HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4296 ORDINANCE NO. ~296 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY PREZONING TO R-1/PUD (ONE FAMILY DWELLING/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ON 1,630.34 ACRES, TO R-2/PUD (LIMITED MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ON 109.53 ACRES, TO C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) ON 9.66 ACRES, TO C-2 (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ON 22.09 ACRES, AND TO C- 2/PCD (REGIONAL COMMERCIAUPLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) ON 61.38 ACRES, THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERALLY BOUNDED BY PANAMA LANE TO THE NORTH, OLD RIVER ROAD TO THE EAST, SOUTH ALLEN ROAD (UNIMPROVED) TO THE WEST, AND TAFT HIGHWAY (STATE ROUTE [SR] 119) TO THE SOUTH (ZONE CHANGE NO. 03-1528), AND APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on a petition to prezone those certain properties to be annexed into the City of Bakersfield generally bounded by Panama Lane to the north, Old River Road to the east, South Allen Road (unimproved) to the west, and Taft Highway (State Route [SR] 119) to the south; and WHEREAS, a Development Agreement is also proposed for this project; and WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 151-05 on October 6,2005, the Planning Commission recommended approval and adoption of an ordinance amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code to approve Zone Change No. 03-1528 as delineated on attached Zoning Maps 122-25, 122-36, 123-30, and123-31 marked Exhibit "A" and a Development Agreement shown in Exhibit "G", by this Council and this Council has fully considered the recommendations made by the Planning Commission as set forth in that Resolution and restated herein; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of said hearing, did make several general and specific findings of fact regarding the environmental impacts of the proposal and prezoning of the subject property to R-1/PUD (One Family DwellinglPlanned Unit Development) on 1,630.34 acres, to R-2/PUD (Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling/Planned Unit Development) on 109.53 acres, to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) on 9.66 acres, to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 22.09 acres, and to C-2/PCD (Regional CommerciallPlanned Commercial Development) on 61.38 acres, and the Council has considered said findings as restated herein and all appear to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, for the above-described project, an Initial Study was conducted and it was determined that the proposed project would have a significant effect on the environment and, therefore, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and ~MB: WHEREAS, the City Council has considered and concurs with the followinQ,,¿" ~<!;, findings made by the Planning Commission as set forth in Resolution No. 151-05, adopte<B>n 18 October 6, 2005: VO~I'" <:> ~ "'~II\L 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All required notices have been given. The provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act have been followed. Based on the initial study and comments received, staff has determined that the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared and sent to responsible agencies and property owners within 300 feet of the project site. An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project in accordance with CEQA. Attached Exhibit "D" containing the "Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures" is appropriate and incorporated into the project. Attached Exhibit "E" containing the "Statement of Overriding Considerations" related to significant unavoidable impacts to agricultural resources, noise, and transportationltraffic is appropriate and incorporated into the project. That infrastructure exists or can easily be provided to accommodate the types and intensities of the proposed development. 7. The public necessity, general welfare and good zoning practice justify the recommended prezoning to R-1/PUD (One Family DwellinglPlanned Unit Development) on 1,630.34 acres, to R-2/PUD (Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling/Planned Unit Development) on 109.53 acres, to C-1 (Neighborhood Commercial) on 9.66 acres, to C-2 (Regional Commercial) on 22.09 acres, and to C-2/PCD (Regional Commercial/Planned Commercial Development) on 61.38 acres generally bounded by Panama Lane to the north, Old River Road to the east, South Allen Road (unimproved) to the west, and Taft Highway (State Route [SR] 119) to the south. 8. The recommended zone change and Development Agreement are consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan, subject to prior approval of General Plan Amendment No. 03-1528. 9. That Zone Change No. 03-1528 is hereby recommended with mitigation measures adopted in the Final Environmental Impact Report. 10. That Zone Change No. 03-1528, as outlined above, is hereby recommended for approval with "Mitigation/Conditions of Approval" shown on Exhibit "C" and Exhibit "F" subject to prior approval of General Plan Amendment No. 03-1528. 11. That the Final Environmental Impact Report for Zone Change No. 03- 1528 is hereby recommended for approval. 12. That the Development Agreement is hereby recommended for approval as shown in Exhibit "G". 13. '" ~ '¿"'IE'" The laws and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of;: ~ EIR's as set forth in CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines, and the City of: {!.! o <:> n"¡¡r::INAI 2 ....,--.-....-.. as follows: Bakersfield CEQA Implementation Procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the Planning Commission. SECTION 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield 1. The above recitals and findings incorporated herein by reference are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this matter. 2. The report of the Planning Commission, including maps and all reports and papers relevant thereto, transmitted by the Secretary of the Planning Commission to the City Council, is hereby received, accepted and approved. 3. The proposed project is consistent with surrounding uses. 4. Section 17.06.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by prezoning that certain property to be annexed into the City of Bakersfield, the boundaries of which property is shown on Zoning Maps 122-25, 122-36, 123-30, and123-31 marked Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and are more specifically described in attached Exhibit "B ". 5. Such zone change is hereby made subject to the "Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program" adopted in the Final Environmental Impact Report as shown in Exhibit "F" and "Mitigation/Conditions of Approval" for the project as shown in Exhibit "C", subject to approval of GPA No. 03- 1528. 6. Attached Exhibit "D" containing the "Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures" are appropriate and incorporated into the project. 7. Attached Exhibit "E" containing the "Statement of Overriding Considerations" related to significant unavoidable impacts to agricultural resources, air quality (odors), and transportationltraffic are appropriate and incorporated into the project. 8. The Development Agreement shown in Exhibit "G" is hereby approved. 9. Based on the absence of evidence in the record as required by Section 21082.2 of the State of California Public Resources Code (CEQA) for the purposes of documenting significant effects, it is the conclusion of the Lead Agency that this project will result in impacts that fall below the threshold of significance with regard to wildlife resources and, therefore must be granted a "de minimis" exemption in accordance with Section 711 of the State of California Fish and Game Code. Additionally the assumption of adverse effect is rebutted by the above-referenced absence of evidence in the record and the lead agency's decision to prepare an Environmental Impact Report for this project. 10. The public necessity, general welfare and good planning practices jus~f'1AK~ú' the requested zone change, as shown on Exhibit "A." ;:-;:'. >- m _ r- (,) <:> 3 mW"NAL SECTION 2. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective not less than thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. ---------000--------- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on nFC 1 4 ?DOS by the following vote: (~ NOES: ABSTAIN: ~~ ",/v v'l/ L-" ý"/ COUCH, CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARO, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER -t-.1.,\ VI :s,..':-r,-- PAMELA A. McCARTHY, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Cle Council of the City of Bakersfield HA VEY L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: ¡J1;w; 711, W~ EXHIBIT A Zoning Maps 122-25, 122-36, 123-30, and123-31 B Zone Change Legal Descriptions C MitigationlConditions of Approval D Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures E Statement of Overriding Considerations F Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program G Development Agreement PH - S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIRIResalutianslCC ZC.dac 4 '< 'òi>,Iíf;5> () ~ ;.... - ,.... m _ r- V <:> "olC>'NAL Exhibit A Zoning Maps 122-25, 122-36, 123-30, and 123-31 ~ <¿,l\.¡(f» <:> ó' "" ;>... - I- m _ r- V <:> ORIGINAl .. II ~ i; Iš"". I. ~ I~ ~ ,i ;.;. i g ! ~ , J..~ If ~.~.. i~it ;;1 Ii:! ~ i~ ~~ §d bjM í. .~ i~ ;-. ,~ \; ,. '. II ii ~ i; ~ ~ 'W ;¡ :¡ 3; . ji Ii i . ~. š .> . ~ ~ s ¡ II Ii: :t '" ... ~ ~ I' ~. ¥. 3 ~ ¡ ~'. 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X ,?AK("-9 o ~ >- - ! ¡ ¡ ~ ! _ r- V <:> .......-¡',...''''t\.l Exhibit B Zone Change Legal Descriptions X 'ò!\l(ê" OÚ ., >- - ,.... n _ r- o <:> ORI(;INAI Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-1 PUD Being a portion of Sections 25 and 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the county of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 25, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Allen Road and Panama Lane and the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 89°23'48" East along the centerline of said Panama Lane, 2644.71 feet to the North quarter comer of said Section 25; South 89°24'35" East along the centerline of said Panama Lane, 1796.52 feet to angle point; South 00°58'27" West, 716.50 feet to an angle point; South 89°24'35" East, 848.21 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Buena Vista Road; South 00°58'34" West along the centerline of 1925.16 feet to the East quarter corner of said Section 25; South 00°58'46" West along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 2021.25 feet to an angle point; North 87"16'48" West, 901.04 feetto the beginning of a non- tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 750.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 02°43'12" East; Westerly along said curve trough a central angle of 25°52'41 ", an arc length of 338.74 feet; North 61 °24'07" West, 170.00 feet to an angle point; South 24°40'18" West, 63.91 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 150.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 81°23'00" East; Southerly along said curve through a central angle of 08°23'02", an arc length of 21.95 feet; {,Þ. K E", j,J' "" >- - f- m _ r- o <:> f"\n!~!t..IAL Sheet 1 of 5 Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 00°13'58" West, 430.19 to an angle point; South 89°46'02" East, 76.35 feet to an angle point; South 00°39'20" West, 309.36 feet to an angle point; South 89°24'46" East, 346.50 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road and the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2000.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 00°39'20" West; Easterty along said curve through a central angle of 08°32'01", an arc length of 297.88 feet; South 80°48'40" East along the centerline of McCutchen Road, 400.00 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 2000.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 09° 11 '20" East; Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 08°03'26", an arc length of 281.25 feet to a point of intersection with the centertine of said Buena Vista Road; South 00°54'52" West along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 374.61 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 2370.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 01 °05'55" East; Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 10°57'26" an arc length of 453.24 feet to an angle point; North 77°56'37" West, 199.44 feet to the beginning of a non- tangent curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 1645.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 12°03'21" West; Westerly along said curve through a central angle of 11 °24'01", an arc length of 327.31 feet to an angle point; North 89°20'40" West, 87.85 feet to an angle point; South 02°11'31" West, 657.87 feetto an angle point;; South 17°36'37" East, 53.50 feet to an angle point; I, 'i)i\Kf'i' Ò't!:;, ;:.... - ,.... m _ r- V <:> Sheet 2 of 5 0D""".o.1 Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 28°26'15" East, 261.80 feet to an angle point; North 89°59'38" East, 694.10 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 15.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 00°00'00" West; Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 44°24'55", an arc length of 11.63 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 48.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 44°24'55" East; Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 74°00'26", an arc length of 62.00 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 90.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 29°35'31" East; Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 29°35'31", an arc length of 46.48 feet to an angle point; South 90°00'00" East, 122.29 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Buena Vista Road; South 00°54'52" West along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 1349.97 feet to the East quarter corner of said Section 36; South 00°55'03" West along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 2463.70 feet to an angle point; North 89°24'46" West, 30.84 feet to an angle point; South 00°35'14" West, 46.00 feet to an angle point; South 45°14'44" West, 71.14 feet to an angle point; North 89°50'30" West, 932.38 to an angle point; South 00°09'30" West, 50.00 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Taft Highway; North 89°50'30" West along the centerline of Taft Highway, 2883.21 feet to an angle point; North 00°29'00" East, 47.28 feet to an angle point; North 40°03'16" West, 2039.50 feet to an angle point; '< -r.i.Kf1 0% ;,... - r- m Sheet 3 of 5 õ r; "t!!C:'MAI Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence North 00°55'36" East, 55.00 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Allen Road; North 00°55'36" East along the centerline of Allen Road, 2399.73 feet to an angle point; South 89°03'27" East, 373.15 to an angle point; North 53°22'26" East, 16.40 feet to an angle point; South 89°03'27" East, 60.00 feet to an angle point; South 00°56'33" West, 98.71 feet to an angle point; North 81°41'31" East, 52.89 feet to an angle point; North 73°33'03" East, 52.05 feet to an angle point; North 66°15'11" East, 31.47 feet to an angle point; North 74°33'03" East, 37.73 feet to an angle point; South 89°26'32" East, 69.02 feet to an angle point; South 89°03'27" East, 645.92 feet to an angle point; North 00°39'20" East, 533.36 feet to an angle point; North 89°20'40" West, 120.00 feet to an angle point; North 00°39'20" East, 305.00 feet to an angle point; South 89°20'40" East, 80.49 feet to an angle point; North 00°39'20" East, 491.27 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said McCutchen Road; North 89°23'36" West along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 1281.80 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Allen Road and the Southwest corner of said Section 25; North 00°56'58" East along the centerline of said Allen Road, 2385.40 feet to the West quarter corner of said Section 25; ~<{'¡'¡(~5' CJ ~ ;,... - t- m Sheet 4 of 50 r; ""'(;INAL Thence Continuing North 00"56'58" East along the centerline of said Allen Road, 2896.28 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Panama Lane and the true point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A portion of Sections 25 and 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Parcel A: Contains 2.95 Acres Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 25, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Panama Lane and Allen Road; thence South 89"23'48" East along the centerline of Panama Lane, 2129.15 feet; thence South 00"36'12" West, 1955.77feet to the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence South 43"44'00" East, 391.00 feet to an angle point; South 45"40'53" West, 330.02 feet to an angle point; North 43"44'00" West, 391.00 feet to an angle point; North 46"16'00" East, 330.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Parcel B: Contains 3.14 Acres Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 36, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Taft Highway and Allen Road; thence South 89"50'30" East along the centerline of Taft highway, 2065.81 feet; thence North 00"09'30" East, 1418.05 feet to the true point of beginnin . Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence North 44"31'31" West, 417.43 feet to an angle point; North 45"28'29" East, 318.00 feet to an angle point; South 44"31'31" East, 431.70 feet to an angle point; South 45"28'29" West, 269.97 feet to an angle point; South 62"00'59" West, 50.11 feet to the true point of beginning. %1\1(£", «"ó' o "" >- - ¡..-- m _ r- Q <:> ORIG'NAL Sheet 5 of 5 PLì~¡rP.OÞ N/W &æN. ~ Panama Lane L2 L1 ~ ø o ~ R Q :¡¡ I") -' N 1O -' NOT A PART SEC 25 T. 30 S., R. 26 E. M.D.M. NOT A PART _t·_~ L30 Taft Highway NOTES: 1. SEE SHffi 3 FOR DETAIL INFRONATION. 2. SEE SHffi 4 FOR UNE/CURVE/RADIAl TABlE INFRONATION. ~_.. ~----_.,..^._.~----- EXHIBIT "8- ~ ~ ø o ~ ø +' III .... > ø R Q ::J 1%1 "<l- N -' S!E &æN SHffi 1OF4 POt- N/W URN. 'tI as o ø:; 1:1 Q ~ ~ ~ _t"._ POt- S/W URN. S 89'23'48" E 2129.15 /t Panama Lane '"' w 'Nï= TPOf¡ /' McCutchen Road TPOf¡ S 89'50'30" E 2065.81 "" . "" g¡::::: ên"" C> C> boo C> _ ~ :z _ ~ Taft Highway .HOJES: 1. SEE SHffi 3 FOR DETAIL INFROMA11ON. 2. SEE SHffi 4 FOR UNE/CURVE/RADIAL TABLE INFROMATION. EXHIBIT "8- ? 'tI as o ø:; .s III ¡; as 1:1 Q ::I g: ~ / ~ URN <¡,/A.kii',s> ~ ~ >- - r- J:!: SHffi 2 OF ¡; S/'N U1<N. L50 t McCutchen Road N U1<N. ] ø 51 0> <t ...J QþI " <t L44 ~l ~ 1 = 500 R2 o ~ ...J CIII'I:I 1 = CIII II 0 ::!Ø:: ~ :Q~ CItI> 7 ~ L19 NOTES- . t. SEE SHŒT 3 FOR UNE/CURVE/RADIAI. TABlE INFROMA11ON. EXHIBIT '"8- ~ 1 = 500 R5 CItI / 1 <D ...J L7 S/E U1<N. '1:1 CIII N 0 ~ Ø:: ...J CIII 4 .. III -.. > McCutchen Road CIII N/E = U1<N. II ::I :Q L21 L22 ~l SHŒT 3 Of 4 EXHIBIT "8- NUMBER DELTA TANGENT RADIUS LENGTH C1 25'52' 41" 172,31 750.00 338.74 C2 08·23'02" 10.99 150.00 21.95 NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE C3 08"32'01" 149.21 2000.00 297.88 R1 N 0743'12" E 750.00 C4 08"03'26" 140.86 2000.00 281.25 R2 S 8 r23'00" E 150.00 R3 S 00"39'20" W 2000.00 C5 10"57'26" 227.31 2370.00 453.24 R4 N 09'11'20" E 2000.00 C6 11"24'01" 164.20 1645.00 327.31 R5 N Or05'55" E 2370.00 C7 44'24'55" 6.12 15.00 11.63 R6 S 12'03'21" W 1645.00 74'00'26" R7 N 00"00'00" W 15.00 C8 36.18 48.00 62.00 R8 S 44'24'55" E 48.00 C9 29·35'31 " 23.77 90.00 46.48 R9 N 29'35'31" E 90.00 NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 S 89·23'48" E 2644.71 L32 N 40"03' 16" W 2039.50 L2 S 89·24'35" E 1796.52 L33 N 89·04'33" W 55.00 L3 S 00"58'27" W 716.50 L34 N 00·55'36" E 2399,73 L4 S 89'24'35" E 848.21 L35 S 89'03'27" E 373.15 L5 S 00'58'34" W 1925.16 L36 N 53"22'26" E 16.40 L6 S 00'58'46" W 2021.25 L37 S 89·03'27" E 60.00 L7 N 8716'48" W 901.04 L38 S 00·56'33" W 98.71 L8 N 6r24'07" W 170.00 L39 N 8r41'31- E 52.89 L9 S 24'40'18" W 63,91 L40 N 73·05'38- E 52.05 L10 S 00'13'58" W 430.19 L41 N 66'15'11" E 31.47 L11 S 89'46'02" E 76.35 L42 N 74'33'03" E 37.73 L12 S 00"39'20" W 309.36 L43 S 89'26'32" E 69.02 L13 S 89'24'46" E 346.50 L44 S 89'03'27" E 645.92 L14 S 80"48'40" E 400.00 L45 N 00"39'20" E 533,36 L15 S 00"54'52" W 374.61 L46 N 89·20'40" W 120.00 L16 N 7756'39" W 199.44 L47 N 00·39'20" E 305.00 L17 N 89'20'40" W 87,85 L48 S 89'20'40" E 80.49 L18 S 0711'31" W 657.87 L49 N 00·39'20" E 491.27 L19 S 1736'37" E 53.50 L50 N 89'23'36" W 1281.80 L20 S 28'26' 15" E 261.80 L51 N 00"56'58" E 2385.40 L21 N 89'59'38" E 694.10 L52 N 00"56'58" E 2896.28 L22 S 90"00'00" E 122.29 L53 S 43'44'00" E 387.63 L23 S 00'54'52" W 1349.97 L54 S 45'40'53" W 330.02 L24 S 00'55'03" W 2463.70 L55 N 43'44'00" W 391.00 L25 N 89·24'46" W 30.84 L56 N 46·16'00" E 330.00 L26 S 00·35'14" W 46.00 L57 N 44'31'31" W 417.43 L27 S 45·14'44" W 71.14 L58 N 45'28'29" E 318.00 L28 N 89'50'30" W 932.38 L59 S 44·31'31" E 431.70 L29 S 00"09'30" W 50.00 L60 S 45'28'29" W 269.97 L30 N 89·50'30" W 2883,21 L61 S 6700'59" W 50.11 X '6l\kf'» L31 N 00·29'00" E 47.28 <:> .¿;, "- - SHEET 4 Of 41;:SHŒTS J!! "q'C:INAl '--'-~ Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone-Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-1 PUD Being a portion of Sections 30 and 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 30; thence South 89°08'46" East along the EastJWest mid-section line of said Section 30, 1284.61 feet to the Northwest corner of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 10155 recorded January 23, 1998 in book 49 of Parcel Maps at Page 83, said Northwest corner being the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 89°08'46" East along the North line of said Parcel Map 10155, 1859.39 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel Map; South 89°08'46" East along the EastJWest mid-section line of said Section 30, 1320.44 feet; South 89°08'46" East along the EastJWest mid-section line of said Section 30, 1011.16 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Old River Road and the East quarter corner of said Section 30; South 00°33'50" West along the centerline of said Old River Road, 2387.52 feet; North 89°10'49" West, 150.00 feet; South 00°33'50" West, 250.00 feet; South 89°10'49" East, 150.00 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Old River Road, the Southeast corner of said Section 30 and the Northeast corner of said Section 31; South 00°27'28" West along the centerline of Old River Road, 2639.64 feet to the West quarter corner of said Section 31; North 89°10'11" West, 1322.53 feet; North 00°23'30" East, 1319.68 feet; R1_B_LEGALdoc SHEET 1 OF 2 ~ 'òM~''i' () ¡p "- ~. I- iT - ,... v Ò ORIGINAl Thence North 89°10'34" West; 1324.06 feet; Thence North 00°19'32" East, 1164.88 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road; Thence South 88°52'25" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 182.00 feet; Thence North 01 °07'35" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 155.74 feet; Thence South 89°10'49" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 134.35 feet to a point of intersection with the East line of Parcel 2 of said Parcel Map No. 10155; Thence North 00°36'25" East along the East line of said Parcel 2, 1406.82 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel 2; Thence North 89°05'46" West along the North line of said Parcel 2, 891.28 feet to the Northwest corner of said Parcel 2; Thence South 00°38'34" West along the West line of said Parcel 2, 1529.81 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 2; Thence North 88°52'25" West along the South line of said Parcel 1 of Parcel Map NO.1 0155, 979.37 feet to the Southwest corner of said Parcel 1; Thence North 00°50'27" East along the West line of said Parcel 1 , 2756.44 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains: 346.98 Acres R1_B_LEGAL.doc SHEET 2 OF 2 5: ~Þ.k(i..y o if' ;>.. ~ t- fT1 - r- <..) <:> nql~INAL EXHIBIT '1' PO£. W 14UR £f£. 'JOIn _____.J._çL____ 2 L tl4UR £f£. 'JO 'JO 17 ! ! I I I ~ I IZI ! ~! 5UR"J £f£. 'JO 'JOj'J.7 ! ~ ~ ~ III 5: LLA 84-97 PARCEl.. 1 PARCEl.. WI No. 1015S m 49 II' PARCEl.. MAPS AT PAŒ 83, !I.R. 7 ~ ~ cu~~ - .....I !I !::! ~~~~~:J "-~!l; ~ "-I ..- .....I ~ ~ -~--------------- U4 t McCUTCHEN ROAD ----------- - - - - - --- ~ := CI ~ ' ~ i I ~~ 00 90 .....I o~ tit" cu - -' = ::i W.1/4UR £f£. 'i 'JOj17 LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE U S 89'08' 46' E 1859.39 U2 N 00'19'32' E 1164,88 L2 S 89'08'46' E 1320.44 U3 S 88'52'25' E 182.00 L3 S 89'08'46' E 1011.16 U4 N 01'07'35' E 155,74 L4 S 00'33'50' 'vi 2387,52 US S 89'10'49' E 134.35 L5 N 89'10'49' 'vi 150,00 U6 N 00'36'25' E 1406,82 L6 S 00'33'50' 'vi 250,00 U7 N 89'05'46' 'vi 891.28 L7 S 89'10'49' E 150,00 U8 S 00'38'34' 'vi 1529,81 L8 S 00'27'28' 'vi 2639,64 U9 N 88'52'25' 'vi 979,37 L9 N 89'10'11' 'vi 1322,53 L20 N 00'50'27' E 2756.44 UO N 00'23'30' E 1319,68 L21 S 89'08'46' E 1284,61 Ul N 89'10'34' 'vi 1324,06 ~ ~../(¿:;ç, Ç) .¿;, >- - SI£ET 1 [J' It. SHEET r"JRIGtNAI Exhibit "An Legal Description Zone-Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-1 PUD Being a portion of the South half of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing from the East quarter corner of said Section 31; thence South 00°27'02" West along the centerline of Old River Road, 1320.04 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 00°27'26" West along the centerline of said Old River Road, 578.76 feet; North 89°32'46" West, 899.98 feet to an angle point; South 00°50'35" West, 735.22 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of said Section 31 and the centerline ofTaft Highway; North 89°09'42" West along the centerline of Taft Highway, 1734.33 feet to an angle point; North 00°19'54" East, 1320.47 feet to an angle point; North 89°09'10" West, 1320.05 feet to an angle point; North 00°19'54" East, 660.03 feet to an angle point; South 89°08'04" East, 1320.06 feet to an angle point; North 00°19'54" East, 261.69 feet to an angle point; South 89°30'32" East, 390.08 feet to an angle point; North 00°29'28" East, 395.90 feet to an angle point; South 89°09'48" East, 928.86 feet to an angle point; South 00°19'54" West, 1322.13 feet to an angle point; South 89°09' 10" East; 1332.13 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Old River Road, said point of intersection being the true point of beginning. Contains: 121.16 Acres R1_C_LEGAL.doc 'ò I\K S'-9 ¿< % >- iíí t: t- V <:> ORI(:INAI EXHIBIT "8- ~ McCUTCHEN ROAD I , ~ --t--------- ~ I , ~ I ~ ' I , I , ~ I ...,..,.- ~ ' , 1 un ~--'---~,~i _ L12 ¡ L8 .......... ....... \'····...':dJJ ") , ······.\L10 ::::ï I r:J '..mm_ , I , I , I , I ~ 10:1 ;J ø:¡ --~--. ----- 1\. - . -- ~--~ 'I N¡t UR SU. ~ 'Xl/27 , -'--- L6 -_..-.. ; U) ....J , t - -- ---'\ '. -..... I s!W c.æ.. I 1 SU ~ 'Xl/1ì I i t TAFT mGHWAY ---" UNE TABLE NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 DIRECTION S 00·27'26" W N 89'32'46" W S 00·50'35" W N 89'09'42" W N 00'19'54" E N 89'09' 1 0" W N 00'19'54" E S 89'08'04" E DISTANCE 578.76 899.98 735.22 1734.33 1320.47 1320.05 660.03 1320.06 NUMBER L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 DIRECTION N 00'19'54" E S 89'30'32" E N 00·29'28" E S 89·09'48" E S 00'19'54" W S 89·09' 1 0" E S 00'27'02" W L4 DISTANCE 261.69 390.08 395.90 928.86 1319.81 1322.13 1320.04 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ POl- E.1/4 UR SU. ~ 'Xl/17 9 o ra¡:I ~ ---- Tro!> , U) i::::ï L14 ~ ....J ,"- L2 i ") ....J .' n"'- , t-:~UR I SU ~ 'Xl/lì , I 'ë:,t.. ",), , ~,\ :;'{ \~\ ·i; . '. ' 'Î ."'.' .,~,')::.. .., .' ~'. ,t", .... ' , '- . ,.-- " .. i i¡\ i It? -).7 -ó 7.,,'¡, ~'.... '~':":~'j~"i;:"'~~~(~'~ AK <'~tr ;... '::: ù <::, SHffi 1 OF 1 O§æ,: Exhibit "An Legal Description Zone-Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-1 PUD Being a portion of the North half of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 31; thence South 01 °14'38" West along the centerline of Buena Vista Road, 103.20 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road; thence South 88°52'03" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 1451.31 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 4 of the "Sales Map of Lands of the Kern County Land Company" filed in the office of the county recorder of said county on August 18, 1892; thence South 01 °07'57" West along the East line of said Lot 4 of said "Sales Map of Lands of the Kern County Land Company", 706.85 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence South 01 °07'57" West, 494.10 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 5; Thence North 89°10'34" West, 513.19 feet to an angle point; Thence North 00°50'12" East, 494.21 feet to an angle point; Thence South 89°09'48" East, 515.74 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains: 5.83 Acres R1_D_LEGAL.doc '< 'ì>i\I(~:y a ~ >- m ,.... 1"- Õ <:> ORIGiNAL " , .... '" '" c.n (J'):Z: (/) 0 ;¡; ~8ffigrr1 dc..ñ-ldo tD~qo~-tg ~¡;::;~~:z " :: ::II ::II ""':0::0::0: '-".... '-" - <D - '-"....t.N :"""t-..J:""'" ...._<D .... "" <D - ....(1') . -i - :> o :z (") ,.,., ~ - (l;1li\1:- . II ~ --________1.. ~ Buena Vista Road . ---------------------- (I') co ,-"C>¡ ....'-" - '" ~ò - '" . L3 , , .... ---------- S 01'07'57" W 706.85 L1 , I i i ! ! ! I I I i i I i i \ , \ \ ~\ ~ ' \ ;-I ~ 9 o:J -= ~ r [ "' _"0_ _.~._. _.___~ (I') g - -' 0.... '" - . '" '-"co -.. . 1:0: ~z '" "'> " - ,<>= '" ~" "". --.J ,.,., ¿fKf >-.... I;::. °.a!r,IN Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone-Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-2/PUD Being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 30, thence South 01 "14'31" West along the centerline of Buena Vista Road, 103.57 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road, thence South 88"52'03" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 1541.31 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence South 88"52'03" East, 1204.28 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89"48'46" East, 92.13 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00"00'00" East, 1196.43 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00"19'54" West, 660.03 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89"09'48" West, 1320.05 feet to an angle point; Thence North 00"19'54" East, 660.03 feet to an angle point; Thence North 01 "07'57" East, 1200.89 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road and the true point of beginning. Contains: 55.97S.F. o~<C' '< ",,~,..5' <:> .¿;, >- - ,.... m _ r- 'J <:> ,..,t> ("~I~L . 'i so C> I O::¡ ~ 1'1 '" i u 'I.~ . - - ~ ~ IV r- .~ ~:::s"" "" <:: - CL~ :z: . ¡w .. _. _. L?JO_l... n .f' M "B£,tUO S þ £1 :::i Ll -'. <4 c:::. D..; I- :w " ;8 ~ :~ .- '0[) ~ :å3 - :({) ~-'I.7- PVOH '1SJA vuanø :J t1 U') --' 91 .-- w '-' OC> n 0[) 0> :z: ('oj .... n 0 n co ~ '" n <Ó 0 0 0 0 ({) 0 N 0> 0 N 0 0 <5 N lO I') lO N 0> <D <D www~~ww a ; a a = = = n<Do.q-co..q.-""", :z::OVOU")VI.OlC> o(-...¡roornrnë,,¡...... t=U")vc> 0 0 '-'êoê:nbbo,b~ ~a::>ooooCXJoo DV>Z(/)(I)Z:Z::Z: a:: w cc "" ~:::¡~ ÀKl <D~ --'>- --' n.... U') --' --'--' Q "°''''11111, Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-2/PUD Being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner on said Section 36, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of McCutchen Road and Allen Road; thence South 89°20'40" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 745.05 to the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence South 89°20'40" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 526.10 feet to an angle point; South 00°39'20" West, 490.00 feet to an angle point; North 89°20'40" West, 80.49 feet to an angle point; South 00°39'20" West, 305.00 feet to an angle point; South 89°20'40" East, 120.00 feet to an angle point; South 00°39'20" West, 533.36 feet to an angle point; North 89°05'41" West, 714.94 feet to an angle point; South 74°33'03" West, 37.73 feet to an angle point; South 66° 15' 11" West, 31.47 feet to an angle point; South 73°05'38" West, 52.05 feet to an angle point; South 81°41'31" West, 52.89 feet to an angle point; North 00°56'33" East, 98.71 feet to an angle point; North 89°03'27" West, 60.00 feet to an angle point; South 53'22'26" West, 16.40 feet to an angle point; SHEET 1 OF 2 ~ 'òÄK("", () .¿;, >- - f- m - r- Ù <:> ORI¡::I~II\I R2_1_LEGAL.doc Thence North 89°03'27 West, 373.15 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Allen Road; Thence North 00°55'42" East along the centerline of said Allen Road, 545.33 feet to an angle point; Thence North 90°00'00" East 757.59 feet to an angle point; Thence North 00°00'00" East, 727.77 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains: 26.06 Acres R2_1_LEGALdoc SHEET 2 OF 2 ~¡;'I\(5' O~ Ó' ..,.. >- - fì; I;::. r- V <:> ORlr:;INAL EXHIBIT "8- TYoÞ S 89·20'40" E 745.05 ~ McCutchen Road L1 POL- N/W úíR SUo % ".>0/26 <X) ::; L3 L17 L5 't:I ~ o ø:: = II) - :< <D -' Q:tI ~ <D -' L7 ...'".- LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 S 89·20'40" E 536.10 L2 S 00·39'20" W 490.00 L3 N 89'20'40" W 80.49 ql L4 S 00·39'20" W 305.00 !' ~, L5 S 89'20'40" E 120.00 (,\ '" L6 S 00'39'20" W 533.36 L7 N 89·05'41" W 714.94 L8 S 74'33'03" W 37.73 L9 S 66·15'11" W 31.47 L10 S 73·05'38" W 52.05 L11 S 81"41'31" W 52.89 L12 N 00'56'33" E 98.71 L13 N 89'03'27" W 60.00 L14 S 53'22'26" W 16.40 L15 N 89·03'27" W 373.15 L16 N 00'55'42" E 545.33 L17 N 90'00'00" E 757.59 U8 N 00'00'00" E 727.77 ';:, ,;1fl1t;" ~';/" \ \' \ . I,) ., I" , , ~¡ ItJ-J7-è~: !, ç. i>.k,,' <.;. \..I·ll (j' ~ >. - I::. f!! SHEET 1 OF 1 ':>. <:> ._--'~-"-~ Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to R-2IPUD Being a portion of the Southwest quarter of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 36, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Allen Road and Taft Highway and the true point of beginning; Thence North 00°54'32" East along the centerline of said Allen Road, 1605.63 feet to an angle point; Thence South 89°04'33" East, 55.50 feet to an angle point; Thence South 40°03'16" East, 2039.50 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00°29'00" West, 47.28 feet to a point of intersection with the center line of said Taft Highway; Thence North 89°50'30" West along the centerline of said Taft Highway, 1393.02 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Allen Road and the true point of beginning. Contains: 27.57 Acres " 0,/J,l(ff ()' tP "'- -1"1 I- iií Õ ,.... ()PIGI~lð'<:> P.oújrP.oB s/W UR. <æ&. '3Ø ~/U ~ NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 DIRECTION N 00·54'32" E S 89'04'33" E S 40'03'16" E S 00·29'00" W N 89'50'30" W 'Ø as o ø= ¡: GI - :;I L2 EXHIBIT -B- ::::; DISTANCE 1605.63 55.50 2039.50 47.28 1393.02 SEC 36 30 S., R. 26 E. M.D.M. ~ Taft Highway SCÞI ~. 1- - 800' '< ~j!\~'<1 () ó' >.. "" t- rf: Õ r SHEET 1 OF 1 ~ Exhibit "An Legal Description Zone Change Prezonin9 No. 03-1528 From A to C-1 Being a portion of Section 25, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 25, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Panama Lane and Allen Road; thence South 89°23'48" East along the centerline of said Panama Lane, 2129.15 feet; thence South 00°36'12" West, 1955.77 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence South 43°44'00" East; 387.63 feet to an angle point; Thence South 45°40'53" West, 330.02 feet to an angle point; Thence North 43°44'00" West, 391.00 feet to an angle point; Thence North 46°16'00" East, 330.00 feet to the true point of beginning Contains: 2.95 Acres C_A_LEGALdoc " ?,AI(("-9 ()' ó' -).. ~ r- m - r- SHEET 1 OF t'OP'f",,,,,Ö '1:1 a o ø:: : Q) - < Q:tI ~ ~ S 89'23'48' E 2129,15 EXHIBIT 'B' '3~ . f-- ~ ::Or-- M r-- o Lri gLf) ~ (/)- S~ C-æN /£ McCutchen Road .... I" . ... P£i{ N/W C-æN /£ Panama Lane TPOþ ~ NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 DIRECTION S 43'44'00' E S 45'40'53' 'vi N 43'44'00' 'vi N 46'16'00' E DIST ANCE 387,63 330,02 391.00 330,00 /~ '1:1 a o ø:: a .... !J .... > a : Q) ::s ~ Q:tI / ~ /~ ~ ~,~K( C> >- t- SHEET 1 OF 1 Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to C-1 Being a portion of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Section 36, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Taft Highway and Allen Road; thence South 89°50'30" East along the centerline of Taft Highway, 2065.81 feet; thence North 00°09'30" East, 1418.05 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence North 44°31'31" West, 417.43 feet to an angle point; Thence North 45°28'29" East, 318.00 feet to an angle point; Thence South 44°31'31" East, 431.70 feet to an angle point; Thence South 45°28'29" West, 269.97 feet to an angle point; Thence South 62°00'59" West, 50.11 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains: 3.14 Acres C_B_LEGAL.doc ý ,?,ii!I¡"r-, () '1{r .