HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 283-05 RESOLUTION NO. 283-05 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR TIRE- DERIVED PRODUCT (TDP) GRANT WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted the California Environmental Protection Agency which provides funds to cities and counties for promoting the market for recycled-content products derived from waste tires generated in California and decreasing the adverse environmental impacts created by unlawful disposal and stock piling of waste tires; and WHEREAS, the people of the State of California have enacted Senate Bill (SB) 876 (Escutia, Statutes of 2000, Chapter 838) to provide a comprehensive measure to extend and expand California's regulatory program related to the management of waste and used tires. This bill increases the tire fee from $0.25 to $1.00 per tire (bringing California in line with other large states) until December 31,2006, and reduces it to $0.75 thereafter, extends the California tire fee to tires on new motor vehicles, revises the definition of "waste tire" and adds other definitions designed to provide regulatory relief for several thousand used tire dealers and waste tire recyclers, expands the tire manifest system, increases funding for recycling and recovery efforts, strengthens enforcement by making changes to the Waste Tire Hauler and Waste Tire Facility Permit Programs and develops a five-year plan to implement the provisions of SB 876; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of these programs within the state, setting up necessary procedures governing application by cities and counties under these programs; and WHEREAS, the applicant will enter into an agreement with the State of California for development of the project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD that: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. The City of Bakersfield authorizes the submittal of grant application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board under the California Tire Recycling Act (AB 1843). 3. The Public Works Director, or his/her designee, is hereby authorized and empowered to execute in the name of the City of Bakersfield, all necessary applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments hereto forthe purposes of securing grant ì¿,!\1í ~ funds and to implement and carry out the purposes specified in the grant application, éลก- 'l'cr '" m r- <:> iJ ORIGiNAL 1 of 2 ~ 'r-:.: ----------()()()---------- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City ()f Bakersfield at a regular meeting there()f held on NOli 3 0 ?OOIi , by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: / ~ ~ / / / / COUNCIL MEMBER COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER COUNCIL MEMBER ~~, CITY CLERK and Ex Offici() Cle Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED NOV 3 0 2005 HARVEY L. HALL Mayor By APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By I~~~;H~ Deputy City Att()rney S:\FILlNG\600 RECYClING\Tire Grant 2005\Resolution_Grant Applications to 2010.doc 2 of 2 « 'ò~Kf1 () d' >- '1'- J-- m - r- o c.., ORI(;I~rAI TIRE-DERVIEL. ñODUCT fTDP) GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION COVER SHEET ~ -_.._._----_._-~ PROJECT INFORMATION INDICATE WHICH TYPE OF TIRE DERIVED PRODUCT YOU ARE APPLYING FOR (CHECK ONLY ONE): RECREATION: TRANSPORTATION: AGRICULTURE/LANDSCAPE: o PLAYGROUNDS o GUARD RAILS OR COMPONENTS o MULCH OR SOIL AMENDMENT o TRACKS o RAilROAD TIES o WEED ABATEMENT COVERINGS I:8J SIDEWALKS/PATHWAY o SOUND BARRIERS D LUMBER (INCLUDES: DECKING, o SPORTS FIELDS o TRAFFIC CONES OR BARRJERS FENCING, BENCHES, CHAIRS, D TENNIS COURTS o TRUCK BED LINERS TABLES) i o RESILIENT FLOORING o OTHER:_ o TREE WELLS I 0 OTHER:_ OOTHER:_ , APPUCANT INFORMATION ¡ --~._--_._-- INDICATE WHICH TYPE OF ENTITY YOU ARE (CHECK ONLY ONE): . !8ICITY o COUNTY o CITY & COUNTY D COLLEGE OR UNIVERSITY o SPECIAL DISTRICT I o PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT o PARK DISTRICT o STATE OWNED RECREATIONAL FACILITIES , , o QUALIFYING CALIFORNIA INDIAN TRIBE o OTHER: , ! ---.