HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 223-03 223-03 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION, THE MILL CREEK PROJECT, AND THE COMMON USE AGREEMENT WITH KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Cit7 of Bakersfield to revitalize the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield redevelopment project areas; and WHEREAS, the Mill Creek Project has been identified as a catalyst for revitalization in parts of the Old Town Kern-Pioneer and Southeast Bakersfield redevelopment project areas; and WHEREAS, the Mill Creek Project will be located along approximately 1.5 miles of the Kern Island Canal between Golden State and California avenues; and WHEREAS, for the above-referenced project, it was determined that a Negative Declaration was adequate for the project; and WHEREAS, it was also found that there will not be a significant environmental impact from the proposed project; and WHEREAS, at the two (2) public meetings on September 25, 2003 and September 29, 2003, the Mill Creek Project was discussed with the general public; and WHEREAS, a workshop presentation was made to the City Council on November 19, 2003, to discuss the Mill Creek Project; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353, of the Government Code gave notice of the time and place of hearing having been given at least twenty (20) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation, and to property owners 300 feet surrounding the project area; and WHEREAS, for the above-described project, and Initial Study was conducted and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment and a Negative Declaration was prepared; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of Negative Declarations as set forth in CEQA and the City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by the City staff; and WHEREAS, prior to the development of any public facility on 17th Street between "R" and "S" streets, it will be necessary to vacate vehicular access rights on 17~h Street between "R" and "S" streets; and WHEREAS, in order to get the State of California Grant funding the City Council needs to adopt a resolution supporting and approving the Mill Creek Project; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to have a Common Use Agreement with the Kern Delta Water District; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code conducted and held a public hearing on Wednesday, December 10, 2003 on the Mill Creek Project, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and found by the City Council for the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. The Negative Declaration for the Mill Creek Project is hereby approved and adopted. The Council hereby orders the approval of the Mill Creek Project located between Golden State and California avenues, along the Kern Island Canal in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly shown in Exhibit "1" attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference. Staff is directed to pursue grant monies to construct the Mill Creek Project between Golden State and California avenues as shown on Exhibit "1 ". The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy thereof, attested by the Clerk under seal of the City, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. 6. The City Council also approves the common use agreement with Kern Delta Water District (Exhibit "2"). .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on DEC 1 0 ZO0~ by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO COUNCILMEMBER COUNClLMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER NOES: ABSTAIN: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED DEC ~. 0 2003 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City A~om.,~ City Attorney Attachments: Exhibit 1 - Mill Creek Project Concept Plan Exhibit 2 - Common Use Agreement Exhibit 3 - Staff Response to Graham Vaage Letter S :\Darn ellvn illresolution2.DOC -3 SEE 1Y!~ 24 TH ,5'rKEE[ .__ ...IMI~,OV~MENT5 AI~ ,~ WITHIN ID(iSTIN6 CANAL IOW AND PARK 19 ~ STREET :WAY_ ..IMPI~OYF~ENT5 N~E NJ. WITHIN ~STIN(~ ~ 15W - ~ ~ ~j. ~, ~ FLAG POLES ANAL HEAD # 3 ilLL PATH MILL_?_iB BANNER ES CANAl. HEAD # 4 // ~ ~o~H~ STREET ..JMF~E~SA~, F~/AND 18 TH STREET WA~'~k MI~'L (SEE ELEV^TIONS) CANAL HEAD # 5 MILL PLAZA~' A~NUE_ t~' ~¢ALIPORNIA AYE-NU[ EXHIBIT "2" AGREEMENT NO. AGREEMENT FOR COMMON USE OF KERN ISLAND CANAL THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation ("CITY" herein), and KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, a California water district, organized and existing under the provisions of Division 13, Sections 34,000 et seq., of the California Water Code, ("KERN DELTA" herein). RECITALS WHEREAS, KERN DELTA is owner of that portion or reach of the Kern Island Canal and underlying right-of-way, extending from Golden State Highway "204" southerly to California Avenue within the incorporated boundaries of the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, California (hereinafter referred to as "Kern Island Canal"), the location of which is depicted in attached EXHIBIT "A"; and WHEREAS, currently the ownership, operation, maintenance and all expenses of transporting water through the aforementioned reach of the Kern Island Canal are the responsibility of KERN DELTA; and WHEREAS, CITY desires to construct a linear park (the boundaries of which are shown in EXHIBIT "B") consisting of pedestrian and biking trails, landscaping and monuments referenced to the Kern River Flour Mills that were located on the Kern Island Canal near Truxtun Avenue (previously known as Railroad Avenue) and "R" Street ("Mill Creek" herein). The park will be constructed adjacent to both sides of the Kern Island Canal and will require the reconstruction of said reach of the Canal; and WHEREAS, KERN DELTA desires to maintain all of its rights, title and interest in and to the Kern island Canal, and its existing capability to transport water; and WHEREAS, KERN DELTA will benefit and derive cost savings from the reconstruction of the Kern Island Canal due to subsequent CITY assumption of operations, maintenance and liability expenses associated with this reach of the Kern Island Canal, as more fully described below; and WHEREAS, KERN DELTA consents to said construction of the Mill Creek in and upon the Kern Island Canal right of way, the reconstruction of the Kern Island Canal, and CITY's utilization of said right-of-way for construction, operation and maintenance of the Mill Creek, upon the terms and conditions herein set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, KERN DELTA and CITY hereby agree as follows: 1. MILL CREEK. The proposed Mill Creek element plan view and typical cross section is attached as EXHIBIT "C". In general, the project is to restructure the canal cross section to widen and shallow the canal to create a more natural streamlike water element and construct pedestrian and biking trails along the canal. The pathways and trails with landscaping, security lighting and monuments leads to a focal point of a re-constructed water wheel in replica of the type historically used in the historic Kern River Flour blills. CITY agrees, at its own expense, to design, construct, operate and maintain the Mill Creek and to reconstruct that portion of the Kern Island Canal and appurtenances necessary to the project and, to the extent the Kern Island Canal is reconstructed or disturbed, to improve it to allow 475 cfs of capacity to the satisfaction of KERN DELTA. The tower portion of the Kern Island Canal shall have 460 cfs capacity, and the upper portion shall have 15 cfs capacity. CITY will provide KERN DELTA with engineering and hydraulic analysis of the Kern Island Canal modifications incorporating the Mill Creek project. Said design, engineering, hydraulic analysis, construction and areas of use shall be subject to approval, in writing, by KERN DELTA, and shall not cause an increase in evaporation or seepage losses to KERN DELTA. All improvements constructed as part of the Mill Creek that may have an effect on KERN DELTA's operations of the canal shall be subject to KERN DELTA's prior written approval, including approval of the construction plans and specifications for the Mill Creek project. 2. COSTS AND EXPENSES. CITY agrees to pay all costs associated with the planning, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of said Mill Creek and the reconstruction of the Kern Island Canal. CITY agrees to construct, operate, maintain and repair the Mill Creek in a manner which will not interfere with KERN DELTA's use of the Kern Island Canal. KERN DELTA agrees to use its best efforts and to cooperate in assisting CITY with its construction work by advance planning and scheduling of its Kern Island Canal use requirements, but KERN DELTA shall not be required to curtail its use of such canal if deemed necessary. After notification to CITY of a scheduled shutdown KERN DELTA shall not during such shutdown period, utilize that portion of the canal except by emergency declaration of Kern Delta or acts of God. CITY shall if requested by KERN DELTA provide other means, subject to approval by KERN DELTA, for the purpose of continuing KERN DELTA's distribution of water during the period of construction, operation, maintenance and repair of said Mill Creek. It is agreed that CITY shall own the Mill Creek facilities constructed pursuant hereto but shall not own or have any interest in and to the Kern Island Canal or any of its appurtenances, even to the extent City constructs or reconstructs same and the nature and utility of KERN DELTA's right-of-way and easement shall not be diminished or restricted by construction of the Mill Creek. 3. CONSTRUCTION COSTS. CITY shall pay the entire cost of Mill Creek construction, the reconstruction of the Kern Island Canal, and any repairs, of any portion of the Kern Island Canal that is disturbed as a result of the design, construction, operation, maintenance or repair of the Mill Creek, includin9, but not limited to, the costs incurred for all labor, materials, engineering, inspection, technical review, and other necessary services in connection therewith. KERN DELTA agrees to allow construction within normal shut-down periods of the Kern Island Canal and further agrees to allow construction upon adequate re-routing of water that would, as determined by KERN DELTA, absent this Agreement, be placed in the canal, usin9 CITY or other facilities at no cost. 4. OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CITY agrees to pay all costs and expenses associated with CiTY's operation of the Mill Creek and shall operate at CITY's cost and expense that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek, including