>. -<1 ¡--. m - r-- C> <:> SHEET 1 OF 1 ()pr"r~JAI fJIIØ' T .:x:, \ / % IIcCutchen Road 'Ø as o ø:: ¡: œ¡ :;¡j Q: :I ~ TPOþ 5 89'50'30" E 2065.81 s!W URN POt;,. LINE TABLE NUMBER DIRECTION L1 N 44'31'31" W L2 N 45'28'29" E L3 5 44·31 '31" E L4 5 45·28'29" W L5 5 62·00'59" W w w of n <f) 8 0 b cO o .,¡- :z 0151 ANCE 417.43 318.00 431.70 269.97 50.11 L4 ~% Taft N/E {a» 'Ø as o ø:: as .... II) .... > as ¡: œ¡ ::s ø:I Q: :I / --~ Highway URN _1". ,.. Slim 10FI Exhibit" A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to C-2 Being a portion of Sections 25 and 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 25; thence South 01 °14'38" West along the centerline of Buena Vista Road, 103.57 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road, said point of intersection being the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 2000.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 01 °09'00" East, said point of intersection being the true point of beginning; Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Thence Westerly along said curve and the centerline of said McCutchen Road through a central angle of 08°02'21", an arc length of 280.62 feet to an angle point; North 80°48'40" West along the centerline of McCutchen Road, 400.00 feet to the beginning of a curve, concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 2000.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 09° 11 '20" West; Westerly along said curve and the centerline of McCutchen Road through a central angle of 08°32'01", an arc length of 297.88 feet to an angle point; North 89°20'40" West along the centerline of McCutchen Road, 346.51 feet to an angle point; North 00°39'20" East, 313.56 feet to an angle point; North 89°46'02" West, 76.35 feet to an angle point; North 00°13'58" East, 430.19 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Southeast, having a radius of 150.00 feet to which point a radial line bears South 89°46'02" East; Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 08°23'02", an arc length of 21.95 feet; North 24°40'18" East, 63.91 feet to an angle point; ;J~I{('- j '¡'~"('1'ó' >- "f\ r- ñi '0 ,...... SHEET 1 OF 2 . ~'''~'''AI<:> Thence South 61 °24'07" East, 170.00 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 750.00 feet to which point a radial line bears North 28°35'53" East; Thence Easterly along said curve through a central angle of 08°02'21", an arc length of 338.74 feet; Thence South 87"16'48" East, 901.04 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of Buena Vista Road; Thence South 01 °01 '07" West along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 727.95 feet to the true point of beginning. Contains: 22.08 Acres SHEET 2 OF 2 "J.' ~ '6A^i'1 c) U' ::.... "" f- ñi - r- o <:> nD'~'t..IA,1 EXHIBIT 'B' SEC 25 T. 30 S., R. 26 E. M.D.M. R3 R4 /~ McCutchen Road 'J ~ NUMBER DIRECTION Rl N 01'08'59' E R2 S 09'11'20' 'vi R3 S 89'46'02' E R4 N 28'35'53' E NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 ~ DIRECTION N 80'48'40' 'vi N 89'20'40' 'vi N 00'39'20' E N 89'46'02' 'vi N 00'13'58' E N 24'40'18' E S 61'24'07' E S 87'16'48' E S 01'01'07' 'vi DIST ANCE 2000,00 2000,00 150,00 750,00 DISTANCE 400,00 346,51 313,56 76,35 430.19 63.91 170,00 901.04 727,95 L8 4 L2 CURVE TABLE NUMBER DELTA C1 08'02'21' C2 08'32'01' C3 08'23'02' C4 25'52'41' TANGENT 140,54 149,21 10,99 172,31 RADIUS 2000,00 2000,00 150,00 750,00 LENGTH 280,62 297,88 21.95 338.74 '1; as o ~ as .... '" .... :> as ~ Q ::I r:r:I tit! / PDt- S/E &æ. S 01'14'38' 'vi 103,57 ICIILIIo I" . ... o Ák' 1...' ~ v 1,,'9 Ç) ú' SHEET 1 OF ~ SHEET n81GINAI Exhibit "An Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to C-2/PCD Being a portion of the North half of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Cornmencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 31; thence South 01 °14'38" West along the centerline of Buena Vista Road, 103.57 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of McCutchen Road, said point of intersection being the true point of beginning; Thence South 88°52'03" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 1541.31 feet to an angle point; Thence South 01 °07'57" West, 706.85 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89°09'48" West, 526.55 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00°50'12" West, 494.21 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89°09'48" West, 1012.73 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Buena Vista Road; Thence North 00°53'10" East along the centerline of said Buena Vista Road, 1209.02 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said McCutchen Road, said point of intersection being the true point of beginning. Contains: 36.62 Acres -..- ---"-.-' .,-.--. _.. .._..,--""--.< ~ 'üAl<.<'1> a if' "- ~ I- m - r- <.) <:> nl:!l(;rNAI ~..---- EXHIIIT '"B" I , I , I S 01'14'38" W ,...:"mmmmïoIsimm- =___m .."::.__ . . mm_ -L1m .m ___mmmmm m__m__.____m_m._ POú N/W Uf(. SU ~O, ~o In ; 'Ø <IS o ø:: <IS +' I1J .... > <IS 1:1 ( ) ::s ¡:Q CD -! " ..... L5 , ~ I ~ .um: TABLE NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 DIRECTION S 88·52'03" E S 01'07'57" w N 89'09'48" W S 00'50'12" W N 89·09'48" W N 00·53'10" E DISTANCE 1541.31 706.85 526.55 494.21 1012.73 1209.02 ..... L3 -__ "(~-~cCutche~~oad N -! ..... SCALE: 1· = 500' SHEET " \ò A/( 0' <I' >- ~ .-- rn 1 OF 1 3>HEETS ,..., ~ , I , I , '_m___mm_j , I , I , I '<; - -! ~...~_,_" ~ _._ _ _ _'_'__"_ _ _ ..__ __,,_._,. .... _'.,_ n·~,.",·, .~. _.____._ Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to C-2/PCD Being a portion of the Northwest quarter of Section 36, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 36, said corner being the centerline intersection of McCutchen Road and Allen Road and said point of commencement being the true point of beginning; Thence South 89°20'40" East along the centerline of said McCutchen Road, 745.05 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00°00'00" East, 727.77 feet to an angle point; Thence South 90°00'00" West, 757.12 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Allen Road, Thence North 00°56'33" East along the centerline of said Allen Road, 736.39 feet to the Northwest corner of said Section 36 and the true point of beginning. Contains: 12.62 Acres C_5_LEGALdoc SHEET 1 OF 1 (, 'òP.Kf,ó c; ''ÍP ;.. "" f- m Õ {; nQr""f~Jju pO&/froÞ N/W &æ.. SU "6 "O/U LINE TABLE NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 '<t' -.l 'tI Q o ~ ~ GJ - < ~ ~ DIRECTION S 89'20'40' E S 00'00'00' E S 90'00'00' 'vi N 00'56'33' E L1 L3 DISTANCE 745,05 727,77 757.12 736,39 EXHIBIT ... ~£ (\J -.l McCutchen Road ~ [I I' · 600' o.^lfA X yM:L(': () , ;... .,. SI£ET 1 If" 1 >::SI£ETS ñ', ()"'''''~ 41 Exhibit "An Legal Description Zone Change Prezoning No. 03-1528 From A to C-2/PCD Being a portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of said Section 31, said point of commencement being the centerline intersection of Taft Highway and Old River Road; thence North 89°08'56" West along the centerline of said Taft Highway, 275.01 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence North 89°08'36" West along the centerline of said Taft Highway, 629.95 feet to an angle point; Thence North 00°50'35" East, 735.02 feet to an angle point; Thence South 89°32'46" East, 899.94 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Old River Road; Thence South 00°26'49" West along the centerline of said Old River Road, 241.26 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89°09'42" West, 275.01 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00°27'26" West, 500.01 feet to a point of intersection with the centerline of said Taft Highway and the true point of beginning. Contains: 12.14 Acres C_6_LEGAL.doc SHEET 1 OF 1 \ 'í,Á/I;f':o (Y '-(r "- "" f- -- _ rn ù ,... <:> nr.llr:/NAL cu -1 fì. Taft Highway J EXHIBIT ... L3 N 89'08'56' 'vi 275,01 sc.aa :', 1· · 600' LINE TABLE NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L 't: CIS o Ø::: "" (II Iõ> .... Ø::: 't: - o ~ '" -1 DIRECTION N 89'08'36' 'vi N 00'50'35' E S 89'32'46' E S 00'26'49' 'vi N 89'09'42' 'vi S 00'27'26' 'vi PO~ S/E UR SU 51 50/17 DISTANCE 629,95 735,02 899,94 241.26 275,01 500,01 ~'·1>þ.J(t () SI£[T 1 IF 1 >-Sl£[TS o <:> OR'GI~IAI Exhibit "A" Legal Description Zone Change Prezonin9 No. 03-1528 From A to C-1 Being a portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof and more particularty described as follows: Commencing at the center of said Section 31, said point of commencement being the true point of beginning; Thence South 89°07'16" East along the East-West midsection line of said Section 31, 391.19 feet to an angle point; Thence South 00°29'28" West, 395.90 feet to an angle point; Thence North 89°30'30 West, 390.08 feet to a point of intersection with the North-South midsection line of said Section 31; Thence North 00°19'55" East along the North-South midsection line of said Section 31, 397.55 feet to the center of said Section 31 and the true point of beginning. Contains: 3.56 Acres C_7 _LEGAL.doc SHEET 1 OF 1 . "'-~"'-' _._...__.._--~_._.,^--_._~~- X ~\AKF0J \)% :>... - I- m - r- c) <:> nq/(.;INAL LINE TABLE NUMBER L1 L2 L3 L4 -.DI"-" DIRECTION S 89'07'16' E S 00'29'28' 'vi N 89'30'32' 'vi N 00'19'55' E DIST ANCE 391.19 395,90 390,08 398,55 EXHIBIT 'B' ...- -' L3 p.o .(.¡rVOÞ &ENTER '3ff. ~I ~O /27 C\J -' '" I', A 1\£ c)" " :>.. I- tJ SHEET 1 Dr 1 EHtif¡ ;,. EXHIBIT C MITIGATION I CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT I ZONE CHANGE 03-1528 MITIGATION MEASURES: Aesthetics 1. During the installation of lighting standards, luminaries shall be provided with filtering louvers and hoods to minimize spill light to adjacent properties. Aariculture 2. Upon cancellation of the Williamson Act contracts, the applicant shall pay a fee of 12.5% of the full-assessed value of the parcels for cancellation of Williamson Act contracts. This fee, when collected, shall be transmitted by the County Treasurer to the State Controller. 3. Prior to occupancy of any residential units, if any adjoining properties are still in agricultural use and have not received entitlements for development, then prior to issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, the applicant will demonstrate that future residents will be informed about adjacent agricultural use. This demonstration shall take the form of a covenant filed on the project site (which would be disclosed to future residents through the purchase process). The covenant will provide that each resident acknowledges that he/she is moving into an area where there is active agriculture, and understands that such agricultural use, including all activities necessary to support agriculture-such as pesticide use, dust generated by plowing, and slow-moving agricultural vehicles-will continue. Air Quality 4. The project applicant shall comply with SJVAPCD Regulation VIII and implement additional construction vehicle emissions reduction measures. To control the generation of construction-related PM10 fugitive dust and exhaust emissions, the project applicant shall comply with SJVAPCD Regulation VIII and the measures summarized below. SJVAPCD Regulation VI/I Control Measures for Construction Emissions of PM- 10: . All disturbed areas, including storage piles, which are not being actively utilized for construction purposes, shall be effectively stabilized of dust . '(,»,I(t <.:~ 'Ý¡p >- -i"' '= ñ1 o ,.. <:> ORIGINAl Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 03-1528 emissions using water, chemical stabilizer/suppressant, covered with a tarp or other suitable cover or vegetative ground cover. · All onsite unpaved roads and offsite unpaved access roads shall be effectively stabilized of dust emissions using water or chemical stabilizer/suppressant. · All land clearing, grubbing, scraping, excavation, land leveling, grading, cut and fill, and demolition activities shall be effectively controlled of fugitive dust emissions utilizing application of water or by presoaking. · With the demolition of buildings up to 6 stories in height, all exterior surfaces of the building shall be wetted during demolition. · When materials are transported off site, all material shall be covered, or effectively wetted to limit visible dust emissions, and at least 6 inches of freeboard space from the top of the container shall be maintained. · All operations shall limit or expeditiously remove the accumulation of mud or dirt from adjacent public streets at the end of each workday. (The use of dry rotary brushes is expressly prohibited except where preceded or accompanied by sufficient wetting to limit the visible dust emissions. Use of blower devices is expressly forbidden.) · Following the addition of materials to, or the removal of materials from, the surface of outdoor storage piles, said piles shall be effectively stabilized of fugitive dust emissions utilizing sufficient water or chernical stabilizerlsuppressant. · Within urban areas, trackout shall be immediately removed when it extends 50 or more feet from the site and at the end of each workday. · Any site with 150 or more vehicle trips per day shall prevent carryout and trackout. Page 2 of 24 .-;¿'i'.K(ç, ~ \1' - .-1'\ >- - >- m _ r-- V <:> ORIG!NAL $:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 SJV APCD Control Measures for Construction Equipment Exhaust Emissions: · Use alternatively fueled or catalyst-equipped diesel construction equipment. · Minimize idling time (e.g., 10 minute maximum). · Limit the hours of operation of heavy-duty equipment and/or the amount of equipment in use. · Replace fossil-fueled equipment with electrically driven equivalents. · Curtail construction during periods of high ambient pollutant concentrations; limiting construction may include ceasing of construction activity during the peak hour of vehicular traffic on adjacent roadways. · Implement activity management (e.g., rescheduling activities to reduce short- term impacts). · Properly and routinely maintain all construction equipment, as recommended by manufacturer manuals, to control exhaust emissions. · Encourage ride sharing and use of transit transportation for construction employee commuting to project sites. 5. The URBEMIS2002 model identifies several measures that can be used to minimize emissions associated with residential projects. These measures that are included as part of operations of the proposed project include: · Increase energy efficiency measures in all buildings to ensure that they are 10% more efficient that the energy requirements established by California Title 24. · Ensure that 50% of all landscape maintenance equipment used in commercial applications is electrically powered. 6. Prior to the issuance of the first building permit, the project applicant shall enter into an agreement with the SJVAPCD for the mitigation of NOx, ROG, and PM10 such that the net increase in regional emissions of these pollutants will be zero. ~~Ki'" '<. '>;5' o "{'\ >- rn ,.... ,- õ 0 nr.'Ir.INAl Page 3 of 24 S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPNZC 03-1528 This agreement may include, but is not limited to, the payment of fees to the district, for the purpose of offsetting project emissions. Examples of such a program would be the purchase of new diesel engines for heavy-duty trucks and agricultural equipment, retrofitting diesel engines with controls (e.g., oxidation catalyst, diesel particulate filter), and conversion of city-owned vehicles from gasoline and diesel to compressed natural gas engines. This emissions offset program would be coordinated with and approved by the SJVAPCD and based on estimates of achievable emissions reductions. This offset program would reduce emissions in sufficient quantities such that the net increase in regional emissions would be zero. With implementation of this mitigation, the impact would be reduced to no impact. 7. The project applicant shall enter into an agreement with the SJVAPCD in which the applicant will pay a fee to the SJVAPCD to be used to offset the project's average annual construction emissions. The emissions to be offset include 15.5 tons per year ROG, 25.5 tons per year NOx, and 10.2 tons per year PM10. Implementation of this condition will reduce construction air pollutant impacts to zero. 8. Require that, prior to the sale of all new residential units, that prospective buyers be notified of potential dairy odors. Prospective buyers should be required to sign a statement acknowledging that they are aware of the potential for odors from nearby dairies, and the disclosure shall be included in covenants for new development within the site. Bioloaical Resources 9. The San Joaquin kit fox is a covered species within the MBHCP. The payment of development impact fees is considered adequate mitigation under the MBHCP to minimize impacts to sensitive species. Upon application and approval of future tract map phases within the proposed project area, the applicant shall pay the required mitigation fee or fees. Upon the payment of this fee and receipt of City project approval, a development applicant would become a sub-permittee and would be allowed the "incidental take" of the species in accordance with state and federal endangered species laws and mitigation requirements of all parties, state, federal, and local (MBHCP). Payment to the plan would reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. 10. To avoid impacts to nesting birds, including the Swainson's hawk, no ground disturbance, site clearing, or removal of any potential nesting habitat shall be Page 4 of 24 '< M\llt.ö () '1J' >- '" ":: ñï ) r; "I O'f:; I t-,I A! S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 conducted within the typical breeding/nesting season for birds (February 15 to August 30); 21:, Prior to any ground-disturbing activities, a qualified biologist shall conduct surveys for nesting birds, including raptors. The surveys shall occur at a minimum of 3 days prior to the clearing, removal, or trimming of any vegetation. Surveys shall include areas within 200 feet of the edge of the project boundary and the entire project site. If active nests are found, a 50-foot (minimum) fence barrier shall be erected around the nest site. A 200-foot barrier shall be required for any raptor-nesting site. No habitat removal or any other work shall be allowed to occur within the fenced nest zone until a qualified biologist confirms that the young have fledged and have left the nest. 11. Prior to ground-disturbing activities, a qualified biologist shall conduct surveys for burrowing owls in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (CDFG 1995) and the California Burrowing Owl Consortium guidelines. The survey will be conducted over the entire site and, where possible, 150 feet around the project site. If no burrows or burrowing owls are identified, then no further action is required. If burrows or burrowing owls are identified, then the following mitigation should be implemented. If possible, when burrowing owls are detected during the breeding season, impact should be avoided. A no-disturbance buffer zone should be delineated in a 75-meter radius around the occupied burrow. No ground disturbance would be permitted in the no-disturbance buffer zone until a qualified biologist has determined that the young have fledged. Cultural Resources 12. Prior to tentative tract map approval for affected parcels, a qualified archaeologist shall be retained by the developer to perform a subsurface test-level investigation for the identified sites, and surface collection as appropriate. The test-level report evaluating the site shall include a discussion of significance (i.e., depth, nature, condition, and extent of resources), final mitigation recommendations, and cost estimates. Any resource identified shall be recorded, excavated, and curated, as appropriate. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit and based on the report recommendations, final rnitigation shall be carried out. Page 5 of 24 ~~¡~':;E:.y C) ''¿;' >. m '::: r- 'J <:> r'QIC:INAL S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 13. If buried cultural resources, such as chipped or ground stone, historic bottles or ceramics, building foundations, or non-human bone are inadvertently discovered during ground-disturbing activities, work will stop in that area and within 100 feet of the find until a qualified archaeologist can assess the significance of the find and, if necessary, develop appropriate treatment measures. Treatment measures typically include development of avoidance strategies, capping with fill material, or mitigation of impacts through data recovery programs such as excavation or detailed documentation. Sites discovered having relevance to Native Americans shall be made known to the appropriate individuals/agencies/groups as determined by the archaeologist in consultation with the Lead Agency. If archaeological sites are discovered on site during construction, and an archaeologist is contacted to determine the significance of the find, the developer shall provide written evidence to the City Planning Department that a qualified archaeologist has been retained, shall be present at the pre-grading conference, shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance, and shall establish in cooperation with the project developer procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts as appropriate. 14. Prior to final tentative tract map approval for affected parcels (parcels adjacent to the AT & S.F. rail line), a qualified architectural historian/historian/historical archaeologist shall be retained by the developer to conduct an evaluation of line for eligibility to federal, state, and local historical registers as an individual resource and/or a component of the rural historic landscape. 15. If buried cultural resources, such as chipped or ground stone, historic bottles or ceramics, building foundations, or non-human bone are inadvertently discovered during ground-disturbing activities, work will stop in that area and within 100 feet of the find until a qualified archaeologist can assess the significance of the find and, if necessary, develop appropriate treatment measures. Treatment measures typically include development of avoidance strategies, capping with fill material, or mitigation of impacts through data recovery programs such as excavation or detailed documentation. Sites discovered having relevance to Native Americans shall be made known to the appropriate individuals/agencies/groups as determined by the archaeologist in consultation with the Lead Agency. Page 6 of 24 ,:!>AKf'-9 () ~ ~ _ m - r- ) <:> '''~!NAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditíons Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 If archaeological sites are discovered on site during construction, and an archaeologist is contacted to determine the significance of the find, the developer shall provide written evidence to the City Planning Department that a qualified archaeologist has been retained, shall be present at the pre-grading conference, shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance, and shall establish in cooperation with the project developer procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts as appropriate. 16. If human remains of Native American origin are discovered during project construction, it is necessary to comply with state laws relating to the disposition of Native American burials, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Native American Heritage Commission (Pub. Res. Code Sec. 5097). If any human remains are discovered or recognized in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, there will be no further excavation or disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until: . the coroner of Kern County has been informed and has determined that no investigation of the cause of death is required, and . if the remains are of Native American origin, a. the Native Arnerican Heritage Commission was unable to identify a descendant or the descendant failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the commission, or b. the descendants of the deceased Native Americans have made a recommendation to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. According to California Health and Safety Code, six or more human burials at one location constitute a cemetery (Section 8100) and disturbance of Native American cemeteries is a felony (Section 7052). Section 7050.5 requires that construction or excavation be stopped in the vicinity of discovered human remains until the coroner can determine whether the remains are those of a Native American. If the remains are determined to be Native American, the coroner must contact the California Native American Heritage Commission. Page 7 of 24 " ),Alíf') C) ú' '- '" ¡.....- - _. iT: é""'l r-- - <::- 'Îtllr::/MAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc - .~'~"---'"-'---"-'~"-~ Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 17. Asbestos-Containina Buildina Materials IACBMs}: Prior to tentative tract map and grading approvals, all areas containing structures that have the potential to contain ACBMs shall be inspected and evaluated by an asbestos specialist to determine the potential to contain such materials. These include structures built before the 1970s, as well as debris piles containing remnant concrete irrigation pipe. All materials determined to contain asbestos or have a high likelihood to contain asbestos shall be abated and shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site by a qualified hazardous materials specialist. 18. Tanks. Drums, and Associated Soil Contaminants: Prior to issuance of grading permits for the each subsequent development phase within Project Areas 1, 2, 3, or 4 (as delineated in the Hazards and Hazardous Materials section of the PEIR for GPAlZC 03-1528), soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted in the vicinity of aboveground and underground storage tanks, particularly the three 1,000-gallon and one 10,000-gallon diesel fuel. ASTs associated with three existing water wells on site. Such testing also shall occur at selected locations in the equipment storagelmaintenance yard to define the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of stained soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 19. Soil SamDlina and Remediation at EauiDment Storaae/Maintenance Yard: Prior to issuance of grading permits for the subject areas, soil sampling and analyses at selected locations in the equipment storage/maintenance yard shall be completed to define the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of stained soils reveal that contarnination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 20. Remove Diesel-Impacted Soil Near Soil Borina 5: Prior to issuance of grading permits for the area near Soil Boring 5, located on the south side of the fenced equipment storage and maintenance yard, approximately 150 feet west of Buena Vista Road (associated with the 1,000-gallon diesel AST serving an irrigation well), the contaminated soil shall be removed. A backhoe or excavator shall Page 8 of 24 , 'ÒÄ/{F.ý , . \J (fJ <>-- 'f'. r'- iñ o r-- 0r¡(~!NAI(J S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 remove the diesel-impacted soil at the location due to the unknown depth of the contamination. The walls and floor of the excavation shall be sampled when the diesel-impacted soil appears to be removed based on visual observation. Samples shall be sent to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. Contaminated soil shall be stockpiled or containerized in 55-gallon sealed drums and labeled as to the contents and disposed of according to State and local guidelines. Following remediation, the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 21. Conduct Soil Samplinc and Remediate Near Acricultural Water Well: Prior to issuance of grading permits for the proposed project, soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted in the vicinity of the 1,OOO-gallon diesel fuel AST associated with an agricultural water well located in the northeastern portion of the subject site to define the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 22. Remove Oilv Waste Drums and Containers: Prior to site development, the two full/partially full 55-gallon drums and one 5-gallon container of oily waste located northwest of the barn shall be removed from the subject site by a licensed contractor and properly disposed of off site. 23. Sample/Analvze and Remove/Remediate Soil Near Abovecround Tanks in Central Storace Yard: Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected from under the 550-gallon AST and 1,000 gallon diesel AST within the southeastern portion of the storage yard in the central portion of the site. These samples shall be analyzed to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum fuel constituents. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if rernediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 24. Sample/Analvze and Remove/Remediate Soil Near 1.000-Gallon Low Sulfur Dved Diesel Tank: Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted beneath the 1,000-gallon AST labeled "low sulfur Page 9 of 24 X '~JiKf'9 () if' ;... ." \- m -,:, ¿; r,cW;INAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 dyed diesel" on the unpaved ground surface in the central portion of the subject site to assess the extent and concentrations of diesel fuel impacts. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to the Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 25. Sample/Analvze and Rernove/Remediate Stained Soils; Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed at two areas of stained soil in the northwestern and central portions of the site to assess the extent and concentrations of subsurface impacts by related constituents of concern. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 26. Secondarv Containment Structures Beneath All Aboveqround Tanks: For all ASTs that do not contain secondary containment structures, secondary containment shall be placed beneath all onsite ASTs until the removal of the AST occurs for the redevelopment of the subject site, in order to minimize potential unauthorized releases of hazardous materials from potentially impacting the site. 27. Assess and Remove/Remediate Near Metal Pipe: Prior to issuance of grading permits, the approximately 3-inch diameter metal pipe that is protruding from the ground in the northeastern portion of the subject site shall be assessed with a backhoe to determine evidence of subsurface soil impacts by gasoline fuel constituents. Following the subsurface excavation, if soil sampling and analysis is necessary to further assess the concentration and extent of potential impacts, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed to determine the extent and concentrations of subsurface impacts by related constituents of concern. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 28. Remove Waste Oil Drum: Prior to grading of the site, the existing 55-gallon drum Page 10 of 24 adjacent to the onsi~)\.,.<- :« I'J r\'-Ç> a 'I,p .,\ ;>.. - ,- m - ,... ,) <:> GRIG!~IA' of waste oil located in the northern portion of the site S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C,doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 agricultural water well shall be transported off site for proper disposal by a licensed contractor as soon as possible so that the potential threat of a release to the site is minimized. 29. Sample/Analyze and Remove/Remediate Soil Near Aboyearound Tanks at the Gosford-Coulter Tank Farm: Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected from beneath the three onsite ASTs without secondary containment features at the Gosford-Coulter Tank Farm facility in the central portion of the subject site. The soil samples should be analyzed to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, and hazardous constituents of antifreeze. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 30. Sample/Analyze and Remove/Remediate Soil Near Abovearound Drums: Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed in the location beneath the onsite, stand-mounted, 55-gallon drum labeled as lube oil and the steel-rack-mounted 55-gallon drum labeled as gear oil at the tank farm facility to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 31. Sample/Analvze and RemovelRemediate Soil Near Abovearound Crude Oil Tanks: Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil sampling and analysis shall be conducted for the locations of the four former crude-oil ASTs in the east-central portion of the tank farm facility to determine the extent of crude-oil impacts and to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum fuel constituents. Should the soil analysis reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if rernediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed and/or remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. Page 11 of 24 (,t,/( ('.co <(." jr ()' -~ >. __ m _ r- ,) <:> ~bl~I~IAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 32. Abandon/Close/Destrov Water Wells: Prior to issuance of any grading permits, all existing water wells shall be properly abandoned/closed and/or destroyed in accordance with state and local guidelines and shall be evaluated and verified by the Water Section of the Kern County Certified Unified Protection Agency. 33. Evaluate and Abandon Former Oil Wells, and Procerlv Close. Clean, and Re- Abandon. as Necessarv: Prior to issuance of grading permits, inactive or previously abandoned oil wells in the proposed project area defined by the corresponding set of tract map(s) shall be evaluated to ensure that the existing abandonment conditions meet or exceed current DOGGR standards. If not, they shall be properly closed, cleaned, and abandoned or re-abandoned in accordance with all applicable state and local guidelines prior to any ground disturbing activities. All existing inactive oil wells, abandoned oil wells, or shut-in oil wells shall be required to implement a closure plan to render all wells inert and to conform to DOGGR oil well abandonment or re-abandonment procedures. The applicant shall be required to file a Notice of Intent to Abandon Well form with DOGGR. The notice shall include all required abandonment procedures on a well-by-well basis in accordance with Article 14, Chapter 3, Sections 1723 through 1723.9 of the CCR. Abandonment of wells shall be performed and verified to the satisfaction of DOGGR. 34. Test and Remove/Remediate Soil Near Buried Oil Wells: At the time grading operations proceed, an excavator shall be used to remove soil overlying and surrounding each of the buried abandoned oil wells that were discovered on site at their staked locations. When safe access has been provided at each location, each well shall be tested for methane emissions. This testing will verify the integrities of the abandonment plugs. Once the wells have been exposed, further geophysical testing may continue in order to locate, insofar as possible, the mud pits andlor production sumps associated with the wells. These pits and sumps rnight be expected to be located within a 75-foot radius of each well. Once the pits and sumps are located, analytical samples shall be collected in order to determine their contents. Upon analysis of the collected samples, a determination shall be made regarding subsequent remedial actions. Prior to commencement of any construction activity in these areas, final confirmation and a closure statement shall be obtained by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD. If the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD is not satisfied that all potentially hazardous materials have been removed to acceptable concentrations, a remedial action plan shall be developed and implemented to the division's satisfaction. Page 12 of 24 " 'òAK("-9 G' ,~ >- - \- m _ c- o G ',þl(;!NA! S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Condiüons Ex Codoc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 35. Fence All Oil Wells: Prior to occupancy of any residence within the project area, each area containing (an) oil well(s) (either active, abandoned, or shut-in) shall be made inaccessible with chain-linked fence until such time that they have been closed and abandoned to the satisfaction of DOGGR. 