HomeMy WebLinkAboutDec 12, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1- 1, 0' ` Pre-Meeting Agenda — December 12, 2005 — 12:15 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue 1. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Blockley, Johnson, McGinnis, Spencer, Lomas Absent: Commissioner Tkac, Tragish, Advisory Members: Robert Sherfy, James D. Movius, Marian Shaw, Phil Burns Staff: Marc Gauthier, Jennie Eng, Pam Townsend 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Deferred. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS: None. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4.1 Non-Public Hearing Items 4.1a Approval of minutes for Planning Commission meeting of October 20, 2005. No comments. 4.2 Public Hearing Items None. 5. PUBLIC HEARING — ENVIRNOMENTAL IMPACT REPORT / GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT / Land Use and Circulation Element Amendment /Zone Change /Tentative Parcel Map: 5.1a Certification Of Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for GPA/ZC 05-1063 (Sky 19 Development) (S and J Alfalfa) (Final EIR) (Ward 3) 5.1 b General Plan Amendment 05-1063 (S and J Alfalfa) located between State Route 178 and College Avenue, and between Morning Drive and Vineland Road. (FEIR) To amend the Circulation Element to eliminate a collection street and to re-align a separate collector street. (Ward 3) 5.1c Zone Change 05-1063 (S and J Alfalfa) located between State Route 178 and College Avenue, and between Morning Drive and Vineland Road. (FEIR) To change the zone district from R-1 (One Family Dwelling) to R-1 PUD (One Family Dwelling - Planned Unit Development). (Ward 3) Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 2 5.1 d Tentative Parcel Map 11322 (S and J Alfalfa) located between State Route 178 and College Avenue, and between Morning Drive and Vineland Road. (FEIR) To create 22 parcels on the 574 acre portion of the site for the purpose of single family residential development. Staff report given. Commissioner Lomas inquired why the remaining designated parcel is part of this application, and what they should be looking for at this point, and what they should expect to be happening on this parcel. Staff responded the parcel north of 178 is a remainder parcel because it is in the same ownership, but the freeway split the property. Commissioner Lomas inquired as to the depth of the remainder parcel, and commented that it does not appear that it could be developed as R-1, and if they should assume that it will be sold and then a request for rezoning be made. Staff responded that there may be a requirement that there be some streets for access to the R-1 area. Commissioner Lomas inquired if the PUD overlays on top of this, to which Staff responded in the negative. Staff stated that nothing north of 178 needs to be addressed right now. Commissioner Lomas inquired why they are going from R-1 to PUD, to which Staff responded that the advantage to the applicant is marketing as a comprehensive plan to sell homes on amenities and open space that could not be guaranteed under straight R-1 zoning. Commissioner Lomas requested a more legible copy of the parcel map. She further inquired about the naming of the street. Staff stated they will respond on Thursday. Commissioner Spencer stated he has the same question on the designated remainder. Staff responded that under the Subdivision Map Act you have to show the entire piece of property being subdivided. Commissioner Blockley commented that regarding the designated remainder, that piece of land is not any narrower than those to the west along Auburn Street, and there are a whole series of cul-de-sacs east of Oswell that have single family dwellings on them, and they occupy that same sort of little narrow strip between Auburn Street and the freeway. 5.2a Certification of Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for GPA/ZC 04-1746 (McIntosh & Associates) (Final EIR) (Ward 6 upon annexation) 5.2b General Plan Amendment 04-1746 (McIntosh & Associates) located north and south of Taft Highway (Highway 119), east of Stine Road and west of Ashe Road. (EIR on file) To change the land use designations from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 80.07 acres, RR (Rural Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 36.5 acres, and RR (Rural Residential) to LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) on 70.3 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) 5.2c Zone Change 04-1746 (Mclntosch & Associates) located north and south of Taft Highway (Highway 119), east of Stine Road and west of Ashe Road. (EIR on file) To change the zone districts from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 116.63 acres, A (Agriculture) to R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) on 13.44 acres, and R-S-20A (Residential Suburban-20 acre minimum) to R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) on 56.59 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner McGinnis inquired with reference to the Agricultural Resources if there is a cumulative effect on the size of the acreage and the potential impacts, and if there will be a collection