HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 15, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION
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Regular Meeting - September 15, 2005 — 5:30 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue
Present: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
Absent: None
Advisory Members: Robert Sherfy, James D. Movius, Marian Shaw, Janice Horcasitas
Staff: Marc Gauthier, Pam Townsend
4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items - None
4.2 Public Hearing Items
4.2a&b Approval of GPA/ZC 05-0417 (Marino Associates) (Ward 1)
4.2c,d&e) Approval of GPA/ZC/Williamson Act Cancellation 05-0476 (The Lusich
Company) (Ward 5)
4.2f&g) Approval of GPA/ZC 05-0743 (Marino Associates) (Ward 5)
4.2h&i) Approval of GPA/ZC 05-0943 (McIntosh and Associates) (Ward 5)
4.2j) Approval of GPA 05-0976 (City of Bakersfield) (Ward 3)
Public hearing is opened.
Gordon Nipp stated that he would like the following consent items removed: 4.2(c), 4.2(d), 4.2(e), 4.2(f),
4.2(g), 4.2(h), and 4.2(i)
Commissioner Tragish stated that he would like to remove consent items 4.2(a) and 4.2(b).
Commissioner Blockley moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to approve consent item 4.20).
Motion carried by group vote.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 2
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS — GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS / Land Use Element Amendments / Zone
Changes/Circulation Element Amendments/Williamson Act Land Use Cancellation, Specific Plan
Line Adoption:
5.1a&b) GPA/ZC 04-1765 (SmithTech USA, Inc) (Ward 6)
Public hearing opened. Staff report given.
Chairperson Lomas noted that Commissioner Tkac arrived at the hearing.
No one spoke in opposition to Staff's recommendation.
Anthony Jaquez with SmithTech USA stated they are in agreement with staff's recommendation.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Tkac stated that he listened to the recorded Monday meeting.
Commissioner Tragish inquired if it is inappropriate to have an M-1 zoning on this corner given the fact that it is so
expansive over and beyond what is usually found in a Commercial Office through C-2, especially since it is
surrounded by R-1 and that Ridgeview High School is not too far away. Staff responded that M-1 is appropriate in
this circumstance, as on the west side is the sewer farm, and the north side would be a commercial development,
and the east side on the short edge there is a single family subdivision. Staff indicated that M-1 is considered in
the GP and in zoning to be compatible adjacent to single family residential units. However, they do have to buffer
when they come in for site plan review adjacent to the single family with a wall and landscaping along the edge.
Commissioner Tragish inquired why the applicant needs a M-1 instead of a C-1.
Bob Smith with Smith Tech USA stated that because of the sewer plant, Public Works does not want any
residential so there is going to be a lot of commercial in that area. Furthermore, you can only have so much
commercial so you want to mix it up with something else. Applicant stated they were thinking of mini storage or
something like that on the light industrial.
Commissioner Tragish inquired if they can put a mini storage in through C-1 PCD, to which Staff responded that
the applicant would need a Conditional Use Permit.
Commissioner Tragish stated his concern that if a mini storage is not put in then it is open to put anything else the
applicant wants to put in. Commissioner Tragish questioned a Conditional Use Permit and inquired if they can put
anything on the M-1 that is comparable to a PCD. Staff indicated that there is no PCD overlay zone for a M-1
use. Commissioner Tragish stated that he thinks it is a very liberal zoning for this piece of property, and that if
commercial is to go in there to be consistent he does not see the problem with making it a C-1 PCD.
Commissioner Lomas inquired about the reference to this project being a PCD, to which Staff responded it is the
motion. Commissioner Lomas further inquired if the usages under M-1 are inside uses. Staff indicated that all the
potential uses are not confined to within a building. Commissioner Lomas stated her concern of impacts on the
neighbors. Staff gave some options. The applicant stated that there is another 40 acres to the south of the
sewer plant that is also requesting commercial, and another 40 acres to the north, that according to the setback
map from the sewer treatment plant all need to go commercial or light industrial. Applicant stated that they are
willing to go with a C-1 PCD, but pointed out that there is a bigger problem with the other 60 to 80 acres that is
going to be commercial or light industrial in that area and he does not know whether that's good planning or not.
Commissioner Lomas inquired about the property to the south referred to by the applicant. Applicant responded
that they have made applicant for that to be residential, but it is their understanding that Public Works wants
commercial or light industrial there. Staff indicated that it is a '/ mile from the round digesters and the fields are
not included in the photo, so there is a possibility that you could have some residential there. Public Works'
recollection is that it takes the corner for that'/ mile, and therefore it may end up coming down, but a lot could still
be developed as residential.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 3
Commissioner Tragish inquired about the referenced commercial to the north of this property. Staff indicated that
they have not seen the applicant, but that this corner seems like a logical area for a possible future commercial or
other than residential use between the gas line and the corner.
Commercial Tragish stated that it sounds like the applicant is asking for this not to be approved as there is going
to be an overload of commercial in this quarter. He further pointed out that he can only deal with what's in front of
him. Commissioner Tragish indicated that it seems to support not approving all of it or some of it if you're going to
have the parcel north which looks appropriate for some type of commercial, or even light industrial.
Commissioner Blockley inquired about the scheduled expansion of the sewer treatment plant, and if the
expansion will expand the zone of that '/ mile area that is restricted. Staff responded that she has not seen any
plans and therefore cannot answer this question. Commissioner Blockley stated that he tends to agree with Staff
that the M-1 is compatible with the R-1 since it doesn't cause fumes, odors, dust, smoke, gas, noise or vibration.
Commissioner Lomas inquired about the particulars to the setbacks in Riverlakes. Staff responded that his
recollection was that it was 8'wall, 8' landscaping, and a 40' setback for structures.
Commissioner Lomas inquired of the applicant if a mini storage is built if it is a doable condition to have 40'
setback on those buildings. Applicant responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Lomas stated that she would
be comfortable with the 40' setbacks since that would take care of the parcel to the west. Staff confirmed that
there is nothing ahead of this on the parcel to the south. Commissioner Lomas stated that with the conditions
applied to the east, she could support this project.
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving the modification to the requested General Plan Amendment to change the
land use designation from R-1A (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to GC (General Commercial) on approximately
27.81 acres of LI (Light Industrial) on 15 acres as shown on Exhibit B-2, attached to the draft Resolution and
subject to conditions found in Exhibit B-1, including the staff memo from James Movius to the Planning
Commissioner dated September 15, 2005 with the additional condition that as to the M-1 (Light Manufacturing)
area that there be a 40' setback from the eastern property line, and that there be an 8' block wall, with an 8'
landscaping strip, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving the modification to the requested zone change from A (Agriculture) to
C-1 PCD (Limited Commercial/Planned Commercial Development) on approximately 27.81 acres, and M-1 (Light
Manufacturing) on 15 acres as shown on Exhibit B-2 attached to the draft Resolution and subject to conditions
found in Exhibit B-1, including the staff memo from James Movius to the Planning Commissioner dated
September 15, 2005 with the additional condition that as to the M-1 (Light Manufacturing) area that there be a 40'
setback from the eastern property line, and that there be an 8' block wall, with an 8' landscaping strip, and
recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 4
5.2a&b) General Plan Amendment/ZC 05-0412 (South Enterprise Zone) (Ward 1)
Staff report given. The public hearing was opened. No one spoke in opposition to Staff's recommendation. Jerry
Hendricks, representing the owners of the property, pointed out that this area has been zoned industrial for 0-20
years, and there currently is no heavy industrial uses anywhere in this area, and that the chances of the use of
this property for that type is very slim. He indicated that rezoning the property that remains in the fly zone to M-1
is a more appropriate zoning for that property. He indicated that the property to the north would be amenable to
residential with appropriate buffers. Mr. Hendricks indicated that changing and eliminating the most northerly lot
and putting a half street would be an additional buffer for the M zoning. He stated that this is being done as an
R-2 development where they're developing 4500 sq. ft. lots because they feel that affordable housing is needed in
this area, and by providing the smaller lots, the cost of theses houses can be kept down. He indicated that they
would put in a greenbelt landscaping strip between the curb and the sidewalk, and putting in a 24" box tree for
each lot to help make the area attractive. He further indicated that since Cottonwood and Pacheco are major and
secondary highway that there will be a block walls along these areas. Mr. Hendricks further indicated that they
have proposed putting a block wall between the residential and the industrial property.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Johnson stated that he spoke with the applicant, and after their discussion he thought it was great
that the applicant was looking at east Bakersfield for development and balancing out the growth. Commissioner
Johnson stated that the M-3 so close to the residential may not be appropriate, however, given the mitigation of a
140 depth setback, and 8'walls, he is inclined to support this project.