---- NAME: City or Bakersfield .--- MAILING ADDRESS: 1501 Truxtun A venue , CITY; ~~--~---_.. Bakersfield COUNTY: lIP CODE: Kern 93301 PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: Rubber Sidewalk Installation I Various Locations - PRIMARY CONTACT/TtTLE: ----------------- E-MAIL ADDRESS: ! Luis Peralez Ip~!~~~~~akersfield~ .us TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (661) 326-3111 (661) 852-2113 SECONDARY CONTACT/TITLE: E-MAIL ADDA: , Brad Uoderwood -.-- ~_u_I!~~~~f?@bakers~~ld~!)'~__~--------.J TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBEA: ! (661)326-37891____. . (661) 852-2113 ~~LAT VE DISTRICT NUMBERS: _ ___ - ASSEMBLY: I SENATE: ~:!O.!'nd 32__._~_~_~____~ 16 and 18 FEDERAL TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER; 956000672 , ~,!",u'an' co....."'" thuppll<allon, pro"''' the fo/lowinQ "'om>'!/'''(2 ..... .....~. __. ..... , I COMPANY NAME: CONSULTANT NAME; I ! ---_._---~. COMPANY ADDRESS: PHONE: I I NUMBER OF TIRES DIVERTED (~t provide vendo, quote ~ 2,500 Urø minimum) ! 9,133 ! GRANT FUNDS REQUESTED ! NUMBER OF TIRES DIVERTED: I MAXIMUM OF TOTAL: $10 , X i 9,133 OR ACTUAL COST $91,330 i , PER TIRE i I ______ ___Q!:!~~S~~~_$lºL_ -~-- , --~-----_._---_._---_._--! Tire-Derived Product (TOP) Grant Program 3 '< <;;,i'.Ki:9f C) ~, )..... -'~ 1:= I::: o fö OrIG!~:t P. JECT DESCRIPTION PrO~!de8 briefde~cription O!_ll1e project below The project consists of removing raised and damagell concrete sidewalks and replacing them with rubber sidewalks. The locations arc areas on 21st Street, Park Way. 3nl Slrect, Jefferson Street and Niles Street. APPLICATION COVER SHEET CERTIFICATION ClJrtificlltion: I declare, under penalty of perjury, undar the laws of the SlBte of ClJlifornia, that all information submitted for CIWMB's conaiderstion for allocation of grant funds is true Bnd accursts to the bast of my /mowledge. ._-~---- ---_..._--.~ 11-9-05 .._-------~- x ~ ~nature (as aut~li~~!!E.f}L- Date -. --..------------- .R:aul M.}~g~s!_Publi~_\Y2rks DjreCl~!______. TyP!Ll!' P'i'!L~~'!!!: a"4_ Title Tire-Derived Product (TDP) Grant Program 4 V\þ J(,( <,¡ >.J' ""1)) C)' .~ >.. rn \-~ r- c:> C-. OR1GiNAl . ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Il)Ubl¡~~ntiLÎCS ~~~'-;;~~i~~~;ant funlli~-f~m CIWMß-f~};-~hi;;r~~-t-~l~~g;a-~~--~-U~~~(~~ply withlh~- following principles of Environmental Justice. Environmental Justice is defined in Government Code Section 65040.12(c) as: ",. .the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures, and incomes with respect 10 the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies." Public Resources Colle Sections 72000(a) and 72001 broadly require all California Environmental Protection Agency boards, departments, and offices to conduct their "programs, policies, and activilies that substantially affect human health or the environment in a manner that ensures the fair treatment of people of all races, cultures. and income levels, induding minority populations and low- income populations of the state." Certificstion: Applicant certifiu that, if awarded a grant, it shall, in the performance of the Grant Agf'fHltntmt, conduct i,. progrllms, policies, and activities that substantially affect human hBIJlth or the environment in B msnner that ensures the fair treatment of people of all rsces, cultures, and income levels, including minority populations Bnd lo~income populations of the State. ------------~--.._----------. "------------------. 11-9-05 x Date _ Raul M. Rojas, Public Works D~rector _ !Yp! or Prim Name and Tille RESOLUTION REQUIREMENT -----~-~------.-~~~----.-~------- -.