HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 95-85RESOLUT IOn,? NO. 95-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF SEWER CHARGES BY THE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR. WHEREAS, on June 27, 1984, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield duly passed and adopted Ordinance No. 2927 New Series providing for tlhe establishment of sewer user charges and fees, and providing that the City Council shall, by resolu- tion, cause the charges for the collection, removal and disposal of sewage to be collected by the County Tax Collector; and WHEREAS, Section 50 of the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and Section 51334 of the Government Code of the State of California permit the City Council to provide for the collection of such charges by the County Tax Collector. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Bakersfield transfers the function of collection of sewer user charges for all sewer service users to the County Tax Collector pursuant to Ordinance No. 2927 New Series to be billed at the time of billing for property taxes. Such charges shall be in the amount established by Ordinance No. adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield on 1985. 2989 July 10, .......... 000 .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 26th day of June, 1985, by the follo~ing vot,e: AYES: COUNCILMEN: ~ (:NILDS. CNRIST~I'~EI4..~.~ MOO~WE,.~I,IW ~KOFF CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 26th day of June, 1985 >tAYOD of the City of Baker: APPROVED as to form: CI ATTORNEY o the City of Bakersfield AJS/mjc 2o FY 19 85 -86 I(ERN COU.("~' ' FLAT RA~E SURCFLa. RGE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRiPTiOX CHARGE $CHEDUL£ 0100 ,through O106 SINGLE F.~31iLY RES!OENCE 0200 through 0700 .qULT[PLE PIgELL[XG 4?.60/Unit I 1100 : S~L~LL STORES CR SHOPS 83-30 · 1101' = ~Jewelrv .'' ''' 8 O ~ ' ~ -v 8~.~0 1102 ~ ~ar.c.. ...... 110~ I Clothing 83.30 1104 Shoe 83.30 ilOS 1106 ,,. { Toy's ...... l!O= { "ardage i 1109 { Book and S:ati.2ner:,- 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 Bakery rte:ail) 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 Candy 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 i112 1113 i114 ,{~ lta Food Pharmacy 1115 1116 II17 1118 1119 Auto Parts 'Hobby Shop 83.30 Appliance Repair 83.30 Barber and B.au.. 'Shop 83.30 A ir~ FY 19 85-8~6. ~ERN COU,Yn' ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPT[ON 1SO0 1120 Laundries ~ Dry Cleaning 1121 Tailor Shop 1122 Shoe Repair 1190 Multiple Use 1200 1201 1202 1203 1301 1302 1303 COMBINATION STORES § O?FIZES Residence and Store and Orifice Residence aP:J Store L&RGE STORES Department Appli&nce FLAT RATE CR-~RGE 83.30 83.30 83.3O 83.3o 142.80 142.80 142.80 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 Drug 1304 Home Furn i sh!'2 g 83.30 1305 Auction 1400 1306 1307 1390 Multiple Use General Home Improvement 83.30 MARKETS 1401 1402 .,Supermarket, Grocery 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.3O 83.30 SURCHARGE SCHEDULE 'A A A B 2 FY 19 8S-86 KERN COU.X'~'Y ' FLAT ~L-XTE SURCI-LARGE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPTION CHARGE SCHEDULE Franchise Food 1~05 (7-11, ~,, etc.