HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter X Performace Outcome MeX. OUTCOMES BASED PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT A. BACKGROUND As part of the President’s Management Agenda, HUD’s Office of Community Planning and Development has undertaken an initiative to make the Consolidated Plan more results-oriented and useful to communities in assessing their own progress toward addressing the problems of low-income areas and residents. As a means to comply with HUD’s initiative to make the Consolidated Plan more results-oriented, the City used the foregoing program outcome model framework for measuring it’s Consolidated Plan strategic accomplishments over the next five years. The City’s Consolidated Plan performance measurement system attempts to link goals, inputs, activities, and outputs with outcomes in order to objectively measure a community’s improvement process. By objectively measuring outcomes not just outputs, this balanced community scorecard approach will hopefully reflect the extent to which local community and housing development activities yield the desired outcomes in the community or in the lives of persons assisted. The ConPlan model reflects goals or general priorities (Affordable Housing, Community Development, Homelessness, Special Needs and Economic Opportunity) and the objectives reflected in Table 2C – Summary of Specific Housing/Community Development Objectives. The local performance measurement system also identifies outcomes and tracking indicators which should provide objective measuring of accomplishments and end-results (outcomes) at the completion of each Fiscal Year beginning for FY 2005-06. The definitions used for this performance measurement model are reflected below. Goals are the proposed solutions to problems or needs identified by the grantee during the ? consolidated planning process. Inputs include resources dedicated to or consumed by the program such as money, staff, ? equipment, and supplies. Activities are what the program does with inputs to fulfill its mission. Activities include the ? strategies, techniques, and types of treatment that comprise the program’s production process or service methodology. Outputs are the direct products of a program’s activities. They are usually measured in ? terms of the volume of work accomplished, such as number of low-income households served, number of loan applications processed, number of units constructed or rehabilitated, linear feet of curbs and gutters installed, or numbers of jobs created or retained. Outcomes are benefits that result from a program. Outcomes are typically end-results that ? relate to a change in conditions, status, attitudes, skills, knowledge, or behavior. Common outcomes could include improved quality of life for program participants, improved quality of local housing stock, or revitalization of a neighborhood. Tracking Indicators are a planning tool that provides useful performance measurement ? information about the condition or change of the community’s well-being and the potential impact of its strategic outcomes. The development of the City’s Consolidated Plan performance measurement system will continue to be an evolving self-evaluation process and may change based on input and direction from HUD, State, and local policy makers and stakeholders. City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 X-1 May 2005 B. PERFORMANCE OUTCOME MODEL The model used reflects the ConPlan’s general priorities/goals (Affordable Housing, Community Development, Homelessness, Special Needs and Economic Opportunity) specific priorities and objectives. The measurement system also identifies tracking indicators for the purpose of providing objective measuring of accomplishments and end-results (outcomes) at the completion of each Fiscal Year beginning for FY 2005-06. The baseline (benchmarking) data points used for the expected outcome measurements over the next five years are from 2004. The performance measurement system model contains general priorities, specific objectives, outputs, outcomes and tracking indicators. The following pages reflect a description of the proposed outputs and outcomes in the following table to be achieved over a five (5) year period (for an annual performance snapshot of outputs and outcomes divide the total numbers/percentages by 5) and a brief sample flowchart of the model using affordable housing outputs/outcomes as an example. For more specific information regarding strategies, goals, objectives and outputs see the Strategic Plan (Chapter IX), the Consolidated Plan Table 2 C and the Appendix Section. City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 X-2 May 2005 'u c tu re em ents es/S ervices Safety íAnti- =ire Prevention c vation/C D 1 g '1,0001.l.ofpiping '10,0001.1. of streets cape '25,0001.1. of sidewalk 'Street lighting upgrades for 2000 people; 'Reconstructed sewer lines for 50 hom es '30,0001.1. of curb & gutters '100 Parking spaces 'fire facilities benefiting 15,000 people 'Retro-fitting/constructing five four com m unity parks 'Childcare spaces for 1200 children 'Health/referral services for 2500 persons 'Develop one neighborhood facility 'Em ergency shelter for 50 abused elderly 'Develop/expand one youth center 'Rem ove 2 million s.1. of graffiti 'Lead paint testing/m itigation for 25 hom es 'Energy Conservation for 25 businesses 'Code Enforcem ent/property dem olition for 10 buildings 'Build capacity for one nonprofit 'Fund three firefighter positions íSE area) 'Fund two police officers in the SE area of Bakersfield íat least one fiscal year) 'Crim e awareness services for 450 seniors 'DAR E services for 2500 school children Preserving or designating one historic building/landm ark Com pleting/am ending one HUD ConPlan, five Action Plans and two studies/Section 108 Applications. ess of preparing a Police Strategic Plan with an evaluation com ponent. Five percent reduction in the num ber of declining infrastructure within low incom e neighborhoods íblock groups). Increase of recreational opportunities for youth by five percent. Decrease in the numberoflow incom e substandard residential dwellings with LBP and