HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK08!0812007 09:00 661-836-3177 REDWINETESTINGSERVIC PAGE 02109 MONI'T'ORING SXSTEM CERTT~'ICATIU~V ,F'or Use By All Jurisdictions Withirs the State of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code: Chapter l6, Division 3, Titte 23, California Code of Regulations This form must he used to docnroent testing and servicing of monitoring equtpment. A senara[e certlt9caiun ur tepuit mast he prcnarc for cacti monitorirtg_systemrontrol panel by t11e technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system, owner/operator. 71te ownerloperator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating U5T systems witlatn 30 days of test date. ~i,. Generallnfolrlllation Facility Name: Whitewa#er Carwash >3za8- No•:~ Site Address: 5201 Stockdlale Hwy. __ City: Bakersfield, CA _ dip: 93309 Facility Contact Person: Julio Contact 1'ltonc No.: (B61) ~3-1706 NlakelM.ode1 of Monitoring System: Gi113Sirco EMC SAV 80347865805003 Date b~ TeSting/5ervicittg: 1/3/1007 B. Inventory o~ Tquipment 'I'ested/Certi~iled Tank ID: T-1 91 Tank ID: T-2 89 ^ ln-'!'ark Cranging Probe. Model: WA ^ Tn-Tank Gauging Prohe_ Model: WA ®Annular Space Or Vault Sensor. Model: 420 18 Annuitu Sparc or Vault Saneox, Model: 62Q ® Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: 2118 ®Piiping Samp /Trench Sensors}. Model: 208 (] kill Somp Sensor(s). Model: ^ !'ill 51tmp Sensor(s). Model: ® Mechanical Line Leak 17ctcctor- Madcl: V/R ®Mechanical line Leak 1etector, Model: vtrt ^ Electronic Line Leak IJctcctvr. Model: ^ Electronic I,inc Leak Detector. Model: ^ Tnnk Ovcrf•,n /nigh-Level Scneo*. Model: 17 Tank Overfill / llrRh-Level 5eosor, Model: ^ Other (specify equipment type and model in Sccti.on F., ern Page 2). ^ Other (specify equipment type and model in SectioH F, tm Page 2). Tank ID: T-3 87 Tank TD: _ ^ Tn-Tank Clauging .E'rvbc. Modct: WA ^ In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: Annular Sparc or Vault Sensor. Model: 420 ^ Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Modc1: ® Piping Samp /Trench Scnsor(a}, Model: 2118 _ ^ Piping Sump / Trench Sensors). Model: _ ^ Fdi Sump Sensor(s). Model: ^ Fill Sump Sensors). Model: _ __ ®Meehanical Line Leak Detector, Model: V!R ©Mcchvtical Line Leak Detector. Medal: ^ Electronic Line Leak petector, Model: ^ T3loatrtmu; Lira: Leal 17e~ccWr. Model: ^ 'ikr,k Overfill /High-I.,cvc1 Sensor. Mode].: ^ Tank Overfill /High-Level Sensor. Model: ^ Other (npecify equipment type•and model in Section E on Page 2). ^ Other (specify cgaipmeat type anti model in Section F nn Page 2), Dispenser ID: 1 & 2 Dispenser ID: 3 ~ 4 _ ® Aispcnser Containment Scnsnrs). Model; V/R 330212-001 ®Dispenscr Containment Sevsors}. Model: V/R 330212-001 ^ Sbcar Valve(s}. ^ snear valve(s). ^ Dispenser Containment. Tloat(s) and Chain(s). ^ Dispcn5er Containment Float(s) and Chain(r+). Disperser ID: bispe<reser ID: ^ llispcnscr Containment Seu.Qar(s)- Model: ~] Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: l Slacar