~ ,, 83.30 1404 5leat 83.30 B laOS Produce 83.30 B 1406 Sea food 83.30 B 1407 Fruit Stand 83.30 B 1490 :4ultiple Uge 83.30 B 1300 5.;!O??I NG ....... ~ C:×.:'~,~ 83.30 A or 8 Snail 1501 sho:~v in.; 1502 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 1612 Large CFFICE .~t r n:,.:~ Radio ¥.Y. Station 31edical ~ental ~ledical-Oental Co:bo Legal Accounting Appraisal Real Estate 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.3o 83.30 83.30 83.3o 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 A Aor 3 Aor B A A A 3 KERN COUNTY J FLAT IL~TE ' SUROL..~RGE ASSESSOR USE CODEJ DESCRIPTION CIC%RGE SCtlEDULE 16i'5 Ve.te rinar?~ 83.30 A . 1690 .~lult ip le Use .... 83.30 A 1700 I.~5TI TUTIOXAL 1701 Ilospital 17.85 /Bed 1'02 Sanitarium 17.85 /Bed 1703 .. Rest Ilo.ne . :~ , 17,85 /Bed · lTOJ .'.ledi c M Lab 83.30 A !. 1705 I Anbulance Service I 83.30 _. 1 'o. 6 Church J 65. q5 1-95 :Jori ua ry 83.30 S 1709 J 51ausoieun j 83.30 j ' /loo 1'10 Schools 184.4515tudents 1712 J Re~i~e~en.t Ho-e 17.85 /Bed 1800 FOOD AND 3EVE~L~E 83.30 1801 Restaurants 83.30 1802 Cafes 83,30 1805 Coffee Shop 83.30 1804 Cocktail Lounge 83.30 1805 Bars and Taverns 83.30 1806 Catering 83.30 1807 Drive-In Restaurant 83.30 1890 Multiple Use 83.30 · 4 FY 19 85-86 KERN COUN'fY ASSESSOR USE CODE ~1900 DESCRIPTION RECREATIOnaL 1901 Theatres (enclosed) 1902. Theatres fdrive-in] 1903 190J 1905 1906 190t 1908 Pool Hall Health Studios - .~plJ~S Bo~ling Alley Skating Rink Miniature Golf Frater~al 1909 i Country Clubs 1910 1912 Golf Course~ FL-~T RATE C~:~RGE 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 SURCHARGE SCHEDULE A A A A A A 2100 2200 1990 2102 2103 2190 2201 2202 2203 Recreatien ot .% ..... 51ultiple FINANCIAL Savin~s and Loans Bail Bonds 51ultiple Use SERVICE SHOPS Car Wash Kennels and Pet Greoming AUto ~o~,,and Paint Shops 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 A 83.30 A 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 A A A A ~Y .t9 8S~86 KERN COUhTY FLAT RATE SURC}L%RSE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPTION CHARGE SCIIEDULE 2204 Auto Repair tgaragel 83.30 2205 Motorcyc}e Repair 83.30 2206 Bicycle Repair 83.30 2207 Equipment Repair 83.30 2208 Bus Depot. 83.30 A 2290 Multiple U~e 83.30 A 2300 PETROLEUM 83.30 2301 Service Stations t 83.30 2302 Bulk Plant 83.30 A 2305 Bo:fled Gas -. .... ~ . 2390 5lultiple Use 83.30 ! A 2400 SALES 83.30 I A 2401 Auto Sales -',new t 83.30 i A 2402 Auto Sales - used I 83.30 2403 Boat Sales 83.30 ] A 2404 Aircraft Sales 83.30 A 2405 FarmMachinery Sale~ 83.30 A 2490 Multiple Use 83.30 A 2600 .NURSERIES 83.30 A 2601 Nurseries 83.30 A SEWER SERVICE USER KER~ COUNTY [ FL~T RATE SURCt~RGE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPTION[ CHARGE SCHEDULE 2602 Gardeners 83.30 2605 Tree Service 83.30 2604 Seed Growers 83.30 2605 Pest Control 83-30 A 2606 Hydroponics and Greenhcuses 83.30 A 2690 Multiple Us~ 83.30 2700 ' HOTEL ] t7.85 /Roo~ 2500 MOTEL ! 