HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 226-05 RESOLUTION NO. 226;;;05 RESOLUTION MAKING FINDINGS, APPROVING THE CANCELLATION OF LAND USE RESTRICTIONS OF A LAND CONSERVATION CONTRACT (WILLIAMSON ACT) ON CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF PANAMA LANE TO McCUTCHEN ROAD, WEST OF GOSFORD ROAD TO PROGRESS ROAD. (GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 51282). (Ward 5 and 6). WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Bakersfield in accordance with the provisions of Section 65353 of the Government Code, held a public hearing on MONDAY, JULY 5, 2005, and THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2005, on Case No. 04-0057 of a proposed cancellation of a Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) on that certain property being annexed to the City of Bakersfield, notice of the time and place of hearing having been given atleast twenty (20) calendar days before said hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, such proposed cancellation is as follows: Williamson Act Contract Cancellation: QUAD KNOPF, INC. for Panama-Gosford Partners, LLC, applied to cancel the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) on approximately 300 acres located south of Panama Lane to McCutchen Road, west of Gosford Road to Progress Road, more specifically located in the east half of Section 29, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M. D. M., in the County of Kern, State of California, as shown on Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, the subject property is proposed to be annexed in to the City of Bakersfield in said County and State; and WHEREAS, the Williamson Act Contract cancellation will not take affect until said property is annexed into the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the project site contains approximately 300 acres; and WHEREAS, the subject site is also part of a General Plan Amendment/Zone Change (GPAlZC 04-0057) to allow the development of urban uses on the site; and WHEREAS, the applicant has indicated the purpose of the request is to develop a multi-use development, including single family residential, multi-family residential, neighborhood and regional commercial and light industrial uses within the City of Bakersfield limits; and WHEREAS, the property lies within a path of development with approved urban development projects in progress; and WHEREAS, said urban development projects as well as local government agency efforts have extended supporting utilities and infrastructure adjacent to the property; and '< 'òMt-'/y () ~ >- - I- m - r- o C:J ORIGINAL WHEREAS, for the above-described project, an Initial Study was conducted and it was determined that the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, therefore, an Environmental Impact Report was prepared for the project in accordance with CEQA; and WHEREAS, the applicant entered into an agreement with the City of Bakersfield to implement all mitigation measures identified in the environmental analysis contained within the Final Environmental Impact Report; and WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Report as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the cancellation is for land on which a notice of non renewal has been served pursuant to Section 51245 of the Government Code; said notice was recorded on October 13, 2000, as Document No. 0200128435 in the Office of the Kem County Recorder; and WHEREAS, the cancellation is not likely to result in the removal of adjacent contracted lands from agricultural use, since the vast majority of land surrounding said project site is already either developed, being developed, or has plans for development with remaining cultivated properties being unaffected. The requested cancellation is considered a result of natural growth conditions and part of an already expanding incorporated area; and WHEREAS, the cancellation is for an altemative use which is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, subject to prior approval of General Plan Amendment No. 04-0057; and WHEREAS, the cancellation will not result in discontiguous patterns of urban development since adjacent lands are developed or approved for urban development and the property lies within the City's Sphere of Influence boundary as set forth by LAFCO, and that said project is located in the path of rapid urban development, such that non-development of said project would cause discontiguous development; and WHEREAS, there is no proximate noncontracted land which is both available and suitable for the use to which it is proposed or that development of the contracted land would provide more contiguous patterns of urban development than development of proximate noncontracted lands. The project is located south of approved urban projects and will result in a more contiguous pattern of urban development than other, noncontracted lands farther from existing urbanized lands; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 51283 of the Government Code, the Kern County Assessor has determined the full market value of the land with respect to which the cancellation is requested, as though it was free of the contractual restriction, and has certified to this Planning Commission that the most recently announced Kern County assessment portion is 100%, and that the cancellation fee is $1,605,769 for the project site and has certified that there are no additional deferred taxes under Government Code Section 51283; and WHEREAS, the request for the cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract by QUAD KNOPF, Inc., for Gosford-Panama Partners, LLC, was duly heard and considered by the Planning Commission at a public hearing held July 5, 2005, and July 7, 2005; and WHEREAS, there will be the payment of $1 ,605,769.00 for the cancellation fee for the project site; and 2 ~ 'òM~-)J <) ~ ~ É ORIGINAL WHEREAS, that Zone Change No. 04-0057 for the property, is conditioned upon the payment of the fee calculated by the Kern County Assessor noted above, prior to any further urbanization of the property; and WHEREAS, by Resolution NO.1 02-05 on July 7,2005, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of the cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) subject to conditions listed in Exhibit "B" and this Council has fully considered the findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, in accordance with the provisions of Section 65355 of the Government Code, conducted and held a public hearing on WEDNESDAY, September 7,2005, on the above described proposal, notice of time and place of the hearing having been given at least ten (10) calendar days before the hearing by publication in the Bakersfield Californian, a local newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, the Council has considered and hereby makes the following findings: 1. The above recitals and findings are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission, incorporated herein. 2. That the applicant by prior written agreement to comply with all adopted mitigation measures contained within the Environmental Impact Report. 3. All required notices have been given. 4. That an Environmental Impact Report for the proposed cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) is hereby recommended for approval. 5. That the City Council has, pursuant to Section 51282 of the Government Code, made the required findings to approve the cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract as set forth in attached Exhibit "C" and incorporated herein. 6. That the infrastructure exists or can easily be provided to accommodate the types of density and intensity of the proposed development. 7. That the cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract is conditioned upon the payment of the $1 ,605,769 which is the fee calculated by the Kern County Assessor, prior to any further urbanization of the property. 8. The cancellation of the Williamson Act Contract shall not occur until the project site is annexed to the City of Bakersfield. 9. As to the cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) on approximately 300 acres, as requested by the applicant and shown on the attached map in Exhibit "A", located south of Panama Lane to McCutchen Road, west of Gosford Road to Progress Road, the City Council hereby adopts such cancellation, subject to prior approval of General Plan Amendment 04-0057 and Zone Change 04- 0057 and subject to conditions of approval shown on Exhibit "B". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND FOUND BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY '(\A"i' x "<"1' Ç) Û' >- '" i- m õ r- (:) ORIGINAL 3 - --~~---_.~ ._-_.~_._-,.._,~- OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings incorporated herein, are true and correct. 2. The Environmental Impact Report for the Williamson Act Cancellation is hereby approved and adopted. 3. Based on the absðnce of evidence in the record as required by Section 21082.2 of the State of California Public Resources Code (CEQA) for the purposes of documenting significant effects, it is the conclusion of the Lead Agency that this project will result in impacts that fall below the threshold of significance with regard to wildlife resources and, therefore must be granted a "de minim us" exemption in accordance with Section 711 of the State Resources Code. Additionally the assumption of adverse effect is rebutted by the above-referenced absence of evidence in the record and the lead agency's decision to prepare an Environmental Impact Report. 4. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 5. The City Council has made findings pursuant to Section 51282 of the Government Code. 6. The Williamson Act Contract cancellation will not take affect until said property is annexed to the City of Bakersfield. 7. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the cancellation of the Land Conservation Contract (Williamson Act) on approximately 300 acres in the City of Bakersfield locate.d south of Panama Lane to McCutchen Road, west of Gosford Road to Progress Road, subject to conditions of approval shown on Exhibit "A". ---------()()()-------- 4 ~ %t.Kf-9 0;,1' ~, >- - I::: I!' Q () ORIGINAl I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on SEP 2 R 2005 , by the following vote: ~ ,,"'" v ,/ v v v'- ~ \.AYE . COUNCILMEMBER COUCH. CARSON, BENHAM. MAGGARD. HANSON. SULLIVAN. SCFiiVNER S: COUNCILMEMBER ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Council of the City of Bakersfi SEP 2 8 '2005 HARVEY L. HALL MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attomey By: ~ìn-.~ ATTACHMENTS: EXHIBIT "A" - Location Map EXHiBIT "B" - Mitigation and Conditions of Approval. EXHIBIT ":::;" - Statement Indication for Gov. Code Section 51282 MO:djl S:IGPA 2nd 2005104-0057 Panama-Gosford EIRIResolutionslres.Williamson.cc,doc 5 '< 'òMf.-s> () <!;, >- - r- m _ r-- r.) () ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" Location Map í;Í\!(t çJ. ?>ú' ;,.. "" f- ñï - T- o ORIGINAE' - - - ------.--.-.---..-..----.--. :z ""'Q. J §i~ .. : ~~ § I- :;; a:: ~ c¡: ..J I ~ ~ I ü 0 ~ c<) c<) :;; w ~ Il. Õ 0 0::: Il. <C :¡¡ <C z <C I Il. I - c ! 