either directly or indirectly, all of the construction, operation, and maintenance costs. For purposes of this Agreement, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of the Mill Creek shall include, but not be limited to, planning, preparation of the Kern Island Canal for construction of the Mill Creek, actual construction of the Mill Creek, maintenance, repair and all costs associated with the deterioration and/or damage to the Kern Island Canal as a result of said Mill Creek or use thereof. Further, CITY hereby agrees to pay all costs associated with the modification or removal of Mill Creek facilities and repair of said Mill Creek facilities. For purposes of this Agreement, modification or removal of Mill Creek facilities shall include, but not be limited to; the removal and replacement of fencing or landscaping along the banks of the Kern Island Canal or unforeseen emergency maintenance activities. CITY shall at all times maintain and repair, to KERN DELTA's satisfaction, all portions of the Kern Island Canal located within the Mill Creek, and shall promptly, within 30 days, reimburse any costs incurred by KERN DELTA in its operation, maintenance, or repair of such portion of the canal if CITY fails to perform to KERN DELTA's satisfaction under this Agreement. 5. GENERAL MAINTENANCE. KERN DELTA agrees not to perform general maintenance on or to the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek without prior notification to CITY. KERN DELTA shall be allowed to perform any lawful activity in and along the Kern island Canal northerly and southerly of the Mill Creek reach as such reach is defined in this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, general maintenance could include sloping of banks, weed abatement, maintenance of right-of- way and general upkeep of the Kern Island Canal. KERN DELTA will not be responsible for general maintenance where damage is caused to Mill Creek facilities or that portion of the Kern island Canal within the Mill Creek. It is the intent of the parties hereto that CITY shall be responsible for all general maintenance costs of the Mill Creek and that portion of the Kern island Canal within the Mill Creek. 6. SPECIAL MAINTENANCE. CITY agrees to perform and be responsible for all costs associated with special maintenance of the Mill Creek and that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek. No special maintenance shall occur until CITY and KERN DELTA agree in writing. For purposes of this Agreement, special maintenance shall include the following: Fencing shall include the repair and replacement of any newly constructed or existing fencing along said reach of the Kern Island Canal. Structures shall include major repairs and replacement of all or any portions of weirs, head gates, or special facilities required due to the installation of the Mill Creek located within the Kern island Canal. Dredging/Shelf Work shall include dredging and shelf work within the Kern Island Canal resulting from the accumulation of sand or debris within, or caused by, the Mill Creek. Act of God shall include any repair or maintenance of the Mill Creek element of the Kern Island Canal caused by an act of God, which shall include but not be limited to, fire, flood, earthquake, mudslide, temperature extremes, wind or other unforeseen circumstances. Intentional or Negligent Acts of Third Parties shall include all acts of third parties that cause damage to the Milt Creek portion of the Kern Island Canal. 7. WEED CONTROL. apply aquatic or other herbicides, maintenance. Upon 5 days notice to CITY, KERN DELTA may or other water additives for purposes of canal 8. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION. CITY hereby agrees and undertakes to indemnify, defend with legal counsel acceptable to KERN DELTA, and hold harmless KERN DELTA, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and independent contractors and consultants from any and all losses, costs, expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees), claims, liabilities, actions or damages of any nature whatsoever, including injuries to or the death of any person or persons or damage to any property, in any way arising out of or connected with or incident to or alleged to have arisen in any manner out of, or to have been in any way connected with or incident to any act or omission of CITY, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or independent contractors in the performance of this Agreement or to have occurred from any use of, or which is related in any manner whatsoever to the Mill Creek or that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek. For purposes of this paragraph, the performance of this Agreement shall be in full force and effect during all periods of construction, use and existence of the Mill Creek and appurtenances thereto. 9. CONSTRUCTION LIABILITY. It is further understood and agreed that CITY (and not KERN DELTA, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and independent contractors and consultants) is responsible and liable for any defective, harmful or negligent work done by any person, entity or organization in any way relating to the construction of the Mill Creek or that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek. 10. SELF-INSURANCE. CITY represents it is self-insured and will, throughout the term of this Agreement, maintain its insurance program. CITY warrants that, at ail times during the term of this Agreement, it shall have and maintain workers' compensation insurance in compliance with the Labor Code of the State of California. 