17.8~Roen 2900 ~IO8ILE HOME PARK I 47.6~Space L 3101 Contractor - Gener~l Building 83.30 3102 Contractor - S~i~ni~g Pool I 83.30 3103 Contractor - Engineering 83.30 A 3104 Contractor - Drilling 83.30 A 3105 Contractor - Oil£ield 83.30 A 3106 Machine Shop 83.30 A 3107 Tire Shop - Retread 83.30 A 3190 Multiple Use 83.30 A 7 KERN COUNTY FLAT ~*~TE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPTION CI~RGE 3200 : HEAVY I×DUSTRIAL 83.30 3300 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3301 Foundry Steel Fabricat Heavy Equipment - modification, or Carbon Plants Concrete an&/or bar:~ 7Ianrs TIMBER Lumberyard 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 83.30 SURCtL~RGE SCttEDULE A A A A A A 3302 Saw Mill 83.30 A 3303 Planing ~I! 83.30 A 3390 Multiple Use 83.30 A 3400 PRODUCEPL~NT5 83.30 A 83.30 Cotton Gin 3401 3402 Packing Shed 83.30 Multiple Use 83,30 3501 3502 FOOD PROCESSIXG Bakery Creamery 83.30 83.30 83~30 83.30 83.30 Bottling Plant Meat Packing Plant 3503 3500 3304 A B B 8 FY lg 85-86.' KERN COUNTY FLAT RATE SURCF~RGE ASSESSOR USE CODE DESCRIPTION CHARGE SCHEDULE 3S05 Winery 8~.~0 B 3S06 Almond Uuller 83.30 B Dairy Distributorship - 3507 ~lilk Depot 83.30 B 3sgo Multiple Use 83.30 B 3600 STO~GE 83.30 A 3~01 Warehouse 83.30 3602 Public Storage[~ini~~'areh~use) 83.30 A 3603 Van and Storage 83.30 A 3604 Ice and Cold $:ora~e 83.30 A 3605 Grain Ele='at~r.-~. ~!l~ 83.30 36g0 ~lultiple Use 83.30 5700 STORAGE 83.3o 3701 Equipment Rental 83.30 A 3702 Auto ~recking 83.30 3703 Metal Salvage 83.30 A 3704 Farm Equipment 83.30 3710 Junk Yard 83.30 A 3790 Multiple Use 83.30 A 3800 INDUSTRIAL SALES 83.30 A SURCHARGE SCHEDULE Schedule A BaD and SS concentrations less than 400 mg/1 and flow greater than O.16 MG/Yr. Surcharge for excess: $496.00 MG/Yr. Schedule B BaD or SS concentrations greater than 400 mg/I and flow greater than O.16 MG/Yr. Surcharge for excesses: BOO greater than 595 lb/Yra, $54.50/1OOO lb/Yr. SS greater than 534 lb/Yr, $53.20/1OOO lb/Yr. Flow greater than O.16 MG/Yr,$330.80/MG/Yr. C. Rates for Monitored Users (all dischargers) Flow: $334.OO/MG BaD: $ 48.OO/1OOO lb. SS: $ 5I.OO/1OOO lb. aBased on maximum month value 10 Rate for Septage Dischargers: Rate/load = $25.00 Surcharge for Outside Connections: $30.00/yr/connection F. Connection Charge: Single Family Dwellings ............. Multiple Family Dwellings ........... Per Fixture for Commercial and Industrial .................... $ 662.50 480.00 30.00* *Times the equivalency multiplier specified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 11 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD EQUIVALENCY MULTI?LIERS FOR CONNECTION FEES: User Category ReeldenKlal Nultlple D~elling Small SKores Large Stores ,~tarkets Shopping Centers Office and Financial Buildings HadZeal Office ButldtnRs Dental/Other ~fedtca! offices rnstttution,~[ Schools Laundries Restaurants/Co!lee 5hops Other Food Service Shops Bars/Taverns Reetea:!onal Cas Stat£ons/Repatrs Uote!$/Hotel~ Churches Bakeries rood Proce~s!ng Other Ce:=neretal and Miscellaneous Equival~ne¥ ~ulttpliere 1.O 1.O 1.O 1.O 2.0 l.O 1.O 1.O 1.0 2.0 1,O 1,O 2.0 2.0 1.O 1.0 O.~ 1.O 1.O 1.O 2.0 1,O 1.0 To determine the total eonn~eti,~n charze, ~u]~lply :he number of fixture units (as per Uniforn Plum~:ng Code) by $~0.00 and chat answer b~ the equivaleney multipier. SThe equivalency multiplier adjusts for loadings greater or less than the residential loadings. E~ample of determining ¢o~neeti~n fees: (Office and Financial Bulldtng~L 45 fixture units X $~O.00/f~xture unit ~ $1,BO0,00 X 1.OEquiveleney ~ultiplier = $1,800.00 Conneetion Fee F~XHIBI¥ A 12