HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 54-86 RESOLUTION NO. 54-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 44-86 RELATING TO THE RANCHO LABORDE ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, the Executive Director of the Local Agency Formation Commission has determined that City Council Resolution No. 44-86 must be amended to reflect City acceptance of the conditions of annexation set forth in LAFCO Resolution No. 86-9. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that Resolution No. 44-86 be amended to, and as amended shall, read as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 44-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD MAKING FINDINGS THAT NO WRITTEN PROTEST HAS BEEN FILED AND ORDERING THE TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS PROCEEDING NO. 888, ANNEXATION NO. 307 (RANCHO LABORDE), ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, Resolution of Application No. 160-85, dated October 23, 1985, was submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County ("Commission") for the annexation of territory to the city of Bakersfield designated as Proceeding No. 888, Annexation No. 307 (RANCHO LABORDE); and WHEREAS, a duly noticed public hearing upon said proposal was held before the Commission on the 25th day of February, 1986, and continued to the 11th day of March, 1986; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the Commission, on March 11, 1986, adopted its Resolution Making Determination, being Resolution No. 86-9, recorded in Minute Book 32 of said Commission; and -1- WHEREAS, on April 2, 1986, the Council of the City of Bakersfield adopted its Resolution No. 29-86 initiating proceedings for annexation of the said territory to the City of Bakersfield and setting Wednesday, the 7th day of May, 1986, at the hour of 7 p.m. (or as soon thereafter as the matter could be heard) in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the time, date and place of hearing on the proposed annexation and the owners of land within the said territory were duly informed of their right to file written protests against the annexation with the city Clerk at any time prior to the conclusion of the hearing on the proposed annexation; and WHEREAS, the public hearing was duly and regularly conducted by and before the City Council at its meeting of May 7, 1986, in all respects in accordance with Resolution No. 29-86. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. In accordance with Section 35229 of the Government Code, it is hereby found regarding the value of written protests filed and not withdrawn by owners of land and improvements at the hearing, as follows: No written protests were filed with the Clerk of conclusion of the public against the said annexation the city of Bakersfield at any time prior to the conclusion of the public hearing on the proposed annexation. 2. The description of the exterior boundaries of the territory annexed is contained in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated in this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. -2- 3. That the said territory designated as Proceeding No. 888, Annexation No. 307 (RANCHO LABORDE), and described herein, and every part thereof, is hereby ordered annexed to the City of Bakersfield. The Council hereby accepts the conditions set forth in LAFCO Resolution No. 86-9 and directs staff to take all appropriate action to satisfy said conditions, which conditions are as follows: 1. Quimby Act application and compliance; 2. Proper allocation of County tax revenues between the City and the District; 3. Allocation of maintenance responsibilities; and 4. Legally effective waiver by the City of appointment powers under Public Resources Code Section 5781.4 or its agreement not to exercise the same under specified circumstances. 4. That the Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified copy of this resolution ordering a change of organization, along with any required remittance to cover the fees required by Section 54902.5 of the Government Code, to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County. 