36. Evaluate and Remove/Remediate Oil Mud Pits: Prior to the approval of final tentative tract maps and grading plans, all areas surrounding former or current oils wells that contain oil mud pits or residues thereof shall be evaluated through subsequent sampling and testing to determine their characteristics and vertical and lateral extent. All areas contain drilling muds and such residues shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local guidelines. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the DTSC and DOGGR. 37. Remove Oil and Gas Pipelines and Associated Contaminated Soils: Prior to the approval of grading permits, all abandoned oil and gas pipelines shall be removed, and the soil conditions shall be monitored by a qualified hazardous materials specialist. If soil staining is evident, removal actions shall cease in the vicinity until the nature of the stain is determined. All areas containing petroleum- stained soils shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local guidelines to the satisfaction of DTSC and DOGGR. 38. Test and Remove/Remediate Petroleum-Stained Soils: Prior to final tentative tract map and grading approvals, all areas in the project boundaries showing evidence of petroleum-stained soils shall be evaluated through subsequent testing to determine the vertical and lateral extent of any such spill. All areas contain spilled oil or other petroleum products shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local guidelines. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the DTSC. 39. Remove Potential PCB-ContaininQ Transformers: Prior to the approval of grading permits, power poles containing transformers suspected of containing PCBs shall be removed by a qualified hazardous materials specialist as coordinated by PG&E to the satisfaction of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD. These items shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site to the satisfaction of DTSC. Page 13 of 24 ~~ ,<\:'''K~ () <!;, >- I- - r- o <:> .......t:>.i"'If\lAI ñi S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPNZC 03-1528 40. Delineate and Remove/Remediate Soil with PCB Content: Prior to the approval of grading permits, the location of the former transformer fire and subsequent release of PCBs in 1990 near the intersection of Buena Vista and McCutchen Roads shall be completely delineated and remediated as necessary. Soil samples shall be collected from the northeastern corner of the subject site and analyzed for PCB content. Should the soil analysis reveal that the soils are clean, then no further action would be warranted. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to development of the site. 41. Remove/Abandon/Close Septic Tanks: Prior to the approval of final tentative tract rnaps and grading approval, all septic tanks shall be removed/abandoned/closed in accordance with applicable state and local guidelines. Hvdroloav and Water Quality 42. Prior to final approval of tentative tract maps and authorization of grading plans, a SWPPP shall be prepared by the project contractors and be made available to the City Engineer for inspection and comment. The SWPPP shall identify erosion minimization and control provisions, pollution detection provisions, and pollution elimination/minimization provisions. The SWPPP shall include best available technology, engineering, and design solutions such as the use of silt screens, hay bales, modern trash screens, energy dissipaters, and/or absorbent devices. Stormwater runoff water quality monitoring procedures shall be clearly detailed in the SWPPP. Land Use and Plannina 43. Refer to Biological Resources condition #9 regarding payment of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan development impact fee. Noise 44. Construction activity located within 1,000 feet of residences shall be limited to the hours between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekends. Page 14 of 24 0,' :.'",- \J'~ fl.¡;,f'> c:;. "p ;' '~ ~ m - c- .) <:> '""'''''~INAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03·1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 03-1528 45. Outdoor activity areas of residential areas shall be designed such that noise from traffic does not exceed 65 dB CNEL. The project applicant for each tract map shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for residences located adjacent to roadways in and around the proposed project area such that exterior noise levels under 2030-with-project conditions does not exceed 65 dB CNEL at outdoor activity areas. Treatments may include methods such as construction of a soundwall or earth berm between the new residences and the roadway or placement of building structures between roadway and outdoor activity areas. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this performance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building permit will be issued. The design of project buildings will reflect the approved report. 46. Interior areas of residential units shall be designed such that noise from traffic does not exceed 45 dB CNEL. The project applicant shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to ensure that interior noise levels at residences does not exceed 45 dB Ldn under 2020 with-project traffic conditions. If treatments are necessary, treatments may include installing acoustically rated doors and windows, and blocking sound transmission paths through vents or other openings in the building shell. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing compliance with the interior noise performance standard or, if necessary, the acoustical treatrnents to be applied to the building for compliance with the interior noise performance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building permit is issued. 47. Commercial and industrial uses shall be designed such that noise from operations does not exceed City noise standards for non-transportation sources. The project applicant shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for commercial and industrial uses such that residences located adjacent to these uses will not be exposed to noise exceeding City standards for non-transportation uses. Treatments may include methods such as: · limits on hours of operations . use of enclosures or localized barriers around equipment noise sources . placement of barriers between the residences and commercial and industrial uses Page 15 of 24 Q"' v r , i.11"flr.:."1)'; cY "<!;, ;... r- m Õ [; ~r.W::!NAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex Codoc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 . use of mufflers on equipment exhaust The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this performance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building permit will be issued. The design of commercial and industrial uses will reflect the approved report. 48. Residential uses shall be designed such that noise from oil well operations does not exceed City noise standards for non-transportation sources at residences on the project site. The project applicant shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for the oil wells or the residences such that residences located adjacent to oil wells would not be exposed to noise exceeding City standards for non-transportation uses. Treatments may include methods such as: · conversion of oil well diesel motors to electric motors, · limiting hours of oil well operation, · use of enclosures or localized barriers around the oil wells, and · placement of barriers between the residences and oil wells. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this performance standard for each tract map. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building permit will be issued. The design of residential uses will reflect the approved report. Public Services and Utilities 49. Prior to the issuance of any building perrnit, developers within the proposed project site shall submit to the City for review and approval a plan to separate recyclable/reusable construction debris. The plan shall include the method the contractor will use to haul recyclable materials and shall include the method of and location of materials disposal. The builders shall be responsible for hauling their own construction debris to the Mount Vernon Facility or entering into a contract with a licensed hauler for disposal of construction debris. Page 16 of 24 . '¿.Í'K("", cY 1¡y >- ~ J- m - r- ,~ <:> ()P''''~'A' S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 Recreation 50. Prior to approval of each Tentative Tract or Vesting Tentative Tract, the applicant shall provide public parks, as deemed necessary by the city, in conformance with Title 15.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code. In the event a city wide master trails plan is adopted prior to approval of each Tentative Tract or Vesting Tentative Tract that reduces the public park requirement, the adopted ratio will be used to calculate the public park requirement. Proposed greenbelts and private recreational facilities shall be maintained by the homeowners association. TransportationlTraffic 51. Prior to approval of improvement plans for any portion of the proposed project, the project applicant shall develop and implement a Traffic Control Plan. The Traffic Control Plan shall be implemented throughout the course of project construction, and shall include the following elements: · Contain a plan for communicating construction plans with transit providers, emergency service providers, residences, and businesses located in the project vicinity, and anyone else who may be affected by project construction. · Identify roadway segments or intersections that are at or approaching level of service that exceeds local standards, and provide for construction-generated traffic to avoid these locations at the peak periods, either by traveling different routes or by traveling at non-peak times of day. · Contain an access and circulation plan for use by emergency vehicles when lane closures and/or detours are in effect; if lane closures occur, provide advance notice to local fire and police departments to ensure that alternative evacuation and emergency routes are designed to maintain response times. · Maintain access to existing residences in the area at all times. · Provide for adequate parking for construction trucks and equipment within the designated staging areas throughout the construction period. · Provide adequate parking for construction workers within the designated staging areas. Page 17 of 24 Q ¡i" . ~. ,¡r-.I\,í-..y a,s :;:... ~ 1-- rr. - ,.... o " OR/G"'" S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 03-1528 · Restrict delivery of construction materials to between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to avoid more congested morning and evening hours. · Require traffic controls on roadways adjacent to the proposed project, including flag persons wearing bright orange or red vests and using a "Stop/Slow" paddle to control oncoming traffic; construction warning signs should be posted in accordance with local standards or those set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHWA, latest edition), in advance of the construction area and at any intersection that provides access to the construction area. · Require that written notification be provided to contractors regarding appropriate routes to and from the construction site, and the weight and speed limits on local roads used to access the construction site. · Specify that a sign be posted at all active construction areas giving the name and telephone number or em ail address of the City staff person designated to receive complaints regarding construction traffic. 52a. Prior to approval of each Tentative Tract, Vesting Tentative Tract, or Parcel Map (except Parcel Maps for financing or conveyancing purposes only that require further subdivision prior to development) for residential projects and PCD or Site Plan applications for other uses, the map or project applicant shall confirm the specific traffic circulation improvements that will be implemented with that tentative map, PCD or Site Plan as identified in the Traffic Impact Study (Ruettgers & Schuler 2005) to: 1) Provide the traffic circulation improvements necessary to serve the immediate map area; and 2) Maintain the City's adopted minimum level of service standard (currently LOS C) on the roadway network that will be impacted by the project traffic, or, for those eight (8) intersections and seven (7) roadway segments that cannot be improved to the minimum level-of-service standard or better, with or without the project, to provide the project fair-share contribution to the improvements. Note 1 The necessary improvements are identified in Tables 30- 16 and 30-17 of the PEIR for GPA/ZC 03-1528. Page 18 of 24 ;\"/(/"'",, cJ·'TJ' >- ~ r- m _ r- o <:> 'ìP'GINAI S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03w1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 Note 1: The fair-share improvements for the 8 intersections and 7 roadway segments that cannot be improved to the minimum level of service standards shall include acceptable engineering solutions, approved by the City Engineer, to provide improvements beyond standard. Said improvements could include but not be limited to, a super-arterial concept greater than 6-lanes, higher capacity limited access facilities, non-standard high-capacity intersection designs and contributions toward the capacity relieving beltway system. 52b. To demonstrate that appropriate mitigation is being provided with each Final Map (except Parcel Maps for financing or conveyancing purposes only that require further subdivision prior to development), the process will be as follows: . The applicant will provide confirmation of the traffic analysis (based upon updated data at the time, where applicable in consultation with the City Engineer) for each tentative map, PCD or Site Plan based on current information on the status of RTIF and local improvements at the time of approval processes for each tentative map, PCD, or Site Plan Review. . The applicant and the City will identify the incremental improvements applicable to the tentative map, PCD, or Site Plan to be irnplemented through one or more of the following methods: o Build the improvements (if all necessary rights-of-way are available) and, if applicable, receive reimbursement credits for any percentage share not attributable to impacts caused by traffic generated from the map, PCD, or Site Plan. o Pay the City per unit mitigation fee. o In the event all necessary rights-of-way are not available at the time the applicant confirms the specific traffic circulation improvements to be implemented, the applicant shall pay the City the per unit mitigation fee in lieu of constructing the improvements for those portions where rights-of- way are not available. . The project applicant and the City will verify the timing of the improvements to be constructed by the applicant for recordation of each Map, PCD or Site Plan, and shall establish the threshold at which the improvements shall be constructed. The threshold shall depend on the particular improvement, the project fair-share contribution to the improvement and the nature of the particular Map/PCD/Site Plan, and may be tied to the number of lots within the Map area that may be recorded as part of a Final Map or Partial Fil~:~!k ' ~ "-9 c)<!;. Page 19 of 24 ;::: m - r- o <:> "¡¡¡GiNAI $:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EtR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 Map. 52c. For those improvements to be constructed by the City using mitigation fees paid by the project applicant and other sources of financing, the applicant's obligation will be satisfied by payment of the fees. 53. Prior to approval of tentative tract maps for subsequent phases of the proposed project, construction plans shall be approved by the Fire Marshall or appropriate representative to ensure that all fire code requirements are incorporated into the proposed project design. All development within the proposed project area shall conform to codes and access requirements established by the Uniform Fire Code and City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Sections 15.64.010 to 15.64.480. 54. During design of tentative tract maps for subsequent phases of the proposed project, adequate parking shall be provided in accordance with City of Bakersfield Municipal Code standards. Construction plans shall be reviewed and verified by the Planning Department that the project components provide appropriate parking to minimize offsite parking impacts or neighborhood intrusion. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: Public Works Conditions 55. Prior to approval of any development plan, improvement plan, or application for a lot line adjustment, the following shall occur: a. Provide fully executed dedication for Allen Road, Panama Lane, McCutchen Road, Buena Vista Road and Old River Road to arterial standards; and Mountain Vista Drive, Windermere Street, Berkshire Road and McKee Road to collector standards for the full frontage of the area within the GPA request. Also, provide dedication documents in a form acceptable to CalTrans for Taft Highway (The width of dedication required by CalTrans is different from that required by the City of Bakersfield; the applicant must verify their proposed section with CaITrans). Dedications shall include sufficient widths for expanded intersections and additional areas for landscaping as directed by the City Engineer. Submit a current title report with the dedication documents. If a tentative subdivision map over the entire GPAlZC area is submitted, dedication can be provided with the map. Because this GPAlZC Page 20 of 24 Çi¡:.t,o.- X" ~··9 Q J> ;.... ~ I- m Õ r-- <:> """~INAL S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex Codoc Exhibit C Mitigation / Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 area is so large, the applicant can phase his dedications provided he presents a dedication phasing plan acceptable to the City Engineer. b. Submit a comprehensive drainage study to be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. No more than 1 sump per 80 acres may be utilized to serve this area; these sumps should be located so that they may be available to serve adjacent areas as they develop. The study shall be approved and any required retention site and necessary easements dedicated to the City. c. Sewer service must be provided to the GPAlZC area. The developer shall be responsible for the initial extension of the sewer line to serve the property. The developer shall submit for the City's review a comprehensive program to provide sewer service to the entire GPAlZC area. This plan may address the timing of development of various areas within the GPAlZC request and how sewer service will be extended to these areas. This sewer system must necessarily be sized to serve a much larger area that the project area. The City is willing to aid the developer in the formation of a Planned Sewer Area and/or an Assessment District to provide a mechanism for the reimbursement of oversizing costs to the developer. 56. Developer shall pay median fees for Taft Highway and all arterials within the boundaries of the GPAlZC area. The payment of these fees may be phased to match the construction phasing of the project. 57. For orderly development and for improved circulation, the commercial frontages shall be constructed at the earliest opportunity. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to require full improvements in front of a commercial parcel with the development of an adjacent parcel. Full improvements shall include, but not be limited to, full paving, curb, gutter, and sidewalk, interconnect conduit, street lighting, storm drainage system, sewer mains and utilities. Inasmuch as commercial areas are usually located at intersections, said improvements may include the frontages of the intersecting streets. The Planning Commission shall also have the authority to require full improvements in front of an intervening "outparcel" if a gap is created between areas of full improvements along a road. (Added by the Planning Commission) 58. If it becomes necessary to obtain any off site right of way and if the developer is unable to obtain the required right of way, then he shall pay to the City the up- front costs for eminent domain proceedings and enter into an agreement and post security for the purchase and improvement of said right of way. Page 21 of 24 « Y.À!~¡.~o ()' ; ú' - '" ).. - r- m - r- (,) CJ "'n1~'NAl S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 59. The entire area covered by this General Plan Amendment shall be included in the Consolidated Maintenance District. The applicant shall pay all applicable fees for inclusion in the Consolidated Maintenance District with submittal of any development plan, tentative subdivision map, Site Plan Review, or application for a lot line adjustment for any portion of this GPA area. (Ordinance and Policy) 60. Pay the standard residential and commercial Regional Transportation Impact Fees as adopted at time of development. Fees shall be computed by special study in compliance with City policy. Said study shall be completed prior to recordation of the first map or approval of the first development. (Ordinance and Policy) Recreation and Parks Conditions 61. Prior to the approval of the first tentative subdivision map within the GPAlZC area, a Master Parks and Trails Plan for the entire GPAlZC area shall be approved by the Planning Commission following a public hearing. The owners of all properties affected by the proposed trail alignment within and east of the GPAlZC area shall be provided notice of this public hearing. 62. Prior to submittal of any subdivision, owner shall enter into an agreement to pay a park development fee not to exceed $1,275 per unit to be used for the acquisition and development of an urban park. This fee is to be in addition to the current park development fees required by ordinance. Police and Fire Services Condition 63. Prior to submittal of any subdivision, owner shall enter into an agreement to pay a fee to provide for the purchase of equipment and apparatus required for police and fire services. Said fee will be imposed and collected at the time of issuance of a building permit in an amount not to exceed $234 per unit. Community Facilities District Condition 64. Prior to submittal of any subdivision, owner shall enter into an agreement to support the establishment of a Community Facilities District to include an assessment on all property covered by the proposed Old River Ranch Project. The intent of the district is to provide financing for the operation and maintenance Page 22 of 24 '< <¿,Þ.k¿? () ó' "- -T\ ~ m _ r- l) <:> nplGINAI $:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPAlZC 03-1528 of public facilities and services for Police and Fire services required to support the project. Golden Empire Transit District Condition 65. Specific bus turnouts and shelters shall be located as necessary at appropriate locations to serve residential, commercial, and school sites within the project area in consultation with the Golden Empire Transit District. The bus turnouts and shelters shall be planned by developers in the project area and local transportation coordinating entities to encourage the efficient and practical use of public transit entities servicing the project area. (Added by the Planning Commission) Photovoltaic Svstems Condition 66. Prior to issuance of the first single-family residential building permit, the developer shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Planning Department that photovoltaic systems will be offered to all single-family homebuyers as an optional feature. (Added by the Planning Commission) Street Liahtina Condition 67. Prior to recordation of final maps, the Public Works Department shall verify that all associated improvement plans specify that all street lights are to be zero cutoff fixtures. (Added by the Planning Commission) Williamson Act Contract Cancellation Fee 68. Prior to the recordation of a subdivision map creating parcels less than twenty acres in size or the issuance of a building permit for any urban or non-agricultural uses on Assessor Parcel Numbers 497-031-32, 497-031-37, 497-040-02, 497- 040-03, 497-040-11, 497-040-18, 497-040-19, and 497-060-01, the applicant/developer shall provide proof to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department that the required Williamson Act Land Use Contract cancellation fee of $3,560,625, or as calculated by the Kern County Assessor's Office, has been paid to the Kern County Treasurer. Page 23 of 24 ,<':¿Aíí¡:-9 () <!;, "- - >- m - r- Ù () 0RIGiNÞ' S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc Exhibit C Mitigation I Conditions of Approval GPA/ZC 03-1528 City Attornev Condition 69. In consideration by the City of Bakersfield for land use entitlements, including but not limited to related environmental approvals related to or arising from this project, the applicant, and/or property owner and/or subdivider ("Applicant" herein) agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City of Bakersfield, its officers, agents, employees, departments, commissioners or boards ("City" herein) against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, in any way arising from, the terms and provisions of this application, including without limitation any CEQA approval or any related development approvals or conditions whether imposed by the City, or not, except for CITY's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. This indemnification condition does not prevent the Applicant from challenging any decision by the City related to this project and the obligations of this condition apply regardless of whether any other permits or entitlements are issued. The City will promptly notify Applicant of any such claim, action or proceeding, falling under this condition within thirty (30) days of actually receiving such claim. The City, in its sole discretion, shall be allowed to choose the attorney or outside law firm to defend the City at the sole cost and expense of the Applicant and the City is not obligated to use any law firm or attorney chosen by another entity or party . Page 24 of 24 '< 1',I1!({'¿ C\ % >- - r- m - r- Ù <:> ()¡:¡'G'NA' S:\GPA 3rd 2005\03-1528 Old River EIR\Conditions Ex C.doc . ~~'_....._._.,--~_. ---,,-_._~"- .'. Exhibit D Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures . ,?:>A!(¡:-", o -'l(p >- ~ .- m _ r- o à 'ìRI(;I~ A -.---, ,.-.......---,.,--...,..--.. ----"---._--- - . -" - _.~.. --..., "".--- ---------...- Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Introduction To support a decision on a project for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is prepared, a Lead or Responsible Agency must prepare written fmdings of fact for each significant environmental impact identified in the EIR. Pursuant to Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the City of Balœrsfield, as the Lead Agency, has prepared these Findings of Fact for the Old River Ranch project. These Findings of Fact must be adopted by the City Council after certification of the Final Program EIR (PEIR) and at the time of approval of the proposed project. Section 15091 of the CEQA Guidelines provides that no public agency shall approve or carry out a project for which an EIR has been certified which identifies one or more significant environmental effects of the project unless the public agency makes one or more written findings for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding, The possible findings are: · Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project. which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final EIR. · Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. · Specifir: economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provisions of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR. After considering the Final EIR in conjunction with making findings, the Lead Agency must not approve the project if it will have a significant effect on the environment unless it finds that the benefits of the project outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects. CEQA requires decision makers to Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 2005 J&S 04191 City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures balance the economic, legal, social, technological, or other benefits of a proposed project against its unavoidable environmental risks when detennining whether to approve a project. Pursuant to Section 15093 of the CEQA Guidelines, a Sü.tement of Overriding Considerations has been prepared for the proposed project. Project Objectives The project applicant and the City have both developed objectives for the proposed project, each of which are presented below. Applicant's Objectives · To develop a high quality master planned community with its own identity, incorporating a range of housing types; recreational features including parks, greenbelts, trails, and playing fields; and shopping, employment, and educational facilities. · To provide a mix of uses that would be mutually supportive linked by trails and greenbelts, reducing automobile dependency and encouraging pedestrian activity. These design features are expected to reduce air emissions related to transportation. · To create an ecologically sound development that incorporates a comprehensive program of resource protection and conservation, · To develop a self-contained community focused on a mixed-use VilIage Center that serves as an entertainment and service center, and a gathering place for a wide range of community activities and special events. · To create a public and private system of parks, trails, and community recreation facilities integrated into the physical plan of the community. · To implement comprehensive streetscape and landscape standards throughout the community, creating a unique identity and sense of place. · To implement a comprehensive road and infrastructure improvement phasing program assuring adequate capacity for buildout of the planned development. · Provide a mix of housing for various economic levels of the community. City of Bakersfield's Objectives The City has identified in its MBGP goals and objectives guiding future urban growth, including the fast-growing southwest Bakersfield area. The general plan represents the official statement of the community's physical development goals as well as economic, social, and environmental goals. Pertinent City goals and objectives for the proposed project include: 2 SePtemb..&¿~ K k,Zr;, >- - JØ 04191 p:! .) <:> ~""C:INAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Chapter II, land Use Element · Accommodate new development which captures the economic demands generated by the marketplace and establishes Bakersfield's role as the capitol of the southern San Joaquin Valley. · Accommodate new development which provides a full mix of uses to support its population. · Accommodate new development which is compatible with and complements existing land uses. · Accommodate new development which channels land uses in a phased, orderly manner and is coordinated with the provision of infrastructure and public improvements. · Accommodate new development that is sensitive to the natural environment, and accounts for environmental hazards. · Establish a built environment which achieves a compatible functional and visual relationship among individual building sites. Chapter III, Circulation/Streets · Provide a safe and efficient street system that links all parts of the area for movement of people and goods. · Provide for safe and efficient motorized, non-motorized, and pedestrian traffic movement. · Minimize the impact of truck traffic on circulation, and on noise sensitive land uses. · Provide a street system that creates a positive image of Bakersfield. · Provide a local street network that contributes to the quality and safety of residential neighborlloods and commercial districts. Chapter IV, Housing · Provide an adequate supply of sites for the development of sound, affordable new housing. Chapter V, Conservation/Biological Resources · Conserve and enhance Bakersfield's biological resources in a manner which facilitates orderly development and reflects the sensitivities and constraints of those resources. 3 ,<~f>,lÍf~ September zoof ~ r m J&S 04'9f) r; 0~1C:INAL Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Chapter VI, Open Space · Conserve and enhance the unique aspects of open space within the planning area. · Create an integrated system of open space amenities in the planning area. Chapter X, Public Services & Facilities/Utilities · Maintain a coordinated planning and implementation program for the provision of public utilities to the planning area. · Coordinate the planning and implementation of planning area municipal-type utility facilities and services, Chapter XI, Parks · Provide parks and recreation facilities to meet the planning area's diverse needs. Proposed Project The proposed project is GPA, Zone Change, and Annexation of approximately 1,853 acres to the City to allow for the new master planned community. The design of the proposed project includes a mixed-use development defined by various land use concepts, including low- to high-medium density residential, recreation, general commercial, school, and public service infrastructure. More specific descriptions of the proposed uses within these areas are described below. The proposed project will be subject to a Development Agreement with the City, Proposed GPA As discussed above, the project applicant is proposing a GPA to change the existing MBGP land use designations. The proposed GPA would change the land use designations from Intensive Agriculture (R-IA - minimum 20-acre parcel size) and Mineral and Petroleum (R-MP - minimum land use designation size 5 acres), to a mix of the following: . LR - Low Density Residential, which is less than or equal to 726 dwelling units per net acre (du/ac) (single-family detached housing, typical of tract developments); . HMR -- High-Medium Density Residential, which is greater than 726 dulac and less than or equal to 17.42 dulac within the City, and less than or equal to 17.42 dulac in the County of Kern; and 4 ~ -¡,Mt:5> o .