Valve(s). ^ Sheet Valve(s). ^ 1ispenser Containment T7oat(s) and Chain(3)- ~ )] Dispenser Containment Float{s? and (:Ham(s), Aispenser ID: Dispenser ID: ^ t7ispcnacr Containment Scnsor(6). Model: ©I.hspeuser Containment Sensor(s). . Model: ^ Shear Valve(s). ^ Shear Valve(s). ^ T)icPrnacr Containment k7oat(s) end Chain(s), ^ Thspeases Containment Moat{s) and Chain(s). rjf the facility contaies more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. IneIude information for. every t3nlc and dispenser at the facility. C. Certifiication - I oere:tp that the egatipmnent iflarrtitierl in this doru~ment was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufactur'ers' gulidelines. Attached to this Certif3caNon is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify ibat this infor'matwn is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout o[ monitoring a uipmcnt. For auy eqm capable of generating such reports, )! have also attached a ~vpy of lJce report; (acck all tFtat apply): ~ SyRtent set-up AIarR» hictnry re A-rt~,y Technician Nance (print): Michael Moore Signature: `~ "/t't1Ae/ Certification No.: 5249074-UT V!R 0060.50506 lricease. No.; 532878 A HAZ _ Testing Company Name: Redwine Testing Services, Inc. Phone No.: (661 } 834-&993 Site Address= 5207 StOCktlale HWX., Bakersfield, CA 9331)8 bate of T'c,5ting/5ervicing: 1J3J2007 Page 1 of 3 08/08/2007 09:00 661-836-3177 Mmaiitoxting System Cet'tiific~tion D. Resu.~ts of Testing/Servicuttg REDWINETESTINGSERVIC Software Version .T.nstalled: Gilbareo I~MC # 803x7665805003 PAGE 03109 Com Isle the followi n checklist: ^ Xes ^ Now tie the audible. alarm ~peraticmal? Jl( ®Yes ^ No" is the visual alarm operational? ® Yes ^ No* Were all sensors visually inspected, functionaIly tested, Arad confirmed operational? ® Yes ^ No* Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere tiVitta their proper operation? ^ Yes ^ No* Ii' alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communtearlons equipment (e.g., nn?dcm) ® NIA operational2 j ® Yes ^ No* For pressutiz~d piping systems, does the turbine automatically shat down it the piping sewndaty ~:ontainmcnt [] N/~1. monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconraect~ed? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut;-dawn? (C.heck nli rltnr apply} ®Sumpf ['reach Sensors; ®Dispenser Cont<lirnment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failtue/disconnection? ®Yes; ©N0. ~ Yes ^ No* For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e., no ^ NIA mechanical oWerlill prevtntion valve is installed), is the overfitll warning alatxn visible and. audible ar riie tank fdl. point(s) arld operating properly? If so, at what percerAt of tank capacity does the alaz~on trigger? 90~Yo ^ Yes* ®N O VVas aray monitoring equipment rcplat:esl? tC yes, identify spccit'ic acnsora, probes, or othrrr equipment replaced and list tlye m~ufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section 1?, below, ® Yeaw ^ No wax liquid fo~iz~d inQirle any secondary contai»ment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all shat apply} ^ Product; ~ Water. If yes, describe causes in Section ~, below. 