5. That the executive officer of the Commission is hereby requested to prepare and execute a certificate of completion and make the filings required by Chapter 4 of the Municipal Organization Act of 1977 and record a certified copy of the certification of completion with the recorder of Kern County, with the surveyor of Kern County and with the Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. .......... o0o .......... -3- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of May , 1986, by the following vote: CITY CLE f Council of the city of Bakersfield the APPROVED this 21st day of May , 1986 MAYOR of the City of-BaE'ersfield APPROVED as to form: CItY ATTORN~ of the O~ty of Bakersfield 4:AJS/mro R-RLANNEX -4- EXHIBIT "A" RANCHO LABORDE ANNEXATION Parcel of land situated in the County of Kern, State of California, being a portion of Sectzons 7, 8, 9, 16, i8, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 and all of Section 17, Township 29 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.&M., more particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west line of said sectinn 32, said point lies S00°43'19"W., 209.38 feet from the west quarter corner of said Section 32, said point being on the Corporation Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; Thence S.88"59'59"W., along said Corporate Boundary 40.02 feet to intersect the west line of the east 40.00 feet of said Section 31, said point being the True Point of Beginning; Thence (1) Department from said corporate boundary along a line parallel with the east line ot said Section 31, N.OO°43'22"E., 2847.67 feet more or less to intersect the north line of said Section 31; Thence (2) N.00~14'43"E., 30.00 feet to a point on the north right of way line of Brimhall Road (Co. Rd. No. 589); Thence (3) East along said north right o~ way line go.00 feet to a point on the west right of way line of Calloway Road (Co. Rd. No. 360); Thence (4) Along said west right of way line of Calloway Road, N.OO°14'43"W., 1072.20 feet to a point on the westerly prolongation of the south line of parcel I of Parcel Map 3582 recorded in Book 16 of Parcel Maps at Page 70 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (5) S.89~46~49"E., 1322.58 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map; Thence (6) N.00°14'01"E., 220.36 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 22 of the Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company filed August 20, 1890, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (7) N.OO°12'49"E., 646.33 feet along west line of said lot 22; Thence (8) S.g9~4g'iI"E., 661.06 feet to a point on the east line of said lot 22; Thence (9) N.O0°12'29"E., 711.23 feet to a point on the south right of way line of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence (lO) S.8g°47'39"E., along said south railroad right of way line, 660.98 ~eet to a point On the north-south midsection line of said Section 29; Thence (ll) N.OO°13'20"E., along said midsectiOn line, 2579.11 ~eet to the south right of way line of Rosedale Highway (State Route VI KER 58}; Thence (12) N.89°og'14"W., along a line parallel with and 30.00 feet distant as measured at right angles from the north line of said Section 29, 1808.4I feet; Thence (13) N.00°29'O5"E., 260.00 feet; Thence (14) N.89°Og'I4"W., 150.00 feet to a point on the west line of parcel 1 of Parcel Map 6521 recorded in Book 30 of Parcel Maps at Page 6 in :he Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (15) N.OO°29'O5"E., along said west line, 1134.35 feet; Thence (16) N.89~Og'14"W., 720.77 feet to the west right of way line of Calloway Drive (Co. Rd. NO. 522); Thence on and along said west right of way the following courses: (17) N.OO°29'OS"E., 1307.35 feet; thence {18) N.OO°28'15"E., 2670.32 feet; thence (19) N.00°35'O9"E., 5280.54 feet; thence (20) N.00037'47"E., i977.55 feet to the intersection of said west right of way of Calloway Drive and the westerly prolongation of the north line of Parcel 3 of Parcel Map No. 3249 as filed in Parcel Map Sook 16 at Page 7 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (21) S.88°54'39"E., on and along said northerly line and said westerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 1351.50 feet to the west line of the east half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.M.; Thence (22) N.OO"36'12"E., on and along said west lie, a distance of 629.75 feet to the south right of way of Norris Road; Thence (23) S.88°54'40"E., on and along said south right of way line a distance of 360.69 feet to the west line of east 300 feet of the west 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (24) South along said west line, to a point on the south line of the north 145.00 feet of the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (25) East along said south line 300.00 feet to a point on the east line of the