of the 90 acre parcels. Staff responded they will have a response for Thursday. Commissioner Spencer stated that he can find no justification for the R-2 south of Taft Highway, and inquired if it could be explained so that it would not affect adjacent properties. Staff responded that R-2 is Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 3 taking on a life of it's own, pointing out that there are some people who cannot afford to buy a single family dwelling, and the housing elements states they have to provide a range of housing types, and Staff cannot just keep approving R-1, and they have to get tougher for R-2 as well. Commissioner Lomas inquired if the R-S property immediately contiguous to the west is developed. Staff responded that most of it is not developed. Commissioner Lomas stated that she would like to know exactly what is there contiguous to this parcel. Commissioner Lomas further inquired about the quarter mile buffer needed for the water treatment plant and how it is covered, to which Staff responded that it is condition number 24. Commissioner Lomas inquired if they can give the letter writer something that would indicate that it is standard practice. Staff responded that a condition could be added which states that these issues have arisen, and that it is a condition of the General Plan Amendment that when tracts come in subsequent to this they show street stub-out. Commissioner Lomas indicated that she would like to see his concerns addressed. 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS — GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS / Land Use Element Amendments / Zone Changes / Circulation Element Amendments / Williamson Act Land Use Cancellation, Specific Plan Line Adoption: 6.1 General Plan Amendment 05-1199 (Marino and Associates) located on the north side of Panama Lane, between South "H" Street and Monitor Street (1300 to 1404 Panama Lane). (Negative Declaration on file) (Continued from December 1, 2005) To amend the Land Use Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan by changing the land use map designation from LR (Low Density Residential) to HMR (High Medium Density Residential) on 2 'h acres. (Ward 7) Staff responded that there is nothing new to add. Commissioner Lomas commented that she is looking to see how the park is going to be handled. Commissioner McGinnis inquired of Mr. Moreno if they have met with the neighbors. Mr. Moreno stated that it has been hard to get together, but they have a meeting tomorrow night at Rusty's Pizza on White Lane. 6.2a General Plan Amendment 05-0425 (Marino and Associates) located generally south of Taft Highway, east and west of Wible Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from LMR (Low Medium Density Residential) and ER (Estate Residential) to UER (Urban Estate Residential) and LR (Low Density Residential) on 50.45 acres. (Ward 7 upon annexation) 6.2b Zone Change 05-0425 (Marino and Associates) located generally south of Taft Highway, east and west of Wible Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone districts from A (Agriculture), E-1A (Estate -1 acre) and E (Estate) to RS (Residential Suburban), R-1 (One Family Dwelling), and C-2 (Regional Commercial) zones on 54.42 acres. (Ward 7 upon annexation) 6.2c Williamson Act Cancellation 05-0425 (Marino and Associates) located generally south of Taft Highway, east and west of Wible Road. (Negative Declaration on file) Tentative cancellation of a Williamson Act Contract on 22.5 acres. (Ward 7 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner Lomas inquired if Staff has response letters for the people who submitted letters. Staff responded that they do not recall, but they can have responses by Thursday. Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 4 6.3a General Plan Amendment 05-0426 (Monarch Affiliates) located west of Stine Road and south of Taft Highway, east of the Farmers Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from RR (Rural Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential). (Ward 6 upon annexation) 6.3b Zone Change 05-0426 (Monarch Affiliates) located west of Stine Road and south of Taft Highway, east of the Farmers Canal. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from R-S-20A (Residential Suburban -Twenty Acres Minimum) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on approximately 31.2 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner McGinnis inquired if the subdivisions are near the projected southern beltway. Staff responded that the southern beltway was moved further south. Commissioner Lomas inquired if north of this the farmer's canal was being removed. Staff responded that on the north side of Taft Highway it is being relocated to generally follow the west side of Stine Road. Staff indicated that the subdivider on the south side of Taft Highway will have to work with the canal company to make the tie-in and design the subdivision to work with the canal company. Commissioner Lomas inquired how this is addressed in the conditions. Staff indicated they will look this up for Thursday. 