HomeMy WebLinkAboutChapter XI FY 2005-06 Action Pl City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan of the Consolidated Plan 2010 May 2005 Councilmembers: Irma Carson - Ward 1 Susan M. Benham - Ward 2 Michael Maggard - Ward 3 David Couch - Ward 4 Harold Hanson - Ward 5 Jacquie Sullivan - Ward 6 Zack Scrivner - Ward 7 Lead Agency: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director George Gonzales, Community Development Coordinator Economic and Community Development Department 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 326-3765 FAX (661) 328-1548 TDD (661) 324-3631 ACTION PLAN 2005/06 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACTION PLAN - FY 2005/06 A. Introduction......................................................................................................................1 B. Activities to Be Undertaken..............................................................................................2 FY 2005-06 Action Plan Summary Table..........................................................................3 Listing of Proposed Projects.............................................................................................5 C. Geographic Distribution of Site-Specific Projects............................................................34 D. Homeless, Housing and Other Special Needs Activities.................................................34 E. Other Actions.................................................................................................................34 1. General Actions.........................................................................................................34 2. Public Housing Actions..............................................................................................37 F. Program Specific Requirements.....................................................................................38 1. CDBG........................................................................................................................38 2. HOME.......................................................................................................................38 3. ESG..........................................................................................................................40 G. Monitoring Standards and Procedures...........................................................................40 Application for Federal Assistance SF424 – CDBG.................................................................42 Application for Federal Assistance SF424 – HOME................................................................43 Application for Federal Assistance SF424 – ESG...................................................................44 Certification.............................................................................................................................45 Maps .......................................................................................................................................55 Appendix ................................................................................................................................62 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 May 2005 ACTION PLAN - FY 2005/06 (1 st Year Investment Plan of the Con Plan 2010) A. INTRODUCTION The FY 2005/06 Action Plan is the City's first annual plan of the Con Plan 2010. The one year plan proposes projects and activities to meet the priorities described in the strategic plan section of the Consolidated Plan 2010. It describes eligible programs, projects, and activities to be undertaken with anticipated funds made available in FY 2005/06 and their relationship to housing, homelessness, and community and economic development needs identified in the Consolidated Plan 2010. The "funding source" table on the following page is a summary of the entitlement funds as well as a listing of all program income sources and the amount expected to be received during the coming fiscal year. All of the allocation priorities (projected use of funds) can be tied back to the strategic plan priorities and housing and community development needs assessment outlined in the Consolidated Plan 2010. General priority categories of housing, homelessness, special needs, and community development needs and their related goals are addressed in the various activities to be undertaken. These activities estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities, including special local objectives and priority needs. The projected "use of funds" identifies the proposed accomplishments and a target date for completion. Area benefit activities were qualified using 2000 Census data. The Action Plan also provides information related to the proposed geographic distribution of investment. It includes a general description of homeless and other community development needs activities to be undertaken and other actions to address obstacles to meet underserved needs and reduce poverty. Lastly, there are fourteen site specific maps identifying the locations of proposed projects. This plan can also be found at the City's website at www.bakersfieldcitv.us. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan All Funding Sources FY 2004/05 FY 2005/06 Entitlement Grant (includes reallocated funds) $6,006,694 $5,620,980 Unprogrammed Prior Year's Income (not previously reported) $0 $0 Surplus Funds $0 $0 Return of Grant Funds $0 $0 Total Estimated Program Income (from detail below) $325,000 $250,000 Total Funding Sources: $6,331,694 $5,870,980 FY 04/05 FY 04/05 FY 05/06 FY 05/06 Description Grantee Subrecipient Grantee Subrecipient Principle and Interest Commercial Loans $0 $0 $1,500 $0 Permits/Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 Principal/Interest Single-Family Rehab Loans $250,000 $0 $215,000 $0 Other Interest Penalties $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Loan Collections $75,000 $0 $0 $0 Principal/Interest on FTHB $0 $0 $30,000 $0 Misc. Revenue $0 $0 $3,500 $0 Total Estimated Program Income $325,000 $0 $250,000 $0 Estimated Program Income City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 May 2005 1 NEW FUNDING SOURCES Entitlement Grant (includes reallocated funds) CDBG $3,744,782 ESG $143,845 HOME $1,732,353 HOPWA $0 Total $5,620,980 Prior Years' Program Income NOT previously programmed or reported CDBG $0 ESG $0 HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Total $0 Reprogrammed Prior Years' Funds CDBG $0 ESG $0 HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Total $0 Total Estimated Program Income $250,000 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Fund $0 TOTAL FUNDING SOURCES $5,870,980 Other Funds Submitted Proposed Projects - Totals $5,870,980 Un-Submitted Proposed Projects - Totals $0 B. ACTIVITIES TO BE UNDERTAKEN A summarization of the activities planned for the coming fiscal year, "FY 2005/06 Action Plan Summary," is listed below. The set of tables "Listing of Proposed Projects," found following the summary provides a more detailed description of each activity the City will undertake during the next fiscal year (July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006) to address priority needs that were identified in the Consolidated Plan, "Five-Year Strategy." The "Listing of Proposed Projects" provides a title and purpose of each project, a brief description, the location, the budgeted amount and funding source, as well as, the priority need that is being addressed by the activity, and a target date for completion. Priorities identified also include the general categories they fall under. Proposed beneficiaries are low-income residents. A copy of the published notice can be found as Appendix "A". This notice also details each activity. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 May 2005 2 FY 2005/06 ACTION PLAN SUMMARY CDBG FY 2005/06 Resources Allocation Community Development Block Grant entitlement funds. Program Income Revenue generated from repayment of CDBG funded loans. Total CDBG Resources $3,794,782 Operating Budget Administration Costs associated with overall program management, coordination, monitoring, public information, & planning of the CDBG program. Section 108 Loan Payments Third year’s interest of a loan payment to HUD for $800,000 for public facility improvements and second year’s interest of a loan payment to HUD for $4.1 million for public facility improvements. $1,149,929 Subtotal Public Services Graffiti Removal of graffiti within various low/mod income areas within the city. Fire Protection Services Hire 3 additional fire fighters for Fire Station #5 Bakersfield Senior Center Funds to help maintain services to senior citizens. Southeast Crime Prevention Services Salaries and benefits for 3.5 new police officers to increase police coverage in East and Southeast Bakersfield. $569,000 Subtotal Housing Home Access Grant Grants up to $2,500 for handicap accessibility in residential structures. Graffiti Removal of graffiti from single family homes. Graffiti Removal of graffiti from multi-family homes. Service Delivery Staff and overhead costs of delivery of single-family rehab activities. $150,000 Subtotal Economic Development Graffiti Removal of graffiti from publicly or privately owned commercial/industrial buildings. Acquisition and Demolition Acquisition and demolition of deteriorated structures in economically distressed areas for economic development activities. $153,853 Subtotal Capital Improvement Projects ndnd P Street Area Sewer Project Sewer line installation on P Street between the Kern Island Canal and 2 Street and on 2 Street between P and N streets. thth Chester Avenue Streetscape – 24 to Streetscape improvements on Chester Avenue from 24 Street to Garces Circle. Garces Circle Street Improvement Project - Wards Install street improvements on portions of 22 City streets. 3, 6 and 7 Fire Station #5 Construction Acquisition, design, and construction to replace the deteriorated Fire Station #5 at 102 East White Lane. $1,772,000 Subtotal $3,794,782 Total CDBG Expenditures City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 3 May 2005 HOME FY 2005/06 Resources Allocation HOME entitlement funds allocated from HUD including American Dream Downpayment Initiative Assistance Program. Program Income Revenue generated from repayment of HOME funded loans. $1,932,353 Total HOME Resources Operating Budget Administration Costs associated with overall program management, coordination, monitoring, public information, & planning of the HOME program. $188,719 Subtotal Housing Service Delivery Staff and overhead costs of delivery of single-family rehab activities. New Construction Assistance Housing development assistance for costs associated with the acquisition for construction of affordable housing. Housing Urban Bakersfield – Loans to help low-income people purchase family homes. Downpayment Assistance American Dream Downpayment Downpayment and closing cost assistance to help low-income people purchase a home. Assistance Plan $1,490,556 Subtotal Non-Profit Assistance CHDO Set Aside Loans for acquisition of dwellings for rehabilitation & resale by a qualified CHDO. $253,078 Subtotal Total HOME Expenditures $1,932,353 Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) FY 2005/06 Resources Allocation ESG entitlement funds allocated from HUD. (No Program Income) $143,845 Total ESG Resources Operating Budget ESG Administration Costs of overall management & coordination of the ESG program. $7,095 Subtotal Non-Profits Alliance Against Family Violence Funding for operations and maintenance costs. Bakersfield Homeless Center Funding for operation, maintenance, and essential services. Bakersfield Rescue Mission Funding for operations and maintenance costs. $136,750 Subtotal Total ESG Expenditures $143,845 $5,870,980 Total FY 2005/06 Budget City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 4 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments P Street Area Sewer Project 0001 03J Water/Sewer Improvements CDBG $223,000 ESG $0 Infrastructure E6K105 570.201(c) HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) 1,000 l.f. of piping & related 1,677 People (General) improvements to upgrade water main systems. Accomplishments: *; b) TOTAL $223,000 25,000 l.f. of street reconstruction. Accomplishments: *; c) install 10,000 l.f. of streetscaping & landscaping. Accomplishments: *; d) reconstruction Total Other Funding $0 of 25,000 sq.ft. of sidewalk. Accomplishments: *; e) installation of 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. Accomplishments: *; f) new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 homes. Accomplishments: *; g) installation of 30,000 l.f. of curbs & gutters, & underground storm drainage lines. Accomplishments: *; h) provide 100 new parking spaces. Accomplishments: *; i) solid waste disposal services to 100 residents. Accomplishments: *; j) fire facilities & equipment related improvements to benefit 18,000 people. Accomplishments: *; and k) retrofit and/or construction of 5 parks/recreational facilities. Accomplishments: *. *Accomplishment data for FY 05 is not yet available. nd Sewer line installation on P Street between the Kern Island Canal and 2 nd Street and on 2 Street between P and N streets. These existing homes are now served by individual septic tanks. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Infrastructure Improvement (LM=80.4%) CT: 20 BG 3 Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 06/30/06 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(1) - Low/Mod Area Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): Addresses CT:002000 BG: 3 County: 06029 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 5 May 2005 IP rio rity I is c r i t io n lueStreetscape-24 to Garces Circle ;om plishm ents include a) 1,0001.1. of piping & related stoupgradewatermainsystems. Accomplishments * of street reconstruction. Accom plishm ents *; c) install streetscaping & landscaping. Accom plishm ents *; d) n of 25,000 sq.f!. of sidewalk. Accom plishm ents *; e) 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. ents: *; fl new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 1m plishm ents *; g) installation of 30,0001.1. of curbs & Jerground storm drainage lines. Accom plishm ents *; h) lew parking spaces. Accom plishm ents *; il solid waste ices to 100 residents. Accom plishm ents *; il fire uipm ent related im provem ents to 18,000 people. ents *; and kl retrofit and/or construction of 5 ional facilities. Accom plishm ents * *Accom plishm ent 5 is not yet available. 