HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 56-85RESOLUTION NO. 56-85 A REQUEST TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPART- MENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TO APPROVE AN INTERCHANGE MODIFICATION AND SPECIAL PLAN STUDY ON CALIFORNIA AVE~JE AND TO ALLOW A PUBLIC STREET CONNECTION AT THE CALIFORNIA AVENUE INTERCHANGE WITH STATE ROUTE 99 IN TIlE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, the Freeway Agreement involving the City of Bakersfield, the County of Kern and the State of California on and around the interchange area at California Avenue and State Route 99 and the subsequent construction completed in 1963 caused certain closures, modification of streets and limitation of access. WHEREAS, since the construction in 1963 the area in and around said interchange has been incorporated into the City of Bakersfield. WHEREAS, a privately owned, approximate 12.5 acres, parcel at the northeast corner of said interchange was left in a manner that precludes reasonable development in accordance with present zoning and land use designation. Said parcel has access barriers on the north with the Santa Ee Railroad and on the east by the Oak Street overpass. After freeway construction, barriers, were added on the west by 99 Freeway and on the south by a northbound on-ramp. Minor access only remains at the intersection of Oak Street and California Avenue. WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield has been active since 1970 in attempting to provide reasonahle access to subject property such that reasonable utility could be made of the property. WHEREAS, the City further requested in 1974 that CalTrans provide a study which would allow a signa]ization at the northbom~d off ramp of California Avenue and further provide access to the subject property at the northeast corner of the interchange. WHEREAS, by virtue of significant commercial development along California Avenue to the west of said interchange a significant need exists for a signal at the intersection of the northbound off-ramp with California Avenue. Vehicles desiring a north to west turning movement are unable to use the present facility because of delays inherent in the existing system. WHEREAS, the existing structure and interchange configuration at Highway 99 and California Avenue is such that capacity is unduly restricted and should be modified to allow for present and future traffic in accordance with existing traffic circulation plans. WHEREAS, the City oF Bakersfield and engineers representing the subject private property have caused traffic studies and have proposed a plan (see Exhibit "A") which if implemented would solve the problems herein above stated. Said traffic studies further demonstrate that the addition of a public street opening and installation of a traffic signal system can be incorporated successfully into the existing traffic systems at that intersection. WHEREAS, the present CalTrans Dolicy document, "CalTrans Policies -- 1983~" indicates that transportation is a vital element in the economic develop- ment of California and transportation will be a partner to, not control, local development. The policy includes the Following excerpts: A. "Transportation will support statewide economic development. The transportation system can be effective as an economic stimulus both as we build projects and as we use them. Federal and state transportation £unds are to be used to provide maximum benefits For the people of California. . . benefits to the physical system (preservation); benefits to the people who use the system (i~roved safety and mobility); benefits to industry (improved access For both employees and commodities); and benefits to the economy (the expenditure of funds that creates jobs)" (page I). B. "Transportation will be a partner to, not control, local development. The transportation system will anticipate and respond to local development patterns rather than attempt to force or control such pattemps. Local governments are closest to the needs of their communities. Their input, Funding and coordination are essential in the development of the state's transportation i~rovement programs" (page 1). C. "Transportation programs will be developed in cooperation with the business community. The transportation system must respond to changes in commercial, industrial and residential patterns. [towever, when a major commercial or residential development requires improvements to the transportation system, those profiting From the improvements should share in the cost" (pages 1 and 2); -2- D. "The department will maximize the economic benefits of its programs and projects. In implementing this, the department will: 1. Promote statewide economic development through support of improved access to existing and planned commercial and residential development, in full cooperation with local and regional agencies and the private sector. However, it is a department policy that those who share in the benefits o£ such improvements should also participate in the costs. 2. Recommend to the CTC that privately funded improvement projects receive a high priority in statewide programming if, in the professional judgement of department staff, such projects are valid. The higher the ratio of private to public funds, the higher the priority should be, if all other conditions are met. 3. Sustain a healthy economy through the support of rehabili- tation and improvement of existing transportation f~cil~ties to help prevent the decline of current economic centers, since communities that allow their transportation system to deterior- ate may find new investment going elsewhere. 4. Sustain a healthy economy through the support of transporta- tion improvements to serve still growing communities. Com- prehensive transportation system plans developed in coopera- tion with local communities can serve as catalysts for economic development. 5. Reduce the adverse economic impact of transportation improve- merits on nearby commercial activities through coordinated and cooperative discussions with local agencies and the private sector; and through the provisions of temporary or permanent mitigation measures, when appropriate" (page 6); "It is the department's policy to maximize public and private mul- tiple use of right of way ~n concert with community needs and good land use planning. The department will promote multiple uses in the transportation corridor which will increase the local tax base by encouraging the development of rights-oF-way airspace to its best economic use; and reduce the amount of private property utilized for transportation support facilities and other public uses" (page 10). WHEREAS, Section I00.2 of the Streets and Highways Code provides for amendment of existing freeway agreements and public street connections. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1) It is hereby determined that public interest and necessity and the proper planned growth of the City of Bakersfield require modification of the proposed interchange as designated on Exhibit 2) Request to the State of California, Department of Transportation and the California Transportation Commission is hereby made to allow a modification o£ the interchange and California Avenue and State Route 99 in the City of Bakersfield as delineated on Exhibit "A" subject to the following conditions A. That the design details satisfy the City of Bakersfield, Public Works Department, and District 06, Department of Transportation. B. The cost and implementation methods be described in an equitable manner consistent with current State and City policies. 3) That the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield is hereby directed to Forward two certified cop~es of this resolution to the State of California, Department of Transportation, District 06, P.O. Box 12616, Fresno, California 93778. .......... o0o .......... -4- I HEREBY C~RTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the loth day of ADril _, 1985, by the following vote: Acti~D C~T¥ C~£~ a~d Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this loth day of April , 1985 MAYOR of the City o£~akersfield APPROVED as to form: CIT~AY A~RNEY o~CJty of Bakersfield -5-