0::: 0 ! LL UJ 0 C) N a\lo~ ~3^1~ z W I U ~ o o C) c<) c<) '< 'òMf-» C) <f' >- '" 1- - _ m ù r- ORIGINAl:=' EXHIBIT "B" Mitigation and Conditions of Approval X 'òMf0' () eJ> ;,.. ':! I- m - ,... o C:> ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "B" MITIGATION / CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT/ZONE CHANGE 04-0057 1. WILLIAMSON ACT CONTRACT CANCELLATION 1a. Prior to any further urbanization of the project site, the payment of the cancellation fee calculated by the Kern County Assessor's Office shall be paid to Kern County, the calculated fee is $1,605,769.00 for the project site. The documentation stating that the fee was paid shall be submitted to the Planning Department. (Condition). 2. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY Short-Term (Construction) Impacts Stained Soils 2a. Soil characterization and sampling of the stained soil within the Project site shall be conducted as needed to deterrnine the presence or absence of hazardous materials prior to grading activities, If concentrations of materials are detected above regulatory cleanup levels during demolition or construction activities, the following rnitigation measure shall include: · Excavation and disposal at a permitted, off-site facility; · On-site treatment; or · Other measures as appropriate, Prior to issuance of building perrnits, all oil-contarninated soils shall be remediated to the satisfaction of the Local Unified Prograrn Agency (the Office of Environmental Services of the Bakersfield City Fire Department) in conjunction with the State Regional Water Quality Control Board and/or the California Department of Toxic Substances Control. Water Wells 2b. The agricultural water wells shall be properly removed and abandoned pursuant to the latest procedures required by the local agency with closure responsibilities for the wells. Any associated equiprnent (i.e., generators and pumping rnaterials) shall be rernoved off-site and properly disposed of at a perrnitted landfill. A visual inspection of the areas beneath the rernoved materials (if present) shall be performed. '< 'òMf?> () <!;, >- - I- m - ,.... ù C> ORIGINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 Waste Oil and Oil Filters 2c. The waste oil, oil filters, and buckets shall be removed off-site and properly disposed of at an approved landfill facility. Then the areas beneath and around the removed materials shall be visually inspected. Any stained soils observed underneath the materials shall be sampled and analyzed. If analysis detects concentrations of materials above regulatory cleanup levels, the mitigation measure shall include: · Excavation and disposal at a permitted, off-site facility; · On-site treatment; or · Other measures as appropriate, Aboveqround Storaqe Tanks 2d. Any aboveground storage tanks (ATS) on site shall be removed and properly disposed of at an approved landfill facility then the areas beneath and around the removed ASTs shall be visually inspected. Any stained soils observed underneath the ASTs shall be sampled. If concentrations of materials are detected above regulatory cleanup levels during sampling activities, the mitigation measure shall include: · Excavation and disposal at a perrnitted, off-site facility; · On-site treatment; or · Other measures as appropriate. Transformers 2e. Any removal or relocation of transformers shall be conducted under the purview of the local utility purveyor to identify proper handling procedures regarding potential polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Agricultural Uses 2f. Prior to issuance of any grading permit, the Project applicant shall perform soil tests to deterrnine concentrations of pesticide and fungicide residues that may be present within the Project site. Should contamination levels be in excess of acceptable Federal, State, and/or County levels, the Project Applicant shall identify and implement remedial action, (subject to approval by the City of Page 2 of 32 '< 'òl\Kf"i' o <!;, >- - ... m _ r- o () ORIG!NAL . ··T._.~·_··~····__·___···__· ~_"_~_'~''''__'' .---"_--,--_._._..__.~, Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 Bakersfield and responsible regulatory agencies), to reduce contaminants to acceptable levels. Asbestos-Containing Materials 2g. Prior to demolition activities, an asbestos survey shall be required to determine the presence or absence of asbestos-containing materials. The results of the survey shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield. If asbestos-containing materials are found, abatement of asbestos shall be required before any demolition activity that would disturb asbestos-containing materials or create an airborne asbestos hazard is permitted. Asbestos removal shall be performed by a State-certified asbestos containment contractor in accordance with San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJV APCD) Rule 8021, which requires: · A survey of the facility prior to issuance of a permit by SJV APCD; · Notification of the SJVAPCD prior to construction activity; · Removal of asbestos in accordance with prescribed procedures; · Placernent of collected asbestos in leak-tight containers or wrapping; and · Proper disposal of the asbestos. Lead-Based Paints 2h. Prior to demolition activities, a survey shall be conducted to determine the presence or absence of lead-based paint. The results of the survey shall be submitted to the City of Bakersfield. If lead-based paint is found, abaternent shall be required before any demolition activities occur that would create a lead dust or fume hazard. Lead-based paint removal shall be performed in accordance with California Code of Regulation Title 8, Section 1532.1, which specifies exposure lirnits, exposure monitoring, and respiratory protection, and rnandates good working practices by workers exposed to lead. The contractor perforrning lead- based paint removal shall provide evidence of certified training for lead-related construction work. Valley Fever 21. Refer to AIR QUALITY, NO.6 regarding fugitive dust mitigation measures. Page 3 of 32 , "?>ÄKf' .:.; t~ >-- .. m - r- ) C:J T\R!GINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 2j. Pursuant to SJVAPCD Regulation VIII-Fugitive PM1Q Prohibitions, all areas with bare soil exposed as a result of Project earthwork activities shall be landscaped at the earliest time possible or stabilized by watering when winds exceed 20 miles per hour (rnph) in order to reduce the potential inhalation of spores causing Valley Fever. 3. AESTHETICS/LIGHT AND GLARE Short-Term (Construction) Aesthetic Impacts 3a. Temporary construction equiprnent staging areas shall be located within the Project site through the duration of construction. Appropriate screening (e.g., temporary opaque fencing [six feet in height]) will be used to buffer views of construction equiprnent and material, when feasible. Staging locations shall be indicated on final plans and grading plans are subject to review and approval of the City Planning Department. Additionally, all construction activities would be required to be consistent with the Municipal Code requirernents and conditions of approval Long-Term Aesthetic Impacts 3b. Design review shall be required of all new development through the architectural and site review process prior to the issuance of a development permit. The review should determine whether the proposed developrnent is consistent with current developrnent ordinances. This shall be subject to review and approval of the Planning Departrnent. 3c. All mechanical and electrical equipment to be installed on the structure or on the ground shall be adequately screened from public view. The screening shall be considered as an element of the overall design and must blend with the architectural design of the building and/or landscaping, as appropriate. Construction plans for the buildings shall indicate any fixtures or equipment to be located on the roof of the respective structure, equipment types, and design of the screening material. The rnethod of screening shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City Planning Department. Light and Glare Impacts 3d. To ensure that the project's exterior lighting does not spill over onto the adjacent uses, all exterior light fixtures, including street lighting, shall be shielded or directed away frorn adjoining uses, pursuant to all applicable lighting standards and all requirements of the City Municipal and Zoning codes. Page 4 of 32 'l>AKt; rŠ -9<f> >- "" ¡- TT1 - r- '.) C) ORiGiNAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 4. TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION Short-Term (Construction) Impacts 4a. Prior to grading permit issuance, a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) shall be submitted for review and approval to the City of Bakersfield Public Works Department. Such plan shall consist of prior notices, adequate sign posting, and detours (including for pedestrians and bicyclists). The TMP shall specify implementation timing of each plan element (prior notices, sign-posting, detours, etc.) as deterrnined appropriate by the City Engineer. Adequate access to and from adjacent residential areas shall be provided at all times. The TMP shall be reviewed and approved by the City Police and Fire Departments so that construction does not interfere with any ernergency response or evacuation plans. Construction activities shall proceed in a tirnely manner to minimize impacts. 4b. Proper detours and warning signs shall be established to ensure public safety. This includes the use of proper lighting (where appropriate); fencing and shielding; proper storage of equipment and construction supplies; and covering loose piles of soil, silt, clay, sand debris, or other earthen material. Project Trip Generation 4c. Refer to Mitigation Measures 4d. and 4e., below. Cumulative Traffic (2024 Conditions) 4d. Prior to issuance of building permits, the Project Applicant shall comply with the City's Regional Transportation Irnpact Fee Program (RTIF) in accordance with the standard residential, commercial, and industrial per- lot rate. 4e. For impacted intersections subject to fair-share improvernents (refer to Tables 5.5-11 and 5.5-13 in the Environrnental Impact Report for Gosford-Panarna Project), the Project Applicant shall participate in the improvernents required on a pro-rata fair-share basis, as indicated in Table 5.5-16 in the Environmental Impact Report for Gosford-Panarna Project, (Future Intersection Improvements and Loca/ Mitigation). 5. NOISE Short-Term (Construction) Impacts Page 5 of 32 '6M,,'i ¿;, ú "", >- - .... m _ r- '-' (:¡ Qf1:(1!NAl Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 5a. Prior to issuance of grading permits, the contractor shall provide evidence acceptable to the City Planning Departrnent that (1) all construction equipment, fixed or mobile, operated within 1,000 feet of a dwelling unit shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained rnufflers; (2) construction activities shall be limited to the designated daytime hours as specified by the City of Bakersfield (currently 6 AM to 9 PM on weekdays and 8 AM and 9 PM on weekends). No construction is allowed on Federal holidays. These restrictions apply to all trucks, vehicles, and equiprnent that are making or involved with material deliveries, loading or transfer of rnaterials, equipment service, and maintenance of any devices for or within the Project construction site. 5b. During construction, stationary construction equipment shall be placed such that ernitted noise is directed away from noise-sensitive receptors, to the satisfaction of the Building Official. 