HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 8-85RESOLUTION NO. 8-85 RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROPOSING PROCEEDINGS FOR ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD IDENTIFIED AS ANNEXATION NO. 296 (REAL NO. 5). WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield desires to propose a change of organization, to wit, the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of the hereinafter-described territory, pursuant to Section 35140 of the Government Code of the State of California. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield that it hereby finds and determines as follows: 1. That the City of Bakersfield hereby proposes the annexation to the City of Bakersfield of in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made as though fully set forth herein. 2. That a map of the territory proposed the territory described a part of this resolution to be so annexed, marked Exhibit "B", is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution as though fully set forth herein. 3. That a Plan for providing services within the affected territory of the proposed annexation, in accordance with the provisions of Section 35102 of the Government Code, is marked as Exhibit "C", attached hereto and made a part hereof as though fully set forth herein. 4. That this proposal for change of organization, to wit, annexation, is made pursuant to the Municipal Organization Act of 1977 (Part 2 of Division 2 of Title 4 of the Government Code of the State of California, commencing with Section 35000 thereof), and it is requested that proceedings be authorized for annexation in accordance therewith. 5. That the reasons for the proposed change of organiza- tion are that the owners of the affected territory desire to receive municipal services from the City of Bakersfield, and the City desires given to the 6. to receive tax revenues for benefits given and to be territory proposed to be annexed. That zoning upon annexation of REAL NO. 5 shall be considered in separate proceedings, including analysis of environmental impacts, and that the environmental impacts of the annexation will be evaluated by the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County, as lead agency, during its proceedings. 7. That the names of the officers of the City of Bakersfield who are to be furnished with copies of the Officer's Report and who are to be given mailed Notice if any, sre: George A. Caravalho City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Executive of Hearing, Richard J. Oberholzer City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (Legal Counsel for Applicant) 8. That the appropriate City officials shall file ten (10) copies of this resolution, with Exhibits, with the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission of Kern County at 1110 Twenty-Sixth Street, Bakersfield, California. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 30th day of January, 1985, by the following vote: CITY CLERK add Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 30tb day of January, 1985 MAYOR of the City e~f Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: C I Y/AT~TOR~ of~ f Bakersfield DB/bl 3. ANNEXATIO~t NO. 296 1HqAL NO. 5 A parcel of land situated in the County of Kern, IH;ate of California, being a portion of the Northeast Quarter of 8eckion 11, Towns}tip 30 Sour. b, Range 27 ~a. st, ~.D.M.~ more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner ef the northeast quarter of the northeast quarl:er of said Section ~]; thence S 00° 34' 09" W~ 520.60 feet; thence S 88° 50' ll" E, 30.00 feet lo the northwest corner of Lot 8 as shown on Tract No. 2720, recorded on June ]5, 1962, in Map Book 12 at page I96, said corl)er being a point in the existing exterior Corporate Boundary of the City of Bakersfield and the True Point of Beginning; THENCE (1) Clockwise a].ong said exterior Corporate Boundary, completely circumscribing the parcel of land herein described, to the True Point of Beginning. Said parcel also being described as a portion of said Tract No. 2720 and Tract No. 2628 recorded on November 24, 1961, in Map Book 12 at page 105, as said Tracts are recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of said Kern County. Containing 17.4 Acres, more or less. EXHIBIT "A" PRE-CHECI(ED by KERN COUNTY SU[~VE',"ORS OFFICE Oo · Approved by EXHIBIT "B" LOCAL AGENCY FORMATTON COM~IISSION COUNTY OF KERH STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the Matter of CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Annexation: No. 296 (Real No. 5) No, AP?LICATION: A~EXATION (G.C. Section 54?92) DO NOTWRITE IN TH~S SPACE : : : : .. : : : _ Receipt Stam~ _ _ Filin~t~ Pursuant to the provisions of the Kuox-Nisbet Act application is hereby made to the executive officer of the Local Agency Fo~.