6a Yes ^ No* Was monitoring system set-u reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach setup reports, if applicable ® Yes ^ No* Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? * In 6cctlion E t~clow, describe ho~v and when these det'iciettripa were nr will be CoRReCted. E. Curtuuuents: Category '~'-1 Tri State An Form S/N 0794390-420 5i892i - ---- Tri State Pipi~lg Sump 0794380-208 5Z13t355 T-2 Tri Stat® Annular 0794390-420 503391 Tri State Piping Sump 0794380-208 528804 T-2 Tri State Piping Sump 0794380-208 628873 Tri State Annular 0794390-420 503395 Operator and owner emplayeesjremovedwxter from 91 piping surnp_ Once removed technician relocated sensor. Page 2 of 3 08108!2007 09:00 661-836-3177 REDWINETESTINGSERVIC PAGE 04109 Monitoring System Certification ~. In-Tanl~ Gauging I S~~t Egnipme>Itt: ®Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. (,,;~ (";hCCk this twx if no tank gxugiug ux SITt cquipmtnt is installed. This section must be completed if i.za.-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Camplcte the following checklist: YesVYV Q No"' For equipmenE start-up or anmual egidpment certification, was a leak simulated to ve-5fy LLD perfdi'manee7 ^ N!A (Check aLl tltar~ aPPlY1 Simulated leak rate: ®3 g.p.h.; ^ 0.1 g.p.h ; p 0.2 g.p.h. ® Yes ^ No* Were all LLDsj conflriated operatiotAal and accurate within regulatory rcquiremente? ® Yes ^ No* Was the testin~ apparatus properly calibrated? ® Yes U Nom I'Or mechamlcai LLDs, does tlxe LLD ir~ti it;l pivduct flew ;fit dctccta a ].oak? C] NIA ^ Ycs p Nu'' For electronic t_X.Ds, dots the turbine automatically shut off iF the LI..D date~l:a a leak? ® NIA ^ Yes ^ No# For etechr+n;c jT.T.T)e, doe.5 the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system i.S disabled ® N!A or discopnecteti? ^ Yes ^ Nc* Fnr electronic ~ Ll7s, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions ~ N/A ~ fails a test? , ^ Yev D Nax ~'or electronic ~,Lbs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspectcd7 ~ N!A ~ ® Ycs ^ No* Were all items on the equipmeAt manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? " In the Section H, below, describ i bow ant! when these deficiencies were or will be Corweeted. H. Comments: ~ - - Page 3 trf 3 * xn the $ecdon H, below, dc~cribe how and when these deficiencies were or will ue eorrectetr. G-. Line I,e~.k ~ete+ctors (~,.Z.13): ^ Check this box if LLDs are not installed. 8/08/2007 09:00 661-836-3177 l~ionito~rtng Systea>A Gertificatioxa REDWINETESTINGSERt/IC IT~~' 1~~~~t~r~l~~ Sits Pia Site Address: tzar sT~ PAGE 05!09 ....._ .,~~_..~.. ~ti~~~. ............. --~- ...... .......1._ ...... ...... .. ............ ~,~ ~ ~ :~:::: :::::::::::::: ~ : ~ : o::.: ~ b:::~:~- ~::::::::: .~,~.. ...... .,...... ,...~..~6~_.~.a'~,..'