HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/05_CC_AGENDA_PACKET BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL AGENDA JUNE 8, 2005 Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meeting - 5:15 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 5:15 p.m. 1. ROLL CAlL 2. PUBUC STATEMENTS (RI"lml"" ~ .._-~-Item(.) only durlntI- poI1Jon 0I__If/IJ 3. WORKSHOPS 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Closed Session pursuant to GOvernment Code Section 54957.6; Conference with Lebor Negotiator William Avery. b. Conference with Legal Counsel - existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 regarding the following ceses: 1. Eugene Jackson v. City, et al. 2. Greg Moore v. City, et al. e. Conference with Legal Counsel- Potential Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (b)(1)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (2 ceses). d. Conference with Legal Counsel- Initiation of Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (e) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (1 case). RECONVENED MEETING - 6:30 p.m. 5. ROLL CAlL 8. INVOCAnON by Pastor Ken Souers, Crossroeds Christian Fellowship. 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Dustin Corey, 4"' Grade Student at Noble Elementary School. 8. CLOSED SESSION ACOON 9. PRESENTATIONS 10. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 11. CONSENT CALENDAR Mln.....: a. Approval of minutes of the May 25, 2005 Regular Council Meeting. Payments: b. Approvel of department payments from May 13, 2005 to May 26, 2005 In the amount of $10.771.703.37 and self Insurance payments from May 13. 2005 to May 26,2005 in the amount of $199,130.64. Ordinances: 11. CONSENT CAlENDAR continued e. Resolutions: Resolution establishing City Counell Policy regarding the extension of vesting rights for subdivision maps. 125-ton Chiller for Rabobank Theater and Convention Center: 1. Resolution dispensing with bidding procedures due to the necessity of completing an emergency replacement resulting from the failure of the 175 ton ehiller that provides cooling to the Rabobank Theater and Convention Center, not to exceed $145,000.00. 2. Appropriate $145,000.00 Facility Replacement Reserve to the Capital Outlay Fund, Capital Improvement Budget. e. Resolution determining that certain video equipment for the City Council Chambers cennot be reasonably obtained through usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exceed $50,000.00. f. Resolution determining that two-way radio equipment for the Police Department cennot be reasonably obtained through usual bidding procedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exceed $60,000.00. (Ward 2) d. (Ward 4) (Ward j. (Ward 2) k. (Ward 2) I. (Ward 3) m. (Ward 1) (Ward 5) Resolution adding territory, Area 1-57 (Allen, Palm NW) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and confirming the assessments, approving the Public Works Director's Report and authorizing collection of assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. h. Resolution of Intention No. 1378 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Publie Works Director's Report for the Consolidated Maintenance District and the 2005-2006 budget; setting time and place for hearing protests on the amount of street and median landsceping assessments to be levied throughout the Consolidated Maintenance District. g. i. Resolution of Intention No. 1379 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Publie Works DIrector's Report for the Consolidated Maintenance District and the 2005-2006 budget; setting time and place for hearing protests on the amount of park landsceping assessments to be lavied throughout the Consolidated Maintenance District. Resolution of Intention No. 1380 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Publie Works Director's Report for the Traffic Signal Maintenance Districts and the 2005-2006 budget; setting time and piece for hearing prolesß on the amount of assessments to be levied throughout the Traffic Signal Maintenance Districts. Resolution of Intention No. 1382 to order the vacetion of the alley betwaen H and Eye Streets between 27"' and 28"' Streets. n. Resolution of Intention No. 1383 to order the vacation of the street right of way at southwast comer of Truxtun Avenue and Commercial Way. Resolution of Intention No. 1386 to establish the revised drainage plan for the Breckinridge Planned Drainage Area and preliminarily approving the new fee schedule (142% increase based upon Construction Cost Index). Resolution of Intention No. 1387 to add territory, Area 5-19 (Case Lorna, Lotus SE) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Director's Report. Resolution of Intention No. 1388 to add tarritory, Area 3-33 (Harris, Old River NE) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Director's Report. o. 2 --,,-,---_. ._. "--'-'---~-----~ (Ward 4) 11. CONSENT CAlENDAR continued p. Stockdale Highway Planned Sewer Area: 1. Resolution of Intention No. 1389 to establish the Stockdale Highway Planned Sewer Area and pretiminarily approving the boundaries of the area and the cost and fee schedule. 2. First Reeding of Ordinance amending Section 16.32.060 of the Municipal Code relating to sewer facilities. (Ward 4.7) (Ward 6) (Ward 4,5,6.7) t. Agreements: Tract Maps and Improvement Agreements: 1. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Granite Polnte Estates, LLC, for Tract 6095 Phases 6. 7 and 8 located north of Hosking Avenue and east of Wible Road. 2. Improvernent Agreements with Castle & Cooke California. Inc., for Parcel Map 11035 loceted south of Stockdale Highway and east of Buena Vista Road. 3. Improvement Agreement with Meany Partners, LLC. for Parcei Map 11092 located north of Meany Avenue and west of Coffee Road. 4. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Palma Homes, Inc. for Tract 5362 Unit 5 loceted south of Hosking Avenue and east of Wible Road. 5. Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Stuart Thomas, Ine., dba Lenox Hornes for Tract 6210 Phases 1 and 210ceted north of Berkshire Road and west of Monitor Street. 15 Acre Park Site: 1. Agreement with Old River Lend Company to dedicate 15 acres located approximately 825 feet south of Berkshire Road on the west side of Mountain Ridge Drive for a future park. 2. Appropriate $2,000.00 Park Acquisition Fund Belance for escrow fees. s. Police Service Dogs: q. r. 1. Agreement with Master K-9 Ine. ($30,381.00) to purchase and train three Police Sarviee Dogs for the Police Department. 2. Appropriate $30,381.00 Seized Asset FoIfeiture Revenues to the Police Department Operating Budget in the General Fund for the purchase and training of three Police Service Dogs. Agreement with Wilson & Associates (not to exceed $91,000.00) to provide specialized continuing disclosure services for various Special Assessment Districts. u. Extend Contracts for Chemicals - Insecticides/Herbicides for Water Resources and Recreation & Parks Departments for twelve (12) months: 1. Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-146 with Abate-A-Weed, Ine. 2. Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-147 with Target Specialty Products. :3. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. 04-148 wilh Wilbur-Ellis Company. v. Amendment No. 1 to Agreement No. 04-184 with Los Angeles Chemical Company to extend agreement for twelve (12) months for pool chemicels for the Recreation & Parks Department. 3 11. CONSENT CALENDAR continued w. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. F04-OO3 with Quality Team, Inc. to extend agreement for twalve (12) months for broker services for sale of surplus equipment. x. Subdivision Plan Checking Services: 1. Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-109 with Cannon AssocIates ($10,000.00 for a total contract amount not to exceed $35,000.00) for plan checking services. 2. Appropriate $10,000.00 additional improvement plan eheck revenue to the Publie Works Department Operating Budget within the Development Services Fund. Bids: (Ward 1) y. Z. (Ward 1) aa. (Ward 2) bb. (Ward 4) ce. Trunk Sewer Replacement along Planz Road: 1. Accept bid and award contract to Floyd Johnston Construction ($8,815,190.00) for trunk sewar replacement along Planz Road. 2. Appropriate $4,400,000.00 Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance (Wastewater Treatment Plant 2) to the Capital Improvement Budget. Extend bid from Jim Burke Ford ($44,229.72) for three (3) additional pickup trucks for the Recreation & Parks Department. Reject all bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 shop building roof replacement. Reiect bids for median modifICation and traffic signal and lighting installation on Q Street at 14 Street. Reject bids for the construction of four diteh pipeline extansion to L-208. Mlscallaneous: dd. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan Amendment No.3 (FY 04105) to reprogram funds in the amount of $200,000.00 for the construction of Fire Station No.5. ee. Acceptance of 2003-04 Transportation Development Act Funds Financial Statements. Staff recommends adoption of Consent Calendar items a through ee. (Ward 4) 12 CONSENT CALENDAR HEARINGS a. Protest hearing for proposed Assessment District No. 04-2 (Brighton Park/Brighton Village/Stockdale at Allen CommerciaVCherry Hill II): 1. Resolution approving Final Engineer's Report, levying assessments, ordering improvements and authorizing and directing related actions. 2. Resolution determining assessments remaining unpaid. 3. Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds. 4. Resolution approving form and substance of preliminary official staternent and bond purchase contract, authorizing modifications thereto and execution thereof, and authorizing related documents and ections. Slaff recommends overriding protests end adopt the resolutions. 4 (Ward 1) 12. CONSENT CAlENDAR HEARINGS continued b. (Ward 1.2) Hearing to consider Resolution authorizing the submission of Section 108 Loan Guarantee application in the amount of $1,600,000.00 for construction of Fire Station No.5 and execution of HUD Loan Agreements or other documents nacessary to secure Section 108 Loan funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment. Staff recommends approval of the Section 108 Loan Guarantee submission, adoption of rasolution and authorization to execute all necessary HUD loan agreements and documents. Hearing to consider Resolution authorizing the submission of Section 108 Loan Guarantee application in the amount of $3,750,000.00 and Brownfield Economie Development Initiative Grant (BEDI) in the amount of $750,000.00 to HUD to provide funds for various economie development and housing activities planned near Q Street and the Kern Island Canal. Staff recommends approval of the Section 108 Loan Guarantee submission, authoriza minor modification to the application, adoption of rasolution and authorization to execute all necessary HUD loan agreements and documents. e. (Ward 7) 13. HEARINGS a. (Ward 5) (Ward 3) Hearing to consider Resolution of Necessity to determine whether the public intereat and necessity require acquisition by eminent domain of real property located at the intersection of Panama Lene and Colony Street (McMenorny property) for construction of a right turn lane. (Developer: Gateway, LLC) Staff recommends adoption of rasolution. b. Hearing to consider Resolution adopting Commercial Refuse Fees for Fiscal Year 2005-06 (3.7% proposed rate increase). Staff recommends adoption of rasolution. e. Hearing to consider Resolution adopting Residential Refuse Fees for Fiscal Year 2005-06 (3.7% proposed rate increase). Staff recommends adoption of rasolution. Consolidated hearing to consider appeals by the City Publie Works Department of the Planning Commission decision to approve extensions of vesting rights for 'Tract 6087 Phase D, located south of Mln9 Avenue, easl or S. Allen Road (Developer: Castle & Cooke) and Tract 6104, Phases 1 & 5,Iocated north of Panama Lene and east of Buena Vista Road (Developer: Centex) and adoption of resolution overturning the Planning Commission's decision (Engineer: Mcintosh and Associates). Staff recommends adoption of resolution overtuming the Planning Commission's decision and approving the appeals. d. Hearing to consider Resolution denying appeals by Porter-Robertson Engineering of the Planning Commlsalon decision to deny extensions of vesting rights for Tract 6121, Phase 1. located on the northeast comer of Brimhall Road and Jenkins Road (Engineer: Porter- Robertson/Subdivider: Froelieh Signature Homes). Staff recommends adoption of resolution upholding the Planning Commission's decision and denying the appeal. e. 5 14. REPORTS a. Department Budget Presentations: 1. Rabobank Arena and Bakersfl8ld Ice Sports Center 2. Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors' Bureau 15. DEFERRED BUSINESS a. Couneil Goals and Objectives. (S/aW _entation by Alan Tandy, CIty Manager) Staff recommends adoption of revised goals. 18. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS 17. ADJOURNMENT Respectfully submitted, Ii. k<--~ I1r Alan Tandy City Manager pi 06102/05 2:25pm 6 AGENDA HIGHLIGHTS JUNE 8, 2005 COUNCIL MEETING REGULAR MEETING 5:15 D.m. CLOSED SESSION There will be a conference with the labor negotiator. There will also be a conference with legal counsel regarding two items of existing litigation. one item of potential litigation and one item of initiation of litigation. CONTINUATION OF REGULAR MEETING - 6:30 D.m. CONSENT CALENDAR Resolutions Item 11c. Resolution Establishina City Council Policv reaardina the Extension of Vestina Riahts for Subdivision Maps. The extensions of vesting rights would allow developers to avoid the newly adopted Transportation and Park Development Fees by developing under the previous fee schedule. The City could potentially lose millions of dollars in revenue if this action is allowed. The Planning and Development Committee agreed with staff that discretionary extensions of vesting rights should no longer be granted and recommended that the City Council adopt a formal policy in this regard in order that all requests are treated consistently. Council will make a determination at this point in the meeting whether or not to approve this policy. Two hearings will be held later in the meeting to hear appeals by Porter-Robertson Engineering and the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department of the Planning Commissions' decision to allow vesting rights for two tracts. Approval or denial of this policy will assist in Council's determination as to the outeome of the appeals. Item 11p. Stockdale Hiahwav Planned Sewer Area. Using Sewer Enterprise Funds, the City constructed a sewer trunkline in Stockdale Highway west of Allen Road as the first link in a major trunk line. Funds collected as new and existing parcels within the area develop will be used to reimburse the Sewer Enterprise Fund, and will also be used to either eonstruct the remainder of the system or to reimburse any developer that builds a portion of the system (the developer would only be reimbursed for that portion of the cost that is over their proportionate share of the cost of the system). This Planned Sewer Area is generally bounded by the Goose Lake Slough on the north, Allen Road on the east, the Cross Valley Canal on the south and Nord Road on the west. The resolution preliminarily approves the boundaries, the cost of the improvements and the assessment fee schedule. The ordinance adds this to the list of Sewer Areas for whieh developers and residents are eharged at time of development or connection to pay the cost of constructing the sewer facilities. AQreements Items 11r. Aareement with Old River Land Companv to Dedicate 15 Acres Located Approximatelv 825 Feet South of Berkshire Road on the West Side of Mountain Ridae Drive for a Future Park. The Planning Commission recommended a park site as a condition of approval for the tentative tract. Staff determined that having one large park would be of more benefit to residents than several smaller parks. Agenda Highlights June 8, 2005 Page 2 Old River Land Company, who originally owned the entire property, agreed to dedicate the land. The agreement specifies that the City pay one-half of all escrow fees. Appropriation of $2,000 Park Acquisition Fund Balance is necessary to pay those fees. Bids Item 11y. Award Contract to Flovd Johnston Construction for Trunk Sewer Replacement Alona Planz Road in the amount of $8.815.190. This project consists of replaeing an existing, deteriorated sewer line of various sizes, along Planz Road between South Chester Avenue and Wastewater Treatment Plant #2, complete with manholes and conneetions to existing eolleetor sewer lines. The existing sewer line will be abandoned. An appropriation is required due to the unanticipated increase in costs for construction materials and labor compared to when this project was originally budgeted. Four acceptable bids