~.tion Commis- sion, County of Kern, as follows: 1. The nature of this proposal ~s. annexation of territory to ~h,, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 2. The specific boundaries of the territory proposed to be are described and delineated by metes and bounds in EXHIBIT "A" appended hereto and made a part hereof by specific reference. 3. Appended hereto as EXHIBIT "B" and made a part hereof by speci- fic reference is a plat or map which indicates and distinguishes between: (a) The presently existing boundaries of the c ty, and i · (b) The boundaries of the territory proposed to be aruaexed. 4. The principal ac't under which this proposed annexation will be effected is: Sections 35300 to et. Seq., inclusive, of the Government Code of the State of California. ~. The names of the districts or this proposed annexation are: City of Bakersfield Kern Joint Union School District Kern Joint Community College District Kern Mosquito Abatement District Kern County Service Area 12.2 Kern County Water Agency Kern County Water Agency Zone 17 LAFCKC #2 (Rev. 6/71) Sheet 1 of 2 cities which will be affected by Kern County Water Agency Zone 7 Kern County Water Agency Improvement #4 Kern County Water Agency Zone 19 County Roads Greater Bakersfield Separation of Grade Golden Empire Transit District ' Kern Citrus Pest Control District Kern Air Pollution Control District 6. The proposal to effect this annex~tion will be initiated for the following reason(s): ]. The 17~4 acre County island is completely surrounded by the City. 2. Most owners of' the affected territory have no objections to annexation and to receiving municipal services from the City of Bakersfield~ exceed 3 in number, who are to be are to be furnished copies of the Gearge A. Caravalho, City Manager City of Bakersfield 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 The names and addresses of the officers or persons, not to given mailed notice of hearing and.who executive officer's report are: Richard J. Oberholzer, City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 forth hereinabove. Any such material is made a part hereof by reference and is described and identified as follows: 8. The name -and address of legal counsel for the above named city Richard J. Oberholzer, City Attorney City of Bakersfield 1501Truxtun Avenue Bak~rsfield,.CA 93301 9. Applicant may submit additional data and information not set specific Dated this day of , 197 CI~ OF BAKERSFIELD By (Title of Officer) NOTE: The executive officer of the commission may require additional data and information pertaining to any of the matters or factors which may be considered by the commission. If such additional data or information is so required this application will not be deemed complete until same is furnished by the applicant. LAFOKO #2 (Rev. 6/71) Sheet 2 of 2 ,~.SERVICES Plam~ing Parks and Recreation Library Po]ice Protection Fire Protection Streets Construction ~!aintenance Sweeping 1.ighting Flood Control Sewerage Other - Water ~'~,~ i.U~( I,I~,UVIDING SERVICE ~gency ~q~ich Presentl~y_ Provides Service Check Services Which City Will Provide: Upon Annexation Count>, x County x County County City County County County No Service n/a X x X talread? built X x No Service x County x N/A (Septic tanks) x California Water Service Future Date (specify) n/a After InstallatioD After Installation Indicate }{ow Sem¢ices Pro- vided by City will be Financed (i.e., general tax rate or special assessment.) General Tax Rev~nim Geheral Tax Revenue/Fees General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General 'lax Revenue General 8 Gas Tax Revenue n/a General & Gas Tax Revenue General 6 Gas Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue General Tax Revenue User Fees/Special Assessment LAFCKC #4 ap?Iicant city. Police Local ion Indicate locattom from which service will be provided {i.e. nearest fire · statton~ librar¥~ etc.) Service Level Cap~citL Indicate frequeDcy and availnbtlity of Service (i.e.,street sweeping, response t for e,,e_lgency services, rec. pro~ra~s, et All policp services in the City of Bakersfield are administered through the City Po]ice Department located at the SW corner of Truxtun and Eye Streets about 3 miles NE of the annexation. Station No. 7 is within 1 mile at 4030 Sorrano Avenue. Pa~ks and Recreation Library N/A Streets Construction/Maintenance Sweeping Lighting Sewer Patriots Park is located 1 mile to the west. The City Corporation Yard on Truxtun Avenue we~t of Freeway 99 will provide necessary facilities, personnel and services tc