graffiti by one percent. Increase licensed childcare spaces by 10% . Response tim es decreased by five percent in the Fire Station #5 service area; Five percent decrease in property crim es in the Bakersfield East Area Com m and. 2 % increase in preserved/retrofitted historic landm arks/buildings 2 % increase in new CD plans/strategies im plem ented Public Works Dept. annual report. City's Annual CAPER Recreation and Parks Dept. Annual R e port City's annual CAPER PW /Building Annual R e port Community Connection for Childcare Report FireDept.YearEnd Report. BPD Annual Evaluation Report' Annual Housing Preservation Committee reports AnnualSHPO statistics/studies Annual no. of community plans/studies approved 0 X -3 May2005 General Specific Priorities Outputs Outcomes Tracking Priorities (over five years) (over five years) Indicators Direct assistance for creation of 100 jobs 2% increase in new Annual ETR/WIA Five businesses/sites assisted through clearance, commercial/shopping opportunities reporting statistics retrofitting, and/or construction Annual Employment training services to assist ten 2% increase of WIA/CalWorks clients commercial/shoppi Economic businesses and/or 125 workers with job skills trained/employed ng building permits Economic Opportunity Development Employment of up to 2000 persons in the CalWorks pulled program. Annual sales tax 10% of PHA families to be job assisted data Annual business licenses pulled Owner Occupied Downpayment assistance to 50 homebuyers 1% increase in homeownership No. of density Housing CHDO assistance to benefit 35 households bonuses In-fill housing assistance to benefit 50 households 2% increase in supply of new Annual Bakersfield Rehabilitation assistance to benefit 20 housing affordable multi-family units Association of (owner occupied) structures Realtor Report New construction of multi-family units to benefit 379 .5% increase of single family housing Annual households units that are considered standard HMDA/Census Rental Housing Rental retrofit to benefit 15 households Data Affordable HACK TBRA assistance for 250 households Annual California Housing PHA capital fund assistance for 200 households Realtor Association Public Housing PHA assistance to 50 households for homeownership Report New affordable rental units constructed Annual review of housing conditions study City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 X-4 May 2005 General Specific Outputs Outcomes Tracking Priorities Priorities (over five years) (over five years) Indicators *Distribute 1500 brochures and flyers *Assist annual assistance to the Board of Realtors Increase public awareness of FH Annual FH public with FH Arts Contest rights and raise tolerance levels by participation *Distribute 300 FH posters to HACK 10%.. surveys *Present ten FH seminars on bi-annual basis Community *Conduct ten FH workshops A 15% increase in conflict resolution Number of Development Fair Housing *Provide FH training 15 workshops providing positive and satisfactory conciliation and *Investigate all (100%) formal discrimination outcomes for both parties. resolution complaints agreements/yr. *Conduct five investigational testing *Provide mediation services with a goal of 5% resolution of all mediated cases. *Contact and assess 2500 homeless families *Provide information referral to 5000 clients A 2% increase in the number of Homeless Assessment & *Perform case management for 250 clients homeless clients that achieve access Management Outreach *Expand shelter to accommodate 50 clients to mainstream resources and Information System Emergency Shelter & *Develop 20 additional transitional units supportive services. (HMIS)* Homelessness Services *Assist 36 clients to independent living Transitional Housing *Assist 25 clients to permanent supportive housing A 2% increase in the number of Permanent Housing units homeless individuals that achieve Annual Continuum Supportive Services *Provide access for 500 clients to supportive services self-sufficiency. of Care point in time surveys *100 units for elderly and frail elderly *15 SRO rest and recovery units A 2% increase in accessible rental End of the yr. *50 beds for mentally ill housing with supportive services for tabulation of *50 units for developmentally disabled Special Needs groups that will current accessible *15 accessible units for physically disabled improve habitability conditions and housing stock to Special Needs *modification of 75 units for physically disabled increase independence. confirm increase. Populations Special Facilities & *20 beds for person with alcohol/drug addictions (Non- Services *40 units for persons with HIV/AIDS A 5% increase in housing that is End of the yr. Homeless) *50 Section 8 vouchers for female headed suitable for the mentally ill, tabulation of households drug/alcohol additions, and transition current special *10 beds for transition age youth coming out of foster age youth that will increase self needs housing care sufficiency and quality of life. stock to confirm increase. ? Beginning 2005, supportive housing providers targeting homeless clientele will be implementing the new HMIS program. 2-10-05 City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 X-5 May 2005 City of Bakersfield OUTCOMES BASED PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT Beginning with the 2010 Con Plan, an outcome model for measuring impact of housing and community development activities is required by HUD. A sample of the Performance Measurement Model being used for the City's Con Plan is below. CTIVES using lutions to needs n the ated Plan such or an increase ble housing. Provide assistance income t s of m activities. umber of clients/custom ers served ./ Number of loans mad first time homebu ./ Numb horn reha creased percentage of housing units that are standard ./ Increased percenta homeo elloan screening lal inspection erify contractor/buy eligibility and cost reasonableness ./ Prepare loan doc specifications ./ Loan approval ./ Progress i 001 for and ing mance No. of affordable housing permits/yr ./ No. of ann loans m homeb ./ Annu rep ./ An City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 XI-6 May 2005