5c. Prior to approval of the project plans and specifications by the City Planning Departrnent, the construction contractor shall incorporate feasible muffling features into all construction vehicles and equiprnent and into construction rnethods, and shall maintain all construction vehicles and equipment in efficient operating condition. 5d. The Project plans and specifications prior to approval by the City Planning Departrnent, shall stipulate that stockpiling and construction vehicle staging areas shall be located as far away as practical from noise-sensitive receptors during construction activities. On-Site Mobile Source Impacts 5e. A wall shall be constructed along the rear yards of residences adjacent to Progress Road, Gosford Road, Panama Lane, and McCutchen Road. As a condition of approval, a final acoustical analysis shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department to confirm the required location and height of sound walls when a site plan with sufficient detail is available (i.e., site grading, pad heights, lot design, and setbacks). Stationary Source Impacts 5f. Prior to building permit issuance, a site plan shall be submitted to the City Planning Departrnent, that illustrates that stationary noise sources, (including loading dock facilities, rooftop equiprnent and trash compactors) have been placed as far as practicable from residential uses. Page 6 of 32 '< í\AK¿:-9 () t > ~ -'1'\ }- m -- r- o C ORIGINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 5g. Directional speakers shall be shielded and/or oriented away from off-site residences to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department. Existing Industrial Impacts (Off-Site) 5h. As a condition of approval, when a site plan with sufficient detail is available, a final acoustical analysis shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department to confirm that the acoustical barrier to attenuate noise levels from the Vulcan Asphalt Batch Plant has the required height and placernent. 51. As a condition of approval, when a site plan with sufficient detail is available, a final acoustical analysis shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department to confirrn that the acoustical barrier to attenuate noise levels frorn the Golden Empire Concrete Plant has the required height and placement. 5j. Centralized heating/ventilation/air conditioning units (HVAC) shall be installed in second-floor bedrooms that have a direct line-of-sight to off-site industrial activities. The HV AC units should be designed to supply two air changes per hour for each habitable room, with a minimum of 15 cubic feet per minute of outside air per occupant. The fresh air inlet duct shall be of sound-attenuating construction and shall consist of ten feet of straight or curved duct plus one sharp 90-degree bend. Additionally, these affected units shall include double-paned or Sound Transmission Class (STC) rated windows. 5k. Single-story homes shall be located along perirneter walls between residential and nonresidential uses. As a condition of approval, a final acoustical analysis must be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Planning Department to confirm whether additional sound attenuation is necessary. 6. AIR QUALITY Short-Term (Construction) Emissions 6a. To minimize engine exhaust emissions during Project construction, the Applicant shall implement the following measures: . Properly and routinely maintain all construction equipment, as recornmended by manufacturer's manuals, to control exhaust emissions. Page 7 of 32 ~AKt/( ~ ú..:, >- - >- m _ r- Ù <::> ORiG'NAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 · Shut down equipment when not in use for extended periods of time, to reduce exhaust emissions associated with idling engines. · Encourage ride-sharing and use of transit transportation for construction employees cornrnuting to the Project site. · Use electric equiprnent for construction whenever possible in lieu of fossil fuel-fired equipment. · Curtail construction during periods of high arnbient pollutant concentrations; this may include ceasing construction activity during the peak hour of vehicular traffic on adjacent roadways. 6b. Construction of the Project requires the implementation of control measures set forth under Regulation VIII of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJAPCD) Fugitive PMlO Prohibition. The following mitigation measures, in addition to those required under Regulation VIII of the SJVAPCD, shall be implemented to reduce fugitive dust emissions: · Prior to issuance of a grading perrnit, the Applicant shall prepare and submit a dust control plan, which consistent with SJVAPCD Regulation VIII, rnust be reviewed and approved by the SJVAPCD before beginning grading activities. The dust control measures selected shall be incorporated as a note on each grading plan. A six-foot high dust fence shall surround the construction site during prirnary grading activities. · Dust in all disturbed areas, including storage piles, that are not being actively utilized for construction purposes shall be effectively stabilized by applying water; using a chemical stabilizer or suppressant; covering with a tarpaulin or other suitable cover; or establishing a vegetative ground cover. · Dust from all on-site and off-site unpaved access roads shall be effectively stabilized by applying water or using a chemical stabilizer or suppressant. · Fugitive dust emissions during all land clearing, grubbing, scraping, excavation, land leveling, grading, cut-and-fill, and demolition activities shall be effectively controlled by applying water or by presoaking. · When materials are transported off-site, all material shall be covered or effectively wetted to limit visible dust emissions, and at least six inches of freeboard space from the top of the container shall be maintained. Page 8 of 32 '< 'òi\.K~-9 <::> '!:;, >- \'~.: J!! <.:> (J !)R!G!NAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 · All operations shall limit or expeditiously rernove the accumulation of mud or dirt from adjacent public streets at the end of each workday. (The use of dry rotary brushes is expressly prohibited, except where preceded or accornpanied by sufficient wetting to limit the visible dust emissions. Use of blower devices is expressly forbidden), · After adding materials to, or removing materials from, the surface of outdoor storage piles, fugitive dust from said piles shall be effectively stabilized by applying sufficient water or chemical stabilizer or suppressant. · Within urban areas, trackout shall be immediately rernoved whenever it extends 50 or more feet from the site and at the end of each workday. · Any site with 150 or more vehicle trips per day shall prevent carryout and trackout. · Asphalt-concrete paving shall corn ply with SJV APCD Rule 4641 and restrict the use of cutback, slow-cure, and ernulsified asphalt paving materials. · Cease grading activities during periods of high winds (greater than 20 rniles per hour (mph) over a one-hour period). · Lirnit the speed of construction-related vehicles to 15 rnph on all unpaved areas at the construction site. · Implement, carryout, and trackout rnitigation rneasures, such as gravel pads, in accordance with the requirements of the SJVAPCD Regulation VIII. Long-Term (Operational) Impacts 6c. To reduce emissions from rnobile sources, incorporate transportation control measures and design features into the Project. The below-listed control measures provide a strategy to reduce vehicle trips, vehicle use, vehicle,miles traveled, vehicle engine idling, and traffic congestion for the purpose of reducing rnotor vehicle emissions and are therefore required in order to achieve the necessary emission reduction, Page 9 of 32 L, '¢/>.Iíl'"& Ò' '¿¡, >- iñ ~ r; ORIGINAL _ n._.~_._._____.._~_~.__~____ Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 · Throughout the Project, incorporate sidewalks, with adequate safety signage and appropriate lighting. Connect sidewalks to any open space or recreational areas and to nearby transit loading areas and/or shelters. · The Project applicant shall incorporate the following in building plans: · Bicycle racks shall be provided in the proposed comrnercial areas. Location and number shall be shown on the Final Development Plans. · Install electrical outlets and/or natural gas lines in backyards or patios to encourage the use of electric landscaping equipment and natural gas barbecues. No building permit can be issued without compliance with this mitigation measure. · At intersections and on street segments where traffic generated by the proposed developments may irnpact the surrounding local roadway system, improve streets and install traffic signals. · The proposed project shall comply with Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations established by the Energy Commission regarding energy conservation standards. The project applicant shall incorporate the following in building plans, subject to the review and approval of the City: - solar or 10w-NOx emission water heaters shall be used; - central water heating systems shall be used; - double-paned glass shall be used in all exterior windows; - energy-efficient low-sodium parking lot lights shall be used; and - install energy-efficient and automated air conditioners. 6d. To achieve the emissions reductions as described above, mitigation programs such as, but not limited to the following, shall be considered by the subdivider: Public Works Improvement Proiects: Project or projects approved by the City Public Works Departrnent that will result in the reduction of emissions as described above. The improvements for said project must be completed and accepted by the Public Works Department prior to recordation of individual development phases. The project(s) selected shall be one(s) not otherwise funded or constructed with this proposed project. The subdivider is responsible for all costs to determine the emission reductions associated with proposed Public Works project(s). Documentation for public works improvernent project(s) demonstrating rnitigation compliance shall be , 'òMI;~ ~, ú' o -(, Page 1 0 of 32 Ë I" o c::. ORIGiNAL .--.~._.__._._~_. .~._.. -_.~"'.~_.'.- .- .....- -_._..."