west 1/2 of the east 1/2 of the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (26) North along said east line to the south line of the north 45.00 feet ot the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8, also being the south right of way line of Norris Road; Thence (27) S,88°54'40"E., along said south right of way line 660.69 feet to the east line of the southwest 1/4 of said Section 8; Thence (28) North along said east line, 15.00 feet to a point on the south right of way line of Norris Road (Co. Rd. No. 30); Thence (29) S.88°54'40"E., on and along said south right of way and the easterly prolongation thereof, a distance of 2672.51 feet to the east right o~ way of Coffee Road (Co. Rd. No. 401); Thence (30) distance of Map Book 27 S.00°32'12"W., on and along said east right of way of Coffee Road, a 1298.27 feet to the North boundary of Tract No. 3806, as filed in at Page 42 in the Office of the Kern County Recorder; Thence (31) S.89°12'53"E., on and along said north line a distance of 25.00 feet to the east right of way of said Coffee Road (Co. Rd. No. 401); Thence (32) S.00°32'12"W., on and along said east right of way a distance of 1320.64 feet; Thence (33) continuing on and along said east right of way, S.00°37'57"W., 2645.30 feet to the north line of the south half of Section lh, T.29S., R.27E., Thence (34) S.~9°09'10"E., on and along said north line a distance of 5193.39 feet to the west right oi way of Fruitvale Avenue, as shown on Parcel Map No. 4400, as filed in Parcel Map Book 21 at page 35, in the Office of the Kern County Thence (38) N.89o03'41"W., on and along said north line a distance of 2635.56 Thence (39) S.00°38'30"W., on and along the east line of said Lot 5 a distance of 1337.19 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 5; Thence (40) N.89°OR'26"W., on and along the south line of Lots 5, 6, 7 and d, as shown on said Sales Map, a distance of 2632.21 feet to the east line of the west 30.00 feet of said Section 21 also being the east right of way line of Coffee Road (Co. Rd. No. 1315); Thence (41) S.00°25'39"W., on and along said east llne 1321.46 feet to the east- west mldsection line of said Section 21; Thence (42) N.89°44'05"W., along said east-west line 30.00 feet to the west quarter corner of said Section 21; Thence (43) along west line of said Section 21, S.00°26'12"W., 2549.22 feet, more or less, to the north right of way line of Hosedale Highway (State Route VI - KER - 58) as shown on State Highway Map No. 7-1, filed in Book 4, Pages 96 and 97 in the Office of the Kern County Surveyor; Thence (44) continuing along said north right of way line, S.89°42'16"E., 259.53 feet; Thence (45) S.00°16'05"W., 10.00 feet; Thence (46) conttnuing along said north right of way line, S.89°42'16"E., 713.59 feet to the west right of way line of the Calloway Canal; Thence (47) S.40~01'46"E., along said west line, 104.93 feet to a point on the south line of said Section 21; Thence (48) southerly along said west right of way line, parallel with and 150.00 feet westerly as measured perpendicularly from the existing Calloway Canal centerline, to the intersection of the north line of the SW ~of the NW of said Section 28; Thence (49) N.89°47'26"W., along said north line to a point which is 797.18 feet bearing S.89°47'26"E., from the north 1/16 corner of said Sections 28 and 29 and being on the °st right of way line of the Friant-Kern Canal; then continuing along said east right of way line on the following (19) nineteen courses: Thence (50) S.09°13'00"E.~ 238.20 feet; Thence (52) Thence (53) Thence (54) Thence (55) Thence (56) Thence (57) Thence (58) Thence (59) Thence (60) Thence (61) Thence (62) Thence (6~) Thence (64) Thence (65) Thence (66) Thence (67) Thence (68) Boundary of Thence (69) Thence (51) S.46'48'00"E. 320.70 feet; S.45*00'00"W. 40.80 feet; S.45~00'00"g. 50.00 N.45"00'00"E. 51.00 S.47°12'00"E. 594.20 S.00°22'00"W. 305.20 feet; feet; feet; feet; S.00°22'00"W~, 100.00 feet; S.89°36'00"E~, 15.80 feet; S.00°56'00"W., 35.00 feet; S.00°56'00"W., 571.90 feet; S.03°14'00"W., 400.50 feet; S.02°06'00"E., 349.60 feet; S.00°22'00"W., 250.80 feet; S.01°48'00"W., 400.I0 feet; S.00°22'00"W., 500.00 feet; S.04"38'00"E., 172.00 feet to the south line of said Section 28; along said south line S.89°36'00"E., 85.00 feet; S.00022'00"W., 939.48 feet more or less to a point on the Corporate the City of Bakersfield; Boundary to the true point of beginning. Containing 2,969.86 acres of land, more or less. 4:RANCHO-LA -C 29 ! i