Commissioner Lomas inquired about the referenced 140' depth setback. It was indicated that the 140' depth
setback was the rear setback and not a side yard setback, as the side yard is 100'. Commissioner Lomas
indicated that they still have lot 34 to deal with. Staff indicated that the actual subdivision is not before the
Commission. Staff indicated that Mr. Hendricks indicated that he would put a half width street to provide a
setback on that side.
Commissioner Lomas inquired that if they put a half width street, if it would eliminate Black Hawk Drive. Mr.
Hendricks indicated that they would be taking out lot 34 essentially, and where the cul-de-sac is to the north they
would be bringing a half street in on the north boundary. Commissioner Lomas inquired if there would then be
two access points, to which Mr. Hendricks responded in the affirmative.
Commissioner Lomas inquired if it would be possible to reconfigure the sump to serve as a buffer along the whole
northern boundary. Mr. Hendricks indicated that the street would be useful to help with the circulation.
Commissioner Lomas inquired if there is a restriction on how deep the sump would have to be. Mr. Hendricks
indicated that if they wanted to leave it just for the width of that one lot it can be done as a sump and hold the cul-
de-sac back to the south. Commissioner Lomas indicated if they put a sump in if it could be done without losing
one lot. Mr. Hendricks indicated that they have one lot that's up against the north boundary, and the idea was to
get a buffer to the industrial to the north. He indicated that no matter what they put there for a buffer that lot would
have to go, and that it is not a real heavy sacrifice for the project. Commissioner Lomas further commented that
if a sump was used and the property reconfigured that he could gain a lot to the west. Mr. Hendricks stated he
does not think that they can, because they are small lots.
Commissioner Tkac, inquired about Mr. Hendrick's proposed provisions for oversizing landscape. Mr. Hendricks
stated that as a way to make this area more attractive, they are proposing to move the sidewalk back off the curb
and put a landscape strip, along with a 24" box tree for each lot. Commissioner Tkac indicated that this is a good
balance for this area.
Commissioner Blockley stated that he has spoken with the applicant, and that his comments are directed to
application to some of the conditions regarding setbacks, and the sketch showing one version of the subdivision.
He stated that his concern is that any number of the lots on the sketch perhaps would or wouldn't comply with the
conditions, and that if the intent is to provide some sort of dimensional setback there is the radius corner at a
funny angle, and lots which are sort of north and south adjacent, and Commissioner Blockley asked for
clarification from Staff as to whether the restrictions are sufficient to deal with the strange geometry. Staff
responded that they feel that the conditions can be dealt with, but have no idea how it would effect the lot lay out
on this subdivision. Staff indicate that there are definitions of lot depth and lot width in ordinances which would
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 5
allow the City to apply to this project, and therefore, the applicant may lose a lot or more in application to those
standards. Staff further indicated that if the PC is considering taking the applicant up on his offer to zone adjacent
property M-1 to the west, a condition can be fashioned that prior to recordation of any phase of tract in the area
that this would have to be accomplished. In that case, Staff indicated, that the PC may want to refer back to the
setbacks done on the other M-1 zone, so it would not have to be done on the residential side of that property line.
Commissioner Blockley reiterated that prior to recordation of tract map the applicant would accomplish rezoning
the M-3 to M-1, and in that process a setback could be applied to the future M-1 which would eliminate the need
for the condition on the subdivision. Staff confirmed this option, indicating that when that applicant came before
the PC they would apply the setbacks on the M-1 portion, and until that was completely finished you could not
record a subdivision on this property.
Commissioner Tragish reiterated that the northerly boundary of this application would have sufficient language in
the motion indicating how much the setback would be, and that the sump would be located at the northern most
portion of the applicant, and that there be an access street on the northeast corner of the project. Commissioner
Tragish stated that with regard to the landscape strip, he would like to see it on the northern most portion of the
applicant's property. He indicate that he would like to see some large trees in this particular area. Staff indicated
that their recommendation would be to use conditional language that states, "Prior to recordation of any
subdivision or phase thereof in the project area, the applicant shall change the remainder of the property
ownership to the west to LI and M-1," and remove conditions 3-6 which put all those buffers on the residential
portion. Staff stated that when the LI/M-1 application comes before the PC later the PC would consider those
future buffers on that property.
Commissioner Tragish reiterated that as an additional condition that when the property to the east prior to its
recordation to any part or full, they would have to changing the zoning and GP to LI and M-1, and removed
conditions 3-6 for the applicant's tract. Commissioner Tragish inquired why conditions 3-6 would be deleted, to
which Staff responded that the PC would no longer be looking at this subdivision when it comes before the PC
with having M-3 next to it, but would be looking at it with having M-1 next to it, and the buffer would be put on the
M-1 zone. Staff indicated it would be deleting the wall and that it can be dealt with later, or it could be left in at
this time.
Commissioner Tragish further inquired about the suggested conditions about the sump being located at the north
part of the boundary, and that a street be put in at Lot 34 with an 8' block wall, plus a landscape strip on the north
end. Staff responded that it would be acceptable to staff. Staff requested that the PC be specific as to the
location of the sump because of the soil doesn't drain there, there is no need for a sump to be placed there.
Commissioner Spencer commented that if a subdivision map is not being considered at this time, then at this time
"this" should be disregarded at this time, and consider the zone change, and the GPA. If conditions were to be
applied for block walls and setback, etc. then it's going to have to be under a definite situation which would be like
putting a PUD or PCD to where there can be block walls, landscaping, etc. put on this property. Commissioner
Spencer indicated that he does not have a bad feeling about the proposed use, and thinks that it should be under
a controlled zone to where some of the comments by other commissioners can be applied legally. He stated that
he would support the proposal as is with a recommendation to put a PUD on the residential zone change.
Commissioner Lomas indicated that the language provided regarding the property to the west is important to
incorporate into any motion. She stated that her real concern is to accomplish a good buffer to the north. She
indicated that a PUD would accomplish what they're looking for. Shed requested language from Staff as to
language covering concern of establishing a buffer to the north, along with the language previously provided for
the property to the west. Staff responded that if a PUD is applied there does not necessarily have to be any
conditions at this point because it will come back in front of the PC. Staff would recommend that in this particular
area of the city that there are just a couple of simple conditions, and that they can deal with the northern
boundary, and the westerly boundary seems to have already been dealt with, and that to add in requirements for
PUD, unless there is something super critical, it is more of an onerous requirement when we are trying to make it
easy for housing to occur within this area.