were received. Staff recommends award to Floyd Johnston Construetion. Nearly $3 million was saved by redesigning and rebidding the project. Miseellaneous Item dd. Communitv Development Block Grant (CDBG\ Action Plan Amendment No.3 (FY 04/05\ to Reprooram Funds in the amount of $200.000 for the construction of Fire Station NO.5. The amendment will shift program savings from the Fire Protection ($120,000) and East and Southeast Crime Prevention ($80,000) public service programs into the Fire Station #5 (Police Satellite) construction budget. The items for amendment do not propose any additional budgetary impacts. Upon approval of the amendment, the construction budget for Fire Station #5 will be fully allocated. A notice was published on May 7, 2005 requesting comments and to date no eomments have been received. CONSENT CALENDAR HEARINGS Item 12a. Protest Hearina for Proposed Assessment District No. 04-2 (Briohton Park/Briohton Villaae/Stockdale at Allen Commercial/Cherrv Hill II). On May 11, 2005, Council approved the Preliminary Engineer's Report. Following the close of the hearing, adoption of this resolution will approve the Final Engineer's Report, levy the assessments and order the public improvements. Items 12b. and c. Hearinas to Consider Resolutions Authorizina the Submission of Section 108 Loan Guarantee Applications and Brownfield Economic Development Initiative Grant (BED I) for Fire Station NO.5 and the Mill Creek South. On February 9, 2005, the Budget and Finance Committee reviewed a financial plan that identified sourees for funds available to construct the new Fire Station No. 5 and to financially participate in the development of a new mixed use projeet planned along the Kern Island Canal, south of the rail tracks and located near California Avenue and "Q" Streets - the south end of the "Mill Creek", The City is requesting $1,600,000 in Section 108 Loan Guarantee funds to assist with the construction of the new fire station. CDBG, State and local tax increment (TI) funds will also be used to fund the facility. The financial plan for the project known as Mill Creek South - Phase 1 ineludes the use of a federal Section 108 Loan ($3,750,000 to be repaid over 20 years) and submittal of a eompetitive Brownfield Economic Development Grant (BEDI) application ($750,000) through HUD, both to be used for property acquisition, relocation and demolition. This mixed use praject consists of development of an affordable housing rental project, 31,000 square feet of new restaurant and commercial space, and an urban stream and green pedestrian parkway. This project will be the first phase of a larger redevelopment project that is currently being planned to include another 30,000-50,000 square feet of commercial and restaurant space and the creation of a new urban style residential neighborhood consisting of 700 -1000 homes and units that will provide affordable and market rate housing opportunities. Staff solicited Agenda Highlights June 8, 2005 Page 3 development proposals and received six responses. These responses have been narrowed down to three which are under review. The final developer will be selected prior to submittal of the loan and grant application to begin exclusive negotiation. The Budget and Finance Committee directed City staff to proceed with the required loan and grant applications and to bring them to the City Council for action. HEARINGS Item 13a. Hearina to Consider Resolution of Necessity to Determine Whether the Public Interest and Necessity Reauire Acauisition bv Eminent Domain of Real Proaertv Located on the South Side of Panama Lane at Colonv Street for Construction of a Riaht Turn Lane. City representatives have been negotiating with the property owners in hopes that a mutually acceptable agreement can be reaehed in the near future. Council must adopt the resolution by vote of two-thirds of all the members, not two-thirds of a quorum of the members present. Items 13b. and c. Hearinas to Consider Resolutions adoatina Commercial Refuse Fees (3.7% aroaosed rate increase), and Residential Refuse Fees (3.7% aroaosed rate increase) for FY 2005-06. The last commercial increase was one year ago. The proposed increase covers inflation and operating cost increases, maintenance costs, and costs for street sweeping and commercial wood waste recycling. Two residential refuse service collection rates are proposed to be increased in this hearing: Single Family dwelling and Multiple Family dwelling (up to four units) refuse service. The single-family rate is proposed to be increased from $154.68 to $160.44 per unit per year, and the multi-family rate is proposed to be increased from $139.92 to $145.08 per unit per year. The increase eovers inflation and operating eost increases, maintenance costs, and eosts for greenwaste earts and reeyeling equipment to meet the State recycling mandates. A notice of the proposed residential rate increase and the public hearing was mailed to each of the 73,371 property owners in the City. As of May 25, 2005, the City Clerk had received 15 written letters protesting the fee and 1 written letter in support. According to Proposition 218, if written protests against the proposed fee are presented by a majority of the identified parcels, the City shall not charge the annual proposed fee. Otherwise, Council may adopt the proposed fee. The proposed fee increases would become effective July 1, 2005. Items 13d. and e. Hearinas on Aaaeals bv the Citv of Bakersfield Public Works Deaartment and Porter- Robertson Enaineerina of the Deeision of the Plannina Commission to Aaarove Extension of Vestina Riahts for Two Tracts. These appeals were first heard at the January 12, 2005 Council meeting. The extension of vesting rights issue was reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee and appears earlier in this agenda. They are recommending the Council adopt a policy denying extensions of vesting rights. The extensions of vesting rights would allow developers to avoid the newly adopted Transportation and Park Development Fees by developing under the previous fee schedule. Extensions of vesting rights would result in a significant loss of revenue needed to provide essential transportation and park improvements. Staff recommends denial of the extensions of vesting rights on the two Porter-Robertson tracts; and recommends upholding the Public Works Department's appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of the extension of vesting rights for Castle and Cooke, and Centex. When Council was considering these development impact fees, there was clear direction the fee sehedule be developed in such a way that would pay for the needed infrastructure. Not granting discretionary vesting rights extensions is a logical step to ensure the needed money will be eollected and would be consistent with the policy recommended by the Planning and Development Committee. Agenda Highlights June 8. 2005 Page 4 REPORTS Item 14a. Department Budaet Presentations. The Rabobank Arena and Bakersfield Ice Sports Center, and the Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau will provide a detailed overview of their FY 2005-06 proposed operating budget. DEFERRED BUSINESS Item 15a. City Council Goal Settina. This is a continuation of discussions that began at the April 27, 2005 and continued at the May 25, 2005 Council meetings. Councilmember Hanson cannot attend this meeting and has requested that any final vote on the goals be delayed until he returns. Work on the document and refinement ean take place in preparation for the future final consideration. Approved: Mt:' Alan Christensen, Assistant City Manager cc: Department Heads Rhonda 8m ¡ley, Public Relations City Manager's File City Clerk's Office News Media File ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council eI.. Carroll Hayden, Human Resources Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVED TO: ó0? DATE: May 31. 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER t/r:.- I}; SUBJECT: Closed session pursuant to Government Code 54957.6; Conferenee with Labor Negotiator William Avery RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: June 1. 2005, 8:16AM S:\ADMINRPnClosed Session June 8, 05.dot ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 4.b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council DATE: May 26, 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED t/? tit- fk FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code seetion 54956.9 1. Eugene Jackson v. City of Bakersfield, et al. USDC, Eastern District, Case No. CV-F-03-6111 O'NW TAG 2. Greg Moore v. Alan Tandy, et al KCSC Case No. S-1500-CV-252458-NFT VG:do S:\COUNCIL\CI SesslAdmins\04·05\2005\06-08-05 EJdstlit.doc 5/26/2005 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 4. C. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER DATE: May 26, 2005 APPROVED t/(; t/( kL/ rv- SUBJECT: Conferenee with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b)(1 )(3)(A) of Government Code seetion 54956.9 - two cases VG:do S:ICOUNCILICI SesslAdminsI04-05\2005106-08-05 Potential.dOc 5/26/2005 . .,-...._---~- .,....- -.,.-------- ---.----.----..-----------.....---.-".-.--- .------...--.--,.--' ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: 4r1. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil May 26, 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED V? II~ ,J4¿' FROM: DATE: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel -Initiation of litigation Pursuant to subdivision (e) of Government Code seetion 54956.9 - one case VG:do S:\CQU NCIL \CI Sess\Admins\04-05\2005\06-08-05Initiate.doc 5/26/2005 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 11,0. , TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD~_ CITY ATTORNEY FROM: Pamela MeCarthy, City Clerk DATE: May 27,2005 CITY MANAGER ~ . SUBJECT: Approval of minutes of the May 25, 2005 Council Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: kt ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 9, 2005 AGEND~, SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II b, TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD 1~k:J¡¿' CITY ATTORNEY _ CITY MANAGER lie Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director May 26, 2005 SUBJECT: Approval of department payments from May 13, 2005 to May 26, 2005 in the amount of $10,771,703.37 and self insuranee payments from May 13, 2005 to May 26,2005 in the amount of $199,130.64. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends approval of payments totaling $10,970,834.01. BACKGROUND: klg May 26. 2005. 1 :37PM S:\KimGIForms & LablesIADMIN-AP.doc _... .-- '~'.--..-..-..~-..--.- -~'--'-""'-- --_.,----_.~~.~.,."-~~--- ~ ~ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II ,e... TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED DATE: May 27,2005 CITY ATTORNEY ólú7 t/~ ~ FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Resolution establishing City Council policy regarding the extension of vesting rights for subdivision maps RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Committee recommends adoption of the resolution. BACKGROUND: The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the issue of the extension of vesting rights for subdivision maps. The Public Works Department appealed the decision of the Planning Commission to allow extensions of vesting rights for two Tracts 6087d and 6104 phases 1 & 5. The extensions of time allow the developers (Castle and Cooke and Centex Homes) to avoid the newly adopted Transportation and Park Development Fees. The difference between the old and new fees is $170,565 in lost revenue to the City. Porter-Robertson appealed one tract and Mcintosh and Associates appealed decisions of the Planning Commission to deny extensions of vesting rights on twelve other tracts (Developer - Castle and Cooke). If the Planning Commission's decisions are overturned and the extensions of time for vesting rights for the developer appeals are approved, the loss in revenue to the City between the old fees and the new Traffic and Park Development Fees would be $3.3 million (approximately $2.8 in traffic impact fees and $500,000 in Park fees). These monies are needed to pay for traffic and park improvements required by these developments and staff recommended the extensions not be granted. When the Council was considering these development impact fees, there was clear direction the fee schedules be developed in such a way that would pay for the needed infrastrueture. Not granting discretionary vesting rights extensions is a logical step to ensure the needed money will be collected. Citywide there are other developments that may request one-year extensions to be able to develop under the old fee. If the extensions of vesting rights continue to be granted, it is possible the City would give up additional fee revenues above and beyond the $3.3 million in Transportation and Park Development fees noted above. The Planning and Development Committee agreed with staff that discretionary extensions of vesting rights should no longer be granted and recommended that the City Council adopt a formal policy in this regard in order that all requests are treated consistently. "'-'---''''-'-_.---'-~-'-''----''''-~'---".'-'''~'-'-'--'.~-_.._-,,--,._-- ._--,--,~-~~.- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 Staff has been notified that Castle and Cooke has withdrawn their appeals of the Planning Commission's decisions regarding Tracts 6086, 6087, 6111, 6127, 6128, 6150, 6151, 6185, 6199, and 6223. Porter Robertson's and the Public Works Department's appeals are still pending. These appeals have been scheduled for hearings and further consideration before the City Council later on this agenda. _.. -^~. - _....- ._~~-~-_..~_._- --->'--""""'---~-'-----' ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II.d. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Raul Rojas, Public Works Director May 25, 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: 125-ton chiller at the Rabobank Theater and Convention Center (Ward 2): 1. Resolution dispensing with bidding proeedures due to the necessity of eompleting an emergeney replacement resulting from the failure of the 175-ton chiller that provides cooling to the Rabobank Theater and Convention Center, not to exceed $145,000. 2. Appropriate $145,000 Facility Replaeement Reserve to the Capital Outlay Fund, Capital Improvement Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of resolution and appropriation. BACKGROUND: The majority of the Rabobank Theater and Convention Center eooling is provided by ehilled water that is piped throughout the building through various air handling units. The chilled water is provided by two chillers. The 175-ton ehiller is the one that is predominantly used. This unit is 12 years old. It provides chilled water to the administrative offiees and meeting rooms. The 175-ton chiller is operated by a "Turbo-modulator" that is outdated, no longer supported, and parts are no longer available. The seeond ehiller is a 300-ton unit that operates when the eooling needs for the facility inerease, for example during scheduled events. Both chillers could be used simultaneously during large events, espeeially during the warm weather period in Bakersfield. In March, 2005, the City HVAC Teehnicians reported the 175-ton chiller was making disturbing noises. They shut down the unit, programmed the cooling system to operate only with the 300-ton chiller, and suggested the unit be investigated to determine the cause of the noise. Both ehillers have numerous moving parts, gears, bearings, etc. that might break and damage the unit. The City eontraeted with TRANE Co. to investigate the problem and make recommendations as to the best eourse of action. TRANE determined there was a bearing problem with the 175-ton unit and estimated the repair costs to total $50,000. TRANE also stated that they would be able to supply a 125-ton chiller fairly rapidly and estimated that it would be adequate to meet the needs of the building. To ensure we purchase and install the proper size chiller, Staff contracted with a mechanical engineering firm, Mechanical Design Concepts (MDC), who determined that a 125 ton ehiller that was recommended by TRANE Co. would be sufficient te meet the cooling demands of the building, in conjunction with the existing 300-ton ehiller. Staff determined it was not cost effeetive to make repairs to a 12 year old pieee of equipment, partieularly when the unsupported turbo-modulator is a critical piece of the operation. Beeause of the rapidly approaching hot weather season which will require both chillers to be operating simultaneously on numerous occasions, and the faet this equipment normally has a long lead time to manufacture, it was determined that a replaeement chiller must be ordered immediately. G:\GROUPOATlADMINRPT\2005\06-08\Admin for HVAC Emerg Res.doc May 31. 2005, 4:15PM ___.___-~,,-. ... ,__....._."....._.. ..