HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 143-85RESOLUTION NO. 143-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 93-85 APPROV- ING AND ADOPTING THE OPERATING, CAPITAL IMPROVE- MENT, AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1985-86. WHEREAS, in accordance with the charter of the City of Bakersfield and applicable ordinances, the City Council of said City adopted the Operating, Capital Improvement and Redevelopment Agency budgets for the fiscal year 1985-86 on June 19, 1985; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 93-85 approved and adopted the Operating, Capital Improvement and Redevelopment Agency budgets for the fiscal year 1985-86, the City desires to make amendment thereof. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the city of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the original of the Operating, Capital Improvement and Redevelopment Agency budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1985-86, as adopted by Resolution No. 93-85, is amended to reflect the changes included in Exhibit "A". 2. That the said budget for said fiscal year 1985-86 so amended shall be the budget for the City of Bakersfield, California, for said fiscal year 1985-86 as contemplated to be made by this Council under the requirements of Section 53 of the charter of said city. 3. That the said budget for said fiscal year 1985-86 shall total $108,641,250 with the Operating Budget totaling $70,592,356, the Capital Improvement Budget totaling $36,357,086, and the Redevelopment Agency Operating Budget totaling $1,691,808. 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution, and henceforth and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 16th day of October, 1985, by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk~of Council of the City of Bakersfield the APPROVED this 16th day of October, 1985 MAYOR of the city df Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ~ITY ATTORNEY of ~he City of Bakersfield JS/bl R.BUDGET 2 Total Budget Sumery gity of Bakersfield Proposed 1~5-8~ ~udget ~nd~ent ProOosed ;~ndesnt Council Approved Fund / Title June 19,1985 Increase I~ase Operating Bud§et Oct. 16,1985 11- 6ereral Fund $~2,512, 190 17- Community Oeveloppent Block 6rent $9~.,68~ $915,8i5 ~,419 ($~,~) $43,~7,1i5 6as Tax $893, ~9~ $~, 586 $895,6?6 68- Agricultural Water $3,298, 231 $7,774 $3, 3~6, 905 69- l~tie ~ater $2, ~52, 542 $1,272 $2,853,8i4 7~- 9ewer Enterprise $3, ~9, 48~ ~'~, 271 $3, ~Y~, 751 73- Refuse Enterprise $5,1~3, 591 $~3, 867 il- Equipeent 9ervico {5- Self Insurance $5,113, 995 $~6, 4?9 $1, ~96, 1~5 $48~, ~ $5, I~, 474 $1,776,1ES 1- Airpark ~- Other Operating Funds Operetin~ Budget Total Redevelopment Operating Budget Capital Imprevseent Bud§et )tal All Budgets $128,775 $17,365 $4,6~8, 116 $89,~98,7~ $1,516,~48 $1,691,908 $33, 9~4, 876 $4, 3~, 890 (f~,419) ($1, g38, 590) ($1,961,809) $146, $4, ~8, $7~, 59~, 356 $1,691,8~8 $36, 357, $1~8, 641, ES~ Description 9ee Attached 9chedule Allocate unspplied appropriation for increase in interfund insurance charges Appropriate fund balance for increese in interfund insurenceehargen Appropriate fund I~lance for increase in interfund insurance charges Appropriate fund balance for increase in interfund insurance charges Appropriate fund balanre for incr~ in interfund insurance charges Appropriate $~,867 operating revenue for increase in interfund insurance charges and appropriate transfere in for eomunity-~ide clean up project as authorized by council Appropriate fund balance for increase in interfund insurance charges Appropriate transfers in from other funds for increase in insurance premiums and retention (deductibles) Appropriate additional F~A grant revenue for expansion cost study No Change 9ee Attached ~edule 'B' ge 1 of 5 6eneral Fund Operating Budget City of ~l~r~field Proposal 1~-8~ Budget Amendment ;~ ~amndaeet Cou~ci I Approved ...... Proended Title June 19, 1985 Increase I~rea~e Oc~. 