¿;, SeptembeÞ2005 . iíï t;:: r J&~A'!:1IGINAP Oid River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures . GC - General Commercial, which is a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 1.0 and 4 stories (for retail and service facilities that provide a broad range of goods and services, which serve the day-to-day needs of nearby residents). In addition, as part of the proposed GP A, the applicant is proposing to change the cif1:ulation, which would require amending the Circulation Element of the MBGP. The proposed project would alter the existing Circulation Element in the vicinity of this project to provide a more efficient circulation network to serve the proposed project. As part of the Circulation Element Amendment, the major perimeter and internal arterials would remain in their current alignments as Arterial roadways. The proposed Major Collector roads in the western half of the site would be reconfigured to eliminate the existing grid pattern within the site. Zone Change The proposed project also includes prezoning by the City, which would change the roning from Kern County's existing roning classification of A (Exclusive Agriculture) to a mixture of residential and commercial rones, consistent with the GPA. Figure ES-7 shows the proposed roning, which would consist ofthe following zoning classifications: · R-t (One-Family Dwelling Zone)-typically characterized by single-family subdivision. However, other allowable structures and uses such as accessory buildings (i.e., garages, greenhouses, and swimming pools), home-based daycares, and home occupations can be incorporated. · R-2 (Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone)-characterized by all uses permitted in an R-l zone, as well as limited multiple-family dwellings and accessory buildings not exceeding 12% of the area. · R-3 (Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone)-characterized by all uses permitted in the R-l and R-2 zones, as well as multiple-family dwellings and apartment houses, and accessory buildings or structures necessary to such use located on the same lot or parcel of land. · C-t (Neighborhood Commercial Zone)-medium-sized commercial development. The collection of stores in these locales would typically be small shopping centers or strip malls. Allowable uses include, but are not limited to any use pennitted for a C-O zone (Professional and Administrative Office Zone), apparel and accessory stores (excluding large-scale chain department stores), automobile service stations, drugstores/phannacies, grocery stores, beauty salons, pet and pet supply stores, and restaurants. Public utility structures and water pump stations also are allowed pursuant to planning director review and approval. · C-2 (Regional Commercial Zone)-typically associated with larger commercial centers that may contain a number of larger-scale stores as well as a mixture of smaller retail outlets, which can include any use permitted for CoO Zone (Professional and Administrative Office Zone) and C-l Zone, apparel and accessory stores, automobile dealerships, computer software Oid River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #C3-1528) SePtemb~!ldô~ !':1>ó' 5 ' .... ~s 04191 m r r- ê> <:> î\,,)!r:""IAL .__.._.~~--- ~_.._-"_._,- ..",,--- -.-.---.-- City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures stores, department stores, farmers markets on weekends, hardware stores, hotels, restaurants and other eating-related places, sporting goods stores, theaters, and public or commercial parking. . C-C (Commercial Center Zone)-intended for those areas in the city that are planned for large-scale mixed-use development centers consisting of commercial and high-density residential uses consistent with the center's concept as described in the general plan. The C-C zone is also intended to allow a mix of commercial and residential uses that support businesses within the commercial core of the city, providing a harmonious transition from the commercial areas to residential areas. Allowable uses include, but are not limited to any use permitted in the R-3, R-4, C-o, C-I, and C-2 zones, except those uses permitted in the R-I and R-2 zones as referenced. In connection with the commercial zones, a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) overlay would also be required, The PCD zone would be used in combination with the proposed commercial zones when assigning a base zone that defines allowable uses and ensures future site development would be compatible with surrounding development andlor recognizes unique site characteristics. Development Plan Concept The proposed project involves a new master planned community in southwest Bakersfield featuring a balance of residential, retail, employment, recreation, and public facilities. A mixed-use Village Center is proposed as the focal point of the new community, linked to residential neighborhoods by a system of multi-purpose trails and local streets. The proposed project features a variety of residential densities, with trails, retail facilities, schools, and parks to encourage a more walkable community. A description of the concepts for ultimate development of the site is provided below to outline a broad guide to the related entitlements that may be requested in the future. The following is conceptual, not detailed. Detailed design would occur as future entitlement applications are submitted for review by the City at a tract map level. Table I provides a summary of proposed land use acreages. Table 1. Acreage Summary of Proposed Land Uses Land Use Zone Gross Acreage R-l PUD (One-Family Dwelling Zone with Planned Unit Development) R-2 (Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone) C-C (Community Commercial Zone) C-2 (Regional Commercial Zone) 1,630.34 109.53 61.38 22.09 6 , ~¡;')(f0' September 2!JO:b< .¿;, >- - J&S 04tt1 ~ Õ <:> "qIG'NAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures C-l (Neighborhood Commercial Zone) 9.66 ___....._______......__._______.__.____...______...___________._.___._.__~____.._.,._.___._.__.,..__._____._._..n____.___·__·_·····__·______·_·_··· Total Project Acreage 1,833 Acres The site would be developed in phases and divided into four sections, which would consist of several land uses, including low-medium and high-medium density residential, commercial retail and office uses, and parks, Additionally, public service uses such as schools would be included within the plan area to accommodate future students generated by the proposed project. The locations of the schools are yet to be detennined. The main design goal of the proposed project is to create a walkable community, which is accommodated by incorporation of design features to increase pedestrian accessibility to the various project components. Specific design features to accomplish this increased accessibility include use of pedestrian pathways as well as roadway designs aimed at calming traffic. The proposed project also has been designed to encourage pedestrian traffic by placing destination points such as parks and commercial centers within walking distance of most residences. Perimeter walls would be placed around the project boundary along Taft Highway, Old River Road, Allen Road, and Panama Lane primarily because of traffic noise from these arterial roadways. The majority of residential units would be single-family and would total approximately 5,979 units. The community would be divided into four sections, which would be generally delineated by the quadrants created by Buena Vista anrl McCutchen Roads that would fonn the perimeters. Each section is proposed to contain four neighborhoods for a total of 16 neighborhoods throughout the proposed project. At the center of each section would be a community park within walking distance of residents. Higher density multi-family residential areas would include approximately 1,058 units, and would be located in three general areas: two would be adjacent to the southern right-of-way of McCutchen Road and the third would be at the northeast comer of Allen Road and Taft Highway. All three would be within an approximate 5- to lO-minute walk of the retail centers located near the intersection of these main roadways. A central park and 34.7-acre commercial center would be located at the center of the proposed project and would be within a IO-minute walk of most residences within the project. Retail centers would range in size, from 2 to 3-acre convenience centers to the 34.7-acre commercial center. The smaller retail centers would be located throughout the project area at locations designed to be easily accessible to the various smaller villages. The combination of commercial areas is planned to serve most needs of future residents to promote a self- contained development theme. Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) Village parks are located at the tenninus of major collectors, and mini-parks are located within most neighborhoods. The applicant would provide public parks according to the City's standards (general plan calls for a minimum of 2.5 acres of neighborhood park space per population of 1,000). At the heart of each neighborhood would be a mini-park located within a 5-minute walk from most sePtemberJ¡,~:I{Ii~ú' >- 'f\ J8&04191 m -:) r; "'1IGINAL 7 City of Bakersfield Phasing Statement of Facts. Findings. and Mitigation Measures residences within that neighborhood. The minimum sized 1.5-acre mini-park is intended to serve as a gathering place or focal point for residents within each neighborhood. Components of these parks would include areas with playground areas for small children, benches, picnic tables, walkways, shade trees, and landscaping. Two regional highways are proposed within close proximity to the project site. The west beltway is planned more than 0.5 mile west of the site, and SR-119 is planned for expansion as the south beltway along the southerly boundary of the site. The project site is divided by a series of planned circulation elements that include arterial roadways and major collector streets. Collector roadways would serve as parkways and would be built with landscaped medians, The proposed project includes requests for modified collector standards within the project area. Additionally, one residential area south of McCutchen Road and west of Buena Vista Road would be a guard-gated community and would have private street standards. The circulation system will include landscaped parkways and bicycle lanes. The minimum curve radius would be planned according to street design standards. Existing oil wells and production facilities would remain integrated within the project site until such time the production value diminishes. Oil drilling islands will be identified on the tentative maps during future phases of the proposed project, with the underlying land use and zoning designations remaining residential or open space as required by the MBGP. The proposed project would be developed in about four phases, extending to the year 2020. The phasing plan generally involves the following: · Phase I (To Be Completed By 2008) would involve construction of 1,306 low-{ ensity residential units in the northeastern and central portions of the site, and approximately 191,660 square feet of commercial office uses on 17 acres at the northwest comer of Buena Vista Road and McCutchen Road; · Phase JI (2012) would involve construction of an additional 1.987 single-family residential units in the northwest portion of the site, 454 multi-family high-medium density residential units in the northeast portion of the site, and approximately 431,530 square feet of commercial retail uses on approximately 33.2 acres at the southeast comer of Buena Vista Road and McCutchen Road, and 5.6 acres in the northwestern portion of the site; · Phase DI (2016) would involve construction of an additional 489 single- family residential units and 270 multi-family high-medium density residential units in the central-western portion of the site, 210 single-family residential units in the central-eastern portion of the site, and approximately 153,550 square feet of commercial retail uses on approximately 14.1 acres at the central-eastern portion of the site along Allen Road; and 8 <.; 'PAKf1' \) Ú' September ~5 :!' _ m .r..;¡,. r- J&S......,~ O''''''IAf' Oid River Ranch Praiect (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures . Phase IV (2020) would involve construction of an additional I ,469 single- family residential units and 334 multiple-family high-medium density residemial units in the southwestern portion of the site, 518 single-family residential units in the southeastern portion of the site, and approximately 110,000 square feet of commercial retail uses on 5.5 acres in the southwest portion of the site and on 4.6 acres in the southeastern portion of the site. Entitlements and Approvals The applicant's specific entitlement objective under this environmental document is to obtain the City's approval of a GPA, Zone Change, Vesting Tentative Tract Map (financing map), and a Development Agreement. The Draft PEIR would also be used to support the proposed annexation of the site under separate action by Kern County LAFCO. Related future approvals include a vesting tentative tract map, a parcel map for non-residential components, PCD submittals, Williamson Act Contract Cancellation, possible Conditional Use Pennits (CUP), and possibly other pennitting actions from other responsible agencies. A development agreement with the City is being proposed to assure a balance of public and private benefits, and to protect the applicant's substantial investment in quality community planning and development. The applicant will prepare detailed design guidelines to govern implementation of the master plan concept. Findings of Fact Findings of Fact are based on infonnation contained within the Draft and Final PEIR for the proposed Old River Ranch project. The Draft PEIR addresses the potential effects on the environment that are associated with the proposed project, and was made available for public review from July 13,2005, and ended on August 28, 2005. Comments were received from a variety of public agencies, organizations, and individuals. The Final PEIR contains copies of the comments, provides responses to those comments, and includes Errata for the Draft PEIR with changes that were made as a result of the comments received on the Draft PEIR. This section provides a summary of the significant environmental effects of the project that are discussed in the PEIR, and provides written findings for each of those significant effects, accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each Finding. Environmental Impacts Summary of Impacts The Final PEIR indicated that potentially significant impacts to the following environmental resources would occur if the proposed project is implemented: . aesthetics, 9 '< \)¡\,kt~ () ~Ó' September 2qQ.5 ~ _ m J&S04¡'jt~I" f; , ¡';,,'NAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures · agricultural resources, · air quality, · biological resources, · cultural resources, · hazards and hazardous materials, · hydrology and water quality, · land use and planning, · noise, · public services and utilities, · recreation, and · transportation/traffic. Other environmental impacts were identified and disclosed within the Draft PEIR. Impacts that were detennined to be less than significant and that would not require the implementation of mitigation include: · geology and soils, · mineral resources, and · population and housing. These findings are presented by environmental resource and are presented separately for environmental impacts that are potentially significant but mitigated to less than significant levels, and significant unavoidable enviromnental imryacts. Where mitigation measures are proposed, these mitigation measures are included in a Mitigation Monitoring Plan, which has been prepared separately from these Findings of Fact. In addition to the mitigation measures that have been incorporated into the proposed project, several alternatives were identified in order to attempt to reduce significant enviromnental impacts associated with the proposed project. Environmental Impacts That Are Mitigated to Less Than Significant levels The following environmental impacts were found to be potentially significant, but could be reduced to less than significant levels through the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures. 10 ~Þ./(s~ September ~5 .¿;, >- - m J&S~91 G ORIGINAl Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Aesthetics Impact AES-l. Implementation of the proposed project could result in impacts from an increase in nighttime lighting. New lighting would be introduced throughout the proposed project, including lights within and around the proposed residential neighborhoods, commercial areas, parks, and within parking lots. Most of the lighting for the proposed project area would not substantially affect views in this area, as the light generated would be typical of suburhan development. In accordance with these standards, a lighting plan would be required for the proposed project in accordance with as detailed in the Zoning Ordinance. Mitigation MM AES-l.l. During the installation of lighting standards, luminaries shall be provided with filtering louvers and hoods to minimize spill light to adjacent pr<.operties, Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Air Quality Impact A Q-I. The proposed project would generate temporal)' construction emissions through each phase of project construction. The San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District (SJVUAPCD) has requires implementation of effective and comprehensive control measures. Construction emissions would consist of particulate matter (PMIO), reactive organic compounds (ROG), and nitrogen oxides (NOx). SJVUAPCD, compliance with Regulation VIII would mitigate construction emissions. Mitigation MM AQ-l.l. Comply with Regulation VIII to Minimize Construction Emissions. The project applicant shall comply with SJVUAPCD Regulation VIII and implement additional construction vehicle emissions reduction measures. To control the generation of construction-related PMlO fugitive dust and exhaust emissions, the project applicant shall comply with SJVUAPCD Regulation VIII and the measures summarized below. SJVUAPCD Regulation VIII Control Measures for Constrnction Emissions ofPMlO: 11 ~~Jd(f1 Septemb 05 ~ >- - J~191 ~ o <:> OìR!GINAI Oid River Ranch Project (GPAfZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures · All disturbed areas, including storage piles that are not being actively utilized for construction purposes, shall be effectively stabilized of dust emissions using water, chemical stabilizerlsuppressant, or by covering with a tarp or other suitable cover or vegetative ground cover. · All onsite unpaved roads and offsite unpaved access roads shall be effectively stabilized of dust emissions using water or chemical stabilizerlsuppressant. · All land clearing, grubbing, scraping, excavation, land leveling, grading, cut and fill, and demolition activities shall be effectively controlled of fugitive dust emissions utilizing application of water or by presoaking. · With the demolition of buildings up to 6 stories in height, all exterior surfaces of the building shall be wetted during demolition. · When materials are transported off site, all material shall be covered or effectively wetted to limit visible dust emissions, and at least 6 inches of freeboard space from the top of the container shall be maintained. · All operations shall limit or expeditiously remove the accumulation of mud or dirt from adjacent public streets at the end of each workday. (The use of dry rotary brushes is expressly prohibited except where preceded or accompanied by sufficient wetting to limit the visible dust emissions. Use of blower devices is expressly forbidden.) · Following the addition of materials to, or the removal of materials from, the surface of outdoor storage piles, said piles shall be effectively stabilized of fugitive dust emissions utilizing sufficient water or chemical stabilizerlsuppressant. · Within urban areas, trackout shall be immediately removed when it extends 50 or more feet from the site and at the end of each workday. · Any site with 150 or more vehicle trips per day shall prevent carryout and trackout. SJVUAPCD Control Measures for Construction Equipment Exlulust Emissions: · Use aqueous diesel fuel, particulate filters, and lean NOx catalysts in all diesel powered off-road construction equipment. · Minimize idling time (e.g., 10 minute maximum). · Limit the hours of operation of heavy-duty equipment andlor the amount of equipment in use. · Replace fossil-fueled equipment with electrically driven equivalents. · Curtail construction during periods of high ambient pollutant concentrations; limiting construction may include ceasing of construction activity during the peak hour of vehicular traffic on adjacent roadways. 12 ':,;'1ií!.9 .:; , , if' Septembe.2005 ~ m J~191 [; "''''C:INAI Oid River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures · Implement activity management (e.g., rescheduling activities to reduce short- term impacts). · Properly and routinely maintain all construction equipment, as recommended by manufacturer manuals, to control exhaust emissions. · Encourage ride sharing and use of transit transportation for construction employee commuting to project sites. Additional Control Measures to Reduce Architectural Coaling Emisswns: · Use architectural coatings that average 100 grams volatile organic compounds (VOC) per liter or less for residential indoor, 50 grams VOC per liter for residential outdoor, and 250 grams VOC per liter for non-residential applications. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project that avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact AQ-2. Operational air quality impacts would occur from emissions related to vehicle traffic and from stationary and area emission sources. Area source emissions include those from natural gas combustion for water and space heating, landscaping equipment, and personal household product use. The emissions that would be reduced by the retirement of the fanned portion of the property were credited to the emissions created by the proposed project. The resulting emissions equal 0.8 tons ofROG per year, 8.9 tons of NO x per year, and 13.9 tons of PM 10 per year. These emissions exceed SJVUAPCD thresholds. Mitigation MM AQ-2-1. The URBEMIS2oo2 model identifies several measures that can be used to minimize emissions associated with residential projects. These measures that shall be included as part of operations of the proposed project include: . increasing energy efficiency measures in all buildings to ensure that they are 10% more efficient than the energy requirements established by California Title 24 and . ensuring that 50 % of all landscape maintenance equipment used in commercial applications is electrically powered, URBEMIS quantifies the effectiveness of these mitigation measures. This mitigation measure would reduce building energy consumption-related emissions Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 2005 13 J&S04191 City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures by 10%, anj landscape emissions would be reduced by 50%. After mitigation, the residual emissions would still be greater than the SJVUAPCD significance thresholds because the majority of operational emissions are from motor vehicle trips. MM AQ-2.2. Prior to the issuance of the first building pennit, the project applicant shall enter into an agreement with the SJVUAPCD for the mitigation of NOX, ROG, and PMlO emissions. This agreement may include, but is not limited to, the payment of fees to the district for the purpose of offsetting project emissions. Examples of such a program would be the purchase of new diesel engines for heavy-duty trucks and agricultural equipment, retrofitting diesel engines with controls (e.g., oxidation catalyst, diesel particulate filter), and conversion of City-owned vehicles from gasoline and diesel to compressed natural gas engines. This emissions offset program would be coordinated with and approved by the SJVUAPCD and based on estimates of achievable emissions reductions. This offset program would reduce emissions in sufficient quantities such that the net increase in regional emissions would be zero. With implementation of this mitigation. the impact would be reduced to less-than- significant levels. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Bioloaical Resources Impacts BIO-2. Development of the site could result in direct or indirect impacts to the federally listed endangered and state-listed threatened San Joaquin kit fox. While habitat features and other signs for this species are not present on site, the species is known to occur in the vicinity of the site. Therefore, there is potential for this species to occur on site, and impacts to this species could be significant. 14 (~ ý,1>!\t;s> ()" '{ý Septemb.8c 2005 -;:: I- m - ,... JU04191 c- ORIGINA' Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures The presence of native trees and shrubs on site provides suitable nesting and roosting habitat for migratory bird species, including the state-listed threatened Swainson's hawk, protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Development of the site could result in impacts to these species. Development of the site could result in direct or indirect impacts to the CDFG species of concern burrowing owl. This species was observed on site on McCutchen Road and along a drainage ditch canal in the southeast quarter of Section 36. Impacts to this species would be significant. This species is not covered under the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP). Mitigation MM BIO-2.1. Pay Development Impact Fees Pursuant to the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. The San Joaquin kit fox is a covered species within the MBHCP. The payment of development impact fees is considered adequate mitigation under the MBHCP to minimize impacts to sensitive species. The fees are placed in an account for habitat acquisition and management to be used by the MBHCP Trust Group. Upon application and approval of future tract map phases within the proposed Old River Ranch project area, the applicant shall pay the required mitigation fee or fees. Upon the payment of this fee and receipt of City project approval, a development applicant would become a sub-pennittee and would be allowed the "incidental take" of the species in accordance with state and federal endangered species laws and mitigation requirements of all parties, state, federal, and local (MBHCP). Payment to the plan would reduce impacts to less-than-significant levels. MM BIO-2.2. Construction Shall Be Conducted Outside of Breeding Season for Birds. To avoid impacts to nesting birds, including the Swainson's hawk, no ground disturbance, site clearing, or removal of any potential nesting habitat shall be conducted within the typical breedinglnesting season for birds (February 15 to August 30). or, MM BIO-2.3. Conduct Preconstruction Survey for Nesting Birds, Prior to any ground-disturbing activities, a qualified biologist shall conduct surveys for nesting birds, including raptors. The surveys shall occur at a minimum of 3 days prior to the clearing, removal, or trimming of any vegetation. Surveys shall include areas within ZOO feet of the edge of the project boundary and the entire project site. If active nests are found, a 50-foot (minimum) fence barrier shall be erected around the nest site. A 200-foot barrier shall be required for any raptor- nesting site, No habitat removal or any other work shall be allowed to occur within the fenced nest zone until a qualified biologist confirms that the young have fledged and have left the nest. 15 .g <?,p.I\4?", Septemb 2005 .¿;, >. - tiia 04191 f!l -.::> <:> "8IGINAL Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) ..-.-,-...--.--. '.----..-...----- - ---.-.--....,.,...----------- City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures MM BIO-2.4. Conduct Preconstruction Survey for Burrowing Owls. Prior to ground-disturbing activities, a qualified biologist shall conduct surveys for burrowing owls in accordance with the Staff Report on Burrowing Owl Mitigation (CDFG 1995) and the California Burrowing Owl Consortium guidelines (Santa Cruz Predato¡y Bird Research Group 2005). The survey will be conducted over the entire site and, where possible, 150 feet around the project site. If no burrows or burrowing owls are identified, then no further action is required. If burrows or burrowing owls are identified, then the following mitigation should be implemented. If possible, when burrowing owls are detected during the breeding season, impact should be avoided. A no-disturbance buffer zone should be delineated in a 75-meter radius around the occupied burrow. No ground disturbance would be pennitted in the no-disturbance buffer zone until a qualified biologist has detennined that the young have fledged. Finding Changes or alt..:rations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact BIO-3. There are no migration corridors or wildlife nurseries on site. However, because the site contains a number of tall trees, the site has the potential to be used by nesting birds and to provide resting and foraging habitat for migratory birds, including the Swainson's hawk. Mitigation Implement either Mitigation Measure MM BIO-22 or MM BIO-2.3 (as detailed above) . Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above, The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact BIO-5. The proposed development does not conflict with any City ordinance or policies and complies with the MBGP and the MBHCP, Payment of development impact fees would reduce impacts to species covered under the MBHCP. Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 2005 X %/>,1((:-), () u.; :>. - t- (.' - r V <;'. ORIGINAl 16 J&S 04191 ._n...__" ._.......__. _"_..'" _ .._.__.>~.,_.._...._._.~.___.__..~.~_... City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures Mitigation Implement Mitigation Measure MM BIO-2.1 (as detailed above). Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby fmds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Cultural Resources Impacts CR-l. Four prehistoric archaeological sites, one historical archaeological site and seven prehistoric isolated artifacts were located within the proposed project area. No further work is necessary for the seven prehistoric isolated artifacts as recordation is considered sufficient mitigation, However, ground-disturbing activities, typically associated with construction, could impact the four potentially significant prehistoric archaeological sites as well as the one potentially significant historical archaeological site, Mitigation MM CR-l.l. Perfonn Subsurface Test-Level Investigations for Identified Prehistoric Sites. Prior to tentative tract map approval or recordation of final map for affected parcels, a qualified archaeologist shall be retained by the developer to perfonn a subsurface test-level investigation for the four prehistoric archaeological sites (Destefani-3, PM#I, PM#2, and PM#3), and one historical archaeological site (PM#H), and surface collection as appropriate. The test-level report evaluating the site shall include a discussion of significance (i.e., depth, nature, condition, and extent of resources), fInal mitigation recommendations, and cost estimates, Any resource identified shall be recorded, excavated, and curated, as appropriate. Prior to the issuance of a grading pennit and based on the report recommendations, fInal mitigation shall be carried out, which may include recordation, excavation, and curation. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identifIed in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above, The City hereby fmds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible. and is therefore adopted. Impact CR-2, Buried cultural resources that were not identified during field surveys could be inadvertently unearthed during ground-disturbing activities, which could result in the demolition or substantial damage to signifIcant cultural resource8, 17 , 'òf,I'i¡';ç, 'il 'oó' September~5 ~ .... m J&S ~1 ö- 0P!~!~!AI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Mitigation MM CR-2.1. Contact a Qualified Archaeologist if Buried Cultural Resources Are Inadvertently Discovered during Ground-Distuibing Activities. If buried cultural resources, such as chipped or ground stone, historic bottles or cerallÙCS, building foundations, or non-human bone are inadvertently discovered during ground-distuibing activities, work will stop in that area and within 100 feet of the find until a qualified archaeologist can assess the significance of the find and, if necessary, develop appropriate treatment measures. Treatment measures typically include development of avoidance strategies, capping with fill material, or mitigation of impacts through data recovery programs such as excavation or detailed documentation. Sites discovered having relevance to Native Americans shall be made known to the appropriate individualslagencieslgroups as detemùned by the archaeologist in consultation with the Lead Agency. If archaeological sites are discovered on site during construction, and an archaeologist is contacted to detemùne the significance of the find, the developer shall provide written evidence to the City Planning Department that a qualified archaeologist has been retained, shall be present at the pre-grading conference, shall establish procedures for archaeological resource surveillance, and shall establish in cooperation with the project developer procedures for temporarily halting or redirecting work to pemùt the sampling, identification, and evaluation of the artifacts as appropriate. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact CR-3. Bu:ied human remains could be inadvertently unearthed during excavation activities, which could result in damage to these human remains. Mitigation MM CR-3.1. Treatment of Human Remains Inadvertently Discovered during Ground-Disturbing Activities. If human remains of Native American origin are discovered during project construction, it is necessa¡y to comply with state laws relating to the disposition of Native American burials, which fall within the jurisdiction of the Native American Heritage Commission (Pub. Res. Code Sec. 5097). If any human remains are discovered or recognized in any location other than a dedicated cemetery, there will be no further excavation or distuibance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains until: 18 'f,A/(S' éi·'t, sePtember2~ ~ - r- <.) <:> J&S0419()RIG!NAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAfZ.C #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings. and Mitigation Measures . the corrmer of Kern County has been informed and has determined that no investigation of the cause of death is required, and . if the remains are of Native American origin, a. the Native American Heritage Commission was unable to identify a descendant or the descendant failed to make a recommendation within 24 hours after being notified by the commission, or b. the descendants of the deceased Native Americans have made a recommendation to the landowner or the person responsible for the excavation work for means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. According to California Health and Safety Code, six or more human burials at one location constitute a cemetery (Section 8100) and disturbance of Native American cemeteries is a felony (Section 7052). Section 7050.5 requires that construction or excavation be stopped in the vicinity of discovered human remains until the coroner can determine whether the remains are those of a Native American. If the remains are determined to be Native American, the coroner must contact the California Native American Heritage Commission. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant envirorunental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impacts HAZ-4. The proposed project site is not listed in a state or federal database of sites known to have experienced a hazardous materials spill or incident, other than those databases that list known oil and water wells. However, there is a potential that hazardous materials have contaminated isolated portions of the proposed project site as a result agricultural and petroleum-producing activities as well as associated infrastructure such as pipelines, storage tanks, equipment use, wells, etc. Accordingly, the site contains a number of locations that could pose a health risk to future workers and residents if not appropriately characterized and appropriately remediated prior to development of the proposed project. These risks could occur from: . Matcri¡Js containing asbestos . Hazardous materials stored onsite in aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and drums Old River Ranch Project (GPNZC #03·1528) 19 Sept r2 ü' ~ ~ t'- J&S 04191 (T1 .:- r- 0.. <:> '''íì>'~!NAL. ----. .---___..___.._~.__.._~_~ ···_'__,...···_~__"_·_..,___·___.