...... Taate map was drawn: ~ 3 ~st~.ctians If you already have a diagr that shows all required iaiformation, yuu xz-ay ixxcl~de it, rather than rhig page, with your Monitoritlg System ~Ce~ificatian. On your site plan, show the genezal layout of tanks and piping. Clearly identify locations o~'the follo~rin~ equlpme~.t, if installed: morxitorizig sy~4em ccmtrol panels; sensors moiritoting tanl~ annular spaces, sumps, ~isperiser pans, spill containers, oz ether secondary containment areas; tnecl~ar3ical or electronic line teak detectors and Yu-teal. liquid level probes 4i£zx~ed for leak deteeti4n). An the space provided, note the date this Site Plan w,as prepared. +3 - 08/08/2007 09:00 661-836-3177 a~ni.ITtiICTCCTr~.ir_cco~ ern his farm is intended for use by C printouts from tests (if applicable j -. -___ _. .~- ~- ~ n\AL VDI V7 SWRCB, January 2006 Spx~~ Bucket besting Report Foam 7:tractnr5 perfDT'11Jinb' Annual. testing of UST spr'll containment structures. The cornvler~d, fnr~n and , should be provided to the facility owner/operator frJr .submittal ro the local reguI~xtory agency. 1. FACILITY jjlVr'UliMA,'T'ION k~acility Nsme; whiteal ater Carwash Date of Testing: 113/07 Facility Address: 5201 St oekdale Hwy., Bakersfield, GA 933b9 Facility Cantac~ Julio Phone: 661343-1705 Date Local Agency Was Notified b f Testui~ : 12/20/OG City of Balaersfxeld Fire Departrnent Name o:F a(,.ocal Agency Inspector r if present during testinS): Inspector Steve Underwood 2. TESTING C4NTItA.CTQR INFORMATION Company Name: Redwi ne Testing Services, Inc. Technician Conducting Test: Michael Moore Credentials': CSLB Contractor X ICC Service Teelt. SWRCB Tank Tester Other {S ecify) License NurnbeRs): 5I~i49074-UT V/R 0060505US '~L CPTf.i. RTTf''7tF.T Tfi'C'1''iNR TNFCI'RMATi(lN Test Method Used: Lake Test Hydrostatic 'Vacuuat Other Tact F,rlnipment Used: Measuri t'tg Tape Equipment Resolution: Mark Ydentify Spill Bucket (IJy Tank Nr~mhPr. Srnrad Product, etc. J I OPW 92 Fill 2 OPW S9 Fill 3 OPW 87 Fill 4 Bucket Installation Type: '~ DtXect Bury Contained in Sum X Duect Bury Contained in Sum X Duect Bury Contained in Surn Direct $uxy Contained in Su $ucket Diameter: 12" IZ" 12" Bucket Depth: l2" l2" 12" Wait time between applying vacuuratJwater and start of test: g Min 5 Min 5 Min Test Start Time (T~): 9:45 AM 9:45 AIVI 9:45 AM Initial Reading (Rt): 3-314" 3-Sl8" 4" Test End Time (T,:): 10:45 AM 10:45 AM 10:45 AM Final Reading {Rr•): 3-314" 3-5/$" 4" . Test nliratinn ('l'F- Tr1: 1 Iir 1 1!Jr ). Hr Change in Reading (Re - R~: No No No l'assll~ail Threshold or Criteria: Pass Past Pass Test Result: Ii Pass Fat1 ~ X Pass. ~ >!ail . : ~ .Pass. 'aid .. ~ Pass Fail ~.omme~rs - ClE>li'~iFICA' 1 hereBy eertrfy that. rill the Technician's Sigaariire: ~ State laws anal regulations do may be mote stringent. ~ OF TECIiNJ<CIAN RESPONSIBLE k'O.It CONDUC')<'X1~iG TIIIS'I'CSTING ~natian contained in this report is twee, accurate, and in full cotnplianre with legal requiremetts. `~ /~'~. Date: r -~7 currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. however, local requirements 08!0812007 09:00 661-836-3177 REDWINETESTING