6.4a General Plan Amendment 05-0844 (Pacific Engineering) located at the southeast corner of 7 th Standard Road and the Allen Road alignment (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from R-MP (Resource-Mineral and Petroleum) and SR (Suburban Residential) to SI (Service Industrial), LI (Light Industrial), and SR (Suburban Residential) on 139.89 acres and to change the Circulation Map to establish a specific plan line for the eastern portion of the Etchart Road. (Ward 4 upon annexation) 6.4b Zone Change 05-0844 (Pacific Engineering) located at the southeast corner of 7th Standard Road and the Allen Road alignment (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture) to M-1 (Light Manufacturing), M-2 (General Manufacturing), and E/PE (Estate One-Family Dwelling/Petroleum Extraction Combining District) on 139.89 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner Blockley stated the aerials are helpful. Staff indicated that the December 6th memo from Mr. Movius includes a condition that needs to be included. Commissioner Lomas inquired as to the difference in standards for a tank farm as opposed to a drilling island. She stated that she is concerned about safety issues with a tank farm. She further requested a copy of the new SPI boundaries. Staff responded that the newest one they have is Seventh Standard Road adopted in August 2004. Commissioner Lomas further inquired if the applicant is responsible for tying Allen Road down to Snow. Staff responded that Allen Road exists on the western boundary of their property as a current proposed ultimate location. Staff indicated that they don't have all the details on this and will provide a response at Thursday's meeting. Commissioner Lomas stated that she does not want the only access to this property being off of Seventh Standard. Staff responded that condition 8c refers to a connection from Allen Road to Zerker. Commissioner McGinnis further inquired and stated concerns about Allen Road. Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 5 6.5a General Plan Amendment 05-0931 (SmithTech USA Inc.) located north of Snow Road, south of Etchart Road, generally west of Coffee Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from SR (Suburban Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 80 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) 6.51b Zone Change 05-0931 (SmithTech USA Inc.) located north of Snow Road, south of Etchart Road, generally west of Coffee Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture)to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) zone on 80 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner Lomas inquired what happens to the east where the canal is. Staff responded that since it is under separate ownership when the tract comes in there will be some streets, but they can't solve the problem. Commissioner Lomas inquired if they can add the same condition regarding being stubbed on this item, to which Staff responded in the affirmative. Commissioner Blockley inquired if the parcels of land are separate between Coffee and the project, to which Staff responded that they believe it is a separate parcel, but will provide a definitive answer at Thursday's meeting to clarify whether the 80 acres is a separate parcel from the one to the west, and the east to Coffee. 6.6a General Plan Amendment 05-0933 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located north of McCutchen Road and east of Gosford Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designation from R-IA (Resource Intensive Agriculture) to LI (Light Industrial) on 6.64 acres and from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 52.56 acres. (Ward 6) 6.61b Zone Change 05-0933 ( SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located north of McCutchen Road and east of Gosford Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on approximately 52.56 acres and M-1 (Light Industrial) on 6.64 acres. (Ward 6) Staff report given. No commissioner comments. 6.7a General Plan Amendment 05-0936 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located at the southeast corner of Etchart Road (future) and Jewetta Avenue (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designation from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 19.3 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 6 6.71b Zone Change 05-0936 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located at the southeast corner of Etchart Road (future) and Jewetta Avenue (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture)to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 19.3 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner Blockley inquired about the southeast portion and the land use zoning. Staff responded that they have not received any comments, letters or phone calls; however those within the 300 feet exterior boundary were notified. Commissioner Lomas stated her concern is the same regarding the canal issues. She inquired what is being left to the east and west, and what the ingress and egress access will be, and if the stub-out is appropriate. Staff indicated that Jewetta is in between. Commissioner Spencer commented that when Council approved development on the east side of the canal, when the Planning Commission disapproved, it has already been fractured from the canal to Calloway. Staff responded that Etchart Road as a collector does end; pointing out that there is no crossing for Etchart between Jewetta and Verdugo. 