accomodate Public Works efforts. Maintenance and personnel will be d' ~ ~spa~ched from the City Yard on a regular basis for preventative main- tenance as needed. Repair includes streets, constructed/maintenance, sweeping and lighting. Connection to City sewer system may be made to Real Road trunk line Effluant would then be treated by the City Wastewater Treatment Plant #3. Water - this area is served by the California Water Service Company. Other 24-hour patrol is provided in the immedJa~ vicinity of this annexation. First prieri~ response is approximately 5.62 minutes or less. Fire protection is nrovided on a 24-hour basis with response time of I minute or less. The annexation will not affect City fire - Ail City parks are open to the public a reasonable hours. N/A There will be no ~eduction in the range or capacity of the City to provide the neces- ~sary public works services to this area. ;ervices will be on a regular basis and ~as needed". With the present expansion of'Plant adequate capacity exists. Adequate capacity exists. III. }~at effects, if any, would anl~exation of this terri~,ory have on ~xisting level of city services (i..e., need for additional emergency service personnel or con- struction of new facilities, etc.)? The annexation of thi~_~kerrltor-y w~]l nn~' affect near term level o',~ capability of the C~_t2~ t___o_ ]~rov~de nee~cli~crvice~. IV. Would c~ty require any upgrading or change in facili{ies to sere affected terri- tory (roads, fire hydrants, mains, etc.)? If so, would city o__r residents be responsible for financing? The City will not require any upgr~uiLng_~r in existing facilities. Should the residents of Real #S want area wide ~treet ]~ghts and sewers, the City would assist them in establishing a public improvement district to f].nance ~nstallation of these improvements. Indicate ~nd exp'lain existing zoning in affected territory. See attached zonin~ map 12~-11. The existing zone is R-1 (One Family DwellinR). Zoning upon annexation will De ¥I, Indicate and explain proposed prezoning in area. (List effects on pzesent land u~e that would occur as a result of annexation such as maintenance of livestock on prope~ty,~ etc.) Real #S is fully developed into 79 R-1 lots. The C~*y pre-zon~ng ~s compatible and consistent with the existin~ zonin~ and with the adopted --~e~ropolitan Area General Plan. There ~o~J~ h~ ~ ¢f~fi~t_o~_t_ka p=e~ent land use, VII. List city services th,:r area will di:c~ 11y or indire y bentlit from such as decrease in fire insurance rate, sho~tcr emergency Iespoese time, use of com- munity facilities, etc, ..Ci~pol. i_c_e_s!)ouJj__be _~jble to respetal_in a more tSm~ly manner than the present County Sherrif_m~t.S~¢DJ~ghway P~qtrc,]. Current City Police standard is 1.65 sworn officers_pc? ]~000 p_pjmlation compared to IhP County standard of. 1.IS. The City will provid_e.~treet maintenance which includes sweeping and street lighting. Refuse scrv5ce will be provided by the City and will -r~grrlT-in savings to the home ~wners within this annexation. VIII. Please provide the' following information relative to city and county taxes: List existing tax rate(s) in ar'ea. Exi~5~ing tax rate in area equals 1 15x.950 percent of assessed market Value. Thi~_[Fj)resents the total property t~ ~¢te. h~en annexed, approximately 30% of the total property tax oF th~ nrta will accru~ ro the City. Mould. effected ~are~ be subject to any..:~pqQ~ i~debtedness of the city? Im~r~ egplai~. YeA, "Yh~- tax' rate for City bond~ '~6a~-fi'.'~b~5~-L~" ;sse~cd va~ue. ~en annexed, the total tax rate will ~e 1.162668 of aqq~qq~H market value. How will the difference in tax rates affect a house with a market value of ~50,OO0 The effect of the difference in tax rateq w~l] h~ neglig'iblc. FORM 3O A ?EFORE THE I,£C;.L COUNTY OF ~ERN STATE OF CALIFORNIA In the l,~atter of City of Bakersfield Annexation: No. 2% (Real No, 5) ENVIRON~.~NTAL ASSmSoMENT PART "A"' TO BE rILL=D OUT BY APPLICA]IT, YES NO .~n=.~er following questions by placing check' (91,,:ase put "N.A." ~f answer does not apply,) X 2. X X X X Will this project involve a different land use those now in the area (i.e., com~mercial in a resi- dential area, residential ~n a rural area)? (~ee Notes Page 6) ts the project site ~n or an lmpor~an~ recreational, resource? near, or does it contain, scenic, or aesthetic Could the project affect the fmnctioning of an established communit)~ (See Notes Page 6) Will implementation of the project require relocation of community residents? Are any of the natural or man-made features in the project area unique, that is, not found in other parts of the County, State, or Nation? (See Notes Page 6) Will this project involve the use, extraction, or conservation of a scarce mineral resource? (See Notes Page 6) Will this project result in the erection of structures, streets, etc., ever a scarce mineral resource? (See Notes Page 6) X X X X X X X X X X X Is the, '~ : ..... , nesting grounds, food sources, water sources, etc., used by rare or end'an-. feted sre(:i?r of birds, ;.did!ire, or fish? 9, Does the project, :;Jt, e contain rare or endangered plant species? 