Commissioner Lomas inquired how wide Cottonwood Rd. would be as an arterial. Staff responded that it would
110 ft, and that Pacheco as a collector would be 90'.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 6
Commissioner Lomas indicated that with the buffer to the north that she is not looking for another access point as
there is one on the west, and can all be dealt with at tract map stage, and does not want to tie it down to an
access point, and would like just to establish a buffer.
Commissioner Tragish stated that he agrees with the comments made by Staff regarding the buffer to the north.
He stated that unless they want to submit some language, he will go with a PUD, and if it would be called an R-2
with a PUD overlay, or do they just call it a R-2/PUD. Staff confirmed that it would be R-2/PUD and would come
back before the PC.
Commissioner Tragish further inquired that if the PUD was applied, along with the condition regarding the
recording of the subdivision to the west, if Staff would recommend deleting conditions 3-6, as he would like to
leave them in. Staff recommended that condition 4-6 be deleted and leave condition 3 in requiring an 8' block
wall. because when the M-1 and LI application comes before the PC buffer zones could then be considered on
the industrial side of the line.
Commissioner Tragish stated that he agrees with Commissioner Spencer's comments, and he would like to see
development out there.
Commissioner Blockley stated that he agrees with Staff that a PUD would be an unnecessary sort of impediment
to extended development in this particular part of town, and since this is something that they have been trying to
encourage he would not support a motion that included a PUD.
Commissioner Lomas stated that her concern as been to not create housing next to an M-3. She stated that she
shares the same concerns of Staff of putting another round on the applicant that they've got to hire their
consultants and come on in for another round because they are trying to create an affordable products in this part
of town. She indicated that if they can handle it in conditions this evening to address the concerns she would
prefer it.
Staff responded: "Subdivision design along the north boundary shall include a buffer to separate the M-3 zone
from residential uses. Buffer may include a combination of walls, landscaping, street access, sumps, lot widths
and depths or other as approved. The buffer shall provide no less than 100' set back to homes." Staff indicated
that when the tract comes before the PC Staff would look at what was proposed and make a recommendation,
and if the PC does not like the proposal/recommendation, it can be changed at that time.
Commissioner Lomas inquired if Staff is referring to the condition to the parcel to the west. Staff responded that
they are referring to the M-3 to the north. Staff indicated that the condition on the parcel to the west is the one
that Commissioner Tragish already has.
Staff recommended that the PC ask the applicant if the two conditions are satisfactory. Mr. Hendricks responded
that they are satisfactory to them, and that the only concern he had was a 100' buffer across the whole front,
which would eliminate about three lots of the northern portion. However, he indicated that if this can be
addressed by the PC at a later date when they return with a subdivision it is fine with the applicant.
Commissioner Lomas also pointed out to the applicant that in including establishing the 100' buffer and removing
the rear yard setbacks to the west so he should gain what he is losing at the north. Mr. Hendricks responded that
this is not really the case, but he understands what she is talking about. He indicated that as long as they have
some flexibility with it in the subdivision design when it comes back to the PC it would be fine with him.
Applicant indicated that he understands that he wouldn't be losing the lots on the west under the revised new
conditions, although he may be losing 1 or 2 on the north. Applicant stated that his concern is that he would like
some flexibility so that when the tract comes back to the PC if they can provide a very amenable design that
would not be completely 1 00'then at that time it would be acceptable as they can address it at that time.
Staff indicated that the way the condition is written, it does specifically require a minimum of 100' setback to
homes. Applicant stated he agrees with the way the condition is worded.
Commissioner Tragish inquired about the September 12th memo to the PC, and staff confirmed that it does need
to be included, however all the other memos are informational.
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Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving the General Plan Amendments to change the land use designation from
HI to LMR on 17.1 acres and from P to LMR on 5.5 acres as shown on Exhibit A attached to the draft Resolution,
and including the September 12, 2005 memo from James Movius to the Planning Commissioner, and adding the
condition that prior to recordation of any subdivision or phase thereof in the project area, the applicant shall
change the remainder of the property ownership to the west to LI and M-1 and delete conditions 4-6, with the
further condition that the subdivision design along the north boundary of the project shall include a buffer to
separate the M-3 zone to the north from residential uses. The buffer may include a combination of walls,
landscaping, street access, sump, lot width, lot depth or other as approved. The buffer shall provide no less than
100' setback to the homes, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: Commissioner Spencer
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving the zone changes from M-3 to R-2 on 22.6 acres as shown on Exhibit A
attached to the draft Resolution, and including the September 12, 2005 memo from James Movius to the Planning
Commissioner, and adding the condition that prior to recordation of any subdivision or phase thereof in the project
area, the applicant shall change the remainder of the property ownership to the west to LI and M-1 and delete
conditions 4-6, with the further condition that the subdivision design along the north boundary of the project shall
include a buffer to separate the M-3 zone to the north from residential uses. The buffer may include a
combination of walls, landscaping, street access, sump, lot width, lot depth or other as approved. The buffer shall
provide no less than 100' setback to the homes, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas.
NOES: Commissioner Spencer
Commissioner Spencer stated that his no vote is because as this project was advertised and presented the
subdivision being presented has not been given sufficient time to really understand it, and the PC is only
considering a GPA and zone change at this time. He stated that he supports a zone change, but under the
conditions that it be a PLID, and not just because it's on this side of town, but for anywhere in the city of
5.3a&b) GPA/ZC 05-0414 (Alfredo Hernandez) (Ward 1)
Public hearing is opened. Staff report given. No one spoke in opposition to this project. Jim Marino, representing
the adjacent property owner to the east, stated they are in favor of the project. Mr. Marino indicated that this
current applicant is taking the R-2 route with small lot requests, and his applicant is going with the R-1 and will
come back if the ultimate developer meets the definition of State law for moderate and low income housing and
then they get two concessions from the city, one of which is a 25% density bonus (6,000 sq. ft. lots less 25% _
4,500 sq. ft. lots). Mr. Marino indicated that both applicants are looking at the same animal in the end; single
family residential, entry level, affordable housing.
Jerry Hendricks, with Hendricks Engineering, stated that even though the existing zoning is M in this area, the
property directly to the east, which is on the agenda as well, can be rezoned to R-1, and the property to the south
is also being changed to residential as well, and therefore the only existing industrial zoning will be property to the
west, and with that area they have a 110' right-of-way for Cottonwood Rd.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 8
Mr. Hendricks provided an overview of the project on his submitted map.
Public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Tragish inquired of Staff how certain some of these status references that have been made by the
applicant. Staff responded: 1) Reference to the Edward parcel: No applications have been received on those
pieces of property as of yet. This particular reference will be across a major arterial from this current
development, which is the same circumstance as being across Cottonwood — it is a 110' right-of-way. 2)
Reference to Future multifamily Development: There is no pending application. 3) PG&E parcel: There is no
pending application. 4) Parcels above GPA and zone change 05-0417 stating Novell parcel and Bridges parcel:
There are no applications are pending for multifamily. This area is currently zoned M-3 and M-1. The area south
of the applicant's property is zoned M-3.