-~_._---_._--_.._----- Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 submitted to the Planning Director prior to recordation of individual development phases. The types of public works improvement project(s) used for the reduction in emissions may include but are not lirnited to the following types: · Construction of a new warranted signal. · Modification of an existing signalized intersection to add additional left turn storage or dedicated right turn capability. Other Proiects: These are non-public works projects selected by the subdivider that shall result in the reduction of emissions as described above. The subdivider is responsible for all costs to deterrnine the emission reductions associated with the proposed project(s). Proof of mitigation compliance shall be subrnitted to the Planning Director prior to recordation of individual development phases. Proof of compliance may include docurnentation of the number, type and year of cars crushed; location and type of engine modified, photo docurnentation and quantification of emission reduction by the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District or an air quality consultant. The types of project(s) used for the reduction in emissions may include but are not limited to the following types: · Car crushing of older model cars. · Modification to stationary diesel engines, such as those under agricultural use. · Modification of fleet vehicles and/or other rnobile sources. SJVAPCD Mitiaation Fund: Should the SJVAPCD implement an air quality mitigation programr the subdivider, could elect to participate as set forth below. · Mitigation fees ("funds") are based on current market price coupled with available alternative emission reduction opportunities within the City as follows: Current Est. Trade Price Estirnated Retrofit Cost Mitigation fee price Required RaG offset mitigation' = $20,000 per ton = $19,000 per ton = $20,000 per ton = 40,16 tons Page 11 of 32 x ""AKtlj o '-!;,. .;.... -~ ~ m _ r·' o () ORIGiNAl, Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 (see Table 5.7-17 and 5.7-18) Requires NOx offset mitigation* (see Table 5.7-17 and 5.7-18) - Total Retrofit = 40.72 tons = 80.88 tons * Required emissions reduction to reduce project air impacts below significance thresholds (10 tons per year). . A total rnitigation fee of $647,040 will be paid by the current property owner or its assigns. - 80.88 TONS ($20,000/ton) X (40%*) = $647,040 * Estimated percentage of air emissions attributable to new, out of air basin sources relocating to the San Joaquin Valley Air Basin. . The SJVAPCD may use the funds immediately or retain thern to apply to future replacernent, retrofit opportunities, purchase of open space land or other appropriate air quality mitigation measures within the Metropolitan Bakersfield Sphere of Influence. Proof of payrnent shall be provided to the Planning Director prior to the recordation of each phase. Cumulative Impacts 6e. Refer to (Mitigation Measures) Condition Nos. 6c. and 6d., above. 7. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Short-Term (Construction) Impacts 7a. Construction vehicle speed limits shall not exceed 20 mph and shall be posted throughout the site for the duration of construction activities. 7b. During construction, all pipes, culverts or similar structures with a diameter of four inches or greater shall be kept capped to prevent entry of kit fox. If not capped or otherwise covered, the openings shall be inspected twice daily in the morning and evening and prior to burial or closure, to ensure no kit foxes or other wildlife become entrapped or buried in pipes. 7c. Excavations shall be provided with escape ramps or otherwise be covered to prevent entrapment, or the site could otherwise be protected during construction Page 12 of 32 '< 'òÞ-.Kf:-9 C) <!;, >- ~ m ,,,- r- '.J <;:; f1é1IG'NAl Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 through deployment of a wildlife exclusion fence, which would eliminate the possibility of ranging animals from being harrned during construction. Open excavations shall be checked twice daily, in the morning and evening, to preclude loss of wildlife from entrapment. 7d. Provide open culverts during construction to reduce vehicular mortality at fox crossing roads. Special-Status Wildlife 7e. As required by the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP) take avoidance measures for San Joaquin kit fox dens, follow all agency guidelines regarding kit fox tracking and excavation to prevent entrapment of animals in potential dens, 71. Prior to construction, conduct preconstruction surveys for known dens, bat roosts within the water tower, building attics, and nest sites and implement appropriate and/or necessary take avoidance measures for the San Joaquin kit fox and protected bird species in accordance with the MBHCP and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. 7g. Conduct preconstruction surveys prior to disking and/or ground disturbance activities to ensure that no California ground squirrel burrows are present and to prevent potential entraprnent of burrowing owls. Survey the buildings and water tower to ensure that no raptors are nesting at the tirne of demolition. If nests are encountered, use agency-approved buffer zones and avoid nests until the young have fledged. 7h. If any previously unidentified protected species that is not addressed in the MBHCP is found to be present, avoid the species and have it evaluated by a qualified biologist. Notify the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the California Departrnent of Fish and Game (CDFG) any previously unreported protected species. Any take of protected wildlife shall be reported immediately to the CDFG and USFWS. Long-Term Impacts 7i. Lighting shall be shaded or shielded and directed down and away frorn adjacent agricultural areas to rninirnize increased predation of species that may be using the adjacent agricultural fields. Refer to AESTHETICS/LIGHT AND GLARE, No. 3 regarding light spillover and glare rnitigation measures. Page 13 of 32 '< ,¢i>.Kf?> () ~ >- - t-- m _ r- C> () ORiGINAL -- "'--"- ----..-.--.---....-.-"....-. -.--.---.-.....'-.....'. ._.,.,-----,---_._..,-_._...._-_.~- ....-.. Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 7j. All food, garbage, and plastic shall be disposed of in closed containers and regularly removed from the site to minimize attracting ranging kit fox or other animals to the site where they may be harmed. 8. CULTURAL RESOURCES Archaeological Resources 8a. If archaeological resources are discovered during excavation and grading activities on-site, the contractor shall stop all work and the City shall retain a qualified archaeologist, at the owners/developers expense, to evaluate the significance of the finding and appropriate course of action. Salvage operation requirernents pursuant to Section 15064.5 of the CEQA Guidelines shall be followed and the treatment of discovered Native American remains shall comply with State codes and regulations of the Native American Heritage Commission. 8b. If human remains are discovered as a result of the Project during any earth removal or disturbance activities, all activity shall cease irnmediately, the Kern County Coroner's Office must be notified immediately under state law, and a qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor shall be contacted. Should the Coroner determine the human remains to be Native American, the Native American Heritage Commission shall be contacted pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. 9. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES Fire Protection 9a. Future developrnent projects shall be reviewed by the City of Bakersfield and/or County of Kern Fire Departrnents. Specific Departrnent requirements for access, fire flow, hydrants, or other fire and life safety requirements shall be addressed at the subsequent property entitlement phase. 9b. Residential projects shall meet fire-flow requirements in accordance with relevant City building codes, City fire codes, and the requirements of the Kern County Fire Departrnent 9c. Traffic signal pre-emption devices shall be installed on all new traffic signals and a signal pre-ernption transmitter shall be provided by the applicant for the City of Bakersfield Fire Department and Kern County Fire Department. Page 14 of 32 ,,'òAKf.'1 () ú' "- '" I- iii - r- o (:; ORIGiNAL Prior to filing a final tract or parcel map, the developer/owner shall record a covenant for each lot in the subdivision that prohibits the export of groundwater from the subdivision except by the water purveyor that is serving the subdivision. Additionally, the developer/owner shall pay City fees for inspection of installation of water facilities and City Water Availability Fees. Payment of fees shall be made to the City on a pro-rata basis prior to final acceptance and recordation of each phase of the Project, based on the percentage of the gross acreage contained in the particular phase to be accepted and recorded, as compared with the total gross acreage within the entire Project. All water main, service . 't,i',Kí'1 cŠ Ó' '" ñi ,... (.) () OR~r'NAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 9d. Because of the potential increase in construction activity and population and the resulting increase is medical aid calls, an automated external defibrillator (AED) shall be provided by the applicant to the City of Bakersfield and Kern County Fire Departrnent. ge. Refer to TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION, No. 4 for short-term construction mitigation measures. Police Protection 9f. Refer to TRAFFIC AND CIRCULATION, No. 4 for short-term construction mitigation rneasures. Schools 9g. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any residence within the Project area, the applicant shall pay fees to the Lakeside School District in the amount of $91.90 per residential unit and $51.69 per parcel of undeveloped property. Additionally, there are developer school irnpact fees levied at $2.24 per square foot of residential construction and $0.36 per square foot of commercial and industrial development within the boundaries of the District; the current fees the Project Applicant shall pay to the Kern County High School District are 35% of the statutory $2.24 per square foot for single-family detached housing. Parks and Recreation 9h. In accordance with an ordinance of the City of Bakersfield, land rnust be dedicated for park uses by the developer of new residential subdivision projects at a standard of 2,5 acres per 1,000 persons, or the developer rnust pay in-lieu fees of $1 ,275 per residential unit. Water Resources 91. Page 15 of 32 >-- ':: Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 connections, and fire hydrants shall be installed by the developer and dedicated to the City. Plans and specifications for such water mains and appurtenances shall be prepared by and/or approval of plans for installation shall be by the City of Bakersfield. All irnprovements rnust be installed or bonded for prior to the City issuing a letter guaranteeing a water supply. Solid Waste 9j. All construction debris and construction-related debris shall be separated into recyclable and non-recyclable items to the greatest extent possible. All recyclable debris shall be transported to appropriate recycling facilities so as to reduce waste disposed of at County landfills. To the maximum extent possible, recyclable materials and materials consistent with the waste-reducing goals of the City shall be used for all aspects of construction. 10. CITY ATTORNEY CONDITION 10a. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before adrninistrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indernnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party. 11. PUBLIC WORKS CONDITIONS Page 16 of 32 '6A/(~ ¿. '>'& >- ~ f- m - r- 'J t) On:GINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 11 a. Prior to approval of any developrnent plan, irnprovement plan, or application for a lot line adjustrnent, the following shall occur: · Developer shall provide fully executed dedication for Gosford Road and McCutchen Road and Panama Lane to arterial standards and Berkshire Road to collector standards for the full frontage of the area within the GPA request. Dedications shall include sufficient widths for expanded intersections and additional areas for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. Subrnit a current title report with the dedication docurnents. · Developer shall submit a conceptual drainage study to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. No more than 3 sumps rnay be utilized to serve this area; these surnps should be located so that they may be available to serve adjacent areas as they develop. The study shall be approved and any required retention site and necessary easements dedicated to the City. The developer shall form a Planned Drainage Area or provide some other mechanisrn as approved by the City Engineer to ensure the construction of the drainage facilities and the payment of the pro-rata share of the facilities by all of the affected property. · Sewer service must be provided to the GPAlZC area. Subrnit verification to the City Engineer of the existing sewer systern's capability to accept the additional flows to be generated through development under the new land use and zoning. · Developer shall pay median fees for all arterial roads within the boundaries of the GPAlZC area, The payrnent of these fees may be phased to match the construction phasing of the project. 