6.8a General Plan Amendment 05-0937(SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located on the east side of Jewetta Avenue (future), approximately 660 feet south of Etchart Drive (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from SR (Suburban Residential) and R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture)to LR (Low Density Residential) on 18.67 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) 6.81b Zone Change 05-0937 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located on the east side of Jewetta Avenue (future), approximately 660 feet south of Etchart Drive (future). (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 18.67 acres. (Ward 4 upon annexation) Staff report given. No commissioner comments. 6.9a General Plan Amendment 05-0938 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located north of Taft Highway, west of Gosford Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on approximately 80 acres and to change the Circulation Map to eliminate Progress Road as a Collector Segment north of Taft Highway. (Ward 6 upon annexation) 6.91b Zone Change 05-0938 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located north of Taft Highway, west of Gosford Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on approximately 80 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) Staff report given. No commissioner comments. Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 7 6.10a General Plan Amendment 05-0945 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located on the east side of Ashe Road, approximately 660 feet south of McCutchen Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designation from R-IA (Resource-Intensive Agriculture) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 40 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) 6.10b Zone Change 05-0945 (SmithTech/USA, Inc.) located on the east side of Ashe Road, approximately 660 feet south of McCutchen Road. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from A (Agriculture) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 40 acres. (Ward 6 upon annexation) Staff report given. Commissioner Lomas inquired as to who the spokesperson would be on whether it stinks or not. Staff responded that Art Cheanellow, the manager. Staff indicated that they do not want to subject themselves to potential litigation. Commissioner Lomas inquired if the Planning Commission can suggest to the Council that an ordinance be addressed regarding this situation. Staff responded in the affirmative. 6.11 a General Plan Amendment 05-1437 (Porter-Robertson) located on the north side of Kern Canyon Road (State Highway 184), approximately 2,000 feet southwest of the intersection of Kern Canyon Road and State Highway 178. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the land use designations from MUC (Mixed Use Commercial) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 7.89 acres and from HMR (High Medium Density Residential) to LR (Low Density Residential) on 0.29 acres. (Ward 3) 6.11 b Zone Change 05-1437 (Porter- Robertson) located on the north side of Kern Canyon Road (State Highway 184), approximately 2,000 feet southwest of the intersection of Kern Canyon Road and State Highway 178. (Negative Declaration on file) To change the zone from R-S-2.5A (Residential Suburban 2.5-acre minimum lot size) to R-1 (One Family Dwelling) on 40.24 acres. (Ward 3) Staff report given. Commissioner McGinnis inquired what mitigation measures will apply. Staff stated that they are requiring a 6' block wall between the City's facilities and this project, as well as between the freeway and this project. Commissioner McGinnis inquired what the zoning is on the shop areas, to which Staff responded that it is residential because it was approved in the County, and then re-approved in the City about 15 years ago as a conditional use permit. Staff indicated that it is a specialized use and there is no zone as it is a one-of-a kind. Commissioner Lomas inquired if there is going to be a noise study to determine the height of these walls considering future population, noting that 6' does not appear to be sufficient. Staff responded that they will review the noise study and look at the build out year and the assumptions made. Commissioner Blockley commented about lighting issues and concerns. He also stated his concern with the race track shops and the noise issues. Staff responded that the Parks Department has been assessing the lighting issues and will be responding Thursday evening. Staff further indicated that they will have to go back to the original property owner regarding the race track shop noises. Planning Commission — Monday, December 12, 2005 Page 8 7. COMMUNICATIONS: None. 8. COMMISSION COMMENTS: None. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 2:01 p.m. Pam Townsend, Recording Secretary JAMES D. MOVIUS, Secretary Planning Director January 24, 2006