RVICES, INC. P.O. BOX 1557 BAKERSFIELO, CA 3302.1567 PH (661) 834.6993 Fax (661)836-3177 Email: redwinetest , prodigy.n®t REDWINETESTINGSERVIC Tank and Pipeline Compl'~ance Experts Testing • Irutallati4tl • Removal • Glasure Monitor and Cathodic Protection Testing WORK SHEET W/0#: Facility Name: FaCili#y Address: 5201 Product Line Type PAGE 07/09 License No. a-532878HAZ HG No. 415 RG No. 5761 ., Bakersfield, CA 93309 Suction, Gravity) Pressure PRODUCT LEAK DETECTOR TYPE TEST TRIP PASS ~ st=Rta # BELOW PSI OR 3 GPM F T-1 UD T` Veeder-Root Y'PE YES7 Yes 91 SERIA _ L # 116-056 NO 1 FAIL T-2 L!D T` ~lPE Veeder-Root C~ Yes &S~ $9 SER1~ 1L # 116-05fi NO 2 FAIL T-3 LJD T TYPE Veeder-Rant YE NO Yes 0 PASS FAIL 87 SERI AL # 14 6-045 LlD T YYPE YE=S PASS SERI AL # NO FAIL I certify the ~5lbove testy were conducted on ti~is date according to Red Jacket Pumps field tes# apparatus testing procedure an IimitatiQns The Mechanical Leak etector Test pass /fail is determined by using a low flow threshold trip rate of 3 g Ilon per hour or les at 10 PSI 1 acknowledge that all data collected is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Tech: Michael Mod,re 5249074-UT Signature: `~~ ~~n,~• Date: i -3-07 ~~ 08/08/2007 09:00 661-836-3177 REDWINETESTINGSERVIC PAGE 08/09 L 5 : »? SUI°lP ~T)/~ SUhIP FUi i, ALARM .TAN 3. •2'~7l'j7 1 0 = 37 AM - SEI+ISbk NLf+kM --- -- I.. 5:17 SUh1F STP SUf~1P FUEL WL~1RM Jril~i :i. 2GL17 10:37 d;h1 -- --- ~:,E hhaG'):' f;LARh9 - - - - L 5:87 SUMP STF' ~ LIMP FI_IF..1. RLi;Rr9 JAN 3. 20rJry 10:30 NF'I I,,IHITE IhIF,TEk C:AR I„IASH EIA};ERSF I ELU C'A JAN 3. 2+a07 10:40 Art S'~'STEJ`1 STHTU. P.EI`tsP.'T ALL FLIr1~: T I ti IJ;_: N+.i~Rr1AL --.. _ .. SErJSUR ALARr1 -- - L 6:8y SUMP STF' SUMP FUEL ALIiRM .JAN ~. aoo~ ]a:IS i'r] --- .. sEta~CSR r~LARr1 ----- L 4:'~I surlf+ STP SUhiP FUEi. ALARM JAN ~ . 2G~~7 i ~': 16 hrl ~~--- SErJS~,1; ALARM ----- L 1 : ~ ] ~ll'JNULHR FirJNULAR SF,+~~E FUEL FV..~+Rr1 JAN 3. 2007 12 = 3Ci F'r4 ---~_. SENSCsr? ar_ARr~i ----- L 3:89 At1NULr~R wiVrJULAP, .^aPAc::E FUEL ALARr'i .aHrv ~,, td07 [:. ~:~2 Frl SEN:~hR ALAA,r1 L 2:87 tiNNULAF. ANNULAR SPACE ~:T-rdSS1R CsUT AL,wF~M JAN 3.. :?007 12:5a i"•rl 6JHITE 4,)ATER {'AR WA~;H 5201 STC;~Ck:IaALE KW°=' Br•1k:1;)<SF I 1'aI,D CA ,TAN 3. 2007 l :10 PM S`,'STEr1 :~:TATUS RE1yoRT ALL >=uNC71ryNS NURMraL i WH I TH I.JHTER Gi ~R I.IANI i I 5201 S7'CSC1s:I,µC,g HbJ4' Br~J~;ERGF I ELD CA ~ .TAIa ;?.. LOCI? 1:10 PM I I ~ SYSTEM STATUS F,J3F'~yRT h_... ~ ALL FLIJUr_TI~N: NGRt°IAL •`-NL1Ef•J'TUk4' 12EFiJRT .',lT I VE 7AM1<S ;' ;,~: . ;~ ,. :~,; :; '.i. .. ;:,:, -.. FACILITY ~_ FACII~I'Y ADl ;;, . , :~ Ti~rbir~e Sumps '~~ ~i =;- ,. ... r:. . :.;. ;r;. . :.~;; . c``' ~,.. :;~:.; ~ b. ~, •, ~. ~~~~ SLCON~iA"~'~ SY6TENd ~ERTI~'tCATt©~i F~?RM ~1~~ .. -.~~•r~~~~j~ 5u~p I Suanp 2 8u~-p ~ i Sump 4 $lstrt'Time ,'~Dq ~ ~ ~ i 1sliti8i I~eigiit df Wader 7 ! .. 7 SS',,. . 'Pima v~ ; : /~ `~Vat~tr I~eigb~t ' ,,~ Water ~Ieigltt - ~ ,»~,. . ~ , .~ ~~or~e ~ ~~~4~~ ~t~i,Yi ~i~ ~~ ~ r „r~ r,. uy ~ ~'..` ~rlIII Buckets ~`~ • . ~ ~. ., ~~• ;:. .