16,1985 Schedule 'A' Increase Workers Comp Rates $1,191,1~5 $3~7,~5 Police - Pereo~l $182, 150 Fire - Permonnel $112,888 ~et iresent ~Wdical $126,~ Sickleave Payoff $7~, 888 Auditorium - ~eplace Transforeer Anditorium - Air Conditionin§ Contingency $299, Other Appropriat ions $41, ~1,~5 Total Fund 11 $~2,512, lm $91§,815 ($~,~) ($~,~) $1,588,848 $188,150 $7~ ~ $41,021,625 $43,~7,115 Appropriate fund balance for interfund insurance charge increase Appropriate fund balance for five authorized police positions (6 ess. ) Appropriate fund balance to staff statio~ ~ (2 mos.) Appropriate fund balance due to budget omission Appropriate fund balanee due to budget oainsion Appropriate fund balance for unset icipoted replacement Appropriate fund balance for unseticipated repair ~nsts Transfer Appropriations to Refuse Fund for ~o~munity-wide clean up )age 2 of 5 Capital Iaprov~ent Bud§et Fund Fund / Title 81- Csemunity Improvese~t Fued ~ide~ Overpass ~ ~pital Outlay T~affic Signal (T~xtun at City ~p. Traffic Sig~l Pa~ ~1o~ (~is / ~) ~- ~s Ta~ ~arfaci~ - ~is Rg. (~lanz) Pa~ developstrot (Harris / Tra~'qx~'tat ion Furgs Traffic Bignel (Tryrue at City ~rp. ya~) lpaffic Si!~l (~ite Ln. at ~. ~) Traffic 5ig~l (~lifornia ~.-'L" St.) ~lization (~11 ~. at ~. 178) ~a St. R~u~f~i~ ~. ~io~ ~. ~u~facind (Pla~z ~.- ~.~t~ 17th St. (~lifo~nia ~e.-~u~a~e Ln. (~k St. ~le~) City of Bakersfield Proposed 1985-86 Budget PM~dsent Council ~pp~ovnd June 19,1985 Proposed Mindsent As Amended Inc~eaue Decrease Oct. 16,1985 $187, $G7, ~ ~67, Me $5~, ~ S67~ $8~,~ $~.,~ $118~ ($~, ~) ($77, m) Schedule Description Decr~se appropriations due to unevailability of satchind (TI~) funds Appropriate contribution f~x~m Developar P4~prop~iate contribution f~se ))eveloper Appropriate state gra~ ~evenue fo? park developme~; Trar~fer fumis for Harris / Akers Park developne~t p~oject Transfer funds fr~ rnsurfacind P~tis ~d. project liecrease ~ppropriations due to reduction in state funds Oec~se Appropriations due to ~eduction in state funds Decrease Ilppropriations due to reduction in state funds DecreaseAppropriations due to tedaction in state funds Decrease App?op~iations due to reduction in state funds Decrease Appropriations due to reductio~ in state funds Decrease Appropriations due to reduction in state funds Decrease~pprop~iationsdue to reduction in state funds Page 3 of 5 Continued Capital IN]~ Budget Fund Fund / Title Wides Overpass (#in~ Ave.- H~/. Reconstruct Drainage Dips (Ten locations) Larson Ln. Construeion (W. 1/& 5M~ ~o. of #i]son) k~stside Fm~ay R/# ~uisition "H" St. Underpass (at A.T.& S.F.) 58- Federal Asvenue ~mring Resurfecin(j - Shepard St. (~ite Ln.- Diet. Blvd. Park development (Hah-is / Akers) Park developaent (Harris / Akers) Airpark Acquisition Project Fire Station ~44 - Equipment 71- Airpark Enterprise Airpark Acquisition Project Airpark Expansion Project )1- Assessment District (Outfall Line) Construct Outfall Line (Treatment Plant #3) · - Other Improvements City Capital Imprevseents ~.- Redewlop~t Iaprowments Oral Capital I~prowments City of Ihkersfield Proposed 19&5-86 Budget Amendment June 19,1985 Increase Oucrsase Oct. 16,19~5 $107, 7~ ($187,75~) S~3, Me ( ~3~, Me ) ($178,~9~) $49, Me $49, Me $1~, Me SiN, Me $1,723~Me $1,723, Me $~, 414, 286 $~, ~7,876 $4,3~5, Me $4, 277, ~ $25, ~ $33, g~4, 876 $4, 390, Me ($1, g38, 5g~) ($1,938, 590) $32, ~55, $36, 357, ochedule 'B' Description l)e~se Appropriations due to reduntionin state funds lYecruse Appropriations due to reduction in state funds Decrease Appropriations due to reduction in state funds Decrease Appropriations due to reduction in state funds Decrease~propriationsdue to r~setion in state funds Transfer funds to Harris \ Akers Park development Transfer funds froms resurfacing gmpard St. project Appropriate fund balance for Harris / Akers Park development Transfer appropriation to Airpark Fund for Airpark acquisition project Appropriate fund balance to equip Firs Station ~ Transfer appropriation fro~ Asvenue ~haring for Airpark acquisition project Appropriate federal grant revenue (FPaq) for Airpark expansion Appropriate total estimated bond seles Appropriate fund balance for revised Oowntown parking plan signing age 4 of 5 Continued I~venu~ Fund ~ource of Funds 11- General Fund Balance 17- Rllocate Unapplind tlpprt)priation ~- Other Fund Balances 81- Interfund Cher§e~ ~- Community Improwsent Fund aS- Oe~lop~ Contributions ~berti Z'ber§ Park Grant Transportation Funds 58- Revenue ~narin§ 71- F~q Airpark Grants Outfall Line Assessments Interfund Transfers Total Revenue City of Bakersfield Propa~ 1~5-86 BudRet Amendment Amendment $915, ~15 S~, 419 ($2, 419) S 1 ~6, 249 ($187, 75~) $75, ~ ($1,1~) $1,7~,~ $1,~,~ (~,~) Schedule PmQe 5 of 5