11. LEGAL NOTICE. The party against whom any claim arising from any subject matter of this agreement is filed shall give prompt notice of the filing of the claim to the other party. 12. REASONABLE CANAL MAINTENANCE. KERN DELTA hereby agrees to use reasonable efforts to maintain the Kern island Canal northerly of the Mill Creek in a manner which is consistent with KERN DELTA's use of the canal 13. CANAL CARRYING CAPACITY. KERN DELTA and CITY hereby agree this Agreement shall in no way affect, alter or modify KERN DELTA's use of the Kern Island Canal, nor shall any portion of the project to be constructed by CITY effect timing of deliveries, losses, or canal capacity. 14. MAINTENANCE APPROVAL. CITY shall obtain the approval of KERN DELTA for any and all maintenance work on the Mill Creek element of the Kern Island Canal which the CITY desires to complete. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 15. FAILURE TO CONSTRUCT MILL CREEK. Should the Mill Creek project not proceed, for whatever reason, then this agreement shall be void and shall have no force and effect on the parties. The parties agree the Mill Creek is the sole reason for the canal reconstruction and a failure by CITY to finance and construct the Mill Creek project will nullify the purpose of this agreement. This Agreement shall not be void and shall remain in effect to the extent any portions of the Mill Creek project are constructed or any modifications are made to the Kern Island Canal by CITY. 16. BINDING EFFECT. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the contract and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assignees; provided however CITY may not assign, delegate, or sublet all or any part of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written permission from KERN DELTA. 17. TERM. Unless otherwise terminated or rendered void by the terms of this agreement, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the date first set forth above and shall terminate upon either party giving notice to the other of abandonment of its utilization of said Kern Island Canal for the purposes herein contemplated. Upon cessation of the Mill Creek project the improvements may be abandoned in place by CITY or removed as required by KERN DELTA. This Agreement shall also terminate at the option of KERN DELTA in the event CITY breaches any of its obligations under this Agreement, but only upon first allowing CITY 30 days in which to cure CITY's breach. Upon termination, CITY shall, at the request of KERN DELTA, restore that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the Mill Creek to its original condition that existed prior to construction of the Mill Creek. 18. NOTICES. All notices or other communications herein provided to be given or which may be given by either party to the other shall be deemed to have been fully given when made in writing and deposited with the United States Postal Service, registered or certified, postage prepaid and addressed as follows: Notice to the CITY shall be made to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD CITY HALL 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Notice to KERN DELTA shall be made to: BOARD OF DIRECTORS KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT 501 Taft Highway Bakersfield, CA 93307 Notice shall also be deemed received when served upon the CITY Clerk or KERN DELTA'S gene.ral manager, personally. 19. WAIVER OF DEFAULT. The failure of any party to enforce against another a provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time, and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 20. GOVERNING LAW. Any lawsuit pertaining to any matter arising under, or growing out of, this contract shall be instituted and maintained according to California law. 21. MERGER AND MODIFICATION. This contract sets forth the entire Agreement between the parties and supersedes all other oral or written representations relating to the placement of the Mill Creek over the aforementioned reach of the Kern island Canal. This contract may be modified only in a writing approved by the Board of Directors of KERN DELTA and the CITY Council and signed by all the parties. 22. CORPORATE AUTHORITY. Each individual executing this Agreement represents and warrants they are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or organization, if any, named herein and that this Agreement is binding upon said corporation or organization in accordance with its terms. 23. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CITY shall not become or be deemed a partner or joint venturer with KERN DELTA or associate in any relationship with KERN DELTA by reason of the provision of this Agreement. KERN DELTA and its employees shall not for any purpose be considered agents, officers or employees of CITY, nor shall CITY or its employees be considered for any purpose agents, officers, or employees of KERN DELTA. 