570.201(cl 0 N /A m provem ents that include installation of street trees and the center median and parkway, tree grates, autom atic lards, decorative lights and trash receptacles. 5 to take place in the public right-of-way along Chester een24lhStreetandGarcesCircle. Thetotalestimated :osts are $1,586,000 Consolidated Plan Priority- 'evelopm entllnfrastructure 1m provem ents No Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(bl(3) - Slum s/Blight Urban Renewal Local G overnm ent C T & B G '5 rAIDS? 0 u n ty 06 0 2 9 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $324,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $324,000 OtherFunding Section 108 Funds Taxlncrement Total Other Funding $1,000,000 $262,000 $1,262,000 6 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Street Reconstruction Project - Wards 3, 6 & 7 0003 03K Street Improvements CDBG $700,000 ESG $0 Infrastructure T6K143 570.201(c) HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) 1,000 l.f. of piping & related 10,050 People (General) improvements to upgrade water main systems. Accomplishments: *; TOTAL $700,000 b) 25,000 l.f. of street reconstruction. Accomplishments: *; c) install 10,000 l.f. of streetscaping & landscaping. Accomplishments: *; d) Total Other Funding $0 reconstruction of 25,000 sq.ft. of sidewalk. Accomplishments: *; e) installation of 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. Accomplishments: *; f) new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 homes. Accomplishments: *; g) installation of 30,000 l.f. of curbs & gutters, & underground storm drainage lines. Accomplishments: *; h) provide 100 new parking spaces. Accomplishments: *; i) solid waste disposal services to 100 residents. Accomplishments: *; j) fire facilities & equipment related improvements to 18,000 people. Accomplishments: *; and k) retrofit and/or construction of 5 parks/recreational facilities. Accomplishments: *. *Accomplishment data for FY 05 is not yet available. AREA 1 – Street reconstruction and sidewalk installation on 2 City th streets which are 38 Street from Jewett Avenue to K Street, and San th Dimas Street from West Columbus Street to 38 Street. (LM=70.2%) CT 6 BG’s 1 & 4. AREA 2 – Street reconstruction on portions of 11 streets in an area bordered by Parker Avenue on the north, Real Road on the east, Wilson Road on the south and Old Stine Road on the west. (LM=63.5%) CT 28.14. AREA 3 – Street reconstruction on portions of 9 streets in an area bordered by Beryl Drive on the north, Monitor Street on the east, Ivan Avenue on the south and Balboa Drive on the west. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Infrastructure Improvements (LM=51.8%) CT’s 30 BG 4 & 31.21 BG 1 Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(1) - Low/Mod Area Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): CT & BG’s CT: 000600 BG: 1 County: 06029 CT: 003000 BG: 1 County 06029 CT: 000600 BG: 4 County: 06029 CT: 003121 BG: 1 County:06029 CT: 002814 BG: 1 County 06029 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 7 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Fire Station #5 Construction 0004 03O Fire Stations/Equipment CDBG $525,000 ESG $0 Infrastructure P5H005 570.201(c) HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) 1,000 l.f. of piping & related 1 Public Facility improvements to upgrade water main systems. Accomplishments: *; b) TOTAL $525,000 25,000 l.f. of street reconstruction. Accomplishments: *; c) install 10,000 l.f. of streetscaping & landscaping. Accomplishments: *; d) reconstruction of 25,000 sq.ft. of sidewalk. Accomplishments: *; e) Other Funding installation of 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. Section 108 Funding $1,600,000 Accomplishments: *; f) new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 homes. Tax Increment $589,005 Accomplishments: *; g) installation of 30,000 l.f. of curbs & gutters, & Total Other Funding $2,189,005 underground storm drainage lines. Accomplishments: *; h) provide 100 new parking spaces. Accomplishments: *; i) solid waste disposal services to 100 residents. Accomplishments: *; j) fire facilities & equipment related improvements to 18,000 people. Accomplishments: *; and k) retrofit and/or construction of 5 parks/recreational facilities. Accomplishments: *. *Accomplishment data for FY 05 is not yet available. Acquisition, design and construction of Fire Station No. 5 and community meeting room at 102 East White Lane. The approximately 8,000 sq.ft. building will contain facilities for shifts of four fire fighters to be on duty continuously (living, recreation and work space areas). The 1,400 sq.ft. meeting room will be available for community meetings. The lobby will have public restrooms. Also proposed is a 800 sq. ft. police satellite office to be constructed adjacent to the site. The police office will utilize non HUD funds for construction, and the cost of the fire station and meeting room will be funded with CDBG, Section 108 and local tax increment funds. The total estimated cost of the project is $3.8 million. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Infrastructure Improvements (LM=51.5%) CT’s 24 BG 1, CT’s 25 BG’s 3 & 4, CT’s 29 BG’s 1 & 2, CT 30 BG’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6, CT 31.03 BG’s 1, 2, & 3, CT 31.13 BG’s 1 & 2, CT 31.15 BG 1, CT 31.21 BG’s 1 & 2 CT 31.22 BG 1, CT 32.02 BG1 (18,331 People = LMI beneficiaries) Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/04 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/06 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(1) – Low/Mod Area Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): CT & BG’s 102 East White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93307 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 8 May 2005 ) rio rity / j c r i t io n I Services U.S. Departm ent of Housing & Urban Developm ent CPD Consolidated Plan Listin of Pro osedPro'ects HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Citation/Accom lishments 05 Public Services (General) & Safety Facilities/Services 570.201(e) Jm plishm ents include a) health referral services for 2,500 Jfamilies. Accomplishments *;b)fairhousing education and as distributing 1,500 fair housing brochures. ints *; c) fair housing technical training to non-profit agencies fOUrS & facilitating annual fair housing tester training. ints *; d) fair housing law com pliance by investigating & form al housing discrim ination com plaints received. ints *; e) 24 hour fair housing hotline and substantial service sing discrim ination to approxim ately 100 households. ints *;f)resolution goalof5% ofallformalhousing cases. Accom plishm ents *; g) collaborating with service ovide annual workshops to educate the disabled com m unity, rs and real estate professionals. Accom plishm ents *; and h) fire prevention services to SE Bakersfield by maintaining 1ters to keep one station at full staffing levels. ints * *Data for FY 05 not yet available. 20,304 People enefits for three fire fighters for Fire Station #5 at 700 Planz ill continue full strength crew 5 of four persons per shift. Jlan Priority - Com m unity Developm entiPublic Facilities and :53%) CT's 24 BG 1, CT 25 BG's 3 & 4, CT 29 BG's 1,2,3, '51,2,3,4,5, & 6, CT 3103 BG 1,2, & 3, CT 31.13 BG's 1 BG 1, CT 31.21 BG's 1 & 2, & CT 31.22 BG 1 (20,304 people a ri e 5 ) H AIDS? No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(1) - Low /M od Area Local G overnm ent Add resses 07/01/05 01/01/07 ersfield, CA 93304 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $252,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $252,000 Total Other Funding $0 9 May2005 Ip rio rity / IS C r i t io n val Program ;om plishm ents include a) rem ove 2 million sq.ft. of m plishm ents *; b) educate 3,000 school children about use resistance. Accom plishm ents *; c) provide lead based paint hazard testing/m itigation for 20 Accom plishm ents *; d) provide assistance for code inspection and/or clearance & dem olition to benefit 10 Accom plishm ents *; e) preserve one historic place by istance for designation and/or acquisition/renovation. ents '; f) provide loans to clean up to five contam inated plishm ents *; and g) provide energy conservation j businesses. Accom plishm ents ' 'Data for FY05 not raffiti within various low-incom e areas within the City of cluding education and outreach. Consolidated Plan 1 m unity Developm entiOther Public Facilities/Services No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(1) - Low /M od Area Local G overnm ent Community Wide rAIDS? 570.201(e) 1,126 People (General) 07/01/05 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $40,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $40,000 Total Other Funding $0 1 0 May2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n ,nior Center Services m 5 570.201(e) om plishm ents are to provide assistance for a com m unity which includes a) services for 50 elder abuse victim s. ònts '; and b) provide education and protection for 500 inancial crim es and identity theft. Accom plishm ents ' 15 not yet available. 3,600 Elderly ilribution w ill allow the center to continue to operate at its' fserviceswhichincludes noontimemeals,recreational sical fitness activities, senior advocacy & hum an services nsportation of clients. Consolidated Plan Priority- evelopm entiSenior Centers/Services No Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(a)(2) - Low/M od Lim ited Clientele Subrecipient Private 570.500(c) Add resses AIDS? ield, CA 93304 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $50,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $50,000 Total Other Funding $0 11 May2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n last Crim e Prevention Services 0 g ra m 5 om plishm ents include a)support the staffing of about fficers in southeast Bakersfield during at least a 12 month n plishm ents *; and b) support the PAL program directed ng "at risk" children in school. Accom plishm ents * 5notyetavailable. lefits for four police officers for increased police ast & Southeast Bakersfield to provide a higher level of orthis low-incom e area. The patrol boundaries are on the north,OsweIIStreet& the City limits on the east, 1 the south & Union Avenue on the west. CDBG funds about 3.5 of the four police positions. Consolidated Plan m unity Developm entiOther Public Facilities/Services ;T's904BG11201 BG 11202BG's2&3;13;15;21; 52& 4; 24 BG 1; 25 BG's 1,3,4 & 5 & 31.03 BG 1 No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(1)-Low/ModArea Local G overnm ent Add resses Bakersfield, CA 93307 AIDS? 570.201(e) 23,162 People (General) 07/01/05 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $227,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $227,000 OtherFunding City General Funds Total Other Funding $34,760 $34,760 1 2 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Home Access Grant Program 0009 14A Rehab; Single-Unit Residential CDBG $55,000 ESG $0 Special Needs/Non-Homeless LJZ602 570.202 HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) support the development of 18 Housing Units 100 new affordable & suitable units for elderly & frail elderly. TOTAL $55,000 Accomplishments: *; b) support the development of at least 15 “rest & recovery” SRO units. Accomplishments: *; c) support the Total Other Funding $0 development of facilities and/or homes to benefit 50 additional severe mentally ill persons. Accomplishments: *; d) support the development of least-restrictive housing for 50 developmentally disabled persons. Accomplishments: *; e) support the development of 15 new accessible housing units & the modification of 100 existing housing units for physically disabled persons. Accomplishments: *; f) make 20 more beds available to victims of domestic violence. Accomplishments: *; g) supporting 50 affordable housing units for female-headed households and/or rent subsidies (with Section 8 vouchers) for 50 female-headed households. Accomplishments: *; and h) facilitate the development of housing (SROs, independent rental housing, etc.) to accommodate 10 persons leaving the child protection system. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Grants of up to $2,500 (or $3,500 with lead based paint issues) for constructing handicap accessibility improvements in privately or publicly owned structures. Consolidated Plan Priority – Other Special Needs/Special Needs & Facilities Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(3) - Low/Mod Housing Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 13 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Graffiti Removal from Single Family Homes 0010 14A Rehab; Single-Unit Residential CDBG $15,000 ESG $0 Housing LEJ608 570.202 HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied 100 Housing Units single family units. Accomplishments: *; b) affordable housing TOTAL $15,000 developments which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single family homes for 50 households (homebuyers). Accomplishments: *; c) Total Other Funding $0 multi-family rehabilitation to benefit 35 renter households. Accomplishments: *; d) mortgage downpayment assistance to benefit 50 first time homebuyers. Accomplishments: *; e) housing developers benefit 15 households. Accomplishments*; f) construction of multi- family units to benefit 379 households. Accomplishments: *; g) Public Housing Capital funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 households. Accomplishments: *; and h) HUD funds for 50 new rental units. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Graffiti removal from single family home properties in economically distressed slum and blighted areas. Consolidated Plan Priority – Affordable Housing/Owner Occupied Housing. Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(b)(3) – Slums/Blight Urban Renewal Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): N/A City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 14 May 2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n lalfrom MultipleFamilyHomes 570.202 om plishm ents include a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied Inits. Accom plishm ents *; b) affordable housing which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single fam ily households (hom ebuyers). Accom plishm ents '; c) habilitation to benefit 35 renter households. ònts *; d) mortgage downpaym ent assistance to benefit om ebuyers. Accom plishm ents *; e) housing developers Iseholds. Accom plishm ents*; f) construction of m ulti- benefit 379 households. Accom plishm ents *; g) Public tal funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 ~ccomplishments *;andh)HUDfundsfor50new rental plishm ents ' *Data for FY05 not yet available. 100 Housing Units al from Multiple fam ily horn e properties in econom ically m and blighted areas. Consolidated Plan Priority- using/Rental Housing No Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(b)(3) - Slum s/Blight Urban Renewal Local G overnm ent N /A AIDS? Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $15,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $15,000 Total Other Funding $0 1 5 May2005 U.S. Departm ent of Housing & Urban Developm ent CPD Consolidated Plan Listin of Pro osedPro'ects HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Citation/Accom lishments 14E Rehab; Publicly or Privately- Owned Com m ercial/lndustrial P rio rity / s c r i t io n tal from Public or Privately Owned Com m ercial/lndustrial lelopm ent om plishm ents include a) create about 100 jobs for low- 9. Accomplishments ';b)jobdevelopment,marketing, 'm ent training service that will assist at least 10 nd benefit at least 125 unem ployed adult workers (either or work skill retooling). Accom plishm ents '; c) increase oyed persons by HACK in public housing assisted (PHA) %. Accom plishm ents *; d) facilitate the em ploym ent of ersons from the CalW orks program. Accom plishm ents fit 5 businesses by acquiring/clearing properties of Jlighted residential, com m ercial/industrial buildings which Ide construction and/or rehabilitation. Accom plishm ents Y05 not yet available. tal from properties publicly or privately owned dustrial buildings in econom ically distressed slum and Consolidated Plan Priority - Com m ercial/lndustrial 570.202 200 Businesses No Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(b)(3) - Slum s/Blight Urban Renewal Local G overnm ent N /A AIDS? Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $30,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $30,000 Total Other Funding $0 1 6 May2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n Iry Costs for Housing Related Activities om plishm ents include a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied Inits. Accom plishm ents *; b) affordable housing which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single fam ily households (hom ebuyers). Accom plishm ents '; c) habilitation to benefit 35 renter households. ònts *; d) mortgage downpaym ent assistance to benefit om ebuyers. Accom plishm ents *; e) housing developers Iseholds. Accom plishm ents*; f) construction of m ulti- benefit 379 households. Accom plishm ents *; g) Public tal funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 ~ccomplishments *;andh)HUDfundsfor50new rental plishm ents ' *Data for FY05 not yet available. ,ad costs directly related to carrying out single fam ily abilitation (i.e., loan preparation/servicing, work write-ups 15). Consolidated Plan Priority - Affordable erOccupied Housing No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(3)-Low/Mod Housing Other Community Wide AIDS? 570.202 100 Households (General) 07/01/05 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $65,000 $0 $50,000 $0 TOTAL $115,000 Total Other Funding $0 1 7 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Acquisition and Demolition Program 0014 17A CI Land Acquisition/Disposition CDBG $123,853 ESG $0 Economic Development P1L601 570.203(a) HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) create 100 jobs for low-income 10 Jobs people. Accomplishments: *; b) job development, marketing, and/or TOTAL $123,853 employment training service that will assist 10 businesses and benefit at least 125 unemployed adult workers (either with jobs and/or work Total Other Funding $0 skill retooling). Accomplishments: *; c) Increase the % of employed persons by HACK in public housing assisted families by 10%. Accomplishments: *; d) facilitate the employment of 2,000 persons from the CalWorks program. Accomplishments: *; and e) benefit 5 business by acquiring/clearing properties of deteriorated, blighted residential, commercial/industrial buildings which may also include construction and/or rehabilitation. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Acquisition & demolition of deteriorated industrial, commercial, & residential properties in an economically distressed area. Acquisition is for the purpose of clearance which will eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay in certified redevelopment areas. Cleared land will be for proposed economic development projects which will primarily benefit low-income people through job creation. Consolidated Plan Priority - Economic Development/Economic Opportunity. Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(b)(1) – Slum/Blight Urban Renewal Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): N/A City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 18 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Section 108 Loan Repayment for $800,000 of Public Facilities 0015 19F Repayments of Section 108 CDBG $62,050 Loan Principal ESG $0 Infrastructure LTF602 HOME $0 570,705(c) HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) 1,000 l.f. of piping & related improvements to upgrade water main systems. Accomplishments: *; 0 N/A TOTAL $62,050 b) 25,000 l.f. of street reconstruction. Accomplishments: *; c) install 10,000 l.f. of streetscaping & landscaping. Accomplishments: *; d) Total Other Funding $0 reconstruction of 25,000 sq.ft. of sidewalk. Accomplishments: *; e) installation of 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. Accomplishments: *; f) new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 homes. Accomplishments: *; g) installation of 30,000 l.f. of curbs & gutters, & underground storm drainage lines. Accomplishments: *; h) provide 100 new parking spaces. Accomplishments: *; i) solid waste disposal services to 100 residents. Accomplishments: *; j) fire facilities & equipment related improvements to 18,000 people. Accomplishments: *; and k) retrofit and/or construction of 5 parks/recreational facilities. Accomplishments: *. *Accomplishment data for FY 05 is not yet available. Third year’s interest on a $800,000 loan for the Brundage Lane Street Improvement Project ($325,000), the California Avenue Street Avenue Street Improvement Project ($413,500) and the Union Avenue Street Improvement Project ($61,500). The length of the loan repayment period will be 20 years. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Infrastructure Improvements Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(b)(3) – Slums/Blight Urban Renewal Subrecipient: Local Government Location(s): N/A City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 19 May 2005 U.S. Departm ent of Housing & Urban Developm ent CPD Consolidated Plan Listin of Pro osedPro'ects HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Citation/Accom lishments 19F Repaym ents of Section 108 Loan Principal P rio rity / s c r i t io n oan Repaymentfor$4.1 Million of Public Facilities om plishm ents include a) 1,0001.1. of piping & related to upgrade water main systems. Accomplishments * If street reconstruction. Accom plishm ents *; c) install treetscaping & landscaping. Accom plishm ents *; d) of 25,000 sq.ft. of sidewalk. Accom plishm ents *; e) 25 street lighting upgrades to benefit 2,000 people. ònts: '; f) new or reconstructed sewer lines for 50 m plishm ents *; g) installation of 30,0001.1. of curbs & erground storm drainage lines. Accom plishm ents *; h) ew parking spaces. Accom plishm ents *; i) solid waste ces to 100 residents. Accom plishm ents *; j) fire lipm ent related im provem ents to 18,000 people. ònts *; and k) retrofit and/or construction of 5 onal facilities. Accom plishm ents * *Accom plishm ent ,is not yet available. 570705(c) 0 N /A terest on a $4.1 million loan for the Martin Luther King Jr. Ig Pool Rehabilitation Project ($300,000), the Jefferson Ig Pool Rehabilitation Project ($300,000), the 14th Street r Project ($3,300,000) and the Martin Luther King Jr. 'Area Project ($200,000). The length of the loan riod will be 20 years. Consolidated Plan Priority- evelopm entllnfrastructure 1m provem ents & Com m unity Public Facilities & Services No Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(a)(1) - Low /M od Area Local G overnm ent Addresses 'eet, Bakersfield, CA 93307; 1801 Bernard Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 AIDS? Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $328,923 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $328,923 Total Other Funding $0 93305; 825 14th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301; and 1000 South Owens 20 May2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n Capacity Building 1m inistration 570.205 om plishm ents include a) com pleting and am ending a d Consolidated Plan. Accom plishm ents *, b) subm itting ion Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. ònts *;c)preparingaminimum of five special studies j needed. Accom plishm ents *; and d) providing about apacity building workshops. Accom plishm ents ' 'Data et available. 0 N /A ,velopm ent plans. Eligible planning and opm ent studies consisting of all costs related to data ns, environm ental analysis, and preparation of cessary to im plem ent consolidated planning strategies ¡ Consolidated Plan Priority - Com m unity Planning AIDS? No No N /A Other CommunityWide Start Date 07/01/05 Com pletion Date 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $12,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $12,000 Total Other Funding $0 2 1 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments 0018 General Management Oversight and Coordination 21A General Program CDBG $714,956 Administration ESG $0 LVA604 Planning and Administration HOME $0 570.206 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) completing and amending a HUD approved Consolidated Plan. Accomplishments: *, b) submitting 0 N/A TOTAL $714,956 an Annual Action Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. Accomplishments: *; c) preparing a minimum of five special studies Total Other Funding $0 and reports as needed. Accomplishments: *; and d) providing about four general capacity building workshops. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Costs associated with overall program management, budgeting, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the CDBG Program. Consolidated Plan Priority - Community Development/Planning Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: N/A Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 22 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Public Information 0019 21C Public Information CDBG $20,000 ESG $0 Planning & Administration LVA607 570.206 HOME $0 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) completing and amending a 0 N/A HUD approved Consolidated Plan. Accomplishments: *, b) submitting TOTAL $20,000 an Annual Action Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. Accomplishments: *; c) preparing a minimum of five special studies Total Other Funding $0 and reports as needed. Accomplishments: *; and d) providing about four general capacity building workshops. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Provision of public information on federal programs and activities through public meetings, workshops, public notices, etc. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Planning Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: N/A Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 23 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Submissions of Applications for Federal Programs 0020 21E Submissions or Applications for CDBG $12,000 Federal Programs ESG $0 Planning & Administration LVA605 HOME $0 570.206 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) completing and amending a HUD approved Consolidated Plan. Accomplishments: *, b) submitting 0 N/A TOTAL $12,000 an Annual Action Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. Accomplishments: *; c) preparing a minimum of five special studies Total Other Funding $0 and reports as needed. Accomplishments: *; and d) providing about four general capacity building workshops. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Preparation of application for submission to HUD and other federal/state departments to implement consolidated planning priorities and activities. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Planning Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: N/A Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 24 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments New Construction Assistance 0021 12 Construction of Housing CDBG $0 ESG $0 Housing LLZ605 570.204 HOME $791,031 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied 195 Housing Units single family units. Accomplishments: *; b) affordable housing TOTAL $791,031 developments which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single family homes for 50 households (homebuyers). Accomplishments: *; c) Total Other Funding $0 multi-family rehabilitation to benefit 35 renter households. Accomplishments: *; d) mortgage downpayment assistance to benefit 50 first time homebuyers. Accomplishments: *; e) housing developers to benefit 15 households. Accomplishments*; f) construction of multi- family units to benefit 379 households. Accomplishments: *; g) Public Housing Capital funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 households. Accomplishments: *; and h) HUD funds for 50 new rental units. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Housing development assistance for costs associated with the acquisition for construction of affordable housing. Projects can be single family or multi-family. Assistance can be in the form of affordable “gap financing” funded from several sources. This year’s funds are to be used for acquisition and/or construction of about 75 th multi-family affordable housing units at the NW corner of 14 and “N” streets and the other project of about 120 units located at the NE corner of Baker and Lake streets. Consolidated Plan Priority – Homeless/Permanent Housing and Affordable Housing and Rental Housing Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(3) – Low/Mod Housing Subrecipient: Subrecipient Private 570.500(c) Location(s): CT & BG’s CT: 001600 BG:2 County: 06029 CT: 001300 BG:1 County: 06029 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 25 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments 0022 American Dream Downpayment Initiative Assistance Program 13 Direct Homeownership CDBG $0 Assistance ESG $0 LMZ605 Housing HOME $45,164 570.201(n) HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied single family units. Accomplishments: *; b) affordable housing 5 Households (General) TOTAL $45,164 developments which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single family homes for 50 households (homebuyers). Accomplishments: *; c) Total Other Funding $0 multi-family rehabilitation to benefit 35 renter households. Accomplishments: *; d) mortgage downpayment assistance to benefit 50 first time homebuyers. Accomplishments: *; e) housing developers to benefit 15 households. Accomplishments*; f) construction of multi- family units to benefit 379 households. Accomplishments: *; g) Public Housing Capital funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 households. Accomplishments: *; and h) HUD funds for 50 new rental units. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. 0% loans City wide up to $10,000 or 6% of the home purchase price (whichever is greater) to assist low-income first time homebuyers with downpayment and closing costs. These loans will have a 15 year affordability period and loan term with no monthly payment of principal and will not accrue interest until year six. Upon reaching year five of the affordability period one half of the assistance amount will be forgiven. The loan will be amortized beginning year six and upon reaching year 15 of the agreement the balance and interest of 4% shall be due and payable. Approximately 3 of the 5 households benefited will be minority households. Consolidated Plan Priority – Affordable Housing/Owner Occupied Housing Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(3) - Low/Mod Housing Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 26 May 2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n n Bakersfield -Down payment Assistance om plishm ents include a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied Inits. Accom plishm ents '; b) affordable housing which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single fam ily households (hom ebuyers). Accom plishm ents '; c) habilitation to benefit 35 renter households. ònts *; d) mortgage downpaym ent assistance to benefit om ebuyers. Accom plishm ents '; e) housing developers louseholds. Accom plishm ents*; f) construction of m ulti- benefit 379 households. Accom plishm ents *; g) Public tal funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 ~ccomplishments ';andh)HUDfundsfor50new rental plishm ents ' *Data for FY05 not yet available. P to $40,000 for downpaym ent & closing costs low-income families to help purchase homes. Half the rgiven after ten years & the rest of the loan is due & end of the 15 year affordability period. Consolidated Affordable Housing/OwnerOccupied Housing No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(3)- Low/Mod Housing Local G overnm ent C T & B G '5 AIDS? Inty06029 570201(n) 15 Households (General) 07/01/05 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $0 $0 $604,361 $0 TOTAL $604,361 Total Other Funding $0 27 May2005 P rio rity / s c r i t io n ousing DevelopmentOrganization (CHDO)Set-Aside om plishm ents include a) rehabilitate 20 owner-occupied Inits. Accom plishm ents '; b) affordable housing which include acquiring/constructing in-fill single fam ily households (hom ebuyers). Accom plishm ents '; c) habilitation to benefit 35 renter households. ònts *; d) mortgage downpaym ent assistance to benefit om ebuyers. Accom plishm ents '; e) housing developers Iseholds. Accom plishm ents*; f) construction of m ulti- benefit 379 households. Accom plishm ents *; g) Public tal funds to rehabilitate rental units to benefit 250 ~ccomplishments ';andh)HUDfundsfor50new rental plishm ents ' *Data for FY05 not yet available. 5 to develop, acquire, rehabilitate, and/or construct gleormulti-familyhousing. FundsrepresentHUD of City HO M E entitlem ent for use by an eligible, 100. Consolidated Plan Priority - Affordable erOccupied Housing/orRentaIHousing. No Start Date No Completion Date 570.208(a)(3)-Low/Mod Housing CHDO-92.2 Community Wide AIDS? 570.202 4 Households (General) 07/01/05 01/01/07 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $0 $0 $253,078 $0 TOTAL $253,078 Total Other Funding $0 28 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments HOME Administration/Planning Costs of the City 0025 21H HOME Admin/Planning Costs CDBG $0 of PJ (subject to 10% cap) ESG $0 Planning & Administration LNV601 HOME $188,719 570.208(a)(3) HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) completing and amending a HUD approved Consolidated Plan. Accomplishments: *, b) submitting 0 N/A TOTAL $188,719 an Annual Action Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. Accomplishments: *; c) preparing a minimum of five special studies Total Other Funding $0 and reports as needed. Accomplishments: *; and d) providing about four general capacity building workshops. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Costs associated with overall planning, program management, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the HOME Program. Consolidated Plan Priority - Community Development/Planning Help the Homeless? No Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: N/A Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 29 May 2005 U.S. Departm ent of Housing & Urban Developm ent CPD Consolidated Plan Listin of Pro osedPro'ects HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Citation/Accom lishments 03T Operating Costs of Hom eless/AIDS Patients Program 5 P rio rity / s c r i t io n IstFamilyViolence IIV /A ID S lers will a) contact & assess the needs of at least 2,500 ilies & individuals. Accom plishm ents '; b) provide a ¡form ation referral service to 5,000 horn eless persons. ònts *; c) perform case m ana gem ent for an additional families & individuals. Accomplishments ';d)expand ,r space or developm ent of new shelter space to at least 50 additional individuals/fam ily m em bers. ònts *; e) develop at least 20 additional housing units east 36 fam ilies or persons to independent living. ònts '; f) provide one perm anent supportive housing efit at least 25 individuals/fam ilies. Accom plishm ents ' ,portive services for 500 additional individuals & fam ilies Ision of existing or developm ent of new services for the com plishm ents '; and h) support the developm ent of 40 sofhousing (SRO's,group homes,independentliving for persons with HIV/AIDS & related diseases. ònts * 'Data for FY05 not yet available. 570201(e) 4,250 Persons who are Hom eless eration and maintenance costs of Alliance Against Fam ily ,000). The adm inistration center is located at 1921 19th Ilidated Plan Priority - Hom eless/Supportive Services Yes Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(a)(2)-Low/Mod Limited Clientele Subrecipient Private 570.500(c) Add resses AIDS? rsfield, CA 93301 Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $0 $15,000 $0 $0 TOTAL $15,000 OtherFunding OtherFunding Total Other Funding $15,000 $15,000 30 May2005 U.S. Departm ent of Housing & Urban Developm ent CPD Consolidated Plan Listin of Pro osedPro'ects HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Citation/Accom lishments 03T Operating Costs of Hom eless/AIDS Patients Program 5 P rio rity / s c r i t io n Jm eless Center Services IIV /A ID S lers will a) contact & assess the needs of at least 2,500 ilies & individuals. Accom plishm ents '; b) provide a ¡form ation referral service to 5,000 horn eless persons. ònts *; c) perform case m ana gem ent for an additional families & individuals. Accomplishments ';d)expand ,r space or developm ent of new shelter space to at least 50 additional individuals/fam ily m em bers. ònts *; e) develop at least 20 additional housing units east 36 fam ilies or persons to independent living. ònts '; f) provide one perm anent supportive housing efit at least 25 individuals/fam ilies. Accom plishm ents ' ,portive services for 500 additional individuals & fam ilies Ision of existing or developm ent of new services for the com plishm ents '; and h) support the developm ent of 40 sofhousing (SRO's,group homes,independentliving for persons with HIV/AIDS & related diseases. ònts * 'Data for FY05 not yet available. 570201(e) 4,250 Persons who are Hom eless eration and maintenance costs of the horn eless center services ($60,875). The horn eless center is operated by ces, a non-profit organization. Consolidated Plan Priority :ss/S u p p ortive Services Yes Start Date 07/01/05 No Com pletion Date 01/01/07 570.208(a)(2)-Low/Mod Limited Clientele Subrecipient Private 570.500(c) Add resses ,nue, Bakersfield, CA 93305 AIDS? Funding Sources CDBG ESG HOME HOPWA $0 $60,875 $0 $0 TOTAL $60,875 OtherFunding OtherFunding Total Other Funding $60,875 $60,875 31 May2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments Bakersfield Rescue Mission 0028 03T Operating Costs of CDBG $0 Homeless/AIDS Patients Programs ESG $60,875 Homeless & HIV/AIDS LCT605 HOME $0 570.201(e) HOPWA $0 Service providers will: a) contact & assess the needs of at least 2,500 homeless families & individuals. Accomplishments: *; b) provide a 3,750 Persons who are Homeless TOTAL $60,875 telephone & information referral service to 5,000 homeless persons. Accomplishments: *; c) perform case management for an additional Other Funding 250 homeless families & individuals. Accomplishments: *; d) expand Other Funding $60,875 existing shelter space or development of new shelter space to Total Other Funding $60,875 accommodate at least 50 additional individuals/family members. Accomplishments: *; e) develop at least 20 additional housing units and assist at least 36 families or persons to independent living. Accomplishments: *; f) provide one permanent supportive housing project to benefit at least 25 individuals/families. Accomplishments: *; g) provide supportive services for 500 additional individuals & families with the expansion of existing or development of new services for the homeless. Accomplishments: *; and h) support the development of 40 additional units of housing (SRO’s, group homes, independent living settings, etc.) for persons with HIV/AIDS & related diseases. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Support of operation and maintenance costs of the Bakersfield Rescue Mission ($60,875). Consolidated Plan Priority – Homeless/Supportive Services Help the Homeless? Yes Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: 570.208(a)(2) - Low/Mod Limited Clientele Subrecipient: Subrecipient Private 570.500(c) Location(s): Addresses 830 Beale Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93305 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 32 May 2005 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development CPD Consolidated Plan Listing of Proposed Projects Project ID/ Project Title/Priority/ HUD Matrix Code/Title/ Funding Sources Local ID Objective/Description Citation/Accomplishments ESG Program Administration 0029 21A General Program CDBG $0 Administration ESG $7,095 Planning & Administration LCT603 HOME $0 570.206 HOPWA $0 Proposed accomplishments include: a) completing and amending a HUD approved Consolidated Plan. Accomplishments: *, b) submitting 0 N/A TOTAL $7,095 an Annual Action Plan for fiscal years 2005/06 to 2009/10. Accomplishments: *; c) preparing a minimum of five special studies Total Other Funding $0 and reports as needed. Accomplishments: *; and d) providing about four general capacity building workshops. Accomplishments: *. *Data for FY05 not yet available. Costs associated with overall planning, program management, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation of the ESG Program. Consolidated Plan Priority – Community Development/Planning Help the Homeless? Yes Start Date: 07/01/05 Help those with HIV or AIDS? No Completion Date: 01/01/07 Eligibility: N/A Subrecipient: Other Location(s): Community Wide City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 33 May 2005 C. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF SITE-SPECIFIC PROJECTS Geographic distribution of funding is predicated, somewhat, on the nature of the activity to be funded. As discussed in the "Strategic Plan" section of the Consolidated Plan 2010, it is the City's intent to fund activities in areas most directly impacted by the needs of low-income residents and those with other special needs. A map that shows areas of minority concentration in the City is located in the Con Plan. In order to create substantive neighborhood improvements and stimulate additional, unassisted improvement efforts, the City will focus a portion of its housing-related funding in targeted low- income neighborhoods. Based on the widespread need for affordable housing, however, assistance will be available City-wide. Distribution of funding for accessibility purposes will also be City-wide. The primary focus of economic development efforts will include business districts located in qualified low-income areas, as well as, redevelopment areas, Southeast Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA), industrial parks and commercial sites in various City locations. D. HOMELESS AND OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS ACTIVITIES During the FY 2005/06 application process for ESG, three proposals were submitted. The purpose of the ESG program is to improve the quality of existing emergency shelters for the homeless, help meet the costs of operating the shelters, and providing essential social services, as well as, funding preventive programs and activities. The three proposals funded are: Non Profits . Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault, $15,000 - funds will be used to support the operation and maintenance costs of the center. . Bakersfield Rescue Mission, $60,875 - funds will be used to support operation and maintenance costs of the center. . Bethany Services, $60,875 - funds will be used to help support operational costs necessary to maintain the Bakersfield Homeless Center. . Administration, $7,095 - represents an ESG mandated 5% cap for salaries, benefits, supplies and outside services. E. OTHER ACTIONS 1. General Actions Consolidated planning regulations stipulate that the following areas of concerns must be addressed in the one year Action Plan which has not been previously covered. Actions to Foster. Maintain and Remove Barriers to Affordable Housinç¡: Funds from CDBG, HOME and ESG programs are designed to encourage and maintain affordable housing opportunities and remove barriers to affordable housing through the Southeast Bakersfield Infill Downpayment Assistance Program, and other housing development assistance. In addition, the Housing Authority of the County of Kern is instrumental in maintaining an existing stock of public housing units and managing a rental assistance program. Actions to Evaluate and Reduce Lead-Based Paint Hazards: The "Strategic Plan" section of the Consolidated Plan 2010 discusses the City's strategy for implementing lead- based paint mitigation in qualified residential units. Inclusion of lead evaluation and reduction activities implemented directly through the housing rehabilitation program is the most effective method for the City to attack the lead hazard situation. Assessment of City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 34 May 2005 hazards can be better accomplished while housing is being inspected or evaluated. The City is a member of the Kern County Lead Poisoning Prevention Coalition. City staff has received training for lead assessor inspection. Carry over funds are available to test for and mitigate lead based paint hazards occurring in housing units that receive Housing Rehabilitation Program and Home Access Program funds. Actions to Reduce Number of Poverty Level Households: Some of the activities to be undertaken that will address the reduction of poverty for the next fiscal year include: EPA Revolving Loan Program and Acquisition and Demolition Program. These programs address slum and blight issues as well as environmentally mitigating contaminants from commercial properties. Actions to Develop and Improve Institutional Structures: Institutional structure for carrying out the City's housing and community development activities is a basic component of the City's cooperative relationships within departments and between government agencies and other organizations. The City will continue to enhance the development of this structure through cooperation and coordination with concerned organizations and participants from public agencies, businesses and private institutions, non-profits, and community organizations. Actions to Enhance Coordination Between Public and Private Housinq and Social Service Aqencies: Over the one-year Action Plan period, the City will focus its efforts in coordinating the use of public and private resources to address the proposed projects. City staff will continue to work with and provide technical assistance to supportive housing providers and the Continuum of Care Collaborative. Obstacles to Meetinq Underserved Needs: The ability to address the underserved needs of the citizens of the City of Bakersfield must overcome a variety of obstacles, many of which are beyond the scope of municipal governments. The capacity of various existing non-profit agencies to identify and ameliorate the impediments to responding to those needs is central to this issue. For instance, there is an absence of clear assessment tools and mechanisms for identification of gaps in services for a wide variety of needs (e.g., senior citizen needs, the disabled population, families, homeless, etc.). Funding limitations based on guidelines of the grantor, reduction in available funds or the complete absence of adequate funds are often identified as obstacles to address needs. While some efforts have begun within certain targeted population service providers, there is an overall lack of collaborative efforts ongoing to link needs and develop compatible and cooperative programs. Some of the obstacles to addressing unmet needs are linked to the magnitude of the problem which requires that changes must be phased over multiple years. Examples include the creation of job opportunities which are tied to the economic health of the community and the need and willingness of businesses to hire new employees. Another example is the retrofitting of public buildings to address accessible needs which prohibit a quick response. Overall, the City recognizes the problems associated with addressing underserved needs within the community and strives to reduce those obstacles as time, funding and coordination with appropriate entities allows. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 35 May 2005 Actions to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing: Currently, the City is utilizing non-HUD funds to operate the Fair Housing Program. Using local funds, the City will affirmatively further fair housing by fostering effective strategies and actions that mitigate or eliminate impediments that restrict housing choice, or the availability of housing based on gender, disability, religion, race, color, national origin, or the presence of children in the family. Based on assessments and audits conducted by outside consultants, there are still impediments to fair housing and consequently this need was selected as a priority Community Development need. An analysis of impediments was conducted in December 2004. This study reported the following as impediments to fair housing choice: lack of knowledge about fair housing; discriminatory attitudes; and lack of public awareness of fair housing rights. To the extent applicable to the City of Bakersfield, the recommendations in the study will be implemented as outlined in the City’s Consolidated Plan 2010. The objectives of the City of Bakersfield’s Fair Housing Program are to increase the overall level of fair housing law knowledge to all community residents in both the private and public sectors within the City of Bakersfield so as to inform housing consumers and providers of their rights and responsibilities, temper discriminatory attitudes, improve lending opportunities to potential housing loan consumers, and promote fair housing choice among residents of publicly owned and publicly assisted housing. The Fair Housing Program also has training programs that focus on educating housing providers such as brokers, managers, builders and lenders, as well as others in the housing industry about rights and responsibilities under the fair housing laws. The technical training is typically oriented toward housing industry professionals and social service providers as well as instructors training for these groups can be provided in a community forum setting by bringing different representatives of different agencies together to learn the fair housing basics or on site training to focus on particular issues. Insuring the compliance of fair housing laws is also an objective of the City of Bakersfield’s Fair Housing Program. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Justice and the California State Department of Fair Employment and Housing have been charged with governmental enforcement of fair housing laws throughout the State of California. Individuals and private organizations may also enforce fair housing laws under provisions of the Fair Housing Act by maintaining civil law suits in federal and state courts. Additionally, the Fair Housing Program has counseling that provides one to one attention through telephone or walk-in contact with the public. Fair housing counseling provides both consumers and providers with answers to particular fair housing and related questions. Counseling is an effective tool in overcoming the lack of knowledge of fair housing laws and in promoting the enforcement of valid housing discrimination complaints. These impediments are particularly in areas of education and compliance. The goal of counseling is to provide immediate information on fair housing law and related matters; thereby, facilitating the complaint intake process and ensuring adequate compliance of fair housing laws within the jurisdiction. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 36 May 2005 2. Public Housing Actions The Quality Housing Work Responsibility Act of 1998 gave significant regulatory flexibility and additional planning responsibilities to PHA’s. It provides new opportunities for collaboration between community development agencies and public housing authorities by increasing the role of PHA’s in addressing the critical economic and social issues that block self-sufficiency of public and assisted housing residents. HACK is currently working towards improving the self-sufficiency of its families and individuals by providing supportive services such as job skill training, and independent living for its elderly and disabled residents (see the economic development strategy section of this document for additional information). As discussed earlier in this planning document, HACK is responsible for managing approximately 434 public housing units within Bakersfield at four different public housing projects. HACK has been the recipient of several grants from HUD to develop programs that promote economic uplift, community revitalization, and the reduction of gang and criminal activity in public housing. These grants include: Home Ownership for People Everywhere I (HOPE I) Implementation Grant, and the Public Housing Drug Elimination Grant. The grant programs build from previous grants acquired from HUD and are specifically designed to address the social and economic needs of the community. The HOPE I Grant allowed for the sale of eight-four (84) housing units at the Oro Vista Housing Development to residents living in those units. The last of the units were sold to residents a year ago. The program involved homeownership counseling, over $2 million in construction and neighborhood revitalization. In all, the program benefited the residents of public housing and the community surrounding it. As a result of the sale of the 84-units, HUD has awarded HACK “HUD Replacement Housing Funds” in the amount of $947,000. HACK has acquired land in the Greenfield area (City of Bakersfield) and has received a commitment of funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and RCAC for the construction of affordable housing. HACK has submitted an application for Federal Tax Credits for the March 2005 round and should be notified by June of 2005 of their decision. The development will consist of 41 single-family homes with garages, a community center/office complex and a support/educational system for residents. If all sources of funding are awarded, HACK should start construction by September of 2005. HACK’s commitment to Resident Initiatives Programs is reflected through active participation of residents in the planning of programs. Staff holds bi-monthly resident meetings to receive input and feedback on community concerns. Programs are designed to meet the needs of the community. HACK successfully partners with community agencies to provide on-site services including basic skills development, English as a second language, drug prevention services/activities, youth leadership development, nutrition, and parenting. Lastly, a contractual relationship with Bakersfield Police Department was established through the Public Housing Drug Elimination Program (PHDEP) that provides for the physical presence of officers involved with intervention and prevention programs to address drug related activity and gang awareness for these communities. The decrease of drug-related crimes in PHA housing development is attributed to the involvement of residents and youth in PHDEP activities. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 37 May 2005 F. PROGRAM SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 1. CDBG The preceding "Proposed Projects" tables described, among others, the activities with respect to all CDBG funds expected to be available during the program year including program income. The proposed allocation of funding by activities represents the entire entitlement and program income expected to be available during FY 2005/06. Entitlement and Proqram Income: It is anticipated there will be an allocation of $3,744,782 and an expected program income of $50,000 for a total availability of $3,794,782 in CDBG funds for the FY 2005/06. NOTE: There will be no surplus urban renewal settlements, grant funds returned to the line of credit, or income from float-funded activities coming as revenues to CDBG funds during the one-year Action Plan. In addition, there are no "urgent need" activities, as defined by HUD, requested in CDBG funds for FY 2005/06. Local Match/Leveraqe: The City anticipates the following local match for FY 2005/06 (CDBG local match is not a H U D mandatory requirement). $34,760 City General Funds East and Southeast Bakersfield Crime Prevention Services TOTAL $34,760 2. HOME The proposed allocation of funding by activities for the HOME Program represents the estimated entitlement and program income for FY 2005/06. The investment strategies proposed for the City's HOME Program funds are in the form of equity investments, interest- bearing loans or advances, non-interest bearing loans or advances, interest subsidies, deferred payment loans, or grants as described in HOME federal regulations. No other forms of investment are proposed. Other Forms of HOME Investments: The City does not "invest" in HOME in anyway other than that described in Single-Family Rehab Loan Program, the New Construction Assistance, the American Dream Downpayment Initiative Assistance Program, and the Housing Urban Bakersfield - Downpayment Assistance. Recapture Guidelines: The City intends to use previously allocated HOME funds to assist homebuyers with acquisition and closing costs. The following describes the City's HUD- approved guidelines for re-sale or re-capture of such funds: 1) American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI) American Dream Downpayment Initiative program will utilize HOME recapture guidelines 24 CFR 92.254(b) (5),( ii) recapturing half its HOME investment upon completion of the affordability period. Homeownership assistance will be furnished as a deferred loan (silent second) with interest for amounts up to $10,000 or 6% of the purchase price to assist with down payment and closing costs. These loans will have a 15 year affordability period and loan term with no monthly payment of principal and will not accrue interest until year six (6). Upon reaching year 5 of the affordability period one half of the assistance amount will be forgiven. The loan will be amortized beginning year six and upon reaching year fifteen of the agreement the balance and interest 4% shall be due and payable. If at anytime during the affordability period, the property is sold, transferred, refinanced, or upon a change in title to City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 38 May 2005 the property the loan shall be due and payable in full with interest. In the event of foreclosure, the recapture amount will be based on the net proceeds available from the sale rather than on the entire amount of the HOME investment. These funds will be used within the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield. The City will provide an informational mailing to interested lenders and housing groups and conduct ADDI housing provider workshops. City will distribute printed electronic versions of ADDI educational materials particularly directed to public and manufactured housing tenant groups most eligible for homeownership. Also, the City will collaborate with government agencies, local housing authority, professional associations, property owners, and neighborhood associations by connecting these agencies with other resources necessary for homeownership. Finally, efforts to insure families maintain homeownership housing counseling will be invoked as needed as tenants move from dependence to homeownership. 