y) ID N CS) .-I (Y) (Y) 10 10 .-I .;r CS) CS) N " - .;r .-I " CS) .-I