___w..". City of Bakersfietd Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures · Subsurface impacts from unauthorized release(s) of fuel and other constituents from the onsite ASTs · Stained soil from uses associated with the operation of agricultural equipment, oil wells, pump stations, storage tanks such as those in the various storage yards, and fertilizerlpesticides, and through spraying and application of these materials. · Fertilizers, pesticides, heIÙicides, and petroleum residues · Groundwater impacts from the above materials if leached into the ground · Dangers associated with groundwater wells (i.e., children falling into wells) · Improper abandonment of oil wells · Potential oil-based, toxic, drilling muds (containing hydrocarbons and/or methane) associated with the onsite oil wells · Existing natural gas pipelines and oil pipelines that may be breached or could have experienced leaks · Power poles and transfonners that could potentially contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and potential soil residues · Potentially septic tank(s) Mitigation MM HAZ-4.1. Evaluate and Abate Asbestos. Prior to tentative tract map and grading approvals, all areas containing structures that have the potential to contain ACBMs shall be inspected and evaluated by an asbestos specialist to detennine the potential to contain such materials. These include structures built beiore the 1970s, as well as debris piles containing remnant concrete irrigation pipe. All matl"rials detennined to contain asbestos or have a high likelihood to contain asbestos shall be abated and shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site by a qualified hazardous materials specialist. MM HAZ-4.2. Conduct Soil Sampling at Aboveground Storage Tank Locations and Remediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits for the each subsequent development phase within project Areas 1,2,3, or 4 (as delineated in this Hazards and Hazardous Materials section), soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted in the vicinity of aboveground and underground storage tanks, particularly the three I,OOO-gallon and one IO,OOO-gallon diesel fuel. ASTs associated with three existing water wells on site. Such testing also shall occur at selected locations in the equipment storage/maintenance yard to defme the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of stained soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 20 '< \\Þ.ki-:9 () cç, >- - ¡- m - r- sePtemb~ihiNAI<:> J&S04191 Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures MM HAZ-4.3. Conduct Soil Sampling at Equipment StoragelMaintenance Yard and Remediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits for the subject areas, soil sampling and analyses at selected locations in the equipment storagelmaintenance yard shall be completed to define the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of stained soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.4. Remove Diesel-Impacted Soil Near Soil Boring 5. Prior to issuance of grading pennits for the area near Soil Boring 5, located on the south side of the fenced equipment storage and maintenance yard, approximately 150 fet:t west of Buena Vista Road (associated with the 1 ,ooo-gallon diesel AST serving an irrigation well), the contaminated soil shall be removed. A backhoe or excavator shaH remove the diesel-impacted soil at the location due to the unknown depth of the contamination. The walls and floor of the excavation shall be sampled when the diesel-impacted soil appears to be removed based on visual observation. Samples shall be sent to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. Contaminated soil shall be stockpiled or containerized in 55-gallon sealed drums and labeled as to the contents. Disposed of according to State and local guidelines. Following remediation, the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.5. Conduct Soil Sampling Near Agricultural Water Well and Remediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits for the proposed project, soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted in the vicinity of the 1 ,ooo-gallon diesel fuel AST associated with an agricultural water well located in the northeastern portion of the subject site to define the vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.6. Remove Oily Waste Drums and Containers. Prior to site development, the two fulllpartially full 55-gallon drums and one 5-gallon container of oily waste located northwest of the barn shall be removed from the subject site by a licensed contractor and properly disposed of off site. MM HAZ-4.7. Sample and Analyze Soil Near Aboveground Tanks in Central Storage Yard, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits, soil samples shall be collected from under the 550-gallon AST and 1,000 gallon diesel AST within the southeastern portion of the storage yard in the central portion of the site. These samples shall be analyzed to detennine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum fuel constituents. Should the è'ót.Kt1 Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 5 c¿;, "- - J&~191 ~ o <:> ORlG.'NA! 21 City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required, However, if remediation is recommended, then tht. contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB œ-quirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.8. Sample and Analyze Soil Near I ,OOO-Gallon Low Sulfur Dyed Diesel Tank, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits, soil sampling and analyses shall be conducted beneath the I,OOO-gallon AST labeled "low sulfur dyed diesel" on the unpaved ground surface in the central portion of the subject site to assess the extent and concentrations of diesel fuel impacts. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to the Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.9. Sample and Analyze Stained Soils, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed at two areas of stained soil in the northwestern and central portions of the site to assess the extent and concentrations of subsurface impacts by related constituents of concern. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required, Hcwever, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be propedy closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4,lO. Place Secondary Containment Structures beneath All Aboveground Tanks until Removal. For all ASTs that do not contain secondary containment structures, secondary containment shall be placed beneath all onsite ASTs until the removal of the AST occurs for the redevelopment of the subject site, in order to minimize potential unauthorized releases of hazardous materials from potentially impacting the site. MM HAZ-4.l1. Assess and RemovelRemediate Near Metal Pipe. Prior to issuance of grading pennits, the approximately 3 inch diameter metal pipe that is protruding from the ground in the northeastern portion of the subject site shall be assessed with a backhoe to detennine evidence of subsurface soil impacts by gasoline fuel constituents. Following the subsurface excavation, if soil sampling and analysis is necessary to further assess the concentration and extent of potential impacts, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed to detennine the extent and concentrations of subsurface impacts by related constituents of concern. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. 'ô~ j(.~ ~. I:''''ó' Old River Ranch Project (GPfVZC #03-1528) September 2005 -i"' 22 I- m -;is 04191 r; "q'GINAI City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings. and Mitigation Measures MM HAZ-4.12. Remove Waste Oil Drum. Prior to grading of the site, the existing 55-gallon drum of waste oil located in the northern portion of the site adjacent to the onsite agricultural water well shall be transported off site for proper disposal by a licensed contractor as soon as possible so that the potential threat of a release to the site is minimized. MM HAZ-4.13. Sample and Analyze Soil Near Aboveground Tanks at the Gosford-Coulter Tank Fann, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected from beneath the three onsite ASTs without secondary containment features at the Gosford-Coulter Ta,1k Farm facility in the central portion of the subject site. The soil samples should be analyzed to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of total recoverable petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, and hazardous constituents of antifreeze. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. MM HAZ-4.14. Sample and Analyze Soil Near Aboveground Drums, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil samples shall be collected and analyzed in the location beneath the onsite, stand- mounted, 55 gallon drum labeled as lube oil and the steel-rack-mounted 55- gallon drum labeled as gear oil at the tank farm facility to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons. Should the analysis of impacted soils reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. Ml\1 HAZ-4.15. Sample and Analyze Soil Near Aboveground Crude Oil Tanks, and RemovelRemediate as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading permits, soil sampling and analysis shall be conducted for the locations of the four fonner crude-oil ASTs in the east-central portion of the tank fann facility to determine the extent of crude-oil impacts and to determine the presence or absence of concentrations of petroleum fuel constituents. Should the soil analysis reveal that contamination is below toxic limits, no further action would be required. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to site development. Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) MM HAZ-4.16. Abandon/CloselDestroy Water Wells. Prior to issuance of any grading permits, all existing water wells shall be properly abandoned/closed and/or destroyed in accordance with state and local guidelines and shall be evaluated and verified by the Water Section of the Kern County Certified Unified Protection Agency. P AK" ,. ,J t:.t;> e& 'ó' Septemb 005 ~ f-- m J&U4191 ¡; 0RIGINAl 23 City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures MM HAZ-4.17. Evaluate and Abandon Fonner Oil Wells, and Properly Close, Clean, and Re-Abandon, as Necessary. Prior to issuance of grading pennits, inactive or previously abandoned oil wells in the proposed project area defined by the corresponding set of tract map(s) shall be evaluated to ensure that the existing abandonment conditions meet or exceed current DOGGR standards. If not, they shall be properly closed, cleaned, and abandoned or re-abandoned in accordance with all applicable state and local guidelines prior to any ground disturbing activities. All existing inactive oil wells, abandoned oil wells, or shut- in oil wells shall be required to implement a closure plan to render all wells inert and to confonn to DOGGR oil well abandonment or re-abandonment procedures. The applicant shall be required to file a Notice of Intent to Abandon Well fonn with DOGGR. The notice shall include all required abandonment procedures on a well-by-well basis in accordance with Article 14, Chapter 3, Sections 1723 through 1723.9 of the CCR. Abandonment of wells shall be perfonned and verified to the satisfaction of DOGGR. MM HAZ-4.18. Test and RemovelRemediate Soil Near Buried Oil Wells. At the time grading operations proceed, an excavator shall be used to remove soil overlying and surrounding each of the buried abandoned oil wells that were discovered on site at their staked locations. When safe access has been provided at each loc¡,tion, each well shall be tested for methane emissions. This testing will verify the integrities of the abandonment plugs. Once the wells have been exposed, further geophysical testing may continue in order to locate, insofar as possible, the mud pits andlor production sumps associated with the wells. These pits and sumps might be expected to be located within a 75-foot radius of each well. Once the pits and sumps are located, analytical samples shall be collected in order to detennine their contents. Upon analysis of the collected samples, a detennination shall be made regarding subsequent remedial actions. Prior to commencement of any construction activity in these areas, final confinnation and a closure statement shall be obtained by the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD. If the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD is not satisfied that all potentially hazardous materials have been removed to acceptable concentrations, a remedial action plan shall be developed and implemented to the division's satisfaction. MM HAZ-4.19. Fence All Oil Wells. Prior to occupancy of any residence within the project area, each area containing (an) oil well(s) (either active, abandoned, or shut-in) shall be made inaccessible with chain-linked fence until such time that they have been closed and abandoned to the satisfaction of DOGGR, MM HAZ.-4.20. Evaluate and RemovelRemediate Oil Mud Pits, Prior to the approval of final tentative tract maps and grading plans, all areas surrounding fonner or current oils wells that contain oil mud pits or residues thereof shall be evaluated through subsequent sampling and testing to detennine their characteristics and vertical and lateral extent. All areas contain drilling muds and such residues shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local <" V, jJ, II E'f () ~ , Old River Ranch Project (GPNZC #03-1528) Septemben-ao05 m - r- 24 v <:> J&S~IGINAl City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings. and Mitigation Measures guidelines. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the DTSC and DOGGR. MM HAZ-4.21. Remove Oil and Gas Pipelines and Associated Contaminated Soils. Prior to the approval of grading pennits, all abandoned oil and gas pipelines shall be removed, and the soil conditions shall be monitored by a qualified hazardous materials specialist. If soil staining is evident, removal actions shail cease in the vicinity until the nature of the stain is detennined. All areas containing petroleum-stained soils shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local guidelines to the satisfaction of DTSC and DOGGR, MM HAZ-4.22. Test and RemovelRemediate Petroleum-Stained Soils. Prior to final tentative tract map and grading approvals, all areas in the project boundaries showing evidence of petroleum-stained soils shall be evaluated through subsequent testing to detennine the vertical and lateral extent of any such spilL All areas contain spilled oil or other petroleum products shall be excavated, and the removed soils shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site according to state and local guidelines. All work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the DTSC. MM HAZ-4.23. Remove Potential PCB-Containing Transformers. Prior to the approval of grading pennits, power poles containing transformers suspected of containing PCBs shall be removed by a qualified hazardous materials specialist as coordinated by PG&E to the satisfaction of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department ESD. These items shall be disposed of at an appropriate hazardous materials disposal site to the satisfaction of DTSC. MM HAZ-4.24. Delineate and RemovelRemediate Soil with PCB Content. Prior to the approval of grading pennits, the location of the fonner transfonner fire and subsequent release of PCBs in 1990 near the intersection of Buena Vista and McCutchen Roads shall be completely delineated and remediated as necessary. Soil samples shall be collected from the northeastern corner of the subject site and analyzed for PCB content. Should the soil analysis reveal that the soils are clean, then no further action would be warranted. However, if remediation is recommended, then the contaminated soil shall be removed andlor remediated according to state and local guidelines, and the site shall be properly closed according to Central Valley RWQCB requirements prior to development of the site. MM HAZ-4.25. Remove/AbandonlClose Septic Tanks. Prior to the approval of final tentative tract maps and grading approval, all septic tanks shall be removedlabandonedlclosed in accordance with applicable state and local guidelines. HydroloQY and Water Quality 25 'òMf..s> September 2o¥ ~ m J&S 04~ ¡; 0RIGINAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Impacts WQ-3. Construction and placement of residential units, landscaping, roadways, and other impermeable surfaces would alter the existing drainage patterns of the site by preventing precipitation from entering the soil column. Water that was to drain off site would be required by the County of Kern and the City to be directed into storm drainage infrastructure (i.e., catchment basins in project streets and onsite stormwater distribution pipes) that would collect and transport water to onsite sumps where it would percolate the soil and drain into the substrata. Construction would create bare ground that would be exposed to potential erosion; any erosion would create a significant impact because it could potentially flow into downstream waterbodies if not properly contained during construction. Compliance with a general NPDES pennit is required for direct or indirect discharges of stormwater runoff to waters of the United States from construction projects that cause soil disturbance and potential runoff. Adherence to the NPDES pennit requires that the applicant develop and implement a SWPPP. The SWPPP specifies that BMPs be used in order to prevent construction pollutants from contacting stormwater and to stop all products of erosion from moving off site into receiving waters. Mitigation MM WQ-3.1. Minimize Erosion Effects on Water Quality. Prior to final approval of subsequent individual tentative tract maps and authorization of grading plans, a SWPPP shall be made available to the City Engineer for inspection and comment. The SWPPP shall identify erosion minimization and control provisions, pollution detection provisions, and pollution elimination/minimization provisions. The SWPPP shall include best available technology, engineering, and design solutions such as the use of silt screens, hay bales, modern trash screens, energy dissipaters, andlor absorbent devices. Stormwater runoff water quality monitoring procedures shall be clearly detailed in the SWPPP. Finding Changes or alterations have been incOlporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City heæby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Land Use and Plannina Impact LUP-3. The project area is within the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP) that contains both City and County of Kern jurisdiction. Development of the project area could impact species covered under the Plan. Upon payment of required mitigation fees and receipt of City project approval, a development applicant would become a sub-permittee and would be allowed the "incidental take" of species in accordance with state and federal x 'òAKE'..s> () ~ "- Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) Septembet%005 J!! 26 v <:> J&S~IiNGINA! --.- --"--~---.-_.~--.._--.- --...+------.-..----------. City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures endangered species laws. Payment of development impact fees would reduce im'Jacts to species covered under the MBHCP. Mitigation MM BIO-2.1. The San Joaquin kit fox is a covered species within the MBHCP. The payment of development impact fees is considered adequate mitigation under the MBHCP to minimize impacts to sensitive species. The fees are placed in an account for habitat acquisition and management to be used by the MBHCP Trust Group, Upon application and approval of future tract map phases within the proposed Old River Ranch project area, the applicant shall pay the required mitigation fee or fees. Upon the payment of this fee and receipt of City project approval, a development applicant would become a sub-pennittee and would be allowed the "incidental take" of the species in accordance with state and federal endangered species laws and mitigation requirements of all parties, state, federal, and local (MBHCP). Payment to the plan would reduce impacts to less-than- significant levels. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Noise Impact During the construction of the proposed project, noise from construction activities would potentially impact noise-sensitive land uses in the immediate area. Activities involved in construction would generate noise levels at 50 feet. Noise levels will typically drop off at a rate of 6 dB per doubling of distance. Construction noise could result in annoyance or sleep disruption for nearby residents if nighttime operations were to occur or if equipment were not properly muffled or maintained. Mitigation MM NOI-l.l. Limit Hours of Construction Operations. Construction activity located within 1,000 feet of residences shall be limited to the hours between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekdays, and between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. on weekends. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified ill the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City 27 <t> "K £:>9 septemJr 2005 .¿;, >- - ':J&s 04191 ~ V <:> ORIGINAl Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03·1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact NO I - 3. Traffic noise exposure on proposed noise-sensitive land uses within the project site was analyzed. Traffic noise exposure at new residences could exceed the City's 65 dB CNEL noise compatibility threshold for residences. Residences along the perimeter of the proposed project site could be exposed to interior noise exceeding 45 dB CNEL. Because exterior and interior areas of residences could be exposed to traffic noise exceeding 65 dB CNEL and 45 dB CNEL respectively, this impact is considered to be significant. Mitigation MM NOl-3.1. Minimize Outdoor Noise Levels from Traffic. Outdoor activity areas of residential areas shall be designed such that noise from traffic does not exceed 65 dB CNEL. The project applicant for each tract map shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for residences located adjacent to roadways in and around the proposed project area such that exterior noise levels under 2030-with-project conditions does not exceed 65 dB CNEL at outdoor activity areas. Treatments may include methods such as construction of a soundwall or earth benn between the new residences and the roadway or placement of building structures between roadway and outdoor activity areas. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this perfonnance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building pennit will be issued. The design of project buildings will reflect the approved report. MM NOI-3.2. Minimize Interior Noise Levels from Traffic. Interior areas of residential units shall be designed such that noise from traffic does not exceed 45 dB CNEL. The project applicant for each tract map shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to ensure that interior noise levels at residences does not exœed 45 dB Ldn under 2030-with-project traffic conditions. If treatments are necessary, treatments may include installing acoustically rated doors and windows and blocking sound transmission paths through vents or other openings in the building shell. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing compliance with the interior noise perfonnance standard or, if necessary, the acoustical treatments to be applied to the building for compliance with the interior noise perfonnance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building pennit is issued. Impact NOI-4. Commercial uses that could be allowed under the general plan and planned wning include a wide range of commercial retail, office uses, service uses, and restaurants, to name a few. Noise sources commonly associated with commercial property include air conditioning units, trash compactors, fans, compressors, and truck deliveries. Noise from these types of equipment and x~þ..Kt~ Old River Ranch Project (GPfVZC #03-1528) SePtemb~005 <; H ~ m J~191 [; '""o'f':""J,AL City of Bak...sfield Statement of Facts. Findings. and Mitigation Measures activity could result in noise at residences that exceeds City noise standards for non-transportation noise sources. Mitigation MM NOI-4.I. Minimize Noise from Commercial Sources. Commercial uses shall be designed such that noise from operations does not exceed City noise standards for non-transportation sources. The project applicant for each tract map shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for commercial and industrial uses such that residences located adjacent to these uses would not be exposed to noise exceeding City standards for non-transportation uses. Treatments may include methods such as: · limits on hours of operations (in accordance with Noise Standards in Table 3K-3), · use of enclosures or localized barriers around equipment noise sources, · placement of barriers between the residences and commercial and industrial uses, and · use of mufflers on equipment exhaust. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this performance standard. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building pennit will be issued. The design of commercial and industrial uses will reflect the approved report. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact NOI-5. Several oil wells are located between Barlow Road and the Allen Road alignment. They are powered by diesel or natural gas internal combustion engines. At a distance of 25 feet, the engines typically produce an energy av~rage (Leq) noise level of 75 dBA and an LSO noise level of 74 dBA. Residences within about 225 feet of an oil well would be exposed to noise exceeding the City's daytime standard of 55 dB LSO . Residences located within 400 feet of an oil well would be exposed to noise exceeding the City's nighttime standard of 50 dB LSO, Mitigation MM NOI-5.I. Minimize Noise from Oil Wells. Residential uses shall be designed such that noise from oil well operations does not exceed City noise standards for non-transportation sources at residences on the project site. The 29 ~ 'ò~,J(f'9 o ó' September 2085 ~ I- m J&S 04j¡, r; OR!r,!MAf Old River Ranch Project (GPNZC #03-1528) -..----..------ City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures project applicant shall retain a qualified acoustical consultant to design treatments for the oil wells or the residences such that residences located adjacent to oil wells would not be exposed to noise exceeding City standards for non- transportation uses. Treatments may include methods such as: · conversion of oil well diesel motors to electric motors, · limiting hours of oil well operation, · use of enclosures or localized barriers around the oil wells, and · placement of barriers between the residences and oil wells. The acoustical consultant will prepare and submit to the City a report detailing the acoustical treatments to be used for compliance with this perfonnance standard for each tract map. The report must be reviewed and approved by the City before a building pennit will be issued. The design of residential uses will reflect the approved report. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Public Services and Utilities Impact PS-6. Constmction of the proposed project would generate debris that would require disposal at area landfills. Construction debris would be recycled, which would further reduce debris in the waste stream. Mitigation MM PS-6.1. Recycle Construction Debris. Prior to the issuance of any building pennit, developers within the proposed project site shall submit to the City for review and approval a plan to separate recyclable/reusableconstruction debris. The plan shall include the method the contractor will use to haul recyclable materials and shall include the method of and location of material disposal. The builders shall be responsible for hauling their own construction debris to the Mount Vernon Recycling Center or entering into a contract with a licensed hauler for disposal of construction debris. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. 30 sePtember~&Þ.JK(">9 o .¿;, Jar¡ 04191 ,.... ~ õ ö "'I"'III"'I11,IAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) ----,.._-._-_.-...-."--_.---,-. ._-~._"_._'-_.,.._._---------- City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures Recreation Impact REC-l. The MBGP sets forth a requirement that all new residential developments dedicate 2.5 acres of parkland for eveI)' 1,000 future residents. At maximum buildout, the proposed project would need to provide approximately 50,8 acres of parks. trails. greenbelts, open space, and other recreational facilities in order to comply with the current City standard, based on an average of 2.891 people per household for all 7,037 homes included in the project. Mitigation MM REC-l.l. Provide Parks in Accordance with City Standards, Prior to approval of each Tentative Tract or Vesting Tentative Tract, the applicant shall provide public parks, as deemed necessary by the city, in conformance with Title 15.80 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code, In the event a city wide master trails plan is adopted prior to approval of each Tentative Tract or Vesting Tentative Tract that reduces the public park requirement, the adopted ratio will be used to calculate the public park requirement. Proposed greenbelts and private recreational facilities shall be maintained by the homeowners association. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Transportation and Traffic Impact TR-l. Temporal)' increases in traffic because of project construction have the potential to worsen level of service on study area roadways, Mi1igation MM TR-t.1. Develop and Implement a Construction Traffic Control Plan. Prior to beginning construction of any portion of the proposed project, the contractor shall develop and implement a Traffic Control Plan. The Traffic Control Plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval and shall be implemented throughout the course of project construction. The plan shall include the following elements: . contain a plan approved by the City for communicating construction plans with transit providers, emergency service providers, residences, and businesses located in the project vicinity, and anyone else who may be affected by project construction; . identify roadway segments or intersections that are at or approaching level of service that exceeds local standards, and provide for construction-generated Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 2005 (. 'ò þ.,Kf,ý Ò' .~ >- 1- ~ Õ t' OQ/r.:/NA! 31 J&S 04191 City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures traffic to avoid these locations at the peak periods, either by traveling different routes or by traveling at non-peak times of day; · contain an access and circulation plan for use by emergency vehicles when lane closures andlor detours are in effect; if lane closures occur, provide advance notice to local fire and police departments to ensure that alternative evacuation and emergency routes are designed to maintain response times; · maintain access to existing residences in the area at all times; · provide for adequate parking for construction trucks and equipment within the designated staging areas throughout the construction period; · provide adequate parking for construction workers within the designated staging areas; · restrict delivery of construction materials to between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to avoid more congested morning and evening hours; · require traffic controls on roadways adjacent to the proposed project, including flag persons wearing bright orange or red vests and using a "Stop/Slow" paddle to control oncoming traffic; construction warning signs should be posted in accordance with local standards or those set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (FHW A 2001), in advance of the construction area and at any intersection that provides access to the construction area; · require that written notification be provided to contractors regarding appropriate routes to and from the construction site, and the weight and speed limits on local roads used to access the construction site; · specify that a sign be posted at all active construction areas giving the name and telephone number or email address of the City staff person designated to receive complaints regarding construction traffic. Finding Changes or alterations have been incOlporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact TR-2. The maneuvering of construction-related vehicles and equipment among the general-purpose traffic on area roadways could cause safety hazards. Mi1igation Implement Mitigation Measure MM TR-Ll (as detailed above). 32 ~AKf- September 200~ "1;) >- ~ J&S041f$. fì - r- o C:> np'~I~IAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact TR-3. Emergency access to the proposed project area could be affected by project construction, specifically, road closures, detours, and construction-related traffic could delay or obstruct the movement of emergency vehicles. Mitigatior. Implement Mitigation Measure MM TR-I.! (as detailed above). Finding Changes or alterations have been incOlporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above, The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact TR-4. The parking needs of construction workers and for heavy construction equipment would increase the demand for parking on the proposed project site and possibly on nearby roadways off site. Mitigation Implement Mitigation Measure MM TR-l.l (as detailed above). Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the fonn of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact TR-7. Emergency access would not be precluded during long-tenn operations of the project. Adequate circulation is provided within the project site, and the detailed tract maps will be reviewed by the Bakersfield FD prior to approval at a tract map level. All fire department standards would need to be complied with during final design to minimize impacts to emergency access. Mitigation MM TR-7.1. Construction Plans and Development Shall Confonn to All Applicable Fire Codes. Prior to approval of tentative tract maps for subsequent 33 I"" ^ September (!';'H.i::.i? .¿;, J&@4191 m - r- ) <:> ")r-!I(>1MA1 Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures phases of the proposed project, construction plans shall be approved by the Fire Marshall or appropriate representative to ensure that all fire code requirements are incorporated into the proposed project design. All development within the proposed project area shall conform to codes and access requirements established by the Uniform Fire Code and City of Bakersfield Municipal Code Sections 15.64.010 to 15.64.480. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Impact TR-8. All residential, commercial, and other land uses would be required to provide adequate parking in accordance with the City's Municipal Code. Mitigation MM TR-8.1. During design of tentative tract maps for subsequent phases of the proposed p~oject, adequate parking shall be provided in accordance with City of Bakersfield Municipal Code standards. Construction plans shall be reviewed and verified by the Planning Department that the project components provide appropriate parking to minimize offsite parking impacts or neighborhood intrusion. Finding Changes or alterations have been incorporated into the project, which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects. These changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure as presented above. The City hereby finds that implementation of the mitigation measure above is feasible, and is therefore adopted. Significant Unavoidable Environmental Impacts Aaricultural Resources Impact AGR-l. The proposed project site contains 1,853 acres designated as "Prime Fannland." Subdivision of land such as this results in substantial prime agricultural acreages being taken out of agricultural production. Conversion of fanIÙand 011 the proposed project site is considered a significant impact for the following reasons: . approximately 94 % of the site consists of prime soils; . water for irrigation is readily available on site; 34 'Ç¡"'Kê"., x .'