___.,_~_.., _.._.__...,~_.,. ~_~·._'·__·'_O····__·_"_~· ____._....... .__._~'_ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT This administrative report authorizes the purehase of a new ehiller. Staff reeommends funding this purchase through the Faeility Replaeement Reserve. It is important to note that at least 5 affirmative couneil votes are needed to approve this resolution. G:\GROUPDAnADMINRP1\2005\06-08\Admin for HVAC Emerg Res.doc May 31. 2005, 4:15PM ----'_. ""--~-'---"._-"-"'-' ~.,- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: \ l. e.. Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director APPROVED DI;:PARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY #J;tJ CITY MANAGER it /' f TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Mareh 17, 2005 SUBJECT: Council Chambers Video Projector Replacement: 1. Resolution determining that certain Council Chambers video equipment cannot be reasonably obtained through usual bidding proeedures and authorizing the Finance Director to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exeeed $50,000. .., Appropriate $50,fo€o€<-L'1u;,.,."v,'¡ ;Ùma¡;jçmentFund balanee to the Publie Works Department's Operating Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends adoption of Resolution and approval of appropriation. BACKGROUND: The existing JVC multi-media video projeetor was purchased and installed in October, 1999. The projector has thousands of hours of use and is in need v~ ,,,,,jvnllaintenanee. Parts are no longer manufactured and are very hard to find. Staff has negotiated a 30% discount with JVC Americas for a high quality digital video projeetor. The new projeetor has three times more brightness while consuming less than half of the energy of the old projector. The Council Chambers JVC video projector control equipment is designed to operate with the existing Extron SW-10 proprietary digital video switcher, two Extron SC-200 video eonverters and a Faroudja 400 quad line driver for enhanced video quality. Unlike any other multi-media video projector, the new JVC projector is fully compatible with the City's existing video system and will integrate with the eurrent system. May 26.2005. 10:52AM G:\GROUPDAnADMINRPT\2005\06-08\JVC Admin Report.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II.f. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direetor APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD IYZ- CITY ATTORNEY 12'/Jt4 CITY MANAGER . ~ DATE: March 19, 2005 SUBJECT: Resolution determining that Police two-way radio equipment cannot be reasonably obtained through usual bidding proeedures and authorizing the Finanee Direetor to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exeeed $60,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of resolution. BACKGROUND: The existing Poliee fixed two-way radio system uses the Motorola/National Seeurity Administration proprietary encryption system. The new mobile radio equipment must be DVPXL eompatible with existing radios. Only Motorola provides sueh equipment. The Publie Works Communications Division has negotiated a 17% diseount with Motorola for 24 high quality DVPXL encrypted Police radios. The Fleet Division budgeted $3,000 per vehiele for the purehase of the Motorola radios. The radios will be installed in the 7 additional vehicles in FY 04/05 budget and the 17 additional vehieles from the FY 05/06 budget that were approved for early purehase. May 26. 2005. 1 0:55AM G:\GROUPDA1\ADMINRPT\2005\06-08\Motorola Mobile MCS2000 Admin.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: I. TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: May 20. 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER W/ SUBJECT: Resolution adding territory. Area 1-57 (Allen, Palm NW) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and confirming the assessments. approving the Public Works Director's Report and authorizing collection of assessments by the Kern County Tax Collector. (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND: On May 25. 2005 the Council adopted Resolution of Intention No. 1385 to add territory. Area 1-57 (Allen, Palm NW), to the Consolidated Maintenanee District as required by Section 13.04.021 of the Municipal Code. Inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenanee District will provide for the maintenance of street landseaping for Traet No. 5279. Units A and B. Area 1-57 is generally bounded by the westerly extension of Dove Creek Drive on the north, Allen Road on the east, Palm Avenue on the south and Palm Ranch Street on the west. This area will be under the streetscape zone of benefit and will be assigned street tier 3 based on existing street landscaping. Tract No. 5279. Units A and B. were processed and recorded while in the unincorporated area. The owners requested that these areas be included within County Service Area 71 for maintenance of street landscaping. They signed Proposition 218 ballots agreeing to maximum assessments of $265 per single family dwelling unit per year and met all requirements for inclusion in County Service Area 71. This Tract has now been annexed into the City. The City is now responsible for maintenance of street landscaping in this area. The maximum allowab/e assessment for City pareels within this area is $146.70 per single family dwelling (less than the $265 assessment the owners agreed to in the county). The current City assessment per single family dwelling based on existing landscaping is $90.72. This area will be assessed consistent with the requirements of Proposition 218 and Resolution No. 019- 05. adopted by the City Council on January 12. 2005. Resolution No. 019-05 allows assessments to be increased annually by the cost of living increase reflected in the Los Angeles - Riverside - Orange County/All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. Id 5/20/200510:15:43 AM G:\GRQUPDA T\ADMINRPT\2005\06-08\MD1-57 _Est05.doc ~.·w_"~___ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II, h. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direetor APPROVED FROM: DATE: April 27 , 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER /Jv SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1378 preliminarily adopting, eonfirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report for the Consolidated Maintenanee District and the 2005-2006 budget; setting time and place for hearing protests on the amount of street and median landseaping assessments to be levied throughout the Consolidated Maintenance Distriet. (All Wards). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. BACKGROUND: This year all new territories were added directly to the Consolidated Maintenance Distriet at the time of their formation. This Resolution preliminarily approves the Public Works Director's Report which includes the 2005-2006 budget for the Consolidated Maintenance District. On January 12, 2005, the City Council passed Resolution No. 019-05 adopting Council Poliey on Park Maintenance and Street Landscaping Assessments whieh enables the City to colleet additional revenue for the maintenance of street and median landscaping and park maintenance within the Consolidated Maintenance District. As of January 12, 2005, all new developments that benefit from publie parks and/or street landscaping shall be added to the Consolidated Maintenance Distriet and shall be assessed, eonsistent with the requirements of Proposition 218, those amounts set forth in Exhibit "A" of Resolution No. 019-05. Said amounts shall be inereased annually by the eost of living inerease reflected in the Los Angeles - Riverside - Orange County/All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. Assessment rates for all existing developments prior to January 12, 2005 will not be increased. The rates will remain at the 2004-2005 level. The proposed 2005-2006 budget, Exhibit "D" is attached to the Resolution of Intention. The Legal Description, Exhibit "A", the Map and Assessment Diagram, Exhibit "B", the Benefit Formula, Exhibit "C" and the Assessor's Roll, Exhibit "E", are on file in the City Clerk's Offiee. The Resolution sets the protest hearing for the Council meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2005, at b:JO P.M. dc April 27. 2005. 2:47PM S:\PROJECTS\MAINDIST\ADMINRPT\CMD05RoiSt.dot ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: l \. i. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD April 27, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1379 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving the Public Works Director's Report for the Consolidated Maintenance District and the 2005-2006 budget; setting time and place for hearing protests on the amount of park landseaping assessments to be levied throughout the Consolidated Maintenance District. (All Wards). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. BACKGROUND: This year all new territories were added directly to the Consolidated Maintenanee Distriet at the time of their formation. This Resolution preliminarily approves the Public Works Director's Report which includes the 2005-2006 budget for the Consolidated Maintenance District. As of January 12, 2005, all new developments that benefit from public parks and/or street landscaping shall be added to the Consolidated Maintenanee Distriet and shall be assessed, eonsistent with the requirements of Proposition 218, those amounts set forth in Exhibit "A" of Resolution No. 019-05. Said amounts shall be increased annually by the cost of living inerease refleeted in the Los Angeles - Riverside - Orange County/All Urban Consumers Consumer Price Index. Assessment rates for all existing developments prior to January 12, 2005 will not be increased. The rates will remain at the 2004-2005 level. The proposed 2005-2006 budget, Exhibit "0" is attached to the Resolution of Intention. The Legal Description, Exhibit "A", the Map and Assessment Diagram, Exhibit "B", the Benefit Formula, Exhibit "C" and the Assessor's Roll, Exhibit "E", are on file in the City Clerk's Office. The Resolution sets the protest hearing for the Council meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2005, at ":30 P.M. dc April 27. 2005. 3:39PM S:\PROJECTSlMAINDISnADMINRPnCMD05RoiPk.dot ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II. i. -.> TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council CITY MANAGER APPROVED ¡(L ~ ,.q,..~ . Raul M. Rojas. Public Works Direetor DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY April 27, 2005 SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1380 preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Direetor's report for the Traffie Signal Maintenance Districts and the 2005-2006 budgets; setting time and plaee for hearing protests on the amount of assessments to be levied throughout each of the Traffie Signal Maintenanee Distriets. (Wards 1, 3, 4 and 5) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. BACKGROUND: Sinee the approval of Resolution 161-94 on September 28, 1994, which provides for the colleetion of maintenance and operating costs for "eonvenienee" traffic signals, the Council has approved nine Traffie Signal Maintenance Districts, TS-1 (Marketplace), TS-2 (NW Promenade), TS-3 (Rosedale, Jet Way), TS-4 (Gleneagles), TS-5 (Northwest Promenade, Phase 2), TS-6 (E. Brundage, Hayes), TS-7 (Mt Vernon, N/Bernard), TS-8 (Calloway, Hageman NE) and TS-9 (Gosford Village). The Bakersfield Municipal Code requires an annual hearing to set the assessments for each pareel. To simplify the hearing process, due to the small number of property owners, the hearings for all nine distriets will be combined. Budgets for each district will remain separate. Assessments are not being inereased for any of the nine districts. All districts are therefore exempt from the procedures and approval proeess of Proposition 218. For all the districts, the proposed 2005-2006 budget, Exhibit "D" are attached to this Resolution of Intention. The Legal Description, Exhibit "A", the Map and Assessment Diagram, Exhibit "B", the Benefit Formula, Exhibit "C" and the Assessment Roll, Exhibit "E", are on file in the City Clerk's Office. This resolution preliminarily approves the Public Works Director's Report, the 2005-2006 budgets and sets the protest hearing for the Council meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2004 at (p:~ pm. de April 27. 2005. 4:02PM S:\PROJECTS\MAINDIST\TRAFSIG\Admin\TSOSRoiAll.dot ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 08,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 11.1<.. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council May 26, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED i~ ¡rìiU 'ft:- FROM: DATE: Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1382 to order the vacation of the alley between "H" Street and Eye Street / between 27'h Street and 28'h Street within Section 19, T.29S., R.28E., M.D.M. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution. BACKGROUND: San Joaquin Community Hospital is moving ahead with the planning and eonstruction of a parking structure related to the expansion of the hospital to better meet the growing health eare needs of Bakersfield. This new parking structure will eliminate the need tö have a variance to the off street parking requirements of the City of Bakersfield, and will give them enough additional parking for medical building on the corner of Chester and 26'h Street. The City Fire, Police, Public Works, Development Services, and Economic Development Departments have been notified of the request and no objections have been received as of the date of this report. Public Works notes that there is no City sewer or storm drain facilities in the vacating area. The utility companies serving the area have been notified by mail and Public Works notes that utility lines located within the area shall be realigned by the developer. Preliminary notices were also mailed to all adjacent property owners within a 300 foot radius of the proposed vaeating area. Public Works has not reeeived any objeetions from these owners as of the date of this report. The proposed vacation was heard by the Planning Commission at its meeting of May 5, 2005, and was found to be eonsistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan pursuant to Government Code 65402. It was determined that this action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Aet pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of CEQA guidelines (general rule), because there is no possibility that the action may have a signifieant effect on the environment. This Resolution sets the Public Hearing date for the regular Council meeting of July 06, 2005, on the proposed vacation. May 26. 2005. 8:03AM G:\GROUPDAnADMINRPT\2005\06-08\ROI 1382 Admin.doc ".",O_~'_. >_._' _._.__._~___.,,_ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 08, 2005 AGEN IDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: \.!. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council May 25, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER !pP~VED ;Øm4 /Þ FROM: DATE: Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Direetor DEPARTMENT HEAD SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1383 to order the vacation of the street right of way at southwest corner of Truxtun Avenue and Commercial Way within Seetion 34, T.29S., R.27E., M.D.M. (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends adoption of Resolution. BACKGROUND: The City of Bakersfield is constructing a right turn deceleration lane on Truxtun Avenue eastbound at Commercial Way. The property loeated on the southwest corner of Truxtun Avenue at Commercial Way had dedicated street right of way beyond the right of way necessary to expand the intersection to ultimate width. The City desires to abandon additional right of way beyond what is required. This activity is permitted and consistent with the General Plan Designation for the site, Offiee Commercial. The City Fire, Police, Public Works, Development Services, and Economie Development Departments have been notified of the request and no objections have been reeeived as of the date of this report. Public Works notes that there is no City sewer or storm drain facilities in the vacating area. The utility companies serving the area have been notified by mail and Public Works notes adequate easements shall be reserved for any existing public utilities located in the vacating area. Preliminary notiees were also mailed to all adjaeent property owners within a 300 foot radius of the proposed vaeating area. Publie Works has not received any objections from these owners as of the date of this report. The proposed vacation was heard by the Planning Commission at its meeting of May 5, 2005, and was found to be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan pursuant to Government Code 65402. It was determined that this action is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of CEQA guidelines (general rule), because there is no possibility that the action may have a signifieant effeet on the environment. This Resolution sets the Publie Hearing date for the regular Council meeting of July 06, 2005, on the proposed vacation. May 25. 