HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter II Community Vision & PII. COMMUNITY VISION AND PROFILE A. COMMUNITY VISION Every city needs a vision that not only inspires its residents but also provides a framework for goals, objectives, strategies and outcomes for addressing community needs. At the end of this chapter is a strategic planning model the City used in formulating vision and mission statements, needs, goals, and objectives. The strategic goals fall into five main categories: promoting decent affordable housing, increasing community development by improving underserved neighborhoods, ending chronic homelessness, expanding economic opportunities, and coordination of housing and supportive services for special needs populations (non- homeless). The Economic and Community Development staff conducted a written survey of perceived community needs by residents between April and September 2004. The community survey results in conjunction with information obtained from stakeholder workshops, meetings, and secondary needs sources (i.e., census data, strategic plans, city general plan, annual reports, and special community needs assessments), laid the groundwork for the community vision and strategy. Using a collaborative citizen approach to consolidated planning (see consolidated planning process flowchart at end of this chapter), the following vision and mission statement were generated for the Consolidated Plan 2010. Vision - To become a safer, more attractive family-oriented community by unifying the City; enhancing economic prosperity; and improving cultural, recreational, health, housing, and educational opportunities for all residents. Mission - To provide a suitable living environment by improving the safety and livability of neighborhoods; expanding economic opportunities by creating jobs for low-income individuals; and assisting residents in obtaining affordable and fair housing. B. COMMUNITY PROFILE The City of Bakersfield is located in the San Joaquin Valley in Central California. Incorporated in 1898, Bakersfield has experienced significant population growth in recent years. During the 1970’s, the population increased 53% to 106,000. This was followed by population increases of 66% in the 1980’s and 41% in the 1990’s. Bakersfield, which is named after Colonel Thomas Baker, has continued to grow both in population and in land annexations. According to the California Department of Finance and Census Bureau, since 1950, the population has grown nearly 700%, from 34,800 to 279,000. The City’s land size since the early 1970s has increased fourfold to over 10 square miles to accommodate this growth. With a variety of job opportunities and affordable housing prices, Bakersfield continues to solidify itself as a major metropolitan area in central California. City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 II-1 May 2005 The City is projected to continue its rapid population growth in the foreseeable future. Rapid population growth brings new challenges and opportunities. Demographic change associated with population growth presents different housing needs. Physical growth of the community also brings forth the need to improve older areas of the City, extend and upgrade infrastructure, and encourage new housing to attract and retain the local workforce. The City is investing heavily in infrastructure and neighborhoods, economic and redevelopment projects, and public services. The City is also slated as the future location of a high-speed rail line connecting to Los Angeles and Northern California. Even with rapid development Bakersfield is dedicated to ensuring equal treatment in housing, employment, and municipal services. The City faces the challenge of encouraging the provision of housing suitable to its diverse population, generating jobs which offer opportunities of all skill levels, providing municipal services to all neighborhoods, encouraging reinvestment where needed to clean up deteriorated areas, and ensuring that people are treated fairly in the rental, sale, and occupancy of housing. See the Housing Market Analysis chapter which contains additional information on the City’s community profile. City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 II-2 May 2005