HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 90-86RESOLUTION NO. 90-86 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FOR MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 13 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE 1986-87 BUDGET, LE%~'ING ASSESSmeNTS, RESERVING THE RIGHT TO PERFORM ~AINTENANCE WORK BY CITY FORCES AND AUTHORiZiNG COLLECTION OF ASSESSmeNTS BY THE KERN COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. WHEREAS, the report of the Public Works Manager, including the 1986-87 budget for Maintenance District No. 13 a~d complying with the provisions of Section 13.04.130 of the Bakersfield, Municipal Code, having heretofore been filed with the City Clerk as required by Section 13.04.140 of that Co!e, and ~he requirements of Secticns 13.04.150 and 13.04.160 having been met, the City Council has this date held a noticed public hearing as required by Sections 13.04.210 and 13.04.220 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the report of the Public Works Manager, including the aforementioned budget, and has received no protest to the amounts of the assessments or to the reservation of the right forces. NOW, THEREFORE, BE City of Bakersfield as follows: !. The above recitals correct. to perform maintenance work by City IT RESOLVED by the Council of the are found to be true and 2. The report of the Public Works Manager, attached hereto, including the 1986-87 budget for Maintenance District No. t3 and the assessments therein contained, is hereby approved, such budget is hereby adopted and such assessments are hereby levied. 3. The reservation of the right to perform maintenance work by City forces is hereby made. 4. The City Clerk shall transmit the assessments levied herein to the Director of Finance with instructions to submit said list to the Kern County Auditor-Controller and Tax Collector, and placement of and request va!crem ~rc~er~v taxes. passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield regular meeting thereof held on the 23rd day of June 1986, '" ' '' ' such other County officers as may be required, for that said assessments in the same r~anner as ac at a CITY CLERK and Ex officio Clerk of the ' Council of the City of ~akersfield APPROVED this 23rd day of June , 1986 MAYOR of the City of 3akersfield APPROVED as to form: ~TY AT~RNE~ o~ the City of Bakersfield PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER'S REPORT MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 13 City of Bakersfield Fiscal Year 1986-1987 City of Bakersfield, Maintenance District No. 13, is generally described as a district within the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by Fraser Road on the North, Asphalto Railroad on the south, Old River Road on the East, and Buena Vista Road on the West. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 13.04 of Title 13 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, referred to as the Bakersfield Maintenance District Procedure, the Public Works Manager makes and files this report and proposed assessment of and upon all parcels of property within the district to be assessed for the cost of maintaining and operating local public improvements, which are now contemplated or are in various planning stages and some of which may be constructed or installed within and would then be main- tained and operated by the district. All such improvements will be constructed only after plans therefor have been filed with and approved by the City Engineer. The improvements generally include parks, signs and sign posts, walls and fences and street and parkway landscaping which include, but are not limited to,'plant forms, kiosk, drainage facilities, irrigation system pipes, conduits, water mains and/or sprinkler systems and ornamental planting, including turf, lawns, shrubs, hedges, ground covers and trees now existing or hereafter to be constructed, laid or planted in and for said maintenance district and of special benefit to the territory within the district and of a public nature, including the cost of necessary repairs, replacements, water, fuel, power, gas, electric current, care, supervision and any and all other items necessary for the proper maintenance and operation thereof, and all additions, improvements and enlarge- ments thereto which may hereafter be made. There may be other improvements of the general nature designated above to be maintained and operated by the district. In most of the City, street landscaping and parks are maintained through the Community Service Department's budget expenditures. After Proposition 13, funds available for street landscaping, parks and other mainte- nance were substantially reduced. At present, the department's budget will not accommodate maintenance of new improvements of the type described above and pro- posed for newly developed areas within the City. Thus, absent funds for mainte- nance costs from a source other than general tax revenues, the City will not accept or permit parks or median strip or other landscaping or signs or walls to be placed in the City-owned lands in the area included within this maintenance district. The funds generated as the result of the establishment of the dis- trict will be utilized strictly for the purposes of and applied to the mainte- nance and upkeep of improvements within the district. Such funds will not supplant any City general fund expenditure, either present or future. The establishment of the district has been specifically requested by the present owner and developer of all property located within the district, in order that funding for the maintenance and upkeep of amenities specially designed to enhance the living environment of future commercial and residential owners and/or users therein be established as an integral part of the develop- ment process. The district is designated for residential and commercial deve- lopment. Because of the natural boundaries of the area occasioned in part by the character and timing of surrounding development, the area within the dis- trict will receive the greatest benefit from the contemplated improvements and maintenance thereof. Sensory benefits from installing street landscaping, signs, walls and fences, including heat regulation, some noise attenuation and/or esthetic enhancement and increased market value will accrue to the lots or parcels and owners and users thereof within Maintenance District No. 13. Increased market value will accrue to the owners. The benefits will inure to the lots or parcels uniformly, and will be assessed at a uniform acreage rate. The benefit formula is set fo th in the attachment hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, I DALE HAWLEY, Public Works Manager of the City of Bakersfield, by virtue of the power vested in me and the order of the Council of said City, hereby submit the following budget and assessment upon all parcels of property within Maintenance District No. 13, subject to be assessed to pay the cost of maintenance and operation in said district for the fiscal year 1986-87. -2- Said assessment is made in accordance with the benefit formula attached hereto. 