2005. 2:29PM G:\GROUPDA nADMINRPì\2005\0a-D8\ROI1383 Admin.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGEN~IA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: I .t'\'\. DATE: May 17, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY ft/ TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direetor DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Revision of the Breekenridge Planned Drainage Area (Ward 3): 1. Resolution of Intention No. 1386 to establish the revised drainage plan for the Breekenridge Planned Drainage Area and preliminarily approving the new fee schedule (Inerease of 142% based upon Construction Cost Index). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Resolution of Intention. BACKGROUND: The City is proposing the adoption of a revised Breekenridge Planned Drainage Area Study and new fee schedule. The original Planned Drainage Area (PDA) was adopted by the City and County of Kern in August, 1978. This PDA is eurrently part of Ordinance Section 16.32.060 of the Bakersfield Munieipal Code relating to Drainage Facilities. Rapid development in the area has brought a need to update this study. Furthermore, the original fee was adopted in 1978 and has never been increased to reflect present costs. This proposed increase is based upon the Construction Cost Index. This drainage area is located in the northeast portion of Bakersfield. Highway 178 and Kern Canyon Road run through the upper middle of the study area. Morning Drive is on the west, Paladino Drive on the north. Breckenridge Road on the south and the extension of Miramonte Drive is on the east. The Northwesterly portion of the study area is within the eorporate boundary of the City of Bakersfield and the Southwesterly portion is in the County of Kern. There presently exist no facilities to safely convey the drainage waters. A few incidental items have been completed; however, twenty seven years after the PDA formation, no facility has been eonstrueted by the PDA which might significantly mitigate flooding. The PDA revision was approached in such a way as to leave the original plan in plaee as mueh as is practicable. New hydrology was prepared in modern computer modeling to provide a better estimate of runoff from rainfall. As a result of this analysis, some pipe sizes have changed and basin volumes have been revised. Current construction and land costs were applied and a new fee schedule was developed. The PDA falls under both City of Bakersfield and Kern County jurisdictions. This resolution preliminary approves the revision of the Breckenridge PDA and the new fee schedule. June 1. 2005. 10:19AM G:\GROUPDAì\ADMINRPT\2005\06-08\Rev Breckenridge PDA Res of Int.DOC Cv -~<---"'--""'--- -"~.....,.-~..,,..,,~-.,_.~.,...- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: Il.rî. CITY MANAGER APPROVED Iff ~ lJJM IIú TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: May 20.2005 CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1387 to add territory, Area 5-19 (Casa Loma. Lotus SE) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Director's Report. (Ward 1). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. BACKGROUND: A written request has been received by the City Engineer from the owner of the property at Casa Loma Drive and Lotus Lane to be included into the Consolidated Maintenance District as required by section 13.04.021 of the Municipal Code. Inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District will provide for the maintenance of a public park and street landscaping. Area 5-19 is generally bounded by Cas a Loma Drive on the north, a line approximately 650 feet east of Lotus Lane on the east, a line approximately 660 feet south of Casa Loma Drive on the south and Lotus Lane on the west. This area will be under the park and streets cape zones of benefit and will be assigned appropriate tier levels when a park has been constructed and street landscaping has been installed. Staff is recommending the new territory be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District at the next City Council meeting. The City of Bakersfield has received a letter from the owner of the property described above which waives the public hearing concerning inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District. This allows the City to expedite the maintenance district process. The owner also has submitted a Proposition 218 ballot indicating his consent to the assessments. In order to provide future property owners with disclosure regarding the inclusion of land in the Consolidated Maintenance District and the estimated maximum annual cost per equivalent dwelling unit, a covenant has been drafted and will be supplied to the developer to be recorded. A copy of this covenant is attached for reference. mr May 20, 2005, 11 :28AM MD5-19Ri05 -~---..-~-~...~._-- ----------- . "_...._---_.__.._--"-~----~..,~..._-~-_.._._.~--_.,-"_.._...~_.._..__."._-,-~_.~- .~~-..~_. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 1\. n. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD 1(,l CITY ATTORNEY 1./;3)nd CITY MANAGER Il-r/ FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DATE: May 23, 2005 SUBJECT: Resolution of Intention No. 1388 to add territory, Area 3-33 (Harris, Old River NE) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Public Works Director's Report. (Ward 5). RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the Resolution. BACKGROUND: A written request has been received by the City Engineer from the owners of Tentative Tract No. 6323 to be included into the Consolidated Maintenance District as required by section 13.04.021 of the Municipal Code. Inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District will provide for the maintenance of a public park and street landscaping. Area 3-33 is generally bounded by a line approximately 1320 feet north of Harris Road on the north, a line approximately 1330 feet east of Old River Road on the east. Harris Road on the south and Old River Road on the west. This area will be under the park and streetscape zones of benefit and will be assigned appropriate tier levels when a park has been constructed and street landscaping has been installed. Staff is recommending the new territory be added to the Consolidated Maintenance District at the next City Council meeting. The City of Bakersfield has received a letter from the owner of the property described above which waives the public hearing eoncerning inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District. This allows the City to expedite the maintenance district process to satisfy the subdivision requirement. The owner also has submitted a Proposition 218 ballot indicating his consent to the assessments. In order to provide future property owners with disclosure regarding the inclusion of land in the Consolidated Maintenance District and the estimated maximum annual cost per equivalent dwelling unit, a covenant has been drafted and will be supplied to the subdivider/developer to be recorded with the subdivision map. A copy of this covenant is attached for reference. mr May 23, 2005, 1 :20PM MD3·33Ri05 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II. to. , TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council ~PPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ _ CITY ATTORNEY Øll24 CITY MANAGER ~ Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Director DATE: May 25, 2005 SUBJECT: Stoekdale Highway Planned Sewer Area (Ward 4) 1. Resolution of Intention NO.1389 to establish the Stoekdale Highway Planned Sewer Area and preliminarily approving the boundaries of the area and the cost and fee sehedule. 2. An Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Seetion 16.32.060 of the Bakersfield Munieipal Code relating to Sewer Faeilities. (First Reading) RECOMMENDATION: the ordinance. Staff recommends approval of the Resolution of Intention and first reading of BACKGROUND: The City has prepared a master sewer study for an area generally bounded by the Goose Lake Slough on the north, Allen Road on the east, the Cross Valley Canal on the south and Nord Road on the west, and has preliminarily designed the "backbone" sewer system to serve this area. The City has eonstructed a sewer trunkline in Stockdale Highway west of Allen Road as the first link in a major trunk line in this "backbone" system. Sewer Enterprise funds were used to front the cost of the City's projeet. The funds eolleeted as new and existing parcels within the area develop will be used to reimburse the Sewer Enterprise fund for the cost of the City's portion of the project, and will also be used to either construct the remainder of the system or to reimburse any developer that builds a portion of the system (the developer would only be reimbursed for that portion of the eost that is over their proportionate share of the cost of the system). This resolution preliminarily approves the boundaries of the Area. the cost of the improvements and the assessment fee schedule. This ordinanee adds the Stockdale Highway Planned Sewer Area to the list of Sewer Areas for which developers and residents are charged at time of development or connection to pay the eost of construeting the sewer facilities. mps May 25. 2005. 1: 14PM G:\GROUPDA ì1ADMINRPT\2005\06-08\StockdaleHwyPSAroi.DOC _._" ...,..~-,-~--_., >.._-- "'-'''~'-''~-''--~""---'-~->" -'~-----'-- ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: I . . CITY MANAGER APPR0/pD tb-( ~ ~ fþ . FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas. Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY TO: May 24. 2005 SUBJECT: Tract Maps and Improvement Agreements (1) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Granite Pointe Estates, LLC, for Tract 6095 Phases 6, 7, and 8 located north of Hosking Avenue and east of Wible Road. CoNard 7) (2) Improvement Agreements with Castle & Cooke California, Inc., for Parcel Map 11035 loeated south of Stockdale Highway and east of Buena Vista Road. CoNard 4) (3) Improvement Agreement with Meany Partners, LLC. for Parcel Map 11092 located north of Meany Avenue and west of Coffee Road. (Ward 4) (4) Final Map and Improvement Agreements with Palma Homes, Inc. for Tract 5362 Unit 5 loeated south of Hosking Avenue and east of Wible Road. (Ward 7) (5) Final Map and Improvement Agreement with Stuart Thomas, Ine., dba Lenox Homes for Tract 6210 Phases 1 and 2 loeated north of Berkshire Road and west of Monitor Street. (Ward 7) RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends approval of the maps and agreements. BACKGROUND: These Agreements are entered into to seeure the improvements required for the Subdivision Map. Such improvements include. but are not limited to streets. sewer, storm drain, and landseaping on or adjacent to the property being subdivided. NOTE: THE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS ARE FILED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE FOR REVIEW. td May 24. 2005. 11 :25AM G:\GROUPDAlìADMINRPT\2005\06-08\MAP AND IMPROVEMENT AGR.dot ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8.2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEADY I-rf CITY ATTORNEY ¡J"1J24 CITY MANAGER . A-v FROM: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation and Parks DATE: May 26. 2005 SUBJECT: 1). Agreement with Old River land Company to dedicate 15 acres located approximately 825 feet south of Berkshire Road on the west side Mountain Ridge Drive for a future park. (Ward 6). 2). Appropriate $2.000 Park Acquisition Fund Balance for escrow fees. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement and appropriation. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Bakersfield Municipal Code Section 15.80 the developers of various tracts lying within Section 27, Township 30 South, Range 27 East will be required to dedicate a total 15 acres for park purposes. On April 21. 2005, the Planning Commission approved Vesting Tentative Tract 6387 located at the southeast corner of Section 27, Township 30 South. Range 27 East and required the 15 acre park as a condition of approval. Recreation and Parks staff has determined that a 15 acre park site is more desirable than having several smaller parks to serve this community. Old River land Company. who originally owned the entire section. has agreed to dedicate 15 acres to achieve the mutual goal of having a larger park. June 2, 2005, 8:30AM P:\Antongiovanniadmin.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: \ \. S. DATE: May 27.2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD 3!?w CITY ATTORNEY ßìnd CITY MANAGER k- TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council William R. Reetor. Chief of Police SUBJECT: Approve agreement with Master K-9, Ine. to purehase and train three Poliee Serviee Dogs. 2. Appropriate $30,381.00 Seized Asset Forfeiture Revenues to the Police Department Operating Budget in the General Fund for the purchase and training of three Poliee Service Dogs. 1. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of agreement and appropriation. BACKGROUND: Over the last thirteen months, the Bakersfield Police Department has retired five Poliee Serviee Dogs: Two dogs were retired due to medical conditions, two were retired beeause their useful life was at term and their handlers had been promoted, and one (a narcotics dog) was retired due to age. The above mentioned retirements have redueed the K-9 unit to four working patrol units. The Bakersfield Poliee Department anticipates the retirements of two more Poliee Service Dogs in FY2005-06. Therefore. the Police Department is requesting that three Police Service Dogs be replaeed to maintain the complement of the K-9 unit. The cost of three Poliee Serviee Dogs plus initial handler training is $30,381.00 ($10,127.00 for eaeh dog). This purehase will be paid with asset forfeiture funds, and will not have any impaet on the General Fund. Asset forfeiture funds are generated through nareoties deteetion, interdietion, suppression, and seizure, and are available for use by the Police Department to support law enforcement activities. DB May 26. 2005. 4:48PM P:\BPOIADMIN RPTSIADMIN RPT . K-9 PURCHASE.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: l \. t. FROM: Gregory J. Klimko, Finanee Direetor APPROVED DEPARTMENTHEAD~~ CITY ATTORNEY ¡¿?rJ4 CITY MANAGER IJ.i TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil DATE May 23,2005 SUBJECT: Agreement with Wilson & Assoeiates (not to exceed $91,000) to provide speeialized Continuing Disclosure serviees for variousSpecial Assessment Distriets. ~ards 4, 5, 6 & 7) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Agreement. BACKGROUND: The City currently has 15 active Assessment Districts, with a total bonded indebtedness of $48,950,000.00 which all require Continuing Disclosure Certificates. The City has covenanted in its respective Continuing Disclosure Certificate for the benefit of the Bondholders to provide an annual report containing certain financial information and operating data relating to each Assessment District and the property within the Assessment District. This covenant has been made in order to assist the Underwriter in complying with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c212(b)(5). The City does not have expertise in this area of reporting requirements. This agreement will allow us the use of a professional consultant to process these Continuing Disclosure Reports and meet the deadlines imposed by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The cost of these services will be charged to the related Special Assessment District. S:\COREYlADMIN-WILSON-CONTDISCAGMT.DOC ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: \I.u. May 25, 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD M il- t'fl- CITY ATTORNEY 18lJ1A CITY MANAGER . jttí TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director SUBJECT: Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. 04-146 with Abate-A-Weed, Incorporated, Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-147 with Target Specialty Products and Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. 04-148 with Wilbur-Ellis Company to extend agreements for twelve (12) months for Chemicals - Insectieides/Herbicides for the Water Resourees Department and the Reereation and Parks Department. No additional funds are needed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of amendments to agreements. BACKGROUND: On June 9, 2004, Council awarded the annual contract for Chemieals - Insecticides/Herbicides to Abate-A-Weed, Incorporated, Target Specialty Products and Wilbur-Ellis Company. The contract allows for a twelve (12) month extension if all parties agree. City staff and all three vendors agree to the extension of agreements under the same terms and eonditions. No additional compensation is necessary for these agreements. Purchasing Division KB S:IPURCHIADMINIC05_0608_C_AC WilburEllis·ChemicalsExt.doc May 25, 2005. 