Commissioner Tragish referred to the letter from Mel Highland stating that he has 60 acres in escrow, and plan to
have 100 acres by the time of the hearing. Staff pointed out the location of the 60 acres — Novell parcel and
Bridges parcel, and that there are also proposed apartments on R-3 zoning, however there is no application for it.
Raul Rodriguez, the broker for Mary Cruz Realty, stated that Mr. Hindman is his client, and he wanted to clarify
that they are definitely in support of this project, however he was not aware of the letter until this evening, and two
of his escrows have fallen out of escrow. Mr. Rodriguez indicated that Bridges is in escrow and that it will close
in 60 days, and Mr. Hindman's intention is to have residential there. Mr. Rodriguez indicated that the property
right off of Cottonwood on the south side is not in escrow nor is the 19.9 acre property.
Commissioner Spencer inquired if they can limit the development to the proposed number of single family
dwelling units on this parcel. Staff responded that if they want to limit it to single family uses a condition could be
added that uses shall be limited to single family residential, and not put a unit cap on it. Staff confirmed that the
PC could hold the applicant to 242 single family dwelling units.
Commissioner Tragish inquired about the Edward parcel which abuts industrially zoned property requiring
conditional walls and minimum lot depths and widths of 140', and 100' for residential lots with rear yards and side
yards respectively that abut industrially zoned property, and those conditions providing an adequate buffer to the
property directly to the south of this current property. Staff indicated that once White Lane is extended through
on the map it will be shown as a major arterial, which when that major arterial is in place, those lots will no longer
abut M-3 zoning. Staff pointed out that a major arterial is considered an adequate buffer for the property, and
therefore there would be the 110' right-of-way, a sidewalk, 10' of landscaping and possibly a 6' block wall
adjacent to the lots. Commissioner Tragish confirmed that once the project is done, White Lane has to be
improved to the frontage of this property, and once that is done then the applicant does not have to do the 8'
masonry block wall, etc.
Commissioner Tragish inquired if the improvement to east White Lane will be put in before construction is started.
Staff responded that the separation would occur. Commissioner Tragish expressed his concern for having the
road improved before construction begins, and that he wants to make sure that the conditions say that they put in
their portion of east White Lane before they provide any construction on the tract, and is unsure of the depth
before construction can begin. Staff responded that this can be dealt with at the subdivision stage.
Commissioner Tragish inquired what portion of the condition of the 8' block wall does apply since the property to
the north is residential and not industrial, and the property to the east may end up becoming residential. Staff
responded that it is possible that the conditions may never need to be met because it may not abut any M-3
zoning by the time the adjacent properties are done getting their entitlements and a recognition of the arterial on
the south boundary.
Commission Blockley inquired about the applicability of subdivision language seen in the conditions which
mentions street improvements balanced with respect to phasing, and whether this comes into play in terms of
each phase would have to do a proportionate share of street improvements relative to the overall development.
Staff responded that this is actually a standard condition that Public Works puts on at the subdivision stage to
make sure that all of the major improvements are put in in a reasonable, logical manner.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 9
Commissioner Blockley inquired if at the subdivision stage if it can be expected that the rear of the lots will back
up to the arterial (White Lane) with the block wall as sort of the end to the rear yard. Staff responded in the
affirmative indicating that White Lane will be an arterial so it will actually be a requirement to have the double
frontage situation.
Commissioner Lomas indicated that all of her concerns have been addressed.
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving the General Plan Amendments to change the land use designation from LI
to LMR on 9 acres and from HI to LMR on 31 acres as shown on Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft Resolution, and
including the September 12, 2005 memo from James Movius to the Planning Commissioner, and recommend the
same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: Commissioner Spencer
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving
the negative declaration and approving zone changes from M-1 to R-2 on 9 acres, and from M-3 to R-2 on 31
acres as shown on Exhibit 2 attached to the draft Resolution, and including the September 12, 2005 memo from
James Movius to the Planning Commissioner, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: Commissioner Spencer
Commissioner Spencer indicated that his no vote is because he would like to have in place the restriction of the
242 lots requested single family dwellings, because should it be sold under R-2 designation it could become more
than 242 units. However, he stated that he does approve of the zone change,
5.4a&b) GPA/ZC 05-0417 (Marino Associates) (Ward 1)
Public hearing is opened. Staff report is given. No one spoke in opposition to Staff's recommendation. Jerry
Hendricks, with Hendricks Engineering, stated that they feel that this is a good complimentary project after
approval of the previous project.
Johnny Buenas, stated his parents own this property, and that he is present on their behalf. Mr. Buenas stated
that they are willing to accept the conditions.
Jim Marino, representing the Buenas family, stated they are in agreement with Staff's report and the conditions of
approval, including the memo from Monday. He stated that they are not going to object to any of the setbacks, as
this area is going to convert rather quickly.
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Lomas indicated that she is unsure if the north has been dealt with. Commissioner Tragish
indicated that the street directly to the north is a local street, and inquired if that is enough of a buffer for this
property, or do the setbacks and 8' block wall conditions apply. Staff responded that local streets are not shown
on the circulation element, and don't have to be constructed on the original alignment, so it may or may not be a
local street. Staff indicated that there could be houses backing up to a property line along the north line of this
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 10
property. Commissioner Tragish confirmed that if the local street does not go through there then this property
would have an 8' block wall at it's northern boundary, to which Staff confirmed.
Commissioner Tragish inquired if the Bridge's parcel is still in escrow, to which Staff responded that it is their
understanding that it is. Staff confirmed that there is a sufficient buffer on the east side.
Commissioner Lomas stated that she sees this as similar to the first application down at the corner where the fly
area is. She stated that she would like to be consistent and add the same condition for a 100' setback from the
boundary to any structure. Staff confirmed this and stated that it could be added and actually have it read "to any
home." To receive a consistent adequate set back, staff recommended having an 8' high block wall with 100'
setback to the homes, and then condition it that if adjacent property next to the M-3 so that if the M-3 goes away
they can do regular subdivision lots.
Commissioner Blockley inquired what they do with conditions 5-7 for the same tract, (masonry walls, lot depths
and widths). Staff responded that conditions 6 and 7 would be deleted, and added in would be the requirement
for a 100' setback to homes.
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving General Plan Amendment to change the land use designation
from LI to LR on 2 acres and from HI to LR on 33 acres, and from P to LR on 5 acres as shown on Exhibit 2
attached to the draft Resolution, and including the memorandum dated September 12, 2005 from Jim Movius to
the planning commission.
With conditions that there will be a 100' setback from the northern boundary homes, there will be an 8' block wall
at the northern boundary, and that conditions 6 and 7 will be deleted. Further, if the industrial property north of the
applicant's property loses its industrial zoning, that the stated conditions would not be required. Said motion is
recommended to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Blockley, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving zone changes from M-1 to R-1 on 2 acres and from M-3 to R-1
on 38 acres as shown on Exhibit 2 attached to the draft Resolution, and including the memorandum dated
September 12, 2005 from Jim Movius to the planning commission, with conditions that there will be a 100'
setback from the northern boundary homes, there will be an 8' block wall at the northern boundary, and that
conditions 6 and 7 will be deleted. Further, if the industrial property north of the applicant's property loses its
industrial zoning, that the stated conditions would not be required. Said motion is recommended to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 11
5.5a&b) GPA/ZC 05-0420 (SmithTech, USA Inc.) (Ward 4)
Public hearing is opened. Staff report given. No one spoke in opposition to Staff's recommendation. Bob Smith,
with SmithTech, USA, stated that they are in agreement with Staff's recommendation.