24. CONSTRUCTION AND INTERPRETATION. The parties understand and acknowledge that CITY desires to construct a park adjacent to a KERN DELTA canal and requires the cooperation of KERN DELTA for the park's completion. KERN DELTA is willing to cooperate with the CITY. Therefore, this agreement shall for all purposes and at all times be construed and interpreted (1) so that KERN DELTA shall suffer absolutely no liability, expenses, difficulties, or costs with respect to or arising from CITY's peri(, its effect upon the Kern Island Canal, or that portion of the Kern Island Canal within the park and (2) KERN DELTA's rights regarding water or the Kern Island Canal are not affected in any way by this Agreement and KERN DELTA may operate its canal, now and in the future, as it deems necessary or appropriate. 25. ASSESSMENTS. No assessments or charges of any type shall be levied or imposed upon KERN DELTA for the operation of maintenance of the Mill Creek, or any improvements relating thereto. 26. WILDLIFE HABITAT. CITY shall take no action to introduce any wildlife or protected plant species into the Mill Creek, and shall actively prohibit the introduction of such animals or plar~ts. CITY shall reimburse KERN DELTA for any and all costs or expenses suffered by KERN DELTA, directly or indirectly, related to this issue, including costs or expenses associated with governmental or administrative agencies. 27. WATER QUALITY. KERN DELTA makes no claim or assurances as to the quality of the water in the Kern Island canal. CITY understands the water in the canal, from the Kern River and other sources, is untreated and not fit for human consumption. CITY assures KERN DELTA that water traversing the Kern Island canal through the Mill Creek project shall be solely for aesthetic reasons and no other purpose whatsoever. //// //// IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed, the day and year first-above written. "CIT'Y' "KERN DELTA" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD By: HARVEY L. HALL Mayor KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT J .'~TAN LE'~ANTOI~ GIOVANNI Title President By: DAVID C~ Title: Secretary MORE SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney /ALAN~ANI_E~ --~ Deputy City Attorney Insurance: APPROVED AS TO FORM McMURTREY, HARTSOCK & WORTH APPROVED AS TO (~ONTENTS: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT GENE BOGART Water Resources Manager COUNTERSIGNED: By: GREGORY J. KLIMKO Finance Director Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" Exhibit "C" $: 204)3 CONTRACTS KemDeha,MiltCreek contract R'~, H revised [ 1-03 doc X 0"' a.O U3z 0o L 0 tO t~ x ~ --0 EXH~£~T A 1[ [- D _1 0 0 I I'- J J g W I d F O4 Z oo o! [ I gl- ......... ::- [-- L ~..zS ~o~r i(~'9L , .2 I ® t I I [- Exhibit "B" YOg A~ 'ttE~ A_R_Y ~l' I , ~'~' ~ "~' ~ iF --II)~qh~ tl _~ '~'~ II ~m '~11I I ~1 ~ ~ ~ ), ~m ITII ~ ~ ,',,®,u /,% ~ = " ~lm 111 ~ -- ~ ~-. ~ ~',~:. ~ ,, ~1 ~l~ ~-,, m m · ,, ~.~"1 ~5~ ~ ,.~"~, i m m · ' m ~J ~ ~,.) J i i · m m ,, )L~,, J, ~-~ =~ ~-,,· t__m I~/_~_ N-,,,, ~ ,,,, I Ik~,dl\--/ ,, ~ ,, I I ~11~ ~. / II ' ~ l ~~ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ~ -1'- EXHIBIT "3" Response to Correspondence from Graham Vance & Cisneros Names those in opposition - noted. Author requests preparation of environmental impact report, "full" community participation, and states Mill Creek is not a legally prescribed project! Fails to state what inadequacies exist in document. Fails to state how public participation was not achieved during two public workshops, newspaper articles, newspaper notification, individual property owner notification, television news reports or the public hearing at the City Council or the televised workshop on the Mill Creek Project. Author's argument is completely without merit regarding public participation. Opposition is based on an argument that there are other projects in the area that are current, planned or "projected" intended to operate in conjunction with each other in the same defined community, and therefore, a Negative Declaration is needed. See answer to D. Author states, the "Negative Declaration is not adequate because these other projects were not considered cumulatively". This is the basic argument, that it is alleged there are many other "projects" in the area and that they should be looked at "together". The author is mixed up; some of these projects are existing developments and are not required to be added to a cumulative project list and some are projects which are no longer planned future projects like the baseball stadium. Keeping in mind that the Mill Creek Project essentially is putting rocks in an existing canal, adding a sidewalk to an existing canal and constructing a replica mill - hardly a project with any significant environmental impacts. A review of the nine "other" projects as listed by the author's reveals the following: Aquatic and ice rink facilities at 13th, 14th, "Q" Street and "N" Street under construction, part of environmental impact report prepared for the City Center Project. 180 units of iow-income tax credit senior housing at California Avenue and "N" Street. Ground breaking has already occurred. Part of environmental impact repod prepared for the City Center Project. 74 homes at "R" Street and 21st Street - Negative Declaration prepared for this project. Multi-screen theatre - California Avenue at 14th Street. Concept project, location to be determined in downtown area if materializes. 