2) Housing Urban Bakersfield - Downpayment Assistance The Housing Urban Bakersfield – Downpayment Assistance will utilize HOME resale recapture guidelines 24 CFR 92.254 (b) (5), (ii) recapturing half its HOME investment upon completion of the tenth year of the note. Homeownership assistance will be furnished to low- income people as a deferred loan with 0% interest up to $40,000 to assist with down payment and closing costs. Upon reaching the tenth year of the note one half of the assistance amount will be forgiven. Households receiving the assistance must keep the unit affordable for 10 years including the sale to subsequent buyers not exceeding 80% of the median income. The balance of the loan shall be due and payable in year 15. In the event of foreclosure, the recapture amount will be based on the net proceeds available from the sale rather than on the entire amount of the HOME investment. These funds will primarily be used in central downtown. Refinance of Debt for Multi-Family Housing Rehabilitation: The City does not currently refinance debt with HOME funds. Entitlement and Program Income: It is anticipated there will be an allocation of FY 2004/05 Projected HOME Program Income $1,687,189 and an expected program income Rehab Loan Collections $170,000 of $200,000 for a total availability of Other Loan Collections $30,000 $1,932,353 in HOME funds for FY 2005/06. Other Interest/Penalties $0 Prior year PI $0 An outline of proposed program income Total $200,000 sources is illustrated in the table. Match Requirements/Leverage: HOME Program regulations require a contribution of non- federal funds totaling 25% of the annual HOME allocation (less the cost of administration) as a condition of accessing the federal program dollars. The federal government declared in January 2005 that Kern County is a disaster area. This declaration will result in the reduction of the HOME match contribution. The City anticipates the following local match for FY 2005/06: Project ID Amount Source Project Title LNG504 $50,000 Sweat Equity Habitat for Humanity LBS501 $300,000 State Grant (EDI) Baker Street Mixed Use Total $350,000 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 39 May 2005 3. Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program The City will be receiving an allocation of $143,845 in ESG funds for FY 2005/06. Due to the nature of the projects funded now and in the past, no program income is expected. A description of the projects the City intends to fund with ESG monies can be found in the preceding “Listing of Proposed Projects” table. Match Requirements/Leverage: Program requirements include providing matching funds through supplemental funding, volunteer time, or in-kind sources. The three agencies awarded ESG funds for FY 2005/06 will be providing a match in the following manner. Alliance Against Family Violence - $15,000 from in-kind donations. ? Bakersfield Rescue Mission - $60,875 from in-kind donations. ? Bethany Services/Bakersfield Homeless Center - $60,875 from in-kind donations. ? G. MONITORING STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES The City currently uses various administrative mechanisms to track and monitor the progress of HUD funded projects and activities that are under its control and jurisdiction. The goal is to ensure that Consolidated Plan related programs and activities are carried out in a timely manner in accordance with federal regulations and other statutory or regulatory requirements. The primary monitoring goals of the City is to provide technical assistance, identify deficiencies, and promote corrections in order to improve, reinforce, or augment the community's Consolidated Plan performance. To ensure the accomplishment of the goals and objectives, the City is involved with the administration and coordination of funded programs and related activities. Staff from the Economic and Community Development Department (EDCD) is available to provide technical assistance as needed to subrecipients. All Request for Proposals (RFP's) and contracts are scrutinized to ensure compliance with HUD and local procurement requirements, including equal opportunity and employment, nondiscrimination, etc. Subrecipient contracts require verification of eligibility and substantiation of all pertinent information and activities. Project agreements contain language requiring periodic and annual monitoring of activities for financial and programmatic compliance. The reviews incorporate an evaluation of the following: timeliness in delivery of performance goals, appropriate and prompt expenditures, federal program eligibility of those benefiting from the project, Davis-Bacon requirements, and Housing Quality Standards, etc. Findings and results for federally funded projects are annually reported to HUD in the City's Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). In addition, other reports dealing with federal requirements such as Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Section 3 compliance are submitted to HUD annually. Other efforts include ongoing communication with subrecipients through the provision of on-site fiscal and technical assistance. Frequent telephone contacts, written communications, analysis of reports and annual audits, administrative and environmental guidance by EDCD staff provide a basis for review and monitoring. All subrecipients must comply with various Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars and the Single Audit Act requirements as applicable. Single audits must comply with federal auditing requirements which dictate extensive reporting of financial resources and schedules, internal controls, etc. All deficiencies identified are reviewed and resolved by the agencies involved prior to project closeout. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 40 May 2005 To ensure adherence to HOME and CDBG Program guidelines governing project monitoring during the affordability or restricted use periods, the City conducts various on-site inspections and residency verifications. To ensure adherence to HOME Program guidelines for CHDO's, the City offers technical assistance to those organizations who demonstrate the need for assistance before the project begins. During the course of a project, we review the project description and evaluate whether activities undertaken by the CHDO are consistent with the description; and housing that is being acquired, developed, and/or rehabilitated meets the standards the City sets for housing projects. At the completion of a project, the CHDO reports its accomplishments to the City, and shows how these accomplishments meet the objectives of the project description; all funds spend must be accounted for. Any discrepancies are noted and addressed with the CHDO. Additionally, regarding HOME funded rental projects, an Annual Performance Report (APR) is required by the developer during the affordability period which reflects the HOME monitoring regulations at 24 CFR 92. Finally, on a periodic basis, monitoring is completed on first time homebuyers to insure compliance with affordability and recapture guidelines. In an effort to aid City staff in their attempts to monitor subrecipients in their compliance with federal regulations, a monitoring handbook for federally funded recipients has been established. The handbook contains a master list of annual monitoring dates for subrecipients and monitoring strategies and procedures. The handbook outlines systems and procedures for tracking subrecipient progress and subrecipient monitoring follow-up. Utilization of the mentioned monitoring tools for entitlement related activities will enable the City to ensure that Consolidated Plan programs and priorities are implemented in a timely and effective manner. For non-entitlement funded activities, the review for Consolidated Plan consistency by EDCD staff will be the degree of the City's involvement except for obtaining information on the number and categories of households served by such a project so that it may be included in its CAPER. City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 41 May 2005 APPLICATION FOR Vagn 7lD3 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATE SUBMITTED ~Icantldentffler Mav16, ;1.006 5-06-0610 1.lYPE OF SUBMISSION: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE Stale AwIcstioo kEntlller Appllcallon PrIHIPplication [j Construction bI CCnsIructIor'I 04. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY ~eder&IId&ntffier Illh on 0 ~.çøDJlßldI- 5. APPUCANT INFORMATION ..--., ... -,_.- Legal Name: Ol1Mlnl:QIÖOIiIII Unit: City of Bakersfield Qepartmenl: Economic "ndCommunity QeYelop(l'lØnt O~nilational DUI\!S: DivisiOn: 02~14136 Community Df,walopment Addt...: Name and IlllephOlMl n.tlmbllrot' penon tobøcOntlcted on mattflrs Street: InvolvInG OIls allllllçdon(atw..... 1:Od8} f'reIIX: 'd:.:me: 900 Truxlun AvenuB, Suits 201 Mr, C~ ' Middle Name Ba . rsfield I County: I~Wza~e Kem §:Irrim ;Z~ COde Suffix: lis 3D1 Country: Emall: USA g gonzale@bakersfiBldcily.us 6.. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN): PIiOne Number (give8rea OQQfI) I fax Number(Qivft a!'Moode) ~@]-~ [lli[Q] []@J[][ (661) 326-3765 (661) 328-1548 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPE OF APPUCANT: (~back offonnfor ApølicaliOn Type!!) Vc... N- !D Continuation [J Re'lllsion Munk:ipal If RØ'Ji$iOI1,.en~erappl'l)p- letter($) In '»)«(85) bther ($p8Cify) See back of form fordes«iptlon of letters.) D D QIh\:Ir($pecify) 8..NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY; CommunitY Development Block Grant U,S. Department of HOl elngaocl Urban Devetoøment 1Ð. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESÇRtPl1VETITLEOF APPUCANT'S PROJECT: [Ð~-~[D~ Commlßity Dellelopmerlt Qlcx:k Grant TlTLE(Nameof~: Thi.,> programi&~nf¡lljto ¡(; d~ local hOUSing n"chl, upgrlldelha Community De~!O8 ock Granl physiCal en~ronment lnd proIIIc e fora \liable umanoommunity, 12,.AREA$ AFFECTED BY PROJECT (Cities, CounOO$. Staœs. ate): City of lailki;lrsfiald 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS Of: Start Dille: I ~DaIe: 8. Al:lølicant ~~. F'TojacI D71O11O5 20th end 21st (IIh end 21 st 1 !I. ESTIMATED FUNDIlroIG: 16. IS APPLICATION SUØJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE M~R1m' II. Federal J w '2J TH 1$ PREAPPlICATIOWAPPl, ICATIOI\! WAS MADE 3,744,782 8. Yes. AVAILABLE TO THE STATEEXECUTI\Æ ORDER 12372 b. Applicant ~ '" PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON c- Slale $ .w DATE: D3I15J05 d.local Ii <OJ [['] PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. 0-12372 b.No. e,Other ~ Lj OftPROORMt IoIAS NOT BEEN SElECTEDBY STATE m FOR REVIEW f. Program locome 1$ ~ 17. IS THE APPUCANT DEUNQUENTON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? 50,000 g. TOTAL ~ '" DVes If 'Yes" attach an explan!itiQn, ~ 3,794,782 No 18. TO THEBI!IT OF MY KNOWL.EDŒ ANI) BELIEF, ALL DATA I,.. TH IS .APPUCATJOIIIjpft!5APPUCATlQN ARE TRUEAHD CORRECT. THE pocUMENTHAS BEEN DU.LYAUTHORIZED BYTHEGOVERNINGBOOYOfTHEAPPUCANTAND THE APPUCAN'fWIlL COMPLY WITH THE IAn ACHED ASSURANCES IF THEASSISTAHCE IS AWARDED. I". ~ Fil'$l I\I8me MIddle Name Alan last Name ~uffix Tllndy Þ,T1~ A /7 Iii T~hooe: N!Jmber(gl\lll 8n¡acGdØj City 661 328-3751 ~,Slgn&lure'h--H ./ .... /./ ~~ ,. 77/ ?; _E .v ,) '1 If "StarPfrd Foon424 (Rev .9'2003) AuIt1cIrlzecfMf"Local Re"1roductlon PI'&$(:I'i/)ed bv OMB Circular A"1 02 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 42 May 2005 APPLICATION FOR VersiQl'1 7/D3 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2,DATE SUBMITTED ~. kIIItlUfier Mav16, 2005 0610 1. TYPE OFSUBMIS8tON: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE Stale! AppIIcaUon 1dE!nti/ier Application Pre,..a PfII icaIion D ConàUctlon bl Con:ltructlon 4. DATE ReCEIVI!D BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal identifier 121 .., ,.., 5. APPUCANT ..FORMATION Legal Name: Oraanlzatlonal Unit City of Bilken¡fi41Jld Department: E.cooømlcand OomtTlYl1lty Development ~nlzatlonal DUNS: DilllaIon: D2:;¡J514136 Community Development Add...-: NilII'III8nd ..lItpho~ numblrof p81'Øn ~ ... ~ on ~ StœeI: InvolvIng till. appllcatlorllalve 8I1IIICOØI) Prefix: First Name: 900 Truxtun Awnue, Suite 201 Mr, GeoI'Q$ ~rsfield Middle Name County: ,-..