11 b. The entire area covered by this area covered by this General Plan Arnendment shall be included in the Consolidated Maintenance District. The applicant shall pay all fees for inclusion in the Consolidate Maintenance District with subrnittal of any development plan, tentative subdivision rnap, Site Plan Review, or application for a lot line adjustment for any portion of this GPA area. 11 c. The Berkshire Road crossing of the Stine Canal needs to be constructed to serve this area. Developer shall aid in the formation of a Major Road and Thoroughfare District for the construction of the crossing. 11d. Traffic - Local Mitigation: The developer shall pay the proportionate share of the local mitigation rneasures as indicated in Table 5.5-16 of the DEIR (copy on file '< 'òAKI!'"1J o ú' >- ." Page 17 of 32 ':;. J!! 1,:> ~ ORIGiNAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 at City) (SEE next page showing Table5.5-16), percent shares shall be based upon the Caltrans methodology, percentage in parenthesis (%). Prior to developrnent or recordation of any subdivision the project engineer shall prepare, and have approved by the City Engineer, an estirnate and fee schedule for these local mitigation items, where not already accounted for by adjacent development projects. 11 e. Traffic - Regional Transportation Irnpact Fee: The developer shall pay the standard residential, comrnercial and industrial fees as adopted at time of development. For any retail use exceeding the 100,000 SF fixed fee rate lirnit, the fee shall be computed by special study in compliance with City policy. Page 18 of 32 X ~þ.,I<~?, Ç¡ <!;, ;." - -v- m ..¿ 1"- (,),. ö ORIGiNAl Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 04-0057 TABLE 5.5-16 Future Intersection Irnprovements & Local Mitigation Local Mitigation Project % Intersection Total Improvements (Improvements Share or Local Required by 2024 not cove~~d by Mitigation RTIF Gosford Road & Ming Avenue 1WBR, - -- 1.86% 1 NBR (6.33%) Ashe & White Lane 1 EBL, 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 WBL, 2.5% 1 NBL, 1 NBL, (10.35%) 1 SBL 1 SBL Gosford Road & White Lane Revise sianal timina - -- -- - Gosford Road & District Boulevard 1 NBL 1 NBL 12.84% 1 SBL 1 SBL (31.06%) Old River Road & Pacheco Road Install Signal I nstall Signal 1 EBL, 1 EBL, 21.78% 1 WBL, 1 WBL, (22.81%) 1 NBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL 1 SBL Buena Vista Road & Harris Road Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 EBL, 1 WBL 8.31% 1 WBL, (12.33%) 2 NBL, 1 NBT, 2 SBL, 1 SNT Old River Road & Harris Road Install Signal 1 EBL, 22.09% 1 EBL, 1 WBL (22.27%) 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL 2 The methodology for calculating the percent shares shown in Table 5.5-16 and 5.5,17 are discussed in Appendix 15.4, Traffic Study. Page 19 of 32 '< <õAKl"..ç> o <!;, "- - f- m - r- oJ () ORIGiNAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 Local Mitigation Project % Intersection Total Improvements (Improvements Share or Local Required by 2024 not covered by Mitigation RTIF\ Progress Road & Harris Road Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 WBL, Install Signal - 1 15.68% 1 NBL, 1 SBL EBL, 1 WBL, 1 (15.68%) NBL, 1 SBL Ashe Road & Harris Road Install Signal Install Signal 3.38% 16.24%) Allen Road and Panama Lane Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 EBL, 1 NBL 4.26% NBL, 1 SBL (4.26%) Bartow Road & Panama Lane Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 NBL, 1 SBL 7.26% NBL, 1 SBL (7.26°/:) Buena Vista Road & Panama Lane Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 NBT, 1 SBL, 1 SBT -- . -- - Mt. Vista Road & Panama Lane Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 1 NBL, 1 SBL 13.78% WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL 113.78%) Old River Road & Panama Lane install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 WBL, 1 WBT, 1 NBL, 1 NBT, 1 -- - -- - SBL, 1 SBT Progress Road & Panama Lane Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 I nstall Signal - 32.12% WBL, 1 WBT, 1 NBL, 1 SBL 1 NBL, 1 SBL 138.26%) Commercial North Entrance & Install Signal- 1 EBT, 1 WBT Install Signal Panama Lane _2 Gostord Road & Panama Lane Install Signal - 2 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 EBR, 2 WBL, 1 WBT, 2 NBL, 1 -- . -- - NBT, 1 NBR, 1 SBL, 1 SBT Reliance Drive & Panama Lane Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 NBL, 1 SBL 13.65% NBL, 1 SBL (21.84°/:\ Ashe Road & Panama Lane Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 1 SBL, 1 SBT 7.34% EBR, 1 WBL, 1 WBT, 2 NBL, 1 (10.49%) NBT, 1 SBL, 1 SBT Golden Gate Drive & Panama Lane Install Slanal -- . - -- Wible Road & Panama Lane 1 WBL, 1 WBR3, 2 NBL, 1 NBT, 1 1 WBL, 1 WBR3, 1.93% SBL. 1 SBT 2 SBT (5.5%) Gosford Road & Commercial East Install Signal- 1 EBL. 1 EBT, 1 Install Signal- 1 Entrance EBR. 1 WBL, 1 WBT. 2 NBL. 1 NBL .2 NBT, 1 SBL, 1 SBT Old River & Berkshire Road Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 EBL, 1 WBL 7.45% NBL, 1 SBL (7.45%) Progress Road & Berkshire Road Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 Install Signal- 1 28% NBL, 1 SBL EBL, 1 WBL, 1 (28%) NBL, 1 SBL Gosford Road & Berkshire Road Install Signai - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 EBL, 1 WBL 45.65% NBL, 1 SBL, 1 SBT 145.65%) Buena Vista Road & McCutchen Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 1 EBL 7.5% Road NBL, 1 NBT, 1 SBL 18.67%) Page 20 of 32 X 'OAK!'.',) ad' >- ~ ,.. IT - ,... o (', ORiGiNA' . ~~-~'-"-~-'~- Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 04-0057 Local Mitigation Project % Intersection Total Improvements (Improvements not Share or Local Reauired bv 2024 covered bv RTIF) Mitiaation Mt. Vista Drive & McCutchen Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, Install Signal- 1 EBL, 15.17% Road 1 NBL, 1 SBL 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL (15.32%) Old River Road & McCutchen Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 Road SBL - -- - -- Progress Road & McCutchen Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 1 NBL, 1 SBL 35.56% Road SBL (25.76%) Gosford Road & McCutchen Install Signal-1 EBL,1 EBT, 1WBL, 1 Road WBT, 1 WBR, 2 NBL, 1 NBT, 2 SBL, 1 -- - - -- SBT Ashe Road & McCutchen Road Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL -- . - -- Golden Gate Road & Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 1 NBL, 1 SBL 34% McCutchen Road SBL (34%) Stine Road & Hosking Avenue Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL -- - -- . Akers Road & Hoskino Avenue Install Sinnal . -- - -- Wible Road & Hosking Avenue Install Signal- 1 EBT, 1 EBT, 1 WBL, 1 WBT, 1 NBL, 1 SBL -- - -- - SR 99 SB & Hoskina Avenue Install Sinnal - 1 EBT, 1 WBT -- - - -- SR 99 NB & Hoskino Avenue Install Sional -- - -- - Old River Road & McKee Road Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 1 EBL, 1 WBL 8.08% SBL (8.08%) Progress Road & McKee Road Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 Install Signal 1 EBL, 1 11.12% SBL WBL, 1 NBL, 1 SBL (11.12%) Gosford Road & McKee Road Install Signal- 1 EBR, 1 NBL 1 EBR 19.64% (19.64%) Old River Road (North) & Taft Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 EBT, 1 EBR, 1 1 1 HiohwavS WBT, 1 WBR 5.07% Old River Road (South) & Taft 1 NBT, 1 NBR, 1 SBL, 1 SBT4, 1 SBR4 NBT, NBR (11.35%) Hiohwav5 Progress Road & Taft Highway Install Signal - 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 Install Signal - 1 NBL, 1 6.84% SBL SBL (6.84%) Gosford Road & Taft Highway Install Signal- 1 EBT, 1 WBT, 1 NBL, 1 1 EBL, 1 WBL 10.97% SBL (24.45%) Gosford Road & Curnow Road Install Signal- 1 EBL, 1 WBL, 1 NBL, 1 1 EBL 10.8% NBT, 1 SBL {10.8%\ Notes: 1 Striping only. 2 The project will install the signal and language the time of buildout. 3 Utilize current right turn for additional WBT. 4 New lanes are to be on realignment north leg of intersection 5 Currently offset. Realign north intersection to meet south intersection (%) Caltrans Percent Share. 5 NB: North bound; S8: South bound; EB: East bound; WB: West bound; L: Left turn lane; R: Right turn lane. Source: Traffic StudY, Ruettaers & Schuler Civil Ennineers, November 2004. Page 21 of 32 <òl\Kf.<"> ~ '~ ;,.. ~ I- m - r- a () ORIGiNAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 12. PLANNING COMMISSION CONDITIONS 12a. Prior to issuance of the first single family residential building perrnit, the developer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Director that photovoltaic systems will be offered to all single-family homebuyers as an optional feature. 12b. Prior to recordation of final maps, the Public Works Department shall verify that all associated improvement plans specify that all street lights are to be zero cutoff fixtures. 12c. Upon recordation of the first subdivision map, the applicant shall construct to the City of Bakersfield standards as approved by the Public Works Director, curb, gutter and street at the commercial corner of Panarna Lane and Gosford Roads. Upon the recordation of the 200th residential lot, the applicant shall construct to City of Bakersfield standards as approved by the Public Works Director, curb, gutter and streets at the comrnercial corner of McCutchen Road and Gosford Road. 12d. In an attempt to reduce complaints and unwarranted investigations undertaken by any public agency, the following disclosure shall be recorded as part of any transfer of properties within the project site. Your real property is adjacent or in the vicinity of property used for agricultural operations and/or industrial operations, you may be subject to inconveniences or discomforts arising frorn and associated with such operations on any 24-hour basis. Said discomforts may include, but shall not be lirnited to equiprnent noise, odors from manure, fertilizer, and other chernicals, dust and/or smoke. 12e. All commercial zoning on the site shall be C-2 with a PCD (Planned Commercial Development) overlay. 12f. If Progress Road is eliminated, the applicant shall complete Panama Lane, curb, gutter and street from the project boundary west to the railroad tracks. Added Conditions for Vulcan Materials Companv: 13. The developer shall promptly grant to Vulcan Materials Company fee title to a 30- foot wide strip of land along a portion of the northern boundary of the proposed Page 22 of 32 ~AKE~ è:- ú' ~, .:::.- <,.