HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 58-85RESOLUTION NO. 58-85 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RECOGNIZING AN AREA OF THE CITY FOR DESIGNATION UNDER THE EMPLOYMENT AND · ECONOMIC INCENTIVE ACT. WHEREAS, legislation has been passed providing for designation of a geographic area where certain tax and other incentives will be available for private investments; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bakersfield is desireous of jointly submitting an application with the County of Kern for such designation under the Employment and Economic Incentive Act; and WHEREAS, an area of the city and county has been studied and determined appropriate for such designation; and WHEREAS, the area includes a Targeted Economic Develop- ment (TED) area according to the legislation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: The City Council endorses the preliminary application which includes the designated Targeted Economic Development Area (TED) which is within close geographic proximity ("reasonable community distance") to the City and this TED is the area encom- passed within the boundaries as shown on Attachment A. I }{EREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: of the City of Bakersfield at the 10th day of April, 1985, NOES: COUNCILMEN: A~SENT! COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ACTING CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 10th day of April, 1985 MAYOR of the City of B~fersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY AT T~~of t h~ of B akers f i eld "-.- I APPLICATION AREA 'THE EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC INCENTIVE ACT (AB 514) --~--'HDUA' BOUNDARY ] TED Attachment A (Page 1 of 3) act s Elock i . 03 9 23.02 3 31 .02 1, 2 2,t. 00 4 TED t~oundarms The beundary bne ot the TEl) cun~mences at the north sidt~ ol Casa l,oma DFiv(' ;it th~~ inlerse(l~on ol South Union Avenue and (;a:;a Loma Drive. The TE[> bound,try line runs west Io Lawson Road then soulb on lhe wesl side ol l,awson to where I,awson Road turns back eastward and crosses the Southern Pacific Railroad. At the railroad line, the bound~ry runs southwest and turns on the north side of Phoenix Avenue. The TED boundary then runs south on the east edge of Elliot Street to Wilson Road. At the southern side ol Wilson Road the boundary turns west and proceeds to the Cily/Counly jurisdiction line. Turning southeast alon~ the City/County line, the TED bc. undary proceeds approximately 2,,t00 feet before jogging west and then turns due south on a subdivision line which intersects Easl Planz Road in a perpendicular manner (700 feet. west of the intersection of East Planz Road and Union Avenue). The line turns east on the south side ol East. I)lanz Road, and jogs around the Pauley School (excluding it) to the east side of South Chester Avenue (City/County boundary line). The TED line then joins the west side Union Avenue before turning west on the south side of White Lane for 600 feet. At this point the boundary line switches south (just east of Gordon Street) on a subdivision boundary line lot 2,000 feet, turns west on a parcel line for 600 feet, south on the same parcel line for another 600 feet and then east on the south side of East Pacbeco Road. Continuing east on Pacheco Road, the line proceeds 2,600 leel 1o lhe boundary lin(~ of the City of Bakelsli~'hl MunicipM ~ewaq(' I,/lrn. The line then turnf; oorth ,&rag lh(' Attachment A (Page 2 of 3) west at '['uxa~ Sireel, the J)OLJlldar¥ [ilia' ~'UIl~ ~()() hJeJ ~[,sJ o[1 a straight subdJ~i:,~()n parce] Hntt heJ()re [Llrl>Ht{J :4L)tiIJt ,Jgam along the west ~;ide l~]dustrJ~}] ~treeL. ]~oJJowJng lndu~;L~'i,d 5~r~('t SOLIIh LO ~ho north side Ka~;L ]~['tlnda~J~ [,a~e, the line then [LI)'II~ ~ust tO CoLIoHwood J(oad ~ide) ~here it swiLche~ south tu the ~(mth(,r'n ~icie o[ interstate 58. The TED boundary then runs east along th~ :~outhern right-of-way el the freeway then south on Washington 5tree~ (west side) and finally west again on }:'eliz Drive (south side) to the ea~;lern parcel line el the Baker School. At this location the boundary line runs straight south to East 15elle Terrace (south side) and then west to Cottonwood Road (east side). Next, the line runs south to the ~outh side el East Planz Road and south on Hale Street (east side; and then west on Brook Street (north side), sou~h again on Cottonwood R(~ad (east side) and west on White Lane (south side). Next the line turns north at the perpendicular parcel line extending south from Madison ~treet and joins Madison (west side) at its intersection with Brook Street. Eurther north the TED boundary line rejoins East Planz Road (south side) and turns east slightly and then north on a mid-block parcel line into Roland Street.. The boundary line turns west on the. south side el Watts Drive and then north on Madison Street (City/County boundary line). The line continues north and then west along the Kern County/City of Bakersfield boundary to the western edge of Casa Loma Park before turning north to the south side of Casa Loma Drive. The line then runs west on Casa Loma Drive and ends at the intersection of Union Avenue and Casa Loma Drive. Attachment (Page 3 of 3)