- - .-----,--, IfcslName ..- KEIrn onzales ~\rcimia ~ Code Suffix: 301 ~r'y: Emal!: OOO!'\Z3Ie@bølœrslialdcity.us 6. e",PLOYER IDENllFICATION NUMBER (Elrf): PIlone Number (gl\le al1lll code) rax Numbef(glve am coda) @J@]..I!]@] [J ~ ~ [J rïl (661 ) :J26.37~ (661) 328-1548 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPe OF APPUCANT:: (See back of form for Appllcallon types) 171 N- IGJ CaatlnU8tlon r; Revlalon Municipal If Revision. enter appropriate ietler(s) in bo¡qes) Søe backOffonn fQr description oftetler$,) D D OItJer (~ify) 0It1er (¡¡pec:ify) 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: HOME Investment P\lrtnersl'llp Act U.S. Depal"lrrlilntOf Houllingand Urbiin Development u. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTICA$SISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVEllTLEOF APP LJCANT'S PROJ ECT: []~...[]@]@] HOME In'l'ßStm9nt Pa~hlp Act TITLE (Nameofp~ram): This program Is designed to addreæ Ioca housing needs. HOME tnvestmerrt rtnership Act 1~,M£4S AFFECTED BY PROJECT (ÇitÏe$, C«tn/~ $t~ etc.): CI :y of Bakersfield U. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGReSSIONAL. DISTRICTS OF: S:lartDate; lEnding Date; ,II.~AppliÇaot ~rqect D71O11O5 06130106 20th and 21st and 21st 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: r:~:.rPUCAllON ItJBJECT TO REVIEW 8Y STATE EXECUTIVE B. F8dØrai "" ID THIs. PREAf'f'lICATION/APPlICATION WN3MADE 1,732,353 a.Yes. AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 b. Applicant ... PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON c. S!818 DATE: d. Local ... LV1 PROGRAM 15 NOT COVERED BY E. Q. 12372 b. No, 8. Other m C1 ~gl PR~M HAS NOT BEi:N SELi:CTED BY STATE F R REVI f. Program Income "" 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANV FEDERAL DEBT? 200,000' g. TOTAL "" Dyes If "Yes" all!!Ch MuplanatlPn. ¡g¡ 1,932,353 No 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND8EUEF,ALL DATAtN THISAPPLICATION.lPREAPPUCATlON AAE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUM.ENT HAS-BEEN DULY AUTHORIŒP BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THEAPPUCANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE TTACHED ASStJRANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED. !II. ~ First Nama Middle Name Alan LaII Name Suffix: TandY . TIlle ~A /7 ' T~\~Nl.lmber' (gi"'- cod&) City Man 861 326-3751 .Slgr.1I' 'I'Auth""",//" ~ Dale SIQ}*),j "} t¡ / Á IJ ~~I ~ )Y 77 ~'( FonT1 424 (RsY.9-2003ì AlIItIo'i:Wed for Local Droductloll P . ribed bY OM8ClfCula( A~102 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 43 May 2005 APPLICATION FOR VaNloo 7/D3 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 1~A.T£$UBMIm;D ~k eotif\@f 16,2005 S 10 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: 3, DATE RECEIVED InSTATE Slate Application klentilìer Aøpl~ Pre-appl~tion 0 ConstructIon C Construc1lon .t. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDEFtAL AGeNcY Fedet'8lldEInlilier 1m eN 5. APPUCANT INFORMATION Legal Name: 0 fail n IzatIonaI Unit: City Qf BiilkarsliAid Qeplulml3i1t Economic and Community Dellèlopment O~niuliOl)iill DUNS: ~~Ity Delleloprnent 02'8514136 AddrelS: N8n:!1.n_18IQI!ØI'I.nll~~ I8I'8O!I to. bit l:on18cf8don lJIiItI8nI Street: InvolYlna tills appllc8llon - code) Prefix: ~=me: 9OD Truxlun A\lØnue, Suite 201 Mr. CI~ ¡ Middle Name Ba ersfleld CoIMlty: La,rNama Kern Gonzales ~tøtmia 2~ Code Suffix: 3D1 Coi.mtry: Emall: USA g gonza le@bakersfieklcity,us 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN).. Phone Number (giva at'8Ii<:ode) I Fax Number (gjv& ar&li c.¡de) ~~-[]~IQ][]~lÐ~ (661) 326.3765 (661) 326-1548 8. TYPE OF APPUQATION: 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (See ;)¡¡ck. of form.forAppliçation Types) IZJNew ID . Continuation [J Revision Municipal fRevi$iOn,entsrapproprtate 1etllln:s.)il'loox($1:I) See back of form for descrlp4ioo of letlel'1l,) 0 0 þ¡her (s~) OtIJer(spe¡;lfy) 1iI.. I AJ,I EOF FEI)E.RALAGENCY: ElTlllrgency Shetlef Grant U.S. Department of Housing aod Urban Development 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DCMESTICASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPUCANrS PROJECT: !Ð ß] -¡g] @][!] Emergency Shei1!Jr Grant ProVitlesfurw;lslQ imp!QVØ ti'Ie quality of exisüng emel'gEtncy liheitersfQr TITLE (Nam.e Qf. ~ra~: Iha hem.less.. help$J'I1e-, the COIi r o '~ngEllJ'ler9ll'l'l~Y shellers, Emergency Sheller ra 12. AREAS AFFECTI: D BY PROJECT .(Clties, Counties, StaIBS. etC.); pwviding cerl$ln essenüall3elVlC8S, and pnIIIØnIIon prc¡grams, City of SakeNifieki 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Dale: I EndlI'lQDate: a. Aþpllœnt ~~tect 07101105 06130106 201hand21s1 and 21st 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: ~:r::~PUCATJON SUBJECT TO REView BY STATE EXECUTIVE a. Federal 1$ !D 0 THIS PREAPPt..I~TIOI\IIAPPLlCATjON WAS MADe 143,845 a.Yes. AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12$72 b, AppliCliint If .w PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON c. Stale J ... DATE: d, Local Ii ... IV) PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E. 0, 12372 b. No, a.Other IS 00 L1f OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FDR~~"'W f. Progl'llm lnooITie $ 11.18 THE APPUCANT DEUNQUENT ON ANYF£DERAL DlEBT? g.TOTAL If .w a Yes If''Yes'' attach an explanation. IlJ 143,845' No 1.8. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF, ALL DATA INTHISAPPLICATION./PREAPPUCATIOtoI ME 'TftUEANO CORR£CT. THE ~MENT HAS Øl;ßtDULY AUTHC)RIZED I3Y THEG()VERN ING BODY OF THE APPUCANT ANDTHEÂPPUÇANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE t..TTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE 18 AWMDED. I,. ft*. ~IName !Middle Name an Last Name Sl!f!ìx Tandy "ë:~anl!lQlr A /J Iii T~~phi;)neNumber (give aras coda' 661 326-'3751 ~.Sig ori ~. . DaI&SignedWL- ]7 /J T /" 17/~ /r I'L ~ '~~ '" -;;¡ (f 00Tl 424 (REN.9-2003) Auu,,-"- our local Raorodudion Prescribed bII OMS Cin:ular '&'-1 D2 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 44 May 2005 CERTIFICATION In accordance with the applicable statues and the regulations governing the consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing - The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting that analysis and actions in this regard. Anti-displacement and Relocation Plan - It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and implementing regulations at 49 CFR 24; and has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan required under section 104(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in connection with any activity assisted with funding under the CDBG or HOME programs. Drug Free Workplace - It will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2. Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about - (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph 1; 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph 1 that, as a condition of employment under the grant, that employee will - (a) Abide by the terms of statements; and (b) Notify the employee in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant office or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number(s) of each affected grant; City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 45 May 2005 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 46 May 2005 Specific CDBG Certifications The Entitlement Community certifies that: Citizen Participation - It is in full compliance and following a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105. Community Development Plan - Its consolidated housing and community development plan identifies community development and housing needs and specifies both short-term and long- term community development objectives that provide decent housing, expand economic opportunities primarily for persons of low and moderate income. (See CFR 24 570.2 and CFR 24 part 570) Following a Plan - It is following a current consolidated plan (or Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy) that has been approved by HUD. Use of Funds - It has complied with the following criteria: 1. Maximum Feasible Priority. With respect to activities expected to be assisted with CDBG funds, it certifies that it has developed its Action Plan so as to give maximum feasible priority to activities which benefit low and moderate income families or aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. The Action Plan may also include activities which the grantee certifies are designed to meet other community development needs having a particular urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and other financial resources are not available; 2. Overall Benefit. The aggregate use of CDBG funds including Section 108 guaranteed loans during program year(s) 2003 through 2005 (a period specified by the grantee consisting of one, two, and three specific consecutive program years), shall principally benefit persons of low and moderate income in a manner that ensures that at least 70 percent of the amount is expended for activities that benefit such persons during designated period; 3. Special Assessments. It will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG funds including Section 108 loan guaranteed funds by assessing any amount against properties owned and occupied by persons of low and moderate income, including any fee charged or assessment made as a condition of obtaining access to such public improvements. However, if CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of a fee or assessment that relates to the capital costs of public improvements (assisted in part with CDBG funds) financed from other revenue sources, an assessment or charge may be made against the property with respect to the public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. The jurisdiction will not attempt to recover any capital costs of public improvements assisted with CDBG funds, including Section 108, unless CDBG funds are used to pay the proportion of fee or assessment attributable to the capital costs of public improvements financed from other revenue sources. In this case, an assessment or City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 47 May 2005 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 48 May 2005 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 49 May 2005 City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 50 May 2005 APPENDIX TO CERTIFICATIONS INSTRUCTIONS CONCERNING LOBBYING AND DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS: A. Lobbying Certification This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. B. Drug-Free Workplace Certification 1. By signing and/or submitting this application or grant agreement, the grantee is providing the certification. 2. The certification is a material representation of fact upon which is reliance placed when the agency awards the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the other requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act, HUD, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action authorized under the Drug-Free Workplace Act. 3. Workplaces under grants, grantees other than individuals, need not be identified on the certification. If known, they may be identified in the grant application. If the grantee does not identify the workplaces at the time of application, or upon award, if there is no application, the grantee must keep the identity of the workplace(s) on file in its office and make the information available for Federal inspection. Failure to identify all known workplaces constitutes a violation of grantee’s drug-fee workplace requirements. 4. Workplace identifications must include the actual address of buildings (or parts of buildings) or other sites where work under the grant takes place. Categorical descriptions may be used (e.g. all vehicles of a mass transit authority or State highway department while in operation, State employees in each local unemployment office, performers in concert halls or radio stations). 5. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the change(s), if it previously identified the workplaces in question (see paragraph three). 6. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 51 May 2005 Place of Performance (street address, city, county, state, zip code) SEE ADDRESSES BELOW Check if there are workplaces on file that are not identified here. The certification with regard to the drug-free workplace is required by part 24, subpart F. 7. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following definitions from these rules: "Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulations (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15); "Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of serene, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes; "Criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non-Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance; "Employee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: (i) All "direct charge" employees; (ii) all "indirect charge" employees unless their impact or involvements is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and (iii) temporary personnel and constants who directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors in covered workplaces). City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 52 May 2005 1. Development Services Department - Building Division 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 2. Economic and Community Development Department 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201 Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 3. Financial Services Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 4. Fire Department - Business Administration and Fire Safety Control Divisions 201 H Street Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 5. Police Department 1601 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 6. Public Works Department - Administration and Engineering Divisions 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 7. Public Works Department - Construction Inspections/Survey Division 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 8. Public Works Department - Street Maintenance 4101 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93309 9. Recreation and Parks Department 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 101 Bakersfield, Kern County, CA 93301 S:lAction PlanslAction Plan 2003-04\2003-04 action plan,DOC 5/3/2005 2:57 PM City of Bakersfield Action Plan 2005/06 53 May 2005 ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D MAPS City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 55 May 2005 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 56 May 2005 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 57 May 2005 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 58 May 2005 Bakersfield Sr. Center. Services Map Layers Rd_2I Wdtee Area - Ralleoad Block Geoup Census Teact ("'9hl Ct~mt...p Railroad - Commutee Rapid Teanslt Abandoned .09 .18 .27 Miles Bakersfield Map .,< ¿f' rP" .... .... ~ lII"æ / ~ ~ I I I æ ---,...., Walee Are, - R.,'eo,d D Block Geoup .Ct~mt...p Dupdated-,owmod Railroad - Commutee R'pld Tconslt Ab,ndoned .8 1.6 2.4 c c Miles Bakersfield Map City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 59 May 2005 Housing Site - Baker St New Construction Assistance - Baker S1. Map Layers Rd 21 NORTH _eekeo Ralleoad a:¡¡ updated lowmod ~Ct~mt...p Railroad Commutee Rapid Teanslt Abandoned .1 .2 .3 Miles Bakersfield Ma ~ Alliance Against Family Via Alliance Against Family Violence Site Map Layers Rd_2I _eekea - R,IIeood Railroad .......... NORTH - Commutee Rapid Tcanslt Abandoned .04 .08 .12 M,'es Bakersfield Ma City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 60 May 2005 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 61 May 2005 ro ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D APPENDIX PUBLIC NOTICE City of Bakersfield Consolidated Plan 2010 Notice of 30 Day Public Review Period and Public Meetings The City of Bakersfield has prepared a Draft Consolidated Plan for a 30 day public review and comment (March 12, 2005 to April 11, 2005). The City developed a new Consolidated Plan (Con Plan) in order to continue receiving federal funds from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) over the next five years. This document is a strategic plan and consolidated application for addressing identified housing and community development needs of the City. Beginning FY 2005-06, the City anticipates receiving about $5.6 Million in federal entitlement funds (Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships, and Emergency Shelter Grant programs) from HUD. The funds will be expended to meet the goals and objectives of the Con Plan 2010. The primary ConPlan goals deal with Affordable Housing, Community Development, Economic Development, Homelessness, and Special Needs Populations. Some of the Draft Con Plan strategies address the need to: 1) support the community economic development programs that expand business enterprises, increase job opportunities for low income persons, and provide for a trained workforce; 2) increase and preserve the number of affordable housing units (new and rental) for low income populations; 3) extend housing and supportive services to a greater number of homeless families and individuals; 4) support the revitalization of neighborhoods by improving public facilities and infrastructure; 5) reduce the number of children being poisoned by lead-based paint through education and abatement efforts; 6) promote fair housing practices that educate the public regarding fair housing choice and enforcement of federal/state laws; 7) reduce regulatory barriers to developing affordable housing; and 8) increase the capacity of community-based organizations for delivery of community programs and services. The Draft Con Plan is available for review at the following places: ECDD, 900 Truxtun Avenue, Suite 201: City Clerk's Office, 1501 Truxtun Avenue: Beale Memorial Library, 701 Truxtun Avenue; Holloway-Gonzales Library, 506 E. Brundage Lane; Baker Street Library, 1400 Baker Street; Northeast Library, 3725 Columbus Avenue; Rathburn Library, 200 W. China Grade Loop; Southwest Library, 8301 Ming Avenue; Wilson Library, 1901 Wilson Road; and CSUB Library, 9001 Stockdale Hwy. Public meetings for interested residents are scheduled for March 29, 2005 (Tues.) at 6:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center (1000 South Owens Street); and March 31, 2005 (Thurs.) at Hall Community Meeting Room (1031 21st Street) at 6:00 PM. The meeting rooms are accessible to the disabled. For special arrangements please call the City seven (7) days prior to the meetings at (661) 326-3765; TDD (661 )324-3631. The City invites written comments on the Draft Con Plan by no later than April 11, 2005 to: George Gonzales, CD Coordinator, EDCD, 900 Truxtun Ave., Suite 201, Bakersfield, Ca. 93301. After a thirty day public review period, staff will request that the City Council on or about April 27, 2005 to approve the Consolidated Plan 2010, and Action Plan 2005-06 for submission to the federal government. The deadline for submission to HUD is May 16, 2005. City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 1 May 2005 Summary of Proposed Projectsfor Action Plan FY 2005/2006 Funding Source, Amounts, Project Title & Description HUD Citation Priorities, & Target Dates 1. P Street Area Sewer Project 03J CDBG - $223,000 Sewer line installation on P Street between Water/Sewer Priority - Community Development/ ndnd the Kern Canal and 2 Street, and on 2 Improvements Infrastructure Improvements Street between P and N Streets. 570.201(c) Target Date - Winter 2006 th 2. Chester Avenue Streetscape – 24 to 03K CDBG - $324,000 Garces Circle Street Improvements Priority - Community Development/ Streetscape improvements on Chester 570.201(c) Infrastructure Improvements th Avenue between 24 St. and Garces Circle. Target Date - Spring 2006 3. Street Reconstruction Project – Wards 03K CDBG - $700,000 3, 6, & 7 Street Improvements Priority - Community Development/ Install street improvements in three low-570.201(c) Infrastructure Improvements income target areas in BakersfieldTarget Date – Fall 2005 4. Fire Station #5 Construction 03O CDBG - $525,000 Acquisition, design and construction of a Fire Fire Priority – Community Development/ Station and community room at 102 East Station/Equipment Infrastructure Improvements White Lane. The total construction cost of the 570.201 (c) Target Date – Fall 2006 project is estimated to be $3.6 million of which $1.6 million is to be Section 108 funds. 5. Fire Protection Services 05 - Public Services CDBG - $252,000 Salaries and benefits for three fire fighters for (General) Priority - Community Development/ Fire Station #5 at 700 Planz Road which will 570.201(e) Other Public Facilities/Services provide full strength crews of four persons Target Date - Spring 2006 per shift. 6. Graffiti Removal Program 05 - Public Services CDBG - $40,000 Removal of graffiti within various low-income (General) Priority - Community Development/ areas within the City. 570.201(e) Other Public Facilities/Services Target Date - Spring 2006 7. Bakersfield Senior Center Public 05A CDBG - $50,000 Services Senior Services Priority - Community Development/ Funds for public services for senior citizens at 570.201(e) Other Public Facilities/Services th 530 4 Street. Target Date - Winter 2005 8. East & Southeast Crime Prevention 05I CDBG - $227,000 Services Crime Awareness Priority - Community Salaries and benefits for 3.5 police officers to 570.201(e) Development/Other Public increase police coverage in East and Facilities/Services Southeast Bakersfield. Patrol boundaries are Target Date - Winter 2006 Highway 178 on the north, Oswell Street and the City limits on the east, White Lane on the south and Union Avenue on the west. 9. Home Access Grant Program 14A CDBG - $55,000 Grants up to $2,500 for handicap accessibility Rehab; Single Unit Priority - Other Special in privately or publicly owned residential Residential Needs/Special Needs and Facilities structures in neighborhoods City-wide. 92.205(a) Target Date - Winter 2006 10. Graffiti Removal From Single Family 14A CDBG - $15,000 Homes Rehab; Single Unit Priority – Affordable Housing/Owner Graffiti removal from single family homes in Residential Occupied Housing economically distressed slum and blighted 92.205(a) Target Date - Winter 2006 areas. City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 2 May 2005 Funding Source, Amounts, Project Title & Description HUD Citation Priorities, & Target Dates 11. Graffiti Removal From Multiple Family 14B – Rehab; Multi – CDBG - $15,000 Homes Unit Residential Priority – Affordable Graffiti removal from multiple family homes in 92.205(a) Housing/Rental Housing economically distressed slum & blighted Target Date – Winter 2006 areas. 12. Graffiti Removal From Publicly or 14E – Rehab; CDBG - $30,000 Privately Owned Commercial/Industrial Publicly or Privately Priority – Commercial/Industrial Buildings Owned Rehabilitation Graffiti removal from publicly or privately Commercial/IndustriaTarget Date – Fall 2005 owned commercial/industrial buildings in l economically distressed slum & blighted 570.202 areas. 13. Service Delivery Costs for Housing 14H - Rehabilitation CDBG - $65,000 Related Activities Administration HOME - $50,000 Staff and overhead costs directly related to 570.202 Priority - Affordable Housing/Owner carrying out single-family rehabilitation Occupied Housing activities. 14. Acquisition and Demolition Program 17A - CI Land CDBG - $123,853 Acquisition and demolition of deteriorated Acquisition/ Priority - Economic structures in economically distressed slum Disposition Development/Economic Opportunity and blighted areas for economic 570.203(a) Target Date - Summer 2006 development. 15. Section 108 Loan Repayment for 19F - Repayment of CDBG - $62,050 $800,000 of Public Facilities Section 108 Loan Priority - Community Third years interest on a $800,000 loan for 570.203(b) Development/Infrastructure street improvements in Southeast Improvements Bakersfield. Target Date - Summer 2006 16. Section 108 Loan Repayment for $4.1 19F - Repayment of CDBG - $328,923 million of Public Facilities Section 108 Loan Priority - Community Third years interest on a $4,100,000 loan to 570.203(b) Development/Infrastructure improve two swimming pools in east and Improvements southeast neighborhoods, build a wet play Target Date - Summer 2006 area in the southeast and build a downtown swimming pool. 17. Planning and Capacity 20 - Planning CDBG - $12,000 Eligible planning and urban/redevelopment 570.205 Priority - Community studies consisting of all costs related to data Development/Planning gathering, plans, environmental analysis, and Target Date - Summer 2006 preparation of documents necessary to implement consolidated planning strategies and objectives. 18. General Management Oversight and 21A - General CDBG - $714,956 Coordination Program Priority - N/A Costs associated with overall program Administration Target Date - N/A management, coordination, and monitoring of 570.206 the CDBG program. 19. Public Information 21C - Public CDBG - $20,000 Provision of public information on federal Information Priority - N/A programs and activities. 570.206 Target Date - N/A 20. Submissions of Applications for 21E - Submission of CDBG - $12,000 Federal Programs Applications for Priority - N/A Preparation of applications for submission to Federal Programs Target Date - N/A HUD and other government programs. 570.206 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 3 May 2005 21. New Construction Assistance Housing development assistance for costs associated with acquisition and construction costs of a 75 unit multi-family affordable housing project at the NW corner of 14th & N Streets, and about 120 units at the NE corner of Baker and Lake Streets. 22. American Dream Downpayment Initiative Assistance Program 0% loans City wide up to $10,000 or 6% of the purchase price (whichever is greater) to assist low income first time homebuyers citywide with down payment and closing costs. 23. Housing Urban Bakersfield - Downpayment Assistance 0% loans up to $40,000 for downpayment and closing costs assistance to help low- income people purchase a home in central downtown at 21 5t and R streets. 24. CHDO Set Aside Loans for acquisition of dwellings for rehabilitation and sale to eligible low-income buyers. To be implemented by a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). 25. HOME Administration/Planning Costs Costs related to overall management and coordination of the HOME program. 26. Alliance Against Family Violence Funding to support operation and maintenance costs of the center at 1921 19th Street. 27. Bakersfield Homeless Center Funding to support operation and maintenance costs of the center at 1600 East Truxtun Avenue. 28. Bakersfield Rescue Mission Funding to support operation and maintenance costs of the center at 830 Beale Avenue. 29. ESG Program Administration Cost related to overall management and coordination of the ESG program. 12 - Construction of Housing 92.205(a) 13 Direct Home Ownership Assistance 92.205(a) 13 Direct Home Ownership Assistance 92.205(a) 14G - Acquisition for Rehabilitation 92.205(a) 21 H - HOME Admin/Planning Costs of PJ 570.203(b) 03T - Operating Costs of Homeless/AI DS Patients Programs 576.21 (a)(3) 03T - Operating Costs of Homeless/AI DS Patients Programs 576.21 (a)(3) 03T - Operating Costs of Homeless/AI DS Patients Programs 576.21 (a)(3) 21A - General Program Administration/ESG Total HOME - $791,031 Priority - Affordable Housing/Rental Housing Target Date - Winter 2006 HOME - $45,164 Priority - Affordable Housing/Owner Occupied Housing Target Date - Winter 2006 HOME - $604,361 Priority - Affordable Housing/Owner Occupied Housing Target Date - Winter 2006 HOME - $253,078 Priority - Affordable Housing/Owner Occupied Housing Target Date - Winter 2006 HOME - $188,719 Priority - N/A Target Date - N/A ESG - $15,000 Priority - Homelessness/Supportive Services Target Date - Summer 2006 ESG - $60,875 Priority - Homelessness/Supportive Services Target Date - Summer 2006 ESG - $60,875 Priority - Homelessness/Supportive Services Target Date - Summer 2006 ESG - $7,095 Priority - N/A Target Date - N/A $5,870,980 Subtotal: CDBG $3,794,782 (Entitlement=$3,744,782; Program Income=$50,000) Subtotal: HOME $1,932,353 (Entitlement=$1 ,687,189; ADDI=$45,164; Program Income (HOME) =$200,000) Subtotal: ESG $143,845 (no program income) Total $5,870,980 City of Bakersfield FY 2005/06 Action Plan 4 May 2005