{r SePtemb~005 ~ ,.... m J&f >4'.' r:; ORIGiNAL Old River Ranch Project (GPMC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures · the majority of areas surrounding the site are currently actively farmed; · the majority of the project site, as well as many surrounding parcels, have a wning designation of A (Exclusive Agriculture); · the MBGP designated neighboring lands as R-IA (Intensive Agriculture); · the site is immediately adjacent to the north, east, and south to some Williamson Act-contracted lands; · the project could affect the application of agricultural chemicals on other agricultural properties; and · residential development is proposed adjacent to agricultural uses, Finding No mitigation is available that would feasibly reduce environmental impacts associated with agricultural land conversion to less than significant levels. Mitigation measures were considered in an attempt to reduce impacts from agricultural conversion, including the purchase of agricultural conservation easements and mitigation banking, Agricultural conservation easements are voluntary, legally recorded deed restrictions that are placed on specific property used for agricultural production that prohibit practices that would damage or interfere with the agricultural use of the land. Agricultural conservation easements are held by land trusts or local governments, which are responsible for ensuring that the tenns of the easement are upheld, In order to place an agricultural conservation easement on a property, a landowner would seek an appropriate easement holder, which could be a land trust or a local government. Th ~ easement holder would then decide whether to pursue an easement on the propnsed property and proceed to negotiate tenns with the landowner, including price and restrictions. As of 2002, easements were located within only 19 of California's 58 counties, with approximately 80% used as grazing land and 20% used as cropland of the 120,000 acres of California fannland within easements (Sokolow 2(02). While some land trusts have been fonnulated and funded because of local government's requiring mitigation of fannland loss, the City and Kern County have not developed any comprehensive program through which conservation easements could be implemented in mitigating the conversion of prime agricultural land. Without such programs in place, these types of mitigation measures are not practical or feasible for a property owner to pursue on a project-by-project basis, Therefore, because of the lack of programs in place that require easement funding or that provide oversight for the tenns of an easement, mitigation would be infeasible. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. 35 X ~Þ.Kf,1 () ¡J> >- ~ September 2005 J::: J!! v Ö J&S 04191 0RIGINAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAfZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Impact AGR-2. The majority of the proposed project site is currently zoned for agricultural uses, with a zoning designation of A (Exclusive Agriculture). The current MBGP land use designations for the project site include Intensive Agriculture and Mineral Petroleum. The proposed project includes a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. Upon approval of the project, the Williamson Act contracts would be cancelled before their expiration in 2014. Therefore, the project would conflict with existing Williamson Act contracts, which would represent a significant impact. Mitigation MM AGR-2.1. Pay Penalty Fees for Premature Conversion of Williamson Act Ccntracts. Upon cancellation of the Williamson Act contracts, the applicant shall pay a fee of 12.5 % of the full assessed value of the parcels for cancellation of Williamson Act contracts. This fee, when collected, shall be transmitted by the County Treasurer to the State Controller. Finding Cancellation of the Williamson Act contracts prematurely represents a significant impact because the Williamson Act contracts are a mechanism to encourage long-tenn preservation of agricultural lands. The mitigation would not reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Impact AGR-3. Other changes in existing environment could have an effect on adjacent agricultural land by limiting the agricultural feasibility of the land. The following types of effects from agricultural conversion could generally reduce agricultural feasibility. · Conversion of fannland may impact nearby growers by placing restrictions and limitations on pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides used on the crops. Restrictions could also be placed on noise, burning, and dust. · Vehicle emissions from adjacent transportation routes and increased roadways could impact the health and survival of the crops. · As urbanization proceeds in the City, land prices may increase above the land's value for agricultural production. · Increased traffic congestion reduces the efficiency and increases the hazards of moving crops and fann machinery along rural roads. Road congestion also increases the amount of time required to transport crops, which in turn increases shipping costs and risk of spoilage. 36 x~¡"i\t1 C) ~ September ~5 iT _ r- () <:> J&804I"''''''''IIIAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures . Croplands and nearby agricultural lands that support fanning are important sources Qf food, water, and cover for some native plants and animals. These resources are largely eliminated when fannlands are converted to urban use. Because of the proposed project's proximity to primarily agricultural uses, buildout of this proposed project would most likely result in many of the above- mentioned impacts. Based on the MBGP designations and development patterns, it is likely that parcels to the north, south, east, and at least some to the west would remain agricultural in nature and would continue to be affected by this type of development. In addition, because many of the outparcels located throughout the project site are slated for development, the potential for the above-mentioned effects would be increased, making continued agricultural production on these lands more difficult. Thus, impacts would be considered significant. Mitigation MM AGR-3.1. Provide Disclosure Statements Regarding Agricultural Operations. Prior to occupancy of any residential units, if any adjoining properties are still in agricultural use and have not received entitlements for development, then prior to issuance of certificates of use and occupancy, the applicant will demonstrate that future residents will be informed about adjacent agricultural use. This demonstration may take the fonn of a covenant filed on the project site (which would be disclosed to future residents through the purchase process), 01 through disclosure fonns to be signed by new residents. The covenant or disclosure fonn will provide that each resident acknowledges that helshe is moving into an area where there is active agriculture, and understands that such agricultural use, including all activities necessary to support agriculture-such pesticide use, dust generated by plowing, and slow-moving agricultural vehicles- will continue. Finding Buffer areas are already provided in the fonn of perimeter walls and major arterial roadways that separate the site from nearby agricultural operations. However, because of the level of urban development proposed for the site, the proposed project would not be compatible with surrounding agricultural land uses and operations, until such a time those lands are converted to urban and developed uses. Therefore, no other feasible mitigation is available. The mitigation measure identified would not reduce impacts to less than significant levels. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Impact AGR-4. The MBGP provides goals and policies to guide development within the City's Planmng Area. Implementation of the proposed project would be 37 '< 'òMlff Q .¿;, September 2~5 ñi - r- J&S 04~ÒRIGINAE' Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures generally inconsistent with established goals and policies developed to minimize impacts on agricultural resources. While the ultimate detennination regarding overall consistency is left to the City Council, the proposed project is not consistent with many of the policies designed to protect the conversion of prime farmland. Thus, impacts are considered significant. Finding No mitigation is available to reduce impacts to less than significant levels, Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A S:atement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Air Quality Impact AQ-4. The proposed project would be located approximately 2 miles north of three dairies: Borba, Riverbend, and Wilgenburg. The predominate wind direction much of the year-spring, summer, and fall-is from the northwest. During winter periods with southern and southeasterly winds, odors from the dairies would be detectable at the proposed project development site. Mitigation MM AQ-4.1. Notify Conceming Potential Odors. Require that, prior to the sale of all new residential units, prospective buyers be notified of potential dairy odors. Prospective buyers should be required to sign a statement acknowledging that they are aware of the potential for odors from nearby dairies, and the disclosure shall be included in covenants for new development within the site. Finding Even with the proposed mitigation measure, the odor impacts associated would placing a large residential development in close proximity to dairies would be significant. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Transportation and Traffic Impact TR-5, The Kern COG traffic model estimated that a total of 68,439 trips per day would be generated by the proposed project at buildout with 45,430 external daily trips, yielding a capture rate of 34 %. This capture rate was applied to the total ITE project trip estimate of 73,780 trips per day, yielding 48,975 external daily trips. Future peak hour traffic volumes are estimated for each of the project phase buildout years (2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020) with and without the proposed project. 38 September 2~~¡\, (f?> () cJ> J&5jW191 ~ t:: g) r) () '1RIGINAI Old River Ranch Project (GP/>JZC #03-1528) City of BakefSfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures Traffic operations on the existing street system are acceptable at most locations. In the interim conditions, increases in traffic, both with and without the project, will cause an ever increasing number of facilities to operate below level of service C. By the year 2030 it is anticipated that almost all of the unsignalized intersections and over half of the signalized intersections would operate below level of service C if left in their existing conditions. The project lies in an area, which will require significant improvements to the existing street system over the next 15 to 20 years in order to provide adequate capacity to accommodate traffic generated by this project and anticipated other development in the western Bakersfield area. Mitigation MM TR-5.1. Confinn and Analyze Incremental Traffic Improvements. a) Prior to approval of each Tentative Tract, Vesting Tentative Tract, or Parcel Mr.p (except Parcel Maps for financing or conveyancing purposes only that require further subdivision prior to development) for residential projects and PCD or Site Plan applications for other uses, the applicant shall confinn the specific traffic circulation improvements that will be implemented with that tentative map, PCD or Site Plan as identified in the Traffic Impact Study to: 1) provide the traffic circulation improvements necessary to serve the immediate map area and 2) maintain the City's adopted minimum level of service standard (currently LOS C) on the roadway network that will be impacted by the project traffic, or, for those intersections and roadways that cannot be improved to the minimum level-of-service standard or better, with or without the project, to provide the project fair-share contribution to the improvements. b) To demonstrate that appropriate mitigation is being provided with each Final Map, the process will be as follows. . The applicant will provide confirmation of the traffic analysis for each map, PCD or Site Plan based on current information on the status of RTIF and local improvements at the time of tentative map, PCD, or Site Plan consideration. . The applicant and the City will identify the incremental improvements applicable to the tentative map, PCD, or Site Plan to be implemented through one or more of the following methods: o Build the improvements (if all necessary rights-of-way are available) ana, if applicable, receive reimbursement credits for any percentage share not attributable to impacts caused by traffic generated from the map, PCD, or Site Plan. o Pay the City per unit mitigation fee. o In the event all necessary rights-of-way are not available at the time the applicant is required to construct the specific traffic circulation 39 >I, September 2~~Ailfc9 J&S~S1 ~ I;:. ~ v ò atOl''''·''''1 Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures improvements to be implemented, the applicant shall pay the City the per unit mitigation fee in lieu of constructing the improvements. . The project applicant and the City will verify the timing of the improvements to be constructed by the applicant for recordation of each Map, PCD or Site Plan, and shall establish the threshold at which the improvements shall be constructed. The threshold shall depend on the particular improvement, the project fair-share contribution to the improvement and the nature of the particular MaplPCD/Site Plan, and may be tied to the number of lots within the map area that may be recorded as part of a Final Map or Partial Final Map. c) For those improvements to be constructed by the City using mitigation fees paid by the project applicant and other sources of financing, the applicant's obligation will be satisfied by payment of the fees. Finding Almost all of the deficiencies can be improved to an LOS C through the project build-out year of 2020 with a combination of signalization and roadway widening. Even with the mitigation, it is anticipated that by the year 2030, more than two-thirds of the study intersections and more than one-third of the roadway segments will operate below LOS C if left in their present configurations, Of these, eight intersections and seven roadway segments will operate in this condition with or without the project. The following intersections are expected to operate below LOS C, or current year LOS (if below an LOS C), in the year 2030 even if fully improved to current standards: These facilities are as follows: Intersections · Coffee Road and Rosedale Highway, · Coffee Road and BrillÙlall RoadlWestside Parkway WB, · Coffee Road and Truxtun Avenue Extension, · Coffee Road and Stockdale Highway, · New Stine Road and Stockdale Highway, · Old River Road and Ming Avenue, · Gosford Road and Ming Avenue, and · Ashe Road and Ming Avenue. Roadways · Buena Vista Road: Stockdale Highway to Ming Avenue, · Calloway Drive: BrillÙlall Road to Stockdale Highway, · Coffee Road: BrillÙlall Road to Stockdale Highway, 40 September 2~epll.Kf1 a cJ' J&S§l.191 ~ ,.... m - r- t) <:> "l:iI(:INAI Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) v,·_·_ ..____._,_..._,,__.__.',__ '__'_~______"__'__'_____ City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures · Gosfonl Road: Stockdale Highway to North Laurelglen Boulevard, · Rosedale Highway: Calloway Drive to Fruitvale Avenue, · Ming Avenue: Ashe Road to Stine Road, and · White Lane: Stine Road to Wible Road. This study also shows the improvements, beyond current standards, needed to bring these facilities to an LOS C, or current year LOS (if below an LOS C). It is noted that most of the facilities listed above would operate below LOS C in their ultimate configurations. Provided that the regional transportation improvements and the RTIF and local mitigation improvements are constructed, the street system should have adequate capacity to operate at an acceptable level of service with the exception of the facilities stated above. Additionally, the seven signalized intersections that would exceed thresholds in the PM peak hour, and the five signalized intersections that would exceed thresholds in the AM peak hour may be mitigated with additional measures beyond current standards. However, the feasibility of these mitigation measures has not yet been detennined. Therefore, it must be concluded that not all impacts would be reduced to less-than-significant levels and impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations maIœ infeasible the mitigation measures or project altematives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Alternatives to the Proposed Project Alternative 1. No Proiect Alternative Agriculture operations would continue onsite with the cultivation and harvesting of "Ùmonds and row crops. Under a reasonably foreseeable future land use scenario, the alternative would be similar to a no build scenario above because the site is currently designated for agricultural and mineral production land uses under the MBGP. Thus, If the project were not approved, the reasonably foreseeable land use would be continued agricultural and mineral production. Therefore, under this alternative, no aspect of the proposed project would be constructed and the project area would remain in its current condition. This alternative would involve no action on the part of the City. The project would not be constructed, and the site would remain in agricultural and petroleum production until such a time that a development proposal is approved for this developing portion of the City. Finding 41 \',~ If I.' September 20@§ >->;-<, \j~t) -i"' J&S of1š1 m - r- r.) Ö ")RI(;I~IAI Old River Ranch Project (GPNZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures This alternative does not meet any of the project objectives. This alternative would realistically OIùy be an interim use of the site. The site is in the path of City growth, and there has been no indication that any group desires to purchase the site for open space preservation or use other than that allowed by the General Plan. Thus, while this alternative is rnarginally feasible as an interim use, it is not a feasible long-tenn alternative. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Alternative 2. Reduced Development Density This alternative would involve the development of fewer residences, and less dense commercial uses. This alternative involves a more "dispersed" development configuration to provide more open space between units and commercial centers on site. This alternative would provide home sites on generally larger lots (approximately IO,OOO-square-foot lots) with a greater amount of square footage for each home. This alternative would also eliminate the High Density Residential Uses proposed under the project. Thus, this alternative would include approximately 3,962 single-family residential units (3,075 fewer than the proposed project). Alternative 2 would involve development of the site similar to the project configuration, but a reduction in the density proposed by the General Plan Amendment. Finding This alternative most likely meets all of the project objectives, but it does not fulfill those objectives to the same level as the proposed project for the following reasons: 1) since this alternative has fewer dwelling units, it does not help the City to meet its housing goals, and 2) the lower density of development, overall, may not provide for the achievement of goals for a self-sustained community to the level of the proposed project. It is assumed that this alternative is feasible. Although no marketing study has been prepared, for the purposes of this EIR, the alternative can be considered feasible. However, because this development does not provide the same density as the proposed project, this alternative will not provide the City with the same type of project; opportunities for unique and creative solutions to urbanization, based on a lesser critical mass will likely result in a more traditional development that the City may consider "more of the same." This reduced density would lik.:ly not include the diversity of housing types or support the recreational community amenities that the proposed project would offer. Additionally, the lower density alternative is inconsistent with the anti-sprawl principles of Smart Growth, efficient use of infrastructure and walkable communities. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final 42 x li>Þ.kl:'~? o ~ September 200S¡:: m - r- J&S 0419' 00R <:> .IGINAI Old River Ranch Project (GPA/ZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts. Findings, and Mitigation Measures PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Alternative 3. Verv Low Densitv Development Alternative with Aaricultural Preservation This alternative would substantially further reduce the overall number of units constructed, and pennanently preserve portions of the site in agricultural production. This alternative would result in a minimal amount of development at the Rural Residential (RR) land use designation of 25 acres per unit, and would preserve half of the site (approximately 926 acres under agricultural production). This alternative would retain the option for individuals on larger lot parcels to maintain small agricultural areas. This would result in approximately 370 rural residential units onsite, and retention of the remaining project site in agricultural production under an agricultural preserve or conservation easement. Alternative 3 would involve 370 residential units, and approximately 926 acres of the site to remain under agricultura1 production. Finding This alternative marginally meets most of the project objectives, but it does not fulfill those objectives to the same level as the proposed project. With the low intensity of development, it will be difficult to achieve the critical mass and site design necessary to support a self-contained community, a range of housing types, and a fiscally sound mixed-use development. In particular, the residential unit count is likely to result in a very limited range of housing types and affordability . It is assumed that the residential portion of this alternative is feasible. Similar to Al'.ernative 2, the development portion would likely be a typical development and not include creative strategies. The agricultura1 component is likely infeasible because of the difficulties in continuing to fann with adjacent development. Furthennore, once the surrounding area develops, it will create substantial pressure to convert remaining fannland on the site. No group or agency has indicated a desire to purchase the land in order to continue fanning it, and it is not expected that such a proposal would be forthcoming on even a portion of the land, given the substantial remaining fannland in the area. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact. Alternative 4. Hiah Densitv Alternative This alternative would include a higher density development pattern with additional open space and agricultural land surrounding the developable area. The overall plan for the site would shift the developable area toward the center of 43 September 200~ 'òA1í0 C) ó' J&S04ft1 --n >- m - r- '-) t) 0RIGINAl Old River Ranch Project (GP/>JZC #03-1528) City of Bakersfield Statement of Facts, Findings, and Mitigation Measures the site, with the boundaries and space between planned residential units being decreased. This would have the affect of increasing residential and commercial densities. This alternative would eliminate the proposed units designated as Low Density, and all units would be constructed at densities consistent with Low Medium Density, High-Medium Density, and High Density. This alternative would provide for development on 750 acres and continued agricultural production on the remaining acreage within the site. Ultimately, the same number of units- 5,979- would be construction on half of the space. This alternative would also include mixed-use neighborhoods, such as additional apartments, townhomes, and smaller single family units. This alternative would involve the same amount of commercial development as the proposed project would. Finding This alternative is feasible to develop, although it would increase impacts to some enviromnental issue areas. Additionally, it is highly likely that the surrounding undeveloped areas would succumb to development pressure after the interim years following development of the project. Therefore, it is likely that the overall densities within the project area would ultimately be much greater than those for the proposed project. Due to the high demand for housing and development within the City, it is likely that all areas within the Bakersfield sphere of influence (including the project site) would ultimately be developed with urban land uses. Under this alternative, it can be speculated that additional land beyond the project area would be developed at similar high densities in the near future, making the larger area more dense over time, thereby exacerbating environmental impacts. More importantly, this alternative does not avoid or substantially lessen any significant impacts. Therefore, it is not a feasible alternative. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final PEIR. A Statement of Overriding Considerations is required, which is attached to this Findings of Fact, 44 "'~Kf.<;> September :s&5 ..¿;, >- - J&s\g¡191 ~ 'J <:> .....r.·r-I"IAL Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) ____. ··_c_·._'_________._.______--~__ Exhibit E Statement of Overriding Considerations o.f>,I(¡::- «\' "'-» a % - m - r- '0 ö ''''''''W'''''jt.,IAL >- Statement of Overriding Considerations Pursuant to Section 15093 of the CEQA Guidelines, the City must balance the benefits of the proposed project against unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the project. The proposed project would result in significant unavoidable impacts to agricultural resources, air quality, and transportation and traffic. Findings of Fact have been developed, which provide that mitigation measures andlor alternatives to the proposed project that would substantially reduce or avoid these significant impacts are infeasible. The proposed project offers several benefits that outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects of the project. These benefits are described in detail in the PEIR, and include the following: · The proposed project provides a high quality master planned community with its own identity, incorporating a range of housing types; recreational features including parks, greenbelts, trails, and playing fields; and shopping, employment, and educational facilities. · The proposed project provides a mix of uses that would be mutually supportive linked by trails and greenbelts, reducing automobile dependency a."1d encouraging pedestrian activity. · The proposed project provides an ecologically sound development that incOlporates a comprehensive program of resource protection and conservation. · The proposed project provides a self-contained community focused on a mixed-use Village Center that serves as an entertainment and service center, and a gathering place for a wide range of community activities and special events, · The proposed project provides a public and private system of parks, trails, and community recreation facilities integrated into the physical plan of the community . · The proposed project provides a comprehensive streetscape and landscape standards throughout the community, creating a unique identity and sense of place. · The proposed project provides a comprehensive road and infrastructure improvement phasing program assuring adequate capacity for buildout of the planned development. · The proposed project provides a mix of housing for various economic levels of the community. · The pwposed project provides a new development which captures the economic demands generated by the marketplace and establishes Bakersfield· s role as the capitol of the southern San Joaquin Valley. Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) September 20~ 'PAKI:''';¡> () ó' J&S~1 ..,.. t:: iT! .) r- "\tJl(;IMAif:::, City of Bakersfield Statement of Overriding Considerations · The proposed project provides new development which provides a full mix of uses to support its population. · The proposed project provides new development which is compatible with and complements existing land uses, · The proposed project provides new development which channels land uses in a phased, orderly manner and is coordinated with the provision of infrastructure and public improvements. · The proposed project provides new development that is sensitive to the natural environment, and accounts for environmental hazards. · The proposed project provides a built environment which achieves a compatible functional and visual relationship among individual building sites. · The proposed project provides a safe and efficient street system that links all parts of the area for movement of people and goods. · The proposed project provides for safe and efficient motorized, non- motorized, and pedestrian traffic movement. · The proposed project provides minimum impact of truck traffic on circulation, and on noise sensitive land uses. · The proposed project provides a street system that creates a positive image of Bakersfield. · The proposed project provides a local street network that contributes to the quality and safety of residential neighborhoods and commercial districts. · The proposed project provides an adequate supply of sites for the development of sound, affordable new housing. · The proposed project conserves and enhances Bakersfield's biological resources in a manner which facilitates orderly development and reflects the sensitivities and constraints of those resources. · The proposed project conserves and enhances the unique aspects of open space within the planning area. · The proposed project provides an integrated system of open space amenities in the planning area. · The proposed project maintains a coordinated planning and implementation program for the provision of public utilities to the planning area. · The proposed project coordinates the planning and implementation of planning area municipal-type utility facilities and services. · The proposed project provides parks and recreation facilities to meet the planning area's diverse needs. 2 September 200~ ,?;A/(("1 () ó' J&S041~ :!: ,.... m - r- '.) <:> '1RI,.,"'AI Old River Rancl1 Project (GPNZC #03-1528) -'----- City of Bakersfield Statement of Overriding Considerations The City hereby finds that the benefits of the proposed project are considered to outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental effects to agricultural land conversion, noise, and traffic and circulation, which are therefore considered acceptable. 3 x 'òfJ.Kt'1 o c.r September 200~ ~ ;-- m J&S 04190 [; nRIr.INAL Old River Ranch Project (GPAlZC #03-1528) ..-__ __·'___~_____"'_."'_·"_~___.,·"~·ø._..,,_>_,_._._~. Exhibit F Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program '< 'Ö(>,/((-9 o .¿;, >- - ,.... m _ r- V <:> OR!(;I~IAI .- ....-.... ... ---_. ----_..-._..----, ~--._._--~-- --.,,,~-.... ._..~.....__._----_.-.,. ._- ... !! ;! (,) ~ ~ I- 0 (,) UD. C) ww z a~ ~ ~I- 0 D.~ ~ ::t: a. II: U~ Q z- Z ~~ ~ a:1- z wZ ¡: >w 0 -~ t: ~z z 9~ !i OS; z Z 0 W ~ C) ¡: ¡ :I c . i. E o u õ ä 1 !@ ~ I! ::I . = :Ii c o 1ii !:II == :Ii i ¡¡ J ¡,:, .c ¡¡ 8 J ¡,:, .c I 8 8 r¡ :i -¡~ ¡¡ J ~ ~ ~~"õ~g ! _,~~~ :¡;I:!~ ',S¡ 1:1 I g II " g ~ .S! e!.'Ii! ~ ° .s ª ~ -ë1:1f~ !fL..~~5¡¡¡ J t~J§ ihd! 'c'6' 'tg<o-~~ E :¡F''': ~Sll -ª.. OC"~~.¡" iii u· e! s !!!i 1: '" <= g '" 8 ~.. ~ ¡¡ ~!=.:i It. c: ¡¡¡.=: g ~ . N "" _ € 5' »»5o ~ lii ]. .f ~. ~.š ~ ! & ~. .~ "õ ~ ~ I:! "8 :E~~ fª~J!~:i~ ~!!!~i]i..~~~: J0:> ct::l!"!.¡;! =z:!: g¡1:Ig¡-8U!!;¡~ !.g ~·I ~~ "õ ã:l! tig ~ Ë i ~ .!! ~ ã3 i ~ i J ¡!! .5.!!.!!. 111;:"-..... ë¡¡<:icl:!~·_8u~.. " :Ii '3 - . 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".;: _OQ)tI}«So"c'tl O'J:: > e - "" .- z o.'-~-~ Gc;=; ~ ... !=:!.- -= - ~ ~ id ¡;;;;¡ a VJ = ".£e.g~~~~ aec..oVJc..fIJ§< c( 'S ¡ð i:I '" "..9 "iJ ::E go';::I'- Q,.£ ~ > ::E I>'i ;3 ~ .;¡; 'õ :.a .g g õ g " co &. .<= " c '" a: x '?>~f-9 () ~ .¿;, )... ð - I- m - r- Ù D ORIr.:lMþ,l· Exhibit G Development Agreement X 'òAK("1' G ó' ;... -i"' 1-- ñï <) r- <:> "!:¡I(;INAI RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: RECORDING REQUESTED BY CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECORDING FEES EXEMPT DUE TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27383 City Clerk (Space Above Line For Recorder's Cse Only) DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND PB 1 VENTURES, LLC; PB2 VENTURES, LLC; PB3 VENTURES, LLC; PB4 VENTURES, LLC; PB6 VENTURES, LLC AND PB7 VENTURES, LLC s. P!ann;~';""br' 05·QI> Oevelopmem A"reemen\, ¡CFD)OtdRi\erRJJlch.Petnni.DevAgr 1 ¡·O~_05_FinaLDOC x 'õAK¿ () t. À -i"' ll107/200~ fij '">RIGINA/t> DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND PBI VEl'iiURES, LLC; PB2 VENTURES, LLC; PB3 VENTURES, LLC; PB4 VENTURES, LLC; PB6 VENTURES, LLC AND PB7 VENTURES, LLC THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of this _ day of ,200_. by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a charter city ("City"), and, PBI VENTURES, LLC; PB2 VENTURES, LLC; PB3 VENTURES, LLC; PB4 VENTURES, LLC; PB6 VENTURES, LLC and PB7 VENTURES, LLC, Delaware Limited Liability Companies ("Owner"). R E C I TAL S: WHEREAS, the lack of certainty in the approval of development projects can result in a waste of resources, escalate the cost of housing and other development, and discourage investment in and commitment to comprehensive planning which would make maximum efficient utilization of resources at the least economic cost to the public; and WHEREAS, California Govemment Code Sections 65864-65869.5 (the "Development Agreement Statute") were therefore enacted authorizing a municipality to enter into binding development agreements with persons having legal or equitable interests in real property; and WHEREAS, Owner has a legal or equitable interest in certain real property located in City more particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, subject to the provisions of the "Project Approvals" (as defined below), Owner's project proposal known as the "Old River Ranch" will consist of a mixed-use master- planned community, including approximately 5,980 single family dwelling units, approximately 1,060 multi-family dwelling units, approximately 696,000 square feet of commercial/retail uses and approximately 192,000 square tèet of commerciaL office uses, parks, schools, and open space Çj. 'òAkf'1ó' '" ~ >- m - r- -- Paae I of 26 PaQes -- I l!O7.'2 ;¡)') , ~, s: Plann:l1g Agrs 0;-06 Development Agr..-ements ¡CFD) 0IdR1Y~"-J.:}ch.P~rini.o.-'~;r : ¡.07-05Final.oC<- "~~f"o'~ t ^ I (the "Project"), as generally depicted on the illustrative plan attached hereto as Exhibit "B," and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, on November 16, 200S, the City Council (the "Council"), after making appropriate findings, certified the Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA·'), and adopted Resolution No. , approving General Plan Amendment No. , Ordinance No. approving Zone Change No. , and Ordinance No. approvmg Development Agreement No. (collectively, the "Project Approvals"); and WHEREAS, development of the Project as planned will further the comprehensive planning objectives contained within City's general plan, as amended, (the "General Plan·'), and is anticipated to result in public benefits, including, among others, the following: 1. Fulfilling long-term economic and social goals for City and the community, including, but not limited to, contributing positively to the City's jobs/housing balance; 2. Providing fiscal benefits to City's General Fund m terms of increased employment and property tax revenues; 3. Providing both short-term construction employment and long-term permanent employment within City: 4. Financing and constructing significant inrrastructure improvements that will serve the region and the community; 5. Phasing the construction of public inrrastructure improvements with private development; 6. Providing housing which will help to satisfy City's obligation to meet City's share of regional housing needs: and 7. Enhancing City's active and passive recreational elements. WHEREAS, Owner has requested City to enter into a development agreement pursuant '< 'òAKé'-9 to the Development Agreement Statute; and 0 ó' >- "" >- m -- Page 2 of26 Pages -- 11!07!200~ t; S:PlanningAgl's05-06 Developm~nl Agr~mems i.CFf))OldRi\erR.lI1ch.PelTini.De\Aç, 1·;:- -05 FinaJDOC 'Ì1:!'r..!