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Lomas inquired if the house on this property had to be moved in order to align the roads. Staff
responded that it was going to be moved over and there was going to be fencing around the perimeter, and
access points were laid out as part of the conditions. Commissioner Lomas inquired if this needs to be
referenced. Staff responded that it does not need to be referenced as the conditions on that tract actually talk
about incorporating this parcel into that subdivision with the final map, and covers this phase.
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving a General Plan Amendments to change the land use
designation from R-IA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to SR (Suburban Residential) on 1 acre as shown on
Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution subject to conditions of Exhibit A-1, and including the memorandum
dated September 12, and 14, 2005 from Marian Shaw to the planning commission and recommend the same to
City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas.
NOES: None
Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings approving the
negative declaration and approving zone changes from A (Agriculture) to Estate 1 Family Dwelling on 1 acre as
shown on Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft Resolution, subject to the conditions on Exhibit A-1, and including the
memorandum dated September 12, 2005 from Jim Movius to the planning commission, and recommending the
same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
5.6a,b&c) GPA/ZC/Williamson Act Contract 05-0476 (The Lusich Company) (Ward 5)
Public hearing is opened. Staff report given. Gordon Nipp, representing the Sierra Club, stated the next three
projects are similar, and none of the projects are mitigating the air pollution associated with their project. He
further stated that none of these projects are mitigating the loss of prime ag land associated with their project. He
disagrees that there is no significant impact on traffic or schools, and that there are no cumulative impacts. He
stated that the next three projects together form 320 acres of prime ag land that is going to be converted, and that
there are going to 1166 houses built on this project and the next three projects. Therefore, he believes that there
is cumulative impact. Mr. Nipp pointed out that some of the studies are less than objective, and there is no
biological study on any of the projects.
Arthur Unger, representing the Sierra Club, asked that his comments be included in the record of all four projects
(GPA zone change 05-0943, 0942, this one and 0743). Mr. Unger stated that California loses 32,000 acres of ag
land a year. He stated that these four projects lose 1% of what California will lose in a year. Mr. Unger stated
that air pollution shall make people's lungs worse. Dr. Unger requested that all of his comments be included in all
four projects.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 12
Robert Lusich, representing the McClure, Lenar and Antongiovani Family Trust, and others, stated they would like
to respond to the comments. Mr. Lusich indicated that they have provided a response to the Dept. of
Conservation letter, and in addition the memorandum from Ted Frame the attorney that reviewed the Dept. of
Conservation letter and response thereto. Mr. Lusich stated that in response to Mr. Nipp's letter they haven't had
an opportunity to review, but would like to comment with regard to air pollution and condition 2B. Mr. Lusich
stated that condition 2B provides for"the developer may provide emission offsets through partition, participating in
a voluntary emission reduction program through the APCD, and it would be required by a binding agreement."
Mr. Lusich stated that this condition allows the developer to work with the air pollution control district to come up
with other methods of solving their problems that we all agree that we have, and that they are very interested in
doing. Mr. Lusich stated that with regard to Condition 2F, it says, "please pay to the San Joaquin Valley Air
Pollution Control District through the approved indirect source emission fee program may be utilized provided
applicable offsets for this proposed project." Mr. Lusich indicated that they are looking at not only being able to
pay the various fees, but also come back with a specific program, or some kind of offset that isn't included that
they would be able to improve the air quality. Mr. Lusich indicated that those conditions are conditions of
approval of the project and they agree with those.
Mr. Lusich stated that since they haven't received Mr. Nipp's documentation, they do not have any comments on
the Elk Grove project (the other 37 impacts). Mr. Lusich stated that with regard to a biological study, this project
is included in the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan Area, and they have rechecked and
reviewed the known kit fox and maps and there are no known kit foxes in the area. He indicated that the project
will be subject to paying those mitigation fees.
Mr. Lusich mentioned an article from Scientific American that talked about air quality and how it has degraded, but
it was interesting based upon the work that is being done in the Antarctic looking at the atmosphere, and how it is
because of farming that we are not in an ice age.
Mr. Lusich stated they prepared a response to the June 27, 2005 letter which was submitted. Mr. Lusich pointed
out that originally this project, and the project to the north designated as R-1, was in a Williamson Act Contract.
The property became severed in ownership, and then had been just marginal property as far as ag uses. To the
north is vesting tract 6538, and to the east is tract 6359, and another tract to the west. He stated as urbanization
comes in it becomes difficult for farmers to do anything with the ag land.
Mr. Lusich referred to the Dept. of Conservation letter wherein it was indicated that there was a significant amount
of land available within the city limits. Mr. Lusich stated that after researching the map, he found that their map
was prepared in 2002, which is about the time this property was last attempted to be farmed. Therefore, the Dept.
of Conservations map is not accurate to what is currently happening in this vicinity in the City of Bakersfield.
Mr. Lusich referred to the Dept. of Conservation letter which talks about prime farm lands being irrigated, and
pointed out that we live in a desert and there is no way that we're going to be able to rely on precipitation for ag
uses. He stated that the property is entitled to water rights from the canal in the area, however, it is a minimal
intermittent supply of water, and therefore the property does not have any permanent irrigation supply. He further
pointed out the well has been abandoned. Mr. Lusich stated that the canal in the area does not have an actual
link to the 80 acre piece of property. Therefore, the property does not have a full time water supply, and does not
even have an intermittent water supply. Therefore, by definition, because it is not irrigated, it is not prime ag
Mr. Lusich pointed out that the property has never been used for ag grazing since 1918.
Mr. Lusich stated that the city's actions and the cancellation of the Williamson Act are entirely consistent with the
goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan.
Mr. Lusich pointed out that this project is within the four-section area included in the sphere of influence, and it is
where the growth of Bakersfield is going. He stated that this project will be part of an infill project to the Old River
Ranch Project. He stated that should this project not develop, they would be eliminating the necessary
infrastructure, necessary roads, water and utility services that would be a normal part of what they need as part of
the overall proper and proper development of the community.
Mr. Lusich stated that there is a 5.75 mile loop bike trail going to the City Sport Center at the Sewage Treatment
Plant grounds.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 13
Mr. Lusich stated that should the Williamson Contract not cancel, but wait the 10 years, and then at that point
continue with an annexation, the property would remain fallow as it has been for years, and will collect weeds,
trash and generate dust, and be a blight to the community instead of part of what we are doing.
Mr. Lusich stated that they believe approval of this project is appropriate, and cancellation of the Williamson Act
Contract is entirely appropriate considering what is happening, not only on the north, east and west sides, but
also to the south, Old River Ranch.
Mr. Lusich stated that Ted Frame made the point that the Wiliamson Act Contract Cancellation is in conjunction
with a GPA and zone change that is consistent with the goals and policies of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General
Mr. Lusich pointed out that this is an infill project, and does serve for the public good.
Mr. Lusich stated that Kern County alone has 400,000 acres of ag land. However, he pointed out that when you
look at what they will be doing as people for people, the question is how many jobs are out at this project site.
Currently there is no one living there, and there is nothing being done with the property, and is entirely a fallow
piece of ground.
Brian Houghton, with Grubb & Ellis Company, read his response letter. He pointed out that this is not a leapfrog
development, but rather orderly development.