~ Uveicf~ll 1. , ~ ; . (~+vex!#td Z QYerfiil 3 ~ l ' i~+ertitl4 Mart Time ~; ~ /: ~ ~ I»it~al H+e~ght ~ i Time (l.to f I ~ ~~r ~Y78~' He~It ~ {` t 1 1~1( i Time ~ -.~s~ ::. -as , ~ . a~ WatRr Deight ~ ~~ . p ~f p i •~ - Il '~ ~+ ' Certi~icativ~n Lsigmetnre~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ .. - 117NU ~ l Pale 2 of __ l~?~G S ,. ~~ y. . i5;. ;" ,l. ". ,~. ,. ;~ ~: ". SI~C~~B1~~1! ~YS'i'E1V~ CIER'~[FICA'I'I4N FQR11I BATE !'~-`Zo'oF FACXI.~i'"~Y iD W4~,~.~ JJa-~'` Co~`'t.`~ o~~ FA.CII.ITY AIyDR ~,~ t~ t ~: -V-a r ac c~na~~....:~`~-?~...,~ iTDC `I'I`II~FG I~~PF~9 ~~~ " .UIS~'E1~SE3t 2 mISF'EN~R 3 IIL'~I~~ER 4 START TIME" s I~ETrIAL 1lL~Vl~i ~F v~AT~ ~.~~~~ ~, 1. y ,.~so ,~ ~ WATER WATER ~IG~r v ss--r1-~_~ t-%~1~;,~ ~~rT~~s~zvx (SYGNATUREj ~ .~' ~~ / h ., f:.. . D~I1~SIC~ ~ . DIgP'E~it b DISPENSER 9 _ D-1'~P~1+iSER START TIME IIVPTIAL YIEIGH'I' I}F WATER € TIME ~~iG~ ~-.~w+~~ 'WATER .~IEIGHT j ?c~cx~r~tc~Yacord e;.,.._• Page 3 of ._._ ~ \` i - ,vz ~~ R g ""Z `A 3 E S t'~_'3~ °. i"._~. t? <.a.~,°=v~ i ~~ ~ Li ~3 i3 ~F,i ~i,'.. _. o._. ~:_~ ~P,_<-~'~~ ~ ~ fem.' ~4 ~i' 1+ l^ ,T~'i.. j ~? ~ ~ 2j,~~, F~"3s _ - 1G_ ~J_- _ ~~_JJ -V_ E _ .., ~;n- - --r(`T ,i\~- i-~C,'i ~ J~-~..., ~ v~.I.''vV -.-~: .~Ci`. ..iii; .\:,_i\ _ _ ~ -~`n v=~.~ _~?` J=. _ :`lj4 _._ -. _ .. ~~l^ - i _... ., .fin _ 2i. LY .':a:a5_ 2 .. ~ ~_ ~ii?t?Li- ~ '~`'~ait f~tlF'~~f? ~F ~jtR i~:*4 ..:-~Ll~i! v ^=C~ ~C_.~'. .Fig:? ~'.O'v =. ~- ~ tv w ~ ~ .~ a - v v ~ v....r rt _Ay s OE- e....,... / ..~ _ ow- L ~a~ S" l '~ acs P~,~ ! ~~ ti-t~ at-4 ~ - ~°~ ..~.,~.~ ~ 1 - c~ ~ -b _ -- --- _--- J ~ .. ~ ~liV~ERGRJti~1D ST©RAGE TAiVDCS APPLlCAT'-®~V TO PERFORM ELD /LINE TESTING 1 SB989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING /TANK TIGHTNESS TEST AND TO PERFORM FRJEL MONITORING CERTIFICATION PERMIT NO. ~ ~ " ~ ~.Sd ".:, x>r ~ ~~ 9 ~ ~2 ~'S~~~t;F;T 900 Truxtun 1~ve., Ste. 210 ~: ; ': ` A'~~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 `~ TeL: (661) 326-3979 Fax: (661) 352-2171 Page 1 of 1 ^ ENHANCED LEAK DETECTION ^ LINE TESTING ~ SB-989 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT TESTING ^ TANK TIGHTNESS TEST ^ TO PERFORtv1 FUEL ~90NITORING CERTIFiCATiOPd S'TE INr 0R{v~>~TIOi! IFACILiT ~ - - - NA?JtE P4iONE l~3El4.M16ER flF CONi'ACT PERSflN - ~,~/'~-~., ~o, i 1 ~A ~~,, „~.~. ~ i ~„ Qi~, (~ (~ 1- 3 y 3 - i~ b to ADDRESS , ~ Sao 1 ,~_ ~k~e ~o ~,,~~~ r~ ~ 93309 '~~ ~] jOtNNERS NAAME n 1 ~ • 1/.L.vr. e \ i n ..... . OPERATO S NA.fflE PERMIT TO OPERATE NO. ! NUA~BER O TANKS TO BE TESTED - -- i -- IS PIPING GOING TO BE TESTEC? _ ~_YES ^ NO _~ ' _ TANK # ---,__ _- ~ --_____V O L U iN E _, ~--- _-_-__ __--- CONTENTS------ I ~ ! ib~ i ! ~ ~ 10~ i I 3 -------- ---- ----1 -- b -----~- - --- ! ------ ------ ----- i 1 ~ ! ~ I TANK TESTING COi~9PANY ;NAM OF TESTING CO PANYNAME PR-10NE Nii`4~4BER CIF Ct")N'iAC T PER50N MAILi G ADDRESS . ~- r5 CA q 33oa. INANE & PI-LONE NU BER OF TESTER OR SPECiA NSPEC OR ICERTIFiCATION #: ~~ ~ ln(o~- 3qa-~~~7 ~ oSb3Sla9-- oS63S~3~. SATE ,~ MET ST TO BE CONDUCTED ~ ~ICC #: (PEST METHOD ~~~~~6~' IlQ.cl o,,.,.