1 0:25AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: 1\. \I. May 25, 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: DATE: Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director SUBJECT: Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-184 with Los Angeles Chemical Company to extend agreement for twelve (12) months for Pool Chemieals for the Recreation and Parks Department. No additional funds are needed. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends approval of amendment to agreement. BACKGROUND: On June 23, 2004, Council awarded the annual eontract for Pool Chemicals to Los Angeles Chemical Company. The eontract allows for a twelve (12) month extension if all parties agree. City staff and Los Angeles Chemieal Company agree to the extension of agreement under the same terms and conditions. No additional eompensation is necessary for this agreement. Purchasing Division KB S:\PURCHIADMINlC05_0608_C_AC PoolChemicalsExt.doc May 25. 2005. 10:34AM -_..-._-,. -.,-.. .--." ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT I MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II.W. CITY MANAGER TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finance Director DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE: May 25, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. F04-003 with Quality Team, Incorporated to ex1end agreement for twelve (12) months regarding sale of surplus equipment. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of amendment to agreement. BACKGROUND: On May 17, 2004, Council awarded an agreement for broker services to Quality Team, Incorporated with an expiration date of May 16, 2005. The agreement included a provision whereby, the agreement may be extended for a one (1) year increment under the same terms and conditions upon the mutual, written consent of City and Broker. Quality Team, Incorporated, which sells most of our surplus computer equipment, has agreed to ex1end agreement for one (1) additional year. Purchasing Division KB S:\PURCHIADMINlC05_0608_C_Quality Team Ext.doc May 31.2005. 3:41PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION Consent Calendar ITEM: \\.v. May 26, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER k TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil FROM: DATE: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director DEPARTMENT HEAD SUBJECT: Subdivision Plan Cheeking Serviees: 1. Amendment No.1 to Agreement No. 04-109 with Cannon Associates ($10,000; total contraet amount not to exceed $35,000) for plan cheeking serviees. 2. Appropriate $10,000 additional improvement plan eheek revenue to the Publie Works Department operating budget within the Development Serviees Fund. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends approval of Agreement and appropriation. BACKGROUND: The Subdivision Seetion of the Public Works Department received an unpreeedented number of submittals for plan checking and hired Cannon Assoeiates for contract plan eheeking services. This amendment to the Cannon agreement provides for eontinued plan checking services. The total amount of this amendment is $10,000. This changes the original agreement amoun~ of $25,000 to a total amount of $35,000. mps May 31. 2005. 7:50AM G;\GROUPDA nADMINRP1ì2005\06-08\Planchack Consultantdoc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: ILv. I DATE: May 26,2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER ~ . TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Direetor SUBJECT: Trunk Sewer Replacement along Planz Road (Ward 1): 1. Aceept bid and award eontraet to Floyd Johnston Construetlon ($8,815,190). 2. Appropriate $4,400,000 Sewer Enterprise Fund Balanee (Wastewater Treatment Plant 2) to the Capital Improvement Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends aeeeptanee of low bid, award of contract and approval of appropriation. BACKGROUND: This projeet consists of replaeing an existing, deteriorated sewer line of various sizes, along Planz Road, between South Chester Avenue and Wastewater Treatment Plant #2, complete with manholes and connections to existing colleetor sewer lines. The existing sewer line will be abandoned. An appropriation is required due to the unantieipated inerease in costs for construction materials and labor eompared to when this projeet was originally budgeted. Four aceeptable bids were received on May 25, 2005, as follows: Floyd Johnston Construetion Co. 2301 Herndon Avenue Clovis, CA 93611 (out of town) in the amount of $8,815,190.00 Griffith Co. 1898 South Union Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93307 (City) in the amount of $8,940,002.00 Don Kelly Construetion 18550 So. La Canada #5 Sahuarita, AZ 95629 (out of town) in the amount of $9,399,540.00 Colich Construction 1590 Franeisco St. Torrance, CA 90509 (out of town) in the amount of $9,528,360.00 cmw/pw May 26. 2005, 11 :59AM G:IGROUPDA 1\ADMINRPT\2005106-08IPlanzRd Sewer.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: I.~. May 25, 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD N"í k a."S L, CITY ATTORNEY RìnJ CITY MANAGER fie / TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council Gregory J. Klimko, Finanee Director SUBJECT: Extend bid from Jim Burke Ford $44,229.72, for three (3) additional piekup trucks for the Reereation and Parks Department. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends extension of bid. BACKGROUND: At the Council meeting of Deeember 15, 2004, Jim Burke Ford was awarded the bid for the purchase of pickup trueks. The speclfieations included a provision whereby, with the written approval of both the bidder and the City, the City may purehase additional units at the same per unit eost for a period of time after acceptance of the original bid. Jim Burke Ford has indicated their approval of extending the same per unit cost for this purchase. Funding for the three (3) additional pickup trueks was ineluded in the budget restoration aetions taken by City Council on Mareh 9, 2005. The pickups will be used by the Recreation and Parks Department as part of the restoration actions. Purchasing Division KB S:\PURCH\ADMINlCOS_0608_A_600Ogvwpuext.doc May 2S. 200S Revlsad ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGENDA SECTION Consent Calendar ITEM: II. (10., FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Direetor DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER APPROVED ¡{L m ,~ TO: May 25, 2005 SUBJECT: Reject all bids for Wastewater Treatment Plant 2 shop building roof replacement. (Ward 1) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends rejeetion of all bids and re-advertise projeet. BACKGROUND: The roof on the shop building at Wastewater Plant 2 is nearing the end of its useful life. Although the building has not reeeived any water damage, a roof replacement within the next 12 months has been recommended. Funding for this projeet will be Sewer Enterprise funds. The two bids reeeived for this projeet were significantly higher than the Engineer's Estimate of $74,300. Materials for this job are estimated at $30,000; the remaining balanee is to cover labor expenses. The eost of labor in the bids is estimated to be 1.8 to 2.3 times higher than antieipated. An explanation for this is that bidding was done during the busy season for roofers. Staff recommends re-bidding this projeet during the winter and start eonstruetion in spring time. On May 18, 2005, two bids were received as follows: Best Contraeting Serviees, Ine. 19027 S. Hamilton Avenue Gardena, CA 90248 (out of town) Bid. in amount of $109,670.00 Graham Prewett Ine. 2773 N. Business Park Avenue, Suite 102 Fresno, CA 93727 (out of town) Bid, in amount of $129,961.00 May25,2005,11:59AM - ARC PNfWW G:\GROUPDA liADMINRPT\2005\06-08\WWTP2_Shop roof replacement_reject bids.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II. bb· DATE: May 19, 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER fj? TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil FROM: Raul Rojas, Publie Works Direetor SUBJECT: Reject Bids for the Median Modification and Traffie Signal and Lighting Installation on Q Stree' at 14th Street (Ward 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends the rejeetion of bids, re-evaluate the project scope of work and re-advertise the projeet at a later date. BACKGROUND: The projeet eonsists of installing a traffie signal system and the modification of the existing median island to allow for signalized left-turn passage on Q Street northbound to 14th Street westbound. The low bid was higher than the Engineer's estimate of $113,300 so Department staff will divide eonstruction of the projeet into two portions. The signal and upgraded handicap ramp portion will be re- advertised for eonstruetion. The remaining median modification, striping and pavement markings will be performed by City forces. On May 11, 2005. two bids were received as follows: Griffith Company POBox 70157 Bakersfield, California 93387 (City) in the amount of $167,157.00 Granite Construction POBox 5127 Bakersfield, California 93385 (City) in the amount of $172,493.00 RL T - PWlEngineering June 1. 2005, 7:35AM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: ITEM: II. Cot!,. Consent Calendar FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil Florn Core, Water Resourees Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEYf)D~Aff7S- æ APPROVED ~ --' TO: May 20, 2005 CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Rejeet bids for the eonstruetion of Four Diteh Pipeline Extension to L-208 (Ward 4) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends rejeetion of bids, re-evaluate project scope of work and eonstruetion methods and rebidding of the projeet BACKGROUND: The project consists of eonstructing a 36" diameter underground pipeline to eonvey raw water from an existing irrigation structure on Coffee Road at Snow Road, south along Coffee Road to a City water faeility at Norris Road. The water is to be treated (treatment faeility is not a part of the projeet) for distribution as drinking water. The method of eonstruetion is to be open treneh exeavation. Borings underneath Coffee Road and Norris Road have been ineluded as a bid alternate. The Engineer's estimate for the projeet was: $ 385,796.00 The Water Resourees Department will re-evaluate and revise the seope of work and method of construetion for the projeet in order to reduee eonstruction eosts. The projeet will then be rebid in the near future. Two (2) bids were received as follows: HPS Meehanieallne. 3100 East Belle Terrace Bakersfield, CA 93307 in the amount of $ 946,929.00 W. M. Lyles Co. 1210 West Olive Avenue Fresno, CA 93728 in the amount of $ 905,625.00 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 Consent Calendar TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY ~ 11£- . CITY MANAGER FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Direetor DATE: May 25, 2005 SUBJECT: Community Development Sloek Grant (CDSG) Action Plan Amendment NO.3 (FY 04/05) to reprogram funds in the amount of $200,000 for the construction of Fire Station #5. ryvard 1) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Eeonomic and Community Development staff is proposing to reprogram CDSG funds from completed projects. In complianee with HUD regulations, any signifieant ehange or addition to the approved CDSG or HOME annual plan must undergo an amendment proeess whieh ineludes obtaining citizen views and comments on the proposed ehange for a period of 30 days. A notice was published on May 7. 2005 requesting comments and to date no comments have been reeeived. The amendment will shift programs savings from the Fire Protection ($120.000) and East and Southeast Crime Prevention ($80.000) public serviee programs into the Fire Station #5 (Poliee Satellite) construction budget. The program savings are the result of scheduling for both the police and fire academy trainings. The offieers and firefights eompleted the aeademy in Deeember, 2004 and were not available for employment until January, 2005. The items for amendment do not propose any additional budgetary impaets. Upon approval of the amendment, the eonstruetion budget for Fire Station #5 will be fully allocated. S:\Admins\City Council\action plan amendment 6-08-05.doc 5/25/20054:12 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 Consent Calendar TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ¡g;¡¡j- CITY ATTORNEY {;; If¿ CITY MANAGER FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director DATE: May 25, 2005 SUBJECT: Community Development Bloek Grant (CDBG) Action Plan Amendment NO.3 (FY 04/05) to reprogram funds in the amount of $200,000 for the eonstruction of Fire Station #5. CNard 1) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. BACKGROUND: Economie and Community Development staff is proposing to reprogram CDBG funds from eompleted projeets. In eomplianee with HUD regulations, any signifieant ehange or addition to the approved CDBG or HOME annual plan must undergo an amendment process which ineludes obtaining eitizen views and comments on the proposed ehange for a period of 30 days. A notice was published on May 7, 2005 requesting eomments and to date no comments have been received. The amendment will shift programs savings from the Fire Protection ($120.000) and East and Southeast Crime Prevention ($80,000) public serviee programs into the Fire Station #5 (Poliee Satellite) eonstruction budget. The program savings are the result of scheduling for both the police and fire aeademy trainings. The offieers and firefights completed the aeademy in Deeember, 2004 and were not available for employment until January. 2005. The items for amendment do not propose any additional budgetary impaets. Upon approval of the amendment, the eonstruetion budget for Fire Station #5 will be fully allocated. S:\Admins\City Council\action plan amendment 6-Q8-05.doc 5/25/20054:12 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SEZTION: Consent Calendar ITEM: II. et. DATE: May 24, 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director CITY MANAGER tl0 . SUBJECT: Aeeeptance of 2003-04 Transportation Development Act Funds Financial Statements. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends referral to Budget and Finance Committee. BACKGROUND: In eompliance with the Kern Council of Governments Rules and Regulations, the California Publie Utilities Code seetion 99245, and the California Code of Regulations section 6664, the attached financial statements for the Transportation Development Act Funds were prepared for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2004. The financial statement summarizes fiscal activity for the Bikeway and Pedestrian Fund, and the Public Transit Fund. The aceuracy and the fairness of the presentation is the responsibility of the City. The audit firm of Macias, Gini & Company has issued an unqualified opinion. No other reports were issued by the aecounting firm in regards to the above audit report. May 24. 2005, 4:26PM G:\GROUPDAnADMINRPT\2005\06.08\Transp Dev Act Funds Financial 8lm.doc -- __. __..._ __ _.._._ ....~~"7 ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8,2005 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: 11..0.. CITY MANAGER ~PPROVED , ßi»4 , ~ . FROM: Honorable Mayor and City Council Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Director TO: DATE: May 25. 2005 DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: Protest Hearing for proposed Assessment Distriet No. 04-2, (Brighton Parks/Brighton Village/Stockdale at Allen Commercial/Cherry Hill II): (Ward 4) 1. Resolution Approving Final Engineer's Report, Levying Assessments, Ordering Improvements and Authorizing and Directing Related Actions. 2. Resolution Determining Assessments Remaining Unpaid. 3. Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Bonds. 4. Resolution Approving Form and Substance of Preliminary Official Statement and Bond Purchase Contract, Authorizing ModifICations Thereto and Execution Thereof, and Authorizing Related Doeuments and Aetions. RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends overriding protests and adopting the Resolutions. BACKGROUND: On May 11, 2005 Council approved the Preliminary Engineer's Report and scheduled the hearing as required by law for June 8, 2005. Following the close of the hearing. adoption of this resolution will approve the Final Engineer's Report, levy the assessments and order the public improvements. Thereafter. the assessments will be reeorded as liens in the County Recorder's Office, and notice of assessment and eash payment opportunity will be mailed to the property owner (Castle & Cooke California, Inc. and Cherry Hill, Inc.) of any property on which an assessment was levied and recorded. In order to expedite the bond sale and delivery. the property owner have waived their entitlement to pay any part of the assessments in cash, and the Finance Direetor will eertify and file with the City Clerk the List of Paid and Unpaid Assessments which allows the pre-marketing and pricing of the bond sale by RBC Dain Rauscher. The Final Engineer's Report is on file in the City Clerk's Office. May 25. 