Ernest Antongiovanni stated this is not prime ag land, and that there is no real water source, and it would not be
economical to drill a well on this amount of land. He stated that in 2003 and 2003 they farmed wheat, a winter
crop, but it was only supplied with rain water. He indicated that this property has not been farmed since 2001. He
stated that the economic returns from farming was negligible. He indicated that in 2002 and 2001 it was planted
with alfalfa which was not economical due to the water issues. Prior to that it had been in winter wheat for two or
three years.
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Tragish expressed his frustration with the late submission of documentation.
Commissioner Tragish inquired of Staff if the PC needs adequate time to respond to the letters from the Sierra
Club, or does Staff feel confident with what's been put on the record to this point. Staff responded that they feel
confident with what's been put on the record so far with a couple of possible additions from Staff in response to a
couple of items. Staff indicated that they will prepare written responses as it is on its way to City Council. Staff
indicated that the PC has enough information to make a decision today.
Commissioner Tragish inquired of Staff about Mr. Nipp's complaints that the analysis of the air quality does not
include the nearby Old River Ranch Project development of 18.53 acres, and if Staff has any information on this.
Staff responded in the negative. Staff commented that the applicant states the EIR completed for this four sq.
miles assumes build out of this area, and does include the Old River Ranch information.
Commissioner Tragish quested Mr. Nipp's letter referencing the "ND for the nearby GPA 05-0942 lists an
additional 6,432 housing units, most of all which were not considered." Staff indicated that this is probably also a
reference to Old River Ranch with that number of units within this four square mile section, and therefore has
been considered.
Commissioner Tragish further inquired about "post regulation ZII VIII construction related emissions have not
been added into the total project emissions." Staff directed attention to condition number two which requires that
the applicant run the latest URBEMIS model with submission of the first map, and all the models that are run are
done consist with the thresholds and standards established by the Air Pollution Control District.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 14
Commissioner Tragish inquired about Dr. Nipp's reference to "the number of dairies that are proposed for the
area near this project, or are already in operation within several miles of this project—what effect will these dairies
have on future residences air quality?" Staff responded that the air quality study completed for this project has to
consider what is on the ground right now, and what exposure there is to these people. Therefore, if there is no
dairies in existence yet, they are not required to be included into this particular project.
Commissioner Tragish inquired about Dr Nipp's comments that "several references in the GP update EIR to
potential mitigation measures, that as of this date have not been implemented." Staff responded that they are not
sure what Dr. Nipp is referring to.
Commissioner Tragish stated he agrees with preserving our ag resources, however he has two problems. 1)
Because the ag is in the path of development, by the time it reaches this application it is history, because there is
already a path of development. 2) He questions where you really address this issue, and that you probably
address is several miles down the road.
Commissioner Tragish stated that applicant's comments have been covered by Staff, and that this project is not
an infill project, although he agrees that it does qualify for ag conversion. He stated that he is in support of the
Commissioner Blockley referenced the comment that there is more cultivated acreage in Kern County then there
was some number of years ago, and stated that he could believe it. He commented on the national study that
population growth is more efficiently served by an urban setting, and therefore, if we're providing an urban setting
by converting land which is immediately adjacent to other urban land, we are more efficiently serving the growing
population then if they were to convert some other piece of land in the county to residential use. He stated that he
is in favor of the project.
Commissioner Lomas stated that she believes this is contiguous growth. She pointed out that it is misleading for
Mr. Nipp to state that the application states there are no impacts. She asked Staff to explain the mitigation
measures. Commissioner Lomas inquired as to the bio study, which Staff responded that it is not shown as a
habitat area, and is not a known dens area on the "Known Dens Tracking Map," and therefore no conditions are
Commissioner Lomas stated that there is no comparison between our county and Elk Grove.
Commissioner Lomas stated that she is unaware of the bike trail referred to by Mr. Lusich. Staff stated that the
Old River Ranch project has a proposed trail system as part of their project, and they would not consider it as
valid testimony for a decision on this project. Staff indicated that the conceptual trail system does not need to be
covered in a separate condition.
Commissioner Lomas stated that she feels that this is orderly development.
Commissioner Tragish inquired about incorporating the PC's comments to Mr. Nipp and Mr. Unger's incorporated
comments. Staff responded that the PC can incorporate their comments to the subsequent projects.
Commissioner Staff asked that the Planning Commission's comments to this project be incorporated by
references to the comments made by Dr. Nipp and Dr. Unger in the subsequent three other projects.
Staff stated that with respect to the lost ag land from a project like this, the source of this data is Kern County
Planning Department that tracts Williamson Act Contracts and Farm Land Security Zone Contracts in Kern
County. According to them, as of December 31, 2004 there were approximately 1.67 million acres under
Williamson Act Contract and Farm Land Security Zone Contracts in Kern County. This project is not 100 acres, it
is 76 acres, but 100 acres of loss of ag land represented 6/1000 of 1% of that total. Staff also provided that the
Dept. of Agriculture and Measurement Standards, in correspondence written to the California Dept. of Food and
Agriculture, Kern County Board of Supervisors, in 2004 indicates that in 2004 there was a 26.5% increase over
the amount of harvested acres in Kern County for ag land, and the letter goes into detail about what the crops
were, and what their value was regarding that. Staff has looked back through the crop reports, and determined
that that has been the highest level of the number of harvested acres in Kern County since 1990. Staff indicated
that when you look at a 100 acre parcel, compared to the amount of harvested acres, which was 891,576 acres in
2004, a 100 acre parcel represents 1/100 of a % of the harvested 100 acres parcel. Therefore, we are talking
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 15
about extremely small percentages in one case of the total land under certain ag contracts in Kern County, as well
as when you relate it specifically to harvested acres in Kern County.
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving a General Plan Amendments to change the land use
designation from R-1A to LR on 76 acre as shown on Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution, including the
memorandum from Jim Movius to the Planning Commission dated September 9th and 12th, along with the
September 12th memorandum from Marian Shaw, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas.
NOES: None
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving the zone change from County A to R-1 on 76 acre as shown on
Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution, including the memorandum from Jim Movius to the Planning
Commission dated September 12, 2005 along with the September 12, 2005 memorandum from Marian Shaw,
and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Spencer, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving the cancellation of the Williamson Act Land Use Contract for 76
acre, including the memorandum from Jim Movius to the Planning Commission dated September 12, 2005 along
with the September 12, 2005 memorandum from Marian Shaw, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
5.7a&b) GPA/ZC 05-0743 (Marino Associates) (Ward 5)
The public hearing is opened. Staff report is given. Gordon Nipp, representing the Sierra Club, incorporated his
previous comments on ag land in GPA/zone change 05-0476 into the record for this project. He reiterated his
written comments.
Arthur Unger with the Sierra Club, stated that 30 years ago the farmers farmed the land that they did because that
is the land that got the most crops with the least amount of water, and that was the best land in his definition.
Jim Marino for Del Rey Development, responded that the analysis to comply with the standards and procedures
of the S.J. Air Pollution Control District was relied upon. Mr. Marino stated that this project is associated with the
Old River Ranch project, and is within the city's sphere of influence. He stated that he supports Staff's
The public hearing is closed.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 16
Commissioner Tragish stated that his comments to the previous GP and zone change of 05-0476 as to Dr. Nipp
and Dr. Unger's comments during that agenda item, are incorporated into the record for this agenda item 5.7,
which is GPA and zone change 05-0743.