~lfj f WHEREAS, for the reasons recited herein, City has determined that the Project is a development for which a development agreement is appropriate under the Development Agreement Statute; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that this Agreement is consistent with the General Plan and specifically has determined that this Agreement is fair, just and reasonable, and City has concluded that the economic interests of its citizens and the public health, safety and welfare will be best served by entering into this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of City (the "Planning Commission") held duly noticed public hearings on this Agreement on October 6, 2005; and WHEREAS, the Council, after a duly noticed public hearing, adopted Ordinance No. , approving this Agreement on November 16, 2005, which Ordinance became effective on December 30, 2005 (the "Effective Date"); and WHEREAS, City does not normally enter into long term development agreements because development fees are frozen; and WHEREAS, City would not enter into this Development Agreement unless it was assured that fees would not be rrozen and new infrastructure and construction requirements could be applied to the area covered by this Development Agreement; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to consider adoption of this Agreement has been given as provided in Government Code Sections 65090 and 65091, in addition to all other notices required by law for actions to be considered concurrently therewith, as required by Government Code Section 65867; and WHEREAS, Owner desires to enter into this Development Agreement to avoid possible future development restrictions, give Owner long term development assurances and allow Owner flexibility in timing development decisions, and not for the purpose of rreezing development fees or avoiding new inrrastructure or construction requirements; and WHEREAS, the Property is as of the date of this Agreement. located in the unincorporated territory of the County of Kern within the adopted sphere of influence of the City of Bakersfield, as determined by the Kern County Local Agency Formation Commission; and x 'PAKt::'/y o r5' >- -<, -- Page 3 of 26 Pages n s: Planning A~rs 05-06 De\elopment .-\grremems (CFD)O\dRi\erRal1ch.Petnni.DevA¡;r II-O;-05.FinalDOC _ fT 11/07 2005 r; ')PI(;I~IAI ..-~.~. WHEREAS, the City and Owner desire to annex the Property to the City within the time set forth in this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals and in consideration of the mutual promises, obligations and covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows: SECTION I. PUBLIC BENEFIT. The parties acknowledge and agree that development of the project will result in substantial public needs which will not be fully met by the project under existing ordinances, policies, rules and regulations, and that this Agreement confers substantial private benefits on Owner which should be balanced by commensurate public benefits. Accordingly the parties intend to provide consideration to the public to balance the private benefits conferred on Owner by providing more fully for the satisfaction of the public needs resulting from the Project as follows: A. Park Facilities Fee. Owner agrees to pay a park development fee in the amount of $1,275 per residential unit, which amount shall remain unchanged while this Agreement remains in effect, to be imposed and collected at the time of issuance of a building permit. This fee shall be used in the acquisition and/or development of a regional park within two miles of the Property and is in addition to the current park acquisition and development fees required by Municipal Code Chapters 15.80 and 15.82. B. Fire and Police Equipment Impact Fee. Owner agrees to pay a fee to provide for the purchase of equipment and apparatus required for police and fire services to be used in southwest Bakersfield. Said fee will be imposed and collected at the time of issuance of a building permit in the amount of $234 per residential unit, which amount shall remain unchanged while this Agreement remains in effect. In the event the City adopts a City-wide fee for the purchase of equipment and apparatus for police and fire services that is less than $234 per residential unit, then Owner shall pay only the lesser fee, trom the date of adoption. In the event the City adopts a City-wide fee for the purchase of equipment and apparatus for police and fire services that is greater than $234 per -- Page 4 of 26 Pages -- S:P!anning Agrs·05-06 Development Agreemems ICFD)O!dRiverRanch..Petrini.DevA¡,'f] [.;)-.OSFinaLDOC 11/07/2005 '< 'òAi(f-? <:> 'iP ~ ,.,... f- ñ - ,... o t:' ()~Ir,/MAI residential unit, Owner shall receive a credit against that larger fee for any fees paid under this Paragraph. C. Community Facility District. Owner agrees to support the establishment of a Community Facilities District to include all property covered by this Development Agreement. The intent of the district is to provide financing for the operation and maintenance of public facilities and services in southwest Bakersfield required to support the Project as described in this Development Agreement. Services to be included in the district are Fire and Police Protection Services in an amount of $287 per residential unit annually for the first ten (10) years of development under this Agreement and $174 per residential unit annually for the remaining tenn of this Development Agreement. The commencement of the first ten (10) year period shall begin upon issuance of the first building pennit for a residential unit within the Project area, and only those residential units for which a building pennit has been issued will be subject to the services tax. SECTION II. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT A. Permitted Uses. The parties hereby agree that, for the tenn of this Agreement, the pennitted uses, the density and intensity of use, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, provisions for reservation or dedication of land for public purposes and location of public improvements, shall be those set forth in the Project Approvals, the "Applicable Rules" (as hereinafter defined) and this Agreement. B. Rules. Re!!ulations and Official Policies. 1. Applicable Rules. The parties hereby agree that, for the tenn of this Agreement, the rules, regulations and official policies governing pennitted uses, governing density, and governing design, improvement and construction standards and specifications applicable to development of the Property and the Project shall be those rules, regulations and official policies in force at the time of the Effective Date, including, without limitation, the Project Approvals (collectively, the "Applicable Rules·'). Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall preclude City from applying changes occurring from time to -- Page 5 of 26 Pages -- S Planning .'\gr, 05-06 Dc,e\0pment Ag:r""mcnts (CFD)'OldRi'erRanch.Petrini.fk\Agr.II-07-05.FinaJDOC Unifonn 'òAK£. c§: ?'¡J' )... -i"' 1l/07!2c!¡5; j£> ~ nRIGINAI time in the Unifonn Building Code, Unifonn Electrical Code, Unifonn Fire Code, ._..~.,.._.. _._____.._. _.__.__~__..__..._ - _,._._e<_._ Mechanical Code, Unifonn Plumbing Code or Public Works Subdivision and Engineering Design Manual, provided that such changes (i) are found by City to be necessary to the health or safety of the citizens of City, (ii) are generally applicable to all similar types of property in City. At Owners' request and at Owners' expense, City shall prepare two sets of the Applicable Rules and any subsequent amendments to those Applicable Rules as set forth in this Agreement, one set of which shall be kept by the City and one of which shall be provided to Owner. 2. Conflictin2 Enactments. Any change in the Applicable Rules, including, without limitation, any change in any applicable general, area or specific plan, zoning, subdivision or building rule or regulation, adopted or becoming effective after the Effective Date, including, without limitation, any such change by means of an ordinance, initiative, resolution, policy, order or moratorium, initiated or instituted for any reason whatsoever and adopted by the Council, the Planning Commission or any other board, agency, commission, committee, or department of City, or any officer or employee thereof, or by the electorate, as the case may be, which would, absent this Agreement, otherwise be applicable to the Property and which would conflict in any way with or be more restrictive than the Applicable Rules ("Subsequent Rules"), shall not be applied by City to the Property except reasonable provisions required to address health and safety requirements applicable to all property in the City. O\Vl1er may give City written notice of its election to have any subsequent change to any Applicable Rule applied to the Property, in which case such subsequent change shall be deemed to be an Applicable Rule. 3. Setbacks. Desilro Guidelines. Landscape Guidelines and Park Improvements. Except as may otherwise be provided in this Agreement, the front, side, and rear setbacks and the design and landscape guidelines for all structures within the Project shall be consistent with and confonn to the Applicable Rules. 4. Chan2es in Rules. Rel!:ulations and Official Policies. Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to prevent the City from enacting or adopting changes in the method and procedures for processing any development entitlement including, but not limited to, general plan amendments, zone changes, site plan review, improvement plans, subdivision and parc~ 'òM2?¡p ~ -.! I- n, - r- n Page 6 of26 Pages n 11/07/20<ß0'''~'''M<:> s f'lannjn~ .....~r5 05-06 De\elopmen( Agre=\ðlt5 ¡CFD) OIdRi\-C'rR:l!lch.Petrini.Dc:vAgr. 11-07·05 finaL DOC maps, so long as such changes do not preclude or materially burden Owners' vested rights as set forth in this Agreement. 5. Development Ae:reement Parity. City acknowledges that it is currently negotiating development agreements with other developers with the intent that all fees and taxes identified under Section I of this Agreement and the other agreements shall, in the aggregate, be substantially the same. In the event City enters into a development agreement with another developer ("other agreement") covering undeveloped land on which is proposed a mix- commercial/residential master plan development similar to that covered by this Agreement which other agreement has an aggregate fee and tax under Section I that is less than that proposed under this Agreement, the Parties hereto shall negotiate in good faith to amend this Agreement to match, as nearly as possible, the lower aggregate fee in tax reflected in the other agreement. The parties hereby acknowledge that the provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply where the City enters into a development agreement with LBREP/L-Suncal MacAllister Ranch, or its successor- in-interest, for the development known as McAllister Ranch. C. Future Approvals. Any development of the Property shall reqUire all discretionary approvals required by the Applicable Rules (collectively, the "Future Approvals"). Upon granting any of the Future Approvals, they shall become part of the Applicable Rules, and Owner shall have a "vested right'" as that term is defined under California law, in and to such Future Approvals by virtue of this Agreement. D. Permitted Fees and Exactions. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, and specifically excluding fees set by entities not controlled by City that are collected by City, City shall only charge and impose those fees and exactions, including, without limitation, dedications and any other fee or ta.x (including excise, construction or any other tax) relating to development or the privilege of developing, which are in effect on a City-wide basis on the Project. The City agrees to include the project in the citywide traffic model and to amend the model to include regional roadway improvements. -- Page 7 of 26 Pages n S Plan!Ji~~ "',,"'TS 05-06 D.:\elopment A;;r=~ls !CFD)OldRi,,:,-~-¡(:h_Pe1rini_[)e\'Agr: 1·0~.-D5 Final.DOC «\;>ÄK£1 () ó' ).. .... I- fT 11/07/20(5 r; ,",OI~III.III,I , E. Permitted Conditions. Provided Owner's applications for any Future Approvals are consistent with this Agreement and the Applicable Rules, City shall grant the Future Approvals in accordance with the Applicable Rules and authorize development of the Property for the uses and to the density of the Project described herein. In connection with any Future Approvals, City shall have the right to impose reasonable conditions including, without limitation, normal and customary dedications for rights of way or easements for public access, utilities, water, sewers, and drainage necessary for the Project; provided, however, such conditions and dedications shall not be inconsistent with the Applicable Rules or Project Approvals, nor inconsistent with the development of the Project as contemplated by this Agreement. Owner may protest any conditions, dedications or fees while continuing to develop the Property; such a protest by Owner shall not delay or stop the issuance of building permits or certificates of occupancy. F. Term of Map(s). Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 66452.6(a) and 65863.9, the term of any tentative subdivision or parcel map that has been or may in the future be processed on all or any portion of the Property shall be extended for a period of time to the longer of, (i) the scheduled termination date of this Agreement as set forth in Section lV.H below, or (ii) the term of such map(s) under applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, including any nondiscretionary extensions and any granted discretionary extensions thereof; except that development impact fees shall be frozen by virtue of any such map(s) only for a period of time equal to the term of such map(s) which would exist absent this Agreement under applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, including any automatic nondiscretionary extensions thereof. G. Timin!!. of Development. Because the California Supreme Court held in Pardee Construction Co. v. Citv of Camarillo, 37 Cal.3d 465 (1984), that the failure of the parties therein to provide for the timing of development resulted in a later-adopted initiative restricting the timing of development to prevail over the parties' agreement, it is the parties' intent to cure that deficiency by acknowledging and providing that, subject to any infrastructure phasing requirements that may be required by the Project Approvals or any Future Approvals, Owner '¿,A/{ ~ J. tt, :>.. -<' .... ñ - r- II/07¡200500""~ C:o !'-f,!1\I^/ -. Page 8 of 26 Pages -- S pl¡¡nnin~ A;~s 05-06 De\ell'pmenl Ap~ments \CFD)OldR" ~RJI1ch,PetriniD:\Agr I \·O~_05FinaU)(x shall have the right (without obligation) to develop the Property in such order and at such rate and at such times as Owner deems appropriate within the exercise of its subjective business judgment. H. Moratorium. No City-imposed moratorium (except those for public health and safety) or other limitation (whether relating to the rate, timing or sequencing of the development or construction of all or any part of the Property, whether imposed by ordinance, initiative, resolution, policy, order or otherwise, and whether enacted by the Council, an agency of City, the electorate, or otherwise) affecting parcel or subdivision maps (whether tentative, vesting tentative or final), building permits, occupancy certificates or other entitlements to use or service (including, without limitation, water and sewer) approved, issued or granted within City, or portions of City, shall apply to the Property to the extent such moratorium or other limitation is in conflict with this Agreement; provided, however, the provisions ofthis Section shall not affect City's compliance with moratoria or other limitations mandated by other governmental agencies or court-imposed moratoria or other limitations. I. Infrastructure Capacity. Subject to Owner's installation of infrastructure and payment of all imposed fees in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of the Project Approvals and any Future Approvals, City hereby acknowledges that it will have sufficient capacity in its infrastructure, services and utility systems, including, without limitation, traffic circulation, storm drainage, flood control, electric service, sewer collection, sewer treatment, sanitation service and, except for reasons beyond City's control, water supply, treatment, distribution and service. to accommodate the Project. To the extent that City renders such services or provides such utilities, City hereby agrees that it will serve the Project and that there shall be no restriction on hookups or service for the Project except for reasons beyond City's control. J. Infrastructure Phasing Flexibilitv. Notwithstanding the provIsIOns of any phasing requirements in the Project Approvals, Owner and City recognize that economic and market conditions may necessitate changing the order in which the infrastructure is constructed. Therefore, City and Owner hereby agree that should it become necessary or desirable to develop,. '?;¡Atf 10 ., '--9 () 0' ;... ." I- iT - r- 11/07/201i'Ý1b'''',-w<:' -- Page 9 of 26 Pages -- s- Pl¡moin,::. A;;rs 05-Qó De'>elopmen! "\~nX[:m115 (CFD)'OldRi'eTR.mch_P('\r..niÙ<::'. Age. t 1_0'·05 F:naJDOC _ __~_._ H' '______.__..__..__. _,_ _~_______.___._._, -----,'--. any portion of the Project's infrastructure in an order that differs from the order set forth in the Project Approvals, Owner and City shall collaborate and City shall pennit any modification requested by Owner so long as, solely based on City detennination, the modification continues to ensure adequate infrastructure is available to serve that portion of the Project being developed. The Owner agrees to be fully responsible for any and all costs resulting from any change in phasing. K. Development Al!:reementlProiect Approvals. In the event of any inconsistency between any Applicable Rule, Project Approval or Future Approval and this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall control. L. Water Supplv/Availabilitv. If and to the extent required under Government Code Section 65867.5, any tentative map prepared for the Project will comply with the provisions of Government Code Section 66473.7. SECTION III. COOPERATIONIIMPLEMENTATION. A. Further Assurances: Covenant to Sil!ll Documents. Each party shall take all actions and do all things, and execute, with acknowledgment or affidavit, if required, any and all documents and writings, that may be necessary or proper to achieve the purposes and objectives of this Agreement. B. Reimbursement. Nothing in this Agreement precludes City and Owner from entering into any reimbursement agreements for the portion (if any) of the cost of any dedications, public facilities and/or infrastructure that City may require as conditions of the Project Approvals or the Future Approvals, to the extent that they are in excess of those reasonably necessary to mitigate the impacts of the Project, and to the extent other landowners are benefited. C. Public Financinl!: of Improvements. Owner may, from time to time, request City to establish, subject to adopted policy for infrastructure tìnancing, one or more assessment and/or community facilities districts to finance infrastructure, public facilities and/or fees ("Financing Mechanism") that may be required in connection with the development of the Project. In addition, City is willing to sponsor a Community Facilities District which creates 1 ,?>A~I:-9 o ó' "" >. -- Page 10 of 26 Pages-- S:·Planrling' A~.r$ 05·06 Devdopm.:nt A~reemems I,CFD\OldRive:rRa.nch_Po:trini,l)eo, '\~, ¡ I·O~-,:~ ?=.al.DOC m - r- 11/07!20~81r,INAl<:> maximum effective tax rate of 2 percent of the projected home prices. City agrees to use its reasonable efforts to implement such requests subject to applicable state and federal law and to the Applicable Rules and subject to the following general considerations: 1. General Parameters. a) Upon written request of the City, Owner will advance amounts necessary to pay all costs and expenses of City to evaluate and structure any Financing Mechanism, to the end that City will not be obligated to pay any costs related to the formation or implementation of any Financing Mechanism from its own general funds or any other source of City revenue. City staff will provide the Owner with a preliminary budget for such costs, and will advise Owner from time to time as to any necessary modifications to that budget. 2. Public Improvements. a) Owner shall submit to City its phasing plan for any public facilities to be financed, including the priority and financing needs relative to the public improvements. Consistent with City policy on Financing Mechanisms, City will use available proceeds of any public financing in accordance with such priorities, and as otherwise provided in this Agreement. b) City will determine the means by which such improvements will be acquired by City consistent with existing City policies and procedures. c) In addition, any financing may include amounts necessary to discharge any assessment, special tax or other liens on the Property. 3. Financinl! Parameters. a) Any public financing shall be secured solely by assessments or special taxes levied within the respective district, proceeds of the bonds issued that are placed in a bond fund, reserve fund or other such fund for the financing and investment earnings thereon. City's general fund shall not be pledged to the repayment of any public financing. b) The payment of actual initial and annual administrati\e costs of City to be incurred in connection with any Financing Mechanism shall be adequately assured, through the inclusion in any assessment or special tax methodology of appropriate prO\'isions for -- Page 11 of 26 Pages -- s. Planning Agrs 05-06 DevelQpm<:r.: ,'\.;reements \CFD1 01dRi\'erRanch.Petrini,De,,-\gr II_07_05.Final.DOC '< 'òAKf1' C> .¿;, ).. - >- rTJ 11!0720ß'5 ¡; OR ("~!"'! such costs as estimated by City, to the end that City's general fund shall not be called upon to provide for initial or any annual administrative costs related to any Financing Mechanism. D. Processin!!:. Upon satisfactory completion by Owner of all required preliminary actions and payments of appropriate processing fees, if any, City shall, subject to all legal requirements, use reasonable efforts to complete in a timely manner all required steps to grant any approvals and permits necessary for the development by Owner of the Property in accordance with this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. the processing of applications for and issuance of all discretionary approvals requITIng the exercise of judgment and deliberation by City, including without limitation, the Future Approvals; 2. the holding of any required public hearings; 3. completing and returning all plan checks within three weeks of submittal. The methodology of achieving that goal, i.e. whether by designating a full time reviewer or using contract services, etc., will be left to the discretion of the City. E. Process in!!: Durin!!: Third Party Liti!!:ation. The filing of any third party lawsuit(s) against City or Owner relating to this Agreement, the Project Approvals, any Future Approvals or to other development issues affecting the Property shall not delay or stop the development, processing or construction of the Project, approval of any Future Approvals, or issuance of Ministerial Approvals, unless the third party obtains a court order preventing the activity. F. Defense of A!!:reement. If this Agreement is adjudicated or determined to be invalid or unenforceable, City agrees, subject to all legal requirements, to consider modifications to this Agreement to render it valid and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law. G, Desi!!:nIDevelopment Standards. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Applicable Rules, the following design/development standards shall apply to the Project: 1. Easements. Easements dedicated for pedestrian use shall be permitted to include easements for underground drainage, water, sewer, gas, electricity. telephone. cable and other utilities and facilities so long as they do not unreasonably interfere with pedestrian use. -- Page 120[26 Pages-- S.·Plarming Agrs05-0b Development A~reements (eFD) O\dRi\'<:rRanch,Petrini,DC\,-\~r.1 I-07-05.Finalrxx: :'< 'òMt:-9 at!:;, >- - >- m 11/07/211))5 r; ORI(;I~I~' H. Model Homes. Each subdivision tract is permitted a maximum of six model homes, one of which may include a sales tract office, for each home builder in the tract. Additional model homes may be permitted subject to approval by the planning director. Model homes may be constructed prior to recordation of a final map for the tract; however, no such home shall be offered for sale or rent, or be sold or rented until the final map has been recorded. I. Amendments to Entitlements. It is contemplated by City and Owner that Owner may, ITom time to time, seek minor changes to one or more of the Project Approvals. Any such changes are contemplated by City and Owner as being within the scope of this Agreement as long as they are minor as described in this Section III.!, and are consistent with the Applicable Rules. Upon approval by City, minor changes will continue to constitute the Project Approvals as referenced herein. The parties agree that changes which are minor may be agreed to in writing by the City Manager and Owner. All other amendments will require approval in accordance with the Applicable Rules. The parties agree that any such minor changes shall not constitute an amendment to this Agreement nor require an amendment to this Agreement. J. Annexation. Owner will cooperate with City to complete annexation of the Property into the City. In accordance with Government Code Section 65865(b), this Agreement shall not become operative unless annexation proceedings annexing the Property to the City are completed on or before December 1,2007, unless such date is extended by mutual agreement of the Parties. [fthe annexation is not completed by December 1,2007, or a mutually agreed upon extension of that date, this Agreement shall be null and void. K. Maintenance Oblil!ations. City shall require Owner to maintain public parks, parkways, entry monuments, medians, detention basins, street lights and similar types of improvements for a period of up to one (1) year. Areas containing these improvements shall be annexed into an appropriate maintenance district consistent with Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 13.04 and City policy. Owner's maintenance period shall commence when the improvements have passed inspection by the appropriate City/County department. -- Page 13 of 26 Pages -- S Planning·A~rsO:S-;}6 ~~lopmenl A¡;:ccments (CFD) OldRiverRanch..PdriniDe\Agr. t 1_07_05.FinaLDOC '< 'QAK('0> CJ"ó' ;>.. -i"' f- m - r- Il!07!20\i'5..n. ,~ () r h ~",I"'~J -'-'-'-- '--"-~---~"~'-----'---'- -~-_.--,._.~-_.- ._--------~"-~_._..~---_.~- SECTION IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Covenants Run with the Land. All of the provisions, agreements, rights, powers, standards, tenns, covenants and obligations contained in this Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their respective heirs, successors (by merger, reorganization, consolidation or otherwise) and assigns, devisees, administrators, representatives, lessees, and all other persons acquiring the Property, or any portion thereof, or any interest therein, whether by operation of law or in any manner whatsoever, and shall inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. All of the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute covenants running with the land. B. Transfers and AssÏlroments. 1. Ril!:ht to AssÏlro. Owner shall have the right to sell, assign or transfer all or portions of the Property to any person at any time during the tenn of this Agreement, subject to approval by City. No transfer or assignment may occur prior to establishment of a Community Facilities District that encompasses the entire Project as required in Section I.C, except as otherwise provided in this Paragraph B.l. Prior to any such transfer or assignment, Owner shall record a restrictive covenant against the portions of the Property so sold, assigned or transferred obligating the transferee and such transferee's heirs, successors, or assigns to comply in all respects with the tenns and conditions of this Agreement. Except as required by law, the provisions of this Paragraph do not apply to the ultimate individual homeowners and individual commercial and industrial property owners within the Project area. Owner shall give written notice of any proposed transfer or assignment to the City Manager who shall have the authority to approve any proposed transfer or assignment on behalf of the City. Any such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. If the City Manager does not provide owner with a written disapproval within ten (10) days' receipt of the written notice of a proposed transfer or assignment, the proposed transfer or assignment shall be deemed to have been approved, provided Owner complies with all of the conditions in this Paragraph 8.1. No such approval shall be required for transfer or assignment of a fully built-out Parcel. -- Page 14 of26 Pages-- S Plar.rting .\grs 05-06 Ck\elopmellt A,;:::-=,e:¡ts {CFD)OldRivaRanch.Pctrini,DcvAgr 11-07-05,Final.DOC '<. 'òME'..s> <:> .¿;, >- - ,.... m 11107/20G r; ORIGINAl Notwithstanding any of the above, no transfer or assignment shall occur prior to recordation of this Agreement as set forth in Paragraph V.N herein. 2. Liabilities Upon Transfer. Upon the delegation of all duties and obligations and the sale, transfer or assignment of all or any portion of the Property, Owner shall be released trom its obligations under this Agreement with respect to the Property, or portion thereof, so transferred arising subsequent to the effective date of such transfer if (i) Owner has provided to City ten (10) days' written notice of such transfer and (ii) the transferee has agreed in writing (or by taking title subject to a restrictive covenant as contemplated in the preceding paragraph) to be subject to all of the provisions hereof applicable to the portion of the Property so transferred. Upon any transfer of any portion of the Property and the express assumption of Owner's obligations under this Agreement by such transferee, City agrees to look solely to the transferee for compliance by such transferee with the provisions of this Agreement as such provisions relate to the portion of the Property acquired by such transferee. The preceding sentence shall not preclude the City trom looking to the transferor for compliance with provisions of this Agreement for any acts or omissions of transferor before the transfer of any portion of the Property. A default by any transferee shall only affect that portion of the Property owned by such transferee and shall not cancel or diminish in any way Owner's rights hereunder with respect to any portion of the Property not owned by such transferee. The transferee shall be responsible for the reporting and annual review requirements relating to the portion of the Property owned by such transferee, and any amendment to this Agreement between City and a transferee shall only affect the portion of the Property owned by such transferee. C. Mort2a2ee Protection. The parties hereto agree that this Agreement shall not prevent or limit Owner. in any manner, at Owner's sole discretion, trom encumbering the Property or any portion thereof or any improvement thereon by any mortgage, deed of trust or other security device securing financing with respect to the Property. City acknowledges that the lender(s) providing such financing may require certain Agreement interpretations and modifications and agrees, trom time to time, to meet with Owner and representatives of such -- Page 15 of 26 Pages -- s P!J.CLJ:.~ .-\~rs'05·06 [)e\~I0rm"m Agreements ;CFD) OldRi,erRanÒ.Pef1ini.Ot:vAgr.II-O"-05.FinaLDOC City will ~. 'èJ;.Ií/if () (J> >- '" lli07; 2005 J!j o <:> "It1l(1INAL lender(s) to negotiate in good faith any such request for interpretation or modification. not unreasonably withhold its consent to any such requested interpretation or modification provided such interpretation or modification is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Agreement. Any mortgagee of a mortgage or a beneficiary of a deed of trust ("Mortgagee") of the Property shall be entitled to the following rights and privileges: 1. Neither entering into this Agreement nor a breach of this Agreement shall defeat, render invalid, diminish, or impair the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust on the Property made in good faith and for value. 2. If City timely receives a request from a Mortgagee requesting a copy of any notice of default given to Owner under the tenns of this Agreement, City shall provide a copy of that notice to the Mortgagee within ten days of sending the notice of default to Owner. The Mortgagee shall have the right, but not the obligation, to cure the default during the remaining cure period allowed such party under this Agreement. 3. Any Mortgagee who comes into possessIOn of the Property, or any part thereof. pursuant to foreclosure of the mortgage or deed of trust, or deed in lieu of such foreclosure, shall take the Property, or part thereof, subject to the tenns of this Agreement; provided, however, in no event shall such Mortgagee be liable for any defaults or monetary obligations of Owner arising prior to acquisition of title to the Property by such Mortgagee, except that any such Mortgagee or its successors or assigns shall not be entitled to a building pennit or occupancy certificate until all delinquent and current fees and other monetary obligations due under this Agreement for the Property, or portion thereof, acquired by such Mortgagee have been paid to City. D. Statement of ComDliance. Within thirty days following any written request which either City or Owner may make from time to time, the other shall sign and deliver to the requesting party a statement certifying that: (1) this Agreement is unmodified and in full force and effect or, if there have been modifications hereto, that this Agreement is in full force and eÌÌect. as modified, and stating the date and nature of such modifications; (2) there are no current uncured defaults under this Agreement or specifying the dates and nature of any such defaults; and (3) any other reasonable infonnation requested. The failure to deliver such statement within cŠ \',AK(t ;:.... -i"' -- Page 16 01'26 Pages -- 11/07/20\ì5 ñi S. Pla11nin~ ,\~7S 05-êf6 Q.e-..àpmem A.g;nxmems (CFD) O\dRi'aR.li1~h_Pe1nni_[kvAgrll·07·05,Final,DOC 00RI~rf\r!Jlt;: ,- ...,..-.-. ....-..-.. -~"_.,.~~,.~.,.,--~.__. -_..~, --.' ----,~ ---.----.