~ >-- m - r- Ù C ()RiGINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 light industrial zone, including along 150 feet of Vulcan's property, as shown on Figure 1 attached hereto. The strip will be used as a private roadway for industrial access for trucks and other vehicles between Progress Road and Vulcan's plant property. If approval of a lot line adjustment, parcel map waiver, or other perrnit is necessary to effectuate this grant, Developer shall promptly process the lot line adjustment, parcel rnap waiver, or other permit and grant Vulcan fee title to the 30-foot wide strip irnmediately upon approval thereof by the City. Prior to the recording of the deed for the strip, Vulcan shall have a temporary easement to use the strip for this same roadway use. Developer acknowledges that Vulcan retains the current access points frorn Panama Lane to its facilities. 14. The developer shall install, as and when warranted, a traffic signal at the intersection of Progress Road and Panama Lane, which traffic signal is specifically identified as a required Local Mitigation in Table 5.5-16 of the Final EIR for the Project. The traffic signal shall be consistent with City of Bakersfield standards as approved by the Public Works Director. The traffic signal shall have, if approved by City, a protected left turn phase for traffic turning onto southbound Progress Road from westbound Panama Lane and a protected left turn phase for traffic turning onto westbound Panama Lane from northbound Progress Road. Whether or not such protected left turn phases are approved or provided, City will permit left turns onto southbound Progress Road from westbound Panama Lane, and City will permit left turns onto westbound Panama Lane from northbound Progress Road. The requirernent to install this traffic signal does not eliminate the requirernent to install or construct any other irnprovernents at or near this intersection called for by the Bakersfield General Plan or other applicable City requirernents, the Project EIR, and/or any other conditions of approval for the Project. 15. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy within the area proposed to be designated as LI and zoned M-1, Developer shall construct a masonry wall, not less than six feet high, on the Project site irnmediately adjacent to the southern perimeter of Vulcan's property (including the 30-foot strip to be granted to Vulcan pursuant to Condition 13 above). Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 16. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy within the area proposed to be designated as HMR and zoned R-2 and/or the area proposed to be designated as MC and zoned C-2, Developer shall construct a rnasonry wall, not less than six feet high, on the Project site along the southern boundaries of the area proposed to be designated as MC and zoned C-2, all as shown on Figure 1 Q,j\K", ~ v _~ '- Page 23 of 32 ,- J '. ORIGINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 attached hereto. The bottom of the wall shall be at grade level of the adjacent residences. Developer, and all future owners of the property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 17. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy within the area proposed to be designated as LMR zoned R-2 (MH overlay) and/or the area proposed to be designated as MC and zoned C-2, Developer shall construct a masonry wall, not less than six feet high, on the Project site along the western boundary of the area proposed to be designated as MC and zoned C-2, all as shown on Figure 1 attached hereto. The bottom of the wall shall be at grade level of the adjacent structures. Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 18. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy within the area proposed to be designated as LMR and zoned R-2 (MH overlay) and/or the area proposed to be designated as LI and zoned M-1, Developer shall construct either a 7-foot high masonry wall atop a 3-foot high earthen berrn or a 10-foot high masonry wall on the Project site along the southern boundary of the area proposed to be designated as LI and zoned M-1, as shown on Figure 1 attached hereto. The bottom of the 3-foot high berm or the 10-foot high wall shall be at grade level of the adjacent residences. Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 19. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy within the area proposed to be designated as MC and zoned C-2, the developer shall install a row of trees adjacent to the masonry wall required by Conditions 16 and 17 above, as shown on Figure 1 attached hereto. At the time of construction of the masonry wall required by Condition 18 above, Developer shall install a row of trees adjacent to such wall as shown on Figure 1 attached hereto. All such trees shall be planted and maintained in accordance with City site development, zoning and/or PCD standards, shall be spaced not more than 20 feet apart, and shall be of a size sufficient to exceed the height of the adjacent wall at full growth. Page 24 of 32 '0;~ r(r:¡, ,<" a 'l~~ >- f' I- f' '2) Ö 0RIGINAL Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 ~ (@¡ . . Î~ ~I ~ ~ ~ '" ~ <:> '" " '" Q. " ~ Q. " ~ tJ " ~ tJ ::¡ ~ ~ " '" êi " ~ ., " :;¡ Iii 1 I , 3;:Z ~1I1I1~K3 " ~~~,,'¿;~-::"""~'''':~:''''~'::'''~''''''~''''''~~'''''~~''''''';~~'.:;'''';:;.~ ~ - ¡ a : ~ ~ I . i1 I ~ <¡1~: y*: !I :~ ! IQ~ 9~~ : CD ~M!i~ : --~ If :~~ I ~ ¡ ~ ~I"~ ~ I I~"( I ~ l.J~ lii ~ I . 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The wall rnay be constructed in sections, provided that each section shall be constructed prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy for any residential unit within the development phase that includes such section of wall. Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 21. All residences constructed in the area proposed to be designated as LMR and zoned R-2 (MH overlay) shall be limited at all times to one story. This area of limitation is further illustrated in Figure 1 attached hereto. 22. The westernmost buildings in the proposed commercial center in the Project adjacent to the eastern boundary of Vulcan's property (a) shall be set back at least 60 feet from the eastern boundary of Vulcan's property, (b) shall be at least 30 feet in height, and (c) shall be designed and constructed so that walls facing Vulcan's property do not include any storefronts, all as shown on Figure 2 attached hereto. 23. Noise levels in residences within the Project site shall be further mitigated through the use of noise-reducing components adequate to reduce noise from nearby heavy industrial sites and operations, including but not limited to dual- paned windows and air conditioning. 24. The developer shall include the following disclosure provision in any grant deed to any grantee of any property within the Project site: Grantee hereunder acknowledges and agrees that the subject property is located in the vicinity of active industrial uses and operations, including the production of concrete, asphalt and other construction rnaterials. Grantee also acknowledges that such operations are associated with potentially objectionable elements, including dust, noise, vibration, bright lights, unattractive visual appearance, hours of operation, and heavy truck traffic on Gosford Road, Panama Lane, McCutchen Road and other roads in the area. Grantee hereby covenants to include this sarne paragraph in any subsequent deed by Grantee of all or any portion of the subject property. <'Òf>..kF (.". Page 26 of 32 >- L- i·; ê- /~, C':9IC~:"A!- Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 , I I IL::-J î: \'7 ~ ~I . . , I I « .( §i t3 · w (f) 8, 8 811 8 I 8 . t Iii I I .1 . .- ;¡:~ ow ~~ ~o >~ ~ Page 27 of 32 II U 8 ~ I . t I I . . II ! l_~ I . ð~ ~2 ~ · t I I · ! I · ë. .~ ::J o m m §i >- . ü w (f) z « ~ ;:) > z o 0 :: ~ aJ w :i! Z ~ «z q N ¡¡j a:: « ~ [¡j ~ ~ ::> o z<!J I- ~iI aJ Ó () a:: « 0 -, u. o (/) « 0 ~ <!J « () ã: ~ 'Sd W<I WII~'. ~DÓ<!/EI/~ lI.p.,....NlN:1IIS~n~:J\I\S~.....~U...UI '''''''10 - Z6l.0\HII2\~ >- , o c:' nRI(:'~·!f:,!_. Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 25. Conditions 13-24 above (a) shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of or substitution for, any other condition of approval or mitigation measure; (b) shall govern over any conflicting provision of any other condition of approval or mitigation rneasure; and (c) shall not be amended, modified or waived without at least one duly noticed public hearing by the City Council, and notice of such hearing shall include prior mailed notice to all owners or operators of all adjacent industrial properties. Nothing in Conditions 13-24 above or any other condition of approval or mitigation measure shall be deemed to confer any jurisdiction of the City over any such industrial properties prior to any annexation thereof. Added Conditions for Golden Ernpire Concrete: 26. Promptly upon annexation of the Project site into the City, subject to approval by City and County, to the extent such approval is required, Developer shall cause a three-way stop sign to be installed at the intersection of Gosford Road and McCutchen Road. 27. Upon recordation of the final rnap containing the 200th residential lot in the Project, Developer shall install a traffic signal at the intersection of Gosford Road and McCutchen Road. Developer acknowledges that Golden Empire Concrete retains the current access points from McCutchen Road and Gosford Road to its facility. 28. The median design along McCutchen Road, in the vicinity of the Gosford Road intersection, shall accommodate existing industrial and future commercial center development according to City standards, in consultation with the owners of the adjacent industrial properties and other adjacent property owners. 29. The commercial area in the southeast corner of the Project site proposed to be designated as GC and zoned as C-2/PCD shall be modified so that the area is 772.50 feet wide (east to west) and 515 feet in length (north to south), as shown on Figure 6 attached hereto, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 30. Developer shall install a stormwater collection sump in the southeast corner of the area proposed to be designated as LR and zoned as R-1 located west of the comrnercial area referenced in Condition 29, as shown on Figure 5 attached hereto. (; ,\ h- r· .ç ",) 'd ~ (~..... >- ~. r Page 28 of 32 o r C'.C?!C'fl,!, _~ ,=:=~~=-~-~L-=-~._'~_.~~~ I.~.~::~~. avo,a,a"ooò"'" "'~ I ." -------- ~ê- :~:=:~=~~I~A~,:'l-- ~~ aT1IJSN3)I'f~/) .01:1 L_-I ' I ~ ' .' If) IIILL-- ~ NO ' ~Z g I c::~ I! I _ o (J"O I! 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W en a: 0 CD -< . \') o " -- ô Cq¡,~· :\il,' J.~'fONflO8.1l'f~ a13I.:JSN3)IV(J $0 J... O~SlX3 -:.:-=-=-~=---=--=--=-~-=--=-;-Õ! O~~OÐ~~~ --T'~?;~"':"~~- ---------- =:=::.,-=~~ il ~A:-';'l-- ... (J'J3U$IJ3)('fÐ.JO).lt:) I . ¿ (I "-î I .' ~ g~~w I j 1 ~ ~I · u,,~, I ~ ~ß~: Ii: t i oV>O:::o I 'I . Q.ou~ I oQ.<Ctn 'I 0:::0 X Q.o:::'Vw , a.q I o I ¡ \ ~--------------- '~T! "11 i i ~ L . ~~ ,,< t- ----------- ~ ~ æ13 !ì "i'; f.' < ,'. « ~! ,é! I~ ! g¡ , I' :g ¡ i ¡¡i i '~ i , I'~ i I ffi, I : i : i : i : :~ ! ~ ! i! ~ ! ~ !:! !~\il ~ ,,' i ' i ,,' ¡ III ~ I ~ III ¡ I ~ ~ : ¡ "S S I ¡ ; , \ ,~ ¡ : I <0 1 ' " " I I i l ¡ ,~i ~ _______~____~~O~S~3~Ð~~_~. I! .l!~~__.___._._._._._._._._. :~_.~ ~~~:~~~~~~~~Httt~~~. ~ ¡ ________________________qy_~~_~§~O~______~___J : , I I ¡ , : , --.....-- '~J 7· (@ ¡: i~ 1 ii: . , ~~ .< í~ ~. o· ~~ ~ Page 30 of 32 < u < · · ~ ~ ~ ., " . ;~ ~ffi >. .~ ~u ~.... ;..~ ~ · ~ · o ~ ~ . :J B z . · .-..~~ ! ~_._~ Oi_, . · ~ ~ J! ~ . ó . j¡ j¡ " ""- · 8- .~ ð . ó . « <i: z o 13 w (/J -' « u ã:-' UJ« :::2: ~ '" :::2: a.. w O - U~ ::; CI a.. (!) ~ ù5 ¡¡: Za: W« !;< w \f:~) 'en '.