Commissioner Tragish pointed out that Dr. Nipp, in his letter, uses the words "should be, suggested, ought to be,
may be, I wish this would happen." Commissioner Tragish indicated that he feels these are non-responsive to
what's been presented in this application and Staff's report wherein the PC has to deal with quantitative and
substantive objective facts. He asked Staff if they have a response to Mr. Nipp's statement that "The urban water
management plan is being updated, and the existing plant may not cover the project area." Staff responded that
he has been advised that the City of Bakersfield has a balanced water supply, which means they have ample
water to supply urbanization throughout the whole general plan area, which includes down to Bear Mountain Blvd.
Commissioner Tragish commented that WZI has a farm land ag conversion study which is part of the Staff report
received two weeks ago, contrary to Mr. Nipp's statement there such study wasn't done.
Commissioner Tragish stated that the idea of ag conservation needs to be weighed very carefully with a thorough
analysis of what type of ag land is available versus how much water is available, and really see how much we are
cutting into our ag land.
Commissioner Tragish stated that he approves of this project.
Commissioner Tkac stated that this is in the path of development. He pointed out the economics of some of the
things requested by the Sierra Club. He stated that he will support the project.
Commissioner Lomas pointed out that the air quality issues brought to the PC by the Sierra Club are governed by
the S.J.V. Air Pollution Control District. She indicated that it is the PC's job to make sure their rules are followed.
Commissioner Lomas inquired of Staff if the applicant has complied with the rules set forth by the S.J.V. Air
Pollution Control District, to which Staff responded that the applicant has.
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving a General Plan Amendments to change the land use
designation from RIA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on approximately 86.37
acres as shown on Exhibit A-2, including the memorandum from Jim Movius to the Planning Commission dated
September 12, 2005, as well as the September 15th memo, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving the zone change from Agriculture to R-1 zone (One Family
Dwelling) on approximately 86.37 acres as shown on Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution, including the
memorandum from Jim Movius to the Planning Commission dated September 15, 2005, and recommend the
same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 17
5.8a&b) GPA/ZC 05-0942 (McIntosh and Associates) (Ward 5)
The public hearing is opened. Staff report given. Gordon Nipp, representing the Sierra Club, incorporated his
comments on GPA/zone changes 05-0476 from 05-0743 into the record for this project. Mr. Nipp discussed
photovoitiac and their feasibility.
Arthur Unger stated that the best study that he knows about how much of our pollution comes from the north is
Roger McIntosh, with McIntosh & Associates, representing Centex Homes, stated he would keep his comments
specifically to this agenda item, and the next one. Mr. McIntosh indicated that his does not have the letter from
the Sierra Club, but would like to respond to the Sierra Club's comments. He pointed out that this is not an infill
project, but is a logical project, and is in the sphere of influence. Mr. McIntosh stated that his office prepared the
air quality study, and the study is consistent with standards and attainment plan.
Mr. McIntosh stated that in response to an air mitigation fee on tract 6149, it was not an air mitigation fee, but a
settlement fee. He stated that he does not know if any money has been paid to the Sierra Club, or if any money
has been spent on improving the air quality.
Mr. McIntosh stated that in response to the farm land conversion, it is 80 acres and is less than the threshold that
is established by the Dept. of Conservation, and they are in compliance with the standards.
Mr. McIntosh stated that they think this is a good project, and commented that there has been a 5% increase in
ag production. Furthermore, the conversion of this project is actually .00625% of the total acreage that is under
production in Kern County. He stated that this project is different than the first project as there is no Williamson
Act Contract on this project.
Mr. McIntosh concluded with their support of Staff's recommendation and memorandum dated September 15tH
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Tragish stated that on this item 5.8 (GPA/zone change 05-0492) he would like to incorporate into
this agenda item the comments he made to Dr. Nipp and Dr. Unger's comments in agenda items 5.6 (GPA/zone
change 05-0476) and 5.7 (GPA/zone change 05-0743).
Commissioner Tragish stated that the air quality has stabilized even though the city has added 380,000 people in
the last 20 years. He stated that he supports this project.
Commissioner Johnson inquired of Staff about the September 15th memo addressing point 1 which addresses the
map GPA zone change 05-0942 (McCutchen alignment), and if the blue line represents ownership and if it is SW
of the property and if it's an easement that is going to be used, and further inquired who maintains ownership of
that little segment. Staff responded they do not know who owns that segment of property. Staff further
commented that attached to the memo are exhibits, and the third one shows the proposed circulation element for
the Old River Ranch, which will smooth out McCutchen Rd.
Commissioner Johnson restated and inquired if that small SW piece will be the responsibility of the City if the
following proposed circulation plan is adopted. Staff responded that because it is a rather small segment that
there will probably be a finding of orderly development and put it on the maps that will come in under this GPA.
Commissioner Blockley responded to photovoitiac and that in order to make them a commercially viable item the
price would have to decline by a magnitude of 1 (a factor of 10).
Commissioner Lomas thanked Dr. Nipp for bringing the photovoitiac meeting to the public's attention.
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving a General Plan Amendments to change the land use
designation from R-IA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on approximately 80
acres as shown on Exhibit A-2, subject to conditions found in Exhibit A-1, including the memorandum from Marian
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 18
Shaw dated September 12, 2005, as well as the September 15th memo from the Planning Director, and
recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Johnson moved, seconded by Commissioner Tkac, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving the zone change from Agriculture to R-1 zone (One Family
Dwelling) on approximately 80 acres as shown on Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution, subject to the
conditions found in Exhibit A-1, including the memoranda from September 12, from the Civil Engineer, and
September 15, 2005 from the Planning Director, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
5.9a&b) GPA/ZC Amendment 05-0943 (McIntosh and Associates) (Ward 5)
Public hearing opened. Staff report given. Gordon Nipp, from the Sierra Club, stated that the issues here are the
same as they were on the earlier three projects, and he stated that he would like to incorporate his comments on
GPA/zone change 05-0476, 05-0743 and 05-0943 into this record.
Mr. Nipp responded to Mr. McIntosh's previous comments by stating that it is not a Dept. of Conservation
standard, and is not a standard that needs to be held to if CEQA is to mean anything. Mr. Nipp stated that he is
concerned with cumulative impacts.
Roger McIntosh, representing Centex Homes, pointed out that this is different than the previous application in that
there is 300 acres of commercial across the street to the west, there is 10 acres of commercial at Harris and
Buena Vista Rd about 1,000 feet to the east, which are both easily walkable from this project.
Mr. McIntosh stated that they agree with Staff's report and September 12th memo. Mr. McIntosh further
incorporated his comments from the previous item into this item.
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Tragish stated that he would like to incorporate his comments to Dr. Nipp and Unger in this agenda
item 5.9 (GPA/zone change 05-0943) and further incorporate his comments from 05-0492 zone change and GP
including 05-0476 (agenda item 5.6) and 05-0743 (agenda item 5.7), and incorporating agenda item 5.8 (05-0492)
into this agenda item.
Commissioner Tragish stated that when a map comes in Dr. Nipp's comments can be addressed at that time, and
therefore his comments are premature.
Commissioner Johnson applauded Dr. Nipp and Dr. Unger on his participation. Commissioner Johnson
addressed the issue of buffers.
Commissioner Blockley addressed outdoor lighting.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 19
Commissioner Lomas addressed pedestrian friendly neighborhoods. She inquired if they encourage the Council
to ask Staff to study, determine and implement fees that are already coming. She commented that that seems
like a waste of man power.