2005. 9:38AM G:\GROUPDA T\ADMINRPT\2005\06-08\AD04-2hrg.doc jas ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing ITEM: \ .b. DATE: May 26, 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD @ CITY ATTORNEY ¡/t:-- TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economie Development Director CITY MANAGER ---f±:-- SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Council of the City of Bakersfield authorizing the submission of a Section 108 Loan Guarantee application in the amount of $1,600,000 for construction of a new Fire Station No. 5 and execution of HUD Loan Agreements or other documents necessary to secure Section 108 Loan funding from the Federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). (Ward 1) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Section 108 Loan Guarantee submission. adoption of the resolution and authorization to execute all necessary HUD loan agreements and documents. BACKGROUND: The City of Bakersfield is requesting $1.600.000 in Section 108 Loan Guarantee funds to assist with the construction of a new fire station in a predominantly low income area which will better serve its residents and fire service area. The new fire station will be located at 102 East White Lane. and it will replace the 51 year-old Fire Station NO.5 at 700 Planz Road which is not designed to accommodate new apparatus and equipment. It is also dilapidated, laeks space. and has inadequate street aecess. The Section 108 loan funds will be used exclusively to construct an 8.000 ± sq.ft. fire facility building and related infrastructure on a 2 acre site. The station will contain two (2) drive thru bays. apparatus facilities, kitchen, lavatories, sleeping and storage spaces for four-person fire fighter shifts that will be on duty continuously. The $3.6 ± million construction project will also include a 1,400 ± sQ.ft. public meeting room and restrooms for community meetings. and an 800 ± sQ. ft. police substation office adjacent to the facility. The City's recently adopted FY 2005-06 Action Plan includes this new fire station as a proposed project with multiple funding sources. In addition to the Section 108 loan funds. the cost of the public facility will be paid using CDBG. state and local tax increment (TI) funds. Section 108 obligations are administered by HUD and financed through federal underwritten public offerings. The 108 public offering will be repaid over approximately 20 years using tax increment financing from the Southeast Redevelopment Project Area. The advertised public hearing notice and a map showing the location of the proposed project and its primary response (first-in fire fighting boundary) area are attached. S:\Admins\City Councíl\Sec 108 Fire station No 5.doc 5/26/2005935 AM ...."Í;S~~-~~b~ (:c~,~, ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT ~<~·Jl}Fo'¡l.).\)'· .....~...... MEETING DATE: Ju.ne 6,2...005 Hearings DATE: May 26. 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY V<%- CITY MANAGER ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Donna L. Kunz, Economic Development Director SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Couneil of the City of Bakersfield authorizing the submission of a Seetion 108 Loan Guarantee application in the amount of $3.750 million dollars and a Brownfield Economic Development Initiative Grant (BEDI) in the amount of $750,000 to HUD, to provide funds for various eeonomic development and housing activities planned near Q Street and the Kern Island Canal. (Wards 1 & 2) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Section 108 Loan Guarantee submission, authorize minor modifieation to the application. adoption of the resolution and authorization to exeeute all neeessary HUD loan agreements and documents. BACKGROUND: On February 9, 2005. staff submitted to the Budget and Finance Committee, a financial plan that identified sourees for funds available to construet a new fire station in the Southeast and to financially participate in the development of a new mixed use project planned along the Kern Island Canal, south of the rail tracks and located near California Avenue and "Q" Streets - the south end of the "Mill Creek". This economic development activity, planned as Mill Creek South - Phase 1, was spurred from reeent interest from several developers in the redevelopment area located immediately east of Mill Creek, south of the traeks and situated along California Avenue to Union Avenue. These catalyst projects have the potential to bring signifieant positive economie impact to the Southeast Redevelopment Project Area and to the downtown entertainment district. The key eomponents of the financial plan approved by the Budget and Finanee Committee for this economic development projeet include the use of a federal Section 108 Loan and submittal of a competitive Brownfield Economic Development Grant (BEDI) applieation through HUD. The Budget and Finance Committee directed City staff to proceed with the required loan and grant applications and to bring them to the City Council for action. The federal Section 108 Loan program is one of the most cost effective financing alternatives for economic development aetivities. CDBG entitlement jurisdictions like Bakersfield may borrow up to 5 times their annual CDBG entitlement amount under this loan program. The Section 108 loan works like borrowing from the block grant. It provides capital funds up front to allow cities to undertake large projects and ean be repaid over 20 years at a very attractive interest rate. The City of Bakersfield currently has $5.9 million S:\Admins\City Council\section 108 and bedi reso.doc 5/26/2005 3:44 PM ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 of outstanding Section 108 Loans and a borrowing eapacity of $18.5 million (5X eurrent entitlement). Using this borrowing tool also makes sense as the Southeast Redevelopment projeet Area is still relatively new (since 1999) and does not have a long term revenue history that is normally required for traditional tax increment bonds. The Seetion 108 government backed loan program affords the Redevelopment Project Area an opportunity to leverage its funds to encourage key redevelopment activities in the current robust development market. The economie development projeet loan of $3.750.000 is proposed to be repaid over 20 years from revenues generated from annual Southeast Redevelopment Projeet Area Tax Increment. The annual payment is estimated to be $ 281,000. The Section 108 Loan funds will be used for property acquisition, reloeation and property clearanee activities associated with the project. Mill Creek South - Phase 1 economic development mixed use project consists of development of an affordable housing rental projeet. 31,000 square feet of new restaurant and commercial space and the development of the south area of Mill Creek as an urban stream and green pedestrian parkway. This _ project will be the first phase of a larger redevelopment projeet that is currently being planned under to include another 30,000-50,000 square feet of commercial and restaurant space and the ereation of a new urban style residential neighborhood eonsisting of 700 -1000 homes and units that will provide affordable and market rate housing opportunities including both rental and ownership types. Once development of the entire 50 aeres identified as Mill Creek South is complete, as much as $1 million dollars annually in new Southeast Projeet Area tax inerement will be generated from the estimated $300 million dollars of new private development investment. This economic development project is also eligible for funding from a competitive based eompanion grant called the Brownfield Eeonomic Development Initiative (BEDI). The Notice of Funds available (NOFA) was recently released by HUD for the upcoming rounds of eompetitive BEDI Grant applieations and it is due June 15, 2005. The BEDI grant can only be applied for in conjunetion with a seetion 108 loan and is restrieted for economic development activities. Staff contracted with Mark Briggs and Associates to prepare the BEDI and loan application and to properly size the loan and grant amounts in order to submit a highly competitive proposal. The grant amount requested is $750,000. The BEDI grant funds, if received. will be used for property acquisition, reloeation and demolition. Staff solicited development proposals and received six responses. These responses have been narrowed down to three whieh are under review. The final developer will be selected prior to submittal of the loan and grant applieation to begin exclusive negotiation. S:\Admins\City Council\section 108 and bedi reso.doc 5/26/20053:44 PM ....-..-.. _. .---.,. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8. 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: lå.a.. May 24. 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ð/Jlfl'» CITY ATTORNEY ~ TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: DATE: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney CITY MANAGER ,~ SUBJECT: Publie hearing on Resolution of Neeessity to determine whether the publie interest and necessity require acquisition by eminent domain of real property located at the interseetion of Panama Lane and Colony Street, Bakersfield. California (MeMenomy property), for the construction of a right turn lane (Gateway, LLC, Developer) (Code Civ. Proc. § 1245.230) (Ward 7) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the Resolution. BACKGROUND: Code of Civil Proeedure seetion 1245.220 requires that the City Couneil adopt "a Resolution of Necessity" authorizing the initiation of an eminent domain action. Seetion 1245.230 also requires that the resolution eontain eertain information and findings justifying the taking. If the Council finds in the hearing that each of these requirements has been met, the Council may adopt the proposed resolution. Prior to adopting the Resolution, Code of Civil Proeedure seetion 1245.235 requires that the City Council give each person whose property is to be acquired by eminent domain a reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard on the following: 1. Whether the publie interest and neeessity require the projeet: 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest publie good and the least private injury; and 3. Whether the property sought to be aequired is neeessary for the projeet. Required notiee was provided to the properly owner(s) as set forth in the Resolution. May 24, 200S.11:47AM S:\CQUNCIL \Admlnsl04-05 Admins\RON.Galeway.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT The property is to be aequired in order to construet an eastbound right turn lane on the south side of Panama Lane at Colony Street to comply with state-mandated project requirements. The property is owned by Glen MeMenomy and leased to Bashar Najdawi for a Chevron gas station. The City of Bakersfield is authorized to acquire the property by eminent domain pursuant to Section 1240.010 of the Code of Civil Procedure. City representatives have been negotiating with the property(s) owner and will continue to negotiate with the property owner(s) in hopes that we can reaeh a mutually aceeptable agreement. In order for the property owner(s) to appear before the Couneil, they must have filed a written request to appear and be heard within fifteen (15) days after the notice was mailed or served. (Code Civ. Proe. §1245.235(a)(b)(3).) Failure to file a written request results in the waiver of the right to appear and be heard. The City Council must adopt the Resolution of Neeessity by vote of two-thirds of all the members of the Council (not two-thirds of a quorum of the members present). (Code Civ. Proe. §1245.240.) If the City Couneil adopts the Resolution of Necessity, an aetion will be filed with the Kern County Superior Court. The City will deposit the amount of the last offer with the court, thereby establishing a date of value. VGIAMS:lsc May 24. 200S. 11:47AM S:\COUNCIL \Admlns\04-05 Admlns\RON.Gateway.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: II. b. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council DATE: May 31,2005 CITY ATTORNEY J1v FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Public Works Direetor DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Hearing to consider Resolution adopting eommereial refuse fees for Fiscal Year 2005/06 (3.7% proposed rate increase). (All Wards) RECOMMENDATION: Staff reeommends adoption of Resolution. BACKGROUND: State law requires new fees and charges as well as increases in existing fees and charges be adopted by ordinance or resolution following a pub lie hearing. Pursuant to Chapter 8.32 of the Bakersfield Munieipal Code, it is the intent of the City Couneil to require the ascertainment and recovery of costs reasonably ineurred from fees and eharges levied. This pub lie hearing provides the meehanism for ensuring that fees adopted by the City for services rendered do not exceed the reasonable estimated eost for providing the services for which the fees are eharged. The last refuse rate adjustment was one year ago. Commereial Solid Waste rates for FY 2005-06, refieet a 3.7% inerease in rates for the various services. This inerease covers inflation and operating eost increases, maintenanee costs, and costs for street sweeping and commereial wood waste recycling. The proposed fees would become effeetive July 1, 2005. dm May 31, 2005. 4:42PM G:IGROUPDAT\AOMINRP1ì2005106-08IProp 218-Commercial 05.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: II. e,. DATE: May 25, 2005 COVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY µìYt!I CITY MANAGER I1e TO: Honorable Mayor and City Couneil FROM: Raul M. Rojas, Publie Works Direetor SUBJECT: Hearing to eonsider Resolution adopting residential refuse fees for Fiseal Year 2005/06 (3.7% proposed rate inerease). (All Wards) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of Resolution. BACKGROUND: State law requires new fees and eharges as well as inereases in existing fees and charges be adopted by ordinance or resolution following a publie hearing. A notice of the proposed rate increase and the publie hearing was mailed to eaeh of the 73,371 property owners in the City. As of May 25, 2005, the City Clerk had reeeived 15 written letters protesting the refuse fee and 1 written letters supporting the refuse fee. Two refuse service eolleetion rates are proposed to be increased in this hearing: Single Family dwelling and Multiple Family dwelling (up to four units) refuse serviee. The single family rate is proposed to be increased from $154.68 per unit to $160.44 per unit per year (an inerease of 3.7%). The multi-family rate is proposed to be inereased from $139.92 per unit per year to $145.08 per unit per year. The increase eovers inflation and operating cost increases, maintenance eosts, and eosts for greenwaste carts and reeycling equipment to meet the state reeycling mandates. According to Proposition 218, if written protests against the proposed fee are presented by a majority of the identified parcels, t,le City shall not eharge the annual proposed fee. If written protests a~ainst the proposed fee are not presented by a majority of the identified parcels, the City Council may adopt the proposed fee. The proposed fees would beeome effective July 1, 2005. Om 5/31/2005 4:44 PM G:IGROUPOA l\AOMINRPT\2005106-08IProp 216-Residential 05.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGEN~,A S,ECTlON: Hearings ITEM: II .£1. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED FROM: Development Services - Planning DEPARTMENT HEAD %- DATE: June 2, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY i71r/ð (1ð'\ "¡./JJ5 CITY MANAGER ~ SUBJECT: Consolidated hearing on appeals by the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department of the Planning Commission's decision to approve extensions of vesting rights for Tract 6087 Phase D, located south of Ming Avenue, east of South Allen Road (developer - Castle & Cooke), and for Tract 6104, Phases 1 and 5, located north of Panama Lane and east of Buena Vista Road (developer - Centex), and adoption of resolution overturning the Planning Commission's decision. (Engineer - Melntosh and Associates) (Ward 5) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the resolution overturning the Planning Commission's decision and approving the appeals. BACKGROUND: Earlier on this meeting's agenda, the Planning and Development Committee recommended adoption of a policy not to approve extensions of time on vesting rights. The Planning Commission took action on this request for extension of time for vesting rights. The following summarizes the Commission's action, and status of the request: Planning Commission Staff Tract # Aetion Status Reeommendation T6104 (1& 5); May 20, 2004, vote to City Public Works appealed to Approve appeal; T6087-D approve extension of City Council. Referred to overturn Planning vesting rights. Planning & Dev. Committee. Commission's decision. On January 12, 2005, the City Council conducted eonsolidated hearings on appeals by Mcintosh and Assoeiates and Porter-Robertson Engineering regarding denial of vesting rights extensions on Tract 6086: and various phases of Tract 6087, Traet 6121, Tract 6104, Tract 6111, Traet 6127, and Tract 6128. On this same date, the City Council also conducted consolidated hearings on appeals by the City Public Works Department of the Planning Commission's approval of vesting rights extensions on Tract 6104, Phases 1 and 5 and on Tract 6087, Phase D. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 These matters were referred to the Council's Planning and Development Committee for further review and determination. However, in an effort to resolve the matters for Tract 6087 Phase D, and Tract 6104, Phases 1 & 5, staff is returning these items to the City Council for action. Definition of Vestina Riahts: During the life of a tentative map, the subdivider with a vesting map is protected from ehanges in ordinances, policies, and standards. The map remains subject to the ordinances, policies and standards, including development fees, in effect at the time the map application was deemed complete (SMA 66498.1 b). The loeal agency can add conditions to the vesting map only if it determines that failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate community, or both in a condition dangerous to their health or safety or both (SMA 66498.1 C). Recordation of the vesting map or a phase of the vesting map triggers a time frame of one year during which the developer of the recorded phase is still protected under vested rights. This one year mav be extended an additional 12 months by the Planning Commission upon a timely request by the subdivider (SMA 66452.6(g), BMC 16.24.090 C.). Under City ordinances, the vesting rights on a recorded map would initially run for one year, and another one year if the extension were approved by the Planning Commission. Extension of Time for Vestina Riahts: As state above, a subdivider has vesting rights for a one year period beginning on the recordation date of a map or phase of a map. A subdivider may apply to extend the vesting rights of a recorded map (or phase) for one additional year (66498.5 (b), BMC 16.24.090 C.3.). The state established the statutory framework to shield subdivisions temporarily from changing regulations and exactions. The request for an extension of time is a completely discretionary action by the City. No speeial findings are necessary. The City is not obligated to grant extensions of vesting rights on recorded maps. On November 14, 2003, phased traffic impact fees increased from $2,197 to $5,780. The park development fee also increased from $635 to $1,275 per unit. Approval of the vesting rights extensions for the requested phases of Tract 6104 and Tract 6087 will represent a loss of $171,057 to the City. Rebuttal to Appellants' Letters: The appellant is correct that the life of the vested rights would be longer if a developer recorded phases over time rather than all at once. It is a developer's ehoice to create an assessment district, which requires recordation of all phases at the same time. Creation of an assessment district benefits the developer because it provides a valuable funding mechanism and marketing tool by which improvements are constructed earlier for the convenience of the residents. The public benefits because the infrastructure is construeted sooner than if developer recorded phases over time, and constructed only those improvements necessary for that phase. By creating an assessment district, the developer is balancing his choice to use a financing mechanism and the time period in which the vesting rights remain in effect. Environmental Determination: In accordance with Section 15061 (b)(3), general rule, extensions of time are exempt from the requirements of CEQA. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 3 Conelusion: The City would not collect $171,057 in traffic and park development fees from Phases 1 and 5 of Tract 6104 and Phase D of Tract 6087 if the Planning Commission approvals of extensions of time on vesting rights are not overturned. This results in other City funds, like the General Fund, being used to cover the fees that are not colleeted. If no other funds area available, the City risks reduced levels of service and conflict with General Plan policies, which specify certain levels of service. Analysis done for the inereases in traffic and park fees provides supporting evidence that the higher fee is necessary to provide the level of service consistent with the General Plan policies and design standards. Due to the loss of significant revenue, staff reeommends denial of the extensions of time for the vesting rights on this tract. Jeng\ LP S:\TRACTS\vestingextlpwd appea~vr adm 6104&6087-V2.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Hearings ITEM: I\. t. TO: FROM: DATE; Honorable Mayor and City Couneil APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD ~ CITY ATTORNEY diP ¡j¿~ Ú~ CITY MANAGER Development Services - Planning June 2, 2005 SUBJECT: Vestine Riehts Extensions of Time. Appealed Resolution denying appeals by Porter-Robertson Engineering of the Planning Commission's decision to deny extensions of vesting rights for Traet 6121, Phases 1 located on the northeast eorner of Brimhall Road and Jenkins Road (Engineer - Porter- Robertson I Subdivider - Froehlich Signature Homes) (Ward 3) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt resolution upholding the Planning Commission's decision and denying the appeal. BACKGROUND: Earlier on this meeting's agenda the Planning and Development Committee recommended adoption of a policy not to approve extensions of time on vesting rights. The Planning Commission took aetion on this request for extension of time for vesting rights. The following summarizes the Commission's aetion, and status of the request: Planning Commission Staff Traet # Aetion Status Recommendation Tract 6121, Unanimous vote to Porter-Robertson Engineering Deny appeal: Phase 1 deny extension of (representing Froehlieh Signature uphold Planning vesting rights. Homes) appealed to City Council. Commission's Referred to Planning & Dev. deeision. Committee On January 12, 2005, the City Couneil eondueted eonsolidated hearings on appeals by Mcintosh and Associates and Porter-Robertson Engineering regarding denial of vesting rights extensions on Traet 6086; and various phases of Traet 6087, Traet 6121, Traet 6104, Traet 6111, Tract 6127, and Tract 6128. On this same date, the City Couneil also eondueted consolidated hearings on appeals by the City Publie Works Department of the Planning Commission's approval of vesting rights extensions on Traet 6104, Phases 1 and 5 and on Tract 6087, Phase D. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 2 These matters were referred to the Couneil's Planning and Development Committee for further review and determination. However, in an effort to resolve the matter for Tract 6121, Phase 1, staff is returning this item to the City Council for action. Definition of Vestina Riahts: During the life of a tentative map, the subdivider with a vesting map is protected from changes in ordinances, policies, and standards. The map remains subject to the ordinances, policies and standards, including development fees, in effeet at the time the map applieation was deemed eomplete (SMA 66498.1 b). The loeal ageney can add eonditions to the vesting map only if it determines that failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision or the immediate eommunity, or both in a eondition dangerous to their health or safety or both (SMA 66498.1 C). Recordation of the vesting map or a phase of the vesting map triggers a time frame of one year during whieh the developer of the reeorded phase is still proteeted under vested rights. This one year mav be extended an additional 12 months by the Planning Commission upon a timely request by the subdivider (SMA 66452.6(g), BMC 16.24.090 C.). Under City ordinanees, the vesting rights on a recorded map would initially run for one year, and another one year if the extension were approved by the Planning Commission. Extension of Time for Vestina Riahts: As state above, a subdivider has vesting rights for a one year period beginning on the reeordation date of a map or phase of a map. A subdivider may apply to extend the vesting rights of a recorded map (or phase) for one additional year (66498.5 (b), BMC 16.24.090 C.3.). The state established the statutory framework to shield subdivisions temporarily from ehanging regulations and exactions. The request for an extension of time is a completely diseretionary action by the City. No special findings are neeessary. The City is not obligated to grant extensions of vesting rights on recorded maps. On November 14, 2003, phased traffle impact fees inereased from $2,197 to $5,780. The park development fee also inereased from $635 to $1,275 per unit. Approval of the vesting rights extensions for the requested phases of Traet 6124 would represent a total revenue loss of $89,364. Rebuttal to APpellants' Letters: The appellant is correet that the life of the vested rights would be longer if a developer reeorded phases over time rather than all at onee. It is a developer's ehoiee to create an assessment district, whieh requires reeordation of all phases at the same time. Creation of an assessment distriet benefits the developer because it provides a valuable funding meehanism and marketing tool by which improvements are eonstrueted earlier for the convenience of the residents. The public benefits because the infrastructure is constructed sooner than if developer recorded phases over time, and eonstrueted only those improvements neeessary for that phase. By creating an assessment district, the developer is balancing his ehoiee to use a finaneing mechanism and the time period in which the vesting rights remain in effeet. Environmental Determination: In accordanee with Section 15061(b)(3), general rule, extensions of time are exempt from the requirements of CEQA. Coneluslon: ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Page 3 $89,364 in fees would be lost from the tracts being appealed by this developer. This results in other City funds, like the General Fund, being used to cover the fees that are not colleeted. If no other funds area available, the City risks redueed levels of serviee and eonfliet with General Plan polieies, which specify eertain levels of serviee. Analysis done for the increases in traffie and park fees provides supporting evidence that the higher fee is necessary to provide the level of serviee eonsistent with the General Plan policies and design standards. Due to the loss of significant revenue, staff reeommends denial of the extensions of time for the vesting rights on this trae!. LP/Jeng S:ITRACTSlveslingextI6121-1Ivr adm rpl 6121.doc œ ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: RE:PO~T.s ITEM: L.\.a. TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council APPROVED DATE: May 10, 2005 CITY ATTORNEY 61J3, ~ (6'¿Vb At> FROM: John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: Department Budget Presentations 1 . Rabobank Arena and Bakersfield Ice Sports Center 2. Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors' Bureau RECOMMENDATION: BACKGROUND: The Rabobank Arena and Bakersfield Ice Sports Center and Greater Bakersfield Convention and Visitors' Bureau will provide a detailed overview of their FY 2005-2006 proposed operating budget. The budget overview will include discussion regarding the goals, accomplishments, and significant budget changes. DWH:jp 5/10/2005 10:06 AM S:\OS-06Budpro\Budge! Hearings 060aOS.doc ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT MEETING DATE: June 8, 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Defer-red r>usiness ITEM: 16.0.. TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and City Council John W. Stinson, Assistant City Manager June 1, 2005 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD <:J1.V3 CITY ATTORNEY CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: City Council Goal Setting RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of revised goals. BACKGROUND: This item includes a continuation from the May 25, 2005 meeting when the City Council reviewed and made comments regarding the revising of Council Goals. A report showing changes to the current goals is provided for your information. Additions or new items are shaded. Items to be deleted are shown with a strike-out line through them. Items added from the previous Council meetings where Council made modifications are underlined and shaded. The Council may choose to further update these goals or make additional modifications as desired. Staff would like to note that one item is shown in two areas. Goal #7 reflects language suggested by Council member Scrivner at the 5/25/06 meeting. Staff is recommending this issue be addressed in the Guiding Principles portion of the Goals document in language which appears in the attachment. The goals continue to incorporate many items identified in the Greater Bakersfield Vision 2020 report and provide poliey guidance to staff for budgetary and program implementation. June 1. 2005, 2:38PM S:\Admin Rpts\2005\Council goals admin-06-0B-05.doc JWS:al BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 25, 2005 Couneil Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue Regular Meeting 5:15 and 6:30 p.m. REGULAR MEETING - 5:15 p.m. ACTION TAKEN 1. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Vice-Mayor Maggard Couneilmembers Carson, Benham, Couch, Hanson, Sullivan (seated at 5:21 p.m.), Scrivner Absent: None. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. Mayor announeed the City Attorney budget presentation seheduled under item 3.a.1. is being moved to Reports item 14.b. 3. WORKSHOP a. Department Budget Presentations: 1 . City Attorney 2. Finance Department and Revenue Overview Finanee Direetor Klimko introdueed his sueeessor, Nelson Smith, who made the Finanee Department budget presentation and provided written material. --"-'.--"'~-"--"'--------'-'~""'-' .-.~----,--_._~_."._~_._--~-~,"-_.-._--- ,_.._-~--".~. Bakersfield, California, May 25,2005 - Page 2 4. CLOSED SESSION a. Conferenee with Legal Counsel- Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 regarding the following cases: 1. Robert PrattlRaehelle Scudder v. City, et al. 2. John Nelson, et al v. City, et al. 3. Roxanne Ayala, et al v. K. C. Environmental Health, et al. and, People of the State of California v. Roxanne L. Ayala, et al. Motion by Vice-Mayor Maggard to adjourn to Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. Motion by Councilmember Couch to adjourn from Closed Session at 6:39 p.m. RECONVENED MEETING - 6;45 p.m. 5. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Hall, Viee-Mayor Maggard, Councilmembers Carson, Benham, Coueh, Hanson, Sullivan, Scrivner Absent: None. 6. INVOCATION by Dr. Frank D. Ward, Pastor, Columbus Street Baptist Church. 7. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE by Jennifer Varner, 4th Grade Student, SI. John Lutheran Elementary Sehool. City Manager Tandy introduced the newly hired Reereation & Parks Direetor, Dianne Hoover. Mayor Hall reeognized Ridgeview High Sehool students and Boy Seout 177 along with their Troop Master, Bill D'Oliver, in attendanee at the meeting. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED APPROVED Bakersfield, California. May 25, 2005 - Page 3 8. CLOSED SESSION ACTION a. Conferenee with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation; Closed Session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9 regarding the following cases: 1. Robert PratURachelle Scudder v. City. et al. 2. John Nelson, et al v. City, et al. Roxanne Ayala, et al v. K. C. Environmental Health, et al. and, People of the State of California v. Roxanne L. Ayala, et al. 9. PRESENTATIONS 3. a. Presentation by Mayor Hall of Commendation Certificates to Carla Pearson and Bakersfield Police Offieer Jason Townsend for being honored by Mothers Against Drunk Drivers. b. Presentation by Councilmember Coueh of Couneil Proclamation to members of the "Life Interrupted" Program. Naney Chaffin aceepted the Proclamation on behalf Donna Belhumer, Tina Antak and BPD offieer Don Cegielski and the program. 10. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None. 11. CONSENT CALENDAR Minutes: a. Approval of minutes of the May 11, 2005 Regular Couneil Meeting. Payments: b. Approval of department payments from April 29, 2005 to May 12, 2005 in the amount of $7,262,054.49 and self insurance payments from April 29, 2005 to May 12, 2005 in the amount of $293,627.01. _ ~_ ·ú...."..._,__+__,_'·..···_·,_··__~___··_,·_ ~..._...~'_~._'_. ._,.M__~__··_ ACTION TAKEN NO REPORTABLE ACTION NO REPORTABLE ACTION NO REPORTABLE ACTION Bakersfield, California, May 25, 2005 - Page 4 11. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Ordinances: c. Adoption of Ordinance approving the Notice of Exemption and amending Title 17 of the Munieipal Code deleting a eondition of approval whieh required an equestrian trail located generally between Allen Road and the Kern River along Goose Lake Slough. (GPAlZC 04-1550) Adoption of Ordinanee approving the Negative Deelaration and amending Title 17 of the Munieipal Code and Zoning Map No. 122-24 from A-20A (Agriculture-20 aere minimum) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 30 ± aeres loeated along the north side of Pensinger Road approximately 1,980 feet west of Buena Vista Road and approximately 1,980 feet east of Allen Road. (GPAlZC 04-1745) Adoption of Ordinanee approving the Negative Deelaration and amending Title 17 of the Munieipal Code and Zoning Map No. 104-20 from RH (Residential Holding) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 70 acres located on the east side of Kern Canyon Road at Vineland Road (extended). (GPAlZC 03-340) (Applicant: Pinnacle Engineering, representing CRT Land Company, Inc.) Adoption of Ordinanee approving the Negative Declaration and amending Title 17 of the Munieipal Code and Zoning Map No. 102-30 from R-S-10A (Residential Suburban 10 aere minimum) to C- O/PCD (Professional and Administrative Offiee/Planned Commereial Development) on 7.5 aeres located at the northwest corner of Brimhall Road and Calloway Drive. (GPAlZC 04-0847) (Applicant: Porter-Robertson Engineering, representing David Wilson) d. e. f. Resolutions: g. Two-way Radio Equipment for the Police Department: 1. Resolution determining that two-way radio equipment for the Poliee Department cannot be obtained through usual bidding proeedures due to the need to integrate into the existing radio system infrastrueture and authorizing the Finance Direetor to dispense with bidding therefore, not to exeeed $96,000.00. ACTION TAKEN ORD 4256 ORD 4257 ORD 4258 ORD 4259 RES 106-05 ..."~.~_.,. ...·.0·...._..._·,-'_._.8..· _. _"..______~'_,,__._..,~,~_"~~_._."__..,._.~~~_._~__._______..".."__"_ Bakersfield, California, May 25, 2005 - Page 5 11. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Item 11.g. continued ACTION TAKEN h. 2. Transfer and appropriate $15,000.00 from the Police Department's Operating Budget within the General Fund to the Public Works Department's Operating Budget within the Equipment Management Fund. Resolution approving development plans for a multiple tenant eommereial shopping eenter in a C- 2/PCD (Commereial/Planned Commereial Development) zone loeated on the southeast corner of Panama Lane and Stine Road. (Projeet No. 04- 1716). RES 107-05 i. Resolution authorizing the application for State RES 108-05 grant funds and partieipation in the Building AGR 05-186 Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods (BEGIN) Program including the execution of a standard agreement or other doeuments to seeure funding from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). j. Assessment Distriet No. 05-1 (City in the Hills): 1. Resolution approving boundary map. RES 109-05 2. Resolution of Intention No. 1384. RO/1384 3. Resolution aeeepting petition and RES 110-05 determining to undertake speeial assessment proceedings. 4. Agreement with Wilson & Assoeiates for AGR 05-187 assessment engineering services. 5. Agreement with Orriek, Herrington & AGR 05-188 Suteliffe, Bond Counsel, for legal serviees. 6. Agreement with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw AGR 05-189 Pittman, LLP, Disclosure Counsel, for legal serviees. 7. Agreement with Mountain View Bravo, LLC AGR 05-190 for deposit and reimbursement. k. Resolution of Intention No. 1385 to add territory, RO/1385 Area 1-57 (Allen, Palm NW) to the Consolidated Maintenance District and preliminarily adopting, confirming and approving Publie Works Direetor's Report. ._..,-----......--'_..__."-_._.,._-,._~--~,.__..,-_.._.,-,~. Bakersfield, California, May 25, 2005 - Page 6 11. CONSENT CALENDAR eontinued ACTION TAKEN I. Amendment No. 12 to Resolution No. 44-93 setting RES 44-93(12) salaries and related benefits for the Temporary Unit (Aquaties Specialist II). Agreements: AGR 05-191 m. Final Map and Improvement Agreements with AGR 05-192 AGR 05-193 Cherry Hill, Ine. for Traet 6153 Units 3 & 4 located AGR 05-194 south of Reina Road and west of Jewetta. n. Sub-reeipient Agreement with Bakersfield AGR 05-195 Redevelopment Ageney for the commitment of $1.135 million HOME Investment Partnership Funds earmarked for affordable housing in the Baker Street Mixed Use Projeet. o. Agreement with Southwestern Bell Company to AGR 05-196 extend long distanee telephone serviees. p. Outside Legal Services: 1. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. 04-381 AGR 04-381(1) with Clifford & Brown ($75,000.00, total contraet not to exeeed $150,000.00) for legal serviees in the matters of Robert Pratt v. City, et al; and, Raehelle Seudder v. City, et al. 2. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. CA04- AGR 05-197 054 with Marderosian, Runyon, Cereone, Lehman & Armos ($75,000.00, total contraet not to exeeed $100,000.00) for legal services in the matter of John Nelson, et al v. City, et al. 3. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. CA05- AGR 05-198 004 with Marderosian, Runyon, Cercone, Lehman & Armos ($50,000.00, total eontract not to exeeed $75,000.00) for legal services in the matters of Roxanne Ayala, et al v. City, et al; and, People v. Roxanne Ayala, et al. q. Contract Change Order No. 1 to Agreement No. 04- CC01 AGR 04-339 339 with S. C. Anderson, ($18,911.84, for revised amount of $5,664,911.84) for site improvements at the Park at River Walk. r. Amendment NO.1 to Agreement No. 04-135 with AGR 04-135(1) Jim Alfter Cement Contractor to extend term of agreement six (6) weeks for eon crete eonstruetion within the City. Bakersfield, California, May 25, 2005 - Page 7 11. CONSENT CALENDAR eontinued Bids: Aecept bid to award contraet to Loop Electrie ($37,665.00) for installation of a flashing beacon on 4th Street at MeKinley Sehool. t. Aeeept bid to award eontraet to Bakersfield Well & Pump Co. ($337,210.00) for drilling and pump testing one (1) domestie water well, Station CBK-46. s. Aecept bid to award annual eontraet to Gilliam & Sons, Ine. dba Valco Construction Company (not to exceed $1,358,000.00) for earthmoving and hauling. v. Extend bid from Coalinga Motors, Ine. ($32,996.88) for two (2) additional pickup trucks for the Streets Division. u. Miscellaneous: w. Position Reclassifieations: 1. Aceounting Clerk II to Revenue Program Aide, Publie Works Administration. 2. Supervisor I to Supervisor II, Reereation and Parks, Reereation Division. 3. Maintenanee Craftworker II to Supervisor I, Reereation and Parks. Parks Division. x. Miseellaneous Appropriations: 1. Transfer $20,000.00 Capital Improvement Budget for Westside Parkway to Publie Works Department Operating Budget for same projeet within the ISTEA Fund. 2. Appropriate $700,000.00 Equipment Fund Balanee to Publie Works Department Operating Budget for inereased fuel costs. 3. Appropriate $75,000.00 additional revenue to Public Works Department Operating Budget for unanticipated expenses within the Development Serviees Fund. 4. Appropriate $560,000.00 Sewer Enterprise Fund Balanee to Publie Works Department Operating Budget for inereased operating eosts. ACTION TAKEN AGR 05-199 AGR 05-200 AGR 05-201 ASS COUCH Bakersfield. California, May 25, 2005 - Page 8 11. CONSENT CALENDAR continued Item 11.x. eontinued 5. Transfer $335,000.00 Capital Improvement Budget for various CIP projeets to Public Works Department Operating Budget for street maintenanee within the Gas Tax Fund. Motion by Vice-Mayor Maggard to approve Consent Calendar items 11.a. through 11.x., with Councilmember Couch abstaining from item 11.u. as the unsuccessful bidder is a source of income to him. 12. CONSENT CALENDAR HEARINGS a. Protest hearing for proposed Assessment District No. 04-3 (SoleralRio Vista): 1. Resolution approving Final Engineer's Report, levying assessments. ordering improvements and authorizing and direeting related actions. Resolution approving form and substanee of reimbursement and diselosure agreement and authorizing ehanges thereto and exeeution thereof. 2. 3. Resolution approving form and substance of preliminary official statement and bond purehase contraet. Resolution determining assessments remaining unpaid. Resolution authorizing issuance of bonds. 4. 5. Hearing opened at 7:06 p.m. No one spoke. Hearing elosed at 7:06 p.m. Motion by Vice-Mayor Maggard to adopt item 12.a. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED RES 111-05 RES 112-05 RES 113-05 RES 114-05 RES 115-05 APPROVED ~...........-,.~" Bakersfield, California, May 25, 2005 - Page 9 13. HEARINGS a. Hearing to eonsider Resolution of Necessity to determine whether the public interest and neeessity require aequisition by eminent domain of "right-of- way" property loeated near the interseetion of Highway 178 and Masterson Street (Croad property) for the Masterson Street alignment projeet. City Clerk MeCarthy announeed eorrespondenee was reeeived from Martin and Patricia Croad requesting the opportunity to speak in opposition to the proposed aequisition. City Attorney Gennaro made staff eomments. Hearing opened at 7:09 p.m. John Wilson, Engineer, spoke on behalf of the Croads in opposition to the acquisition. Hearing closed at 7:13 p.m. Viee-Mayor Maggard asked questions regarding the notification of the property owners. City Attorney Gennaro and Miehael Abril, Esq., partner with the law firm of Borton, Petrini and Con ron, serving in the capacity of outside counsel for the City of Bakersfield, responded. Motion by Vice-Maggard to adopt the Resolution of Necessity. b. Hearing to eonsider Resolution of Neeessity to determine whether the public interest and neeessity require acquisition by eminent domain of "right-of-way" property located near the interseetion of Highway 178 and Masterson Street (Nalbandian property) for the Masterson Street alignment projeet. City Attorney Gennaro made staff eomments. Hearing opened at 7:29 p.m. John Wilson, Engineer, spoke on behalf of the Croads, in opposition to the staff recommendation due to the bearing the acquisition of the Nalbandian property would have on the Croad property. ACTION TAKEN RES 116-05 APPROVED RES 117-05 ---_.._----_.._-->-""---"--~-~'_._- --~._-- Bakersfield, California, May 25,2005 - Page 10 13. HEARINGS continued Item 13.b. continued Miehael Abril, Esq., Borton, Petrini and Conron, on behalf of the City of Bakersfield, spoke in support of the staff reeommendation and noted the owners of the Nalbandian property had been notified. Hearing closed at 7:29 p.m. Motion by Vice-Mayor Maggard to adopt the Resolution of Necessity. 14. REPORTS b. Department Budget Presentations: 1. City Attorney City Attorney Gennaro, assisted by Administrative Analyst Luda Fishman, made a computer presentation and provided handouts. a. Couneil Goals and Objeetives. City Manager Tandy and Assistant City Manager Stinson gave the staff presentation. 15. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS Councilmember Couch submitted a letter and requested the Public Works Director respond. Councilmember Couch made comments regarding LAFco, the Sphere of Influence, planning and annexation issues and the need to cooperate with the City of Shafter, and requested staff contact the City of Shafter and extend an invitation to meet for discussions. Councilmember Couch requested staff review information provided by Dana Adams with the Community Connection for Child Care, regarding the impact of new development on child care, whether that would be considered in an EIR, and whether child care facilities would be provided. Councilmember Couch requested Planning and Development Committee review conditions for closing/removing large retail facilities, such as Costco, when the business relocates. ACTION TAKEN APPROVED ",""--,....--.-.,., Bakersfield, California, May 25,2005 - Page 11 15. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN Councilmember Couch requested Development Committee address standards for big box stores. Planning and implementing Councilmember Coueh requested Planning and Development Committee address the issue of abandoned and non-producing oilwells and the handling of mineral rights when a developer purchases property. Councilmember Couch requested Water Services Director Core provide information regarding policy for locking of canal gates in the City limits and delineate the responsibility for gate locking. Councilmember Couch requested the City Attorney provide information regarding law on appointments to LAFco. Couneilmember Coueh announced Kid's Day is August 7'" and extended an invitation for everyone to attend. Councilmember Carson thanked Donna EDCD staff for hosting the community meeting at MLK Park regarding eommunity Kunz and the informational development. Councilmember Carson requested an update regarding the timeline for sewer installation on the north side of Stockdale Hwy. near Candy and Old Stine. Councilmember Carson requested information regarding responsibility of the City in assuring canal safety. City Manager and Water Resources Manger Core responded. Councilmember Benham requested staff work with Golden Empire Transit to facilitate moving of the bus stop near the Garces Circle at 3ff1' and F Streets to a safer location. Councilmember Benham requested Police and Pub(/c Works staffs address ongoing concerns regarding speed limit and speeding near 18'" Street and Jastro Park. Councilmember Benham provided a petition from residents of Elm at 2r Street and requested Public Works staff proceed with the street closure. ~.'...'~. ._.._~-._._,._-".,.,,-_._.._-,-~-_._,_._---------._--"".~._-_.,--" "'._--~ Bakersfield, California, May 25,2005 - Page 12 15. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS eontinued ACTION TAKEN Council member Benham expressed support for Couneilmember Coueh's request to meet with City of Shatter officials to discuss LAFeo issues. Council member Benham announced she had attended the Kern County Law Enforcement Foundation Spring Awards Luncheon where two awards were presented to BPD offieers, Joe Aldana and Matt Hilliard. Councilmember Benham announced she had reeeived eorrespondenee from Rev. Madelyn Elsie, Trinity United Methodist Chureh, eommending employees Andra Perry and Guy Bowers for their efforts in eombating graffiti. Councilmember Hanson made eomments regarding the Dryer's ice cream plant expansion and the Kaiser Permanente opening of a farmer's market. Councilmember Hanson noted weeds in Ward 5 are a tremendous problem and requested staff address the issue. Councilmember Hanson provided information and requested Code Enforcement investigate a residence where large birds are being kept. Councilmember Hanson requested staff evaluate the quality of playground equipment in Westwold Park. Councilmember Sullivan provided information and requested staff investigate a vacant house with stagnant water in the pool at 5323 Appletree. Councilmember Sullivan expressed appreciation for the removal of an abandoned house on the northwest eorner of Tatt Hwy. and Stine Rd. Council member Sullivan expressed pleasure at the cleanup of the Home Depot property on Ming Avenue. Councilmember Serivner thanked staff for responses to referrals. Councilmember Serivner expressed support for the community proseeutor element in the City effort to combat graffiti. Councilmember Serivner made comments regarding big box stores. _m"_'_'_'_~'M "_ .__...___.., _ __'_'_~" ."..,...._.,.,.____~~_...'.._.~_..._~_..,,_~_~_""_.,..__,. Bakersfield, California. May 25.2005 - Page 13 15. COUNCIL AND MAYOR STATEMENTS continued ACTION TAKEN Couneilmember Serivner requested an update on the White Lane overpass. Publie Works Direetor Rojas responded. Couneilmember Sullivan weleomed the new Reereation and Parks Direetor Diane Hoover. Viee-Mayor Maggard made eomments regarding the big box issue and leases. Vice-Mayor Maggard made eomments regarding the Field of Honor on Veterans Day Sunday. Vice-Mayor Maggard requested staff investigate Fresno's use of federal monies to hire new police officers and po~sible use of the information to hire additional officers in the City. 16. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hall adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m. MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, CA ATTEST: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ..._ ·_"._...n__"~~_'_,",______