- -- ----1 Submit 8n approved original resolution with your application or the following acknowledgement ·-~--~r-·-··-------~·.--~----·--···-·-·- --.-. .-.----..-- .-.-- 'm --.. ---.-. ..'-.' o An approved original resolution is enclosed in the application. _ _ I We acknowledg~th~t- our approved original resolution must be received by the CIWMB no ~ ¡ later than Friday, December 2, 2005. We further acknowledge that if our Resolution is I Lreccived aftcr December 2, 2005, our applicalion will be disqualified. --~- -----_._---~------------,-----------.----,- --- ---... ------------- Note: See Appendix B - Resolution/or information and example. RECYCLED-CONTENT PURCHASING POLICY OR DIRECTIVE r~claÌow~~gemenì th~_your of~~~~!O~ has ~ r~cycl~-cont8n! P~!~h~sing_po~icy or directi_v8__ [ 0 I Yes, our organizauon has a recycled-content purchaslßg policy or ùlrectlve , Date adoptcd: _ IL-- ~ ~t N~~ur organizali-~;does-~t have a -rc-cyded-contcnt purch-;sJ~g polley 0; d¡;ectJvc I8J I ",!"e acknowledge that our orgamzauon must adopt one and notify the CIWMß of such ___~~dopuon by Friday, December 2, 2005,_ or our ~~-.!.:~uon_ willJ:c di~quahfìcd:- ___ Note: See Appendix C - Recycled-Content Purchasing Policy or Directive for information and example. Tire-Derived Product (TDP) Grant Program 5 " 'OM",?> C,- ~, >- m >-- r' (;, () ''81''''101AI -- -----"-----.,-._._---~.__. WOAK PLAN TASK FORM Specific list of all grant eligible procedures or tasks .used to complete your project. J jst the individual activities. tasks or suhtasks, ami limclincs necessary to implement your Work PJan. Nole: If additional space is needed, the Work ['Ian 1(uk Forni may be reproduced OJ neces.wry. Task c.scrlptlon Product or Results StafUContractor Tlmefram& Ta8k' (use dat..) -----~.- ~._.__..~-- _.._----------.-- ..-------- ----~-------- --- - ------ Pre-Installation Phase .-- . --r_----------~-- -. .. --- -- --- -lslarr--- --- ---~ I Removal of existing concrete sidewalk. Ready Lo accept 4 Days placemenlof I1Jhhcr sidewalk. Installation Phase -- 2 Installation of rubber sidewalk New sidewalk. Staff 15 Days Post-Installation Phase ·_~,c-- 3 Review of costs and monitoring of Ltle-rEvaluation of Slaff Ongoing product. rubber sidewalk. NOle: See Appendix D - Work Plan Task FannIar example. Tire·Detlved Product (TDP) Grant Program 6 'ò1\K1-~ (~ ..~ > -- í- fT1 - ,-.. U e:, QRIGlJAI STATE:: OF CALIFORNIA CIWMB-669 (2104) CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE ~'~r-JAGEMENT BOARD GENERAL CHECKLIST OF BUSINESS PERMITS, LICENSES AND FILINGS GRANT APPLICANT/GRANTEE NAME City of Bakersfield GRANT NAME AND CYCLE Tire-Derived Product (TOP) Grant, Fiscal Yr 05-06 Grant Cycle ·1 GRANT NUMBER ~~-¡Ö-ATESUBMrirED7UPOATED~ November 9, 2005 Mark (.... or X) appropriate box on UQ!! line below. All line. must be compfeted. Note: This list is not all-inclusive. Grant Applicant/Grantee must list other critical permitsllícenseslfilings not identified below. Grant ApplicanVGrantee currently holds this valid permiVlicense/filing Grant ApplicanVGrantee will modify andlor obtain this permiVlicense/filing , This permiVlicense/filing is not applicable for this grant project or business ~-_"_---_.~~---,-. ...~...~. '-,,~. ... .-. n",n ..-'.....'r.~'''. ... ...,.... '.--..... LOCAL PERMITS, UCENSES & FILINGS REGULATOR OR ISSUER ..-.~."~,____..~__________~_.~_ ·"_.m.·____~__ ___ _______" ... "'___...._._.'-_____ ...._.__..~.______.._____...... Authority to ConstrucVPermit to Operate , Air Quality Management District .- B~jldi~g-C~n~iructi~;Permi£ . _~________ ________.____ _.~I'--C2~t~-~.-C-?~~X-----.---- Business license . ________~ City or County Fictitious Business Name Filing I County Land Use Permit/Zoning Clearance/Conditional Use PenTlit City or County 'PermitBy Rule (PBR) lor Permanent HHW Facilities or Temporary l C't C t C I/EPA-DTSC Collection Events I y, oun yor a ------_._"----~_._--_._._- .