- such time shall be conclusive upon the party which fails to deliver such statement that this Agreement is in full force and effect without modification and that there are no uncured defaults in the performance of the requesting party. The City Manager shall be authorized to execute any such statement. E. Default. Failure by City or Owner to perform any term or provlSlon of this Agreement for a period of thirty days from the receipt of written notice thereof from the other shall constitute a default under this Agreement, subject to extensions of time by mutual consent in writing. Said notice shall specify in detail the nature of the alleged default and the manner in which said default may be satisfactorily cured. If the nature of the alleged default is such that it cannot reasonably be cured within such 90-day period, the immediate and good faith commencement of the cure within such time period and the diligent prosecution to completion of the cure shall be deemed a cure within such period. During the time a cure for any alleged default is being diligently prosecuted, no default shall be deemed to exist under this Agreement. Subject to the foregoing, after notice and expiration of the 90-day period without cure, the notifying party, at its option, may institute legal proceedings pursuant to this Agreement and/or give notice of intent to terminate this Agreement pursuant to Government Code Section 65868. Following such notice of intent to terminate, the matter shall be scheduled for consideration and review by the Council within thirty calendar days in the manner set forth in Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868. Following consideration of the evidence presented in said review before the Council and a determination that a default exists, the party alleging the default by the other party may give written notice of termination of this Agreement to the other party. Subject to the conditions set forth in this Paragraph E, and after notice and expiration of the above-described 90-day period without cure, the City may, in addition to or in lieu of instituting legal proceedings, refuse processing of an application for, or the granting of any permit, approval, or other land use entitlement for, development or construction of the Project or any portion thereof owned or controlled by Owner, including but not limited to, the h Page 17 of 26 Pages h S Plannm¡: A;:r5 05·06 Dc,ck'pmen! A,,:;-~mcnt5 (CFDJ OldRi'l~TRanchPetrini.De\Agr Il-O~ ·05 Fina1.DOC ,<,?,f\I(f~ <:> ~ ;.... - ,.... m _ r- o <:> 11/07/2<X)S!Ir,IMAI withholding of grading, excavation, building, or occupancy permits. F. Annual Review. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65865.1, throughout the term of this Agreement, the Owner, or successor in interest thereto, shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of the Agreement. If, as a result of such periodic review, the City finds and determines, on the basis of substantial e,idence, that the Owner, or successor in interest thereto, has not complied in good faith with terms or conditions of the Agreement, the City may terminate or modify the Agreement, after compliance with the terms set forth in Paragraph IV.E above. Owner shall provide a progress report acceptable to the Planning Director for review by the Planning Commission at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting following each anniversary of the Effective Date or as soon thereafter as may be scheduled. Procedures established pursuant to Sections 65865 and 65865.1 shall include provIsIOns requiring periodic review at least every 12 months, at which time Owner, or its successor in interest thereto, shall be required to demonstrate good faith compliance with the terms of this Agreement. If, as a result of such periodic review, the City finds and determines, on the basis of substantial evidence, that Owner, or its successor in interest, has not complied in good faith with the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the City may terminate or modify this Agreement, after compliance with the terms set forth in Paragraph IV.E above. G. Waiver: Remedies Cumulative. Failure by City or Owner to insist upon the strict performance of any of the provisions of this Agreement, irrespective of the length of time for which such failure continues, shall not constitute a waiver of the right to demand strict compliance with this Agreement in the future. No waiver by City or Owner of a default or breach of any other party shall be effective or binding upon it unless made in writing, and no such waiver shall be implied from any omission by City or Owner to take any action with respect to such default or breach. No express written waiver of any defaults or breach shall affect any other default or breach, or cover any other period of time, other than any detàult or breach and/or period of time specified in such express waiver. One or more written waivers of a default or breach under any provision of this Agreement shall not be a waiver of any subsequent default or breach, and the performance of the same or any other term or provision contained in thi~ ¡¿,r.XE-? () <!;,. ;:..... - ':= f2 n Page 18 of26 Pages -- lli0720ö't}R!r;I~I~r s. P\armin~ Agrs05·06 Ooe\'elopmem .-\gr<:e1T,~tS ,("FDJOldRiverRanch.P<:Ir1ni,[)evAgr. \ I·Q7·05,FmaI.DOC Agreement. Subject to notice of default and opportunity to cure under Section V.E., all of the remedies permitted or available under this Agreement, at law or in equity, shall be cumulative and alternative, and invocation of any such right or remedy shall not constitute a waiver or election of remedies with respect to any other permitted or available right or remedy. H. Term. This Agreement shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall extend twenty (20) years from the Effective Date (the "Term"), unless said term is otherwise terminated, modified or extended by circumstances set forth in this Agreement or by mutual consent of the parties. However, this Agreement shall not become operative unless annexation proceedings have been completed in accordance with Paragraph IILJ above. The terms of this Agreement shall be automatically extended by time equal to any period of time caused by acts of God, such as floods, earthquakes, fires, or similar catastrophes. Following the expiration of the Term, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and of no further force or effect; provided, however, such termination shall not affect any right or duty arising from City approvals, including, without limitation, the Project Approvals, the Future Approvals, the Ministerial Approvals and any reimbursement agreement(s) entered into pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Except to the extent that any homeowners' association has incurred obligations as referenced in this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate with respect to any lot and such lot shall be released and no longer be subject to this Agreement, without the execution or recordation of any further document, when a certificate of occupancy has been issued for the building(s) on the lot. I. Termination. This Agreement shall terminate when the Project has been fully developed and all the City's and Owner's obligations in connection with the Project are satisfied as mutually determined by the City and the Owner. For purposes hereot~ all obligations of Owner hereunder shall be deemed discharged and fulfilled with respect to lots or parcels shown on duly filed final subdivision maps upon final inspection and occupancy, subject to compliance with (a) the conditions imposed in connection with such filing, and (b) the conditions imposed in connection with the issuance of the building permits. -- Page 19 of 26 Pages -- s. ?IJl\n¡n~Agrs'05·1)6 o.:,elopm<:n1 A"r~rnlS (CFD)'OldRI'erRanch.Pelrini,[)c,\Agr Il~07-05.Fina¡,DOC II/a? è005 _ __._ ~."'.~ ,~_ .,,,, __·w____,~__"·__···___ 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of the proceeding Paragraph, termination of this Agreement as to the Owner or the Project or any portion thereof shall not affect any requirements to comply with the terms and conditions of the applicable zoning, any development plan approvals, approval and acceptance of infrastructure improvements, any applicable permits, or any subdivision map or land use entitlements approved with respect to the Project, nor shall it affect any other covenants of the Owner specified in this Agreement to continue after the termination of this Agreement. J. Supersedure bv Subsequent Laws. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65869.5, if any federal or state law or regulation, made or enacted after the Effective Date prevents or precludes compliance with one or more provisions of this Agreement, then the provisions of this Agreement shall, to the extent feasible, be modified or suspended as may be necessary to comply with such new law or regulation. Immediately after enactment or promulgation of any such new law, City and Owner shall meet and confer in good faith to determine the feasibility of any such modification or suspension based on the effect such modification or suspension would have on the purposes and intent of this Agreement. Owner and/or City shall have the right to challenge any new law or regulation preventing compliance with the terms of this Agreement, and in the event such challenge is successful, this Agreement to the extent deemed feasible by both the City and Owner, shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. The term of this Agreement may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties for the duration of the period during which such new law or regulation precludes compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. K. Amendment of Al!.reement. This Agreement may be amended from time to time by mutual consent of the parties to this Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of Government Code Sections 65867 and 65868; provided, however, that any amendment which meets the detinition of minor changes as contained in Section III.I shall not require notice or public hearing, before the parties may execute an amendment hereto. -- Page 20 of 26 Pages n s. PC,¡nningAgrs·05-06 D<-\elopmen! Agret."m..,111S (crn) OldRiverRanch,Pr:trini,DevAgT! t·O~-05_FinaI.DOC :<. 'òMff-9 () <!;, >- ~ n' - t- Ù () 11107 :005 ORIGINAl L. Operatinl! Memoranda. The provisions of this Agreement require a close degree of cooperation between City and Owner and the refinements and further development of the Project may demonstrate that clarifications are appropriate with respect to the details of perfonnance of City and Owner. If and when, from time to time, during the tenn of this Agreement, City and Owner agree that such clarifications are necessary or appropriate, they shall effectuate such clarifications through operating memoranda approved by City and Owner, which, after execution, shall be attached hereto. No such operating memoranda shall constitute an amendment to this Agreement requiring public notice or hearing. The City Attorney shall be authorized to make the detennination whether a requested clarification may be effectuated pursuant to this Section or whether the requested clarification is of such a character to constitute an amendment hereof pursuant to Section lILL. The City Manager may execute any operating memoranda hereunder without Councilor Planning Commission action. M. Compliance With All Laws. Owner shall, at Owner's sole cost, comply with all of the requirements of Municipal, State and Federal authorities now in force or which may hereafter be in force, pertaining to this Agreement, and shall faithfully observe in all activities relating to or growing out of this Agreement all Municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes, rules or regulations, and pennitting requirements now in force or which may hereafter be in force including, without limitation, obtaining a City of Bakersfield business tax certificate (Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 5.02) where required. N. Corporate Authoritv. Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of entities represents and warrants that they are, respectively, duly authorized to sign on behalf of the entities and to bind the entities fully to each and all of the obligations set forth in this Agreement. O. Third Party Litil!ation. In the event of any legal action instituted by a third party, the City, at its discretion, may elect to tender the defense of any legal action to the Owner, which shall pay for all costs, expenses, and attorney's fees incurred in the defense of such matter. In the event the City elects to not tender defense to the Owner, Owner shall still pay for all costs, expenses and attorney's fees incurred by the City in defense of the matter. . "AK("", cY '7j> >- ~ \- m - r- 11/07 20(}90PI0 <:> '1 I "J'''IAI -- Page 21 of 26 Pages -- s. Planning'Agrs05·0ó ~'elùpmem Agrremrnts (CFD)'OldRi,'aRmch,Pdrini,[)e;vAgr, 11-0i-05.FinalDOC P. Indemnitv. Owner shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its officers, agents and employees against any and all liability, claims, actions, causes of action or demands whatsoever against them, or any of them, before administrative or judicial tribunals of any kind whatsoever, arising out of, connected with, or caused by Owner, Owner's employees, agents, independent contractors, companies or subcontractors in the performance of, or in any way arising ITom, the terms and provisions of this Agreement whether or not caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder, except for City's sole active negligence or willful misconduct. Q. Resource Allocation. All obligations of City under the terms of this Agreement are subject to the appropriation and allocation of resources by the City Council. R. Title To Documents. All documents, plans and drawings, maps, photographs and other papers, or copies thereof, prepared by Owner pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall, upon preparation, become the property of City. SECTION V. MISCELLANEOUS. A. Nel!ation of Partnership. The Project constitutes private development, neither City nor Owner is acting as the agent of the other in any respect hereunder, and City and Owner are independent entities with respect to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. None of the terms or provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership between or among the parties in the businesses of Owner, the affairs of City, or otherwise, nor shall it cause them to be considered joint venturers or members of any joint enterprise. B. No Third Party Beneficiary. This Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to create any third-party beneficiary rights in any person who is not a party, unless expressly otherwise provided. C. Entire Al!reement. This Agreement sets forth and contains the entire understanding and agreement of the parties, and there are no oral or written representations, understandings or ancillary covenants, undertakings or agreements which are not contained or expressly referred to herein. No testimony or evidence of any such representations, understandings or covenants shall be admissible in any proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or determine the terms or conditions of this Agreement. '< ~M(-9 () .¿;, 0>- _ f- m - ,... 11107¡200~,)RIGINAr -- Page 22 of 26 Pages -- s. Planning Agrs05-06 De_elopmcnl _"',:r~ments (CFD)..oldRi\'n-Ranch.Petrini,DcvAgr.ll-07-05.FinalIXx: D. Severability. Invalidation of any of the provisions contained in this Agreement, or of the application thereof to any person, by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any of the other provisions hereof or the application thereof to any other person or circumstance, and the same shall remain in full force and effect, unless enforcement of this Agreement, as so invalidated, would be unreasonable or inequitable under all the circumstances or would frustrate the purposes of this Agreement and the rights and obligations of the parties hereto. E. Construction of A!!reement. The provisions of this Agreement and the Exhibits hereto shall be construed as a whole according to their common meaning and not strictly for or against Owner or City and consistent with the provisions hereof, in order to achieve the objectives and purposes. Wherever required by the context, the singular shall include the plural and vice versa, and the masculine gender shall include the feminine or neuter genders, or vice versa. F. Bindilll'!: Effect. The rights and obligations of this Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, the parties to the Agreement and their heirs, administrators, executors, personal representatives, successors and assigns. G. Execution. This Agreement is effective upon execution. It is the product of negotiation and all parties are equally responsible for authorship of this Agreement. Section 1654 of the California Civil Code shall not apply to the interpretation of this Agreement. H. Section Headin!!s. All section headings and subheadings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect any construction or interpretation of this Agreement. I. Governinl!. Law. The laws of the State of California will govern the validity of this Agreement, its interpretation and perfonnance. Any litigation arising in any way from this Agreement shall be brought in Kern County, California. J. Notices. Any notice shall be in writing and given by delivering the same in person or by sending the same by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, by overnight delivery, or by facsimile to the respectivemailingaddresses.as follows: -- Page 23 of26 Pages-- s. P!a"r.in~ .'0.;;1> 05-06 Oc.-\eloprnem A;;rL-er.,er.IS (CFDr.oldRiv",Rançh,Petrini_~,Agr 11-07.0S.Final,DOC X 'òAK¿:-'9 () ó' :>. ....' f-- iT - r- 11/07/200500RI(;/NðlC:'- City: Copy to: Owner: Copy to: Copy to: CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: City Manager Facsimile: (661) 852-2050 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TruxtunAvenue Bakersfield, California 93301 Attention: City Attorney Facsimile: (661) 852-2020 PB VENTURES, LLC c/o Troxler Residential Ventures Attn: Philip D. Johnson 5023 North Parkway Calabasas Calabasas, California 91302 Telephone: (818) 876-9651 Facsimile: (818) 876-9751 PREMIER LAND COMPANY Attn: Michael Petrini 4618 Saco Road Bakersfield, California 93308 Telephone: (661) 410-1050 Facsimile: (661) 410-1052 COX, CASTLE & NICHOLSON, LLP Attn: Kenneth B. Bley, Esq. 2049 Century Park East, 28th Floor Los Angeles, California 90067 Telephone: (310) 284-223 I Facsimile: (310) 277-7889 Either City or Owner may change its mailing address at any time by giving written notice of such change to the other in the manner provided herein at least ten days prior to the date such change is effected. All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed given, received, made or communicated on the earlier of the date personal delivery is effected or on the delivery date or attempted delivery date shown on the return receipt, air bill or facsimile. K. Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and of each and every term and condition hereof. n Page 24 of 26 Pages n S PtallrljlJg _>"~s05_06 De'el()pm~nt Agro:'Cmcnts íCFD) OldRivaR;U1ch.Pdrini.DevAgr.] 1-07-05 FinaLDOC 11/07:2005 Q",I( ." ~ ~ f.'?ì Q ~ >- - I- m - r- Q <:> ORI(;I~IM L. Invalidity of Provisions.. If any provision of this Agreement as applied to either party or to any circumstances shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable for any reason, to the extent feasible, the same shall not affect any other provision of this Agreement, or the validity or enforceability of this Agreement as a whole. The Parties further agree to negotiate in good faith to replace any such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable portion with a valid and enforceable provision which will achieve, to the maximum extent legally possible, the economic, business, or other purposes of the invalid, illegal or unenforceable portion. M. CounterDarts, This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, and each of such counterparts for all purposes shall be deemed to be an original, and all of such counterparts shall constitute one and the same agreement. N. Recordation In order to comply with Section 65868.5 of the Government Code, the parties do hereby direct the City Clerk to record a copy of this Agreement against the Property with the County Recorder of Kern County within ten (10) days after the Effective Date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Owner and City have executed this Agreement as of the date first hereinabove written. ATTEST: City Clerk "City" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Approved as to Fonn: By: By: VIRGINIA GEN'NARO City Attorney HARVEY L. HALL Mayor Additional Signatures on Following Page -- Page 25 of 26 Pages -- S. Planning A,;rs 05-06 [k'elopm",,¡ Ag¡eem~ms(CFD) OldRiverRano.:h_P<."lnll¡,Dc'.~~_11-07_05,F'nal,IXX . 'òMiff> <y . 'iP " '" 11/07/2005'= ßj o <:> 0RIr;!~IM . "Owner" PBI VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company PB2 VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company PB3 VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company PB4 VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company PB6 VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company and PB7 VENTURES, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: Petrini Bakersfield Ventures, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, the Sole Member of Each of the Entities listed above By: Troxler Residential Ventures XV, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, its Managing Member By: Troxler Ventures Partners, Inc., a California corporation, its Operating Member By: BRY~:.:(~ President / Approved as to Content By: STANLEY GRADY Development Services Director By: NELSON SMITH Finance Director -- Page 26 of 26 Pages -- S PlannLll~ A,;rs 05·06 Development Agr=.rnls (CFDrOldRiverR.lI!chPl."trini.DevAgrll_07_05_FinaJ_DOC «'?>AKE1 () if> "'- -i"' >- iñ - r- o <:> 11/07/2005 ORlnl~IAI ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ~:i 1I""f~ ) On HdY¿_ 6 tW 2? , 200>, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared i:>Vjð-'" P. r Y'1>¡(lev , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(j) whose name(s) is/Me subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/ske/they executed the same in his/fler/tnei1- authorized capacity(ie9), and that by his/.h8f.'their signature(s) on the instrument the person((), or the entity upon behalf of which the person($) acted, executed the within instrument. W.11:N~<;:'.s;;. 1:IIiIIJ1..h~A....<:Io-4~~';"1_"""f· VIRGNA l muK " Commllslon 1# 1420116 i.; Notary PubIc - CoIIIomia ~ J LOI Angeles COI.I1ty , J _ _ _ ~:or:n.~~2~~7( STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. ) . .---/'/ ~t~.L-7~¿¿ ¿;.Notary Public COUNTY OF for On said County ,20_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and and State, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the within instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) for On said County ,20_, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and and State, personally appeared , personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the within instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public '< 'ÖAKf» C) ó' :>- .." f- m õ r- 11/0712005 OA!r.I~I~I<:> Notary - I S, Planning'Agrs 05·06 Oevelopmem Agrr:emrnts (CFD)-OldRiverRanch,Pe'lrini,Dev.\,::r Il-07.05.Fil1al.D<X Exhibit "An Legal Description Annexation No. 498 - Old River No.3 Total Acreage: 1867.95 Parcel "An Contains: 1,731.99 Acres Being Sections 25 and 36 and portions of Sections 26 and 35, Township 30 South, Range 26 East, and a portion of Sections 30 and 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Cornrnencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 25, said point being the centerline intersection of Allen Road and Panama Lane; thence South 00°56'58" West along the West line of Section 25, 30.00 feet to a point of intersection with the Southern right of way of Panarna Lane and the existing Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield; thence North 89°21 '54" West along said Southern right of way and the existing Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, 30.00 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Allen Road, said point of intersection being the true point of beginning; A-1 Thence South 89°23'48" East along the Southern right of way of Panama Lane and the existing Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, 5,351.04 feet to a point of intersection with the Eastern right of way of Buena Vista Road; A-2 Thence departing frorn the existing Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield, South 00°59'43" West along the Eastern right of way of Buena Vista Road, 5,330.54 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road; A-3 Thence South 88°52'03" East along the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road, 1261.67 feet to the West boundary line of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 10155, recorded January 23, 1998 in Book 49 of Parcel Maps at Page 83; A-4 Thence North 00°50'49" East along the West boundary of Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map 10155, 2,726.43 feet to a point on the North line of the South Y:. of said Section 30, said point also being the Northwest corner of said Parcel 1 of said Parcel Map 10155; A-5 Thence South 89°08'24" East along the North boundary tine of said Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10155, 1,85834 feet to the Northeast corner of said Parcel 1 of Parcel Map 10155; Old River No.3 EXHIBIT"~ Page I of 5 '< 'Pß.!(¡;,(\ () '0> >- -i"' t-- iñ - r- C> <:> ()RIGI~.IAI A-6 Thence South 89°08'07" East along the North line of the South 11. of said Section 30, 2,291.52 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Old River Road; A-7 Thence South 00°34'12" West along the Western right of way of Old River Road, 2,387.54 feet to a point of intersection with the North boundary of the parcel of land conveyed to Melvin Destefani and wife, by deed recorded June 23, 1948 in Book 1541. Page 142 of Official Records; A-8 Thence North 89° 10'27" West along the North boundary of the said parcel of land conveyed to Melvin Destefani and wife, 120.02 feet to the Northwest corner of said parcel; A-9 Thence South 00°34'11" West along the West boundary of the said parcel of land conveyed to Melvin Destefani and wife, 219.62 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road; A-10 Thence South 89°10'34" East along the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road, 120.00 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Old River Road; A-11 Thence South 00°20'49" West along the Western right of way of Old River Road, 2,669.67 feet to a point of intersection with the South boundary of Lot 16 of the "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31, recorded August 19,1892; A-12 Thence North 89°09'48" West along the South boundary line of Lot 16 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31, 1289.93 feet to the Southwest corner of said lot 16; A-13 Thence North 00°19'54" East along the West boundary line of said Lot 16 and Lot 9 of said map, 1,320.05 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 7 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31; A-14 Thence North 89°09'48" West along the South boundary of said Lot 7, 1,290.05 feet to a point of intersection with the Eastern right of way of Old Green Road; A-15 Thence South 00°19'54" West along the said Eastern right of way of Old Green Road, 660.03 feet to a point of intersection with the South boundary of Lot 10 of the said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Cornpany" for said Section 31, recorded August 19,1892; Old River No.3 Page 2 of 5 « 'óAK(1 <:> ó' :>.. -i"' .... iñ - r- o <:> OR'(;I~IAI A-16 Thence North 89°09'48" West along the South boundary of said Lots 10 and 11, 1,350.05 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 11; A-17 Thence North 00°19'54" East along the West boundary of said Lot 11, 660.03 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 5 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Cornpany" for said Section 31; A-18 Thence North 89°09'48" West along the South boundary of said Lot 5, 1,506.73 feet to a point of intersection with the Eastern right of way of Buena Vista Road; A-19 Thence South 00°54'52" West along the Eastern right of way of Buena Vista Road, 3,928.42 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of Taft Highway; A-20 Thence North 89°31'00" West along the Northern right of way of Taft Highway, 5,347.99 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of said Allen Road; A-21 Thence North 00°55'27" East along the Western right of way of said Allen Road, 2,612.77 feet to an angle point; A-22 Thence North 00°55'42" East along the Western right of way of said Allen Road, 2,644.55 feet to an angle point; A-23 Thence North 00°56'58" East along the Western right of way of said Allen Road, 5251.50 feet to the true point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a Portion of said Sections 30 and 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, and Parcel 2 of Parcel Map No. 10155 recorded January 23, 1998 in Book 49 of Parcel maps at Page 83, more particularly described as follows: Comrnencing at the Southeast corner of Section 30, said point of cornmencernent being the centerline intersection of McCutchen Road and Old River Road; Thence North 89°10'34" West along the centerline of McCutchen Road, 2,291.50 feet to a nail in pavement per Record of Survey recorded in Book 18, Page 4 of Record of Surveys; thence North 00°34'12" East, 29.88 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road, said point being the true point of beginning; E-1 Thence North 89'08'02" West along the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road, 164.87 feet to an angle point in the existing right of way of McCutchen Road; Old Ri\cr No.3 Page 3 of 5 '< r;;,A /(f'-9 () ó' ;,.. -i"' >- fT - ,.. ù <:- OAIr::I~lðl E-2 Thence South 00°34'12" West along the Western right of way of McCutchen Road, 125.68 feet to an angle point in the existing right of way of McCutchen Road; E-3 Thence North 88°52'03" West along the Northern right of way of McCutchen Road, 728.50 feet to a point of intersection with the West boundary of Parcel 2 of said Parcel map 10155; E-4 Thence North 00°38'56" East along the West boundary of said Parcel 2, 1,499.81 feet to an angle point in the existing boundary of said Parcel 2; E-5 Thence South 89°05'24" East along the North boundary of said Parcel 2, 891.28 feet to the Northwest comer of said Parcel 2; E-6 Thence South 00°34'12" West along the East line of said Parcel 2, 1,376.84 feet to the true point of beginning. Parcel "B" Contains: 135.96 Acres Being a portion of Section 31, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian, in the County of Kern, State of California, according to the Official Plat thereof, more particularly described as follows: Cornmencing at the East Y. Comer of said Section 31, said point being the Northeast corner of Lot 17 of the "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Cornpany" for said Section 31, recorded August 19, 1892; thence North 89°09'48" West along the North boundary of Lot said 17, 1319.93 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 18, said comer being the true point of beginning; B-1 Thence South 00°19'54" West along the East boundary of Lot 18 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31, 659.99 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 23 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Cornpany" for said Section 31; B-2 Thence continuing South 00° 19 54" West along the East boundary of said Lot 23, 65982 feet to the Northwest comer of Lot 25 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31; B-3 Thence South 89°09'10" East along the North boundary of said Lot 25, 1 ,289.58 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Old River Road; Old River No.3 '< 'ßAKI:.<\ C> . '<P .>... .,., I- fi Page ~ of 5;-; ,... - ~ <:c ORIGINAl B-4 Thence South 00°20'49" West along the Western right of way of Old River Road, 820.04 feet to a point on a line that is 500 feet Northerly of and parallel to the South boundary of said Section 31; B-5 Thence North 89°08'51" West along a line that is 500 feet Northerly of and parallel to the South boundary of said Section 31, 244.04 feet to a point on a line that is 275 feet Easterly and parallel to the East boundary of said Section 31; B-6 Thence South 00°20'49" West along a line that is 275 feet Westerly of and parallel to the East boundary of said Section 31, 470.02 feet to a point of intersection with the Northern right of way of Taft Highway; B-7 Thence North 89°08'51" West along the Northern right of way of Taft Highway, 2,394.35 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Old Green Road; B-8 Thence North 00°19'54" East along the Western right of way of Old Green Road, 629.11 feet to an angle point, B-9 Thence continuing North 00°19'54" East along the Western right of way of Old Green Road, 660.71 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of Lot 22 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31; B-10 Thence North 89°09'10" West along the South boundary of said Lot 22, 1,290.05 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 22; B-11 Thence North 00°19'54" East along the West boundary of said Lot 22, 660.03 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 22; B-12 Thence South 89°08'04" East along the North boundary of said Lot 22, 1,290.05 feet to a point of intersection with the Western right of way of Old Green Road; B-13 Thence North 00°19'54" East along the Western right of way of Old Green Road, 659.93 feet to a pOint of intersection with the South boundary of Lot 14 of said "Sales Map of Lands of Kern County Land Company" for said Section 31; B-14 Thence South 89°09'48" East along the South boundary of said Lot 14 and the North boundary of Lot 18, 1,350.06 feet to a point rnarking the Northeast corner of said Lot 18, said point being the true point of beginning. -~ ~e· _---:.. '~~.\ '..'~r",';:-':. . .,..",~<~; ':.~ - '- '> 1'./ ..;/'X;/f'~" {à. " /,·?f/'L ' -f;. - '\\ \,~ \\ /(~~~5J) '\., .. /»-., "-;''. Ce· .. .,:'- -:,,:. II ~';~~~]{~~~¿t:;/ Page 5 0 f 5 '< ~¡il{i0' o <!;, ~ I=: ~ o <:> ORIGINAl Old River No.3 ~ ¡ C-2 " peD I I R-2 PUD ?......Uno R-1 ~ R-1 PUD One-Family Zone R-2 PUD Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Zone C-2 Regional Commercial Zone C-2 peD Regional Commercial Zone " z . 5 ~ m - R-1 I R-1 R-1 PUD PUO PUD OUTPARCEL R-1 PUD R-1 I OUTPARCE R-1 PUD PUD C-2 I OUTf>ARCEL McCl,llchenRd R-2 I PUD R-1 R-1 R-1 PUD PUD PUD R-2 PUD R-2 PUD CUTPARCEL aUTPARCEL PUD I I I R-1 hi: I R-1 PUD I I R-1 PUD r OVTPARCEl c-h I ----- R-1 PUD OVTPARCEL R-1 puo R-1 PUD R-1 PUD ------ TattrfNY OUTPAACEL Old River Raneh PB Ventures Zoning Map 1" "..., - -- 12!:'~::~'·C~~~~~ ~ ~'--- --~- -- ---- Re~ised Oct 18. 2005 ~ cc....s....I.T,..~ EXHIBIT" ß " ~ ~AK~-9ó' :>.. ~ I--- n - r- o C' ORIGI~W AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) PAMELA A. McCARTHY, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 15th day of December, 2005 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4296 passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 14th day of December, 2005 and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.06.020 OF TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY PREZONING TO R-1/PUD (ONE FAMILY DWELLING/PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ON 1,630.34 ACRES, TO R-2/PUD (LIMITED MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLlNGI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT) ON 109.53 ACRES, TO C-1 (NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL) ON 9.66 ACRES, TO C-2 (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) ON 22.09 ACRES, AND TO C-2/ PCD (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL/PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT) ON 61.38 ACRES THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD GENERALLY BOUNDED BY PANAMA LANE TO THE NORTH, OLD RIVER ROAD TO THE EAST, SOUTH ALLEN ROAD (UNIMPROVED) TO THE WEST, AND TAFT HIGHWAY, (STATE ROUTE (SR) 119) TO THE SOUTH (ZONE CHANGE NO. 03-1528), AND APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT PAMELA A. McCARTHY City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield By: ~ ~é DEPU Citi Clerk S:\DOCUMENTlFORMSIAOP.ORO.wpd ~~þ.I(~..s> () .¿;, :>... - f- m - r- o <:> O :H~ ~1ð ,