~ ~A . ~ . aoo.t 1 l ~, ao Aim i ~Sa~~'1~2~ to - u-~` i .~.~-...J SIGNATURE OFJAPPLlCAtyT) ~~~ ~,~ L /r _ DATE ,, '1 '1 ~ ~ APPROVED BY ~ iJ[; . / [/ ~,//,,, ~~ IDATE h!1 7 ^)/ff~ I FD2106 F/BE A/t fM f RONALD J. FRAZE FIRE CHIEF Gary Hutton, Senior Deputy Chief Administration 326-3650 Deputy Chief Dean Clason Operations/Training 326-3652 Deputy Chief Kirk Blair Fire Safety/Prevention Services 326-3653 December 1, 2005 Whitewater Car Wash 5201 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfreld, CA 93309 FINAL REMINDER NOTICE RE: Necessary Secondary Containment Testing Requirements by December 31, 2005 of Underground Storage Tank (s) Located at the Above Stated Address Dear Valued Customer, Over the last six months this office has continued to send reminder notices regarding secondary containment testing. Code requires that all secondary containment systems must be tested 6 months post construction and every 36 months there after. 2101 "H" Street Senate Bill 989 became effective January 1, 2002, section 25284.1 (California Bakersfield, CA 93301 Health & Safety Code) of the new law mandates testing of secondary containment OFFICE: (661) 326-3941 components upon installation and every 36 months, thereafter, to insure that the FAX: (661) 852-2170 '; systems are capable of containing releases from the primary containment until they are detected and removed. Our records indicate that your facility is due prior to December 31, 2005. RALPH E. HL1EY, DIRECTOR PREVENTION SERVICES Those sites that have not been tested and have not pulled a permit prior to December 31, FIRE SAFETY 9ERVICE9 • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE8 ! 2005, will have their ermit too erate revoked. p p 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 This office does not wish to take such action, which is why we will continue to send monthly Bakersfield, CA 93301 I reminders. OFFICE: (661) 326-3979 ~ FAX: (661} 852-2171 ~ Contractors are already booked several weeks in advance. I urge you to schedule your testing date as soon as possible to avoid possible revocation of your permit to operate. David Weirather Fire Plans Examiner ~ Should you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (661) 326-3190. 326-3706 Sincerely, Howard H. WIneS, III RALPH . HUEY, Director of Prevention Services Hazardous Materials Specialist _ ~ 326-3649 ' % Steve Underwood j Fire Prevention Officer SU:db ~G v ~?~'-~~.,;~~'v'=.~3`~ ~~~'~r$sa~ ~3 e!~~ - - ~E~<_:..d ~5.~~~`~~~u~~ ~_~~~_~~i, ?,~5`-s ie'~-, .,.; -- _ _ ~~,~~_~~_~ g~U _ ~~>e_-s~F M, : < X33`= G ~~K~G' ~I :_~}: ; i~~ -=:3i fE`' ~ i ~i~i~_1 ,S~`^.-.:;G^` wee.;>~v`~F~~,'. .-.~ a~_ei~n'na° ~?_; ~ :~.i-,apt ,.. .. ~ ^ac ----- ~~Qa1 _ _- _ .. ! ~ 4,~K - -~-T~_ss "ES ~ - .t : ::, -G;= .._= -i~Ji'i _ >. _ -~ _ .. _ n.. 4 {-` ,,~~~=5~ cv:~~_~s ~:°.~.~ ., _ _ - i~L? b`--s v~~; -`!';'n`S :O 5= -"-gin ~:~~ , r^ - i~ - ~~ -_ J: -^o y~~ _ ~ . ~ i ~ ~ _ -- ~cT .. ci;•;~~ ;~N r~.-~S`:ilG jn_. okay - .,, .. ,~N~ _~, -,-.