Staff responded that with respect to cumulative impacts, the City of Bakersfield GP adopted a State Of Overriding
Consideration for loss of ag land, and that was the cumulative look at ag land (the benefits of growth outweigh
the loss of ag land). Staff also pointed out that they are looking at Smart Codes. Staff further pointed out that
there is a committee that is dealing with air quality and would be a waste of resources of the PC to do something
separate from the committee that already exists. Staff also stated that an ag committee has also been formed.
He further pointed out that Staff, etc. will be attending the photovoitiac meeting.
Commissioner Lomas stated that she would like to incorporate her remarks from 05-0476, 05-0743 and 05-0942
into this agenda item.
Commissioner Blockley moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving a General Plan Amendments to change the land use
designation from RIA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 80 acres as shown on
Exhibit A-2, incorporating the two page memorandum from Public Works — Marian Shaw, dated September 12,
2005, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
Commissioner Blockley moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to adopt a resolution making findings
approving the negative declaration and approving the zone changes from A-20A to R-1 on 80 acres as shown on
Exhibit A-2 attached to the draft resolution, incorporating the two page memorandum dated September 12, 2005
from Marian Shaw, Public Works, and recommend the same to City Council.
Motion carried by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, Spencer, Tkac, Tragish, Lomas
NOES: None
5.10) General Plan Amendment 05-0976 (City of Bakersfield)
Heard on consent calendar.
5.11) General Plan Amendment 05-1135 (City of Bakersfield) located city-wide. (Exempt from
Public hearing opened. Staff report given. Renee Nelson stated that she would like a little more guidance in the
GP as a guidance document with more criteria. She stated it would be nice if there were departments such as
economic and community development, public works, including capital improvement projects, plus road
maintenance, police and fire department, the finance dept, HUD, and the County which would coordinate the
information. She further commented as to the language referring to "No project should have been approved to the
point of site plan review obviously without an urban decay study." "It may be necessary to quantify the contents of
the report in a general fashion, and allow the applicant to fill in the blanks so the data remains relevant to other
projects cumulatively."
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 20
Jarrett Foster stated that he appreciates the work that has gone into this GPA. He stated he would have liked to
see not just at one point is a project considered a big box store, but also consideration of big box stores in
relationship to other big box stores.
The public hearing is closed.
Commissioner Tragish stated that in his opinion, there is nothing in the Staff report which supports why there's an
exclusion for these wholesale clubs, other than the letter from ABK&A which is so full of holes and qualifications
that the qualifications swallow the opinion. He stated that he does not see the logic of it if they're trying to
address urban decay problems from an establish of a super box store. He feels that they should be included. He
indicated that it appears that they're excluding businesses like Wal-Mart, which was the subject of the lawsuit in
the first place. He stated that he doesn't believe that it's an issue of urban decay for the occasional buyer; it's an
issue of volume of customers and the volume of sales, and he does not see any difference between the retail and
wholesale membership clubs.
Commissioner Tragish concluded with saying that the GP policy needs to be massaged a little bit more, and
needs to substantiate the exception. He stated that he would like this particular agenda item either sent back to
Planning to come up with some more substantiation, or to send it down to a Planning Commission Subcommittee
to review and come up with some more specific language, and to weigh the various scenarios that need to be
covered on something like this.
Commissioner Johnson stated that consistency is important in planning, and that he sees with this two similar
commercial uses are be treated very dissimilar. He stated that he agrees that it should be referred back to
Commissioner Tkac also stated that it should be referred back to committee. He stated that he is not comfortable
with what has been presented currently.
Commissioner Blockley commented that there seems to be some sort of inconsistency between Exhibit A on the
requirements. 1) To add a policy requiring large commercial development to evaluate urban decay impacts; and
2) These super stores (which would be something over 90,000 sq. ft.) is a large commercial development. He
stated that he also is not comfortable with segregating what appears to be Costco and perhaps Sam's Club as a
separate kind of category that is excluded from the policy. He stated that he would agree to a postponement.
Commissioner Lomas pointed out that in the ADK&A letter justifying the omission of Costco and Sam's Club
where is says, "This is a result of any formal controlled resource or analysis," and just pretty much sums up this is
one person's opinion, and is full of disclaimers.
Commissioner Lomas inquired of Staff about Ms. Nelson's September 15th letter, and their response to same.
Staff responded that as it seems this item will be continued, Staff will respond to said letter during that period.
Staff further commented that with respect to lease agreement issues, that Staff knows for a fact that many
markets like Albertson's, Vons and the one they're trying to protect with this code are the ones that have actually
left many buildings vacant in Bakersfield because they have non-competition clauses when they move out. Staff
further commented that with regard to the exclusion for wholesale clubs, there isn't a lot of study in this area,
however the "uproar" is not over Costco and Sam's Clubs; it's over Super Wal-Marts because of the competition.
Staff stated that both Government Land Institute, as well as the team of professionals on the steering committee,
both indicate that wholesale clubs are not considered "predatory"type stores as they are in a different category in
the Urban Land Institute Shopping Center manual, as well as discussed in committee.
Staff stated that as far as to when a study is required, the policies do address this issue, and bullet number 3
specifically provides: "When a project meets or exceeds the thresholds listed above, or additional information
would make preparation of a newer revised urban decay study prudent, the Urban Decay study must be
prepared." This also deals with bullet number 4 of when one was prepared with a program level EIR for the
Judkins project south of Panama Lane.
Planning Commission — Sept. 15, 2005 Page 21
Staff indicated that their recommendation would be that the PC appoint an ad hoc committee of three
commissioners to look at this, and that they use the same team of folks that Staff used listed in the Staff report.
Mr. Sherfy commented that the Brown Act would allow recommendation to a committee since the committee
hasn't yet been formed, it is recommended that it be done at the next meeting so the committee can be formed
and members can be appointed at this time.
Commissioner Lomas inquired if this would just be put over until the next agenda, to which Mr. Sherfy responded
in the affirmation, and commented that one of the items would be the formation of the ad hoc committee.
Commissioner Tragish moved, seconded by Commissioner Johnson, to continue this to the next hearing date of
October 6, 2005, and that it will be on the calendar for the purposes of formation of an ad hoc committee to review
this matter further. Motion carried by group vote:
Staff will be scheduling a pre-meeting on October 3rd for the October 6th meeting.
Commissioner Tragish commented on last minute submission of documents at the hearing. Staff responded that
they will discuss this possibility and get back to the PC at the next meeting. Commissioner Tragish further
inquired about noticing people within 300 feet of a property, and how notices can be provided through a notice on
the property itself. Staff responded that the City Council reviews this about every four years, and recommended
that the PC not take this on as the City Council continually looks at this and finds that it is consistent with State
law. Commissioner Tragish further pointed out that just because they are meeting the minimum requirement does
not mean that they can't go a little bit beyond that. Staff responded that typically in the past when a roomful of
people show up and say they didn't get notice, the item is continued. Staff further commented that when signs
use to be posted they were very small and the only people that would see them were people that lived right there,
and most people get notices within 300 feet.
Commissioner Lomas echoed Commissioner Tragish's comments. She inquired if this could be dovetailed into
the committee that will be formed as a small discussion. She stated that she would like to know the avenue to
discuss this issue of noticing. Staff recommended that it not be combined with the ad hoc committee regarding
the thresholds. Staff will respond with a vehicle to get the noticing issue up to Council or to a committee.
Commissioner Johnson thanked everyone for the warm welcome.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 a.m.
JAMES D, MOVIUS, Secretary
Planning Director
November 8, 2005