~ ~ ~. '~ -'RI."'i,IJ:.,L Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 31. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy of any residence within 800 feet of the centerline of McCutchen Road, Developer shall install landscaping within an additional setback strip at least 10 feet wide adjacent to the northern side of the ultimate McCutchen Road right-of-way, as shown on Figure 5 attached hereto. Developer shall further install appropriate irrigation systems for all such landscaping. Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such landscaping and irrigation systems have been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such landscaping and irrigation systems in good condition and repair. 32. Prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy of any residence within 800 feet of the centerline of McCutchen Road, Developer shall construct either a 7-foot high masonry wall atop a 3-foot high earthen berm or a 10-foot high masonry wall on the Project site along the northern and western boundary of the commercial center referenced in Condition 29, and on the northern portion of the 10-foot setback provided pursuant to Condition 31, all as shown on Figure 5 attached hereto. The bottom of the 3-foot high berm or the bottom of the 10-foot high wall shall be at grade level of the adjacent residences. The Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall and/or berm has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall and/or berm in good condition and repair. 33. Except as otherwise provided in Conditions 31 and 32 above, Developer shall construct a masonry wall, which shall be at least 6 feet high in all locations, on the Project site along the perimeter of the proposed residential area. The wall may be constructed in sections, provided that each section shall be constructed prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy for any residential unit within the phase that includes such section of wall. Developer, and all future owners of property(ies) where such wall has been installed, shall be responsible for maintaining such wall in good condition and repair. 34. All residences constructed in the area marked "single story homes" on Figure 5 attached hereto shall be limited at all times to one story. 35. In the event Golden Empire Concrete elects to install any sound rnuffling on or around any equipment or facilities on its plant site, Developer shall promptly reimburse Golden Empire Concrete for up to $20,000 of the costs incurred therefor. 36. Noise levels in residences within the Project site shall be further mitigated through the use of noise-reducing components adequate to reduce noise from nearby heavy industrial sites and operations, including but not limited to dual- paned windows and air conditioning. '\ '\ ,("" c' Page 31 of 32 .- j-- 'õ c) r'\(.ll'~ III!;" \.J; ._. -,'.- Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 37. The developer shall include the following disclosure provision in any grant deed to any grantee of any property within the Project site: Grantee hereunder acknowledges and agrees that the subject property is located in the vicinity of active industrial uses and operations, including the production of concrete, asphalt and other construction materials. Grantee also acknowledges that such operations are associated with potentially objectionable elements, including dust, noise, vibration, bright lights, unattractive visual appearance, hours of operation, and heavy truck traffic on Gosford Road, Panama Lane, McCutchen Road and other roads in the area. Grantee hereby covenants to include this same paragraph in any subsequent deed by Grantee of all or any portion of the subject property. 38. Conditions 26-37 above (a) shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of or substitution for, any other condition of approval or mitigation measure; (b) shall govern over any conflicting provision of any other condition of approval or mitigation measure; and (c) shall not be amended, modified or waived without at least one duly noticed public hearing by the City Council, and notice of such hearing shall include prior mailed notice to all owners or operators of all adjacent industrial properties. Nothing in Conditions 26-37 above or any other condition of approval or mitigation measure shall be deemed to confer any jurisdiction of the City over any such industrial properties prior to any annexation thereof. MO:djl S:IGPA 2nd 2005104-0057 Panama-Gosford EIRIEnv DoclExh C ,doc " ,?,A/(t.e, o Page 32 of 32 > ~:- '..:_~!~"~ ',t :-- Exhibit "B" Mitigation/Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 04-0057 37. The developer shall include the following disclosure provision in any grant deed to any grantee of any property within the Project site: Grantee hereunder acknowledges and agrees that the subject property is located in the vicinity of active industrial uses and operations, including the production of concrete, asphalt and other construction materials. Grantee also acknowledges that such operations are associated with potentially objectionable elements, including dust, noise, vibration, bright lights, unattractive visual appearance, hours of operation, and heavy truck traffic on Gosford Road, Panama Lane, McCutchen Road and other roads in the area. Grantee hereby covenants to include this same paragraph in any subsequent deed by Grantee of all or any portion of the subject property. 38. Conditions 26-37 above (a) shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of or substitution for, any other condition of approval or rnitigation measure; (b) shall govern over any conflicting provision of any other condition of approval or mitigation measure; and (c) shall not be amended, modified or waived without at least one duly noticed public hearing by the City Council, and notice of such hearing shall include prior mailed notice to all owners or operators of all adjacent industrial properties. Nothing in Conditions 26-37 above or any other condition of approval or mitigation rneasure shall be deemed to confer any jurisdiction of the City over any such industrial properties prior to any annexation thereof. MO:djl S:\GPA 2nd 2005\04-0057 Panama-Gosford EIRIEnv DoclExh C .doc Page 32 of 32 X 'òAK<O-9 () ó' ;:..., ·"n I- m '0 t- OR~r'NAJÖ EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication for Gov. Code Section 51282 '< 'òÄK(-» () <!;, ;>. - I- m - r- Q c> OR:G!N.\t EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication For Gov. Code Section 51282 Government Code 51282. (a) The landowner may petition the board or council for cancellation of any contract as to all or any part of the subject land. The board or council may grant tentative appro va/ for cancellation of a contract only if it makes one of the following findings: (1) That the cancellation is consistent with the purposes ofthis chapter; or (2) That cancellation is in the public interest. (b) For purposes of paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) cancellation of a contract shall be consistent with the purposes of this chapter only if the board or council makes all of the following findings: (1) The cancellation is for land on which a notice of nonrenewa/ has been served pursuant to Section 51245. · A notice of non renewal was filed for the affected parcels with the Kern County Clerk's Office in 2000 in accordance with Government Code Section 51245. · Public notice of the hearing for tentative cancellation was published in a paper of general circulation on August 8, 2005. · Notice of nonrenewal and tentative cancellation was sent to all contracted parcel landowners within 1 mile of the project area on August 8, 2005, and to the Director of Conservation on August 8, 2005. · The County Assessor's office has published the fair market value of the property under cancellation and has noticed the landowner and the Director of Conservation. (2) The cancellation is not likely to remove adjacent lands from agricultura/ use. · The forecast growth in the Metropolitan Bakersfield area is anticipated to occur at the urban fringes of the City. Development pressure in the southwestern quadrant of the city has increased substantially. The vast majority of land surrounding the project is already either developed, being developed, or has plans for development. Therefore, the cancellation of the site's Williamson Act contract is not anticipated to contribute to development pressure. Development pressure in the project area, rather, is linked to population growth, economic development, and other needs of a growing community. As such, the requested cancellation is considered a result of natural growth conditions and part of an already expandin~ I6ME'ÝtJ> J '" ;.. f- m ..- r- o b OR:C:NAl EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication incorporated area, and is, therefore, not anticipated to be the cause of or contribute to new development pressure on adjacent agricultural lands. The growth management policies contained in the Metropolitan Bakersfie/d Genera/ Plan (MBGP) are designed to guide and direct growth to its most appropriate location, keeping growth near existing developrnent. Such a growth plan is facilitated by the determination of a City's Sphere of Influence (SOl) line. In such that the project is located within this SOl line, the project is located within appropriate development areas as indicated in the MBGP. (3) That cancellation is for an alternative use which is consistent with the applicable provisions of the city or county genera/ plan. . According to the MBGP, "As a general rule, the sphere of influence boundaries were utilized to help define the boundaries of planned urban growth." The MBGP further states that its policies are to "accommodate new development which channels land uses in a phased, orderly manner and is coordinated with the provision of infrastructure and public improvements; locate new development where infrastructure is available or can be expanded to serve the proposed development; and provide for an orderly outward expansion of new "urban" development (...) so that it maintains continuity of existing development, [and] allows for the incremental expansion of infrastructure and public services..." The project in question satisfies all such policies and goals of the general plan in that it is contiguous to current urban development, is located within the city's SOl, and abuts existing infrastructure and public services. Beyond meeting these General Plan policies and goals the project is requesting a zone change and general plan amendment (GPA), such that subsequent land uses will then be completely consistent with MBGP. (4) That cancellation will not result in discontiguous patterns of urban development. . The general plan provides policies that promote compact growth, avoid allowing development to leap-frog over parcels of land, and promote concentric growth. The project site is situated directly adjacent to urban developrnent. Further, new residential and cornmercial developrnents are proposed or underway surrounding the project area. Leaving the current property in agricultural production would create a "rural island" within an urban area causing leap-frog development, discontiguous development, and possible incompatible land uses. Therefore, it is not believed that the proposed project would result in discontinuous development patterns. (5) That there is no proximate non-contracted land which is both availab/e and suitable for the use to which it is proposed the