- ., `~ItiLi_ ~ ~~G~>_ ~Ei~;^~=,'-~. G~- ~s=g-cR vn cp~C~,r t~ci'cC:rJ-^~ C==::.-i~.~ ...~ _. ---------------- - Ta ;~~~: ~a0 ~ ~ ~ 6c4 ~t'~ ~~ X19 ~ ~ is - ~,t'~ ~.~~ c~Gti~ ~ iii= G ~.~~t t _~? J~ ~ _ ~ `~ ~ ---- - !^iC Z. _J_ JJ ;~ 'i f, ,,; , ~' LLL.IIVG ~c .PERM{T' STA-TEMEN`T Bakersfield Fire Dept. PREVENTION SERVICES Fire Safety Services • Environmental Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 210 . . Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel: (561} 326-3979 DATE USTlAST RMIT, TANK TESTING ~"+ ~ 82 „STATE SURCHARGE 86 TENTS, LPG, FIREWORKS, POWDERlOTHER PERMITS 84 COPIESlREPORTS 89 FOLLOW-UP INSPECTION INSPECTOR: . DATE TIME SPENT: CHARGES: ~ CHARGES GODS: REASON and DATE FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION OP INSPECTION: ~ °~ .~~t,~.r.•,, ~ f BUSINESS NA{MkE: ~} ~ "''~ TELEPHONE NUMBER(S): r ,:.~ BILL 70: PAY BY: ~ ,. ~. NOTES: # +f4 ~ ~ r ~ f.~ .. ~ i-~ .. ...... µ f ... .., . ..~°,,. .rr CUSTOMER SIGNATURE: INSPECTORlRECEIVERSLGNATURE: '` '~ ~: WoAc to 6e completeC: rest resuus sent m: Client: Regulatory Agency: Whitewoter Canvash Inspector Steve Underwood Attn: Julio City of Bakersfield 5201 Stockdale Hwy. 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93309 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~. FIRE CHIEF RON FRAZE ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3911 FAX (661) 852-2170 SUPPRESSION SERVICES 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3941 FAX (661) 852-2170 PREVENTION SERVICES fiRE SAfETY SERVICES' ENVIRONMENTAl SERVICES 900 Truxtun Ave.. Suite 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3979 FAX (661) 852-2171 FIRE INVESTIGATION 1715 Chester Ave.. 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 VOICE (661) 326-3951 FAX (661) 852-2172 TRAINING DIVISION 5642 Victor Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93308 VOICE (661) 399-4697 FAX (661) 399-5763 December 10. 2004 Mr, Julio Sical Whitewater Car Wash 5201 Stockdale Hwy. Bakersfield. CA 93309 REMINDER NOTICE Re: Necessary Compliance Deadlines for UST Owners/Operators Dear Mr. Sical: The purpose of this letter is to remind you about three compliance deadlines for UST Owners/Operators. These are as follows: 1) January 1,2005 deadline for submitting declaration statement designating: (a) Owner/Operator understands and is in compliance with all applicable UST requirements, and (b) Owner identifies the designated UST Operator for each facility owned. (c) Owner/Operator passes and submits proof of International Code Council Test. 2) EVR upgrade requirements on spill buckets are due April 1. 2005, 3) Secondary Containment Testing on all secondary systems. Code requires re-testing 36 months from date of last test which was in 2002. Should you have questions regarding these compliance deadlines. please feel free to call me at 661 - 326-3190. Sincerely, ¡£~ ./ Steve Underwood Fire Prevention Officer SU:db "(JJ;/jl"11Ù~r¡ ¡/I(! ~/jINIUNt"IJI Œ/tá;t. (') (¿1Ft! d-:1lu:t'lI Qr;1 ~,;¡,t;I4(¿¡ JJ