1986 - 1987 BUDGET Sources of Funds Beginning Fund Balance Gross Amount Required Amount of Contribution by City Amount of Advances by City Net Balance, to be assessed Total (101) 3,415 3~516 Use of Funds City Staff Services or Contract Supplies, Materials, Utilities Estimated Maintenance Cost 1,966 1~550 3~516 DATED: June 13, 1986 PUB~I% WORKS MANAG~ ~City of BakersfieldS/ -3- MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 13 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BENEFIT FORMULA The various lots and parcels within the district shall be assessed at the fol- lowing rates: For each assessable lot or parcel the assessment shall be: (1) Non-Residential Zone or Use. Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improve- ments in the district except parks and except any improvements in or on any parks or incident thereto (MT)' multiplied by: the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the lot or parcel; (AL)' and divided by: the number of assessable acres in the district (AT) Assessment = MT x AL AT (2) R-1 Residential Zone or Use Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improve- ments in the district including parks and any improvements in or on any parks or incident thereto, less the total amount from (1) above. (MR + p), multiplied by the numeral 1.4, divided by the sum of: the number of detached dwelling units constructed or permitted to be constructed in the district* (D1)' multiplied by the numeral 1.4, and the number of attached dwelling units constructed or permitted to be constructed in the district ** (D2)' Assessment = (MR + P) 1.4 1.4D1 + D2 Page 1 of 2 (3) R-2 Residential Zone or Use. Assessment shall equal the dollar amount determined by: A portion of the total number of dollars budgeted by the district for maintenance and operation of the assessment district for the year in which the assessment is levied equal to the dollar amount allocated to maintenance and operation for that year of any and all improve- ments in the district including parks and any improvements in or on any parks and any improvements in or on any parks or incident thereto, less the total amount from (1) above. (MR + p), multiplied by: the number of dwelling units constructed or permitted to be con- structed on the lot or parcel; (DL)' divided by the sum of: the number of detached dwelling units constructed or permitted to be constructed in the district*, (D1)' multiplied by the numeral 1.4, and the number of attached dwelling units constructed or permitted to be constructed in the district**, (D2)' Assessment = (MR + p) DL 1.4 D1 + D2 Detached dwelling units (those dwelling units not joined to any oth- ers by any common walls) are deemed permissible in areas zoned R-1. The number of detached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on a lot or parcel shall be deemed to be the numeral 5 multiplied by the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the parcel or lot, rounded off to the nearest whole number. Attached dwelling units (those joined to another by one or more com- mon walls) are deemed permissible in area zoned R-2. The number of attached dwelling units permitted to be constructed on a lot or par- cel shall be deemed to be the numeral 12 multiplied by the number of assessable acres, or portion thereof, in the parcel or lot, rounded off to the nearest whole number. RUN 06-18-86 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAGE 12 BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS ASSMNT NUMBER FUND... 13001 201412 13002 201412 13003 201412 13004 201412 13005 201412 13006 201412 13007 201412 13008 201412 13009 201412 13G10 201412 13011 201412 13012 201412 13013 201412 13014 201412 13015 201412 130'16 201412 12017 201412 130'18 201412 13019 201412 13220 201412 13021 201412 13022 201412 13023 201412 13024 201412 13025 201412 1~C26 201412 1~0~7 201412 1~n~8 201412 13029 201412 13030 201412 13031 201412 13032* 201412 13033. 201412 13034 2O1412 13035 201412 13036 201412 12037 201412 13038- 201412 13039 201412 13040 201412 13041 201412 13042' 201412 13043 20141~ 13044 201412 13045 201412 13046 201412 13047 2O1412 13048 201412 13~49 201412 1.3050 201412 PARCEL NUMBER... 394-010-13-00-3 394-010-14-00-b 394-010-15-00-9 394-010-19-01-0 394-010-1~-02-9 3~4-020-01-00-1 394-021-01-00-8 3~4-021-02-00-1 394-021-03-00-4 394-021-04-00-7 394-021-05-00-0 3~4-021-06-00-3 394-021-07-00-~ 394-021-08-00-9 394-021-09-00-2 394-021-10-00-4 394-021-11-00-7 394-021-12-00-0 394-021-13-00-3 394-021-15-00-9 394-021-16-00-2 3~4-021-17-00-5 394~021-18-00-8 394-021-19-00-1 394-021-20-00-3 3~4-021-21-00-6 394-021-22-00-9 394-021-23-00-2 394-021-24-00-5 394-021-25-00-8 394-021-26-00-1 3~4-022-01-00-5 394-022-02-00-8 394-022-03-00-1 394-022-04-00-4 394-022-05-00-7 394-022-0~-00-0 394-022-07-00-3 394-022-08-00-6 394-022-10-00-1 394-023-01-00-2 394-023-02-00-5 394-023-03-00-8 394-023-04-00-1 394-023-05-00-4 394-023-0~-00-7 3~4-023-07-00-0 3~4-023-08-00-3 DESCRIPTION ............. LOT 18, TRACT NO. 2.50 ACRES LOT 18, TRACT NO. 196.74 ACRES LOT 18, TRACT NO. LOT 18, TRACT NO. LOT 18, TRACT NO. 13.20 ACRES LOT 18, TRACT NO. LOT 1, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 2, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 3, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 4, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 5, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT &, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 7, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 8, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 9, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 10, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 11, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 12, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 13, TRACT NO. 4545A LOT 14, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 15, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 16, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 17, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 18, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 19, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 20, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 21, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 22, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 23, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 24, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 25, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 26, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 27, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 28, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 29, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 30, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 31, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 32, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 33, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 34, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 35, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 36, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 37, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 38, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 39, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 40, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 41, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 42, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 43, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 44, TRACT NO. 4345A TOTAL AMOUNT... O. O0 0.00 0.00 457.38 RUN 06-18-86 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAQE 13 BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS ASSMNT NUMBER FUND... 13D51 201412 13052 201412 13053 201412 1~554 201412 13055 201412 13956 201412 13057 201412 13958 201412 13059 201412 130~0 201412 13C~1 201412 13062 201412 13063 201412 13064 201412 1~0~5 201412 130&& 201412 13067 201412 13068 201412 13069 201412 13070 201412 13071 201412 13072 201412 13073. 201412 13074 201412 130~5 201412 1307~ 201412 13077 201412 13078 201412 13079 201412 13080 201412 13081 201412 13O82 2O1412 130B3 201412 13084 2O1412 13085 201412 13086* 201412 1.3087 201412 130B8 201412 130B9 201412 130~0 201412 130~1 201412 13092' 201412 13C93 201412 13094 201412 '13095. 201412 1309& 201412 13097 201412 130~8 201412 13099 201412 13100 201412 13101 201412 13102 201412 13103 201412 PARCEL NUMBER*** 394-023-09-00-~ 394-023-10-00-8 394-023-11-00-1 394-023-12-00-4 394-023-13-00-7 394-023-14-00-0 394-030-01-00-4 394-031-01-00-1 394-031-02-00-4 394-031-03-00-7 394-031-04-00-0 394-031-05-00-3 394-031-06-00-~ 394-031-07-00-9 394-031-08-00-2 394-031-09-00-5 394-031-10-00-7 394-031-11-00-0 394-031-12-00-3 394-031-13-00-6 394-031-14-00-9 394-031-15-00-2 394-031-16-00-5 394-031-17-00-8 394-031-18-00-1 394-031-19-00-4 394-031-20-00-6 394-031-21-00-9 394-031-22-00-2 394-031-23-00-5 394-031-24-00-8 394-031-25-00-1 394-031-2&-00-4 394-031-27-00-7 394-031-28-00-0 394-031-29-00-3 394-031-30-00-5 394-031-31-00-8 394-031-32-00-1 394-031-33-00-4 3~4-031-34-00-7 394-031-35-00-0 394-032-01-00-8 394-032-02-00-1 394-032-03-00-4 394-032-04-00-7 394-032-05-00-0 394-032-06-00-3 394-032-07-00-6 394-032-08-00-9 394-032-09-00-2 394-032-10-00-4 394-032-11-00-7 DESCRIPTION ............. LOT 45, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 46, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 47, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 48, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 49, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 50, TRACT NO. 4345A LOT 18, TRACT NO. LOT I, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 2, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 3, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 4, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 5, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 6, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 7, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 8, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 9, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 10, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 11, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 12, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 13, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 14, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 15, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 16, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 17~ TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 18, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 19, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 20, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 21, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 22, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 23, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 24, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 25, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 26, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 27, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 28, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 29, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 30, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 31, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 32, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 33, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 34, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 35, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 3&, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 37, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 38, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 39, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 40, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 41, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 42, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 43, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 44, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 45, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 46, TRACT NO. 4345C TOTAL AMOUNT... RUN 06-18-86 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PAQE 14 BAKERSFIELD MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS ASSMNT NUMBER FUND... 15104 201412 13.105 201412 13106 20141~ 13107 201412 13108 ~01412 13109 201412 13i10 201412 131.11 201412 13112 201412 13113 201412 13114 201412 13115 201412 PARCEL NUMBER... 394-032-12-00-0 394-032-13-00-3 394-032-14-00-6 394-032-15-00-~ 394-032-16-00-2 394-032-17-00-5 394-032-18-00-8 394-032-19-00-1 394-032-20-00-3 394-010-02-00-1 394-010-04-- DESCRIPTION LOT 47, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 48, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 49, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 50, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 51, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 52, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 53, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 54, TRACT ND. 4345C LOT 55, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT 56, TRACT NO. 4345C LOT ~ TRACT NO. LOT , TRACT NO. TOTAL' AMOUNT... 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 6.93 165.00 2~152.11 3,516.00