100 housing units at 1400 "Q" Street. Concept project, location to be determined in downtown area if materializes. 6. 60 units housing at California Avenue & 14 Street. (No longer a project). Several thousand square feet of commercial uses part of Bakersfield - City Walk Project - concept only, note: Several thousand square feet represents one sit down restaurant, inconsequential environmental impact. Response to Correspondence from Graham Vance and Cisneros December 1, 2003 Page 2 8. Baseball stadium. (No longer a project). 9. High speed transportation - conceptual only, actual decision on a location is years away. This list forms the basis for the author's argument. The biggest project (i.e., stadium) is no longer a "project". No one is moving forward on it in any way. Others (high speed rail terminal, theatre, and housing) are so conceptual as to be meaningless for environmental analysis. Author misrepresents status of cases (not even close to accurate) and fails to actually make any argument based on evidence. (i.e., traffic counts, LOS level, air quality thresholds, noise...anything). States the Mill Creek Project "eviscerates" a five acre parcel owned by H.W. Lakeshore Pines Joint Venture. This is incorrect. The author fails to understand all work is within the right-of-way of the canal. Not on his clients property (only in their easement). Author is incorrect when adding existing development to a cumulative project lists for environmental analysis. Using that "logic" one could add the entire existing downtown to every new downtown project. There is no basis in environmental law (or case law) to support this argument. Most of the "vacant" property mentioned no longer has viable projects on them (like the baseball stadium). Author's say the words (significant impact) but utilizes no data to support the words. The Mill Creek Project does stand alone. It is an independent project which will move forward regardless of any other project (real or imagined). Hydrology is virtually the only real issue when altering an existing canal with in an existing canal right-of-way. No other public agency agrees with the author that this may not be the case. Author makes no logical argument. Criticizes mandatory findings of significance as "boiler plate" and offers no argument as to why the Mill Creek Project may have significant cumulative impacts. See answer to C and D above. Author now argues the opposite of what he did previously. First, he lists various residential projects within the area, and then argues the Mill Creek Project itself would preclude some residential development and this loss might impact housing stock for the City?t We build more than 300 dwelling units monthly and as the author points out (see page 2 & 3 of Graham Vance & Cisneros letter) there are other residential projects in the area. Author misrepresents the Mill Creek Project as a commercially used area. The same argument could be used for Central Park. This argument makes no sense, and is not supported by the author. The project is a recreational facility. This is an infill project. It is completely surrounded by development. It is a continuation of the pattern of development in the area, the canal already exists. There will be more people (hopefully) in the area (walking, etc.); there will be more structures (water structures, road improvements and the mill itself) and more maintenance. The question is, will the impacts be significant? No it will not and the author offers no argument to the contrary. Response to Correspondence from Graham Vance and Cisneros December 1, 2003 Page 3 N. O. P. Author has CEQA law backwards, impacts to the project are meaningless. CEQA evaluates project impacts to the environment not the other way around. Same inadequate cumulative impact argument. Author misspells the word aesthetics. Conclusionary comment, offers no new argument. Staff agrees with Author on definition of project, reciting various elements. Author makes no argument here. Mill Creek Project is not dependant upon or linked to other projects. It is a stand alone project that will be built regardless of the status of any other "project" listed by the Author. Author's state "significant addition burden" on Kern Island Canal. Kern Delta owner/operator of the canal disagrees with the author's and has entered into an agreement with the City permitting the Mill Creek Project. Author claims project "burdens" H. W. Lakeshore Pines Joint Ventures underlying and adjacent property interests. How? In what way will modification of the existing canal burden Author's property? Water runs by the adjacent property now, with the project, water will run by the adjacent property in the future?! What environmental impact is there? Author fails to note. Author repeats himself. Staff does not agree, see answer to C and D. Author relies on both "forgoing reasons" and unarticulated reasons?! as to reasons staff has failed to comply with CEQA. Unarticulated reasons?! What precise environmental impact might this be related to? Lack of public participation! Read B. Read CEQA and see how staff have far exceeded requirements of CEQA for the Mill Creek Project. Ridiculous assertion. What does the Author think the December 10, 2003 Public Hearing is about? Public participation and a decision by the legislative body as to whether to proceed on this project or not. P:\Marc\Response to corres. 11-25-03.doc