contracted land be put, or, that . '("\1\(>",, cY <l(p >-- ~ ~ m --; r- ',°2 <::> '-mi"'NAL -- Gosford-Panama Annexation GPNZC No. 04-0057 - ----------- EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication development of the contracted land would provide more contiguous patterns of urban development than development of proximate non-contracted land. . Alternative sites were considered, based on the following criteria: · Land use of the proposed site. · Land must not be under Williamson Act contract. · Land must be available for residential and commercial development. · Land must be suitable for residential and commercial developrnent. · Site must be over 200 acres, but preferably larger to provide the range of uses designated for the property. · An alternative site rnust be within the current SOl boundary line; parcels outside the line would not be suitable because development there would violate the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and prematurely convert agricultural land. · An alternative site must be in the southwestern quadrant of the city. . Three alternative sites, subject to the above criteria, were considered in the EIR completed for this project. Sites one (1) and three (3) were all under tentative tract status and, therefore, unavailable for development. Alternative site two (2), located directly east of the project site, was determined to be unsuitable due to correspondence between the City and the landowner, such that the landowner indicated, that the site was to be developed at a future date and was unavailable for the proposed project. Therefore, due to the lack of any remaining "practical" development sites, the current project site was deemed "suitable" and "contiguous." As used in this subdivision "proximate, noncontracted land" means land not restricted by contract pursuant to this chapter, which is sufficiently close to land which is so restricted that it can serve as a practical alternative for the use which is proposed for the restricted land. As used in this subdivision, "suitab/e" for the proposed use means that the salient features of the proposed use can be served by land not restricted by contract pursuant to this chapter. Such nonrestricted land may be a single parcel or may be a combination of contiguous or discontiguous parcels. (c) For purposes of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) cancellation of a contract shall be in the public interest only if the council or board makes the following findings: (1) That other public concerns substantially outweigh the objectives of this chapter; ---------- '< 'ò~K€,-^ <) , 'ir .",- ~\ - m - r- ) () :Þ'S'NAL . ---- Gos[ord-Panama Annexation GPNZC No. 04-0057 ----------- EXHIBIT "Cn Statement Indication · Recognizing that Bakersfield is the county seat of one of the most productive agricultural counties in the nation, there is no argument that the public as a whole has an interest in the maintenance and preservation of agricultural land. Bakersfield's economy is and will continue to be tied to agriculture. The question then is whether there are other concerns regarding the cancellation request that substantially outweigh the concern over protection of agricultural land. As previously mentioned above, the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan seeks to protect agricultural land; however, the General Plan recognizes that the city will continue to grow at a strong pace. · To balance these two interests, the General Plan contains objectives and policies that support a growth pattern that is efficient, orderly, contiguous, and peripheral. These policies, when implemented through the careful placement of urban boundaries (i.e. SOl), provide land inside the boundary for growth while protecting land outside the boundary from premature conversion to urban uses. In this instance, the property is within the SOl and is surrounded by developing or soon to be developed land. The development of this parcel will contribute to a contiguous, orderly development pattern. · Further, since the property is located within or adjacent to existing road, sewer, water, and gas infrastructure, and will be required to provide for any public service/infrastructure upgrades, it is in the public interest (and much more efficient) to develop this property because the burden on the tax-payer will be less than similar parcels not located near such existing infrastructure/services. · Moreover, if the subject parcel were to remain in its agricultural status an island effect would be created such that incompatible uses (agriculture vs. residential) would be located adjacent to each other creating public nuisance/right-to-farm disputes and could significantly restrict the agricultural activities carried out on the parcel and hence its productivity. · Finally, the project will contain residential areas ranging from single-family homes to multi-farnily homes to mobile homes, therefore, providing for a range of housing types as well as affordable housing; an ever growing need in such a rapidly growing city. The fact that this needed affordable housing will be located near commercial, retail, and industrial areas planned for the project area will only enhance the project's viability for lower income households who rely on easily accessible jobs and services. (2) That there is no proximate non-contracted land which is both available and suitable for the use to which it is proposed the contracted land be put, or, that development of the contracted land would provide more contiguous patterns of urban development than development of proximate non-contracted land. -~- ~ 'ò1lk.¿::-9 ., ~ m t- '- () " '¡r-~\!AL 4 Gos[ord-Panama Annexation GPNZC No. 04-0057 "_.-.---..,...-_......_~_..._---._-_._.._--_._.,-_.." ---. EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication . Alternative sites were considered, based on the following criteria: · Land use of the proposed site · Land must not be under Williamson Act contract · Land must be available for residential and commercial development. · Land must be suitable for residential and commercial development · Site must be over 200 acres, but preferably larger to provide the range of uses designated for the property. · An alternative site must be within the current SOl boundary line; parcels outside the line would not be suitable because development there would violate the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan and prematurely convert agricultural land. · An alternative site must be in the southwestern quadrant of the city . Three alternative sites, subject to the above criteria, were considered in the EIR completed for this project. Sites one (1) and three (3) were all under tentative tract status and, therefore, unavailable for procurement or developrnent. Alternative site two (2), located directly east of the project site, was determined to be unsuitable due to correspondence between the City and the landowner, such that the landowner indicated that the site was to be developed at a future date and was unavailable for procurement. Therefore, due to the lack of any remaining "practical" developrnent sites, the current project site was deemed most "suitable" and "contiguous." As used in this subdivision, "suitable" for the proposed use means that the salient features of the proposed use can be served by land not restricted by contract pursuant to this chapter. Such nonrestricted land may be a single parcel or may be a combination of contiguous or discontiguous parcels. (d) For purposes of subdivision (a), the uneconomic character of an existing agricultural use shall not by itself be sufficient reason for cancellation of the contract. The uneconomic character of the existing use may be considered only if there is not other reasonable or comparable agricultura/ use to which the land may be put. (e) The landowner's petition shall be accompanied by a proposal for a specified alternative use of the land. The proposal for the alternative use shall list those governmental agencies known by the landowner to have permit authority related to the proposed alternative use, and the provisions and requirements of Sections 51283.4 shall be fully applicab/e thereto. The level of specificity required in a -- Gosford-Panama Annexation GPAlZC No. 04-0057 .....---..--- ,,'òf>./(f'"1> :)" ó' -r\ _ m ., r-- <:> Îr:ì'(~"NAL 5 EX,HIBIT "C" Statement Indication proposal for a specified alternative use shall be determined by the council as that necessary to permit them to make the findings required. Alternative Use Description The alternative use would require a General Plan Amendment (GPA), a zone change, annexation of approximately 300 acres of unincorporated Kern County into the City of Bakersfield corporate limits, and a circulation element amendment. The annexation, GPA, and zoning change would permit development of residential areas, including mobile home sites, a regional retail site and neighborhood retail, and related industrial service uses. See the tables below for use and zoning breakdowns. Further, the circulation element would include the elimination of Progress Road between Panama Lane and McCutcheon Road as a collector roadway and reclassification as a local street. Existing and Proposed Land Use and Zoning Existing Proposed Existing Zone Proposed Zone Land Use Land Use Desianation Desianation Gross Acreaae R-1A MC A C-2 57.28 R-1A GC A C-2 10.00 R-1A LR A R-1 147.55 R-1A HMR A R-2 36.02 R-1A LI A M-1 19,98 R-1A LMR A R-2 MH 28.81 Total Acreaqe 299.64 Use Specifications Proposed Use Specifications Reqional Retail 588,00 square feet Neighborhood 65,000 square feet Commercial Residential Dwelling 1,350 units Units Light Industrial 20 acres Retail 55 acres Source: City of Bakersfield Construction would occur in several phases, depending on market demand, with anticipated completion to occur in either late 2009 or early 2010. 'ÒAX¿;: 1'<1' ~ ." ::: ñï J ,.... ,,-,p'r'^"LI:> 6 .,M Oos[ord-Panama Annexation OP A/ZC No. 04-0057 EXHIBIT "C" Statement Indication Permit Authority Aaency List The City of Bakersfield is the Lead Agency and has discretionary authority over the alternative use proposal. Upon cornpletion of the environmental review process and prior to construction, the proposed use would be reviewed through standard City plan check procedures to verify that the project conforms to all applicable City design criteria. For implementation, sorne or all of the following permit and approvals would need to be obtained: City of Bakersfield: General Plan Amendment, Circulation Elernent Amendment, Zone Change, Site Plan Review and Approval, Grading Plan Approval, Street Encroachment Permit. County of Kern: Kern County Local Agency Formation Cornmission (LAFCO) Other Agencies: Kern Delta Water District - Applicable Regulations Coordination with the following adjacent jurisdictions, agencies, and utility companies would be required: -Air Pollution Control District Permits -Kern County Water Agency (KCWA) (f) In approving a cancellation pursuant to this section, the board or council shall not be required to make any findings other than or in addition to those expressly set forth in this section, and, where applicab/e, in Section 21080 of the Public Resources Code. S:\GPA 2nd 2005\04-0057 Panama-Gosford EIR\Resolutions\Statemt Indicatn-WA cancel 1.doc . --- --, -_. ---_. .-. _..._--- ----,--~----._-~-~- ,.--.. '--"'-~~-~~ Gosford-Panama Annexation GPNZC No. 04-0057 '¢ÄK,t", J 'l(p >- ê2 I- m _ r- l' OR!GINAf'