HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 99-85RESOLUTION NO. 99-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ORDERING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF 16TH STREET BETWEEN "A" AND "D" STREETS IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, on the 12th day of June, 1985, the Council of the city of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law", being Chapter 3 of Part 3 of Division 9 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted its Resolution of Intention No. 983 declaring its intention to order the vacation of a portion of 16th Street between "A" and "D" Streets in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California; and WHEREAS, said Council did fix a time and place for hear- ing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vaca- tion, which said hearing was held on the 10th day of July, 1985, after notices were duly published and posted as required by law; and WHEREAS, this Council after duly considering the matter, does hereby find and resolve as follows: 1. That a portion of 16th Street between "A" and "D" Streets in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, is unnecessary for present or pro- spective public street purposes. 2. That a portion of 16th Street between "A" and "D" Streets be and the same is hereby closed up, vacated and aban- doned for public street purposes, subject to and in conformity with any reservations and exceptions contained in and contem- plated by said Resolution of Intention No. 983. Reference con- templated by said Resolution of Intention is hereby made for further particulars. 3. That the City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Resolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California. ........... o0o .......... the passed and adopted by the Council of regular meeting thereof held on the 1985, by the following vote: HEREBY CERTIFY that foregoing Resolution was the City of Bakersfield at a 10th day of July , CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of Council of the city of Bakersfield APPROVED this 10th day of July , MAYOR of the City ~rsfield 1985 APPROVED as to form: C T~Y ATT~O~Y of~t City-of Bakersfield the bl 2 R.I-9830D liXIIIBIT "A" A parcel oF land situtated in t:he City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, being a po~'tion of Section 25 Township 29 South, Range 27 East, bl.D.B. t} hi., lnore particularly described as follows: All that portion of 16th Street of 82.50 feet in width bounded on the west by the southerly exteasion of tile east right-of-way line of "A" Street and on tide east by the southerly extension of the west righ-ol:-way line of "D" Street all shown on tide btap of tide City of Bakersfield filed April 19, 1904 in blap Book 1 at page 13, in the Office of the Kern County Recorder. I!XCEI'TIN(; AND I(ESERV1NG TIIEREFI(OM tile entire area as a Utility Easelnent. STRE£T AVENUE / J ,'/ NO { VACATINGA PORTION OF16'l'h STREET BETWEEN A STREET ANDD STREET .~co.,.~,. ,,__ CITY OF BAKERSFIELD "^~" E-~5 om¢,^,..~co.~,. o,. CALIFORNIA ~,.^w. Z'.,.X ~ KERN COUNTY. ClI-I~OI~NI~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT e~'eK~:c,