- --.--------- . ----- -----.-.---.....-.. Waste Hauler Permit I City or County _~___.~!~~_~~~~~..~~_~NSES &-F~~·~Ñ~~~~·.-_~_~..______r_ Antifreeze, BaUery, Oil & Paint (ABOP) Notification I CUPA or Cal/EPA,DTSC Corporate, Company or Partnership Filings Ca. Secretary of State . .------- fi~rdous W~~~f:I~uters ~r~itlcavEPA ~DTSC ,,____ Industrial Activities Storm Water General Permit : Cal/EPA - SWACS Non,Profit.9~~anization 5.c>1.~C)(:J) ,~ lea. Secre~ary of St~~___ _Prop._65 Safe Drink!ng Water & Toxic Enforcement Act i Cal/EPA - OEHHA Solid l'Ias.t.e~."ilities Permit L Cal/EPA - CIWMB __~,_,,__, State EPA Identification Number i Cal/EPA - DTSC -... ---'--~----~-----------~ ".... --.- --.----.--.--- -... ____¡-.______._ __.__. ______n__.__ o _181_ _"~_~!~~~~~_.~sed T~re Hau!~~.~_~~!~~rati~n m j. C~IfEP~_~.CIWMB __ ____.__._____ o 181 Waste Discharge Requirements , Cal/EPA - SWRCB , o 181 Waste Tire Facilities Permit Cal/EPA - CIWMB FEDERAL PERMITS, LICENSES & FILINGS - '~-'-'- -..- .-------.-.----------.--. o 0 181 us EPA - Identification Number ----... ._._-~ .. ----~---_._----_.. o 0 181 US EPA - NPDES and/or NSR Permits 00181 00181 o 0 181~ 00181 00181 00181 181'0 0 o 0 o 0 181 181 00181 , ~ , 00181 00181 00181 00181 'DO 181 o o o ODD ODD ODD ODD 000 ~-_._------- _._-_._---~--- - .-...-------- , us EPA ".. -~---r-ÛSEPA--- --~-._-- ----~---_.._.- ---.-----._~..._..~_.._----- OTHER PERMITS, LICENSES & FILINGS -,---~._._------ --'--_._"-_._--_...~-----~ ------_._-~- .---=-~~.-=--=-~:..::.~....:..-=-_.::.-=-~ '-'---'-- DO NOT submit copies of the permitsllicenseslfilings with this form. Please retain all permitsllicenses/filings in grant file for audit purposes. Tire-Derived Product (TOP) Grant Program 7 'ò·.K¡:, ~ "\J' >- ;'~ t-- ITI - r- l) <::1 ORIG'~JA! .--.-..,....-------- STATE OF CALIFORNIA CIWMB ß69 (2104) CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE ~""JAGEMENT BOARD GENERAL CHECKLIST OF BUSINESS PERMITS, LICENSES AND FILINGS CommentsINotes: Mark (,( or X) appropriate box below. PRIVATE ENTITY CERTIFICATIOÑ-:I';';;;;¡are-~nder penaítY~f-perju;Y und';the laws cl th~1 State of Camornia that the proposed grantee: 1) is in good standing and qualified to do . I o business in the State; and 2) has or will compiy with all applicable state, federal, and local laws, I ordinances, regulations, license and permit requirements necessary for the proper performance of this grant; and 3) where compliance has not been met, I have attached a letter describing what has been done to achieve full compliance. -_.- --~---_._-_.~.._."._- ~_._---~--. PUBLIC ENTITY CERTIFICATION: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the proposed grantee: 1) has or will comply with all applicable state, 181 I federal, and local laws, ordinances, regulations, license and permit requirements necessary for I the proper performance of this grant; and 2) where compliance has not been met, have 1 attached a letter describing what has been done to achieve full compliance. j - _._~~-----------_._--"----------_...__..__.._-~---~~ Executed at: Bakersfield, CA on 11-9-05 City and State Date Raui M. Rojas Public Works Director Print Name of Grant AppllcanVGrantee (as identffied in resolulion) Signature of G Titie 11-9-05 Date Note: Falsification under penalty of perjury may result in criminal and civil penalties. In addition, pursuant to the terms of the grant agreement, any misrepresentations in the above certification shall constitute a breach of contract that could resuff in non-payment of grant funds to the grantee; relinquishment by the grantee of funds previously paid; termination of the grant; and/or placing the grantee on the Board's Unreliable Contractors List. Tire-Derived Product (TOP) Grant Program B <'\o£' '. \,~/"'\ .',.".0» C~' "/J~ >- - I- f=I õ (:) lRI""N.1\l