10. Is the proposed project within an agricultnral preserve and/or under an Agricultural Contract with the Cotmty of Kern? 12. 13. Is the project proposed ~th:in the boundaries of a Specific Plan? Is the project located in or near any public lands (i.e., Forest Service, Federal, State, or local parks, etc.)? Either during or after construction, could the project result in significant erosion of land? Is the project located in an urbanized or an undeveloped area? urbaniz&d undeveloped 15. If in an urbanized area, ~,dll the project invezsify use of the area by changing existing densities and uses (i.e., from single-family residences to multi- family, or commercial to industrial)? 16. Is the project in.conflict with the densities and land uses recommended in the Kern County General Plan or other adopted plans? 17. Will the project involve application, use, or disposal of potentially hazardous materials, either during or after construction? (See Notes Page 6) 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Will the project result in generation of significant amounts of noise, either during or after construction? Will the project generate significant amounts of dust, either during or after construction? Will the project involve burning of brush, trees, construction materials, etc., either during or after construction? Is any part of the project area subject,to inundation or located in or near a floodplain? Are any of the slopes to be graded 10~ or greater? LAFCKC ~ ~30 A (1/78) -2- "~. p~. ~. of L,he project .~ca~..d in L.he area of a __)2__ ':-> Is an)' ,'* * ~ k~ov;;~ earthquake fault? _ [__ 2~. Will this project require gradin$~ If yes, explain. X 2~. Is the ~roje(:~ lotsLed near a major transports%ion source [i.e., freeway, highway, airport, railroad)? If you have at~swered yc~s to one or m(.re of these questions, but think ~he project will have no signif.i¢:a~lt environmental effects, your reasons below. (Attach additional sheets if necessary). 25. The annexation is next to Freeway 99. Real #5 is already developed ~nd it has no direct access to the freeway. Traffic intens'ity and pa~tern~ will nQt be changed by annexation. Briefly describe the proposed project. necessary). (Attach additional sheets if The proposal is to annex a 17.4 acre County island located at Southeast corner of Freeway 99 and Ming Avenue to the City of Bakersfield. The island is entirely developed into 79 existing R-1 homes, LAFCKC #30 A (1/78) TO BE FILLED OUT BY 6?. LIC,:~T. e- 't' 4mprovem.:.nts not now existing, will be What specific o.~-sl .~: , reouire~.to proyidp sqrv,~c?[~ o~ ~, ......... q,t.(.~...' t.o the project? ~ne. ~ne area ~s a~reaoy ou~ out. 2. Percentage of ground area within project that will be covered by buildings, streets, and driveways. _N./_A__ /h___e__property it a]r~dv~l~ped. 3. If project is residential, bow many people will it ultimately ..,~.e as determined by most recent house (using average family ~.-. . County Planning_ Department Popu~_at~o Estimate for your sub- region and a 6/o vacancy factor)? ._T_h_e_ 1. 9~0__Ce_~n_sus indicates that 250 How many K-12 children? pe0p]e live there. 3/4 m~le to either Munsey, Sara /+. Distance to nearest elementary school_~ or Stine Schools. Junior High ½ Mi. to Curren JHsHigh School1 mile to West Hiqh School. Existing Park1 mile to PatriotShopping Facilitykmile to Valley Plaza · Park N.a3,~, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NU~.~ER OF APPLICANT: City of Bakersfield Planning Department 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3770 (zip code) (area code) N~g~, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NU~ER OF R~PR~hTATIVE, IF ANY. DEWEY .~CEALES, Planninq Director 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 (805)326-3733 (zip code) (area code) Date: January 9, 1985 APPLICANT' S Ir (Sfna~% ~ of A;p~cant o Agen~ Planning Director (Title) LAFCq<C #~0 A (1/?S) -~- PART "C": TO BE FILLED The project is Plan of the 'V ' OUT 2Y L... CO co,,sistent with County of K .~n~ STAFF, Yes No A. Housing B. Circulation C. Land Use Open Space E. Conservation F. Safety G. Seismic: Safety H. Noise I. Scenic Highways of t. he General (Initials) Reviewed by: Local Agency Formation Co:-:nis£ic County of Kern LAFCKC #30 A (1/78) -5-